MARKETS BY TELEGRAM. Niw YORK, Aug. 19.—Cotton fully 35c better; sales 2,500 bales at 3434 c for mid dung. . uplands. Flour—receipts 8,914 , bbls, dull, heavy and'sl23loo lower, with • salei of 6,400 bbls at 35,85®6,15 for super , i state western, $6,90®7,50 for extra state, 56,65,37,35 for extra western, 47,40®7,65 for white wheat extra, $6,75®7,60 for R. , 1 H. 0., s7®B for extra St. Louie; 38,50® 1 10,50 for good choice do., closing heavy. I ' Rye flour quiet; with sales 150 bbls at' $4.50®6,75. • Corn meal scarce, quiet and ' sales 100 btils Brandywine at 6,25. Whis: ky more active and firmer. -with sales of 300 bblsestern at $1,17 3 , ©1,18 for free.' dull and In favor o the buyer; sales 88,000 ba at $1,52® 60 for No. 2 spring, $1,72% for i , retail ots of No. 1 do.. $ 1,61©1,65 fir 1( i winter ed and amber Ohio and in de- I manda sl,7o:new arnberTennesseesl,Bo, choice new white Indiana $1,05, winter' 1 -red Illinois $1,7234,"ch0ice old amber , ' ! Michigan. RyeAulet. = Barley hominal. 1 Barley malt dull;' sales of 500 bushels •• choice State at f 1,70. Corn: receipts of 1 ~ 33,954 bushels; very scarce and a shade better, closing dull; saks of 39;100 bush.l 98c®41,181,4 for unsound new mixed west .l . ern; $1,20®1,23 for sound do., the latter price for high mixed, nearly yellow. Oats; receipts of 149,000 bushels; a shade firmer; 65c. for old western, 61®65c. for new. do. Rice in fair request. Sugar steady; salts of 720 hhds. at 1135©12c. for Cuba, and 12®12c. for Porto Rico. ', Coffee in fair request; sales of 2,000 sacks ..' Rio on private terms; 200 sacks Maricabo ! at 1634 c. Molasses quiet and firm; sales 0f.,60 hhda. Muscavado at 49c. Hops quiet. Petroleum dull, 17%c. for crude, 3 - 2®32y,,e. for refined. Linseed oil ; quiet.' Pork • dell and heavy; sales ' of 430 bbls. at $33,u5®33.25 for new mess.; $ 32 75 for old do.; $27 75®28 50 : - for prime, and VO f r prime mess. Beef steady ; saleS 175 b Is. at $8 50®13 50 for t r new plain mess ; $ B®l9 for new extra mess; tierce beef nominal; beef hams quiet ; sales 90 bls. at $25®30; cut , meats steady; sales 50 pkgs. at 14%4, 15c for shoulders; 17®19•3 for hams ; aiddles firm; sales boxes ice cured at 7 38®173, 1 c.. Lard d 11; sales 465 tierces 1 ..; ,),1,. 18®20c for steam ; and 20K,©20Mc for %;..tiittle rendered. Butter dull at 15®27 0 . V - - ‘do cheese steady at 11®16e. Freights i ii .... ,y, Liverpcol areashade easier; ship . 0,,,if m , ts : 50,000 bushe wheat at 8d per • !. i l ia 10d per ste , and 2,000 ' bbls - ••' ,4 tifk , per sail at 2s. 3d " Zatest--Floiir close dull, sc. lower. Wheat quiet and in b yers' favor. Rye dull, $1,26©1,27. forestern. Oats in 4 , moderate request, • 64 650. for old, and 60®64c. for new we e ern. Corn quiet, $l,lB for unsound, $1;19®1,22 for sound mixed western. Pork nominally un -changed. Beef steady. Cut meats dull and unchanged. Bacon quiet and firm. ,' Lard quiet, 20c for prime steam. Eggs dull and unchanged. ST. Lours, August IB.—Tobacco quiet and unchanged. Cotton nominal at 32c. Hemp unchanged, with sales undressed \ at $1,23®1,30, and dressed at $2,30. Flour: low grades are scarce /and firm, and me -I diem and neglected aonly saleable at reduced prices;, supe r sold at $5,60® 5,30, extra at 0,60, double extra at $5,60 ©6,50, treble extra at $6,25®7, and fancy at $7,50®9. Wheat dull and languid \ i and 3®sc lower, with sales prime to choice red fall at $1,20®1,40, do. white at . 11 $1,28©1,50; there is no spring in market. 1 Corn steady and but very little doing, with small sales choice mixed in sacks I at 88c, and choice and fancy white at 96 ©97c. Oats: mixed dual and little do ing; white in fair demand, with sales mixed fn bulk at 433.4®44c, do. in sacks at 49®51c, and choice white at 54®55p. Rya/wavy and unsettled at 9734c®131 for choice. Whisky steady and firm at $1,15. ( Sugar unchanged at 1234143;c for Lou-' bane. Molasses dull at 70©suc for plan tation.' Coffee quiet at 2 %®23c for fair to good fair, and 24® . for prime to *home. Pork dull at i ®l4gc. Bacon ti dull and business sma 'th sales at 1..*©16c for shoulders, 19c for clear rib sides, and clear sides at 19 1 c. Sugar • Cdred Hams at 23®233;0. L:rd—noth ing doing; choice tierce held at 20c. Cat . tie: common in good, supply, but prime and choice are. rather scarce; prices un changed at $2®2,50.' Hogs steady and firm at $7,50®10 for very light to heavy. Receipts-3,6(M bbls flour, 41,300 bush wheat, 800 bush corn, 680 bush oats, 200 bush barley, 500 bush rye, 650 hogs. Csricsoo, August 19.—Eastern Ex hange unchanged at par selling and 1-10 off buying. Flour veryquiet, with sales f spring extras' at 16©6,6234. Wheat uiet and 34®10 lower l with sales of No. at $1,43, No. 2 at $1,39®1,40% cash; losing weak at the inside; this afternoon e market was dull at $1,38% for No. 2 se ler the month. Corn dull and droop ing;;c No. 2 declined 35c opening at 93c and closing at 92 3 / 4 e; re j ec ted moderately active and lc lower, opening at 8834 c and closing at 8734 c; ,no -grade 82®83c; this afternoon the market was dull at 91, 1 (,c for No. 2 seller the month. Oats active and yo lower; sales of No. 2 at 47®4734c; closing at outside; rejected 44®4435e. Rye dull and 2630 lower; sales of No. 2 at $1,00®1,03, closing at SI,OL Barley is dull and nominally 2c lower at • $1,24®1,25 for No. 2, seller September. Highwines more active and I®2o higher; sales at 11,13%®1,15, closing at $1,14® 1,15. Sugar firm, at 13302114 W for com • mon to prima Cuba. Provisions very quiet. Mess Pork nominal at $34; sales of 500 bbls at $26,60, seller January. Lard 1934 e. Dry Salted Shoulders nomi nal at 133;0. Rough Sides nominal at -1634c. Short Ribs 170. Sweet Pickled • Hams 18®18340. Freights; ' a shade firmei, at 431®643 on corn •to Buffalo. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours —4,641 bbls flour, 666,034 bush wheat, 156,765 bush corn, 41,208 bush oats, 6,320 bush rye, 3,800 bush barley and 6,772 head hogs. Shlmpents-5,971 bbls flour, 71,764 bush wheat, 174,461 bush corn, 44.- 722 bush oats, 978 bush rye,• and 4,670 head hogs. Coaccursri.rx, August 18.—Flonr dull and unchanged, "with flour at 28@6,25. Wheat firmer' and in better demand, with red at $1,28®1,83; no white offering. Corn firmer and supply light, - with sales at 9 4 00 . 90 c. Oats firm with no demand at 55®80c. Rye firm at 111®1,05. Tobacco in good demand at fall rates, with sales 114 lands at 88®18,25. Whisay excited, higher and unsettled; small lots sold at 1 1 1,18©1,14; the best at the dose could not have been bought below 11,15, and not freely offered even at 'this rate. Pro visions firm but quiet. Mesa Pork sold at SAW. Bulk Meats , held at 14®18 ', for shoulders and sides. Bacon 1534 c tor shoulders, and 1834€.19c for olear rib and clear sides. Sugar cured hams 23©24c. Lard held, at 20c; no demand. Butter firmer for prime to choice, but all other kinds dull. Eggs 14c, shippers' count. Cheese steady at 13.5(4)15c. No change and steady in 011. = Gold 183% buying. Exchange steady at 1.10 discount buying. CLEVELAND, Aug. 19.-,Flour market quiet and the prices are nnobanged but weak. Wheat—receipts 87,800 bu and the market dull and 40 lower: sales No. 1 red winter at $1,45; No. 2do held at $1,42. Corn quiet and lower; light.sales were reported at 51 for No. 1 mixed; 980 for No. 2 do, Oats 3n rather more Ingot. ry and prices advanced; sales of old at 65c; new 82c. Rye quiet. nominally nn. changed and held at a range of 11®1,15. Barley—very. little has come forward. Petroleum dull and unchanged; refined held at 283‘®29c for lots; small iota . 2 ® 3 0.4v4in0e; qx4l4.,a_nA._heylAtt TOLEDO, Aug. 19.=Flour dull.' Wheat dull and 2@3c lower for No. 1 Wabash; No. 2 do $1,42; amber Michigan $1,41; No. 1 red $1,42; No. 2do $1,88; No. 3do 51,29; rejected 11,05. Corn firm; No.l 98c; No. 2 96c, :and rejected 89c. Oats I@2o lower; No. 1 49c, and No. 24Th. Receipts —flour 3,300 bbls, wheat 106,000, corn 6,700, 'oats 5,400 bush. Shipments—flour / 4,000 bbls,. wheat 34,000, corn 3,200, oats 9,100 bush. MILWAITHEE, August 19.—Flour is dull, nominal and unchanged. Wheat quiet at 51,44% for No. 1, 51,42 for No. 2. Oats quiet sad unchanged. Corn nomi nally at 92c for No. 2. Rye and Barley nominal. Grain freights are unchanged. Receipts-1,000 bbls. flour, 105 bash. wheat. 1,000 bush. oats. Shipments-3400 bbls. flour, 2,100 bush. wheat. PHILIDELPHLI, August -19. Mess pork at /34. Lard at 20%@21c. Flour, superfine at 55 50. Wheat less active; sales new red at $1 65@1 68M ; white at 51 69@1 80. Rye at 11 25. Corn ad vanced; yellow at •51 18@1 19. Oats lower ; new at 570• Whisky at 51 20. MEMPHIS, August 19.—Cott: low mid dlings 81c; receipts 27 bales; exports 18 bales. Corn 844 e. Oats 55@57c. Wheat $1,10@1,35. Corn Meal, fresh $4,25; kiln dried 54,65. Bran $16@17. Hay slB@2o. Flour unchanged. Bacon firm, sides 300 shoulders 16;50. BALTIMORE, August 19.—Flour dull. Wheat steady at51,55@1,65 for red. Corn firm at 51.14 for prime white. Oats M@ 51c. Rye $1,10@1,15. Mess Pork firm. Bacon quiet. Lard firm 20©21c. Whisky firm and scarce 51,18. LOUISVILLE, August 19.—Bagging firm; heavy 23@24. Flour firm; superfine 55. Grain quiet and prices unchanged. Pro visions firm but prices unchanged. Highwines unchanged. DETROIT, August 19.—Wheat receipts 10,000 bush; market lower with moderate inquiry at abatement; extra white 11,64: No. 1 do $1,45@1.46. Corn $1,05 for No. 1. Oats; old 62@63. Dry Goode Market. NEW YORK, August.l9.—The dry goods market is moaerately active, especially for bulky goods. Owing .to the low rate of freights prices rule steady. The Thorndyke ticks are Mc lower, and sell at 17c. Stewart & Co. have reduced Ar. nold's prints to 10c, while the price is Ile; they also keep selling Amoskiag at retail at 100, Garner & Co's at 15c, Lowell at 90 and Wamsutta at Bc, bat these fig ures are no criterion for case rates. S.B. Chittendon & Co. are selling Amoskeag and Garner at 12;4c, Lowell at 11c,Wata suits at 9c, and they have sold Glouces ter at 12.t‘c, 3c off in 8 days. In' other makes there is no particular chatige to notice. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLIMBLAND AND PITTSBURGH KAI T - ROAD, August 19.-1 care pipe, H H Collins; 50 bbls oil, J Spear; 207 sksoats, Bingham & Laing; 2 cars , iron ore, Shoen berger & Blair; 1 cars 1 ore, Rees, Graff Dail; 119 kge powder, Bradys Bend Iron Co; 1 car a iron, Idoorhead & Co; 1 car lumber, MeEwen & Bro: 25 bbls lime, S Davidson; 15 do do, Ecker & Casky; 23 cases boots, 3 do shoes, W E -Schmertz & Cor9 bbls apples, J & C .B 'Davis; 3 eke wool, F Schineder; 160 Ake corn, 7 do oats, Culp it Shepard; 79 sks rye, McHenry & Hood; 42 bbls flour, Mont gomery it S; 12 sks rags, Christy & Benham; 12 rolls leather. M;DeLairge; 20 bbis flour, 48 irks corn,P DUff & Son; 200 bbla flour, T C Jenins; 6 bxs hitters, L M Rosenbach; 12 bbls oil, J Young; 12 doz chairs, Fackiner & Irwin; 31 sks oats, W 'Nanker & Son; 30 bbls ap ples, W J Steel & Bra; 5 do do, Springer it Co; 10 doh do, Morrison '& Bdo do, W H Graff; 22 do do, Bruggerman & 0; 17 sks oats, 13 do rye, H Riddle; 104 bgs oats, 1 bbl eggs, Ido pears, Head & M. PITTSBURGH, - FORT WATHR & CHI CAGO RAILROAD. August 18.-1 car metal, Loomis & Collard; 1 do do, J ,Moorhead; 4 do do, Zug & Co; Ido do, Brown & Co; 2 do do, Rees, Graff & Dull; 3 do. do, Nimick & Co; 6 do do, Hallman & Hammett; 10 tes lard, g H Myers .k Co; 10 dodo. W B Hays it Son; 30 do do, 25 cases do, J H Parker; 1 car barley, J Rhodes & Co; 500 bble flour, owners: 1 car stone, J Henchliff: 41 sits rags, McEl roy dr, Co; 1 car oats, J B Campbell; 12 reams paper, Godfrey & Clark; 100 bgs barley malt, W Gray & Son; 1 .lar lum ber, Slack & Sholes; 20 bxs cheese, L J Blanchard; 15 do do, J J Pettit; 20 do do, Haworth & Dewhurat; 20 do do, Knox & Orr; 25 dodo, E Heazleton; 1 car atone, JP&R H Knox; 10 hides, Seibert & Berg; 1 car oil bbls, BD Moore 35 whisky bbls, Jas Finch; 4 bbls eggs, ; H Riddle; 12 doz brooms, R Robison & Co. ALLEGHENY - STATION, August 19.- 1 car stone.ware, 0 A Dahlman; 2 cars wheat, Kennedy Bro; 1 do lumber, J B Ingham;••l2 bbls apples, J Herbert; 6 pkgs liquor, H Hespenheide; 7 cars ore, Spang Chalfant, & Co; 6 bbls rosin, H P Schwartz; 20 bblitlour, E M Jenkins; 25 do do,' W Seddon; 10 rolls leather, Gra ham & Spangler; 4 bbls eggs, H Lenz; 8 doz brooms,El Dyer; sdo do, F Comley; 6 do do, Moon & Bro; 25 bbls flour, S C McMasters; 2 bbls eggs, J Kohen; 71 hides, J Callery; 1 car cooperage, J M Hemphill; 2 oars wheat, W McKee (It CO. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Au gust 19.-2 cars limestone Shoenber ger & Blair; 84 carboys oil yitroil, -Liv ingston liro; 2 cars metal, John Moor head, 19 bgs rye, 6 sheep pelts,. A. Tur ner; 2 tanks benzine, McKelvy Bro; 4 bbls eggs, W H Kirkpatrick 6r, Co; 1 bbl whisky, S Page; 160 bbls oil Livingston Bro; 160 do do, Liberty 011 Works; 160 do do, R T Leech; 80 do do, H. Kohler tit Co; 1,280 do do, Fisher Bro; 400 dodo, do do Pool Bro;-8 bales hides, J Y Mc- Laughlin. •_,• • • PiTTSBVROR, CINCINNATI AND ST. LCraD9 RAILROAD, August 19.-7 mt bbls, Haworth it D; 16, Spencer & McKay; 1 bbl eggs, Day & Co; 4do do, M W Rankin; 2 do apples, 15 sits meal, F G Craighead; 10 bbls flour, 8 Lindsey; 1 bt iron, Jones t Laughlin; Ido do, J Dunlap; 85 bbis flour, Reymer & Bro; 7 do do, A Martin; 6 do apples, Woodworth it D; 50 aka oats, Meanor & Harper; 1 car rye, Robb& Herron; 1 do lumber, J Herbert. ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY ET LEMON & WEISE. Practical Farsiltare Manufacturers, M 1 us vOlThirril AVEICITE. wb ere may be founds fill assonment of Par. lor. Chamber and Kitchen irurniture. deb J. .11. 5W1NT.........•........ J. x. Blur SWINT & STUTZ ARCHITEcTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS; lib. 6$ Sandusky St. Allegheny, Pa t A lupe assontinent of NZWEL Pone BALLL, S zu s constauto on land. TURFING oral] detain na. done Aro•vzo MENDER/50XL &BROTHER% fl436bulati_suest, Dealers Drava, sad raw/Leggin& Jam ' ~ -.:x IMES PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1889 BW w NEWS. The river remain about stationary, with twenty-two inches In the channel by the Monongahela. . marks. Weather cloudy and oppressively warm; mercury 92 in shade. —The Nick Wall and Silver Bow left St. Louis for Missouri River on Tues day. —The Salver No. tie wrecking the Cora, and will recover her machinery and damaged cargo. ' —Captain Phil]. Crooks has taken command of the Rob Roy in the Bayon Macon and Texas trade. —The Glasgow has gone into the Cin cinnati and Memphis trade, Captain Andy Robinson in command. . —Capt. W. B. Hazlett, has assumed command of the Nile and placed her in the St. Louis and Omaha trade. —The Dubuque Herald suggests that a watchman should walk the cabins of steamers, armed with pistols, In order to protect passengers from robbers. —The Commissioner of Internal Doye nne has decided that all vessels. steam boats and barges engaged in the carry ing trade, whether on the sea or rivers, are liable to tax as express carriers. —The Bellevernon swung ont of-the channel at Buffington, and -at last ac counts was likely to remain there un til a rise in the river. Men were wa ding around the boat in water less than knee deep. —The Fort Smith Era of the 14th says: "The Arkansas is very low and falling. The American, on her way up, grounded oil a bar a short distance below Van Buren, and had hard work to get away, being._ detained some eight or ten hours." - —The Cincinnati Gazette-of Wednes day says: The Argosy arrived from Wheeling with a light trip„a large pro portion of which she reshipped on the Louisville Mall boats. She. left for Pomeroy last evening with a much lighter trip than she brought. —The steamers Nutz sunk near Atchison, with a cargo of ties, became. a total wreck, it is said. • She was in sured. The Zephyr, also running in the railroad tie trade, sunk a tew days ago above St. Joseph, but was pumped out and raised. It seems the snar boats have cleared all the obstructions out of the Missouri. —St. Louis advicea of Tuesday report the following: The Tom Morgan is bard aground near the Cora. The Evening Star caught fire at the levee, early this morning, but the flames were extin guished before any material damage was done Willie J. Stratton, well known river man, died here yesterday The weather has been terribly warm for sev eral days past, and although heavy rains have fallen, the temperature ranges from 90 deg. to 100 deg. in the shade. MISCELLANEOUS PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOA Messrs. DABNEY, MORGAN & CD., 53 Exchange Place, and 31. E. JESUP & CO., 12 Pine Street, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Eansas Pacific Railway These Bonds pay seven per cent, in Gold hare thirty years to run; are Free from Government Taxation ; are secured by a Land Grant of Three .Billion Acres of the Finest- Lands in Kansas and Colorado In addition to this special grant the Com pang also owns Three Millions of Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the road. They are a first mortgage upon the exten sion of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado, The road in opera tioa NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH BET INCOME TO . PAY THE INTEREST IN THE NEW LOAN. There Is no better security in the market—this being In some respects better than Government Se- militieL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Price 96, and (teen- ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Naps and Circulars tarnished an application. sulo STREET.-Notice STREE—Notice v. u hereby given thatthe'Viewers report on widening Webster street, City of Allegheny, has been Sled in the District Court„at. No. 881 July Tem 1869. for, oxindracitios. ." J. 0. hicOOMBS, jylB:m79 Solicitor. CHEESE.' -bO.. boxes Factory clinlisias bozo. oankea