PITTSBURGH DIARK.ETS. OFFICE OP Pirrsßunon GAZETTE, MoNneyi.Atignst, 23 1869. The general markets are moderately active with a fair volume of business in the aggregate, and trade generally, is better than it was-last month. Grain of all kinds, but particularly wheat and oats, is weak, unsettled and. drooping, and the impression is gaining strength that prices . must ?go lower. Wheat is commencing to moye,pretty freely and , the crop in nearly all - .quarters having turned out better than was expected ithirty days since, it is now ,demonstrat cl beyond ailonbt that the , yield is a all avera,ge,and in this section of ouontry it is reported larger than it has been for many: years. ,Meat is now the highest priced commodity in our mar ket, but indications are that it, too, must depreciate in value, particularly fresh meats, as they are much higher, rela tively. than anything else people have to buy. - APPLES-In . good supply and dull but unchanged, 1.,50@3 per bbl. BERRIES—S.Oes of Blackberries at 90 cts. per pail—pails returned: BUTTER—Is selling at 20 to 24, for fair to strictly prime. BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. .5 0,50; No. 4.56: No. 3 V), No. 2, plain, .1,50, and market firm. CHEESE—Is quiet and unchanged; Western Reserve 13301.4; Ohio Factory l4X015; Ohio Goshen 15% and York Goshen 16%. ' CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment is quoted at ! , 2.,25 per bol. CARBON OlL—Still quoted at 27@28 for round lots, and 29@30 in a small way. EGGS—pemand more active, and= prices stronger—sales at 15@16. FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at RORSS cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots.in• store. 'FLOUR—There is nothing new or itn portant ,worthy of special notice. The demand - is.coullned enterely to supply ing immediate wants, and prices remain uuchanged,s7,oo@7,so for Winters, and the same quotations will apply to Springs. • GRAIN—The Wheat market, to use a cpmrnon phrase, is a little sick, and the mills are asking for a reduction of 5 cents per bushel; we now quote good to prime Red at 61,35(4)1,40. vats dull but unchanged; sales of new to arrive, at 45; on spot at 47@48 and in store at 50@52. Corn is dull and unchanged; we continue to quote at $1,00@1,05. Rye, $1,15©1,20, and Barley, $1,25@1,30. H 1( }I Somewhat excited and higher, being quoted, in a regular way, at $1,25. HAY—Is selling from country wagons at sl4©lB, as to quality. , HEMP—Very dull; $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 2%@3 eta per pound. LlME—White Lime is quoted atsl,so, and Cleveland at $2,50, per bbl. . LARD OIL—F. Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. 1, at 1,40©1,43, and No. 2, at $1.05. POULTRY—SaIes of spring chick ens. at 50.@55 per pair. PROVISIONS—Firm but unchanged. Shoulders, 15%@16; Ribbed and Clear Sides, 18%©193;; Cincinnati Sugar _Cared Hams 23% and fancy 24. Lard, 2W in tierces, and 20%@21 in half bbis and kegs. Dried Beef 21%. Mess Pork at $33,75(134." PEACHES—In good supply buto'ttuT changed—sales in store at sl.sU®l;los.Pqk box, as to aualtiy and condition.', POTAOES—SaIes of Jersey Sweets - at $7,00 per bbl. Peach Blows at 75@1126 per bbt. , PEANUTS—Eigher, 14%* cts. " ' PEARS—tLAO®3,OO per bbl. PLUMS--Scaratt., and/higher, .being quoted at 64,00®4,60per bushel. _ SALT,—AllegtecOrißiyer brands are quoted. by the am/.411, 1, at $1,73@80. TALLOW—Renderad. quoted at 10%. PETROLEUM. MAftliET. OFFICE OF PITSREOVE GAZETTE, MONDAY,August. 23, 1869. The oil market. Wall -wally active to-day; the sales being: mutill larger • than usual, while compared with Satnr , day prices have undergone nod essential change. The red ne ket, particular ly for August pellvery,• was thought to be a shade stronger this eveninr, while futures remain unchanged. Crude is weak and offering freely at the decline of last week, but the great proportion of the sales, we understand,. are settle ments or purchases by "shorts" to cov er maturing contracts. Diming the" week ending August 21st, 1868, crude sold at 13 on spot; 13 for lines from Sep tember to December; 13% for Septem ber alone. Eefined, same time,, sold at 31.3®313.‘ for Augnst; 32% for Novem ber, and there was a line sold of 2,500 each, August to Decembir at• 33%. Thus it will be seen that refined was then, on an average, higheithan it is now, while crude was a cent to a cent and a half lower. The New • York Shipping List considered excellent authority. re ports the exports from the United States from January lst to August 14. 1869, at 59,769,052 gallons against 59,982,201 gal lons same time last year. ' , . CRUDE. - The reported sales of Crude were unu sually large to-day aggregating 9,700 bbls, but notwithstanding the _market • was more active, prices rema t tbe same as Saturday. Sales 1,1:„. • tember to December at 143{4, ,of 1,000 each for August at 14 • r ; of I,ooo,each seller all ea 1 September at 14%. Weealr •• sale of 700 bbls (48 grail ".` Priday--tit 14%, and t ; y 'Sias offered for 1,000 more of same Itind. - • RESIDED. Sales 500 each September to December , at 32%; 3,5001 n lots for August at 31%; 500 do at 31%; and 2,000 at 315 , and a 500 "call" for Septembei and October, at 30 and a dollar. As already intimated, it was thought that August was a shade firmer this evening UrnauisTxua OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle • 85c Eclipse Machinery -75 c Eclipse Snindb3 -80 c RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. bbls. Pool Bro 240 bbls. Pool dr, Bro 560 " J. J. Vandergrift 480 " J. Munhall..... • 560 " D Bly ‘lc Co 52 i s G. S. Thomas 80 " • Total 1,972 bbla. OIL SHIPMENTS PER WEST PENNA. R R. • Excelsior 011 Mani. Co.. 65 bbls ref. to Waring, King dc. Co., Philadelphia. 13nnlight.011 Co., 100 bbla refined to Waring, King tt. Co., Philadelphia. Told Refined 165 OIL /lIIIPPED ILA KT BY A. V. h.. MODIAIIIIMOt. Koehler .t Co. 460 bbls ref to Waring; King dr. Co.. Philadelphia: 'Forsyth `..lt Bro.. 207 bbla relined to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Total Refined. 667 Ihrmorr, August 28.—There is an int ' proved inquiry in Flour; choice sells at 17.50@8,60. Wheat is more active, with sales of 'No. 1 white at $1,44. regular at $1,80.N0. 1 amber at $480; horn at p,02 Oats dOollar! W 01, ~. , MARKETS BY TELEGRAPM. Nnw Wolk, August 23.-Catton quiet: sales 400 bales at 35c for middling up lands. Flour-receipts 21,186 bbls, more active and a shade firmer on low grades; sales 9,500 bble at $5,75®6,30 for super fine state western; $6,80®7,20 for extra state; 16,35®7,25 for extra western; 57,30 @7,55 for White wheat extra; $6,70®7,35 for R. H. O.; 57@8 for extra St. Louis; $8,50@10,50 for good superior, declining and firm. Rye flour quiet; sales 200 bbls at 54,59@6,60. Corn meal scarce and quiet.. Whisky firmer; sales 280 bbla westen at $1,25@1,26 for free, the latter for iron bound. Wheat-receipts 274,583 bu, 2®30 better and more doing for export; sales 149,000 bn at 51,4901,501 I I for No. 2 spring; 51,65 for prime No. 1 do: e 1.6234 for new red Maryland; e1,56®, 1,65 for winter red amber western; $1,70' for white southern; 8 1 ,70®1,7234 for white Michigan; 51,75 for white Genesee, closing quiet and heavy. Barley and Barley malt nominal. Corn: receipts 60,229 bush.; market dull and prices are 2®303 lower; sales 38,000 bush at 93c.@51,13 for unsound new mixed western: 51,14®1,17 for sound do., closing at $1,14®1.15. Oats: receipts were 41,442 bush.; market dull and prices are I@2c. lower; sales 23,000 bush, at 59® 62eec. for new southern and western. The stock of grain is as follows: wheat 392,580 bush:, corn 159,679 bush., oats 37,- 648 bush., rye 56,100 bush., barley 6,116 bush., malt 117,304 bush., peas 14,810 bush. Rice quiet and firm ,at 8X@935 c. for Carolina. Coffee firm. Sugar firm: sales 259 hhds. Cuba and Porto Rico at 1234®13e5c., and 13 bxs. Havana at 12%c. Molasses quiet and steady. Petroleum quiet at 16eec for crude, and 31eec for re lined. Linseed Oil dull at 97cCee1 in casks. Spirits Turpentine 42@43c. Pork dull and a shade Ipwer, with sales 270 bbls at $33 for new mesa, e 33,75 for I old do. e27,75®28,50 for prime, and 530,50@31,00 for prime mess. Beef steady, with sales 120 bbls at 58,50®9,40 for new plain mess, and $12@17 for new extra mess. Beef Hams quiet, with sales 100 bbls at $25®30. Cut Meats quiet, with sales 180 packages at eles® 15%c for shoulders, and 17@19c for hams. Middles firm, with sales 185 boxes ice cured at 17te(S)17%c. Lard- dull and heavy, with sews 380 tierces at 17 /@ 19Xc. for steam, and 19X®200 for kettle rendered. Butter dull at 16@28c for Ohio. Cheese steady at 11@16%c. Freights to Liverpool firmer, with ship. ments 75,000 bush wheat at Seed per sail, and 10d per steam. Latest-Flour closed more active and firm for shipping grades, and dull - and heavy for all other kinds. Wheat firm, and in fair export demand. Oats dull and heavy at 60et:61c for new western. Corn dull and heavy at - 90c®51,12 for un sound, and 51,13 ®1,15 for mixed western. Pork is dull, heavy and nominal. Beef is quiet and unchanged., Cut meats dull and unchanged. Bacon is in fair request at full prices. Lard dull at 193ec for steam. Eggs dull at 22@23. CHICAGO, August 23. - - Eastern ex change firm, 1 /®l-5 per cent. discount buying, par selling. Flour -quiet, e 5,70 ®7,1234 for spring extras. Wheat quiet; Iso. 1 nominal; No. 2 lie lower, sales at *1.38, closing unchanged; the market tills sites - noon was very dull, t' , 1,15 bid seller August, e 1,25 seller September ler No. 2. ',Corn dull, 2tsc. lower, No. 2 op: eiseff...at . 87c., advanced to , Sec. ' and °mead at 87 ®B7tea ; rejected quiet, 81® 8234 e.; no grade, '70®73c.; =the market thie Afternoon wee very . dull, 86c. for N0..2, seller Arets Oats' moderately active, 34c. 10v.• leo. 2 opened at 45 34 c.. advanced to 46ite 4 itid closed at 451 ®460.; rejected at Walls. Rye moderately active:2@U lower; sales bf No. 2at 93 (e)95c.; rejected at -82e586c., closing at 93 (04c. for No. 2. Barley steady at t,20 for No. if, •caele and e1.,14® 1,15 seller September. ifighsvinss firm at 51,18 bld and $1,20 asked, with light sales at $1,20. Sugar firm, at 1334@14y 4 ,6 for common to prime Cubes. Provisions helte lirme"Mese Pork nominal, at $34, casetentid ePe6 seller January. Lard , 4enlitialeisr 191eg18ee0e Dry Salted op idera nominal at 13%c. Rough Sides 16eec. Short Ribs 16%®17c. Sweet Pickled Hams 18®18eec. Freights mere active but unchanged. Receipts for tbor past twenty-four hours-4,606 bele; flour, 97,695 busk wheat, 194,435 bash corn, 41,824 bush oats, 5,002 bush rye, 3,050 bush barley, 2,084 head hogs. Ship enenta-2,385 bbls flour, 71,763 bush corn, 58;053 bush oats, 729 bush rye, 1,200 bush barley, 4;997 head hogs. ST. LOUIS, August 23.-Tobacco quiet and unchanged. Cotton none in mar. ket. Hemp dull, and s ales .. understood $1,15®1,30. Flour dull, - •and lowest grades easier; superfine sokleat Kee® 5,25; extra at ss,sU®s,62eeecholos double extra at f 666,25; triple extra se 5 6 ,40@ 7,00; family to fancy at 57,50®9,00. Wheat firmer with better demand, and sales of No. 2 red fall at $1,15®420; No. 1 do at e1,25®1.2734; strictly prime to choice red at $1,22(g11,37; No. 1 white at $1,35; prime to fancy at 51,30®1,60. Corn inactive;, whet.) ear in bulk 80c, and choice, whets in sacks 11434®96c. Oats heavy seaslows mixed to white in bulk 42@)450:-134rd in sacks 47®480; black 49®50c; Fit e 5 20 . Barley scarce at $1,16 for ;peel spring. Rye heavy at 90 ®350 fa; prime to choice. Whisky sl,lB® i i p;'43*eries quiet and unchanged; 21% 0: Po forgos fair to choice Rio Coffee; 12%.W4Xe for Louisiana Sugar, and 70 @Oct for Plantation Molasses. Provis ions firm but very dull and business urea% Pork 534,25. Dry Salted Meath; 14 1 / j o for shoulders, 19c for clear rib, and 19%,c for clear rib sides. Sugar Cured Hama 23(3250. Lard; very little defog: choice refined in a small way 200 'for tierce. Receipts: 2,200 Ibis flour, 52.400 bus wheat, 6,700 bus corn, 11,500 oats, 100 bus barley, 1,100 bus rye, - 8,000 head bogs. . CINCINNATI, August 23.-Flour dull at $5.75®16,00. Wheat dull at close, not offered pressing; red! . 51,20®1,25, white 51,30(31;35. Corn steady and active with a demand from distillers at 97®980 for ear or shelled. Oats dull and declining; prime to choice 55(e151k; receipts in creasing. Ryeeteady . sl®l,os. No Barley offering; would bring • Tobacco film and in good demand wittifullisilties; sales 150 hhds ateB,ls - to $22,10. Whisky active and decidedly higher with sales at $l,lB, 1,19 ®1,20, closing at latter rate. Provisions quiet and held firmly with little demand. Mess pork held at 133,50. Bulk meats: 14®1634 for bacon, 15% for shoulders, and 19 for 'clear rib and clear sides, prices asked for both being the same. Sugar cured . hams 23®24. Lard held at 200, but no demand. Butter nearly all coming in bad order at 25®30. Eggs are very dull and can be bought for 130, selected and candled, but hardly any demand. Linseed oil is. dull with only a retail demand at 96(397c. Lard oil` steady -at 51,38®1,42. Petroleum steady at 28(330. Gold 132 buying. Mon ey market unchanged. Exchange steady. BALTIMORE, August 28.—Flour very dull and favors buyers; wasters super fine at 46,245(158,50. Wheat dull; prime white to choice red at 11,40®1,85. Corn firm. Bye at $1,08151,10. Mess pork firm at 144. Bacon quiet, rib sides at 19c%; clear ribs rat INc. Shoulders at 16xc. Rams at 24@25c..Lard firm at 20®21c. Whiskey animated at 1)1,28@ 1 , 28 3 Ciaivaltazin, August 23.—Flour dull and'utiohaaged.. Whoa deolined'2o, but *kW. oloso MIN Anafirjuullut: ~; PITTSBURGH GAZETTE . : 'TUESDAY, and ,the .mogitet,-,,wwi-siomiaak, Corn quiet and - the demand light; held at 151,01 401 1, 0 2 for No. I and 900@51,00 for No. 2. Oats quiet but firm; new held at - 52c on spot and 50c seller September. Rye quiet and `nominal unchanged; held at 441,00@1,15. Barley: no inquiry acd the market nominal. Petroleum quiet; re fined held at 2i@29lic for SapteMber and October; crude dull and lower, held at s6;4oc. MILWAUKEE, August 23.—Flour dull and prices unchanged. Wheat firmer at 01,42 for No. 1, and 51,38% for No. 2. Oata quiet and steady at 610 for No. 2 old in store. Corn steady at 920 for No. 2. Rye dull at 01,00 for No. 1. Barley nom inal. Grain freights quiet and unchang ed. Receipts: 1,000 bbla flour, 11,000 bush wheat, 1,000 bush oats, 300 bush corn. Shipmentic 3,000 bbis flour, 33,- 000 bush wheat. TOLEDO, Aug. 23.—Flour dull. Wheat I@2c., better; No. 1 white Michican 51,45; regular $1,36; No. 2 Wabash $1,40; amber $1,38; No. 1 red $1,39; No. 2 do $1,33; No. 3do $1,24. Corn dull, No. 1 96r., and No. 2 94. Oats dull, nominal and unchanged et 49c. for No. 1; No. 2 470. Receipts— flour 2,000 bbls., wheat 73.700, corn 400 bush. MEMPHIS. August 23.—Cotton; low middlings 32@32%c; receipts 101 bales; exports 236. Corn 85@88c. Oats 60c. Hay *lB@l9. Wheat unchanged. Bran SII. Floor; super $506. ;Veal; kiln dried $4,65. Bacon steady, with side 3 at 19%c, and shoulders 164 c. Live :,tock Slarkets. NEW YORE, Aug. 23.—Cattle slightly improved, with only 2.300 on sale to-day, completing 5,561 for the week. The ef fect of a large number last week Is still apparent. The heavy supply of cheap peaches prevents any marked advance in the market. Many Texans are again on sale, reducing the average quality, and very lew really prime bullocks were in the yards this morning, though sever al droves ranked as good. Illinois, Ken tucky and Texas lead off in numbers. Nearly all the stock on offer was sold but one or two droves not included in the figures above, which are not offering, the owners hoping to do better ,at One Hundredth street on Wednesday. Tae prices varied from 10 to 16c, with an average of 14c. .The Texans brought 11@l30 ; of the Alexander cattle 500 head Illinois steers, 6 3 ,f cwt., sold at 13©15c.; 100 head of Aller,on's Texans, 6;-; cwt., 12c.; 90 head of little, 5;4 cwt., Texans brought $57,50; 160 head good, 7g cwt., Illinois steers sold at 14@150., and one car of dry State cows and little heifers sold at 10e. The West End Yards are to be closed and a new market place opened at Weekawken in New Jersey, opposite Fiftieth street, on Monday next. The Erie road has a track laid to the new yards. Sheep are very depressed; prices are gg3sc. lower, but. they don't sell at this reduction. The total receipts for the week were 31.675 bead, with 7,900 head on Ile to-day and not half going off at the prices. Sheep at 4(46c.' Lambs at 60273-6 c, with few extras a little higher; sales car Ohio sheep, of 77 pounds, were made 4%c, and 2 cars, of 76 pounds, fat, at 5, c; a lot of Indiana, of 100 pounds, at lige; a few Canadas, of 105 pounds, at 6X,c. Limbs: a lot of 50 pounds, Canadas, sold at 6ge. 130 State, of 57 pounds, at 7c; a' few Canadas, of 66 pounds, at 8c; very , matay sheep and lambs are selling at ea, and poor lambs at $l. Hogs aro not active at 12Na; net total, 21,680 head, of which 80 cars arrived to-day. Slabgh. tering Is still carried on at Communipaw under the molitiediujunbtion. CIIICAOO, August 23.—Cattle dull, at $3,60@4,60 for extra Texan' st ee - s and fair cows, 85 10 - 6,1234 for fair to medium, and 36.25(1'1,6,75 for good smooth steers. Hogs fairly Active, at e8,90@9,10 fcir com mon, 89.1.5@9,45 for fair to medium, and $9,50@9,75 for good to choice. PIIILADELPELIA, August 23.—Beef Cat tle dull and declined I‘c: extra steers at 8 . 1 ,4©0c; fair to good 'at 7@Bc: common at 43.5(a,63 c. Sheep dull, with sales 9.500 bead at 4@6c per pound. Hogs in fair demand, with sales 2,200 bead at j'l4@ 14,50 for corn fed. ST. Louts, Augnst 2.3.—Cattle in good supply and a liberal business doing at 2@,5c for prime, and choice nominal at 53,@8yc. tifogs active and still at 73,r(?, 10jic. IBIYORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WATHR CHI- Oscio RAILROAD. August 23.-5 oars metal, Heilman & Hammett; 1 do pig Iron, Nimick & Co; 2 do do, Everson, Preston & Co; I do do, Union Iron Mills; 2 do do. Zug it Co; 1 do do, Rees, Graff & Dull; 2 do do. Pitts Iron & Forge Co; 110 has cheese, N J Braden: 100 'hbls flour, Shomaker & Langenheina; 1 car stone, B D Moore; 20 hf butts tobacco, W L Jones: 20 reams paper, 18 eke dolt) do rags, Godfrey & Clark; 1,60(1 fire erick, 34 bbls clay, Graff, - Bennett & Co; 100 bbls flour, 70 bxs cheese, T C Jenkins; 32 bdls pa per, Hostetter & Smith; 1 car scrap iron, Mullen it Malone; 1 car stone, JL L Knox; 45 old car wheels, Brown & Co; 10 bxa soap, Watt, Lang & Co; 4 bbls pears, Voigt, MahOod & Co; 12 sits rags, Davis, Chambers do Co; 2 cars tire brick, Kier it oC; 6 bbls lub oil, T A English; 4 hfchests tea, Jones it Shaler; 18 eke rags, M Spratt; 25 bxa cheese, Smith Johnston it Co; 15 bxs do,J Lippincott: 70 do do, Arbuokles & o; 25 do do, E H Heazle ton; 26 do do, W M Gormly; 17 sks rags, Pitts Paper Manf Co; 5 hhds tobacco, W D Rinehart; 100 bbls flour, Thomas it Bro; 101 oil bbls Wm Mullen. CraiviimArm AND PITTSBURGH RAU ROAD. August 23.-1 car stone, JL L Knox; 6 cars 1 s ore, McKnight & Co; 2 cars iron ore, Shoenber ger & Blair; 1 car 1 s ore, Bryan dr, Caughey; 1 car lumber, W M Rlgdon dz Co; 80 bxs cheese, 31 bble apples, Brug germ tn &0; 4 pkgs tobacco, E Worm ser & Co; & bbls apples. H Rea Jr;_ 1 Ws bacon, bacon, 2 bbls sugar, 1 do eggs, Head & M; 8 bbls eggs, H Riddle: 100 bbls flour, J Gardner; 200 do do, T O Jenkins; 175 b2s oats, •Mcßane & A; 1 oar oil, D Bly & Co; 42 bbls apples, Volgt M & Co; 32 do do, Day & Co; 9 do do,. D Ledger 49 do do .3 bail peaches, F Schield; 18 bble apples, 5 bxs peaches, W H Graft & Co; 14 bbls apples, Thos McCoy. ALLEGHENY VALLEY HAILILOAD. Att. gust 23.-2 cars stone, Henderson & Co; 1 box dry goods,Arbtithnot &Shannon; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 2 cars stone, Harrison & Bro; 18 pkge marketing, Monongahela 'House; 2 oars lumber, - Kentz St Tempest; 10 sks rags, Christy dt Benham; 1 pkg andse, W Schmertz; 8 cars, limestone,. Shoenberger & Blair; 28 eke wheat, Scott '& Glaal; 22' do oats, Kell & Ritchart; L.fibi eggs, J Voskamp; 1 do do, A Moare; 2do do, H Relsmyer; Ido do, J Soh!. P/TIEBURGIL CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD, August 23.-200 bbls flour, Watt, L.& Co; 100 do do, T C Jenkins; 1 car oats, J W ,Simpson; 6do wrn, D B. Herron; 2 do do, R Beals; 1 do do, R Knox; 142 aka wheat, RT Kennedy; 12 bgs feathers, G Craighead; 50 'tea trims, G Mitchell; 83 do do, Dalzell & Co; 10 bales of wool, S Bradley; 35 bgs peanuts, I Dickey; 4 cars wheat. J Liggett & Co; 4 do rye, Hitchcock Mc- Creary & Co. rIVDRAULIC. .CERIEWL-100 • bills. LoPleyllle.H742lllloloeinent. formate - , J. B BAN'irlw,Lß rimanlarr-'4OO bb} Loobvilie %.1 Jar 11c cktions. tot atm %jump ~_~ r ~' ::-~. The recent showers, as yet, have had" no influence on our rivers, nor is it pro. bable that they will. The metal marks indicate 20 inches,' thotuch there are pro bably 24 or 25 inches at Rowley's chute. The weather continues warm, though the mercury last evening was several degrees below where it was on. Saturday, 91 against 97;4. —Capt. John Noss left for Cincinnati yesterday, by rail, I for the• purpose of buying a boat. He has two in view —The Petrolla has withdrawn from the Parkersburg trade, and will shortly enter the Monongahela River trade. —The new steamer Barranquilla left for New Orleans alinost light, with the hull of anew stern I wheel boat in tow, and which is to be completed at New Or leans. Pilots—Capt.! Jacob Poe and An drew Parr. —The small steer Young Eagle, used as a ferry at C lutobne, Ky., sunk on Friday last rn L as Bend, in twelve feet water, but ehe can be raised. She was overloaded with brick and lumber. •No lives"were lost. —The Davenport Gazette says: The Northern Line Packet Company have sounded for a new channel on the rap ids, and have found it. It is opposite Campbell's Island, and on Sunday , had over four feet of water in it. -The New Albany Commercial says: New Albany is now the head of naviga tion on the lower Ohio. Boats are now allowed to stop at Portland, even though they were able to work over Portland bar. All freights for shipment south by river from Louisville have to be hauled in wagons or towed in barges to this city before they can be placed on steamboats. —Says the Louisville- Courier The monkey on the Indiana has been In bad health for some time, and goes for kil the pills, powders and. potions he can get hold of. His last exploit was to gobble an entire box of compound cathartic. pills, which he houked from the Cap tain's room. As a motive power com pound cathartic pills are a success, and the result may be imagined. —A Memphis dispatch under date of Friday says: The channel of the river is greatly changed, and pilots are unable to find it. Nine feet at Island 34, above here. A Monitor broke her machinery and drifted on the bar at 34, where she lies hard aground. The Republic, past due from above, has not yet arrived. The Sam Hale has arrived. The steamer Dan Able was purchased to day by Capt. McManus for the Vicksburg and Mem phis trade. —We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Gazelle - of Saturday: The United States survey boat Tideonte is lying between Madison and Russell streets, Covington, having arrived hero on Thursday. Parties who have the contract for improving the channel at at Warsaw wanted to purchase the tug boat Kate Ellis, . but finally concluded that'she drew too much water. Work at that point will commence immediately, by building a dam. MISCELLANEOUS. QECURITY AND COMFORT 1 1 / 4 3 , fur the traveling community. 3. B. HARRIS Safely Fite Jacket, Car Heater and For Smoke and Hot Air Flues, dispensing with the use of stoves and tire In o: about the Pa.sen as r or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate th. heat to auy temperature that may be desired without t,e possibility of firing the car or ears 1. , which the .racket may be atta. hed. Having obtlhaed of the Mites' States 'Letters Patent f. , r a Safety •lacket, which Is warranted to resist the mss . intense heat hat may be ap plied to it in Lae position and purpose for which It is Intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by fire. originating from defective flues or where iron plpes ate used as conductors for smoke or heat. It is applicable to ad roping that may become overheated, and Is ivanunt.d to give perfect,sat iq tett= v here wood or other comoustible mate rim may be placed In close proximity thSreto, I as, now ready to apply my invention to stores,' dwellings, factories, ships, steamboats. railroad care. etc. Wherev-r pipes as conduetork are made dangerous by being overheated and secu rity desired, I will se= =application right to manufacture or use the above invention. Also Territorial rights to such as may wish to engage In acting privileges either by State or county. J. 13. HARRIS. 1141.0alce at the "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT WORKs. " corner of Morris street Anil the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, twelfth Ward. Pitts burg.' Pa. jyl6:m36 •-•itii - Nie•_. . 4 : _ .....dii i 't .[ •• - • vil t . . ' `t 11 USer A PERFECTCURE For Dyspepsia, Fever and Age, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases aris;nr from a disordered state of the Stomacn, Liver or Intestines. Preared by SEWARD. BENTLEY' & CII ENEYY Drum/Ista, Buffalo, NY. bold by all Druggist& Wholesslesgents -SCHWARTZ St HAZLIDTT. 2,000 9 000 ACIIEB OF . CHOICE LADIDS FOR:SALES BY THE ' . • Union Pacific Railinad Company; NAISTEEN T 1 1 111131021, Lying along the line of their road. at • . $l,OO TO 85,00 1721.A011, Lad on a CREDIT 07 PIVE YLA.II3. For farther particulars, maps, do., address JOHN P. pirarrraztra, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Emu, Or OROS. B. LAWBOBN.,Seaty. lam Fit. Louts. ldissonri. nib Imo% Ansua ivs Eu xu s. ARSIALL , B ELTXTR WILLCDRiz azmmi. ARBRALL'I ELIXIR WILL Cons DTSPXPIIA. lonsnoutlaExam WILL Om Coons- Nrite o _ ors all' Talx l r, si o pertxte e, _ • p 02,1301 Marten street. nr. M0n 940 4.1.1. in Co..l3saggr=nrilddn‘ • EE la _l9or indo, 91. retottlil . LILLY. ilidolnizin. • and gRIIIM• II ~;">: ~`' = ~,: ME CTGITST 24, 1889. MV,kLM' NEWS. - • MODER.ITOR. TRADE MA - K. DITHIDGE'S WIRE PROW Lamp CHIMNEYS. - COMMISSION MEROHANTS WILLIAM ZOLLER Si CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low Ames, .etrictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Roland» . Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugar& New York, Philadelphia . and Baltimore Re fined do. Golden Dri ps , _ Lovering& Brunjle, Stuart's, Adams and Long' Island hyrnps. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young ilyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. . Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java. Lagnayraand to Coffees. Tobacco. , Lard 011, Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, !Lc., constantly on band. &z.eo. IMPORTERS OP Fine Brandies,Wines and Segars. Rhenish, Moselle. and Sparkling Hock Wines of Hinael & Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Scharstxrg and Johann's burg, Ilockhelmer. Burgundy, Jte. Brandenburg & Freres , Fine Olive Oil. do do Claretsinsoorted in bottles. do do White , _ in bottles. M. Work & Sons , Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sherry, "Madeira and Port 'Wines. z_Free 014 310110DiCSUP14 Rye WhiskieS. pure. do Very Superior Old Scotch do do. ALSO * Sole Agents for Moet & Chandon's Grand Vin. Imperial. Verzenay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted. J ES E TA ITID BY A. & T W. N. GORNLY, WEIDLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Draw= Orr. EAGLZ HOTEL,) PaWriEI33I:TELG-71. PA. Be :y1 W. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to Fetzer & Armstrong, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 25,MARILET STREET. mvis N. BTZELk .d. A. EITZELZ. MSTEELE & SON,. e Commissian Merchant', AND DEALERS rs 1 , 14c0m3,, 4311WN. PEED. /to. NO. 9/ OHIO BYBEE% near Hut Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. PSTEII KIM JAB. r. nicatEr KELL & RITCRAJIT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, _ AND I),LAS.7IEB Ix FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, HILL FEED,' £c., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, M124:b5.7 L e J. BLANCHARD. Wholesale and Retail grocers, No. 346 PENN STREET. 6W9::99 auIIIT'rLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish. Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all F"Ltsburah Manufacturet generally, 112 and 1!.4 za:COND STREET, yittshurga. JOSH I. ROUSE—Eon. EMUSE....Wat. U. ROUSE. TORN I. HOUSE &BROS., Soo. CeralOr9 to JOAN I. MOUSE & CO., Whole. sap Grocers and Commission Merchants, Cot. asr nt Smithfield and WaterBtreets. Pittsburgh.- JOHN SHIPTON.... A 'WALLACE. §: LIPTON& WALLACE , Whole- BALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEAL E No. 6 BIRTH STREET. Flirt obtr.rah. 12.12:r5R PROFESSIONAL. G. -W. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 00Ice, No. 137 FOURTH AVENUE, PHU burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lowrle) will practice in the .U. S. Circuit and District Courts, In the State Supreme and all tte Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec.; Dons in most of the adjacent counties. ja73:d73 AIEtCHIIIALD BLAKELEY, szproxrrE~ A~=.ew, Na 98 STITH STREET, PTPTEIRTMOR. PA gIVIngIO:44, WM. 11. NEEPER, AI.ADEEMAN AND ICX.OFFICIO J (713TICE OF 7 THE PEACE. OFFICE. 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention given to conveyancing and collections Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages draws up. and all legal business attended to promptly and accurately. SAMUEL IffeDILISTERS, Ex-Officio Justice of * the Peace and Police Mag. taste. Office, GRANT STREET, oppoilte the Cathedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment', Depositions, and. all . Legal Business eiteented with promptness and dispatch. 'Jahn' JOHN A;STItAIN, A. 14.0 ES-OPPICIO ZUBTICIE or Tam PALM AND POLIbiItigAGISTRATIC. Otacealit FIFTH gTHEBT, opposite tie tbsdral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, onda, • Mort. gages, Acknowledgments. Depositions and all Legs Business executed with Promptness and dispatch. _STEArdSBIPS, TO LifVERPOOL ANDAMB • QIqEENSTOWN. TUN lIMAPI NUM STEADISIIIPS Numbering sixteen first-olais Feuds, among se•mtke edebrated • CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF ANTWETe, • OUP OP•BOISTON, 0= OF •BALTIIIDDE, • OITY OP LONDON—. ZFEBY SATURDAY, note •Fier Nun& !timer, New York. l'or esasage or further infer:imam apply to' WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr.. 143 SMITHFIELD STREET; Pittsburgh. - . • -• ; k b •, . a OOFING SLATE OF Vialol3 ! Hies and Colors. • tar attention given to laying Slate and Sate roofs. lor partionlani and priees Qu Platte repairlu' address', Rea 411 Seventh &Venue, PITTBBLITIGH: PA OSIA.D.A.LOIS PIVRIES THE BUM . • BY ZVERYWIIICRia. Mt 1= A kik 3 I ERRONJab BROTHERS, min t r i m a Duases ggr. ENN S Y L VA•Mill.a§ NIA CENTRAL EATLIII26I2 AD. On and after JULY 215th. 1569, Trains will arrive at and depart trot:tate Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets. n:, follows: Arrive. Depat. Rail Train.— 1:25 sin •Dayltxpres r s.. X:l5 rt. Fast Line..... 1.46 as Soatnern Ex.. Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am Wall's No. 1.. 6:35 a:- BrintonAce"n. 7:50 am Mall Train' 8:16 sal Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am Bra'ksA4 Nol 10:20 am Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am Vincin'tlEx 111:30 pm Johnstown Ae10:35 am WalVeNo. 2..11:45 a2ll Bra'ka Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:06 pm Pittab'sb Ex. 1:30 pm Rra'ks Ac Not 3:40 pm Phila. §xpressl:so pm Phila. Expresa4:2lol)m Wall's o. 8...9:30 pm Wall's No. 2.. 4250 pin Brit'k a Ac N025:50 pm Wall's No, 4.. 6:ospm Homewood Ac. 9:55;pm *Fast Line 7:30 pin Wall's No. 4. 1:80 pm Homewood ac: B:sopm Way Passn'r 10:20 pm Wail's Is 0.5:. 17.5 *These trains make close connection Si It= burg forlitalititnere. • • • The Church Train leni'es Irani MO= gem y Sunday at 6I:05 a. et . ~ resobing•Pittabenb at 10:1 , 5 a. nu Be turning,leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p;423.. and arrives. at Walls Station at 2:10 p. m._ • Cincinnati Express lesson dally. Southern Express leaves daily except MondaY. All ots.er trmt daily exeept I:Jun(l.W Per farther Informatio. BnEC appl W. HKW/TH The PmnsylvanialtaiLroad Company 4111 not a a smne any risk forßaggage, except for wearinAs p gri,and limit their responsibility to One Hu, Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding Oft amen:at — hi 'value will be at tbe risk of the owner. unless taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILL/ANA ap2B General Superintendent, Altoona. Ps. ESTERNEN PENNSYLVANIA- R.A...LROAD.—On and after April 2154h,1800.tka Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rai road will' arrive at and derart from the Feder 1 Street Depot, 'Allegheny City.sits follows: Aretv o e. Depart. Springd'e N15:40 a miMail D . • • 7:00a 111 Freeport No.l S:2O a m IFreeport No. 19:20am Express...—. 10:40 s SbarpbtgNolll:9o an Sharpb'g No.11:20 p m. Express... 2:50 pm Freeport No.251:00 p m springd 'eNo 13:30 pm Mail 5:50 p m Freeport N0.25:20 pm Springd , e No 26:20 p m Epringd 'e No 10:30 pin Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves .Allegheby Junction ever) diinday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny, City at 9:50 a, m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at AlleghenYjilne tion at 3:40 p. m. Coariturarion TWErre—For sale inpackagei of Twenty, between Allegheny Ellty:-Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, 'Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbnrg and good only on the trains stopping at Stations specided on tickets. ' The trains leaving Allegheny City, at '7:00 a. mi. make direct connection at Freepori withWal. key's line of Stages for Butler and Hannahstown. Through tickets may be purchased at Os Office. No. ISt Clair street, near the Suspensionßridge. Pittsbnr. 11, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For farther information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent. Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will ;net ai sume any risk for Baggage, except forwearleg apparel, and limit •their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars' in value. All. baggage ex• ceeding this amount in value willbe at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract.' n EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, - anZti Gene-al Rnrprintendent. AUOOIIB. rs• 'ITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE do CHICAGO S. W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH lt; R. From May 9th, 1809 trains Will leave frem and arrive at the Union'Depot, north side, Pitts burgh city time, as follows: • . Leave. Arritie.' Chicago Ex..., 2:08 a mlChleago Ex...1:58 a m Erie .11 Sign E v."1:28 a m Chicago Ex-11s:03 p Cl. & Wh , ght , l6:l3 am Wheeling Ex 10:48• rt Chicago Ma11..6:58 m :St. Louis Er 7:08 PM Chicago Ex....9:43 a mChi'go Ex &M11:013p m Cl. It M'ir Ex 2:08 pm Cleveland Ex 3:53 p m Chicago Ex.. 2:23 p m Erie & Tien F.xs:sBp m licr`e & Erie Ex4:3B pm Cl. &Whig -Ex6:s3pm Depnrt from A Ileofientr. Arrive in Allephons, Bear Falls Ac.8:58 a m Leetsdale A.c..6:58 am Leetsdale " 10:03 ani Bca'r Falls " 8:28 am 11:58 am He* Castle "10:23 am Rochester " I:2Bpm Enon - " 9:13 am Enon " .3:58 p m Leetsdale • " 1:08 pm Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm Bea'r Falls " 2:43 pm Bea'rFalls .0:13 p m Leepdale " 4-:33 pm Leetsdale " . 1 0:43Pni " 7 : 2313 = Fair Oaks Sun-[Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13 pm I day ..Murch. oossius .!IT 2:23 p. In. Chicago Express leaves daily. fair 12:03 n.m.Chleago Express arrives daily, J. M. HI MBALL, J.N. Id , CULLOUGH, 6on'i Ticket Agent. Gen'lsupten't. mylO Mt;ll . lt 7 L:i --- gall A N G-.E OF t. 1 e' , •:' !; . -,.e, TIME.' - . .., ......--- tf. - - 1 .-o'=..Y‘p GWENT VALLEY RAILROAD, __THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS wrimour CHANGE OF CASS, _• Ononti after aluN DAY, Jane 149411469 TWO TIA I GII TRAINS 'DAILY (txcept'Suiurayi war lewto Plasburgl \ Depot, corner of Elts e.t.a" and Pike streets, for Franklin, 011CIty,Bn.f. IsJ4l. and all points in ti 'e Oil Regions. MAPS rirrsutrucia. ikitatv tit tirreurgaz Day Ex • 14:00 am 'Day lr - 5:15p ra. night Ex .... 7:30 pm Night Ex 6:311a ra Brady's BAc 3:05 p m Bradys:B Ac 10:15 tlct, Freeport Ac. 9:40 am Ist sodaW l ka 7:40 a m 1 idd SodaW , ks 6:30 p m Ft ee_pott Ac. 6:15 pm Ist riniton... 6:45 a m Ist Milton.. P:5O a m Md H01t0n...19:00 rn Vd Holton:.. 2:oo ' p ra 3d liniton... 14.:00 pm 3d Halton... 1:05 p m Arnold's Arnold's-Ac. 5:00 pm I Arnold l s Ac. 7:4opin Church train to and from Soda Works leave etttsburgh at 1:10 P. If. Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Bun days, ) at 9.50 A. m. . . Express trains stop only ifisilnelpal poolls. Accommodation rains stop at an. stations ' . J. J. LAWRENCL - Gen l l tinplt.). THOMAS M. ESNEl.Assit. 2urn. ITTSBURGll_,_asirapm - CINCINNAT/ AND . LOMB RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE 11013 IT. MANGE OF TIME.—On and after MONDAY. April 516th. 1E039, trains will lease and arrive ai ths Union Depot. as renews: , - • • Depart: • Arrive.. Mall 11:05 1.6:13 Ms Fast •Lrne • 9:43 a: in. 7:13 p. .Express 511:33 4.:33 a. Kited Anent " 5:33 a. m. 6:55 p. a. McDonald', Ane'n,No.lllt43 a. m. , 1311., 5:1 tr. - Blenbenville Acentomod: 3:58p. K. - 0:33 a.tu 'McDonald's Aecon.Wo4l l :l‘o4.l3l: tt. 'Bnnday Marsh Trein:. ax:sBp. al.'• 9:58 a. a - .02p 4 A :33 p K. train 4iilleave6na , I9:13 M. train willarrivis • . All other trains will run daily. Bunaays wept.. ed. • The 9:43 a.m. Train .mtikes clads eels. nections at Newark kr Zanesville B. F. scum, Genera a W. w.a.LBD, SaDl..l 3 tenbasmiliel uNoi . - DITT9HUIWU OAD. • lc Oa mad after TuDeDAY, Noyeraber. leth. Diet. trains will SZThre as sad depart from the DPoot• corner of Grant and Itater streets, al dam. 'Malin:: and 6:011:Inton. - town 7:00, A.. -6:00 P. at.. IteXeesportAccomdttn 11:00A: X. 51:05 P. It• rrato and from Mina., 3:00X. X. 10:10 A. N. est-Newton Accom ' d 0:30 P. 8:35 A. Y. ddocra Accomdt , n. 6:157. Y. 7:50 P. X Night Ac. toXelpsport - .70:30P. x..6:45 A. X I llantlay Chinon Traln to r, aintato West Newton 'II:00P; N.10:00 A. 701' tloketa apply to . ' • . A . X. RAYbut . B. STOUT , BlmerntenspinMOND . no latZ- 1/ L'l' S ainFiNN. UNION PAGTEIC L UMW/ t ? Eastern DiVidoll. The SHUR LEST AND MOST =Man HOU ra.. tom its 1/satto *I wad* a • Colorado -Nevada, California Viali t Y. ArizOna Washi agtong `" New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon..ii Two Trains' leave tltate Ltseind Levier:4°AV daily, ((Sundays excepted.)ol3 Atte arrival of Mint of - Eu.lllc Railroad Ht. - Mara. &no Ristrit. , bat and st. Joe Ratiroad J:roos,.Quincy, connect., Inv. at Lawrence, - Topeka 'alth Wamego stad,as for all taints In Rums.. and track west of Ellsworth with the It STATES EXPRESStiOhlItta Witl DAILY LINE ON (cO,7ERLARD raill 01411"X2B • • DENVER; SAL T T.A- 11 ;r 1 4 AU Points in the Territoriess And with SANDERSON'S TEI.WILEKLY LINE oi COACHES for Fort Union, b'ent ' s Fort, rese t Albuquerque, Santa Se, and all - ,oolnts In Art. roes and New Mexico. With th e reeen a dditions - OS ironing dock . and equipment, anti the arraegements made. with le soon/little Overland Transportation Linea from Its western terminus, title:road now ores!, nnequalled facilities for 11110411=1101111011 01 - freight to the Jar West. Tickets for gawk at all the wind* oSiCes In the United States and Oalla4l4' Be sure and ask o ir oti'vta:THE eVOlcri ml.l. zr Rorgoir .rAcutio D 1,04 - , AMIDEMOII6 - emirirst t iermteades 46 /110/6/0/191W - , • ~~ u !~ . Mailt==MEM & rESI Effll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers