S. STEEL WORKS. PITTSBURGH, •• • • i STEEL WORKS. ESTABLISHED IN 1845. ANDERSON- & WOODS, MANUFACTURE C. S Or , . BEST REFINED CAST STEEL - .or every description. Also, best Refined *Tan Plow and Spring . Steel, , .. _, con Ell RIMSWND FIRST AVENUE,Pitts - Bon i“ p. 1 ~, e, e :. i aul6:n4i l II lEll' BARR & FIRKIN. 9 - • GEN - F.IW , FAnalinltS: WM. 'METCALF. . REUBEN MILLER, IGEO. W.' BARR, ' CHAS. PAKKIN. SrSCIAL PART:um—S. If. BIER, . CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, iffil:TaFit, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE, No. 119 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. rev:d4s DUQUgSNE WORKS. OOLENLO, RAHI/1 & CO. Manufacturers of ittON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, 11117QUESNE, L X AND 3IIXIATA, AND,AB, ROUND AND SQUARE , LRON. 1100P,BREE'l AND TANS IRON. BOILER PL ATV.' AND BRADS, GUARD IRON, DRAG and DROPPER. BARS, PLANGh..: .JUTTER BARS, CI LINDER Lank_ QAND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. BOW B A ItS,WICDGES & HAR.RoW TEETH. RING PLO W ..ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, OTEELWINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL, TlbEn. STEEL nRAFTLNO, A. B. -COACH, BUGGY and NV ANON SPRINGS and XL.Nd. CUT NAILS AND SPINES. All Goods liirst Class and. WarraOad. OFFICES AND WORKS •SlXteenth Street and Allegheny Myer, and 3: Water Street. Pittsburgh. nh9 13 11EFFIELD STEM!. WORKS. SINGER, NINEICK& CO., PITTSBURGH. PA.. Manufacturers of evefy description of VAST Ala) OERMAN aanAcr sr.anips, AXLES, STEEL TIRE , ac.. fte Warehouto, 831-17derandieWitstEith BI ACE: DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. CARR, RROTEEII & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of Wa r r I MMT—A. mote •nd Watelio se, THIRT&TH, THIRTY. TIBET and ~i,!4.II:cOA.LP STREETS, BRASS FOUNDERS. F .1: IDibz• aus tli SUCCISSOi. TO ;OXEN M. 030PEIR do CO., 6 Bell and Brass Founders. BIZA.SS CASTINGS MADE. PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Weald() and Guy iron Fittiigs, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, 11110 1 111,iiFRTVABD (HECK VALI ES, ALLOLOBE PATTERN. (YN C4OO7:CS, • *rile Work Of every deseilptlog •for i • Steam, Water and OIL IgAI4IiIituTURICEI3O7 Td. COOPEEVIS Improved BalaneeArheel Steam Pump. 41genea,fins Dreyfus' Patent Oil 41ers. theibeet in the Market. Oita and Works. coiner Thula:en= and Pike IRON WORKS. lILLERSBESEN PROCESS. The Trtniteet are now tf a Tared torant licen- Ales for the use of the A . EMMA MN PRO . ' The inperlor quality imparted to4good iron, the great improvement in inferior iron, and the reduced coat,commend it to Mt manufacturers of Parties 'wishing to use It can obtain Jimmies 47 iiiSPISITLII tO ArAmtls P. st,EER Attorney for the Trustees, ROOMS 1 and S. EngWWl Building, 96% loath avenue. Par ties interested are invited to visit the MHOS'S BERGER WORKS. where the rocees Is 2IYW in successful operation. . tee:do EPERSON, PRESTON & CO., kennsylvania Iron Work& Warehouse. Nos. 166 and 161 FIRBT =BRET. opposite Koziongaaela House. - SP24:O ' . PITTSBUIIOU GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD. STREET. NEW GOODS: TINE BOILININIAN AND . Z”SWszis TNat mTs, etrr GUM SMOKING BEM large stock of 1. tELLTED, PLATED GOODS of "uoi;o2 l P*no• I a gir izi t x .:n , lne n olz s ult, t rA t ze, it; 00 wooD.l:ratzer t ,_ t; o- •••., - • ENGINES, BOILERS, &o• HUGH M. BOLE & Coi, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., Engine Buniterrs, Founders and Arnainists; Msnolactare STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all elrea. Special attention invited to our new OIL WELL ENGINE AND DIMMABLE 15-horecipower. OSTUIG,of every !dad, made toarder atonr 'Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING PULLEYS, nextirms,BouneandTOßAVeltZWEl and IRON TOBAOCO PBEEMS, on and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, iroatfhg on the Al!igheny Bayer. near the Point. al" Au orders Orem:MUT filled. Tiff 178. F oAT pATT EniEn, nu AB ?OK WaRKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TIIPAILAR, DOUF.LM-PLARD TIIIDEIWZ% PINK-SOX AND CYLINDER MAX BOLL, RES. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, BRZECRING AND MR PANS, GETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STE/ 21 2/PRS, RASO...TEIIB AND MON BRIDGES: PRISON DOORS .A.ND COAL SRITT2RS Side acid Warebowie. earner Second, , Third. Short and Liberty Streets. p .1.4T0:d t cra ended sent to. tO the above address I,9be romply att mt 7: WEL BARNI3ELLL & 601 H., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. XO, AA, **AND SIEI PENN ST. Having secured_a large yard and furnished it with the meet approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in thehest manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive .Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pins, Bailer Iron, Bridges, begs: Pans. and - solo iniumfacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Bemiring done on shortest notice. j 10:en JAMES Rt. RIT Nos. && and 56 Water Blreat, PrrICSDITCON, LLANIIPACTUZZA OF IRON OIL TANKS, WETTLING FAN?, COPPER STMAII res. BALLING MILL STACIEF. And BB:F.ET IRON WORE. For Steamboats. JAILILD H. BRUSEt....-.. •.-.......E.D71V1rD D. EWEN JARED 111. BR USH & SON, NA2III7.h.CTIPUOttit OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, &o. ItitA.DILEY at CO., NO.BO WOOD. STREET, Cook; Parlor and Heating StUi r bSy TO BE FOUND. Pnrassuswii. IA our assortment will be found all the LATEST PAVT ',P.N.S AND 131eitOVetlENT.% and the reputation of our Stoves Is such that snv one in Want of a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be found the most durable wi well , as economical. Would cell narticular attention to our new VoLCAN•t bTOV L. for churches, balls anas.ores. Over Sod sold In 'Wee montes. Intended for with or with out casing. wit wno have rated them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for tiatalo • e and Price List. je3o IRO ! BUMS & 00, awrmrAcTeasasis Ci xvingY vAsaTr OT SEPr i CriirMES, BOSTON • coosnre BAzro1? r» THE . Miff FURNACE," WAumsxo Boutintelt. THZ NEW ANTI4DIZBT COOXfI iTOVZ. "RZGULLTOIL , ', COLUMBIA: C(1074 TOVZ,_ (Cincinnati Pattern) PORTASLZ RANGE CAST MON MAHTLM, WHIALHAN , B HU/LECTR, ti RATZIGIre from Gil MI dust; Wu= YBu... YINDZIA ac. 206 and. 20S Liberty Street,' . . , ae73*l7 . PITTOBIII3OO4 PA. DIMS .STOVES. ro.s BITtIME NO6 (10'4. %tempted to iook, Bake or Boast se fall ea any other Store In the Union. BISSrF:LT & 00., No. 285:Libertv Street. also on nand and for gala, PARIAH STOVES, WEATINOfTO WILTE lr(T5 TNNDERD, COOKING 11/4.NOES, TO BUILIDEBS I ' • • 100.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 100,000 feet 156 Inch Clear Plank; -25,000 feet 'IH, Inca Common Plank;' 25,0110 feet bry 1 and Si inch Oak, 30.00 0 11 e )1. 1. 1) 11 and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 tot .mry Poplar Scantling: 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Board': • 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 303.000 fees No. 1 18 inch Saginag Shin gles. 1100,000 No. 1 16-InchShingles. sawed; 60,000 No. 110-inch Shingles, 'bayed: 00,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Pile Tile. .100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles In the line on hand and for sale, by ALSIANDER 1%17E11110N. Yards— N0.'167 Rebecca street sad corner of Preble add Juniata streets, ninth ward,Aliegheny, late twig. ,ough of Manchester. atn6 WEST COMMON— Machine Stone Works § Nortaweitsornerd'Weet OcntraniNellegherrt. -11171.1111Me e d i i r iTATIddrdi" GO. '° Han on hand or prepare on short notice Marta &ad rde2 Atones.Mais for eldelraduk Breyer" . veal no. Head an ot:itoses. ne. smiled. VOW somonatde .1 - - Ed t - 4 Z ~ ~' :, .. :, t 6 ~. K~~C - «u,.,.. , .. , ..~-~.s.r.s:_k+'~:i , ." f ...,.u:: .z>~a<'.,~~,>r....~..i . ~r-....~ : y* Y,ra- ~ w ........ tea- .. . (Niel& T P9Erz.) ITITI3I3IYaGH. PA. ILA.MITACTIOOTXI3 OP PITTSBURGH, Pa. SREET nzora WORK. &O. kfsainfacturers of the greatest variety of CET THE BEST. itisszicar. a co:fs ' ;f. TRIXTNEPH.; LUMBER. STONE. ME PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: :FRIDAY, \-AVGUST 27,. 1869 FOUNDERS, KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA. ifirEnginest Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Wail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS; Varner Carroll end Smalls:tan Streets, WINTM WARD,) JP1T'r87311311 , 13 , 116 . • WILLIAM SMITH, ......K.anura4,-turor of CASZT MON BOWL PIP FOB els AND WATER wonics. My 'Fines are all east Invartablyin Pits, In dry nand, and 1 feet lengtlis. Also, full assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. elftigrail-VE.tt,elltittn.r.fitWatige.nd- DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM • nu LER, (Successor to JOS. P. lIAIGH & C 0.,) Has facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and is prepired to promptly and satisfactorliv till all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANES. PISTON ROD`, LzvEits, PITMAN AMS. %WRISTS, RAILROAD AXL ES, LOCoMOTTI; FItAXD , .S. together with every description of SHAPE WOltia. Or lice and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. splCh4o ROBINSON, REA tc, Successors to ROBRIBOX, MINIS 11 littraffoS, WASHINGTON WORJEES, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS.PITTSBORSH, Manufacturers of Boat' end Stationary Steam En gines , Blast Engines, Kill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tants and Stills Boiler And Sheet Iron Work. I 1 Office,Rio. 114, corner First and Smithfield Stree;s. Agents for OIFTARD'S PATENT INJECTOR fOr feeding Boilers. jail :re THOMAS CARIJN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Works, SANDUSKY BT., ALLEGIIENYCITY, liannfacturera of Stationary and rortable Stearn ZUylms, vu ettatmo, Cwleye,kirtit and Saw lUD Wort, So.dthg aIDI and - Machine Cantinga. Orate Bare, .Weighte, Wagon Boxes, Se. Band to order and nave on bandYnaines of an atzes. mvl4:o CENTRAL FOUNDRY • • AND ROLL WORKS 13130 ' Penn Street. BOLLNAN, BOYD Sc BAGALEY. CbU Mops, MW Castings. Roll Littrea.• ie. DIAMOND OIL WORKS• N. M. LONC Once, DLLZZLL BUILDING, DCMUM° WILY, Pittsburgh. Ps. WARINO AND KING, Ckraiaduton Merchants and Broken Ls Petroletim and ita Prodneta, DWELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, ramiumwau ADDitzas. Boom 17, G7 . imberof Cotnmerce, 133 SOUTH SZOOND WREST. Apia TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • AND DEALS= IN Petroleum and Its Products, 0 0W,P0MVinr,401 .1 " I s um ' mx% 81. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT R. IC. TWEDDLE, ItALNUFAOTIIIIZa 07 Libriciting & High Test Burning Ns. Eclipse EaHewed Axle OIL Stands great hear without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. • Locomotive. Elliailles Elteblue Shtilh Win out Screws. - - Saw am and Planing min Oil., • Adapted toe bigh_speed. - • • Spindle ell, wooltitead•Lighi ol 4 011. TanneriP - Sinff.lilennole; • inn.* Ira nf skip; 011 'Gasoline, Harness 011 'lParratline. ARMOR. VA.RbliSti,. to presage Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Rust. , _ These produ c ts are manufactured Tinder Dr. Tsveddlels_patent by duperheated Steam in Vac ciao. 7. be Lubricating OM are almost odorless, Perfectly re, uniform, and mostly light col ored. sta nd &high temperittureunchanged. and remain It in pid du ring extreme cold. The Railroad Oho are unequalled, and are in constant use on many 01 tile principal Railroads. BaniDlei can be examined and ordero left at. • 174 WOOD STREET, Works at dharpsburg Bridge. - NOVELTY WORKS• eITTSBUII44II • 'NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. NW. • 11.11AbiS. MILES, & 00. ; :iCAUCCHATIMIXS 0 1 iliYBToiBBTiNtlifiD,lT*lB:BA BKB PAW ZNT) PLATFORM- AnD COUNT= - • - • •7-• felet-14E5.,,;,-,: • h4O - #636iii t Dabi'LOO#All444444oi • !; ~ 4 144 t igot OW* 1111801F4 , AositacOrniudollittallielArr Me; Ado( I,i~44,o4voikeigg:"'; Mil NO. sp FOURTH AVENUE, CASK CAPITAL - - • . 6200.000 BANS OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN YLOY President. Thos. M. Marshall, ' Wm. T. Shannon, Jllllle6 W. A melt, Chas. B. Leech, John Floyd. This Bank Is now fully to ' el d00k43 a general Banking FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh: • No. 195 EIFTS AVENUE. i CAPITAL, 9100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA BLE. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. Cobewions made on al Accessible points in the United States and Canadas on most faeo able terms. Exchange on all the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. Discount days Tuesday sad Friday. Open from 9 e. u. , o 3 P. m., and on Saturday evenings from 7 to 0 o'c:ock. Doutc-rintS: ED. DITHRIDOE,. W. P. YVI..:YMAN; W. H. S toR EIMS. RTSON, e F HRAN RV K , "lEBERT MEYER, , W. C. I N DAN. KINZER. POSM DSTEL.. M. ARMOR, EMIL ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. .E. SUAIENCH, Cashier. • atria OILS. FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BM. PITTSBURGH. Stockholders Individually Liable. DIBICTOIII3. John M. Hartland, Archibald Wallace, Jas. Kelly, Wm. Floyd. ergintztd and prepared bubiness. CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL-16100,000d STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. ' INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal •Doints of the linked States and Canaog. DOMINICK lUMSEN, President. JAMICSINCt :A BE. Vice President. W. N. 310RGAN. Cashier. DIItSCTOhS. D. Matzen, • James McCabe, Thomas Rourke,John Savage, J. Dunievy, Jr.. Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan Chas. B. Barr, 11. A . Freprogle, Jno.Jos.Hermann. Thomas Barnes, Hugh Keating. jei:ks JAY COOKE & CO., avin.lrh.ers, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of tlorermuent Securities. mliDi El CAUGHEY .It. CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, .• Garner Third and Wood Streets, PrTIC13131:711011, IMDCOSersOLin TO HANNA. MAST I C 0..) DRALLIIB DI Exchange s Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid co the Pneebnno Wail 661 e of GOVERNMENT BONDS. stout Drafts on "London. raylmen PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN Messrs, DABNEY, MORGAN .& Co., Exchange Place, and M. H. JESUP it I ine street, W. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per tent, in Go have thirty years to run; are Frei from COVerIIMCIIt Taxation; are ,secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. In addition to this special grant the Com- pany also owns Three Millions of Acres in lianas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the road. Thry are a first mortgage upon the uten- slon of the road from Sherldan,lansas, to Denver, Colorado. The road In opera lion NOW BARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NET INCOME TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE. .NEW.. LOAN. Thorp Is no Letter security in the uarkete—this beink in some respects better than Government Sr. entities. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Prim 96, and aeern• ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Maps and Circulars furnished oaf application. sulo ARCHITECTS. B ras A , PlosEß , Am= PRUIT BOUM, AJNOCUTI . ON; NNLE.DINOS, Nos. ssaddilldlOste Btrestk PlUstairdk, Ps. spuds] _stledarsolo * th. designing sad tsgAilltAL, *DU sad PIOILIC 111WIMINIPIlm PS, kf:..-.7.411 .."-:;;. ; -.. .:y. - . -, :-. „ }' , : - ' - ."2 ,- ;•:,_ - .t-..;:,: , -:, ,, .. --, ,-.3-.:. , , -. , , ,,r; : . ',-;,..'•;:''.:^ 1 , +", '",:':.----..' i : i e . ''''''''''''''' ?" , ,:' ' : - ... ° •: ', 7,7 -' l'. '— ' , : - '''''' ,' ' ,,, ''''.:'',''. ': ' - ' .7-:' .. j -- '-‘ r . 6 .: , ":`,..r: - .4. - ",,e. - Jeav ,,, , ,,, ..t," . ..... ..4r.ftlf.i7eii:4l,-A2.....* . i - Z.L'Ail;:q.i,4,}.l - T , ZW4 E .:1•V,;1-1.7'!:;:.1.44,::::WIF::-',..,:4*':C i !jl`,, ,Z , !, i , , . ' ' '''' =' ' -- q-Ta. , -. - ,.. gi , ,,- 44.,:5. ,. .41 , -,: t3.14, -, 4„-v.--.. - f-Iii..;••:, ?.. , , ,,, t;:-.. , :,.. ,, ,-,, , ,•-. 1.,•,- - ..s.-.. , ! - --c..,?..tr-,5.:=A.; , -. 4 z1i..1=-. - • T46;i , 5, , . i,, , -.:;,- ,- - is , :s . .? - z=r, ,, g;4:-.. _ - - - -! - •147'., , ,-,i-, , -ta: , :::,--.,- ,, --. , 4 - .-- IP--- - . . -i— - . '-F.-7;,',,, , :1-7 , 44,4w..-.l'-: ,i,;:,,,wit.,-.; _.• _ , . - • r - -. - .J 7 ,-, , Az, ,, 1v.„:"Lk- e4415 4 .1..v: -- 7 . .. . .. GrCll-3.10, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at highest Priccs. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. N HOLMES & SONS, WM. FLOYD, Cashier. 57 Market Street, Collections wade on ail the principal points of the United Kates end Canada& Stochs,Bonda and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON CODLNIEBION. Mettenter attention paid to the puxehase and 11 loos United States Securities. 2111 ES J p RADY IS UO. ) v 3000015011 05. JONES a C 0.4 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., M -M 1 Buy AND SELL ALL MINDS OF GOVERNDIENT SECURITIES, BOLD, SIMS AND COUPONS ) .. ON MUST FAVORABLE TERMIL rer Interest Allowed on Deposits. esr money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest martet, rates. _Orders es...toted for the Parehare and Sale of ESTOCH.G. BONDS and GOLD. JANIRS T. BRADY & CO. 6D't . ..llittsllitrglj. Oairtf,. FINANCE AND TRADE. OPPTCR or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE!, THURSDAY, August 26, 1.86.?. The decline in gold to 13134 on Satur day last has attracted some strong buyers for a rise, the coversold condi- tion of the market being favozabe for a rise, the operators showed a bold face at the beginning, bat blught sparingly. The real object, however, was to sustain the bond and stock market. Gold open ed today at 134, but gradually declined to 133, and Is likely to go lower for to morrow. The improvement in bond quotations from Europe is more favora ble, and it may turn out that the market there is actually very bouyant t Lower bond quotations roast be looked for. The large importers are all in favor of lower gold, and some houses can get from the banks all the gold they re quire until next year. Bonds are stronger, the offerings being small for the Government purchases, yet lower gold prices will gradually bring down bends. and unless it will be officially published io-morrow that the Government will continue to buy bonds nest month, a considerable de cline Is looked for immediately. Pur chases of bonds for September means lower gold and bonds, and a permanent decline. Stcock, showed some strength, bat closed drill this evening. Money easy, yet business is dull. Quotations as received by Ph. R Mertz: Gold, 133; Silver, 127; Eighty one's, 123; Five Twenties, 1862,123%; do 1864, 122; do 1885. 122; do 1865, Consols, 120%; do 1867, 121; do 1868, 120%; Ten Forties, 114%; New York Central, 202%; Erie, 28%; Reading, 95%; Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 188%; Ohio 41:2611Edesippl, 131%; Michigan Nouthern, 106%: Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 103%; Chicago & Rook Island, - 114%; Chicago & North Western, 833;; Chicago & North Western . Preferred, 96%; Adams Express Com pany, 56; Merchants Union Express, 89; Pacific Mail, 80%; Wester* Union Telegraph Company, EN. =CHANGE, Larger. StAall. London, per £ 0,53 16,6 a Pails., per franc 27 27% Berlin, thaier 97 98 Frankfort, fort= 57 57% —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 133%; United States Sixes, 1881. 123%; Five-Twenties, 1862,123%; do. '1864. 122%; d0.,1865, 122%; Ten-Forties, 115; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, 120%: do. do. 1867, 121%; do. do. 1888. 120%2 Due Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 88%: Central do, d0„99; Cy. Pacific, 110%; Lake Superiors, 96. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ()anus.], ' NEW Youic, Aug. 2A, 1869. Money easy at 5@)7 per cent. Sterling dull and heavy at 9,,a93 per cent. Gold heavy and lower; opened at 133) and closed at 13230§)133. Carrying rates 6 per cent to flat. Clearances $133,000,• 000. Governments a shade higher and firm: Coupons ot'Bl, 123%©123V,; do. '62, 123,1 ®123; do. t 64, ing@l22l4; do. '65, .122% ®l22q; db. new. 1203‘®120;4; do. 'B7. 121®121X; do. '6B, L%%©1203‘; - 10•40's, 114;4©115; Pacifies, 110y,®110q; State bonds quiet and steady; Mis-, sourts, 863 ft old Tennessees, 61; new do., 53%; old Virginias, 75; new do., 78; old North Carolinas, 55k; :new 49X. The stook market during the forenoon was strong, Central selling at 205, End at 185% and Erie at.3syi, while the fluc tuations in other shares were unimport, ant. The announcement that the Erie road had rnsde harmonious running ar. rangementsVith the Lake Shore caused a sharp decline,particularly . on Vander bilt shams, and the Erie ma rket , closed weak and very dull., . . Five-Thirty .Canton,- 58; Um berland, 84A; Weitern tralan Telegraph, 88K4. Qulaksilver,,lB)4•4l.adpoasi, 74 , do. irceirredi 1 2 ; -PaCifle-01411, VW; Adams rasa, 86,1; 111 alike" 68% Now York Ward) FINANCIAL. Isrraw.lCS33l7lll3la, PA. 202 V„:. Harlem, 15935; preferredil Hudson, 184 : Reading, 95M 34; preferred, 55; Michigan Cenral;', Michigan Southern, 105 M; " Illinois;l,ti ire; 137:g; Pittsburgh. 104%;,Northie ern, 831;z 8 ; do. preferred, 9535: Cleveltti Columbus and Cincinnati, 77; Rock : , land, 1145 x,; St. Paul, 78%; do. prefer,4_ 76%; Toledo Wabash. 82M; do: ' red, 82; Ft. Wayne. 88M•, Terre Hai 33; do. preferred, 57M; Chicago and'-' ton, 153; do. preferred 153%; Ohio Mississippi, 31g; Burlingtou do Quill 185. •. Mining shares - Smith de Parmelee,t_, Gregory, 225; Tudor Lead, 425. , y. Coppers at Boston : Copper-Falls, .9f," Franklin, 134; Quincy, 25; Calumet, Hecla, 80. SQ. Treasury balance, 191,929,907. EZZI PETROLEUM MARKET. Oryier OP Prrvimusell GAzurru,. `THURSDAY, August 28, 1869. 4 • The oil market to-day was rather quiet with a light volume of business in the aggregate, and no material change - - in prices. Antwerp is reported off half a trance; this matter, however, is of nd X g reat importance, as Antwerp is not as ; I prominent a point as it was some years ago, and private advices from -that place would indicate that instead of Antwerp controling the markets here, it is con trolled by our markets. Advices from] ; Hamburg, state that the arrivals at that] port in July, were much larger thai during any preceding year, but, as ant offset against this, the receipts at eomei neighboring ports were smaller thanf unual. The fact is, nearly all the foreigts: correspondence that has come under. our observation, recently, • speak hope fully, predicting a large consumptive de.l mand, but stating at the same time that the course of the market, in regard to prices, depends mainly upon The move ments of the trade in this country. Ac cording to the latest advices from New York, the exports from this country froin January Ist to date, are about the sam as during the same time last year— s few weeks ago there was considerable of an excess. The market was moderately active, the sales being somewhat larger than those of yesterday, while prices have undergone no emsential change. Salf . , 1,000 August at 14%; 2,000 and 5.000, ler, September, at 14%. Buyer all year is reported as being offered freely at 153 without finding buyers, and seller all year is nominal at 14%. Private advices from Oil City report offers to sell seller 30 days, at 0,75 which is considered equivalent to 14% here. September to December, that is for a "line," may be quoted at 1438, Sales of two lots of 500 each for last half of September at 32 1 / 4 . and 500 each 'Sep tember to December at 32%. August quoted at 31%@'31%—off a fraction corn- pared wits yesterday; buyer all year offering at 33V; and September to Da-; camber may 11 . 43 quoted at 32N(g132%. LUBRICATING OILY. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil Eclipse Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery Eclipse Spindle RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. --- Fisher dr Bro 2,200 bbls. Pool 1t Bro 210 " LT. Mlielvy 520 " Mawhinney Bri) ..... 760 " Parker 4: Thompson 520 " Owston & Sowers. 720 " J. Wilkins 160 " Total 5,120 bbls. OIL SHIPMENTS PER WEST PENNA. B R. Excelsior Oil Manf. Co.. 100 bbls ref. to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Oil. SHIPPED. BA ST BY A. V. R. R. Standard Oil C 0,289 bbls refined to Warden,Frew do Co., Philadelphia. B. WMorgan & Co., 50 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. t Livingston & Bro., 900 cases refined Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. ; Liberty Oil Works 249 bbls refined to Warden. Frew dr Co., Philadelphia. i J. C. Kirkpatrick, 200 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner 250 bbla refined to , 1 Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett. L. & S. 200 bbls relined to W. ,! P. Logan & Bro., Puiladelphia. • McKelvy & Bro., 201 bbla refined to W. P. Logan ele Bro., Philadelphia. Lyons & Co., 407 bbls refined to W. P. Logan dr. Bro., Philadelphia. Citizens Oil Co. 367 bbla refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & Co., 150 bbls ref. oil to F. A. Dilworth & Co.. Philadelphia. Total Refined, 900 cases 2,465 bbls. CHICAGO, AuWit - 24.—Eastern Ex change firmer, par selling, lA@ 1-5 off buying. Flour quiet with sales at 1100 t 6,87% for spring extras. Wheat more active and 4o higher; sales of No. 2st $1,33wg1,36 and closng weak at $1,33; '• Sales of No. 1 at 51,35; this afternoon the market is easier, for No. 2 nominally, 81,33 cash, seller August, and 81,23® • 1,2335, seller September. Corn moder ately active and steady, 243 higher; No. 2 opened 88 and advanced to 8834 ;closed quiet at 88c; rejected in good demand, 4 @543 higher, with Sales at, 844(4)85c; no grade at 79(g80c; this afternoon the mar- ket was easier at 87c for No. 2, seller An gust. Oats firmer and So higher; No. 2 opened at 46y 4 ,43, receded to 4530, and closed at 4534®46c, with sales of rejected at 41@)420. Rye moderately active and firm, with sales of No. 2 at 94c, rejected at 84)82,c, closing at'94o for No. 2. Bar ley firm and nominally 2@)sc higher, 1 with sales of- No. 2 at 51.20,. seller 1 September. Highwines are firm,lith sales of new at 51,18, holders asMng 51,20 at the close. Sugar 1334 ®l4gc for common to prime Cuban Provisions 4 . quiet:. Mess Pork steady at $83,75; cash, and 825,75@26, seller. January. Lard nominal at 19®19M0. Dry salted slionl ders 1310; rough sides 16y0; short ribs 11 ls%®l7c; sweet pickled hams 18)&18*. Freights leas active and Mc higher; corn foo to Buffalo; corn to Oswego 934 c. Re- A ceipta for , the past twenty-four heuraw were 8,643 bbls. flour, 50,115 bush:wheat, 178,733 bush. corn, 52,092 bush. oats. 5,- 440 bush. rye, 4,881 bush. - barley,' 6,106 f: bead of hogs. Shipments were 6,170 bbls. flour, 37.605 bush. - wheat, 192,321 bush. corn, 42,753 bush oats, 4,416 head of hogs. • etzronoreat, Aug. 26.—Plour and Wheat unchanged and dull, but not 1,-:J enough done to establish quotations. Corn in demand at $l, but held '3®so higher. Oats dull at 50,2)560. Rye sl@) 1,05. Whisky quiet at 11,20 but no sales. r_ Tobacco active; sales 255 hhds at $6,15% 20.25. Provisions unchanged, quiet and t; but little done; sales 100 bbls mess pork, r. select brand, sold at $33,60. !Nothing I: transpired in bacon, bulk meats or lard; and prices nominally unchanged. Butter ; and cheese unchanged. Linseed oil dull r. at 9815970. Lard oil. Steady at .1,420 ,1,45. Petroleum 28©80o for redued• Gold 182%, buying. P.sehange teady at I 1-10 discount buying, and par *piling. Money market steadyat B®l2 .pat cent • DErnorr, And. elpte of 2,000 We and the mexket idea . at. sB@ .8,50"f0r choke. Wheat In imp'rowd de mand, and.thie aftern4 lathe market was better; No: - 1 white 11 1 .8748.1,88'insattler 111,25..Vitint-N0:44408. a 58e, - CRITDE REFINED yes 350 .t . ko btho
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers