6. STEEL WORKS. P ITT 5111311611 • STEEL WORKS. ESTAI3LIBIGID IN 1E45. • , .• • MERSON & WOODS •.3tAlcurri*lLEss OF BEST RBI:4N= CAST STEEL ' - ct everr 4escription. Also, bebt Bennet .Gerrean Plow Wild= Spring Steer. t)B43.ANG'—'IPEBH S sr T AV s . NG.4Pitts: :BARS . &PAW GENES4L PARTNIgIa: WM. Min CALIF. BETGIENUTLIME, CEO. W. BABE, , CHAS: PAESIN. firEclAl;-I,A.rnms.-9. MEE, CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER; BAlrft & PARKIN , . , OFFICE, No. 119 Liberty Street, PITTEBUP.GH, PA. fell:d4S - DUQUESNE WORKS. COMMI RABX & CO. lisnufsicturers of /RON, NAILS, SttEL AXLES. AND SPRINGS DVDNESNI4- AND YONIATA. a MBAB b IIOI3IID ANDS r IR°l4 IRON. gif - Haft PL MS AND LADS, GUARD' IRON DRAM and DROPPER. BAB& YLANG oirrupl. Bens, CYLINDER AVD FLAT RAIL, for Coal Raids. quows aBS,WEDGES & HARROW TEETH; WHIM}, _ _PLoW sND CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. TEEL. COACH, BUGGY and WAavN ST RIN GS and " m in t cx—riThArcs. AND SPIKES. All GoodaYirst Clap and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. albilakilth Street and Allegheny Diva; and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh.. • t rErriELD - stEra. WORKS. SINGER MICK & CO., illiiSntrlloll. PAL. nianners of every description of CAST ANA) GEI3IIIAS STEEL, BVELW BP2INGS, ANI) PLA.TFOKIE BPRINED3, .11.111.30, STSSL TIES, £c.. an ' • Waretuwas 88 Water andloo Ent Sta. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL •,WORKS. PARK, 'BROTHER_ & CO., winufactuiers or all descripiUnii of wirgaimwer • - IDdLce' and Warehouse.. THIATIETII, irlitt3T aad RA.11:4120A.D 13T3dIEST/3, . • - - PITIffiBIUBSIFE. BRASS FOUNDM. 1; IS 0 Di k 5 * C rt .11iiCCYS6C:9 3 . soul"! M COOPER woo, Bell 'and Bniss Founderiu BRASS CASTINGS map: racomrsur,4to eumas..l, Mantle and Griy- Iron "-Fittings o.s i.irznviat - `BireG , ", THROTTIAtaIaT AND ..0 4tg o .gra#B Work :of :inn,: oaf rot = steam, Water - and ~111,1, 9. ervarn, - 091.1.p. c9o.FErrs , improvedeel Stiam Pump. Agekts fie. • Di iWtie, reiteiti Oil ors;:thefreg#tll664laricet• Mica , and - Works, corner :M.htrteeth and Au Mel& r,t , I, 1 , ( n 1.; itiOt;i.[*,:.l.oosk' . ::i'; [,i111411.88N- 11100BSS. Uaen- The Trustees are new *rewired tofflant or the moor th e , PTJALI 6I I4IIBEN The superior quality imparted to goo 4 iron, the great improvement in inferior iron, au n t he reduced cost.couthmuld thth a=ngled: Qf Parties mishit= torkinse 1 . 1 cth ot4spykicsolisekby JAMES P., .SPEER 4 • • AttOrney for the Trustee*, BOONI3I and' it, Engliah , s Building, .963 youith avenue. Par ties interested are invited to visit the 11)10X BILIIGICitWORKS, where the roe-BE2ls now In_ succesaftd operation. ieS:do7 EVERSON PRESTON - 4i; CO' PennriViliania l Iron Works. Warehouse. Nos.. 166 and 167 118.81 1 ,IffiLitllT, opposite Nouougasela Souse spli:d. PITTRIIIinGII GL'ABO. OffiNji,'-01:FTLEEtit: 100 WOOD STREET. Gi)lO>s e =VT DS - • • FINE VASES , souzattaisr -AND CHINA. NEW e D T SEISA TEA BET% • __ enrr _ups, 82110E15G 81.T13, Alerge - stoolt SILVER PLATED • GOODS • of all deeerlifon!l. 4 ll, Cm and examine our Nide, and me feel essielled no on e need AUI to be imited. 'lOO WOOD 15112/IMT: ENGINES, BOILERS, Aco. 11116111.BOLEit CO Cm Point Albmand Duquesimpt.,:::.., (Nsistraz Pcnirr.) . • • , ...- EriginA Buaders• - . : 7 01 infleri And - - ' , NfOckipiscs: -- , • - • - - - - • • , - . .. ittolattoiore wriiiiißoAt t 101121213 sad tyr*r 71024ARY ZNOIIUS,9.sII sizes.- • - •, 1 - • Smtohll. ettesttos temea to our aewiITATION -ANY ; OIL WELL .150nOri SOT' rAITABIgIi ' BOlLElikof 15-borselpower. • - ~ , Oatiofityllik• ot everzlastrzaszlelystenr loundryoAT Iss -beloW stket. . • MOB ror 0 Wells, 0, _ _ _-P LEIB, Tr RANO :o=B t HO tIE TOBLOCOMBZWSI443 litON ToBACC rzistmas, - an nand end Made to order, stills' ____-__ _ : ittpusTIRIAL:INORicti ~,, - lhinttlos on the lille*itilUiret; mu tie iolit, ' igli' Alford erigromolly tiled...TßY us. VORT:PRET BO._ • - - 1 ". ft, • • MSTILL AND TANK . ..VO - 14' Ks • _CARROLL & ItASUINICIIMICIO 01P DOUBLEAILUED TUBULAR, PllidrßOZ AND UYLINDER -mum BOIL OIL STILLS AND OILTANVk OBINNEYS, BERECRINO AIA 1/ %mu van% SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS. - Irryass- 'eAsoinsTEßß !Ltd) . LEON • BRIDGES. `maw ]:=144.35(D 00AL SHUT= • - ' - . , . Oldee and liVarehonseinorner Second, Third, Shari and Liberty . Streets,r PITTSI3I7RGB., Pa. INT Orders sent to the she*e address will be .motly attended to. - - mh7:189 WIC & CO., • ''BOILER DIAKERS AND SHEET IRON•WORKERS, sroa. so. sic sa asp sa P HST. Having secured a large yard' and turnished ;payinn the most approved machintryore are pre ed to manufacture every desaription of BOM- E.' made hest manner, Canted equal to say in the country. ey', Breeching. Yire Beds, Steam Pipes, , Lommoilre Boilers, Condensers, Balt Pans, Tam's, Oil Btills, Airltse tors. settling ram. Sonar rioti.i=li Brs Pans, and saw insomnia:Menial - a M. ent Boilers. - • • Bemiring dons anemones; notice. islic2l AIIIE6 ai. BITER, Roth 55 and 56 Waßtr Sired, wrnseinson, PA., KainnrACTlM lll IRON_ OIL TANKS, lIITTLEFG PANS, COFFER BULLY FIZZ. wmuse lam STACK . /Ind FRZINKT IRON WORK. For Steamboats. .TADID n. saves ......DDXIIND D. MUDS JARED ,31. BRUSH( b. SON, _ • inarerractsums Or Steam Boilers, 011S till ,'Tanks. SHEET ZION WORN, &O. 61 ren.P.. Streets-X*6*u_ 11/41 Pa. STOVB3,"GASTINGS, &b. - _ ISBALI)ItIEir CO., NO.BO WOOD STBEET, issaniketuren of the greatest 'varlet, of • Cook, Parlor and Healing Stoves, In our assortment will be found all the TAA:I'EST PATThItN B AND IMPROVE SCENTe, and the reputation of our Stoves ts such that any one In Want 01 *good artiele'should 'purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be foutd the most durable as well as-economical. Would. call Particular attention to our new VOLCAN 4 ► STOV.E. - lbr churcttes.lant SIM stores. Over 6110 sold in three montas. Intended for with or with out casing. AU who bore used them W01:101111C8 them , superior to any other and far cheaper. Bend for Catalogue and Price Wt. iedu , . eimmar trite° - - _ ~a gaiwirrAwmizokowirrin, : y 4 . ,.„„T„,_ ~r _ sosiTiAr - cotocrite.Bazirezi i}:t • s' I III3 , II:EICT,':FURNACE , "' . NlK)min ciaxacroniiiravz. PRIMULA TA* 9- COL SI& COOK STOIC& ,All l ll_ 2 ' ACladnsultat 5 PatiAr_A) PORT/Mum RA'Nez 018711tONICANTLAA ,, WAbl amall.S. RAT_Lzaringtax__Ak...; tree troxiidt%?aut dist: Eiticax.a. NW FAA uZBA, la • ' • - t • r ! • 20441 - iid: 20 it' gtieet, PPPT1031:180511; PA. 0001t•OrliKEEL - . • 11.10441C16t4t. : 0 0 .'5 ., TIIUDIP11; • • • :.•• ks I ran; lortuirrifio us COAL. Warranted to toot, Bake • or Beast as sspat,Ather, Stove In the Unions tfttara co No. 285 Liberty Street. Liao ta Wind tad for oder ( 4' PABLOR EZATEraeIarIikaNDKRIS. COOKING OM 40. LUVO3E!I t TO BUILDERS 1 400.000 te4VDrirtnejs oll rds_...4 • t 100,000 feet inch Clear rails. 115,000 feet 1% inch Common Flank; 145,000 feet Dry 1 and A inch Oak: 115,000 ft. %.1. U.% and Winch Poplar,: 10.000 tees Dry Poplar Bantling: 10000 feet Dry YellOW Pine Boards; , 100.000 Stet Hemlock Besotting. 703.000 feet NO. 1.15 ina . Baglriall Odin* gles. %00.000 No. 116-inch Shingles. sawed: , 60,000 No. 1164neh Mirages shaved: 110,00 0 Fire Brick; • 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tens Yire Clay; Also. Saw )1111 Lumber. Locust and Cedar Posts. and all articles In the line on hand and for sale, bir ALEXANDER PATTEMON. Yards— No. 1 1 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets. tily.th war4,Alleglieny. lateo:t . of li bor ough anchasterk:, a, ~ Wpm. - cOMMION I-1. , A. , 4.-- .., •.....• ~- • i : kat/int/44in. WOrkiii N9rthirest corner of West , daimon, Allegheny. 1 ifiv; , itrifo'* 4 "9'"..= ra u Fgqii t es. t rib E r ma tz ueww? timmvsly ezeauteth , Prises Sealoll4l4ll Wren T a:4IIAM Oil PITTSBURGB GIVZETTE:. ,MONDAY, ..AUGUST, 30, t wik six.a)mh Jlu.eamirra. . HAP:rF T PITT FOUNDRY COYFAINI. OFFICE AND TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. • IgUrZtighles,illolliiig 11111111aii. chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings gene NATIONAL FOUNDRY -‘` AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll apillplmaUsaalslllsollBl6 • WitiTll WAWA) • PlTTEri3l7l34titil 1)16 . . WILLIAM SMITH, Dian.uf watt:mop - CAST IRON BOWL PIPE sou GAS AND WAiSli WOBSIk My Pines are all east inviudablyln PM, In dry sand, and I,lllnetlengtba. Also, fall usortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Work& eltl r v id.4 fv.%o l :27..VlßlP mar& -- - DUQUESNE FORGE. MUM LER (Successor- to JIM P. WWI & 00") , . Has facilities co•eztettsfre ' with' the leading .YOrges tn the Hut, and is prepared to promptly and lostisfactorily MI all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS,KS , PISTON ROD+, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMSWRISTS. RAILROAD AXLES.. LOCOMOTIVE. FRAMES; together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apl4:h4o ROBINSON, REA & CO., BUCCONIOrIi . tO iiminocar. litnqs Mums. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS, AND. MACHINIST% PITTSBURGH, Mannfitinrers of Boat and Statlenary Steam En- and Bt and !Sheet Iron Work.. Mho, -corner First and: ebattbfield Streets. . Agents forVITRAILTS INO.CPCiIt On reeding Boilers. TUtillitii.S :CAW= £i CO, . Fourth Ward Foundry and Mathias Works,. BLISDITIM BT. ALLEWIENYCIMIr. Xannfactarera of StatlotraT and Portable Steara tit l l= I t a l triv e r l oit St i I t I Y NIU M al a a i l i dt a 3 fat Casting!. Eirate Bars., Wetants Wagon Boxes, As. Baud to order and nave on nandiednes of all sizes. manna CENTRAL FOUNDRY . AND ROLL WORKS B€lo P'ollll Stivet. BOLLION, BOYD & noALEY. QalllSou, MW Cutlass. 801 l Lathes, STONE. OILS. lILIMOND OIL WORK& _ . N. M. LONG & CO.. Ornce..Di=ln.LM4r.piNe. DUCIUMe Way. Pittsburgh. Psi WMMIIO AND tetioieitni' itsH'4 l iodiiets, • DALZEIMBLOCIKOMQUESNE WAIN- natalmnaL,ADinuals;-` , Room 17; Chamber Of antsmerah 233 sprig SECOND smirr: '• ' "pica .11111 . 01WEB 8 ; ;COMMSSIOr NERCHANTS:' ,A F IVDS.,I4./4ta Ett Petroleum.. and Its- Products, rittabusti voice—DALMSIII 8111411135r0. etnzutr orun4tesue74T & d krrin Meets. PhUatteltlO9lllo7-1,97 WAlanrr 101:140 ECLIPSE' PETROLEUM ,. ,REFINERY. , wood 13KA3MfMMnM 01 ME Liogluting & iiig)itest Burnlig .... . Zellpse Maibroad Axle Oil. Stands great, heat, without, chaugektelags_t limpid at lawanXeulnlratarell• lI , IP aa tna -1.1. tropical climates or hot weather. LOSOlXlSUwesZnakiitee Ataelpiste Mope Maw lu and 1P .. „„ . ,; da tedierhish !lobed: ' • . i es ; elli . -Wool 24.10;31.1ight01 1 .' • Tanners , stun: iseusige, tisattellhajr.oll, lassollse, 14All011. ~. , r allol4‘. .. : • At vOl iii Berta, Brlintl%ol4 Work andidgcbutt aum VT 'These RrOducts, ' roanumnirr Tweadit e ent , eugert,td. tesla lii r_,.,7 l ll . ! ;,11aligtre' i nkoliVtifilit a reit ti l r i t i o e' i orod. a d a I,4lgeroperatur unc e 'and remisinitaadddur g extreme cold. ,The Oils are unequalled, "ad are in cannot' u541..0u many of the' principal' Railroads. Baronies cab be examined and orders left 1741 , W90D STRIDE% Works at sharpaburglftlata Novßtay worucal:l pummel:rasa • NOVELTY FORTS. i P. ni:11011440454- A . D . , 11,1531Vf'A. , -.' .::. 116111/40441AVAEW, ; aro!' CO. 5; - et..*oi t oioi4A ' oio ,, crinieirilivreitaan orannhti.4l.** , Livr) iit iorsimPtlim).:l39vwx=b3,l p.. 1A1iz5 ..,1.4.,,, ,, ,,,, , ; , t , * all, s . X ti ga lllF ,st. , . ' lll , 4 tQ3See• le ille.ww} !,. I L.tErt ,.. .... ,„ t6!11111141144 PI . la v—, , .',., --....10-3) IttaaA la i ic 44c.1%,,1 .WAIIY.X.A.W.A ittivl , • . • ANERICILN BAN N0:430-443URTEE AVENUE, PITTSDVEGB. CASH CAPITAL e 200.000 Stocitholdep Ilidividually Liable. BANK VP DISCO MT DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. paacrong. Thosi - 1111 Marshali;-- John idnrtland, Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace. James W. Arndt. Jas. D. Kelly, Una Tel,-.J,fteh, Wm. Floyd. Jon oyd, Th is now folly organ Zed 024 PrePared to do a general /mains bi , on se: - . , jelok43 ITEM. AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh:: No. 495......F.1FTH . AVENUE. • • CAPITAL. 1100,090. STOOICEOLDERE INDIFIDITALLY LIA BLE. • SIX PEp CENT. INTEHEST &Rested on time deposits. "Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canadas on most favorable terms. . ; Exchange on ail the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. Discount days Tuesday_ and Friday. Open from 9 A.. to 3F. m., an d Saturday evenings frorn 7409 o'clock. DIRECTORS: ED. DITHRIDG*, W. -P. WBYX/I.lk • W. -FL SIM;; • FRANK PIEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, HENRY MEYER, DAN. KINZER. D. M. ARMOR, EMIL POE.RETEL. ED. DITHRIDGEI-Presldent. F. E. SCHENCK. Cashier. a:1181:51 CITY BA.WIE. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa CAPITAL. $lOO.OOO. TOCKDOLDERB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE INTEREST rAllyoN DEPOSITS. • FOREIGN ESCHANGE • Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to /Carol:we. Collections made on - all the principal points of the United States and Canada. ; DOKlntePt IHmenn, President. Jaisis licCans, Vice President. W. li - ..Monoarr. Cashier. • • : , DittiCTOns. D. nallitell. , James McCabe, ThontlisMonrke, John Savage. __ J. Iranian, Jr.. Terence Campbell, Patrick Bane, James Phelan Chas. 11; Barr, B.A.Freyrogle, Jno..los.liermann. Thomas Barnes, Hugh Keating. jel:ks JAY COOKE & . CO., • 33Eaalm.ors, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. =ODES sad BONDS of ail descriptions boUght and sold. - Special srtention given to the purchase and sale or Government Securities. mhle HART, CAIJOHEY & CO., BANNERS' AND BROKERS, Garner I,Third - rrvrenstrivau. thIICCEIMES TO HANNA. MART a c 0.,) Excharige, Coin, Coupons, particular at:NU:2 meld to the ruehhes COVERNMENT BONDS. BIWA Drafts on London. arusei PM PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN Messrs. DABNEY, MORGAN & CI hange Plate, and M. FL. JF.SUP do CO Pine Strict, Y.,. Offer - for 'sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railwa These loni . ll pay men per cent. in to have 'thirty - years' to ' rUh; are Free trim Government Taiation, are seemed by land Grant of Thrce — gillionjerta of the Finest.,:LandrinTeliaatai and ,igabirada: In addition to this special grant the Co* gaup Also owns.-Three ffiiliioni of:Acres: hi 'Kansas, which fireteing . ritildly mold to develop county and iinprOye tiO rote 'pity area first mortgage upon the attn.': sion of the road , item :Sheridan, gases; to Dollvert,COlOTadoi load in opal ilea NOW EARISASOBE:THAN ENOUGH , 3 NETINOOSE LIO 'WY"INTERNS ON THE NEW LOpf. Thera 8 jeogltY the ,marietr—thia being, sime-respetto better tilk•Gclveramen; , Ees-' tikritteo., PRINCIPAL) INTEREST PAYABLE I GOLD „: ,Prite 96, as ed InteTest, InCatreuei; gag Ond•Eitcuia a'• fun/tilted 0n A 1 P 41 , r ARCHITECTS. BABB 4osNto r AIW C IELTE/Mil C c.l-ICIH.L,'‘ 1:1 '...i, Vairr *OPIX AMOC/MOLATUD salIN9ll5 liGe. LCUsI-41.4.4 ra. r.— mossug ... .., = • 7 " " .11111t-earsiorta a Ta,S4d. Al) 1//13111Q 0 i4XOd 44.4 taAMID attalU i t:4•At) at SILVER AND COUPONS Baugh* at Highest Prices. PU. B. IffERTZ, Banker Cot.. Wood and Fifth Streets. my 6 N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market' Street. . . . ColleetLnui lade on ell the prlneinalnolztArof the Unitt3dBtates end Canada*. • • Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON toxicausgm. Partici:du itteztion paid to the ormolus. md 031 e of United States Securities 1130:al Jams T, LUDY sk CO., Corner Fourth and• Wood Sts., = =AM 3EL gel GOVERNMENT tiEcuurrits, ea* slum AND COUPONS, ur Interest Allowed on Deposits. air Money =loaned tat Gow=nnent Sonde as oweat market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale _of STOOKS . BONDS and GOLD. -. • Eta littzbugt &Ott. FINANCE 'AND TRADE, Orvroms or Piproottsos GAZETTE!, SATURDAY. August 28..1869. 4, The GoVernment bond Market is very strong without any advance in quota tions, mainly on the belief that the ,t3eo retrary of the Treasury will continue to buy bonds in the same proportion as the past month; the dealings in bonds, however, are very light. :f; Gold quotations are , maintained at about 134, with a prospect of a furth.sr rise during the earlier part of the pres - ent week. The bull party do all in . their power to keep uplhe market, and no doubt will resort to all possible schemes the present week to get up an excitement and frighten timid bears. The report, of - Napoleon's death and fail , inv .- health in a greater degree have all proved a canard. likewise the riot re ports, but the quotations for our bonds are lower, on a rise in, gold, - Both aro matiOnlated by the game parties inter . sated.' That American bends should decline in London and Pails quite natural, when French:rates and , consols, the most staple securities on the bourse of . Europe, are declining, The aver age quotation for ,the 140 year fon French rentes was a shade below 70, and 70.75 for the last six months; in the early part of August they advanced to 73.70, and on natire 7 eicited litarket iniParte, on railroad securities suffering a de cline.from over speculation,. _ , a reaction, must:also he lookedlhr ini.rentes, which explains the cause of our sudden ad vance in gold. The iiiiiiment that the decline of routes : mist havo polttioar .iettsgni..was, very, plOutahle, and, tberfr fore served,itspurpoaa_well. , . ; -In Stockli a general' advarice took. place with the rise in.gold, but the noir ket is not active. For locai - Seourittei inquiry=- is Made. and Valley bonds are reported abOut 85, „withont "being ante to trace, any sales ishade above 84. Our home securities would And a readier market at 1 I better rates, tibut the dlilicultt of, selling them . again.. When money n eeded,. make • atl ,exoeit4einutrient vestois very shytinlact it in often diffi , onity ta get any bid for neottrlties when theyshave to be offered. Bank, etotatis - are qtilet, although still paying gooddlirldmdsalret it Is Impossi 'tile to perceive - -how banks can earn :Much onlegitimate-businesa -when the mercantile ookimunity has -diffietak - to make more than expenses, except in a few inktinces.'-41iliiner is - scareer 'and advanced rater! *lye been asked, ..out, ;aide cif' partite. ' 1 • : Icepoiniedsvilleltailiiiid ate:reward more in request at about 15 to 18; 120 might be be obtained )Ibr A - sall 'lore t 6.: PartieS hiving corifidence in the early comple tion of,the road, and • a profitable bust iqUOttPllS aß received; Ph. Mortar told, 184; Silver,' 128; Eighty- ime1e,,123;- Five.. Twenties,' 1882, /23341. :do . 1884; 122; do 1885; 122; do 1885, Ocateois,' 1 20 g; do 1887‘0207-01 180 8 1 . 2 12034; Ten Forties, 115; New York Ventralsii.22 l 3i; Erie, --7 4 4 4 1;eadini4 253 l; Pittsburgh , Fort Wayne & Chicago Batirpa t ik wig; Ohio dt/Ilisbtaippi,.l B2 g;, Southern, 388 y,; %eve., land ee:Vittattitirgh;• , lo6r `Oldeago • 51gland,1 3.l4Hvehlii4o & North: Western, 01-o.Ohlesigu4tlorth Western - Preferred, '95%. Adams Mit-. 'pani;!•sB3it',,,M6Shints Union Expiress, • 10:4;seliii412101; Mitt Wester* EltiOn Telegraph Compfug,,l37l o eries# ess Company Atu- EXOICABOH- Largo. anal,» Paodoerk'•lB,7o Parley per tkano.:-; r 26X 28 Berlin:thluer •:" '9T'i• Frankfurt, Oorins .., N '57 G$ —Clueinglivtationt rekeeiV9 o 97.TeMeii T. Brady; 4111, -130*-1 4 VIIIO2Od. statesz-AM .• 12 ti 'MIi"CAOO4 I 9 I 4 .„ Eql344All!'l ',Ault Go 022941;24,A W 144 EERIE :1 FINANCIAL. H. ' ,PA.' tauccusors 08.' JONES a C 0..) BUY AND BELL ALL ELNDB 07 ON MOST r&vossaLa roma. LAMBS T. BRADT & CO. Ten-Forties, 115; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, -120 X: do. do. 1867, 120%; do. do. 1868. 120%; Due Com pounds, -119; Union.-Pacific Railroad, 88W; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 110%; Lake Superiors, 96. By Telegraph to the Plthsbnigh Gazette.) NEW YORE, Aug. 28, 1869. Money easy and abundant at 5157 per _ cent. The bank statement shows that the banks are still contracting; and She legal reserve is down to one million and a half dollars. Loans, $ 261,012,169; de crease, 11,729,0e.4. Specie, 119,460,102; decrease, /2;125,408. • Circulation, 133,- 997,742; decrease, 420,382. Legal Ten ders, 152,792,834; decrease, 077.997. posits, 4188,754,539; decrease, .83,270,0 07 . • Sterling nominal at 9%0)9% per cent. Gold unsettled; opened at 134%, fell to 1333; and clOsed firm at 134%. Carrying rates 6 Per cent. to flat. Clearances, 1171,900,000, - Experts today; $15,6404 for the'week; $161,800. • ' • Governments strong. Coupons 81, 123 • @123%; do. 123@123%; do. '64, 1220x312.23 do. 'B5, 122©1V%; do. new. 120%@120%; do. '67.121@12i%; do. '6B, 120 6 ©120%; 1040'6,115©115%; currency sales, 110%®110%; - State bonds dull; Miasourie, 87; old Tenneasees, 61%; new, 52%; old Virginias, 55; new, 53; old North Carolinatt, 56; 'new, 49%; old `Louislapas, 71; levee sixes, 65. "Stocks without par ticular feature and close steady. Five-Thirty Prices: Canton, 57%; Cum berland, 34,i; Western Union Teiegraph, 37; Quicksilver, 14; Mariposa, 7; do. preferred, 12; Pacific Mail, 80g; Adams .Express, 56; Wells, 19; American 36; United States, 63%; Merchants, 104; N. Y. Central, 201%; Harlem, 160%; Hud son, Reading, 95%; Erie, 34; pre ferred, 55; Michigan Central, 129; Mich igan Southern, 106%; Illinois Central, 137%; Pittsburgh, 106%; Northwestern, 81; do. preferred, 95%: Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 77 ; Rock Island, 114%; St. Panl, 79%; do. preferred, 87%; Wabash, 82%; do: preferred,, 83; Fort Wayne, 88%; Terre Haute, 33; do. preferred, 58; ' Chicago and-Alton, 153%; do. 'preferred 155; Ohlo , and•Misslasippl, 32%. - Coppers at 8;4 -Boston; Copper Fails, ; Franklin, 15%; Quiney,'2s. _ Sub-Treasury balance, 165,883,817. The payments to day were over six millions. Iniports'for the week: Dry Goods, 0,- 371,887: General slerchandiz3, *3,505,941. )PITIriEtiIEGU MARKETS. OPPIoE OP PrITEBUEoIt GAZETTE., / SAmunev. August 28, 1869. S The markets in a general way present but little that is really new or important. Business is moderately active, a little more so than it was last month, and fully as good as it is usually at this sea son of the year. Grain is weak and low er, in sympathy with the decline in the West, •and flour is less active and, un changed. Groceries, with the excep tion of sugars, for which there is a good demand, dull but unchanged. Provi sions quiet, with the exception of sugar cured hams which are lower, but un changed. All kinds of-fruit and veg. • etabies are abundant and very cheap. APPLES--Sales at $10)3 per bbl, as to quality. BUTTER—SaIes of goo d to strictly prime, at 20@25. • BERRIES-Sales Blackberries, in goad condition, at 90 cents per bucket. CHEESE—May be quoted at 150)17 cents—the outside Agure for New York ' goshen. , CEMENT—JohnstownHydraulic Ce ment is quoted at 52,25 per bpi. • s 7l CARBON OlLr•StIll quoted at 270)2S for round lots, and W@)3o in a s way. • EGGS--Unehanged at 15@16. • FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at 80 85 cents to the trade, and the usual ad vance for small lots in store. • FLOUR—Is quiet and dull, and spring wheat flours are 25 to 50 cents per bbl lower, while winter.: wheats are un changed. We now quote the 'ormer . at $7@7,25, and the latter at 870)7,50. ,There \ has been no arrivals of spring for some time, and as a consequence, the stock In this market is pretty well reduced. GRA.lN—Wheat , is quiet < and rather dull and.the mills are asking for conces sions, though we- are cognizant of some Sales of choice at 51,40; $1,35, however, seems to Joe .regarded as, the- standard price. ; Oats dull and inactive-buyers and sellers aPart; may be_ quoted at 45, bid - tor car load lots, and 47 asked,— sales in store at 50. Rye is in fair de mand• at $1,15, but above this buyers will not gO. Ear corn is being sold at 95 to 51; and prime Tallow; shelled; at $1,05. Sales of ,barley, on spot, at $1,213(g)1,25; future deliveries could hardly be sold at these figures. HAY—Sales at. Allegheny Diamond market of 73 loads at $15®20. Straw sold at same place at $120015. - • HIGHWINES—•Are still quoted, in a jobbing way, ar51,23011.25. ILE—Vary dull, $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 2%@13 cis per pound. LliStEr•-••White Lime is quoted atsl,so, and Cleveland at 12,50 per bbl. • ' • LARD OIV—P.- Sellers do Co. quote Extra No. A, at44B,:rusi No. .2, at; 1,05® MELGNS—SaIefi at ;1115®22 Per 100, as to Bike) conditien and quality.. --: POULTRY-434es of. - spring - chick ens, at 60@55 per• pair. • ' PROVISIONt3..-Blarket • easier, .- and Hams are: lower; We now quote •as follows:-Shoulders, 15g; Ribbed sides, 18,.i: Clear do, 19%; Sugar Cured Hams, 23; ID:led Beef, '-= Lard, '20% in tierces, and '21% in buckets; Mess Pork $34 ' ®34,50. _ • • - :: .PEANOTHIgher, 14% cts. PLDMS—Quoted at 58@ 9 per case, or /4.00 per bushel.. , • PEARS-12@S per bbl.,. - • ', ' _ PEACELESrSoId at from $1,50 to 1,75 per hex: - • • .• • POTATGES—Sweets have still further declined, and we now . quote at $5@5,50 per bbl for Jerseys. • SEEDS There is 'nothing doing in -Clover or ; ':Eimed sales -of Timothy at $4.75. -.- • ' ~SALT—ls.quoted at 41,75 by the car load; and $2 for'smalllots in store. TALLOW7llendei*d quoted at , 11135 Dry Goods Martet.l, _ . Ilaw 'roast August 28.—The-business among the dry goods trade JD', decidedly, 'better and: in some branches very active,- eecaSiOned, • partially,- by`loan' freights.' The recent prevalent firmness of cotton, 'and the stoppage - of _the Plilladelphia and other mills, for the want of water, &c,, , haveau-important-bearing , -ow the mar ket, Intl also prices are generally steady, and there is a disposition manifest AD Put, up the price of 14W irloed,Prlute 1 40 .per yard, but it will be strenuously op. by jobbers ; heavy'sheetin tratj gs are e}i@i7c,forbest brands,.suchita. Appleton and„Athmtle Qraniteville: is selling at leo, and Graniteville • Angnet•2B.-Neale mom - act !Ave, id $3,873404:75 for common' to fair '- cow& $8,00®8,37 for - fair ;4*.) :medium, and i1t3,90@7,81% for good to prime ship. ping ateerd4 ,lEtuips" Etin eteadn. 118 40@8,90 - for toiiimen, * l 9 .eog9,4o m, fori fair to mpdiu, and .1%5050,45, for good t t i . .) chides,- •:1 4 4 8 .14 1 Wh f 8 4, ZAcieckstigoiatitailitosfer .1% ar101:4 ediX°' aq5.11-751181#VC‘I t 4) teetlart * aLL