II 14 Il Ells Eittsbugt diaittit PUBLDIEBD BY PENNIXAN, REED & CO., Proprietors P. B. PENNIBILAN. JOSIAH KING. T. P. HOBSTON, N. P. REED. Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE: I' GAZETTE BUILDING, 84 AND 86 FIFTH AV. OFFICIAL PAPER Pittsbumgh, Allegheny and AIle• gheny County. ss 215rass—Loatig. I flemi- Weekly. Witt/f, vne ye52...00,000ne y01'2.17..50 Single 00py..51.50 One mouth 75181 x mos.. 1.50 5 cokies,vssh 1.25 751 the week 15 Tbree mos 75 10 •• 1.11 sfrom cs.Prier.l • sad one to Agent. 'THURSDAY, SEPT. 2, 1869. ITNN)N REPUBLICAN- TICKET. STATE. FOR 439 VERNOR JOHN W. GEARY. =DOE OF 8C PREME COURT: •HEYBY W. WILLIAMS. COUNTY. ASSOCIATE RIDGE DISTRICT COURT. „ t„.. . JOHN N. KIRKPATRICK. ABRISTANT LAW JUDAS, COMMON pLiAS. • FREDgE. H. COLLDLR. ;STATE SENArz--THOMAS HOWARD. Asaawsza—BlLLEß S. HUKPHREYs, ALEXANDER. MILLAR. JOSEPH WALTON. 1A.24.Es TAY LOH.' .-; D. N. WHITE, JOHN H. KERR. Sammy HUGH EL FLV.M.H.76. TEEASUEEE-108..F. DENNISTON. CLERK 01 , 001JETS--108EPH BROWNE. RECORDER— CROMAS H. HUNTER. .cO3 , IIIISSIONEE JHAITNOEY B. BOSTWICK. RzensTER—JOSEPH H. GRAY. CLERK ORPILANS , ,CotTAT— &LEX. HILANIDS. DIBECTOB•OF MCCLURE. .W. 13 PRINT on the *Wide pages of Ma morning's GAzErri—Secoltd Page: Poetry, ephemeris, The Rimmtng Bird, Miscellaneous Berns. Third ati Sixth , pagea:- Finance and Trade, Pittsburgh Live Stock Market, Petroleum Mirka, 4 Markets by Telegraph, importf: by Rail road and River Hens. Beveknth page: Fall Fashions, Vanderbilt'4 Retienge, Anausernent ;Directory, PETaatatni at Antwerp, 11. S. - Boxes at Frankfort, 88i@,881 GoLD closed in New York yesterday at 1.33-1®13311. Tax 'RBLEGRAPII lines were interrupt ed west of •Omaha last night by astorm. There is nothing From the California elec., Lion. TIM REMOCRACY OF PENES YLVAKIA relied "muchly" on the money of ASA PACKER. Capitalists are generally Men of shrewd business habits, and keep a watchful eye on the Profit and Loss ac .count. ' The Dian of twenty millions, honestly•earneck has furnished the entry "Nomination Dr. to Cash $100,000"- enough glory immense cost, with Out adding "Defeat Dr. to Cash $100,000." ASA knows what is:what, and has dis appointed his friends, the worthy legion Of money-suckers, by -refusing to bleed more. Wise ABA 1 • WE SINCERELY ELOPE that the invita tion to our .city authorities, and to such of our intelligent citizens as may zorrectly comprehend the solid interests of Allegheny county, to be ' represented at the. Commercial 'Convention at Keokuk, on ;Tuesday .next, the 7th inst will not be treated with an unbecoming and unwise neglect. We may remind one r readers that the sub ject of a free river navigation of all the tributary waters of the Mississippi has been specified as to be a leading question for consideration at that meeting. Is Pittsburgh to be known among the dele gated We hear, as yet, of no action taken here to this end, but we do not suppose that an affair of such substantial conse quenee to our public interests is about to be wholly. overlooked. We have Conn 44E!.. any number of them, for our cities and boroughs; it has even been asserted that an organized "Board: of Trade" is in existence here, We know that the nav igation interests of this region touch close lya large, proportion of oufpopulation, and occupy° a very large capital. Is nothing to be done in any of these quar ters, to provide ' for an adequate pre sentation, of nur local claims at this Convention. The - city press has done its duty in invoking the public attention to to the premises. If the moven' ent ends there, it will be the fault, and very likely the loss, of the class more directly inter ested. / tln the same connection, we have also to speak of another Convention to be held at Louisville, by, adjournment from Memphis, on the 12th of October, at Which these cities, the Congressional dis tricts and the Board of Trade are invited to attend, by delegation& That meeting is termed a "Southern Commercial Con- vention;" but. the co.operatlon of the North and Ent is invited, In view of the inseparable intercommunion of .ail the commercial interests of a common coun try. To Pittsburgh, this view must appear particularly forcible, since our Southern trade contributes an important part to our rnunicipal•prosperity. - Again, we urge upon the proper au thorities the duty of providing for some just eitYmesiiion of our opinions, and of the. : claims pf our leading interests, at each these meetings. AT THE CUT HALL, TO-NIGHT. We hope to find that capacious hall fill ed, this evening, wi'h our thoughtful Re publicans. They will hear a Speech re plete with facts to be relied upon, with unanswerable arguments, with the most instructive reminiscences of political his tory and with exhortations to duty which will go straight and strong to the honest convictions of every Republican who shall sit there facing that eloquent record which our loyal city made In the late years of trial. Go, reader, to the meet ing to-night, and if Senator 3lon.roN cannot interest' or instruct you, it will do you good to sit awhile and study the po litical teachings before your eyes on that storied wall. It will do you no harm to reflect for an hour upon what Allegheny county has done for the Union, when she did it, why she did it, and whose treason made it necessary,- Then, perhaps, you will be ready to talk about new issues. REPUBLICAN PROGRESS. A large number of the leading Repub. licans of Ohio county,- West Virginia, have signed an address to their fellow. citizens, which is ' printed in full in the Wheeling Intelligencer. In view of the approaching election, for members of the State Legislature, they urge, in a dispas sionate and logical statement of the exact political situation, the adoption of a lib eralizing policy in the gradual abrogation of :all restrictions upon the franchise. They advocate the immediate repeal of the test-oaths now resting upon lawyers, suitors and school-teachers, the initiation oniv. the proper steps for removing the voters' tesoath, which, it will, require two years fb accomplish, and such a mod ification of the registry.latv as will take the appointment of the registrars from the Governor and submit it to the popular election in such mode as to ensure a miaor. ity representation in each board. These measures are defended in the Address, as only-in accordance with the spirit of the hour, and as indispensable alike to the material prosperity of the State and to a continued Republican predominance. The case is unanswerably put, both in the Addiess,..and in a very forcibly writ ten editorial article of the Intelligencer. The movement has our heartiest good Wishes, as well as oar sincere conviction of its complete success. 'TENNESSEE AND THE ARTICLE. We have heretofore adverted to the ex _ citing dangers that the XVth Article may yet fail to be ratified by the requisite ma j oritrof the States. The situation begins to attractaie attention of cotemporary journals The assured confidence in a de sired result which many of them have expressed gives place to a juster view of •the'actual peril. The Philadelphia In- . guirer remarks : Twenty-five States can be counted oh' with considerable confidence, although even that number is 'not absolutely cer tain. Four more, or twenty-nine in all are needed. Virginia, Mississippi and Texas are expectpd to swell the list to twenty-eight. The vote of either Cali fornia or Tennessee would complete it, but -meanwhile the whole subject is sur rounded with various difficulties and in volvements, and the dispoSitlon of the Do inocracy to repeal the ratifying acts the moment they gain legislative power in any State, makes delays dangerous, and shrouds the future with uncertainties. California held her , election yesterday. At this writing, we are without advice of its issue. From Tennessee,.we learn, by way of Washington, that Gov. Sax.rxn a6sures his friends that he shall convoke the present Legislature at once, for action upon the Article. Re seems to believe that . tlie succeeding body would ratify the amendment, but recognizes the fact of the general doubt on this point,and thinks it Wiser to make the matter sure. Wiser, it certainly is. These assurances from the Governor, sustain the impressions which we have taken from the course of events at Nashville. Indeed, it becomes the clearer that we were right, yesterday, in presuming that the suggestion origin. ated with him, and that the recent con ference of leading Republicans in that city was held at his de sire, and to sustain the proposi tion with the general approval of the party. We ,have no doubt that it has been explicitly understood and agreed that the re-assembled Legislature shall- _ . not take any other action, of a nature to trench upon any adverse decisions of the recent election concerning other gnes• tions ot local policy. In ratifying the Article, fortunately, the popular judg ment, as lately given, sustains the Legis lature heartily. The effect of such action, in healing the rupture in the Republican organization of the State, cannot fail to be most favorable, while its National In- thence, saving the Article as it probably Will, will be 'vitally important. Statements are current that Gov. SEM' Ilitt will not convoke the. Legislature as stated, but the latex; and, we think, the more correct advices announce hilkfina decision in fayor of the proposition. THE IRISH AND GERMANS-BEL. MONT AND PENDLETON. We annex the New York POBCB ex planation of the movement among a por tion of the Democracy of Gotham to die place Mr. Belmont from the National Committee ? substituting him with Mi. Tweed. It seems to be merely a dispute between the two foreign elements of the party for the local mastery—a dispute Which-wM ultimately extend among the opposition in all:our large cities, as soon as the present Irish pre:ponderance In the PITTSBIT.M.II 'GAZETTE : THURSDAt §EPTEDIBEIt, 2, 1869. Dernopratic ranks., to -lA, Foi; the Present, the,Gmlan . , elementlnillat party is" in num bent and influence, outside of Nev York. Here in Pittsburgh, for example. the Hibernian control of the Democracy is undisputed and palpable, bat few of our German citizens voting with them at all- This, however, does not preclude the active and constant exhibition every where'of jealousies between the two. na tionalities. In New York, the Irish and Gerniaru3 do not harmonize within the Democratic party. Elsewhere, as here, they are 'widely -separated by political lines. Evidence of this was afforded by the developments connected with the German celebration of the Fourth of July, when strong but insidious efforts were made, in the interests and by the especial organ of the Irish Democracy, to inflame public feeling against a class of citizens who, politically, are known to be nearly all Republicans. The design was palpable, and It very fortunately failed. As for this movement against Mr. Belmont, the funniest thing we have seen was the grave statement, in a Pen dleton (formerly Cass) newspaper, that Governor Hoffman's friends oppose Bel mont because he is the Pendleton repre sentative on the National Committee, and therefore inimical to the aspirations of Hoffman for the next Presidential nomi. nation of the Democracy.' We can see, in this original proposition, where the laugh comes in,- when we remember that "Young Greenbacks" was in last year's Convention, notoriously the victim of Mr. Belmont's aversion to the theory of repudiation, and that the subsequent nomination of Seymour upon that objec tionable platform probably cooled the partisanship of that eminent Hebrew financier, who thenceforth united 'cor dially in the successful movement to save Hoffman as Governor, by sacrificing Sey. mour and Blair in New York! If Mr. Belmont if. for Pendleton, now, a won derful change must have come over his political preferences. So far, the journal to wihich we allude has the exclusive title to the discovery. Says the New York Post: There is a serious dispute in Tammany Hall; a quarrel which may have grave results. The Germans compose full two fifths of the Democratic party, if not a greater portion, in this city::: They are increasing rapidly. and out of proportion with the other foreign-born citizens. The Irish are falling off in nmubers. The patronage of the party and , its leadership have long been monopolized by the latter, as the appointments and legislative nominations show. This has been a subject of complaint with the Germans, and now there are, indications of a revolt. There were signs of discon tent in the Legistature last winter and In 1868; and the "Gorman element" is or ganizing to demand more liberal consid- ' deration at the hands of the Tammany chiefs. It may be that this attack on Mr. Bel mont, who is a German, is Intended as a demonstration by the Irish party in Tammany Hall to maintain the prepon derance. There. are not Ainerleans enough In there' to keep order. The contest promises to be lively and am s ng. THE COAL TROUBLES-LABOR AND CAPITAL. "In the Lackawanna region tho great Companies liave achieved a tri umph, which we think time will prove to be injurious to -them. Their miners go to work at fixed rates, which are un changeable for the present, but which wo presume are higher than. they can pay after coal drops to average prices, as it will and must. Then the Companies will reduce the pay of their miners, at the hazard of inciting strikes and a re newal of all the old troubles; Whereas if "the basis " had been conceded, whereas, wages of the miners would have fallen with the prices of coal, and no one could have complained. And, as the Com panies propose to renew and perpetuate their monthly sales of coal by auction, there could have been no question as to the real price of the article. "In our view, it is the true, permanent interest of all concerned to fix ajust and 1 permanent "basis, ' or proportion, under which the miner, the operator, and the transporter, shall each receive a definite, ratable proportion of the price at which coal is sold by wholesale on its arrival at this port, or wkerever its chief market may be. . \ And this, we trust .will yet be done."—N. Y. Tribune. It is easy to see and to say that eapital and labor ought to hold cordial, and hence profitable, relations to each other. It Is abundantly evident that such relations between capital and labor in the anthra cite counties would result well for all the parties immediately concerned, and for all persons who depend for fuel upon that region. Theorizing on this subject is not difficult. Actually to promote the desired consumation has practically been found to be hard. It may be that capital has sought to get the better of labor; but it is just as true that labor has endeavor ed to get the advantage of capital. The \ Tribune, instead of contributing to bring about a good understanding between the contesting forces, has only aggravated troubles which at best would have been sufficiently serious. busineas man whose opinion is worth regarding pretends that a definite proportion should not exist between the wages of labor and the sum for which the product of labor will sell. But per. plesity arises whenever an attempt is made to determine what that prdportion ought to be. If capital seeks to throw all or the larger part of the risk of loss upon labor, it is quite as true that labor is not content unless capital is made to assume an undue share of the hazards. The Tribune persists in talking in favor of "the basis" proposed by the miners, but has been careful not to tell its readers what "the basis" is. It has gone so far atsto state that ozie.fltth of all that the coal should be sold for at tide.water was demanued; but it has ebncealed the fad that WO wag sapigameated hy tiu) tight to itrilte whenever the Moe of coal is That the minera ought to be well paid is universally admitted. In point of fact, since 1862 the anthracite miners have been paid higher wages than any other class of workmen in the country, even in broportion to the risks of casualties in• cured, so far, they are not. in condition to demand or expect epeqial sympathy. They have received much higher rates of compensation than the average of clergy- men, lawyers, physicians, accountants, clerks, printers, newspaper writers, and the like, and have wrought a less number i' D .f hours daily, than any othe class of orkers we have knowledge of. \We are for the Protection of omestic In ustry in all its branches, from imperi , . ~ . '~' ottii foreign competition. As Mr. CLAY phrased it, we are "for Protection for the Sake of Protection." And this, not as a measure of partiality to special sections of the community, but as a national policy, equally beneficent to all. But we canno assent to a "basis" that excludes domes qc competition by • combinations, while foreign competition is excluded by im post duties. This is the necessary ten dency of the miners' "basis," which the Tribune exhorts the proprietors to ac— cept. Does this comport with Its theory of Protection? If yes, does it expect the people of the United- States to stand by it? This is a point of such vital importance to the general discussion in which our contemporaiy is engaged, that it ought at least to devote a single paragraph to it. We cannot refrain from adding, that to advocate Protection on this foundation, would be to make justly unpopular with the masses of the population. THERE are a number of Democratic journals in Pennsylvania so indiscreet as to laud Gen. ROSECRA2ite letter of decll. nation. We like this and we don't like it. We like It because it foreshadows a speedy return to reason on the part of the misguided editors; we don't like it be cause it displays, in most instances, -a hypocritical spirit, which, for the sake of a few votes, would rob the livery of Re publicanism to serve the Democracy in. No use, gentlemen, ROSECRANS is as much with you to-day as he wads during rt l the war, no more, no less. Co squarely over to his standard of decency in poll. tics, and you will find yourse yes sup porting Geary for Governor, an arrayed against the monied prince you h ye nom inated. THE terms of the following Senators expire in 1871, and according' the law tol if the vacancies will have to bes upplied this year in the States where on bien nial sessions of the Legislature a held: H. V. Miller, Georgia; Richard Yates, Illinois; James W. Grimes. Iowa; Ed mund G. Ross, Kansas; Thomas C. MeCreerY, Kentucky; William Pitt Fes senden, Maine; Henry Wilson, Massa" ehusetta; Jacob M. Howard, \ Michigan; Daniel S. Norto n, , _ Minnesota; John M. Thayer. Nebraska; Aaron H. Cragin, New Hampshire; - Alexander O. ()well, New JerseY; George •H. Williams,l Oregon; Henry. B. Anthony, , Rhodel4. land; ' Joseph B. Fc•wler, Tennessee; Waitnum T- Willekr West , Virginia: Total, le. ilatiNtster should sink to a t un. Yfby this concealment of so essential a particular? All persons concerned in the coal trade, - or who aro familiar with the details thereof, know that this condition is absolutely Inadmissable, either on the part of the . coal companies and individual operators !or the public. See how this condition necessarily operates. At mid. winter, when contracts are entered into for the delivery of coal through the fol lowing year, the price may be seven or six dollars a tun; which is all the law of supply and demand , will admit. - Early in the spring, by reason of over supply or falling off in demand, the price goes to $5, and then a strike occurs, sending up the price to . $l2, and wages in pro portion. Companies and operators can not evade their contracts, but are forced to fulfil at great loss. This happened this year and last. Yet the Tribune demands, if it understands the import of ite own language, that the companies and opera. tors shall consent to the repetition of this experiment. To accept "the basis" pro posed, is to encourage strikes,. and to make the price of eJal . uniformly high and oppressive to consumers, jeopard izing all the industries depending on coal; and those industries constitute much the greater part throughout the whole country. Ought toilers in most other departments to, be put to this dim advantage, that toilers in a single interest may thrive 'altogether beyond the common measure of remuneration? But the Tribune is at fault, under another aspect of this case. The opera tors in Lehigh county who accepted "the basis," were compelled to recede from it at the end of a month. They Could not go on under it, for the plain reason that no margin of profit was left them. If any reason exists why the case of the Luzerne companies would have been dif ferent, we have failed to find it, after the most diligent search. The Tribune assumes, In the face of the must clearly established facts, that the miners would - adhere scrupulously to "the basis." At the first adjustment they demanded ten per cent. more than "the basis" entitled than to, and this so flagrantly that all disinterested persons were constrained to say that H they did not recede, all confidence in them would be destroyed. So far "the basis" has proved unsatis factory to both miners and proprietors; the miners wanting more and the propri etors less. The same oppugnation is dis closed as under the ordinary system of wages. The Situation In Virginia. A Richmond dispatch says: A gentle- Man belonging in one of the two Walker State Committees has bad an interview with Gen. Canby, in which that official declared the only terms he had to pro pose were that all ineligible Members of he Legislature should resign,' and, that the would immediately order new lelec lions to fill the vacancies this created. If men were thereupon returned ,who could take the test oath, be Should fur ther a speedy reconstruction to the :ex tent of his ability and authority, but if the present ineligible members did not resign, or if other meligibles were elect ed to succeed them, he should feel bound to refer the whole election of July, &c., to Congress, postponing all action till, that body revie edthe matter and gave final directions. Being questioned as to why he had not installed Governor Wal ker, he replied that he would have done so ere this, but, that when he issued his cir cular to the members of the Legislature, inquiring ari to their ability to take the teat oath, the Conservative State Com mittee interfered to prevent responses, and that he considered the continued active existence of that committee as a standing menace to him and reconstruc tion. He would never, as long as he could avoid it, surrender any department of the State Government to the practical control of a clique composed of men having such antecedents, and originally organized in open opposition to every measure of reconstruction. Senator Morton and Bonde. The Senator is now dealing terrific blows upon the head of Ohio Democracy, where the greenbeck issue - is distinctly made. The platform of the Democrats in that State on this point lays down the doctrine that the holders of these bonds must receive greenbacks in payment, or nothing. In the ablest speech the Sena tor has yet made, he disposes of this sub ject in a most masterly way, and coming as it does from a disciple of Thad. Ste. yens, rather than Jay Cooke, it deserves especial consideration, He says: When the Democratic party have here tofore promised to pay the bonds in green baks, they have not referred to existing greenbacks to be collected by taxation for that purpose, but to the manufacture of new ones in, sufficient quantities to pay off the debt which would make them all worthless, and repudiation thus fall not only upon the bondholders but upon all the people into whose hands these greenbacks might dome. The two reso lutions t4ken together present a clear and I unmistakable declaration for the repudia• tion of the whole national debt. The conditions under which this repudiation I is to take place are thin and transparent, and do not at all disguise the main pur pose. The Democratic party in Ohio, as in all the States, hate the national debt. They hatedthe purpose for which it was contracted. They advised the people not to lend their money to the Government for the purpose 'of suppressing the rebel lion; and havingl done all in their power tc prevent the debt being contracted, and tc prevent the use of the means by which tie rebellion mieht be suppressed, it is not at all strange that we should find them, under various excuses and pre texts, declaring their opposition to the piyment of the debt. Southern Politics. The editor of the Richmond Evening News has been informed by "a gentleman who ought to know," that General Canby regards the test oath question as out of his hands—it having been referred, by the authorities at Washington, to the At torney General of the United States. He will obey instructions in regard to the matter, whatever the instructions may be. The same gentleman is of opinion that there will be no meeting of the Legisla• ture until after Congress assembles. The Richmond Enquirer of Saturday says: "General Canby, it is now well known, has no idea of giving the seats of those members of the Legislature who re fuse to take the test oath (in case the oath is required) to the defeated candidates. There must, therefore, be an election to fill the vacancies." Prominent Mississippians have tele- graphed to Washington that Judge Dent will certainly receive the nomination for Governor from the Conservative Conven tion which meets at Jackson on the Sth of September. TUE Harrisburg Telegraph; reprint ing the Card of R. H. Kerr, Esq., as a sign of the times, very judiciously ob serves: R. H. Kerr, better known here and elawbere throughout the State as Benton Kirr, is a Democrat of forty years' stand ing. He is an intelligent man, has al ways been an active partisan, and has several times been placed'as a candidate on the Democratic ticket of Allegheny county—once or twice for the Legislature. He is a shrewd politician, and would not •take the stand he has, or utter the lan guage which we find in his card, with out the approbation of the leading friends of Gen. Cass in Allegheny; and as that wing of the party feels in Allegheny it is fair to presume it feels throughout the west.- The card of Mr. Kerr is indica tive of discord in the ranks of Western Democracy. It threatens disaster to th • money bags candidate; and taken in con nection with the similar feeling in the East, we think Packer and his friends may as well "hang their harps upon the willows" and prepare to meet decently the doom that awaits them. Any fin ther effot t on their part in a cause so hope less that will be but a loss of labor. A Wrsconsix paper (the Racine Journal) of the 25th Institut, has the foi' lowing item: "Early Friday morning Mr. Henry Taylor, a gentleman living just out of the city, hitched his carriage horse to a post near his bee hives, and went in to breakfast. While eati n g he heard a terrible commotion in the yard, - and on looking out to ascertain the cause, he saw that the bees (five swarms) had attacked the horse. The poor beast was frantically endeavdting to break loose, uttering at the time the most horrible screams of agony. Mr. Taylor rushed out, cut the halter, and endeavored to drive this swarms off, and in so doing was stung in a most frightful manner about the head and arms. The horse lived only about an hour after he was attacked; his agony was fearful to behold." , • Iv You wren to experience a singer sensation, eat two pig's feet and half mince pie just before going to bed. P has tried it, and says that in less th hour he saw a snake as lingo xi! a I,±a as devouring night biaahalrW c who had just escayed fteri with soma eyes and rod hot ov ilitettter The Canadians Excited by au American Flag—Terrible Outpouring or Wrath. On the night preceding Dominion Day some graceless wag climbed to the top of a lofty flag-pole at Woodskick, near the railway station, which was erected at the time of the visit of the Prince of Wales, and nailed thereon an Ainerican flag, bearing the black-lettered". inscription : "Annexation." No person could be found of sufficient temerity to climb the pole and tear down the rag, particularly as not a few persons . were positive that the pole was rotten, and that the life of any party making the attempt would cer tainly be forfefted. , There the obnoxious motto fluttered for nearly two months, in full view of the crowds of travelers pass ing daily on the railway, and the rept-. tation of WoodstoCk was not likely to benefit by such a display. One of the telegraph workmen, accustomed to climbing poles, was taken up to Wood stock to perform the s job, but after climb ing about two-third - 33'50t the height, he declined to ascend futither, and declared he would sooner jesigm his situation. Shooting was next fesorted to, and a con siderable amount of poWder was em ployed in the effort to destroy,the hateful emblem. The flag and ids° the top of the pole were pretty well shattered by this means, and "Annexation" was oblit erated from the rag at least. On Monday last a youth in the employ of a patent stove-drum; manufacturer, happened in the town, and hearing of the matter he very readily tendered his services to "go for" the thing. The gallant :lad per formed the act handsomely, ascending to the top of the pole without difficuly, and tearing off the last shred of the tattered flag. The question is, who was the in trepid individual that "put pp the job?" —Hamilton (Ontario) Times, August 27. Fence Advertising. The Superintendent of construction of the new Postoffice and Court House, Cal vin T. Hulburd, Esq., in New York last week, advertised on the part of the Gov ernment four proposals for leasing the, fence enclosing the site for advertising purposes, and the following were receiv ed and opened:— • S. L. Wilcox, per year, $5300. Thomas R. Gardiner, John H. Myrtle and Isaac W. Hoff, for two years, $15,000. George Anderson & Co., for no limited period, $3OO. Clary. Reilly, for no limited peried, $4OO. E. B. Cannion, for no limited period, $5Ol. W. Parkhonse, per year, $lOOO. J. W. England, two cants per square, per month, $3.333. De Lavoo Wilson, the cost of the fence and of removing the same. J. W. England, (period not limited) $2,200 on Broadway, $l5OO on Park Row, $1,400 on South circle, $lOOO, facing City Hall, $O,lOO. • G. A. Vinton, per year, $6,000. E. R. Malony, per year, $4,500. The proposal of Messrs. Gardiner & Co., of $15,000 for two years, was ac cepted. A FLAG or DISTRESS, consisting of a red cross upon a dark yellow ground, has been suggested by the surgeons of. the Prussian navy, as ' the proper signal to be listed by all civilized States, both in war and in peace, and on land and on sea.. DR. BEIrER'S BOWEL CURE DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CrIBE Cures Bloody Fluz. _ _ DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE Cures Chronic Diarrhea, DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE Cures Bilious Colic. DR. GEYSER'S BOWEL CUBE Cures Cboleralnfanta m. DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE Cures the worst case of Bowel Disease. DR. LEYSER'S BOWEL CURE Cures Cholera Morbus. DE. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE ' Will cure in one or two doses. DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE - Ought to be is every family. DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE • Is a sure cure for Griping.. DR. K_EYSER'S BOWEL CURE. Will not fall in one case. DR. KE,YSER'S BOWEL CURE Cures Ulceration: DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE Cures' Summer Comp:aint. DR. IrZYSER'S BOWET. CITRIC Will cure. Watery Ditetiarges. BE. BETBEWS BOWEL CURE DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE • Is a valuable medicine. Dr. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURB Is a protection against Cbolera.. DR. KEYSER'S BOWEL CURE Will save hundreds of valuilrei, La If early reaoet Islad to It. DR. KEYSER% BOWEL CURE Is one of the most Valuable remedies ever disco cared for ell dlieases incident to this .reason of. the year. 'Efundreds of waterers could be telicyed In lea* than a day by a speedy resort to.. this most value. ble medicine, particularly 'valuable. when the system Le apt to b ecome * - 41sordered by the two ree use of unripe and cr .ude vegetables, Pr ice 50 Gent& r iild at DR. xzYtkilis GREAT MEDIOIY wrogic. 107 Liberty g t .. and by all drugs' 43. PAP .SLEtis DIGBsTION. t 0 .. o m u a g e u h t . t 0 ,, - nl m a l s ' e l n a s Y : " tin iU nii Uere thath °42"3 e tat a ' s kr'i'o N w ob7ar szr w afteru lte n l ,a ' il dig nunges es s t , l i o na n nthoe is eL yier rez fe op c nal t iv t n t s e em re rs In oth dr word , 4 ItY.aes place. Nausea, Want of appetite. natnr i ll i l m ane e : s el qg e n P a r l ar tr i : nm, a tasting in the face at meal C am o:a n tillig e ' • furred 'tongue in the morning, are direct symptoms of indigestion. Rh biliettness. headache, nervous Irritability .. pilyslosl weakness and low spirits thele '"`., are ha al ,_ most Invariable accompaniments Ali /Italians of titerersia. whether lime. elate or • intender? are usually aggravated by hot weathei ' The , -.• . w h„, , h ose of summer Is therefore the Season a .„„ • he viten of dyspepsia most nrgenuv needs every gi end regulating medicine. Of Coarse, „,;„ : Invalid has many advisers. One' friend. m -- ,, - ; amends one drug. another another; bat in a y.f Asada of counsellors there Is not always i - . nty. The STANDARD REMEDY THY RR*. P AT AGA IPOR INDIGT.SIION, In all Itastace ! s, LS i AYS'I'ETTER'S STOMACH. BITTSS RN% drat proves all things, has estaollsne 4 d . Its rem. Cation on an impregnab.e fon udstion.-the apon eaneous testimony of millions of Intelligent nesses. No acrid 011 or acid defiles-its stimula ting principle: its 'tonic constituent* are the, Attest that botanical research has yet discovered i. It combines the properties of a gentle evacnant, a blood depurent, and an anti bilious medicine. with inporetmg qualities of .tae Mahon order, and lls witted both by the public and th e pro. tendon to be the surest protection ageing :m ai! diseases that are produced or propagated b y . _ unwholesome water. snot nu Uri roue air or _ States or ever been used either In toe Un i ted . Tropical America. _ ____. tkis bom IL ._,_. ,In oases of denial/14 20 n/ =lto of muscular tone In the InteatMes. the etre"alt the ilLTTltitti Is per:ecigly Purreg ni ons; gattlir it lthi.. out the dangerous sequences Pr t h e teleerdereghilvarattob all=lielilii. ISO IN Sions Cares Diarrhea. Cures Dysentery Never Ails.