The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 21, 1869, Image 3
PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE of PITTSBURGH Warn's, 4 FRIDAY, August 20, 1869. There is no Improvement to note in the tine of oil market either as regards demand or prices, and the trade contin ues in that unsettled and unsatisfactory condition that has prevailed for several Months, or we might say all this year. The fact is, there is no chance for busi ness in the present state of affairs, and the bulk of the sales making from day to day, are "settlements;" refiners cannot entertain fresh negotiations for Refined at present price of Crude, and the crude dealer cannot make concessions, In view of the prices in the producing region. Compared with yesterday, the former has again declined, and the latter is weak but unchanged. Circulars received today report the stock of oil in Philadelphia on Saturday last at 44,226 bbla relined, and 4,345 bbls crude. Exports from New -York from January Ist to date, 35,812,184 gallons; same time last year 30,271,228; from Phil adelphia, 17,081,560; same time last year, 18,018,374. EllE3 But a single sale reported 1,000 seller all 1809 at 1434, and there ,were other offers to sell same delivery at same price with- out finding buyers. Spot or seller this month was not offered below 15 here, although we understand that there were sales above at $5,85 on broad guage cars, which is considered equivalent to 14% or 14,x, delivered here. REIPINED Sale 500 bbls 'spot,- at 3IX; 500 each September to December, at 32%; 2,000 each same months, at 32%; and 500 same at 3214. While, as will be seen, prices remain without esswitial change, com pared with yeqorday, yet the feeling seemed to denote weakness, and, as the saying is, refined oil is now below cost. LUBRIOATINO OILS. Eclipse,Winter Lubricating oil 40e Eclipse Railroad Axle 85c Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle - 80c RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. Fisher & Bro Pool (Ft Bro R. T. Leech J. Wi1kin5........ Total 1,56) bbls. OIL BRIPP. 9 I IrA BT BY A. V. K. B. Liberty Oil Works 294 bbls refined to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Foisyth & Bro. 284 bbls refined to Warden. Frew &, eo., Philadelphia. MeKelvy &. Bro.. 436 bhls ref. oil, to P Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. Citizens Oil Cc. 97 bbls refined to Tack tic Bro., Philadelphia. Total Refined. 1,111 OIL SHIPPED EAST AT DUQUESEE DEPOT Brooks, Ballentine & Co.. 73 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew ..Co., Philadelphia. McKenna it Rodgers 25 bbls relined to A. P. Phipps, Philadelphia. Total Refined 08 OIL SHIPMENTS PEE WEST PENNA. It R. Holdahip & Co., 205 bbls ref. oil to Waring, Ring & Co., Philadelphia. PITTSBURGH IRON MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, August 20, 1869. § The metal market, compared with last week, has undergone but little change, and is devoid of anything really new or important. Eastern Irons are not arriv ing very freely which is in consegnence of the fact that they are worth relatively more in Philadelphia, and this being the case the great proportion of Anthracite furnaces are shipping all. or nearly so, of their prodUct t o hat market. • There is a fair business inw estern Irons with a better feeling re rted, but no essen tial change in prices. The Bellaire Nail Works 'were to re sume operations Tuesday. hires were lighted on Monday in a portion of the Bel mont Mills. The Wheeling Intelligeneer says that "next week the La Belle Mills will commence a new year's campaign. - We have not heard when Riverside and Top Mills will resume." ANTHRACITE. 100 tons . C. S. Grey ,No. 3 $39.00 5 mos 50 " ' Neutral 37.00 4 mos 200 " . Neutral , 38.00 6 mos 100 " No. 1 Extra Neutral Grey Forge.”... 39.00 80 da 10 11 N0..1 Foundry.. ..... .. 44.50 4 mos 20 41 No. 1 do 44.00 4 mos 30 " No. 1 do 43.50 4 mos 10 " No. 1 do 42.50 cash 40 • 1 No. 3 do 40.00 4 mos 10 " No. 1 do 41.50 4 mos 50 " No. 1 do 41.00 60 de 60 " No. 2 do . 41.00 4 mos 150 . " No. 3 Neutral Forge 43.00 4 mos BITUMINOUS COAL SMELTED FROM LAKE SUPERIOR ORE. 300 tons Close Gray $.3.5.50 6 mos 20 " N. 1 Foundry 42.00 5 mos 800 " Close Gray and Mottled at Furnace 33.00 6 mos 100 " at Furnace__ . . ....... 32.00 cash 200' " Strictly Gray Forge at Furnace 35.00 4 mos CHARXXIAL. .30 tons No. 1 Foundry H. B. 48.00 4 mos 10 " No. 1 do do 48 00 4 mos 10 " No. 1 do do •48.00 4 mos 10 " Extra Forge C. B. 53 00 6 mos 10 " de do 53 00 4 mos 160 " do H. B. 49-00 4 mos 10 ' 1 do do 61.00 4 mos 15 " do do 51,00 4 mos COKE. 100 tons Red Bank BLOOMS. 50 11 Juniata MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEw YORK, August 20.—Cotton is fully 30 better; sales of 1,700 bales at 320 for middling uplands, and closing rather quiet. Flour; reoeipts, 14,857 bb's.; Flour is dull and 10®20c lower, with sales of 5,600 bbls. at $5,75g6.85 for superfine state and western, $6.80®7,25 for _extra slate, $6,80®7,25 for extra western, $7,80 ®7,60 far white wheat extra, $6,70®7,44 for R. H. 0., s7®B for extra St. Louis, 88,50®10:50 for good to choice do., closing dull and heavy. Rye flour quiet, with sales of 250 Ws. at $4.50®6,75. Cornmeal is scarce and quiet, with salts of 200 bble. Brandywine at $6,18. Whisky is decidedly firm, with sales of 200 bbls. western at $1,20®1,22 for free. 'Wheat; receipts, 127,909 bash.; Wheat is dull, heavy and 3®40 lower, with sales of 73,000 bush. at $1,50®1,55 for No. 2 spring, $1,59®1,60 for new winter red and amber western, $159 for unsound winter red western, $1,65 for amber Ten nesseee, $1,60 for amber Maryland, and $1,79 for choice white Indiana. Rye is quiet. Barley and Bar ley matt nominal. Corn—receipts, 48,- 406 bu, heavy and I®2o lower; sales 58,000' bu at 98®61,17 for unsound now mixed western: 81,18®1,20 for sound do. Oate4recelpts 82,628 nu and withont de cidedlchange; sales 87,000 bu at 650 for old, wt s ern; 62®65e for new southern and western. Rice steady; Carolina 9® No' Coffee in fair:request; sales 1,200 sacks Rio at private terms. Sugar atsady; sales 900 bhcisat 11WAII2,(0 for Cuba; 12 @l3O for Porto Rico; 160 ins Havana at 1140. Molassei aniet. Petroleum dull at 170 for crude; 32®82y 4 0 for refined. Hops;-Quiet at :9®lsc for American. Linseed CU quiet; sales at 81@9 9 e-• Perk dull 'and heavy; sides 460' bbls at $33Q33,15 for new mess; 132,15 for old mesa; '527,75@28,50 for prime, and 131 far prime' mess. Beef steady: 185 bbls at $8 50Q13,50 for new plain mess and new extra mesa. Beef hams quiet: 100 bbls at 25®310. Cut meats steady: 125 pkgs at 14x 4 @350 for shoulders, and 17Q190 for hams. Middles firm: 100 bxec ice cured at' 1731Q17%c. Lard heavy and lower; 800 tcs at 17%@200 for steam, and I 20(4)2034c for kettle rendered. Butte dull at 16Q28c far Ohio. Cheese firm 13Q1634c. Freights to Liverpool irregu lar and unsettled. Shipments-28,000 bush wheat at 94d. per SEE am. Latest. -Flottri closed dull and heavy, and 5QlOc. lower. Wheat verry dull and IQ2c. lower. Rye dull and heavy, $1,24Q11,25. Oats rather quiet, 64Q65c for old and 62Q64c. for new western. Corn dull and heavy. 90c.Q51,16 for un sound and $1,17Q1,.9 for sound mixed western. Pork dull, $32 Air mess. Beef quiet and unchanged. Cut meats in moderate demand and .steady. Bacon firm and in fair Irequest. Lard quiet at 193;©1934c. for /good to prime steam; Eggs dull and unchanged. Cinceoo, Atigttst 20.-Eastern Ex change more active at par, selling. Flour very dull and 10Q15c lower, with sales at 16@7,75 for spring extras. Wheat less active and 1 1 %c lower, with sales No. 1 at $1.43, and No. 2 at $1,39; closed at $1,37 Q 1,37%; this afternoon the market was dull at 11,36, seller for August of. No. 2. Corn dull and 2(§2%t0 lower; No. 2 quiet, opening at 910 for strictly fresh, receding to 8934; and closing at 89c; rejected at 85 Q 800; no grade at 75Q80: this afternoon the market was dull and nominal, with buyers at 87%c and sellers at 880 for No. 2. Oats more active and 34c lower; with sales No. 2 at 46%@)4734; closing at 47Q 471.,/c. Rye dull and 2c lower; No. 1 nom inal at - $l; No. 2 sold at 96c@11; closing dull at 98c. Barley dull and 2@30 low- - er, with sales qt $1,20, seller for Septem ber; closing at 11,17 cash and $1,18Q1,20 for. SeptemberHighwines firm, open ing with buyes 7 at $1.15 and closing at' $1,15Q1,16. Sugar active and firm at 13% Ql4 l /0 for common to prime Cuba. Pro visions, quiet, Mess Pork nominal at $34; cash sales were made at 526,50 seller for January. Lard nominally easier at 19y,Q19%c. Shoedders nominal at 13g. Rough Sides at 1634. Short Ribs at It% @tic. Sweet Pickled Hams at 18Q1834e. Receipts for the past 24 hours-3,983 bbls flour, 62,933 bush wheat, 184,896 bush c0rn,70,774 bush oats, 4,514 bush rye, 2,26 hushbarley, 7,478 hogs. Shipments -2,636 bbls flour, 30.108 bush wheat, 126,384 bush corn, 44,964 bush oats, 5,123 hogs. ST. Lours, August 20 -Tobacco in good demand at unchanged prices. Cotton, nothing doing. Hemp better, and grades of undressed in some demand, with sales at $1,40; and dressed sold at $2,25Q2,30. Flour dull, weak, and a fraction lower; superfine sold at $5Q5,45; extra, 15,50 Q 5,62%; double extra, $5,75@6: triple ex tra, t6,50@7, and fancy, $8@9,50. Wheat very dull and 2Q5c lower; low prime to strictly prime red. 11,15Q,23; choice to fancy, $1,271)4Q1,40; prime to fancy white, $1.25Q1,50. Corn; very little doing and prices easier, choice and fancy white 94 @96c. Oats heavy at 420 for mixed in bulk; do. in sacks, 48@55c; choice white, 54c. Barley; $1,15 for No. 1 Spring. Rye heavy and slow at 95cQ11,00. Whisky' higher, with salei at $1.17. Groceries un changed at 12 1 /„Ql4%c for Louisiana su gar; 2134(4)23c tor good fair to fair Rio coffee; 70Q80o for plantation molasses. Pork languid at' $34Q34,25. Dry salt meat little doing. Clear rib sides packed sold at 1734 c. Bacon quiet and un changed, and sales mostly confined to order lots. Shoulders sold at 153!,Q16c: clear rib sides. 19c; clear sides, 15%'c; en • gar cured hams, 23@25c. Lard; small jobbing.lots sold at 1934Q200 for tierce, and 20@20 4c for keg. Receipts: 4,400 bbls flour, 54,200 bush wheat, 5,000 bush corn, 18,300 bush owe, 1,000 bush barley, 900 bush rye, 100 hogs. CINCINNATI, August 20.-Flour dull and prices nominal. Wheat unsettled' with buyers holding back, and there is ricodemand: red could have been bought at $1,25Q1,30. Corn "quiet at 94Q96c. Oats - gc lower and dull at 55@58c fur No. Ito 'choice white. Rye unchanged at $1,00Q1,05. Whisky sold at $1,15Q1,16; market unsettled and holders asking still higher prices. Provisions firm but quiet and in not much demand but unchanged. Mess Pork /33,50. Bulk Meats 14Q14.0. Bacon firm et 17%c for shoulders, and .1834Q19c for sides, clear rib or clear. Lard 200 and nominal. The first bale of new cotton received here this season was sold on 'Change to day at 46350 per pound. It was raised in Concordia Parish, near Natchez, Miss., and was sold by J. H. Goodhart & Co. Tobacco active, with sales of 122 hhds at 56.05 to $17,40. Oil unchanged and quiet. Butter scarce at 800. Eggs 140. Gold 132 3 4 btfYing. Exchange steady. Money • market active and rates unchanged. CLEVELAND, August 20.-Flour. mar ket dull, unchanged and weak. Wheat receipts 53,000 bush; market dull and closes 4o lower. Corn cull and neglected but the market is nominally unchanged. Oats dull and unchanged; new held at 52c. Rye quiet and nominally un changed; held at $1,00Q1,15. Barley, no inquiry of importance and market nom inal. Petroleum, no change; refined held at 2834Q26c; standard white crude lower, held at 16,50. . MILWAUKEE, August 20.-Flour dull; choice 254011500 lower. Wheat steady at e 1,43 for No. 1, and $1,41 for No 2. Oats in fair • demand at 65c for new. Corn dull and neglected. Rye dull and lower at 11,00 for No. 1. Barley entirely nom inal. Grain freights quiet at Saito Buffalo and 10c to Oswego. Receipts: 1,000 bbls flour, 11,000 bus wheat, 2,000 bus oats, 4,000 bus corn. Shipments: 1,000 bbls flour, 15,000 bus wheat. , LotusvlDLE. August 20.-Bagging in demand, at 2334@2434 Flour firm; super fine at $5. Grain quiet and steady. Leaf tobscco firm; sales of 86 hhds; range from $3,65 to 21. Provisions firm. Mesa pork 134Q3134. Bacon; shoulders 16qQ1634, clear rib 193 f, clear sides 193(D20. Hams fancy 2334. Lard 21. Highwlnes very firm, advanced 51,13. TOLEDO, August 20.-F/our dull. Wheat 3 to 4c lower; amber $1.39 to 1,39 y, No. 1 red 11,39, No. 2do $1,35, No. 8 do $1.25. Corn steady, No. 1 98, No. 2 96. Oats a shade lower. No. 1 483 to 49, No. 2 410. Receiptts: flour 4,109 bbls. wheat 146,600 bush, corn 25,700 bush, oats 15,- 000 bush, rye 1,400 bush- PHILADELPHIA, August 20. - PrOVlS ions dull. Flour very dull; superfine at $5,25Q5,50. Wheat declining: red at. $1,60Q1,68; white at $1,70Q1.80. Rye at, 11,2601.25. Corn 'firm ; mixed western . at $1,16Q1,18. Oats declining; old west ern at 68Q700. Whisky at $1,18Q1,20. BALTIMORE, August 20.-Flour quiet and steady; low grades scarce. Wheat irregular, prime choice red at $1,50Q1.65. Corn firm, prime white at $1,15; yellow at /1,16. Oats dull at 53.555 c. Mess pork at 1.34. Bacon quiet. Lard firm at 20(4)21o. Whisky at 11,18 in fair demand. MEMPHIS, Aug. 20.-Cotton -mid dlings 33c; receipts 25 bales; for the week 136 bales; exports'lB bales: for the week 270 bales. Corn 900. Oats 60c. HaYsl9 Q2O. Bran 16Q170. , Flour-super SSQ 6. Meal-fresh $1,35; kiln dried $4,05. Bacon-sides 20c; shoulders 1634 c. DETROIT, August 20.-Flour receipts of 2,100 bbls, market quiet. • Wheat receipts of 1,900 bush, market without material change for No. 1 white; new at $1,40. Regular -white . at PAC Amber ... 240 bbls .. 600 " 160 " 560 " $83.006 mos P 5.00 4 mos PITTSBURGH GAZETTE": at 51,80. Cora, for No. lat 51,05. Oats, old at 63c. Cmusoo, Amulet 20.—Cattle dull and lifeless at 0,50(5.3.75 for common Texan and native steers, and 18@i5,50 for fair to good steers. Hogs quiet and 20Q)25c lower at 58,75@8„90 for fair to medium, and 423®9,80 for good to choice. ST. Lours, August 20.—Cattle; common and medium in lair supply, with very very liberal transactions gt 2@sc, and very, little doing in choice, which are carce. Hogs active and Snit at iigiOlic• SAN FRANCISCO, August 20.—Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat; sales choice shipping at $1,75. Legal Tenders 75. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, August 20.—Dry Goods steady and a fair business doing in staple goods, but the market is far,froru active. Prices, however. are generally welfsus tained, being - already low enough for the most articles, at least as low as they can well be produced to pay a fair pro t fl . Brown Cotton gnodii on the who e hold their own pretty well, and on scan grades an advance of 1 4c is being obtained on goods live the Lyman C, 36 inch brown, which sell at 14, 1 4 o: Nashua R 153 ye; Indian Head, 30 inch, Ha Bleach ed !goblins rather weak than otherwise, Aruoskeag selling at 170: Rates 181 Boott B 16c, and Slaters, 33 inch, 1234 Good makes of Corset Jeans and Satin firm and bring 180. Prints only movkng slowly except where some 'slight con cessions are yielded, as in Arnolde,which job as low as 10c. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLEviltarin Arco Prrmsntatim P - ROAD. August 20.-2 cars blooms. Nlm ick ctr, Co, odo limestone ore McKnight, Porter & Coe, 2 do iron ore, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 2do champ oily Bryan dt Caughey; I ear do, Union Iron1.51111s; 1 do do, Coleman, Rabin & Co; 1 dt lumber, P Berger: 10 bxs steel, Pak & Bro's; 5 bbls oil, Drape & Roberteo t.-.Aas bits boots, W E Schmertz & Co; 10 cases to bacco, Dunlevy & Bra:10 do do, Reymer & Bro; 20 do do. J S Dilworttt & Co;, 17 bbls, 1 do plums, g baskets apples, Volgt, Mahood &Co; 7 bbla apples, Montgomery -it Co; 11l a pipes, H H Collins; 5 bales rags, Godfrey & Clark; 26 bxstglass ware, Weldon & Kelly; 17 sinkrags, McCul lough, S dt Co; 24 bbls flour, Schomaker & L: 5 bbls onions, H Riddle; 50 bbls oil, Dr Tweddle; 60 do do, J Spear; 1 car brick. Evans, Close 44 Co; 12 lidls chairs. C GrHammer & Co; 21) bxa cheese, N J Braden; 30 do do, Watt, Lang & Co; 5(1 do do, T CJenklna; 23 bills chair tops, 7 do legs, Bedford Chair Co; -2 bbls W Flacons it Son; 74 bga oats:Mc/lane & Anjer; 4 bbls apples, 17 bgs onions, Head it Metzger; 6 bbla eggs, L. kgs but ter, H Riddle, 2-tubs cheese, J A. Graff: 50 bbls apples, 12 has peaches, Bragger man & O'Brien; 21 do do, 1 bbl eggs, 2 kgs lard, P Duff & Son: 36 do do, F G Craighead; 7do do, M W Rankin; 10 do do, Van Corder dt 5; 20 do potatoes, Thos McCoy; 10 do apples, Steel & Bro; 10 do do. Fetzer it A; 10 bble apples, Morrison dt Devol; 9 do do, Springer 44 CO. fITTGIGIRGH, FORT WAINFI & CHI CAGO RAItROAD. August 20.-10 cars metal, Nimck & Co: 5 do do, Hallman & Hammett; 1 do do, Everson. Preston • & Co; 2 do do, Bryan dr. Caughey; -'1 do do, Pittsburgh Iron & Forge Co; 1 car stone, C Miller; 1 car scrap iron, Miller ct. Maloney; 1 car wheat, J S Liggett dr. CO; 50 bbls flour Dan Wallace; 3 bbla eggs. Voigt, Mahood & Co: 9 Ins cheese, J Daub; 50 bbla flour, Watt, Lang & Co; 10 bbls whisky, J Bryar; 15 do do. Evert & Co; 6 lib's tow, Lemon & Weise: 17 aka rags, Godfrey & Clark; 1 cask wine, Rodelbeim it Affelder; 15 bgs rye, 25 do oats, Woodworth & Davison; 3 bola ap ples, 3 do pears, Henry Rea Jr; 100 bbls flour, owner. • ALLEGHENY STATION. Angus; 19.- 2 cars metal, Gila B fi Co; 0 do, Lindsay dr - McCutcheon; 6 do limestone, Superior Iron Co; 3 do, metal, Lewis, Bailey dr Dalzell. 1 car cooperage, Ra!ya dr. Robertson; 1 do do, J M Hem; hill, 3 do stone, Forrester dr Megraw; 1 do do, TR&RB. Knox; 1 car oats, hi Steel dr Son; 1 doscrap iron, 3 do ore, Spang, Chalfant dr Co; 87 bbls, 64 aks flour. Geo. Stewart; 3 cars wheat, Kennedy Bro. ALLROHENT NALLIIT IiAILROAD. gust 19.-2 cars limestone, Shoenber ger &Blair; 1 car metal, Rees, Graff & Dull; I do do, Wm Smith; 4 pkgs glue, W M Gormly; 240 bbls oil, Fisher Bro: . 600 do do, Pool Bro; 160 do do. R T Leech; 560 do do, Jas Wilkins: 30 rolls leather, W Flamm & Son; 1 pkg butter, Burggerman & O'Brien. PITTSBURGH, . CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, August 20.-76 aka oats, 51 do wheat, Dan Wallace; 22 do oats, Robb & Herron; 6 bbls pears, Meanor & Harper; 50 aks wheat, Mc- Henry& Hood; 100 do oats, Meanor dr Harper; 3 cars wheat, J 8 _Liggett; 28 sks rye, W J Mark. INSURANCE STATEHENT OF THE BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO,, Of Allegheny, Pa., FOR THE YEAR ENDING JDNE SOO, 1869. CAPITAL $100,000.00 Stock Motel ASSETS. $ 73,000.00 vonds and Mortgages 5/3899-50 Bills Receivable 8,336 83 Office Furniture 40.1.00 Cash on hand 1,600.03 RECEIPTS. $109.33L34 Premium $ 15,719 37 Interest 3,783 41 DISBURSEMENT. $18.50218 Dividends 3 5,000.00 Losses pad 1,709 Osi omceez, en se, taxes and stamps 4.035.24 Comm salons 381.71 Return premiums and reineu ranee 443.91 ill 589.92 Amount of outstanding r15ke,81,389, 882.00 7724:uthikri88 CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. PHELAN'S BUILDING. No. 5121 Fifth Airenue, Second Floor, ' PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital All Paid Lip. DIRECTORS. N. J. }lisle,. IH.W. ( Myer, Jr, ICapt.M.BalleT, Drag Wallace, IS H. Hartman. A. Chambers, Jake Hill.S. M , Clurk,.n. 'Jas. IL bailey. Thomas Smith I,Jno.S. Willock, ROKEHT H. EINE), President. J NO. F. JEN N IMP!, Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Sevre‘atl. Capt. R. J. GRACE, Henn Agent. Insures on Liberal Terms on all Fire and Mantic Risks. ap2:o7. STEADISHIPS T 0 LIVERPOOL , ANDAZ QUEENSTOWN. THE INMAN WAIL sTnAnlsnirs Numberlox sixteen twat-Glass emote% &meet cm mthe eelebreted CITY or PAitio, cm OF ANTwEre CITY OP BOSTOA OP L 6 DO op N, BATlmoilz. Mx OP LON Wing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45. 2 4 ,..eek haves, New York. For nusage or farther Worm/Won spell tO ',WILLIAM amaßetim...r. 1113 6.IkUTUFIRLD SMUT, Plttsbargb. U4DAY, IkupusT RII7 - kk NEWS. The river remains about stationary at this point with twenty-one inches in channel by the metal mark. -=Weather continues oppressively hot—mercury 95 in shade. —Capt. Stockdale expects to start the new steamer Barranquilla for New Or leans today. —The New York left Parkersburg Tuesday for Pomeroy, with the Crescent City Circus troupe. —The Petrolia arrived from Parkers. burg on Thursday, but did not depart again—at least she was still in port last evening. —One of the fine barges which have been building at the boatyard of Attessra. Wilson dt Dunlevy, Wheeling, for the Northern Transportation Company, was successfully launched on Monday last. —A. St. Louis telegram says: The trp per MississippLhas improved and the St. Paul boats will run through again until another decline. The Missouri and 1111 note are declining. Weather clear and very'warm. Mercury at 3P. X. 96 deg. —The Evansville Journal says that Evansville does not charge towboats wharfage when they land for supplies, but the barge line boats, doing a regular freighting business, are required to pay, like other freight and passengers; "and," the Journal asks, , •why shouldn't they?" -A Cairo dispatch under date of Wed nesday says: The 'Great Republic is still here, being delayed repairing ma chinery, having unshipped her plumer block while aground aboye Cairo. She clears to-night after taking 750, barrels of flour, 450 sacks corn ana oats, 32 hhds tobacco, 130 bales hay and 50 tune sun dries. —The New Orleans Butleitn of the 12th says: The colors of the steamboats in port were displayed at half-mast yester• - • day in token of respect to the memory of Patrick Murphy, late mate of the steatner Celeste, who was killed in an altercation about landing-the boat, near Greenville, the night previous. The deceased leaves a wife and four children. -The Inspectors of the Fifth District have instituted measures for the investi gation of the circumstances under which the boilers of the steamer Cumberland were exploded last Saturday morning, near Sbawneetown, a statement of which has already been made in these columns. Summonses have been Issued for wit nesses, and the matter will undergo a rigid examination. —The Louisville Courier•Journat says: The Charleston is having a gorgeous time. Herself and barge were both hard aground on Portland bar last evening. Monday she was attached at the suit of her pilOt, Captain B. T. Caffery, for wages due. She gave the necessary bond and was released. Captain Lee Crane went down to her last evening to try and get her off the bar. —A Gallipolis dispatch to the Oincln• nati Gazette says: The Dexter was on the rocks at Buffalo, Kanawha, night before last, knocking a hole in her bottom. She went for the Middleport docks. The Active, owned at Brqwnsville, Pa., sold to day to Captain H. N. Bailey, Su perintendent, for the Kanawha and Gal lipolls Packet Company. She takes the Mountain Boy's run during low *Water. The Bellevernon is still aground on Buf fington, trying to get off. The pilot of the Lawl ence reports three feet of wa ter on. Guyan. Twelve pole and eight mile, and thirty inches on Buffington. WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPER. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, W. P. MARSHALL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street, (NEAR MARKET.) SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. trtbS EC ORATIONS — In Wood, D Marble and Fresco Imitations .for Walla an.. Ceilings of Dining Rooms, Rana, &0., at No. 107 Market street. JYa JOSEPH R. MOIRES & BRO. QTAUPEO GOLD PAPERS for s.arlors, at N 0.107 Market street. )3 , 2T ,Jr.SEPH R. HITGHKS t. BRO. SECURITY, AND COMFORT for the traveling community. J. B. HARRIS Safety Fire Jacket, Car Heater and :MODERATOR. For Smoke and Hot Air Flues, dispensing with the use of stoves anu fire- In or about the Pa- gen es r or Baggage pars, with the attaciiment to graduate the heat to any temperature that may be desired without tae possibility of Sting Use car or cars V , which the Jacket mav be luta. bed. Having übtaned of the United States Letters Patent fir a Safety Jacket, which Is warranted to resist the mos Intense heat • hat msy be ap. plied to it in ;as position and purpose for which it la Intended. • It Is a sure protection from accidents by fire. originating from - defective flues or where Iron pipes are used as conductors fOr smoke or heat. It is applicable to all piping that may become cc. erheated, and Is woo rant , 4 to give perfect sat isfaction v bete wood or other combustible Mate rial may be placed In close proximity thereto, T an now ready to apply my invention to stores, dwellings, factories , ships, steamboats. railroad care. ac. TA herev r pipes as conductors are made d..ngcrous by being overheated and seem -at). deslred4—will - senti on application right to manufacture or use the above invention. Also Territorial rights to such as may wish to engage In privileges either ey State or county. • Z. D. HARRIS. lar Ofilee at the ••RE PLUS uLTRA.,pAINT "th WORKS. corner of Morris - street and e Alle gheny Valley, Railroad, lwelfth ward. PIM- Mugu, Pa. „1T1.13:ma6 , 2,000,000 ACRES OF ORDIOE LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road. at MN TO $6,00 PER ACRE) • ,and on a CREDIT OP FIVE TEARS. , For further particulars, maps, &c., addreis JOHN P. DIMES/EVE, Land Commissioner. Topeka, Kansu. Or CHAR. B. LABIBOUN, Seo'y, a_ 1111 Ht. Louis. lidteinnei ROCLAMATION. — The qualified vote , s of the City of Pittsburgh will meet at their usual time and piiwe of 1101(1 4 21g ebellous, UFSDAY, August 31 1869, TO VOTE For or Against a Public Park. The ballots oted shalt be marked on the oat side ••Park. 1, and nion the Inside "Fur Park,' or • A rain. t Pat b.' , The elections mill be held by the officers an thortzed to bold tLe general electloue Is said city. .11.1111 ED sm.usa; Attoder T. 1869. ,• • • auto:o23 ILIKDRACLiC CEMENT. -400 bbla Lou Wills HYdrgito Oenkfane J. • FOR • SALE. FOR SALE. A LEASE EIGHT YEARS TO HIM of a lot cf grnund fronting 138 feet on Strawberry Lan., running back 95* feet immedtatelv in rear of Pittsburgh, All hem and Manchester P.I.ASPII. g• r Railway Ctrs stable. and on the line or the of the Cleve and and Pittsburgh Coto- Piny, solace GO OD the Ohlo river, on which is erected TWO FRAME TEN A NT DOUSES of three rooms each. With good stabling and out nousea complete. This property Is well adapted for lumber or coke tinuness, t here being already erected thereon eight coke ovens with all the necessary appliances for carrying on the business. Alro-o, for rent or lease, a comf-rtable PRA ME ROUSE or three rooms, lu a good loczclon with i n five minutes walk. of Wood- Run Station. P.. P. W. & C. E. It.. t) which therms Is attached abou t hall an acre of ground. Tuls property will be rented low Tor a term of year* to a good teiPia s. Inquire of ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Lumber Yard co'ner Preble tad Juniata streets, or No. ]57 Rebecca street, opposlie the Has Works. Adegheny City. 319:m77 FOR SALE. - at • • Good 8 Itisimsd brick house on Centre avenue and large lot-44,500. Good 0 roomed frame house with all improve. ments: lot 68 cy 1111—54.000. _ Frame house. A zooms: 10' 14 by 100 —II, 00 O. Two well finished press brick houses ana large lo'—only 40,000. Two 13 - roomed houses on Fulton ttreet—s2l. 500 each. One lot 24 by 120 feet on Reed street-1500, Plot of ground on Mt. Washington. 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 miles from the city. 30 acres on Western Pa. Railroad, 4 miles 'from the city. 225 scr. a good Improved land In Missouri, Will be divided to snit purchasers. 20 lots on exam avenue-4300 to $1,500 each. Inquire of McCLUNG & RAINBOW, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Brie Nos. 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue. F OR SALE. FIVK LOTS near Breed's Grove, within eve minutes walk of Plea rant Talley Pa enger Ball way. Lots are each 20 by 150 feet. running threat/ h from tie 'higher to Ann streets,on which there fs over 400 grape vines. besides pear, apple, peach,, and cherry trees. !so. a variety of ot,.cr smalt fruits. Price 43 500; 42,000 cash. balance in one ar ktwo years. Also one acre of icvouhd in Bellevue borough, about half a mire trom Jack'a Bun r Fa W. ob O.U.' 11": oa wlffeh - therelalliout 31) or 40 fruit trees. The place is well watered and fenced. and in a good neighborhood. Price, 41.050. 'liLlWTfllti M. WHITMORE, Real Rotate and Imattrance Agent, corner Ohio and danduaky etreete, Allegheny. aul3 FOR SALE. SECOND AVENUE.—Two houses. 3 stories. 9 rooms, with. all modern improvements Will sell for 85.530 .and 00.500 ei.eb. Easy terms. QUI R REG HILL.-4 acres of ground, with rnli-ndld view over the Monongahela, Valley: . Adapted fur private resiaence or to be laid out in noticing Lots. At *bargain. THREE MILES FR , i5l SHARPSWITED.-20 acres of best garden land, with 300 of the choicest fruit tree. in lust bearing conoition. Convenient to Sour and saw mill. Fur particu lars enquire at ST Grant Street. anl 4 TusTra & KLEE. FOR SALE.. Near Osborn Station, on the Plttabstria FL Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each, ENQUIRE OE W. MACKEOWN & BRO., 195 Liberty Street. mbls V ALITABLE STOCK }'ARMF OR SALE, situated In Wesmoreland e.unty. three mites nor h of "New Florence." Contains 540 c r e 3, 400 of whien Is and and a large portion In grass The land is rich and well watered. The but ding consists of a large frame Dwelling, two frame Barns and no. merocis outbuildings.Al the st..ff on theground to ertct a fine new dwelling: Cellar dug. This teem Is awed at ta.e low price of St 0 per acre, with easy payments. Apply soon to 04 • cLAIN & CO., ' No. 104 Fourth Avenue. VALVA IR LE °ARLAND PRO PERTY FOR SALE.-1.00 altfee trent on Ovaries street by 203 feet deep. eat well bunt Cottage House of portico, wide bill, large parlor, bay w Inoow,marble msetle.dining room, kitelkn. large cellar, three chambers. three attic rooms, pores, etc., cistetn and laydrant . water, it... 4% and shade trees, Concord gripe vines. under drains. etc. In desirable location, Ave minutes wall; from the Station and easy of access by ConnelLsville Railroad. Apply to S. CIITHRvRT & SONS, 39 Sit th avenue. ME gARDENERS TAKE NOTICE. FOR SALE.—The FOURTEEN MILE A -- ND, on the Allegheny River. and non used for gardening purposes; well improved and In a high state of cultivation; containing 40 co 50 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call soon. Also, other Farms in good locations. Woolen Factory. two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For and To-let in both cities. For further par. titulars inquire of WILLIAM WARD. fe2s 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. Resto:es ply and faded Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff; CURES 'ALL DISEASES OF I THE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the bait grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. 1143 slid $1,50 pa Bottle. Each Battle is a Neat Paper 13a. Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY it CHENEY. DrugglEts. Bufftdo. N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. Whoieseletaton hi—SCHWARTZ & FIAZ LET T S 4 a r Fr . .) ROOFING SLATE OF VARIOUS , Qualities and ColorS. Parttenlar attention given to laying elate abd repairing Blate roofs. For particulars and !niece address J. NEIVMYEII I Se. 43 Seventh Avenue, tante° TRADE MARK. DITIIRIDGE'S 1 7 .1.11 M - Gov Lamp CHIMNEYS. yRESH SHAD RECEIVED hal daily at BENJAMIN - eIII,PREfin popular blind, till. 45 Diamond Market, bn' Rh, and at the Twin Oily,Allegheny Clty, earner of Ohlo and Federal streets. Can - be hid all kinds of Bas and Lake eels Halibut, Riad, Beak Codfish. Haddock and 'Eel. Also, large supplies , o_t White,, Lake Fish, iialattioa, Bast, Marilynn: Herring and MILCUMW Trout, Which enabfisato solo Ogs Lowell market . Prices. whole Or retail. We invite aL lovers el .give weltiii laser akX EDUCATIONAL. F I EMA I . I EEDUCACTIZN. AIR. AND MRS. 11, 11. TWINING'S* BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL, No. 2024 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, The object of this Echool is to impart a practi— cal and useful education. For this purpose 11a. rooms are fitted up with every necessary comfort and convenience for twenty scholars only. The most efficient teachers of French, German and Drawing are engaged. An ample supply of Ptilk)sopbleal and Chesil cal apparatus is provided for the illustration of natural selecoe. , A pamphltt Prospectus of the Echool will be furnished on application by letter or otherwise. aulB4 WESTERN MERSIN:, Ross and Diamond Streets, . _ Fall Term Opens September M. There are Seven Departments—Collegiate. Sci entific, Civil and Meebarleal Anglneering, Mlll - mmercial and Preparatory. In each instruction is thorough and systematic. The Departments of Civil and Mechanical Engi n, ering were organized last year, and have suc ceeded beyond all expectation. IA balsam higher departments of the Un versity are well provided for, special care is; taken that Preparatory Stu dente are supplied with the best Instruction that. can be employed, Platt merest wan ants the AS. tern on the thtudents are afforded as good o,por tumtles as con be had at borne or abroad. Call. for the present, from 9if to .1011 A. 31.." or send for a catalogue. FACULTY. • GEORGE WOODS. LL. D., President and Pro fessor of Mental and Moral Science.. - JOS. F. GRIGGS. A. M., Professor of Grenk. Hon. H. W. WILLIAMS, LL. D.. Professor of Law. R. C. JILT.SON, Pm. 8.. M. D Professor or ChenPstry Mineralogy and Geology. ' MILTON ' B. GOFF, A. M.. Professor of Math- REV. E. P. CRANE, A. M., Professor of Latlix and Rhetoric. 8. P. LaN G LEY Director of Observatory and Pro re te or of Phy wee ao d Astronomy. MAJ. W. J. L. NICODEMUS. U.S.Aram Pro-- tenor Military Science and Clv 1 and Mechanical Engineering. .1. E. AYERS, A. M., Adjunct Professor of Latin. ALPHONSE M. DANSE. Instruetorfn French. I. N. FORMER, Principal Commercial Depart-- mew. LEVI MIDDEN. A. M. Principal Prep. Dern t". F. ItOERBACHEB, Professor German and History. . . atennl4 ST ST. xAvirars ACEUIEY, Under the Care of the Sisters of Mercy, . WESTMORELAND COO PA. This Institution is situated near the Pennsyl vania Central Bsßroad, in a most oeautiful and healthy part of Westmoreland county, about, thr. e miles from Latrobe- The scholastic year is divided into two sessions, commencing the Monday after tne pith of Am-- gu t. Board and tuition per session, (payable in advance) affS 00 Bed and ceddir g per aesalon r. 00 Htattonery 2 00 Doctor's fees ." Is 00 Tue Modern Languages. Music, Drawing, Se" form extra charges. All communications should bed r eeti• d to the Directress of 12,, Xavier's Academy ht. Vie— cent's I'. 0., Wes morel and county. P a. N. 2.—A carriage is In attendance at Beaty's Station every Wednesday, o meet the morning accommodation train from Pittsburgh. • ' , turtles will • ommence Anirust 23 I. __ProspeCtib -es can be bad on application to the Directress of the Academy, an4:n4 Miss. M. MAFt.E.HANT" (Late Associate Principal or Irving Institute,) WILL OPEN A SCHOOL FOR loung Ladies. and .7flisses, MONDAY, September 6, 1609. At the rooms lately occupied by the Carry Insti tute, No 52 and 51 Sixth street (late St. Clain,. Circulars will be issued In a few days, or ang information may be obtained of Miss Markham,. at 3112 PENN ST., Pittsburgh. 11115102 wyEns , SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, .ft West Chester, Pa. The Scholastic Year of 10 months begins WED— IGEsDAY. lieptember let next, For catalogue, apply to WM. F. WYlate, A. IL, an7:1117 PRINCIPAL AND PROPRIETOR. YOUNG. LADIES , SCHOOL, . . No. 29 NINTH STREET, late Hand, Will open WV DITESDAY. lit. The- Schc 01 has elegant and cosimodkinevooms. a full. corps .of *We and competebt teachers, and every facLity f r a thorungb edaeation.tlealdes *be ustt- I- advantages of Itspa, Marts alai Philo.. soi , bleal Apparatus, pupils will have the benefit of a iarge valuatde Cabin tof .Nainral tory. Applications for *dud •sion 1:6117 be Mader: rsonally or by letter tO the principal, at No. 37 A.VhdilUE. REV. Si fIL GLENN, A. M., a^lo•n29- TYR& pENNSILIVANIA MILiTARY _ACADEMY, At CHESTER, DELAWAMM 00., Pa. (Tar Boarders only.) The eights annual session. commence - Ir, hursda_y, S eptember ' 2nd. l...tidings are new an d very-complete in alltie' appointments. Very thorough instructio nosh-b. ancient- and modern imago get. - graduates of the Cnitcd elates Blldtary Ace,. devote their time exa.uslvely to the depart= of Math. mance awl ensinetring' Careful tension is to the mo s al and rellaloug tore of cadets, Circulars may be obtained o H. PAULSON. Zsq., Mo. 40 Wood St Pittsburgh, or COof L. THEODORE HOTATT. President of P. M. Aaidemy, Chester, r Au 3 m 36. TEL BENvILLE (O.) FERIA IC SEMlNARY.—Delisbifnly situated onitbe links of Oblo. Forty Years In successfal opera, Don. Unusual .adyan , ages In solid and § urns mental branches. t.ebool Tear of Forty 'Weeks begins September I. 1689. Entire expense about SS 00 a week. Twenty-llve per cent:. duction for dauabtera of ministers. •kettd for Catalogue to REV. CHARLES 0. 11. A T.. D D.. LL.D.. Superintendent, or Ralf. A.I fPC. REID. A. 31., Principal. itIS•.TIIST !? k ,- fißEr 7.• ....IGARAY INSTITUTE, 15,e. and 1529 rPIIIIOII STREET, Philadelphia. Pa. ENGLISH. AND FKENCH. For Young Ladles and Misiwe, Boarding and Day Ptzlia,, will Tetouan on MONDAY Berl cu her SM... FRENCH Is the language or faintly, a constantly snosen In the Institute. MADAME D'HERVILLyi Principal. jy20:71718 ASSESSMENTS.' CITY PAGINICCIt.B 01 1 7 ICE, 1 ALLEGLIZNY CITY, PA., August 13, 1889. s W O I ICE.—Tbe Assessments ireir Grading EILBUCE STREET, from Corry to School streets, also the arsesament for Grading' and Paving GEYER A.w-LEY, from Webs rto weaver streets, are now ready for examinal on, and can be seen Mite oM.e of the City Engl until AUGUST 23d, 1889, when they wil placed in the hands of the city Treasurer Ibr lcction. CHABLVIS DAVin CLTY EN OINSE &n16:1110 ON/ICP. OP CITY ENGINTIVI C BU2.VEYO ) PITTSBUIICII, Aujolsr. 11, 1189. I_TOTICeI.-11'he assessment or v. Grading, Paying and Curoing L S. TY STRICEI./rcen 30ta to 32d el reet.ia now ready for .xamtnatt n,and can nc eeu at thin Whoa until THUM:WAY. Augzet StBLh. When it will be eeturneo to the City Measurer's onto° Ilar, co 'cotton. an16,1n40 H. J. MOO= City Engineer. TITEBSTER STREET.—Notice ' Y L hereby slyen that the Viewer" report on, widening WiAl .ter street. Citl of AlleibeaN Mat been ' aced In the District Court, st IVo. U joiy Tennti/allei for conezinatlon; •.. I 9•.X49 03 135. Solleltsia. E 3 PRINCIPAL. emy Ina I Si". IN