The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 31, 1869, Image 1

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FOUR O'CLOCK; a. .171.
(By re:egrspb to toe Title:alma Gazette.)
LONDON, August: 30.—The _Vales says
there is much n iieiy with 'respect to .
French intelligence. Napoleon was cer
bard" iit, but none spoke of any immi
',abut ditigai. There was the tmost tut
taidnies in - Parisian siSciety, a • On the
bourse the panic was intense on Thurs
day,-and hais been so since, though the
alarm is now subsiding. The news is
still confused and contradictory, and
• public opinion , refuses 'to be reas•
sand,. We have no wish to lay
great stress on the Emperor's indisposi
tiob, but we hardly believe the rumors
Are the reaultof stook strategems, but
'do not think any' good in the end can
be served by the stn bborn denial of the
fact -of the Emperor's sickness. It is
not • without. reason that physicians
attend at St. Cloud daily. It is satisfao•
tory to hear that he is able to transact
Anaust • 30.—Evening.—The
reports from ,•Paris of the. Emperor's
health continue reassuring. The Inde
pendence Beige asserts that the Emperor
Napoleon - is confined to . his bed by a
chronic malady, but that the present at
tack is' not of , an alarming character.
It is reported from Rome that fifty
biahops only have declined to attend the
Ectunenlcal OounclL •
LoNDON,August 30.—The Times has
a leader day on the late Anglo Amer
ican boat race, in the course of which it
-says the issue of this match is 'no inapt
illustration of the difference between the
two nations. The Englishmen were
heavier than the Halyards, but it re
mains doubtful to which side the balance
of strength inclined. As for gallantry, en
ergy and pluck the flarvarOS showed an
example we may humbly hope to equal,
but cannot excel. The victory was of
education. Here the advantage was all
on our side. We live - a close life; the
competition is sharper. The lessons
passed are serving and exact. The mar
gin of our lives is so narrow that every
possible economy of strength is utilized. .
Rowing with us is a science, developed
by , men , who make it their bu
einess, and knew that in contests the
slightest wrinkle told. Thus the Oxford
knew precisely where to abstain as well
as where as to abound._ The advantage
is not without drawbacks, for nations,
like men, should have a reserve of nat
endowments, so tie to be better able
to meet the days when the progress of
others is equalized in the benefits of
ExeurbiODS were made yesterday by
the Irish citizens of London to Hampton
Court and Gravesend. At both places
the excursionists organized meetings at
- which appeals were Made to the Govern
- - ment for an amnesty to the Fenians now
under conviction.;
The suspension of a bank in Vienna is
announced. name not yet ascertained.
LoNnox, August 30.—Mr. Mayo, form•
erly of Newport, was yesterday shot and
_killed. The assassination is regarded as
.an agrarian ontlago. The muruerer le
not yet arrested. e
LONDON, August 30.--Authentic de
tails of the war in Paraguay are received.
No operations have been attempted by
the allies against the forces of. Lopez in
the mountains, nor have the Paraguayans
offered any opposition to Gen. Partena'e
marsh on Villa Rica. The chief position
of Lopez in the Cordilltris commands
such a view that no movement of the
alliescan pass unseen by him.
LONDON, August 30.—Mr. Stuart, Brit
ish Minister to the Argentine Confedera
tion, in a dispatCh dated Banos Ayres,
-July i:6th, says: Gen. McMahon, late
Minister for the United States to Para
guay, had arrived there. He reported
he left the British subjects who were in
- the service of . Lopez in good health, well
. satiated with their condition and treat
ment, and not , at all anxious to leave
the - country. He brought with him
a considerable sum of money from them
- for parties in Eogiand and the United
States, and states that in some cases
President Lopez made them advances to
• enable them to provide for their friends
at home. _
General was to .leave soon
for England, bearing letters and mes
sages he had been commissioned to de
VIENNA, August 80.--Baron Baest to.
day closed the session of the. Austrian .
and Hungarian delegations. In his
:epeech he announced he was authorized
- to give the. Euiperor's sanction to the
resolutions they had respectively adopt
ed.' Be said their Proceedings would fix
attention upon foreign affairs and con
-tribute to the maintenance of peace.
PARIS, August 30.—The following is
official: _ •,Thecondltion of the Emperor
grows more and more satisfactory."
The regulations for the navigation , of
Suez Canal are published. They stay)
that the canal will be open to vessels of
all nationalities, with draught of lesi
than seven and a half metres.
..01 , 143, August .5, via. if-NDQN.
August 80.=Tharoports of,the massacre -
Obrist l isn missionaries lthe province
•ctf Zeichnen are contirmed. Twenty are
, t known to have been - killed by the popu.
- lace.- The - Pekin government has insti
-Anted inquiries concerning the outrages.
Pcsait, August 30.—The Supretiie
-Court has approved the impeachment of
'Prince Karageorgewich for the assassi
nation of the late Prince of Servia, but
bas permitted him, under heavy bail, to
Ileavd his prison in order to_ prepare his
. MADRID, Atteiist 80.-41Eln. Print has
f . -had no interview with.-Nitpoleoni bat has
been promised an audience as soon as the
latter recovers from his illness.
Gen. INnierdo has resigned the office
of Captain Geni3ral of New Castle.
LoNnos, , August U.—The steamers
Upton, Colorado, Bellona and'Caledonia,
from New York, have arrived out.
• •
LONDON, August SO.—Evening.—Con
sots 93%; account 93%®93%. Five-twen
ty bands: '62s, 83%; '66a, 83%; '67s, 8/%;
10-403. 76%; 1 62 s at frankfort 88%; Erles,
22%; Illinois, 74%. Stocks quiet; French
relates 711. 92c.
LivEnrooi., August SO.—Cotton easier;
uplandi 1334 d; Orleands - 13,( 1 @133rd:
sales of 6.000 bales, including 2,000 bales
for speculation and export. California
white wheat 103. 8(1.031.08. 9d; red west
ern 9s. sd. Western flour 24a. 6d. Corn
30s. 6d. Oats Ss. 6d. Peas 44e. Pork
Ib7s. 6d. Beef 90s. Lard 775. Cheese
61s. 61. Bacon 665. 66.
LONDON, Angruit SO.—Tallow 468. 6d.
Spirits turpentine 265. 6d. ®26s. 9d. Pe.
troleum at Antwerp 65Xf. Cotton at
Havre 162%f.
[By Te:egraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
WASHINGTON, August 30, 1869.
The President will return to Washing
ton to-morrow morning and a Cabinet
meeting will be held. All the members,
excepting Messrs. Hoar, Boutwell and
Robeson are expected. Mr. Field will
attend as the representative of the At
torney General and Judge Richardson as
that of the Treasury Department.
The internal revenue receipts to-day
amounted to 5937,000.. .
Secretary Rawlins is much better. He
was at the Department to-day.
The ' , base ball match between the
Olympics, of Washington, and the Ath
letics, of Philadelphia, resulted in favor
of the Athletics. Score: 30 to 28.
George Peabody passed through Wash
ington tonight on his way to Baltimore.
Negroes Driven from Plantations by
Lawless White Men—Planters seek
fug Protection.
[By 3 elegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
NAgIEVILLE, August 311 Yesterday
and to day nearly one hundred negroes
have come to this place from the neigh
borhcod of Rutherford county. and they
report that they have been driven away
from home by lawless white men. These
negroes have been working on shares
with planters, and they as well as the
planters will lose heavily if they are not
protected in securing the crops. A well
known planter from that --neighbor
hood, which makes about three hundred
tales of cotton, has been threatened by
the regulators, and was here to-day to
see what can be done to protect himself
and the negroea'in his employ. Bands
of lawless white men are operating also
in Sumner county, visiting negro cabins
and taking their occupants out and
whipping them. The men engaged in
this business are wholly irresponsible,
will not work themselves and desire to
prevent others from enjoying the fruits
of their labor. General Banter's Procla
mation warning them may have some
effect, but it is probable the planters will
have to form combinations for self pro
tectlon. •
CBI Telegraph to thenttsburiti
Narw YORK, August 30,1869.
President - errant passed through this
afternoon for Washington.
Slightly increased rates of freight have,
been adopted by the Erie and New York
Central routes, viz: to Chicago 43
cents, Cincinnati 40, Louisville sb, and
St. Louis 58, all the way by rail.
The skirt and shawl factory of Wm.
Hoffman. at Tremont. Westchester
county, employing three hundred hands.
was burned yesterday. Loss f60,000;-in
surod for 850,000. , •
The Pall Mall 'Gazelle reports that in
one large village in Russia seventeen
hundred persons, members of .a new
fanatical sect,- burned themselves to
The steamship France, from Liverpool,
has arrived.
Latest from Cuba.
Sy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
HAVANA, August 30.—Lettets froM
the jurisdiction of Colon state that th 3
insurgents have left that quarter, going
eastward, and taking witn them alt the
slaves of the San Antoine estate. The
Governor of Sava La Grande surprlied
the insurgents at Encruckeda and killed
twelve of them.
A to drum is , ordered to be sntiglin the
churches of Puerto Principe for the dis
appearance of the cholera.
Captain Urcola, with one hundred
men, killed ten insurgents and took
thirteen prisoners near Cnbatas, in the •
Ittrisdiction of Puerto Principe.
The Dtario, in its editorial, semi
monthly review of the situation , for the
Spanish steamer, regrets its inability to
send flattering notices regarding the
' suppression of the insurrection, but reit
erates the statement that the Spaniards
are completely in the ascendancy in
seen jurisdictions of the Eastern and
Central Departments.
Great Excitement In the Anthracite Coal
C By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh euette. ) ,
Scatorrox, Pa.. August,3o.—Prom one
thousand to fifteen hundred meu from
the coal fields' north and south of £his
city arrived here to-day - E by: rail and
wagons. Their avowed purpose is to
prevent the coal miners of the Delaware,
I..ackawanna and Western Railroad
Company continuing at work. They and
now holding a second meeting, but ha e
taken no forcible action thus far. A.
meetint(of 1
citizens has been called the
Mayor to protect the miners, and volun
teers are' fast. enrolling. A meeting os
the Select Council Is called for this after
i. Much excitement prevails.
V Base Ball. at Wheeling.
tßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gszecte.l
WitERVING, W.VA.. August 80.—The
match game of base ball between the
Haymakers, of Lansingburgh, and tbe
Baiting, of thin city; was , witnessed by
two thousand people. The game was
called at the close of the sixth innin, to
enable the Haymaker* to leave o n the
SP. 3t. train, the - score standing 50 to 10
in favor of the Haymakers.' • •
PITTSBM{GH, „AUGUST '- :31, 1869.
Regular •Meettog—Petltlons--Remon .,
staneer--li e sot in lons—Reports of Com
mittees and ors mautei—Water Eaten
sion—Rtrenchment aud . Reform—&c.
A regular meeting of the Sele4t and
Common Councils of the city of Pitts
burgh, was held yesterday. (Monday),
August 30th, at two o'clock, P. 1.
Select Council.
Members present:. Messrs.., _ .. taa,,
Ahlborn, Armstrong t Brown, Bargwin,L
Coffin, Craig, Edwnrds, Galiaber, Gross,
Hallman, "Hartutap, Zones, Kane,
Kehew, Kirk, Leeman, Lit tell, Lloyd,
Marshall, Morrow, MulTaY,,MiClelland,
McEwen, McMabon,.„Pkillips, Rafferty,
Reese, Rush, Schniffit, Bohlly Shipton,
Torrens, S. J. Wainwxigl4 7 Z. Wain.
Wright, Watson. White and Lam.
On motion of Mr Brown Dir. Gross
was called to the chair ..
The minutes 'of the proceeding meet
ing were read and apmeed.
Mr., Murray .
_presented a petition fbr
the opening of Ronp street, aeoonspaisied
by an ordinance providing for the same.
The petition was received and the
ordinance read three times and paste.
Mr. Brown presented a oifitititin asking
for the opening of Federal street from
Wylie street to Webster avenue; tecom
panied by an ordinonce providing for
the same. The petition was received.
Mr. Rafferty moved thatihe ordinance
lay over for thirty days.- The- motion
was adopted.
Mr. Collin presented a. petition for
grading and
tongpavi Diamond street from
the Diamond Libeeet, accom
panied by an ordinance authorizing the
same. The petition was received and
the ordinance read three times end passed
under a suspension of the rules. , •
Also, a petition for a sewer on Dia
mond street. Referred to Committee on
Streets and Sewers.
Mr. Torrens presented a petitibn foils
sewer on 'Fourth avenue, froM Market
to Ferry street. Referred to Committee
on Streets and Sewers. ..
Mr. Watson, an ordinance fixing the
place of holding elections in the Six
teenth ward. •-
The ordinance was read • three times
and passed.
Mr. Scully, an ordinance regulating the
sale of petroleum or burning oil.
Passed to a second reading and laid
over undertthe rules.
Mr. Burgwin presented a report from
the Ordinance Committee relative - to the
collecting of vehicle license from resi
dents of the city who reside in the rural
-districts, and are required to pay toll to :
- reach the central 'part Of the city. Ac
companying which was an ordinance re
lieving said citizens from paying such
Mr- Shipton moved tolay theordinance
on the table.
Mr. Burgwin caUed for the yeas and
nays, which resulted as follows: Yeas,
9; nays, 27. So the motion was-lost.
Mr. Burgwin moved to suspend the
rules in order to_ pass the ,ordinance
finally, which was adopted. -
The ordinance was then passed finally.
Mr. Brown presented a petition for the
laying of gas pipe on CrawfOrd street.
Referred to the Gas Committee.
Mr. Brown, Chairman of the Ordinance
Committee, presented the reportiof the
Committtee, accompanied by the follow
ing ordinances:
An ordinance relating to carts and car
riages standing on streets. Read three
times and passed. .
An ordinance relative to the eats of
salt. Laid over under the rules.
An ordinance requiring bill posters to
procure a license. Read three times
and passed.
An ordinance relating to tho construc
tion of awnings. Read three limes and
An ordinance creating the effi3e of
Milk Inspector and regulating the sale
of milk. Read a second time and laid
over, and ordered to be published one
An ordinance relating to dogs. Laid
on the table.
An ordinance relative to the eonstrue-
Lion of an iron-clad building. Referred
to the Committee on Wooden Buildings.
Mr. White presented a petition for
water mains on Miltenberger street. Re
ferred to the Water Committee.
Mr. Phillips presented a report from
the Committee on City Property, recom
mending the opening. of Forty-tbird
street, accompanied by a resolution re
commending the adoption of the report
of viewers on said street. •
The report was accepted.
Mr. Kirk opposed the 'confirmation of
the report.
Mr. Phillips substituted an ordinance
instead of the resolution to have the
street graded and paved from Butler
street to the City Station House, a dis
tance of one square.
The ordinance was read three times
passed. ,
Mr. Morrow I presented the report of
the Committee on City Printing, relative
to the bill of Errett, Anderson it Co., for
•printing the City Digest, which. was ac
accompanied by a resolution' instructing
the Controller to certify a warrant in
favor of the said firm for the ,sum of
v,p5.50. Also that the controller be'
instructed to furnish eaclioity °Meer, not
siipplied, with a copy of the Digest.
The report was accepted anti the react
intlitodadtipted. • ,
Mr. Burgwin presented a resolution
relative to the election on the Psxkquen;
tion, providing that if the citizens decide
AO have 'ePark that Saldl'aili 'Shall not
be situated at a greater distance than two
and one half miles from the courthouse.
Mr. Hallman moved to lak-tikeiresOlu•
tion on the table. Adopted.
Mr. Phillips, from the i'inanoe Com
mittee, presented the report-of the Con
troller, of which the following is a
fr . om r a ig s ts o r_voul des " $473,662 09
Water Bonds
and accrued Ini.erent
Total $366.655,0
Paid on warrants ...... .....$437,658.60
• by order of Finance
Committee 820.43711458,379 03
SW/MCC On - hand $105.276.44
The report was received ;and a rewiu-
Mon authorizing the payment oisundry
bills was adopted.
NEW MAINZ wolucs.
Mr. Cotßo presented the report of the
water Committee; relative to the eon
st,rtietiiin'ots new Water works room.
mending the adolition of the report of
Milner 'Roberts, Esq., previously pub
lirhed, accompanied by an ordinance
providing for the purchase of lands for a
Mr/Phillips moved that the ordinance
lay over for one month and that the
Committee be instructed to emp'oy the
best engipeer they a find to survey
the McnaNigatiela rive and make report
as to theiadaptiitiOn of that stream for a
water siply n
A'len to Miami ensued, after
which ,lii! . n °brained the fol
lowing: - - -,• - •
ReadtlekcThisl the report be recom
mittedltO•ttie Com ttee with instrite.
tions ,10-'repoat th e reasons for and
against tbakenition o the Reservoir on
Um hiOnoogahela rive , with. a view to.:
%Matt:dint oar !amply water from that
river,, and , that they call in tha aid or
competeM.engineers and chemists for
the purPoseof obtaining information on
the stiltreict, and that Councils bold aim
sten 011ie dill of the Committee to hear
sad Onside, theta report.
.1 1,
r tonlia farther discu s sion the
qu on , ..yrae called on Mr. Burgwin's
resod tiopk,
/3e 1%.,a %rote was taken Mr. Wain.
wrig % Moved to lay the resolution on
the iliblicyrnich motion revelled.
Ilifr. -Haft= 'moved the ordinance
rattily , eitilhe purchase of a site for the
!Wider %dirks be read three times and
,Mr. Phillips objected. -
Mr. Heilman wen gloved a suspension
or the rules. i
Mr. Hartman cant the yeas and nays
With the fbilowing
Yaws—Messrs. AhlOm. , . Armstrong,
Brown, Cahn, Edwards, GitrL.; , er, Gross,
Hallman, Jones, Kebew, Kirkittell,
Lloyd, Marshall, Morrow, Mcolleland,
McMahon. Bees, Scully, Shipton, J.
Wainwright, Z. Wainwright, Wstsu...
White, Zern-25.
Nays—Messrs. Ahl. Burgwln, Craig,
Hartman, Kane, Laufman, Murray, Mc-
Ewen, Phillips, Rafferty, Schmidt, Tor-.
rents . -12. •
So the rules were not suspended.
Mr. Phillips offered the following:
BuseWed, That the Water Committee
be requested to procure the best Engin
eering ability to examine the Mononga
hela river as to its supply, and submit
the water of all streams to a ockupetent
chemist and report the annalysis of the
same at the earliest possible date.
Mr. Edwards moved to lay the resoln
tion on the table. -
Mr. Phillips•called the yeas and nays,
with the folloWing result:
Ayes: Messrs. Ahiborn, &rmstrong,
Brown, Cka a, Edwards. Gross, Hallman,
Jones,- Kehew,
Kirk, Littell. Marshall,
Morrow, McClelland„ Rees.
Shipton. Wainwright; S. J., Wainwright,
Z.. White; Z3rn.-21
Nays: Messrs. Ahl, Burgwlu, Craig,
'Gallaher, Hartman, Kane, Laufman,
Murray, MbEwen. Phillips, Rafferty,
Schmidt, Scullyi Torrents. and Watson.
So the resolution was laid on the table.
Mr. Kirk presented an ordinance rela
tive to the opening of Forty-third street,
repealing .ardinances providing for the
Read three timeePand passed under a,
suspension of the rules.
Mr. McMahon presented a remon
strance against the opening of Hatfield
street, in.the Seventeenth ward, accom
panied uy an ordinance repealing an or
dinance providing for the opening of
said street. Read three times and pass
ed under a suspension of the rules.
Mr. Jones presented a petition for the'
opening of Crescent street, accompanied
by an ordinance. The pen,tion was re
ceived and the ordinance read three)
times and passed, under a suspension of
the rules.
Also a petition far opening an alley in
Reiss dc Berger's plan of lots, in the Thir
teenth ward. Referred to Committee on
Mr. Brown presented an ordinance rel
ative to markets, repealing section eigh
t, en of an ordinance regulating markets.
Read once and laid over under the rules.
Mr. Gallagher presented a resolution
instructing the Mayor to have the Yark
tickets distributed. Adopted.
Mr. Morrow presented tile following
Resolved, r itat the City Engineer be
instructed - to prop. A . -d at once to pave
Fifth avenue nail have it placed in a
passable condition. Adopted.
Mr Rafferty moved to reconsider. the
action of council on the motion to sus
pend the rules to pass the ordinance pro
viding for the purchase of a Rimier water
works. Adopted.
Mr. M'Clelland - then moved a sus
pension of the rules and the passage of
the ordinance.
Mr. Phillips called•for yeas and nays.
The motion. requiring a three font:is
vote, to suspend the rules, was - defeated
by a vote of 23 for to 8 against.
On motion of . Mr, Burgwin council
Common Connell.
Convened at the usual hour. Presi
dent Tomlinson In the . Chair.
Present, Messrs. Albeitz, Anderson,
Ardary, Barr, Barton, Batchelor, Bell,
Berger, Black, Boggs, Booth, Carroll,
(lase, Chislett, Bain, Dattb, Durmast)),
Fleming. Garner,
Glidenfenney, Hare,
Houston Hutchison, Jahn, Jamison,
Jones, Lanaban McCandless, McCarthy,
McKelvy, ldcMasters, Meyer, Moore,
Morgan, Morton, - Palmer. Pearson, Pen
ney. Potts, Rebman, Reed. Rook, Race.
well. Sims, Scott, 'Verner, Vick,'yV,augh
ter, WeisenberPr,.Woltion. Welsh, Wil
son, Tomlinson, President.
Minutes of preceding meeting' read
and approved
Mr. Welsh , presented a petition for a
gas lamp on Grant street and Strawberry
alley. :Referred to the Committee on
Mr. gefiarthy, petition from W. Moore
and. W. IL Ward for exoneration from
newer assessment. Referred to Street ,
Mr. Case, resolution for laying of water
pipe on Miltenberger street. •If there
was? a sufficient number of residents' to
justify the same for the work. Passed.
Mr. McCandless. a - petition for water
on Kellithrell alley, Eleventh Ward. Re
ferred to Water Comailtt3e, with power
92 792.78
to aot. ,
Also, a petiticiii. for gas letups on Ar•
thorn and Overbill streets. Referred, to
Committee on Gas.
Also, a petition for lingetone crossing
on Wylie street extension. at its intersec
tion with Arthur. Referred to Street
Committee with power to sot.
Mr. Meßelyy, a resolution instructing
the' Street Committee to advertise for
proposals; for grading and paving Twenty.
seventh street from Penn street to Alio-- marked 1,110, weighed 1,070, a difference
gheny river. Auupted. lof forty pounds against the city. One
Mr. Wattehter. a petition for charge of marked 1,620, weighed 1,570, a differ
grade of Webster avenue, Thirteenth ence of fifty-six pounds against the city.
Ward. Referred to {Street Codamittee They also weighed three eight inch
with power to act. pipes on - his scalds, upon watch the
Mr. Scott, a petition for gas lamp :marks were in a great measure des-
Forty fifth street. Referred to Gas Corn- troyed; and from his son, who attempted
mittee. to decipher them, found that they
Also, a remonstrance against opening weighed from four to six pounds more
of Spruce alley, Seventeenth Ward. than they were marked. These last
Referred to Committee on Streets. pipes were not made or marked for de-
Also, petition for gas lamp on Fortieth livery to the city. '-
street. Referred to Gas Committee. The Committeelearneit with pain that
Also, petitionfbr ninnbering houses on an attempt had been made to thwart
Fortieth street: Referred to Street Com- them in these iniestigationa,Ahe Asses
imittee. ger of Water Rents having
,been notified
Mr. Pearson,: petition for change of that he would be discharged if he gave
grade on Fortieth street. Referred to your Committee any: ifilbruistion,nr al-
Street Committee. • lowed them to examine any books or
Also, resolistlon for laying gas main on papers in his office. Examining books or
Forty-think street. Referred to Gas papers was out •of the. gsiestion. The
Coramittse. former Assessor of Waterßents had re
Also, fbritis lamp on Forty-fifth street, moved ell books and papers nelonging to
corner of Butler. Referred to Gas COM- the city, and tey could - not be found
mittee. • until he chose t return them, on the 23d
Also, resolution for water pipe on For- instant.
ty-thiid street.• Referred to Water Com- Your Comm ttee would- recommend
mittee. that in future; everysciVs officer, on re- -
Mr. Barton, remonstrance against as- tiring, shall be compelled to hand' over
sessmentsof damages for widening Penn forthwith' all papers and books .in his
street, late Greensburg pike. Received possession belonging to, or in any way
and filed - pertaining to the business of the city.
Tns BTRBET DEPARTMENT. - Your Committee would. also call your
attention to the v ry loose manner in
Mr. Weldon presented the reportof the which contracts , e made between the
Street Committee, as follows:
city and persons tO furnish articlea,,lbr
“Your Committee on Streets would the use of the city. The contract for
report the following ordinances: One in p ipes does not' specify any. weight per
relation to, alleys twelve feet wide; One ' A for the various' diameters used by
for opening Filth avenue to its full width the city, and we find that some of the
between • Dinwiddie and Jummonville twenty inch pipe varSo from '2,940
streets; one for widening the sidewalk on to 2,675 pounds. This ,should not
Fortieth street; one for opening Denny he. if the 2,575 pound is good
street; one for grading. and paving water pipe of twenty inch sham-
Twenty-second street; one relieving the eter, then the city is paying three cents
Pittsburgh. Oakland and East Liberty per pound for 300 peunds more iron than
Passenger Railway Company from keep- ie necessarv, and if 2,510 is the right
tug, the streets clean and in repair; one 'weight, then the city is paying for pipes
1- change of grade of Webster avenue: hat are not good and will _not awer
one-flr partial grading of Cooper street." t he
purpose for which they ae i' int ended.
The svesrt was accented. It does not appear to be the duty of
Thoth lance relative to authorizing any person to test or weigh the pipes
the Street Claelmittee* to take charge of made and delivered to the city. so that
all alleys Okay° feet wide; cleaning, each one shall stand the pressure for
grading, pavinsiknd keeping them in which :Alley are intended, and see - that
proper order, was •jaid over under the the city is not wronged. The contractor
rules, Mr. Penney oiocting. sends any and every kind, and no one
The ordinance releasing ,the Pitts- looks after theinterest of the city.
burgh, Oakland and },;pt Liberty Pas. Your Committee would recommend
senger Railway from keeping the streets that the farther extension of water pipes
along their line in good order for the in the new city districts be discontinued,
period of five years was lel& on the table. .as the present water supply is made-
All the remaining ordinances reported guate; and it is, we believe, a useless ex
by the Street Committee were read penditur e of money upon which the tax
three times and passed, under a stispen- payers have to' pay seven per oentum
stow of the rules. per annum. We therefore offer the fel-
Mr. Case offered a resolution instruct- lo wing
lug the Street Committee ei direct the '''Resolved, That the Water Committee
contractor to have repaved that portion be hes -ucted to discontinue the Wen*
of Fifth (late Pennsylvania) i'venue torn sten of water mains in the new city :die
m) by the construction of tht,3 sewer in tracts; and the Finance Committee-'die
thei::lrti_iotteetiotteperoce' : proce ed thorouhfare. • -entiptieshe sale of Water : Loan bonds,
Tss . :i i nntl: your Co mmittee This resolution provoked soCt-z, eats assumed by the w -sui unties debtii now'
Mors during which Mr. Weld
man of the dtreet Committee,
object of the proposed ordinance kw. r investi gatio ns of venous matte s
bad been laid on the table) relieving the t hey resp
passenger railway from tae liability to - • dies -
keep the street in repair for a period of
five years, was to heve the thoroughfare,
for the distance torn up by the construc
tion of the sewer. repaved from curb to
curb, and placed in good condition ,
. the
company expressing a willingness to
make the improvement in consideration
of the relief extended. 01 herwise, the
contractor being obliged only to replace
the street as lib found it, the _repaying
would amount to nothing more than a
patched-up job.
Mr. Case stated it was absolutely ne
cessary the street should bo repaired
without delay, the construction of the
sewer, and also the necessary relaying
of the passenger railway track, rendering
it in a very bad condition, unsafe for ve
hides. He understood the contractor
was awaiting instruction from . _ the
Street Couarnittee..
The resolution, after verbal amend
ment, was finally passed.
Mr. Chisiett, chairman of the Survey
Committee, presented the plan - for the
alteration of Liberty avenue. Laid over.
Also plan for Bonfield avenue. Laid
over. Also for the adoption 'of Ling
street, Fifteenth ward, accompanied by a
petition and ordinance for grading of the
same to a width of forty feet, from
Greensburg Pike to Pennsylvania -
Railroad. Plan adopted and ordinance
read three times and passed.
Mr. Anderson called up the plan of
Bellfield avenue, laying out the same to
a width of sixty feet. The plan was then
Mr. Chislett also offered a plan of Kel
ley's lot `near' Wilkinsburg. Laid over.
The next business in order was
reports from the special committees.
Mr. Morgan presented thereport of the
Committee on Retrenchment and Re
form, which be said had been signed by
a majority of the members of the Com
mittee. The report was as follows:'
GENTLEMEN—Your Committee on Re
trenchment and Reform, beg leave, most
respectfully, to submit the following as,
their second report: • -
From various sources rumors reached
your Committee that inegularities had
been committed by the contractor to
furnish the city with water pipe and mis
cellaneous castings, and your Ommittee
investigated these rumors. They em
ployed men and horses, and hauled four
pipes, twenty inches in , diameter, -taken
indiscriminately from a number that had .
been dente red to the city, and were ly
ing oil Butler strew, had them weighed...
by,the City Weightnaeter, at the Forty
third street scales, and found,them to
average 2,66S4ousas. , -
They then, took the'Weight 'of, 285 pipes
as cnarged bjethe contractor upon bills;
on die in the office of the City Ausessor
of Water Rents, and ascertained that the
centre:nor had charged each pipe at 2,852
pounds. which is 134 pounds= per pipe
more than the average of the pipes we
weighed. •
The Committee then weighed six eight-.
inch pipes lying on Second avenue, and
found them to , averege.,6B4 pounds,,,
whereas the weight of 147 pipes as - por •
bills on file in the office of the City As-,
sesser; charged by the contractor to the
eity,'avennres 720 pounds, making a dit
ferenceof 56 pounds upon- each ptpeof
eight-!nch diameter and twelve feet long.
Your Committee eleo . , , weighed two,
twenty inch water pipe on the anktraor
tor's private- scales, at his works.. One
of the pipes was marked 2,838 pounds,
and weighed 2,820 pounds, a difrerence
of sixteen pounds against the city. One
marked 2,850 poimds, weighed 2850;
this is the only pipe that the weight i3or
responded with the marks.' Thretelt
teen inch pipes, one of them marked ,
1,685, weighed 1,01. a diffennese oi, four
teen pounds against the city.' One
~...„M.r' ask.
pow co, delegate to
them your poWel - to send for persona
and papers and issue subpinnas to com
pel their atttendry,ce, which you have -
authority to do by section twenty-sixth
of the act of Assembly, approved April
7, 1867. We therefore ask the passage of
the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Mayor be requested
to issue such subpcesas as may be re
quired by the Committee on Retrench
ment and Reform in their Investigations
of Matters pertaining to the business of
the city.
A third resolution authoriz - d the Oorn
mittde to go to,the ezpo. , ss necessary to
take up water pipe laid in the new dis
tricts cuing the , vreient year, for the
purpcse of atcertaining tho weight
After reading the repo , Mr. Morgan
asked that the rotes he pended and
the resolutions passed. -7-1
Mr. Penney objected to. taking them
together. They were different in in-
I tent, and he thought it better to -con
sider them seriatim. -, ' ' •
Toe President suggested that the re
port must be received Were anything
else. . , ,
On motion, the report was received,
and .
The rules were accordingly suspended,
anode discussion on the passage ofthe
resolutions ensued.
Mr. Barton _ thought it was a mistake
about the insufficient supply' of water,
and he could see no use of stopping the
.laying of the pipe. He, however, had
no objection to the Committee's investi
gations, but wished to have the laying of
the water pipe continue. .
Mr. Chislett said it would (lost a great
deal more to stop these contracts now,
as in many places the trenched were dug
and the pipes on the ground - ready to be
laid. • '
Mr. Barton moved to amend by re
ferring the resolution to f the Water
Mr. Weldon 'said the . Water Corn
mitte had anticipated the intent of the
resolution bytheir action, 83 mentioted
In the report. •
Mr. Case said he had been informed
that e 860,000 had been expended in
laying these pipes. which could not be
tilled with the present water supply.
It seemed as if the water. wits very
scarce, judging from its filthy condition.
Mr. Morgan moved the passage of the
first resolution. He said thousands and
thousands of dollars were being expend
ed in laying water pipes in the new chi_
districts which could not be tired for per
haps three or Over years, owing to the
ItmiteCcaseacity of the present water
works. , The citizens were compelled to
pay on thie money seven per cent. which
was rather a heavy burden for nothing.
The water supply of the basin was insuf
'Relent to supply the outer districts, and
'until new works could be built it was a
waste of money to lay the pipes.
Mr Weiden thought by • the new ar
rangement of tapping the water main, all
these pipes Would be tilled hereafter. •
Mr Scott said the citizens of Lawrence
ville were satiefied to pay their taxes,
. and he considered this a, good , evidence
their supply of :wa s, though per
hapanct as large as they deeized, was
still satisfactory, for the vresef t l, on the.
nee# 'arrangement wba , would ed: •
Mr. 'McCandless saidlt was generally
&heeded that the 'present supply of
t water was too small; and he had thought
the laying of new pipes which could not
be filled a useless expense.. He: favored
the construction of a new _water works
before any more new pipe was:laid.
Mr. Hotuiton, thought it • disoourteoui
to pass a resolution of this, kind when the
water Committee hadstopped laying the
pipe. It looked like a censure of them.
Mr. Morgan Reid the Committee ' had.
(Cc as* O moth• Piga)