3 7 AD, .at• - amsar, latrA MEETING OF THE AL. LEGHENY CITY REPUBLICAN !X. ECUTIYE COMMITTEE will be held at the Treasurer's Office, FRIDAY EVENING, Sep tember, 3d, for the purpore of making arrange ments for the primary meetings. - ae2:nai ARTHUR HOBSON. Chairman SECOND WARD GEARY CLULATTEOTION ! THE MARCHING CORPS Will Meet This Evenieg, at 6}(. o'clock, at WILKINS HALL,Fonrth Avg nue, to escort Hon. 0. P. Morton to City Hall. New llniformaready for distnbtion. By order set , - Capt.JOHN I. STEEN. GARY, VILIAMIS AND, VICTORY RATII'ICAtION MEETING Of the Republican Nominations, v BE HELD AT . .3BLELLOC... By the Br:tonal Union Republicans of Allegheny county, on. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2d Ron. 0. P. MORTON, S. Senafor f Indiana, the elo o and distinguish o ed statebtnan. willaddress tha me. ting. Turn out. Republicans, and ict us begin with a rousing. old.fashioned.meetiog—a thun dering repart from Al , egheny 's first gun in the campaign.. Ey order of the Executive Commit tee, W. B, ; PURNIANCE, Chairman: CITY TRE'ASURER'S (kFFICIP. CITY,OF neptember et, 1869. I TO DELINQUE3.;T TAX PAYER OF THE City of Allegheny. Notice is hereby given to all per Cons who have not paid their taxes, rates, levies or assessments In said City of Allegheny, that they are required to pay the E ame on or before the FIBST DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, then FIVE PEEL IT. will, be added thereto and made payable theieon, and that if the same be not paid on or before the. FIRST,DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT following, warrants will be directed toproperlp4asiifled persons. comtmusd ing each or them to levy for said taxes with a costs and charges accrued thereon of any goods and chattels of the delinquents 'wheresoever found, and to make sale thereof after advertise mint as in cases of distress for rent. ge2:1178 THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Of 'Pittsburgh. . Incorporated by the Legtaliture of rennsylya -1 nisi. January 24, 15137. For the safe•tteeptng . 1 of Bonds and other Securities, Bola and Silver, Sliver Plate. Books. Becords. Dlamonda and Valnablts of all descriptions, Tinder guarantee, 1 and for the renting or Safes in its burglar-proof vaultS.lding and Office: 83 FOURTH AIrEJrIIIE, PIIESIDENT—WILLICAM PHILLIPS. VICE PBEsiliimi—HENlLY LLOYD DIRECTORS: WM. PHILLIPS, JAMES I. BENNETT, APNEA( LLOYD, BYRON IL PAINTER, WILLIAM REA, JOS. S. MoBR/S'IN• WILLIAM M. LYON GEORGE CURTIS a, BuSSEy. sintßu67 ]cAIST OF BOOBS USED Di THE FURL . 0 SCHOOL", Pittsburgh. sgood's Primer, o@good's Spoiler, Wilson's First is eider. Ossood"s Second Reader, • Wilson's Third Reader, Wifisun''s Third Reader, (Interm:diate), • Osgood's Fourth Reader. Wilsout •' Foutth Reader s ( Intermediate), Osgood 'e Fifth Reader, Burit's 'Wish Grammar, Burtt's Practical Grammar, • Dean's Primary Arithmetic. ' Dean's Intermediate Aritumetic, Dean's riablic School Arithmetic, Gayot's Primary Geography. Guyot's Intermediate P togratliv. Guyot's Common tient Ol o.•ography, Goedrich's History of the United states, Robinson's New Elmentary Algebra, AlWebster's Reboot Dictionaries, den Citizen's Manual, Smart's Gymeastics, Coe's Drawing Cards. Nor WO /a the LArest Prices, by R. S. DAVIS & CO., se'. 192 LI9ESTY STEM SI% CHOL C OLL EGESO AT THE METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY Teaohett, Setv , ol Of - era sod the Trade are , Invited to send for our ooLool Catalogue. . , JOSEPH HORNER, Agent. an3l:rrns' A PPLE PAREIIII--1 have a full assortment of Apple Ps ring. Coring and Slicing Machines, which I invite all to call and see them tried. The PARING, CORING AND GLICINVIAORINES, takes only . three turns is. the crank to pare, core, and slice an ordinary sized apple. It will pare without slicing or coring required. Dried Apples reit ranch higher when sliced with this machine 'than rhen quartered by the old process. Also, a felt assortment of Lightuing & ,Turn Table Apple Pa/ors. 1i41,186 WOOD STREET ATERS FOR SALE.-- 25 .a 2 : l 13In Westmoreland count,. _A v PI'', F Itoa. 1 to a . rm * s L C N HATSTN D NN b o e BelaL o t l r -0 • .•ktbr isle mutton on-Steubenville 'Road one mite ` from Ferry' Landlng,_en Maio strut . and nearbind* etatlen...r. .9.. a Ist. I,:ftlftostt. -- Agan• vat =maw the plan at our ogles. • s. CIUMBLAT 411 BON% ail 59 6146,11 ITUnter A GRAND AT 7}j OTT,OCK D. RIC FERRON, CITY TREASURER PVITSBIEBOH, -PA. THEASUMILEt: • 0 NNIIOBST. BECRETAUT A a. F. VON TEXT. BOOKS. /29 IMithfieid Street, (Coiner of Virgin Ailey.) Irot olge.wholesale and Retail. by JAMES BOWII,II, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW FILL DRY GOODS. FE E. R. GARDNER'S, Cor. Market Street & Fourth Avenue, IV co. 69 31c. Plaid Country Flannels. 25c. Plaid Country Flannels. 35c. Plaid Country Flannels. BLAVIE ALPACA, 31c. to $l.OO, SILK FINISH. HEAVY AND WIWI', EQUAL , _ TO pLAcs. SILKS IN APPEARANCE. POPLIN DRESS GOODS, 31c. to 62/c., New Fall Styles. PLAIN POPLINS, All Shades, New Colors, Low Prices. WHITE *BLANKETS, All Grades, from $3.50 to $7.00. NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE. BLACK AND BROWN lILSLAS Sc., 10c., 11c. and 121-2 c., Cheap. NEW GO V'holesale and. Retail, CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. E(2:L3O TTUS 1569. ROMAN• PLAID RIBBONS, LADY TANDEBBILT BOWS, In Plain and Roman Colors. A BEAUTIFUL LINE Or SATIN FRILLINGS Black Silk 'Fringes. SILK BUTTONS, In all the newest styles. Also, all the elegant designs of PLAID GLASS BUTTONS, EM:I3ROIDERIES-A NEW LINE. Shetland Ribbed, Ore, Mix and White SHIRTS AND - DRAWERS. ALL COLORS OF Good. Country Yarn. A lull variety of colors of EASTERN YARNS. air -Wool Flannels. Ladies' and Misses Balmoral Hose. GENTS' SLUES KNIT UHF ROSE, MACRUM, (CLYDE & CO., 78 & Sd Market Street. zu27 t~~~I iI I 1 fTh! Nos. 221- and 22.3 Liberty Street. Ckoraer of Irwin, now over to the trade at low dnarea,, 'strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, Cula and English Island Sugars. New York, Thiladelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. Golden Dri,a ga Loseringa, Brad's, Stuart's, Adams' and bland nyrups. Porto Rico, Ca and Ensile& Island Molarses. . Young Hyacm, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Tess. Carolina and Itangoin Rice. Jaya, Lagunra and io Coffees. • Tobacco, drard Oil, Fish, Nails, Glass, BolPs, Cotton Yians, constantly on hand. AIASO, IMPORTERS OP Fine Brandies,Wines and Seigm ltnettlah, Moselle. and Sparkling Hock Wines of Hansel .t Co.. in bottles. Spatting Moselle, Scliarsberg and Jobitanls burg, Hockheimer. Burgundy. &e. Bitedenburg & Freres , Ylne Olive 011. do do Clarets,_ imported in bottles. do -do 'White Wines, in bottles. M. Wort & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Pine old Sherry. Madeira and Port Wines. /free Old Mcdtonganela Bye Whiskies. pure. do Very SuperlorOld Scotch dO do. ALISO& • Sole Agents for Moat & Chandon , s Grand klig in enity and Seller, Champagne. • • . Brandies of our own selection and warranted .1 Welts ESTABLISHED:I B2 S. ILIGDYIOBI'. H. RIGBY& CO" ; • Importers and dealers in China, Glass 64 Queensware, vino Plated' Ware,,Table Cutlery, Castors; Waiters and Brittania Ware. STREET, , A 189 LIBERTY STREET, A fow doors t r ve Sixth street, (late St Clair./ N. B.—Glass are engraved to order on abort notice. sta6:nso 1110 IL LION, :---- !dealer of Weights and Measures,. Ofilee—bo. 5 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh Cot. JOHN 3cESBNEE , Deputy, Pittsburg , Market. Lieut. O L EO. B. MoNULTE, Deputy, ilk hear. artet. INIIIN N EIV A treat' supply of cb oLealrayett4 County Hozum in small "Mai bOies. Just:let:m ired the Itily Grocery esp.ore • Ir. 11, 3' JoliN , ma Vlnib OFIEEBE--50 Dozes Factor] Choessilb torus OWN' 11•4616= ME : . • -•-; • - . . 2- ISM. IS BURGH. - ,GAZEDEF SDATi.7 , SEPTEMBER • , . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRA. GOO FEDERAL STREET.- 12 yards Fast Coll Calico for $l. 12 yards Unbleached Muslin for $l. 12 yards Bleached Muslin for $l. - At 25c. Heavy Grey Twillefflannel. At 25c. double width Sheeting Flannel. At 25c. Extra Quality Plain Woo Flannels. At 121 c. Good Yard Wide Bleache' Muslin. 'At 121 c. Heavy Sheeting Mnslins At 10c. Goad Linen Towelling. At 121 c. Wide Linen Towelling. At 50c. Wide Table Linen, goo Quality. NEW STOCK OF Cassimeres and Jeans,Tickings and Cheeks. Shirting Flannel:, White Bed guilts, Heavy CountryTlannels, lleavy Wool guilts White Country Blankets, Sheeting Muslin Bastirn Blankets, Pillow Case Muslin, Gray Blankets, Towels and Napkins. ODS NEW GOODS DA ROBERT 11. PATTERSON & CO., CORNER OF • Seventh Avenue-and Liberty St., PITTSEIVEGH, will on, Saturday, July 315t,1869. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Sala of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES • WAGONS, ATM everything appertainhae t the Norte. Parties dell Ing to did, will please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each we in order for adverthir g. Prompt at tputton and good care will be given sh Stuce left foraale• JOHN U. STEWLIIT, Auctioneer. ,y•tafe • OFFICE OF TIM COm mIsSIONEns or Tits :INKING FEND. 1. Ireusury Department of Pennsylvania, HAuintiUßG, August Q. 18130 REALED BIDS WILL BE RE- ' cztvco for the redemption c f ONE MIL LION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common wealth of rentiSylvania, du, July Ist, 1870,' until 12 o'clo.!i 51. OCTOUEII 15t,1869. Com • municationi to be addrested to R. W. MACKEY, Esq.. State Treasurer, Harrisburg, Penna., and endorsed bids for redemption of State Loan. F. JORDAN, Secretary of State. J. F. HARTRANFT, Auditor General. ' B. W. MACKEY, litate Treasurer. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. N. B.—No newspaper publishing the above I without authority, will receive pay therefor. au=n3B - • B. M. recOle.kii J B. 11 , HOWIt„ B. M. ItteCOWAN & CO,, Boulevard Pavers, . . Lake, No. 66 OHIO ST., ALLEGRO! • Orders left at GezZrrE OFFICE. Pittsburgh, promptly attended to. Pow° Sidewalks, Cellars, Dill Yards, Drives, sc. Warranted against changes of heat and cold. Ititraltageas —.Max. Mo.rhead, LTO n& Pkorb. Body Patterson. Wm. Park. James N. Long & Son. Hartley & McKee Anderson's & Maxwell, Aiken & Campbell. has:43 Craig. Jyl6:m23 B°'B' - Cl443 or rnriFi er. Our entire Eummer Stock of Boys•, Youths' and Children's Clothing, closing out at greatly reduced prices. GRAY & LOGAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH STREET LATEST. CLAM. aide ALPERT & IDDHL , ER, Manufacturers and Dealers In Boon, SHOES AND GAITERS, , No. 38 Market street, Plas h trial. Pa. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to direct the attention of the public to. the fact , that we are now prepared to manufacture B and Shoes for persons troubled with Co rns, Bunions, or deformed feet, under the personal superlision of our Mr. Air PEET, formerly of Allegheny City. who be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. AlperVa mode of measuring the foot, by which we can be safe In warranting easy and comfortable Boot and Shos c o nvinced Wide r• eel feet. Wye us a trial and be ALPERT h b.ORLER, atietn2l 38 Market at et, Pittsburgh, Pa. N]EW . G WILLIAM Nos, 180 Wholesale and Reta FOR MLLE.—One of the . FINEST BUILDING LOTS Ever offered to the Pittsburgh public. Suitable for either, publo or private buildings; having a front on a 00 feet street Of 100 feet by 240 feet to a 40 feet street and a 20 feet alley, }be whole depth on one side. Lellithan Ores Mlles Me. the Diamond, and bat 10 feet from Butler street. Inquire of , , • . D 0. Vii 11.1.1 413 15. Seventienth ward, oppotite St. John's Epineo. pal Church auBo:n72 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE... MICNT. — To the citizens afadjoining coon• ties. who are forming Militia or Military com pules LANE &. TOWNSEND, 430 Market St., ,Philadelphia! coffin ; t ar a ge h loge qaastlty of the A11.W. 001 Hark Mei Cloth, lft►ftrl /rookCostal' wand toneltloe. ter the low prise tie eitilltitlei - e • lea sr *peered) at 411.00 seek, seA ea &de feat.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS D BARGAINS. 4000DS SEWIPLE'S, and 182 ALLEGHENY CITY. NEW DRESS GOODS AND SiIiNLS. Bright Plaid Poplins, Silk Warp Poplins, Changeable Poplins, Alpaca Poplins, all colors, New Style DeLaines, French Mohair Lustres, Black Mohair Lustres, Black Empress Cloth, Black Wool DeLain, Black Poplin Alpaca, Black French Merino, Black Alpacas, Arab Shawls, choice colors, Striped Shawls, Paisley Single & Double Shawls, Black Thibet Shawls, Woolen Square Shawls. ILY CONING ii, at Lowest Prices, DESIRABLE GOODS Received 21tis Day by JOSEPH HORNE & CO. NEW STYLES NECK. BOW AND bASII RIBBONS. PLAIN. BROCADE AND FANCY AitAß SHAWLS, In choice styles. The new SAILOR AND BLONDE RATS IN DIFFE:ZENT-COLOBS DAT PLUMES AND BIRD' CHOICE F.ENCII FLOWERS, tOLultrD-SAtIN4, • IJULORED VELVETSIn every shade, HNinW AIR NSTS. TA FRENCHPandW SITCUES, GERMAN COInETS, TR IPIKE SI L K FANG sAT.SMELS, , LINEN FANS, • MUD Gr1...041:S Another lot, Including des.the Bright and Light HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES In new designs. FURNISHING BOODS., New styles In NECK WEAR. FINK SUSPENDERS. WHITE AND FANCY SHIRTS, NEW:WEE SHIRTS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUtFEI, NEW RUIlms.F. JEWEi.RY. SHELL BRACELETS ANL/ BANDS, And a general assortment of Notions, Wholesale and Retail, 77 and 79 RAMJET STREET auSi UK& D • Importer and retail dealer in PIPUEI SWA.TIOPMWSrs WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS OAR II EIIiGSAVING, • MONOGRAMS, ARM% ILLUMINATING,, de, Orders by mall receive prompt attention. Bend for samples. 1.033 Chestnut St., Phila. mys:l77-TssaT ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD (my BY LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Ilanntactunre, 118 irOI3II,IIFI AVENUE. Where may be found grin usortment of Par. or. Chamberlin d Kitchen furniture. den NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the uartnershin heretofore existing be tween ROBERT. HAY and LEWIS HAY, under the firm of R. Hay it Son was dissolved on the Rath day of August, 11369, by mutual consent. All debts due to said Arm are to be wild to, and those due from the same dtscharged by the said Robert Hay. at No. 115 Federal street, Alle gheny City. when the business will bR continued by said Robert Hay. .1. WALTER HAY, au,27:n62 • - ROBERT HAY. J. 11. SWINT J. 11. BRATS SWINT . & BRATTY ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No, 6$ Banduaty At,. Allegheny, Pa. A large wortmens of NEWEL POaTS and BALLaT c,onstantly outland. TURFING nr all daikertil na. (Imp n.9..2/I • -- • KEYSTONE POTTERY. Q PG KIER & C 0. ,; - ta• mannacturers 0 • BirEI6IIIIWARB, BRISTOL-WARE 4e. once and warehouse. 363 LIBERTY ETRE= Kir di arilers nmmotlir attendßA -Wool. 10?, 000 Ponnds of Wool Wanted by MANOR & HARPER, . • la TEIZ WHITE IPBOITT. 359 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Se/3 3) VIDENDB.,, - • 11 N.' '' 1131Whiki. kik% . • ' '4l4.filinisial, Anon se. 1889. , I IRE BOARD OT DIRECTORS orthle Bank lava declared a dividend or Z uspraawszerafflis_vr,srusirmits Sr the lan sli amateur, payable So Stockholders sa do nut J. Ir. DAVITT, GaeVit. Li'NOTICES—"To-Let," "For Sale," "Lost," "Wants." ' , Found," ' , Boarding," &C., 'tot exceeding FOUR LINES, Will be inserted in these columns ante for, :TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi; tional line FIVE CENTS. WANTED—SITUATIONS. WANTED.—By a Lady tram the thud. a situation as h.usekesp.r or com; aulon, or aa gt,verness for sto.l l childr end ddrea. for two days, 3irs. A., 54 Slut:Reid Street, Allegheny. WANTED- TINNED-SITUA TION desired to work st the Tinning busi ness. 'Would prefer to wore under instructions. Address, L.ll. 14.. Box 64, West Andover, oblo. WANTED -A SITUATION AS Clerk. Salesman. or Tra.velling Agent for a wholesale or mauu facto rine establisbmant. Can ►IVA good city reierenees. Address Box "51," New Cumberland, W. Va. WANTED-HELP IV AN TE D .—GIBL.A good . Girl, willing to do the general wort ior & i n t! ) , a t three persons, Can hear of a good sit uation and s comfortable home by anntrlng at the Real Estate Office of ChOFT 1 PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth AVentl,. WANTED—GIRLS—One Cook for Restaurant and one to do Chamber oro-k. A pply at NO. 52 rmitutleld wee,. WA N TED—IMMEDIATELY. 5 GOOD TINNENS at LACuCK &:ffew. TtiußN'd. 28 Ohio street: Allegheny City, ra. WANTED.—A first-class MA. CHINE 81, ArKSMITII. En qnlre attne //` DKRTRIAt• WORKS, corner rapt alley and Duquesne Way. 7- ANTED-HELP. --AT EM. PLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 1. St. Clair Street, BOYS EtLELS and MEN, for different kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED -100 Confidential AGENTS to dispose of a good naying arti cle. An energetic and trustworthy man can make e 50,0110 I,u two months. Particulars free. Call on or address .1.).M.L.1Y & CO., 208 Broad way, N. Y. au2:u23d.t.Tl WANTS. NVANTED.-10,00 0 'Acres of LAND WARRANTS and AGNICuLTU RAI CoLf,EGE LAND SCRIP. wanted. Ad. Orem JulIN B. BRADDOCK, ?Sonia Vernon, Ohio. WANTED.—A good second- NAND ENGUIE AND BOILER: engine aboutl.• inch cylinder; Boiler from IS to SO teeL 30 to 40-inch, and Sued. Parties having such machlnery to sell. will please address Boa 384. Pittsburgh Postoffice, stating size, make and price. • WANTED. -A SMALL HOUSE, of three rooms. in Manchester or Law sretnrce v a i s ll ea leAsmlan. .a G bl o T od U A s T fe O re N n ce n g a i v cl n thAdg dress W. P. BRANDON. Pittsburgh Postoffice. TO LET. TA•LET—S second Story Front RO..M, suitable for single renllemen, at No. 31 Ninth (formerly Hand) atteet. TO -LET-BOOM. —A furnished FRONT Boom. in one of the most desire. vIE ble portiSTßEETons of the city. Enquire at 35 SMITH- L D . A...EET-FOUR NEW HOUSER of SIX ROOMS esca on Ja',ppm street. Flf,h ward, Alleabeny. near Allegheny avenue.• one square from blanch-ster street cars. Enquire of Stockton SHWAS, SU Federal street, corner of avenue.' or CHARLES P. MIGHT, 171 North avenue, corner of Webster street. TO -LET.-1100318. • on Second wr, with Boarding. Location the most desirable in the city, with the conveniences of bath rooms. the comforts of aprivate family.'as few boar iera are kept. 181 North Avenue, Al. leghenv Ctt • FOR SALE. • LOR SALE.—The STOCK and FtXTERES of the best located lIRTAD. rtAT, CAP and FUR STORE In the City of Pittsoorcb. N.. bonus for good will or lease. E it. WILSON, 118 Wood street. If_ VOR SALE.-FOUR ACRES L. four miles from the city, on toe IsTew Itriebton Road. about five minutes walk, from Railroad Station. It is an excellent building site with a lino view of the Onto River, and good °retard of fruit bearloa Aoplt.Cherry an Peach trees. Apply to A. COWLEY , Iron City •Col lege. VOR SALE.—Grocc ry Stand, J 'STOCK AND FLSTURRA located on Fifth Avenue, six squares from the Court Nouse cheat) for cash. Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE.--The Stock, Good WILL AND FIXTURES of that old estab lished RATAIL EIR'3CERT STAND, at No. 2.5 S Sandusky' street. Ailes betty City. Also the store rovin for !Tilt. Enquire on the premises of MART MEREDITH. FOR SALE.—Reantiful cowl . 1: TRY RESIDENCE, near I"..rrysv tile: mod. ern Improvements and 16 or 83 acres of choice laud. Apply t , ChoF F o u rt hHILLIP'S Real Es tate Agents, No. 139 Avenue. • la EH F OB a SAILA.V E.—Lease and good will of TN STAND a desirable locality. Terms ears. doing_ good business. Apply of W3l. JADICA ' ON, Want street. VOA SALE—Five acres within five minutes' wale of the Leetsdale Sta tion, P., Ft. W. C. M. R.. 14 mites from the city. 4'acres cleared, Rouse of 3 rooms, Small Fruits, Grapes. /to. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to CROFT & riathiaxe, No. 139 Fourth avenue. "JVOR SALE.-HOUSE AND LOT. —situate at Helton Station. Lot contains acres, on which - Tie erected a good Frame Dwelltng contaantng 6 rooms, with fruit trees, &c. Address JOHN DUETS, Holton station. rOS SALE-THE CHEAPEST FARM 1N ARMSTRONG COUNTY. Pa., 1,4 acres for $9,000, well Improved, good Orchard, good BUlldinga, good Rater and good Nelghborood. There, is a oargatn tn this prop erty; we have seen It and know It. Apply to CROFT 4 PRILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth airs nue. FOR SALC—One-half of a valuable PATENT for Pennerlvan's. A small article used In all houses. A chance for an active youna man with -a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Postotelce Box 09U.' 3„ W. BAR A.,, LARGE AND CO At Nre•rwr La L W., 113 A:Wit FORS LlFl—la A IMERY.—A well FURNISHED BAKERY. In s Good Loca tion. is for Sale very cheap. Inquire at No. 23 Grant street. FOR SALE.—A Drug Store and all the Fixtures. Drags. An. ' of the latest style. taunted on the corner of Tunnel' etreet and Fifth avenue. or fall particulars inquire at the Store or WILLIAM w ARV, No, LLO Grant street, onpo•ite Cathedral. FOR PALE—FARM AT A BAR GAIN—S4O PER ACRE will purchase a good Farm a 239 Acres In Westmoreland noun ty,Pa., two miles from. Railroad. (rood sot', well watered, underlaid with coat and limestone. House. Barn. orchard, &e.. &c. erms ea y. Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, N 0.130 Fourth avunne. FOR .SALE--MANUFAcTUR• ING BITE, fronting on the West Penna. R. and tne Allegheny river. in 2.lghth ward. Allegheny cl.y. (formerly Duquesne Borough. Lot la V 4 feet on river, I(o4im Railroad by 333 feet deep; splendid location for any kind of a manufactory. Terme easy. Apply to CROFT .1; PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents,2) o. 130Pourth avenue. • • TiOR SAL E.—LEASE.—THE pre miss/ lately occnpt.d by the Eureka Paint and Color Works, situated on .he corner of Mot/an street and the Railroad, In the 4ta warm. Allegheny. consisting of a three story Bre k Building, 20x80 feet. containing Engine and Boiler complete, together with Charting. Al6O. a large shed suitable fur storage, and a tWo story Dwelling. For fanner particulars apply to I. M. PENNOCK, No. 19 Seventh (late Ir win) street. Pittsburgh. Pa. au2l:ns6 VI tOR El A LE..-THE SUBSCRI BER wf hlng to retire to the country: wishes to sell the block. 1 0 futures and God Will of his business, and will lease the warehouse for one or more years: The business has been estab Ilshed some thirty years, some eighteen year; of which the present proprietor has been Its bead. The I wie Is Wholesale and Retail. Mercahtile and Manufacturing, and w.ll pay on an average 50bercent. protit. Flom 442,000 to 01.6,000 will be required. time for part of which may be given. Can be Increased indefinitely, witTi but little more eapisa , .. Address. lent real name, Box C. GAZETTE ofFigs. Pittsburgh: Pa. FOR SALLE. • . SECOND AVENUE.—Two houses, 3 stories. 9 rooms.. wish all modern iropmverosnts WILI sell for *5.800 and 58.500 e. ch. Es sv terms. eQUISREL HILL.-4 acres of ground with splendid view over the Monongahela • valley; Adapted for private restaence or to be laid oat in Znilaing Lots. At a bargain. THREE MILES SHAIIPSRIIRO. —V 0 acres of best garden lama, with 500 of the choicest trait trees In Inn bearing com.itton Convenient to Sour and saw mill. Fur psalms lard enquire at ST Grant Street. aIII4 TIISTIN ‘& KLEE. FOR SALE. • House and 4 Lots on spring Hill, 7th ward; 10 acres at r Jetta:3g Station: Howe and acres; also 5% acres at Glendale Station:l6 acres about, 1 mile from Fleming Station; 34 acres at Fair Oaks Station; 17 acres at Glendale Ft. W. C. R. R,: House and Lot corner Hemlock and Poplar street; Lot on. Troy Hill: house on Sandusky street: Houses on .doyle street; 3 Farms in Otilo; 2ln hlghth ward: Yana In Sewickley township: Farm near Perrysville; House on Ledlle street; Farm In Westmoreland county; Farm In Butler county: 5 Lots near Br.ed's Grove; 2 acres on Henderson's Hill; 1 acre at Tack's uun: House and Lots on Beaver street; House and Lots on Beaver street: Ileum and ot In halem, Ohlo; 2 Lts on w Fremot street; other Houses and Lot ' In o good !all:lei n . M. WHITMORE. Real Estate Agent, corner Ohio and Sandusky street, Allegheny. I, • au27 FOB, BALE. A LEASE RIGHT YEARS TO RUN of a lot of ground fronting 138 feet on Strawberry Lane, Pittsburgh, 21MS feet immediately in rear of All. Deny and Manchester Pasen g. r Railway Co's stable. and ou the line of the of the Cleve and and Pittsburgh Emir: ad Com pany, adlacent to the Ohio river, on which a erected T WO 6001) FRAME TEN ANTHOUSea of three rooms each, with good stabling and out nooses complete. This property is well adapted for lumber or coke business, there being already erecteo thereon eight coke ovens with. all the necessary appliances for carrying on that business. Al , s o , for rent or lease, a comfcrtable FRAME HOUSE of three rooms, in a good localion within' live minutes walk.of Wood-RanHtaton. Ran Htation. P. Ft. W. A C. It. It.. t) which there is attached about halt an acre of ground. nibs property will be rented low for a term of years to a good tenant. Inquire of ALE/KANDER PATTERSON. Lumber Yard corner Preble and Juniata streets, Works. 157 Rebecca street, opposite the Gan Allegheny City. Fin :m77 FOR SALE-PROPERTY. Blots 21x13$ feet, ;traded, only 0.5 n o WO per year. 4 lots 24x132 feet. $4OO - 6100 per year. 1 lot ;asxl29,feet, $500: seed street. Frame house of 3 rooms. lot 24x100 fdet; only $l.lOO. Brie' , house of I rooms, bath room and stable; 22x100—54,500. 2. three ttoried brick houses on Fulton' F [reef. each $2.- 509. A nye roomed pressed brick houses finely ' hatched. new: lot 60x100 Two brick hon. ee. pumps and hydrants. all tor $4,000. New two room- d and cellar bridle Dome, lot 21.1x100; CI,- 400-8600 cash and 8100 per vest. Good seven roomed house and lot 24x260 feet, $2,- 500. and easy terms. 6 roomed frame' house. lot 24x60, $1,500-4500 cash and balsa - e in 1 and 2 years. 2 lots on Wylie street 24x80; $950. IL lot on Wylie street 278x195; $1 600. 11 on Centre avenue 221ifix125: 6900 emelt. 150 feet front on Centre avenue by 125 feet deep, willdivide tomtit. 6 lots on Ceutre avenue located 3oo within 80. The above property is well and 10 to 12 minutes walk of the Court House, and on t e New Central Passer ger R. N. 20 acres on Western Penna. Pallroad. 4 miles from the city. 20 sexes on Pan Bat die Railroad, 4 utiles from city. New 6 room frame house 1 mile from Court House. 225 acres „. Missouri laud. Persons desiring to purchase a home or make an Investment, and those wishing to sell, please call on or addrees. McC,LTING R. RAINBOW, an3o Nos. 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue. 59 MARKE ARE NOW SE kSON.A.BLE MID ARE AT WHOLESAL 59 3[ARKE i§ALE OF VALUABLE PROP.. ERTY of 60 ACRES In South Buffalo Town lp. Armstrong county, Pa. on buffalo Creek. adjoining the Freeport Itne. 'Flouring Mil, claw 31 and best Waterower in the State. Frame Inc House of orooms and cellar, hand somely situated on the w. P. R. 8., now build ing from Freeport to Erie. Will be sold Pub lic dale on THURSDAY, August 20,1809. For further particulars adde.m I au2O _ JOSEPH B. WAY, Freeport. Fp ERSONAL.—Allpersons seek '. INkl HOMES, or investments In. Real Fs tate, will save time, trouble and money by pro. curing a copy of •the "PITTSBURGH REAL ESTATE REGISTER." Ms given SWAY GRATIS or will be rent by mall razz to any requesting it. Persons cannot tall to get salted out of the large Ushers It contains. CROFT -PIIILLIPo, Pito-- Ushers and Real Estate Agents, No, 139 Fourth avenue. . - • CANDIDATE. INDEPENDENT TEMPER.. ANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. ansml2 , KER & CO., T STREET. IMCEITDitI MPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, SELLING 3Prleets E AND RETA.S. Et. db. C, NEU T STREET. Oil