1 t~ I = CITY ABB SIIIIIJRBAN. II Tstu Gerwrms is furnished in the city the six days of the week for 15 cents per week ; 'by mad, sBper annum: 8 mos.,s2. Snooks says arresting any person with out a warrant_ is an unwarrantable \ pro ceeding. Warm.--The mercury was gton a high" Saturday, and succeeded in getting up to 924egrees above zero, in the shade, at tour o'clock. Order seemed to be Allegheny'al first law Saturday night. Only four unfortu nates appeared before Mayor Dfurn- yes. terday morning. Foot Smastied.—James Wilkins, tilgoal miner, while at work in a coal pit !near Wilkensborgh,had his foot crushed by a quantity of slate falling upon it. Daylight Bathers.—Officer Garrison yesterday arrested four boys for bathing in the Monongahela river between sun rise and ..sunset. They were locked up for a hearing. Work In the Pittsburgh Steel Works, - Anderson .1c Woods proprietors, is resum. ed after a brief suspension for repairs, the works are now running full handed on a doable turn. The Mayor , ' Court.—At the Mayor's morning court yesterday there were forty-two cases disposed of. Twenty-one paid the requisite tine and costs, four were disehargedand seventeen were pro vided 'with quarters ,on the hill or at Claremont Springs, for terms ranging trom ten to thirty days. is It True t—A New York dispatch in our telegraph columns; this morning, states that one hundred and fifty men from Pittsburgh have contracted witu the rebel authorities in Cuba, to work in their foundries. We think this will be news to Pittaburghers, as nothing of the matter is known here. Who are the men and where are they from ? Demscratke Primary Eleetions.—The Democracy of this county held their primary elections Saturday for the pur pose of, electing delegates to a County Convention to be held , to-morrow to nominate candidates for the several county offices. The elections passed off quietly etcept in the Fifth! ward, where, as usual on. such occasions, a fight en sued. • Suicide.—Moses Armstrong. bar tender at the "Buck Tavern, on the Brownsville road, about - three - miles from the city, committed , stucidf, yesterday evening. Mr. Young, the Proprietor, had been out -riding and when he returned, on enter ing the stable. he found Armstrong lying in a pool of blood, dead.. . We were un able to obtain any particulars further than what we state. .Esciting Interest.--The Library ques thin promises to be Ong_ of the most ex citing pointifat iesue iwthe local potities of Alleghenk at the next ejection. It might bq a good idea for the candidates ' for °knells to go before the people on that amoritother issues. The verdict in the case would settle the matter which, goiter several months continuous seta tion, seetnaluxther than ever from settle ment. • The School Pand--We learn from Mr. Cochran. the City Treasurer, that he has collected and paid over to the Treasurer of the Central Board of Education 3152,- 000 school takes for the ensuing year. It was wisely suggested at the last meiting of the Board -to put a portion of this money, which will not be needed for at least six months, on interest. Three thousand dollars might be raalized by this operation. t Bath Houses Ctosed.—We heard con siderable grambling yesterday from per sona'who have been In the habit of tak ing a bath on Sunday morning, andwho depend on the:public bath houses for the luxury: It 'appears that bath houses as 'well -as cigar shops, soda fountains bar ber shops, do., - have been required to suspend Sunday operations. We pre sume the water and gas works will have to stop operations on Sunday Noon. Disorderly Condnet.—John Sullivan was before the Mayor yesterday on a charge of disorderly conduct: It appears that John committed an assault and bat- Eery on William Vogle. a meat vender, on Penn street, by knocking him down. Vogle was' standing in the door of his meat shop when Sullivan came along and without cause or provocation, struck him, causing' him to fall with his bead against a block, severely injuring him. Sullivan was fined 825 and costs, and in default of payment was committed for thirty days. ' - Artist Interiere4 With.—Saturday af ternoon Alonzo Billings, a house painter and'decorative active artist, was peace fully' pursuing his avocation about a house in the Fourteenth ward, when, he alleges, a certain John A. Bixton inter fered, threWhim off the ladder; pitched out his materials and threatened him withuevere treatment unless he immedi ately evacuated the premises. He did so, but called at Alderman McMaster's anCmade - informition against_.- Britton for surety of the peace, upon which - a .warrant was issued. Female EdncaUon. 7 -Mr. and Mrs. Twining ;who so '"long and admirably conducted the popular Twining Institute in this city, have ehatikedlbeir place of operations to Philadelphia, where they have a large and ilourialgrig Boarding and Day School. The new school' is on the same planes the,former one here, and is worthy the attention of parents wishing to have their daughters properly educa ted. ;Catalogues and all other information will be furnished by the Principe's, who may be addressed at No. 2,024 Mount Vernon street, Philadelphia. In Trouble Again.—John Wilbert made information before Aldernian Keeper, Saturday, charging James Brown and Daniel Murphy with conspiring to extort money from ,him.:...Some time Pine Brown - made inforniation before Alder man Lynch,:earging Wilbert with sell ing liquor nn 'Sunday, in which case Murphy was to be the witness. It is al leged that on the, payment of twenty dollars to Murphy by Wilbert, the Ora ceedings were stayed. Brown was ar rested and held to bail, but Murphyle non eat. , Brown is ettremely unfortu nixie in hie affairs. - , - . • .- Insane " Man , Arrested.—Albert Win field, a resident of tireenlield,Washing ton county, was arrested in this city yesterday at: the instance aerie of his brothers, was confined in the look-up, and will be sent over to Dixmont this morning. The unfortunate man has been * insane for over a year, but has sane in tervals. Recently, however, the malady has been growing upon him and it be -• -came dangerous to allow hint to ran at large, as be is sometimes , quite vicious. - •gels one of a family of six brothers all of whom were , excellent musicians, and a few: years sirma,composed a brass band, - (moor the taithera arranging alI the mu sic and another baying some reputation tit a composer. • . • s • .'.__4' t;rstE ;trr En Amine, Another Meeting of Hamill and Coulter's Friends—A Race Probably. The friends and-backers of the aquatic sportsman Hamill and. Coulter had a meeting at Kennedy's saloon, Smith field street, for the purpose "of making arrangements for another race between their prinepals. Several ;proprositions were made by both parties, but none of them accepted by either. at the time. A proprosition made by Hamill's friends to the effect that a six ored boat to be steered by the referee should accompany the contestants and low between them over the course, was finally acceeded to by Coulter's friends, after the meeting „had adjourned. Another meeting will be held at the same place at , nine o'clock this morning, fbr the purpose of arrang ing the details. This appears to 'be a very fair arrangement, and we hope there will not be a repetition of the last grand fizzle. St. Martin's German Catholic Church— Laying or a Corner Stone Yesterday. afternoon, the corner stone of St. Martin's German Catholic Church, Temperanctiville, was laid with appro priate. exercises. Arrangements had been made for the attendance of the clergy from the city, and several societies inter ested in the enterprise. In accordance therewith a prodession was formed at the Cathedral at three o'clock, consisting of carriages containing the Rt. Rev. Bishop Domenec and Clergy, the Cathe. dral Brass Band, and the societies of St. Vincent de Paul, and Brotherhood of St. Joseph. The procession moved over a prescribed route, and in South Pitts burgh was joined by a society from St. Michael's Church, preceded by II La brass band, and near Temperance ville by another from St. Martins. At the ground a.large platform had been erected for the accommodation of the Bishop and clergy, while two J)eautifal evergreen arches spanned the approach to the place, under which the procession marched. After the stove had been placed in position according to the interesting manner prescribed for such ceremonies, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Domenec delivered an appropriate congratulatory sermon followed by Rev. Father Schell, of Alle gheny, in a brief address delivered in German, which concluded the pro gramme. This part of the exoorsises at tracted a large company aside from the visitors, but perfect order was observed And the whole affair passed off in the most harmonious manner. The proces sion re-formed after the other spectators had dispersed,And marched back to the city in the same order as it had left. The Turner FesUval—Honors Awarded a Pittsburgh Contestant. The XVIIth annual reunion of the National Turners Association was con cluded at Chicago on Friday, after a very successful and highly gratifying season of athletic enjoyment. The con test for-the diplomas of honor, twelve of which were only offered, were hotly con tested for by eighty-four thoroughly trained and accomplished RI mnasts, rep resenting the branehes.of the Association from Boston to San Francisco. The per formances were simply grand, display ing a nitiscuhtr proficiency at once classic and beautiful, It affords us much pleas ure to announce that Pittsburgh carried off one of the highest honors. Mr. Chris tian Ranch, a gymn est with few equals or superiors in the Turner ranks of the country entered the ranks and came off victorious, receiving the coveted diplo ma and the wreath of laurel leaves. His performances were commended by all who witnessed them as very superior efforts, evincing careful training, large physical ability, and full knowledge of the routine of difficult tasks prescribed by the Turner Association for its profi cient members. We congratulate our home society of Turners on the distin guished honors carried away by their delegate and champion. Rescued from Drowning. Yesterday afternoon an exciting amine occurred near the Temperanoville land ing of the ferry boat 4 .Cassewago." A. lady, by some way or other, fell off the stern of the boat into the water where it is from ten to twelve feet deep. The pas sengers called on the engineer to stop the boat. but it was impbssible for him to do so, and the lady was left apparent ly to her fate. She sank twice and was going down for the third" time, when a stout hearted hero, named John Leonard, who resides on Penn street, plunged in after her, and by a few skillful strokes was at her side. He caught her by the hair just as she was sinking for the last time, and with his burden swam man fully to the Temperanceville shore. In the meantime the, passengers on the ferry grew much excited and wrongfully charged the officers of the boat with cruelty and lack of humanity, and for a while it was feared that they would be thrown into the river by the angry men who witnessed the incident, and blamed the Engineer and Captain for not turning back to help rescue the woman. Da3llgbt Robbery. Another bold robbery was perpetrated about two o'clock on Saturday afternoon, at the book store of R. S. Davis, Liberty street. While the clerk (there being but one in the store at the time) was waiting un a customer' at the front part of the room, a young man of gentlemanly ap pearance walked in- and passed to the counting room in the back part of the building, and in a few moments after ward passed out. Some time afterward, the:clerk ,having occasion toga to the safe, which was In the counting room, discovered that it had 'been opened and taken out. Robberies of this char acter are becoming alarmingly frequent of late, and•we regret tosay that but few, if any, of . the perpetrators have been captured. If the Chief of Police would turn his attention to "ferrying om," these fellows and let the'dogs and other trifling nuisances, alone, the result would be more'satisfactory, we prestime. Killed on the Railroad. ' Margaret McDonald, an old lady agarl..— fifty-three years, residing near Walker's Mills, on the Panhandle railroad, was run over by a train and •killed instantly Friday evening, It appears that she wiehed to cross the bridge near the' sta tion, but *as told that the evening. E. press train was due, and that she had better wait until it passed. She. how ever, did not heed the caution, and stat ed across the bridge. The etiglneer serving the woman, blew the whistle, bat instead of inducing her to get out of the way, It seemed to bewilder her. She was - struck by' the locomotive and In stantly killed. Her remains were taken up and conVeyed to her residence. Cor• oner Clawson was notified and held an inquest on the body Saturday, when the followine verdict was rendered: The de ceased, Margaret McDonald, come to her death by being accidentally run over , by a passenger train. ri=BmwE G==: Xill-DAYs AUGUST 16,,- .068. The Virgin Alleiltalit Lithe Gazette of Saturday we publish- Cd an account -of a raid made by the hief of Police and a squad of his officers upon certain houses in Virgin alley and arresting the occupants without a war rant, stating that three houses had been entered and seven persons arrested. We have since learned that another house was entered on the same evening, from which four girls were taken to the lock-up and kept over night. Saturday morning the cases came up for a hearing, and we are informed that the Mayor die charged all those against whom there was not very satisfactory evidence of dis orderly conduct. Had he discharged all of them ho would not have done wrong under the circumstances,and we feel confident that if any of th parties so ar rested and fined should contest the matter that the Court would set the proceedings - aside. The officers making arrests under such circumstances are not only themselves liable to a pros ecution for assault and battery, but both they and the city would be liable in a civil action - for damages. If Chief Hague's ignorance of the law and the duties of an officer led him into this error, it is quite evident that he is in competent to fill the responsible posi tion he occupies, and if he knew the proceeding to be contrary to law, and, to use his own expression, "made a little law" to suit the occasion, It would' be plainly evident that be is the "wrong man in the wrong place." The occu pants of these houses, who were aroused trout their slumbers and ded to the watch house contrary to t haw of the land, not only had a right to defend them selves and 'their "castles," even though -it be at the cost of the lives of the officers whe made the arrests, and would have been justifiable In so doing, but they also have their remedy at law, both civil and criminal against the offi cers. The fact that Councils passed an ordi nance authorizing the police to arrest, and the mayor to tine persons found in "houses of ill-fame, for improper purpo ses," is no excuse for entering these houses without "due process of law," which is on information based upon oath or affirmation, and a warrant issued thereon. The framer of that ordinance never so meant it, nor did he intend It to be so construed. To put such a construe tion upon it would be equivalent to con victing the accused before arrest was made. For, if the party was there far a "proper purpose," the officer would have no right to make the arrest, consequently, to put such a construction upon the orai nance, it would* be necessary for the officer to decide whether the occupant was theretor a proper purpose , or not. This is a matter reserved for the magis trate to decide, and it must appear from the facts that the purpose was improper. It would be giving an officer too much discretion to so construe the ordinance, so that excuse fails. It Was a stupid blunder, and one which not cuily endan jrs the inherent rights of citizens, but eopardizes the lives of the officers called upon to execute such silly orders. The duties of an officer isle enforce observance to the laws, and not to vio late-them, and Chief Hague's idea of making law to suit himself will not be tolerated, if he is Chief of Police. The Petroleum Princes and Their In. It may be a matter of some little in. terest to our readers to know the incomes of those who enjoy the title now-a-days of genuine oil princes. We had expect ed to discover much larger BUMS attached to most of the names published, but it seems that fabulous sums are no longer realized in the land of holes and der ricks, the oil business now being done upon a legitimate boils. Says the Titus ville Re)ald: Frond a glance at the books of the Deputy Collector of Internal Rev enue, in this city, one can readby somedistin- Leh of the "solid men" of the oil region. Collector Ewing's district in cludes seven townships in Eastern Craw ford, the line of 0/1 Creek north of Rouseville, as well as Pleasantville and Sharnburg, in Venango county. The largest income reported this district is that of Frank WAndrews, of Pioneer, which is stated at $162,135. The section is that pf S. A. Woods, of Petroleum Centre, which was stated at $69,33,% the third by George K. Anderson of Titusville, $51,119; the fourth by Lyman Stewart of Sham burg, $.12,537; the fifth by Milton Stewart of Titusville, $40.506. Sbamburg re turns include Dr. Shamburg, $18,587; W. W. Thompson, $19,653; Tarr Farm—W . S. Kimball. $22,135; Petroleum Centre— Henry LAir, $20,302; A. W. Irwin, $27,- 936; A. A. Morse, $11,936; Notting ham, $10,840; Joseph Ovary, $11,991; David Yanney, $30,143. At Pleasantville. J. Armstrong returns $11,953; •J. F. Brown, $11,406; S. Q. Brown, $2 2 .630; J. N. Brown, $13,985. We have enumerat ed in these lists only those reporting over 510,000. There are many others ranging from $5,000 to $9,000. In the TitusviUle list, besides those already mentioned, are the names of W. IL Abbott, $15,219; Charles Hyde, $15,167, and A. P. Funk. $ll,OOO. The total amount of internal revenue in this subdivision of the 20th district is $BO,OOO. Who Responsible Considerable' complaint having been made by citizens against the contractors for the grading and paving 'Of Roberts street, on account of the very slow progress of the job, and reflections made upon , the Street Committee and Street Commissioners, it is due to these gentlemen to state that they are in no way responsible for the delay, Under the specifications upon which contracts are granted, it is provided and made the duty of the City Engineer, if the contract is not carried out faithfully and the work completed in a reasonable time to annul the coutract and have the work'finished at the expense of the con tractor. Severely Burnea A Mrs. Autone,* widow.lady residing In a court off Diamond alley, was seri ously burned yesterday by an explosion of coal oil. She states that the explosion occurred while she was lighting a lamp, bat there are certain facts connected with the circumstance: Which would indicate otherwise.. The lamp is not injured; but the oil can is completely demolished. She was most probably pouring oil from .the can on the Bre , which she was kin dling whoa the explosion occurred. Her face and °hands were severely but not seriously bttrnea. Unceremonious Eiectment. John Cress, a cabinet maker in Bir minghanf,'alleges he called at Wm. Simneelrock's place of busbies to collect a bill of $25, but instead- of getting the money, was forcibly ejected from the premises, the propelling power coming from the rear. Aggrieved at this treat ment. he called at Alderman MoMasters' 01/10e and dalcued himself by lodging information for assault and battery, against, ellinneelrOok, and also bringing action against him to sways •the llama debt. Warrant issued. ..,~......: ,_..r.,.a:z-:,.»F ~'..5~...~~' »c-..,., a.~..0 __..,.,r4;:>...,w. .. , ,y .K .~-:.?'.,K ~-. T .R.:. ...,.. ~...».,,.«?i.ac."','« . comes. Education on the Farm. In noticing the Iron, City College; the other day, we made` reference to the large numbers of its graduates to be found engaged in the actual business of nearly every town and city throughout the country. While such an education as can be\ obtained in such institutions as the Iron City College is almoat-indispen . sable to merchants, manufacturers and bankers, it is not generally thought ne cessary for the farmer, mechanic and laboring man. We think this is a great mistake. No occupation is capable of being made more dignified or honorable than that of a farmer; there is none in which the physical sciences can be, more profitably applied. The farmer needs ana should possess, and use, a well selected library, should de velop the resources of the soil upon sci entific principles, studying well its prim itive constituent, andraise those crops only for which . it is best adapted by nature, or aiding it by such fertilisers as will supply" its natural defi ciencies. It ought to be an ob ject of every farmer to make pro gross in the4irts and mysteries of his vocation, just M is done in other pur suits of . men. No department of the world's activities could exist or progress independently of agriculture. It is the great primal foundation on which all else must have immediate or remote de pendence. It is, therefore, the art of all arts; hence the dignity and preen dance we claim for and the reason why the farmer should be educated, especial. ly in the science of soils and manures, or agricultural cheiniqry, arid besides all this every farmer's_ son, should be edu cated in the science of accounts. It is important to -every man 'who has any dealings with his fellows, to be able, to make a record of those dealings and to continue und correctly close up his re cord, and to be able to communicate with others by letter on whatever subject con cerns him, his family or his estate. This branch of a necessary training) cannot elsewhere be obtained in less time, at less expense, or more thoroughly than at the Iron City College. Plscharged. Saturday morning Mayor Brush dis charged from the police force Lieuten ants Fowler, Mackerel and Brtiner. It appears that these officers, having been doing duty at night for several months' desired a change and had on fob a plan by which that change was to be affected. i They proposed to get up a petftio signed by all the officers on the nig t force and present it to the Polic Com mittee, and by taxing each member 1 , of the force fifty cents to raise a und to aid in securing the change, It is ileged ' by two of the Lieutenants, howe r, that, the matter did not originate with them, but with the men under thorn, and that no petition had been prepared although the matter was talked of. The Mayor is determined to make the force as effi cient as possible, and if then offi cers were not satisfied with the arrangement they should have con sulted him in the matter. The cause for whlch these men were dig charged may appear trivial to some, but there was doubtless sufficient cause in the Mayor's estimation or he- would not have discharged them. It is a matter in which lie is more interested:than any one else, a n d over which he has exclu sive control, and we are not disposed to find fault with him for taking the course he did under the circumstances. The Temperance Executive Committee. In pursnanc,e of a resolution adopted by the late Temperance andrform Convention, the following person have been appointed an Executive Committee for Allegheny county: Col. Jodi' B. Clark, John Way. Jr. Thos, J. Hotkinson, Capt. W. A. Rol:lgen, David Kirk, Thos. Bakewt.lt, Jr., t. E. Jobt,son. J. A. Carothero James Park. Jr. George t indley; C. G. Hussey. • David Robinson, Wtn. Litworth, Jr., Geo. W. Hallman, Calvin A , 3111.2. F. H. Eaton.. Geo. A. Berry, Wm. H. Clete!, Barley Preston. • George Irwin, James 1. Bennett, B. Y. Kennedy, Cneries B. McVay, thou. Herthberuer. Wm. Little. Jonathan Gallagher. L. H. Eaton. Chas. A. Coltuu, Dr T. F. Dale, Wm. Oliver. J. E.'Bradv, Jr, W. B. Evans, at. Duvall,P. H. Anderson Wm. A. iShaw, H. P. Kerr. 1 r. James King, 4.3!p0t. W. Woods, ro_rt Col. Hugh Lee, Ferry. Des 0. t.. Miller,. Pamnetbf. Kier, Andrew Daluell. Joon A. Geary, George McConnell, James Mil•tt Abraham Latham, Christ hnively. capt. W. W. Martin, R. o- Waring, • James H. itet , t, W. T. Bowen. John Irwin,Jr., The atove named gentlemen are re quested to meet on Tuesday(to-morrow) at 8 r.int. in the rooms - of the Young Men's Christian AssOclation, No. 23 Fifth avenue, for organization. Black Appropriatiouv. A few days ago, Robert Madden, one of the •colored citizens of the Sixth ward was visited by a dusky friend, John A. Braid, of Brownsville, John enjoyed the hospitalities of his friend two or three days, and departed appearently highly pleased with his trip, simuntaine ously with his departure, a depletion was observed in Robert's wardrobe, two black coats and a stunning plush vest, being absent from j the _ accustomed place. Robert mused over the singular coincidence until be sagely concluded to have the affair fully ihvestigated. For this purpose Alderman Butler made out an information on Saturday, against John for larceny, and directed his con stable to Invite the supposed delinquent to visit the city again. It is probable the invitation will be accepted. Sweet VVllUam. William Deeny has again emerged from obscurity. He chose Saturday morning for his appearance. It was an unfortu nate hour for his wife. Working up to a proper spirit by the aid of spirits, he ex hibited hie hilarity by playfully using a pitcher for a missile and his wife's head the target. The aim was well taken, and thd target was floored by a blow which cut her lip for the space of an inch, clear through to the teeth. Content with this signal display of his steady aim, he al lowed her to depart the house. She forthwitn called at Mayor Driim's office and lodged complaint - against him. The officers are on the lookout, but thus for have not secured the' sweet William. It is quite likely he will be boarded at Claremont Springs for a short period; Midden Awakening. Yesterday Louis Laub was enjoying a delicious doze in the Cornuoopiae sa loon, when his dreams were suddenly interrupted by a shower of smart and stinging blows which fell upon his bead and shoulders. Upon recovering some what his perceptions, he alleges be as• certained the unwelcome awakening to. have , been .caused by John Sheppard, who was belaboring him with a horse whip. He says be can assign no cause for the uncermoniotts attack. Incensed at the indignity, he called' at Alderman ISicktiutters' office and made „information against his assailant for assault and, bat= tory. A warrant was issued. Wagon Demolished. Gustavas Reiser had a new wagori de molished Saturday afternoon. He ex plains it thus: In pursuance of his avo. cation, collecting old iron, rags, &c., thiough the city, he stopped his vehicle in an alley off Ohio street, close by the saloon of James Landgraf. While col lecting a load there, he states Landgraf ordered him off immediately. He re fused to stir until ready. .Landgraf then, he alleges, procured an ax and made short work of his wagon demol ishing the bed and a wheel before he could make a show of resistance. The vehicle was just new and had been pur chased for eighty- dollars, which ren dered the circumstance more aggrava ting. He looked but a moment on his demolished property, and then appeared before Mayor Drum, mak ing an information for malicious mischief against Landgraf. The officers went in search of the accused, but had Consider able difficulty in making the arrest, the prisoner, it is said, resisting and almost exhausting the vocabulary of profanity to express his hate for theria. For this conduct he was tined twenty dollars and costs. He paid that and was then com pelled to give bail -for Court on the charge of malicious mischief. Gone. Saturday evening a young man board ing at No. 90 Beaver street, Allegheny, retired leaving his door unlocked, and an elegant gold watch hanging in his vest pocket aoross a chair. He awoke In the morning, reached for the timepiece and found it gone. No clue nor trace of the thief, who had so deftly aide him a victim. The trespasser had evidently made= his exit through the 'front hall door of the house as the young man's nether garments were found lying in the hall, where they had been carried by his thiefahip. This locality seems to be a favorite one with the night-walking gen tlemen. A few weeks ago' one of them entered No. 88, and succeeded in carry ing off a considerable amount of money and a watch. A watchman might be stationed there with good effect. Bathing in the Basin. Saturday evening, about a doaen men, suffering doubtless from the excessive heat, and not having had a bath far a year or two concluded to enjoy that lux ury, and decided to have a swim in the muddle on the hill, from which the city is supplied with water; commonly known as the Upper Basin. They were occordinglv enjoying themselves in that way when officer Wilson, who had been informed of what was going on, arrived and arrested one of the , patties. The fellow refused to accompany the officer, when a light ensued, whereupon the cm tire party made an attack upon the officer and rescued the prisoner. The officer fired a pistol at the attacking party, and several Shots were fired in. return but, so far as is known,"no one was injured. • The Other Side, An item published a few days ago, of a case in which Mrs. Kelly appeared as de. fendant and a countrythan named Hoff nagle as prosecutor, unintentionally did injustice to an estimable lady. • She was charged with retaining possession of a basket valued at sevehtyfive cents, which Hoffnagle claimed. As she had never. cnown or purchased anything from him, the demand was very proper ly refused, which resulted hithe suit. At the hearing in the case before the Al. derman'these facts were developed, when the matter was amicably adjusted. _Obituary. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Frances Graham, the estimable mother of Hcn. James L. Graham, died at her residence in Allegheny. She had attained the ripe old age of eighty-one and having been suffering from sick as for some time past, tier demise was not altogether-unexpected. A large circle of friends in the community, to whom she had endeared herself by her genial disposition, kindly manners and exem plary Christian character will, be pained' to learn of her decease. • • Re-opened.—The Old Theatre will be reopened on the 2Sth, under the man agement of Mr. Harry Williams. Pretty Women.—A comparatively few ladies monopolize tbe Beauty as well ;la the attention of Society. This ought not to be so, but it is; and will be while men are foolish, and single out pretty faces for companions. This can all be changed by using Hagan's Magnolia Balm, whidh gives the Bloom of Youth and a Refined sparkling Beauty to the Complexion, pleasing, powerful; and natural, No Lady need complain of a red, tan ned, freckeled or rustic Complexion who will invest 75 cents iu Hagan's Magnolia Balm. Its effects are truly wonderful. To prsserve and dress the Hair use Lyon's Katbarion. Figured Granedines.,Bstes & Bell offer Silk Grenadines for 50e, worth 75e. All Granedinea proportionably cheap. The Auction—At the salesroom of J. W. Barker 6aCo., 20 St. Clair street*:wlll be continued this day (Monday,) sales commencing at IN A. a., 234 and 73i Y. a.. This sale will be devoted to a tine line of Dress Goods,r Linen Goods, Cali simeres, Shawls, do., which will be sold without reserve. Bates & Bell are selling Japanese Silks, Summer Silks, Thin Dress Goods and Shawls, at very low prices to close the stock. The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world,, manufactured from fresh, healthy live* upon the sea shore; .it is perfectly pure and sweet; Patien'a who have once taken it can take none other. Ask .for, ''Hazard' and Caswell's Cod Liver Oil;" manufactured by Cas well, Hazard it Co., New York Sold by all druggists- . x o t New Furniture House.—Onr readers in want of anything in the furniture line will please call •at, the. extensive Ware rooms of H. Berger, No'. 88 dmithtleld street, before puroluping elsewhere. ws:4w, Special Redttetlon.—Batea & Bell offer Shetland Shawla, a fresh -stook, 25 per cent under regular Pileek Printed P. Roa; vmrth' one dollar, clos ing out at 50 cents. J. M. Burchileld Co., No. 62 St. Clair street. . Remnants of , dress .goods, :;silks and poldlna and wool, goods, cheap at 'J. M. Butohdeld dc - Co.'s. • Constitution Water fb b=bertsub cure fbr Diabetes 'and all diseases of the Kid neys. For sale by alt Druggists. ' Tviser. The Harvard Crew in England. The news of the Harvard crew and of their doings on the Thames, says Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, is. upon the whole, good. They have effected a change whereby the stroke oar is pulled by an other man, and have got the new boat built for them by Salter. It is stated that they can pull her faster than they could the one.they took over from here, and they have somewhat modified their stroke. Our English cotemporaries all speak well of them, and we are con vinced that every effort will be made to secure si clear coast and show no favor. That wonderful "style" about which some of our folks on Printing- House Square went into mud dled ecstacies of admiration, turns out to be very much like the old strong stroke of the Claspers of the Tyne. If so it is a good stroke, and the coxswains of the London boats have often had first•rate opportunities for observing its peculiari ties, as it commonly took the Tynesiders ahead of them. That the Harvard crew had found it necessary to have a new boat built, that they , had changed their order'f rowing and had modified their stroke, not going so deep in the.dip and pulling longer, we were at first inclined to regard as unfavorable indications in respect to their probable success. - But We have now come to another conchs- - sion. These things show that the Ameri can crew have resolved to take hold in a thorough manner, and leave nothing un done whereby success may be attained. If they had been of the opinionated sort who arei"sure to win" belie the,contest, and commonly never heard of after it, they would have . stuck to an unsuitable boat because she was built hre, and persisted in - a pecu liarity 4 f style after they had seen: one more efficient, because they had inta used to it in their own waters and its sovereign excellence had been bragged about. The stroke they are now pulling . seems to be a mediumbetweenthat which they pulled at home and that which the Oxonians pull; and' if as is said by the London Club men, it resembles that of Harry Clasper, John H. Dick, and Rob ert, it must needs be a good stroke; for those famous oarsmen were not only champions in the dark waters of the coaly Tyne, but carried their colors and achieved renown in those of the Thames, the Mersey and the Humber, and the bays and rivers of Ireland and - France. The health of the Harvard men is excellent; they do plenty of good strong work, and improve daily in wind and muscle. When at the pitch of condition they are sure to row a very fine race, even if they do not win, We believe they will turn out to be a credit to their country. NEW YORK received over one hundred carloads, say forty thousand baskets, of peaches on Friday, selling at $1,50 to $2.00 for the best, and down to 40 to 50 cents for the inferior sorts. Philadelphia averages a daily receipt of nearly 80,500 baskets, selling at from 30 cents to $l,OO per basket. Supplies of other vegetables and fruits are equally low, the supply. be ing more profusely abundant than ever before known. These prices swell from three to ten-fold to interior consumers, under the intervention of middle-men, hucksters and retail dealers. The Pitts burgh and Allegheny markets are already fell to overflowing with these supplies, which on Saturday night, although not likely to keep over to Monday, were still held at the abominable high prices Let us have some Napoleon in this tradewho shall revolutionize it, to his own profit and the popular advattage. DIED: GRAHAM--On habbath afternoon, at 5 o'clock, Mrs. FRANCES wßAEltaki. relict of Wm Rea lism, dec'd, In the 81st year of her ace. The Inneral will take Mace on Tuzs iT Aw• TIRSOON, at 3 o'clock, franc her late residence on Sendosky street, two doors north of Wu* street, Allegheny City. " . MANERCE—On Sabbtth night,' August 15th. 1889, WILLIAM MANICED/a, In the 118. h year 0111434 e. The funeral will take mace from the residence of his uncle. Joseph Marshall, 53 Stitt aeon sweet, Allegheny. on Tins (Hondas) ATTER. Nnuls'. an 4 o'clock. Friends of the fatally, are iespectitilly invited to attend. kglo l o 3 i3 ll l‘ l :43lqk A LEX. AIKEN * 11NVIER-, TABER, CO 1.66 FOURTH STIMET, • A LEX. Pa. COFFINS of *llklads,CllAßES. GLOVES, and et cry description ' of Funeral Fur. fishing nods teralshed. ROO= ^ro.-. •- '>" r!srrioireo fitralli/MI for city luni rols at 62 00 each. suursairammS—lter.Damid Kerr, D. D.. onq.y. W. Jacobn.% D. D.. Tltomas Swing. Exch. Ja,oh • Mtiler. Esti. (IHARLES & PEEIILEN utl. DERTAKERS AND LIVERY STABLES. Dine: • t dANDIIIHrif STREET AND CHURCH AVENDis Allegheny City. where their C 057114 ROOMS iv a coastantly_gapplied with real and iii‘tatlon ewood. Mahogany and Walnut Coffms, at fakes arcing from f 4 to $l)O• Bo • dies' prepared forte rment. Hearses and mar. riages tarnished: also, 11 minds of Mourning Goods, If required. 01Ilee open at all hours...day and night. JOSEPH METER & SON, lINIMIITAIKERS, No. 424 PENN STREET Carriages for Funerals. 82.00 Each. COFFINS and all Funeral Furnlsliment at re duced rates. au7 SPEC /1.6.013. FAS • *WM. WEAK EYES Persons who are suffering from weak eYeior dimness of vision an dna nothing better to re store them to thou' proper standard than by using THE SCOTCH PEBBLE. SPECTACLES An article-we can gnrantee to be genuine. and at ince a price that hey will come within the teach of alt. nil we ask is for you to call and examine thrill, and we will prove their Invert crity over all °tittle. W. G. DIINSEATH :MELEE AND OPT (TAN. 56 FIFTH AV:2- iy24 MERCHANT TAILORS. rany 6. HALE,g MERCHANT TAILOR, Would resoectitilly littoral Ws Heads and the 'Public generally, that hla SPRING STOCK OF GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE. • SOLICITING AN EARLY GM. Corner of Penn and Sixth , Streets, yr HESPENHEID & CO., No. 50 SIXTH STREET. (late at. Clara have last received from the MISS the beet lot of New Goods for Owing Baits ever bto l wait to the market. The arm warrant to cut and at and make Clothes,cheayer add'better than any drat-clan holm lnith a eity. A new and spies did assortment of GENTLI3IIIS9S ITIRNISH ING GOODS are at WU tiniest* be fonnd at his house. OW Saabs: to 10 SIXTH trraska