~.. ...A.. al a • -- a 410 .4171.,..“0,..1121 ili WE zee °AC ware, Allegbeny city. witt.mePt at the PljBl In SClftioL nousE, on MONDAY EVENiNG next. la 734 P. 34" to perfect ibriF. oreanizsgon. an2S:n6s WM. TATE, Chairman. ___________.________ .-- farNOTICE.-TITIE REGIULAR Pesal—sonnal meeting of ibe Stock he'd ers or the C. Af. it. .4 AgeOCIA.II'IOI4 OP eiti LeGRENY, for Ilic 'election of e ISlce h ea t , wil be held Ilf their new lean, pro lii owo on TUESDAY EVERLAEI, September Ith, at o'clocir, - Panc.usl attendance 1! requested. Dy order anaOttattx W. E. IIEAT. Secretary. 131SROPTITORPE SCHOOL for GIIILS, well begin Its second 'Sear D V. on e a Illth of bNerk:SISKR next. She number of pupils all of whom Illre In the. honse, Is lim ited to thirty'. 'french IS tanatit by a rerldent Royston,. and so far as nominee° Is made the linetmere of tne fasellx. Address , for cerg n'ara, i Pennaetc.. MISS °RABA Blehopthorne, litethlehreu, .: - • • • ....- - I auto - QTRALVIOD.--bne simian, dark ik_ritkr MULIt W 45 taken U 0 ite ii• estray by toe *lice on Houdin,. August atld.llll6o. The Popowner ts,nollned to manse Jorwart, anaim and pay eharees. or the Niels "W be sold oo- IrRIAA.I. September 31 .11169 at the Stables of Rodygratteaon. Jr., Pouttn A venue. .ItOutttlre IitAGT/E. nut° . Chief t Pollee. FOR B ®LE•--One of thO FINEST BUILDING - LqTS Ever offered to tbe Pittsbnrib publhi. Suitable for-either puble or private Int/Wogs; having a front on a6O tbet street of 100 feet by A4O et to a 40 feet street and a 29 feet alley, the Wholeho depth on one side. Less than three miles from the Diamond; and but 70 feet front Butler street. Inquire of J. • Seventeenth ward, opposite S. John'u Enlwo out Church. an r.0:072 OUNTALN HOUSE, Cresson Springs, Pa., rtztarAlN OPEN UNTIL, UNTIL, SEPTE:Nlitlri's, - 48.69, • an30n573 G. W. Proprietor. ______................. 1 TINITED STATER INTERNAL IllitTX.Nint, Colltctoes °dice. 22ct Dist . reensytvani Birrsnuitorf, August Bei. aces ' ' TBIPORTANT TO TAXPAN ; ~.a. ERs.— n. and after September Ise, ESO9. .. A.. 1 Collection District will consist of tue Twenty.ihree Waros or the City of Pitts , burgh, Boroughs of Birmingham. East Birmlne -4 lintn, Ormsby,tionth Pitts bnrgh, eittPlt,sbureh, i Motionaahem...Temreranceville, Aii. Washing ton.' Union, and' the *owifship of Lower rt." , (nett.. 'faxes due the United Hates in thn aNive District wh I be Divulge' at No. 109 PODitrif 4.V.ENUE,Pittsburgh. . . N. 2 Collection District, Wkl. E. „RABBI ' t'.IN, Deputy Collector. will cansist of the Townshi g s of' Forward. • Elizabeth, Liacc.ln, Verrminer. Patton. Plum. Pine. Wilkins liii , d. wit'. Chartierr. Unidn. -Scott. UPper ht: Clair. Bobinson.'llfittlin. 'Nord' and oath Payette. P,nley Neville,. Jefferson, Snowden, Crescentßicioresoruagd B f addock th . . lles t EiLmbett . Notice of time and plane of psym . ent In te above District will be given by the Collector. 11133 ..... 8.0 •,"••....•. .... ~:,., ~.... ..--,„ , IT' B RGH FORT WAYNE a cirxeoo i F.W d OLEP'ELAND &PITTSBURGH/L. , W. an ~.„,,l From August 3 gth. 1,869, trains willlea e from ß. ~1., r,.., ant ' s arrive at the Union. Depot. north .d.de v , .ittts. •,‘ •• buh city time. as follows: 1 ' •• • 1 1 Chicago Ex ....SLOB s nklOhir•Ro Aparri."-F4:13 a in •:..1 Erie 4irgit Er.fi:23 aM I r, dile Ex.:. 7:23 azu , t• ' 01 . & Wil'illanel:VlS a tai Wheeling Ex 10:48 4 VI . . .. ' I..`i RS I V/TIP 111. :2:11: m &'" I. Er 7:08 122 fe .. 4 , • '''.' ~u . ( n • a Wh'lCEill23pft.QlOlevfl°a/EPT4.3,IS3P in 1. ' ~1 ~ ..,, c a.go Ex.. X:313 pta jErle & Yg4n Exp:ll2p ° cu m l it: , , We & ErleEx4:3B - pm 'CI. & Wh,g Ex0::1131p ta 1 • ~,:, Depart/rote Attemeny. Arnde (ii ditegh J . . ' . .! , 1 Ilea 4 r Falls d.c.9.0.11 am! '; Lee,tisdaleq,:4,ll3:o3-4 su Bea't Falls 64 . 3 :215 , • r a•:a --. 11:132am I. , Tely Castle •a3 •-1,. . 1 Ilocheilier " 2:23 pm E n on ga l ... T. tra . • Enon . .3,,,., __ . . . :•., ern l':`' ' ' Leetsdale Aeo.3;tirrif 2 I j in eu%le ' 712 • 42 P . 1n i . BerrFalls " .0:13 p in, LAZI A I II3 . i ‘ 1.... fig P at , Leetsdale " 10,4,3 Dm .. a - s. ifirs r m • , 1 Fair Oaks Sun- , Fair Oaks Sun- -- - day rlnirch. 1:12,p tr.l day Church. 9:SS sin -' Jfkr• Izag p. ni. lunleaga liapresa leaves dal Y Kir 7:23 p. ni. Cideage Ernre _s arrivAs da 1 y . P. B. MYERS, j. T. idcOVl,Loigo B I- • Gent. ra3. &'1 leket Agi nt. Gcni Mansierc wag • , ' rAgiirli El • Jr . -,—c-,—______ . NIA CENTRAL .RAIL D. On and 'after 1/ P.M:, Sunday A lIGUSTI 29th, 1969, Pratt a will arrive at W and depart from the Union Ingot, 'corner of aal/11100u and Liberty streets, as follows:, arsine. - , Doyen. i Mall Train....-1:20in: *O O/"..rpressl2l:3o am ' Past 1.45 ass * Pacific - Ex.... 7:45 am. Wall's No. 1.. 5 AO am WaIPS:No. 1... 0:30 sal Brintonkcen. 7:30 am Nail Train .. .. . 9 :10 am Wallis No. 2..11:05 am BraltsAtt No 1 6 10 pin Cinchmati 2:41:255m Cincin'ti Na. .19:20 pm Johnstown Ac 1020 am WalPslio. 2...111:855m Bra , lts Ac Not 7:00 pm Johnston .tiet.4:os gm Pittstob Ex. 19:40 pm arailts Ac Ncr2 9.20 pm Phila. Expressl:oo pm Phila. Zrpresa 3:30 vet. Wall's No. 8...1:50 pm Wail's No. 2.. 3:418 put Brake AeNo 29.55 pm WalPs No. '4-'0:05 pm Walls No. 4. 8:50 D 23 'Pan Mine 6:... 7:30 pin WjtvPastni , r 10:2U pm Wa1P51i0.5...11.1_:0 tan' *These trains make close connection at, =mu, burg for Elaitimore. ' - 7 r• • • Tim , Church Train leares,Walla Station ever/ [Sunday at 9:05 Ref t0...,_ re:whiter Pittsburg* at • 10:05 a. iss., rning, , leaves Pittsburgh -at . 1L2:50p. m.- anti arrives at- Walls Station' al 9:10p. a. _ - • ' -- ,- Cincinnati gams* and Pacific 4 Rxpressleaves. daily. Alt m m ker tras Willy except Sunday.' ' . /forllirther 11 0bn:tat:ton ants - ••• • . W. H. BRIO • The Penn sylvanialtafiroad Cry wid•uot aik same any ring/br ains/Menne for we:minx apt parel,andlimit their re.snonsi to One ding' ye Dollars in value. Alt Baggage, exceeding tint amount in' value will ba at the. risk of the, owner. unless taken by contract,- • • - .._ • RDW •O. WLLIAMS.. • *WO- %swum! Superintendent, Altoona. Pg. • Bly E- $'T E It NM : mp g* • RENNSYLVANL4 ROAD .= on sn ag 5 91,1809 X e - • Passenger Trains on • the Wes ternYanagisawa Rab road will arrive at and - i: depart' front : ti e dere 1 Street Depot, Allegheny OW. aliftetra s: ,21,,.,a4.rritat. ..Deyart. - ' z i ,e No15:401 kte11....•. ~4.... o :2oiin Drreirica No.18:20 a,m Freepor‘No. i th.9oszn Express....•lo:4o am gharpb's Nol 11: SW 11, ra SharPbV No 11:20 p iit Expres s • gap p r ia Freepo4l N0.24:03 pal ftrtngd,e Nol-3:10 gm Nail . . 5:50 pm preeport No. 2520, in; • S p rin ;r l Fti . W2l3:2lo v m Hisringd.e 'Jo 20:3S p at . , Aborts' trains run daily except Sunday., - ' The Chtubh Train leaves aUlegheny ganciiow -, every dunday at 7:40 a. w..reschlng Allegheny. .', City at 9:50 a. m.• - Returning,' /eaves Allegheny •:' City at /:240 20. m. and arrive at Miamian/ Jtae :., lion at 3:40 v. m. - . . - COMMUZLT/014 TIONSPO:-For sale in.paCkaireit. 1:1 of Twenty. between AiegeitY: City,' Chestnut ,• 'a streeti, /UM'S, Bennetrine Oreeic,_ anus.' end Sharpsbura and good o yon the ionalla Itto4 fag. at Stations 'lmaged on tickets. ._i The.trains /awing Allegnevreatty at 700 a: . - , In. make.-direct SonneottOn at ePOrt With Wal! • ;., ker'S line of Stages torßatler an d a tiannabr tow n. 'I Poillili..cUtfitfetie %%IC_ petit %%WA Pittsb_ur, h, And at The DepOt. AUegheny. For ruzuterinfornistion apply to - - - JAIDCS LEYFERTS,4Iq • .-_, ._ —. Pea Federal Street t.' :- i The wagon' hsYlvala Railroad * rot .; asnme say risk ibr Baggage,'exeeat fbrwearing • • •- •zparel.. , and : Omit :their respoatMilty twOne: "A unired Dollars In Value., All haggage ex •.,. - the this amount i rivaluoirillbii at the or inn owner. tilkieu talion tffspeml eott m ... hut. - . • , EDWARON. TM alai - .Seneralßnoerhitendent, -Altool—Trr: 121111 WILIME AND VICTORY' ME . . - , , , • . „ -, -.A...-GRANT:i. 'ILITIFICATION Illernivo Of the Repnbilean. Nominees • • . -. , -wLL BE ' HELD AB • .. „ OZ I UL II : - ziraeLLlta i r BY the .141ktIonal Woollen utatentf so f Alleetteny county, on THURSDAY, tEPrEIEBEE 1 24 •• - 41 0 ig() , (111:e0t1r. ' . .., - . , , . • .-, • , . - • • •• - ' 11:9n• 0. T..MORTON suei=td BD,n; - 3t„O Itnsf ooiNoli.th. o o t t i tl u -• Ad- t,t•i.ebi,..ib. the eell:r o g, q ..i- u n , • gen- T t ' . or P a p Itp,.orrue.h&rturnodtatapubimnwandlddusuctixtin 0 1 la a rep n rt. ?outAte o eg d se;gsiato,woo Byordersm u nn t ° ~..W ) '-; lys CoMm J. I ! S. PO'llY Chilnaimr. MilOM 111M.ICOMM ' I "`'9ECOND D. S. WILLIAMS: CIifiIjZTERED, 1819. The Most vic.ceissful ,lIRE INSURANCE CO. kV/INDICA, ASSETtit • $5 352 532.96 • • 3 • Travellers' Accident, cash dlbany City lffs. Co., " '400,00 Aetna -Co H<< 600000 •Statelns. Co,,Cleveland,H 64' 110,01 Lancaster Ins. Co., Pa., H 160,01 Insurance Effectedupon ali.iteL sqriptic* of Property, at PAIR - RATES AND ON LIBERAL TEllQ•AP PY eati qns ,Bo iictka' Policies issuidwitinnstdelayeenet all - OgaineBB attended to with' 1 fidelity and, dispatch. 1 pinsT‘lffAkT/0 VAL, .011" MLLE 101it, OHIWT. BUM els 0)14'. BROOM) • • NA• i,....1444TT58U1t5e1l TALYAft. 4f,..9t cr. , T Anus 1/ EVISIKO. _August '2lst, • • "at AU o'clook. TOO be sold on ssoos4 node of Alffanies*: AU ales Room. 100 .eallonga '' tea t, 73, ,;, itar •ili trdnOtobaxige Asi _alibis . .... ~ srss:VoulobOl or it .i , :: t • ir: 01 Os . maligns* 11 1 Q . , - ., t•••: - .a ...___ 'SD sssma••* ; ..,..* . • le ...ing Pittitigrgli IPsys, NO A, asismAuf .....w.mr. FIXIZMIJ THE SAP. appall COMPANY Of Pitt-sburgh. I ncorporated by the Legislature of Pennaybra. nia, Jantutry t 4 1867; For the safe.lteeping of Bonds and other Securities, Gola and 811Ter, . !Rivet Plate,' BOoki„ Records. Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee. and for the renting of:Safes in Its burglar-ProOf vaults. Building and Unice: .40. s .roURTII .91VIEXUEI ionzaDENT—WILLIAM PHILLIPS. V/C/Z PszsLorair—HAlTßY LLOYD. • DIRECTORS: WAL PHILLIPS, JAMES I. ENrwETT Ho St BY LLOYD B . • BYRON H. PAINLISR, W L LLI3I M. AL BEA,LYON G JOs. S. HORIIIS,II4, CURTIS IL. . GEOkGY DLL/A.R. • . HUSSEY. • SECRETARY AND TimistraEB au. z?:n67 8. P. VOX lIONIMORST. PPITSBUIRGIE GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. .EST.eki3LISIIED 1850. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, INIE.4MD INSURANCE. No. 63 Fourth Street. ICAPITA li.:.R.EpItESENITD..,OVER '. ......530;000;.000..',.ii.. .4-.,1.1211.1iR1E1t."..t.--':.1180'..,-j GE NEBIL AGENTS CO NNECTICIIT Ifutual Life Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN., For Western Pennsylvania. PURELY MUTUAL COMPANY Numbering Nearly 00,900,Members. ASSETS, (JUAE Ist, 1869,) OVER 8 Q 5 , 0 00,000 SURPLUS, OVER $7,000,000. Current Dividend- front rpRTY to SEVENTY : PER CENT, 'Cur rent Inome over $10,00C,000 Per Annum. Its Inconae from-Interest alone more .;than pays : its Claims by death. - - - ALL POLICIES NOI-FORFEITING. For Eveiy $lOO of Liabilities, ILV3 $145 ASSETS, Liberal -eirraagetnefits made with' Insurance 46 , ents and" So licitors upon ;application at this ALSO AGENTS , .v • e h . , , J r ' ej il 't (i if . Tl". 7,::". A ' ' / r ,----- , ~- - ~,,,.., -, - --,porsinThio- - i... ,,, - , ......, ONEWY - AUGUST - 30- tsar ---,................. PITTSEBRG PA. AND FIGURED BATES & BELL. THE lEDIT.AIIIOIIi4I4, B OOsTO • Dicizima SehOOBOOkS and School Merchandize. iTeacher, and *then will and a large anon laNa trdrlZEstre? !MIL doeuParan"t of Ed?°6- ' gritoorDlSCl TRACHOMA PLINK, ete. duHurlL APPARATUS. BLACK- BOARD • GLOBES. CALL:BELLS. etc . 50r,44.0r, S. DAVIS CO., lig LIBERTY STRKET. *O2l STABLISKED 182€3. 'U. YIN*. . ... •••• •••.... 21101 Y.. U. ETIGBY • 4 0 1:1111nazid dinner/ In • China, Glass & Queensware, line Plated Walton! and Brinson Ware, Table (Intim, Outors, Ware., • - -; • P7O. 189• LIBERTY STIIIiETI A lbw , doiors shove Siiib street; (lite! et'' Olalr.r H. B.—Glass Ware ea orde r on a b ort ved to notice. ; a 0748150 _ tROCLARLILTION. tr qualified 'voter" of Meaty of Pitsburgh. will elections, on . meet at their lanai time mid place of holding • , TUESDAY; Angust 111, '1860 ; ' VOE t. • . For or Against a' Pubtio Park. •side The ballots votsad ed shall be marked on theobt, "Park s " Upon thelbeide"For'Parkt.' or 'against thornedectlone snail be held by the °Meer' an to hold tLe general electioaa la said city. JARED 31. ERIISH. Brayer. -ambit= •• • • 100,000 Pounds ot Wool Malted I' gam% -4, w:,.s44extr Tll4 ; T T-MIT - -- "41041" .. ?aim akestAi bailie ' fl. %%ea eke .N..g . :: . w.:=:..:Fk.L WILLIAM FEDERAL STRET, New Style Be!eines, Bright Plaid New Bari Chintzes, Silk Warp. Poplins, New Dark Calicos, Black Poplin Alpacas Black Alpacas, Fine Black Alpaens, Colored Alpacas, Poplin Alpacas, Wool Delaines, Black kapiess Cloth, French Merinos, &c,, Cashmeres, &t., &c. New Arab Shawls, New Black Shawls, New. Woolen Square Shawls; New. Striped 6hawls, Falselcy Square Shawls,. P a jerky LOng-Shawls. Sheeting Muslin, Mille Flannels, Pillow Cue Muslin, Shirting Flume] Tiekings, Onsirneres, Cloth, Towelings„ Waterproof& Table Linens, White Bed Quilts, Napkins, Colored Bed titans Linens,._;__ Blankets. Blanket& Arr T 11E130 ILCOVV. Wholesale 51227 ta-3EX3U4L°III BEDITCTIONS I= SIitTLAND 63 ktitimi7v1s, IBM G RENADINES AND to ] arNgrziEsi, _! N05.)480 New Style Rats, ladies' Shadings, ' Ribbons & Flows* Children's Stockings, - Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Collars and Calls, - Skirts and Corsets, Dress Trimmings, Ladies' Underwear, Embroideries, Infants'Robes & Waists, Railings, Hair Switches & Curls. !Men's Undershirts, Travelin : Sate' Men's Drawers, Ladies' S; Weis Men's Dodd, - - Jet Jewelry, Men's Paper Collars, Farley Jewelry,' Silk, Neck Bows, , inns, &c., &e, Men's Handkerchiefs, &c, JO srr .IP'3EC.X4IO3E and Re tail. ROBERT fl, PATTEBSON CO -- • - COMMIX .OF - - - - ._ .. . ..., .. Seventh' Avenue and L iberty Ft .., i PITTEI3I7BOII, PA. Will en Saturday, July 32st, 1869. and on each succeeding Sattirday, s hold an Ai:onion Sala of, BORGESI CARRIAGES • / BUGGIES, WAGONS, And ere:2l2ons Appertain:at t I the Sorge. Perties deet ing to sell will please lease their notice 'of conslgoment on or before Thuruday of each week In order for adreftlairg. Prompt . Ibale Asa er enrston.goodstrs ytil.hegirta oh Sues lett . b ..' ;JOHN IL STEWART, Auctiontter. rzt•mes . ' • CoWstreeroisa 01Ifna- o itiE OT THE . 711.1 SHMING rim. • Treasury Department of Penurvaal HASA/Mst/110, Angus& 0. - * • SEALED. : BIDS WILL BE :E. ..... A.." CEIVED for the redemptioa cf ONE NIL. LION'DOI.LARS of the /ban of the Co- -on. wealth of Pe:may:Tanta, due July Ist, _ STO. arab 12 cveloA AL OCTOBER Ist, ISGS. Cons. munlearloimso be address ed toll. w.-macrair, Esq., State Treasurer, liarrtsbarg, Penns.. and endorsed bids for redempUon et State Lean. ,g. JORDAN, .. Secretary of State. J. P. 11ARTRA.NFT. . ' Aidltor Generai. ' • B. w. aucicEr, • -, Kate Tr.ssurer. .- 1 • Commissioners of the.einkinglund. N. B.•=•No newspaper publishing the above" without anttioritY. will receive Pair therefor. a. W. m'CoWAtt ...................J . R. arltOW4e.' R. M. McCOWAN ag C 0,,, . ~_, .. ; Boulevar d: Payers, ~. Office, No. 65 ORIO ST, I ALLEGUT., OR I 0 tkremOrders left it Gann% cwriC,/rittatme4b. pue a r t s ed &a., •- - , ~ - ',, -_ ,' Pftve &Idea ka, Cellars4wal Yards, Dailvea. ate. z . - _Warranted sirahuditiangespr beat and &it. wantarareza rt. bto-rbead. Leo iht eltorb. Racy ratteeson Wm. Pact. 4 ataea .N. LOD,* Sou, Hartley & eßee, Alterion't* Maxwell, Aiken & Carntleell„ laaarrerts. 13,16:ta23 -AL PER ai rtlf.oli.L4R, re Manufacturs .lets In' BOOTB. Str OICS AND GAlntilB, o. 38 Market street, Pitts btrult Pa. / Partleulatittentlon given to distom Worke 'We beg leave to direct the attention of the Public -to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture Hot ts _acd Moen f or persons troubled wi,b•Corns, Yitalialls. Or deformed feet, neder the personal Super.talon of our Mr. AL PICRT, formerly of Allegheny- lty. who 'rid be I pleased to see his old customers In. We have kdopted Mr. Alpert's mode of measuring the fool by which we qua be safe In, arran.lng easy ' fad,cotutortabln Muot. and FA for the t.nder. eat feet. °lye us a trial and be nylneed. .., ALPERT. ht./111.33.. -.. aulPn _2l .':3B sanyketstreet.,Plttsburgh,,Pn. _._,.._ / T NIP OR TART.- -ANNOUNCE. A. p]LENT.—To the citizens of adJoinfai.coue aste ho. es. who -oro 'fora:tog 10 1Ithi.. or 1 0.0Aory tOri , LANE $4 TOWNSEND, , . 430 Afarket ' St., :„Phttathaphi , ~,. Offer for We slargoLquao or the 'lO-Woot Dark Buie Cleth, ratallt9' frock Coate Areaund condition. Air / the' bir piihelin Atiaiititlea'it ei7loo or apqmph9tpt, 85.09 eaeli. - cask to delta- . , . , 4 ...• •., ae73hn,4o •,• __ I XTOTICE la 'fi EREBV I GrpEN 1711 the Irartilersktt teretVe exiAtlng be: wean HQ CRT HA YAnd LE 1 811 A . under the armor.% Hash eon _was dissolved on ttle path glair of Avon, 3 b41/4 bp Mattal. consent. Ail ilebti,„due to geld firm a; e to be paid to, and thole flue from the Dame discharged by_the sald ahemßobert flat at No. cis r cdetal street. &lie. ahem, City. where te a =b4 wilLtNeontlnued said Robert/lay. J. WAVeItEI HAY, lU27:ee2BohtltßT HA Y. ____ 111 . LYON ----,-- -- .•:.....5f...-.:::.„_:-.. Seater of Wie.!rata audFSeasimerii ,-., Oee—ho. 8 017TH--AITHNUH,-Pittibargh. lift2mi. JOHN 31E888E14 Dientai,:ingtiburgh Lieut. p. QV% .. 4 i f lospby arket.- • FN',.. -DePuen Alle em ,• • ',.. " : •,., ,; e ) Vr.3IIIII2IPREE.CoaI 14-07nemanalget ag l ea d rey I VAIN i terl raze sox 81E MOMS DY Bendier name and .Potoelce address* -to flaabluels irOLIENAL, ‘GABIGeer DOM/. . . •, . 11:nue - . .. _ . ... . .. . ll z lPATEFilout • "' ilk ' ' by Tcurtelmt PrelerelotCo:•• Jeer see thmg An Onchef t plc ales imd travillerkuse, (or Ade 4 • , t-c:) , -. 1 ,10 • , JoHN A. HENIINAW. I '' aue Oo Litters7 anti 8 IniNguftll4 " :"Mai."Santrer- WhirkiT.4 tilt Is red for Ms et the taut lGreoulfAtro or and A P E X ambadlßAW. DRY dp S.EZIPLE'S, and 182 ALLEGRENYi CITY.; El At 25z. Fine Nainsook Moslins. At 121-2 r. Lace Handltdchiets. At 8 1-2 e, Hemstied Hafdkerchiers At 19c. Linen Cambric Handlers. At 12 We. Heavy Whit) Stockingc. At 12 We, Men's Heavy &eh. A. LARGE AND ,cO - 43 6,1._ lir 3c.; 41.111" • VW" .510270 "Sbrogale," s sr sty, sr "LW, Branbt, 4,llrund. Boardweg, eke.; not exceeding FOUR L.127E4 will be inserted ix these columns once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional line PI M' CENTS WAriTTEt:LTSI TUAk i rrODkit IiVAIITTED.—Ity a Lady .frank the \ east, a situation as huttsekeep.ror col:non:0% or as governess for anisll'chntiren. dtieses. tor two nays. - itirs.•JU,' shemeid strept. Aneeneoy . WAXTED . - BITITATIO 3 Wie7,424". 114:4 %UZI: Can WTIDN AIWTED-,TI LVNEIt-nfillTrik desired to work at to a Tloulnat bog. nese. Would prefer to wort la oder instructions. Addrear. L. H. AL. Box. 64. West Andover, 'SITVATION by Married Man as carriage river for either. renP - Otabje or private faintly. Conn , VY pre fermi. Addreae 11. x Li., azarrir. OrrlCa. TXTANTED—A SITUATION AS Clerk, of 0.. or Tr.velltor Agent for s wholesale or snanntactorlnt eariblisbm.nt. thin sive- good city references: -.Address Box Bl,t , New Cumberland, W. V. • 111TED-'-glintlii-;•One Cook wo Parpftreigaga. Taliglgtleg.=Paz ber TA - 7 1111 iiTED— RLY 41,,,c,11p1042.1.) xviictuks & RAW. sa..nei mt, street. Allegheny City. Pa. WANTED. - 7 A. first- Ik.Dll.class - DTA. iividrASMlTfi•-• Enquire at the Dnquesno Way. Fal:ner Point alley and ANTIED--HELPe-4-ALT Eats PLOY/dB:1T 02.1 0 .10 B. No.l tit. ()lair Street, BOYS OIRLS and id 41,4 f or dlftereni kinds or employment.. Persons Wanting heir of all , dcan be supplied on short notice. V7'4l L WANTED-100 Confidential AGENTS t o dispose of good DaYlvg AM cle. An energetic and trusty. coring man can make ISO, Utro In two months. Partleolans free. Cali on 0- address ././AILET & CO., 11(18 Broad. way. W. Y. tan 2 n2&I/LTI ae..............................._ WA N T E D. --PA RIMER. -- A goo 1, Tellable Traveling Agent, who can Invest than three to tight thoniand doLlars lir A good paying manufacturin_g bininess can learn ot. an opportunity seldom orered. by addressing, w lih mune; and address, 11. I /4. r• MCR. , . .. 11 AIMEIN-10,000 Acres of LAND WARRANTS sad AGIIIOuLTU RAL CoLLEDE LANs. SCRIP, wanted; Ad. dreas, 'JOHN S. BRADDOCK, itount Vernon. Oblo. WiIiTED.-.A good second. r• AND ENG'NF'. AND BOILER: engine about 7.lnch cylinder: Bolter from IS to 20 'eel, 30 to 4 6-toch, and Sued. 'Parties hart .uch EL machinery to sell• %dill:lease address Box 384, tsburgh BostoMee, stating alze, ' make and price. ANTIEII-;.A. SHALL ROUSE of three rooms, In Manch. step or Law renceville. Also. a oITUATION ht elothin • store ag saleeman. Good reference given. A. dress w. P. BIiANDOII, Pittsburgh Pastelßee. XiOST.-031 WEDNESDAY Ar- TRENDILY; between APegbeny and East tberty. by way of Sbarnsbarg urldge and Eorn ln,olde road. a 'JETTED BLACK A - ND PLAID r , IIA WL. A anitabla reward WHI be TE Paid. for Its retain to tie GAZETTE °PPM?. • rt30.1,ET,1100111.;--A linitn tishett 1• ble p FRO NT ns oPtti d ik e% vIELD STREBT. 9 . • r 1 11V .. ; . 1r( FFOu s E of SIX ROLM, teem on ,rlappivagreoFif.li fi puitiward, Allezheny— near Ailegnny,rivenue, one odronakneitatwitreet ears. Enquire of or ctriPtLir.treß'aViiicliV. 171 North avenue, corner of Webster street. O- LET.=IiOO~IB. on II wr, witti BogardMg. he the most desirable In the city, .Ith the conveniences of bath zoems, the comforts of n _private family. as rew Demon are kept. .18/ .1% 1 ant!, Avenhe, legh chi Mt. " *i. - FOR SALE-'• , on-V 4,4.l.E.—neatititut conz. TRY 3103 / 6 3363. near P . .. marin: Mod. ern kunroveruenta and 16 or 83 ac so f t hole." Lana. A pply to OHOPT & PHILLIPS. 3a fate Agents. No. 139 ?earth Avenue. • Beal - VOR 8 PI7I3NISMD Zia RIMY. Lira Geo4l Loca—: l Hon. la for Data Tarr cheap. Inquira at No..itri Grim street. irilYtt til'iLim,. , , A j[more-sind .a.: an the Fixtureis. lint!: ka., at the latest sole. situated oh the' corner af =math street ead Flftb avenne. Tor hill,- particular! inquire et the Store or WILLIABI wall% 11% /10 Grant srefAsteposite Cathedral.. "< , ,'•• . ' OH B d.—Lease and . win of a TA VE II I3TILND .1u e desirable silty. Terms tarry debut Is Imo+ usiness. pply of WM. JACEfaoN. 73 Grains re ____________—,—______________ .FoR acresvviihin cloti I.7i!pinlvTlV.l'zi°llh:•42:dtfoemblit .erve- .re,eleared, Hone of. 8 room,. 33ma1l Tr alb. be bola at ,a bargau.:, 41:ab tgesx -149 10$ OT• --altutte HartOn atittOt.,,-otiontatna acre; on Which Ja erected a good li'rame Dtgell Log. containingB rooms: with hult de. Adores. JOHN OUPPd. Holton Station.- FOR nciarEsT FARM IN ARHSTRONO COUNTY. Pa.. ),Sacres r 4.1100, well improved.. good Oronard, good Sot., into goO 'Watery d good Nelsh bor. ood. There Is a bargain la Chic pruh ertit_we have seen ft Lad kaow IL App., CO CROFT it PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth Mune. ........... . _ _ ' Vtoll SALIE.--Oir t ,a 4:; rah:table PA-TENT tor Pensvlrarda. A small article used In all houses. A chance ror aa active young' men wlta a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT , PostotSee Box 090. _._ icAoft A A jun i.rsniliZeMeresAligefillinettAredh:g: ft use. Bern, pl Imehard, m and limestone. e. erms ea y. 1. y to_ (7#0,47: 4...41114LT71, N o. 138 I VW ;"" BAR MEI 59 MARKE ME SEASONABLE "in AitE AT, nousAt, EMB _ 88R =1 68 MARKE WANTS. LOST TO L.ET . Weft S.& IL lE-CITY RESIDENCE ..a: On :001well strerk,one:aquare from street oars. - The Rouse - him len rooms', ball; good .eellars. pressed brick front, gas and , water throughout, bath r i notti.rititte in =Wen. and in a pleasant neighborhood. Price orrix $7.00; on ears coml..' dopes to CROFT A Elia L.Llrd, Beal EState Agents, No. 139 Fourth avenge.— .4.1. E or :orsLuateCE 141-611:: zRTy or 80 ACRES In South ?crim e fp. Armstrong county. Pa , on Buffalo Creek, attleutinX the.,Freen line.t ElOuring Mil, Saw Mul. and best Water Power lathe State: -krarad Lowe! lag House of 8 . rooms and cellar, hid_ lug situated on the D 4 Pa1,71411.05t. build lug from Freeport to Erie. Will be sold p . Pub lic Sale onSHURSDAY. August 51 8,1889. Ice furtheriutromaLara address. - - - - atm 'JOSEPH B. WA r, Frielk;rt. k" , 1) 11:.E.LE.,1 --Tag; . . . ..... thremteos lat. • °emit/Why the eureka ,- !at and Color work% the on; the L earner of Morgan a•reet and the Railroad, in he4tlt ward, Allegheny, consisting of: withathree stars Bel , k Building 90x80 feet, congine and Boller complete, together S h af ti ng , Ala% Daree shed malleable torah:hate; 1112(3 ilWiro.''. Illtol7 ling For further particulars ayvy to I. X PENATOLIF., No. It! ;seventh (late .1r- . wtn) street. Putstioncb. Pa.- - ' -.--, • saunas --• • 7 2 , __ ''Os -.SALLV--1114111113F107111111 1101131Tlfarontingen th e - West:Peens. R. It .and the Allesbeny river, in aigbth ward Anegboaaci, (rentieriy Danaesne Burongrail Lot is V 4 feet on river, 10* on Railroad by 3 feet deep , splendid :! ottation. for. any: kind or manufactory. Ternis easy. Apply to CROFT & PiiiLLIP:, Real Xstate AMU, No. 130rOurtti avenue.' pme PE ND El NT TEMPER. A.?IOE CANDIpAI2. • FOR COUNTY C OMMISSIONER. - aus :a ISAIAH DICKEY, u X Ti SiTi,tg-g.T; -ar `::- .~'~. : - _ , UIE*NOW - UP" LE.T.Ei,.STQc_K • DRY. GOODS, 11Z3r25 -1 1067" 3E 3 ' . 1r 0e es E gND RETAIL 3ELHEIIZ3. 40 -, T STRIEIEZ = FOR sAmEs two three story pressed brick. front bodges on C.ntre ars nue, store Too. s an. 4 dwelllnes. CV' • 000. Good sroomed brick house and lar'Ln. 6-',BOO. Two three nor, lek boases oed ton scree; *5.000. Two 8 roomed presse bt t Leases on Nitkpatriek street. Good el roomed brick house on ()entre &retire. New 6 roomed frame honse and large lot,. near the Central Pt. it. IL - , and onthln two 'satiates, watt °teet -; as, with ;rood buildlegs arid all coneniencs. only-114,000. Pra mehultse, 5 rooms. lot .514-x .100 9;500. Frame house of 3 rooms, lot !Sax 100. 11..200. S lott on Centre avenne eaoo co i .. *SW: .1 lots on Mahon street. 114.11311, / lot on Seed street, 25:129 feet. $5OO. Pinta of grou ad on M t.•Washlnoton. in Mae to suit. SiO acres on Western Pa. Rallroad,_ 3 ntlles trom tne dry. 90 terms on Panaandle Railroad:4. utiles '.. from the city. 335 acres Or 1111530ri Land. Persons destrlatt to purchase a home or Saabs: . •.- an Intealst en; anstlbose *Ghia* to Mlle Rie4l/8.. caliOneraddtOett MCCLUN' a S AISBOurs. , . . . atir3 Nos. 195. 197 an 51.199 Centre avenne. ' FOR fj,-----t-u-,n . A LEASE EIGFIT TEARS TO EMI of a lot of ground fronting /38 feet on Str awben7Lane. ' running back ESA .Ibet immedlate/X in rear tel, -Pittaburgh;`Alle bens' and Manchester Amen g. r Railway Co's stable. an d . cut tbe line of the of the Cleve and and Pittsburgh Itatlrdtd Com. PanY. adfacont to the Ohio river. on which , a erected T WO GOOD PRAIRE ToiANTEOLLSZo of three rooms , each...witif : pond - stabling and' out nooses complete. This property Ls well adapted for Lambe r or coke Onsmesa, there being already erected thereon eigla coke ovens with . - all the necgsat7 appliances tires:l llu on that busines - A Leo, for rent or lease, a cornt,rtable FRAME HOUSE of three rooms, In a good loca•Ion within doe minutes walk of Woods Ran acattani P., - -rg. tr. & c. R. R.. ty .which there 19 attached about bait an acre or grour.d. Tnis property will be rented low for a t erm of Tag, to a good tenant. / Inquire of .., lazzanDun RATTERSOM Lumber -YAM corner Pre ble and Juniata streets. or No. 137 Rebecca Ftreet, opposite the GU Nirorkw, Allegheny City. 1 ' - 729:m77 FOIUS__ ALE. . - House and 5 Lots 'on Spring WM; 7th'riztrat 10 acres at YlemingStAtiOn: Hotne and .I.i acres; also f3Si acres at tilenda'e Station: 10 acres about 1 mile from P•ertung Station* 34 acres at Pair Oaks Station; 17 acres at Glendale on P.. Ft. W. SC. B. It.:, House mad t corntr Hemlock and Poplar street; Lot on T r o y Hill: house on rianduskyttreet: 3, Houses on tioyle street; 3 Farms lin 0/210: 2 Houses Ink ighth ward; farm In newitkley townsidp; Perm near PerrYsviliet COHouse on Ledile street; Farm In Westmoreland Pann In Butler county; 5 - Lots star Br. ed's Orove; 2 acres on Henderson's Hill; 1 acre at Jack's Yon; House and Lots on B.aver street; House and Lots on Beaver street: Hu6fl and Lot in Salem, Ohio; 2 Lots on Fremont street: other Houses and Lots In brand localities. aff. %V i11 1T 11 013.10. - Beal Estate Agent. corner ohlo and Sandusky street. Allegheny. au= FOlt IttALle. - : i Elood • 6 roomed !brick harem on Centre emus .. and large lot-414300. .... Good 0 roamed frame bonze with all Irmerzrre• meats: 'lot 68 Coil .10—54.000. Frame house. t oina; lot 24 byloo-41,000. Two well hoist' ,presa brick hotlace az:llama lot-0n446.000. . . . Two 6 roomed bonzes on in:ton rtreet--$2.500 each. , . . • • one lot 24 by 120 feet on Reed street -2200. ;) Plot of ground on DeLt..Wa ailing ton. " - _ 20 elves ea Panhandle Itsilroad, - 4 =ilea from the city. i - _ 30 acres on Western Pa . aanroad, 4 ,ixiii 9 l from the city. Wiil -"... • - 225 'errs good Imtiiived - Lin - si - is Missour. be divided tO salt purchasers. 20 l ots . each. Inqu ire or on ter , ire aymze-$300;05.111.5031. / ' .. • 7 - 1... 4 • . ..- iIicCLUNG & rsiAlieTtOW, Real Estate and Insurance Aliens; j,-o Noe. 105, 197 and 190 Centre avenue. FOR MAL IE4 roo sEcpND Aims CE.—Two houses. 3 stories. 9 ms, with ail Etiodrrn improvements Will sell for #5.500 and 66.500 esch. E:tsv terms. QUIRREL acres' of gronn_,d - 'wth sniendid view over the Monongahela Valley: Adapted for over residence or to be laid ou 5 B111,0111 1;t1Ote. At a NITE.II2I -a -THREE MILER PROM' iiH.SRPEOII3IIO.-20 of best ga•den laud, with SOO of • the st fruit treet In tsarina* Convenient to dour and hut saw mill. conoltlon. Sur partica— lars enquire at St Grant Street, an TITSTXEC & KLEE. 14 NI oft timmlits oak _L• 13E12 %el Idnir to 'retire to the country, wlshes to sell the titock. k Ixtures nun hoed Will of his business, and will lease the warehouse for one or more Team -The business bra been estab whichlished entre Thirty years. some elabteen years of the present proprietor-has been Its bead. rade la Wboiesale and-Retall., Mercantile and Manufacturing, and irli par on an average 60 nercent. profit. a nd 1ti9,000 to 1110, 800 still .be reqtured , time tartar& of w h i n may be . glyen. Can be /ncreaed Indefinitely'' witYbut lift te !awe eapt.at.. Addrestr,,Witli seal name, Box C. OdzETTE_ovrtel. Pittsburgh:'Ba:- AU persons seek.. FP ZINGS:LES, a: - investments, in Real irs-: tate, will save time , trouble and uroner by pro. C1201)1( a coov of the ItEAL ESTATE R EGISTEII.” It is gigetrawayomang or will be tenthy in BR= to a nytestbz It. Persons caunotiall to get sallied on to-the iarge list it contains. CiturT PHILLIPs„ Poo-- Ushers and,Eeal. Estate Ageata,-N0..1.38 Fourth .7' .5. " =II FOR SALa 111 Eil ;e. 1 , ,