I & ,_STEEIEWORKEL, STEEL WORKS-.- ESTABLIBMED IN 1845. ANDERSON:' ae,wooDs, =1 MIST REFINED CAST STEEL Of every deneriptieri. , Also, beet 'z"_lltiltied German Flaw• and Spring Steel, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENllR,Pnts lbuni h. Ps. au16.1141. D'UQUEOE WORKS. ZOLEM I I I RARM. co, maantacturers os '3LEtON,. NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, DOQUESNE., L X AND JUNIATA: 6.,AT BAR, ROUND AND SQUIRE IRON. - HOOP,SHEET AND TANK IROlt, ILER PL ATE.% AND HEADS, GUARD IRONDRAG and DROPPER BARS 'MANOR'. :AMER BAILS, CaLINLEE • _ • AND PLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. ' . 41 GLOW B A ILS,V lEDDE.,B & )(ARNIM TEETH, .ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, - STEEL WINOS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TInLS, STEEL SIieFTING, A. B • TEEL 00ACR. BUGGY and WAGON • SPRINGS and: QU I T NAILS AND SPIKES: • Ali goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES d AND WORKS. an Sixteen 77 Watth Streer Street. Pithtsbet and Allegenurßgh. y iver. labs BIEEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. RINGER, NIMICK & CO., PITTSBURGH. PA.. Manufacturers of every descrlpticm of CAST AND GERILLN STEEL, siimw 13P2INGS, SILLL. AND PLATFORM SPRINGS. AXLES, STEEL TILE, Re., /to Warehouse, 83 Wafer and 100 First BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. fARK, BROTHER & CO., IT amnia - avers of all descriptlortiof EVILIM6 Mee and W-arehonse. TRIRTIvrTH, THIRTY.' ETBST'ipi4 RAILROAD BTRRATti, PITISISITB4III. IRON WORKS: ALLERSILIESEIi PIIOCESS. Trustees are now nrepared to grant Men des for the use of the S.LLERSELA.USEN PRO- The superior quality imparted to good iron, the great imp. ovem eut in inferior iron. and the :reduced cost, commend it to all manufacturers of Parties wishing to use it Can Obtain Ueenses by MiSillYinit to JAMES - P. SPEER • Attorney for the Trustees, ZOOMS 1 and 9, 'English's snlldlng, 9614 !oath avenue. _Parties Interested are invited to visit the :51avE1VBERGER. WORKS. where the recess Is rum in successiul operation. fezi:df.7 EVERSON, PRESTON' CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse. Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST , WERZET, opodite gonongaaela Rohm, ap24:d6 PITTSBURGH BRASS FOUNDERS. MILLER, BARR 6z, PRKIN. GENERAL PARTNERS WM. METCALF. . REUBEN' MILLER, GEO.' W. BARB, 1 CHAS. PARKIN. SPECILAL P.A.nrsza—s. M. KLEE, CRESCENT STEEL Worms, MIME, BARB. & PARKIN, OFFICE, No. 339 ;Liberty; Street, PITTBBIM}H. PA. fell:d4B WINES. LIQUORS, &O. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, ISPOILTEES Or :;113E5,... BRANDIES,' : GIN - 1 .. &IJ,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IA PURE RYE WHISKIES, , - 409 PENN STREET, Anire Removed to NOS. 354 AND 356 PENN, car. Eleventh St.. (formerly. Canal.) JOSEPH S. FINCH & Nos. ssu, swi, 189, 191, 193 4 1 4 1 1 1 41 Mtn' STREET, P/TTS.StrRUH,„ MAIMYACTIIIMRII VP Capper Distilled Pure Rye Whiskey. Also. dealer; in FOREIGN. WINES , aLd (MORS. HOPS. ,a,t. mres..h.nv (MASS; CHINA. CUTLERY, 100 WOOD STREET. NEW ; GOODS.' FINE VASES, BOHEZILS.N AND CHINA. NEW STYLES, • . . . DLNNEE BETS, . TEA e -TB, GIFT Ours, - smoittera SETS, '4, r•-• dlargeitock of SMITE PLATED NODS of alkdeeteriptions. • Can and examine our good% and we MI feel fattened no one need fail to be united. - 13a4 latiEria 100 WOOD STREET. ENGINES, BOILERS, HUGH E. BOLE 8s 00,, • Con Point Alley and Duquesne St., • • (Naas Tllll ronve,) Engine Builders, Founders an d lifdeidnistS." , Msaufsature dr&A.MBONT ENGE*I3 ad STA TIONARY Eli tillar..s,cof all Wes.. Sp _eolal attention Invited to our new STATION &By OIL WELL ENODIE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 1.5-hortelpower. _,•OASTlNGeryiraid ' tildetobtddr atonf Toundzy, on MINX b T below Kwrket. - BIOS for 011_Wellr, G. ruLLeys, HANOEBAUOUBE and T 084.000 scauvre and IRON TOCCOPEZIN3ZS,on nand and made to order. at the r - • - . INDUSTRIAL .WORKS, Frontlet oath. Allegheny Elver. near the Point, PITTSBURGH. RA. • Air orders promptly fined. Tay US. "W ' "W ORT PITT - I ' s; BMA STILL AND TANK k WO'S S. CARROLL & S. CARROLL 1 1 auxuric CIT Tersina.s. DOUBLE-EL lIRIILAR, .( 2,1 EILLS-SoX AND CYLINDE 131 . ROLL ERS. _ I 1 UM STILLS AND' OIL T 8, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING D SH PANS. SETTLING PANS, SALT ANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES PRISON DOOE3 AND COAL SHIITES Ogle° and Warehouse. corner Beeond, Third. Short sad Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. OS' Orders sent to the above address will be Promptly attended to. mh7:189 WIN. BAIINEULL & C 0.,. • BOILER MAKERS AND SREET'IRON WORKERS, NOB. AO, AA, AA AND A 6 PENN BT. Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the meat approved machinery, wears pre pared.to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS In the beet manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, belt Pans, Tanks, Oil kltills, Agita tors, Battling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Pager Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice.. laS:cri JAN ES BE BITER, /fps. 55 and 56 Water kiNtin, 2PITTSBITICOII, • EANDIFACTI7373. al IRON , OIL ----T-kNES 3 RETTUNG PAN% COPPER IfTEAM PIPS, notaxere MILL nacre. And SHEET IRON WOBK, For Stearribor.to JADED K...... .«.EDLIVND D. BLUM TARED plklllitiSHls SON, V.ANDFACTIMERIS 01P Steam Bdilers, Oil Stills, Tanga. SHEET IRON WORD, &a 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, Br.c. itti. BADLEY dr, CO., NO: 30 WOOD STREET, rianuracttirers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoyes, TO BE POUND. In ougassortinent veil I be found all the LATINT rATri.itNs AND lIIIPUOVesMENTss, and the reputation of our Stoves la such that any one in . want of a good article should purchase none but those tcanu eactured by us, as they will be found the most durable.a% well. aseconornical. Would call narticu , ar attention to our new VOLOAN.I STOVE, for churches halls suet seores. Over 800 sold in three mouths.' intended for nith or with out casing. AII who have need them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. . je3o sarrinueus &Cog, NANUIPACTINIABS OP AVANT VAULTY OP EST l CrirMas 1305T0N COOKING RANGE', THE -FIERY FITBNACE," FOB Wenn:ion; BUILDINGS. TSB NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, 'REGULATOR.” COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, VAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE CAST IRON IiLf,NTLES. WELLMAN'S REFLECTOR, GRATEdaree from dirt and dust; GRATE _FRONTS, PENDEBB, ~206 and 208 Liberty Street, seßisyl7 PITTSBURGH. PA. 00011. STOVE& CET THE BEST. .811%3E1416 as CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINO US COAL. 'Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast es sail as any other Store to the Union. BISSELTI & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. • ilea on tutild rind for vale, PAALOIZ STOVES, 11" 92t11111 1 7MicTs_, PENDEIIas COOKING r-aNtiEd, &r. LUIVIBER. TO BUILDEIIS I . 151:6;000 feet Dry lizießOards.. 100,000 feet 1.4 Inch Clear Plank; 26.000 feet 1.4 Inch Common Plank; 26A00 feet Liz y 1 and Id Inch Oak: 25,000 ft. S, 1, II X 0,1 and 3 Inch Poplar; 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 10;000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Sunnis; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 303.000 feet No. 1 18 inch daglnal Shin- Ines. 1100.000 No.l 10-inch Nhingies. sawed; 50.000 No. 1 IS—lneb Shingles, waved; 60,000 Flre Brick; 1,000 Fire The. 'WO Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill "Lumber, twist and Cedar Posts, and all articles In the Mc on hand and for sale b y ALE:SANDER PATTERSON. • Yards .No. 1 $? Rebecca street sad corner of Preble and Juniata streets, ninth ward„Aliegheny,, late bor ough of Manchester, an se STONE. WEST COMMON - • • - • - - =Lae mine Stone Works., Northwert corner of Watt:ln:moon, Alleibe3l7; am4o w n. ax.nrLasd orAkarveosTias.".o slwrt 0.0. atones, I kladis for Sidewalks. linrww, Tomb atones. r drh Maga, ezecased. mouressaubio' PITTSBURGH GAZEIIE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST OAP FORT PM FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, -, PITTSBURGH, PA. 'Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, se torts, and Castings•generally. NATIONAL _,FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sznallnuntillteneto, (NINTH WASP.) rrrSas WILLIAM SMITH, Dianufooturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE 108 OA AND WATER WORE% Hy Pines are all cast Invariablyln Pits, in dry sand. and 12 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would &leo call the - Mention of Supperintend• elite of (}as Worke to LI mike of RETORTS. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLM ELLER, (Successor to JOS P. HAIGII4, C 0.,) Has facilities co•extensive with the leading Forges In the East; and is preparnd to promptly and sattstactonly All all 'orde , s for STEAM BOAT SHAFTS, CNA NM, PISTON ROD+, LAVERS, PITMAN JAMS. WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE W(.)R.K. Mice and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street, apl4:h4o BORINSON,REAL & Successor! to 808iza0x, }EMU a IifILLZ6/1. W . ASltirkorTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Marinfacznrera of Boit and Stationary Steam En g. Ines Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of ail descriptions.: Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 12, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for eIFFARD'p PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. THOILtS CARLIN CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Station 7 ry and Portable Steam enileys, M Shatting, Grist • and Saw Mill Work, Rollins , ‘ll,l aclaine er.CitillaE. (irate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes. ire. ißnild orde and nave on hand — Engines of all sizes. C ENCTIRAL \FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS Ss° Penn Street. BOLLIIAI44 \ BOYD & BAGALEY. Chill Rolls, 31111.peattugs, Roll Lathes. &e. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, *N. M. LONC & CO., Office CononUnion Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, cn DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUES E i WAY, PHILLDBLEMA. ADDRESS, Room 17, Chamber of merce, 133 SOUTH SECOYD STREET. splO T ACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DNALICIVI IN Fr Petroleum and. its Products, Pittsburgh OgIee—DSLNELL I I3 BUILDING. earner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. rbitadelphli Oftlce-1117 WALNUT BT. •pl:w2o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWIDDLE D MANUFACTURER 07 Lubricating ,& High Test Burning Oils. EalipselianroadAxle . . . Stands great beat without change; remain: limpid at lowest temperatures. Special 011 for tropical climates or weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Will cut Screws. • -; Saw 511111 and Planing NW Oils. Adapted tor high speed.' ' ' Spatial° 011, -Wooliltead•Light Ol,.Vanners , Stud % .ensile, ing d Finishing 011, Gasoline, Ilarnesa Oil; Farrell/no. _MOWN. B VARNISII, to preserve Bright Iron Work end achtnery from Bust. These products are manufactured under Dr. Twaddle , s patent by Superheated Steam in Vac cuo. '1 he Lubricating till§ are almost odorless, perfectly pure, unfform, and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain I pl d durin g est rem cold. The Railroad Olis are unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Bainpies can be examined and orders left at 17* WOOD STREET. Works at tiharpsburg Bridge. NOVELTY WORKS.. ~13 pITTBBIJBGEI NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. VW. ADAMS. EVEZE & CO. MANOWAOTI76XIIII OP CILTSTONE BTANDARD,)PA MBA NH 8 PAT ZNT) PLATFORM LOD (30118288 SCALES. Sinai rimed Mitt DOor Looks .ad Lallans • - Tiktatiod 430584 1 / 1 8 8 4 00Zin 01' ITISTAVSPEIMIAII:4I ;L: ! ;-~~ffii~B'Pß FINANQLL AMERICAN BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL • "•., .• • • 8200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. DANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD. President. cashier. EZ}:=ll Thos. M. Marshall, 1 John M. Mnrtland, Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace, James W. Arrott, Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, ; Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, Tbla Bank is now fully i organized and prepared to do a general Banking bueiness. jelok43 FIFTS4Ii9Ort/E BANK Of P'ittsburgh. No. 195rIFTH • AVEND:E. m • cap& - tioosOoo. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA BLE. SIX PER CENT INTEREST allowed on time deposits. Coheipions made on spl accessible points in the United States . and Canadas on most favor able terms. • Exchange on all the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. _Discount days Tuesday a"d Friday. Open from 9 A. M.lO 3 P. M., and on Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. . , . • - - DmacToßs: ED. DITHRIDGE, W. P. WETMAN. W. H. SIDRA.. FRANK :•.1 E BERT, W. C. RI )BERTSON, HD.NRY 31 EYE% DAN. KLNZEtc. D. M. ARMOR, EMIL PORRSTEL. ED. DITH RIDGE, President F. E. tiCHENCH,Eashier. aulB nSI CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, eiroonooo. STOCEBOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of:the United States slid Cana.a. pr 3.-1 -rsiccritAark, .Pll6. Collections made on all the principal points of the United etatee and Canada*. Stods,itonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. JAW:aI HART, CAUGHEI tt CO., ,r.. i BANKFIS AND. BROKERS, Corner 7.7 ird ar4 Woad Streetz, PI 8131:111;G-31:1, VA., 1:117C0E2350 To HANNA, HMV A CO") IMASZEB 121 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the pcseliare LEicl sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Slant Drafts on I•ondon. tRVIIISA PACIFIC MILWAY GOLD LOAN, Illessrs. DABNEY, MORGAN lo'CO., Exchange Place, and J, E. JESUP & CO., 12 PIA Etreet, ff. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per cent, in Gold; have thirty years to run; are Free from Government Taxation; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million dens of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. In addition to this tpeeial grant the Com- pay also owns Three Millions of Acres in Kansas, whiiih are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the road. They are a first mortgage upon the eaten- sloe of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, pplorado, The road in opera tion SNOW EMINFAIORE TUN ENOUGH NET INCORE TO PAY TER INTEREST ON THE NEW LOAN: There is no better security in thejaarkel;--thia being in some respects better than Government Sc- entities. PRINCIPIL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Price 06, and acorn., ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Maps and Circulars furnished on application. IWO J. J. M. BUJ/TT & BRATT, 17 ARCHITECTURAL AND . 'ORNAMENTAL CARVERS No, 61 hadn't! At.. Allegheny, Pa. Btligvade l istaisat of BrICWICL pa~ mad A4tral.ecestiustly =has& ww.autO " lutel f i ti P _net 40 all sorno €69. FINANCIAL. Gr.CoL.3O, - SILVER LNII COUPONS Sought at Highest Prices. PR. R. MERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. my 6 JAY COOKE & CO., 3Betramerea, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHLLADELPHLL. - STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. tiANES o. LADY ltittecessors oS. JUNES a C 0..) • Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., M.,61.1V 1174.. M 2FL BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, WILD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERM. Er Interest Allowed on Deposits. Jul-Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase soul Sale of • STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & 61jslittAttO etaittti. FINANCE AND TRADE. OFF.IOE Or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUESDAY, August 24, 1869: The fear of a tight money mt rket seems to be the main cause of the' dull ness of the Government bonds, yh'ch are steadily declining, although gold advanced to-day sharply about one per cent. Up to the present time bonds kept pace with gold; following it in either direction, and so long as the GOV. ernment is still purchasing—two millions to-day, and one million on Thursday, also one ruilfion of gold will be sold on Thursday and the interest for Septem ber be paid out on Monday next. Stocks are steadily yielding, and a further decline is confidently expected in the absence of any element. to sus tain quotations. In our home ~ market money is still easy, but from the fact that large amounts of stocks were thr own on the market, they command a ready sale. There is more inquiry for the Pacifc bonds at pi went low prices, and large amounts of Governments are exchanged for these securities. The Banking House of Ph. R. Mertz can give reliable inforuiationiegarding these exehanges. Quotations as %received by Ph. A. Mertz: Gold, 13 --- Silver, 128; Eighty one's, 122%; Five Twenties, 1862, 122%; do 1864, 121%; do 1865, 121; do 1865, Consols, 120%; do. 1867," .. 120M; do 1868, 120; Tin Forties, 114;x; New York Central, 197%; Erie, 28; Reading", 95%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 151%; Oblo'& Misissippl, 131%; Michigan tiouthern, 106%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 103; Chicago & Rock Island, 114%; Chicago & North Western, 85; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 95%; Adams Express Com pany, . 56; Merchants Union•' Express, 38; Pacific Mail, . 78%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 37%. EXCECANGB, Large. Smal2. London, per $6,50 $6,62 Paris. per franc 27 2734 Berlin. thaler 96% 9734 Frankfort, florins • 57 57 —Closing q notation& received by James T. Brady etc Co. Gold: 132%; United States Sixes; 1881, I=X; Five-Twenties, 1862, 12234; do. 1864,12134; do. 1885, 121; Ten-Forties, 11434; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865. 120y0 do. do. 1867, 12034; do. do. 1868. 120; Due Com 'pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 88 1 4: Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 109%; Lake Superiors, 96. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW Yong, Aug: 24, 1869. Wall street to-day has been the scene of more activity and animation than for some time, and . there has been lively speculative movements in the Stock Ex change and Gold Room. The "bears" of Stcck.Excbange opened the ball' with a grand . raid chiefly 'en Vanderbilt stocks, and, the reedit was a genektil de cline— of 2 6 - 4 per cent., anc a canal era ble amount,of.stocka were,thisvrn. over board. The e•buits" finally carnet° the res cue, which, in connection with covering of the "bears," turned the tide of specu lation and caused ,a partial recovery from the lowest point. Gold was also lively, 'and it is estimated that about $7,000,000 have been taken by the promi nent "bulls". within the pay, few days at the low prices. Money easy at 5@)7 per cent., cicsing at ~6 per cent. The ship ments of curter* to the West are less than last week. Sterling steady at 9%@) 9% per cent. Gold active and atroug; opened at 132% and closed at 133®183%. Carrying rates 4 per cant. to flat. Clear ances §142,000,000.. Hammonia took $B.OOO. Governthents quiet; Coupons of 'Bl, 123®123%;' do. '62, - 12 2 3,4®122%; do. '64, 121,"®121341 - do. '65, 12114@121%,• do. new. 120%@120%: do. '67. 120%4120x; do. '6B, 120% 3 (0120%; 10-40's, 114 % ©11431. State Wilds dull; Bilasouria, 86%; old Tennessees, 69; • new do., 53341 - old North Carolinas, 64%;-new 493. - The stook market was tiubjentid great 'pressure this - afternoon. under which ploss - fell 2 to Omsk crint.., l lhWirds bAttaotlis thottrflak • drentitaithalibehnk and partial recovery: clo . sed still excited., . Five-Thirty Prices: Canton, 58; Cum., berland, 35; Western Union legraph, 37%; Quicksilver, 15; Maripo a • do. preferred, 10%; Pacific Mail, 78 7 Adams Express, 69; Wells 19; A ME* lean, 38; United States,64; Merchants Mon. 10: New York Central, 196%: Hatlern, 159%; pref'd, 168; Hudson; - 178%: 11 eading, 1 , 5%; Erie, 29k; do. preferred, 51%; Michigan :- Central, 131: Michigan Southern, 108. ; Illinois. Central, 139: Pitts burgh, 103 v ; Nortl icestern. do. preferred, 95%: Cleveland, Columbwi an Cincinnati, ; Rock Island, 114% ; Paul , 78 %; do. preferred, 85%; Wabash, 83; do. preferred, 82; Ft. Wayne. 1513:(4 Terre Haute, 38; do. preferred, 58; Chicago and Alton, 166; 'do. preferred 158; Ohio and Mississippi, 31%. Mining shares dull: Gregory, 2; Smith!. & Parmelee, 285. Coppers at Boston: Copper Falls. 9w Franklin, 13%; Hecht, 80: Quilicy, 25. Sub-Treasury balance, $90,05 ,'240. PITTSBURGH MARK TS. ChrincrE o PITTSBURGH GALYVVri TUESDAY, August, 24 1869. Business generally Is quiet, thong. little better than ;t was last monta, ancl‘ fatly as good as it usually is at this season of the year. There would be more activity in grain if it Wa i k . not for the uncertainty in regard to prices, and this retards business and restrtts opera tors, as operators generally • e timid and seem disposed to hold off until the markets become more settled and prices more fully established. At the present, time, the impression prevails that prices will rule lower, sooner or later, and- the movement in most of the leading Mar kets during the past few days are calcu.: lated to strengthen this feeling. Aiit other drawback to the grain trade in this place, is the fact that producers its this section of country are demand ing, in many Cases, prices at home that can scarcely be realized here, so the, the shipper has no margin, and it is not to be expected that he will invest his money and run the risk of the markets, with no prospect 'of even the smallest margin at the outset. The .flour mar. ket is so very quiet that it does not serve a passing notice. APPLES—In good supply and, but unchanged, 81,50®3 per bbl. BERRIES—SaIes of fresh Blar lei, in good condition, at 90 cent pail, and Huckelberries at S 5 per b' BUTTER—There is no life in th' tide, and prices are unchanged:: at 18@24. as to,guatity. BROOMS—Quoted as follows: 86,50; No. 4 t 6; No. 3 . 1 ,55, No. 2. '64,50, and market firm. CHEESE—In moderate local det but there is a good: eupply and are unchanged. `CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraul; ment is quoted at $2,25 per_bol. CARBON 011—Still• quoted at 27( for round lots, and 29i 3a in a amau.. way. EGGS—DaII; sales at 15Q16. FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at FO SW cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR—Continues very quiet and unchanged. Winter Wheat brands $7,0( @7,50, and Springs $7,25©7,1i0 for chuice, and $7,75 for fancy. The demand for thE latter is light and confined entirely tci bakers—eousumers , generally are now` using Winter Wheat. ' GRAIN —Wheat continues dull and' weak, and as the mills are pretty wet' supplied, they are not buying--very' freely, and concessions would probably i have to be made to .effect sales: ee now quote 61,35@1,40. Oats dull and droop : lug, and cannot be fairly quoted above 45@47 on track, and 601 n store—sales al 50@52 delivered. Rye, also, is lower and, there is but few buyers at anything above 1, 1 1,15. Corn is (inlet but steady.! and may be fairly quoted at 61,00e.0, 1 5,i for mixed to strictly prime Yeli..yr; Barley nominal at 61,25@1,30. 111(1HWINES—Are still quoted, in ts.; jobbing way, at 61,23@1,25. HAY—Sales at , AllFgheny Diamond market of 64 loads at sl3@2l—mostly she, sls@lB. HEMP—Very dull; $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 23;@3 eta per pound. :- LlME—White Lime is quoted at. 1,50, and Cleveland at 52,50, per bbl. LARD OIL-F. Sellers dr Co. quote Extrallo. 1, at 1,40(4)1,43, and No. 2, at 51,05. MELONS—SaIes at $18@23 per 100, asi to size, condition and_qual.ty. POULTRY--Sales of spring chick— ens, at 501g55 per pair. PROVISIONS—Firm but unchanged Shoulders, 153,©16; Ribbed and • Clear! Sides, 18 3 /,©193 ; Cincinnati Siigaf Cured Hams 233 and faircy 24. Lardii 20X in tierces, and 203. @2I in half bble and kegs. Dried Beef 21%. Mess Porff. at 833,75®34. PEACHES—SaIes at 81:50©1,75 per, box, as to aualtly and condition. POTATOES—SaIes of Jersey Sweets at 16,50@7,00 per bol. PEANUTS—HIgher, 14% cts. PEARS-1450@)3,00 per bbl. PLUSSS—scarce and higher, being! quoted at /KM ®4,50 per bushel. STR&W—Sales at SI2W4 per ton. SALT—Allegheny River brands are quoted. by the car load. 1, at $1,75©60. TALLOW—Rendered quoted at 11:13 iii WOOL MARKET. OFFICE OF PITZIEUREtH GAZETTE, . TUESDAY, August 24, 1E69. :1 , The market remains quiet at about- . previeus quotations. Considerable pur; chases have been made in the surround ing, counties the past Week, of law* wools at 45 cents, and fora choice clips in ki extra condition, a little higher has,:in,') been paid. The fault wit •f some cases, h many buyers is ft want of proper d crimination , hi not making the just -, , wools. . :. correct abetment on heavy Wc., growers demand of buyers that `tb• -' shall discriminate, but when the buy : wishescto do this and pay for clean wi: . 72 what it is worth, they also claim ',i,:: right to buy the heavy and badly we ed wools at the proper discount, and ( .2: rule ought to work both wa ',.;•: With many wool growers we find 't fault, they wash and carefully bar ; their wool; but with many the vio.y.' object is to grow big fleeces, and 7: - half wash them, so they are no t.'i --, than unwashed—puC the best ~, Ir , on the pile and tell you they knovirc all clean and well handled, when' 7l :: I . know entirely different, and at the time have the, unblushing effrontr , ask the highest mirky: price. Thos( Way to correct all this, is to pass si::, clips by, and if any, buyer is verditl, : enough tO buy them at full prices, le'. lum leant by experieuce. j Dry Goods Market, NEW YORK, ARAl:tat - 24.—Dry Good e; the market is more active and Prices rule firmly. The only change of itn- . l' poitanoe to the,advance of lo on W m . z' terton A Bleached Canton *blob now bring 51 oak an
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