NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. PIC-NIC. WEDNESDAY. Atro ITsT 25. AT MA 4 81 1 1KLD, for the Benedt o'lhe Cato is Church. Excursion trains leave at O' o'clock a. 41.; zed 11:43 A. M. Music by D. SicRLRA VT'S Rand. Pleuras by Col. Jib. ( o kiELSTY, au 23:n46 NOTICE - FIRST WARD, ALLEOHENY.—A meeting or the Re publican voters or the F ret ward, A llegheny, to organize for the coming campaign will beheld at WASHINGTON HALL, Rebecca treet, on , W6DNE2DAT EVENING, Sasth inst., at IN o'clocs. Fall attendance ie requested auginz97 • cindbIITTEE DISSOIXTION OF .PAIONETR SUIP.—NotIee is hereby Riven t i that the partnersnin beret•d'ore exist's betwe b MARY IisIiEDITH and WM. C. ME.wiLDIT ngsged in the retail tirocere Buslross, at No: 4513 ear dusky street, was dissolved on august R.. 48RO. All avounts will be sett ed by the undersigned; also, the undersigned will pay no debts °tassel ed.bY *ti M. C.*LitEDlTit alter VIA d te. an'25:n4.5. MARY IdER * DI TR, A DMINISTRATOR , NO -Letters of a tentnistratton on thegetate of riWIOL rri ILUNZgliktt having been granted =by the Itegiit.r of Allegheny county td the un derstgned, alt perecns Indebted to the ebtate are requested to make Immediate set , tement. - and thnee bacilli; claims a+alnet the estate will please zuresent them at one- to et AHY Ill4iZelirt.R. Administrator. au2s:nl9 w - North Fayette Townsoir, ADMILNI4TIIALTORPS NOTICE. -Letters of admietstratlon upon the es tate of doIIN Elt, deceased, late of lieuth Pitts:duct:, county of Allegheny. basing been 'Lanced to the undersigned, at p.raont In debted to. said estate are requested to make im mediate plyment, and all those having claims or demands against said estate ..111 press nt them to GAMUT 5t'11.:411., AdminlstrAior. 0" to Ills t..rney. J. arastus McKelvey, No. 91 Grant-street.' an23;ns: T ETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- A TION haying been grantsd to the under signed oa, tne etttte of ALtiN. ANDER DUN LP a, of Pine Township, deceased, ad persons knowing thtinse.vee inoebted to the saute will make immediate naynteat,aud all persona having claims aAttlnzt said estate will present them ou:y authenticated to Mrs. RORERT DUNLAP. Admintarrattlx of A,exander Dunlap, (he'd. SAdliatL PALMEtc, Attorney fur .Atlnalnla tratrlx, 'No. 8,7 Fifth ictn'ue. auMnut SOUTH PITTSBURGH PROP FRTY Dolt SALT.-20 feet.frent on Car son street betlollfeet deep to Bingham stre.t; a good two store Brick Hottae of hail, t o pat lre, sitting room.four coambe &dining room,latchen asd wash hou.e, cellar and coal vault, Iles tlx tares, civet n, well and bl drant water. yard and carrlarre'house on Bln.: ham - street. Perrone who wish to perthase a desirable r•sidence !mould examene this property. Apply to ti. CUTHBRIM & SONS, 39 1513 :avenue. CM CITY EN(:INEEIt'S OFFICE, ALLEGHENY CUT, rA., August 24, 1e69. f teW OTICE. —The assessment for -N GRADING and PAYIh G of SPRING tkirIDEN AVENUE. from Tanner to Main eets; also for Grading of SOUTH ALLEY m Fulton to Chartler streets; end also for adlng of Un on Avenue, from Nixon to Charles ticete,•are now ready for examination and can '1,::; seen at the office of the City Engineer until gust 3L, 1869, when they will oe placed ln hands of the Pity Treasurer for collection. CS SALES DAVIS, ,u2;:1151. IHL EDUCATIONAL BOOR STORE,' I= School Books and School Merchandizo. Teachers and others will 'find a large assort ment of books in every •departmtnt of Educa tional Literature. Books on TEACIIING. S HOOT. DISCIPLINE, etc. beEDH.L, APPARATUS. BLACK BOARD , GLOBES. CALL BELLS. etc. Yoe sate by It. S. DAVIS & CO, 199 LIBERTY STREET, su2i•smiv METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY. Methodists. and others, intending to go to Camp Meeting, will need andard Singer, Revivalist, sdallowed Songs. Chapel Melodies. Select Melodies, Slaving' P durim, Musical Leaves, PreAs Leaves, Bright Jewels. New Hymn atil Tune Books, Hymn Books, Di -einitne9. Books of Devotion. AC. _ KCIAL ARRANGEMENTS will be made with those woo BUY Tv BELL again during Camp Meeting reason. Apply immediately, at " 129 Smithfield Street.. JOSEPH HORNER, Ag •_ OFFICE OF THE II COMMISSIONERS 0 , TII SINKING FITIC:), U.reasury llepartmeat of Pennsylvania, • HABnISBURO, August 20. 1869 QELLED BIDS .WILL BE BE- T , ' CEIVED for the redemption of ONE \MIL LION DOLLARS of the loan of the Coulinion -wealth,.or Pennsylvania, due July Ist,Blo, -until 1.21 o'clo A. M. UC fOBEE 1 5t,1869. om .l municatlons , o be addressed to It. W. MAC EY, Esq . State Tremurer, Harrisburg, Penna 4 and endorsed bids fur redemption of State Loan. . . F. JORDAN t ,I Secreta , l of S te. J. F. HARTRANFT,I • Auditor General, R. W. MACKEY,) State Tr. as ure - Commissioners of the Sinking F N. B.—No newspaper publishing the without authority, will receive pay thereto au23:n3B IMPORTANT ANNOUN MENT.—To the citlz ma of adjoining oun ?ties, who are forming Militia or Military 'om „pintas, LANE & -TOWNSEND, 430 Market St., Philad,elp aia, Offer for sale a large quantity of the All-Wool Dark Blue Ciotti Infantry Frock Coats la sound condition, for the low price (in quartitles o 100, or upwards) of $5.00 each, cash on dells .ery. an23:n4o ALLUGIIINT fIITY, PA., e Atiotam 1869. I 1 4 1 1 7 OTICE OF_ DISSOLUTION. The Co.parthership, heretofore existing under : file firm. name of HILLIER, BVNAWITZ, 'THEME' & CO., and known as the KEYSTONE .-TOFFIN MANUFACTURING CO., it dissolved . 5 , mutual consent. The business wilt be sewed .:.41 the. office of Rosh & Brown. No. 249 Beaver .• ivenue, by Jacob Ruth, whole authmized to set '. le the same •• W. ABRAMS, CHAS. DaRLINGER, ALEX. CAMPBELL, JACOB nUSIL :J. C. COUCH, - B. .",1"1"Y•• • MIN BORAWIJE, WM W. BROWN, ' MO. SCHEMP, JAMES LOWRIE. ';2O -, bAlkl , l. HILLIER.. knOCLAMITION. ' qualified voters of the City of Pittsburgh imeet at their usual tiniest:lG place of uoithog ;Moue, oil • f. TUESDAY, August 31 1869, TO VOTE .- r or or Against a Public Park. The ballots voted shall be marked on the cost 'nide ".eark, ,, and upon the inside "Fornark,'' " - agslust Palk." The r , ectlons snail be held by the officers an thorlaed to hold the general elections In said city. JARED It. DREW, Mayor. Anwar 1. 1869. antotn9s: ITEWSPAPER FREE.r-Coal miners,' and persons • deentn_n_ a Weetern • 0, and othenkenn "'vs sbp toy weeity Paper . - Flinn Pon etz mortal; tm SCCRllDig alma M 4 Postotnee address to GABDNEB WI/RNA" , thildrier4lll/2010 -,.-.-I,4ITTSBITEGIL;43AZEOR: _ , VitE.S.NtiSfa.Y; , . , AITGT./ST 1869; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EPISCOPAL. CLASSICAL ACADEMY. The Fall Term of this School begingSE TEM. RER 6. at i✓ A. N.. in its new rooms: 293 LIB ERTY STREET. (Keystone Bank Building.) Application for the .011111811oa of pupils may be mane at the School Room during the week pre ceding the de. of opening, between the hours of 10 and 12 A M. it Is very d.slrable that all pupils be present the first day of the term. Patents having Foes to educate t'r College or bu invss are invited to communicate with the Principal. Bev. IL B. BELLOWS, A. B. an2S:n47 ESTABLISHED 1529. 0 . many ALBERT BIBBY. . HIGBY & CO., importers and dealers In China, Glass & Queensware, vine Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Castors, Walters and Britten's Ware. . No. 189 LIBERTY STREET, A few donrs ah , ,ve Sixth street, (late St Clair.) N B,—Blass Ware engraved to order on short notice. .au2s:nso NEW FALL STOCK. OF CARPET S, The First .in the Market AND THE CHEAPEST. CHOICE PATTERNS Two-ply and Three-ply CHEAP INGRAIN CARPETS. THE FINEST LINE OF BODY BRUSSF.LS Evor OfFered. in Pitt, burgh. • • Sate time and money by buying from • McFARLAND & C 04138. No. 71 and 73 FIFTH AVENUE. au2.5:dAT . (Second Floor). 41araRMAL.X. City lenrineer SHETLAND FIGURED Near Sixth • : I NOW V DLZI BATES & BELL. =I N EW 11001f.S. The American Woman's Home; or Princi plea of Domestic Science; being a guide to the formation and maintenance of re e. nomical, healthful. beautiful and Chris tian homes; by Catharine E. Beecher and Harri.t Beecher clowe.-Large 12mo. Price 2,50 The Mao who Laughs. •Sy Victor tiugo. Complete 1,28 Niemeyer's Test Book of Practical Medi 'clue. with-particular reference to bnysi alwrisl ratlealogicalAnatoiny. 2 vols, Svo: cloth 9.00 Meyer'. aleCtrielq.„ . in its relations to Fractical Medians...with notes .snd edi trats by Km. A. Hammond, 11. D., late burgeon General H. 5' 4,50 Da b.f. - _ second, and concluding part of "Melbourne House," 9.00 Buskin's Queen of the Air 1,00 Hospital S.eiches, by the author f • "Little Women,' 1,50 Seven Curses of London 1,60 Dens Seinner • - 2,00 Robertson's Sermons; new ed., 2 vols,com plete. . 3,00 Ife Knew He was Sight. Complete la I v0..1,50 White Lies. Seven Census. ?nut Play. each ' 25 Our Own (American) birds 1.56 •enietou's Journal, vol. Ist 3,50 Proper's Cyclop-die scl-sloe eamolleed 4,50 hackeray's Shabby Genteel SIC ry, pacer. 50 Booseveit's Five Acres foe Much 1.50 Flagg • European V tnevarsis ................1,56 First Love aua Last Love, by James Grant. SO Appleton's Journal, monthly part No. 5 . 50 O. A. CLARKE Or. CO., I nd. Bove TWTII au2l R. M. 11 , COW4N J. It..II , EOWN. R. 111: McCOWAIt rits CO., . Boulevard Pavers, - owe, Nu. 65 0/110 ST., ALLEGHENY. Orders left at Gaeurrz OFFICE, Pittsburgh, promptly attended to. Pnve Sidewalks, Cellars, Inside Yards, Drives, fie. I Warranted against changes of heat and cold: REFEREE' EI3 —Max. lifo-rhead, LyOn & bhorb. Roy eattera3n. Wm. Park. 'antes N. Long Sent anier McKee, al rson's & Maxwell, } Aiken ß CEIMpUeII. Isaac alg. ...1316:m23 WOOL. • 100,000 Pounds of . Wool Wanted by MEANOR & HARPER, AT, THE WHITE FRONT. " 229 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. • , TT B. LYON,:: !Sealer of Weights and Measures, Oftles7lSo:,s FOURTIL•AVEDUIti Pittsburgh, Car. JOHNIiPSSNER,.Deputy, Pittsburgh Lteut.'ULO. S. Multi:lo'qt 'PePutit A4 lo * hew?' ar dtra OV EII4-5411 4 1" 1 " 4 sale bs odtiftMS boxes nob n do t ,_ 'J. B. VAZAfflammi REDUCTIONS ~h~w Is, re 4 ,74 DI1V411 1 ) 001 ){: AND 119 Wood Street, Ad door below 11ftb Ayr ntte. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AN EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN Opened To-day. FINE QUALITY WOOLEN SQUARE SEALS AT $2.25. T-searse !Size, NICE MEDIUM DARK COLORS. Having just bought a large number of the above Shawls, and wishing to move them out as rap idly as possible, they will be of fered at the • e'aleeedingly Low Price of $2.26 earh, AT• WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnerthdp heretofore existing between JOHN M. COOPER and HENRT BIER, under the name and style of JOHN pI. COOPER CO., was this day dissolved hy utuul consent, Jolla M. Cooper retiring from said dim. JOHN M. COOPER HENRY BIER. Augurt 12, 1809. The business will be continued at the old stand, corner of. Thirteenth and Pike street,. by the undersigned, who 15 authorised to settle al:bus iness of said arm. HEN EX DIEM IaiEINTE.I( I:E= JOHN M. COOPER '& CO., • Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MAD/4 PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Makable and Grey lion Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE,SAFETY AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. LB ON COCKS, Brass Work of every desezlptlon for Steam, Water and 011. MAN UFACT URERS QF J. M. COOPER'S Improved Balance• Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil ers, the best in the Market. Office and Works, corner Thirteenth and Pike treets. LEA at PERRINW CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, .Pronounced byf CONNOISEURS TO 138 /C . 111 'Only Good Sara Aud Applicable of ....Noy VW -. 1 — l4l, ' lti . •:'l l t:11 Lea and Perrino' that their Sauce is highly es .e. rred In India, and Is, In my opin • lon, the most pala table as well as the moat whole e .. v rzssonte Sauce that is --- reade.' , •ee on board at London or Liverpool, In of twenty cases or more; each case two arge, five dozen middle. or ten dozen Parties who order through us have the ge r.f a sunply from our stock until the . I I dlrecl orders. Heftier a Son's celebrated Dundee Mar- Hobert 1111thileMAES's celebrated Albert J. a G. Cox's tielatine. erutzu I 's goods. Delangrenter's }lambent des (iuinnesus 'Mout, Bass and Allsopp's ID. Younger's Ealnburgh.,Alrs. sue the Brands, Germany}Wain - and Portugal. JOHN . DUNCAN'S.S.INIS• tilliftand 46 Belver street,New York, uts for MESSRS. LEA & PEBRINEP. Wt. Every Variety Tg" F.; OF DE M. Put_ pareelsl , dozen mad. *avant! arrival Jame unlade Edseuit, Blackel Arabes. Ales. w Ines o Union SI Buie Ag J e9:k3l 11. PATTERSON & CO., ROBE CORNER OF .• nth Avenue and Liberty Et., Im-raw:mon, PA. RE 11. Saturday, July 3181,1869. and each succeeding Saturday, , old an Auction Sale of S i CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, HORS And ev Ming appertaining the Horse. " Platte debt eel, will ease leave their notice of tonotgement on or tore' Thursday of each week in order for ad Vet titteg. prompt at tention 'And good care will be given ell Blocs left forsale. JOHN. H. STEWART, Auctioneer. lyz-mO6 ALPERT &KOHLER, Manufacturers and Male's In BOOTB, SITOICB AND BAITEIiB, No. 38 Market atreet, Pitts b irgh. ra. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to eireet the attention- of the, public to the fact that we are Dior prepared to manufactura Bouts ard filmes .for persons trouoied with Corns,Bunions or deiormed thet i under the - personal sup-rad on prone Mr. AL YERT torulerty of Allegheny City. 'who tem be pleased,ttypee his old customers again. Wehave ■dopteePhilr. Alpertle mode i,t meggettei the foot, ity,which we'ean be sate lawarrauting easy , antenstiortabutMuot . and bhoes On the S.hdar eitteaS. Olve us a trial and baconatetted....t.,., I ALPERT & WAILER, ituspai 38 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW ADVERTISMENTS. NEW DRESS GOODS DESIRABLE STYLES & QUALITIES , . Very Low Prices. Rob Roy Plaid Flannels BOOKFOLD COUNTRY FLANNELS, Than Frices at the Mills. Extra Inducements offered to Wholesale Buyers of One Hun.. Bred Pieces and , upwards, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, - mecperxcno. LARGE SALE OF IRON. DIPUT44. M, OFFICr, JEFFERSONVI L LE, IND., Augu 10, 1869. I I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, at the De- DOC, at • JEPFEBSONVILLE, INDIANA, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., ON WEDNESDAY, 22d Day of September. 1569, A LAILOE LOT OF IRON, consisCng of various sizes, ns • About 88,583 lbs. of band Iron. of the follow ing etz..e, viz: 0i4x.3-16 In. i in. 2ki'x, in. I'.-1x3.16 in. Zil x'4' • 11rixl3 3 , 4x.4 "" 45513•1 6 4 0 . 4 355xh " 4'_z3-16 •• , •' " 6 x 316.•• 45.13-16 6 x 34 s'SX's " t 4 10.11 ..4)11 4 4 . •• 1 , 5X '4 " About 54, 098 lbs. round iron of the following eizeo, viz: 2-i; In. 2;4' In. '2)4 In. 2.3 i In. 11-' 4 In. 3', Id 2 " .. 4't •• 3 1 7 i •••• 3 1.1 About 20.110 lbs. square iron of the follow. log sizes, viz: .. 24 In. 3,4 In. 3 , In. 3 , 4 in. 3,i5 lu 5.10 ~ oy4 " hi., • About 314,307 Ibe. bsr Iron, consisting of the foliowins sizes; 4 xtn. 4 xl' In. 5 x K In. 4 !..;x l in: 3S x 1 )1. " 4 x 7.f " 5 X " 4 x " 5 x " ISx S " " 5 x s " 5 xS" 5 xS" 5 xl " 1 xi 2 xIS . '" 2 x S 2!_xl nix " 44 ." IS.:1 " isx "" 2 x 2 x " x ; 1 4 Vita " " " 2 xIS " 2 54x1S " 2 4 4:1'S " 2 " 354 x 33 :ix " 3Sx .1/ 35.:1 " 35N155 " 2 3: " 24X. is" 2 xi " 4.4 x " oixis " I. 3 ixt " Piz! " nix] " IS:. " ”ix " I kx:nix 46 " 2.4 x 34 ,3 X " 3 x;h. 3 x " 134 x " Viz It, " 54x , 54 •• 1 x.,16" I x " 1 x " 21ixj% " 255 x. " 3 x34' 1}4x3)." " 3 x 55 2Sx. " 154 x 4. • ISx " It{xls 2 , 1 x 34 " I X 31. " 4 x%" 11ix •• Awn'. 27.000 tbi, halt' rouuu Iron. About 7 Oa 0 tbs. oral Iron. About 100 ions antbu.ance tire Iron. About 4OU tons wagon ttre Iron Tereus of Sale—Cash. By order of the Quartermaiter General. J. A. POTTER, Brevet Brig Gen. and Q. M. U. S. Depot Q. MI ROCK THE ,BABY LN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. Practicalftirdtare'llannfacturers, &e., xis kotriwrit A.VENT.M. Where may be found a full assortment of Par. !or. Chamber Jim! Kltchen Furannre. • . Aefa Extract of a let- ter from a medical gcutlixoan at Mad- ris. to ble brother st Worcester, Bram 1851: B" s' ci t perrpouNcr., Our entire Eummer Stock of Boys'. Youths' and Children's Clothing, closing oat at greatly reduced prices. • GRAY &•LOGAN'S, No. 47• SIXTH STREET. LATE iIB 4 OL LIB. ante TB RH SHAD RECEIVED 1. daily at,I3,ENJAMIN PULPHESS 'popular -tab Stand, Ho. 46 Diamond Market, Pitts burgh, and at ,the Twin City, Allegheny City, corner of Ohio and Federal streets. Can be had all kinds of Bea and Lake tlsh, 'Halibut, bind, Beak, Codfish. Haddock and Eal. Also, large supplies of White, Lake Fish, balamon, Baas, sturgeon. Herring and Minium Trout, which enables us to null at the lowest market prices, wholesale or retail. We Invite lovers of Fresh Fish to givens a call, and we will !near them a:treat. mbH KEYSTONE POTTERY. s M. KIER tt CO., • • Marrefacturers o 4IIEEINSWARIE. BRISTOL WARE &c. 'office and 'Warehouse. 383 LIBERTY STREET air All ordera oromotly attended to. inTHE COMMON SENSE WINE AND CIDER Jilt L, Manefactured by the land ,Ohio) Machine Company, la the most practical l'ider Mill In the world. Ily one opera tion it grinds %he apples, presseatiem at cry as chips he tween •rwiers,,while thelllaler passes di rect into tha barrel. They, are run by hand or; power, easily operated, durable and so estanttal. kiefore purchasing a Older Mill send Doran Illus.' trailed Circular. " ' atil9inB9 TaAliE HOINE,, STONEBOIIO, ePA, (ori lido - of - almost°ll Vad -Fravkitu oyado - EDWattfl p 01,4 1‘... Proprietor.' S This favorite muttier 'Resort 11110 W ready for the Avpheationpf gueil t ir t ntvtantalttiated,' lilaw rods iron)* 'aka moat bean- Wei eh fee of-Water • V Vanta, ono Is aro coast so by Hall from ALL POINTS. bpledald Zdedloinal 'Springs on the ground& au/9:n6s JUST RECEIVED 111 AND AT LESS 133 ALLEGHENY CITY — NOTICES—"To-Let," "-For &Ile," "Lost," "Wants," "Found," "Boarding„" &c., not exceeding POUR LINES, will be inserted in these columns once. for TWENTY-fIVE CENTS; each adcli• tional line 7.1V1.; CENTS. . WANTED 7 -SITUATIONS. W.ANTED.--SITUATION, by* a married man as a drivi r. 'Can give good reference. Address ORORtin.. thirarra Or- veer SITUATION by • Married Van as carriage driver foY either L veer ntabie Or private family. Country pre ferred. Addrear x. H., GAM :Trig OFFIOZ. "W ANTED-A SITUATION AS Clerk, Salesman, or Travelling Agent fora wholesale or manufactories estsbllshm•nt. Can Rive good city . rezerenees. Address Box . 4 81, New Cumberland, W. Va. WANTED---HELP N i VA NTED-1111111EDLITELY, 5 00011 TINNEIIB at LACt/CK & HAW THORN'S. R 8 Ohto street. Allegheny City, Pe. WANTED.—A first-cling MA. OHMIC B ikeKEMIITLI. Enquire at the INDUSTRIAL WORK", corner . Point alley and Duquesne Way. VTANTED-HELP.-AT EN. PLOYMENT OPPICX,_ No.l St. Clair Street, BOYS OMB and Ni:NEfor difteretu kinds of employment. Persons wanting hell of all kinds can be supplied on abort notice. WANTED---AGENTS: ANTED.-11,000 Men Want- ED to sell the WHEELER & WILSON ESL TNG MACHIN) , on salary, Address Lock Box 368, or call between the hours or 3 wad 5 P. M.. at our office, 140 WOOD STREET, flits. burgh. Applicants must come well recommended. WM. tIObINEH CO. WANTED --100 Confidential AGENTS to dispose of a good oaying arti cle. An energetic and truite orlhy man can make $50,0110 In twomontlis Partirulars free. Call on or address DAILhY & CO., 208 Broad way. N. Y. au2:n23d&Tl WANTS. WA N T E D. -PARTNER. - A goo I, reliable Traveling Agent, who can Invest from three to eight thousana dollars In a good paying manufacturing business can learn of an opportunity seldom offered. by addressing. wl , ll DIEM and address, B. ~.4 .13.. Warm OFFICE. WANTED. -1.0_,060 Acres of LAND WA.IIRA.NTS dud AGNICLLTU RAL COLLEGE LAND NORD". wanted. dress, JulIN S. BNADDUCK, Mount Vernon, Ohio. WANTED.—A good second- AND ENG NE AND BOILER: engine about 7 Inch'evliniicr: Boller from IS to 20 feet, 30 to 46-leek, end Hued. Parties having such machinery to sell wilt please address Box 384. Plit.burgh Posta:lee, stating size, make and WANTED. -A SWALE HOUSE, of three rooms. in hfanch.ster or Law renceville. Also. a eITUATION in a clothing store as salesman. Good reference given. Ad. dress W. P. BRANDON. Pittsburgh Postoffie.e. bOhTr.-ON WEDNESDAY - AF.• TERNOUN, between APegheny and East erry. by way of Bbarpsburg °ridge and Morn lneside road. a I BETE]) BLACK rtIND WHITE PLAID bHAWL. A suitable reward will be 'paid fur lie return to the GAZETTE OFFICE. mo-LET-ROOM.-A furnished 1 FRONT BOOM. in one of the most desire. bie 'portion's of the city. Enquire at 521 5.111T13- vILLD STREET. rro LET-FOUR 'NEW HOUSER of SIX ROOMS each oo .Islappa street, Pith ward, Allegheny. near Allegheny avenue. one square (coin hinuch-ster street cars. Enquire of T. m.SkiuLPS, 89 Federal rtreet, corner of Stockton 'venue, or CHARLES P. STRiGHT, 171 North avenue, corner of Webster street. TO-LET.—ROOMS. on Second floor, with Boarding. Location the most desirable in the city, with the conveniences of bath rooms. the comforts of &private family, as few boar.ters are kept. 115.1. Isorth Avenue, Al. legheny City. FOR SALE rOil SALE.—Lease and good; will of a TAVERN STA-ND la a desirable vcslity. 'I arms essy• doing a , good business. A.vply of Wil. JACR;ON, 73 Grant street. 21, In FOR SALE—Five acres within five minutes' wait of the Leetsdale eta tus, P., Ft. W. &C. rt. E.. 14 mlies from the city. 4 acres cleared, House of 3 rooms, small Fruits, Grapes, &c. WILL be sold at a bargain. Apply to CROFT & rHILLIP:3, No. 139 Fourth avenue. • OR SALV.-HOUSE AND LOT. —situste at Dniton itation. Lot Contains 3 acs, on which 18 erected a good Frame r 4 re Dwailing containing 6 rooms, trite fruit trees, Ac.' Aduress JOHN CUPPS. Hutton Station. FOR SALE—THE CHEAPEST FARM IN ARMSTRONG COUNTY, Pa.. 'of% sexes for MOOD, well improved, good Orchard, good Oultdinge, good Water and good Nelebbortood. There is a bargain in tale prop erly; we have men it. and know It. Apply to CROFT PHILLIPS, No. ISO Fourth ay. nue. FOR SALE.—One-half of a valuable PATENT for Pennsylvania.. A small article used in all houses. A chance for an active young man with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Postale° Box 690. FOR SA LE-FARM AT A . BA R- GaiLlN—g4o PER ACRE will purchase a gooa le.rm .51139 Acres In West moreland coun ty, Pa.,, two miles from Railroad. Good sot`, .1. ell watered, Underlaid with coat and limestone. Rouse. Barn, uncliard, Ac.. Ac. e•ms ea•y. Apply to CROFTS PHILLIPS, No. lati.Fourth avenue. VOR SA LE-MANUFACTUR. 12' MG SITE, fronting on ihe West Peons. R. R , and tee Allegheny giver, In gighth ward, Allegheny, °by, Dormerle Duquesne Borough.) Lot is L 4 feet on river, 104 on Railroad by 335 feet deep, splendid locattai for any kind of a manufactory. Termsea,y. Apply ioCRDFT PHILLIP:. Beat Estate Agents, 1) o.l39Pourth avenue. - • • FOR SAL E.—LEASE.—THE prectlerk lately occaphd by the Rnreka Paint and Color-Works, masted .on .he corner of Morgan s reet and the Railroad, In the 4;u ward. Allegheny, consisting of a three story Bri. k /10x80 reet, containing Engine and Boiler coniplete, together with Rhafting. Alt" a large shed suitable for storage, and a two story Dwelling, 'For curios, particulars apply .to I. U. PENNOuK, No. 19 heventh (late Ir win) street, Pittsburgh. Pa. auM:n36 3. 3+ s BAR A LARGE AND CO A; eis 3r L. ix ~ _ .. . `" h:..11 . 44. 4:192 1,.;,.; ..,),.. LOST. TO LET. 59 MA RKE ARE NOW . SE&SONABLE AND 'ARE AT WHOLESAL 1 • G 9 MARKE FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Two three story pressed brick front houses on Comte as', nos, store rooms and dwellings, $l3, 000. tiood 5 roomed brut house and large lot, r„500. Two three stors room e douses on Ful ton street,lo3,ooo. Two S pressed brick houses on B'skpatrick street• Rood 6 roomed brick house on centre avenre. New 0 roomed frame house and sarge lot, near the Central Pa. and within two minutes* walk of street cars, with good buildings and, all conveniences, only $4,000. Framelsouse, 5 rooms, lot 24x. 100, $1,500. Framelouse of 3 rooms, lot 94x. 300, 81.7100. , S lots on Centre avenue 0300 to 4800. 4 lOta on Mahon street. 24x132, $5OO. 1 lot on Reed street, 915x129 feet, $5OO. Plots of ground on Mt. Washington, in sits to suit. tgo acres on Western Pa. Railroad. 3 miles from the city. 90 acres on Panliand le Railroad 44 miles frnto the oily. alas acres of Missouri Land. Perm:suet:leering to purr,haSes /mine or make an inves ment, and those wishing to sell, please call on or address-McCLUNG & RAINBOW. auil Nos. 195. 197 and 199 CentreAvenne. FOR SALE. • . A MUSE EIGHT TEARS TO RUN of a lot of ground fronting 138 feet on Strawberry Lane. running back A5Ol feet immediately in rear of Pittsburgh, ape bens , ' and Manchester. Passen g• t h eaiway Co's stable. and on the line or the of CleTe and and 'Pittsburgh Esuir , ad Com. pang, solace= to the Ohio river on which is erected T WO GOOD L 11AMETEN aliT ROUSES of. three rooms .each.. with good stabling and out nooses complete. This property Is well adapted for lumber or coke business, there being already erectee thereon elaht' coke ovens with all the necessary appliances for carrying on that business. A, for rent or lease, a comf , rtable FRAME ITVITSE of three rooms. In a good location within Bore minutes walk of Wood.. Wm Station. P., Ft. W. do C.lf. 8.. to which thera is attached about hall an acre of ground. Tots property will be rented low for a term of years to . a good tenant. Inquire of • ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Lumber Yard co-ner Preble and JUniata streets, or N0..157 Rebecca street, opposite the nal Works, Allegheny City. y29im77 F ° SALE. flood 6 roomed brick house on Centre avenue and large lot—sl.soo. Good ti roamed frame house with all improve ments: lot'4lB by 110—54,000. Frame house. 2 looms; lot 24. byloo-91.000. Two wel finished press brick houses and large lof —only 96,000. Two° roomed houses on Fulton street-01.500 each. tine lot 34 by 199 feet on Reed street - 000. Plot of siround on Mt. Washington. 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 Miles from the city. 30 acres on Western ,Pa. Railroad, 4 miles from the city. 225 'errs good improved land in Ilissourt. Will be divided to suit purchasers. 20 lots on Centre avenue-9300 to $1,500 each. Inquire of ' MCCLUNG & RAINBOW. Real Estate and Insurance Agents, jylo Nos. 195, 191 and 199 Centre avenue. FOR SALE* _ _ _ VIVF. LOTS near Breed's Grove, within five minutes walk of Pleasant Valley Pa. enger Rail way. Lots are each 20 by 150 feet. running through from Gallagher to Ann streete,on which there Is over 400 grape vines, besides pea r,3 pple, peach, mum, and cherry , trees. w leo. a variety of amih fruits. Price *3.500; 62,000 cash. balance in one and two years. Also one acre of ground In Bellevue borough, about haita mile from Jack's hun r tation. Ft. W. & C. E. It . on which there Is about 30 or 40 fruit trees. The place is well watered and fenced. and In a good neighborhood: Price, *1.050. , Other llOusels and Lots in good Izcalities. In quire of M. WHITMORE. Real Estate and Insurance Agent, corner Ohl* and Sandusky streets, Allegheny. snit. FOR SALE. SECOND AVENUE.—Two houses. 3 stories. 9 rooms. with all modern Improvements Will sell f0r"15,300 and 80.500 each. Easy terms. CQUIHREL HILL.-4 acres of ground, with splendid view over the Monongahela Valley; Adapted for private resinence or to be laid on t in Multaing Lots. At a bargain. THREE MlLtiB ?Hord SHARP/M:lRn. -so acres of best garden land, with 500 of the choicest fruit tree, In lust-bearing nonunion. Convenient to flour and saw mill. Fur parfica lars enquire at SI Grant Street. antiTUSTIN & KLEE. FOR SALE.—THE sunsutu- BEA wi tdoeto retire to the country. wishes toPell the Stock. vixtures anti Gotd Will or his business, and will lean the warehouse for one or more years. The business has been estab lished some thirty years. tome eighteen years of which the present proprietor has been its head. The.rade is Wholesale and Retail, hfercautile and 3danufacturing, and will par on an average 50 percent. profit. From $19,000 to 6104000 will be required. time for part of which may be given. Can be increased indefinitely, with but Bute more capitat. Aderress, with real name. Box C. GAZETTE OFFICE. Pittsburgh. Pa. "HOBOKEN". STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. This beautiful situation cannot be surpassed for private residences in any direction, lo eines to both cities, being only eight miles np the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de siring information about this nronertv can obtain It by calling at the office of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 75 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots Prom, one-hall care to Ave acres: alio. small lots to suit pur chasers. There Is a good location for a mannfae taring establishment, between the Railroad and Allegheny river. anl9:nal PERSONAL.—AII persons seek /NG HOMES, or Investments in Real Eiv tate, will save_ time, trouble and money byupro curing a cony of the' "PITTdBURGII ;REAL ESTATE. REGISTER." lila givenawayartam or will be tent by mail FUZE to any requesting It. Persons cannot mil to get suited out of the large list It contains. CRuFT IL PHILLIPS. Pun- Ushers and Real Estate Agents, No, 139 Fourth avenue. - FOR BALE-CITY BESIDENCE On Colwell Weft, one square from street cars. . The House has . ten rooms, hatt,..atod cellars. premed brick front, gas and water throughout, bath room, range In kitchen. and In a pleasant uelghborneod. Price ottur #l.OOOl, pn easy terms. Apply to CROFT a , Ylittalara. Real Estate Agents. No. 139 Yourth manner. ALE OFVALUABLE, PROP• ERTY of 60 ACRES in South Buffalo Town ship, Armstrong it county, Pa. c _en Buffalo Creek. rt adjoining the Freepoee. ;Flouring Mill, Saw Hui. and best Watcr Power in the State. Frame liwel ins House of 6 rooms and cellar, hand somely situated on the w. P. R. H., now build iug from Freeport to Erie. Will he sobrat pub lic Sale on THURSDAY, August 26,186L' .For further particulars add ...Bs. auto JOSEPH B. SFAS, Freeport. CANDWAT.EL INDEPENDENT TEMPER.. ANCE cArantota.E. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. an5:012- EEC& C T STREET; RECEIVING MPLETE STOCK r i 1 DRY GOODS, SELLING caw 3Prileei3. E AND RETAIL. "ItiriAM 11.; - cal fa 411, ; • T STREET. 11:4 04 MI
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