The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 26, 1869, Image 6
8. STEEL WORKS. pivz SBURGII STEEL W ESTABLIHIED IN 1615 ANDERSON &I WOODS, *ANI7FACTERkf S OF BEST REPINED EAST STEEL Of evers , description !' Also, best Befitted German Flow and Spring Steel, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENUE,Pitts ra. au163141. DUQUESNE liirORKS. OOLEMAN, RAKM & CO., Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, DUQUESNE, L X AND JUNIATA, PLAT BAR. ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. BOILER H PL P.T.e.s , SHEET HEAD AND AND TA S, NK. IRON, GUARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER BARS FLANGL r I GUTTER BARS, - CYLINDE R •rJ_ T AND FLAT RAIL,. for Coal Roads. gROW /3 RS WEDG ES Fs RABI DL.W TEETH, 2TRING,PLOW CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WINOS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SRAPTLNG, A. B. TEEL. COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and ILES. CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. ' Ili Goods First Class and Warrantad. OFFICES AND WOERS. 51Xteenth St ud Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. nava WEEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIKE 011& PUTSBIIIMH. PA- Manntscturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, ILATLW !WAN GS, ELLL, AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIEE, icai.ko Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sta. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL woluKs. LARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions Of • and Warehouse, •THIRTIETH, THIRTY• FIRST and RAILS.O.A.i) STREETS, Prrrsutrutiu. IRON WORKS. BLLERSILIIISEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now nre_pared tol.rant Ucen ses for the use of the I LT TritsiLkureart PRO- ~:~1! The superior qUality Imparted to good Iron, t he great Improvement In Inferior Iron. and the reduced cost, commend It to ali manufacturers of iron. Parties wishing to use It can obtain licenses by lILIPITIng to JAMES P. SPEER Attorney for the Trustees, BOOMS 1 and 2, English's Building, smi Sonia. avenue. rax ',tea Interested are Invited to visit the UWE -14 BY.KGEtt WORKS. where the roceis la LOW in' sttceeashit operation. - teB:dl7 VVERSON, PRESTON & CO., ALLI Pennsylvania Iron Works. ' Warehouse. Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET, o polls Ite Manongaaels House, tu24:dB - PITTSBUIOII BRASS FOUNDERS. ,11ILLER, BiRR & PARKIN. GENERAL PARTNERS: WM. METCALF. REUBEN MILLER, 43E0. W. BABE, CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL PARTNER—S. M. HIER, CRiSCENr STt.EL ]TILLER; BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE, No. 339 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. felf:d4B WINES. LIQUORS, oft. SqHMIDT &FRIDAY, I MPOREITJIS OP. WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &Ol WHOLES2I4.,I; DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Have Removed to NOS. 384 AND 886 PENN, Cor. Eleventh St.; (fi3rmorl y Canal.) JOSEPH S. Mier( ty. CO., aros.lBs, 187, 189,191, 103 sand 198, BLEIST STREET, mararracrtnesna dr Centel' Distilled Pere Dye Whiskey. Also, dealers In AORZION WIRES and Li * TOES. HOPS. *e. noi92. mot GLASS. CHIN.&. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STIIEET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, NONIZEILAN AND VH/NA. NEW STYLES, ' DINNER SETS, TI.GA SES, S _ GIFT CUPS, SDIOXLNG SETS, A large stock of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all deecriptioba. Call and examine our goods, and . w_e reel satisfied , no one need on to be aultM R. E. BREED & CO. ZOO V . V00 . 111 M=T. ENGINES, BOILERS, &o. HUGH It BOLE & GO. REES. Our. Point Alley and Duquesne St., Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all eizee. M ecial attention Invited to our new STATION- A OIL WELL ENEHNE AND - PORTABLE BOILER, of .16-borsowower. CASTINGS. of every kind, made tOorderatour ET Foundl7, on THIRD STRE__ , below Market. RIGS or Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS,HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO P/18133.1113, on band andmade to i; order, at th e INDUSTRIAL WO KS , • Fronting on the Allegheny Elver. nest the Point. mar Au orders promptly filled. Tat us. FORT PITT BOMB, STILL ARID TANI WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM ROM ERS, OIL STELES AND OIL TAITRI3. CHIMNEYS. BREECHING AND ASH PANE, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL zaI.STES Office and Warehonne. corner Second, ThLvd, Short and Liberty Streets, NEP Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 WM. BARNHILL •B OILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 80, 11111, A 4 AND AO PENN BT. • Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS In the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Bede , Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tants, 011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pens. Boller Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on Shortest notice.' tas:c2l JAMES M. BITER, Boa. 66 and 58 Water Street, irrrraurtmair, NA.2I-oricT=3. or IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING FANS, COPIMI STELE PIPE.. ROLLING MILL SPACES, And SHEET IRON WORE.. • For Steamboats. JAB= ti. 8ED811.... - ILDLt DD. Baum JARED H. BRUSH & SON, ICAIII77.I.CRITRXI3B Or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, aco. A.. BRADLEY J CO., Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stares, In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTIAINS AND 1111PROVnMENTs, and the reputation of our Stoves Is such that aim one In want of a good artic!e should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be fbund the most durable as well as economical. Would call particular attention to our new VOLCAN , I STOVE. for churcher, balls and stores. Over 51./0 sold In three months: Intended for with or with out casing. All who have used them pronounce theta superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Je3o GRIM KUGUS & 00., NANUPACTIMMS Or EVENT VADISIT OP SSlrrarli7Ml63, BOSTON coo/Entre. RANGE, "TILE MIRY FURNACE," Ton WiumaNG BUILDINGS. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, VAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE C AST IRON MANTLES, WELLMAN'S REPLECTOR,G_RATES. free trom distal:id dust; GRATE FB,U=S. FE.NDISEB, 206 and 206 Liberty Street, ae23:yl7 PITTSBURGH. PA. cooK STOVES. • CET THE BEST. Bistiey.T. dik CO:es FOB BITT7IIII2VO DB COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as rall as any other Store In the Union, BISSELL 4.00., No. 285 Liberty Street. &moon nand and for gala, PARLOR BTO'TES, WaLi tedI i f: (I I4 E ATEI_FXNDIC COOKING /MAXI EMS. ro: TO BUILDERS! 100.000 feet Dry Plne Boards. 150.000 feet 13i luck Clear Plankf. • 25.000 feet Ilfi inch Common Plank;; 25,000 feet Dry 1 and li inch Oak: - 95 , 000 ft. NI lA, and 3 Inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling: 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; • 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 303.000 feet No. 1 18 inch Saglnarl Shin gles. 500,000 tio. 1 10-inch Shingles, envied; 50,000 No. 110-Inch Shingles, allayed; 50,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles In the line on band and for sale by ALEXANDER PA'PTERISON. Yards— No. 137 Rebecca Street and corner of Pre hie and Juniata streets, Sixth ward,Alleglieny, late bor. ough of Manchester. av:a WEST COMMON 7 • Machine Stone Works, Northwest oorruir of West Canuaon, Allestunm PREIDIK ATITATAR 00e Hare on hand or empire on short notice Hearti en d st e p sto nes , Imo tor Si &swim Unita. ie. Head and Tonto 9 4.4361 PrgaD 11 7 aziells ll4 =kis regembis i Via (NZLIITErr. rOUTT,) ITZTELBITEGII, PA. KLIMTA ctrriens or PITTSBURGH, Pa. NO. 30 WOOD STREET, TO BE FOUND. LUMBER. STONE. P1TT5131, 1 116711 _ QAZE,I77:,IIIU rotmmuit - , MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY_ COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. corner Carroll cad Swann:m Streets, (NINTH WARD,) iPri""TSl3l3litalX., WILLI AM SMITH, manufacrturoz of CAST IRON 80.% 1 71, PIPE; ' FOE GAB -AND WATER WORMS. Hy Pines are all east in: ariablyin Pits, in dry sand. and Id feet !engine. Also, fall assortment of general Casting! for Gas and Water Works, elt7greia a i s *Ms t'p o e t. 7 r te m n i r R timige . nd • DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM DULLER, (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & CO. t ) 'Ras facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges In the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily fill all orders fornEAmßOAt SHAFTS, CRANKS. PISTON ROD., Le,vEits, PITMAN JAMS. WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCoMOTIVK FRAMES, together with every description of SHAPE WCRK. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apich4n VIDOBEYSON, REA Si co., Successors to ROBINSON. Nixie .t . ]LiLLf BE. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Mantifictarers.ol Boat and Stationary Steam Eu , Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, = Lag, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks an d Stills. Boller and sheet Iron Work. Office, N'o. 12, corner First and -Smithileld Streets. for f Ag eedi ents ng for OIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR Boilers. THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Work', SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., ganufaCturers of Station: ry and Portable Steam augines, int Breese., ru,leys, Shatung, (lest and baw Mill Work, Bolling 31111 and 'Machine Castings, orate Bart, Weights, - Wagon Boxes, ,4c. Build to order and nave on hand Xnglnes of all sizes. mvl4:as CENTRAL FOUNDRY Aid D ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Strooti. BOLENA N BOYD & BAGALEY. Chll lltolls, Mill Cactlngs, Roll Lathes, &e. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONC & co., Omce, DALZELL BLILDWG, fell Duquesne *ay. Pittsburgh. WAItING AND KING, CommisMon Merehinte and Broken la Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PIIILADILLESIL ADDItEW, Boon 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. spin TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS., AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its , Products, .V:rtiriStqVielcirey and 114 1 1inianiThre. Philadelphia Otica—LlT WALNUT ST. apl:ve4o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. 'MEDDLE ' , MANI3r.&CTIIR.ER OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Zairese Railroad Axle Oil. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive. Engine" Machine Shop, Will out Screws. San Mill and Planing Mill Oils, • Adapted tor htgh_spftd. Spindle Oil, woo Becd.Lighs oa, 011, Tanners' Stud Sensible, ing &Finishing Oil, Gasoline, Harness Oil Parragine. ARMOR VARNISti, to preserve Bright Iron Wert and Machinery from Must. These p roducts, are manufactured under Dr. Tvreddic's_patent by Superheated Steam In Vac cuo. Ihe Lubricating Oils are almost odorless, ,perfectly pure, uniform, and mostly light col ored, Stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain 11 mild during extreme cold. The Railroad Oils are unequalled, and are in constant use on many o 1 the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET, Works at bharpotourg Bridge. NOVELTY WORKS. pumnunGn NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. isss. ADABIS. za'KE.E & CO. Klascrrammezzo OF aZYBTONE BTANDARDarant,BANIC-BPAT ZAT) pdentoltat &ND COUNT= SCALES. Atm /and Paint Door Looks lad Latehes• Paint and 111114 dt • 0011101 OP. NUT AVENUE NUM! IMS • . Manua% Pala% OILS =II DAY, AIigUST 26, 1869. FINANCIAV: AMERICAN BANK, NO.. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL • • • • • 8'200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD W 3&. FLOYD, President. Cashier. Dinscrous. Thos. M. Marshall,`l John" M. Mnrtland, Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace, IS'.James Arrott, Jas. D. Chas. B. Leech, ,).1 Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, This Bank is now fully organlied and prepared to do a general Banking huh - atom jelok43 FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh. No. 195 FIFTH AVENUE. CAPITAL 1100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA BLE. SIX. PER CENT. IN rEREST allowed on time deposits. Coliecrions made on ail accessible points In the United states and Canadas on most favorable terms. Exchange on all the prlnulnal Foreign cities bought and sold. Discount days Tuesday aed Friday. Open from 9A. at. io r. 31., and on Saturday evenings Iron 7 to 9 o'c:ocit. DutztrronS: F.D. DITHRIDUE, W. P. WEYMAIe, - W. 11. SIMS. FRANK eIEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, ItitrzltY MEYER, DAN. KLNZER. D. M. ARMOR, EMIL POY.RSTEL. ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. E. SCHENCK, Cashier. auth 07,1 CITY - BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 0100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Boug't and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada. . DOMINICK lIIMSEN, Preaderit. JAMES MCCABe. Vice President. W. N. MouG.ts. Cashier. DIRBCTOILS. D. Ihmsen, James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John Savage, J. Huniery, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan, Clint. B. Barr,H.A.Freyvogle, Juo.Josalensann. Thomas Barnes, Hugh Keating. Jeilks N. HOLMES tar. SONS, .70.6kiktnEEMIRLEST G 7 Market Street. pri.r•rts7avi - rAtiri, r Q . Di/lea-110W! made on all the principal piiints of the United biates and Cannata. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities EDUGHT AND BOLD ON cautinisloN. • Particular attention paid to the purchase and axle of United States Securities. 1113U:ii HART, CAUGREY ds CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Varner Third and Woad Streets, .vrr - rszuncr)a., ISCOCIO3.IOILI TO IiANNA, EAST s C 0..) DICALTaS IX - 'l e achange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the Pnrehase and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. , Ellab.t Drafts on London. 1II71:4$4 JAY COOKE & CO., Baer, .114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, I'HILADELPHLI. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. =WO DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. NO. 65 FOURTH STREET. • ' CHARTERED IN 1853. ASSETS 176503.431 33. Open daily, from 0 o'clock A. Si. to 3 o'clock P. is., and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November Ist to May Ist, from 0 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than ONK DOLLAR. and a dividend of the pronto declared twice a year, in Jnne and December. Interest has been deelared semi-annually In June and Dezember since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same int crest fromthe lot days of June and December, compoulding twice a year, without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his pins book. At this rate money will double in less tb..n twelve years. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Ruh s and Regulations, furnished gratis, on applica lon at the office. Pnasspintrr—GEOßGE ALBREE. 1 710EPILISIDENTS: John G. Backofen, A At Pollock, M. D., Benj. P. Falmestock, Robert Robb, James Hardman, John 11. Shoenberger, James McAuley, James Stsidle, James B. D. Aleeds, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. TntiSPEES: Wm. J. Anderson, Robert C. Loomis) Calvin Adams. Henry J. Lynch, John C. IlindleY, 'Peter A. Madan, George Black, John iitarsh.ll, Bill Sur gwin, Walter P. Marshall,' Alonzo A. Carrier, John B. McFadden, CharlesA. Colton, Ormsby Phillips, John Evans, Henry L..Rlngwalt, John J. ° Gillespie, Wm.. Schmertz, William S. Haven, Alexander Tindle Peter. H. Hunker, William Van Kirk, Richard Ilaq s, Isaac Whittlar, James D. Kellr, Wm. P. Weyman. lits.P.Bunot—rammEs A. couro.N. sessitirrastr—J A.MDS B. D. MEEDS. COAL AND COKE. 0021L3 COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their oMco to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flour Mill) SECOND ELOOS. are now prepared to tarnish Rood youtimo. aIiZNY LUMP, NUT COAL OBBL.W.E. at the :sweat morket price. AU orders left at their oboe, oraddressed to them through the mall. will be attended to ■ • 1 ;I: • I JO' •I ■ 266 Llbartz_street, Daniels In Drainle • a ns and Patant Sledlalnea. lamb NALIPIE4IIOI4AI.--110 bariels ronslgnmant stIIVATT; LAM OWN lad 11* Mal stmt. FINANCIAL. GC2 O .IC-6.70, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. E. HERTZ, Banker Cor• Wood and Fifth Streets. nty6 JAMES T. BRADYVO., 8c o S. JONES 'a C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., .4EL. Pcg" ME. 30 ME. IE4 BUY AND BELL ALL MINDS OP GOVERNMENT SECURITIES . , SOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS' ON MOST FAVORABLE TEEMS. • Far Interest Allorfed on Deposits. AlRP•llloney loaned on Uovernment Bond. s lowest market rates. • Orders executed for the PErchese mud Kale of KICOGILS, FONDS surd GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. ;11's Eittsintrgfj G.:wits. FINANCE AND TRADE, (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW YORK, Aug. 25, 1869. Money easy at 5@7 per cent., chiefly at taper cent. Sterling quiet at 9;i@9% per cent. Gold opened at 133%, declined to 132%, advanced to 133 X, and closed at 133%. Carrying rates are 2@3 per cent. Clearances amounted . to 5120,000,000. The Sub-Treasury to-day only paid out 83,730 on account of bond purchases, and increased their California transfers by ,1,006,000 in gold. The Govotiament Bond market was strong, and advanced after the Treasury awards; the supply offering was light. Tne Assistant Treasurer will to-morrow make the regular sinking fund purchase of $1,000,000. Coupons ot'Bl, 123@123!/; do. '62, 122% @123; do. '64, 121%@:122; do. '65, 121% @122; do. new., 120%@120%; do. '67. 12031121;do. 'OS, 129;5@120%; 10-40's, 114 7 t :©1115. The Sub-Treasury bought V. 2,009,000 at 119 20.100@119 65-100. State bonds firm; Missouris, 8634; old Teunessees, 60; new do., 59; old North Carolinas, 55%; new 49;4. , The stock market was irregular during the day, but on the whole was active and higher: Central sold up to 20234; Hud son to 184; North Western to 84% for common, and 95;, 6 „,f0r preferred; Pacific Mail which had 1 til len to 79y 4 ; rose to 80%; thelmarket finally fell oil from the high est Cates but closed firm though unset tled.. , Aim-Thirty Prices: Canton, 57; Cum berland, 35; Western 'Union Telegraph, 371,,j; Quicksilver, 1334; Mariposa, 8; do. preferred, 1134; Pacific Mail, 80%; Adams Express, 51; Wells 1S;;; American, 3734; United States,6434; Merchants Union, 10; NeW York Central, 201%; Harlem, 160;. Hudson ' lB2%; Reading, 95%; Erie, 29%; Michigan Central, 128; Michigan Southern, 10634; Illinois Central, 139, 1 ,.; Pitisburgh, 103% ; Northwestern, 8.44; do.*eferred, 93%; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 77%; Rock Island, 114%; St. Paul, 78%; do. preferred, 87; Toledo dt Wabash, &3%; do. preferred, 84; Ft. Wa )- ne, 88N; Terre Haute, 38 ; do. pre ferr d, 58; Chicago and Alton, 158; do. pre erred 1585; Ohio and Mississippi, 81%; Dubuque, 112; St. Joe 121%. Sales of Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago to day, which are the first since the issue of the new shares under the lease of the road to the Pennsylvania Central. Mining shares quiet : Gregory, 200; Smith & Parmelee, 275. . Coppers at Boston : Copper Falls, 9; Franklin, 134; Quincy, 25. Sub-Treasury; balance, (694426,472. Exports for the week, except specie, were f 5,584238. The Express annonnAliti suspension of the old and respectable produce firm of Starin &Floyd. With a view to the protection of its creditors, the firm has made an assignment to Sairel Edmonaon. uvPmß or PrrTsaintefli Gs.zwrrix, WEDNESDAY. August 25. 1869. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 133 X; United States Sixes, 1881, 1233 ; Five-Twenties, 1882, 123; do. 1 1864,; do. 1865, 121 X; Ten-Forties, 114 g; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, 120 x; do. do. 1867, 121; do. do. 1868. 120%; Due Com pounds, 119;, Union Pacific Railroad, 88 1 /,'; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 110 k; Lake Superiors, 96. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, August, 25 1869. • It would appear that Chicago is threat ened with a "corner" in Virhetit ; at least it is intimated that some of the grain manipulators there contemplate a movement of this kind, ant a lively time is promised before the first of next month. The Republican of Tuesday says: "A few parties who have bought a large lot of wheat, seller the month, and seller September at much higher prices than those now ruling, have evidently come to the conclusion that unless they resort to some means to prevent prices from going down, they will be large losers on these purchases. Hence they put their heads together, and concluded to buy up all the spot wheat offered, thus pre venting the "shorts" from filling in their contracts, as there is less than 100,000 bushels of No. 2 spring—the grade sold short in store here now, while it will tike several hundreds of thousands of bushels to fill in the contracts out for the month, providing nothing but wheat will satisfy the contracts. As it is, how ever, the "shorts" have the best of the bargain so far, as they were making set tlements freely, but there is no telling just what will be the market price on on the last day of this month. The ac tive members of the "ring" wear long countenances over this, as it would ao. pear to be almost an impossibility to hold the market up under the large re ceipts—if they will, be compelled to buy tm all the wheat Offered. It is stated that this combination ranee to make settlements bemuse the ruling prices Are against them, batten those who owe them property.te "bring is the wheat. and we will pay .you for it." They know, as well as we, that there is not enough wheat here by many thousand bushels to fill the contracts they have purchased, and have no hesitation in tel ling their debtors to bring in wheat. And so doing they have an excuse for keeping prices up, and preventing (?) any Committee from deciding there is a "corner.,' This is part of the program me as we understand it. There is a "nigger in the fence" somewhere. else how is it that seller September sold lo& 14c per bushel below cash or seller the month—a larger difference by 10c per bushel than is ever made at this time of the month unless then:kis some unusual influence brought to bear upon the mar ket." APPLES—In good supply and dull but unchanged, ranging from $1,50©3,00 per bbl. BERRIES,-Sales of fresh Blackber ries, in good condition, at 90 cepts per bucket. Huckelberries—sales at $4.50® IWO per bushel. BUTTER—Is in good supply, thOugh the demand for prime keeps pace with the arrivals, while common, and inferior is very ull and hard to sell at any price. Sales of prime to choice at 20@24. as to Quality. BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. 5 $6,50; No. 4 $6: No. 3 $5, No. 2, plain, $4,50, and market firm. CHEESE—Is in good supply and dull but unchanged. ranging rom 15(l8, the latter for New York Gos* en. CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment is quoted at 12,25 per bbl. CARBON OlL—Still quoted at 27(R.28 for round lots, anti 296'30 in a small way. EGGS Dull tiGS—Dull; sales at 1501.6. FEATHERS—Dun; quoted at 800;85 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR—Continues quiet and devoid , of anything new or ready important. The demand is light and entirely local while prices remain unchanged. Win ter wheat. brands range from $7 to $7.50. and choice to fancy springs *7,50 to $7,75; as might be expected, however, the de mand for spring at these prices is very GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and dull, and while the receipts are small, tue demand has slackened up, and the mills are re ported as being pretty well supplied; we continue to quote at $1,35®1,40 for choice. Oats dull,t,ut unchanged; we con tinue to quote at 45®47 oil track, and 50@ 52in wore. Corn is quiet nd unchanged; sale 1 ate; prime yellojw, shelled, at $1,05. Rye—there are no buyers that we can hear of, above $1,15 and not many at that. We can report small sales of Barley, on spot, al $1,20®1,25, but future deliveries could hardly be sold at these figures, as it is thought that prices will go lower. HAY—Sales from county wagons at ; $l4 ®lByer ton. HIGHWDIES—Are still quoted, in a jobbing way, at $1,23®1,25. HEMP- - Very dull, 205 'per ton. HIISKS—SaIes at 25i%3 cts per pound. LlAlE,—White Lime is quoted at §1,50, and Cleveland at $2,50, per bbl. - LARD OIL—F, Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. 1, at 1,40©1,43, and No. 2, at '41.05. • MELONS—SaIes at 318@23 per 100, as to size, condition and quality. POULTRY—SaIes of spring chick:- ens, at 50@55 per pair. PROVISIONS—Firm but unchange4, Shoulders, 153(,©16; Ribbed and CIA Sides, 1834@193x,; Cincinnati Su ' Cured Hams 2.3 X and fancy 24. Lard, 203,/ in tierces, and 20;5€E,21 in half bblE k and keks. Dried Beef 21 3 A. Mess Pork* at V3R,75ra.'34. PEACHES—SaIes at 51.5C@1,75 per box, as to aualtiy and condition. POTATOES—SaIes of Jersey Sweets at 56,50@7,00 per bol. PEANUTS—Higher, 1431 cts. PEARS—SI,SO@3,OO per bbl. PLUMS—Scarce and higher, being quoted at $4,00644,50 per. bushel. STRA.W—SaIes at 512(g14 per ton. SALT—Allegheny River brands are quoted. by the car load, 1, at $1,75@80. TALLOW—Rendered quoted at 1034. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, August 25, 1869. The oil market opened up strong in the earlier part of the day, but in the afternoon an easier feeling prevailed, . and at the close it was rather weak, and, if anything, a little dull, though in re gard to prices, there is not much change, • compared with yesterday.' l'he project to close refineries until such time Sts a margin is afforded to the refiners, meets with pretty general approbation, among manufacturers, and the indications now 2, ar that quite a number of refineries will be stanaing idle by the first of next month. It is very unfortunate that the trade is in such an unsatisfac- r tory and unhealthy condition as to ren der a movement of this kind necessary. particularly at this season of the year, but such is the case; there is no -- use in trying to conceal it, and this is the only remedy that promises relief. As noted, yesterday, it is understood that Cleve land willpursue a shriller course, and there seems to be but little doubt, if Cleveland and Pittsburgh move to. gether, but what the points aimed at can be reached. CRUDE. Sale of 2,000 and 2,500 bbls, buyer all year, at 15;4; and 1,000 August at 143;. Sellers option all year nominal at 141.‘. Market quiet and dull though the offer ings are by no means large, and prices unchanged. REFINED. August quoted* 313;; September 32U; and September to December 32%. Sale 1,000 Auxuat,at 31N; and 500 September at - LIIIOZIOATIISI9 one. - Eclipse Winter "lubricating oil 40c , -- Eclipse Railroad Axle 35c : Eclipse Machinety 750 Eclipse Spindle 4 800 ~. BEOEIPTi OF CRUDE on. Fisher & Bro I 400 bbls. Pool & Bro i . 480 44 J. J. Vandergrift • 560 gg li M'Kelvy 520 ~ ..• 1 J. Wilkins , , 240 ig ;': Total 2,200 bbls. Om SHIPPED EA Err By A. V. B. E. LYODS (SC Co., 878 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., philadelphia. Liberty Oil Worka 250 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Wormsor, 141ye0 & Co. 217 bbls ref. oil to Wa.rden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Total Refined. ' 1,345 OIL SHIPMENTS PER WEST PENNA. n B. Mentzer, Herder & Co., 1044 bbls ref. to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPPED EAST AT DUQUESNE DEPOT. Ilutohison Oil & Refined Co., 592 bbls to Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined 592 Dry Goode Market. NEW YORK, August 25.—The Dry Goode market continues fairly active and prices are generally Steady. at 145 @l7O for best heavy brown shootings, 1335 @FIX° for fine do., 18®1234c for heavy brown ahirtings, 1234@13e for printed calicos, 20c for printed delainea, 210 for Azmures and Persian cloths, 25c for colored alOacae and '2Bc for Amoekteg brown cotton fisautitla. •