JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WIREGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of th Room th e . Pitts burgh. will be held at the of issocla. Con THIS ILVENING. at 736 o'cloek • tBEV. E. B. SNIDER, OF cbacAcw, wilt preach on SUNDAY, August 2 44, In. North Avenue M. X. Church, Alleaheny, at WS A. M. nundsy achool and sermon to the scholars at 3 I'. 31. REFORMED CHITUCH, (ea Soule,) Rev. W. E. KREBS, Pastor. Divine Service In EXCELSIOR HALL, Alle. gbeny, EVERY SUN Lola, at 10% A. Ili and 1% r. N. Free loran. s • lar' THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, (Railroad street. near Depot,) NEwBRIGHTON. Pa. b. F. CRO WTHER, Pastor. preaching EVERY SABBATH, at 10% A. M. and 7P. 2d. Public cordially invited. IarCHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ALLEtiIIENY. The Rev. BENJ..F. BRoOKE. R ctor, will °Wale at di vine serviceln this Church on TO. MURROW at half-pact ten o'clock A. M., and. haif• Jam seven o'clock 1. M. rgrF I RST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CH IJECH, Coverall Ave• nue.- above Smithfield street. Rev. c. LAIRD, Pastor. Services will be rest med TO-NORRO W MORNINU, at .11.0!._: o'clock. Sunday School at 9 o'clock. farFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF PITTSBURGH, W. S. Gray, Pastor, meets. statedly in NEVILLE HALL, corner or Liberty and Fourth streets. Services every Lord's Day at 103 A: -M. and Y. 31. The public are cordially Invited. , - Igr'CENTRAIL PRESBYTERI. AN CHURCH, Allegheny, corner of .a• ccct and Anderson stree•s. freachlng 0 MOR ROW, Argun tith, at I.oli o'clock A. At. and st . 1% o'clock P. at. by REV. U. W. F. BEACH, of hpringlield, Illinois. All are cordially invited. rgrFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH', corner Beaver street and Montgomery avenue, Allegheny City. JulElql KINU, Pastor. Preaching ro- MORRO W,lLord's Day.) at 11:1;4 A. It. and 7%r. at • . Free seats. and a cor.llal in itationlven to all. N. R.—Evening services resumed to-morrow. W'A SERVICE FOR DEAF MUTES wl.l be held In T. In'tv Chur.h, Sixth averse, on hUNDAY. tne 29th inst., at 3% o'clock P. M. it will be connected by Mr. ra.rnel A. Adams, the drat mute, who has labored for ten years among the deaf mutes of baltimore. :11,27:n173 THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. lotrru AVENUE, above Suilthtteld street, Pittsburgh. ALEX. CLARK. Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH'. at 10.30 A. M. •`Creatton Cond.tionea in toe Divine Rea son" is the general sublet[ of a series of Sairtath Evening Lectures by the pastor. Special topics as follows: A. Lawless World. July 4; Autos. 'pheres of t h-nce, Juty 11; Wat-rs that Might liaye Been, July 18 Satanic Light, Ju.y 25; Imageless Humanity.. Aug. 1; Purtultons Ant mats. Aug. 8; Reason in Hondage. Aug. 15; Ac cidentat taeliglon. Aug.,22; Christ thel`,tie ln teL•preter, Aug. 29. Free seats and welcome to all. McCLURE TOWNSHIP TO THE RESCUE.—The Republicans of MeCidre Township will meet at the old HART• MAN HOT &L., Wood's Run. THIS (Saturday) EVENING-, at 73.1 P. It., to organize for the coming camp sign. 8028 . 0. I. HA.RTHAN, Chairman. SECOND WA'RD, ALLE— GRENY.—The Republicans of the Sec ond Ward, Allegheny City, will meet at the PUBLIC] SCHOOL . HOUSE, on MONDAY EVENING next, at 7j¢ P. at., to:perfect their organization, auIS:nGI TLTE, Chstrman ariIIUTUAC BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF PITTS BIIIIGH.—Tue filth bt mi•annual meeting will be held at THE OA F (Ce.. In Saeaser Hall, corner Seventh Avenue and Grant street. 3IoND Y, September 6th. at 7:30 P. 3f.. at whi to an elec tion of officers for the neat t.ras will be held, the soni-annual report presented and other business of importance transacted. antTimG3 S. W. HILL. -Secratary. GEARY, WILLIAMS AND VICTORY! • .A GRAND RATIFICATION - STING Of the Republican Nominees 'W ILL BE HELD AT MEALMALs By the Ns Ronal Union Republicans of Allegheny county, on. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2d, AT 755 O'Cr..OOH. • Hon. 0. P. NORTON , 11. S Senator of Indiana, the eloquent orator and distinguished state-man. will address the •meeting. - Turn out. Republicans. and let us begin :with a. rousing, uld.fashtone d meeting—a thun • derlng report from Almgheny tit first gun In the campaign. By order di the Executive Commit tee, . W. S. PUSVIANCE, Chairmtur. aul7 CITY, ERGINEEIOB ALLEGHENY PA.. Allele S 7, 1869, TO SEWER CONTRACTORS.--; The newer Commission of the City of Alle nnenv are prepared to receive proposes for the construction of a Trunk Sewer, about 2,000 Feet in Length, On Spring Garden Avenue. from Angle street to the city L ne. • . Drawings and snecill•atlons can be' seen and tali Information obtained at the City Engicee 'a office. Bide wilt be received for constructing the sewer In brink and also In alone and must be delivered on or before SEPTEMBER 4th, 1869. Worms of proposals. on whim forms alone bids will be received, will be furnished at the City Engineer's office. file Commission do n, t bind themselres to as mpt the lowest or any bid. By order of the Commission. CHARLES DAVIS an:8:1369 F EMALE EDUCATION. MB. AND MRS IL M. TWINING'S • BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, No. 20)4 Vernon St , Philadelphia, The object of this Echoolis to impart a practi . cal and' useful education. For this purpose the rooms are fitted up with every necessary comfort and convenience for tirenty scholars only. The most ellicieut teachers of French, German and Drawing' re engaged. An ample supply of Philosophical and Chem'- . erd apparatus Is provided for the illustration of natural science. pamphlet Prospectus of the Echool will be . furnished on arplicatton by letter or otherwise. aulB-d &IP CLASSICAL ACADEMY. Mr. WM. H. WAKEHAM,. (A well-krown and ruccessful Teacher), having returned from the East, swat resume Ms mica. atonal duties by opening a lees & boo. for boys preparing for College or Business. Fall Term wilt begin on MuNDA.v, September 6th, in. a handsome suite of rooms (now tieing timed up( over the Allegheny parings Bang, Federal street, Allegheny City,. apply to Principal at his former residence, 37 'Union avenue, elle whe,Y Circulars can be bad at the Book Stores, Th u gaiiim WM. H. WAHEEIA.H. GEl7',Veil',.,ll,tv„.ll,,,cA?rve.ts , 514 IrittO Avniue • -JAMES PHELAN'. I Ail ERIN° FEET HALF HOSE, At the Old Stand Stocking Store, 1 . 514 nub avenue. JAMES PIIELAIi. TRIFAIN TW HAND ISIVIrr ..m. SACQ,l7lfill AND BOOTS. . nn the OM litaut otooklps n., A* MD Ave. •nu - • , JAit‘o PHELAN. V SATE ANtr-SCAIIILET I .:IIIIINNEAND ..11)11.11WIAi 13 ?l ee , ri.l44Pr4guilinultbr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Of Pittsburgh. . Incorporated by Lb 1 Legislature of Pennsylva nia, January 2 , 1567. For the aafe•keeping of Bonds and other Securities, Gola and Silver, Silver Plate, Books. Records. Diamonds and Valuables of all 'descriptions, under guarantee, and for the renting of Safes in its burglar-proof vaults. Iluilding and Mice: , 1 ' .Po. S 3. FOURTH aIrEXIIE, PRESIDENT—WILLIAM PHILLIPS. VICE PassiDENT—HENRY LLOYD. WH. PHILLIPS. IJAMER I. BENNETT, HkN HY ',LOYD, IBYRON H. PAINTER, WILLIAM REA, JOB. B. MoIFIKIS , 'Or. --. WILLIAM M. I..YON,iGi.O , OIF, BLA‘K, CUII TIS G. HUS3EI. , SAcnE .BY AND TnEistrnsa: B. F. VON BO ;3/HOItST. Io)2Q:nG7 GENERAL INSURANCE ESTABLISHED 1850. INLAND INSURANCE. No. 63 Fourth Street. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER $30,000,000. CIRRIER & BRO., Ilutual Life Insurance Co., For Western Pennsylvania. Numbering Nearly 60,000 Members. ASSETS, (JUNE Ist, 1869,) OVER SURPLUS, OVER $7,000,000. Current Dividend from FORTY to SEVENTY PER CENT. Cu.- rent Inome over $10,000,000 Per Annum. Its Income from Interest alone more than pays its Claims by death. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING. For Every $lOO of Liabilities, IT HAS $145 OF ASSETS. Liberal v Arrangements made with , insurance Agents and So licitors upon application at this Office. CITY ENGINEER. CHARTERED 1818. The Most Successful FIRE INSURANCE CO, IN AMERICA, ASSETS, $5,362,532.96. Travellers' &trident, cash assets, $1 1 260,000 Albany City Ins. Co., " 66 400,000 Aetna Ins. Co, N. Y., " 600,000 State Ins. Co., Cleveland," " 250,000 Lantaitsr Ins. Co., Pa.," ." 260,000 Insurance Effected upon all de scriptions of Property at FAIR RATES AND ON LIBERAL TERMS. Applications Solicited. Policies issued without delay and all business attended to with fidelity and dispatch. 5027 (4111 E PATES.r-Put up by Tourtelott Preserting Co. Just the thing for lunches, plc nice and tray. nee for sale Ur • Juliet A. sragsgsw. • Corner Liberty suid AMU' streets. Ipf VII BEL V PIIEPAUED -Mk WHEAT.-A' fresh snoply just resorted and for sale as the lauttly Oseoerretore of We JOHN A. BIENIMAW. rrees.voLuva , striam: At the he Stand titoellll4l BUT., itttli Avenue • jingo mucus. THE PITTEMPROIL PA. OEM= PITTSBURGH AGENCY. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, AND GENF:EU AGENTS CONNECTICUT HARTFORD, CONfd., A PURELY MUTUAL CORBY, 625,000,000. ALSO AGENTS _;zL ~,~._. PITTSBURGH. GA ZETIT 4 : SA CURD AY, AUGU ST 28, 1869. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW FALL WILLIAM FEDERAL STREET, New Style Delaines, Bright Plaid Poplins, New Dark Chintzes, Silk Warp Poplins, New Dark Calicos, Black Poplin Alpacas, Black Alpacas, Fine Black Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, Poplin Alpacas, 'Wool Belaints, Black Empress pith French Merinos, &e., Cashmeres, &c. New Arab Shawls, New Black Shawls, New Woolen Square Shawls, New Striped Shawls, Paiseley Square Shawls, P aiseley Long Shawls. Sheeting Muslin, White Flannels, Pillow Case Muslin, Shirting Flannels, Pickings, Cassimeres, Cloths, Towelings, Waterproofs,, Table Linens, White Bed Quilts, Napkins, Colored Bed Quilts, Linens, Blankets. _AM' a' lET3F. LOW au27 METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY. Methodists, and others, intending to go to Camp Meeting, will need Sr and ad Singer, Bevivalitt, Hallowed Songs, Chapel :111odtes„ select Melo.lles, 'Singing Pilgrim. Musical Leave , , Fre.h Leaves, Bright Jewels. New Hymn and Tune 80 , ks, Hymn Books, DI elrilue:,. Boukm of Devotion, ,to. Alif - SPECIAL AIt.tANGESIENTS willbe made' With those 17no BUY TV SELL again diving lamp Meeting season. ' Apply Immediately, at 129 Smithfield Street. JOSEPH HORNER, Agent OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION - YRS TM& SINKING FOND, '.1.1-Latury Departmext of Penusvlv.tuts, HAR,,INNURG, August 20, 1889 SEALED BIDS WILL BE RE A 7 CEIVED for the redemption of ONE MIL LION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common wealth of Penney.vs.nia, due July Ist, 1810, until 18 o'cloA M. oc am ER Ist, 1669. Com munications +o be addressed to B. W. MACKEY, Esq , State Treasurer, Harrisburg, Penns., and endorsed bide for redemption of ;state Loan. F. JORDAN, Secretary of State. J. F. RARTRA.NFT, Auditor General. - R. W. MACKEY, State 'Tr. surer. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. N. B.—No newspaper publishing the above without authority, will, receive pay therefor. au=n3B APPLE .•PAREBIL—I have a fullllBortment of Apple Pa ring. Coring and Slicing Machines, which I invite all to call sad see them tried. The PARING, CORIXtI AND SLICING MACHINES, takes only three turns o the crank to pare, core, and slice an ordinary sized apple. It will pare without slicing or coring required.. Dried Apples sell much higher when sliced with this machine than when quartered by the Old process. Also, , a full assortment of, Llahtnina . 8c Turn Table Apple Parers. For sale. wholesale and Retail, by JAMES BOWN, N 0.186 WOOD STREET. ita9.Tll6 ESTABLISHED 182 V. ill= H. HIGHT & CO., 'importers and dealers In ~. China, Glass & Queensware, Vine Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Castors, Walters and Britiants Ware. , • No. 189 LIBERTY STREET, A few dorms above Sixth street, (late St Clair.) N. 5,--tilass Ware engraved to order on short notice. - • . an26:n3o VROCLABIATION. ile qualified voters of the City of Pittsburgh will meet at tikeir usual time and place of nolding elections, on TUESDAY, August 81, 1869, TO VOTE For or Against a Public Park. The ballots 'voted shall be marked on the side "Part," and upon the inside "For Park. or %against Fart." The elections Antall be held by the officers an thorized to hold the general electious In said city. JARED R. DRESS, Mayor. .AUGUST T. 1869. auio;n23 B °T ' Our entire Summer Stock of Boys', Youths , and Children's Clothing, closing oat at greatly reduced prices. GRAY & LOGAN'S, N'o. 47 SIXTH STREE T . LATE ST. CLottirr auig VLOOR OIL CLOTHS; %RUN OIL CLOTS PDX WI NDOW MUM& TitßP/LIIIGNT Wr c walywkirmai ETWAY'laiiO4; p r 'IV y 4z) kI I Nos. 180 and 182 ALLEGHENY (3ITY. New Style Hats, Ladies' Stockings, Ribbons & Flowers, Children's Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Collars and Cuffs, Skirts and Corsets, Dress Trimmings, Ladies' Underwear, Embroideries, Infants' Robes & Waists, Rufflings, Hair Switches & Curls. Men's Undershirts, Traveling Satchels, Men's Drawers, Ladies' Satchels, Men's Socks, Jet Jewelry. Men's raper Collars, Fancy Jewelry, Silk Neck Bows, Fans, &e., &c. Men's handkerchiefs, &e. EST r)rtICV.S, Wholesale L ATEST OIL STRIKE. EffERIBM . _ To secure even banded trusviCE, Just come and see wuat .plendtd bargains are offered to the te , r geous stock of Sprlng and Summer Clothes Just prepared acd exbibited to the public by 8 C. TILAUEIIMANt The fullest I..lllltliTY to be enjoyed wuen the man who enjoys It is neatly dressed In a suit of new :mom r Clothes which fit him so comfortably as not to abridge tee freedom of bis mollon.. Such el.d.hes are to be had at S. C. TItAtIERAIAN'S. To prect.ce F.CONOXIS, don't spend vast Ftluni of m ,ney where extortionatepeople charge Shiley prlccs for unsatisiactory clothing, but come and got the wor,h of every dollar you enema, at S. C. TRAVERMAN'S. . . FREE TRADE of the freebt sort, practlcea every day. and all day. at the 1- ig No II clothing Hat. There the people bring their cull, and there th-y get their clothes. ..very man fee to hey at all times. Trade tremendous just now at the Big No. II Clothing Hall. LOOK Al 'ME PRIORS. And a great many more too numerous to men tion. Call early and secure you• bargains. as we b ire hut a few days to sell. itememner Big No. 11 Smth street. ROBERT 11, PATTERSON & CO., CORNER OF . Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PrrrsnunGs. PA. Win on Saturday, July 31st. 1969. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Sate of HORSES, CARRIAGES BUGGIES , WAGONS, And everything appertaining VI the Horse. Parties deal log to sell will please leave their notice of conalgement on or before Thursday of each week in order for adveztlsit g., Prompt at tention and good care will be given all !Moat left tensile. JOHN H. STEWART, Auctloneci. 1y73-mtkl B. M. n'COWAN - J. E. M'KOWN. B. M. IIIe,COWAN & CO„ Boulevard Pavers, Office, No. 66 OHIO ST., ALLEOHENY. Orders left at G.imtrra ONTICE, Pittsburgh, promptly attended to. Pave id ewalkii, °spars, laid Yards, Drives, emu Warranted against changes of heat sod cold. itEriantio Es—Max. . blo-rhead, Lyon& clorb. Body Patterson., _Wm. .Park. .amea h. Long I Son, Ranier I „Mcßee, Anderson's Maxwell, Aiken A Campbell. Isaac Craig. j)16:m23 MII=M ALPERT & KOHLER, Manufacturers and Dealers In BOOTS, SHOES AND DAITEBB, No. 38 Market street, Pitts b irgh. Pa. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to (greet the attention or the public to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture Botta d Shoes for persons troubled wr h Corns, Bunions, or deformed feet, under the personal sup raslon of our Mr. AL PERT, formerly of Alleeheny City , who wi I be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. Alpert's mode of measuring the fool, by which we can be sate In warren:lna easy and comiortabte Boot and shoes for the t.nder• test fret. Dive us a trial and be convinced. ALPRRT A ItOEILEB, au9m2l 38 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE- MENT.—To AU citizens of adjoining comp tier; who are forming Militia or Mllltarj Com ponies - '• LANE & TOWNSEND , 430 Market St., Philadelphia, Offer for sale a large quantity of the All-Wool Dark Blue Cloth Itifantry Frock Coats In sound condltion, for the low price lln quantities o 100 or niitrards) of 00.00 each, cash on deliv ery. au23:n4o NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the _partnersbtn berttofere existing be tween HOBO= HAY and LAPIS HAY, under the firm of R. Hay & con was alums ed on the Asth day of August, 1N69, be mutual consent. All debts due to said firm a , eto be paid to, and those One from tne same discharged by the said Robert Hay, at Yo. lab Federal street. Ails. ghell , City. whrr 3 the Mines; wtl b reontlened by said Robert Hay. t. WALTRit HAY, • auZlsn62 RO WIRT HAY. 1111:1716-108 .acki id AM. *St a►. % mix aiwtai s pa. ' DRY GOODS SEMPLE'S, At tie. Fir,p Nainsook Muslim At I.? 1-3 e. Lace Handkerchiefs. ' At 8 1-2 e. Hemslit'd Handkerchiefs. At 19c. Linen Cambric Handkls. At 12 1-2 e. Heavy White Stockings, At 12 1.2 e, Alen's Healy Socks. and RE tail. LIBERTY: ECONOMY 7 AND FREE. TRADE! (leat nut suite P r *7 worth 4L5. !Spanish OOHS tor $9 worth 120. hkatinpc park sults for .r 3 worth $45. 500 sults, linen, at $* 50 each worth $5 Black butts tor *lO worth $40.• Boss• suits tor $5 worth $lO. S. G. TRAMMAN. jyIO:TU-8 . XmEWSPAPER ,' .FREE.—CoaI Minas, and parsons desiring a Western e, and otherlhean Cava a Wees ly Panel' razz ros Brt Mort'nut - lusending name and Pc...Wince address to G NEB JOURNAL, Bordner. Mina% 11:m18 'PROCTOR & FAN ". • iLlt LaRD.-95/ cues alb °addles to ar. nTe rial '" l " %Awl zucKtl a co. fgrNOTICE'S--"To.Let." "For Sale," "Lost," "Wants." "Found," "Boarding," (CT, not exceeding FOUR LINES, urill be inserted in these columns once for TWENTY-RIVE CENTS; each addi tio al line FIVE CENTS. WANTED-SITUATIONS. WAATED.—SITUATION, by a married man is a dew r. Can give good reference. Address tlZOlttit, OAZILITE Or s mg. WA NTED- TINNED- SI TUA TION desired to work at the Tinning knel t ess. Would prefer to wort under instructions. Address, L. H. M., Box 64, West Andover, MA°. ANTED.—A SITUATION by „ Married Man aa carriage driver for either Livery ntable Or_ private fatally. Comp ry pre ferred. Address 8 7r 11., GAZETTE OPTICS. • WANTED -A- SITUATION AS Clot*. Salesman. or Travelling Agent for a wholesale or manufacturing estlblisbment. !Can rtvo good city reterencea. Address Buz New Cumberland, W. Va. WANTED-HELP WANTED—GIRLS—One Cook for Restaurant and one to do Chaa.ber wo tr. Apply at No. 52 tmittaleld street. wA NTED-lIIIIIIEDIATELY. 5 GOOD TINNENS et LACuCK & HA W THultii , . 28 otou street. Allegheny CPT, Pa WANTEDA first-class MA. CHINE AGA cIISIIITH. Empire at the It , MISTRIAL WORE. , , corner Puha alloy and Haqueato• Way. ANTED-HELP.-AT EN. (~11PLOYIelENT OFFICE,_ No. I tit. Utah Street, OYe tiI.ELS and MEN, for different Muds of employment. Persons wanting hely - f all kinds can be vapplted on short notice. WANTED-AGENTS. • WAI%TED-100 . Confidential AGENTS to dispose of a good paying arti cle. An energetic and trußtr•orlby men cats make 00,000 in twomontha Particulars free. Call on tr. adurees DAILEY . CO., 208 Broad nay, N. Y. au2:1123d WANTS. WA N T E D.-PARTNER. - AI goo I, reliable Traveling Agent, who can Invest from three to elyht thousand dollars In • good paying manufacturlrg business can learn of an oppor unity seldom offered, by addressing, wl•b name and address, R. & GAZATTE OFFICE. WANTED. -10,000 Acres of LAND WARRANTS and AG/1101,1.TO RAT. CoLI.EGE LANI I ECRU'. wanted. Ad dress. JOHN S. BEADDocii, Mount Vernon, Otdo. WANTED.—A good second r ANT) END'NE AND BOILER: engine about T inch cylinder• Boller from 113 to. 20 teet, 36 to 46-inch, and tined. Partles - haviun anal machinery to sell will please address Box 384. Pittsburgh Poatottlee, stating size; make and price. WANTED. -A SIIALL HOUSE, of threis. rooms. In Manchester or Law renceville. Affix a riITUATION in a clothing store a. saleFtnan. Good ri femme given. Ad dress W. P. BRANDON. Pittsburgh Pest°face. LOST. .CMT.-ON WEDNESDAY AF TERNOON, between Aregbeny and East Ibert y. by way of Sbanasburg orldrand !Korn inealde road. a 1 EPTED BLACK es . l , M WRITE PLAID tdIAWL. A soltabla reward will be paid for Its retain to the GAZETTE OFFICE. TO LET. rpO-LET—ROCII.—A furnished L FRONT ROn3l. in one of the most desira• ble portions of the city. Enquire at 02 SMITH viELD sum MO LET-FOUR NEW HOUSES A. of SIX ROOMS eaca on Jalspna street.. Fir h wird, Allegheny. near Allegheny avenue, one square from Manch -ster street ears Enquire of T. H. StittLe S. 89 Federal ttrePt, corner of Stoevou -venue. or. CHARLES P. STRIGHT, 171 Non h avenue, co• ner of Webster street. T° -LIKT.—ROOMS. on Second ft boa with Boarding. Location the most desirabliFln the city, .Ith the conveniences ol bn , h rooms. the comforts of aprivate family. as few boac'era are kept. 11S1.1 , ,orth Avenue, Al. leghenV City. FOR SALE FOR S 4LE— SA H ERY.—A well FURNISHED BAKERY, In a G .od Lora [tor, Is for Bole yery cheap. Inquire at No. 23 Grant street. FOR S 4 LE.--A Drug Store and all the Fixtures. Drum &c , of the latest style. situated on the .corner of Tunnel' *treat and Fifth avenue. For full particulars inquire at the Store or WILLIAM ee AttD, No. 110 Grant street, opposite Cathedral. FOH SALE.—Lease and good will of a TAVERN ST AND in a desirable llty. Terms easy; doing_ a good business. Apply of WM. JACKnON. 73 Grant street. FUR SALE—Five acres within five minutes , wala of the Leetsdale :its. ton, P., Ft. W. & O. R.N., 14 tubes from the city. 4 acres cleared, House of 3 rooms, small Fruits, Grapes. &c.. Will be sold at a bargain. Appl to VROFT & PHILLIPS , No. 139 Potash avenue. FOR SALE.- HOUSE AND LOT. —.Shiite at Hilton station. Lot contains IN( acres, on which ,s erected a _good Frame Dwelling conta.ning 6 rooms, with fruit trees, &c. Address JOHN Cif Holton Station. U' - OR SALE—THE CHEAPEST FARM IN ARMSTRONG COUNTY, Pa.,. 01% aeres for S4,UOU. well Improved, good Orchard, good Buiidings. good Water and good Neighbor ood. There Is a bargain in this prop ern,: we have seen it and know it. App y to CROFT tt PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth ays.nue. .__ VOR SALE. Ine-halt of it .A. 7 valuable PATENT for •Peansvlvanta. A small article wed In all houses. A chance for an active young man with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Postotffee Box 099. FOR LE-FARM AT A BAS GAIN—S4O PER ACRE will purchase a good F. rm • f 239 Acres in Westmoreland coun ty, Pa., two miles from Railroad. Rood sot', well watered, underlaid with coat and Ilmestoue. Wine. Barn, urrhard, to.. Ac. Terms ea y. Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth ayeune. • H B. LYON, .1_1.• Sealer of Wrights and Measurer, Ocoee—hii.,s FOURTH. AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Capt. JOHN MESSNER., Deputy, Pittsbqrgiu Market. Lleat.-4T6. B. MI:NULTY. -Deputy, Alle betty arkat. 3. W. BAR 59 MARKE A LARGE AND CO SEASONABLE .fitv'erv. AT WUOLESAL AL 'FL .7/S,ARKE MI FOR SALE. Two three story pressed brick front houses on ("entre art Doe, store rooms an* dwellings, $l3 , 000. good S roomed brick house and large g ',SOO. Two three stor, brick houses on ton street, *5,000. Two . 5 roomed pressed houses on Kirkpatrick street. liood 6 ro, brick house on Centre avenue. New 6 rotu , .c.:. frame house and large lot, near the Central it. R., and within two minutes' walk of str, cars, with good buildings and all conveniences, only 14.000. Frame house, 5 rooms, lot 24x 100, 81,500. Frame honse of 3 roams, lot 94x 100, 41.900. 8 lets on Centre avenue $3OO to 4800. 4 lots on Mahon street. 641132, $5OO. 1 lot on Reed street, 25z129 feet. $5OO. riots of ground on Mt, Washington, in size to suit. 89 acres on Western Pa. Railroad, 3 miles from toe city. 140 acres on Pan Handle Railroad, 4 miles from the city. 625 acres of Missouri Land. :Persons desiring to purchase a house or make an inves‘ ment, and those wi.hing to sell, 'please c 11011 or addrese MCCLUNG & RAINBOW. 523 Nos. 195. 197 and 199 Centre avenue. FM BALE. A LEASE EIGHT. Ttkrts TO BUN of a lot cf grAuno fronting 138 feet on Strawberry Lane, running back 53Sii feet immediately in rear of Pittsburgh, /Ole henv and Manchester Paesen g• r Railway Co's stable. and on the line of the of the Cleve and and Pittsburgh Bath'. ad Com pany, aolacent to the Ohio river, on which Is erected TWO GOOD PRA ME TEN ANTI:IOII3ra of three rooms each, with good stabling and out nooses complete. This property is well adapted for lumber or coke business, there being already erectee thereon eight coke ovens with .1111 the necessary appliances for carrying on that bin mess. A I.:40. for rent or leare, a comPrtable FRAME' 'HOUSE of cline rooms, to a good localion within Ave minutes walk. of Wood-/ton Station. P. Ft. & C. It. R., to which there is attached about halt an acre of ground. Tnis 'property will be rented low for a term of years to a good tenant. Inquire of - ALELINDER PATTERSONi Limber Yard corner Preblo and Juniata streets, or No. 157 Rebecca street; opposite the Gas Works, Allegheny City. :31.13:m77 FOR SALE. House and 4 tots on Spring Hill. 7th ward; 10 acres at V [ming Station: House end I}4 acres; also 654 acres at Wendale Station; 16 awes about 1 mile from reining Station; 34 acres at Falr Oak' S'atton; 17 acres at Glendale on P.. Ft. W. et C. It. %House and Lot corner Hemlock and Poplar street; Lot on Troy HM: house on saudusky street: 3 Houses on dovle street; 3 Farms in Ohio; 2 Houses In lghth ward: Farm In sewtekley township: Farm near Perrysvhle; House on Ledlie street; Farm In Westmoreland coon v; Farm In Butler county; 5 Lots near Br. ed's Grove; 2 acres on Headerson , s Hill; 1 acre at Jerk's iron; House and Lots on Bousver, street; House and Lots on Beaver street; Hunse and Lot In Salem, Onto; 2 Lots on Fremont strew,: other Houses and Lots in rood localltleJ. M. WHITMORE, Beal Estate A gent, corner Ohio anal Sandustcy a treet, Allegheny. anti FOR SALE. Good 8 ,roomed brick house on Centre avenue and large lot-24.500. Good tl roomed frame house with all improve• ments: lot 68 by 110-14.000. Frame house. 2 looms; 10t144 byloo—sl,ooo. Two well finished press brick houses ana large lot—only $6,000: a ch. Two 6 roomed houses on Fulton street—s2.soo e - One lot 24 by 199 feet on Reed street-000s Plot of ground on Mt. Washington. 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4- miles from the city. . • 30 acres on Western Pa. Railroad, 4 miles from the city; 225 acr.s good improved land In Missouri. Will be divided to suit purchasers. . 20 lots on centre avenue-8300 to 41,509 each. Inquire of 3fcCLUNG k RAINBOW. Real Estate and Insurance Agents, jro Nos. 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue. FOR SALE. . . SECOND AVENUE.—Two houses. 3 stories. 9 rooms. with all modern Improvements Will sell for 15.500 and $6.500 e• ch. E.'s', terms. rguIRREL HILL.-4 acres of ground, with -splendid view over the Monongahela Valley; Adapted for private residence or to be laid on: in JintiCling Lots. At a bargain. - THREE MLLES FR t.[ SHAY.PSRURa.-2151 acres of best ga' den land, with 500 , of the eho'cest fruit trees In lust bearing conoition. Convenient to flour and saw mill. 'Fur particu lars enquire at S 7 Grant Street. • TUSTIN & KLEE. attl4 VOR MALE.—THE . SUBSUME— BEft wi hinr to retire to the country, wishes to sell the Stock. vixtures ano Gosd Will of his business, and*lll lease the warehouse for one or more rears. 'The business has been estab- _ . . . Baled snme thirty years. some eighteen years of which the present proprietor bas been its bead. The Is Wholesale said Mereautile and Manufacturing, andW , II pay on =average 50 percent. profit. From 112,000 to *lO,OOO will be required. lime for part of which nay be liven. Can be incur ed indefinitely, wiCi but ittle mo-e rapt ai. Address, with real name, Box C. GAZETTE OFFICE. Pittsburgh. Pa. YER AON A L.—All persons seek.. II fri ROMPS, or investments in Real Es tate, will save tire, trouble and money by pro. curing a cony of the `•PITTEBUittiIi KRAL ROTATE REGISTER." Ills gtvenaway °nem or will be 1 ant by mall PREY. to any requesting it. Persons cannot tall to get suited octet the large list it contains. CRuFT & PRILLIPm. Pno- Ushers and Real Estate Agents, No, 139 Fourth avenue. FORRSALE-CITY RESIDENCE On Colwell street, one square from street cars. The House - has ten rooms, hall, good cellars.. pressed brick front, gas and water throughout, bath room, range to kitchen, and In a pleasant neighborhood. Price ornor Vf.000; on easy terms. Apply to CROFT I PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth avenue. - _ _ §ALE OF VALUABLE PROP. ZaTY of 80 ACRIrS In South Buffalo Town ip. Armstrong county, Pa , on buffalo Creek. adjoining be s treeport Ilse. Flouring Mill, Haw Mill. and Water Power in the State. Frame Uwe) ink House of 0 rooms and cellar, hand somely situated on the w . P. R. R., now build ing from Freeport so Erie. Will be sold at Pub lic dale on THURSDAY, Angela 28,1888. For further particulars &adv.'s,. an2o . - JOSEPH B. WAY, Freeport. FOR SAL E .- LEASE.-THE athrgais . ..lloart°7ori: L eigigite t d T oi t i ll i e h e E c t ti r rn k et of Morgan a reet and toe Railroad, in the 4tri ward, Allegheny. consisting of it three story Bri k Building, 20280 feet, containing Engine and Boiler complete, together with Sha ft ing. Also. a large abed suitable for storage, and a two story Dwelling. For Miner particulars apply to I. M. PENNOUL-No. 19 Seventh (late Ir win) street. Pittsburgh. Pa. a021:n59 VOR SALE-DIANCFA.MIUII.. /: LNG BITE, fronting on the West Peons. It. . , and toe Allesheny •rive , „ In e.igtitti ward. , Alleghenv el y, (formerly Duquesne river, Borough.) Lot Is 94 feet on 1.04 on Railroad be 3351 feet deep. splendid location lbr any .find of sko mlinufactory. Terms esdy. Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Beal Estate Agents, No. 130 Fourth avenue. INDEPENDENT TERMER. ANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH. DICKEY. sunni2 KER & CC), T STREET. , RECLITOG ARE NOW MPLETE STOCK. DRY GOODS, AND ARE SELLING • 1, CO , ir 3Priotai* E AND RETAIL 33C33/ dia STREET. I . el FOR SALE. CANDIDATE . so. 4 =