ALtEGENY CATTLE MARKET. U OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZDTTF., MONDAY, August 16, 1869: CATTLE. The whole number of Cattle on sale to-day footed well on to 800 head, of which 164 head were from adjoining counties, as follows: Washington, 82; Butler, 25; Green, 40; LEMMAS, 17, and the balance were from the West—Chi cago, 10 cars; Cincinnati, 2; Forrest, 1 Crestline, 2; Plymouth 2; llpper San dusky, 1; Caledonia, 2; La Rue, 1; New-' ark, 3; Orrville, 1; Salem, 1; Bellair, 3. With a supply fully up to the demand, and witia"but few eastern buyers in at tendance, the market was fl little tame, though, otherwise, differed but little from that of last week; in regard to quality, there was no change from that of the past month, the greatest propor tion of the offerings, consistin of the medium grades. Prime to e g xtra fat steers told readily at fair prices, but the commoner kinds were dull; the former sold at 74®75(., while the latter may be quoted at 4%®55. Medium stock sold at from 6@7 'Upon the whole, however, the market was not what might be considered a hard one, and it is probable that the most of the drovers made some money—at least we heard no complaint, and drovers gen erally are not inclined to keep quiet af ter a hard market, yet prices were hardly as high as those of last week. Hedges &Taylor sold 20 head mixed Ohio stock, for Keenan, at an average of 6 cents. Jacob Rothchilds 26 head small Ohio steers, at 5@5%. Kaufman 9 head . Washington steers and heifers, at 5,./,@6%. county L. Rothchilds 35 head Washington and Lawrence Co. steers. at 614@7%,. Hazlewood & Blackstock 80 head mixed stock, at 5@)7 1 4 Keefer & Katz sold 38 head Chicago steers, at 6@7. Traurman dt Lobman 68 head Chicago and Illinois stock, at 5@)7 1 4. Peter Hartman 40 Green Co. cows and steers, at 4%®7 1 / 4 . Haas & Kraus 60 head Ohio steers, at 5}4®7 cts. Isaac Zeigler 23 head Washington Co. steers and heifers, at 5@634. M. Verner 16 head good to extra Chi t, cago steers, at 7,15@7,75: 16 head Wash . ington Co. mixed stock, at 5@6%. Jacob Needy sold 35 light Ohio steers and heifers, at 5157%; 1 oar good cattle left over. • Greenwald & Kahn 56 head, mixed stock, at 5(7%. S. Marks & Jiro; 63 head from Chicago and Ohio, at 5®73.1. • L. & J. Shamberg 40head mixed stock, e at 434®7%. • - N. Carr 18 head, at 4@634. Holmes. Lafferty & Co. 83 mixed stock. Jas. Hanlin 16 bead mixed Washing ton Co. stock, at 4%,©6. Flinner Sheitemantle 25 Butler Co. steers averaging 700@1,250, at 5@634. SHEEP AND LAMBS There was a light supply of this rclass :1 of stock on sale to-day, about 1,300 head, and while the market was more active, and, possibly, a shade stronger, -I yet prices, compared with last week, have undergone no quotable change. As has been the case for some time ast, the great bulk of the. offerings were furnished by Butler county, and • the same county is also beginning to send in some cattle. Lambs may be quoted at $1®3,50®4 per head, as to quality and condition, and 3®434®5 cents for fair to prime fat sheep. Blakely & Bro. sold 136; sheep at 51,50 i 03,50; lambs at $1®2,50. ; Garvin & Co. 82; sheep , at $1,25®3; lambs at $3. John Walters 100; sheep at $2®3.50; lambs at $1,50(4)2,50. M. Humes 96 sheep and lambs at an • • avef 52. A ra damge o Eckert 150; sheep at s2®4; . lambs at $1,60®3,25. Flinner & Scbeitmantle 75 sheep and " lambs at 75®2,50. • - R Stouffer 100; sheep at $2; lambs at $1,75. . ; A. Schontz 90,sheep at $2,50; lambs at $2,75. Chas. Hans 64 lambs at $1,50®3; 51 sheep at $204. Jas. McFagga t t 41 sheep and lambs at $1,25 per head. John F. McNeely 116 sheep and lambs at $1,75®3,50; Jai Shaw sold 90 head sheep to Davis at $2 per bead; Davis retailed same sheep at 01.30®4. Jacob Rinn sold 67 sheep for Hector at an average of $1,50. Frazier 80 head Green county stock. • • Bea& The Bog market is quiet and un changed. We continue to quote fat hogs at 11®1135 in a retail way, and 1 stock hogs at 10 ®lO%. 1 \ N . ‘.., MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Naw Yon's, August 16.—Cotton quiet and firmer; sales 460- bales at 333ic for middling uplands. Flour receipts 11,058 bbls, firm but scarcely so active: sales of 10,600 bbls at 36(0,60 for superfine State and western; $7,10©7,60 for extra State; 17(417,65 for extra westen7 5570r0 @7 . H B5 f O white wheat extra; s 7@ s7©B for extra St. Louis; $9@10,50 for good choice do. Closing quiet. Rye flour ' quiet. Sales 150 bbls ats4,so©4 70. Corn , meal scarde, re without decidrmer; sales ed change. Whiskey Snore '-w 350 Obis— -estern at #1,16 free, and 200 s tibia iron bound at $1,17 to arrive this week. Wheat: receipts less.l2o - \465 bush; market e2c better and 1 active, in consequence of the extreme scarcity of freight room with sales 115,-, 500 bush at $P64@1.87% ' for No. 2 spring, for for do. rejected do. to arrive. ,55®1,56 soft , 31,7334611,75 for Nos. 1 1 spring, $1,72% ®1,75 for winterred western, 5105 for white Canada in bond, and , $1,76 for amber Michigan to arrive, Rye quiet. Barley and Barley _ Malt nominal. Corn: receipts 9,214 bush ,mirliet I@2o better, io pwrith sales 48,000 bash 'at 90c@l1;14' for nniound new mixed western, and 01,16® 1,20 • for sound do. \ Oats: receipts 21,313 bush; market dull and lower,with sales 24,000 bush at 72®730 for old western afloat; 68©71c, for new do. afloat; 66®71c. • for uew southern Jersey. Stocßof grain on hand: wheat, 473,463 bushels; ,corn, 820,200 bushels; oats, 30,661 bushels; rye, 75,14 Z bushels; barley, 6,509 bushels; malt, 106,119 bushels; peas, 18,209 bush:, Rice quiet . ,and firm. Coffee active and :i firm; sales of " 6,500 sacks Rio on of v a le terms. Sugar very firm; sales of 1, bhds. at lly,@)l2c. for. Cuba, 13' c. for Porto Rica, 160 boxes Havana at 1230. Molasses quiet ana firm. Petroleum . quiet. Hops quiet, 10©15c. for Amer ican. Linseed oil quiet 97®99c. in casks. Spirits Turpentine q, 43©43%. Pork $ teady and quiet; sales of 650 bbls. at $33,15@33,25 icr new 1110439, $32,73 for old do., $27,75®28,50 for ',Attie, and $30,00© 30,25 for prime mess. Beef steady; sales of 180 bble. at sB@l&for new plain Men, 112©18 for new extra mess. Tierce beef • tnominal. Beef pams steady; sales of 125 "Is; ate2o@3o.—Out meats steady, sales • of 150 pkgs. at 14Nelfo. for shoulders. • 1741,19 c. for • hemp; middles firtn, sales of 130boqesiceonied at 16,q0)17)io, ,rAird quiet:•andl oai.shade lower: , wiles of 350 :bates at 1.842014 i: for ateami, go-pv.o - - -- =-----7-7 " ---- 24; U. for kettle rendered. Butter quiet at 16©30c. for Ohio, and 16©37c. for State. Cheese firm, 11©16c. Freights to Liver pool firmer; shipments of 15,000 bushels wheat per sail at Bs.. and per steamer 103rd. bid and 4d. asked. Latest-Flour closed quiet and scarcely so firm. Wheat dull; the advanced in freights materially checking export de. wand. Rye nominal, Oats dull and heavy; sales at 71@720. for old, quiet and steady at 900.©51,14 for unsound and $1,16©1,19% for sound mixed western. Pork quiet; small sales mess at $33,25© 33,60. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut Meats firm and in fair demand. Bacon in good request at full prices. Lard dull and heavy at 20c. for prime steam. Eggs dull and unchanged. CINCINNATI, August 16.-Flour firmer and a shade higher, with family at $6,10 ©6,30. Wheat in good demand and prices tending upward; red sold at $1,35 @1,38 by sample; No. 1 generally held at $1,40 in elevator; white in light supply and brought $1,45©1,55. Corn firm but quiet and held at 93©950, with no sales of importance. Oats steady and in fair demand at 55©600, the latter rate for choice white. Rye steady at 98c©1,01. Barley in demand at $1,40©1,45, but hardly any offered, Whisky held at $1,10; buyers offer $l,OB. Provisions quiet but very firm. Mess Pork not of fered to any extent; held at $34, but it is not saleable better mostly 33, -Bulk Shoulders 14©14c, held at the latter rate. Sides 16©163xc; it is diffi cult to buy below the latter rate. Bacon 13%c for shoulders, 190 furl clear rib sides, and 19%c for clear. Sugar cured hams 23©24c. Lard held at 20%c, but there was no inquiry and quotations are nominal. Butter unchanged and firm at 25©30c. Eggs dull at 14c. Cheese firm at 13c-for Western Reserve, and 15c for factory. Linseed Oil dull _at 1 96©98c. Lard Oil $1,33©1,38. Petroleum 28©30c for refined. Hogs higher and more ac tive, with sales at $9©10,40 for fair to ex tra; receipts light. Beef Cattle un changed. Grold 133! , .; buying, and 134 selling. Exchange 1 1-10 discount buy ing,and par selling. Money: market unchanged. CHICAGO, August ' 16.-Eastern ex change very quiet, 1-10 off buying, par selling. Flour quiet 6©7,62% for spring extra. Wheat less active, %© lc lower; sales at $1,46©1,47 for No. 'l.; 81,43©1,45 for No. 2. Closing quiet at $ i i 44©1,144% for No. 2. Corn. leis active but firm, I(i)%c higher; sales No. 2 at 99©914; rejected 84,,©86; no grade at 76(4)79; closing steady and firmer at 91% for No. 2. This afternoon No. 2 wasfirm at 91%. Oats in fair demand, %©%o lower; sales of No. 2at 48@46; in store 47%©48, seller August; 45©45%, seller Septem ber; closing quiet 48@49 cash. Rye fairly active and firm at $1,05©1,06 for No. 2. closing at $1,05. Barley more active and 3c. lower, closing at ,27%, seller September, and 0 $1,27, cash. High wines firm and 2c. higher; sales at $l,lO @l,ll, closing at 51,10. Sugar firm at 1335©14;.4c. for common to prime Cu atb. Provisions firecor; sales mess pork 533,90, closing at $33,75©34, Lard firm and quiet; salesc,osing 19%c. Sweet pickled hams firm and steady at 17%©18c. Freights active at. 5 ©6%c. on corn, 6%c. on wheat, 4@sc on oats to Buffalo; 10y I c. on corn to Oswego. Receipts for the past forty-eight hours were 4,570 bbls. flour, 38,578 bush. wheat, 182,655 bush. corn, 50,618 ats bush. o, 1,780 bush. rye, 3,300 bush. barley, 2,148 head hogs. Shipments were 1,300 bbis. flour, 33,175 bush. wheat. 107,903 bush. corn, 17 027 bush. oats, 843 bush. rye, 587 bush. barley, 5,584 head hogs. ST. Louts, Aug. 0.-Tobacco steady but unchanged. cotton-mixed lots sold at 29©320. Hemp unchanged; prime dressed $2,30. Flour-low grades con tinue scarce and in demand; supers sold at $5©5,50; extra $5,65©5.75; double ex tra $5,75©6,50; treble extra to fancy 56,75 ©9. Wheat in good demand and steady; No. 1 red and No. 2 white fall sold at $1.35; low prime to strictly prime red at 81,27 @1,35; low choice to choice $1,40@51, 50 ; choice to fancy white $1,511©1,60; No. 2 spring $1,20. Corn heavy and slow;ellow choice mixed in bulk 86c; fancy y in sacks 95c; choice to fancy white 95©51.. Oats slow but unchanged; new mixed in bulk 440; black and 'mixed in sacks 49©52c; white 52©55c. -Barley in good demand at 95(451,05 for spring. changed at 95©51. Whisky needadv to $1.12 and held at 81.15 at the close. Gro. ceries quiet and unchanged. Pork steady 1' at $34,25. Bacon firm at 15%©16c for shoulders; clear rib sides 19c; clear sides 1 1 191/ 4 c. Lard quiet but firm, with small I order sales tit 20c. Cattle in good supply and prices easy at 2%©6%c; very choice shipping beeves would bring something higher. Hogs active and firm at s7@ 1 , 7,101; for prime to choice. Receipts- flour 4,000 bbls, wheat 54,800 be, corn 6,300 bu. oats 20,200 bu, barley 300 bui 1 rye 500 bu, hogs 150. \ 1 LOUISVILLE, August 16. 1 Bagging firm and heavy at 23%©24%. Flour firm, with sales super at $5. Grain market firm. Wheat: red atsl,ls, and white at $1,30. Corn in bulk at 90c. Oats do. at 4sc. Rye at 85c. Barley at $1,15. Leaf Tobacco steady, with sales 45 hhds rang ing from $5,9u©11,26. Provisions strong and active. Mess Pork at $31,50. Bacon: shoulders at 16%c. clear ribs at _l9%c, and clear sides at 19%c. Hams at 22i4@ win 23%c. Lard in tierces at '2o%c. High es firm at $1 . ToLano, August 16, -Receipts: flour, 2,100 bbis.: wheat, 35,000 bushels: corn, 15,200 bushels; oats, 10,400 bushels; rye, 1,000. Shipments: ;flour, 1,700 bbis.; wheat, 71,000 bushels; corn, 6,300 bush.; oats, 6,300 bushels; rye, 1,800. Wheat a active: No, 1 white claig, No. 2 white an 01,58. regu lar white Michigan 150 2, Wabash 11,54, ambl l r Michigan 51,54, No; 1 red $1,54©1,543-, No . . 2 red $1,50, 1 No. 3 d 0.51,35. Corn ashace better; No. 97c., No. 2 98c. Oats le. lower; No. 1550., No. 2 500. bittAvatrinit, August -. Flour - dull and Unchanged. Wheat . quiet and firm at 51,53 for No. 1, and $1,48 for No. 2. Oats lower at 55c for No. 2. Corn dull and nominal at 92c for No. 2. Rye and Barley nominal. Grain freights firmer at 6c to Buffalo, and 10110 to Oswego. Receipts: 1,000 bbls flour, 19,000 bus wheat. Shipments: 7,000 bbl.s flour. BALTIMORE, August 16.-Flour: small business in western superfine at WO@ 6,75. Wheat firm, at $1,60©1,70 for red. Corn steady; white $1.10; yellow . $1,14. Oats 56©58c. Rye $1,15©1,18. Mess Pork firm at 531. Bacon firm; rib sides 19qc; clear rib 19%©19%c; shoulders 167,%c. Hams 25c. Lard firm at 20©21c. Whisky firm. at 51,14. \ MsairEtts, August 16.:-.Cotton steady and unchanged, middling lcew 3Q,4@320. Reeipts 36 bales; exporte 108 bales. Flour-sady, superfine ss©6. Wheat $1,1091435. Corn 85©87c. Oats 550. Hay 523©24. \Bran 160. Corn Meal $4,35 for fresh and $4,65 forldin dried.- $35,25. Lard 20©21.34c. Bacon shoulders ..1(U,©16% c; sides 211 c.. N CLEVELAND, August 16.-Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat: sales 2,000 bush. No. 1 red at $1,52 on‘spot; do. held at 51,54. Corn sl©l,lo. Oats: sales 3 cars new at 58c. Rye is held 'at a range of 51,10©1,15 as to quality. Petroleum; re fined is held at 28%10290. for large lots; small lots sold at 2©30. advance; crude is held at 58,60. ~, rIILIADELPEUA. A.ugust 16.-Flour quiet; sales and uperfine iit $5.26©5, 60 .. Wheat firm salve and in requeet; PITIOURGTI GAZETTE: TIASPAY, AUGUST 17, J 83% awl; sales of 15,000 bush new red at 11,60®1,70. Rye steady at 81,25. Corn quiet; mixed westrrn at '31,14@1,15. Oats steady; western at 73@74. Whisky active; at 4 , 1,15©1,15, wood bound now held higher. _ . Live stock Markets. Nsw Yong, August 16.—Cattle, of which 3,450 are on sale to -day, are very heavy and prices %©lc lower. Trade is slow, and Dadra than 500 were left unsold to night, Many first class cattle werein the yards, and the superior quality eeps prices within about ;4 a cent o k f last week's quotations, when the decline is really about 1 cent. On several droves there Was a falling off of $lO per head; the extremes are 10Q160 per pound, the average being 13%C. Among the choice Ohio and Kentucky droves were 58 head for J. M. Gail, 83, cwts; at 1643, and 71 for Snyder, 7% owt, at 16c; - also 160 Illinois. good 734 cwt, at 14@160; 113 Indiana for Evans 6% owt, at 130, and 70 thin Missouri steers. 6 cwt, at 12c. Sheep and Lamblent number ing 31,526 for the week s , and 9,1 y, 00 to-day; prime sheep sell well and also fathunbs, but much thin stock is unsold to. night; sheep range from 434 c to 6340, and lambs 6340 to 8c: one deck of extra 115 pounds Kentucky Sheep brought 73tc; a car, 80 pounds, good Ohio sheep 6c; car thin, 71 pounds, 4%; car of Pennsylvania lambs, 53 pound, 7c; a car, 60 pounds, Canada, Bc. Trade slow. Arrival of hogs to-day 6,800, with 21,100 for the week, they re main at 12%c dressed. One car was sold alive. Illinois hogs, of 216 pounds at 10%. PHILADELPHIA, August 16.—Beeves are very dull and, without material change, with sales f 2,300 head at 9@ 934 c for extra western steers, 9%c for choice, 7@8340 for fair to good, and 534@ 6340 per pound gross for common. Sheep dull and lower, with sales of 11,000 head at 534@eoc per gross. Hogs in fair de mand at an advance, with sales of 25,000 head at $14@14,75 per cwt. nett. CHICAGO, August 16.—Cattle dull; nominal at s@7c for light to goods steers. Bogs dull and steady, at 0,65@,90 for common; $9,10 ®9,87% fair to medium; g9,40@9,85, good to-choice; $10@)10,05, for extra assorted. I ittWORTS BY RAILROAD , FITTBRITHEIH, FORT WAYNE et CHI. °AOC RAILROAD. August 16.-4 cars pig iron, Nimickdo, Bryan & Caughey;4 do do Hallman Jr Hammett; 1 do do, J Moorhead; 3do do, Zug & Co; 2 do do, Pgh Forge & Iron Co; 400 bbls flour. 50 bas cheese, T. C Jenkins; 100 bbla flourSeghmyer Voskamp; 1 car staves, M A P Adame. & Bro; 20 butts to bacco, W L Jones, 4 tfficis do, A Schaub; 50 bas cheese, Arbuckles Jr Co: 290 sks wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 300 do do, Hitchcock, McCreery & Co; 29 sks rye, 10 bbls apples. H Rea Jr; 4,000 fire brick, 1 oar do, Graff, Bennett & Co: 1 car iron ore, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 12 bas.. cheese, H J Kerr; 25 do do, Haworth & Dewhurst; 20 do do, S P Shriver & Co; 20 do do, Vangorder & Shepard; 25 Ins cheese, 67 tca hams, F Sellers & Co; 119 bdla shovels, Myers & Armor; 25 sits rye, W J Meek; 50 bbls whisky, ..j Mc- Kay & Bro: 5 bbls linseed oil, W H Craig; 2 bbls onions, 1 do eggs, Wood worth & Davidson; 2 cars lumber, J L L Knox: ) car ston2 C Miller; 3 car s scrap Iron, Jones & Laughlin; Ido do, Tim Malony; 2 bas axes. Lippencott & Bake• well; 1 do do, J Graff& Co; 64 bdls hides, (i N Fioffstott; 1 bx mdse, 1 sheet copper. C G Hussey &Co; 290 pigs lead, J B Lyon & Co: 1 car scrap iron, P Freeman & Co; 131 bdls hides, 45 green do, G H Anderson & Co: 4 cars scrap iron; Pitts Forge Jr. Iron Co; 110 hides, d Hammett & Son; 2 bas glass wars, McKee & Bro;' 10 bales broom corn, H R McClelland; 6 do do, Z B Taylor: I car barley, Rhodes; 30 sks wool, J Bradley & Son J Craivararrn eon Prrrantraott Bart- ROAD. August 16.-1 cars iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; "7 cars S L ore, Coleman, Rabm & Co; 2 cared° do, Rees, Graff & Dull; 'lOO tar bble, Ralston, War ing & Co; 100 Ws lime,W Wallace: 1 car stone, F Alder; 9 cases handles, Logan. Gregg Jr CO; 50 lixs:inineral water, J N Powers; 9 ba y s cheese, J Daub: 26 sks & Benham; 100 ng bbls oil, J Speer; 100 bbl flotir, Watt La & Co; 100 aka rags, McCullough, Smith & CO: 97 sks oats, Robb & Herron; 53 bbls plea, 2 sirs feathers, H Rea Jr: 21 blab! apples, Day Jr Co; 43 bas peaches, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 20 bbls apples; Brugger man Jr O'Brien; 5,000 feet flooring. W S McKee; 10 bbls apples, Vartgorder; 5 "do do, 2do peaches, 1 do eggs. Head. Jr Metzgar; 19 eke oats, W H Marker; 50 bbla flour, T C Jenkins; 55 bias apples, Steel & Bro; 20 do do, F Shields; 12 do do, Woodworth &. Davison; 20 doz chairs, W Carr; 1 car rye, Wm ALLEGHENY VALLEY VIAILROAD. Au- gust 16.-1 car stone, Harrison Jr iron, Bro; 2do do, Henderson & Co; 2do pig mett &g Son: n 10 & Co; 2 aka roll ras lgseat h Park Jrer. J Ham , Co; 1 bbl eggs. Utile & Baird; I Sox mdse, J M Carr; 1 do do.Tbompson & Groatzinger; Ido do, J Caldwell; Ido do, J Lynch; 2 bbls whlaky, S Fiellbruner; 218 aks hair, J 1 McLaughlin; 3 aka wool. '-"W Barker Jr Jr Co; 1 bbl eggs, A Rens myre: 1 do do, J.Sold; 1 do do, H Freese: 2do do. G Wamhol; 2 do do, Moore; 2 -dodo, .1 R Voskatnp; 13 pkgs market- - log Monongahela House. ALLEGHEY STATION. . August 10• 2 cars whea t , Kennedy & Bro m ' 2oo skis flour, Hi ppley & Beokert; 15 bblewhisky, R Jr A Carson; 17 sks barley ? t,..Drylbos; 25 bbls flour: 1 , 4 Steel. diSon; S care wheat, W McKee & Co; 21 kegs lard, Si Well & Co; 1 car metal. Pith lion &Forge Co; Ido do, Graff. Bentiett"& Co: 3do limestone, Superior iron Cot 108 bbls, 40 sks flour. S C McMasters; 181 aka flax seed. M B Suydam; 2 cars stone, Forres ter Jr Megraw. PITTSDURGH, CINCINNATI AND S. • Lours RAILROAD, August 16.-200 bbls flour,' Segbmyre & V;.1" car staves, W Hastings; 2do do, F Kober; 1 .do lum ber, W Boyd; 4do wheat, J S Liggett; 1 do staves, Brown & Co;_ 4 bbls S Beat; 100 bas starch, J S Dilworth,• 24 oda tobacco, KbOx Jr Orr: 2 do do, 0. Haufman. Bdo 46,11 Dalmyer; 9 bblia plums.'Vangordee dr. S. '' FLOUR: rEAIEtL' MILL . ELOVIR.—We are vow receiving verychttice Southern est and rnakibg our ?tour entirely from it PEAllit TRIO , E TAlt ctItEEN 'MAN% ell °ICS PASTRY AND ' , ARCM FLOUR., made from selected Wu Its Winter. Wheat:' - PE OHL TWu sT A kt.BLUE BitAND. the best family dour In the 'market, made• from choice Wh to and Amber Wheat. PSAItL ON S CAR REY) BRAND, made from choice Red Wheat:bigh ground and elves v.. 11 good 6211EfACt1011- Ara A.CIImA2 /11..01.J1L It takes the lead of any In the market. any Our cteanine machinery is not outputted by in the roan!. bee that all sacks are sealed ,and labeled with date of mandfacture. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO.. ' Pearl Steam Mill, Allegheny. August 9,1999. • . nun FLoogs • rx.ouill FLovu,sl • • . . 1 w_litoi r . 133 bbls Mall, MINNEF.OTA. CARERS FLOURS. -41 480 i .b,, Legal 'render, a 11 bids Ha lia:glikt bbis Ermine, 170 .bbts .§o_,Vtnit hillis iilo DM Day. 'or/010E ,WI6OONODrirLOURB. 'Winona Co.. oao bbls ~. 060 bbl s Riverside. 263 bbismbite btu, ac i 9 , bbis vroion a brands Sprlng beat Flour. mut or epringdeld. 'Milo. Pride or the, WINVER WHICAT CAMILY Owe% , '"I I , City West, Depot Mi1i5....111.14-A. Paragon Upka, Ringleader and Crown, po alit. Lotus. ..,...., • or sale -lreffeAl.loo3- be brought from sne West. . - 1 '-di:ViA1". E, 00 .. -... Ira . sa 51 in ti /I 4 Wood Meet:. ' 1 "RIVEN. NEWS The river remains about stationary at this point with twenty-one inehes by Monongahela marks. Weather cloudy and unsettled with occasional showers. No arrivals or departures since the date of our lait report, nor is it probable that there will be until we have a rise. Capt. Laughrey has sold the Belle to J. V. 'McDonald dc Co. for 9,000. The new owners,after making alterations and improvements, will employ her in tow ing metal from Rochester to POrtsmoutb; and, having plenty of power, she is well adapted for that purpose. Capt. Calhoun, of the mountain steam er, Sallie, was in the dity yesterday, and Corn. W. J..Kountz has returned home after an absence of several weeks, du ring which time he was up the Missouri River. —The Great Republic was to have left St. Louis for:New Orleans on Saturday. —The following steamers are moored at the New Albany wharf: Alps, Dick Felton, New Era, Ajax, and Mollie Eb ert. Two new boats are being finished, Captain Konntz's and another coast packet. —Mr. H. M. Addison, of Jeffersonville, is engaged in a survey of a canal aroun the falls on the Indiana side. and is co fident of success in hg the farg and property-holdersavin take stock in carry ont the project. ,, —The St. Louis Demft: Saturds says: Capt. Poe backed ~:the bully. Nick Wall last evening for' he freight piles on the ldwqr Missouri. .where she is much needed. The Nick is earning the name of a twenty.four hour packet, so rapid are her trips to and from the lower Missouri. —The Louisville Courier reports that Capt. Will Aiken, formerly, and until x ecen tip, a well-known Louisville steamboatman, was, together with-his family, sent to the Almshouse. Capt. Aiken was for many years connected with the Louisville and Tennessee river trade. He had command of the steamer Leclaire last season. —A. Now Orleans dispatch of the 6th, says: Our large steamboats are ail lay ing up for repairs, and from the present prospect for next season, I think they will make money. There will be quite a fight in the Vicksburg and Bends trade. A ring composed of Sinnott it Adams, Kennett it. Bell, Captains Cannon, Tobin and others, lam afraid,will try to cOn trol the trade by 'runningopposition to every one, and --espeelally to Captain Leathers. MISCELLAN'EOUS. Restoras gray and faded Hair to .its ORMINAL Cocoa, removes Dandruff; CERES ILL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the hail grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. ILr.oands,l,So ter Bottle. Cub Cottle is 2 lint Paw Bor. I 'F'reßared by SEWARD, BENTLEY CEILNEY, Druggi.Fts. Buffalo. N.Y. So ld by all Drumgists. wboleeste Ageot a—SETHWASTZ & g&MATT k ROOFING SLATE OF VILEIOE' Qualities ..and Colors. Particular attention given to laying Slate and repairing State roofs. for particaws and Inlets address J. S. NEW3Mats No. 43 fieveinti Avenue, mh2l:aSli TRADE MARK. DIEM VTILVIE3 X I II.OOE I Lamp CHIINEYS: ROCK. THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. ( ' BOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. Practicalitninitare Nonuttietarers, dm, 1113 VOUltrr.Fl ANTE:I%ITUE Whze may be found a fill assortment of Par or. Chamber and Kitchen delf. gIIROCLAMATION. - • he qualified votes of the Mt of Pittsburgh will meet at their usual time and place of eitaions, on , • TUESDAY, August, 81 1 1869, TO VOTE For or Against' ,g Public Park. Tile ballots toted 'bell be marked on the oat side .Park." and op.,* the inside "For Park, or Y•Agalnst Park." II The. elections will be bold by the officers an tbored to hold the general electlous In said city. JARED R. BRUSH, DaYer• WRIST 7, 1809. - antem2.s J. L. SWUM ...... J. K. MU? RWINT tic BRATT, IN`r AIiCHITECTIMAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS . lio. 63 Sandusky Sl.• Allegheny, Pa. A laine•34,ororxnt of NEWEL rotors and BAT,t,STEIiti eonstararg on band. TUBVINH of all de.scrla--- na. doll'? 4•es ------ VRESII SHAD RECEIVED x '415115 , at BEN 46 IN PII P Lltiliti 'popular • LAI, Stand, No. 46 Dialpond Market, Pitts burgh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny city, ooruer of 01110 and Federal streets. .Can 100 had all kinds of Sea and Lake fish, Halibut, Shad. Seek, Codilik. Haddock and Eel. Also, large supplies of White, Itadkom4Etell4fakartata, which \ 151earreenu7sigrarelitgai, a ll. We market"' prices, wholesale or, werall. We Invite all lovers of Fresb Fish to give nil a call, and we will Insur inh2 •,,thentatlin - LOOV. OIL CLOTHS, • .L' GREEN OIL CLOTH FOR WINDOW SHARES. TXANSPAB,F,NT • • WINDOW SHADE% TABLE, Arirmstratiltil .:, O,,_CLOT B _ _ , • DIDUADVES VABIETT. , ,1,. a, So . pIuLLIPIL ' ' 1 ' 't! Street: r. ,•-,‘,.)- -,- • .;.;-..... WILLIAM MILLEI 4- CO., Nos. 221 and 223 I.lberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New Cropliew s Orleans gar and - m.olasoe. Su • , Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. F New York, Philadelphia and Baitlmore Ba nned do. . Golden Drips, Lovering!, Brings; Stuart's; Adams , and Long Island nyrnps. L I Porto Rico, Cuba and EnelLsh Inland Molass4S. Young Hyson. Japan, Imperig,' pan Dew a and Oo long Teaa. C a a r ro s, l in La gaundy r ß a ngo in- l R Co ees. Tobacco, ,Lard Oil. Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps. cotton Yams, U., coils Lamar on haink . - . .. - . Fine Brandies,Wines and Segars. litienish, Moselle. and Sparkling Hock Wines of Hinkel & Co.. In bottles. Sparlilting Moselle, Sckarsberg and iohannill burg, Hockheimer. Burgundy, be. Brandenburg & Freres' . Fine Olive OI ottles. L do do Clarets, Imported in b do do White Wines. in botties. 31. Wort & Sons , Sparkiing Catawba. • Fine old Saari, Madeira. and Port Wines. Free Old Monouganela Bye Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old Scotch do do. -- ' '',- • AX.4.90, '4111 . : de•bgents for Moet & Chandon's Grand Vin. '.',.W:n727nay and Sellery 'Cbampagne. -4Mrandles of our own selection and warranted 10•&43 FAS4TABkItTIy,D BY A. & T --- . W. 21. OORKLY 9 WHOLESA7LE GROCER No. 271 Liberty Street, DISZCTLY Orr. EAGLI HOTEL.) rIT TBBV ae :ylB W. C. ARBLSTR Successor to Fetzer & Arrust; PRODUCE COMMISSION No. 25 !MARKET STREET. mvlB X. NMI.%- A. STZILL AA" STEELE & SON, - 11.16 Commission Merchants, AND MMUS IN FIjOV GMLELEN, • No. OHIO EMBEEI. nest 'East Coramoa, ALLEGHENY crris PA. PITZU JAS. 1. mount KEIL & RITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DELLEIIB IN 7LOtrit, GRAIN, SEEDS, YEED, be., 349 Liberty lit., Pittsburgh, my1,4:b27 L e J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, srl9:xB9 Ti,rTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchante an Dealers in Produce, Ylonr, Bacon., Cheese. Fish. Carbon and Lard On, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all f".csburch Manufactures generally, 118 and 1 1 14 otCOND STREET, Fittsburgia. .TUSE..ZDW.. Etousz....vrx. awns. TOHNI. HOUSE &BROS., Soc.. U cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Whole sma GIOCOM and COMIO/351011 Merchants. Cor. net of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. _ _ JOHN BERTON L WALLACH. HIPTON&WALLACEJ.WhoIe §SALE G ROCERS AND-PRODUCE DEAL- I.S. No. 6 EiLICTII STREET. Pltuburith. 1112:r53 :mat a. wrawes r .... , . HOST. 13.1"ATTVISON. ROBT• R. PATTERSON & CO., ..ND CODIIdLSSION STABLES B. SEVENTH AVENUE & LIBERTI IT., sID'X:h4 2,000,00 0 Ac' of atom tops Amss. pirrsArliGli. PA Union Pacific Railroad Company, Lying *lona the line of their road• at $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACES, and an a CREDIT OP PISTE 'MAPS. Or 011AIS. B. LA318083, Serty, .A.1....50. 1300,11.TE89' OH 9 1 ME No. 396 PEN-N-tiTREET. LIVERY STABLES PITTSBITEGU, PA. BY THE IAIiTERN DIVISION. Wor farther particulars, asps, &C., addles . , JOSS P. DPVERICIII4 Land Commissioner, Topeka, Bt. Lea Xlssorm anl4 DREKA Importer and retail dealer in ' ' PINE t STATIONEELY► WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CARD ENGRAVING, MONOGRAMS, AMMS, ILLUMINATING ie. Orders by mall receive prompt attention. Send tar samples. 1.033 Chestnut Tractr-nisar GRAY 9 FERRI PRIMING In WORKS. a. E , ROBINSON , woorrAcrutas or Bina and Colt uit Printing & Lithograpttir !NZS, *.aarnsur,s, aC Gray's Ferry Road and 88d Street, fel6:e6 o KEYSTONE POTTERY BIER & CO., • Manufactutera o 4113E.E168WAIIE. BRISTOL WARE AC. aloe and Want:l:yin. 363 LIB F.TY STREET mir All Ardor% nmttntlo attonf--- ooL. 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted by j MANOR & HAIWEit, AT THE WEITZ MONT, 529 Liberty street, rittebtolgt, pa. 3e35 MOWN J.& 1380TUERS, Lthextr_street. Dealers Drlin, !tad 66 Patent JacilicPes, ism • ~. STATEREST OF THE BEN FRXNELIN INSURANCE CO, Of Allegheny, Pa., NE THE TUB ENDING DINE 10th, 1869. CAPITAL $100,000,00 ASSETS- Stock Notes vonds and Mortgages Bills Receivable.....:. °dice .F on uhand rniture Cash BEBE prerolum • ••• Interest.—.. *18.509.78 DIEIBITHSEMENT . dnds.. .......... .......... 5.0 00 . 00 Losses patd .......... —.. .. ... 1;109 00 o_:ee expense,taxes and stamps • 4.035.9 4. premiumslls ........... 381.71 Return ....... .reinsu ranee 4-4%91 • 611.569.9% Amount of outstanding 616345, 866.00 1/24:m56-7126 THE IRON CITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of Pennsyl7ania. Mee, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS s • Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Rev. J. B. CLARE. D. D. - 4 - Capt. ROBINSON, , • . Rev. A. K. BELL, D.D. Rev. S. H. NEnBIT. LLD., W. A. REED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH, Real Estate Agent, SIMON DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny, , C. W. BENNY, Hatter, A. S. BELL. Attorney-at-Law, D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber 31erchant, _ O. • SWOGER, Insurance Agent. " pt. ROBT. ROBINSON, President. v. J. B. CZARS , D. D.,111.ce President" ACOB RUSH, secretstry• W. BENNY. Treasurer. V . W. warn, MEDICAL ADVIBIB. . DANIEL SWOGER, Gen 9 l Agent. I, Policies Is a nome company, conducted on the mutual 'principle, each policy holder receiving an equaies %hare of the profits of the Company. will be issued on all the different plane of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi • cal' basis will afford a safe investment to each policy holder. and thereby retain the money at home to e - mourage home industry. mh.Mrs.ff3 CAsif_ INSURANCE COMPANY. - FBELAN'S BUILDING, No. SS Fifth Avenue. Second Floor. - PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital .A.ll Paid VP. DIBECTORS. N. J. Maley. jr,•lCapt.lll.Balley, Dann Wallace, S. 11. Hartman,lA. Cbambers, Jake Hill. ki , Clurkn. !Jas. M. bailey. Thomas 1 ROBERT H. KING, President. JNO. F. JENNINGS, Vice President. - JOS. T.. JOHNSTON, Secresari. Capt. R. J. GRACE, fien'l Agent. ll:mares on Liberal Terms on all Fire and Marine. ItialUs.. sp2:g6T FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. • OF ALLEGBENY, PA. °Friar, ll{ FRANS: ILD UN ING S, SAvreces LUNN BU No. 4.1 Ohio St.. 11- 1 -lefele ti V . A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors wet) known. to the community, who =et by Ws dealing to merit a Blare of Your Patron/V. . RICNIXT tB.WIN.--. —.....Prestilest. EiMO: D. ILIDDLIt...—. —.--Etearruay. DIRECTORS: Ha Irwin D. 'L. Patterson, Wm, Cooler, Geo. Joi.. , Jacob Franz, 9:Attelb VW.. Sim Dram, 13. B. Smith, Jacob Bus W. DI. Stewart, Ch. Whiston, Josepb CM,F, Jos. Lantner, B. J. Zlokano, Jere. srnhen. R.-E. =EON. GENFRAT, AGENT. =D=on N ATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. COL Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny, Othce, In the SECOND NATIONAL BANE BUILDING. W. W. MARTIN, President, JOHN BROWN, B. Vice President, JA3LEB Z. taTZVENSON, Secretay. mar roue: John It. Myler, iJas. Lockhart. ' doe. Were. Jas.L.Granem.kabbert Lea, J. O. Barle, Jno. Brown,Jr. Georze (kern, Jacob hopp, O.H PlAtiliains Juo.Vhdmison J. IdelianiMer. pEmrsiLvAxts: INSURANCE.COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGHI OFFICE. No. 101M1YLOO ES T ILT. BAWL, OY COMMEROZ BG . This la a Home Company, awl fum.tas sabot ion try Ftreextbasivelv. LzosraiD WALTZ& I'reild 4 t. C. C. BOYLE, Vice P regrient. r , • BOBEICY PASSION, Treasurer. 1113 BEL lEclLliDrascrOebri. Secretarjr. ss: Leolard Walter. : biroolVilli ( m. C. C. Bcvle, Ciao. W. EVILESI Bobert Patrick, J. C. Latille. Jacob Painter, J. E. Ylibler, Josiah 'Stag - , _. 1 Jobb Voeir.l4, Jas. H. Hopinns, A. Arernon. Henry bprool. ' r - p ripAI2I..ESP INSIIIIANCE COM• OPFICZ, R. E. COBS= WOOD a Arra Eas. ♦ Home Company,taking Are end bildlle 11116. Wm . MUD:. Jo= Watt, Johns. Parkn, Capt. Same! Yana% Win. Van . James D. Vrner.. WE. PILLIP'S*: JOB'S WATT Art. W. B. eAr.Dia.• rIAPT. :CAR. 41411 it IND- E .I I , FTY7 AGAI-NST LOSS BY FIRS, FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO: OF PHILADELPHIA: oFFLOZ,4I2I II di 431 CEDIZTNIIT ST., new IPM ,L Mates A. Banker, • Mordeesitt. Leila, - :2. Tobias Wagner, ' David ti4Browa.. Pan:mei grant, . pans - , , • -.' .. : • Jacob P.. &dm .idward 'Dale, v eons W. Ettaards.: George Vaal. - CHABLES 6. BA.NC President ! , . EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. . .. ' .-,. W. C.. ETEELL S_eeretss. - , . 4. alDbl-ER COATars, e r ra;- . torth West cane;. Thirtaxiik.Wded , irtiOnsl3 , ' - - ' '''' -.--" -'' -' NrsrEnri INionlAks --- 01,00*. PANT OF PITT.81:841115.-,, •• .-.- • • LIMANDER loner. rtestoenu .P. -REP-BEET: • *tertiary . • . - • • CAT. ezteater , NEILD, °viers' AVIA. peke. pil -Water street, STOW* yam`,' house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. _ - . . ___ Will inrure against all . linde at Pim a te NM" res t Wats. A home institution, insuagedtri Di-.., restos: nho are well known :to - the ea , ",11-7.___ , and who ari detened by promptnesil._ l4° =. silty to malrasi,n the chummy which. siseg.t - ssued, as offering the beat O .., Protec! 4 F li wit* desire to be Mama. • • ' 4, ,, ,, -- • . . D Alexander 15 .I.nitrit ezt-n kletcd'ais 4 .!' .' R. Miller, Jr., • .ha. '•• • • I James licAusey, ' Wlillas i Kir kp, Alexander Sret,. . , Mr s e l lt aerm : l4l . Audrew Act en, ! ..t.,- - ... iu m i lK o," . i David M . Long, • sr ...• . •ni ci i s.. - D. Earnsen. __il-------------_ PHILADELPHIA 41.LEGMENT INSUILOCC COMANY oF I'UTSBURSII. 4'. ..• - , 1.) ICE.tio. =MTN. §T8.Eit.T.1.147 8 BLOCa., . 'lnfants -against all Yana of , llro;andldslise , -. JOHN' ilanlr:llC. Iteddept. - ' Do -- 7_ , T. J. 1303/0:1500=0*Z1Tre: , O Ev. -N • " , .. . CAPT . . WM. eeneal . . Join Jr..trietk , Il i I....jhasiistacia, T. 3.HosEin:iniseyt ROUT% sisn. w. H. Everson. „-,. ,_ ~.. 1 CrbEns, • ^ cart. V.5t001g4W , ,1. , WD.: SID . Dnsa. , -.: - ..- .: . .....,............ :,,",, T ..1_ 31;.11-, ,1if.::4,..,.::,. .$ 15,000.00 . 23,899 8 8,236. 8 0 51 . • 4.05.0 1,000.001 $109,931.3* 119 31 783 41 row ali.4c.bii. shown, Samuel Pe dariver, iCharles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brutal, Vim P. is li z aa e l. Samuel%lin President. `. IC President. . rleereta ty. . . lON. Etenend Agent;