The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 26, 1869, Image 1

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Teligraph to the 'Pittsburgh Gazette.)
LONDOI3, August 25.—The London
Rowing Club gave a banquet on Monday
evening to the gentlemen forming the
' Harvard and Oxford crews.
The weather continues favorable
throughout Englund, and ON crops are
being gathered in good condition.
The Times, in an editorial on the p
pects and prices of grain, says: We
look for a year of sufficiency. if not of
abundance. The harvest is within thir
teen per cent. of the average, and with
the continuance of favorable weather it
may still improve. All the , crops, ex
cept wheat, are luxuriant. With good
corri-imported and sold under fifty shil
lings per quarter, we can easily afford to
lose a little of home grown wheat for the
sake of ,a bountiful stock of food and bet
tei pastures.
The Times, on the boat race‘ says good
judges assert that the Harvarda show
signs of overtraining. River watermen,
however, favor the idea that they must
win the race. Boating men generally are
divided, the majority being in favor of
the Oxfords.
• A new telegraphicl r cable, on VarTers
principle, is projected from Ireland to
Lownow, August 2.s.—The Harvard and
9 Oxford University crews were out to-down
d ay,.
but only made short trips. up and
the ;river. The Harvards
have de-
been practicing starts. They
Bided to useElhott's boat for the race.
Walter Brown, whoreeently arrived here
with 'Tyler, will assist at the start.
Kelly confidently asserts that the Har
vard must win and thinks the match
will be virtually_fini shed before t e
boats reach Hammersmith bridge.
Brown % also declares his belief
thatthe Americans will come
--first. The betting to-night stands
to one on the Oxfotis. The arrange
ments for preserving order on and about
the river are ail that could be desired.
The Commissioners of. Police have de
tailed eight hundred men to guard the
river bank during , the race.
Arrangements for the match between
Walter Brown and Renforth have not
yet been completed. Brown declines to
run on the Tyne, finding that river un
suitable, but he has no objection the
Thames. Renfortb. will probably t
Brown's challenge to row on the latter
The Rill Mall Gazette this evening, in
an 'article on the recent treaties with
to lecture :the Chinese on internal im
provements. By the American treaty
such interference is abandoned. China
left free would learn to feel secure and
so come out of her shell and bear a
part in the commerce of the world. It
is quite intelligible to us that American
residents in China should. dislike the
treaty, but why should the Pekin govern
ment dislike it? Have the Chinese
, - covered some underhand design to
_oencession under the pretence of modify
ing the former on or is tis refusal to
imply accessione,
of hosthility against
fbreigners, which prompts the Chinese to
reject the negotiations for their own
r The Pall Mall Gazette, referring to the
difficulties of the Albert Life Insurance
Company, says it is idle to ask whether
Englishmen or Americans are best situ
ated with_ respect to life insurance. Of
all the guarantees and precautiona enact
ed in the Stated
te of New York, hardly one
is contemplated by English la.
BRUSSELS, AlignSt 25.—ThndencMe e ad rid
correspondent of the Indepe Beige
says nothing is changed. The situation
is the same. Armed bands still traverse
the provinces. Zibariego continues at
the head of the force which was reported
dispersed and destroyed some time ago.
LONDON, August s.—The Paris oar
respondent of the Times writes as follows
on the Cuban question: Most of the
Spaniards are sanguine of preserving
Cuba. There is disappointment at the
small success in repressing.tbe rebellion.
The argument that Cubs is a loss and
not gain to Spain is absurd. Spain' a n d
largely by the productiveness
aud commerce of Cuba. The correspon
dent thinks the immediate annexation
of Cuba to the United States is not de
sired by the American Goverr went, tint
England or France are not likely to °t
ier any opposition to the scheme.
Hoko 'Koko,. Aug., A,—via Loknos,
August 2.5.—Th0 Pekin Government re.
fuses to ratify the convention concluded
'by Mr. Burlingaine and the Chinese
•Entbassy with the United States. Mr.
I: Ross Browne, late American Ministe
to Cbina, in reply to an aress of the
* British and American residents in
Shanghae, denounced Mr. Burlingame's
policy, and said he considered, it evi
denee of Chinese discrimination for pro
gress. He'deelared the establishment of
foreign relations with China on a basis nd
equality, impossible at present, a
thought the yielding attitude of foreign
powers would tend to produce war, as
takenrevlations lately made proved the
e nature of British policy. The
Chinese text of Mr. iiurlingarnes cre
dentials differ from the foreign version.
In the former he is appointed Envoy of
China to tributary nations.
12Auts, August 25.—The Emperor has
nearly recovered from his Indisposition.
PAMs, August 2.5.0 , -.10 the Senate to
day the report of the committee on
Bzsalus COnsultum was read. The prin
cipal modifications madeb a the bynate' the Commit
tee are - iuk follows :. T may re.
ject a laW without giving reasons to the
• Government; on demanding that or
dem, de otions,_i. e. votes of cond.
deuce, or a nt of confidence, he referred,
the bureaus • may appoient a
mission to report on the sam A
will establish regulations rendered no.
weary by the_ Benefits Comultunr. and
will define the conatittitional rehstions of
the great powers of the kitate.
USSICIA Aust 25.—Tbe /aspen&
eIBR ce Beige saysug reconciliation. between
Quaitsisrowlr, Anglist 25.—The steam
er City of Antwerp, from New York, has
icLouLaalliui.vionEronnu:,a August 25.-Eenutg.- n-
sols for money 93% ; for account 9 %.
AMerican securities dull. Five-Tw my
Bonds at London : sw: '62s, f 5.2%; do.
'67, 76: 10-40 coupons, 625, at Frank ort,
88%,@89; -Eries 19%; Illinois 94%. Stooks
o w t.. h ,
ket a shade easier; middling uplands
13%d. ; _ Orleans 13%d. ; sales 8,000
bales, including 1,000 bales for spec•
ulation and export. Breadstuffs quiet;
93. 7d. Western Flour 2:55.. Corn
European 31s. 6d. Oats 33. 6d d . Peas 445.
Pork 105 s. Beef 90s. Lar 673. 6d.
Cheese 625. Bacon 665. Spirits of Pe
\ troleurn, 8%d.; refined, Is. Bd. _
• LONDON, August 25.-T ci
allow 965. u•
gar buoyant at 39s 9d®4os. Spirits 'tur
pentine 265. 9d. Calcutta Linseedotto 623. n
9d. Petroleum at Antwerp 51%f. C
atlEfavre 144 f.
ust 25 -Evening.-Bourse
stehdy.. Bentes 73f. 35c.
PARIS, August 25.-Evening-Bourso
excited. Rentes 73f. 27c. •
Havati, August 25.--Evening-Cotton
closed quiet for stock on spot and to ar
ANTWERP, August 25-Evening.-Pe-
troleum closed fi rm at 54%f.
The Police Murder Case—Brakeman
Murdered—Base Ball—Whetesale ea
per Mouse Burned.
By Tel. graph to the I Ittaburgb Gizette.3
ClNOlrßiterr, Aug. 25.—The Corone
--held an inquest' this , afternoon ort the
body of Johnßebb, who was killeci yes
terday morning by blows from the mace
of police officer John Cottle. The evi
dence tended to show that the police offi
cer was utterly unjustifiable, not only
in dealing the blows, but in making the
arrest. Witnesses swear the murdered
man, up to the time of the assault, was
sitting qnietly on the steps of his own
house.; Ono witness saw him sitting
there one minute before the assault, and
attracted by the noise went to a win
dow and saw officer Cottle strike him
three blows with a club. Several witness
es swear that the murdered r.aan did not
say a word all tha while. Alter a was
over Bebb walked to the station ll
where he remained till morning, when
he was taken to the hospital, where he
expired fifteen hours attar the beating.
The post .mortem showed the skull frac
tured vertically in the region of the deft
temple. The unfortunate man leaves a
and three small childre He 'was
twenty-seven years of age. n. The evi
dence is that he was intoxicated. lie is
said to be a remote relative of Ex-Gov
ernor Bebb of this State: Cottle is
arrest and the COroner's jnrY Widerpo
bim the murderer.
A horrid murder was perpetrated at
the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Daytonby,
R. R. depot this afternoon. David K irby,
of Dayton. was stabbed and killed by, it
is said, Phil Warham, of Dayton. Kir
by was a brakeman ow the Cincinnati ,
Hamilton and Dayton B. R. A plania
party from Dayton was waiting at the
depot to return and several free fight a s
among the party took p. , Kirby was
attending to his duties of making up the
train. 1n the row Warham ran against
Kirby, and the latter turned and wade a
remark; when the former st ed abb him
and then escaped on the train just leav
ing. No account of his arrest has yet
been received. Officers are on the alert.
William Bedos.,--4t porter in a ware.'
house, died of sunstroke this eening.
The was a slight rain during] the day.
The. Haymakers base bail club arrived
this morning. EXCIICSIODS' on all tne
reads centering in the city will- come in
to the game to morrow. They come from
Frankfort, Lexington andl Louisville,
Ky., Evansville and Indianapolis, Ind.
Chatfield & Woods' wholesale paper
house, NO. 77 and 79 Walnut etreet. waS
almost totally destroyed by tire, which
broke out at six o'olocx. this evening.
It originated, it is supposed, in the fifth
story, in the engine and boiler room.
Loss about 1.100,000: insurance 02.000
g 5,000 each in the Y
Firemen, Manhattan,
Market and Security, of New ork, Pa
ot NeW Haven, Delaware, Mutual
and *Safety, of Pniladelphia. Sun, of
CleVelatid, and the remainder in I:Me
companies. The building Was owned by
William 'Machine; insured for $15,000
in Cincinnati companies. It will probably
cover the- loss. Biehop Bros. wholesale
grocers,were in great danger, but suffered
only from water. Their loss will
ll proba-
bly not exceed , 120,000, principay
sured in Cincinnati and Liverpool com
panies. Business houses were threat
ened on the South, bu se scaped with
slight t damage from . Captain
Burke. of the No.
.1 engine, was serious
ly burned by being caught under some
falling rubbith.
- _
President Grant in Nets! Hampshire.
(Be Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easette.l
MA140152010,, Aug. y 6, President
Grant and party reached this city at LBO
r. and was received at the railroad
station by Mayor Smith in a short speech,
to which he briefly replied. After the
introductory ceremony the party" pro
ceeded at once to visit the print works
and passed up through the lanes of sev
eral corporation's between the thick ranks
of operatives, who Were arranged by the
sides of the mills. The party then took
carriages and passed through the ruo..t
important streets of the city. . The oity
was tastefully decorated wil.h tl3gs. At
three o'clock the party left for Concord.
COPICODD, N. H.. August 211—Presiden t
Grant arrived here at half-past three
o'clock, and Was escort ntroduced froed to the Sta m
Home, where he wm i
the front steps to the, assembled crowd
by Governor Stearns in a few well oho.
sen Ternaries, , He was then introduced
to Major Stevens,' who welcomed the
President to the hospitalities of the city
in a brief address, to which the Pre dent replilirpressing regret at not be
ing able to nOnore dine "'among the
granite hills. Geriralhandshaklng and
introdactia ' then followed. '" - •
• - - '
—The horse Henry, winner of three
races recently at Buffalo was sold. ye 4.
terday by. his owner. Bell. of St.
Louis2o,ooo cash,to one' Wallace, of
New York . This animal is considered
the beAtt young bores in this country.
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[By Telegraph to the I%ol3l34llazette . l
WASHINGTON, August 25, 1869.
Rear Admiral Poor left to-day for
New York to relieve Admiral Rol! of
the command of the North Atlantic
The President Is not expected till next
A letter was received at the White
Rouse to-day from Paris, written
to eby s
Frenchman, asking the privilege
tablish a gambling house in New York
City, to be regularly licensed and placed
under the surveillance of the police, to
contribute a portion of its profitsed t 6 the
Government, and to be manag in all
respects like the gambling houses of
Baden-Baden and Wies-Baden.
A number of temporarke lad3r em
ployee of the Revenue Bureau have bad
their terms of service,extended' till
January Ist next, and sveral have re
ceived permanent appointments.
The demands on teaftury for fret-'
tional currency are so he Tr
great , and the
amounts required so large, that to sup
ply them would necessitate the issue of
currency at the rate of 5200,000 a day for
a year to wine.
The Secretary of the Interior has or
dared that hereafter all Indian claims
must be settled through the Indian Bu
reau. These claims include county and
pension claims of Indian soldiers, claims
for Indian depredations, 41c. Tbis de
cision is brought about because of agents
w overeharge their clients. a m ode of
defrauding that is carried on to a very
great extent.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oarette.l
NEW YO PiRK, August 25. 1869.
The Fenian Congress commenced se
cret sessions to -day, with a small attend
ance. Rumor gays Mr. Savage will re
sign the Presidency and be succeeded by
a younger man.
James W. Fitzgerald, of Cincinnati,
has obtalned a temporary iejunction
restraining the holders of the Fenton
fund from any further disposition there
of. He claims as a contribution 55,000
the money, for the recovery of which
has commenced snit.
Two freight cars were thrown from the
track of the Erie road last night and pre
cipitated through a bridge one hundred
feat into the. Delaware river. Nobody
Western freight continues eavy.
.Hundred-and fifty car loads were
warded antithree hundred ,and eighty
eightarrived over the Faie read yester
- _
Mayor Rice, of_chicago, who has been
absent in Europe for some months, re
turned in the Cuba yesterday.
The Humboldt statue for Central Park
is On board the steamer America, due
here on the Slat inst.
S. S. Conant has resigned the manag
ing editorship of the Times and is suc
ceeded by Mr. Bigelow.
A reference has been , ordered in the
Susquehanna Railroad contempt of
Court case.
The Scotia took 550,000 in specie.
- The Herald's London letter gives the
opinion of prominent English oarsmen
that the 'Harvard crew must win.
The Republican State Committee held
ameeting at the Fifth Avenue Hotel to
day, and spared a call for a Republi
can State Convention, to be held at Syra-
cuse on the .29th of Sep
future ztember, and
arranged the basis of representation in
onvent ions of the party.
A special dispatch from Scranto
afternoon, Pa-.n
today. states that yesterday
the coal miners of that section recon
eidered their action of the night before,
wherein they bad accepted the terms oi
fered them by Cie lrelawar e, Laokawana
and Western. Companies, and finally de
cided to reject them.
Insurgents Surrenderiug—Donatlons by
toe baux—Preparations for a
DedelVe Engagement.
I,lly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
HAVANA, August W.—lnsurgents with
their families, to the number of six hun
dred. have presented themselves before
the Spanish authorities near Holguin
and asked for forgiveness and protec
tion. Twenty other insurgents have pre
sented themeelves before the Spaniah au
thorities in C isco Villas district.
The Spanish Bonk had made an offer
of 145.000 to the government for the sup
port of volunteer regiments. Thimmakes
the fourth donation ..ef. a similar amount
by the bank for the support of
WASHINGTON, August W.—Letters
from the Cuban revoluy, v
Rey West, to a friend tionary arm
in this city, con
tain news up to the 16th. No engage
ment is reported since the one near
Puerto Padre. on the bth, accounts of
which have already been published. In
the district commanded by Gen. Jordan
all the available Spanish force is be
thrown to reinforce Valmaseda and a
early engagement of importance may
expected between the forces of Jordan
and Valmaaeda. Gen. Jordan Wiens his
readiness and desire for a contest, and is
confident of swims% It %stad thahe
defeat of Valmaseda would vi rt ually end
the war, MS - it would' lie impossible
for Spain ever to send troops' enough
to retain positions which they would lose.'
General Jordan is placing his men impo
sition for the fight, .which was almost
daily expected. In General QtßiEleidif'S
command, except a few skirmishes be
small parties, it is reported there
has been no engagements. 'Spanish
troops occupy fortified positions in the
towns and have maned so severely
from disease and other causes that the
commanders are unable to do more than
maintain their, sition.
Drowned While Bathing.
I.By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
_ATIASTUit 14.,:r?5, Agitliist 25.`:-- Burton
'Stout, aged nineteen years, ?din - Annie
R o gers and Misilldarthit Hunter; , all ot
',.pnitsdelphisi; were drowned while bath.
ing at eleven 'oolook this morning, in
frost of Light EtOnie , Cottage bathing
grounds. Their , remains , ware § takeir ,
Phitadeaphla on ;06'4115 . r . as. tniin
acienropaniedtx their felatitroa. . -
1 C "..
American SCiellee Assoclatton--State
Labor Reform COuvention:
CBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.;
SALEM, MASS., August "25.—At the ses
sion to•day of the American Association
for tho Advancement of Science, resole
were adopted expressing th ear
nest desire of the Association that the
International Statistical Congress will
decide to make the United States its
place of meeting at an early day.
were also adopted that
Association cordially approves the prtheo
posed adoption of American c oinage to
the metric system, bymaking the v
of a dollar precisely that of one and a
half grains-tine gold.
Among other.papers read was one by
Prof. E. B. Elm% on the laws of trade,
wherein he considered laws of nrodno•
tion and coosumption with their inter
mediateagencies and the amount of rev
enue that would accrue under given
Anoth r paper was presented by Mr.
Felix Fo con on the constructlon of three
maps of Europe, France and North
Americo, on gronomie projection, with a
view to the distribution of mineral
wealth and the study of the earth's figure.
Prof. Van Deawlid also read a paper
claiming, that electricity is not a self
existing fluid bat is made of motion,
annthat matter is its trans
mission through a vacuum.
Reformernoon session of the State Labor
Convention was attended by a
large number of delegats. Addresses
were mode hy,Mr. DaVie, of New York,
who closed by presenting a series of res
olutions in favor of am emorial to Con
gress, asking, among her things, the
abolishing ot The Senate and turning
over of
wbole legislative power to
the Hobs° of Representatifes, and also
the alteration of 4116 Constitution so that
all acts shall beitibmitted to the people
for their several consideratio.
A Committee on. Resolutions was ap
pointed to when all' resolutions are to
be referred.
Considerable discussion then took
place on a motion to form a Mass. Labor
Union, to co-operate with the National
Union, but its further consideration was
-postponed until to.morrow.
In the evening General West, of Misr
almippi, made an address on toe cur
rency question. No business was done
and the Convention adjourned , till to
A Mother Poisons Monett and
Prize Vig,ht Challenge—Walls of New
Court-I:Kowa Defeettve—Defenee of Ste- -
phen A. Douglass as a Lobbyist—
Lange in the Weather. -
(Sr Telegraph to the Pittsbargh Gazette.)
CHICAGO, AlgOlgt 25.—0 n Sunday last
Mrs. residing at Monnd,'Ggle Co.,
IllinoisssultniMsfered ,poleon to 'berself
and to her little girl. The elalid - died
fifteen' minutes aridars.-Ames in about
ten hourS. Thine bad been some troubles
in the family, particularly between Mrs.
Ames and her hnsbarid, and she- took
thin way to end them.
E. Gardner. of Marseilles, Illinois, has
challenged F, Sigler, of the same
place, to fight him according to . the
rules of .the. London prize ring for
three hundred dollars a side. The
challenge has be
laen accepted; and the
fight take pce on Belle Island be
tween Marseilles and Ottawa on the 10th
of September.
Considerabl thexcitem has been
caused aisiong people of Chicago by
the discovery that the walls of the new
east wing of the Court House, in the
°Dural of erection, are in danger of tumb
ling down from the careless and unwork
mulike manner in which the work has
be a en done. The last stone has been laid
and the walls are nearly in readiness
for the roof. A commission will proba
bly bo raised to determine what shall be
Col. J. Madison Cutts, brother-in-law
of the late Senator -Stephen A. Douglass.
publishes in the Chicago Journal to day
a reply to the Parton Washington lobby
articlein the September At/antic Montatv.
Col Cutts refutes the charge that Senat the or
Douglass secured the passage of
Illinois Central Railroad land grant
through Congress by'corrupt means,
presents a history of the facts of that
The weather, which was very hot yes
terday and up to 11 o'clock this morning,
underent a sudden change at that hour
and is now delightfull y cool. the mer
cury at six o'clock indicating 79 degrees.'
Welcome Rain—The Fifteenth Amend
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
NABILVILLErAtaguat 28 —There was a
fine rain this afternoon at 8 o'clock here
and in various parts of Davidson county.
Weather moderate, mercury 90 at 2P. r.
liix-rresident Johnson was expected
li here today; but .
A report has been current to-day that
Gov. Senior intends to c oon the old Re
publican. Legislature to ratify the Fif
teenth amendment to the Federal Con
stitution. Many Conservatives say they
Would be glad to have him do so t
Large Flre at Baltimore.
[BY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Quetta.)
Bsvrimosao, August 25.—A fire this
morning, originating in the • oakum *-
tory of Robert Banns, on Thames atreet,
destroyed the lumber yard of J. W.
Randolph, and the entire block bounded
by Lfttlellgter, Thamee, Wolf and Ann
streets, except Me or %leo small buildings
occupied by German families. Twelve
Douses, many of them dwellings, were
entirely destroyed befure the. flames
could be subdued, and thirteen others
more or leas damaged. The , machine
shops of B H. Frasier & 00. were des
troyed, together with six new engines.
Their loss is 155;000 and ineurancelight.
The loss on Ratdolph's lumber yard?
'which was totally destroyed, is $85,0 00 .
Insurance less' thah FAO: The total
loss and insurance caisria be .definitely
ascertained. This is the most disastrous
fire tbst has occurred. in Baltimore for
. ten yeara. ^ , •
--John CiAltiO Adams, in a speech ac
centing the nomination fur Governor of
itassaohtusetts; deciared"it the :duty of
the Democracy to abandon dead issues,
accepting the fact of universal, unquali
fied :a e. • •
26, 1869
The Officers' Re-uulon —First Day's
By Tel, grauti to the Pittsburgh euerte.l
GETTYSBURG; August 25.—There were
a number of additional arrivals of officers
to-day. This morning the party pio- -
deeded to examine the Cemetery; Culp's
mu and immediate neighborhood; em
bracing ca
positions held in that
band 12th
the first day's battle by the llth and 1
Corps and part ofthe Ist and 6th Corps.
Several dtsconcedeositions were settled,
it being ed by one party to
the other ' that a misapprehension
had existed. ln - the morning a
party, consisting of Generals Slocum,
Barnum and others visited tfiewas' vici
of Round Top. - Conference
with private parties owning a large part
of the battle•field, with ,a , view to pur-.
chasing and adding it to the.section now
controlled by the Battle•field Metriorlal
Association. It was thought. that the
States which sent troops to this field
should subscribe part of the requisite
amount, and that Congress be also asked
to assist. It is further devised that the
breastworks be preserved ,from furthei
destruction, and that these ifemeintng
should be restoied As far as poseible"to
their original condition.
A grand reunion ball and reception,
civic and military, took place to•nischr.
It was largely attended by the guests
and ladies of Gettysburg. ,
—The New , York State canals are on
dergoing inspection.
—Two cases of sunstroke occurred at
Indianapolis, Ind., y esterday, but neither
proved fatal:
—The hotel of John H. Moore, in the
village of Clavernack, N. Y., was destroy
ed by fire on Tuesday.
—lion. David McDonald, Judge of the
United States District Court, died: at. his
residence in Indianapo Wednesday
—Water is being pumped into Fair- •
mount reservoir, at Philadelphia, by
steam engines at the , rate of 1,150,000
gallons every twenty-four hours.
—Two Cuban officers arrived at the
Clifton House, Ontario, on Tuesday, di
rect from Cuba. They left for Quebec
yesterday in company with Gen. Ryan.
—The first bale of this year's crop of
cotton, received at Louisville front Har
ris county, on Tuesday, was classed mid
dling and sold foi. fotty cents per pound.
—EL N. Soria, who was arrested in St.
: Louis on the 22d, charged with being
implicated - in recent sugar frauds at New
Orleans, was taken to that city yesterda Ma y
for trial by Deputy United States
—W. S. Kimball, of Rochester, N. Y.,
has-been convicted,in the 'United States
Court. at Buffalo of, making, fraudulent
returns to the , Government. The ver
diat camiettif 111" forfeiture of tobarno•lna
chinery to the valuenf 120,000. •
--The coroner's jury at Hudson, N.Y.,
in the case of Ellen Calvert,. the shaker
ess, returned a verdict that the deceased
committed suicide by drowning in
pond ere the bo was found. The
jury w w as h divided ond ty
he *Legion as to
her sanity.
--Of the four compies of militia that
went to Lebanon. Ky., one returned yes
terday. It is contemplated to mount
some of the men and hunt down the out
laws that infest the counties of LEtrue,
Marlon and Nelson. Thus far no con
do: has taken place.
—A meteor, which ascended vertically
and descended over the same cmirse,was
seen at Philadelphia and Washington on
Tuesday evening. It was not observed
at the Naval Observatory, as none of the
astronomers have yet returned from the
eclipse expedition. "
—A. young ;marrieds, who re
cently came into poion of 1525,000,
left St. Joseph, Mo., Sunday evening
last, with the supposed intention of
joining a young man who left
took her the ty
on the same day. The woman
greenbacks with her.
—A. delegatiou of the recent National
Labor Congress waited upon Hon. Peter
Cooper, at his mansion in New York.
Speeches by members of the Committee
were responded to• by Mr. Cooper, en
dorsing- the platform of principles set
forth by the Congress.
—The inspectors of New ,York State
prisons held a consultation on Tuesday
with a committee of the Prison Associa
tion, as to the woper mode of punishing
refractory convicts, in view of the recent
anyat Sing Sing,
a but without taking
ny definite action adjourned to Octo
ber. -
—The Massachusetts State Labor Rs
form Convention, composed of represen
tatives of the Workingmen& and •Wo:
mens' organisation% met at Bosh% yes
terday. Quite a number were present.
Christopher Goodwin was elected Press=
dent. The Convention will be in session
two days. •
—Much indignation has been created
among the printers of Buffalo. -11, Y., at
the reported chtuv,uto the grand jury at
Erie, by Judge Vincent, in the case of
the. Erie hepaticas vs. the! Typogilph
cal 'Union. The ge Is considered so
unftdr and one-sidedchar that funds will be
raised, to assist the printers to test the
case: • •
—Father McMahon will leave Buffalo far
hia home in the west as soon as bishealth
permits. He will also at an early day
Proceed to Washington and lay bia - ease
before the Cabinet, demanding damages
for fAlse imprisonment from the Cana
dian Government. Be is now suffering
from partial paralvals, lung disease and
other , bodily,' afflictions caused by, his
prison life.
Tun cruel punishments on board .;the
:United States mmof-war have 'hecome
the subject of investigation, both by the
civil and military tribunals. A man and
two boys on the Pawnee. it is reported,
were recently suspended by the wrists
,for, several;, days, in ~irder to induce a
confession of a theft that was subsequent
ly proved they did not commit. One of
the boys, it is stated, became temporarily
insane in consequence of the severity of
the punishment. The U. S. District Ate
torney for New. Hampshire has. nom.
menced proceedings in behalf of the Suf
ferers, and a court of inquiry -ims also
been'summoned to investigate the, con
duct of.ttie commanding officers of the
Pawnee . The court of inquiry Is sitting
at Portsmouth, N. EL
A Ride with a Can of Nitro-Giyeerine.
A correspondent of - the Titusville Her
ald tells this story :
"A torpedo 'exploder' of the nitro
glycerine class is an arrangement some
thing like a double.cylinder, small one
inside the' exploder proper, of a m
larger one. We will suppose the larger
will hold twelve pounds of this explosive,
of the weight of tallow-4W:: inner cylin
der or tube a few ounces. The latter is
tilled with an extremely sensitive and
powerful explosive. Ralph Baker, of Pi
oneer, was riding on horseback, on the
east side of the Allegheny, a mile below
Venngo -City with an exploder strapped
over a his back, ,
the outer cylinder not yet
filled with glycerine, twelve pounds of
which he was carrying in a tin can in his
hand to be poured into the cylinder around
the exploder when required'. The explo
der was capped (they .. are not usualliCaP
ped When being carried•about.) In shift
ing this exploder - from one shoulder to
the other the peintissiongot,a kir and the
exploder went off, throwing the tube
downwards, cutting a hole in. the horse's
flank, frightening the animal, which im
mediately became unmanageable, Certain
of being thrown; with only °unhand that
could be used and twelve pounds of
glycerine in the other Imagine it
and his feelings if you can
"In another instant Ralph *as in the
air; he fell upon the can; he struck heavily
on his left side, letting the can come
lightly' to the ground with his own
weight thrown upon it cornerwise, break
ing one rib and severely bruising
otherwise, but not exploding the can.
The awful fright be
for must have had, with
the actual hurts, a tim caused his
mind to wander, but hels now all right,
and has exhibited a presence of mind in
thus saving himself that few, perhaps,
are possessed of." '
BEN. Tames S. Eszcann, who or
several years has had his own say and
way in couple has. of' the Elmira
Advertiser, writestlins: "To pastors all
and singular, living in cities not larger
than our own loved Elmira, we say: Go .
to, your city's newspaper; cotton-in with
the editor and proprietor, fish an invite
lion to edit a column in his paper, put
into the preparation of that column more
labor than you do in a sermon. a n d For b
that one column you sensibly reach
mold and educate more minds than by
all your pulpit work. And, not least,
most of you, my brethren, if you will
consent to write for a newspaper and take
the knocks and roughs and tumble of it,
will find it advantageous to your style'
of thought and writing. You will gei;
rid of long words and long sentences, )
volutions and cant. lie who learns tc4
write a readable newspaper article will
find a- sermon very easy -writing indeed.
The greater prepares for the less."
• Trig SMULO.--
Alasks•is Americanizing.A recent let;
ter from Bitka says -th
that before the cession,
in 1867, the sanitary condition me
place was very bad; the, houses were
tumbling down; decay marked every
thing, and the "dockiard" and "store
honseo' specified in the treaty bad float
ed away in .the fog. • -But with the ad.vent
of the AtileriCallß the knee deep in mud
streets have been grlvelled, sidewalks
have been laid, a saw mill has been built,
houses are erected, cleanliness travails,
improvement is everywhere manifest,
and the place is now pronoanced to be
inhabitable. ;
WHEN M. Lincoln and Mr. Douglas,
in the summer of 1858, made their -mem
orable canvass of, Illinois . for the
United States Senatorship, they frequent- .
ly met on the same hustings and address
ed the same audience. 'On one of these
occasions, after Judge Douglas• had
made one of his most eloquent speeches,
it came Mr. Lincoln's turn.
off his overcoat, he handed itto a young
man nearby, and said, in 'his droll way
"Here, you hold my clothes while I stow
Stephen! '—Harper's Drawer.
Addltlonal.Marlets bs Telegraph.
CrlicA ' GO. 24.—At open beard in the a af
ternoon, there was a very fair movement
in the grain market and p wheat
rices were
firmer and higher; No. 2 spring
sold at $1,32®1,33 seller Angust, $1,26®
1,27 seller September. NO: 2 corn was'
in active demand and firm, closingat 88
spot, 87%@87,./, seller this month, 86(4
86%seller September. No. 2 oats sold
sparingly at 4434 ®44% seller . August,
41% seller September., In the evening
markets quiet but firm, at $4,26% for No:
2 wheat seller September, bid at close.'
Corn closed at 86% ®7 seller this monthi
870}87% seller, 89 buyer September. 500
bbls mess pork sold at $2B seller Jana-
SUFFALo, August 25.-Receipts—float _
10,000 bbls., wheat 4.700, corn 54,000 bush.
Shipments—Wheat 23,000,
wheat co
rn 78,000
busb. Freights dull: 14c, torn 120,'
oats 8o to New York. :Flour dull; 50 bbls
western spriag r , 7,109 westernbakere at
1.75. -Wfieet—springentirelv neglected;
sales of amber . Ohio ..--; red Toledo at
11,40. - Corn .'veriallull and depressed;
10,000 bush No. western 95c, extreme
price. Otte nom ai....F t yci $1.17" Tahiti
lots. • -Barley•'-`-tione tire. Pork L firin , at
134.50 for heavy mesa Isnii easier_l9%
®l9%c. Sighwines wire% 50 bhis:at
$1, 4 Z1-
Nnw Ottumwa, August2s.l-Cettori; io
sales; receipts 31, bales.; Mar fir Mer
and unchanged. Corn . mized 950; Wldte
97%0. Oats quiet Wit h tie* at 66e, lied
old at 68(§)700. Bran sl'.: Esy $2B. •,Fmk
unchanged. Bacon; - 17 1 lor shed=
and 195: 0 2+ 2410 for al es. Beget
hams 24®25c. bard rimer with time
at 20)4o, and keg at Sugar_ ..dliehenr
ed.. Molasses ' L.v uee MI "
changed. Whisky m wlth - wastera
rectified at $1,17% 1,30. Gold 133%.
Et;obaufter-.. Sterling 1 6%;-, NOW Ihrh.-3i
premium. •
Oswgoo, August 2
unchanged. Wheat
above the views of la
Canal FOights nncl
ports-65;600 bush Wh
• corn. Canal ElPort
and 16,500 bush corn.
sales of red at $l,lO,
white at 41,20@1,25.
brands. Oats 4543. 19
Barley $l,lO. Bacon:
dots 16%0.
• • - dull
titanic held
yem . : l3oll3 .q uiet.
ranged. Lake 'Loa
eat at:4.' 3 , 600 built
go bush whoa.
db.—Wheat sitdivr.
mbar st $1,15. and
ion txt. r: iS oorn forA jo2o. lla r
• aldes . l93o; , !' 114:411.