NNW ADVERTISEMENTS. rO''''THE MEMBERS OF. THE UNION REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COItIIITYEB F ill ALLEGHENY CO are hereby notifiNt chat a meeting of the Committee will be held in the DISTRICT COURT ROOM, AT THE COURT HOUSE, en- WEDNESDAY, Align t 18, 1869, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M., Yor the purpose of completing lists of the Ex ecutive Committee for each Election District. .A full attendance is requested. W. S. FITRVIANCE, Chairman. W co A L L G T4R . f3F..3IIIOCIIEtiNAgN. Eecretarles. atii6:n47 • OrREPURLICANS OF THE NINTH WARD. ('fret Precinct or the old Fifth.) are requested to mutt at the PUBLIC 11.IISE OF LEWIS driCHTER. on Liberty street. near O'Hara, nn MONDAY EVENING, 36th in.t.. for the impose of forming a Repub. Dean Club Jor the Ward suit 034 MANY. REPUBLICANS. THE E'.DMMON SENSE WIVE AND . CIDER M LL, Manufactured by the Ashland dihio) Machine Company, is the most practical Cider MIR in the world. ity one opera tion It grinds the apples. presses them SP PIT as chins between rollers, while the cider passes di rect into the barrel They are run by hand or power,.easily operated, durable and an hstantial. Before purchasing a Cider MID send for an Blas t trated Circular. • attic.= OFFICE OF CM" ENGINEER ,t SURVEYOR.' PITTSBURGH, august 16, 1869. f OTICIE.—The assessinent for. F;lNtri • Grivilng, •PaYinir ill d—Curotng LIB -ITY STREET. from 30tu to 32d street, is now ready for tztaminati n. andlean,tic teen at this office until *TRURO DAY, August 26th, when it whit's. returned to the City Treasurer's °Mee for co . laction. ' anteing° H. X. MOORE. City Enalneer. CITY Esomouvs OFFICE. ALLEGIIENT CITY, PA., Anglia 13, 1860. IVO ICE.—Th e Asiessmentsfor Grading EILBUCK STREET, from Corry to School streets, also the assessment for Grading and Paving GEYER ALLEY, from Webster to Beaver streets, are now ready for examination, and can be seen at the ollize of the City Engineer until AUGUST .03d, 1'69, when they will be placed in the hands of the City Treasurer for col• lection. CHARLES DAVIS, CITY ENGINEER aul6:n4o CITY CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. CITY OF ALLEGIIENY, August Ft, 1869. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN LEATHER HOSE. SEAL lr D PROPOS4LS will be received at this (Mice until 3 o'clock r.PRIDA.'r , August $lOOl., 1469. for (1200) TNVELVR kIIINDE ED nlar Or" Dt./OBLE RIVET'rEII LEALTIIER. HOSTS. Bads to state the pressure they will guarantee the Bose to stand when tested. he Committee do not hind themselves to ac , cept the mvrest or any bid. W. N. PORTER, CITY CORI BOLLES. MEM CITY CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, I CITY OF ALLE6ILENY. Anglin 14th, 1869. OTICE TO CONTRACTOIM tinged Prop:male-will be lecelved at this '‘ office until 3 Weida r. x.. on FRIDAY. August Iluth, 1869, tor building FIRM ENGINE HOUSE IN THE SIXTH WARD Plans and Specifications can be seen at the once of J. M. HALF'''. Esq., Architect. Federal sir. et, Allegheny City. The C.eximlttee reserves the right to reject any or alt bids. / • W. fl. PORTER. anl6;n4d CITY CONTROLLER. FOR SAI.E. SECOND AVENtllf.—Tsvp houses. stories. 0 ,rooms.-with all modern Imprvvemr-nts • Will / sell for t 5.500 and ereb. .E.rsy terms. rtit.ll4kiEt. IttLL.-4. acres of around, with Enleunid view over the Monongahela Valley: Adapted for private resluence or to be laid out in !imbuing Lots. At a harszaht. • THREE ra iLttd FR'ibi riHARPSHIJRA.-90 acres of best ga den land; with 500 of the eho'cest fruit tree+ in fast bearing conAtion. Convenient to flour and saw mill. F'-r partlear lars enquire at S 7 Grant Street TUSTIN & KLEE. anl4 BOYS' ' CLOTHING. • Our entire Summer Stock of Boys', Youths' and Children's Clothing, closing oat at greatly reduced prices GRAY & LOOAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH STREET LATE ST. CLAIB. CM ALPERT & KOHLER, Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES AND OAITICHS, No. 38 Market street, Plas h ugh. Ps. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to direct the attention or the public to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes for persons troubled with Corns, Bunions, or deformed feet, under the personal sup.rr - . felon of our Mr. Are PEET, fannetty of Allegheny City. who will be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. Alpert's mode of meunring the too•, bv which we can be safe in warrandna easy and comfortable Buot • and bhoes for the tauler -- est feet. Give us a trial and be convinced. ALPERT hOlibER, aue;n= 38 Market street, Pittsburgh. Pa. "HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. This beautiful situation cannot be surpassed for private residences in any direction, so elose to both cities, being, only eight miles up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de siring information about this uronerty can obtain it by calling at the °Bice of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LIVE INSURANCE COMPANY. 15 Federal street, Allegheny. Lois from one-bait acre to Ave acres: also, small lots to suit pur chasers. There is a good location for a manurae taring establishment; between the Railroad sand Allegheny river. - auio:nss ,TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER -a- the United States Court for the West - ern District of Pennsylvania, the following property of JOSHUA RHODES, P. W. H. L okT. SHAW and JACOB ANDERSON, will be sold on the 11th inst., at 10 o'clock A. M., at Ho- ILWAINE , S AUCTION ROOMS. viz: Promis gory note of J. Neihsus and others; Day Book, Journal aid Ledger of said Danko, an d a Second Mortgage gleen by Lingtiay & McCatcheon to Joshua Rhodes for $3,800 upon property in Al legheny City. anit naG R. W. MACKEY, Assignee. WO LUMBER DEALEIL AND CABPENI4IO.-I am now In recdpt, of ONE MILLION Best A . No. 1 Saginaw Shingles, From the celebrated hazhigan Lumber Regions direct., which i can sell .03 the trade at low figures either by ear toad or in quanttues to pur harers. AIM. PATTERSON, Cor. Juntas* and Preble strew ts. Sixth ward. and No. 187 Rebecca street, opposite the Works. aileghenv OUT. 1929:m78 XewEWSPAPER FREE—CoaI Afinersk and persons Atlisiring a . Western e.•and otherwanbaver staple, Weal ly Pacer FEES son OM MONT/113 br sending name and Postomca address to GARDNER JOURNAL, (Sudsier. Illiaols. - livrinTE - barrels Cleveland Wbite Lime: SOO bbla Salton do.ifide sale br 11:0A1IIIIILD: NEW .. ADVERTISEMENTS. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ESTABLISHED IN 1845 ANDERSON & WOODS, E=l BEST REFINED OAST STEEL Of every description. Also, best Refined German Plow and Spring Steel, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENMILPItts ban h. Ps. - aula nai FEMALE EDUCATION. MB. AND MRS. 11. M. TWINING'S BOARDING AND DR' SCHOOL , No. 2024 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, The object of this saloons to impart a practi cal and useful education. For this purpose the rooms are fitted up with every necessary comfort and convenience for 'twenty scholars only. The most etEcient teachers of French, German and Drawing are engaged. An ample supply of Philosophical and Chemi cal apparatus is provided for the illustration of natural science. A pamphl• t Prospectus of the School will be furnished on appilcattun by it tter or otherwise. aulS-ddr.r JUST ISSUED. A VALUABLE WORK. OUR OWN BIRDS, A Familiar Natural History OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES: BY WILLIAM L. DAILTi.- Revised and edited by E. D COPE. With numerous Illustrations. 10210. Tinted Paper, Extra Cloth. $1.50. For sale by all Booksellers. or will be sent by mail, postage prepaid; on receipt of price. oy J. B. LIPPINCOTT, Publishers, 715 and 717 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. au 16:n413..mvi ar-E1.11111.11-1 ME REDUCTIONS gHtTLAND 11332.Etvuls, FIGURED GRENADINES AND CHINTZES, BATES & BELL. =3 PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN. lessrs. DABNEY, 11ORCH & CO., 51 Exchange Place, and E. K. JESUP & CO., 12 Pine ttroet, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per cent. in Gold; .:have thirty pram to run; are Free from Government Taxation ; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado, In addition to thiespecial grant the Com- pay also owns Three Millions of Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold'to develop the country and Improve the road. They are a first mortgage upon the eaten- Rion of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado. The road tion NOW EARNS MORE THAN NET INCOME TO PAY THE. I' ON THE NEW LOLL There is seenriti in the market—this Icing. In some respects better than Government Se• entitles. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOID. Price 96, and acern ed Interest, In Currency. Pamphlets, Naps and Circnian brained in application aulo PITTSBURGH GAZETTE'. , .MONDAY, At'GUST 16, 1869. NEW ADVERTI6EkENTS. UNRIVALLEIII 'TIMM WHEELER 60:, WILSQN Sewing Machines. LMDS 10111rETITORS. The distinctive feature of the WHEELER WILSON 3IA.OdINE is the use of a ROTARY HOOK to carry l the loop of the upper thread . around the 5p0.,1 containing the under, making the lock-stitch alike on both stilts of the fabric, thereby doing away completely with the ,c,lbta tory motion of a shuttle, the tunsion upon the under thread, and all devices for tali trig up slack thread; these are necessary on all two-thread Mschlnes. The public have Indorsed Ms prin ciple by purchasing over 380,000 of our Mi. chlnes—more .tban 100,00 in excess of those of any other manufacture! It has long been 4. knowledged by far the most simple Lock-stitch Maculae In existence; having one•thlyd Ices ma- ehlnery than any other two•taread sewing Ma= ch.ne (Prom the London Times.) "The WHEELER & WILSON bEWING MA CHINE, which is the ONE BEST CALCULA TED FOR HOUSEHOLD WORK, uses no shut tle, and makes the LOCK•STITCH alike on both sides of the goods. "Some of the Sewing Machines are very ex- travagsnt In the use of thread; one of the most noted of Mon making the doobie•lcop chain- &Itch, using six yards of thread to one of sew lug. This Is -a serious matter, looked upon la a manufacturer's point of clevi, where the great aim is to economize the materisl.” Thousands of Testimonials could be given from all parts of the world, Were It necessary to the reputation of this well-known Family Sewing Machine. I beg to state that I have used my Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, in family sewing. four. teen years, without even the most trifling repairs ; and It Is In so good nomdltlon that I *mild not exchange it fur your latest number (now up• wards of 300,000). One needle served me more tban a year in tine sewing Na.w Yotx Mrs. Manley has had her Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine in almost dailly use for over eleven years without any repairs. Ehe has done, with her own hands, during that period, the larger poition of the sewing for a family of eleien children on the machine, and part of the time far fifteen or twenty farm servants. She wonld not now change her Wheeler £ Wilton for any other the bas ever aeen. 'AIAX LEY. BIILNDON, MI.S Capt. J. YOUNG, JR., of Robinson township, Allegheny county, says: We have used the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine in our iamily two years. My daughter received but two les sons, and Is able to accomplish every variety of sewing without any tilitirulty whatever. We had used the "Howe" and "Grover .1 Baker," and after a fair trial of these three leading Machines, we can most confidently assert that no mechine Is so simple or so well adapted for ladles` and famtiy ore, as the "Wheeler &Wilson." My wife has used her Wheeler & Wilson Ma chine ten years with Out repairs, and has used only one needle for the last three year!. CHLRLY.3 J. GRAY. NZWBUAG, 17, Y. Ten years ago I purchased a Wheeler it Wil son &wink, Machine,and have had It in constant use in my family since. •We used is during the war to make clothing for our volunteers in tho service, and for the hospitals, and thfe work was very heavy, being coarse woolen end cotton fabrics. It is stilt In good working order, noth ing having been broken but a few needles. Yon are welcome to use my name in your recommen dations. Hite. HUGH MOGUI.LOCH, °Mgr NUNNZRY, idoxraset. We, the undersigned, Sisters 'of Charity, cer tify with pleasure that, after a trial of ten years, we have found Wheeler Wil:on's Sewing Ma chines superior In every respect to all others used in our establishment. Their mechanism is strong and perfect, and with little care never get out of order. SISTER COULTER, In order to isoilitate the sale of, and place a Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machias within the reach of every one, we propose to lease them on the following terms: We will furnish one of our celebrated Sewing Machines to any one denosit irig with as fifteen dollars as security for its safe keeping and paying us ten dollars per month for the use of the same. When the monthly pay meets and deposit amount to a sum equal to the Crash Prks of the Machine, we will give a receipt in fall for the Machine. in opera -1 ENOUGH Any one di sirous to avail tbemselves eon* offer, can be accommodated by mating applica tion to one of our traveling salesmen, or by ad dressing us, or by calling at our TEREST ELEGANT SALESROOMS, 140- 1 o better WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. WM. SUMNER & CO. ED NOTICE. --The public are re• QUE6TED to call atm witness SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE IN OPERATION. at the West Point Boller Works, toot of p ea t, direst, gaily awn 13 M. to 3 r.e. anloo2 Joni; 11311TUAN. lies. ANNIE WARNER SISTER BAYEUX, General Hospital. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS ina WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGBECI CITY: I New Black Gro Grain ALPACAS. VERY CHOICE COODS, Equal in Color to Silk. NEW . BLACK ROYAL STANDARD ALPACAS, Fine Finish and Lusires. NEVI BLACK MOHAIR ALPACAS, All Qualities and Prices. NEW White Narseilles Quits. NEW WHITE DAMASK GUILTS. NEW White Allendale Quilts. NEW HEAVY COLORED BED COVERLETS, Neves C3l.c•coags OPENING DAILY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ina WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. ROBERT- 11. PETEDSON & CO„ CORNER OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSBURGH. PA. Will on Saturday, July 31641069. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Sala of HORSES CARRIAGES, BUGGIES , WAGONS, And everything appertaining t the norm, Parties deal ing to sell will please leave their notice of consignment on or before. Thursday of each week In order for advettising. Prompt at tention and good care will be given sit Stock left foresail. JOHN li r . STE WART, Auctioneer. 11. M. WCOWAN f a. H. WILOWN• R. N. McCOWAN k-CO„ BoAlevard Pavers, oMoo, No. 66 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Orders left at Gazarra drama. Pittsburgh, promptly attended to. Pave ffld~Tralhs , Cellarsilmald• Yards, Drives, so. ~ Warranted against changes of heat and cold. Itxranxgots —Max. Mo..rhead, Lvon & nnorb. Poop ratterson. Wm. rark, .sames N. Long & Son, Wartlor & McKee. Anderson's & Maxwell, Aiken & Campbell. Isaac Craig. jyl6:m23 Tirs B. LYON. Sealer of Weights and Measures, . Ofior—bo. 5 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. 4: x a 7:11 JOHN 'NESPRES. Degutg,-Pittsburgh Liet.. GEO. f B. WM:IIMT, Deputy. Alleo Maul /Cartel. i k:. Pilaiiiiiii3 3 i l4 l l 3)ol#llZA NEW GOODS AND GOOD BARGAINS IMI WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. At 6 1-4 Cents. LINEN TABLE NAPKINS. At 12 1-2 Cents. EXTRA GOOD NAPKINS. At 12 1-2 Cents, LEGE LINEN TOWELS. At 12 1-2 Cents, • Wide Linen Toweling,. At 50 Cents, Good Wide Table Linen. At 20, Cents, \VIDE TABLE ONION GOODS. At 8 1-8 Cents, LADIES' HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS. At 10 Cents. LADIES' ' LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERUHIEFS. At 60 Cents, Ladles' Colored Corsets. TWELVE Mesas Fast Colored Dark Calico FOR oxie TWELVE TARES BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR ONE DOLLAR. TWELVE YARDS Fine Unbleached Muslin FOR ONE DOLLAR. NINE YARDS YARD WIDE BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR ONE DOLLAR, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180- and 182 Federal Street, ALLEOII224Y CITY. pEARLASIL-20 sacks or sale d. B. CA.NBIELn. 3. W. EAR 59 MA RKE liisco,coc:oco TEN DAYS STILL GREATER RED Many Goods offered The they can be bought for in present time. Win,ter Goods as THE. S .IVIE ItEmt be C By Order, rarNOTICES—"To-Lel," "Lys. Sale? "Lost,""lVants.""Found,"."Boarding," ifc.; not exceeding FOUR - LINES, will be inserted in those columns once for TWENTY-FIVE 'CENTS; each addi tional tine FIVE CENTS. WANTEDITUATIONS. • WANTED—By a married man a squatlon as beXTON OF A CHURCH In either clt , Ade. beny preferred. Address Box Ic., GAZiTTEOFFICZ. WANTED.—SITIIATION, by a married man as a driver. Can give good reference. -Address tiIEORGIL. liszarrrs Or , ICS. WANTED -A SITUATION AS Clerk. Salesman, or Travelling Agent for a wholesale or manufacturint establishment. Can dive good city re. erenees. Addreu Box "51." New Cumberland, W. Va. k , , , A1 sM: at 114 "IDIVANTED.—A first-class MA. v CHINE R 1.4 rKSIIILTH. Enquire at the Ix LUSTFUL!. WORE Q, corner Point alley and Duquesne Way. WANTED -A TIDY COLORED woman to take charge of a atrial house In a small famlly. Erich 'person can llsd a good home by applying at 98 Craig street, Alle ghPny. tole morning. • • : IWANTED. TEACHERS.—In Union towashlu, FIVE TFACHERd. Aoteleants •wiil meet at No nt .Ptssah Semi house on SATURDAY, August 7th, at 3 o'clock P•M. By order of the 'Board. "WANTED--11ELP.--AT -EM PLOYMENT OFFICX,Iio. 1 St. Clair Street, BOYS 0131 LS and MEN, for dilerent kinds of employment. Persona wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. • WANTED -AGENTS. WANTED.—),OOO Men Want- ED to seli the WHEELER & WILSON SEWING ItLACHINa on salary, AddrPss Look Box 365,.0r cat' between the hours of 3 and 5 P. M.. at our office; 140 WOOD STREET, Pitts• burgh. Applicants must . come well re•ommended. WU. 3c CO IVANTED -100 Cmitideutial AGENTS to dispose of a good paying arti cle. An energetic and trustworlby man can make 00,000 in two months. Particulars free. Call on or address DAILAY Er, CO., SIOS Broad way. N. Y.. an2:n23d&Tl irt z WANTED. -10,000 Acres of LAND WARRANTS and AGRIOuLTU RAL COLLEGE LANI semr. wanted. Ad dresa, JOHN S. BRADDOOK,'Monnt Vernon, Ohio. . TiVrANTED.-A good second.. HAND ENGINE AND BOILER: enghse about W•lnch cylinder: Boller from 18 to 20 feet, 36 to 46-inch, and fined. Parties haring such machinery to sell will please address Box 384. Plitsburgh Postodlce, stating Else, make and 'WANTED., -A StiALL HOWSE, of three rooms. In Nanchsster or Law rencevllle. Also. a nITUATION In a clothing store as salesman. Good rs terence given. Ad dress W. P. BRANDON. Pittsburgh Pcstodice. LOST. kOST.=-ON WEDNESDAY AFw TEKNOON. between 4alegheny and East. I rty, by way of Stamen:Erg oridig_e and Morn-= Ingslde road. a lEFTED ELUL'S AND WHITE PLAID tHAWL. 'A suitable reward will be paid for its return to the O . 4I.Z.ETTS OPTIC& STRAYED. STRAYED AWAY FROM THE übscrioer. In Pleasarit Valley, , a RBI) COW with horns turned in. Any information that will lead to the recovery of the Cow will be thank -10117 receive". MRS. PALOoIf, Pleasant Valley, Allegheny Co.. Pa. . TO LET. MO-LET.—ROONS. on Second A. fivor, wltb Boarding. Location the most desirable in the city, the conveniences of bs , h rooms. the comforts of a_private family, as iew beane= are kepi. 181 Forth Avenue, Al legheny City • FOR SALE. ........e*.e.....w0 IVOR 'ULT.-110178E AND LOT. —qtutte at Halton Station. Lot eontaina acres, on which is erected a good Frahm Dwelling contaming 6 rooms villa fruit trees, &c. Address JOHN CUPPd, Dalton !Station. FOll SALE.—Lease and good will of a TAVERN 87 , 4 ND ins desirable locillty.:Terms easy; doing_ a good business. Apply of W.M. JACIPsON. 73 Orates street. F-SALE,One-half of a .a: valuable PATENT for Pennsylvania. A small article used In all houses. A chance fRr an active ' , minx man with a few handred , dellars. Address PATENT. PostotHee Box 690. FOR SALE.---About 120 acres of land in the best sitnatton'for annul seats- only S miles from the West Pittsburgt Ferri Landing. Will be said altogether or it pieces to suit purchasers. /En ulre of. V. 0 NnEILEY, odlce at the south cadet the Mown. gahela bridge. Jel4-T&P FOB SALE-CITY RESIDENCE On Colwell street, one square' from street cars. The House has ten rooms, hall, good cellars, pressed brick front, - gas and water throughout, bath room, range in kitchen, and in a pleasant nelghboritod. Price ONLY $1.009; on easy terms. Apply to CROFT PH t Real Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth avenue. F 1 s OR SALLE.-VALUABLE Aemr EbtiIDENCE.—HOIME AND No. 73 blngton street, Allegheny City. :The lot , is 63 feet on Washington street. extending beck 360 feet, on which - 1s erected a double two nom brick dwelling. haying all modem Improvements. Also brick stable and carriage room, with per. wants room attached, all in eat rate order. Te those wanting a _comfortable home, this propetty is recommended. Enquire on the premises, 01 to IitiBEET DALZILL, ly12:m8 49 etockton Avenue. floPEßSONAL.—Allpersons seek. 'NO HOMES, or investments in Real Es tate, will sate time. trouble and money by pro raring a copy of the TITTSBUiltili EXA.L ESTATE REGISTER." !tie given awayoltAria or will be tent hymen FE= toasty requesting Penotia cannot tiM to get suited out of the large list It contains. CROFT h PRILLIPe. Pun- Where and ReafEttate Agent, 1f0i139 Fourth CANDIDATE. NDEPE ND ENT TEMPER. T ANCE CANDIDATE. - FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER: ISAIAH DICKEY ans:al2 • KER & T STREET. crtb. 111rusc:o1dL LONGER! IJCTION IN PRICES ! nty-five per cent. less than the EEtstern Markets at the well as Summer q T IBI:01E3 C 'TT COINT.' limited tiOut 1k.,i1.4.11.11.E1E4' Jr.; El