II prrisuruced STEEL WORKS, rdTABLIMIXD IDi 1945. MERSON & WOODS, . • xlricirrzys OF NEST REFINED:OAST STEEL Of ever, desctiptlini. Also, , est Refined Genr,an flow . itad Sp/ n; Stet!, COBBBB BOSS A 1,1) SERST A 174 Pa ELLER, BARS & GENERAL PARTNERE , t ' wm. mracer.m. 1 REUBEN' ./11.1.:F.B, GEO. W. BARB, ' CHAS. PAIKICVS. ENDCIAL PASMNZII-S. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, NIMBI BARR & PARKIN %TICE, No. 1 , 3,9 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, P.A. fettd4S DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, ROM & Idanufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, , AXLES AND SPRINGS, DIMIIESNE, L X AND JIINLLTA , ILAT RAH, ROUND SH EE T AND IRON. AND, HOOF, SHEER* AND ANS. rani, OILRR PL &TEA AND HEADS, tiUARD IRON, _TORSO and DROYPER FLANGL . ; CUTTER RAMS. OILLNIDER AND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. dqllOW BA ItS,WFDOES & HARROW TEETH. "*Zance,FLow A. , ..tm CULTIVATOR STEEL, ITF.EL WINGS AND 'MOULDS cut to -pattern. TEEL TIRES, STEEL SIi.AFTINO, A. B. TEEL. COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and XLES. CET NAILS AND SPIRES. ill Goods First Gass and Warranted. OFFICES AND WOBES. • alateenth Street and Allegheny River, and 11 water Street. Pittsburgh. ' naldi SHEFFIELD STEEL IVORILS. SINGER, NIMIOK z CO., PITTSPURGII. --ICanufacturers of every description of CAST AN) GER3LiN STEEL, SAILIT 9P.d1.1739, atC. 2.2 CD PLATFOR.llsraursa, AXLES, arm. TIRE, &c., arehoutse, 83 Water andl.oo Flrat St& BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. EARN, BROTHER it CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of larrElMMLif. Once and WsrebonEe, THIRTIFTA, THIRTY. 7./.33T add RAILIWAy 2THERT9, BRASS FOUNDERS. ;V lll, 301 IN M. COOPER. & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. 3SBAMg CJIAT3M4G}Ei TKIADZ-I"3O3.IEPTLY TO °ROES. Maleable ana Grey lion . Fittings, GAS PIPE , AND TUBING, IRBOTTLE,SIDET AND CHECK VILIED, ALL GLOI3II PAT_TERN. JCR ON C<)00-12r-S, Brass Work ot aim deserAptlon for . Steam, Witter and OH. XANIVACTUBILES or J. M. bUIPPEE'S imploved Balance-Wheel Steam 'Pump. Agents for Dreuras'‘ Patent Oa- era. the beat.{A the Market. omee and Works. corner , Thirteenth and Pike treets. wits IRON WORKS. OURSINSBN- IROCBSS. _ The Tllleteef are nowtrepared to grantMen ges for thous. of the ELLEitSkILDIffa PILO The superior quality imparted to good iron,' he great Improvement in inferior iron. and the reduced ockat.commend it to all manufacturers of • -- . p n artieawishfnß to use mesa obtain nienses by iDPiylnS to JAMES P. SPEER BOONS 1 and 2. Knellthin Bnildlnia 967 E Joann nonnne. Parties Interested are invited to visit the BROS hiBERGER WORKS. where the rac 3:dt ers Is new In successful operation. lel7 VERSON, PRESTON b. CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works warehouse.' Hos. 166 , and 161 ..111133T ITSII3I. °posit-6 lionongtaela House 604:0 PITTSBII/1611 -, ;4 GLASS. CHINA. • CUTLERY. -.1 v ' 4 4 100 WOOD STREET. IEW GOODS. FINE VASES, 0 I 19 110/lERHAIIN AND CHINA. NEW@MEE . 1/1212t1t szrsi - TEA. SATS, OIST vu.113 331011156 6E .6. 7 l S ihe stock of Goops SILVER 1 . .., ~ _ • ~ ,-.....*. Cali sad examine margoof% sod we feel setisled no one need tau to be suited. IL n BREVP4A,fO),4 f . .. 100 !TODD • U'Un Es NU; 8c 00q Con Point Idler antatiquesne SU, Engfna Faundera and Machinists. Manufmtare STEAMBOAT EN012.185 Ind STA 'Flux it , F - BBois - rs, of an !UM Sintsial attention invited to cur new BTATION AKE OIL WELL EITGECE AND POIITABLE BOIL.M_of 15-horseenower. - - 2 -- _- CAreTtiioS.„,of every kind, made tomer storm Foundry, on THIRD STREET - below Market. RIGS Tor Oft Wells, SHAFTING, P ULLEYS _ HANOERS,HOUSE Rad TOBAOSOSCBBWS and IRS TOBACCO PRESSE% on Wad and made to order, at tho ITS:Pitts. &Olevat INDUSTRIAL WORKS, venting oath. AiUghelly alTeri near the Point. F °lllr BMILFA Hai AND TUX. T73113L.A31, DOUZLE-FLU TUBULAR, YIBIL-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL :PUS. MiL STILLS AND OIL TANIUS, CHIMNEYS. BREECHING AND ASH PANS, L:LN SBTTG PANii, :lALT TANS. 'Alin CON ' DENSERS: .. AND IRO'S STEAM PIPES, eAsom:ET - Bas BIUDEV6S; FAISON DOORS LND COLL SEELT33 PITT'SBIJILWE. ErCCISSOR TO ►ttorney for . the Trust e es, of dl degeriptiOzui. (Xl=.THlrolsr ,) PITTSBURGH. sir AU orders promptly tilled. TRIM. WORKS. CEMIROLL & SE4IYDEPZ, YI42III•IC2iLRYH6 07 Ogled - and Warehonse.erer Seeond, Third, Short and Llberty Streets, PITTSBURGH , Ps• Er Orders sent to the above address will be pr,:tmWiY attended BATINIELILL tz CO., v y BOILER MASERS 'LIiD SHEET IRON WORKERS, ItOS. 20, AA, Xl4 IND 26 MTN T. Having secured s taro yard 9,30 furnished it with the meet approved machinery, we &re pr pared to manufacture every description of BOM BES in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the Mintz'''. Chimneys Breeching, Tire Beds, steam Pipes La iy:motve Boilers, Condensers. Salt Fans, Tanis, 011 SUlls, Agita tors, Settling Fans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sup!' pane and sole essaufscturers of Barnhill's I &t -ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. 115m7.1 AXES N. BITER, Nos. 5& and 56 Water Street, *rrrissune 3 a , ultrurAcrcnir. Or IRON OILS TANS, 11r.Et ?ANL', COPPEESTISAIS n FL MILL STACIII3 And RECKET ram; WORE, For Steamboats. JADED H. DSZSD.....-. • D. raves JARED M. BRUSH Er. EON, 111.5tVACITTAMS or Steam Bailers, Oil Stills, Tanks, EMMET IRON WO= &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittenvrgh., Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, ace. BBADIGEY CO., NO.BO WOOD STREET, Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves,_ TO BE PODLID. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTeRNS AND IMPROVIOSENTa. and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in - Want of a good article should purchase none but Diode manufactured by us, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call carticu , ar attention to our new VoLCANo STOVE, for churches, halls find stores. Over 500 sold In three montps. Intended for mitt/ on with out' visit g. MI who have toed them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. JelO RUE) RUNS 84 CO ~ , FELNOTACTUBFLIS OF NVZSY TABIXTI 01 19 1 3VC.VVIral€ 4 9 BOSTON COOKING RANGE, 4 •TRE FIERY FURNACE," , . /Os 'Prism:We BIIILDERGII. TEE "WS ANTI-DraT CcoOKM 4 I BTOVZ. "1130ZATIATOR.9" COLIJUBIL CoME STOVE VAN'S Aparinn IBU sti Psttern t t POILTAML }1,14f29T0R.T. eaMertrreelatEr'o dirt Paul 41E4 GOA= gatiVre. razibzro . La. 208 and. Z 0 Liberty Street, segs:or • PITTB . I3I7BOH. PA. Coo*f,B7oTES. , CET THE BEST. BISSELL AD Ct). 1 15 . - TAIXIMPH., FOB BITTIMENOCIB GOAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boavt la gets sonny other Stove in the Union. ' - 'BISSELL dc 00. 1 No. 285 Liberty Street. 4110 on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, Tovr. r% 1 W"T rll3,4lr. tsa 7NNEINES, COOKING RANGES, Lo. LUMBER. TO BUILDERS 500.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 150.000 feet 12 inch Clear Plank; 25,1100 feet 12 inch Common Plank; 25,000 feet Dry 1 and 2 inch Oak: • 25,000 ft. 3i, 1, 13.1„s and 3 inch Poplis 10.000 ieet Dry Poplar Scantling: 10.000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock So ntling. 105.0004eet s,No. 1 18 inch tiaglnal Shin. - - • lilt 200.0001.0. 1 10-inch Shingles, sawed; 60,000 No. 116-inch dhingles. soared; 40,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire The. • 100 Tons Fire Clay; - Also, Saw 11111' J.nmber, • Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles in the line on hand and for .I.lloT.T7inlterln Juniata streets, Sixth ward, Allegheny. late bor. r on& of Manchester. - sp:B wr COMMON Ifeehinirehme WOrk3, Northwest comer °Mast 0013=011, Alleitham ATVAIrga & 1130. letagrall i ror t Vrsw ea r? Ewl T 9.11 Wm* COM losesPa Isloximbl• PITTSBURGH:- GAZETTE: 'IIMS, DATrAUGUST 31, 1869. ~.... r. , -. -_... ..... Uh l FORT NTT FOITYPRI B OOVANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, MI'S BURGH, PA. ErEngukes, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, aisd Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Oorrap and Smallman Urilet% 3PI"/""T'S'UTTIZG - F 1 s VA. )/VILLIAIVI SMITH, CAST IRON BOWL PIPE Hy riDeet ate all east invarisblyln Pits, in dry 6/116., and 1 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general Castings for &as and Water Works. I would also Workshe -Kennon of Superintend ants of GM to t... 1 make of RETORTS. DIJQUESIIE FORGE. WILLIAIif EULER, (Successor to JOS. P. 11A1((11 & C 0.,) Has facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East. and Is prepared to promptly and satisfactortly fill all ortlr , 's for STE,AMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, FIST()); LEXERS, PITMAN .IAMS,WItI)),TS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCIAIOTIVE FRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office arvil Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apl4:h4o ROBINSON, BEA ts, CO., aincceseors to Itoamspla, lama f. gitasaa. WASHINGTON WORKS, feUNDERS AND MACHNISTS, PITTSBURGH, Ilannfacturert of.BostA.cul astgiorag_Brealg.2E. gm.,,81.8t dercri end titule, Boilercud Sheet hog Work. - Office, No. li, corner First sad Emltheleld Streets. for GIFFARD'S FA.T.F.NT INJFOTOF. for ieeding Boilers. THOMAS CARLLN at. CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, BA.NDUBSY IT., ALLEUSIENT CITY, FL., idannfacturers of Station .t ry and Portable Stea.n zugpits, i.).1 fres...,esti:4yd, gil Sttsiong, G ri st and 1.33.11 Mill 'Wort, Itoilino l and achine Castings. Grate Bars. 'Weights, Wagon Boxes, d'e. Build to order and Lurie on hand s.ndines of ail slam. m vl4O rIE.NTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS SSO _Penn Street. BOLL N, BOYD & BAGALEY. Chilli:oils, Kill Castings, Roll la.thes, itc. STONE. BRIE‘, I!iU•OHI3O3` (NINTH WARD') Manufacture of YOB GA.I3 AND WATER WORMS. OILS. D IAMOND 'OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Once. DALZELL BUTLDINO, Duquesne Way. 'Pittsburgh, Pa. WARLiffi AND HOG, Co=dstion If era/tants and Brokers in. Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, Ream 17, Chamber of Commerce. In SOUTH BECOYD Mina MAO ' TACK BA0 1 1131-EUS, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND =ALUM UT Petroleum and its Products, ri r l A oniquene y and Irwin ThitsAelphis 025cer—IST WALNUT ST, spl:w2o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, XANIFYAOTIJPZU OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Azle Oil. Stands great heat without change; remains -limpid al, lowest temperatures. Special Ott for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop. Will cut Screws, Saw Rill and Planing Kill Adapted tarnish speed. Spindle 011, Wool , Read•Lighl oll . 011. Tanners* Stair- I Bens,le. lex & Finishing Oil. (gasoline, HarnOsb 011. I paryallime.. ARMOR VARNISH to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from licit. These products are manufactured wider Dr. Twaddle , s_patent by duperheated Steam k i v.,. coo. Ihe Lubricating are almost 0 °ries., perfectly pure, uniform, and me, llg t ored. stan d a high temperature suited , anti remain limpid during extreme cold, he Railroad Otis are unequalled, and are ln constant use on many 01 tna pendia! Railroads. Bungles can be examined and orders left s at 114 WOOD STREET. Works at Oliarpsburg Orldge. E Dlfi I},G liFllV:relira NOVELTY WOLLJS. rounded A. 11. ISO. ao.alis. waxy_ & co. - maxus , Aß , T uNrui or . R ANK is PAT* gitnpit lIAAAM6II6I"TiIa CZ Am1."14 U • erk....f V CALE . ‘o.4W ,lf i t - . M 1161111147••. • WM 7441 'to • et A s i• - 7 lvitull &lOU wr a°''''.'aiiiii spusounibt two" 11.7IERICAN NO. 80, FOURTH AVENUE; pritssaurtan. CIINIODSIPITAL ••• • • 6200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. BANS OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. maim°Bs. Jorra 31. 31n:timid. Archibald Wallace, Jas. D. Wm. Floyd. Thos. M. Marshall, Wm. T. Shannon, JarCMS W • A rrott, Chas. B. Leech, John Floyd, This. Bank Is now lull to do a general Banlang jelOtAg organized and prepared. bubLness. FIFTH AVENUE • BANK . - Of Pittsburgh. • No. 19 FIFTH AVENUE. CAPITAL .$lOO,OOO. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDFALLT LIA BLE_. SI PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. Cobeclons made on ad accessible points in the United States and Canadas on most favo able terms. Exchange sold all tbO princlnal Foreign cities bought and o. Discount days Tuesday sod Friday. Open from 9 A. M. lo 3 P. jr., and on Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. DIRECTORS: ED. DITHEIDOE, W. P. WETMA.N. W. H. SIMS. FRANK sIEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, Hc.r.EIER, DAN. KINZER. D. 31. ARMOR EMIL POERSTEL. ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. E. SCHENCK, Cashier. auir , n5l CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 8100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal Pants of the United States and Canaa. DOetiNtum 11131.5 EN, President. JAmEs 31CCABE, Vice President. W. N. 3IoI:GAN. Cashier. DIELLCTORS. D. Dinneen. James McCabe, „ - ThOMILSEGUrge, Joan Savage, J. Dunlevy, Jr.,. Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane. 1 ames Phelan, Chas. BJ Barr, H.A.Freyvegle. Jno.Joaliermann. Thomas BitinS ! Hugh Resting. l e ei da JAY' COOKE & CO., "lE:lep,r.ersa 9 114 SO TITII THIRD STREET, STOCBS Lail BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale f Government Securities HART, CAtrfkliVii CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, COVaer Third and TVc3d Streets, - . .rilrs-surtGin, IWOCEI33OSh TO HANNA, ELAZT 6 CO DZILF-118 TS Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And partfctilfif at paid to th e pnreluue and sale of CO lERNMENT BONDS.. melt Drafts on London. . 1 PACIFIC RAILINAY :GOLD LOAN Ileisrs. DABNEY, MORGAN & CI Exchange Place, and DI. E. JESUP & Pine Street, N. T., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railwa These Bonds pay seven per cent, in Gold aTe thirtl , years to run; are Free from mama Taxation ; are secured by a and Grant of Three Million Acres of the nest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. n addition to this special grant the Coln- any also owns Three Millions of Acres a Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to velop the country and improve the road. They are a first mortgage upon the Wen sion of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado. The road in opera lion NOW EARNS MORE THIN ENROL NET INCOME TO PAY THE INTEREST I N THE NEW LOIN. There is no better, entity in the market—this being in .ome respects better than Government S entitles, PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Price 96, and aces ed Interest, in Currency, Pamphlets, Ma and Circe'lars furnished on application Dui° ARCHITECTS. v! • c i _ ' 404ac h li a l t i ontgoly 0 ;4400= oputtiliatteSiott.elno to the &doing sal" MA L OOITAT SOIISOII sad roaw 0 CA.C:ol—airo, SILVER AM) COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R.. HERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. V" HOLMES a SOS'S, .L.'t • ENALINTIELIUELSEi, 57 Market Street, vrrmwreitsintwa, re.. cbueciaou. mule on ett the plincipsl points of this United Stales end Causdat. SteekgygendS and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMXIBBION. " re:tieular atterMUM paid to the parchsse sad ii:de of Malted States Securities. Jswq.l 'V ill t'N fo. AMESDEADYar. VO, Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., ISS) AL1,47.,..Ma..? GOYF,RNMENT SECURITIES, CIOLD, SLUM?, AND couroNs, Iff" Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sir Money loaned on tioveranient Bonds it Great mafi.et rates. .priers executed for the Plareanna and Male of !STOCKS, 13p1IDS and ti OLD. '''.. l ljt Ilittslittrgt et.aidtt. PHTLLDELPHLA By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh' Gazette.l NEW YORK, August 30, 1869, Money easy at 6 per cent., with excep tions at 5@7 per cent. The Assistant Treasurer has commenced disbursing the 10.40 interest due on September Ist. The total amount is $4,887,000, a large portion of which is payable here. Sterling is dull and heavy at 91 j@934 per cent. Gold is lower, opening at 134, fell to 133%, and .closed at 133%Ca:13334. Carrying rates at 6 per cent. to fiat. The clearances were 82,000,000. Governments active and higher, clos ing strong. Coupons 81, 123%,.©1233 4 ,/• no, '62, 123%@123%; do. '64, 12234%122. 1 r; do. '65, 1224,4®122%; do. new. 121% r © 121%; do. '67. 12134@121%; do. '6B, 121% @12134. 10-40's, 1153415115%. Pacifies 111%0111%. State bonds are dull and weak; Mlssouris, 87%; old Tennessees, 61%; new, 5234; new North Carolinas, 49%. Stocks dull, without features of inter est. Prices were a trifle off, generally closing steady. • . Five -Thirty Prices: Canton, 5934; Cum berland, 33; Western Union Telegraph, 37%; Quicksilver, 13%; Maripose, 7; do. preferred, 13; Pacific Mail, 80; Adams Ex., 56%; Wells,-19%; American,-3534; United States, 62%; Merchants, 11%; New York Central, 200%; Harlem, 1601 do. preferred, 160%; Hudson, 184; Reading, 95%; Erie, 32%; do. prefer red, 55%; Michigan Central, 129; •Mich igen Southern, 105%; Illinois Central, 13734; Pittsburgh, 106341 Northwestern, 833;; do. preferred, 74%: .Cleveland, Columbus • and Cincinnati; 77 ; Rock Island, 114%; St. Paul, 79; do. preferred, 86%; Wabash, 8231; do. preferred,. 82; Fort Wayne, 89; Terre Haute. 34%; do. preferred, 5834; Chicago and Alton, 154; Ohio and Missies/4i, 3234; Dubuque, 112; St. Joe, 125. „. • Mining Shares quiet: Gregory . 225, Smith & P. 265. Quartz Hill 120. Coppers at Boston : Copper Falls, 8; Franklin, 13 ; Quincy,..2s. Sub-Treasury ba1ance,582,221,67 6 . Olken or Prrvollsou GAsisTrl, MoXnAY, August 30, 1869. Quotations as received by Pb.. R. Mertz: Gold, 133%; Silver, 128; Eighty one's, 123%; Five Twenties, 1862,123%; do 1864 122%; do 1865, 122; 1865 Consols, , 121%t do 1867, 121%; % do 1868, , 121%; Ten Forties, 115%; New York Central, 200%; Erie, —; Reading', 96; Pittsburgh, Fort WaYne Chicago f•Railroad, 189 ; Ohio & Misissippl, 182%; Michigan Southern, 105%; Cleve land et Pittsburgh, 10634; Chicago ca . Rock Island, 114%; Chicago d North . Western, 83%; Chicago dr, North Western Preferred, 94%; Adams Express Com pany, 56; Merchants Union Express, 11%; Pacific Mail, 80; Western Union Telegraph Company, 37%; American Ex press Company 35%. :L w • arge: Small. London, per 6,60 $6,70 Paris,r franc 27% 2834 per Berlin; thaler..:r 97 99 Frankfort, florins 56% . 5834 —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 133%; 'United States Sixes, 1861. 134; Five-Twentiesl 1862,123%; do. 1864,122%; do. 1865, 12254: Ten-Forties, 115%; Five-Twenties,'Janu ary and July, 1865, 121 1 4: do. do. 1867, 12134: do. do. 1868. 12130 Due Cam pbunds,:ll9; Union-,Pacific Railroad, ' 88: Central do, do, , • 99; Cy. Pacific, 111%; Lake Superiors, 96. • _ r,h2o FINANCIAL. (Succeasors 05. JONES a c 0..) BUY Lam` D BELL ALL ELNDOP ON MOST FAVORABLE TERNS. :./...13 1 .2..'S T. BRADY & CO FINANCE AND TRADE PETROLEUM Dvilumr. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTB, MONDAY', August 30, 1869; Notwithstanding the advices from Europe are encouraging, Antwerp hav ing still farther advanced, our market ,continues dull 'and unsatisfactory, 'and; prices are but little. if any higher: tbanj they were when Antwerp was down, considerably below where it now is. It, le more than probable , haweveri that the advance la Antwerp hae been caused' bv the advices there • from= this side of tf u i yisti • rlotilagtiri regard •to,the upending .40.. operation*. nflg :at/largo umW,Of refruerisltiNuld othe pladeih'itiordlt Atli A that th would have that eMct, and Ude is wh is desired—put refined up and keep• crude where it is, or anything at all, so that a fair margin can be secured for the manufacturer. This is what there is not now, nor has there been for some time past, and the sooner the market gets into shape to afford this, the bet ter for the trade at large. CRUDE. Sales I,CCO spot, at 14%; 1,000 seller September, at 0,75; on cart at Venango• ity; 500 do same; and it was reported that there had been sales for same deliv ery and option, here, at 14%. There• were buyers at 15,f0r buyer all year. but , no seller. Selers alliyear,. held at. 14%—n0 buyers. • f REFINED. But a single sale reported, 500 August, at 31%—a slight advance. September quoted at 323;0132%; !and September to. DeceMber at 32%; . Did and 32% asked ' . - - LUERICATINT* OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating • oil 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle 350 Eclipse Machinery 750 Eclipse Spindle 800 RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. Fisher ctz Bro 160 bbls. Pool tt Bro 120 " 720 ' I J. Wilkins A. W. Raymond SO " E. H. Long 400 " McKelvy & Bro • 800 " G. S. Thomas 130 " Pennock & Beeson SO Citizens Oil Co go 41 . R. T. Leech 80 " Total 2,630 bbls. OIL SHIPPED EAST ET a. T. R. Citizens Ref. Co., 507 labia refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil 'Works 295 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett; L. & S. 202 bbls refined to W. to. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. M. Kohler & Co., 45U bbla oil to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Total Refined 1,454 OIL SHIPMENTS PER WEST PENNA. R J. H. Speer & Co. 100 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co. , Philadelphia. Mentzer, Hepler & Co., 407 bbls ref. to to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Rasiston & Waring 370 bbls ref. oil to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. • Total shipments Relined 377 OIL SHIPPED EAST AT DUQUESNE DEPOT. _ Brooks, Ballentine & Co., 52 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Hutchh,on Oil & Refined Cc., 223 bbls to Warden, Frew ,t Co. PhiladelPha. Total Refined... 230 PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OYFIcE OF PITTEEETAH GAZETTE, t MODDAX, August, 30 1869. The general markets are moderately . active, with a fair volume of business in the aggregate, but devoid of anything • new or really important. The demand for almost everything is confined mainly to supplying immediate wants, while in regard to values, there are no essential changes. • APPLES—DuII, with a supply in ex cess of the demand; sales at sl@3 per bbl, as to quality. BERRIES—AImost out of season— but very few offering. BUTTER--Sales of good -to strictly prime, at 20@25. CHEESE—fIay be quoted at 15g17 cents—the outside figure for New York gcshen. CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment is quoted at 5.2,25 per bul. CARBON OlL—Still quoted at 27g28 for round lots, and 29G30 in a small way. EGGS—Demand better and supply light; we row quote at IC@l7. • FEATHERS=DiaII; quoted at 5061185 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR—Is quiet with only a moder ate local demand, and prices remain un changed. Sales- of winter and spring wheat flours at $7@7,50 per bbl, with but little inquiry for the' latter. GRAlN—Wheat is doll, and cannot be fairly quoted above 51,35. Oats quiet. may be quoted at 46@47 on spot, 45 to arrive, and 50 in store. Rye 51,15. Corn dull: Barley 51,2001,25. HAY—Is being sold from country wagons, at $15@20. lißilicvnszEs—Axe still quoted, in a jobbing way, at 51,23@1,25. HEMP—Very dull, $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 234@3•cts per pound. LlME—White Lime is quoted atsl,so, and Cleveland at $2,60 per bbl. LARD OIL—F. Sellers ,SE Co. quote Extra No. 1, atl,43,land No. 2, ats 1,05 g. 1,08 MELONS—SaIes at $18®27 per 100, as to size r -condition and quality. POULTRY—SaIes of spring chick ens, at 50@55 per pair. PROVISIONS—Market easier, and Hams are lower, We now quote as follows: Shoulders, 15%; Ribbed sides, 18%: Clear do, 19; Sugar Cured Hams, 23; Dried Beef, 22 ;Lard, 203, in tierces, and 21% in buckets; ; Mess Pork 434 @3-1,50. POTATOES—SaIes of sweets at ss@6 per bbl. The outside figure for Jerseys. PEANUTS—Have still further ad vanced, and we now quote at 15. . PLUMS—QUOted at 5 8@9 per case, or 0,50 per bushel. PEARS-4)2@3 per bbl. PEACHES—SoId at from $1,50 to 1,75 per box. SEEDS—There is nothing doing in Clover or Flaxseeds. Small eales of Timothy at $4,75. SALT—Is quoted at $1,75 byto load, and $2 for small lots in Sre.the car TALLOW—Rendered quoted at 101,5. Live Stock Markets. NEW - YOBS, August 30.—The excite- ". meat of to-day was the grand opening of -- the Weehawken Yards with 1,600 head of cattle. The drovers and butchers had a jolly time, champagne flowing freely. The 'Yards are yet incomplete but are admirably located, and when finished will be very fine.- There were also 1,790 head of cattle at Communipaw, and trade was lively at both places, prices being 340 better than on Friday, the best cattle selling at 1634 c, and the poorest at lie, most of the sales being between 13 1 - :" . ' and 15%c, averaging_ 143 4 c. The qual ity was variable, there being sev eral very fine Kentucky droves of fat cattle and an equal number of Tex ans. A drove of one hundred: Ken tucky of 7y, cwt. brought 153,®16%c, and a drove of ninety-four Texans of 6 cwt. 12c. Total of beeves 6,550; or 1,000 more than last , week. The market closes firm with all sold. Total of sheep, 31,550 head, with 8,300 to-day; the trade is active for fat lambs, which are scarce, and worth 8(4834c; a lot of 86 pound lambs brought * 4 9c., Sheep are unchanged. Receipts of .hogs: 21.000 were in 44 cars to-day; live - are worth _93 . .i®03i0, and dressed 12X(4 1234 c; one car of Illinois of one honored and eighty-four pounds brought 9,4 c. Plitranar.rwa, August 30.-=Beeves in fair demand and firmer, with sales of 1,750 head at 9®9340 for extra western steers, 7©8340 for good do., and 5136340 ' gross for common. Sheep' dull, with sales 0r , 1,004 he:iv:l'l4l66o gross:- Hogs 25®50c lower, with sales of 8,000. head at slB._VO@V*4 for- , 6 10 1 ) 1 03 ;,,a 1 4 .181,0,0 R 14,50'forcoraed, hitter for choice. .. 01310ACid.1 August 31-Cattle steady end fairlyy, active for thetest grades'and •• ljUigt and 154_5(4 . , 4 3.25 for comma' Cherokee isteers. , ;WAR @lo,23.iiet.,..thit.trobreatere,teind, 7,501 b good to.-.choice shipping steeliV Hop dull, at '149,75 for fide to choice,