A_Sevr doors A'I6VE Sfrth Stree St air., uotlee.n.—tilass Ware engraved t, (late to order onC l qiort n2G:n.5O . • The American Woman's Home; or Prinel , - plea or pfune•tie Selene?: being a guide to the form stlon and inalatteffance of ec - _--11. nomicsl, health& I. b?ufiul and chrle- Man homes; by Catharine .E. Beecher Priceand Hart' t Beecher sweet. Large 12mo. ........... ... . ... 3 50 The Man who Laugue. 11y • Vlc'eci; . iiii,e; • Complete . , ...... . ........ Pence. .. .. ,„ ...:.11. 25 Niemeyer's ' Teit Book of"atical . Medl- ' eine, with Particular refer to Pnyei- I, eiloay and Pathatogical Anatomy. viols , Practical cloth.. ... .. .. ... .... .. • ...... . .... ' 0 ..... .9 0 Meyer's itlectrlelly In bat relations to toms Practical Mediuln. , wit h hotel; and edt- ' by vb ni. A. Hammond, M. 1.1.. late rgeon General U. S.. ... •.. .. ... .• •4 50 `Daisy. second stud concluding .. Dart .. Of ' 'amelbourite. House.'" . . .................. 2 00 Itnekin'. Queen of the Alt ... . .. ." . .:. . . .1 . 110 Hospital S‘eiches, by the antlhar i ' C'Lltile ' W0men,'...... ............. .. . . ....... 150 Denseleven Curse s of Lontiuu ...... .;:. ..... . ....... 1:50 Semper.. ............... .., . , ... . .... . .2 00 .] Rob2rtsun's Sermons; new ed:, .2. vole co .. - plete. . .................... ' 'a.3,00 4 .: .13.• h:new iie was nigt. C. tut; ... . in.IC.N.U. .1,50 ,s White Lies. was Census: You! . Play. , . each .............. ~.. . . ..... . .......... • 25 • Our Own (American, Ftres• ....... • ... • .... ....... A pp1et0,,,6 Joureal, vol. .I,t ...... . . .. . ... . 3 50 •• Pepper's Cvelop•die selnce situ u1ined.......4'50 Thackeray's Snabby Genteel ..tery ;iner '5O Roosevelt's rice ALree ~ oo Mich ... . .1.50 Flagg Europ-an V inevai de . . ..... ..: .. : ... .1,511 4 „..." Fug Lovc aau Last Love, by James Grant. NO Appleton's Journal, - monthly part No. 5 . stl 6. CLARE/3 dr. CO.. ' ro:r IRE NZ _wrrr OFICEOV THE COIiMIEISIONERB Om Tlia .t+..INKING FUND, '.l.reazury D epartmeNt. of Pennacdvanin. 11A.It...IbbUnG, August 20, /869 1 REILLED rims WILL BE RE. v.-0 CEIVED LION for the redemption of ONE MIL' - -' for of the loan of the Common. - wealth of Pe nnsylvania, due July Ist, 1870, ' until Y 2 o'clo:i.3l. OC PURER 15t,1869. Com • raunicatlonslo be addressed to R. IV. MACKEY, Ese . State Treasurer, Harrisburg, Penna., and endorsed bids for redemption of State Loan. B. JORDAN, Secretary of State. .f.. F.---HARTRAN VT. Auditor General. R. W. autax Er, State Tr. asurer. 13. anthe C ommissioners of the Sinking Fund. 'W N. —No newspaper - publishing the above auMna3l 13. s No will receive pay therefor., ALLIGI/11NY inTrr PA., / AUGT:43I. 9, 1569.. I NOT'ICE OF DISSOLUTION. The Co-parthership, heretofore existing under the firm name of HILLIER, BONA.WITZ, SCRE&IP & CO., and known as the !CET's TONE 'COFFIN kfANCTIP4ICTURING CO., 1: dissolved by mutual consent. The buelnese will be settles at the office of Rush & Brown, No. 2 12 Beaver .-- avenue, by Jacoblialh, wholB authmixed to set- Be the same; '' W. M. ABRAMS, . JACOB DA TiLINGEE , ALEN. CAMPBY',LL, 'JACOB &USD. J. C. COUCH', B. '1...80NY.1", JOHN BONA WTI Z. WM W. BROWN, GatO. BCLIEMP. _ JaatEd LOWRIE, • aO2O ha be NI% 9.ILLIEFC• p ROC LADIATION. The qualified yotAvs of the Cltoof of will meet at their usual timeand place of auldflig •elections, on TUESDAY, Anna 81 1899, • - TO VOTE - _For or Against a Public Park. The ballots voted than be marked on -the pup side 'Park," and opus' the inside "For Park. ' or "Against Park. - The eiections snail be held by the officers an thorized to hold tLe genera/ Blectlo.s In said city. JARED /17. Atrays7 7. 1869. BRESEG Mayor. T RIP O utO•n2.s 11.0 NT. OA TA ANT ANNOUNCE attes. Who are -■- —To the citiz !As of adjoining calla rallies. forming fifilltla or Military Com. LANE& TOWNSEND , 480 Market St., Philadelphia, ME E Orer for sale a large quantity of the Alt-Wooi Dark Blue Cloth Infantry Brock Cont.,. In sound 100 condition, for the low price (in quantitle7 o or upwards) of 85.00 each, cash on delti— ; 0 44 S. Is. SWINTWINT & BRATT7 . .. . . ... J. Y• BLITT ARCH ITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS; No. 6S Sandusky Mt- Allegheny, Pa. BA ALar g e " s orintent of NEWEL POSTS and • LLsTEs`S constantly on band. TEIRITINO of all AcKerlD na. Anne nespoßA i ETTERS OF AIPIOINISTILAL , a 4 •flolv haying been grant.d to the under. signed on the et tite of_ aLaX iNDER. DUN : LP. of Pine Townstilo, d ecPaset.l. a I persons knowing tiwinse vett Incebted to the astute will make Immediate naymen t,ai4.l all persons having claims again.st sale estate will present them utr.y authenticated to Mrs. RACHEL DUNLAP. Acltnlnlrtra'rlx of A exander Dunlap, d.e. BA.EdthaL, l'ALEtt Attorney fur Aesnlnis , i tr.trlx No. 87 ilftb avenue. ati29.tim ty wooL. 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted by. MANOR & HARPER, MI AT THE WRITE FRONT, • Jew AT street, Pittsburgh, Ps, • ) I SSOLUTION OF S HIP." - Nottee Is 'wew given. th at . he kartnersbin .fore existlig between MAItY i daREDITH and Wit. C. kirso&DITH. • nesged .In the retail UroePry Bosin.ee, at. No. 258 Nist, dusty street, was dissolved on August 2 ..,g..8 , acisounts atill De slew by the -undersigned; also.' the unfrewaneci Niy nodebts contract. ed by WIC o.2llB,2lWlTHatterthis date: turgithlS. mAxy MARICD/Ta: / ~'- - F~~L~~. vets BOP BOWMAN 'NNW • TUTE.—A Collegiate School for Young La . dles, No. 62 GRANT STREET. Tk e Fall Term or ttas Reboot well open en MONDA.I", Septem ber ceived. /3th. Beth Day and Boarding PuplLs re- For Information or admission apply to WIZ:7II6T RSV. R. si.'.COSTER, V PISCOPA L Rector. jut . % CLASSICAL ACADEMY. .1 Pall Term of this School begins RE TEN. 11 71- ft 6, at o A. xi.. in Its new rooms. 293 LIB ERTY STRET. (Keystone Hank &sliding.) Application for the .rimlsEfou of pupils may be mane at the SChool Room during the week pre . ceding' the Oa' of opening, between the hours of 10 and 1,2 A IC It Ls very thslrable that all pupils be present the first day of the term. . Parents hievins POHS to educate I - r College or bu,lness are invited to communicate with the Principal. -an26:nt7 Bev. G. B. B ELLOWS, A. B. • •________- .__..__ . _____ . ____ ._____._L____ ITTSBIIN GIL PE ITALIE LEGE COL , Hay. I. C. Tit BIGII NG.D.D., Pres a ant. A strictly srlect Ladles, School forliloarders and Day Pupils The fire Female College in the•uwe and the first in the United ELates. unperb boitlinss. r.ith all the modern impove menti. Ey. zy yolvate room anti nal. and school loom covered with c srpets • ' The InFtitutlon h -la 11111 coll egia te powers and 'privye. end grants diplomas to all who com plete the..E;ng Liu or Classical course. ' Thorourir and well•sle-ted courde of study. TV.rht.. TY TWO TEACHERS. Every aepartment made a apegialty. Parenw are earnestly requested to call and make themselves arqu tinted with the excellent aceoninontation auu unturpos,eo fectlities. Fall Term commences Siek'TEIIHER 1. Send for catalogue. __ anitzn a .._. Er SIIIPSON, Pies. Trustees, STA OLISIEIED 182 s. , RIGDT ............. ...... ..•ALBERT RIGBY. R. RIG dr.' CO., importers and dealers In China, Glass & Qneensware, Fine Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Castors, Walters end 11rIttanta Ware. No. 189 LIBERTY STREET, ETV 1100 gs. 119 Wood Street, 2d door below Fifth n ................ J. a. WEOWNe .... R. 111. McCOWAN & CO 49 Boulevard Pavers, Once, No. 65 01110 ST, ALLEGHENY. Orden left at Os Ziwyk outer, Pittsburgh, prompth, attended to. Pere Sidewalks Cellars, Inside Yards, Driven. sae. Warranted against chvnges of heat and cold. illtsanitsr , se — Max. Mu .rhead, Lvon & ottorb. Rouy rattersou. Wm. L'atk, , ames N. Long & Bon, Bartley & McKee, &minion's & Maxwell, Aiken & Campbell. Isaac Craig. .13,16:m23 --------.------ --------- ALPERT & KOHLR3 Ma n ufacturers and Dealers In BOOTR, SHOES AND tiAItEES, Nu. ES Market street, Pit a . irgh. Pa. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg ienve to oirmt the attention of the punik to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture But ts a rl Bhues for persons trouoled wi li Corns, Bunions, or derorm.4l fee_ ,t nurser the personal sup r.ision of our Mr AL PRET. f.atuerly of Allevheny City, wh o wi I b e Pleased to we his old IN:stun:tern again. We have ' , depict! Mr. Alpe-Ws mode . f measuring the tad,to by whi ch w , . 4U be safe in warren lux easy comiortaban 11.ot and chose for the Lacier. est feet. Give us a trial and be convinced. atte:n2l. ALPERT & kOHLEII, 38 trarket street, Pittsburg'. pa. prEWS------ ______, PA PEEt FREE, —"Criai Idlnera..anit persons desirtnit ' a. Western Gnat. and others. can have& 'ploy _nameaper ..vaso 'do 11 z itottrad_py sending_ Atli Postotato inures/ , e to -ft&up/4313 JOUR/ iudzier, tutoois. Ittua4B ---- " Cll+ coNT ßoL " lnicE CITY OF ALLEGHENY. AngtlSV2/1/be / 136 b. I "VOTlCE.—Sealled . PrOpsaals _i_i will he reeelr, •I at this °Mee untit 3 o'clock THURSDAY. Kept', miter 24. 1 869. for ilifllEß/NG THE UNNUMBERED Hul/SEB IN THE CITY. Bliblers will state tte COst at we:en the work will be done Per nu mber, in chiding the placing of the names of streets at corners where build:nes are suitable an,ImSS.IV. M. PORTER. City Controller. OFFICE OP CITY ENGINEER AND i . NOTlCPirrsnuriciii, August 26, 1 669. f I\-TOTICE.—The assessment for E.--The Paving and Curbing 8,141. I.Lbl A N STREET from Twenly sixth to Te4nty-elabth street. /3 nor, ready for examination, and can be seen at this office until MONDAY. September Cita, when It will he returned to the City Treas.. urer's iltlce for collection. aulli H. J. StorniE. City Engineer. pETTENS OF AD,TININTRA- T/ON on the estate of JOHN GEORGE 1318 EN. deceased. having been this day gran ed to the undersigned, all ptrsons knowlog them selves lodehtcd to said estate are requeqed to come forward and xnakv Immediate paytur at. and all claims agAnst the same ehould be presented to tno, duly a uthent . eated. • • , PRAYCISCA G 1314 EN, dtinlstratri, IV23:tnita.yty No, 146 Third Htl. Allegheny. TITHER CIS, LETtrArs or i'v A ',MINISTRATION having been 'ranted to the , unosrslgned, on the estate of CHRIS TIAN le. BIPHLEPONNER. late of the 23d wasti of the City of P i t tsbur gh , Allegheny coun ty. Pa.. deceased. per: one Intionted to the s.dd estate are requested to tnake Immediate pay meta. and those h avingcislins or des.ands N R 4 in et the est de of tne said decedent will =As known the astute Without delay to E. G. KRE oAN, Adtnlntsfrator, auM:ns4-1P /_Carson St. Birmingham pnoposAii. Wi l l be received by the undersigned until MON. 1)A I' the 30th day of Angui., 181}9.for Garrdah frog Material acid peeing Bingham street, front Third to Fourth. and Chestnut street, Trent FIN .0 second street. Bidders w.II state price Der card fir the work comple•e; the kind a .il iloauty of gravel and stone to b« used to be of the best for [melonrk. The work to be done under the dii f the Borough Regulator, a.n.i tole approve , by Connell. hgh au , h irides reserve the right to relect any or all iods. rartleulars furnished on application to atElliciSt '.l H. 'WHEN. is, It .. T - Iti TITE DISTRICT COURT OF • THE UNITED STATES FOR THE WE3T RN HI UN OF PENNsYLVANIA. SAMITs. I. BAILEY and WI. LIAM G. Mc" CANDLE:B, partners as Bev st AfcCandleas. theirhaw:l-opts orrice the Act o r al Congress of March 1136 T. baring applied Congress front all their debts, and othr r claims provable under said Act. by order of the Court, no.lee le hereby alVeu andll Creditors who hare proved their debts, other persons Interested, to appear on the :4911s day of Sig'. tEMBEIt. iSGO. at 10 wclock A. If., briore JoHN N. PUR s i.1.1.101,.', Eiq.• Resister ant Bankruptcy , at his (Ace. No. 1113 Fuoerat stre, Allegheny . C,tv. Pa.. to show cause, If anv they , nave, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupts. S. C• Sicii.A.NDESF. Clerk of U. S. District Court for au Distrtatr • at12.:n.5- to PACIFIC- RAILWAY GOLD LOAN Messrs. DABNEY, MORGAN & CO., 0 Exchange Place, and M. K. JESUP & CO., Rime Street, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds, of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per cent. in Cold; ave thirty fears to run; are Fret from Government Taxation ; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado, It addition to this special grant the Coin. Pant' also owns Three Millions of Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the real They are a first mortgage upon the ex tea. on of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, o Denver, Colorado. The road in opera• ion NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NET INCOME TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE REi LOIN. There is no better security the market—this being in some respects better than Government Se. eurities. PRINCIEIL AND, INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Prim 96, and aeon el Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Maps irculars furnished on application. and atilo APPLE A PPLE PAREES.—I have a full assortment of Apple Paring, Corlogand Slicing Machlhes. which I Invite all to call and Bee them tried. The PARING, CORING AND SLICING MACHIS.E.S, tabu' only throe turns o sized to pare, core, and slice au ordinary sized apple. It will pare without slicing .or with thts ni coring required. Dried Apples sell much higher when sliced :ie . than when quartered by the old process. Aso, a full assortment of I Lightning & Tura Table Apple Parers For sale. Wholesale , sad Retail, by JAMES BOWN , N 0.136 WOOD STREET. aulg•TII8 -IVCOWAH ..... SEALED PROPOSALS 3 013 N M. COOPER 84 CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRANS CASTIENGS MADE PROMPTLY TO(ORDER. Naleable and. Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, SAFETY AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. 11-1 CoOCZES, Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and 011. MANCPACTDRERSOAL M. COOPER'S Improved Balance -Wheel Steam PumP. Agents for Dreyfus Patent Oil era. the beat in the Market. tree Office and Works, corner Thirteenth and Pike ts. strT3 OMIT IL PATTERSON & CO, OORPCER OF Seventh: Avenue and Liberty Et, PrrTSl3l7lslGri, Pa- Will on, Saturday, Jtily 31.1 u, 1.1169, and ors each ' succeeding Saturday, • hold an Auction Salo of HORSES, CARRIAGES,•• BUGGIES, WAGONS, And everything appertaining the Horse. Pnrtlea dent log to eel, wlil please leave their. notice of consiguntent on or be lore 'Thursday of each week in order for Myer tlel, g, Prompt as relation and good care will be given,ali Stockleft (oracle. irPi •to JOUR H. STEWART, Auctioneer. • Cti Importer and retail dealer In PINE ST:4-TiON.E.WIL", WEDDING, VISITING, PARTY' AND BUSINESS CARO /ENGRAVING, MONOGRAMS, ARMS, IL LUMINATING. Be, for samples all receive prompt attention. Bend • 1.033 Chestnut St., Phu*. IVIAII,SEIALL9B EqLIIIII. —II7tHSHALL'S WI LL Cures FI MARSHALL'S 'ELIXIR, WILL etiilifiYBlVCSll7. MARBLIALL'S ELIXIR WILL emus 00811117, NUS. Pelee of Marshall's Elliclr, $l.OO per bottle. Depot, .130/ Market street. AI, MARMALL & Co., Druggists, Proprietors. • For Sale, wholesale anti retail, by GEO. A.• I:ELLY, Pittabergh___. fe4:d9o•Tiyn it T_T 11. Luge, ...AL. a er of-Weights and MeisartS °Bice—No. 5 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Capt. JOHN' SIESSNER, Deputy, Pittsburgh Idarite. Lieut. QICC. B. McNULTY, Deputy, &lie heny arket• Fit— piaa oi L cto -------------- : -- --------____ mrns, t; DIL CLOTH' FOR WINDOW tIHADES., TIiANriPARENT WINDOW uHAPER TAMA'. AND FURNIT OIL °Luxus URE ili X VERY VARIETY. 20 an& H UR P i x I LLPS. Street ....................._ CHOICE , gaie J.tu b t y 4ag ir oariaer ed ko a erument 4 • 1 41-agairs And 111 A Bur imam)? NM Allah meets. it • w PITISHURGA loAuttEr EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN Opened To-day PINE IJALITB WOOLEN sli BE SHAWLS AT 82.2 t-i. .XB 4 argc‘p NICE MEDIUM DARK COLORS ,ifaving just boa,. la a 'lumber of the above. hawl wishing to move th out , idly as possible, the • will fered at the excee, ngly Price of $2.25 each, WILLIAM 81 MI Na 180 and 182 Fade ALLEGHENY CITY DISSOLUTION OP PARTiIitIK The partnership heretHore exist! st b JOHN M. COOPER and HENRY I lER, etwc under the name and style of JOHN M. 'UOPER John was this day ( Resolved by mut cor M. Cooper retiring from :aid Br . JOHN M. COOPER, HENRY BIER. PlTreaCtBoll August .1.8, 1E69. .......... The butinese will be continued at the 'old stand, Corner of Thirteenth and Pike streets. by the undersigned, who Is authorized to settle al. hue-- hese of said drm. HENRY MEX. --- lor_EN-11.75L- lEtirun, I :ccicessou TO REILI iZZgI LIM large ',.and rap e of.. Low 11l N_WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street NY CITY. XV Tr 1-X-6 LARGE SALE OF IRON. • --...-. n HP Li T Q . hf, Oggfer. . . 'at' Jarransoxvir.LE IND., Augu:t 16, 1869. f I will sell at PUBLIC A not, at UCTION. at the De_ JEFFERS° ILLE, IN D IANA, NV AT 10 O'CLOCK A. WEDNESDA Y, 22d Day of September, 1869, A LARGE LOT OF IRON, conslst:ng of varlouf. stars, as rollo.,s: About 88.583 lbs. of band Iron, of the follow-. log stz-s, viz: a k ,a3.15 In. 3 t4x3.10 In , the In. l'jx3 16 In. 2.1,,x34 " ,10[4 •• 34x, 4.4,x3.i6 44:K4 4 I'd " 3,ki 4fux3-15 413 -3 " 3 xli " 4f4x,Y, 5 x 3 iS 4 34:316 '' 6 xtl 53 >ix34 " 'Nx i 4 • -1343 " 4 '4 l * " 2,4x3.15 isx 4'• : 3 ix X About 54, 098 lbst round Iron of the following slzes, viz : 2.'1; In. 2 In. Da in. 2 3S in. 2•• st 4 4'4 " Lt.{ ‘• 66 lefAlout 20.410 lbs: ; square iron of the follow. i sf i z n. B. 3 l 4l z in. 3 In 1 34 In. 3 .V. In. 2 Si In• IS iti •• Zs " 13('''' About 3/4,367 ini.jiar Iron, consisting of the followlus sizes; 4 x h In. 4 xl.'4• In. 5 x S In. Vizi In. 3 3ix1)6 " 4,:z 31" 5 X S " 4 x . ri l' 5x34 " : l6 "sx3i " 5 X 4 2i ' 5 i l k " 5 xSI " sxl " 4xl • " 2 i " 6 1 4.: .4 'f. 2xii " 234x1 1.44 x N.. -130, 4 • you .., is x ,ii .. lh X4l 2xh. • 2xla " 2.4 th 214x1 " 21.4x1S ', 2 x 136 " ,xl4 2 4x1.4 " 21fx ,t, " 2 xl,ky , " 211. :"4 " 3,.x '•R •` 3,tix .1, I 53ixl 3,4_.xt3* 2x31 " , 2 htx.ts ", Xl 4}Ax 4.4itS .1.710:1 "I ns'xi " 15 4x1! • 134 x :z t " I /!4 xI("[1 Is 74 24X .4i 211 x :14 2 X Ya' "1 3 x )11 "3 x .04 134 x 14 " Pi x 56 " • ;ix 34 " t I xS ie'. I x ihi •' / x 4 " 'ix sit " , 4x 34 . " 3 x ila " 1 4x. 34 " 114 x 3fi •• 3 xY. 1 " 2t4x hi " 44.: hi ': ihx "ti " itofx.l% " About '• t 34 • 4 x .4ti lifx •• 27.000 lbs. half rounu iron. About 7 OL 0 tbs. ov,l Iron. About 100 tons tons ambu l ance tire Iron. About 201/ Terms of dale—Ca wagon tits Iron. :4i. By order u/ the Quartermaster General, J. A Brevet Brig Gen. and Q. M. U. 8. 1.. 41:1120:LZ Depot Q. /11 ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB, LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, &e n i 118 r'ol7ll'lW Where may be found a fulhassortment ofPar• lor. nhamher and }Kitchen Furniture. ,iets Ors, oCl _ 4o aa - 111‘e i - Our entire Summer Stock of Boys', Youths' and Children's Clothing, closing ont at greatly reduced prim. - GRAY & LOGAN'S; No, 47 SIXTH STREET 1 LATEST. CLUE. CCM REAR SHAD RECEIVED daily at BENJAMIN PULPRESS 'popular • felt Stand, .No. 9118 Diamond Market, kilts buigh, and at the Twin • City. Allegheny City, corner of Ohio and Federal streets. Caa - be had all kinds of Sea and Lake fi sh on, Shad. Seek, Codfish. Haddock L ai. Also, large cippllee of White, Lake Fish, tialaixion, Bat; titer eon , Herring and Bintinaw Trout, which enables ns to aell at the lowest market prices, wholesale or.. retail. We Itlytte all lovers of Fresh Fish to give us s MI, and we win insur them a treat. Inh23--- • KEYSTONE POTTERY. &ft. & CO., M anntacturere o QUEENSWARE, BIL/STOIL Waint de. oftlee and Waretaonee, 303 LIBERTY STREET Sir A It orders oronmtly attended to. HE COMIJ I X , yfi E ,I I • SE 4 1 4131 s land iOlgio) Mschlne7 ronriliry.t,_uiref is: pr,c1.1.1( !der in the world. ny one upers- Lion it grinds the apples, presses them as c r y as chips between rollers, w hin the cilia passes di rect Into the barrel. d They are run by hand or power, ruby opera durabie and anustantlal. Before pur c hasing a Cider Mill send for an illus trated Circular. •• auldna9 4ILE 1101:18E., STONEBORO, XJ PA. )(nn line of Jarneatown and Franklin lircisid) EDWARD, — DOL abr. Propor. 'l'lris favorites ummer tri sort is now ready rot he reception of ues: li le de.lghtruilr s ituated, SteWreds trontd4lXDY r.nliS. the won bran tiro' duet or Muer In Penneflranis, aria la carol to b, tint front .ALL POLigilf. tiPtcolind ktontomaldprlnge on the grounds, SnalllS i IItURSDA.y 's AUGUST 26, .1869 ' NEW PRESS GOOD. JUST RECEIVED DESIRABLE STYLES & QUALITIES • ery Low PLIC es Rob Roy Plaid Flannels AND BOOEFOLD COUNTRY FLANNEL AT LESS Than `Prices at the Mills. Extra Inducements offered to Wholesale Buyers or One Hun dred Pieces and upwards, 10/31 112333:1 2 4 in. 314 In 4 BOLD 02CLY DT Art Ve wr Ma 47.. 1 0 4 17. 13 A. It 103 lITANTED- lIIIMEDIAT V v 5 Goof) 7'07'24E11s at L Ly.- ACoe/C TtIoRN , S 28 (nil° street. Allegheny Ci HA W. ty, Pa. WIIHSTITIftiI...—artC.II Tr -C E l nT i nte lli at t e INDUSTRIAL WORRQ, corner Polet afl and Duquesne Way. " VV ANTED---11 ELP.---AIT PLOY/SET OFFICE. No. / St. Clan Street, BOY: /ELS and MEN, for clitlereni kinds of employment. Persons wanting hely of all kinds can be supplied on abort notice. W ANTED . -1 :000 Alen Want- ED to sell the WEIEELXR & WILSON szwisiti. BIACIIINk on salary. Address Lc.Ok Box 358. or Call between the liGurs of 3 and 5 P. at.. at our office, 140 WOOD SI'ItEET, Mts. burgh. Applicants must come well re•omtnended. Wit. SUMNER. & CO. WANTED-109 Confidentia AGENTS to dispoile of a good Dan rtl. Ole. An energetic and truur, orlby mans Can Make 0 5 0,0110 In two Co., tree, Cali on or aduresa DAILhY & CO.. 21.18 Broad- N. Y. au2:a7.3d&Tl • • •.... . W ANTE D ,— PARTNER N T E D. --PA R TNER..•-- A. goo I, reliable Trave: trig Agen:, whocan Invest front three to elchrlhousand dollars In a good myth e man 11 facturinubuilness can learn of an opportunfty seldom offered. bY addrenslng. Nvph natut and address, 11. & 8.. GAzzrrs OFFICE. , _ • f ANTED. --10,000 Acres of LAND WARRAINTs and AG,IIICLTO RAT. CoLLEGE LANO SCRIP. wante4. dress', JuIIN S. I:IIADDL/C.K. Mount Vernon. Ohio. WAIvT A N i l i E rk"G • .1t1t; ArD B 147 Tiligd: knout 7 Inch cnindrr: B ober frosts 20Vese 36 to uch, and Jibed. Parties harlug sums machlnerr to sell vrth please address Box 384. Pittsburgh Postodlce, stating size, make and Pitts, ANTED. -A S ALL HOUSE, ', of three rooms. in Afanch-ater or Law renceville. AiEO. a cITUATION In a .clothine BP:eATtaA Dauri,dPritraTregen g=;ffilt • OST.—ON W EDNESDAY ditg t,l•,,%?f•cin t h w a e r en h i l i t r Pe itn , l a a n n d d v f j g .t Ingsfcle road. a EPTERBBLAgeTC. IND TE PLAID :AWL. the le ' reward wel t be Pau' fur Its ; return to liAzitprE orrlcz. ! 1 rrt Lo4TEO-4.0100 Roln; o i t li tlf - t irnit t ipt i ed portfons or the city. Enquire at grllielsTrl: vIELD STREET. fro LET—FOUR NEW IlltTiti CE;ii AL of SIX RQQI4IS enet on Jal.ppa weer. Fir b ward, Alleßheny. near Alleirhoty avenue: one square front Manch ster street ears. p.nqnlre of T. M. btiVIA , S. Bti Felerat street, eorner of &nekton ”vene. or. CHARLES P. STHIGHT, 171 Nom b avenue, corner o f 'Webster street. T O -LET . -- R O OllB. on Second 11.bor, with Boarding. Location tile most. desirable In the cite, wlth the conveniences of bath rooms.. the comforts of a private family as lew boaroers are kept- .11k1Sorth Avenue, Al legheny Cltc. FOR S. ~- il --, E"' , ~,,,,,,,, ► F ..LeaseSALE and good _a: will of a ST t.ND In a deeirable kity Ter m e easy; doing a good bash:teas. Jiopiy of W.ll. J ACKoON. 73 Grant fitreot. (FOR SAL LE7Five acres within Nt; v.erT.itiei‘ C . V.:c.0.,' v.ii.'4,-trnoiernttl% cd.v.. 4 /wres cleared, Douse or 3 rooms, Small Fruit., Grapes. &c. Wilt be sold at a bargain. Apply to OROFF & IHILL/Pz., No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR BALE.—T. --..iltna op at Halton btation. Lot containd ,Ni acrea, on which la erected a good lerame Dwelling containing 6 roome, witu fruit trees, &c• Address JOHN ouppe, Unifon Station. O l t SALE—THE CHEAPEST FARINN ARMSTRONG COUNTY, Pa., aeres for elt,Ooo, well Improved, good NeighOrcbard, good Butidings. good Water and good bor. od, There Is a bargain In this we have teen It and know It. App.y to CROFT P HILLIPS, NO. /a 9 Fourth av nue. 14,011 SALE.—Ooe-half of a _a: valuable PATENT for Piannsrlvanla. A small article used In all houses. A chance ror as active younw man wltn a - few undred dollars. Address PATENT. Postotflse Box Goll. R NALE-FARMALTA DAR- A: GAIN -840 PER ACRE *ill purchafe a goo(' P.m LI 439 Acres in Westmoreland coun ty, Pa. two miles from Railroad. tiood EOP. N. ell watered , underlaid 'riot coat and limeston. Rouse. Barn, Orchard, et.c.. &c. ea es y. Apply to CHOP/. &PII/L.LIPS, N0..139 Fourth avenue. I FOR G SPll!if4rnEnling oAn IfflireirjojnitLPrerrnnilUat. It . and tne Allesheny rive • I n Aighth ward, Alleghenycl,y, (tormerlf, Duquesne Borough.) Lot Is 1101 feet on river. 101 on IlAdroad by 35 feet deep. splendid location fur any kind o r a manufactory. Terms ea , y. A ppy toCitopT A PHILLIPS, /teal Estate "igen ts, No. 1311 Fourth avenue. V 1 lilt 8 ALE ,3IE A! premises late.y occupl.d bh Eureka Paint and Color Works. situated on e , he corner of Morgan s reet and the Railroad, In tim 4tu ward, Allegheny, consisting of)* three story Brt , k Building 20..t15C1 feet. containloy Ennui and Bolter compete. togethsr with Shafting. Alen. a large shed suitable fur storave, and a two story 11/we/ling. For forme, particutar4 appq tor. AL PENNOCK. No. 1t) Seventh (late It , . win) street. Pittsburgh. Ps. I au2l:nsB ■ I EN 59 AI.ARKE A LARGE AND CO SEASONABLE AT WHOLESAL 59 MARKE Mr'NOTlC"7,o.Let"Parbale,'" "Zost,""Wants," " Fo und,""Boa r di ng, " ttc., not exceeding FOUR LINES', will be inserted in these columns once for TWENTY-P.IVA' CENTS; each addi tional line PITS' CENTS. WANTED— S/TUATIoNS , ~ TATA 1% TED.—SITNATION, by a revfZen rri l d d 6' l l'l' l ;e 1 (31.talfZ, (.:1 1 S U PT; 'CV ICR. • ANTED.—A SI TUATION by ferredT a Addressarried Man as drPrer for IT Married oc_private carriage Conn, rYeither Pre .______, GAzzprz OFFICE. WANTEWANTED-A SI TUATION AS D --A C/Prit, Nalesma n, or Tr.rellfeg Agent for a wholesale or manufacturlne eats Wham. nt. can OtiVa good city references. Address Box "81, " New Cumberland, W. Va. Veit SA LE —CITY RESIDENCE JL! On Colwell -street, one.square from street F The House has ten rou, ms, hall, good cellars. pressed brick front' gas and water throughout, bath roct, range In kitchen. anrrin a pleasant neelghbornood. Prim. aux:Y*7.ooo; f t i gi al gt t a e t r e in Ak el l t i ,ZPlto . l e ar i f o tit a Pil I I, LiPitt, ASAUCIr 01P—P—ATU CB LEL 141711°-. Icurr or (10 ACIIFiB In South Buffalti Town ship. Armstrong county. t's, , on klutfalf Creek, adjoining the Freeport line. Flouring 16111, Haw Blul. and best Water Power In the State. Frame I/wel log House of 6 rooms and cellar, hand somely altuattd on the rb . Y. H. H., now Imilld leg from Freeport , o Erie. Will be sold at Pub lic Sate on THURaDAY, August 26,1669. For further particulars addr&sa. ...........____auZil JOSEPH /1. WAY Freeport. INDEPENDENT- TEMPER.. ANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY CON ISSIONER. D anS: 12 B Et KER T STREET. ABE NOW REGTIVRie AIPLETE SOCK OF DRY GOODS, AND ARE SELLING C 1 VV - .11=' r loam. E_,AND RETAIL, 32r...E1 Zit. 43 to cx.: T STitEET." FOR su.i. • • , 7two three siory pressed brick front houses on C, ntre arc n IIY store rooms anqdwelling, 11.13,; 00. Hood 5 roomed brick house and Large lot, • .000. Two Three stor.v brick houses on Pal— ton a t reet,ls.ooo. Two 5 roomed pressed brick. houses on Rirkpatsick street. Good 6 roomedt brick house 011 Centre avenue. New 6 roomed frame house and large lot. near the Central Pa k!. it., and within two minutes' walk ofstreet ca.B, with good buil dings and all convninces, only $l,OOO. Y ue, 5 rooms, lot 24.. r ioo 11,500. Frame house of 3 rooms, lot laltr. 100', 8 1 .200. 9 loss on Centre avenue .300 to 4 9 00. 4 lots on Mahon street. 24x/32, 4500. . 25x1119 feet , MM Plots ton. In elan to salt. 20 o l f i g o r t o o u ri n g o e n ed u s t t l e V r ash Ing acres on We tern Pa. Raliroad. 3 miles from tee city. 110 acres on Panliandle Railroad 4 miles frnm the city. 925 acres or Afissouri Land. Persona desiring to. purchase a house or snake an lnves meat, and those whhing to sell. please call on or address MCCLUNG & ItArNBOW. aim bins. 195. 197 and 199 Centre avenue. FO - u — Li c,. of --- , A LEASE R/GFIT YEARS TO RUN of a lot LEAS fronting 138 feet onttrawberry Lane, running back 25N feet i mmediately In rear of . Pittsburgh, All. heny and Manchester Passen ' g• r Railway Co'a stable..nd ea the line of the sof the Cleve and and Pittsburgh r,.ad Dom. parry, adiac , nt to the Ohio river, on which Ls erected TWO GOOD FRAME TENANT 110 USES of three rooms each. wi th h good stabling and ont 'tosses complete. property Is well adapted for lumber or coke trimness, there being already erecter thereon elaht coke • ovens wita • all the necessary appliances for carrying on that bsness. /A.f.co., for rent or lease: a corn fnnable PRAME RUITSE of three rooms. In a good loca.lon within flee minutes walk of Wood.. Nun Station. P. Pt. nit& C. It. R.• t,) which there is attached about. an acre of ground. Tills propeny will be rented e low for a term of years to a goOd tenant. Inquirof ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Lumber I'sm co"ner Preble and Juniata streets. or No. 157 Rebecca street, opposite the Gas Worn. 157 elty. y•19:m77 ' . , ~~ F~ s ~~E, '• , - bood 6 roomed brick house on Centre avenue andlarge lot--$4500. - (ood lot oomed frame house with all Improve ments: 68 by /10-4.000. Frame house. 2 iciorna; lot 24 byloo-1.1,000.- Two well finished press brick bootee and large 10!--ony .6.000. _ Two 6-roomed houses on Fulton street-42,501 each. One lot 24 by 120 feet on Reed street-4500„ Plot at irround on Mt. Washington. 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 Miles froze the city. 30 acres on Western Pa; Railroad, 4 elnes tram the city. 225 Will be div sierided ra goo to sud Improved it • land In Missouri, purchasers. • 20 ints o centre avenue—l3oo to 41.400 each. Inquire IdeCLITN6 & RAINBOW, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 1310 /Vos. 195 197.4114'199 Centre avenue. Pl LAB , /'iv LOT'S near Breed'sGrove, within five minutes walk are fl ea sant Valle'? Past enger Ril- way. Lots ch 20 by /50 feet, running through from Gallagher to ADD streets,on which there is over 400 grap e vises. best des pea r, apple, peach, mum, and cherry trees. also. a vartety of ot.er /malt fruits. Price 03 500; $2,000 cash. balance In one And two years. Also one acre of ground in Bellevue boroug h . about half a mile trout Jack's Nun ?Anion, P. Pc. W. &C. B. .1/ .on w hich there Ls about at or . 40 fruit trees. 2'he ce is wed watered aud fenced. and In a good- neighborhood. Price, 11,050. other Rouses and Lots in good Leaßties• In quire of 51'. 'WHITMORE. Beal Estate and Issuraace Agent, corner Ohba sad Estate Alleghenv. attLl FOR SALE. / BECOND A.VENUE.—Two houses. 3 stories. 9 rooms, with all modern impruvemenis Will sell for *5.590. and 09.50 u e.ch. Easi . ernig• 1.9 WHIM!, FfiLL.-4 acres of gruniut. with snlendid view over the Monongahela Fallen Adapted fur private the or to be laid out to butining tots. At a bargain. . . THREE SIILkS FR1,51" HALlFskij9—.2o acres of best ga. den laud, with 500 of the rhcocest butt tree:, 111 lust hearing conuition. Cua I, en lent to flour and saw mill. Fur particu /ars enquire at 87 Grant Street. atti4 TUSTIN & ELBE, F °R, MALE.— THE SIUBSCRI— BER wi lung to retire to the country. wishes to sell the Stock. retire to and Go^d Will or his business, and will lease the warehouse for one or more Tears. The business has been estab lished some thirty years. some eighteen years of which the present proprietor has been its head. The , rsde Is Wholesale and Retail,' iliercaotile and .Itanufacturing, and w• 11 par on an average 80 percent. profit. From .12,000 to $16,000 will be required , time for part of which tuay be given. Can be increa, ed ludefinitelv, h but Jlttie more rapist Address. wit!' realmame. Box C. GAZETTE OFFICE. Pittsburgh Pa. __________________ 1 "HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. . This beautiful situation cannot be surpassed for private residences in any direction , so e,ose to both clues, being only' eight miles . up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de. siring Information about this property can obtain it by calling at the office of the IRON CITY MIT TUAL LIFE INKIRANCE COMPANY. 76, Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one -hair acre to five acres: also, small lots to stilt pur chasers. There Is a good location for a mantilla taring establishment, between the Railroad and Allegheny riper. atimn3S (PtV 4 It Y siN E ,";, A v te ilowilEFet: IL' tate, will case titre, trouble anti money by.pro• curing a cony of the "PlTTSBUtttili RhAL ESTATE BEGISTEIt." Ms given fwayoltTlB or will be tent by mall PnEz to request/it-it. Persona cannot tall to get suited out of the large list it contains. CRuPT , L PHILLIPa. Pea lishera and B eal Estate Age.ts, No, in .F;:oartai avenue. . , Mail FOR SALE, Co., MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers