ft. STEEL. WORKS. pITI SBIIIIIGII STEEL -, WORKS.: ESTABLISHED IN 111146.' ANDERSON WOODS, MANUFACTURERS Or XIIBST REIINED ,CAST STEEL Of even' description. Also, best lofted Germ Plow and Spring Steel, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENIIE,Pitts. bnesh. Par gium3:n4l TIUVUESNE WORKS. OOLEMAN, RUM & CO Bannfutnrera of • XRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, DUQUESNE, L X AND JUNIATA, VAT ROUND AND SQUaRE IRON. BAND RooP,_SIiEET AND trANK IRON, BOILER PL aTzu AND HEADS, *WARD IRON, _DRAG and DROPPER BAN% YLANtI CUTTER BAltt., OYLLNDER IRON, W AND FLAT RAIL, for Cost Route. .o‘l7B it RS, WEDGES k HARHM 1W TEETH, tkTRING.PLOW.e.ND CULTIVATOR !STEEL, -MBEL WINOS AND MOULDS cut to pattern, STEEL .MEE,- STEEL - SHAFTING, A. B. TEEL. -00ACII, BUGGY and 'WAGON SPRINGS and EL OUT MS. NAILS AND SPIKES. Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND . WORKS. 4111zteentli Street aneltAlegheny River, and 71 Water Street. Pittsburgh. SHEFFIELD StEEL WORKS. SINGER,.MIIOII.& CO., PITTSBURGH. PA.. Manufacturers of every description of - CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, la...iellgriaorrosin grams, A.SMESS STEM MBE, ac., AO Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Stu . BLACK DUBIOND • • . . •-• STEEL WORKS. •PARK BROTILIEIC &TO., Xattatsautrers of all description! of acriEllmrmir Moe and 'warehouse, TITEETP4 TH, THIRTY. MST sod RAILROILu STREETS, prrTsittruum. IRON WORKS. ILLERSIIIIISEN - PROCESS. The Trustees are now nrepared to grant_ Heels in tor the nee of the .ELLERBIIA.T.N PRO- The superior quality imparted to_. good iron. be great improvement in inferior iron. and the reduced cost. commend It to manufacturers of .17016 Parties wishing to are it can obtain licenses by JAMES P. SPEER ,• Attorney Ibr the Trustees, BOOMS 1 and 91. English's Building, 96)i Tonlttt avenue. Par ties interested are Invited to visit the SNOB IiBERGER. WORKS, where the recess is stow in successlui operation. leB:dt7 RYERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse. Nos. 106 and 161 71118 T MIME% 0 mug Ito ROnonanaela Souse s nacds PITTSBURGH WINES. LIQUORS, &C. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, EMPOWERS OF ES,;-BRANDIES, GIN, &,, • WHOLESALE DEALERS IR PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Have Removed. to NOS. 884 AliB' 886 PENN, Cor. Eleventh St., (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., , `ff Nos. ma, 197,11190/ 9 / 1 ida and Mao - =IST essitir, rrrretitraes. suisimorssiskii OP Collier DistUkd-i Pare Bye Whiskeys aim, dealers In I YOSICIGN WlNteread 14. WOE& HOPS. ke. WO." GLASS. CHINA. ouTiaaty: 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. • FINE' VASES, BOHNJUAN AND CHINA. . 411EW CLAIR SETS I - . TEA BETE, GIFT CUPS, SMOKING SETS, A large stock of SILVER PLATED GOODS •• of all dercrlptlons. • - Call and examine our goods, and we feel astialled no one need fall to be s alted. EL. E. BREED & CO. 100, WOOD STUEET. uTgooIBPBEFtB. BINJAKIN Clads, flak INGERLY & CLEIS I Successors 11.0 to 030. Y. ealtOcastAx & Pas.Fric4cLITHOURAPIIVILU. The only_ \ Steam Lithographic Establishment InAtof ass Mountains. - Business Cards, Letter Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Ehow Cards, Dlgnomisaortrslcs, lasi's, Certificates of De. osits. DrytatJou Car.l.,_ &a.. lgos. Viand le irriam Plttshrirvl.. ARCHITECTS. BAB" MOSER, =MT BOWIE ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Mak B sp,a4 LAW r 'Attach FlUsbos" apsolaiii4Aiticar AMA the deeleritair lENVOITAII, Emus sad PURL)O ' _ ~ _' t _ ..'.. .. .I.~:. _.yam -~ Y ENGINES, BOILERS, Arc. HUGH Ni. BOLE it CO., Con Point Alley and Duquesne St., Mien rim POINT,) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. , Manuflutture STEAMBOAT ENGEM and STA.: TIONARY ENGINES, of allutrea. Special attention invited to enr_new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER,of 15-horaelpower. CASTINGS, of every MA4, =de tOorder &tour Foundry, on THIRD STREE_T below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells; Eild/tlTnie, _PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBAO6O soßEws and LEON TOBACCO PRESSES, on band and made to crrderoit the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Aniglieng River, new the Point. IflrrigitritOß. PA. air All orders promptly filled. TUT ye. Few PITT BOILEII, STILL ANII TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, X.I2II:7IICP=P3M3 OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR. BIKE-soic AND CYLINDER STEAM Isoir, ENS. OIL STILLS ANT) OIL TANKS CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND AM. PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSEPS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS. AND IRON BRIDGES•, PHISO.N DOORS AND COAL SEUTES Moe and Warehouse. corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. AAP Orden Best to the almne addren will be promptly attended to. MY.7:189 BARNUILL Er, CO., BOILER MASERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, lA, AA AND SIS PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished It watt the most approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the bestrnanner,_and 'warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes,Locomotive Boilers. Condensers, Salt Pane , Ttmice, 011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. _ Bepairiror done on shortest notice. labiell JAMES 111. ELITEB, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, rrrrsEtrusur, PA., awrcrre.closszt or IRON OIL • TANKS, EITTLING FANI3. COPPER FITMINE rink - Bouaare MILL =Atm% And BECEEZT IRON WORK. For Steamboats. JAR= lie R7aValle.•••••••••• •DDMIIIID D. Bacon J ARED H. BRUSH & SON, _ DILLINDTACTIDUMS OF steam Boilers, 00 Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, ac. L. BRADLEY & CO., NO. 80 WOOD STREET, ifturaffLeturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE BOUND. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTwIthiS AND IMeROVa hiEck Ts. and the reputation of our Stoves IN such that anv one In want 01" a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be found the mos" durable as well as economical. Would call nai:tenter attention to our new VoLCAN. STOVE, for churches, halls anti mores. Over 500 sold In th,te montes.. Intended for with or with out casing. all who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price Lat. ' jelO • BAIT ; HUGO'S & CO., • KLEmtolmmils Or =BET Tommy 07 ISM I COV P MEL, BOSTON cooKuira RANGE, THE FIERY FURNACE," !Oa WABIQNG Buumnfes. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, • "*BEGULATOII. 9, COLUMBIA COOK STOVE,. VAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern ) PoRTABLE. RANGE CAST IKON MANTL=.•WRIALII.AN , B REFLECTOR. RA ES free from din and dust; owl= Fauna 'madams, ae. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, se2S:yll PITTSBUR9H. PA. STOVES. . CET THE BEST. , I fF 4 PP IA L 430 : 15 TRIUMPH, . • I FOB 8rp73172701111 COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as Tali assay other Store In the Union. BISSELL & 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. tu AR d TOV M ale, WILTING 46 tin/91126 pz3rD eaLOOOKINGAANEntace: LUMBER. T o BUILDEIIS 100.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. '100,11410 feet ltt Inch Clear Plank; i15.00U feet Men Common Plank; 515,01.10 feet Dry 1 and 8 inch Oak; .510,000 ft. N J., .IA ,3 and 3 Inch Poplar: 10.000 feet Dry Poplar licAntling: 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100.000 feet Hemlock be:intik:lP -- 303.100 fee e t t lio. 1 18 lath caging cloth -100.000 Ire. I 13-incb Shingles, 'swell; 50,000 No. 1 16-Inch kildriglee, snared: 10,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber. Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles in the line on band and for tale by ALEXANDER PATTERION. Yards— No. 137 Rebecca street and corner of Pre ele and Juniata streets, birth ward,Allegbeny, late bdr. , °sign of Manchester. ante ' STONE!. li WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works, arortnweat corner of West Common. Alleghen7. YAZD% ATITATIatt Co.& Bine on hand or p_ repare IgdlosHeirta and Istep atones, slags 'tor aewams, vowal" Paths, ae.. Head tad Tomb atones. it prders promptly ezecaSeas ralemi resemanall ',--aa,if-I;haif•A,ii-;;;,i1:';zZ-F.' ,-- .:;,: .-,1 ....' ,:,i, '. : E :2:, : . .:' , ' ,: li.. , . PITTSBURGH GAZE'TTE: - SATURDAY, AUGUST -.21; 1869. FOWDZERS, .rdACHINISTEL KNAP , TORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY . OFFICE AND WORKS, Ti'ELFTI-1 STREET, I , ITTSBURGEE, PA. _ rEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines,Ro• torts, and Castings general*, NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carron and Smanatan Streets, (NINTH W/LI2D.) .PrrTSI3ICrXIGIII, WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE. FOR eAs AND WATER WOREB. My Pines are all cut brearlablyln Pita, in dry land, and 14 feet lengtba. AI" full assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the - Mention of Elaerintend • eras of Has Works to LI talks of RETORTS. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIikBI . 111ELER, (saceessor to 408. T. 'WWI C 0.,) Has facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and Is prepared to promptly and satisractoril4 Liu all orders for EAmßoxy SHAFTS,. CRA NKS, KS, PISTON ROD , , LzVERS, PITMAN JAMS,IATRISTS, RAILROAD AXIAS, LoCoMOTIVE FRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE, WORK. Mice and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apl4:h4o ROBINSON, BEA. & CO., Successors to ROBINSON, lII= a =sins. WASECCN'GTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS,PITTSBURGH, idannfacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En tirinßtlLEngines,nt Machine ry , andtiatiieandteetsrWnrr.4rf; Office, Z 4 o. 12, corner First and Smithfield Streei,s. Agents for EIIFFABDIIPA.TENT INJECTOR tor reeding Boilers. jallire2 Tnartss CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, RANCID= BT., ALLEGHENY CITY. PA., ktenufactarers of Station s ry and Portable Steam zugines, V 4 rrearoft If Talley. Shaltlug, Grist and Saw Mill Work, Rolling ' MITI and Machine Casting's, (Irate Bars, Weights Wagon Boxes, &c. Build to order and have on'hs.nd.nelnes of all aLses. mv111:0 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS SSO Penn street. BOLULAN, BOYD 61 BAOALEY. Chß Molls, Mill Castings, 801 l Lathes. &c. OILS. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Office, DALZELL BDILDINO. feLl Duquesne Wry. Pittstrursdr, Ps. WA RING AND KING, Commluion Merchants aad Broken is Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, I'RIIADRE,PHIA ADDRESS, Room 17, C7iambei of 'Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. aplCl ACE BROTHERS, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DZALKIIB Elf Petroleum and its Products, oorriigt.mqr Qmce—DALZELL'S BUILDING. Ofice-11111 WALNUT BT. exams° ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. 0. MEDDLE" MANITTAOTUREB 07 Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Rena,. Railroad Azle OIL Stands great heat without change; 'remains limpid at lowest temperatures. tipecial Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Seco t Screws. w ititu and Planing Hill. ohs, Adapted lariat!' speed. Sphudle U, Waal 114•46161413$ 011, 011, Tanners , Stuff- Itannalet, ing a Finishilyrolli. tiasol liarneas. (MlParraillna. ARM Wt VAENISITNtto preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery 61m aunt. _ _ nesse prouucts are manufactured under Dr. Tweddlei INstent by nuperbeated Steam In Yu en°. 7be Lubricating Oil's are almost odorless, perfectly pure, ungorm, and mostly light Col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain lb m rid durPng extreme cold. The MAllroad Otis ate unequalled, and are In constant use op many of the principal Railroads Bamides can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET. Wort s at sharpaburg Bridge. NOVELTY WORKS. FITTIMURGH NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. DIU. &DAMS. M'KEE & CO. ICANOPLC2=iIII3 OP 11:114 TI 101411 STANDARD OIII ,PAIB NH B B rAT. ZIT PLATII BA OOUN TZ _,SOA,LES. • /WM Masa , tateal. Poor hooka aaA Pan{ sad Ooleo Urn& ir.• xdpßia , ran MIXUB etaimAns I ristiontroi Nan% • FINANOLIL. AMERICAN BANK. NO. 80 FOURTH -AVENU,E, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL • - •, • • 6'200.000 Stockholders Individually liable. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DPPOSIT:= JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. e • DlEJLetton3. Thos. N. Marshall, l John M. Morlland, Wm. T. Shannon, • Archibald Wallace, James W. Anon, Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. H. Leech, Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, Tble Bank is now fully organized and prepared to do a general .ISanling buelnese. Jelok43 ITIFTEE AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh. No. 195 FIFTH • AVENUE. CAPITAL. 4100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDPALLY LIA- • BLE. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on time ' depo)tee. 'Ctillectione made on , 11l acciseibie points in the ljnited States and Canadae on most faverable term. ' - Exchang. , on alt the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. . Discount any. Tuesday rod Friday. Op'-n from OA. w.ioNa P. 3E., and on Saturday evenings in= 7 to_o,43 , eock. • DIRICTORS: DITHRIDGE, W.P. WEYHAN. W. H. SIMd. FRANK *IEISERT, W. C. Ito PERTSON, Hs.nit\3lEYEß. DAN. KINZEI tIL • POERI). ARMOR, STEL. ‘N i • ED. DITHRIDGE, President F. E. SCHENCK, Csabler. . RIDS 551. CITY DANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 8100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. MEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sow, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on aii the principal points of the Cubed rtates and Canada. DOMINICK I lIIMMLN, President. J Aldan MCI *.ahz.Nlce President. W. N. 31Onnas. Cashier. DIIMICTOk 8. D. Thmien. • James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John Savage. J. Huniery. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patriot Eane, James Phelau, Chas. B. Barr, H. A.Preyrugle, Jno.Jos.Hermann, Thomas Barnes, Hugh Keating. jet :k5 • WT • HOLMES & SONS, ..1.1 57 Market Street, Prr'rtrlari3Ull43ll, P.A.. Collections made on all the principal points of the United Mates and Canadu. Stochs,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON 001IXIBLOON. Partiezdas attention paid to the parchaso and Bala of United States Securities. 11.30:,u HART, CAUGREH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Woad. Streets, PITTSIIII7I. - IC-11. OitrOCESISORIS TO HANNA, SANTA 00.0 DZLIMIIS llf Exchange, Coin,- Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase &Ea Bale of COVERNNIENT BONDS. SL ut Drat ts on London. rayi:eed, - , • PACIFIC RAILWAY. GOLD LOAN, Messrs. DABNEY, MORGAN 6; CO., 5 Exchange Place, and NI. E. JESUP & CO., 12 Pine strut, N. 1., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per cent. in Gold; have thirty years to run; are Free from Government Taxation; are secured by a Land Grant of Three dem of the Enid lands in Kansas and Colorado. In addition to this special grant the Com pony also owns Three Millions of Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the road, They are a lint mortgage upon the extra &ion of the road from Sheridan, liansaN, to Denver, Colorado. The road In opera tion NOW EARNS MORE TUN ENOUGH BET INCOME TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE NEW LOAN. There is no Letter seenritt in the nutfhet—this being in some respects better than Government Sc. unities. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN COLD, Price 96, and ma- d Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Maps and N ClTculars furnished on application. tan N„ J. B. SAINT ______ ' N_ ~..“.T. K. sway. SW/NT IV/NT & 1111111TT I NA\ fii Azoarrzenr AND ORNAMENTAL CA VERB; No. 68 gandusky It.. illeghtay 4 Pa. , ... _ doisemouru n i t or -Milan= - # OB -A . 4 LlSTEftipastantrr =hind. TUBBING all AMOR .'nsi &last od:1111 _~w_:~ ~~1..:~.:~ ~~.;z.._....a..~_._.~ ~ ~< _~~....a~ GELD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker Cor• Wood;a44l Fifth Streets. JAY. COOKE & CO., 33a,ta1s.ers, 11440 UTH THIRD ST4EBT, STOCKS and BONDS of all deseriptioni bought Ind told Special attention given to the purchase and sale of llovernment Ponrittes. 4.11FS Ti BRADY 86 . (Succecsors aB. JONES Corner Fourth knd Wood Sts., BUY AND BELL LLL KINDS 07 GOVERNMENT N SECURITIES, ROL% SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. tar Interest Allowed on Deposits. ifir Money loaned on government Bonds st lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purehase and Sale of SWOONS, BONDS and GOLD. 3EZIB, JAMES T. BRADT & CO. It:.ljt gitts.liittagil'ealEttt4 FINANCE AND TRADE, Osman or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, I FRIDAY, August 20, 1i69. On borni quotations from London, giv ing 84 for 5 20s of 1862, 83 for old 1865 s and 82 for 18675, Gold declined from 133, at which it was firm, to 132%, with a heavy market. Judging from present appear ance gold is likely to go down much more, but in the oversold condition of the market, lies the cause for a sudden and rapid rise. Without mentioning the rumors put afloat in Wall street, to frighten the timid bears, there are causes to effect the market unfavorably. If the vaguely reported death of Napo leon can advance the market one per, cent., what would the effect of the actual occurrence be under the present agitation' in Spain. The reduction of the rate of interest at the bank of Eng land to 2% per cent, and an increase of specie in its Vaults certainly shows a very unhealthy state of the business of England, and France and Germany are in no better condition. A decline in the inflated values of the different stock exchanges in the money centres of Europe, as well as here, would bring ruin to a large number of people, and here, where our circulating medium is based/on paper, a scramble for gold would be quite a natural thing for the masses to resort to. The improved condi tion of the English crops might precipi tate the prices of grain and flour in England to such a point that we could no export profitably, and would derive but little benefit from our rich harvest in a monetary point. This matter must be seriously considered since the fall crops of Northern Europe are a great aid in feeding the masses of the lower Classes, especially in England, where, people subsist on a less expensive foal; and do not require wheat flour for bread. These are all probabilities that would influence a rise in gold, or in other words, would necessitate a large ship ment of coin to make our balance of trade and pay back Europe the large eapital temporarily invested here. Government bonds. have advanced, be ing scarce here and in demand for ship• merit to Europe on improved quota tions from there. Lower gold, however, would force down their value as an in vestment, since there aro many good In vestments in the market that would pay better. offering a good security. Stocks are dull and nothing doing ex cept in Ol,iss, which suddenly advanced about one per cent. Money easy at from 8 to 9 per cent. Quotations as received oy eh. R alert= Gold, 132%; Sliver, 127%; Eighty one's, 123; Five Twenties, 1862, 122%; do 1884, 121%; do 1865, 121%; do 1865, Console, 120%; do 1867, 12035; ; do 1868, 120%; Ten Forties, 114%; New York Central, 203%; Erie, Reading, 96%; Pittsburgh, fkirt Wayne & Chica g o Railroad - , 152; Ohio & Misissippi, 32%; Michigan Southern, 107%; cl ove , land & Pittsburgh, 105%; Chicago & Rook Island, 116!‘; Chicago &. North Western, 88%; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 97%; Adams Express Com pany, 57%; Iderchants Union ,Express, 39%; Pacific) Mail, MN; Weston'. Union Telegraph Company, 38%. EXCHANGE, Large. Small. London, per g 6,50 T 6,60 Paris. per franc 2835 2734 ,haler 97% ' 97% Frankfort, florins 56%. • 5734 —Closing quotations received by James 1 4 . Brady & Co. Gold: 1323;; United States Sixes, 1881, 1274 Five• Twenties, 1862, 122%; do. 1864, 121%; do. 1865021%; Ten-Fort:es, 114,'• Pive-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, 120%: do. do. 1867; 120,4: do. do. 1868. 120,i; Due Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 88i4; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 10914; Lake Superiors, 98. tlir Telegraph to the Plltsbureb Gazette.] NEttr Yonk, August 20, 1869. ; At a meeting of tee Directors of the Conaoildated Lake Shore and of the To. Adn; Wabash and Western rallroalcom t pantos, Wain this city yesterday, tenni IMEIREZ2I FINANCIAL. PHMADZLPHIA. . Da' . N: were formally agreed upon lookine to the consolidation of the two roans. The Lake Shore is to go into the consolidation with an increase of 20 per cent. on the amount of its stock, and the Wabash with its present capital, and the Lake Shore is to reserve a dividend of 4 per cent. on January Ist, WO, making a total of stock and cash dividend of 24 per cent. The arrangement requires the previous ratification of t.hree-fourths of ithe stock holders. which is counted upon as cer tain. Money is easy at 6@)7 per cent. Ster- Hug quiet at 934(0% per cent. Gold is lower, opening at 132%, and closed at 132%®183V,. The rise in bonds at Lon- • don was the occasion of the advance. Carrying rates at sgs per cent. Clear ances, $4000,000. Government bonds are active and exci ted, with a sharp advancnin the prices. Quotations of (louponsof'Bl, 12334@123%; d0.'62, 123®123 1 ; do. '64, 121%0122; no. '65, 121%@122; do. new. 12e%©1203:: do. '67. 120%@121; do. '6B, 12034® 1 120 9 %; 10-40's, 115©115%, © ; Pacifica, 109%. ox. State bonds quiet and firm; Missonris, 8634; old Virginias 56k; new do. 49%; old Tennessees 61; new do. 5734. 4. The stock market was strong during the morning. Wabash selling high at 87 and Michigan Southern at 10934. No tice was given at the Stock Exchange by the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad Company. that iu thirty days they will issue. $1,200,000 new stock. In the afternoon the market was generally lower, with a disposition to sell the en tire list in the expectation that the bank statetvent to-morrow will be unfavora ble. The snarket closed active, but ir regular and feverish Piee-Thirty Prices: Canton, 58; Cntn berland, 35 1 . A; Western Union Tele graph, 37%; Quicksilver. 15 1 B ; Mariposa, 634; do. preferred, 10; Pacific Mail,B6:o ( Atlanta Express, 6634; Wells 19%; Aineri can, 894/; United States,64; Merchants Union, 10V.; N. Y. Centra, 20134; Efarleni, 160; Fludson, -- 182,34: Reading 9634; Erie, 28 8 ; do. preferred, 50; Michigan Cen- tral, 130; Michigan Southern, 107%; Illinois Central, 138; Pittsburgh. 1063/ 4 ; -0 Northwestern, 87%; do. preterred, 9634; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 78; Rock Island, 115%; St. Paul, 80%; do. pre- ferred, 88%; Wabash. 83; R. Wayne, 162; Terre Haute. 34; do. preferred, 69%; Chicago and Alton, 159%; do. pre ferred, 156; 'Ohio and Mississippi, 3234; Dubuque, 1120/,. Sub Treasury balance $96,355,832. mbBo PITTSBURGH' MARKETS. °Trios or PIITSBDBGB Ge7:l FRIDAY. August 20, lb 5 Business generally is quiet though im proving slowly, and the indications in regard to the future are all that could be desired. It has now been demonstrated beyond a doubt that at least an. average crop of Grain has been secured, and the general impression is that the yield is considerably above an average. This being the case, lower prices are expected and it is the uncertainty regard to values that is depressirig ; business at present, as operators are timid about in vesting until prices have 'become more firmly established. • APPLES—In good Supply and dull but unchanged; ranging from $1,00®3,00 per bbl. BERRIES—SaIes at 90@51,00 per pail —pails to be returned. BUTTER—Is quiet and unchanged; sales good to choice at 2UGa 24. BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. 5 $6,50; No. 4 $6: No. 3 $5, No. 2. plain, $4,50, and market firm. CHEESE—Is firmer but unchanged; 'Western Reserve 133§(5114; Ohio Factory 143,@15; Ohio Goshen 1535 and York Goshen 1635. CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment is quoted at $2,25 per bol. CARBON OlL—Still quoted at 2i @2B for round lots, and 29@30 in a mall way. EGGS—Sales at 14©15. FEATHERS—Dah; quoted at EO@Bs cents to the trade. and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR—The arrivals continue fair, and the supply Is fully up to the demand which is contined enterely to supplying immediate wants of the home trade, and prices are unchanged. Spring wheat flours, to use a common phrase, are about played out in this market, and will continue so as long as it costs more than winter, which is considered the batter of the two, even at thesame price. We continue to quote the latter at s7® 7,50 per bbl—choice brands of the for mer are quoted at 57,50@7,75. GRAlN—Wheat Is not so much sought alter by,tbe millers, as the imp ession is gaining strength that prices are about to go lower, though as yet, there lifno change-11,35@1,40 for new, and i1,43@1,45 for prime old. New oats weak and drooping: sales on track. at 47@50, and 45 to arrive. Corn is quiet and unchanged-11611,05; sale one ear ear, at ;1,03. Rye is not offering very freely, but the demand is only moderate and, prices are unchanged at 11,15@1,20. New barley is quoted at 51,25, though as yet. there has been but little done. HAY—New crop is offering freely, and we can report sales from country wagons at sl4@lB per ton. HEMP—Very dull, V 205 per ton. • RUSES--Sales at 2%@3 cts per pound. LlME—White Lime is quoted tit;l,so, and Cleveland al 2,50, per bbl. LARD OIL—F. Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. I, at 1,40@1,43, and No. 2, at 11,05. POULTRY—SaIes of spring chick ens, at 50®55 per pair. PROVISIONS—Firm but unchanged. i.houlders, 15%®18; Ribbed and Clear Sides, 183 4 @1934; Cincinnati Sugar Cured Hams 2333 and fancy 24. Lard, 20y,, in tierces, and 2034@21 in half bbla and kegs. Dried Beef 21%. Mess Pork at /33,75034. PEACUES—Unchanged; sales of east. era at sl.sc@2 per box, as to qualtiy and condition. POTAOES—DnII and uncharged; sales of Jersey Sweets at 1)7 per bbl.. 'PEANUTS—Higher, 1434 eta. PEARS-42,50@)3,50 per bbl. PLUMS—SaIes at $3©3,50 per bushel. SALT—Allegheny River brands are quoted. by the car load, 1, at $1,73®80. TALLOW—Rendered quoted at 1035. sin and Tea Trade. SAN FBA/lase°, August 20.—Yokort- ANA, July I.9.—The market for staple imports is unchanged. Merchants have been warned against shipping goods to order. Silk arrivals are very slow, owing to the growers unwillingneis to take payment in paper money. The yield is admitted to be a• large one, and probably exceeds last year's settlemints eight hundred bales, maibash, seven hundred and fifty dollars per picul. There am no transactions in silk worm eggs. The arrivals are limited. The tea crop is coming in slovilY Sales of a small quantity of good medium to fine at full rates. The stock is rapidly increasing at Yeddo and Yekohsma. reduction in rates is anticipated. Good common to medium, twenty-four to twenty-seven dollars per plcul. Good . medium to finest, thirty-three to thirty. eight. ' • • Exchange on London four to Ai-and a, half; par* fiyodieventylkanosa, ..•4