The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 03, 1869, Image 1

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Grand Ra,
Speech - of
The meeting - at City Hall, - last night,
held under tb“uspices of the Il t apubli-
Can County :-Exatutive Cominittee, was
one - of the largest political gatherings
ever held in this city. At an early-hour
*the spacious Rill was filled to over flow
.inx, and when the: r fot organizing
the meeting arriied there was scarcely
•Manding room in the house. Senator
lifertort..itho had been invited to address
the meeting, arrived in the city from the
-West at 8:46P. It., and was Wei tit the
'Union Depot by Ron. John Coyode,
Chairman of the State Central Com
mittee-, Rini. S. A. Purviance, James W.
Murray, Esq.", Chairman of the Com
mittee of Arrangements, Major A. M.
' Brown and others, who escorted him to
the Monongahela House.,-
,- At half past seven.c'clook the Second
Wardpiary- Club. and marching oorps,
f 'ander:command of Capt. Steen, the
Gun Squad of the ward, Under the coin.
Maud of Capt. Joku Floyd, and a num
ber of delegates froth the Clubs
obled f the
Seventhand Eighth wards, assem at
Wilkins Rill and formed- into line
shalt escort of to ;the distinguish
edorator and statesman from the hotel
to the ball. The procesaion, headed by n
brass band, was very creditable. Whe
the wharf was reached, a salute of honor
was fired from the Second ward brass six
pounder, which was heatd in all parts
of the city.
Senator Moil ed . = occupi the first Car";
siege, in company with lion. S. A. Pur
viance, MOO A. M. rown
cStid ;atriage James
W. Murray, Esq. Another
Hon. John
I lowed, in which . were ,setite# ,
Covode, Jtifige' Xidditi, of lisdianspolis.
Ron. Derain pnelps, of Kittanning, and
.IsT. P. Reed, Rig:: . . •
; • After arriving at the Hall the Great
• Western band favored the audience with
some excellent -music, after which the
:. Meeting was called to order by W. S.
Purviance, Chairman of the County
1 4., Executive Committee. on whose motion
"Otbe,-followlng named gentlemen were
1 ideated officers °Cake:meetings.,
PaIi.SOMMT Marshall, Esq. •
Incr. rEssIDESTS.
sui. J. Hon.. Plielps,
I FE a 3. X; Moorhead; lion. Thos.
Hon. Jared. M. Bru•ti, Iloa. Simon Dron.
‘, duo H. 1111010:04;g811. Ceti. Hob'. lielLulght,
Elq " .112,Tfmell fir.tritve.
Holt. T. J Rigoam, J. P. Joh .strn. Esq.,
James McAuley, MAW Wm. Flew,
' Gen. 4.. E. sweimar; 7. Jones i _
i Jsmes r. sq., T1101:1111 Mt:Mader&
G. Johnston, Wm V. Evans, !s q.,
Henry Lloyd. James Littsli,
-Gen. •L'. A. bowley, Josiah colien, Esq.,
JoLn Wilson, A. 1. Cochran.
8.11. Davis. W. O. Murray,
Albert H. • Wilds, James 'Rees.
-.Julius Livingston. Joha H. aro,
chat....H. Armstrong, -1). W. C. Carroll,
Paeld Reed, Wm. U. aersh,
Z. Wallin right , JoaeFb ForslO4 Ef.:l**
.411 W. :Mimi Joan WIWI,
A. B. Mcgacwan, Casper Gang. 7
Itob.rt Dicksari, 14.41Ju1. Monleirtmer ,
W 111sm Smith; Gee; W/DeCainpll l ...q.
C01..i. B. Copelaltd, August Ber,kert,
-Josph Res - , q., John J. Mose.
J. It McKelvey', Stephen ntrontz,
Jacob Rat. - Bea). Courtin.
A. mr,„ grin. _ Dr. Donnell.
Adlutant A. V. Aid. John Cartwright
Rodman Wlster, Henry B. Lyon.
.Cart. ,Tames Shaw, - T• C. Campbell, Esq.,
Alex. rattersoa,W• J. Frtuar.
John Siefatii, J. W. MacArell,
Mr. Marshall on taking , the chair
salts: km somewhat sorry that some
other person has not been called upon to . 1
ppresid at the first of the cam-
aigtu. e
but I havemeeting
been 100 long in the
service to demur from any duty , as
signed to me. , I hope that the meeting
tonight will be an indication of what
country intend to d 0, ,, and
• what they
should have dode 'tw6 Yeare ago, when
one of our most distinguished citizens
two or , 'three t as a candidate far Supreme Judge. and•
can voters stayed at home. By
our nelect ad- by the fraud and per
jury hng n
End the "coffee pot" naturalization
paper of the Democrats, your laws are
enforced by a man not elected by the
people. It beeonaes Allegheny county as
the standard hearer of the people to do
her duty this time. I shall not inflict a
speech upon you, because I am under
promise not to do so, and for the present
I will ems' say that ' I want Allegheny
county to roll up one_ of her old msjon
ties—e majority that will tell effectually
to tiettle all the remaining issues of the
campaign. Will you do it ?
theilotroduced Senator
.Mortow, who &poke as follows:
Fellow Citizen.s:„ We meet to-night mi
. .der very ausplelOus cliebrnstances — a
time of general prosperity throughout
the nation. ,Perhaps it would be difficul t
for me,or any other' man Present, to refer
to any period in the history of the coun
try when there was more -general pros•
merltyprogress and happiness than there
is to-d , ay.
,Labor was never better reward.
ed•than It now is; the mass of the people
never lived better than they do now; the
business of- the country was nevermore
solid and prosperous than it is nosii,ev
erywhere the towns are growing; the
country is improving; new railroads are
beingtrtfilt irf - ' all - the States, never more
rapidly "than now throughout the North
•westi... turnpike roads are penetrating
overy,country neighborhciod.. Manufac
tories are everywhere,springing up,
and the general prosperity of the
people was never greater. • than it is
now. And there never was so little cause
for a change of : rulers, either in the na
tion or in the State, then there is now. '
But wit-sometimes happens, as you all
theyn in - perfect.: health imagine.
that are 'aboutto die, and.make
everybody unhappy 'around them; and
others • who are living in wealth
Plenty think they .are mint to want
and the poor house, pinch their fam
ilies, • -live in parsimony and make
their families , uncomfortable. So it
is with parties. In the midst
• • -
of this general prosperity. and pro
gress on the part of the nation, the Dem
ocratieparty, afflicted with a chronic by
pcicheindria, are telling the people that
we are on the point of bankruptcy and
general ruin, that everything is going
wrong, that the country is being de
voured by taxation and. burdened, by
debt. Allow me to say to-night, and I
challenge the memory of the oldest gen
tleman within the , sound of my voice,
that this country was never more pros
perous in a domestic, commercial. and
financial point of view than it is today.
and it is a matter of profound congratu
lation, and should be for thanks to the
of events, that -in so
shortdisposer a
time after we have passed
through so bloody a war, we find this
country,laa so good a condition. -You have
an election approaching in the State of
Pennsylvania, which is not merely o! lo
cal importance. It will be of national
influence. The leading - politicians on
the Demoeratic side do not regard the
election of Gov. Packer in itself as be
tog very important, except as it may pre
pare the -way for a triumph -in national
politics.-in the transfer of the control of
the government from theßepublican to
the Democratic party. Therefore, let no
Republican be lulled'or deceived by the
impression that this is merely a local con
teat, for I tell yon thatats influence, let it
"be decided in one way orthe other, will be
felt powerfully by both political par
' ties all over the nation. My. friends, it
is a contest between the Republican and
Demeter-ale parties. There is a perpetual
issue between these two riarties, growing I
out of the difference in their fundamen
tal ideas of the tundamental principles
which lie at the bottom of the organiza
There Is a difference between i
them, and an issue, even at a time when 1
there is no particular measure in dispute.
If a man is educated with particular
principles, and in a particular way, we
can generally judge what • his future
life will be from the character of that
education. And do with regard to par.
ties. If a partyhas been _educated into
particular principles in the past, we,can
judge of its future by its past history and ' I
education. You must judge of a party ]
in the future by its conduct In the past. i
Parties are composed or individuals- 1
If • you were to select , a man 1
in whose hands yon propoile to repose an
important trust, how would you be
guided? You would be guided by his
general character, by his conduct and
his history in the past. and as parties are
composed of aggregates of individuals •i
ybu must judge of the future conduct of
a party, h er i Past history. 'Vane can
be no oth standard. Now, as the De- I I
mocratic party , in this and other States WI
seeking to turn the Republican party out
' of power, and seeking to control the gov
of the States and ultimately
the National Government, let us cu
t quire what are the claims of the Demo
cratic party of this and other States to
'the confidence of 'the people?. I should
rather say what are the. responsibilities
of the Democratic party? for if has no
t claims. .What are the responsibilities of
this party ? In the firat place, it is clear
ly responsible for TqWll O 9. ;80, for,
the conduct of the DemOcratic party of
the North, and I refer particularly to the
Democratic leaders of • Pennsylvania,
there would have been norebellion. Not.
to go any farther back than the winter of
'6O and '6l, now was it? When South
carotins - took the • first step -in
rebellion, what was the course of the
President, a distinguished citizen of
Pennsylvania James Bucanan ? He
said in his message, when the rebellion
was no larger than a mans hand, when
it was a mere speck in the horizon, he
said in his message that this government
had no power to coerce a State. In other
words, no power to compel a State to-re
main in the Union. In other word*, bad
no constitutional power to Pat 'down the
rebellien, and thpa_he proclaimed amnes
ty ind'impimity to the trtors itilDec..
1860, and in that he was sus ai tained by-the
Democratic leaders in Pennsylvania. and,
in fact, throughout the entire North,with
a fewhonorable exceptions. If Mr. - Bo
chanah had said in that message, while
the Donativlio party is the., friend
of the Sbhth, and While' it "Is
even the friend of slavery,
yet you have no right to secede, and if
you drr,We wilt_be compelled to resist you
even to blood. If . Bhanan had
said that, there won d er
have uc been no re
bellion. It would have been snuffed out:
like a candle. We know that, ray
friends, just as well. as we know any-,
thing. Bat when he told them in ad
vance, when they first began the work,
that this Government had no right to
suppress the rebellion by force of arms,
it was telling them to' go on, that they
could do so peacefully. and safely, and
this . declaration wall " followed by
the declaration of the Demratic
leaders in Congress, with aoc few
honorable exceptions. And the ftouth
ern men relied upon them, be
lieving that the ' Government would
not attempt to put doe& the rebellion—
that the Democratic party of the North
would hold the Government -still ,and
would paralyze the Republican Party.
They went•forward, confident in the be
lief that they could take out State after
State until the Union was destroyed.
without any resis
and the people of the
North. Tnerefore, I say that the re
sponsibility of the war rests upoWthis
man. It rests upon the party that
eneouraged the- South to go for.
ward in the rebellion. Then.
friends, as this party is , responsible
for the beginning of the rebellion,
they are responsible for all Its , con
sequencs. As a mere question of log the ic,,
rib body e will deny' that, What are
consequences? The first one was the
creation of a national debt to put dowii
the rebellion. We had to borrow money.
Either that or give up the Union. That
rebellion made it necessary tor us to,
borrow money to preserve the Govern
went; , therefore the Democratic te
respoasible for the national debt, evert
\dollar ,of it. And when
MAO politician talks to yen *boat
the magnitude of the national .debt
that has been
can e incurrd by the Republi
an party, you say to him " Thou,
art‘the man," you and those like you
are Oilmen tithep us to create
this debt,. for presevation •• of the
Government.' It is therefore recall.'
arty the, debt of the Demoorati ot,
party. It ‘, is true they did n
borrow the` \ money, but they com
pelled the Govermrient • ,to borrow
the money to preserve its existence.
But the resporisibilities Of the Dame-,
credo party do not end here. bY any,
meats. At the end of,the,first two years
—WO know it from the,evidence , in • the,
rebel archives ..the leaders•oflk& rebel!
llon were satisfied they aura riot'Main
tain it. But they were made tobel lave that
there was a great revolution in the *h.:
leetin . g
r Norton.
lie sentiment of the North, that the con
trol of the Government would soots pass
into the Bemocratlc Party, and that they
would allow the rebel States to go. They
were thus encouraged and led on to per
severe, in the hope the, something would
turn up by which the rebeUjon would be
a suecess. And thus the Democratic
Iparty•was sesponalble for 'the begin
nin of the war, for its con tinuance, - for
the g
creation of the national debt, for. all
the unhappy consequences that have fol
lowed it.
Now, my friends, this Democratic party.
of Pennsylvan, and I am speaking of
itss an organiiazation—l am not here for
the purpose of assailing individuals, but
I sneak of It as as organizatiors-sthia
party has adopted a platform to which I
beg leave to call your attentioti.''And
hist I would say in regard, to this
platform, tbat it doss not contain &sm.
gle atbraiative proposition; it proposes
no measures; it has nothing toroffet; it is
simply a basket of empty husks; simply
a catalogue of. obsolete ideas,of exploci.
ed humbugs and heresies, and some of
these heresies are:blood, •atained. It is "a
platform that looks backward and not
forward. The Democratic) and • the
Republican platforms taken togeth
er resemble. a t
d üble mile' post.
That part of the mite post .;at
looks backward le is you Where
you cisme, from and how far, you
have . Ones-that is-. the Demooratie
party. Theotber side of the mile post is
the Republican; that lOoks foiwarti and
tells you where you are going and how
far it is. - .. .-• • 1, i
Now I want to call' Your atten
tion to-their revolutions, and without
reading thefts I will state the substance
of them: The first one declares in gener-
al terms that this national government
is one.of limited powers, Sod its powers
ire confined to those grantathat are con
tained in the Federal Constitution, and
then concludes by saying that Pennsyl
vania will '-adhere. to ' her ' lodal
State government. This resolution is
sheer detnagoguelsm, because it assumes
that there is a party Pennslvania that
wants to give up its in
local Sta y te. govern
ment. There is no such party,
Its next reaolution. has a very Mean
association, for it has heretofore been in
troductory in Democratic, platforms to
the doctrine of State Sovereignly, which
is but another name for Secession. • I
now come to the second resolution, and
as I want it to be \ heard by the whole
audience, I wilt ; ask my friend to read it
for me : • • - . -
Maj. A. M. Brown read the resolution
as follows: . i . \ . , • [ ..
“Second. That the attempted ratification
1 1
of the proposed Fifteenth Amendment
to the Federal Co stituffon by the Radi
cal members of t e haat-Legislature, and
their refusal to submit the seine to a vote
of the people, was a deliberate breach of
their official duty, and an outra,, , te upo . •
every citizen of the State. and the reso
lution making:such ratification:should,
be promptly ,repealed and the itnendt"
meals submitted to thepeople at Nast polls
for acceptanerscr [rejection.', 0;2.. •
The subatance of this resointlonas that.
AlieFifteenthl'amendment, whiiii*,.is M
erest.° imptuabtbstaftraLe throughout the'
United States;abotildttareearaakt
fied`bythe-Legialitthre,of Pennsliaannii
but should have beemitubmitted: to the
people at the polls. and ratified in that;
way, and because thattwas not done it is
declared to be: an official outrage, Al:'
low me to BO; with all due respect to the
gentlemen who ,passed
that resolution,
that it displays he most profound audit-,
city, or the most profound ignorance. The
Constitution of e United States provides;
that when tvio.thirds" tif each firtinse ci?
Congress shell ;inbuilt a proposition to',
the Legislatures of the States to 'be by
them acted upon, anditieball be -ratified
by two-thirds of the Legislatures, it
shall be a part ofthe Constitution. This^
declares that the Constitutional ainends;
ment shall not be submitted to the Leg.
isiztuisis of the. States. as provided by the.
Constitution of the 'United States, but
submitted to the ,;people at the
polls.-Wnoever -.heard of that befornia
Suppose the islature'of Pennsylva
bad. submitted the .Fifteenth Amend
ment Ito the people, and it should have
receiVed the vote of every man, would
that be a ratification under the Constitu
tion of the United State!..? Certainly not,
because that tequires the question, to in
cOnsidered by the,Legislatures. and' the
Constitution GM only In amended in the
mann \sr provided for in its own'proStst•
ions. I But this resolution, presuming uplift
the ignorance of the people, Kaye , ttist
that amendment should not have been
'acted upon by the Legislature, but have
been' submitted to the people. whereas
the Constitution of the United States de
clares that it should be acted upon by
the Legislatures. When Congress's sun.
mite a proposition to the-Legislatures by
-a two-thirds vote, it is their_duty to•con.
eider it. They have no right turefuse to
consider it, and the Legislature of Penn
sylvaida had no right to refuse to consider
the ausendentmt,.and when they did con
sider and ratify it, then Pennsylvania was
done with it. Its Conititutional. power_
was exialinsted, and-when the Demo
cratic party talks about-samitting ' that
amendment to the people, it is in direct
eontrovention to the provistions of the
-Constitution pfrthe.United States.
: Nov'lte,aome to. the third resolution,te
and thardiffellati • that they op.
nosed to negro suffrage, and that Con
gress has not the poweri' neither
is there the power anywhere, to establish
negro suffirge• in Penns Ivan
a w
the consin of the People of Pennsyl
verde. „The_anbstinice of this resolution.
is that thequestion of Suffrage cannot be
I regulated by an amendment of the. Con.
stitution of the United States.: I submit
again that this is mere demagoguery.
Whertrthe Constitution of, the United
States provides for its own amendment,
[ it dOes not say upon what subject it may
'be amended. I
t maybe amended on
any sibjerit. • u: may amend it upon
the question of Suffrage; the National
t w o ny_other part. - If the.friends
of the houses of CongreasShall pro!
prise to the States an amendment, and
three-fourths of the State Legislatures
\ about& ratify; it, though' Renturylvania
ahould not, it becomes a part of the Cm
\ktitaltion et the United States, and Is
binding Upon'Pennsylvarist J at much as
`.though, sthe,, had . retitled it, sod . yet
the - spotlidonitio"\- Pful\S" of. Pennsyl
\voids tell the people 'of Penn
egtvaala that' 'there is. 'no Owes
to amend the Constitution of the United
[ states ,upon=-the question of Suffrage,
1 without the consent of the people of this
StatO,nua,olo; •flotmdinit: to , this. sesta&
tion, tAnhconstlirotromintit beau:tended'
withocit the sio nt'of , the tatople of the'
isState,'WiActi:`4l"ll4' possibly liTkveuk
\ anyramendovest frombelng mills.
llaw' Tog; tr t o ,iti 6 V t IkverY
few tillnit(*a ut llliri ens, ind,
o - dotoji A virj.4.;Poillopk... ibiince
for referring to an article published in
the Pitteburgh _Post, which was enclosed
to me, r presume by the editor, asking
me certain questions upon the subject
of suffrage, and attempting to involve me
cy a , by a personal
speech contradicti
made on b,y or inconsisten
me in 1860,
in the State of; Indiana. I shall not to
niht. my friend arue the question of
the g equal rights ( s g
d'art men. I shall not
argue the question that goverments exist
only by the consent of the governed.
We hay° ewept by that; the proress of
events has taken us beyond th g at point.
It is true the . Democratic party are tread
ing in' that same dismal line; they are
still lamenting the destruction of slavery;
they are still talking about the sovereign
ty., of States, and they are still denoun
eh% colored .suffrage, moving in
the same dismal circle they have trav
eled or ears, reminding - one of a horse '
that watt y employed in a bark-mill and .
received his oats from a nose-bag. The
mi was ll worn out and the horse was
turned out to pasture, and he described
a circle similar to that he had 'been fol
lowing all his life while grinding bark,
and actnally•sterved to death because he
could not get his oats out of a nose-bag.
I Lau
have ghter not .] In 1865. I made a speec le tb—
time, to read the ar tic le
night, but I will state the substance of
it—l took the ground that there ought to
be a period of preparation before bringing
the freedmen to the polls. I took the
ground that all men were created free
and equal; that suffrage should not de
pend upon color, but rather upon. quali
fication. I then argued that there
should be a period of a few years before
the freedmen were brought to the polls.
At that time I behove reflected te enti
ments of forty-nine out of every fifty
Republicans. My friends, I chang,ed my
blind on that subject, as you have changed
your minds. I will tell you how it was.
In 1865 I believed that we could recon
struct the South on the basis of the white
population. Andrew Johnson had sub
;flitted a plan of reconstruction upon the
express pledge that this plan should
be submitted to Congress in De
cember, 1865. He did not submit
his plan of recoustruction to Con
gress. On the contrary, he undertook
to execute it hiniself in the face of Con
gress. Through 1865 andattemt •
ed to carry out his plan. The ab p ort
experience of those two yews 'de
monstrated to me and to the whole coun
try that we timid, not reconstruct upon
the basis of the white population or the
South. We contd. t protect. the lives,
the property or the liberty of Union
men, Mack or white. unless we would
raise Up and - bring to the polls a
new loyal population. • Ali 'questions
about time for preparation for the edu
cation of the freedmen of-the South bad
to give.way in the presence of the- great
necessity; 'We remember how murder,
seam], plunder and. robbery run riot
'through the. ,Snith during, those two
-years. And you remember hey; Congress.
la February of 1867, after waiting nearly
two e ars , was driSen to adopt the-pres
ent nisressional plan of reconstruction,
•hy hints all the colored wen of the
Soutiwereto -be brought , to the polls
-immediately. it was nut my . privilege
nr_17,1,1131,y1164,13enate when that act passed ,
n 04110440616W9. 1 44 -• • e ' 10 9 13 •
after, Atlittad •t 0 approve it; ,
dorse it with • my .whole sons.;; s•
friends; let me take a brief revlo3,9f
this whole slavery que6tieh. Hew, Was
it? When this war• began win ' dld 'not
,expect to abolish slavery. - Yen remora
ber that Congress • adopted. What-was
called the Crittenden resolution, which
:declared that slavedry. should n ot be in
terfered with, with but two 'dissenting
voices in the House and none at all to the
Senate. , - - -••- -
But the year_ went forward, and we,
foue.d 'in 10.3 than two years that we
could not preeervi - slavery and the
Union, 7 -We determined to let one or the
other -go. We determined to let the
Crittenden resolution go. We deter
mined to let slavery go, and hold on to
the Union. -We were all aduented by
events. Did I say ali? No. The Bour
bon Democracy did .not learn They
have not learned anything, and 1 de not
stippioais . they will •
ever learn anything.
Ope yearof,experience "proved to na that
we must either let the Union go or , de-,
strov elaYery. Consequently, we repu
diated the Crittenden resolution and de
stroyed slavery. Then came the ques
tion of negro soldiers. We scarcely
t &night of such a - thing wh - n the
war began, or for a year' after
coulds ,we aeon found that we
put down the rebellion sooner and
sieve the lives of many white soldiers by
employing colored soldiers, Events edu
cated, us so we put thoussmis of colored
soldiers in the field. They behaved well,
and where now lathe loyal man that re•
grets it. 'When the war began we did not
think -of abollehlug slavery by a tlensti
tntional amendment. We lound it neces
sary to amend the Constitution and put
into that instrument a provision against
slavery. The great events of the times
educated us to it. Events educated us
'loch more than logic dtti: Well now,
Toy friends, hew was it? In ;63 if you.
remember, Mr. Lincoln issued h is proot
imitation, In' which he marked out a plan
of reconstruction teethe rebel States, and
held it out to theui as un in
due,ement to •- abandon the rebel
lion. • But Congress was- not setts
tied with it. In June. 1864, a bill was'
I passed. called, the • Winter Davis bill.
This bill provided -a ,gerieral plan of„re
•elonstriretion, • to , be taken hold of and
operated with is soon as the rebellion
was put down. What dick that provide?
It provided for confining auffriige'exclu. -
eively to white men. That bill, that then
received the approbation of the whole .
Republican party, by its very terms am
fined 'suffrage' to •white men. But Mr.
Lineolit—by one of those mysterious dis
pensations of Providence—end by one of
those acts which the future ham shown to
have had the very prosperity ofthe nation
in its grasp—eut that bill in his pocket.
You know now severely he was de
nounced for it, even by suoh staunch pa
triots ••Yas •Mr. ' Wade, of Ohio, and
_Winter Davis. of Maryland. That was
the greatest act of hi wole lite. It he
had signed that bill I b h elieve that this
Union{ would,still have come to destruc
tion. I believe that we would have lost
slhthe fruits of , the vvar, and we would
have put thOte rebel Stares back into the
bands of the. rebels, and. nothing would
have been gained. Mr. Lincoln, rerpsed
to sign. In 1863' Mr. Lincoln was intir
dered and Mr. Johnson succeeded him.
Mr. Johicson has been denounced that
he did not call Congress to
th getherat that in
tkieg of
'65. . believe
pnnvidentlsi. : Lbialleve that. if Congress
bad c om e - teisithiirlet, the spring- of '65 !
thatthey adopted a I.S ner al
Plan of tecobstrubtiop,that would have
you . thied.the right rot suffrage, entirety: to
:the white tifiinksttairOst bad OitedOnti
it would have . ult imately wcrked the
destruction or this country. I regard it
as a providential thing that Mr. Johnston
did not call Congress together in the
spring of '65. Events moved cm through
1865 and '66. They showed us that
we could not rely. upon the rebels for re,-,
construction; that we could not. protect'
the lives and 'property and liberty of
Union e must have a new loyal
voting e lemen t.l. That could only be done '
by putting the right of suffrage into the •
hands of the suffering colored suffrage.
Congress was not brought to that
_point until the session of '67.,
Now my freinds 1; has worked well. We
have tried universal suffrage iv the
South and we here find that everywhere
, no danger t he l e
sulted 'from putting the
ballot in the hands of the freedman.
We have found, that the great body of
them have stood fast to the Union. Some
have been,compelled to vote the Demo
cratic ticket by force. • Some have been
compelled to vote against their interste,
but the great mass of them areloyal an d
intelligent enough to know upon which
side are their liberties and theirfriends.
Now we come in again. We havViestab:
Belied unival ~i suffrage •
South, , and ers
the', quest ih ion comes
up, what is the Watery of.: the
negro in Maryland, Kentucky and
Delaware? There Jetta. eame necessity
for conferring.the light of suffrage upon
them in these States as in the other
States, though not in the same degree.
But we could no; consider their condi- .
stuns unless we considered the condition
of the freedmen of the North. There are
arguments h e t might have been consid
ered against giving the right of suffrage
to the colored people of the South, be
cause they were ighorant. But the col.
ored people of Pennsylvania arid the
North are not so, and there is no. reason
for withholding the ballot from the: col
ored people of the North, who are corn
partitively intelligen. Bat how is it in .
Kentuctry. There is no -safety of the '
rights; and liberties of the Union men.
Hoer can you reach: suffrage Ke -
tucky. You can teach it fin no other way
than, through 'an amendment to the
Constitution of the United States.
And now we lia;re prepared the Fff
teenth Amendment , to give the right of
suffrage to all-the•:colored people of the
United States, and 'thus take the negro
question out of polities. Your Legislature .
has ratified the Fifteenth . Amendment..
Outside that they -cannot go. • It cannot
be re considered under the Constitution,
of the United States, and I tell my Dem
ocratic friends of Pennsylvania that the
colored man of Pennsylvania will vote
in 1810. And I have no doubt that in
1870 ' Democratic politicians in the
State* of. Pennsylvania .will bo found'
cultivating the catered vote and coaxing
it with the. same .attent i on, with tho
, setae influence, that they now, try to
obtairrthe white dote: ' 1
"' Now my Merida I hav
ol e answer e
- .
ed. the questions propo-ed to m
'in the - Pittsburgh' ? Post. It pre
sents noembarrasment at all. 1.-have ex
plaine d the promos of this question with
.the American_ peM.Q.
_and .we are no
ashamed of it., . Wehave.been broughtt
• east tele. tor'step . by the- hand of.
Ufa, t ite'r do holiovei to do what ;Rua,
• • . ' - tutVe done what was right:re-:
i -- Trz. , rt , - . ' • :4WallittAtiAn,L.heartit
that 1 0 Mei i are created- axe ~..... •
lictstaht t . tliataglatien who are *corn . -
to pay fazes-should have ci voles -unit a
right 40 - be:. liriard-in the .Government, '
-.While we ; believe that we. have- been ,
brought to act Justly ,very slowly,. :.:We ,
have been forced , by the pi - ogress of,
events,. bat''we ' Cannot go back. We ,
never will go back.
But.Wlist is to be the destiny of , this
country, and those who are standing out
against us—are standing out against lite.'
Now, my friends; upon this sect
the Democratic 'party-- cannot - be
instructed.: They..., - refuse to lard.
' They have "tilt .protited -. by the
events of the war. >They_ are now urging
the same old doctrines that . they urged_
ten eare ago. They have refused to act
cent y
the changes. Ah! they are bound
to accept these cliiiriges in, the lens run.
They cannot Undo whit has been Ole,
Five, hundrektborisend 10yal_ Men trre...
now lying in •their graves that to night
would have been walking this earth if it
had not been for the rebellion, brought
about by the Democratic party, and the .
blood of theae five hundred thousand
men are upon their skirts, just - as car
tainlyas the blood of . Abel was upon the
skirts of Cain, and the Men who brought
this rebellion.
I have befire spoke of that. I have
stater how they were reaponsible, and
no intelligent man can deny it. The
men whO brought' the rebellion upon
the country are responsible before God
and the world for -the many-hundred
thousand lises•that have been lost, and ,
1 it is your privilege, andit is your duty,
1 to hold the ieaders of that- party respon
, Bible for those lives that. have ;been lost.
But .I must pass on in the cousldera-'
tion of this platfoim. The _next
proposition in this :platform • fs - that
reform iti the admirilstration of
the Federal and State Government in
its management of their financial affairs
ie imperatively demanded. Ahl they
say that a reform is iknpe
ratively n e e
s ay
can.theyreform? -What
wrong? If they knew of anything
wrong, why could they not tell the
. pie ple of Penraiylvania? They say that re
form is required in the financial admin
istration of the Government and of the .
States, but they cannot teltus wherein.
They do not know; they cannot tell 'you
to-night; they- can find fault ingeneral
.terms.:They must be very dull men and
a very dull potty that cannot find fault.
•That is the , easiest business in the world.
When yci.ask their men to tell where
reform isrequired. they are not able to
do it. I have before spoken of our
general progress acid prosperity, and I
,say that although there are many things
'yet to be, done, I SW that the financial
management of our mire is excellent.
Our financial condition is improving and
I dety the Democatto party to point out
wherein out financial aft'aire can be re
formed. Now my friends.let we consid
er, very briefly, our financial, duty, full.
have the cpieation of slavery.
On the—first of - June, 1862, we
had ..493 - State Banks in this
country. They had a circulatimialm'ait
of about one, hundred and eighty-seven.
million of. dollars. The notes of the
most of these' batiks were not current
outside ;'of the State' where they were
issued.' Henes the notes of all the banks
•of the North*est, includln, Ohio and
Indiana, and all the other States; were
not current
,in the Eastern States, al
though they were specie paying banks.
ii h
,W, had this condition of banks in June.
. . We, had hundreds of: *moles of
: cites. Marty of the biiiiks were fn Sill
orclroamatinces; many were mere
---=---------- 2...
frauds. It, was found utterly im
possible to carry
on . Lila war
with the " notes of these local
State banks, depreciated as they were
uncurrent in other States. The army
could not be naid with them: The opera-
.tions of theillovernment could be per
_formed with them: . The Government
`could not get gold , and silver enough to t
'Carry onthe;war, and therefore it be
came a matter of abseute financial ne
•cessity that we should establish a cur
rency that should be of uniform value
through the country, with which the
army could be paid; with , which the
quartermaster- and conimissary de
partments could, be, „supplstill ie
might be depreciated,
would be. equally , depreciated - every-_
where, and this necessity, my.frienden
brought abont greenbacks. The green-
backs were first authorized to be issued
in Februarys: 162.. Now, hovi did the: -,
Democratic party receive the greenbacks? '
•We thutto have them. We could not
carry on tbe - sitir without the greenbacks; -
- it was an absolute necessity. Everybody •
knew thatt but hoe; did the Democratic
party reetifie the greenbacks? ' They told
you as they told everybody throughout
the nation, that these greenbacks were -
unconstitutional; that Coitkress had no
right to issue them , They advised the ,
people not to take ' them. and -
if they did to get rid , of them"' as '
soon as possible, and 'I remember that
the Dereoeratic Judge of Pennsylvania
(Judge Woodward); in .433, decided that
the legal tender character, of these greets
backs was unconstitutional, and that ,
Congress had no ,right to Issue them..
Some of them are very nines in favor
'of more greenbacks, when wedo not .
need them, but they _were opposed to
them when tney Mere 'a _military 'neces
sity. Then, my friende, weitssued green- . :
backs. Well r after we had got thagreen- -
backs issued, we were frying to sell our
bonds; but Vii could not do it, only a.
'very few. and they were sect under par.
And so the National Banking system was
established:. . -• •'. •
After we_hed issued the greenbacks.' -
and werelrying to . . stall our bonds, we
made very little ,progress, It was be
mutt-have a system of banks ;
for three or four Yea-Sens, with their car-
rency secured by bonds so as to make
the currency .perfectly secure to the
people. Bat for another reason, that by
system_ of banks bused upon
bonds; it- would create ,a market for
bonds, 'and this was the first great rea
son for theestablistimerit of the National
Sank forearm' But there - Nitta another
reason; that the Government had . fis
cal agent's ;throughout the country to
sellher bonds and collect her revenue.
If. she employed private individuals they
must give security, and such security •
they . failatt give Would not always be:
secure.' But by making.the banks lista
agents the' Government secured,,agbnta
that 'perfctiniti&their duties effectually'.
ssithontoost. --'ln the report of the Beer
Mtary of the Treasury yoti will find that
the ational Banks have collected; wits
autsheloseot a cent and without charge,
X3;500,60,000: Out there , was another
"retion - Jar their establishment, and that
Was that they . - stead 'Secure a burnt:icy
of •iinittirm value. For every_ $90,000 in
totineticy given to'the banks they were.,
rot:aired-so deposit $100,10:/: ht, - -bOildit.
-L.,o6dzlgn.the turniniy,-iibsolutely -
seetutestrt - 7-ss7 --- - ''''' - 's.i.s.s-ss "•*-..,i - : r •
' ' -
Now, my Mena, It is perhapt - Bii s tiort --
of the Usmocracy of-Ohloe They have--
.riotptiVitin their platform rbecenarithbit
'platform le'differittut froth &list. h•O they , -_
ssy Over there, that You must retire the
'notes of these .National Bankts..'-dettrok
the'hanlis and pui outgreenriacks to that
Ettllollll 6 , In othestwerde, yourisuat call
.in the c•lretion of the National Banks
to the •nount pt. three huntilretl
mallets and issuegreesbacks .. to
thatanioupt;,.:.Thele ire several object •
Lions to thisi One is that the great loan
Act of . '6-1 provides that the GOSerehtel4s:-..
shall never issne - more than flier hnti;t
dred of greenbaeks. Did ',MX
know that the. Government . had 'given
this pledge!? .They gave tha -.pledge' is
the great loan bah of '69.4".,- It. was -given - •
for the purposa of assuring theliPeorde -- '
that tists.currency should,stot bet Ciliated.
and 'litho& kitAiik - that assuraece„ttin , „_
bendeWould ant have bien-sold."7*-Ne --i,
have g_at $356,060,000 out now. If , you , .
were to, recall , National currency -
and issue that inany more
would violate that •' - ' ' • '
. There is another reason why I would '
not do. it, and that is, because the Na
tional Banks will be a great auxiliary in
returning tospecie payments. . We have
got to come baok to specie payments
souiethise._ It is all nonsense - to •think - --„
we can dispense with. specie and - estab-
llsh a Paper currenty. Gold and , sliver
have been thisstandard of value/through
out the world. • They ever , have been
and will continue to be. We' have thee
nate -who- - say. that we can, but -'there
were such theorists three hundred yeats •
ago. „W,e shall - requirethe AtTational
banks, to.redeem Sidi 1300,000,000, *llll6
tub GOvernment takes care of its three
hundred millions. millions. The Government hoe ,
now $356,000,000 of greenbacks afloat. If
-his hard to get gold tOilideenithietti bun-
dred and liftv-stir militarise greenhadkii,„
now much harder mould it -be if the
Government had sisor seven hundred
millions afloat. We havethree hundred
and fifty-six millions of greenbtoks afloat ' •
and they are worth about seventyflve
cents on the dollar. If they dv
about twenty - five per' cent. - when we
have only three 'hundred and fifty-six
millions out, how Much more will they
depreciate When we have seven htaidred
Wilkins out? Now, my Mends, instead
of making more currency, we want lis - -
make good t het which we ave:- Instead.'
of tostiiinglt seventy-live cents in your
Pocket and untie, we •want to make it one
hundred cents in your pocket and mine. ,
While we think we . have currency_
enough noW, it is our Mato make that
which we - -have good,. • instead' of '
_making: 'more of it. , Now, 'lt ' is
said, -on' the .:other '- hand, that •we
mail"inflate" the currency It 1 4 Pm'
Posed by -the • Democratic party that •
we shall issue greenbacks enough - to par
"off the national debt,,or at least enough ,
to pay off the five -twenty bonds as fast
as they Mature. "It has been :led by
,distinkulatisil Democratic statesmen that
we should Issue'"greenbacks 'enough to
take up these bonds as- fast - its the Atte
years expire:, Übe is the's:fee:let CJz%.
pending the currency? -- r appeal to the
reasou_of man. 1 am talking to you to--
slight as cintelligent - American eitizenes
Wrist is the effect of expanding the car
' nitwit . It is 1,6 dePrsoistoAjust in prOs
as, you expand
We hive got 'about ' $700,000,000 - nows;
If you increase ittosl4oo,ooo,ooo, the
latter amount will:not, be • - warth any
more than thit 4700,060,000 'are to.nights