S. 101MSBEitGlit : 11 : STEEL WORKS. ISTALBLIsIiED Ix 18413. AITDER2ON & WOODS, 341141:117ACTLIMIS OF REST REFINED , CAST • STEEL Ot every description. disc, best Relined German Plow and Spring Steel, cOrtino: BOSS AND FLUST AVENIIPE,Fitts. IWO. rat. stil6:n4l. BILLER, BSI & FARAD. GE:CESAL PAILI"SERS I.II2MCKLIF. RETIBEN MILL % .IEIM4). W. BARB, CHAS. I'AtiKIN. SPECIAL racTsza—S. SIER, CRESCENT STEEL 'WORKS, HILLER, BABB, & 'PARKA OFFICE,No , 339 Liberty street, prrrssuieß , PA., MID DIOVESNE WORM. COLEMAN, RAfIM & CO IdaniMwtorers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, DERIDEAWSNE, L X AHD JIINL&TA , 'S ROUND AND Sall RE IRON. AND, ROOP,SREET AND TANK IRON , BOILER PL &TES AND HEADS, GUARD IRON D Ayriss B ess, cl Larv d DROPPER. BAR a itteziek.: .1C AND ;FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. agtOW B 1t13,W Y.DGES & Heuktow TELors, .!..7RING„ __PLOW CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS eta to pattern. STEEL TMES, STEEL lIELATTINek, A. B. VSEL. OACH. BUGGY andW AWN SPRINGS and GUT niaLS AND SPIIIRS. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORES. -Mlitoenth Street and Allegheny River, ivad 77 Water Street, Pittsburgh. talk WEE/MELD STEEL WORKS. SIN(OK & Ca, PITT . SDIIRGEL. PA.. Kanufactuiers of every description of VAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILTT Sr ONO% ELLIa a . LED PLATFORM. SPRINGS. AXLES, STEEL TIRE, Re., AG 'Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 Find Sts. BILACS DIAMOND STEEL WOBXS. BROVIER & CO., ffianufsetnrers of ail deocriptionsof 45E;a30M3M3r,16. UM* and Warebonse. THIRTIETH, THIRTY ilitaT . sad RAITAKO.AL ITISEETS, • BRASS FOUNDERS. : to Diva : JOHN AL COOPER & co., Bell and Brass Founders. BIL/MS CA STINGS MADE PBOXPTLY TO ORDER. liate‘ble and Grey .iron Fittings, 'GAS PIPE AND TUBING, ?BOTTLE, SUETY, AND Eligel VALVES ALE GLOBE PATTERN.. VEZON CO S, &ass Work of every deser,iptlon for Steam, Water and CM • KASUNA.UtIIIIEBSOF J. 31. COOPEEPB Impmed Balanee-Wheel Steam Pulp. :Agents, for Dreyfui , Patent Oil ( era. the best in the Market. Office end Works. comer Thirteenth and Pike treats. WOIUES. MARSIIRSIIN FROCBSS. • . , The TrUstees iu•e now , pre_pared to grant licen ses tor the use of the r•f•T• •TMEIA.IIISES PRO VERB. The superior quality imparted to Rood trod , be great IMprOvtMent in inferior iron. sad the sed um,. _ need . uost,comm , end it to eh manufacturers of Talideswishing to use It can obtain license , by APPlithi to JAMES P. SPEER • . .. itiothil for the Trustee!... _ . . 'lOOlll3 1 and 9, EngUsh I , s Building, 96)! roulth avenue. Parties Interested are invited to visit the IHOBlißEiteßit WORKS. where the !ocelots now in encomia operation. . tell:dt7 EVERSON, PRES'rON & CO., * Perinsvivania Iron Works. Warehouse. lins. 166 and 16T FIRST IT T, opposite Itionongs:Jela Bons e• PITTSBURGH GLASS. CHINA, CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. • FINE VASES, IBOKratUABL AlilllA. • I:4N2i U.93iTs, OUT CUPS t SMOKING BEM - • . Alsa v ietoektd . le i SILVER PLATED 000DS oar fl'istiged no (IN need Mt be all: z. BREED • & 100 WOOD ENGINB3, BOILERS, r.o. BUR Z. BOLE it CO., Con Point Alley and Duquesne St., Engine Builders, Founders aril Machinists. ufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARYEGINES, of all Mem Special attention invited to cur new PORTABLE OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLY. BOILE%_of 15-borseeipower._ OASTINGS,_of every STREETade to order *tour Foundry, on THIRD below Market. RIGS for HOUSE SHAFTING, rouaas, HANEIERSndTOBACGO SCREWS aim IRON TOBACCO PREBBEB. on Mind and made to order. at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, rrontlng °nee Allegheny Inver, near the Point. rSffI=miENIEMINE F ORT PITT BOILER, STILL AB TA TUBULAR, DOUBLE-BLUED TUBULAR, FIRE -BOX AND CYLLNDER &TRAM. BOIL ERS. uth ST ILLS AND OIL TANIM 011LAINEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS ANDCON DENSERS: STEAM PIPES. esipxrwrzas AND IRON BRIDORS . PRISON DOO'ILS AND COAL Ssirrzs Office and Warehouse• oorntr Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets. SUCCESSOR T 3 YrITSITURGH GVZETTEi WEDNESDAY, SEPIEMBER 1, 1869 momosnommi (Nrrivrics Fong%) ItITTBBUBSE. WtraKS. CARROLi. & SNYDER, YLIMIACTI3I:IXBS 01 PITTSBURGH., PL ,par Orders neat to the above address will 34 be ,rozebtly attended to. nahl:l WEI. BAILIVELLLL is co., BOILER MAKERS &ND SIM= IRON WORKICRS, NU'd. 110. 1110. 114 AND 916 PENN BS. Having secured a large yard andfurnished It with the most approved machinery, we of are pre pared to manufacture every description WIL- E Rs in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in th e country. chimneys. Breeching, Vire Beds , Btu= Pipes, LOCAMothe Boilers, Condensers, Bait Paw, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Bettling Pans. Boller Iron, Bridge!, Bags' Pans, and sole insrsufacturers of Barnhus , a Fat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. tadicti OrABIESIEL UMW., Ncia. 6$ and 66 water Street" PrirraSgriell , ILL:101."..11M 07 IRON OIL TANKS, Lemma P►NB, cor eerrax Frrz. BAAALING HILL ►CSB. And MENET N WORE. 70? EtetlnbOata. Zia= .... D. 8817118 .11111 ED M. MUMS ti SON, iummacrcrarits or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tam s. • SEMET lUON WORN. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, -CASTINGS, &c. - 4 t ' NO. SO WOOD STRUT, ganorsotorero or the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE POUND. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTe ENS AND lIIPROVANIEr•TS, and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in want of a good article should purchase b n e found but one those manufactured by us, as they will the most durable as well as economical. Would call narticniar attention to our new 00LCAN• S oI TO V i E th o eem u nths . h n all ende d s f t o o r r v es i . t h ovre rw siotho- out casing. All who have used them pronounce them surior to any other and far cheaper. Bend for pe tAtal°P2S--1---------------irricei.tst.jearo RAFTf MMUS & CO., - ILATlvrAcruitzas or Biwa mAsiwn or W3L I 'CONMS ,, " BOSTON COOKING BANGUI, k TEE FIERY FURNACE," ion wAIDONG isurummos • THE NEW ANTI-DUET COOKING STOVE, ..REGULATOIL ,, COLUMBIA COOK STOVA VANS (Cincinnati Patten') PORTABLE BANGS 0 AST IRON BLANTLES, WELLMA% REP LECTOR. ORATES free trom distend - dust; GRATZ FRONTS. rirsbEza, • 206 and 208 Liberty Street, de.211:y17 PITTSBURGH. PA. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL Os CO.'S TRIIINEPH, FOB BITVALLNOITH COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake Or Roast as Aq 1004 other Otove In the Union. BISSELL & 00. No, 285 Liberty Street. 111.0 on hand sad for islet WiLOB STOPS% EIXATIIte. GraoxE el °l l0 12 6117"8 age, _ . ,coonvie era. LUPdBEI • . TO BUILDE RS 1 100.000 feet Dzyrine Boards. 160.000 feet 1,1 Inch Clear Plank; 515,000 feet 1% Inch Common Planr, ' I 55,000 feet Dry 1 and 51 tech Oak: 55,000 ft. )fi, 1,11.1 i, A and 3 Men Poplar: , 10.000 Met Dry Voider Scantling: liu,ooo feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling s ' . 0..„/' . 0 503.000 feet No. 1 18 inch iingin Klee. SIM 000 No. 116-inch SbingleS. sawed' 60,000 No. 116-inob gibingleh slanTeul 110,00 0 sire Brick; 1,000. Fire The. • 100 Tons l'ire 011yt ..1. Alio, Saw Mill Lumber, Loollit and Coon Posts, and all articles In the line on hand and Ibt • sale by ALEXANDER PATTER-40N. yards— No. 154 Rebecca street And corner of Preblo and Juniata streets, trixtb wardAllegbeny. late bor. M hstcr oagliof ance. - an: .. 11 WEST COMMON lifachine Stone Works, • arortairestaorzterofWesteommon, A.Uesheall TRiaIPIK-AXVOT gI a den on hind of *pare on soties Rural mad asp MOW% Biagi glia. VOrise. Head Tpwlb Moue, &a. Effalipill WNW% -MON nuoselis _ . rouND 31'l: CA W. • 7. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COIPANY. OFFICE AND WORD% TWELFTH STREET, . PETTSBITRGH, PA. larEnginee, Rolling Mill Ma clattery, Nail Machines, Be torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDSH AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and limalmmo Streets' prrrrsrstruktus PA“. WILLIAM SMITH, Ote.ST IRON BOWL PIPE YOB OAS AND WATER WODIDL My Pines are all cut Invariably= Plts, in dry sand, and 111 feet lengths. Also. roll assortment of general Dallige for Elas and Water Works. I would also call the -Kennon of Bupertntend • to of Ora Works to L 7 make of RETOBTS. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIIOI Man, (Successor to JOS. P. LUIGI' & C 0.,) Hu facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges In the East, and Is prepared tn promptly and satisfactorily nil &Borders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON ROD., Lg,VEBS, PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES. LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, together with every description of SILLPE WORK. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First atm , apilhh4o ROBINSON, BEA & CO., • Successors to BORDISOm. =WAAL WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En. Ms, Blast Engines, UM Machinery. Gearing. ting, Castings of all descriptions: 011Tanas and r and Sheet Iron Work. Office. No. IM, corner rtret and Smithfield Streets. ents for GITFABD`S 'PATENT IN.TBOTOB for Ag netting Boilers. jailirr. THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works oexonosy 81%, ALLEGHENY CITY. Manufacturers of Stationed and Portable Stems Zusumi., M il lse., rodeys, Elating, Grist and Barr Worg. Bolling XIII and Machine easttags. Irate Bars, Weights, Wann BOXES, de. BMId to order and have on hand Engines of all ales. tesl4:q6 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS . sso Penn streou BOLTAAN, BOYD & BAOALEY. Chil IHolla, 3011 Caatinga. 801 l Lathes. &a. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, WARING AND RING, Conazdasioa Ideseaents sad Brokers 12 Petiole= and its Products, STONE. (NMI'S WARD,) Dianufaofurow of OILS. H. M. LONC & CO., Once, D&LZULL BUILDING, Duquesne Way. Pittsburgh. Pa. OALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY MITIADZILPHIL ADDRESS' Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET •vm TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND MALMO IN Petroleum and its Products, rittrl'gras A y i ffiraii= r": iorn MiLadeVials Officer—MT WALNUT TT, sploeco ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MARHIPACITIMZE OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Azle (111. • Stands great heat without change; Musing limpid at lowest temperatures. SpecLai 011 for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Will out Screws. . Ilan Kill and Planing flu 0111, 1 ddsp_ted for high speed. Hplndle Oil, Wool Head• Light Oil, 011, Tanners' Stuff- !Denial. , toga F11)1116111111` 011, I/aeons:le, Harness 011. Parratline. ARMOR VARNISH.. to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Bust. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle , s_patent by Superheate almost d Steam in Vac- Imo. 'I be Lubricating 011 b are odorless. perfectly pure. =Worm. and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain Um pid durlng extreme cold. TheDatiroad Oils are unequalled, and are in constant me on many ol tile principal Itsliroads. 1141pes can toe examined and orders left it WOOD 'STREET. Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. NOVELTY WORKS. prrrowurtsts . NOVELTY WOBIES. Foulded A. .1). 111311. FDA M'SEE & lUMOTACTMUISS 0/ BTANVARDAIMPRAFf. SPAT. xY ifor PLATitnou ALW yvti • ; .SCALES.': • ; la " *ilr.s:lo°°" IWD.st 4 . - ° l4 ` ll ooms or rass AVllll7Betozoir 111411111104 Ireaarse AMERICAN BANK. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSSURGU. CASH CAPITAL 8200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. DANS OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD W3l. FLOYD, President. Cashier. SCSOI63. • Thos. M. Marshall, John M. Mnrtland, Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald Walla ce . James W. Arrott. Jas. D. ]telly, Chits. B. Leech. Wm. Floyd. 76bn Floyd. This Bank Is now folly erganizea and prepared' to do a general Banking bußness. jelok43 • Fig AVENUE BANS. Of Pittsburgh. NO. 195 \ FIFTH AVENUE. CAPITA-L. 000,090. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA BLE. SIS PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. Coliections made on ail accessible points in the United States and Canada& on most favorable terms . Exchange on _ the prinsinal Foreign cities bought and sol id ,. Discount day Tuesday and Friday. Open from O A. ac. to 3 P. M., add on Saturday evenings from "I to 9 o'clock. I DIBXCTOBS: ED. DITHRIDEIE, W. P. WEYISIAN, W. H. SIMS , i FRANK NIEBERT, W. C. N. uiNzErt ROBE.RTSON, to;s1 RARMOR. EMIL TOERSTEL. ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. E. ficilENCli, Cashier. aulil•nsl CITY BANK. • 112 Fifth 'Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. • STOCKHOLDER; INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. EQTEREST TAID ON DEPOSITS. • FOREIGN EXCHANGr Bought and sold, and when deatred remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada. Dottigtett Mums, President. • JAMES MoCans, Vice President. W. N. MORGAN. Cashier. " mascroug. D. Ihmsen. James McCabe, Thomas Rourke,John Savage, J. Dttnievy, Jr., Terence Campbell. Patrick Kane, James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr, H.A.Freyvogle, Jno.Jos.Hermsttn. Thomas Barnes, hugh Keating. JAY COOKE & CO., aßisailmers, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of " all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchaso and stle of Uovernment Securities 11CrART, CAI:POKEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and , Woll Streets, IPITrSI3IIIt(i - 11, ISUOGLIBOBB TO HANNA, HAUT a C 0..) nzAsann rd Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attei and sale o dd to paid tO ruidlisse f GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on London. layuan • RAILWAY GOLD LOAN Messra.l DABNEY, MORGAN & CO., Ruhange Place, and M. R. JESIJP & CO Pine Stfeet, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway These Bonds pay seven per tent, in Gold have thirty years to run; are Free from .overnment Taxation; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. n addition to this speeia grant the Com- parry also owns Three in Kansas, which are be develop the conntrf and They ate a flat mortga sion of the toad from o Denver, Colorado. on NOW BARNS 10 NET INCOME TO PAT THE INTEREST N THE NEW LOAN. There is no better senility in the inaiket:--this' being in some respects better thon.Govemment Se- urities. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN 601 D. Price 96, and acorn ed Interest, in Currency, Pamphlets, Naps . and Circulars furnished on application anlo BARS Ilk Bow. EOM AOtAr. - jioe, and 4 St. Maas special attention Si Ilibiralalls°9llllll SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. KFAtTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. NT HOLMES & SONS, , Collections elude on all the princilat Points of the United States and Canada,. Stocks,Bouds and other Securities BOON= AND BOLD ON OONMIBBION. Particular lineation paid to the pnrchan and sale of United States Securities Ja30:21 MANES T, BEADY 73 ME. 3M 1 3Eit. $39 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Orders executed for the Purehaae and Sale of STOCKS. BONDS and GOLD.. mum 'Moil of kens g rapidly sold to mprove the road. upon the eaten teridan, Kansas ho road in opera E THAN ENOUGH ECM. ARCM. :47031 • mica % ria ) O el l , ii teat, Ito Os &Again ad OVUM saa rusug FINANCIAL 57 Market Street, PrT"T'JrB33I:3 3O3 M , P . (Successors OS. JUNES £ C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood' Sts., BUT AND BELL ALL KINDS OF BOLD, SILVF3 AND COUPONS, ON MOST 7A.VOBABLE T&8316. for Interest Allowed on Deposit.. W Money loaned on Government Bonds at °west, Market rates. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. Z;ljt Mittihur,o FINANCEI AND TRADE Milos or Pr nest:mon Gszurrs, Toustmv, August 31, 1869. I Government bonds were steady to day, with scarcely any fluctuations. Although the Government will buy to morrow two millions of bonds, no efforts are made to advance quotations, and the market is permitted to take its own course without any influence of clique or speculative movements. In fact the market is' in a condition that offers little encouragement for the pres ent to calculate on a rise. The decline in Europe, not only of American, bat' of all other securities. Is the natural re action from a wild excitement prevail ing on all the different stock exchanges of Europe, and seems to be the fore fanner of a heavy decline, benefitting nobody but the rich speculators, who have done all in their power to draw small capitalists; in, in order to take from them what little they had let. Gold is kept steady at 133% on account of theuncertanty. .of the European mar kets, which may at-any moment require the shipment of funds, temporarily employed here. and should any call for ashlpment of coin be made, a rapid ad. vane of sto 7 points would be an easy matter to raise the market for those who have been carrying it since it touched 144. Stocks are dull, except Reading, - which advanced to-day to 97y,. Money easy. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 133%; Silver, 128; Eighty one's,l23%; Five Twenties, 1862, 12334; do 1 864, 122%; do 1865, 122%; do 1865, Console, 121%; do 1867, 121%; do 1868, 121 1 4; Ten Forties, 115%; New York Central, 202%; Erie,-; Reading, 97%; Pittsburgh, .Fort -- - Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 1883;; Ohio & 132%; Michigan Southern, 105%; Cleve land it Pittsburgh, 106%; Chkalb o & Rock Island, 114%; Chicago & North Western,B4: Chicago & North Western Preferre, 94%; Adams Express Com pany, 56; Merchants Union Rxpress, 11; Pacific Mail, 79%; . Western 'Union Telegraph Company,,B7%; American 'Ex press Company Mg.' frarCHAries, Large. Sma ll . London, per £ 16,70 Paris. per frano ... . .. ...... 272 8 % Berlin, thaler ... . .... .. . ...... . 97 99 Frankfort, f10rin5............ 57% 58% —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 133%; United States Sixes 1881. 123%; Five-Twenties; 1862,123%; do. 1864, 122%; do. 1885, 122%; Ten-Forties, 11534; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, 121 6 ,6: do. do. 1867, 12134; do. do. 1868. 121 W Due Com pounds, 119; 'Union Pacific Railroad, 86; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 111%; Lake Superiors, 96. By Telegraph to Ito Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW Yong., August 31, 1869, Money is easy at s@7iaer cent., mostly at 6 per cent.. Sterling heavy at 9%@9% per cent. Gold opened at 133%, and closed at iss}aing. Carrying rates at 2}4(3,7 per cent. The clearances were *63,000,000. The. steamer Silesia took out $72,000. Governments are firm nd scarce. C,puppus 81, 123%,®123%; do. a '62, 1233.© 123%; do. '64, 122%®122X; do. '65, 122% @122%; do. new. 121%®121%; .do.. '67 121% ®121%; do. 68, 121%@121%. 10-49% 1153 @115%. Pacifies 11m@ 8. in N. State bonds are hea Old kTennes -8809.1 60%; new. 51%1 old- North Caro linas, 56; new, 48; old Virginias, 55; new, The stock.market during the morning was dull; but presented more life this afternoon than it has for many days; New York Central advanced from 198% to 204, Hudson from 19436 to 18431,1;4*d b* from 95% to 9736, Northwestern from 83% to 84%, preferred from 9336- to': 9434, and tit. Pant- COM ULOW from , :/ 8 .. tcr !mg. The rise on the_laslanae of Abe_markeV 35 to % per oehta At the close the advanoe was not sustained and Mere wan a gen eral reaction from the highest point, Particularly in Central and Hudson. The rise and activity is Vanderbilt stoeks is due to a rumor that the Commodore would arrive in the city to•morrow to . arrange for an early consolidation of the Central and Hudson National. Stock Ex change presented a lively aspect to-day on Erie, which ranged from 32% to •34%. with a large buiness. There was a single sale of 5,000 shares at 33%. Five-Thirty Prices: Canton, 59; Cum berland, 33; Western Union Telegraph, 37 1 B ; Quicksilver, 14A; Mariposa' 7; do. preferred, 12; Pacific Mail, 80; Adams , Fapress ' 56; Wells,l9; American, 36%; United States, 62%; Merchants, 11; New York Central, 203; Harlem, 159; Hudson, 18435: Reading, 97; Erie, 34%: do.. pref., 55; Michigan Central, 128; „Mich igan Southern, 105%; Illinois Central, 137; Pittsburgh, 105; Cleveland, Colum bus and Cincinnati, - 78%; Rack Is land, 114%; St. Paul, 78%; do. preferred,. 8735; Wabash, 82 1 { ; Fort Wayne, 88%; Terre Haute, 34; do. preferred, 5635; Chicago and Alton preferred, 154; Ohio. and Mississippi, 32%. Mining shares: rs Smith & ston P. 2 75ang La- Crosse 16. Copps at Bo u ed, Sab-Treasury balance not announ-, ed. ss, PITTSBURGH MARKETS. --.9FFIOE OF YITTSBURGIC GAZETTE,. TU.V3DAT, August, 31 1869. There is a general accumulation of grain at Chicago, the receipts last week exceeding the shipments over half a million of bushels. As the course of the Chicago wheat market is being watched with considerable interest, we clip the following from the Republican. of Wednesday: The market was quiet, and prices were weak and lower, un- • der Only a limited demand for immedi ate delivery, liberal offerings, and un favorable advices, both from New - York and Liverpool. Spring wheat particu larly was dull, shippers not buying as - the margin between here and New York is against them, while , millers did not want it, as they have on hand now more flour than they can sell; hence what 'few buyers there were present named about their own figures. The "shorts" did not appear anxious to' settle or fill in their contracts still om for this month, evidently thinking that unless there is a decided change in the demand and sup prominent and an improvement in the more markets of the old and new world prices cannot go higher, even if they do not go lower. The "longs," on the other hand were despondent and gloomy, and though they may force the market up on Monday they cannot but be large loosers, for the reason that the "shorts" during the past week have made a very large number of settlemehts and reduced the line very much. The "longs" wanted to manipulate the mar ket, but were afraid to do so, and it can be safely said that rule thirteen has pre vented an extensive "corner" on the• market. APPLES-Continue quiet and un changed; sales at 0103 per bbl. BERRIES-Sales of Blackberries. at 90 cents per pail, pails returned. BUTTER-Prime to choice is in active , demand and higher, with sales at 270. 30 cents. . CHEESE -May be quoted• at 15017 cents-the outside figure for New York goshen. CEM.ENT-Johns $2 t,o Per wn lbal mentHydraulic Ce is quoted at. CARBON OIL-The demand is rather better, as the season is just about open ing up, and jobbers will soon have plenty of orders; we continue to quote at 28 cents for standard brands, that is for 25 or 50 bbl lots. EGGS-Sales at 15016. " FEATHERS-Dull; qnoted at 80(085 • cents to the trade, and the usual advance , • for small lots in store. FLOUR-The demand continues light, being confined entirely to supplyine the wants of the local trade, and with liber al arrivals, the supply is accumrnula- ting. Winter wheat brands are selling 1 at from $707,50, and the same quota tions will answer for springs. GRAIN-Wheat is quiet and unchang- I ed; sales of prime new at $1,35-prime old might'bring f 1,40. Oats dull, with I a good supply and light demand; small sales in store at 49050. Rye, also. is dull and drooping, with but few _buyers above $1,1001,12. • Corn very dull, with sales of prime ear at 980$1. Bar- I ley, too, is rather dull, with a drooping 1 tendency, but unchanged. HAY.-Sales in Allegheny Diamond I • market, at prices ranging from $l3 to ;21 -mainly at $l5OlB. HIGHWINES---Are still quoted, in a jobbing way, at $1,2301.25. HEMP -Very dull, $205 per ton. HUSKS-Sales at 2%03 cm per pound. -White Lime is quoted atsl,so, 1 and Cleveland at WO per bbl. . LARD OEL-F. Sellers tit Co. quete Extra No. 1, atl,43,:and No. 2, at; 1,050 1,08 MELONS-,Sales at ;18+027 per 100, as to size, condition and quality. POU'LTRY-Sales of spring chick- I ens, at 50055 per pair. PROVISIONS-Bacon;Sohul ders,ls % ; Ribbed Sides, 18%; Clear do, 19%; Sugar Cured Hams, 23023 M. Lard, 203 i in tirces, 21 in half bbls, and 213 in buck ets and kegs. Mess Pork, $333:04. Dried Beef. 22. . OTATOEThS-Sales of sweets at $l5OB pe P r bbl. e outside figure for Jerseys. I PEANUTS-Have still further ad vanced, and we now quote at 16. PLUMS-$ 8 per case, or 4 per bushel. PEARS-$203 per bbl. PEACHES-Sold at from $ 1,50 to 2,00 per box. • SEEDS-There is nothing doing in Clover or Flaxseeds. Small sales of Timothy at $4,75. SALT-Is qttoted at $1,75• by the car load, and $2 for small lots in store. TALLOW-Rendered quoted at /035. Cum Arm, Aug. Sr—Eastern exclrangk more active at par selling, and 1.10 off 'buying. Flour more active and firmer .` at $5,25@7,50 for spring extras. Wheat firmer and 2@)2Xc higher; sales of No. at 31,28@1, 29 ; No. 2 at 11,2534@1,27, closing at lil-26151,26X for- No. 2; this afternoon the market was aCtive at $1,28 for No. 2. seller Septem ber. Corn is less active; sales of No. 2 at 88©88X, rejected at 8834@84; no grade at 77@82, and closing easy at 88 for No. 2; this afternoon the market is quiet at 883¢ for No. 2. seller September. Oats steady; sales of No. 2 at 44©44X, rejected at 390 89X, and closing at 44 for No. 2. Rye firmer andmore active with_salesof No. 2 at 94, rejected at 81®82, closing firm at 94 for No. 2 and 8134682 for rejected. Barley more active and firmer with sales of No. 2 at- 11,80©1,40 cash and $1,23 seller September, closing with buyers at 51,18 cash and seller, and 51,27 September. Bighwines dull at $l,lO. Sugar steady at 18;4@14X9 for common to .prirne Ca be. Provisions quiet and firm. Mess Pork i 33,75 cash. Dry salted shoulders steady at 18qc. Lard inactive and nominal at 18X@)19c. 'Receipts for the' past trqsaty-four hours —3,497 .hbls • flour. 59.534 bush wheat, 171,457 bush corn. 88,025 bush oats, 6.439 brush rye,' 4,140 brush barley, 1,527' bead hop.' Shipments-2,437 liblsliourAll,4o2 :bush wisest, 89,821 bush earn, 6,113 broth oats, 1,088-bush rya, 775.brish barley:9os head hogs. Freights fairly active at 561$ WO to Sang% =