N II ittitiugt Gait. to THE FIRST CRICCET. DT W. D. liatiLLEl. All met is It then true tbat the year has *axed nolo waning, ' And that so soon must remelt:knotting but lapse .... laud decay,— Urlint cricket that out of the midsummer mid night complaining All the fain bummer in me takes t with subtle dismay ? . . . Though tato titingest rip -dream of fret to the novels bat slumber. lb ugh no tree for its leaves. domed of thy voice. maketh moan; With the unwise:owl earth's boded evil my soul thou dolt cumber, And in the year's last T.utb makest me still loan my own. Answerest thou, that when nights of Decembecr, are blacked and bleakest, — And wbe sue fervid grate feigns me a Play in my r m, And by Dearthatune gay, as now sad in thy rd , thou cr.akest,— hou gal w n t again give me all,—dew and fra.l grin and bloom? Nay, Mil poet: flamany a cricket I have that 'awn ing, If I but take-him down out of his plane on my shelf, " Me blither lays to sing than the blithest known to hy shrti.ing, Tull of Ine rapture, of life, May. morn, hope, and—himself: 1 Leavitt i g me only the ladder; for never one of my singers Lures bac t the ,bee to his feast., calls back the bird to his , tree. Bast thou no art can make me believe, while the tidmmer yet lingers, BLUM' than bloom that his been red leaf and sere that must be ? 2 41crittic, September. EPHEMERIS. —Patti is singing 'in Germany. —The Chicago water supply is short. —Marfori is about to become a monk. —Mr. Asa Packer is at Long Branch. --Another Britt,* peer has set up as , a forger. —A line of horse cars is to run to Mam moth Cave. —The Crown Prince of Italy is said to owe ten millions. —Dragon's Teeth is the.pmte Qf Spiel hagen's new novel. ' —lt is fleas that bother the TiCoon in his imperial palace. —"Awful" Gardner is said now to bea policeman in New —Watermelons in California' will keep, ayear, as potatoes do here. —Offenbach's operas are out of vogue in Paris, and don't draw at all. —Five Americans grace the Prenea penitentiaries with their presence. —The Seminole Indians remaining in Florida complain of ill treatment. Blacque 'Bey is said to be the best whist player at White Sulphur. —SoMe of the Presbyterian pulpits of California are filled by "lady-pastors." —San Francisco is\ getting so thorough ly metropolitanized to need a morgue. —Paducah thinks of having a cotton fair some time during the coming autumn. —Alphonse Karr timid to have chal lenged Alexandre D as, Sr., to fight a duet --Numerous ladies of the Sorosis have gone down to Longißranc*from New York. —A town on the U. P. Ro t R. is to be mimed in honor of Madame Scheller, the actress. —darabaldl was only offered two thou sand dollars for the French copyright of his novel.' —King William of Prussia; is said to be almost constantly under the influence of morphine. —There is some prospect of the speedy resumption of work by the New Jersey glass: orks. —The N. 0. Time, ton is no longer kin was worsted." —An exchange th room doors should out for the train." --Cincinruiti hastwenty fatal cases of sunstroke this se wn, twelve of which occurred last week. —Mr. Peabody has given $140,000 to promote science and useful knowledge in Essex county, Mass. —The New York Times thinks th street cars of that city are unusually full of vermin this year. ' ' —A. cane has been msde from the wood of Barbara Frietchie's,house, and it is to be given to.. Mr. Whittier. —lt ii worthy of remark that two Chi men should have been in - business so many years without breaking. —Mrs. H. B. Stowe's Byron article is generally characterized, by the press, as . slanderous, useless and unpardonable. —The Pope is said to be suffering severly from a very bad case of im pecuniosity, which gradualy worse. —The Erie Academy of Music was to have been inaugurated last) night by a troupe from Crosby's Opera House, Chi cago. - -St. Louis has 8,000 opium eaters—a nice population - to ask to be blessed with the presence of the national statesmen and coffichils. ' ..- 1 —An exchange has discovered that the very men whcitook drinks last New Years ' to keep_them ,warm, Ulm them now to keep.them co ol . • . • 1 —The Danish, people call the Crown i PrinOesi of Denmark, whniathiiPrincess Louisa of Sweden, "the futdee Empress of Scandinavia.' —Anton Rubenstein,. said to be the greatest living pianist; and the superior of Liszt, is coming to thln,','cooutry in the autumn or winter. - —Mr. Atitrobtis, ti wealthy young Eng. lishman, formerly an attache of the Brit. isti Legation at Washington, is reported to have taken holy orders at Rome. —One by one respectable journals are beginning publicly to deprecate Alia rib ' lication of such matter as is contained in i some of Miss Olive Logan's recent letters. i Ithaca, N. Y., is within ten miles of t= 1 • morethan one hundred and fifty water -Ifalls, some of which are • more than 100 11 feet high. This mast refer, we think, to • • , 1 cascades of real water and not to chig nons. —& : French philosopher tells ns it ought to be a happy thong* . for two lovers in New Jersey that their blood may be commingled in the same mosquito• —ln some parts of Minnesota,. especi ally in the St. Croix valley, the have be come very troublesome, carrying off cattle and showing willingness to fight. —Since the prohibitory law has been enforeed in Massachusetts, a great many people have gone down to Rye Bhch. There may, after all, be somethingin a name —The Second Disirict of Indiania, estimates the amount of wheat raised there for export,at about 1,000,000 bushels. This amount is the excess over the home demand, --:-Referring to the recent rumor of a change in the Cabinet, the Boston Post thinks it a new Presidential humor— making a War Secretary out of a Pacific engineer. —Mrs. Julia W. Goodrich, daughter of Noah Webster, LL.D., and widow of Professor Chauncey A. Goodrich, died suddenly in New Havep; Connecticut, last Thursday. —Last October a valuable diamond pin was lost on Siperior street, Cleveland, ann it was recently found in the dirt heap, where the Superior street scrapings had been thrown., —A paper suggests that a possible rea. son for Asa Packer's unpopularity throughout the Lehigh region may be found in the proverb, "No man is a hero to his own valley." —Rumor says Charlotte Thompson has just married her agent. This must be one of Madame Charlotte's favorite amusements, for we remember she did the same thing six or eight years ago. —The French Academy of Science has elected Dr. David Livingstone, the Afri can traveler, its correspondent to fill the vacancy in the section of Geography and Navigation, caused by the death of A. D. Bache, of Philadelphia. —ln Massachusetts the roads are so bad that an elephant, which slipped into mud hole recently, was unable to get out, and derricks had to be erected and hoist ing tackle used to rescue the ante-deluvi an monster from his moist grave. —There were six births on the same day in a house in Barron county, Geor gia, last week. A lady had twins, and two of her daughters each had twine. The six were all boys. This story is told by a Georgia paper as a sequel to the eclipse. —The parents of a Hebrew maiden of the Rhine having withheld their . per mission to her marrying a young Chris tian, she drowned herself and the lover blew his brains out. This tragedy occurred near Cuba, a picturesque locality well known to tourists. —The City of Paris brought Prince Arthur to Halifax in six days and eleven hours and a half, being by seven hours and a halt the quickest time on record. The Prince did not t esume any of the privileges of royalty, but traveled as any other first class passenger. —Some people seem to think that Brig ham's day has gone by. Brigham (Young) is the apostle of the polygamous Mormons, and Smith is a son of the prophet. A war of words and doctrines has already sprung up in Utah, and know ing as we do-the unbridled state of Brig. ham's passions, we shall not at any mo ment be surprised at the news of violence and blood. —The Haymakers, of Troy, N. Y., and the Red Stockings, of Cincinnati, are to play a game of base ball on Thursday next in Cincinnati. The Commercial of that city says: "The Red Stockings, from present indications,: will have to fight hard to save themselves . from - defea,:." It seems that several of the 'Haymakers were recently Red Stockings, and some of the Red fitockings were once Hay makers. laments . that "co 1 . —in the late war nks that over all ball be inscribed "Look PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: aWEDNESDAY, -AUGUST 25, 1869, Physical Training. Dr: Nathan Afien, writing on Physical Culture in Amherst College, exhibits very favorable results from gymnastic ex ercises. He points out a decided im provement in the very countenance and general physique of students. This change is so marked as to attract the at tention of casual observers. There has been a marked and beneficial change in the physical movements and carriage of students generally. The practice of gym =sties in concert is calculated to beget personal sympathy, cheerfulness and buoyancy of spirits. Methodical exercise. and a better knowledge of natural laws, have proved excellent correctives to vari ous improper habits of student life, such as bodily indolence, irregular or exces• sive hours of study, want of attention to diet, sleep, &c. There has been a' great improvement in the health of stndente compared with what it was ten or fifteen years ago. It is shown from a carefully kept'register that the 8111101:112t of xickness in college has diminisned more than a third in . eight years. Leading to the same conclusion is the fact of the dimin ished sickness of every etas each year from the date of entering college—there being three times as much sickness in the /freshman class as in the Senior cldis. 'A “BoT OF THE PERIOD," five years W old, in olcott, Ct., recently made up his mind to earn something, and offered his services to'a farmer. , The latter pnt him to work raking hay, at whichA occu pation he continued all day, going home to his surprised parents in the evening with, a silver dollar in his pocket. Tom, the peripatetic negro 15lanist, seems to - have at last got a rival in the going-it-blind.plancrpoundllig • business. A. blind boy of Omaha, only ten years of age, has been discovered who plays upon that and' ther instrunients,*ith surpris ing proficiency, and luts a wonder ally pure and strong voice. SHODDY ABISTOMACY. (Prom the Long Branch Letter to Boston Puat.l The Branch is cosmopolitan, -dashing, by no means select, glyenvpto thiiwor ship of glitter and sho*, and s ufficiently , ffi expensive to satisfy the_ Most Aspiring money spenders. On the doorposts of the principal hotel entrances you will see posted notices'of large rewards for valu ables lost from private rooms, !'no ques tions asked;" and from the class of adven turers to whom that appeals, upward, in cluding the flashy clerk, on a vacation with paste studs in his tuinfiled shirt front, and the pawnbroker and family in bor rowed diamonds from the shop safe, there is no caste in the bogus aristocracy of wealth which is not fully. represented here. The most . dashing turnouts that show themselves in the afternoon cavalcade up and down Ocean avenue are simply advertisements, openly acknowledged as such by their owners. The monogram on the panel of one open barouche, 'esplendent in silk lining, good fixtures and undim med varnish, is the same which we have seen heading-a column advertisement in the newspapers. One four-in-hand adver tises drugs; another, splendid grays, with unexceptionable appointments, tells the assembled world that its owner thinks he makes the best harnesses in the market and would like that fact to be understood. Bargain and sale are brought terribly close to recreation and amusement, get 'as far away from.them as we can, and here they are forced upon a community equally greedy of business. The hotel parlors are no less show-cases, where beauty - sits ticketed for the admiration of money, and anxious saleswomen urge the merits of their wares with all the subtile tricks of the trade.) Few of the ladies bathe. It is not in, the way of business. A languid stroll along the edge of the ever-pounding surf quite unnerves them, and tney must seek relief in the more arduous, less re freshing, but more familiar duties of playing enchantress to something in pan taloons, with tuberose in button hole, in the drawing-room. Bathing dresses are unbecoming, and often too honest in their revelations. The presumptuous sea will sometimes dash the bloom from the cheek, and the soft whiteness from arm and neck. Better for success in this mai tof fashion are the appliances of the toilet than the shroud of blue flannel, and the yellow flame of the gaslights than the bright glory of the sun on the waves. Poor things! The market is dull. They may smile as lightly and chatter such naive nonesense as they please; they may take every hint of experienced mamma, and carry out her shrewd tactics, with the moat fascinating genius; but te yellow. haired Aspasia, from whose pretty basket phaeton they turn away their very proper eyes when they pass heron the Avenue, can count thirty conquests to their one and can win away %ny admirer with one beck of her jewelled fore finger. Maternal shoddy in dia monds is 'all elegance and smiles. wary of opening her mouth except for stuffed praises. Filial shoddy in pearls and low corsage is gentleness itself, leaning with effusion upon the shoulder of young Wall street in the waltz. Many is the net of sweet entanglements spread for the youth of strong balance at the bank, and so sel dom does the game condescend to be cap tured that one's pity is all for the sports. women. If they will make such vast exertions to secure such specimens of fashionable manhoM as frequent the Branch, it is truly sad that better success attends their efforts. Meantime the wear and worry of the season, evidences of which are seen each succeeding morning in dimmed eyes and half-concealed yawns as the monotonous day drags on, will be felt, and next year and the year after will see them more poorly (quipped for the summer's campaign, until they join the forlorn hopes which lead each ball, clad in fictitious youthful charms, but still seeking to conquer in diamonds and the elegancies of the modiste's art. Monequa Medicinal Spring. For twenty years past there has ex isted a spring of wonderful medicinal virtue on the line of the Northern Cen- • tral Railway, a little less than two miles north from the borough of Canton, Brad ford county, Pa. A new / railway station has been established there, and tee name of an Indian chief, Monequa, given .to it. Ever since the discovery of the spring It has had little' more than a local reputa tion, though the'cures of rheumatism, erysipelas, scrofula And various diseases of the skin and kidneys its waters have effected are numerous and remarkable. The spring and adjacent grounds have recently been purchased by Peter Herdic, Esq., of Williamsport, and ho has now b uilds r , for occupancy a large hotel building, within a few feet of the railroad station, at which the cars will stop when all is finished. Here invalids can repair and enjoy a quiet home, while partaking of the invigorating waters of Monequa. But the great attraction will be 'the healing properties of the waters, which patrons of the Herdic House, Williams port, will have free use of, ac• well as those stopping at Monequa. Probably no better idea of the curative properties of the water could be given than the follow ing analysis of one gallon of water made by Dr. Gregg, of Elmyra, N. Y.: • Chloride of sodium, 1,0305; chloride of potassium, trace; carbonate of soda, 1,0914; carbonate of lime. 1,7274; carbo. nate of Magnesia, 1,2729; oxide of iron• and alumni. 8,8976: sulphate of lime, 1849; sulphur, 1,8886: organic, matter, 8484; carbonic acid, 1,6973. This spring discharges two hundred gallons of water per hour, which contains' one quarter vol time ,of sulpligtated hydiegen t fifty ELIHI7 Bumumr,, the 'learned black smith, for the last tight years Conan,' at Birmingham, England, lug% establialAdiln that city an agency:,to facilitate the settle; chant in the United States of English farmers, mechanics and-laborers of all occupations, and io assist farmers and farmers' sons who desire to try their tor.; tunes here, to purchase lands in good sit 'uations and' on favorable and hottest terms. also, proposes to supply 'all who desire them competent aid , ttnit., ° - _worthy English servants; guarantees be ing given and received . "that confidatce may be , mutual." ldr. Burritt's' friends state that he has given to bis .agency :a mixture of that humanity and good-will with which his own life has been so highly .fayored, and that be will no doubt make his agency of good service to many on both sides of, the Atlantic. AN exchange says - that a "son of the last Whig President of the United States, and an , ex-Confederate Brigadier General, lives in a dilapidated house in Washing ton, 'in a stateof moral' tind physical degradation, supported by a poor colored woman." FRUIT CAN: TOPS. SELF LABELING. FRUIT-CAN TOP. WRIGHT, PITTSI3LRGH I" A' ' ,•• ;I'l-4 _ - We are heir Prepared "th annpl7Tinnera Ind _Potters. It 1$ perfect, cimple. and a cheap as the plain top, having the names or the variona Fruits stamped upon the cover. radiating from the center. an oa te n Index or pointer stamped npoa the top of the. • It is Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently LABELED. by merely placing the name of the fruit the can contains opposite the jointer and seal ing i the customary mannrr. Ito preserver of fruit or good ou housekeeper will use any other after h once seeing t. m 25 IPES. CHIMNEY TOPS. &c. TATER PIPES, OBIBINSI TOPS A large assortment, HENRY H. COLLINS, apl4l:h3l Avenne.neer Smithfield Bt DRY GOODS, TRI 2,000 PCOU-N OF THAT GOOD COUNTRY YARN, Which we have been selling for several years JUST RECEIVED. FLANNELS, AT LOW PRICES, Full Line of Colors. BUMMER GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. Mlc)c)r) A FULL VARIETY CORSETS, all the best makes PAPER COLLARS o - 17 ALL IrESCItIVTIONS AND A FULL STOCK 07 Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. WHITE GOODS. HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES, TRIMMINGS oNs. MA‘CRUM, GLIDE & CO, 78 & 80 Market Street. an° Oh tri 0 9 r Z 0 lag O 4a W c 3 i t' 0 ti •" m p e (34 g - 11. o age! j gl Z 13t C 4 r i 4 crl H 9114 fa • 9. 0 2 E 4 CM 0 I Ei 4) 0 %, rgi Po 0 r o t E. BAR Pi 0 r=o 6 , Z Z op t 41 a d MAIT SUMER GOODS MACRIIN ',CARLISLE'S No. 27 Fifth , Avenue, Dress Trimmings and Buttons. F.mbroideries and Laces. • Ribbons and Flowers. lists and Bonnets. glove titling and French Corsets. New Styles riranltra Skirts. Parasol..—all the new styles. 1...uu and Bain Umbrellas• • Hosiery—the best English makes. Agents for "Harris' Seamless Rids." Spring and Bummer. nnderwear. _ Sole Agents ,or the Bemis Patent Shape Col lars. "Lockwood's "Irviiig," "West End," "Eitte," act "Dickens," 'Derby," and other styles. Dealers supplied with the above at MANUFACTURERS' PRI • MACRUM & CA NA:). 27 ,FIFT .171. AVENUE ray 4 OARB, McCANDILESS & CO., (Late Wilson, Our 6 Co") WHOLZBALIC DILALISti • . Foreign and Domestic Dry Beads, No. 94 WOOD STREET 1.19r4 doOkabov• DUimoodetidasumi METROIiaNT TAILORS. STIEGEIL., o s te onttor i wilph W. , /I•llPenttelde.) D Epucuitrer vrAriAni.. 'No. 53 Sui it,hsold Street.Plttsburgh gelation VEW zt G Goons. • A. `A splendid neer stook of CLOTHS, 0.1138/MEBES, J. 4 maw by innutv KEYED» selei liferelisnt Tailor. Tillinattlide)d serest. Rag AND PERFUMERY. tT:niN PECK, ORNAMENTAL . HAIR WNIULEII, exn,rzitrumrs: No.' TOW auldtwesr Bmlthleld.tiltUbiugh. Alwnrenan a_general salortotent ot &eh CIIBLji• eigottenients Walk: es= BOALPS t .EIU MUM ao. adr,e. good 171eli la each win be given tot RA. w HAIR. Ladles , end CielttleMOWl Cittll4 Pine tbs nested manasz. • WI al CARPETS AR RET S, Floor Oil Cloths, xv.E..a.rzmir ar Window Shades, AT LOW-PRICES. We offer many of our goods moth below last Spring's prices. 'rbore needing goods In our line can save money by buying at•once. OVARD, ROSE 6: CO, 21 FIFTH AVENUE. 714:d&T NEW CARPETS! eTu.r.Le, IEIOO. We are now openingan assortment unpazalleled In this city of MAST VELVETS BRUSSELS THEE-PLYS, The Very Newest Designs, Of our own rPtent Importation and selectedtrom eastern manufacturers. 'EDIUM. AND LOW PRICED ]Er 4 i - 43 - 11AJEWS , VERY BUPERIOR QUALITY AND COLORS. An Extra Quality of Rag Carpet We are now eelling,many of the above at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 11111,11111 BROS., .To. 51 FIFTH stIFEXUE Jen OLIYERI'CLINTOCK &CO. HAVE JUST I IECETTED A FINE SELECTION OF EitIIJSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS THREE PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. THE MEREST ASSORTMENT OF WHITE,CHECK & FANCY MATTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, IN THE CITY. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OLIVER AT NeCLI:NTOCII & CO'S. 23 FIFTH AVENUE. COAL AND COKE. ( CO A L S ! COAL!!! ILJ DICKSON STEWART &CO EILVIIIIff removed their 011 ice to ?TO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Floor Mill SECOND axe non prepared to furnish g_ ood YOUGHIO. Eamka LU4P, NUT COAL OJISLAOIL, at the towers; morket price. All orders left at their office, or addressed to them through the mail. will be attended to oromotiv. LITHOGRAPHERS. UNJAXLIS Ci. 1113, gENGEHLT CLEIS I Successcirs to Gno. F. 6CHOCHILA2I a CO. PRACTICAL EITAILOGILd.PEIRRIL rho only Bteatn Llthograpnlo Eetaldlittment W of tte Ilionntattut. Business Cards, Letter Rends. Bonds. Label*, Ctrculars, Snow Cards. Diplomas. Portrsits, 'Flaws, Certificates of De; losits, Invitation CsrYs, Le.. BM. IS and Id etrPect. Plttabureb. pooCl:sywv. cONTINUES TO TREAT ALL private diseases . Syphilis in all its forms, all ur nary diseases and the effects of mercury are completely eradicated; Spermatorrhea or Sena. nal Weakness and Impotency, resulting from self-abuse or other causes, and which produces acme of the following effects, as blowing, bodily weakness, indigestion, consumption, aversion to society, unmanliness, dread of future events, loss of memory, indolence. nocturnal emissions, and finally so prostrating the sexual system as to render marriage unsatisfactory, and therefore imprudent, are permanently cared. Persons at. Meted - With these or any other delicate, intricate or long standing constitutional complaint should give the Doctor a trial; he never .fails. A particular attentiongiven to all Female coin. Plaints, Leticorrhes or Whites, Falling, Inflam mation or Ulceration of the Womb, Cystitis, 1 Prurias, Amenorrhoea. Menorrhaitia , „ Dysmen norrhoes, and bterility or Barrenness, are treat ed with the greatest success. It is self.evident that a physician who confines himself exclusively to the study of a certain class of diseases and treats thousands of cases even, year must acquire greater skill in that specialti than one In general practice. The Doctor publishes a medical pamphlet of UV pages that gives a lull exposition of venereal and private diseases, that can be had free steals* or by mall for two stamps, in sealed envelopes. Every sentence contains instruction to the af.. Stinted, and enabling them to determine the pre. cise nature of their complaints. , T • The establishment, comprising' ten Staple' rooms. is central. When it is not convenient to visit the ci t ty, the Doctor's .opinion can be ob.' Wille b d v ic i ses :an be I t f t o e n s o t r a o tx T .i r of th or vice Prete. In some instances. however. a personal: examination is absolutely neceSsary, while in others datlypenional attention is reqtlredi and' for the accommodation i I such Patients them are: apartments connected with the office that are pro. Tided with every , requisite that 111' calculated to promote itillOTCl7. including; Medicated vapor baths. All prriptions , are prepared in , the Doctor's own laboratory, ender, his, personal sir pervision. Medical pamphlets f at 'fkte., of by mall for two stamps. ' , NO ,matter who have failed, read what he says. Mours,94:3C. to 8 I'.! Sundays 19 M. Court Houmaen,_l4o. 9 1.11 UPBEAT. (near Pittsburgh. Po MiC15.A33..6...1LJES PURIFIES THE 13140% YOB SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHICIta. : 011017 Erzta ERSON L&BROTIIERSI • ea , . Libertt_etreet. Millen In Dra 4 ll ' Ant. au4 Patatit lupdialuaa. • brat ittirAPLE''STIGALII.--10 barrels Ira. on •onetgnment •t WATT. LANKA cu's, 11S matt 114 wood street rIIERIEDIT-100 bble Lonisyille 163 alutiliaja Come" ' 'aritleaviraza) EDUCATXONAU NEWELL INSTITUTE. 255 and 267 Penn Street, Will re-Open on MONDAY. SEPT. STH. 'terms $4O per session of live months. No extra charges. e'c.ot for French and laff• sic. Apoßrants to be able to re -a easily. THE BOYS' eteliCi IL BOOMS, la 4.0. 26T, have been recently enlarged and ver- much im proved. The course of study qualillia lnc en trance into s ny , College. Tborouah teaching is n In those studies relatlng to bus'ness. such as SPELLING. PIENNIANsHIP., Anal"- METIC. 4 OslPOSriiuN. &c. German Classes daily. The chsractt rof the school Is a. guarkr tee for honest, vigorous teaching. The Tesienera are Messrs 1 4 :EWELL. ma...KUM, BURCH FIELD. SLPANE, od MOLGAN. The School Rooms for the YuUNG LADIES are In No. 255 Penn Street. The Roma are spacious and elegant. The Principal, Mr. N EWELL, will ne twisted by Miss tiPIiNOES. _Mica E. M. LIGGETT. late of Vassar College, and Miss KINS, already known in the com munity gs an able teacher The two D,part me.nts, Junior an Senior, embrace the usual course nurimed In such institutions. HE MUSICAL.PA itiMENT will be under , 1 the care of Prof. DP. HAM and Miss STEBEINS. Prof DE ;Mt charges are $25 per quarter. and 11 l.s sTERBINS, alb ver quarter. oth are known as strictly virsr-cLxss I eachers of Music. The LADIES* SCERJOL - now offers every advantage which can .oe secured by faithful teaching and moot desirable surrountialv• The Principal mast be seen gaily at 255 Penn street, from 9 to 12 o'clock. 14114:Wrai. FEMALE EDUCATION. • NB. AND MBA. N, TWINING'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, No. 1014 Mt. Vernon St.,Thiladelphia, The object of this Echool is to impart a practi cal and useful education. For this purpose.the rooms are fitted up with every necessary comfort and convenience for twenty schoLars only. The Mat efficient teachers of French, German and Drawing e.ingsged. An amp IO supply of Philosophical and Chemi cal apparatus is provided for the illustration of natural science. A pamphltt Prospectus of the lichool will be furnished on at piicatiun by utter orotherwide. sold-dal? it. XAVIER'S ACABEDIV, Under the Care of the Biskra of Nerey, WESTMORELAND CO., PA. This Institution is situated'near the Pennsyl vania Central Usiirwad, In a most beautiful and healthy part of Westmoreland county, about thr.e mites from Latrobe. The Fehot astir ye arts divided Into two sessions, commencing the Monday afttr we 15411 of Au. gu t. Board and tuition per. session, (payable In advance) $95 00 Bed and beddl, g per session n 00 Sta•ioneiv " • • 2ob Doctor's fees •• " Sir 00 Tbe Modern Languages. Music. Drawing, &c,, form extra charges. All communications should be d vect - d to the Directress of ht. Xavier's Academy, et. VIII. Cent's r. 0.. Wes , morel and county. a. N. B.—A carriage is In attendance at Beaty's Station: every Wednesday, • o meet the morning accommodation train from Pitts bomb. • rtudms . ommence August 231. Prospecttbes can be had on application to the Directress of the Academy,. antint Miss M. MARKHAM, (Late Associate Principal of Irving Institute, • WILL OPEN A SCHOOL FOR Young Ladies and Misses, MONDAY, September 6,1869. At the rooms lately occupied by the Curry Insti tute, No 5:1 and 51 Sixth street (late St. Clair). ,Clrculars will be issued in a few days, or any information may be obi ained of Miss Illartham, at 3191 PENN ST., Pittsburgh., aalB.nt2 irEns, SCIENTIFIC AND CI4SSICAL INSTITUTE, At West Chester, Pa. The ScholastlcFear of 10 months begins WED liFor catalotbD.a.i. Sgueept m , aepplrybe lito st next. WM. F. VYEEO. I , A. N., att7:nl7 PRINCIPAL AND PROPRIETOR PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, At CHESTER, DELAWARE Co., Pa. (For Boarders 'only.) The eighto annual session commences huredey, eptrmber 2nd. Ti e iv , 1 !dings are new and very complete in all their appointments. Very thorough instruction In • lengli , h, ancient and modern langnsges. Two graduates of the United Mated Dthitary Academy devote their time excoisively to the departments of Mathematics ant engineering. Careful at- . tention Is _given to the moist and rellizlons cut • tare of cadets Circulate may be obtained of C. \ H. PAU LSO ' S, Ee.q., Mo. 40 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, or of . COL. THEODORE HOTATT, President of P. H. Academy, Chester, Pa. Au 3 mi. 6. you %G tknizs , SCHOOL, No. 29 NINTH STREET, late Hand, Will open WP DNE.SDA-T, Sept Ist. The School has elegant and commodious rooms. a full ctirpe of ab,e arid competent teachers, and every facility f.r tnoreugb education. besides the usu•l advantaves of Marv, Charts theilo sochical A pparatus, pupits will have benefit of a large and valuable Cabin- tof Natural Ills tory. Applies:loco for adculision may oe made p rsonally or by letter to tile principal, at No. 37 gIIPTEI AV.Ii.NUE. • NEV. S. 11. GLENN, A. IS., GM IRVING INSTITUTE. A Select School fOr YOU S 0 LADIES, le os. 10, IA and 14 Sixth street. This School Is provided with first,class accom modations, strict y select, and c^mbines all the advantages afforded by the best Female Semina ries Fall Term ecmmenceson 11INDAY, Septem ber 6th. Number of tudents limited. _ Circu era at the Book Stores, or &Oro. 31 Lin coln Avenue, Allegheny City, the residence of tee reinelpal. wbo, on and afttr Wednesday. September Ist. can be seen at the Booms Of the institute, from 0 to 12 A. it. VMS. E. A. MTH, Pun% CIPAL. sn9:n22•MTII §TEII BEN ILLE (04 FEMALE ' SEMlNARY.—belightfuity situated on the anks of Oblo. Forty years Inauccessful opera-. Hon. Unusual advantages - in solid' and orna mental. bratichcs. . iiehooi Year of Forty Weeks hegips September 7 1809. Entire expense about $S 00 a week. Twenty-Ave per cent. de duction for daughter , of ministers. 'Pend for Catalogue to REV. CHARLES C. B*A.TTY, D 'D.. ettPertatendent. Or JUN.A. AU HE'D. auSeritsTrdt FLOUR. FE*IIL MILL FLOUIL —We are now receiving _very chidce Southern N heat and maid., our tiour entirelp from PEARL TERSE eTAIt RE ES BRAND, CHOICE PASTiIT AND FANCY FLOUR, made • from selected Waite Winter ,Whest. , _PEARL TWO tvr Alt BLUE BRAND, the best family flour in the n•arket. made Vora ebolce Wh to and Amber Wheat. -_ - PEARL ON It 13 rd RED BRAND, made from Choice Red Wheat, high ground and orves v.ry good satitfactiou. As At' CHEAP Pi.OUR it rakes the lead Of any In the market.. Our cleaning machinery la• not ; -Surpassed try any In the rountro. _ afee that ail sacks are seated and labeled with date of mann &entre. - R. T. KRIIIREDY & BRO.. Pearl Oteant Mill. Allegheny. August 9, 1809. - - • • ante FLOURI FLOURS FLOUR! MINNESOTA RAKERS FLOURS. 480 t•bis. Legal Tender. 311 !Hits Ha Ha. 367 - mg. Ermine,llo bbl . Summit 3111 is 310 Wit Winona Co..oeobble Red Inver: 133 tails May Day. .• • • CHOICE WISCt4NOI N pLotrus. 660 bbi. Riverside. VlMid* White Star, 000 btds various brands SprlnsWheatlilouv. WIN raa WHEAT FAMILY vLOI7B. • , - City Mill or NDDringtleld. Ohto, Pride. of tlui West, DeporMills; Hamilton -A,-Puraion , Mills; Ithigleader and Drown, choice St. Louis. nor sale lower than can be brought from the West. WAFT, 11',A.NG & a 7 and 17* Wood Met. ME PHIIiCIPAL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers