The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 30, 1869, Image 8

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Cr •
Tam aezErrs is iroWstshect Is. the:city
the six darlefi Ott' lark; for: 35 cents per
week; fin ai4 ft?. per Zino* vi mos., P.
. Our Anegheny Si/bar:num ,
Some complaints having reached 'us
frpm.44eghenv..City of the nondelivery,
or late delivery of the GrezErri, we
have to' - say that.our arrangements are
for ;the delivery of the paper to all. our
43I.SgIieni' inib§cribers at . frOni4s io. 7
ecloc A.: m. If any 'fail of delivery or,
Bs;n f"droppod before 7 o'clock. A. at.;
we wi I thank the subscribers to leave
noti of the delinquency at the office,'
• .. . .
in or r that thd evil may be remedied.
Peaches are unusually plenty in the'
markets. . . ,
The Allegheny Schools will not open
Until next Monday, the sixth of Septem-
, -
The new fountain in the. Allegheny,
Bark, north seat corner, is almost com.
The late lEfamill-COrdter race has de•
veloped the aquatic fever hereabouts
'Ninety-Awe In klie shade on Saturday
was a rather =pleasant indleatibn of
,warm Weather. - • -
City CountUa.—A. regular montfilyi I I I )
Ntdouttitor.CitY Ootturge beixeld St
thleelt P.
Allegher4 is 'rejoicing in her freedom
from conflagrations. - The firemen have
literally nothing to do;
• •
City 'morals are looking up. The lock
up was vacant - yesb4rrday and hat night,
a very unusrial occurrence. ' •
Coal has about , reached the lowest ro
tan tigniea.,Consntnora should note the ,
fact and secure a winter supply; , .
- The Eighth Ward Vigilance Committee
~wiilmeet, at the. School Hopse on Frank
. lin street, on Tuesday evening at 7%
o'clock. < : • • ;
Six poor unfortunates turned up a the
Allegheny Mayor's office yesterday
morning, --the kffects of the Saturday
night's - • •
13cinitetteerer; tt e l jad e v a u d ti v e4 errisi . D _D t flu ti on o si :
ailheatioris , fur a aims
~ o ra n ts, head
are highly "" com mended to tts'__
lfdmled In 'the .. C4:)Urt of raminon
!Tian,- Saturday, on 'motion of 'M. , W.
Acheson, Fag., H. D.-Gamble Esq.,' was
duly 6410111 and admltt.ed to practice.
Important Changes in Ow time tables
the 'Pennsylvania 'Central and West
. ern Pennsylvanlaltailroads are annonno.
ed In onr advertising columns this — morn.
' '
The , SilVt ,Virard :t folioot buildings
have beenitindittol, retaircd and reno
-Tided tbrongtiont,at aeost of over $1,000.'
Prof.` L H.-Elio - 141h° wtirthy • and, effi,
cient Principal, him : been re-elected - for
the ensuing year. •
Yesterday Hazlewood Christian Chapel
was dedicated with appropriate exercise?,
conducted by Bishop Pendleton. The
occasion was quite interesting _and at.
traded a large attendance of the friends
of the,enterprise. _
. _
Fond.* - A - box _ containing a pair of
apotheCarv's scal es, was -recently found
-by,.ens of the MaYeirya, detectives, under
arcntntitances indicating that It:had been
• efnle r: 1 The Owner can recover the same
calling at thew Mayor's office and prov.
ing property:
Comuiltment • Defective.—Wm, Dn.
stein, who was committed to jail on Fn,
day, nn- an -execution - ,attaqtrment and
espies clause awned' by 'Mayor - Drum,
Was released on Saturday , morning 1.,5 ,
the Court, on the ground that , the cont.
mitment Nits defective., . ,
... _.
- -Lee:all pollues in Allegheny are_ begin.
ning to. freshen,_up a little, but it la,not
likely any heavy work , will be done tin
til t ie time for, the - nomination is fixed
bye Executive Committee . The elec.
tiocomes off in October tbiti year, in
accordance with a recent act of Aeiem.
bl • .
The 011 Men on puquesne way take
-kindly to squall* sports. On Saturday
. they received two new. stiffs, which bad
- been ordered a few days ago; for boating
purposes.- The ; shells, are light, and
handaentelypainted, and will, :hereafter
make an attl•actiye appearance as they
glide swiftly through the waters, pro.
polled by-vigorous ilrowista."-
Ttme. n• Saturday
morning about ten ce 0 1001f,43014 0 varnish
tieing heated in the pattern kern of - the
National gain Works, 23rd street, Sud
denly ignited. The names communicated
ton lot of patterns and a Conflagration of
anextensive character scleanditnualnent.
The Independiince Steamer. was secured
and succeeded in extinguishing the
flames before any material damage was
done. : ;Tht'' ) 7 • •
. . .
Market - Thieves.--,Sattirday morning,
a lady residingto 890th Pittsbtuvil,rhad
her poeket - pook: containing three :dol
lars and:some valuable papers stolen, in ,
the Diamond Market. It alledged that
the theft was perpetrated by a boy' who
was distributing bills, She badher,pooket ,
book in her basket and the boy_ppt a
bill Idltheawasket - and' took. the pocket
book Ont." 'Pie thief has not been cap
tured. • • •
The Bigatta--The regatta, previously
ant tettieliti;•«Maki pit Saturday, there
being ~five ;eutries,, „as ; follows* VIM
kirlmes,• Joseph •floott,
Joseph•Raye, ; •.7K. Mid' 'Joseph Jobuiou.
"• 'Kaye was awarded the firstsizti.of 5 0 ,
Johnsouthesecoud'et Wd OB
• -.the •third prize of; ;5.• , .The „ race -wits
• anbitereidlet mitiaud:Wiel,wituesied by
.a =mbar I. of •, persons; Kaysfs
• time Watt g2.1114 1111 es and 15 "Mids. '.•
:Ammo - ptted I , the matter of, the
'petitipn atWllllntrif, Clayton. and :'John
Griffin/ bon for Alderman Lynoh,
1404044:e301004141' the .Carirt of
t 7 cPbainonri:Joipiovii).,,Esq, attor.,l
noy l orAidernalttlaynon. filed an ,at*
1 - - .wer to the patitiOh;..l3sturday. y" dEllying •
in ge,neral the shegationi made by the
petitioners.. sr, 1010t1.934 the answer wall.
tiledLandiiNTa„Vkir‘ Egg-, was appointed
to take. testbitony In' the caner
t . 3 Pliiiiilig .110 1 V f De an ; nlght,
watchman at the Bt. Nlchblaa Tiotelwcor
,- ter of, geurth arenta Intl„Grant , *treat,
7,: 4 ,1eft thothetel en Toeaday twining laid to
bathe , In“the ;Monongahela- riyon.taince
?.. Whtch .ttnioTnOthlng., hie bairateard pf,
--,;-,11,t0ie., as , left ap , considerable amount of. .
clotbl,o at the; porellitd .9rie,i . due him
pi! witpai::,ll.o , was"ahout t iventyrthree :
years - Of - 7figei live and a half faethigh
~ 311114111)11Clar1nOnatachei-hlacri+alfr,ittod
'` re•dairelertiewi'' -.'•-1- f ' ' '' ' IA A. i
---- - - . 14 Fr a rtrA rierl•
litabilgi .
it tot - irea lli;Derosft - Ems-
Pany=kne—liiillgtle sate—The
opening !
In 1867' innber of:gbitlenien of the
city, all capitalists, applied to the State
Legishitiire fors charter to:enable them
to establish in this , oity-,--partly for their
own self-protection and partly for the
benefit of all ;mon i ed ` citizens—a . Safe
~ , •
Deposit Company. " That Binh an mann
- .. ..,
tion was imperatively - demanded had
. .
long been acknowledged, but 'as no
progressive . parties :had;; mov ed for its
establishmenkfhe private" safes of • mer
\ chantsand public vaults of hanks .and
other corporations were burdened with
tile; maittables . of . confiding- Parties, Who
• had to run the rialto and assume_ the lia
bilities of safety. ,The charter , was of
1 course granted , wheh applied for, and a
company itrairriathig many ofour staunch
est business menwas organized under it
withta very large capital and everything'
pet in readiness for:. operation. It' was
round after soao inquiry that no suitable
place of safetyand security could be ob
tainedfor the _important business of the
"Company s o it was at once decided upon
to erect a building of such model charab.
ter as to make it not only an ornament
to the city:- but in reality a. safe de
-11 posit. Loa which - the powers of the cra ft y
' burglar or thevengeance . of Abe destroy
' big , element would avail nothing. A
site was selected on.the broad and deep
1 lot of ground at No. 88 Fourth avenue,
' , and plans prepared on the most liberal
scale - for the erection of the building.
1 ' The architectural work . was entrusted to
1 Mr. J. W. Herr, to whose ability, skill
1 and tdent in his • prefession linndreis of
noble structures stand . to in all parts
of the country-as witness bearing mow-
merits. In July. 1868, ground was
broken and slowly the building arose
to its present be aut y,d completion.
Isis a marvel of strength and
gracetol proportions which must ever
prove an attraction among the architect
ural specimens of the city. The front is
of solid cut stone, richly ornamented
with arches, pillars and other devices,
and surmou nted by a huge money chest
out oat of granite, bearing os face
under . a heavy -padlock th e i it nitials
"S. IX C." -On either side'of this de•
sign iscroucheda huge bull _dug:in_ the
attitude of springing.from the roof; The
exterior of the building is certainly very
chaste and -Yet etch and elegant. present
ing a solidity which betokens great
strength and durability:
The counting room occupies nearly the
entire of 1116111 st floor and is approached
by, broad stone steps. The doors are of
bronze metal, broad and heavy, and on
right andleft of them are windows ex
tending almost from floor to ceiling and
suppliedikitliteaVY French plate Mass
1 panes. The grandeur and elegance of
1, the counties room cannot bo described—
to be appreciated the reader must him
self pay a visit to it. The entire floor is
I artistically laid with the celebrated Min
ton Vitrified tiles, imported from Eng
land.. _lt is 'laid in neat patterns and is
as fine a specimen - of such work as we
have ever seen. There_ are three count.
i ere in the room, of pare Italian marble,
paneled with bright ccio red slabs of Por
tieres° - and Tenneseee. and resting on
bases of_black and white streaked
French marble. These counters are RR
supplied on the surface, for closing them
in, with - .tasteful gilt bronze" railings
1 which - form a pretty. contrast with
the glistering' > marble. - Openings
or windows are made at regular inter
vals for the transaction of business with
those on' the onunde. The walls and
ceilings are handsomely painted and
frescoed. In convienent places are
marble counters with numerous parti
tions, whereat a number of persons. can
at ono time be seated, far cutting coupons
from bonds, examining their deposits.
nr any other business. ..The prominent
feature of this the towering
and massive sane, or Vault which faces the
the entrance, cover's a space of
four. hundred square' feet, and is ten
feet in height. It has a arched roof, and
its great bronzed doors n
and ornamegtell
panels present an odd and magnificent
apnearance. It is the finest safeasf _the
character in the United States, and is a
perfect . Gibraltar - of . strength.. The
doors as well as the walls and roof
of the safe are constructed or several al
ternate plates ef, tough iron and steel, so
heavy and so, - welt put together as to
prove bopregnable to either fire or bur
glars. The floors are each supplied with
what are technically known as five tum
blerlockii, combining all the improved
patents held by the manufacturers of
`the-safe; the 'Bail Safe and Lock Com
pany of Cincinnati. In the interior of
the great iron vault are no less than
three thousand five hundred small safes,
to`tisi rented;to depositors:' Each of these
has a diatincter.d different tumbler lock,
with two keys. - The key!, are all differ
ent, no one opening twoloxes. When
in operation, the lo ckof a box ;given up
by, a depositor will be changed before be
ing to anyother. Notwithstanding
the ample ability of the huge vault
to, take career : itself; to renders amar
, ity dotatty-lure* the, Company propese
to keep on petrol about it at all hours of
the day and eight at "least two armed
,guards, deinding_ eternal vigilance the
price of safety, , in' "this principal vault,
Of the establishment wilt be kept ,valua
hiejewelry, diamonds, imPortant pipers.
wills,'dericis, mortgages and bowls cif all
description, together "., with such :Other
articles of value -as demand• the most
°eal keeping. ' The depositor rents
one of, the interior boxes and is supplied
With a key tett. 'lle has full, arithority,
in presence of the safe guards, to at any_,
time enter . the 'safe and examine . the
contents of his box, . to see that elite se- .
coie. -.. "The greates t will be ex-,
oreised., in , Offfer- 'to' protect depositors
against fiend of any description, a course:
sn necessary, .as the„ company.
wilt: ltil-ostl"eases . bo ; responsible
for the, : depoalta,;;.. The rooms back
of the sec - ire elegantly furnished
foe the business purposes of the Directors,
Officers and2,?Thepoilitore. ."A- large .and
intueloust apartment adjOhilogitaa.been
reserved the .
_ine of, latlytdopeisttors,_
~Sarsooo,lolll4osctilke.T.: A/M.49Pd.
ter attuang,,eff cortp_oneana, - penes or ,
translating girlieother .- deas. In the/
basement', esiosneArelpettOorripaltW
iron sheivingend infante, - leis Woooat
aside, Ss a•deposkory of valuable boo ks of
reobrd;balatingriestrorksrof art,'-or any
thing e which fails ender, the elaser
Near bY iiiiiiiiiher liege. safe; nearly es
,AirgiAlr),he oftitaara.t* flrat,,,floorvfor -,
-packages of 'vett:table 'goodiv plate and
.tttiVer. Were. - -Itule rendered -*Kure Llair
means of Steel andiron' dodis and disable
160kAl" i., - X -3 heating', apperftima An th
-ciaeleit- ventilation a ;,cfootr, otiiet:; od.
I f
-ent,-0 I.,eorivetnieruies. .;, are -et foun d on .
1 thie "'floor. ' " On •.' the ' letoriC",: end
-elegplAgge:4XlMai, entrance; to wnich
is gneffqrocri the aftaitel'hy meant of a
bfea4 Te11..-web. fled gently, ascendin g *VlP stsiwe-: i Nheeeiviii , be Mita' Title
taro and caution - tor office purpose/-.pot ;
now, being ps, s eded by.. the, Compa ny.
Prom-`bsOnientlo 'roof - the b uild ing is
entirely fireproof:it is constructed with:
:AP _ .4.-beelels;111„ rellglie_uV: them being. no
rwooctent-toists er-Irsitere-bi any part of
the building; between the beams there
re brick arches,. a/Wailer° all covered
'to's levalwith acinerete tilling. .- • '
We regretiniespace_w, ill not permit a
lengthier delieliouonWtilelitiildiog but
throw it %mail thilintisreffon of visitors,
to-day and to-morrow, our readers:thread
unitirtuffs!: the opportunity lifferded4or
giving it' a personal' examination. It
would be unjust to those whocontributed
towards the building'Should we fail to
award them due credit for the manner in
which they discharged 'their labors.
'These are J. W. Kerr, arciateot: mason
ry, J. L. L. Knox;
. brick work i liarnes.dt
& McClelland; carpentering., A.. & S.
wffoon; plastering, James Blythe;
painting and glazing. Thomp
& Co.; gas fitting and . plumb
ing, Jarvis, Mania &, Co.; heating
by steam, Bourne Brothers; roofing
etc., John McElroy; marble work,
E. Greble of Philadelphia; bronze doors,
railing. etc., H. Wood &Co., Philadel
phia; the work, George F. •Ktglandl
vault doors, etc., of all but , main. vault,
iron shutters, bolts, &c., Burke &Barnes;
main vault, Hall Safe & Lock Co."; of
Cincinnati; furniture, Braun & Osten
dori; carpets, McCallum & -Bro., Fifth
The following gentlemen are the offi
cers of the Company: President—Wil
liam Phillips; • Vice President—Henry
Lloyd; Directors—William Phillips,
Haul Lloyd. Williain Rea; Williani.M.
Lyon, James I. Bennett. Byron H. Pain
ter, Joseph S: Morrison, George Bleak,
Curtis G. Hussey; Secretary - and Treas.
Trifer-=& - P. Vrin - Bonnhorst.
All of . these gentleman are well known
to the business community, and their
association with the Company is the best
guarsurtee.that its affairs will well and
prudently be managed. On Wednesday
the doors will be thrown open to busi
ness and deposits received, and we feel
assured a large share of patronage will
be awarded the institution from the com-
MenceMent, by that pottiest of the'•Xb
munity who will appreciate the great,
advantages afforded for the aafe keeping'
and insurance of valuable articles.
• Ignorance Personified.
Notwithstanding' , the seemingly un
tiring efforts of
,the Mayor to make his
police force effective, by uweedlng out"
the unworthy, the stupid and ignorant
i'mokes" who by some means succeeded
in securing appointments on the force,
there are atilt eome men in the
of the city, whose stupidity and igno
rance totally unfit them from filling such
important positions. To illustrate this
-fact•itte only necessary to relate an inci
dent which (lectured Saturday evening,
1 the circumstances of which are as foc
i lows: far. John A. Binger,
• a glass
blower, residing in Birmingham, un Sat
nrday morning hired a team at Swea
t engen's livery stable on First avenue,
for which he paid the sum of six dollars,
1 Promising to return the turnout
lin the evening. Unfortunately how
',he wa n
s ot permittedre
' turn the buggy or bnek-wagon rather,
as he met with an accident by which it
was broken. He was on hie way to the
stable, and while coming down the grade
on Carson street, South Pittsburgh, \ be
hind a car, pulled on the left band track
In order to pass it. It appears that it car
was coralt up the track a short dl i ttan* co
ahead, and before he could pass, t e car
on the right hand track they met, Catch
ing the buck-wagon between thern com
pletely demolishing it. Binger escaped
injury by jumping out of the buggy a
moment 'before the collision occurred.
lie then took the horse to the stable and
informed the livery stable keeper of what
had occurred, and agreed to pay for re
pairing the wagon, although he
dad it was an. accident, and did
not occur from curate's dri. Tha
man in charge oft he stable vin req g uested
him to remain there until he could go
and see the wagon which he did, and
when he returned ' demanded payment
for toe wagon immediately. Binger in
formed him that, he had not the money
to pay him then but could , raise it in a
few days: Vhis' was not satisfactory
however, unless security was vel3.
Binger could not give security unless he
could see some Of his friends from the
South Side.. The livery man then called
upon Joseph . Ranger or Ruttger, a Gor
man, whose zeal to serve the city is not
half so great as his ignorance, impu
dence and stupidity, who, after hearing
a statement of. the case, as given above,
arrested Binger Spd marched film off to
• the watch house, where he was informed
by Catitain Graham. who was still on
duty, that-.he - bad no right to make
the arrest, I end that. , there was
no authority '. for, detaining the man
there ' a moment. ' .By this time
the livery Man , came in, and when
asked by the Captain what charge he had
against'Binger, he saidUone, but wanted
him locked" p. Until he would, give se
surity for th payment , of of damages in
curred, in bteaking. the buck - wagon.
-The Capindii-very sensibly infortnedbirn
that bed nesuthority_ta dounything
of .thatliind, and that if. be desired to
hold the matt on . any charge,. that: he
, hieet • find go - and; make. Information
against him. - This he declined to do, tut
requested that the man be detained until
he could go and see about the matter.
Capt. Graham, who knows his - duty and
porforn3s it well, reituted to "dothis, and
as he was at this 'time • relieveilty Capt.
Reed.' leftoffice, the stupid, bull
headed officer in the meantime retaining
the prisoner anti' the proprietor of the
stable arrived. T
pthe case was then
brought , before Ca. Reed, who, after
hearing the statement of• the parties, de;
cided to lock Binger up, unless he
would give security as •demanded; and
- would liaire done so, we presume, had
not. friend of Binger's interfered. In
order to adjust the matter; Col. - William
Gallaher, he, of Rowan descent, stepped
in and , because respo nsible for Binget's
a ppearance, should he be' called fer.
Binger was then allewetl to iAopart..:
We have only related this affair in or , • ,
ier that the public may judge Of the Btu-
.:,,iiiimptfu,o,umfry at tettyalaw..
I Odity and ignorance, of an officer who
would make' an ' arrest under each oir- One of the Intittl:litereeling points
esigm‘trni -- end marked by Colonel
1 o . oo3 t f uops, yinich not only.makeoldra, '. 4 ) , .. •,- - - ..i - ~ 1 - _
liable tol a pr+Sileciltioh;;for ;tissault .and • *odder it the,Getbyttbuig,
battery',,..tenich : In this , case lifl 11 .81 1 ; t o 'corner ellitherirspettehnrointed.
whOse ignorance's only conxided' V ) , o „ Here wit; the , angle and most , 'exposed
lmpndeneeotrillmost likely
yo . .ir ba r e sh , altio
a. point ,of 'General .S ickles ? line Jitter he
111 1ri b tT la iV i N g. Pt ha l i ii i' - t at t ', bad 'opeopted:ltis ,odvitudid . ptialthui vn
itsltl a tlo for amagOo."-- 9 Pr—.
,if it colleoutr-shouldinform e Thursday afteffleen:w It' Was -held - by .
O. I IPP IOI ' Would'llol pay
n ote,
raeC ' ri irh a o lli m P peen, t"4l3lk ta tt b el lto ' f ri mth ipli tal ed de vi d i b e a fortr Pt. '
qbeist•hilli to ' arrest' and 'imprison him -
pieces to thelirstgune Witlf‘which'l4ollg
until hemmed give security, nil would do ,, fle a m e 7- t at at r eh the left end
I Bach 'men are: noV at fur QfPerigt Sid . '_.
ithe mond the Mayor gets rid of them ran , sX m‘. piec .... es ..,.. to_wlio ,
. u e Leta ,.th ns ur ba i t x tery_in
elllllrlllribiris'l"*"the'enirlii. IF lrgar a art , Z r e r kairOing spien P d ° l7;
1!;2 rain
I:43teered. not . ;, I t i r d 104215 h eav ily i n , do l t - a ka horses
. =ll4 he ole fi ns to, haves ctr " d
. 44 00 1 advance ~ of-1.31414We 4 0 4'
o 9 term on the WarstlingtaCo ll 9 lop! - 0.0m 1 06 .. /red iti - ct fi distwal; .. - -
force, which, yre . ..preanm_Vp, Ww!, 4l ! , 1 7 - --- -, i 5 , ~.,i ~ , , 4 ., ~. _
short one; i- a ~' ,'- , - - '1 ,-• • - , • ~ h :,, .7.1.;... , feb..-...t.: - .....1i .t. . . (... t
" 1 1 , the' ' t).' f• • ' 4 . 1. 6 .446 posed.
Pr W ao e tiro e f citifftweide'rel"4mirikiii"g free ex. ' t They m e tier ,iiitki4„.battiii‘itia 01.,,,,hi.
vept mkview,or mdthnitertioitse, unless pica ...ft .4Lu ff ti o s,, o n the.; Bapp- 'iall
the circumstance of theses ' d,attis ll 4 l l ll d• ahanpfthishiiiatimattaia' Pennsylv ania
- warrant 49i1 in o° ql g!ts , , wOvitihrfered with for the third time .
The ,Alleged ~,Emtleeharisum.lnGtti• eby the rain on Saturday Afternoon. Two
stated on Saturday Gil l e land .1411 1 1111 1 ,1 1 1 1 7„,WeFfp . plaYedi With.thkod
lid ~.leftibfbrintitton4ituirglat-,Rhb- vantage • hx. rime, oi the'ol,mptesp t hy tt
e , eight del. , score °fait !di two. 6 Next ' Thursdayaf
eisCriN-eNiaelsert- ''' n visvikilitijamembeptony li
ednled-river for Mern_ocjrrtraa_ .
___-itegirnattied, Ro n pay e d; . o,r.
the_looal express company of Alleidlen9. I atte ro mit `Thit h iritike e hill-then ibe
We- are ' informed : some
-digiCilltY--11"' 1 1111 9 0i) ele15 121 r P t erMit%ln te g htiiiii : atilt
arisen as ukwlP 91 9 t " 113 7 1.4141re55 ' ' s itlf i ttle 7 7:l6' ll°l 44 " o fawn having
andyeudligthesold loii-of th a ristiotion, w ith th e
_WI - - . g
Mr. nelson has deposited the amonot , Ou s el . tuua .,.._, iilh r. .thi
, i city, some tim e next
atatedititheAlkoghe* " di l ts Bank t t ' TA e gAl tl iiitd' he ' ' l i''' atiale -*liiiii ,
the credit of the company, which, whe , :.- .14- - eg 0 7- -i s PXI I —_, It regu lar
the 4:Lunation ig C settled, 11,111::be 1 palo lonely, sun will take Ab e new i f' .
• - lila:rillonietime next , week.
A ctitlingrathi of a rathei 'serious
41uusctsr,and rfich may 'be attended
;i1; Consequeittee, occurred Satur
y.night about nine o'clock, at Snyder's
,sudoon, on ,Penn street, near -First, at
the Point, bet Ween Andrew Tiernan and
Michael Gal._ It appears that Gill and .
Tientan and two others -- were in the
saloon engaged in a game of cards, when
a dispute arose which ended in a fight.
saloon, ' entire party was ejected-from the
when the tight was renewed on
the sidewalk, and shortly a ft erward
Tiernan called out that he had been cut,
When, it Is alleged, Gill ran away. Tier
nsn was immediately taken home, and
Dr. W. H. Daly, and another physician
were summoned, and attended the
wounded man. His Injuries are very
serious and, it is thought, will result
:fatally. Lieutenant Gordon Immediately
notified the Mayor of the occurrence,
and His Honor, accompanied by Clerk
Patterson, went to Tiernan's§ house and
took his deposition. The deponent stated
that OM struck hiM'several times in, the
face before they left the saloon, and, ac
cording to th best of his belief, cut hlm
with a knife e
.. About t h
an Our after the
affair Gill was arrested by officers Ste-
Vehs and 'Young, and conveyed to the
lockup, where he remained until yes
terday morning, when hew= committed
to' jail to await the result of Tiernan's'
injuries. ,
Fetal Aceldtait
An accident of a 'ver b distressing na
ture occurred in South Pittsburgh yes
terday'reaulting in the death of Mena
Dressler, a bright, interesting little girl.
ten years of age. It appears that the
brother of the girl, who resides with hie
father on Manor street, had a Elharp's re-
Tolver, which he left lying on the man
tle in one of the rooms of thehouse, hav
ing been working with It that morning.
About one o'clock the family were start
led by the report of a pistol which pro
ceeded from the room where the revolver
had been left, and the father, who was
in an adjoining room, ran In to ascertain
the cause and found his daughter lying
on the floor in the last agonies of death.
Dr. Roberts was summoned Immediate
child was- dead when he arrive d
A pert mortern examination was held,
when it was ascertained that the ball
passed directly through the centre of
the heart. The brother is almost frantic
with grief and blames himself with the
occurrence, for having left the loaded
pistol where she could reach it. An in
quest will probably be held this morn
ing, as Coroner Clawson left his office
for his residence in the 22nd ward, a few
minutes before the occurrence • and will
not return until this morning.
ranifine Worts Dulmed.
Saturday morning about half past two
o'clock, the Paraffin& Works of A. W.
Bell & Co., on Fiftieth street, near the
river bank, were destroyed by fire. The
conflagration was occasioned by an ex
plosion of gas, which ignited from the
flames of a lantern in the hands of the
Still men, Mr. Thomas Oh 7. MN Clay
was standing by the still at we time, but
miracnously escaped with but a slight
burn on his hands and face. The build
ing was of frame, and the loss is about
5 50 01 upon which there is no insurance.
The works wilt be put in running order
The engines which turned out in an
swer to the alarm from boa 75, did not
go into service for want of water. They
were unable to reach the river for want
of 4 0. roadway, and tho water pipes are
not yet laid in that. vicinity. The Hook
.and Ladder Companies, however, did
effective service.
The Park Question.
T04120170W, at the polls, the , voters of
the city will be called on to decide the
question of "Park or no Park," unless
Councils unwisely conclude to postpone
the matter' after nearly all the arrange•
manta for the election have been made.
The question is , one of much importance,
and should draw out a full and' Intelli
gent vote. A free. üblic Park where all
oltisenseen repair for-pure air and inno
cent Jecreation an absobale necessity
for the health an dpleasure of any large
community, and more especially to such
hard working People as go to make up
our population. Whether our citizens
will again postpone the procurement of
a proper site , for such a • breathing spot
the vote of to-morrow will develop. De
tay may cost much to the tax payers,
for sooner or later , the „Park must come.
The queitlon is , in no', manner a political
one, and' will be decided on its own
Atiotrier •House'Entered.'
Yesterday morning, probably about
one o'clock; the/residence of. Mr.. John
EfoPkins, Pasture Lane, - Second - Ward,
Allegheny, was entered by some skill
ful operator, ..who, secured, 1160, for his
trouble. Us effected an entrance through
inkpoilichP.PelrrnMdr.°wltobficilinamtxtbillerotrnr,' tete
thief relieved his pantaloons of a pocket
book containing the Money and valuable
papers. He considerately left all but
the money lying on the front doorstep.
OnO of the Inmates,Of the house heard a
slight. noise "abotit one o'clock, but paid
no. particular, attention to the ,matter.
The chap la,probably :the same who has
been annoying iesiderdi of Allegheny
by his operations •for some time .past,
but' Oliyays Runge; to escape detection.
The Fifth avenue 'Market question will
come up before the Common Council to
day for final disposition. We have ad
mitted Into these columns many com
munications favoring the site, and as yet
have to receive the first remonstrance.
favorsew of the general . expression of
for the Fi ft h avenue and. Milten
berger street property as the location,
we cannot well see how Council can lon
ger hesitate to not favorably on the
ordinance ordering the purchase, which
has already passed through the Select
branch. If
oice any action is to be taken let
the people's vbe heeded quickly and
at once. The location of a market house
in that section of the city will materially
increase the valuation of property in the
neighborhood and ,in heavier assess
ments soon return in taxes the amount
invested to the city. Let us have the
.vote on the Fifth avenue market to-day
and no more delay. •
Fully Organized.
At a meeting of the Marching• Corps of
Second WardGearyClub Saturday.night
the following officers were elected for the
campaign: Captain, John J. Steen; First
Lieutenant, Crosby. Gray; ,Second Lieu
tenant, John F. Hunter; 0. Searg't, Jos.
Haymaker; Color , Searg't, Geo. Neemes.
The corps preps* turning out one hu.n•
dred strong on Wednesday evening in
full uniform, together with the gun squad
of twenty disciplined artillerists with the
'fine brass six pounder belonging to - the
ward, in order to receive with honor Sen
ator,. P. Morton, .and escort him toCity
Hall, where the grand Republican r ad&
cation -meeting is to be held. - The Sec.
and ward has set good example in the
work of reorganization for the campaign,
and we Mist It will be generally followed
by the other districts.
New York Urea.
The first representation of Lent's . C N. ir.
ens Company, from the Hippotheatxon
Fourteenth street, New York, will take
place on the Diamond in Allegheny City,
this afternoon, commencing at 2%
o'clock. Ladies and family parties who
dislike mixing in a crowd will find the
day exhibitions of this troupe fully as
brilliant and divertified as these given at
night, while the probability of obtaining
good seats will be much greater. Unless
the establishment has been greatly over
rated by the press of other - cities, - the
performances of the New York Circus,
will befbund far In advance of anything
of the kind hitherto presented in this vi
cinity. It appearti to be generally con
ceded that the entertainmepts of this
troupe are of a more refined character
than those of ordinary travelling shows,
and therefore Its advent is anticipated
with interest by many who seldom visit
exhibitions of horsemanship.
The Cresson Mountain House.
This delightfully situated mountain
resort, within s few-hours' ride from the
city, on the Perylvania Railroad, con
tinues in successful operation, and the
season may/be rearded as nowgg u sts
full height. Nearl y four hundred
yet remain, itffording, most excellent
society. There is a brass baud in con
stant attendance and fashionable - hops
are held each evening. The mountain
weather at no season of the year is more
delightful than through September, and
those of our friends who have not yet en
joyed a :summer vacation should em
brace the opportunity of being present
at the Mountain House during the con
tinuance of the season, as a vast fund of
enjoyment is in store for them.
Burglars About —Saturday morning
about three o'clock, Mr. George S. Wood,
a grocer on Carson, street Birmingham,
was aroused , from his siumbers by an
unusual noise in his bed room on the
moon . ' floor of the building and syring
ing out of bed found a man in the room
•who made his escape through a window
.at the back of the house, through which
it was afterwards ascertained he had en
tered by means of a ladder. Mr. Wood
after securing the services of a watch
man, started in search of the burglar and
succeeded in finding a man lying a sleep
in the yard of hicKee'e glass house,
whom they conducted to the Birmingtutm
lock-up, where he awaits a hearing.
Kr. A. IL Logan,s, 'well known oil
dealer of this city, sailed on Saturday,
from New York, for Parts, where he pro
poses spending the winter for the bene
fit of his health.
• ricsvertitemesc.7
The Temperance Movement.
At a meeting of the Executive Com.
mittee of the Temperance and ,Reform
movement, field on Saturday afternoon,
Col. J. B. Clark occupied the Chair.
• T. J. Hnskinscin. Esq... Chairman of
the on Finance. reported that
the members •or the Coratnitteewere
meeting with encouraging. 81/CBBlO3
-raising funds. - •4 t
- Mr. David Kirk,, Chairman of the Com
mittee on Organization. repoited that the
work of arranging a Vigilance Ccimacit
lee for each electioU district was "pro
gressing and. would be completed by the
next -meeting. - • - • •
Col. J. B. , Clark was appointed to pre
pare an address., to thei , , voters of Alle
gheny county,, • - • - .
The following, g entlemen , were added
to the Executiva Committee
Alexander Gordon. John lienrnenn,
li. 8. Power. • eeeley Mew. •
Henry Hays. • t Caolield.
J A". ep, curies savt,
sacrists bog, - • U. Bose. .
• David 'Richey. 4 1 . L. 6[14
Rchard Straw; Jesse - H. Lippincott.
Capt. John Tonna. , Samuel r. eariver,
Henry I'. Schwartz.. • . Buslutep,
John A. Cangh-y. 'earning.
.J.T.elinentdale. 'W. L Gardner. •
JontJohn B. . • ••••Weeh'it MeCiinrdet.
Charles W. Co. , per. '' ' Wm: .
John Kirkpatrick.. -••• " - A'A Lane.• • • •
Charles G. Donneu. • • • ' ye,u l „4,,
Jos: " Derv. " ' .
Wm. Bpi ange. eSOMIMSII - V. (Walter.
Abram Wakeeell, ..,...,..Nansdeld U. Brown.
8. Berker. Andrew Burt.
Elattmet 11- .j3MISS tiravrers.
tAii:e,FAliiVat.„ll` *as" / • c- • •
rbelpa4 ea Lynn.
Alexander !Tear,' Jamra tlllBOl2.
gawk 3:3 ;Wm. Nee)
,Jo. -
Thomas, amok, 3 . • James Hurray. • •
Daws on ; • eiapii,'ll.. •B. atobison.
:losiabist ovaver.' Racist. /1,-1
a. - Ti die. • .
(O f el;oltbleittgotiile;'td. .% un Min .
'Bolaeyt Itssiesse.•
.W. Oswald., • . James
• • Charles B. willta,' • James Kirke
6e e7 . Wm. thlibtth
• °mat •B..Bileklion. W. A. thanks.
*nits stott , /. • - ' ltrasst.. swss?. •
Gape. W Cuningham,
Barone' Bevernee. Joan B. eampheM.,
...Henry No Gawps; jy. sawn. • •
- J . : •
Ezeoutive,,gouttnlttele. meet*micerY
44.0.**Y.1.1it • -) 1 E. v '
The Purest an •sweetest Cod Liver
On in - the - WOTIV Vantliaettired from
fresh; beililY•lifersOciPo tit he'liessbxl24
it is perfectly Tutresnn attest. • Patiensts
'Who hsreonee..taen can ke. none
ntheto Ask `tor c`f!Hasar arol CaswelPs
-141Ter Oat" Co . , n*ttind )?y Cas.
Ave Halsed tif by
.all •
Societylitter ttenertat-11- the Cantata
Will to this 4111316 g at
hail past Devoe Wolcott; InAhe,..-Litterary
Halt,- of _..ffewelkla Initttutet• j •,287
rennatteet, tere,doamirrant Used street.
. - .01411 arr craTaDOUX.
.It affords us more than ordinary plea
sure to announce with the return of each
week - the new favor which the Great
Arnericsa i ßutton Hole and Combination
Family Sewing Machine is finding in
this neighborhood. The merits of this
great machine, which far surpasies all
others in point of simplicity in constrno
tion, durability and range of work, are
beaming daily more appreciated, and
nearly every body who wants to purchase
gives it the preference. Mr. " James
Espy, the @eta' prising agent, reports the
following additional sales for the past
week, to all of Whom he can refer as to
excellence of the machine: -
Mrs. James McKnight, Chartism town
Miss A p rinie Kennedy, Temperanceville.
Miss Mary B. Scott, Banksville.
Mrs. Mary Fleming, Banksville.
Mrs. A. Baker. Sligo.
Mrs. John "Niched% Sligo.
Mrs. David Lloyd, Port Perry.
Mrs. David Evans, Sligo.
Mrs. attartha Scott, Saltsburz.
Mrs. Julia Wentzel, Te peranceville. •
Mrs. Nancy J. Gifting* Shalervilli.
Mrs. Mary Wencel, Lower St. Clair.
Mrs. James EL Edwards, South
Mrs. Joe. McKee, Temperanesville. •
Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Mt. Washington. ,
Mrs. Thos. Grundy; Mt. Wastelbglon;
Mrs. Chas. Welly, Mt. Washington. "
Mr. Espy, whose officals Attila corner
of Market street and Fifth avenue, has
just introduced a new style Ame rican
Combination Family )110:Wm ;with
cover, equal in every respect to the best,
except it will not work button holes,
whit% he offers at s very reasonable
price of sixty dollars each. . Readers
will consult their best, interests by call
ing on Mr. Lspy, beaks) purchasing any
other machine. There Is no charge
made for , showing the machines and
what, they will accomplish.
Pretty Women.—A comparatively few
Ladies monopolise the Beauty as well at
the attention of Society.. This ought =lt
to be so, but - it is; and will be_while men
are foolish, and single out 'pretty Wes
for companions.
This can all be changed hy using
Hagan's Magnolia Balm, w hich gives the
Bloom of Youth and aJletlned sparkling
Beauty to -the Complexion,' pleasing,
powerful, and natural, -
No Lady need complain of a red, tan
ned, freckeled or matte Complexion who
will invest 75 cents lu,Hagan's Magnolia
Balm., Its effects are truly wonderful. .
To preserve and dress the Hair tate
Lyon's Kidhsrion.
Figured Grenadines.--Pattes &Belloffer
Silk Grenadines fo tunab ly rth 750. All
Grauodines propor cheap.
Postponed.—ln consequence of the Al
legheny Diamond being preoccupied,
the Temperance and Reform meeting
which was to be held there this evening,
Will be postponed for one week.-
Special Beduction.--Bates &Bell offer
Shetland Shawls a fresh stock, 25 - per
cent under regular prices. •
OWEER.;:3IeCAIJOIIRY2--ou 'Yhfireday,
gnst 26th. at the rest:lei:lee of the bride's father,
by Rev. T. J. Heurilly, Rev. WM. 'S. OWENS,
of Philadelfiliti, Pa., Cate of 04 city) and Miss
ELMIRA MeCALTHEIVE, daughtir cf Thcot. H.
McCaughey, Ea .4.. of Trtderfekeburg, Ohio.
SNYDVR—On Faturday, 28th last, at a%
o'clock, Mrs. -MARY- .1t: BNYDI.II, aged '6B
The funeral will tate place front the residence
other son, George W. ens der, jNo. 270 Fifth
Avenue, TIM ItOUNING, at 1 o'clock. The
friends of the family Ire respcctfally invited• to
attend. .• •
ANNA—Aturnst 28, 1860, at. o,ettrek,
AMANDA B BA.NNA, aged 17 years and 11
months. 1 -
Funeral TUSZDAY HORNING at 10 o'clock from
the residence otherparents, 51 Craig street.
Allegheny. Friends of the 'fatally are respeCt•
WY Invited to attend. • . , •
tcsialLirgh, COEXTES of all kladsoCital'l4
GLOVEb, and 0 , ary description of Iraitersl
Waiting Goods furnished. . Bosuns ours. y OM.
Vitt''' . Carriages Ihratseed for. - city funerals at
$2.00 each. • - • •
itarnaundtrA•4ley.David Rev. is,
W. Jaootnih A. Thi Thomas Swint. F.IO lanob I anob
•h ES Q.
r•nea • I e3ANDUSIty CaI:FILCH
WQ AVEN IS Tik. Allegheny City, where their Ci.)I , IPIN
ai e constantly supplied with reel aud
imitation Ito; °wood, 31.shogany sad ;Wsltmt
sit litter.* laming from US.
dies pretpared Sr also,ent Hearses and esr•
I'h:wee Punished ill. studs of SiouritiU
illoods.,„_lt required. o.lme opea at all boUrs. dILY
and. =ht. „- ; „
lio. 424 PENN «
Oarriogro for PUllltrialti - 5511. Algae
COFFINS and all Funeral ciit'at re
duced rates. . - .4u7
(31 -1 00 317) S . !
s4l g just retuned , frord.tike 'last with
"piffled ck of • • : . - .
. ,
Watches, Jewelnl. .lilvirware,
7= am now vre4ared tn - offer them at greatly rr
dated prices. Call. and examine petoze
Mini.' - • • • -
Jevreupiiv,:zto. .458 - .7 loiti • AviOite.
•tam• • u b
• • 140 •
:risTritcEtAstilr- TAI
fl iEu.'ia • ' --" -
•, .•
osid•rsisdettlalt.lntsna , tds steads sail Uts
11, b uei t hia . I
'Pen* 'Ol4 Sixtbitteeto,
irrthurr, eti
6111 1 9 t a v a lust reP:iv#leram She Est the beat
lotof goods iirgl,4ng dntts ayes te"?*it
t 6 and at
nd site 'Clothes 'ibriiiei . iindbettktii*4l
tilitkileat boiie ti this and ifidez•
did siumidaditt'ofB l liTLEX l Ml ET lM lsll.,
Ise eooz~s . ate at altibinto,be govadattilt
bow AtttliNtiatt n swat nun
, ,