HARKErS BY TELEGRAPH. Nsw Yonx, August 14.—Cotton firm; sales of 1,000 bales, at 333‘c for middling uplands. Flour: receipts 8,870 labia; mar ket s®loc better; sales of 18,700 bbls, at $6,00@6,60 for superfine State and west ern, $1,1501,60 for extra State, $7,0015 7,65 for extra western, $7,70®7,85 for good to choice white wheat extra, $7,00 7.75 for R. H. 0., $7,00®8,00 for extra St. Louis;•and 59,001510,50 for good to choice do., closing firm; Including in the sales 1 14,000 bbls of extras for export, at $7,25 157,40 for State and 57,40157,50 for Ohio. Rye Flour steady; sales of 150 bbls at 154,50®6,70. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky quiet and firm; sales of 50 bbls western at $1,133 free. Wheat: receipts 41,298 bush; market I®2c better, with a good export demand restricted by firmness of freights; Bile., of 214,000 bush, at $1,57® • 1,65 for No. 2 spring, $1,50@1,52 for very soft do., $1,75 for No. 1 d0.,51,72®1,75 for winter red • Ohio and Idiana, $l,BO for new amber Tennessee and Michigan, $1,78 for new amber Delaware, $1,85 for white Michigan, $1,75 for amber State, and $1,75® ®1,85 for white. California. Rye quiet. liarley and Barley malt nominal. Corn; ,receipts 6,050 bush; dull and drooping; sales 33,000 bush at 85c®1,12 for un sound new mixed 'western, and 01.145 ;1,17 for sound do: Oats; receipts 27,803 ush; heavy and lower; sales 42,000 bush at 73@750 for old western afloat, 68@73c for new do afloat, and 663 for new do to arrive. Rice in moderate request. Cof fee quiet and firm. Sugar moderately active, with sales 385 hhds at 11%®123.0 for Cuba, and 12(51234c for Porto Rico Molasses firm. Petroleum quiet at 171 A 0.1.1733 c for crude, and 3214 ®323,ic for re, lined. Coal quiet. • Wool steady. with sates 65,000 pounds at 45@53c for domes _ tic fleece, 30c for unwashed, and 35@48c for pulled. Leatherquiet and unchang ed: Hops quiet at 10®15c for American. i Linseed Oil dull at 97@99c in casks. Sheathing Copper steady and unchang ed. Ingot "Copper firm with a good ; inquiry, at 23c for Baltimore, . and 21!.i®233 c for Lake . Superior. Pig Iron steady, at $38®42 for Scotch and American. Bar quiet at $86®90 for re fined English and American. Sheet dull at 11®1234, for Russia. Nails quiet at $4,6231,75 for cut,,.55,003, ©6,25 for , clinched, and 2615300 for horse-shoe. Pork a shade easier, with sales 400 labia at V,33,00;6©33,25 for new mess, $27,75@ 9 8.50 for prinie, and $30©30,25 for prime nes". • Beef steady, with sales 325 bbls. 'Beef Hams quiet; with sites 85 bbls at $20Q30. Cut Meats steady, with sales 140 packages at 143.1@15cs for shoulders, and 17@19e for hems quiet, with sales 375 tierces at 17%®2034 for steam, and 20%c for kettle rendered. Butter quiet at 16®300 for Ohio,and 16® 37 for State. Cheese firm at 11®16c. Freights to Liverpool firmer, with shin , ments 2,200 bush wheat, per sail, at Bd.; per steam 1034 d is offered and lld asked for wheat. Lates,t—Flour closed very firm, with an active export demand for low grades of extra state and western. Wheat firm and in fair export demand; No. 2 spring $1,60®1,65; No. Ido if.1,73®1,76; amber red Ohio and Indiana 51,75. Rye nomi nal.. Oats dull at 60®71c for new, and 72 ®74c for old western: Corn dull and 'rather heavy at $1,14®1,17 for sound mixed western. , Pork nominally un- • changed.. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut meats and Bacon quiet and steady. :; Lard quiet at 20Vo for gcod to prime steam. Eggs dull and unchanged. CHICAGO, , August 14.—Eastern ex ' ; change dull, par selling, 1-10 off buying. Flour quiet at $6(4)7,50 for spring extras. Wheat less active but firm; sales No, 1 at $1,47, ,No. 2 at $1,45 ®1,47, closing at $1,45 for No. 2. This afternoon market was easier at $1,40®14234. Corn declined 10 with sales .No. 2 at 90®92; rejected at 65®36, no•grade at 75®80, closing at 90® 60;4 for No. 2. This t,fterno.n market heavy I,ltt 884 for No. 2, seller August. Oats quiet, 4©%c loWer; sales No. 2 at 49©50, rejected at 43(4)484, closing easy at 49 3 /(4)464 for No Rye steady and firm, I®l4c lower; sales No. 2 at $1,04® 1,06, rejected at 94, closing at $1,05 for No. 2. Barley quiet and. steady at.sl,3) for No. 2 in store, and $130®131 seller September; amber closing at $1,30. Highwines scarce and firm and 2c higher; sales at $l,lO iu iron bound, and $l,OB in wooden pkgs, closing with buyers at $1,084, sellers $1,09. Sugar. 134(4)14y0 for common to prime Cuba. Provisions quiet and nominally unchanged at $33,75 for mess pork; 19(4)19y 5 c for Lard; 13y ‘ c for dry salted shoulders; 174(4)18e for sweet pickled barns; 164 c for rough • sidesi, and 1634 ©l7c for short rib middles. Freights quiet, firmer and lc higher at 10c on wheat to Kingston, 5% @Cc on corn to Buffalo. Receipts for the past 24 hours .-7,059 bbls flour, 71,331 bu wheat, 181,635 bu corn, 49,551 bu oats, 3,202 bu rye, 383 bu barley, 3,860 hogs. Shipments-5,651 bbls flour. 6. 978 bu wheat, 88,420 bn corn, 20,355 bu oats, 709 bu rye, 400 bu barley, 8,458 hogs. • CINCINNATI, August 14.—Flour firm ;✓but quiet; sales of family at $5@8,25. Wheat Ts five cents higher and active, with sales of 9,800 bush. at $1,30 to $1,33 for No. 2, and $1,35 for No. 1 red, white sold at $1.,40 to $1,45. Corn is in good 1 demand and prices higher, with sales this afternoon at 94e. Oats firm at 57 to 60c for No. 1 to choice white: Rye is higher and closed at 95®97c. There was nothing done in Barley, and none offer ing. Whisky is in good demand at nos. Provisions are generally firm, and hold ers asking higher prices. Mess Pork is -held at $34, but buyers don't offer over $33,60. Lsrd is held at 20y,e, but could not be sold at better than 20c and there is not much demand, but the stock being so light that holders are indifferent about selling. Bulk meats are held at 14%®143,0 for shoulders, 16%®16Kc for sI flacon is held higher; sales of 50 hhtis.; shoulders sold at 153 Sc, but they are generally held at 153;c, cleat—sides sold at 190 for loose, they are held at 193;ci- for packed, no clear rib sides smoked, sugar cared hams at 24c. Bat ter firm at 25 to 30c. Eggs dull at 14c. Cheese firm and the supply light; west ern reserve sold at 13c, factory 15c. Linseed Oil dull at 98©980. Lard Oil at 11,33®1,38. Petroleum at 208(430c for re fined, and In good demand. Sugar firm apd the demand good, at 13 to 15 , %c for raw. Coffee firm at 21©213c. Gold at 133% buying and 134% selling. Ex change fires at 1.10 per cent. discount buying, and par gelling. The money market is easy at nio per cent. NEw ORLEANS, August 14.—Cotton steady, with:sales 109 bales' low mid dlings at 30%c; receipts 38; exports— coastwise 743. Flour firm, with super fine at $5,75; doable extra $6,50;, treble extra 56,62. Corn dull, with mixed white at 51.05. Oats 64®63c. Bran $l. Hay $29. Pork held at f 35,50. Bacon firm at,17®195!„ ®2oo. Hams 23c. Lard firm, with tierce at 20®2034c. and keg 22@230. Sugar dull, with common at 11©11v 4 c, and prime 13, al4.c. Molasses dull, with reboiled at 60rai700. Whisky 51,1235©1,15. Coffee 15©15%c for fair, .and 16%©16%c for prime. bold 132%. Sterling New York Sight % pre mium. . ST. Lquis. August 14.--Tablco-steady and unchanged. Co#orrulithing 4 doing. Hemp no sales. Flour steady and un changed; statue $5,15©5,50; extra 0 , 75 ; doubt extra 65,90(0,60; treble ex. tralt3,so(k)7; , cy . $8,25a9. • Wheat dull, heeV . andlrreanlar;- bonuilbu spring ac $1,1M1,18: prime ti:Flitiletly Ohne - red fall $1,25@12734; choice $1,40(4)1,45; prime to choice white $1,45(4)1,58; fancy $165(4) 1,63. Corn held above buyers' views and but little done; common mixed in sacks sold at 85c; mixed white 90@95c; white 95@98c. Oats dull: mixed in bulk 42@ 4.3 c; black and mixed in sacks 50@51c; white 53@57c. Rye slow 93c@$1. Whis ky unchanged $l.lO. Groceries quiet anb unchanged. Pork quiet $34,25. Dry salt meat firmer with sales loose clear sides 17%c. Bacon stiff and advancing; shoulders 15 1 A@16c: clear rib sides 19c; clear sides 19V,c. Lard at 1934@300 for tierce. Cattle in large supply and easier prices at2.fet 6c. Hogs very stiff 9@10,. LOUISVILLE, August 14.—Bagging firm; heavy 23 1 ,4 - 4)243c. nom. firm; superfine $5,00. Wheat: red $1,15; white 51,25. Corn in bulk 80@Mc. Oats in bulk 45@50c. Rye in bulk 85@90c. Barley .51.15©1,35. Leaf Tobacco: offer ings light and prices firm; sales of 46 hhds, ranging at $5,80(4)13,00. Provis ions ve'ry firm. Mess Pork 134,00(4)39,50- Bacon: shoulders 16;‘c; clear.rib 1934 c; clear sides 193.0. Lard 203 (4)22c. Hams: fancy 23340. Highwines firmer at $1,09@1,10. TOLEDO, August 14.—Flour steady. Wheat 2 to 3c. better; No. 1 white Mich igan $1,62; No. 2 do. $1,52: amber Michi gan 11.53; old do. $1,53; No. 1 red $1,54; No. 2 $1.51©1.51, 2 2 /: No. 351,34. Corn lc. lower, No.l 97c; No. 2 95c; rejected 87Mc. Oats unchanged, No. 1 56c: No. 2 50c. Receipts, 3,2u0 bbls. flour; 60,000 bush. wheat; 11,600 bush. corn: .7,300 bush. oats; 300 bush. rye. Shipments, 300 bbls, flour; 68,500 bush. wheat; 2,300 bush. corn; 1,400 bush. oats. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 14.—Flour stea dy. Wheat in good demand; new red 1,56©165; white 1,67;g1,85. Rye $1,33. Corn dull and drooping; mixed western 1,12©1,15. Oats declined 3c; old west ern 78©63c; new 60@62c. Petroleum less active; crude 246 c; refined 32c. Whisky $1,13©1.15. The government officials just closed two more distilleries. MirmarKEE, August 14.—Flour dull and: unchanged. Wheat unsettled at k 51,52 for 'No. 1, and $1,40 for No. 2. Oats dull and nominal. Corn nominally un changed. Rye and Barley nominal. Grain freights firm - at 534 c to Buffalo, and 100 to Oswego, Receipts: 1,000 bbls flour, 14,000 bus wheat. Shipments: 50,-' 000 bblstiour, 23,000 bus wheat. MEMPHIS. August 14—Cotton 'un changed; receipts 35 bales, exports 34 bales. Flour steady. Wheat $1,10©1,35. Corn 8234@85. Oats 55. Hay, new s2o@ 22. Bran 16. Corn meal: fresh $4,50; kiln dried $4,65. Pork 25 1 /,,©27%. Lard firm and unchanged. Bacon firm; shoulders 1634@)16; aides 20. CLEVELAND, August 14.—Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat; No. 1 red $1,50; No. 2 seller month, $1,51. Corn held at $1,00©1,01 Oats; sale of 1 car old, at 64c; new held' at 50@53c. Petroleum; refined held at 2834@29c for large lots, and small lots 2ri63eadvance; crude held at 56,50. BALTIMORE, August 14.—Wheat firm, with sales red at 151,60©1,70. Corn: sales white at $l,lO, and yellow at $1.14. Oats at 58@60c. Rye dull at $1,15. Mess Pork firm at $34@34,25. Bacon firm. Lard very firm at 20/@::4@2134. Whisky quiet and firm at $1,12. NASHVILLE, August 14.—Wheat; red $1,10; amber $1,15; white $1,20. Corn 923ic. Oats 45c. Rye 900. B trley $l. Bacon; sides 19;4c; shoulders 163•. c; hams 20c. Lard 23c. Flour $3 for best brands. Middles firm:and DETROIT, August 14.—Wheat: no im portant change in white extra; new sold at $1.69; No. 1 do. $1,5501,56; amber is better: old 81,50; new $1.44. Corn steady at $1,50 for No. 1. Oats lower at 62c.. NEW YORE, August 14.—There is no general animation as yet, late failures in dry goods and wool business, and those among three or four large eastern wool en houses, have exerted unfavorable in- fluence on business generally as it makes it difficult to negotiate dry goods paper, unless at high rates, but nevertheless there are some classes of bulky goods which western and southern buyers are purchasing more freely on account of very low rates of freight. Knit hosiery. Germantown goods and heavy wooleus as well as cotton balls, twines, warps, are.more saleable and generally at low prices. Cotton goods remain inactive but prices generally are well sustained. Good style dark prints wherever offered as low as 1235 cents, meet ready sales; such as Gloucester, tncaster and Ori ental, but goods above this price are rather slow. Heavy crown sheeting in limited demand at 1035@17 for best eastern makes, while goods like Augus ta can be bought at 1035. Bedford “R" at 10%. The Blackstone bleached mus lin down 3-5 c par yard to-day and selling at 1535. Market generally closes quietly. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AIM PITTSBURGH RAIL - mats, August 14.-2 cars limestones ore, Reese, Graff & Dull; 1 car champ ore, Coleman, Rabin & Co; 2 cars limestone ore, McKnight, Porter & Co; 9 do iron ore, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 1 do lum ber,McQnewan & D; 1 do do, B Schmidt & o; 1 do do, Hamilton, A A & Co; 1 car scrap iron, Mullin & Maloney; 390 cakes copper, Park, McCurdy dc.Co; 12 bbls copper ore, Pitts & Boston Mfg Co; 111 sacks oats, Scott & Meal; 6 bxs tobacco, W D Cooper & Co; 50 bdis spokes, 10 do shafts, M McWhlnney; 20 cases tobacco, W Miller & Co; 11 do do, LJ Blanchard; 35 do do, W M Gormly; 20 bbls flour, 127 sacks corn, P Duff & Son; 5 do apples, 5 bbls pears, J J Pettit; 12 rolls leather. D Chestnut & Co; 25 bxs cheese, Montgom ery & St 16 bales hay,' 82 skis rye, Mo , Bane & Anjer; 173 sks oats, Morrison & Devol; 82 do do, 35 sks rye, W H Graff & Co; 151 sks bran, 50 do corn, 8 do rye, J& W Fairley, 5 hhds tobacco, E Wormser; 52 sks rags, McCullough, S & Co: 50 bbls vinegar, Jas Conner; 25 bats crackers; Knable & P: 2 cars rye, W Bingham; 100 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 54 bbls apples, 5 buckets butter, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 28 do do, 1 bbl pears. Fetzer & A; 4 jars but ter, 1 bx eggs, H. Rea Jr. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHI. DAGO RAILROAD. August 13.-9 cars ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 8 cars metal, Nimick & Co; 4 do do, Bryan & Canghey; 5 do do, Graff, Byers & Co; 2 do do, Hallman & Hammett; 1 do do, Brown & Co; 1 car barley, J M Carson &,Co; 1 car rye, Robb & Herron; 2 cars stone, J L L Knox; 1 do do, J Miller; 1 do do, J Heinchliff; 100 bbls flour, Shomaker & Langenhelm: 1 car wheat, J S Ligget & Co; 1 dcr db, Hitchcock, McCreey & 8 sks rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; Co; 15 bxs cheese. S Ewart & Co; 200 bbls floor, owner; 18 doz brooms, R Robison & Co; ; 2 toxs tobacco, Pretzilsld Bro; 5 bbls po tatoes Volgt, Mahood & Co; 17 sks wool, po tatoes, Barker, Jr; 1 car shipstuil; W L Jones; 104 bdla hides, G N Hoffstott; 1 hhd tobacco, A Scbaub. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD, August 14.-6 bbls onions, H Rea Jr; 86 sks oats, Scott & Gisal; 44 bgs corn. Robb & Herron; 4 bag tobacco, D R Rinehart; 45 bdls broonis, J Hutchison; 3 bbls butter, 2 do eggs, Haworth & D; , 100 do flour, Seghnayer & _ . r-ear-earn, J B Campbell; .4 do do, DR - Hiarron; 4 &Mayes, W Hastings; 4 do wheat, J S Liggett . . 1 keg printers ink, J W Plttack; 1 dodo, J P Barr: 2 do do, A A 'Anderson: 6 bbls whisky, H Swiggan; 2 do do, E Myers. • A:trakamiss yaTAsz italusoeiN.An lptitS4Bo bbls 611 1 4 0 - S Thom* 400 do PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1839. Dry Goods Market. do, Fisher & Bro: 960 do do, John Mun hall; 320 do do, Waring, King & Co; 80 dodo, Pennock & Beeson; 400 do do, Owaton & Soarers; 1 car stone, Hender son & Co; 1 car grain. Mat tin, Brickell & Co; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 1 car bark, C Lappe dr Son; 1 bx butter, J Wilson & Son; 6 bbls onions, Knox & Orr 4 bdls green bides, Seibert & Berg. ALLEGEeMsTY STATION, August 14.- 1 car wheat, Kennedy & Bro; 57 ske oats, J B McKee; 99 eke bran, 180 eke oats, Geo Stewart; 37 bbls apples, John Her bert: 1 car wheat, W McKee & Co; 1 car staves, J M Hemphill; 18 bdls green hides, A & J Groetzinger; 2 pkgs tobacco, 3 hhds do, R & W Jenkimon; 150 bbls flour, S C McMasters; 48 bdls spokes, Harper Gutman & Co; 10 bbls flour, Mer cer & Robinson. IMPORTS BY RIVER: ST. Lours.—ner steamer Belle Vernon, for New Albany, 128 bbls fire clay, 40 kegs white lead, 9 bgs . wool. Louis ville, Ky., 100 bas soap. 10 kegs.white lead, 62 bdis sheet iron, 58 sheets iron, 5 kegs rivets, 4 hhds tobacco. 150 empty flour bbls, 94 Odle felloes, 96 bdls hubs, 6 bdls spokes. Newport, Ky., 26 tons iron ore. Cincinnati; 0., 100 bbls mol lasses, 2 bat; mdse, 2 trunks, 5 bxs shoes, 1 box fruit cans, 100 bbls flour, 81 bdls felloes, 373 bgs corn, 2 vadlt doors, 1,411 cask staves, 5 bead hogs, 38 bbls apples, 22 bxs fruit jars,•s Ins bottles, empty mantle boxes, 500 bbls cement. New Richmond, 0., 50 bbls lime. Au gusta. Ky., 25 bbls lime. Portsmouth, 0 t 44 tons pig iron. Parkersburgh, W. Va., 331 empty oil barrels. 1,000 btls flour, Marietta. 0., 50 bbls cement. For Pittsburgh, Atterbury & Co., 27 bbls fire clay; Chess, Smythe & Co., 2 Ems tacks; J. Flocker; 37 bales hemp. H. Gerwig & Co., 31 bales hemp; Johnston, King & Cc., 13 bbls fire • clay; Keil & Richert, 99 skS shipstuir: J. B. Lyon & Co., 9 bbls fire clay; Wm. McCully de Co., 8 cases wine, 2 bxs bottle; Nimick & Co., 100 tons pig iron, 720 iron blooms; Alleghenr Valley R. R., 50 bbls I flour; Lornz & Wightman, S bxs caps and rubbers; Bricker & Co., 100 sks ship stuff. RIVER NEWS. TO river has undergone but little change since the date of our last re port, about two feet in Rawlev's chute. It looks - as if the low water season, so long expected, has arrived at last. We had several heavy showers yesterday, but all the rain that fell would have no effect on the river. The Kate Putnam was at Louisville on Friday, enroute for this port. —The Leonidas and towboat A. J. Baker arrived at New Orleans on Friday. —Captain J. W. Campbell's new boat for the Yazoo river trade, being built at Aberdeen, Ohio, , will be out in a week. —The Bellvernon, St. Louis to Pitts burgh, passed Gallpolis on Friday. She will not be able to reach here until there is a rise. —Mr. Ed. Patterson, a well known pilot, was married at Uincincinnati the other day, to Miss Flotie, daughter of Rec. A. B. Wamtangb, of Asberry chapel. —A St. Louis dispatch says: The steamer Cora. a Missouri river packet, sunk about 6 o'clock to-night at Bellp fontaine Bend. No particulars, except Information that no lives were lots. —The towboat Ajax has been laid be low the falls for the summer. She brought up from New Orleans ten boats and fifteen barges (emtv). On, her down trip she took over half a million bushels of coal, the largest tow ever taken down the river. —The steamers Tom Jasper, Phil Sheridan, Hawk eye and Sucker State are to form a line between St. Louis and Keokuk, while the Canada and Pembina will ply between Davenport and Mont rose. The other steamers of the combi nation will run above. —The Kate Putnam passed Evansville on Thursday. 'The following is her Pittsburgh freight list. For Pittsburgh —William Bingham, 200 sacks rye; Bricker it C 0.,, 96 sack shipstuff; John Crawford tit Co., 20 tuns pig iron: A. & D. A. Chambers, 71 bbls barytes; Nimick & Co.. 470 iron blooms; Parker tit Co., 200 pkgs lead; Schoomaker & Langenheim, 200 Elks shiptuffs. —A Louisville special to the Cincin nati Commercial says: The first suit brought in any of the Courts here against the Mail Company for the lose of life by the terrible disaster of the 4th of December last,-was brought in the Com. mon Pleas Court, this morning, by Capt. Jno. Pearce, for tho loss of his wife and child. Tney ,were passengers on the United States, and both perished with the collision of that boat with the Amer ica. He claims Fics,ooo damages. —We notice an article in the St. Louis Republican commanting severely, on the unreliability of steamboats in regard to time of departure. The following is an extract: Look at the Cincinnati Express Line packets, and see how that trade has increased since they formed into a line. The old Pittsburgh style of "ringing departing bells" one week a hsad of the real time of their departure is fast playing out, and we can only say we feel assured that if steamboats will only follow up the role to leave, freight or no freight, on tho ad vertised time, they will soon find out that railroads have not gained the su premacy, and that trips will improve fabulously; port expenses will be lessen. cd, and the trade of the city will be greatly enlarged. • MISCELLANEOUS. RC, SADALAS PURIFIES THE BLOOD. 1 , 011. SALE BY DEttrOOLSTS EVEBYWHER".. denblOtiwi. WOOL. 100,000 Pounds , of Wool Wanted by • IllEitiOß & HARPER, AT THE WHITE FltoHT. 329 Liberty street, Pittsburgb, Pa. Jen WEBSTER STREET.—Notice is hereby given that the Viewers report on widening Web.ter street, City of Allegheny, has been filed in 'the District Court, at No. 581 July Term, 1869, for confirmation. J• C. McCO3ISS, Jy29:m79 Solicitor. SPICED SALMON. 100 Cans Extra Spicel Salmon just received from. Boa: on: a choice article for the tea table. For sale by the tioteu or single can at:the Family tirocers store of JOHN A. RENSH AW. • atilt Corner-Liberty and Ninth streets. MOUNT R A SITINGTON PROP ERTY FOR SALE.--Fonr good bon - ses. pleasant y situated• with large lota and good im• provements. tl. CUTIIBER.T & 106 r 39 11Latb avenue: NAME SITGAR.--10 barrels oserotasignment at WATT, LANti A CO'S, $1 ,4 174 wood street. 7 prlbiltAilLllo CESIENT,I-100 pD Agotitywelirdrniiogeluenv„ror saw J. (Jir=l,3l COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIUMiI BILLER & CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re lined do: Golden Drips, Loverings, Brinijis, Stuart's, Adams' and Long island syrup,. Porto Rico. Cuos and English Island Molasses. Young Dyson. Jipan, imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java, Laguayra and to Coffees. Tommy , , Lard Oil. Fish, Nails ' Glass, Soaps; Cotton Yarns, &c., constantly on hand. . ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Fine Brandies,Winea and Segars. Rnerash, Moselle. and Sparkling Hock Wines of .inael ez Co., in bottles. SparVilng Scharsber7 and Johannis burg, Bockbeimer.'Burgundy, Brandenburg & Freres' Fine Olive OH. ' do do . Clarets, imported in bottles. ' do do White Wines, in bottles. M. Wort & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sherry, Maueira and Port Wines. Free Old Monongahela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very SuperlorOld Scotch do do. Eole Agents for Moet Cliandon's grand yin. La_ pedal. Verzenay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted. J10..143 S -X AB V I IIIP BY A. & T E W. M. GORNLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY OPP. EAGLE HOTEL,) PITTSBURGH. PA. se :yle W. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to Fetzer & Armstrong, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 23 MARKET STREET. mvs If. OTIZAA .i. A. STIALN. "kr STEELE tr. SON, • 4.11• Commission Merchants, . AND DZAL2IIB IN P 1.01711. GRAIN, -FEED. a.. No. 111 OHIO STURM, near East Common, • A.LLEOHENY CITY. PA. Pr= lEMIL JAB. P. EICILLUT KEEL & RITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, =I PLOT R, GRAIN, SEEDS. ..MILL FEED, &c., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh; my24:b37 L. J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET. aplB:xBD ITTLE, BAIRD & PATI'ON I Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants an Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all P'Ltaburgb Manufactures generally, 112 and It 4 eXCOND STREET, Pat:burgh. JOIIIc I. 110IISZ—EDW. Housz....wx. Ti nouss. JOAN I. HOUSE /s.BIEWS., Sue censors to JOHN I. HOUSE CO., Wnole saia Grocers and Commission Merchants, Cm , ner Of Smithfield and Water Streets. PI ttchnrob. J0)32 , 7 EH IPTON A WALL/C.Z. § lIIIPTON2s,WALL4CE_,WhoIe. • SALE 0 ROCEILS•AIip ruoD UCE DEAL. ItS. No. 6 SIXTH STREXT. Pittsburgh. 1a12:r58 , SECURITT AND COMFORT fur the tracellug community. J. B. HARRIS Safely Fire Jacket, Car H l ea.ter , and • .710DER.1TOR: For Smoke and Hot Mr Flues, dispensing with the use of stoves mid fire. in or about the Paesen ger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any temperature that may ue desired without toe possibility -of Bring We car or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United States Letters Patent fir. a Safety Jacket, which is warranted to resist the mos.. Intense heat thiitmay be ap plied to it in Lae position and purpose for which It is intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by fire, originating from defective fines or where iron. pipes are used as conductors for smoke or heat. It is applicable to all piping that may become' overheated, and is warranted to give perfect sat isfaction where wood or other combustible mate rial may be placed in close proximity thereto, T an noW ready to apply my invention to stores, dwellings, factories, ships, steamboats, railroad cars, de. Wherever pipes as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and secu rity desired, I will send on application right to manufacture or use the above imhenUon. Also Territorial rights to such as may Wish to engage. In seLtug privileges eithet by titateOr county. d. 13. RARRIS: • oar Office at the "MI, rum ULTRA. PAINT WORKS." corner of Morris street Ind the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, 'twelfth ward. Pitts- Mugu, Pa. I lyl6:mSe WOOD TURNING,. SCROLL SAWING, AND MODLDiNG Done promptly to order at 101 Lacock street,Al• leghedy City. by P, LEBZELTER & The best attention will be given to all wbo want anything in our line. We always keep a large lot of turned work, such as Balusters. Newl Posts, Hubs, Ac. Also, a good stock of dry Walnut. Cherry and other lumber on band. myllo7 P. LIe.BZEGTER.k TRADE MARK. DITHRIGE'S FIRE - PROOF Lamp CHIMNEYS. J. SI. BWINT J. M. BRATS' SW/NT & BRATT, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No. 6$ Sandusky St.. Allegheny, Pa. larize assortment of NEWEL FOOTS and BALL.t.TEI:3 constantly on hand. TURFING of all detcrlo vs. done oesN•oss FRESH SHAD RECEIVED daily at BENJIN PULPRESS 'popular • ish' Stand, No. 45 Diamond Market, Pitts bu,gh, and at the.Twln City, Allegheny City, corner of Ohio and Federal streets. Can be had all kinds of Sea and Lake fish, Halibut, Shad, Se.ak, Codfish. Haddock and Eel. Also, large supplies of White, Lake Fish, iimm on , B aps titergeon. Herring and Macinaw oto . , which enables us to sell at the lowest market prices, wholesale or retell. We Inv.tte all lovers of' Fresh Fish to give ns a call, and we will instir them a treat. mh2s KEYSTONE POTTERY. S BIER & CO., Manutheturers' 0 QUEENSWARE. BRLETOL WARE Re. othce and Warehouse, 383 LIBILISTY BTEZILT MP All nrilell nrennosie ettandod to. CIEMEMIL-11.00 bbls Louisville ' 4174441° Clea,n4 4° n bdAsiuLLD INSURANCE. THE IRON CITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. • DIRECTORS t Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Rev. J. B. CLARK, D. D., Capt. R. RONINSoN, Rev. A. K. BELL, D.D. Rev. S. H. NEsBIT, D.D., W. A. R.EED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH, Real Estate Agent, SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNY, Hatter, A. S. BELL. Attorney-at-Law D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber merchant, D. SWOGER, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROST:ROBINSON. President. Rey. J. B. CLARE, D. D., Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer, ' N. W. WHITE, 31r.DiCAL Abvigitn, DANIEL SWOGER, Gain Agent. This is a nOme company. conducted on the mutual Principle each policy bolder receiving an equal share oethe profits of the Company. Policies will be. issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford a safe investment to each policy holder. and thereby retain the money at home to e:teourage home industry. mhZ:gB2 CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. • PHELAN'S BUILDING, No. 23 Fifth Avenue. Second Floor, PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital All Paid Up. DIRECTORS. N. J. Risley, 'H.W.Oliver, Jr, lCapt.H.Balley, Drn'l Wallace, S. H. Hartman, A. Chambers, Jake Hill, ;S: M'Cliirk,,n, 'Jas. H.. bailey. Thomas Smith. IJno.S. ROHERT H. KING, President. JNO. F. JENNINGS, Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. J. GRACE, Gen'l Agent. Insures on Liberal Terme on ail - Fire and Marine Rislia. ap2:gg7 BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK BUILDINGS, No. 4.1 Ohio St., Allegheny. A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors iftll known to the community, Who trust by Lair dealing, to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY 1RW1N.‘«.........—...Pr051dent. Gk O. D. DIDDLE ............. ..Secretary. DDIECTOM Henry Irwin, D. L. - Patterson, I Wm, Cooper, Cleo., R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gettlelb Faas, 131mOn Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart, I C h. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig, Joe. Lautner, H. J. Zirkand, Jere. Woheu. R. E. HERON. GENERAL AGENT. ap10m.35 NATIONAL _ INSURANCE COMPANY. Cor. Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny, Office, in the SECOND NATIONAL BANE BUILDING. W. W. MARTIN, President, JOHN BROWN, Ja., Vice President, JAMES E. tiThVENSON,, Secretary. DIRECTOISS: • John A. Myler, iJas. Lockhart... To- Myers, Jas.L.Graliam. Robert Lea, C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown,Jr. , George Gent.,Jacob hoop, IN O.H Y itliams.Jno. ThompsonlJ. - Mc-Number. ap6 PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PMMUREX OFFICE. No. 167,4 WOOD STREET, BANE OP COMMERCE BUILDING. This is a Home Company, and insures against loss by Fire excluively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBE,RT PATRICK, Treasurer. ktVekt McELHENT, Secretary. DingnTons: Leonard Walter, Deorge Wilson, C. C. Bcvle, (leo. IV. Evans, Hobert Patrick, J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, d. C. Ptelner, Josiah King, Jam Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A.. Ammon. Henry Sproul, ' ITC DEOPLEEP INSURANCE COM- OFFICE, N. S. CORNER WOOD a FIFTH STI3. L Home ComPeoMaking Fire and Milne Risk& DIEICICES: Wm. Phillips, Capt. John L. Rhoads, John Watt, Samuel P. di:diver, John R. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller. Jared H. Brush, Wm..Vala Kirk. Wm • F. Lang James D. Verner. Samuel McCrlCkart WM. PRILLLEM_, ?resident. JOHN WATT Vice President. 'W. F. BAB.Diatit n Secreta ty. CAPT. JAB. GOB ON. General Agent. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRS. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFTICE,43&& 401 CHESTNUT ST.,neas p.)0.64r; , 44-1 Charles •F. Bucker, Mordecai H. LOWS! Tobin Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant. Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C Dale, ccorge W. Richardi, George Files. CHARLES G. RANCHER, President. EDW. 0. DALE, Vice President. W. O. BTRELE,_Secretary, pro tsvt. - J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGI-11?. North West corner Third and Wood Streets. inli2B:wls VSTERN INSURANCE COM." ANE OP PITTSBURGH. EXANDER NIBLICK. President. WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAI'T. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Oflice, 92l Water street, Span, t Co.'a Ware. house, up emit, Pittsburgh. Will irunre against all kinds of Fire and Ha. dm Risks. A home Institution, managed byDi. rectors who are web known to the community, aid who are determined by promptness and liber. ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the beat protection to tkose who desire to be Insured. , PlagerOne: ' Alexander Nimicir, Joan R. McCune, Hiller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ackleu, Phillip Reymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, - non IL Ilimsen. tAL EGMEN II INSURANCE OF4. uOMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. ICE,No. BTFIFTH STRICET,BAZI BLOC!. insl res against all kinds of Fire and lariat Fa b OHN IRWTN Ju.. Preside .t. . J. HOSRIVSON, Vice Prftident. 0. •0. DONNELL, Secretary. - CAPT. WY. DEAN. Eioneral Agent.: DlanCTOns: John Insist. Jr.. B. L. Fabnestock 3 T. J. Host neon, IW. H. Everson, T 0. G. Hussey Robert Hd Davis., Harvey Chlidi, Francis Sellers, Charles Hams, nuts. r. T. Stock , ilale. Capt. mrm..Desa, T. H. Nevin. 2,000,000 "R ES °F OHOIOE LANDS FOR SAIL, BY TEZ Union Pacific Railroad Company, EMSTRIUSI Laing Won* the Line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5 l OO PER ACRE ) ►ad on a CREDIT OP PM TEAM. r For =ll4u' routionlors, mops, &cw. address JOHN P. DEVERUiZ, Lazd Conamiuloner. ToDeka, /Wass. .Or 031.118. a. LAJILBOBIN, Ilee 5 7, , at. Limit. Xissoarl. LIM RAILROADS LENN SIELVA-lanimpa NIA CENTRAL RAIL AD. On and after JULY 25th, 1t169, Train' will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, follows: dr,lea. Depart. Mail Train.... 1:95 aml•Day Express.. X:l5 all Fast Line 1'45 lloutnern Ex.. 4:110 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 90 am I Wall's No. 1... 6:3oam Erin tonAcc'n. 7:50 alai/Stall Train.....8:15 am Wall's No. 2.. B:soam Bra•ksAc No110:20 ant Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am • Cincin , ttEx 19:50 pm Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. 2..11:45 UR Bra'ks Ac Nol 1:10 pin Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Pittso'gh Ex. 1:30 Dm Rra'ks Ac No 2 3:40 pm Phila. Expressl:so pm Phila. Express 4.210 pm Wall's No. 3...9:50 pm Wall's No. 3..4,50pm Bra'ks Ac N025:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:05 pm Homewood Ac. 9:ssipm *Fast Line..... 7:3opm Wall's No. 4. 7:210 pm Homewood Ac. 8:50 pm. Way Passn'r 10:50 pm Wall's 13:00 pm 'These trains make Mos connection st Harris. burg for Baltimore. The Vhurch Train leav a Walls Station every Sunday at 9:05. a. in., aching Pittsburgh at 10:115 a. m. Be turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 15:60 p. in. and arrives at Walls Station at 2:10 p. m. *Cincinnati Express le Express leaves daily exce ;mot s daily except dunday For fanner informanon a W. H. B The Permsylvanialtallr some any risk forEaggage, e parel, and limit their respo i dre. Dollars's' value. Al dally. Southern 't Monday. All otner pl I.y to • CKWITH, Agent. Companywillnotas- C. cep for wearing& sitillity to One Bui. - Baggage exceedlr g be at tbe risk of tte al contract. the t amount in value wl ewnar, tiniest taken by 1 EDW ant General tpuerinte, WESTEBN PENNSYLVANIAI RA-LROAD.—On and after April 25th,1869, tka Passenger Trains on the estern Pennsylvania Rat road will arrive at a d depart from Me Feder.lStreet Depot, Alle heny CitY.as follow.: Arrive. Depart . Springdie No 15:40 a m ail 7:00 aEI Freeport No.18:20 a m' F eeport No. 19:110ant Express 10:40 a i d s arpb'g No111:90 ant Sharphig No.11:20 p m xpress 2:50 pm Freeport, N0.24:00 pmS ringd'e No13:30 pna Mall 5:50 p m eeport N0.25:20 p Springd'e No28:20 m ;Simi ord'e N026:30 pra Above trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction every dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City al 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Junc tion at 3:40 p. m. Comm:re:now TICES7S—For sale inpackages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, - Pine Creek Rum and Sharpsburg and good only on the trains stopping at Stations specified on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. In. make direct connection at Freeport withWalet ker's line of Stages for Butler and Hannabstown e .Through tickets may be purchased at the Office. No. ISt, Clair street, near the Suspensionßridat. Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. • For further information apply to JAMES LFFERTEI, Agent. Federal Street Depots The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not se same any risk for Baggage, except fornearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Bandied Dollars in value. All baggage ex ceeding this amount in value willbe at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, rp2ll fierviol ann.++ t •nelpnt. Attune. Pa. 1 1• 1 1019.49H,_ POEt;*7 AYNE & CHICA9O F . W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. From May 9th, 1889, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitts• burgh city time, as follows: agave. Arrive. Chigat u o: —9:08 am t Erie Ygn E v.7:28 am , Chicago Ex..114:02 p m Cl. & , g11 , 16:13 a miWheellng Ex 10:48a Is Chicago Hai1..6:58 a m I St. Louis Ex 7:1.18 pm Chicago Ex....9:43 a m Chl`go Ex&Ml4:oBp m Cl. & Wh'g Ex 2:013p u, Cleveland Ex 3:53 p m Chicago Ex.. 2:23 pus Erie & YrnExs:sBp m W'e & Erie Ex4:3B pm Cl. & Wh'g Ex6:s3pm Depart from Allegheny. , Arrive In Allegheny Bear Falls Ac.8:58 a m :Leetsdale Ac..6:58 am Leetsdale " 10:03 a mlßca'r Palls " 8:28 am 11:58 a mIl•lew Castle "10:23 am Rochester" I:2Bpm Enon " 9:13 am Bison " .3:58 pal Leetsdale- " 1:08pm Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm Bea'r Falls " 2:43 pm Bea'rFalls '• • 6:13 pm I Leetsdale " 4:33 pm Leetsdale " 10:43 p nal " " 7:23 DM Fair Oaks Bun. Fair Oaks Butt. day Church. 1:13 pm! day church. 9:58 am sar 2:23_p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily, air 12:03 D. m.Chicago Express arrives daily, J. M. KIMBALL, J. N. ROCULLOUGH, Elen'l Ticket Agent. fien7lsupten't. myle cHANGE OEaigaM TIME. LEGRENY VALLEY RAILROAD, THE DNLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OF OAKS: Ou and after MONDAY, June 14th,1809 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburg) Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, fcr Franklin, Oil City,Buf. falo, and all. Points 11:1 tt e 011Regiuns. LEAVE PITTSBURGH. I.utRIT 111 PITTSBURGH Day Ex 8:00 a m Day Ex 5:15 p m Bight. Ex .... 7:30 p m !Night Ex 6;30 am Brady's B AC 3.05 pat Bradys B Ac 0:15 a m Freeport Ac 9:40 am 'lst sodaW`ks "7:40 a m Ed Sods %Ms 6:30 pm; Freeport Ac. .6:15 p m 1n Halton... 6:45 a m , lst Hylton.. li:50 a m 2d Hu1t0n...12:00 m Sla Holton— 2:00 p m 3d Hutton... 15:00 pm 1 3dHutton... 1:05 p m Arnold's Ac. 5:00 pm • Arnold's Ac. 7:10 Bo M Church train to and from Soda Works leave: Pit tsbnrgh as 1:10 P. H. Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Sundays,) it 9.50 A. U. Express trains stop only at principal point, Accommodation rains stop at all stations J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen'l Sup"t. • , THOMAS H. lONE/ 2 655% Map% sat ITTSBIIRGH. OREM CINCINNATI A K 1 NTI .1.01312, RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE UP TIME.—On and after MONDAY, April Atitli, 1859. trains will leave and arrive at tbt Union Depot, as follows: :Depart. Amiss. Hall 2:08 a. m. 19:13 a. in. Past Line 9:43 a. m. 7:13 p. m Express .... A:33 p. m. 4:33 a. in. Mixed Arent 5:33 a. m. 5:58 p. McDonald's Acen. No.111:43 a. m. 8:18 a. to. Steubenville Accommod. 3:58 p. m.- 9:33 a.% Melton ald's Aeo'n. N0.25:18 1. m. aaa co. tr • bunday Church Train.. 121:58 p. m. 9:58 a. m.l air 9:33 r. M. train will leave daily. 151:13 P. Y. train will arrive daily. All other trains will run daily. Sundays except ed. The 9:43 a. In. Train makes close con nections at Newark Zrc Zanesville. B. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. 0A9.13. Bußit., Steubenville. Ohio. atO 10111TTSBUBGH& MUM' CONNELLS VILLE .HAILROAD. On and atter TUESDAY, Noyernber, lent , trains will arrive at and .depart from the Depot. corner Grant and Water streets, at W o 'ws I Mall to and from Union I)"Xiet town , " 7100 A. M. 6:00 P. M. McKeesport Accomdt , n 11:00 A. M. 2:05 P. is. Ex. to and from tlnt'n. 3:00 P. at. /0:10 A. Ma West Newton Accom'd 4:30 p. m. 8:35 A. M Braddtek's Aceoludtin. 0:15 p. at. T:5O P. le Night Ac. toNclE. 9 sport.lo:3o P. is. 5:45 A. X i Sunday Church Train to . . and from West Newton 1:00 P. X. /0:00 I. For tickets apply to - - E. N. RAY/QC/ND, Agent • W. 3..8T0UT. Superintendent. toil S MOKY HlLLanamm UNION PACIFIC Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND, MUST 1111,LIANI RUUTL.rnmttrliasttoal paiskte Colocado Nevudas. California Utah, Arizona Washingtun, New Alezico, Idaho, Oregon. Two Trains leave State Line and Leavenworth Jelly, (Sundays excepted, )on the arrival of trsunt of Pacinc Railroad from tit. Lords,, and Hanni bal and tit. Joe Railroad from Quincy. connects . in. at Lawrence, Topeka and Wamego with staaaes for all points in Hanna. At end or tract west of Ellsworth with the lINITXII STATES &Emu cum PANT'S DAILY LINE ON OVERLAND MAIL AND 11.1[1 . 11INS COACHES FOR DEN VE.114 SALT T.A TCVII AND AU Points 111 the Territories, And with SANDERSON'S TEI-WERELY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Rent's Fort, Pass, Albuquerqiie, Santa Fe, and all points in Art. sons and New Mexico. With the recen additions of roiling Melt and equipment, and the arrangements made with responsible Overland Transportation- Lnsell from its western terminus, this road now otters unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the gar West. Tickets for sate as all the Principe: °Metes 11 the United States and Clanadss - Be lure and ask .or tioret. vta THE SMOMri HILL ROUTA,_Ii NION PACIFIC IitAILWAX. EASTERN DIV/010.N. • - A. ABLDEBSONs eszeral•litapermtendel .16!Bli . \MBOMOU! okitie sad TlrseAtt• RI SMIMI