7 5tslittitatt -NPw PUBLICATIONS. Vritirelers in EuroPe and 'the Beal en jOy many more advantages new an in ;former years.: Facilities of a hig order may now .be'nbtained, which renders a journey across the Waters pletisatit 'and agreeable. Among the excellen helps to travelers is If AltriB'l3 ZARD.II(I,6X FOR TRAVELERS IN EUROPE inn TH E; EAST, which has reached its seventh year.. In stead of travelers being required ;to pur chase twenty or thirty volumes in t,he Englisklanguage; at a large cost, and more than double that .numher . of books in the French linguage,--everyibing of intrinsic merit and useful to the traveler is, compressed in this capital book. Hr. Fetridge, the Author, resides most of the time -in Europe, and carefully notes change's. Much of the Matter of this editiorihas been re.written, and it is cor rected up to 31 'yr, 1868, which . Is two years later ,than... any EnroPe,an Hand 'book published. It is a - compact voltime, bound I 0 flexible m orocc o, With maps • .EverythinglneAfal .for the traveler to know may be found in'this book,: which; cannot be said of gurray's Volumes. -:Besides giving an excellent outline . - through the principal cities and leading places in Burope and the East, the modes and cost ot traveling are given, different routes by land or , water, names and; charges of hotels, proper houses to mak& purchases, and other important items,; by which the traveler is gainer forty to, fifty per. cent. We moat heartily corn-' mend this work to tOurists,' numbering legions every Year from this community, as worthy of confiden ce , and one which cannot be eicelled. • - Daisy. Continued from " - , lMelbonrne House." , By - the-author • -of Wide, Wide World," i'greechy," etc, 'second , series.. Published by J. B. Lippincott &Co., Philadelphia.' - -For sale by R. S. Davin & Co.. Pittsburgh& . • The anther of this work' secured wide spread; popularity.by the publication of "Wide r Wide World."' •Thi43 simple fact • itself c0M0044.. "Thilsy" , t o k e r nu!ne r ons admirece. Without possessingf the same elements of construction, it is never theless a delightfully; told.story, and hap. pily illustrates her .-charming , style =and elevated tone. The leading character "Daisy,'_ is welt drawn, and the plot is simple and well constructed. Tholie who have read the first series will , be gratified' _ • to read the conclusion of the story. For travelers it is a delightful companion to beguile time away. " LOVE AVD LIBERTY. A Thrilling Nar rative of the French Revolution of 1792. By Alexander Dumas. Pub • fished by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, _ Philadelphia. 1 This thrilling romance is one of the latest creations of Dumas, the author of = numerous works of fiction. The events depicted are fullof interest, because they form part of a wonderful era It is oiler rativenf Besson, of irarennes, who knew Robespierre; Denton and others or the time. The career of the former is de ' scribed and the events- connected with `Lords and Antoinette, and alsb the tragic nays of the Reign of Terror. It be doubtless widely, read. •;QUALITY Foust's OLD LEDGER.' Pub belied by - Henry Hoyt; Boston. For sate by Rev. J..Hcirner, Agent Method - Ist Book Store, Pittsburgh. Few can read this‘touching story with out having aroused thi tenderest sympa thies of his nature. The ups and downe os "Quality Fogg" are full of thrilling interest, and illustrate the fruits of a heart under good influences._ Parts of the story relating to "David Bowles" and little "Tommy" will be read with relish. Best • of all, the story teaches wholesome lessons and well as are likely to imprpss the .youthful reader. _ Otis h vN BIRDS. A Familiar Natural - Pillory of .the Birds of the United Statee. By William L. Bailey. Hoyt sedend Bditedby 'Edward - D. cope, Corresponding t3ecretary of the Acad. en3r of Natural-Sciences. Published by J.,, B. -Lippincot,t Co., •Philadei phia. •-• : Common place as a book of this kind may appear to somei• it treats" of ipterest iiiefactsi_teiatiag :to the biiiiirof our owe country,•iwitich; ought to be kno - Wn and •••- appreciated. _Youthful readers will find unnah to - initrict, 81111108 $ Anil, entertain irk its perusal. brief account differiatjairtit gives mach valuable in• formation; end the' ilimitratiene add very • are:Lily to the interest of ,the work. We hope it will be 'extensivelypeineulated, as • 1 • s deserves tobe,_ for Its intrinsic - merits,. Ifl!miat: Cain%Et adapteit , /o , mae• in • V • Rif*,Oehaeht and Aead e.Z 100040-raCtaafarti kl Profetwor, of Modern /wigwams; and te2lo4:ln Arh-Gotieue Meadville, EsAper irethers, New York. • We have been witka&ance sheaf vi this ire* work by Prot Oestfort, saran idlatuttor of Willa soy 4 and for kis kindly dikes gettlai up the l'hypOgleal __Cmreation, ,reetraitlY heltietPoarohheePeta•N- Afters helot cursory' examination weiticl,,the work clearly icateatesitii idvarried positthilio the stady of (lentutn, and la ecellently at ranged " lherough )R 0 wledgO of the tallStuig°. 'Pror4ola ' fore has 'brio:posited the nrithotis • pArwiples ef AA pest and most - thorough tufttatois fit 'Europe - arid America,'' and the :principlia feattires ofthe minds are here molif4e4: into a eieteill tottahlY adapted to the wants of the' ;leient gradedef Inatttottoos of leak - Ong. _ german Course ealteltita Of (OMT part& , Specimen` .pages are. also given of -the Tagged trompurdos, as a help to teachers. Viurt'amirk lie weir suited-for atillegewaird ~~< Worthy to he.lAiro", other ll4oOhlt -duced everywhere HOSPITAL .BEMTCMCES AMD CAMP AMP FiaLD ST0)11E8. Bv,L2ulsaiaA.leott. WithillOtraiiobs. Published by Rob erts Brothere, Bciston.' For spiel* , R. S. Davis & Co..Pittsbumb. - ' These chatty sketches herereproduced, will be read with keen: relish by thotis 'ands. Those relating to Hospital scenes will awaken 'tender interest in_ many a heart, and many who were occupants. of them, will live over again the episodes of stern'war. The •'Fireside • Staries". j are well worth reeding, in fact like every thing else Hiss Alcott writes, there i pathos ' :and humor, fun _,and ...senti ment, harmoniously blended throughon Sketches of this sort reveal the inner , nsi ture of the fair author more than in a n y :, o \ other torm,, and .they are calculated t 't, touch the heart of the reader with great 'force. Many will 'thank ' the author for, these charming sketches:i '"- : . ; THE , Brims Coasts oi LoWnorr. `BY: - , *Tames :i,Greenwood, • the' siAmateur, Casual." , Author of "The. True Hie-' tory of a .Little-Ti t egamtiffin,". etc. , Published byaarper & Broths" New , York., , , . ~ • ' ~ -,', ' This work-will oanite aproftrand sexesi• thin forits , startling facts :Mayhew* written inneh and well on 'kindred sub- . , jests, but this little •bolutne IS fresher - aud, amore" faithful portraiture of the great metropolis. •The sewn curses . are • "Neglected Chi diet', ' "Professional 1., Thieves," -"P feast° al Beggars,", "Fallen Women,' "Th Curse of Drunk= , enness," "Betting Ganiblers;" "Waste of Charity." AU this for iiresitY.6ecents.. Harry. By Henri Ebigsbsy, authorof 4 , stretton," etc. % Published by Harper .dtErothers, New York. - • .This story forms,a part of "Harper's Library of Select N ovels." : Readers of _ fiction will find it quite entertaining.' The characters appear to be well drawn,. especially the central figure. " • CHARLES. REAME'S Novels. Popular Edition. Published by Harper tt Brothers, New York. Attention-has been called to this excel lent cheaftditionUf-this popular novelist. It is a" marvel how these volumes can be printed and sold at, twenty.five and thirty five cents each. Themeriti of the novels have been so frequently presented - that but few o our readers need farther in formation. The publishers have favored, us with, ' White. Lies," , "Foul nap e " ; "Love Me Little, Love Me Long." Five volumes ve already been published, and the re cinder of the series will scoi . , Tan Cleveland Herald says: The Wa bash and Lake Shore consolidation has been 'accomplished. The new line be tween the Erie road and Toledo has been abandoned. Cleveland is to be the North western terminus of the broad gauge line. The. Erie is to have a narrow gauge track from Buffalo to New York, and has:pro ceeded in good faith te do that work. The agony concerning the projected rival lines in Northern and Northwestern Ohio . The. New York Times says; The per-, petnal lease of the Fort. Wayne i recently concluded, .practically constitutes Phila delphia and Chicago_ the. termini of the Pennsylvania road. - Following this are new or:reviled passenger arrangements with the Camden and - Amboy and New jersefroads to expedite travel from the =West, to 'New ,` York .' The train - from Chicago, nd Cincinnati, that now arrives at the suburbs , of Philadelphia, west of ,Schnylkill River, (known as thei Mantua Station,).at 3;05 will hereafter .ar rive at 8:05 P. m., and passengers will be in New: York,. at 11:80 P.rm., in:'place of 6:44 A. se. as at present. The - saving of time-is seven:hours and fourteen ininuteP, to 'accomplish 'which - the Pennsylvania and its Fort Wayne section from Pitts burgh to Chiaego, and. also the Camden and Amboy, will increase; their express, speed. , The. new arrangement, besidei accommodatingthe preieni -Western 'travel and diverting ilia Philadelphia a. 'portion of the travel from the Lakeroutes, will be, according to the North American, a signal convenience to the business men of that city , in making their New' York trips after the hours of business are over. Going West,. the trahileaving Neni York at sr. will arrive at Mantua at 87. 'and reach Chicago the following night at 11:30. F or So much forth° Western travel. F freight, as Well • as a second and more'di rect route of travel from New York, the Pennsylvania;; Company propose a June tion'of the New Jersey Central with their own road and its, Fort Wayne extended, and the Chicago' and , Rotk'lsland,'inak ing a through line to Omaha, the eastern terminus ..of the Unicin - pacific' Road, Tale' arrangement has frequently been talked: f. in Wall street, but this hi:the first _avowal of the alliance . between Chi- Cago which we have seen from the head quarters of the"Pennsylvania:corporation. That it is entirely practicable .we have little doubt; and;. that no moradirect dine across.the rich tiraide of Illinois and lowa than thaßeek liliusticetfid be severed, is 1 00 1 Raab*. Dix tendon aorrespondent 4 the bos- 1 1 ton Transtaintslays that the Englielinande , of rowing is teen ate , one side of thehoat! -to,IIS O intlifird .gettlag--;the lhands.over the ;toes, and haling time adjust the, oar:, Amway with *ebb* at_ right angles to: the water; to tdroptt la I until the Water jest coverlathe blaidetlnd then, witch's tremendous swing;ptugaing: wittithe feet and almost rising filen - stbe' seat, to gad In all the strength st *Ong , part; or. before the oat is' at`right'angles` with the'hOnt.i doing the U 4 Vistllnorn deliberately, „keeping ' the „terms , Weight until the body is perpendealsr,chrlegil ithithandato ttieloviet *ref the ehm feathering nicely , . and' setting' letivir a filliohlrw t i h e itt Agirtgwitt - ; ; ; - - • ;mss ,04'irt. vacuum ne , ndillen in •IllnAwentr , bonds, was put chased by they (Ihryernaient en.-.the,26th: last jot ,thcf , Sinking . . Fund; et•prices ranging 1imn:110.7440' 419.28; Including, s24o;oooby Jap , Oooke Ai 'IIB.IE- , The' total amoont.of the...bids_wu $2;885,000., :A wolf= iss beep arreste4.lu.Vienna for deeoying young Teri. Into her: house, And then bieedtsig thein.? The blood was used b4 , thiu 'retrials fiend ., tolwathlterielt Witb; 'order to preidrve her beauty. I ri 71n1-lyl4 Vi al lit: 7: k . _w .. • ; I \ Rall,,y Item. IME SCUENCK'S IogrIMOSIC • -hYBLr inte.wtelw , t , rosrto LAND MANDRAKE _S will inner Consumption,l Liver Complaint and Despepsialtittaken "word- Ingto directions. -They areal/ me to ,be taken at the same time. ' They' cleanse he stomach, re. textile liver mitten ii to work; the/tee-appetite • .becomes, good' the lbw , digests and . makes heed • • blood: t h e , pa tient toirow flesh the . diseased Wetter : ripeps into. 6- Wrote. and the, patient outgrow' the disease d gets welt. - This .1111te enlY way to curs oonsamptban.,.: H. ' _ o these three medicines Dr. JSthenek: Of .Philedelphia. awes his:unrivaled success in the treatment of pulmonary Consumption.. The Pal— monio Syrup - ripens the morbid matter' 1n the ; lungs nature throws U wall eagq , eXpeCtera . • thins when the -phlegm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it off. gad tbe patienthas rest and Ilmgabegla to heal. T.ll do this, tau Sestwesd Routh and Mandrake Pills =Liaise freely used to cleanse the stomp and liver. so that the , Palmorde,edreuP and toe food wall make good blood. ra -.. Scheack's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver. removing all obstrucllous. relax the dusts of the galdbladder., the bile starts freely. and the liver Is soon relieved: l e %tools will , how what ,the Pills can do; ttoth g has ever been Invented ex cept calomel (a - de rutesoti welch is very 'dun- ' .gereasto use uwesi with • great care, 1 thut will 'unlock the gall bladder and short the secretions 'of the liver like Scheners Mandrake Pllls . /, Liver Complaint la one Of the most prominent •sausee Consumption. r'‘" Sehenek's Seaweed Triple gentle emollient • and "Herat:Ye,' and the alkali in the Eesweed. which 'this amparatiori -Is inade:ot. &swats the ,stomach to throw witthe is/4001 1110 to otesolee 'the food with the PrilmOewkierup, audit is made -:info - good blood without fermentation or-souring -in theptornaoh. - - • . The great. reason why . Pl44ledarts not Care Constantition - ls, - theytry to do - too tench,' they • give medicine to stop the ootiglL to stop s,to stop night sweat‘hectiolever, and by , so doing • - they derange tbe wbele ellgesieePo leg ups tb seereCons; load eventuallythe n. psi • sinks and dies. Dr. Schenck,in hisfireatment, does fever.trLto stop a cough, night sweats, chills or lle move the eat May will WI stop of their own accord. , No one can be cored of Consei Hon; Liver Corephthod. • -Dytpgpshs; Cata rrh. unhast the liver stoma= are made pealthv. If a person hoe• consumption, of wane the ungs in some way _are diseased, eitner tubercles. abeesses. bronchia/irritation, pleura - . adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of wilammation and fast decay lag, In tech eases what Must be done? It is not only the lungs ,that are wasting, but it Is the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost their power **make blood out of fo d. Now the only Chance is to tale Dr. Schencrs three weft eines, which will bring up a tone to the ste i raeh i . the patient will begih td wanelbod, it aces • .easlly Intimate nod bloodi then She patient Pe ens to gain in flesh., and as soon as, the body be .gins to grow. the longs 'col:metre" to healers. and, the patletat get" dt thy and well. This lathe Only way to cure Ocmstunptioni 2 When there Is MO Wag Mania. and :01111r Liver Complaint and Dyltensia. kithenek's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pula are sudicient, without the Palmonie 'Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in ad billions complainth, as, they are per fectly harmleteo , • Dr. Schenck. who has enjoyed uni nterrupte d health for many years. past, and now weighs 1545 pomade. was warted away-to a mere- skeletoni In the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumritioo. his physicians having pronounced his case hope less and abandoned &tetra his He was cared by the aforesaid mec icings and since his recover many thousands similarly atileted have used Dr. schencit's preparation with the same re -workable success. -,Full, directions accompany each, making it not absolutely netessary to per sonahv -see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs examined, and for this . outhouse he Is professiouany• at his; Principal Ulnae; Philadel phia, every _where all letters for advice must be itddressed. , He Is also professlonaily at No. 3:6 Bond street. New -York,. every other Tuesday, and at No. 75 Hanover street, Boston, every other Wednesday. tie Wes advice 'free, has ror a thorough examinatitm with his Mespi rometer the price sigh.., Owe, houra at each city from 9A. Y. to - 3 p. w. Price of the Pulmonle Scrap and Seaweed Ton le eachBl.so cer bottle. er $l.llO a bait dozen. Mandrake Pills 115 cents a box. For r ale by all druggists. • , . .mv11:15.1.-diF ar'DOCTOR WHITHER CoN TINIJRS TO TUNAT ALL PRIVATE IMBRASEIL That numerous class of cues resulting from self • abuse, producing un- Manliness, nervous debility, irritability, tions. senlinal emissions. and finally im potency.' permanently cured. Persons afflict ed wias intricate , and long stand ing co ns Mutt onal complaints are politely Invited to call for consultation, which costa' nothing. Experience. she best of teachers. has eniPted him td perfebt remedies It once efficient, safe, permanent, and which in most cases out be used without. hindrance to business. • Medicines pre pared lathe establishment, which embraces of dee,reeftlion and waiting rooms; Use. boarding and sleeping apartments for patients rec i nl4nd . t da i ly personal attention, and vapor and cal baths, thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. No matter who have failed, state your case. Read what be *Ayala his pamphlet of dity pages. sent to ear address for two stamps in seal ed enve Alpe. Thousands of cases treated annu. 11lj. at office and allover the country, Consul ta on tree,tersonally or , by mall. 011ine No. 9 Wylie_ Urge (near Court Rouse) Pittsburgh., - Ps. 11011111 A. It. iv BP. Y.nondays 19 N. to Pamphlet sent to any address for two IaritATCHELOWBII.IIII . ma splendid Hair. Wale the best In the wOrld: the only tree mad perfect Dye: harmless, relit ble, instantaneous; -no 'disappointment; no ll &oakum, tints; remedies . the ill elects or bad dyer - Intimates mid leatet the Hair son and beatirai. Noel or prow*: ecad br all Drnuists and erftnn_ ,err and properly imprdind al Bache lore Wig rsatorr. :FA. 3B Road street. New. York. , m521:182 HF;;ItiIARTUAGE. the POtiktig f u n ip th i taly i f d Olt Iftn ix ib i aill EVILS. with certain hely for Zut erring and un fortunate. gent In sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge. Address.' HOWARD A13 4 0C1, Box - Pi Philadelphia; re. - • • ms1:1:1811411, 117 - IWEa LIQUORS, ft• SCHMIDT &FRIDAY Ispowriss 0. :WINES 'MOMS GIN, • wnemeisia DEALERS 1 . PURE • AtEm•,101101Es; - .-408imorNSTREET,.. ,- "Kaye , Bemo•ted,,to JOSEPIII LAVINCII ex; CO., " • se& tee, mrsihnieueesalts is i ' IFTBST trims% Trrtnicin. , - kixtnnuntfuzb COPPer ilbdilled Pare gye 'i eta -. Al.llllolatirS iri l i o3n6li Irtinct n n 1/110=, HOPS # 11.1172.1161 FLOUR. • ... i r EAßL.,,nuiL‘. , FLOVskr-we . we n ow - receiving_ very ' chhite aouthern, , M 1,4010 anklbrioceiriftur eigirattt OE TEMPE jffea. P.u.561 , 4 OAS A ' IntoKtr.P.AtSyjeltailre ANC nowt, ut .- 4 71,nvrtorAwr v i i tstool;.it , ,ramor 'mar In 'the tosritim , aide.. OE 4,31c , e Witte ,t) es e . PEAVII I I I ZYMilikNir -- a ' ci'6 4ll2 ' chola Re 'wheat; Idetwoutid mid' veis tcri toot ssitiatactiorko - A. Al 4 •cnstr r ir tdocia it wukss.tbelebilOf *ll7 I.kt.be manila. . ~ ..,_ . 1 'f - ag l i j i &trert i l l fe sc . 4l . l P7 7 .. I ! f, 1 ° 51 !9, , i . °7 ; bisa Oat iiilsaelT are: anted ant( libeled . with , . 4 1 14 1.P 4 'wLirikiraionoiii:lllloa; 1 iiri , o . ..--..,: t 'omitt.steaniximajlestiesiNi I , -/L0ga1441.1809‘ .-, , ~,I, .., . , isallr 1 viL ein g ' 1% , lrum t v. , „ FL ovoi It x.44' , f•-...6.1., ~. I jf *st. MINN 5.,„ s s. • , - s, XISOTawBAKIERS netrita. 480 We. ilf . Titpear,emir.bbi, a s H.. SW bbl. Nhle rio. mi "Dull eMsige Mille STO bete ,ElleoeficChe. 410/4111444 , IttyoNARIMIsMii us?. . . , ?AaßoiCle 'guar pLoings., 4.. aelo bble Miff, M h e - Weitte Mem lOW NX.Lii , iig T., Gy, • jet, I nz,.. A. 4 43 h r buil bt . ... mingpelt. l 4.1 Lev. Pei e Or ths 11113.11811051. 11 4 Pg . isesumelel. 611111471/411 /7I I P Vier t.: ltirti k , idr.Pitis,ls.-Iterifia:woirTers..Sl l %/14 .ye''' ~stst--4,.,ii .-1x , 11511.14444/Irit:Notro btreet. TELeaR AN!) aIi!MiFIMEMY., A 0 1111 dOhn i p*A 4 . WM " w- aati - •P. ' \ Ittriet t. AM tak, vat. " . 1 4, ' 1.4 ScAlitt klii--0 ilAsi t ' .....tu-IN, • •, 0, iiiirr.. , , ~,, , s, -.11„, . Ladies saa_OI.O4I4SWA.SO c wiltug J uni. a Oa neatest ==a r. ' - aias as E ):' :WJ ~110BOKEN" .STATION PROPERTY FOB. SALE. n , nil beautiful situation cannot be surpassed An. private veildeae.es la bar Atlrectiton so eLose to both r attles, being only eight miles up the Westertrennsylvantsltuilmd: Aitypen'on ded eLtintbifornistion about this nrenterty can obtiln 'CITY 'lt by calling at the' once of, the IRON MU TUAL `LIFE' INSURANCE 'COMPANY. TA Federal stieet, , A.lleabeny. - Lots 'from due-bilf sere . to - Ilve•nerev: also, small, lots to snit pur chasers'. Yheie id tt . good location toe a =untie - ttninu establishme nt,` tietwten the Railroad and Allegheny river. • • aul9:o-95 F. OR SALE .- T ' Rear Osborn itation, on the Pittsburgh It. Wayne iuid Chicago Railroad, TWO LOTS., , Containing Apout Two •Aarei - Eanh 11Vi:MACICEOWRI di -f".. . .195 Liberty-Street, QQ.CTII PITTEIRIURGrn' vistor -7.11TY 799 SALE.-20 feet fronton Car. - son street by. 100 feet deep to Bingham street; soca two 01011 tilliCk House:l balk two parlors. altting recut:L(oqt cbambet s. ming roont,lutchen 'Sad warn honse, cellar 'and coal-vault, fig dx tares. einem:well Oa hydrant water. lard and carriage,houston Blatt ham street. -PCIIOII3 who wish to - par:base - a desirable residence should examine thla property. Apply - to - - -; b. PIaWIBII , I4T BONE. an2s 39 Sixth avenue. ATALUABLE ,-, STOCK WARN v:- Foa l BALE,. situated in Wrsmoreland County. three miles, north of t•New Fldrenca." .Containsls4oiscres, 400 of which Is clesr.d and and %Jorge portion In. Krum- The land is rich and well watered. The bul:ding consists of a large frame Dwelling, two frame Barns and nu merous outbuildings. r-A'l the stsfr on the ground to erect a' One new dwelling; Cellar dug. This -farm odered at the low gripe of 110 per acre, with. easy payments. Apply soon to 1. • • : eLAIN & CO., , suit . No. 10*Ifonrth Avenue. gARDENEIN.TASE NOTICE. —FOR BALE.-TheFeIIRTRZN MLLE AND, myths , Allegheny River. and now used for gardening purposes; well Improved sad In a high state' of cultivation; containing 40 or 00 acres now offered/it a bargain. Call soon. ' Also. other Farms in' good locations. Woolen Factory. two •Hopues. and twenty zeros of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For Bath sad To-Ist hrturth cities.. :tor _further par. Realms Inquire of ~ , NYLLLAN WAPP ! .. few. 110 Orant street.. onooidte Cathedra l TX THE MATTER OF THE AP. I fLiCiTiON of "The Hopewell Old School PferbYterian Moron. or Findleir ToWnahlp. Allegheny county. Ponnsylvania`" fort Chute! ,Of Incorporation.' al No. 601 Sop' ember Term, 1889. - Notice b hereby given that the "HOYILICHLX. 'OLD S,CHOOL' PIiEdBYTERIAN.CHTIEDEL of Findley Towr Allegheny eorinty, Pa.." have made application. to the Court of Common Pieu fora ' CILLICTItIi or. iNcourolual9ll. • - - And that the iame .will he vented at the next term of Court, ttiaeta antnclent reason sholild be hewn to the contrary. aid J. 11. WALTER, Prothonotary. A c LLEGHEPiIt COUNTY, sts. coant of Wm. Johnston and C. Robb, exec utors of Andrew Johnson dec , d. Oiphane Court. No. Stt, dune terra, 1.60. And now. to.wit. dupe 10, 1569. the Cont. On motion of R. 0. Woods. attornty for except ants. ap.)otnt W. G. • HAWKINS. Jr., • Esq., Auditor. to audit the account oprn on the excep tions and maks distribution of the bahosee in the hands of accountants. ltY THE COURT From the Record . ITILANDO, Clerk. Ihe Auditor above named wilt meet the part'es inierested the purposes of las appointment. at idsogice. No. DA slrent street, Pittsburgh, on Che64llde" of AUGURY next. at A o'clock r. X . W O.'HAWKINti, Ja., Auditor. JUL'S% /0. 1899. . - jrl2:tui,X TN COURT OF COMMON ;IL PLEAfd_of.AUerheny County. N0.'4137 of nootember a'arm. !IMO. In she matter of the Ineornonitton of ..THE A.TISkNS- BUILD-. ING AND LOAN AiiSCIcIATIUN AUX tillitNY Notice Is hereby elven that on the illfth day of J Ol 7. 1 809 1 aPtaratlon wa" made to sold Conn to erant a Lharter no.merooratlon to rahl Mtso elAtion; and that Itidlotent reaeon be shown to. the contrary. the tame wilt be granted st the 'next term of sala Court. • • - - D. W. * TALL. -; !Attorney' ior Petitioners. . ; • inOnaS EXECIJTOWS - NOrCE. benne reatementary upon the will of IMES BETII BLACK, late ol Pittsburgh. deceased.' having pearl !skied to the understsneo,all per- . sons Picketed are. required' to • Make payment, 14.1111 all having olalms will present them to °roams. W. - COFFIN; Executor,. Jill :tabs 49 Water street. Pittsburgh. TIOPKINS STIKEET.-4 0 irotiCe 1,11 byreby given that nn thelOth air of July. • ~ at June Term, IBM% Quarter' besstons Court, a petitloa...tsr vaeatten of a-partton of Hopkins street. City of • ilenben,y, w as present ed and ordered to be, Med, gralted to show cause why a Irritant of acid street should not be closed up an essated. , • - 4datt C. MCCOkIIE4'. jyl2:ms-11111 • Attorney for Pennon. re, ' BUSINESS' CHANGES. plssotptiov , ovp,AlßNy,ogkit The pattner;bip ,her,etofore between * JOHN, "COOPER and, EL BERT BIER, ncider the *me ihd siilt 'of 40111 M. COOPER & C 0.,. Iris ..this day dlestilved by mutual consent, John X. Cooper retiring Iron said JOHN` • ,„ , TIRNBT:IMUL TlYzancrackli, Annual 151;1859, Thu badness will be with:net tbo old stand, corner •ol q'buteenth and 'Mk assess.: by she =decrial:led, -*to la author' cod Nettle al: bus- Jaen of said ,' • ;-,., HENRY "MIR. • t: T I OTICE , OF.IIII.III I L e cis part4e rship, bevitlcit ;,111;14 ;117.4.1 po„'4:id known conun ; 1444uliAblutrt:. e 'by ukupaig TOL ,t iiktoii.oolo;or Bueii : lt; Brown Ile tbo slit AtBX CIASIPB ta4 l AU Itiki e nN 9 Si t iz: 44 ;is WELT srAit , Slitr,-Irottilall Nate "Iftten, by; • Wi rl ayrativve ta il,. g oll7lu n' a m 4 Y k ' n llie, Otooery s; ,at, 0. 4s, nat., . mask,. inft ONUS dilliOn/eu on august 91 4 , oononots.vrill• be soli. od .14. She ',and ; roloo.3llkkoorderitiowntoy no deno oontwoct.: m 'ta by' W; 0: ii =zorr alter ttito Oita. • - A 035114110.33 P.! r r AIM InCREDITTLI, ,r4cmotuksv,7ls.4cate. : UAW, diner With W. Ilestie.oo.lB; 1504 53 szeithlield Street,Pittsburgb, Jimunsi , t IHE IcrEw 8P " jeot 43 ,4174 .[-;.' •,tI4,I,ASS °LOT • tf -.---,:yat'•-erohiiss, iratior, inhitha s pi autiet. NUS' •- • • • • Fit rpU ffIMZII.Ig.PLARM, r. b y earamy,3)/lifleiffTSZVS/tY,WEDIRs.. de7;b103017 LEGiaa. T re.; 66 9. 169. LIITION. ' Al.mta s e*lsting ander the'N EU-TONIC dlesOlied -as will tie settled go. $lOl tleever, eithoitzed tcp set- • . B SLUSH' .• • 11101kItief • w .asa?.ar; as*LoNrata,', • EMBINEE HUAI ,- 41111-10$00i CO,: Of Pe3:6xsylvardEt;. Office, 75 Fedfoillt.'Alleghell city. brisiceirozia , AIMS 16. OBAMS34 - Bev. J. B. OLARIE,_DiD.,. . Cant. R. ROBINSON, - Nev. A. )11, Rev. B. B. NEnBIT, W. ILEED,CasIder Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB AU ,SLI • Beal Estate Agent, • BLMON DRUM; Mayor of Allegheny, - I. BENN W, Batter, • A. . BELL, Attonny- at-Law, D. . PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. SWOGER. Insurance -Agent. , Cape, BOUT. BORINCION, President. Rev:J. B. CLARK, D.D.,VbseDresideatt, JACOB . RIIBII, Secretary,- C. W. BRANT. Treasurer. . • • B. W. WHITE. DANIEL 51Y061104 - 11eng Agent. This hi IMMO= comlizta.viiddeted on the Mutual principle, each mllicry, bolder -receiving an equal • share of the proAta of-the Company. Policies will be lined' on all the different plant of Life Inturance, and being.ccindueted on an economi . cal nuts will afford a, investment to each EVholder. and, thereby retain the money at. eto - encettragel home industre. • rnhlikgall • , . 'iNstigAtict COMPANY. rmiuswa.straniairG,, Me: ER !Ink ',Atrintian; ,11**01111.. moon, "•'"," / 1 , • PITTSBURGH, PA. •CDPITSIAIi ,= • • ". • • - DIRECTORS. , " , • 111.W.ollver,B1Capt.m.BaBeTsr Drag Ml 4 B.H. Hartman A.. Chambers, Jane - St , Clarican. itatley. Thomas th r Jno.S.Willotk; ;.! , milieux H. KlNG,Praddent. - Jl , lO. JP. anointell, Vice PreaUlant,. JOB. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. • • Capt., R. J. GRACIE. EtanlAteut , • Insures on Liberal Terms on ail - '.Fire ands Marine ap2:o7 - INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEOHENY, PA. • °mat nv rimnamc sAil:Nqs - .14A BIILL.DINGS. `4.l' Ohio' A HOLZ CClldPaliT. • managed by Mentors mei; known to the. community. wbo trust try Tar deidins to merit a snare of . Your patronage. • =nix mwter.......:...—;...piredeand. GIZO. DMOTOB§: fit% Biddle,irJia l ib t = iell' 16ettlelb YaM, Simon Dram , J. B. Smith, Jacob Haub; W. bf.-etewa rt , Cb.y.3 l Thiaturi. Joseph Craig. Joe. Lautmar, H. J. zattaano,. Jere. Beluga. - FL a 8131{0N_,L -'• , ' - • GENERAL AGBTIT: sple:as ATIOBirAL liISURANCE.CpINFAMY. Cot. Fideral L. and Diainond, Allegheny, Mee, In EIL69ND NATIONAL -BANK , . .. . W. W. MARTIN. President, - 'JOHN BROWN. ,Ju. Vies rrealdent, JAMZ& Z. IsTRVINBON: f3enretary. • .; •: ~ DIHICTOBS: I lobn A. litylex.i.las.. Loelkon. Jos. Xffeir . Jaa.L.Orabun. Robert Lea. 0. O. *Tie. Jno. Bmwri,Jr. GeorrsGerst, Jacob hon. O.H P,Williaini,Jtur. Thompson J. MeNanSher pENNSYLVIyi INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITITSBURGNI OFFICE. No. 115417.1_ OD erßErr, BANE OP 00KHKECH sumulNG: Tbbi Is a Home Company. and Mauna 118 11 moss loss by Sire antiulcer:. IXONABD WALTER; President. , 0. C. BOTI.T.V•Ice Preuldent. BOSU.T.PATBICK, Treasurer. HUSH HeIadESNY. Secretary. • DnuMTond: Leonard Walter, W00_3 1 71160% • ' C. O. Boyle, _bee. w. Evans, Robe Pa '; J. C. Lamm. . Jaao_ Painter , w . " J. C. Vieer, • Allan King, _ John Voegtley, .• Jas. H Hopitsa, : LICIII2IIII. • • Henry Sppul. • .170 -, IOIIEOPLE/P ; iNSIUIELA.NCE COltls irir..t • . • crznoz, N. s. comma woorl a nrra igo= Compiny,taking Pin and Marine Risks. • • DERZCTOnes In& 'Ospt..Tobn Strands, Jobis Wag. Samuel Palbriver. - J_ohn B. arks,, •Charles Asbnekle. °apt: James _ Jared M. Ernst', Wm. Van Kirk. - •Wm James D. Vr i z te Bannel • - President. • MCCriaktai JOHN ATT,_ lee President. • W. r. OARDNEA. deeretazy. • , • CAPT. JAS. f3K)RoON. General Meet. INDEMNITI , • , ' . AGAINST LOSS Fa FRANKLIN INSURANCE. Co.OF PHILADELPHIA. 01 , 11M41314 CHIDSfII7 near 1111110 puleCriet, . ,; . , , 1 oiiaitest al : i llaneltes. . Moder D. Ueda , lett! arm. -. ~ , David "DtpWrt. IMITIt. tn,:' ,:I ward . Dais.:; . tetzdej i Desalekrales. 0. ItAli 10P.,_ .rseueent. • ' '• - BDW: - C. De.T.D.l37lee rraudent. • . W. 0. 15TX1/.1./i n eerrt ii sse. ~ . - J. fa - AGM! ' Forth West earlier Tblrd and Wjed Streets. • : emzezwei I .., .. . . :. . 1 . . -.,• • t. -.. T*EITIIIIN . 1111111:111ANCE anti , pANY 01` PITTSBIJBOH. - WANDER NlMlOX,Prealdedit.• :•7. . - , r HERBICHT. secretary. _ • , ClAl;T:49•9ltelt XXXI.% tienerai , Aitedit. - Odle% 9X -Water stater.' Spew A 00. es. Water house, up stairs. Pittsburgh. _. _...... lym hulas *gab* 14 ALeas or rile and Jur rim Rabid A time inuntalOni managed by Di rectors who's:, :ma known:; to the. ooleusumity. sad *mart daterMullaromptriess and liber- Ult=winalatairt the terstmeh they have doss otAulturalse protealon to those who Quark% hadusTired• • • f :.) -. '14 ,4 ' 1 i • anutarcniti" • , , 1 .: Alekialier Maack, • , . J4an 11:11100use. B. Ifilley; Jr.. -. • . enss...T. Cligkei . JazneeXcAuX7.l ‘„ , 'WlUliub B. semis._ • Alexander9peer; - • Jeieph Elrkpatidfri • • Andrew *Mau. , 1 Phipilaymer. - • . • Dull./ M. Long 1 't 'W. iggensous .• ' D..lhmseti. _ , 11021 tAlf. LE 44 wig w. imiguiLocz. CO*PANY: Or PlTTlll yn apan , ICII.No. is rIFTEi MANZ 21;01:11 i Itilmres* , litteste ell tlitcals . tot Thy: and litezine Pr.rfama.zsiiran i i -,--.‘ , a Prett elite - - ark wst.Mrb. , , , ~ ~ „ , i rez eZil : .. 44'elit. Lr;.16 4, 11/ .*_,;,t,_l-.-,. Lliatinktettieki 1 i -a. - 6 *-Ve s ul=7 s l., - ' E4l 0 . . k. ,,, Irving 0h0 u ,„.;_,: .. 1. i , ets4 ,411uN 46...riletiodtiallei : ', 0 . 0 Di glillt " , •• ~ -T0Etpx.v.,.....:,, 1 COAL -AND' • • ,Ali