NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE.—AII persons know= nits themselves Indebted to the estate of J. itoutlynn, an., deceased, or persons having olefins against said estate will call us the aubstrf; tiers fir settiemeht,•at No. 225 Liberty tart et. J. But)BYlelt , E. EOL/BYEEt. „ Executors. att2o:l? SALE OF VALUABLE • PROP ERTY of 60 ACHES In South Buffalo Town ship. Armstrong county, Pa, , on buffalo Creek, adjoining the Freeport lts e. Flouring Mill, Saw . Mil. and best Water Power In the State. F ramie iliVel in[ House of 6 rooms and cellar, hand somely sit usA-d on the N, P. B. It., now build- Pc g S t a r ie m o earATAFir,iel.;l7isl:A.sild6r. Pub fu ether p deniers add rgss, auk, JOSISPH H.' NY A I', Fret port. BUI DING LOTS ON CHAEI ERS SUFI", ALLEGRO I t AT. AUCTION. NRSDAY. Id on 0.- On WV:M.SI3AI: August 95th. at 9.0'c10.k, will be s Id on the premisea,fiftesu building lota Char fere a reet. Sixth ward, between Brady and Nixon etreeta. sud adjoining Gillespie & Co.'a p k . Coal trill e. 'lhey are each 20 met wide by 140 feet dee 10 a4O feet street. They are well 'ren ted for nildiug, purposes, are in a rapidly lm proving onion or the city. and are well worthy the spec I attention of all In quest of vacant property Terms at-sale. an2O A. LIEGGATE, Auctioneer ALL/WHINY VITY. PA., / AU9HST 9. 1869. 1 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. rile co•psrthership, heretofore existing under the Urn name 'of HILLIER, BONAWITZ, SCHEME G CO., and knoWn as the KEYSTONE COFFIN 31ANUFACTUBING CU., 1 i dissolved by mutual consent.' The business will be si Men at the office of Jiush Se Brown, No. AIRS Beaver avenue, by Jacob Buell, who is autholized to set tle the same. W. M. ABRAMS, CHAS. D A HMINER, ALEX. CASS.III2,LL, JAIUB uusu,_ J. C. COUCH, R. T.pltut,NEy, aoHN IioNAwITZ, WM W. BROWN, taxi). SCHEMP. JAMES LoWRIE, au2o L. 12 s&M'L IDLLtEft. TiRTEENTH LIST, 1569, , APPLICATIONS to Sell Liquors, Bled t Clerk's Ogler: Pittsburgh. - John S. Kennedy, tavern, lst war'; 3ladle, Lawton, tavern. ghl ward; B. 31'ilone. tavern, Bth ward; H. Herrl;tt, tavern, 11th ward; lona Loper, tavern, lath ward. Josei.h Llnsegrover, tavern, 15th ward. Allegheny. W. H. Erin it Co.. °the! goods. Ist ward, C. M. Deor/ck, trrern, 4ilt ward; JaeJD Held, torero, 7 Eh ward. Boroughs John C. Patch, tavern. Birmingham: L. Blocklinger, tavern, East Birmingham. '1 Towoships. IJohn Snyder, other goods. 'tartlet's; Thomas Devlin. tavern, Mifflin; .lo an tiilkey, eating house, Versailles. The License- Board will sit for hearing the above applications on the 25th Inst., at 9 o'cloca } it.t. G. BROWN. Clerk. MEM T IST OF LETTERS REMAIN .I.J ING IN BUCHANAN ruvroFFlcE, AU. 20.1860: • I A ;Gots Jai ;Ormsby 0 II Ansel a - iliriflisis Jos Adis H. l B. . Pierce T J Arwood B. !Harris L . !Phlbips 8 M B :Iltrald Iti A. :Plihettcr G •1 1. Brown A !Jones A ;Quinn t ti BouonpJ L Jones G J H. I Barret t E , B B o an e E ;Jones W i R • In d ir B o nZ T j Bayge Wm ! Frryyt r it !Roberts 8 J -. Boggs W F J Feder L - ' ;Beebe tC Barry W H Kerns Mrs : nagan J a- MIRO/ J H [Keeper I 1 8 CL , shadow E 3 Camp E !Leach J S ' :smith G W 1 Courtney .1 ,Lairetts A •.. Bhedd,n A CsAham J P ; Lewis a . mtevenbon J C 1 Cappy 0 . ;Lee P. E ' ,tiarley •• Cleary T I ill. • T Chatt-y W [Myers Jac. H . ! Thomas W Con gai7 Myers, Jag Thomas G I Ayers K. ITUOM2S J Davis Ii I 1110 - J Taw C Dur..n A W I.llhElhaney Ii Taw[ S E illeherly gen A. Al W Evans. D, car': lEclietyer T A I White a ' Evans D J iMcla oak 3I 11l i Wat..on J karn,st II B . !lictiown .k. It Walks rlt . r [McCoy .EA Walsh k Fagen M ~ !Mellowed W Wagner C CjklcGlbbons W Williams R D (.1 [ McCo•mick 1113 Williams D C ilira'am G ;McCormick Jas atO) PHILLIP w - cogram. LOGE SALE OF IRON: DIM" Q. M.. orricr. JEFFERsoNrILLE, IND., Augu,t I 19111 sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, at the De- Dot, at, 13/4401:RiMrilAfr , 40110AZIri AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31., ON . WEDNESDAY, Rd Day of September, 1869, A LARGE LOT OF IRON, consisting of various ; sties, as inflows: About 88,583 lbs. of band Aron, of the fallow ing sizes. Ids. • 3ii,x1.16 3 1 4x3-16 in. giixii; in. Mira it in. 3 4ag 34as' " m2x3l .• 4302 - 16 " 4 Li " Si“g • • 4!i13.16 3!:418-16 " - 5 xt4, " Thaif " 5 xB-16 " 4'.X3 . 16 ' 6 6a% " sNsg " 1311 •a 4 .:3-11 4%1:4 •• 2.413 16 /gr. 34 " ;Xx ou Ab g t 54,098 lbs. round iron of the following sizes, viz: in. 23..1 in. 2% in. 2g in. 2:Vln. A'¢ ; 2 " " 4! 4 ; " "4 " •• About 20.410 lbs. square iron of She follow- Ing often, 214 In. In. 3 la. V 4 1.11. 3 3 in. 2 % in. 16 2ii .• ig" About 314,387 lbs. bar iron, consisting of she foltowthe sizes; • 4 x a 4 in. 4 xlit in. 5 x)i la. 4 3 111 2,iim " 4u. ?A : 0 . 5 x 34 " 4 x " • • g .. 5 xi.. 4.. X! " I N X %,4 ' 2 X 34 " n JP4x ri • •• •• .•. 2 "317; " " 251x.115 " " 2 xl;s , ' • 3.4 x " 33sx " 335xt " 3%xi% " x " rhx " 2xl " 43gx hi .. 436x1.3fi " Mx! • ' Ihxl " 135x1 " thx )UX Ihx. h " Viz .45 " '2;lv z 4" 3 Xi','" 3 xh" 3 X% " 4%x " I%X. 340 " _UK " . 1 x 5 n 3•• 1 x 45 " 1 x " 214 x 45 " 236 x " 3 x% " Igx "19,x35 " 3 r. " 2152 h." 13st 11 " 135 x 3b " I%xll " 24x;4'' I x 35 " 4 xh " . Auous 27.000 lbs. bait' rounu iron. About 7 Ot 0 lbs. °y id iron. About 100 tons auibu•anee tire Iron. About 514/0 tons wagon the Iron. . Terms of pale—toh. By order of the Quartermaster flensrei. - J. A. PO7TER, Brevet Brig den. and Q. M. U. B. Depot Q. ALPERT & KOHLER, Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOT?. 80039 • AND RAINS:RS, No. 38 Market street, Pitts -1 bush, Pa. Particular attention-given to Custom Work. We beg leave to street the attention of the pbblic to the fact that we are now prepared to troubled Boots and Shoes- for persons -nroubled 'mit - Corns, Bunions or dstormed feet, I under the personal sup,mision of our Mr. AL .; PERT, formerly of Aliesheny . Clty, who be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. Aipert , s mode of measuring the i fool, by which we can be safe in warranting easy i and couttortabie Boot= and Shoes for the under } eat feet. Give us a trial and be convinced. ALPERT d SMILER, au9noZ . 38 Market street. Pittsburgh, Pa. "HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALV.. This beauefal situation cannot be surmised for privnte residences In any direction, so *nose to , both!cities, being only eight miles up the Weitern Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de siring 14ormation about this DrODUIT can obtain it by Calling at the office of the IRON CITY MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. TS Eedeml street, Allegheny. Lots from one-half acre to Ave acres: alsO, staall torn to suit pur ctuusers.i, There ilia go id location Am a manufse luring establishment, between the Railroad and Allegheny river. aultnnat HS LYON, • dealer of 'Wtieda and Nensurri Otnue-44O.i*OUBTii AVENUE, Subunit. • - :en.floliticiattia*DEl, pewit:4 Elusbargb lent• a visk moNIII•TY, Deputy, Alla eup , -7 . am NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ElU=g3l SHETLAND FIGURED CITIUN•7CZ3ES, BATES, & BELL. AN ORDINANCE To Authorize the Grading. of Wlllll6 !►trews, from Beira Avenue to the old City Lioe. SECTION 1. Be it °retained and enacted by the Select and Common Connate of rhs City of An - yheny, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the Committee on nreets be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to invite and receive proposals for the grading of Wilds street, as aforesaid, and to coittract therefor with the lowest and best bid der or bidd, rs, at their discretion. Sc.E A. That for the purpose of defraying the cost and expense of said gmprovernents, there be. anu is hereby levied, 1 opeclal tax. to be equally assessed upon the several bounding and abutting upon the said Willis Street. respectively in proportion to the feet Vent In them respectively comprised, and bounding and *busting as aforesaid. . . Sac. 3. That as 60011 as the cost and expenses of said imp , ovements shall be fu ly ascertained. it shall be tee duty of the Street Commissioner to assess and apportion the same sono.g the several has bounding and abutting upon Bald Willis street reettectlveiy, according to the rule 'above indicated. and thereupon proceed to make demand and collect the same, accord mg to the pravlsions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.. entitled ••An Act detlniog the manner of collecting the expenses of grading and paving of the streets and alleys of the City of Al leg Oen y, and for other purposes." passed the thirtieth day of March. 1852 SEC, 4. That Eo much of any ordinance as may conflict with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereoy rep:aled. Ordained and enacted Into a law this the 12Ith day of August, A, D. ISOO. • JAM k'S McBRIER. - President of the Select Council Attest: .T.M. OXLEY. 'Citric of the Select Connell. A larb.ED eLACK. / President of the Common Council. Attest: ROBERT I,II.WOUTII, ,z Clerk of Common Connell AN ORDINANCE OERR. P. M To Plienre the Better Enforcement of the Act of Assemblyltelatle to the Weighing of Cattle, Hog" !!beep. WHEBAAS. There are gross violations of the Act of Assembly relating to the Yr e•ablnir of hogs. ItheeP. Sm.. commated regularty byd.alers. in bald stuck, and the city is thereby defrauded of an amount of its just revenues. equaling prob ably twenty (20) dollars per week: Alen.Wagnuas, If any compensation were al lowed for giving information of alations of said act. It Is probable that the sa ne would be enforced, and the city thereby secure i in its rev. mines: therefore Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Allegheny. ani It Is herehlordained and enacted by authority of the same,That one half the flue authorize., to be collected by the Act of Assembly of May ls,, 1561. relating to the weighing of cattle, hogs, sump. &a.. shall be paid by the city ta the per.on making the Information against any party found guilt- before the Mayor or other proper oinur of violating said Act of Assembly.l bEC. 3. Tuat so much of any ordinance as may conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same Is hereby repealed. OrdaLuea and enacted into a law, thil the 12th day of August, A. D. 1869. JAMES IdcBALES, Preeldent of the Select Conkcil. ATTEST: J. B. OXLEY, ' Clerk of Select Council. • , ALEat ED SLACK. P ealdent of Common uounell. Attegt: ROBERT PILWOIITII, anyo Clerk of Common Council. • • AN ORDEVA.NCE To Authorise the Construction of Main Sewer on Spring. Garden. Ave• Due. SEC. 1. Be tt ordained and enactect by the Reject and Common Council. of the City of Allegheny, and it is hereby °reamed out artaMU by hid au thority of the same. That the rewer Commission be antl'tney are hereby authorized and dir-cted to invite and receive proposals fur the construc tion 'of a newer. located u follows. viz: From the terminus of the present sewer to the old City Line. and to contract therefor with the lowest and hest bidder or bidders, at their diem tion. AEC. A. That as soon as Ole cost, and expenses Of said Sewer shall be fully aecartatned, the acme shall be levied, assessed and collected as provided for. bi an act of Assembly of tot Cl 3 / 9 • mon wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "a supple ment to a supplement of the fourth section of an act ent !tied en *Act relating to Allegheny City,' approve* March 1.4, A. D. DIGO. " Sac. 3. That so much of any ordinance as may conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby revealed. Ordained and enacted into a law this the /Rth day of August, A. D. 1815 e. JAMES McBRIER, President of Select Council. Attest: J. R. OXLEY, Clerk or Select, Council, ALFRED SLACH. President of Common Council • Attest: ROBERT DILWORTH. ' La) Clerk of Cowmen Council. BOYS' cracorricriN - 43-. Our entire Summer Stock of Boys', Youths' and Children's Clothing, closing oat at greatly reduced prices. GRAY & LOGAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH STREET LATE ST. CLAIR. CHOICE COFFEE. Just received a fresh stook of choice old Gov ernment Java. Lagnafra and Mock& Cone. Per isle by the bait, or st retail, by JUR .11 A. RENBH altr. aulB --- Corner Liberty and Ninth streets. 'LAKE HOUSE, STON E 808 0, PA., (on fi ne of Jamestown and Prat kiln rondo EDWARD MTh ecti, Proprietor. This favorite Sumner Itceort la now ready for the reception of guests. It le delightfully situated, stew rode fr 'SANDS Latin. the moat beau tiful ahret of Water In Penuaylvania, and Is ao easel ee' of Rail from AW L Pullin. eVenald fleilieltud innings on the Mende. anthlls3 met-and - Farin"Ceoal Miners. and persons - desirinA. a Western niecand others, min bate s qua mew Piper FEU won s: one be sending_ name and Postotelas imams to GARDZ4B7I - JUURN II: AL, eatdoe4lllltiois, -- prrTstrattair GAZE IT " FirMit,''grft - ITSI 20 REDUCTI,4MS Si Yin larr ls, GRENADINES AND NEW .ADVERTISELDIANTS. UNRIVALLED iimnar.m WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machines. LEIDS ILL COIIIPETITORS. The distinctive feature of the WHEELER & WILSON MACHINE is the use of a ROTARY ROME to carry the loop of the upper thread arena the spool containing the under, making the lock-stitch alike on both aides of the fabric, thereby' doing away completely with the vibra tory motion of a shuttle, the tension upon the under thread, and all devices for tat lug up slack thread; these are necessary on all two-thread Machines. The public have indorsed this prin ciple by purchasing over 380, 000 of our Ma chines—more than 100,00 In excess of those of any other manufacture! It has long been ac knowledged by far the most simple Lock-stitch Machine in existence having one-third less ma- Alitery than any other two thread Sewing Ma ch ne. (Vrom the Lotdon Times.) "The WHEELER WILSON SEWING MA• CHINE, which is the ONE BEST CALCULA TED FOR HOUSEHOLD WORK, uses no shut tle, and makes the LOCK-STITCH alike an both sides of the goods. "Some of the Sewing Machines are very ex train. g 4nt in the Ilse of thread; one of the most noted of those making the double loop chain- stitch, using six yards of thread to one of sew ing. This is, a serious matter, idoled upon In a manufacturer's point of view, where the great aim is to economiz I the material.'' Thonsands of Testimonials could be Elven from all pares of the world. were It necessary to the reputation of this well-known Family Sewing Machine. I beg to state that I have used my Wheeler .t Wilson Sewing Machine, In (anal sewing, four teen years. wlthunt even the most trilling repairs ; and it lii so good comdltton that I would not exchange It for your latest number (now up wards of 300.000). One needle served me more than a year inane sewing. Man. ANNIE WARNER NEw Tonic. 3! re. Maxley has bad her 'Wheeler it Wilson Sewing Machine in almost. didlly use for over eleven years without any repairs. Ehe has done, with hrr own hands, during that period, the' larger potion of the sewing for a fam:ly of eleven childVeu on file machine, and part of the time flitter' or twenty farm servants. She would not now change her %heeler do Wthon QM for any other ►he has ever, teen BRAKDON, 311. a Cant. J. YOUNG. of Robinson towustip, Allegheny county, says: We have used the Wheeler A: Wilson Sewing Machine in our usual) two years. My daughter received but two les sons, and Is able to accomplish every variety of sewing wh bout any difficulty whatever. We had used the "Howe" and "Grover & Baker," and alter a fate trial oi these three leading machines, we can most confidently assert that no machine is so stosple or so well adapted for ladles' and family use, as the "Wheeler &Wilson." My wife has used her-Wheeler & Wilson Ma- chine ten years without repairs, and has used only one needle for the last three years. CHARLES J. GRAY. Nzwscao, N, T. Ten years ago I purchased a Wheeler & Wil son Sewini Machine, and have had it In constant use In my family since. We used it tiering the war• to make clothing for our volunteers In the service, and for the hospitals, and this work was very heavy, belig coarse woolen and cotton fabrics. It is Still in good working order, noth ing haying been broke nhat a few needles. You are welcome to use my ni .11 e in your recommen dations. line. HtICIII kicUULLOCH. GRIT NUNNERY. MONTra'AL We, the undersigned, Sisters of Charity, cer tify with pleasure that, after a trial of ten years, we have Sound Wheeler & Sewing Mr chines superior in every respect to all others used in our establishment. Their mechanism is strong and perfect, and with little care never get out of order. ' SISTER COULTER, SISTER BAYEUX, General Hospital. In order to ficilitMe the sale of, and place a Wheeler Wilson Sewing Idtaifile within the reach of every one, we propose to !me them on tke following terms: We will furnish one of our celebrated Sewing Machines to any one deposit ing with us fifteen dollars es security for its safe keeping, and paying us t , n Sollars per month for the use of the same. Whet the monthly pay menu and deposit amount to a sum equal to the Cash Price of the Machine, we will give a receipt in full for the Machine; Any one &emus to avail themselves of our offer, can be accommodated by making applica tion to one of our traveling salesmen, or by ad• droning us, or by calling at our ELEGANT SALESROOMS, 140 i. -Wow STREET, FITTSBVROU, WM. SUMNER & CO. aunt IHE COMMON- 8E SE WINE . AND 411DElt .1110.1,1 Manufactured by the. and Undo} Machine Companp.' Le the most practical Cider Mill in the world. ny one opera tion nrixidnmeapples. prmau than aa cry es chips between , stiolere s mblie the eider Daises di. Net: into the barrel. They are inn by handler power. easily operated., durable and substantm. Harare parchaanig Cider Mill end for an Ulna %rated Wrenn& . Salta* 7 4 '7 , ' • ' c . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY GOODS, The Lowest Prices. Sheeting Mims Case Mus lin, Table Linen, Table Napkins, Towelings and 2'owels, White Country Blankets, Grey Country Atankets, White Eastern Blankets, Gretj Blankets, Heavrj Country Plaid Flannels, Shirting Plaid Flannels, Fine Flannels. • Black Waterproof Cl Oat, I Brown Waterproof Cloth, Hoop Skirts and Corsets, Ladies' Underwear, Ladles' White Skirts, Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Ladles' Collars, Embroidered Edgings, Laces and' Edgisgs, bilk Fringes, Dress BuitonS, IMM3M! Jet Buttons. Ribbons, Illusions and Bonnet Satins and Saks, Bonnets and :Frames. LARGE ADDITIONS New and Desirable Goods All Departments of the House, -WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLTIGHENY CITY. ROBERT 11, PATTERSON & CO., CORNER OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty St • PITTSBURGH, PA. Will on Saturday, July 31st. 18119, and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Sale or HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES , - WAGONS, And everything aopertalnin t the Horse. Parties deal ins to sell w ill please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday eit each wetk in order for adventstrg. Prompt at. tendon and good care will be given iii Stook left formate. JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. ly:a•mee 11. B. WOOWAN J. Ito B'KOWN. R. N. McCOWAN & "c 0 , . 1 ( Boulevard Patrers,• • Moe, No. 66 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY, Orders left at- Gamin% corium Pittsburgh, promptly attended to. Pave sidewalks, COMM, Inside Verdi, Drives, deo. Warranted agalost ebonies of heat sea cold. • liersaztome —Max. Mo. , rhead, Lyon it short.; Hoar Patterson,Wm. Park. •iatnes N. Long d Bon, Tierney d moKee, Anderson's d Maxwell. Aiken ilOsmpbell. Isaac Onto.. Olin= ERSONAL.74II persons seek. INN , HOMESorinvestmesta to 'teal r.. E. Will save time, trouble owl money . wpm. , runs:Lor of tuo...munissusou EFAL; ttit gtvooltirSrlitiA3l6 or wiU ot ouiti Iran to sayrequuting It. Mons cannot to tolsoitodAtttpt OA /1710 it matting. Otturr 4PHILLIPo, poo -1111/0111111 awl Beal Earn *teats. No. 1119 boar* NIEIVC7 Da Shirting liuslin, Bed Ticking, Canton Flannels, Cheeks. White 111arseilles.Quilts, Allendale Quilts. Heavy' Bed ICoverlets, Wool Coveriets. Wool Flannel—all colors, Twilled Fldnnels, Ladles' Cloths, Cassimeres, Jeans and Tweeds, Balmoral Skirts, Nain,sook anti Jaconet Musliru3. Pearl and OF AT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRA BARGAINS DRY GOODS COTTON GOODS. At 83c. Dark Calicos, fast colojs. At 81c. Unlgeached Muslin. It gie. Bleached Muslin. t Mc. Good Calicos. At. I*. Best Calicos, new styles. At 121. c. Fast Colored Ginghams. At 12ic. Canton Flannels, At 12ic. Bed Ticking& At 25c. Yd. .wide Feather Ticking. At 12ic. Yard wide Fine Alm At 20e. Cotton Tabling, wide. LINEN AND AVIIITE GOODS, At 10c. Good Linen Toweling. At 12ic. Wide Linen Toweling, At 122 c. Extra Good Towels. At 122 c. Large Table Napkins. At 50c. Wide Table Linen. At 25c. Plain Nainsook Muslin. At 25c. Striped and Check Nainsook WOOLEN GOODS. At 22c. Red Wool Flannel. At 25c. Heavy Country Flannel. At 25c. Extra Red Wool Elanne At 25c. Extra Yellow Wool Flanne At 25c. Extra. White Wool Flanne At 25c. Grey Twilled Flannel. At $3.00 Pair Good Grey Blankets At $3.50 Pair Good White Blankets At 50c. All-wool Cassimeres: At 75c. Extra Good Cassimeres. At 31c. Heavy Blae-..W00l Jeans. At 25c. Good Jeans. DRESS GOODS. .• At Sac. Fine Black Alpacca. At 25c. Fine Alpacas, in colors. At 37ic. Etra Black Alpaco. At 50c. Black Mohair Lustrei At 50c. Striped Poplin Alpacas, At 62ic. Silk Warp Poplin. At $l.OO Brown Silk Poplin. At $1.50 Good Black Silir. At $lOO Black Bepp Silk. NEW AND POPULAR 3E3 PL ITOTEi DRY GOODS Openilas• Da4y 10E1 WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY OITY. pataz ASH.-20 sacks; or sale J. B. Ot.NWIRT.I). 3. W. BAR 59 MA RKE S80,0c0C) w TEN DAYS STILL GREATER. RED Many Goods offered Twe they can be bought for in present time. Winter Goods as T II 7E,_,:.S•:*•*.C. • - - By:titer- . ...... ......, . _ . .. . _ .. .. . - . •.- - . . . . . . . . . . . ..: , . % ,.k . ?, , 5,t7" , .i , j . .?!.: : :,?, , q - : .e.•::, ,- ,' , .':'.:ttft.', , ',Vfirft:t:;''.t. 7 .t';.;: .7 .-5.::-Ti:.'7 • RPNOTICES-"To-Let," "For Sure." Want ,"“Found t )7 A.Boarding , ” &C., not exceeding FOUR LINES', will be inserted in these columns once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional line FIVE CENTS. WANTED—SIT UATIoNS. NvANTED-By a married man a equation aa neXTOIsi OP A CHURCH in either cite A.tle.heny preferred. Address Box IL., GAZirri OFFICE. WASTED.—SITUATION, by a married man no a drIT. r. Can pun good reference. Ade reas UEORti.b.. Gezarra, )ICS. WANTED-HELP. WANTED.—A' lint-class MA. CHINE WORKIT. Enquire at the IN.DUSTILIAI. : 4 , corner Point alley and Duquesne Way. ANTED— A TIRT COLORED woman to tate charge of a small house in a small family. knob aperson can !Sod a good home by applying at 98 Craig street, Alle gheny. this morning. TATANTED---HELPe-AT v v PLOYMENT OFFICE, No . 1. - St. Clair Street, BOYb GIRLS and MEN, for dLterent kiads of employment. Persona wanting help of all kinds can be ennplied on short notice. • WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED.-1,000 Men Want- ED to s&O the WHEELER & WILSON BgirlNG MACHLVe on salary. Address L ock Box 368, or colt between the htairs or 3 wad 5 P. 31.. atour ocac'e. 140 WOOD MEET, Pitts burgh. Applicants must come well recommended. • War. BOHNER & CO. WANTED -100 Confidential AGENTS to dispoie of a good paying -arti cle. A* energetic and trust% orlby man calf make ok r asooo In two months Putlcalars free. rail on adareas DAILEY WM Broad. way. N. Y. • - au2:n23dderl WANTS. WANTED.—A SITUATION by Married Kan as earrlage-drixer for either Livery 23table or private family. ConnirY pre ferred. Addrese B. x If., GAZIVITE OF/ICE. TETA N T -PARTNIEB• A v Rood, reliable Traveling Agent, who can invest from three to eight thousana dollars in a good paying manufactnringbatiness can learn of as opportanny seldom. offered. hy addressing. with name and address, B. & 8., Allegheny WANTED. -10000. Acres• . of L kND WARRANTS and AGIIIO4,LTUI RAT. CDLLE9 E. LAND SCRIr. wanted. Ad dress, JOHN S. BRADDOCK, Mount Vernon, Ohio. WANTED,A good second about-.AND ENG , NE AND .11011-ER: engine 7-Inch cylinder: Bolter fro - MU to 20 tea, 36 to 46-Inch, end fined. Parties haying such machinery to sell will please address Box 354. Pirtabargh Postotace, stating tine, make and prieP. WANTED. -A SigALL DOUSE, of three rooms. In Manchester or Law renceville. Also. a 51TUATION ht a clothing store as salesman. Good Es ference gfv.n. Ad dress IV. P. BRANDON, Pittsburgh Pcstoft LOST. XIEWT.--ON WEDNESDAY A TERNOON. between . Al`egbeny and East teeny. by way of SbarDsbnrg urldg_e and Worn- Ineslde road. a IEPTED BLACK AND WHITE PLAID SHAWL.. A snitabla reward will be paid fur its rE tut xi 10 the IieZETTE OPTICS. STRAYED. STRAYED AWAY FROM THE subscriber. In Pleasant Valley, a RhD COW with horns turneCLln. Any Information that will teed to tte recovery of the Cow will be thank receive. 8188. FAL0 ,, 14. Pleasant Valley, Allegheny Co., Pa. TO LET. riv-LE T.--11001/S. on Second w, with Boarding. Location the most desirable in the city, with the conveniences of b h rooms. the comforts of &private family, as few boareers are kept. Ibl North Avenue, AN. legheny City. FOR SALE OR NALIP.-11011S.E AND LOT. F —Mtn* te at Halton tttatlon. Lot contains 134 acres, on which ;a erected a good Frame Dwelling conta;Mng 6 rooms wltu fruit trees, &c. Adorns JOHN CUFF'S. Halton Station. F • 011 SALE.—Lease and good Will of a TAVERN STAND Ina desirable locslity.. Termaav; dolma a good business. Apply of WM. JACKOON. 73 Grant street. FOR SALE.—One-half of . a. valuable PATENT for Peanevivanta. A =An !snide used In all houses. A chance for an active youne man with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Postotheer Box 690. IVOR SALE-cunt RESIDENCE lA 0/1"Colerell street, one square from street cars. The House has ten rooms, hall, geed cellars. pressed - brick front, gas and water throaghoat, bath room, range 1n kitchen. and to a pleasant DelghOorbeod. _ _Price; on eas terms. Auple to CROFT a PlisLLlPoi Real : state :Agents, No. 139 fourth penile. FOB SALE. • • . • „, • BECONVAVENUE.—Two Douses, 5 stoiles. 9 rooms, with all modern Improvements ,Wili sell for $ 5 500 and $6.500 each. Mum terms.' rial/IRREL HILL.—t acres of grotat_,O with solendid view over the Monongahela Valley: Adapted for private residence or to be laid out in Antioln• Lots. At a bargain. THREE- Fatal ISHARPBSOO.4I4-00 acres of best' garden land, with 500 of" she '- choicest fruit trees in lnst bearing conoition. Fer n en vient to flour and sawmill . i.r.Pasuen laors enquire at S 7 Grairt Street. TUSTnq at; KLER.-' CANDIDATE. LN DEPENDENT ;TEMPER.. ANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER.. ISAIAH DIOKEY. arts:nl2. Kla ..i a:- .4-qv.; T STREtT. oath 17.rLs;cp1451. LONGER! LICTION IN PRICES nty-five per cent. less than the Eastern Markets at the well as Summer ICTI =ME loiwd-1)•at 1; . ...w.:..#4. - A.,;ZZ :. ;'' , ' =EMI Z 3 1;3 t 11 5 , II ffai 1111