M:lM== is PITTSBURGH IRON MARKET • OFFICE OF PITTBETTECOEGAZETTE, }. • • ' Fat.p.ty August 13 E 1869. , The iron Market presse but little that is really new or imp nt. Metal is reported by some ' of the ecimmisson men; as not being firm as It was `.las t 'Week, the inquiry having fallen' off , , , , someitat, without howcyer an y change - rices • - A. Louisville special to Vie Cincinna. ti Commercial ) under date of ThiirsdaYi says: We hear uf,, ; 9130.-Of the., largest sales of pig iron over Mader , etebraeleg Seven thousand tons in :one lot, /and two thousand :eight hundred tons in,tipothcir. It was made by the Ranging Rock,.Ohlo,' Fiiinaees, - the first 'id- forty=tive: dollars pei , ton,'dellyered oti the Care at t:thesta ton of the• tailioad, and the Ila tter •at (conditions, dollars , per ton; witha Same t conditions, equal to: forty-eigh dollars per tonitieliyered,at Portsmout . , This. will require the full product of the fur. mace for three months.• • . - .-...ANTHRACITE.. - . -.. ,', , , 10 tons No. 1 Foundry ' .. '4a.00 4 trios 10 ' -6, ' ''Nh. 1 - do . • • 44.00 4, mos 10. ~ No. 1 ' do •''-' • . 43.75 4 mos 10 6, No. 1 do .. . . .::.'.43.50 4 mos 10' H , No. 1 do ..... ...t.... 48.00 4 mos' 10 u. ,No. 1: do, 40.00 cash 40 “ , N 0.2-- :. do . 41.75 , 4 mos 0 tons No. 3 Forge.... 436.50 4 mos 10 " No. 3 Neutral '90.004 mos 10 ~ No. 1 Foundry 43.00 cash 10 " No. 3 Forge 38.00"4 moe 500 " Neutral Forge - ' ' ',IS:00 6 moe RITMO:SOUS COAL SMELTED PROM LAE'S 'SUPERIOR ORB 100 tons Mottled .. .. • • • $35.50 4 mos r 300 " Medium Gray • • 37.00 6 mos J 100 " " . . . 37:00 4 mos 200; 4' Close Gray 36.50 6 mos, 240 " a ' 4 36.50 6 mos 500 ", Medium 36.00 5 mos 100 " Gray... 35.00 _cash . 100 " " 36.Thi 4 - mos 120 " . Mottled '"— 36:00 6 mos 300 " Close Gray and . ' Mottled. . '36.50 6 mos 225 " White 35.00 fi mos 600. " Medium Gray. • 37.6}).6 WOE 500 " Strictly . Gray at, " Furnace ' 34:504"T40a. nto mos : 37.50 4 mos bOO " 100 " COIC.E. 200 torts Pad 'Bank' . 8L00316. -, = 201, ." 'Juniata 65 : " do.; JSIARKErtb.BY -TEI.AEGRAFMI ' NuwYortz August 13:-- 2 Cotton firni and - in good'demand; Saleii 2,600 bales at 3334 c for upland Middlin .---' Flour: ro ts -ceipts were 137418- phis.; market more active and prices are 55 Oc. better on shipping grades; sales M.,600 bbls. at 55,95 56,55 for superfine- State • and western: $757.50, extra State; $6,9057,55, extra western; /7,6057,75, white wheat -extra: 4101 9 0@8.80. R. 1- O.; $758, St. -.Louis:. 449 , 510,50, good choice do„ closing'flizn; in 40Inded in the sales were 16,000 obis extra State, to arrive, at $7,2057,30, and quiet at $6,75. Rye Flour quiet; sales 200 bbis. at 54,5056,60, Cornmeal quiet; sales-100 bbls. Marsh's Caloric at 56,15. -. Wldaky firmer; sales 150 bbls. Western at $1,12% ®1,133 ,for free. .• Wheat:: receipts were 4,000 bush.; prices are 253 e. ,better and there was more-doing for export, on spot and to arri,ve; sales 181,500 bush. inclu, dine over 100,000 bush, winter, at 51.525 ,1,63 M for No. 2 spring; .$1,7051,75; No. 1 do., the latter .price being an- extreme; $1,75, white California; $1,7051,73, winter and red ambir - western; $1,81,, choice . new amber Baltaxiare; $1,7051,71;4.-new red-Ohio, to arrive. Rye quiet. Barley and Barley Malt nominaL Corn: receipts were 13.363 bush, market rather heavy; sales 63,000 bush at 85c551.10 for unsound new mixed: -western; ,11,156417 for sound do., and_.sl,l6 for white western. Oats: receipts 63,387 bush; market a shade firmer for new and heavy for old, with sales 43,000 bush at 75c for old west ern afloat, and 69573 for new do. afloat. Rice in fair request, with sales Carolina at 8593‘c. Coffee firm. Sugar less ac tive, situ sales 438 hhds at 1144513 c for Cuba, and' 12512%c for. Porto Rieo. Mo lasses dull. Petroleum fairly_ active at 17,1,51734 c for crude, and 32y.0 for re fined. Hops quiet at 115150 for Ameri can. Linseed Oil" et - 97(99c 'in casks. Spirits Turpentine steady at 43%544c. Pork quiet and steady,. with, sales, 350 bbls at 1433,25533,37 for new mess, 135 for old dO., $28528,50 for prime and $3O 530,25 for =prime ideate: -- Beef; steady. with-. sales .;216: bbis: • Bee Rains quiet, with sales 112,bbls at 125530,- Cut Meats firm, with sales 160 packages at 14%515c for - shoulders; and 17519 c for hams. Middles Quiet and !firm, -with -sales- 50 boxes ice oared at-. 170. Lard quiet and firmer, with sales .875 tierces at 17%5 20%c for steatn, and 20 7 .Xc for kettle ren dered: Butter steady at 155300 for Ohio, and 155370 for State. f Cheestrat 1151t3c. Latest---Plearelosed active and 5c bet ter for shipping _grades.. _Wheat, closed with an active export &inland at 152 c advance. Rye quiet atsl,2s for western. Oats steady tor new ,at 70572c„:and dull and heavy for old at 75c. ' Corn dull at 85551,14 for..unsound, and $1,1011,17 for sound mixed 'western. Pork doll aixd unchanged, - -Beef -In good request and steady. Cut meata - and,Baeon firm and quiet. Lard closed steady at 20%5201 4 /c fort fair to Prithe steam. . Eggs quiet and unchanged...:, - • • ' ' - CELICA:OO:' ' 13.- 1 -Eastern ex change quiet and .nnchtulgect. Flour quiet, 85,25 7:50 forspring extra. Wheat more active and firmer, No. 1 unchanged; No.i 2 opened at ij1,44@)1,44%, declined 81;4% , towards the close became' firmer, advanced to $1,45®14.534; closing at out tide; sales at 1541134@1,42 seller August and $1 1 35@1,87 seller September; this af ternodu the market was irregular and excited lit 11,42M®1;43 seller August. Corn in .fair: request and..l.%@lMc. er;, sales at 90c. for old, and 9i(49234c. for regular aridl..freati receiptsof sing iat9l®92ct sales of rejected at 8456 Sic; no grade at 78@800; this' afternoon • the market was neglected; sellers of No. 2 . fir 91%0 nailer last- halt of August. Oats dull mid steady and 13,r ©l 3 / 4 e. low er; sales of No., 2 ; at 50y,(451.c; re jected ; at 49(4;6934:. . closing . quiet and nominalat stio or No. 2., Rya, Win erindfalrly activiliaides N 6., 1 at $1,05; No.2at 14, 1 431,04,%::reitcted 24®95c, closing firm at $1,04 fOr o. 2, and - 940 for rejected .- Barley quiet and easier .at for No. 2, seller, September." Highwines steady, " firm and active at '81,06.. Sugar arm and fairly 'active at 113Vg1.43fe, for common -to PliPle. - :Cuba. ProVisiona inaotlie - and atlittle sbetter. than nominal. Mess pork at f 33,76., Lard•l9e.' Dry salt slioulders 13;4;c; rough sides .183ie; short. rib .16M®17c; • sweet _pickled hams 171.4(gll8c;; Freights arm,. and' stea dY. at . "4Wo per 's)4Chy:ateatu on Corn to Buffalo. 'Repeipts for therm 24 hours AB9obbkifiour, 69,037 bit wheat, 1021480 bu.corn, 35;403 banats, 1,425 bit rye,• 7 Boo inf." barlen 13 h1PFOOntsL-8,062. - tibre 97;44814C wheat,' : ,11.8,832 sate, F o ' ll 4, rye; "1 0 0 barley, 40,087 ° boast ••• ST.. Lore,ilipo - 13 tlobtteSest.ia4y aidnnettanged; • cotton quiet; at,:3IX . C.. Hemp'quist_4ll.d. unethanged, , wlth- salea -11.11.4tCfM/dat,044390/440-.1,` f . / 01 P1O geo deinandfoilow,gtad 14 ) *ItiotiAre.ocareti r! vdthtsaleslipper 1atr45;2 ! V.2 k,f4,:* extra at IttO@M,ltotillfa d r ,:w 6 e01,141 treble ra at IA tr.' ea -opened' leavy and declined s(pc, mainly on me . - ~ .1 il T1T,.",, i 7-r - .i.teettalrll AZ . - TGALST-'1,..r-4183 diuw grades, but prices partially recov ered at the close, with no springoffering; No: . 2 red fall it $1,26@1,30; prime: o fan cy white at $1,40®1030, tow prime , , to strictly Drime at $4,24®1,35, and choice to fancy - at $1,35,24450: Corn: buyers stood off and ," scarcely anything done; small sales;of white in bulk at 90c v do. in sacks at 6.1,00. Oats hheavy; sales of mixed in bulk at 44@4434c, black and mixed in sacks at 50©51c, • white at 52® "56c.- Barley dull at $l,OO for spring, : Rye; the supply is small and the market higher at 90c®$1,00. Whisky firth at' 11,10. Groceries quiet and - unchanged: Pork steady and firm at /34,50. Bacon stiff at 15Xc for shciulders, clear rib sides' at 19c, clear sides at 19yA19340. -Lard/ is•held higher, .and without sales.. Re. ceipti—flour,, 4,000, bbls,. wheat, ; 55,70 bush, corn, 2,500 bush; oats, 4,400' btish',' rye, 200 bush, hogs, 450.', . .. • - Clncrline - rt, August)lB.l-FlOttr; and firm, family $6@16,26. Wheat Open-. ed dull, closed active arid 'buoyant; No. 2' red 81,20®1,30, - No. 1'.1,80®1,33; white" $1,40@1,45.. Corn dull, at 900 for ear. Oats, firm at 55@60. Rye 4 1 0,,at90(095. Bar ley not offered to any extent - Tobacco ' in good demand at toll rates.: Whiskey firm at $l,OB. • Provisions. firm; sales of mess pork at ,53150, ; and nof lard at 20c, but neither are offered' freely at quota ticins. Bulk Meats held firmly, at 14 for shoulders and 16X151634 for sides. Bacon firmer; shoulders held In some cases at 15X but can be bought at 1535. Sides 19 for clear rib or.cicar; no clear rib Smoked. Sugar cured hams 24. Butter unchanged and firm, at - 25@)30. Eggs 14' and dull. No change in the oil market; dull for all kinds excepting petroleum, which is in gobd demand. Gold - 134. Exchange steady at 1=.1.0' discount buying, and par selling. Money - market unchanged and easy at 8 (i)10 per cent. ." Oswzoo,August 13.-Flour unchanged With sales 1,400 bush at $7,75@8 for No. 1 spring, $8®8,25 tor amber wintet, $8 for White, and $9459,25 for• double extra. Wheat quiet, with Sales "2,200 bosh No. 1.• red Indiana at 51,60; mill club held at $1,56, to arrive. Corn dull, with sales car lots No. 2 kiln dried at 81,11. Corn Meal at $2,39 pet' cwt. Mill Feed steady, with sales shorts at $21®32, shipstuffs at $25. and middlings at $21©30 per ton. Cana/ freighta 77 wheat £l3ic, corn 714 - to New York: lumber $3,50 to Hudson. `Railroad freights on flour to Boston 68c; to Albany 50c, to New York 68e., Lake imports-12,000 bush wheat, 1,510,000 feet, lumber. Canal extorts-1,320 bbls flour; 21,000 bush wheat; 5,500 bush corn, 11,- 056,000 feet lumber., : TOLEDO, August 13.—Flour steady: , Wheat 4@6a better; Michikati 81,454 - No.. 2 white 11,50; amber nilchigan $1450; old do $1,52X; No.-1 red 4450®1,51; No. 2do $1,40. Corn dull at 960 -for No. 2. Oats, dal/with No. lat 56c 'off. spot, and 53c seller September. Rye dull. 'Receipts —2,800 bbla'fionr, 86,600 bush wheat, 23, 700 bush corn, 7,200 bush oats. 7,000 bush rye: Shipments--2,900 bbl, flour, 90,000 bush wheati 20,400 bush corn, 700 bush LoutavlLLY., August 13.—Bagging in clined to-advance , -Iheavy W , X4g243‘c. Flour advanced, auperfine , $7. Grain steady. Wheat, red $1,00; white 51,20. - Corn in bulk 75. Oats do 45., Rye 85. Barley $1,15. Leaf tobacco steady; sales 53 hhds ranging from $1,30 to 816,75. Pro visions very firm. Mess - porlis34; bacen shoulders 16; clear rib 19M; clear aides' isr i . Lard; tierce 2034; keg 22. High vnn ea unchanged. 'BALTIMORE, August 13.—Flour scarce. ly so firm, with a fair business; western superfine $6,25@6,60, extra $7,00137,751 do. famiy $8,50. Wheat lower; receipts large, with sales of red at 81,60@1,65. Corn; white $1,0961,10, yellow $1,65. Oats 65c. ' Pork $34,25. Bacon firm; rib , sides 19!. , rc, clear rib 1916(4)19 ; 1:Cc, shout ders 1636 c, hams 21@25c. Lard' firm at 19 1 1 ,;(4)2034c. Whisky firm at, 11,13. MILWAUKEE, August 13.—Flour dull With .prives . :.unchanged , .Wheat un settled, 11457 for No. 1; $1,4734_ for No. 2. Oats lower, 59y4G60 for No. 2. Corn entirely nominal. Barley nominal. Gra!n freights firmer, 4c to BcuTalo, 9c to Os wego. Receipts 1,000 bbls flour, 25,000 bush wheat, 1,000 bush corn. Shipments 20,00 obis flour, 33,000 bush wheat: - PHILADELPHIA, August 13.—Flour in limited demand. Wheat" less firm;..new. red sl,6o; 4 white 11,70@1.80. .Ryegteady at $1.25. Corn very, quiet; -naired,west era , $1,15@1,16. Oats steady: old west ern 74c. -Corn • unch anged. Petroleum advanced; crude - 22 c refined - 32532X0. .Whieky. ateady, and unchanged: MESIIiKtSi .Aug. 13.=Ccitton---;receipts 12 5 .ba1e5, - exporta'nonef week's recbipts" 134 bales, exports 175 balegi. , '"Ficair dy; super ss(go6. Wheat • - $1,15®1,40'; Corn 85c. , --Clats-50c.- •Hay—new,s2o@22,. old $25. -,, Bran 16§17c.• Pork 113,_ Lard 2,0@a2c..- , illaconi-shoulders 16016Xo; aides - • DETROIT, .:August .12.-4 Wheat (Inlet; extra white $1.67, No. .1 White 'do. ; 7/1;55; No: 1 amber $1,40: Oats 63e. , DETROIT; August sca r cer Wheat- Modetately eiettief 'extra 'white 84,68, No. 2 , d0. SIXS,- No: , 1 amber $1,40: Corn steadynt $1,05 f0r,N0..1. Oats dalli at 63x. : , -• Crzyniatro. August 13. Flour andunchanged.•Wbeal,l-Ncs.l•red $1,51; r s, dp #4 , l7;and, No., 2, J wifite $1,51. Corn—sales of 2 bare ro. 1 at'sl:o2i end Wear Ne." 2 atel. Petroleum at 2914@29c for' large lots . August - mi d September; . • F , • crude 'Eel& at $805,5: . NaStrirtnin, Ang,tist:- , l2.—Whesit firm,"withisalea-amber at $l,lO and white at51,20(41,25. • Oats , ae4sc: Corn at .92c. Rye at $L Flour ats7,so for floe.brawls. =I :.$33.006 ixtos .95.00 6 mos ; .95.00 5 mos N; ;; , , / f ive Stocit• aisritets y , -; •r ; Ew.fronn, , August -13:4-Cattle to•day are nearly tw,changed;•xeceiptsef to.day, 17,460 head; fat ;soils: Well. at; full rates, while:thm.drage,at a ;quarter, decline on. ali ri lots selling. Sheep 'plenty, scarcity,Of %nibs; Out •of the, 6 ;000 hied' received today three-fourths were sheep; they are not • all selling; ' Prices ;, are tin. Changed. Lambs are y i c higher; fat iota' are selling ,at - fir‘cr;''an' - e - xtra lot of 60 pounds Stateisinbs brought 9c. Hogs; only 1.700 head , arrived;- and an advande was antlolpated but notreached. • . CRICAGO, August 13.z—Cattle in better demancland - a shade firxner, ,- at . 54@;14,60 for c0wa,,35,80®13,12%,f0r eteekera, 10,24 450.75 for light to fair, and S7QB iorgoo4 to extra shipping steers - . Hogs tolerably , active and .15(4)23c lower; at $8,248,40 for common, $8,50©8,01 for fair to meditimis9@9,7o for good to choice, and $9,76®16,20 for extra. ••• • - Sr. - Louth An quiet ittie • and' unchanged at e 346,50. Hogs are ilrm with Small receipts anda brisk de mand, at 158,25&10 Nzw YORK, Angust Woolen goods there is an improved demand but at low prices. The low rates of western freights have given a :stimulus to trade, and when goods are offered st.lpyr. rates they, are taken freely. in certain grades of knit , hcialerycoucessisin has ,been ylelded;tiotwithatandlng the stoppage of all the mills at Cohan, bat othergrades are scared and tiring fall prfees. -.The late suspension ` ; of Bowers,'.lteekman'dt Co; has Involved a good zumy vof .the woolemlnilis in' ipecanlary ilosseSrand_ fontlarge_ Cantwell.: are ,rewrtett sstoug themt healdo.ll CJyp wocdAnus p. ) These lallurfakj,h9v4i Mug a • glf_fraFr.),P.FaX -Pe vtapon,, trade, -,lluttpz,atifeklaltliut good' in indsftig tb itlotton goods there is not tritdil but prices are steady. RES Dry Gooaa Market. RIVIIkr-trEWS IBM , The. 74 onongatmla marka Only Mdi cated ws.utor-three:iuches • 144. ev.ergng wlhile t ,, ,is.qaimed by Ei!lrties who opgitt tolinow tija t there are at, , twenty eight.. Ariches in. Rowley's chute. Weather clear and - Warixt. Mercury at 5 r: arr 89*/.11 *lade; : , : • • ...-9.The Bellvernon.. left. Cincinnati Tor pittsburgh on yi'sdriesciay. , . . —Capt: A. H.' Shaw has sold three fburthedf the steamer 'iirkansas to Mita Lucinda Little orthitrcity. :• / 'he Nick _Wail and Mary. Davage arrived at. St. Louie on ,Wednesday,s.nd the Luella left there the 'seine day' Pittsburgh:- - • - .=-The, lionsides; on trip last Saturday:, p_unk one of J. • _Remlers Oil boats, at Park!rabilfg, i with' her large"Wreves: • • --;+-The PetroliiifioMParkbraburgarrio effandlleparte(l, and the C. Grayfrom Cincinnati arrived on Thursda y night. She 'gilded 'here with 65 tons, and came ug through Rowley drawitig 2,8 inches. =ED A.: Dean, formerly a well. known steamboat-clerk on the; Ohio. river, but for' seVeral years connected "with the Northenti Line • Packet Company, died suddenly. et St. • Louis on Wednea-,, day, of he nn of the lunge. —The new steamer Jefferson, while baoking out trom the Belmontlron.Mill, at Wheeling, on Tueacitiy evening, unfor. , tunately, backed on to a log and broke . 68 of her timbers. She proceded on her journey, however, and will probably go On the dock at Cincinnati. - - —A St. Louis telegram under date of Wednesday says: The upper rivers are becoming difficult to avigate tin account of low water.: The , Missouri has •but three and a half feet in the channelrand the upper Mlssisaliipi is netting quite shallow above the rapids. • To Clucinna tithere is aborit ten feet of water which, is growing .less and the channel will soon be difficult to find. —After 'the recent run between the steamers Rob Roy and. Tom. Jasper. same one in . Quincy ,proposed thiough the Herald to wager 1;10,000 that the steamer Toni Jasper= could beat - any boat of; the Keokuk Packet Line. on a trip from St. Louis to Keokuk: both • boats to be equally:Yreighted and to car. ry no.passengers..: We are authorized to aay. that. responsible'-parties in_ Canton will take the bet; and" place the Andy Johnson against the Tean Jasper Dior any other, man,'.' on thegerms mentioned., In the expressive ,terms of the prize ring, we therefore say; to the sport of Quincy, "Put up or shut up".—Canton (Mo.) Press. /31P - 01ITS BY .ItAILROAIY. Cratost.sarn AND Prrrastraerr Rat/- ROAD, August 13.--10 cars iron ore, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 3 do limegtone ore; McKnight, Porter & Co; I do do, Bryan it Caughey; ei.do blooms, Nimick & Co; sdo do, J Moorhead; 1 car still beads, Moorhead dr Co; 100 empty tar bbls, Waring, King it Co; 100 do do, E Schmidt;. 50- bxs starch; Watt, Lang & Co; 25 do do. Thompson it Bro; 10 do do, T K Smith & Co; 23 dodo, Rinehart & Stevens:l6 do do, E H Myers & Co; 10 do do, .1 H Lippincott; 1 crate, 10 bxs starch, S Lindsay, .Tr it Co; 30 bxs starch, W Hostage & Co; 100 do do, E Heazelton; 25 do, I.crates starch, W - France; 1 car stone, P Wolf: 59 bhls oil, J , Spear it Co; 10 kegs, 4 bbls pearl barley, Arbuckles Sr Co; Elkegs oatmeal, 3 bag farina; L J Blanchard; 4 bbls pears, W Welsh .t Co; 30 do dour, D Haworth; 50 do .do, Jenkins; 8 bdle leather, J Herdman & Son; 132 oil bbls, C A Wornicastle; 1 car " stone, J. L LKnox; 32 coils rope, God- frey Clark; 81 oil blahs, Hutchison Oil Relining Co; 10 bgg dorn, 5 bola apples, P , D.uff & Son; 44 do do,,Head Zetairar; 14 biles bay, Mcßane it Amer; 36 bga corn, Mcllenry & Rood: 47 bbisapples, S do potatoes, 2 do eggs, Voigt, 6/ &Co; 175 oil bbia, B D, Moore; /00 bbla.flour, Sho maker .t L: 59 bbls apples,Steel & Bro; IL do do, Wll Graff & Co; 7 do do, A D Haverly: 38 do.do, H Rea Jr;.l9 do do, 7 bxs produce, D Ledger; 13 do do. H Rid dle: 11 dO do, Tangorder & 'Shepard. • PLTTSDDROIT, Foam WATICS a • Cat o. Rair4tvark: August 11-100 bbla dour, J & A I)sitz; 250 pigs lead, Dith ridge & Son; 50 bdls call' skins, - Geo H Wood &Co;15 bxs crackers,' Kramer& Bohn; 2do do, John A Renshaw; 9 cars ore, Shoeuberger ct,' Blair; I car ,wheat, Hitchcock, McCreery` etri '4' coops chickens, , H , Rett: Jr: 10 bble, 120 eke flour. Culp it Shepard; 50, bbls do, ,Dahl Wallace; 1 car wheat, S Liggett & Co:' 2.1 bait cheeseiP Sellers & Co; 80 do;do; A Kirkpatrick &Co; 42 perste wash howla,, J H Long; • 15 bxa cheese, S. Ew art , it Co; 15 do do, .1 Wilson & Son;•150 do do, Biaddrir2s do do,E Reazletom , 50 do do. 100 bhla flour, T 93.10tikips; 20-bblafflour, I Shepard ct * DaVia;. 68 Whisk* tibia, Jos S Pincli; 25 bbla linseed Oil, Reimer; Bau man & Co; s•dia do, .0e Torrence; 3 bbla egg l / 2 ,Karpahan tt.Qcobiert T _, • - TSIDTDDIC; CINCINNATI . AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. August 11-3 bbls 9kl9' Ai A.' 4911135; 8.419 Maginhi4; do do, J Lipincott; 5 do , do, 1 1 cSwist Oh; 3 ' bb ls egge; - Vairgorder; brili wheelsinMcWhinney: , ;b1 MoWhinney; 1 car metal: J ,C ? Bidwell; 82 she corn, Rinehart; 41td 624 t, *.r Minim; 4 do diti;P genera; 250 'pee Meat, Dalvell& E;ls , liblrlonr,G,Meyers; 80 skis: do,.:GF lE Meyerig, 100, bbls dour, , Jookleol'to'tcgliania, G ' Mitchell." • AttEDITZNY:'STATIONi: -AugUi3t l Tears Huila stone.fSuperioaron, C0;,6 do. metal, Graff, 13atinet ,Co: 121 bag cheeae,'E katiodrieh; 8 oars wheat, R T` Kerinedy-&13ro; tk.bbls eggs H Showen, 1 car cooperage,:J M HemPlidli 2 do d 9; Balya & Robertson; 3 carastdne. Porrell ter dclidegraw;l.- dodo,' Bit R H Rhox; 1011,bbla /lour: B:o•Mcblasterri; 24 06;4. bbls _do. g , Nittoo;, So -bble Ijme, .JOs C r aig; 12'libla apples,. John Herbert. • -ifea.tarr'':•ttiLlLltoair.• An- 1 gurit,l3,-t240 oll i i.R T Leech; 80, do ; . do, Fisher Bro; 329 do d0,.P00l "Bre; 15 aka raga; Gotlfroy - &'ClarkiVake'bats,' Kell:dt.Ritchart; 3 bbbi eggs; 0 ,birr:biit. ter, .L J Blanchard; 1 car grain, Martini, Brickell &qiiir,Vcar DL Reynolds; i. ,. :: - ;"::;FOR ; EL i fiLE:I.. ','-,'. ~;';';.,..t 1.•:.:i IT, , AlI LEBLE STOOK FARM/ 70R ;SALIN situated. 'in • Wssnloretalq enunty. three miles porn of "New,Florenee.' 4 - b Contains 540 serest 00 or 101miettered and , and I.rde Donlon in grass The land 11 dell and at 11 , watered: 'Tb'e bui•dlng cant-tats of a large frame Dwelling, two ;raw Sarni and on., ynerons ontbutitiltute.- 'AI the st. , ll` otr t be ground , toerecta ane pewf. dwelling; Cellar dug. This; Firm 'is otiond nt tte low price of IMO per acre, Nita easy paynaenle. Apply goons.° ' • • t-- . - Au AIN' 1: CO., N0..104 Fourth Menne. CM GARDENERS TARRNOTICE. —FOE BALE .-The VOtTETEEN MILE IOLATII.). on the Allegheny: Myer. .and ?now used for h stat rde e; o ganing purposes; well improved and in a I ligfealtivationv containing4lLot 50 acres, now offered at a bargain., Call soon. Aiilo, other MOMS' In good locations.. Woolen Factory. two Houses. and twenty acres Of land on tbe Central Railroad: Mouses. and Lola For :Bailin To-let titularnottlG inho nk cities. ?or . Outler Far , , witai A 3c rem , rant.sireet. ormositPPaPlodrah- inkWELLING. HOITSE,HARD WARE STORg. , Ac.: FOR SALE.-.A 'two juicy; dwelling ntase 7 or, rooms and store"rOom. with lot or ground 24 tot fronton ' Bth avenue extension br. 80 Attp.-to Also a valuable s tuft or 'well Selected bard ware 4 SCOrq *V;l4e' otrerinEßVloris• 4u130171,in-74:;13 4111S/Vg r 4 1 % . 1 151T9829441P k t itnu att g .r ß witi a hone S i rovements. 6. CO W& StWfi Ter , stiG • 39 tllxtti avenue: t MISCEttiiNEOtTS. ATEST•' OIL STRIKE. MU LIBILBSY : - • ' EDDXOIII - -!* A 'D • • • - YltE TRADE! To secure even handedJUSTIC.S. just -E come and see what tplendid bargains are offered in the cor.L geons stock of Spring and Summer Clothes just prepared and extdbited to; the public by L... • • ' S. C. TnauznArAzz. xne ftillest Ltrtxttry - to be enjoyed wnen the man ho enjoys it Is ne l o l 7:'drtsttad:ta a suit or new t ummcr Viol hes which fit hires° comfortablv as no: toabridgethetteetian_pfhlartStions.-Seeh cl. , tbes am to be bad at S. U. TnattEustairs. To practice ZcOriOnnt, donit :spend:vast aunts °fru Inev where extortionate people charge fancy priers for u niatlstnetory.clothlne,. but come 4114 get the wor, h ot.evety dollar you emend, at - - • •8, 0. - THAusruteres. . • PIE" TRADE of the freest sort_,.. practiced every dal..add all - day.' at the Fig No , -,11 olottilag Hall, There the people bring their cash, and, '' l .,..ere 'tiler/Mt their clothes: •therr - Mau Vee-to 41_1.t.Imes, _Trade tremendous jtist ,now krto. I.lCloililnit Half: AT THE PERM& ' . `Coonsu uu. -4 ,nits for $7 Werth $l5. • ' sa;tsi.or $9 worm 180. - • • '"` m irit , "its for 012 worth ‘41 5 . 00 u lg. for SA 50 each vnarzt, Black sults for Olt * 2O - Boysl suite for $5 wont: Ai°, And a great many non.. Cail early and seCnre - bgrgdin a , as we moron nuinerons to as but a few days teaell. Bic No. 1181xtil street: TRAUEteux 7710:71:1•13 COttNER OF Seventh Atenue and Liberty St, PITTSBUIIGB, PAL . Will on Saturday, 'July' 31st. 1889: said on ;each succeeding Saturday,: hold an Auction Sale or 1 HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, And everng appertaining t pleaseorse. Parties dent , lag, to 'sett will. leavetheir notice of consignment on or before Thursday, of each Week in order for advet g.:' Prompt at tention and good care will be given sit Stoce left JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer.: - ROCK THE BABY EARNES 'S PATENT CRIB. OLD ONLY BT . LEM N & WEISE. Practical F tore Manufactimers, 4.lrE.Drume Wbere mai be roanila till assortment of .Par. tor. 'Chamber and Kitchen Pianittnre. de3 GnAvs *Teen's' INK WORKS, .E.'I:!,OBINSON, w..mAcTcruxa or Black and Colord Printing & Lithographic /NES, ,VariN/SUPS T AO. Gray's reiry Road and - S3a street, ren:e6a • PriILADELPELIL. ' . • . --' ' n . .ii: ~.. 1inP 9 . 1 tf7... 1 1: 1 ;u 3 IVIII3 I de!IIPT -1 ;': ...: .. • : .. P*lrlr tk.T. 4 :FXO/ 1 .W44. I G, WEDDINGI-.VISITINi •PARr( AND- BUSINESS *-99G//4X, 9 .. , ... Alf. . 4LLIALLN-stTPM. 4ei .., Q ? zg Orders by.midl rr lye prompt atteid,ldn. „Send ', 1.033.4 The tnuf Elt...Plailli.- • ::, :n: MYS:In.Tila la . ' ' paQvi.*au'aitos, ,_•;:,. vateretor the CIE" or PI t teblirgh Will meet at their yew v.kineahh place of nolchng If.titlons;:an . .. • • . , •TUFgall'ilAtigust 31;41869 4: vi) Ihyra . For ArifittisVil , PubUr .IN.frki ' wue.:l3anbta A 6tell - belintrad On ;he'brit- : e ll il 7 .A .. fl;lllW The u.eCtlons snail be ,:held. by the onice.rs thorlred to hold. it e getieryi elections in said city. , AIRED Mayor ( Ati4lC/3T.1. • sulo;n2s. • _ . ptiFSOLIUTION• OF PA • 2.llllv.=The tiartriershipneekohirifexlstlitie core.% TRtY6...T. LlAilai.N. under tne style a L. E. eIIITTSM tA;11... was, this 'davdtrsolsed. br Thos. , damson rutirtng from the Ss+ d firm. - THOS. wlLL44" l lpols - ,:' , ^IQT9BtIB6H, 7nly:% 1d 1806 l bq continued at the' old DI •fissmardet street, tir E. SUTTON. . MARSHALLI. 9 EILEXiIi • : . '. SI7.ESUALL'S txtie WILL Otrats R&M:tacit& 1. MKS/MALL' 'EL MIR DIME DYSPEPSIA. Ittaiits3arzt , tt Eta= , Witt. Onus COSTIVE.' r gOf *raisin! EDXIr. iiiAO Per ttle. 1301 Mark eirstteek. Ma'w-411ALL. 00 C Plulteetw: -Protulotorstl-, - For wholesale sag;retail; by OEO a; ir.„Ol,lX; Pittsburgh: 'ret•ot99.Y:TEP S VLOOIt - 1411 RE jig OIL 01..0TH-, - : . , WINDOW , t3IIADE TABLE AND VDENI*RE OM CLOTH'S IN EVERY. VARIETY:- .1. 4.R.•11L LI akn4 PI S hrth • 8173;1it BEI w(110L... • 100'0UrPond$ . iii' - WoiT.Wanted by MEOW 4 HAMA 'AV TITE:WiItTi FRONT. 4 I , ' , 1140 lilb,it7,4treet ; Plttpurgbi WZ EHSTER . STILEE—Notice , , ,ta beret)) , gtypriitia ,tba 'Viewers report on /willautria Wt)toterptieet,,Cltibt AllesbeaT; bas b€ati '4lle)l..ba. tbeDieirtat C,ourt. at' No. : 88 /. TO r .TA r4l o• B6l kkor,sfofittiraatioli. ))4:tteN, • 3tebObiNl3.;,, '": ' " rakrAV VElllTe-.1,00: .. .i*O . F9kjr*OßArtr , fiement. torail! .a uAdirtabli•- = • ....gl/07 'flat . EESE:=-50 ObeeseLMUS boxes Ooii*OgaptrzgEitOEFANTs C 0., . Nos, 221 and 223-Liberty-`-Street Corner Of Irwin, iinw - olfer to the *trade 'Ulcer ligares, .atrictly, Prime New Cropifew Orleans Sugar and :. . . Porto Rleo, entinaridEnglishDdind St:stars. -; fined do. Ne w York. Philadelphia and Baltimore An -- - • ' Golden Drips, Loverings, Btwseueop , Adams , and Long Island byrupe4 __- Porto itleo, Cuba and En/eta SI :14=a °L"5O5.' and Young Hymn. Japan, =pariah enlepowder Oolong Teas. - • . ••- • • • - Carolina and Bnkoin Bice . Java,_AgasYra and- giwiloSeeS. ' • • ' Tooaceo, 'Lard 011, 'Fish, Nails, Glass, `Soaps,' enttntlA r krur, *e., constantly on , hand .1 , • moo, neurrEas OF Una tinuOles,Virinea and Begarai • Rhenish,' Moselle: and Sparkling .Hoek WirieS of ihntel & Co.. In bottles. , Sparlalnu Moselle, Scharisbcrg and Johann's burg,. Hockheimer. Burgundy, dc. Brandenburg ' ,b Freres' Fine Olive Olt • - • ," do worv i rort i ed bottles. M. Wort &Sons" Sparitihm Catawba.. - Pine bot tles. . Fine bid Sherry, Madeira and Port Wines. lfree Old Monongahela Rye Whiskies. pure. - . do Very Superior Old' Scotch - do do. sole • AZ 4 SOf _ • „ ve i a t - ntis for Sloe; Chandon's tirand - VerZe113,71111, c .."... Brandies of o 10•d49... selection and warranted. ESTABLISH s BY A J., T asjyy, .W - -..X7'...00A3a-i, 'WIEIEOVELSA.LE GILOCEB, 'No. 271 Libeity'Stteet; (DIZZCZLY OPP. LLCMS HZYTYL,) .PiprSitlCriloGlaai se :yitl WoARMSTRONG, ) Successor to Fetzer *Annatrons,_,::. PRODUCE C6III.IIiSSION..'AEMIANTI . _ tuvi , srazrr. /1. 17,21..1r..• •4 4..4. lITSILII. lif •STF;IgiII A SOP#, ?.) ,i•-•,- ~ .LY.X.. Conzmissieib MeTtekaritifi: '-•' • . AND MILD. .E7.401F2i a Ci-RELIZir. FEET) a.o. No. 98 OH/0 STEXIVIonar East Common, ' - : ALLEGHENY CITY; PA. psalm zrzt. res. r. luaus, KE4L&EU T CILIL B T, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ktfaint, 0141 M., MEAS. MILL PEED, 849 Liberti St.; Mittsbargli, .asyt4:l47 _ BLANibpULELD, Minimal& and- Retail Grows, , • No. 526 PE NN STREET: an4IIICLE;.. PATTON,I . Wholesale Grocers,..comndsstonXerehanta. Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon. Cheese, Fish, 'Cnshon artft Lard Oil, Iron. 'Man; Ohms Cotton Yarns and all P':tsburgh Manufactures generally, LIM ana 11.* atcoarD STREET.< Pittsburgh. . ;wry I. ttorrara..snw. 8.i01781. L. HOUSE :a.BROS.; Sue• U censors to JOHN I. HOUSE ,15 CO., Wnole• sap °racers and Commission Merchants, Cor• ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. PI ttsisarat. JOHN B.IIIPTON anIPTON & WALLACE_, Who 4. SALE GROCERS AND PROD uLE DBAL . 2 o. 6 SU.TH STREET. ritisbnrsch. S . ECIIIMITY - AND . COMFORT for the traveling community. J. B. 11/La/LIS Safety Fire Jacket,: Car Heater =and JfIODEIR4TOR. For Sinoke and Rot Air *Mies; dlepenetnß with the use of stoves anti Axe., in o r about the Paulen- - ger or Baggage Cars, with the. attachment to graduate they beat - to any temperatare that may be desired without the possibility of firing the car or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Bevies obtained of the Butted States Letters PatenC.lsr a' Safety Jacket,/thltii 1* warranted' to resist the mos. intense heat that may be ap plied to . it in tae petition and pmvose for which it is Intended. • • It is st . sure nroteVilon bYdre. originating 'from •defeetlye flues or where iron pipes - are uSed as oonduCtors foranioke or held. t is' applicable„to. ail piping that may. become osetheatedosnd warristed to give perieet sat , tsfactionnhere.wood orvottler Combinable mate-, rile-may be 'placed In tient- frettimity thereto. , I -arc ,noW ready to applymy inventiontp stores_, Steamboats. railroad cars,- etc— , Wherever 'pipes as :conductors. are made dangerous by being overheated:land teen. tlty detiredi I wilL sena owapplioationriebt tri matinfactire or - tille"thh abtiveinvenuon. Territorial rights : id such aKmay,wistitto tingegei in aellingprivileges either ag Btate - or county. 161.0ffice at. then.NE- Prancrufaira PAINT WORKS. corner of Morris street ,and the Aide., ghenybarge, Pa. • ~ 21tallrold,'ATivelftli'. ward.':-Pittil-7, • . MOOR:TITIMING - ISCIIO - SU. ft ! . -- JAND . Latotria)l3fil - • - 7:1 •.7.1 ' pbtie promptly to orderstl6lLac i ock sireeo.l; leeway City4:or,t.• P, CO!' ; rho beat attenttim will tie given toill Who want anthlitt-alrrittn hontik Lin/ lot .of turned, work _Octet' BaWaters.. 24 , 3 W, Potta;tt Baba, ito: AAIUN 'a. good.:atoor of dry' yintnnt y cerry. ;tad other i,p_mber on hand. . In Y ti th" " & CO. 'EMARK. mots ~+i3cso~ Lamp . ERNI KIINEY)S' f' Z. SWINT •....«. J. M.B4LATT ' WRIT li; BRATT4 I - ': Amurkrxzcw.rgAr."Ailir'• • ; --_- ORNAMENTAL CARVERS 10: - 61 841iituihr, Rt. Allegheny, Pi. A larobrassortaiems• of 2fEWEI: .Pot,9 ' and ,RALLtiT,E lid, constaritty . on binsil. .T 1193-11411. otall ftescrin - na: done , -- . .. 2er ----... ---'iivir ii.,---___ B—s—. — A _sRECEIVED' .. ( bay at DEN 7 AMIN 1 1 14L11113.133 .*piimilar , P MIL litand, c1.(9.,, 45 Miamond Market, , Pitta burgh, and stills Twin. Miry.. kAllegtiany CitYl; omper of Mhio sad/federal aMeetii. ' Can Pe had , ail kinds of "Sea" and. Lake' fish, nalibUti t3hgd.' Beak; VO 4llol4 lHaddoek,azul, gel., Also, large enmities ' Of'Whltei ' Lake. Fish, ISsiam on, liais,' Btergeou. Herring: and :pfacanar , a'roui, which enables - xis to sell at the . lemeit market prices,' •wholeseio• or iremilo . We -Write, all liners- ol Fresh b. to give us a call; and ire will Intim ;therms ,cost, I KEYSTONE , POTTERY, .1 trOulut • 'Wei! r; ; .!!./[Z.1:1.1 1 . , X 4n t aft.etarerk „ o _ jotace 17rarehouse. 383 L111EUTY82.3331.• A 11i8 0 .411 orava m tteneeB tn. ieW=ZetilaiTtrar•ld.'R#P,M J. B. 41.XlIELD EWE UNE THE IRBI,I ilrry MUTUAL LIFI INSURANCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal - St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS* • • Hon. JAMES L. BILiEtAlt, • Rev. J. B. CLARK. D. - D., Capt. R. ROBINSON . , " K. A. E. BELL; ' - Rev. S. H. N'EnBIT.ILD., W. A. EXEC. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. - JACOB RU___ , SH Real Estate Agent, SIMON Da-OM, Mayor of Allegheny, C. W.' BERN Y. Hatter. A. S. BELL,Attorney.at-Law. 1 1. L. PATTER ON, Ltunber Merchant, Oa t. ‘WOHER., Izunirlusce Agent. ' itonEssoit, - President. '- JACOB RlETARlErD.D.,VicePresidents C. W. BEN/11 - . georatazYr M. W. ViriliP.... asure r• nEDICAL ADVISEE. DA.NEEL,SW.OIO... • • - 4 tisrkgent. This lea tionlecomnany.conduc - - - Drinclple,'eadt policy holder rec.= thenuittuil share of the- prOIIU of the -Companyie an equal aid :Ise issued on the different plsonolicies :Insurance. and being conducted on an ecchLife 'cal basis will afford a safe investment to ea , polity holder. and thereby retain thernoneyas hcaneto encourage borne industry. rolasqgaz Cus IfiISURANC_E . , PZIMILAN'S • 130./1.D171.0. Naw ,fig 1711.111,,....A . Trearue, - ,-,Elfoogi4- 'Moor; prrnstriteEt FA. Capital AU Paid 17p. • - plpzeTpits. - - I N. J. Bigley. jr, fCapt.H.Balley, Dann Wallace,lti. Hartman A. . Chambers, Jake Hill, h s - M.Clarkan. Jas. M. bailey. Thomas Breit Jno.S. Wlliock.. - ROB TH. RING; President. JNO. P. JENNINGS. Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt: R. J. GRAZE; Gen't Agent. 7. Insures on - Llberal Terms- -on alt Fire ; 1 4 1(1 .,1. 111 0.ne atilt& ara:gto BIEN FRAN*Lpi • INSURANCE COMPANY, OF numam, OFFICE FRAN - JILIN sAvniest seaut - 4. _ No. 41 Ohio -St.. AllogrheruSN. A HOME COMPAPY, managed by Directors,. well known to the community, who - trust by ftar iieaiins to meat nubs* of your natoinuctr.. ; 11.1ENRT- Gk VP • 11.1D1911f..........--..ect.ax9r• - • - g ames, W. Ir. Stewart Jou. Lautzter, sp10:oW N ATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Ucir. Feiteral St. and Diamond, illegheny, Office. la the SECOND NATIONAL BANE 7 • W. W mAgTrNtrresidezit ...._ . . t , • JOBB BROwN,,m.-, Vice rresiaent, • ' • JAMIL" 3 , 7 ; - ." - STAVT.NBON.Becrerm7." John A. Afyler, , Jes. Looktify . t. Jeg.3fien., jae.L.Grahem.ltobert. Les, C. C. Boyle, .1.0. Brown.Jx. flearAolkerst,*cob A.opx4 '.H P Wllllams,Jno. Thompson J. IdeNaugher. 1 2 B Miiini f LVAllll4l: •.. . '...-. ,' ',.n -, I , 'MSC /INCE COMPANY 'Ot INTITSBUNGN ' ' = ' s straw No: 'ls%ttr_OOD - STRUT, ' aura 1 p 4 :loKhiplatelt Et ~D 1414- - us-Home , . ; tintaPani., and -iniiris again, , 3 4 7.11 r e eFfartz-tTAT, t, . , . .-. .. • , ~ • I • LBOXACIYWArriI4 &Litdait. -- -,0.,0.--B Ytir.vriee President.,- •,. '. •. , :i ' i ppPIENIIT PAIUS., Treasurer. ' -, .. II USULMIELIDINTaieeretsrr. ; Dp11.1270118: , . / Zetsunt.Wilter, „.• Sieftee Wiliest:- ~1 (' 0. C. Berle.. ~ Egos. - W.,Ev,anz,, Robert Pthick. -,' '‘ 0 - - . "..T. C. - • LIM.' - -. Jacob Painter , , - A. €..31 t. . 'Josiah King, , - •, •,---, - eka- visegtle I kaa.-13. Hop elop •t, lott, I ;_lin9- 1 4. - Peary Sproul, -- I - • OPT EBB II rtJB CE . , COQ.` olnr2oic,lr. - s.cosrattwciturs ming • Home Companyttmkinglfre • '' , —-" — DraaCtolat ' W. lifil i tit i ? l4 -L ! ' B es alateAt il dth i r 4W464l4 o el' - John t. a ripziov-,,- . ' latarke.Astmekl '.'" 2, ... Capri James Miller. . Jared M. Bratty.' Wm. , :Yap Hirt. )%; . ... WmzP; Lang, : • .., ` ! Tames b. Ve r _ iltaratmlart. . .. xresident. .._ ~ .e.::,44.).844.. ra i T ana tcerbmide f it. i ,..,.. . ! .4 C.l'V T ?'3'lo.l.4l3B . l ael/Ir .- a4 Agent* s . - . AGAINST -tOSS 13T FIRS ' tNglilAtidt ME - I 3 hArl . ill fr ; tooit'-- Tcag i o wavier. , , nava &Brown - llaxtrael - , 11111110 Les--- Jacob B._famith, - e.arrad Of. ml4lkai.c het re Peten Dale. BWrDALEV N ra L d m/ t Mat w.exix, -, - •' Beeretarykrna... GAWNNE - Cur irm" Assam, — North Weatoomor. =re ArKi3fgoo.BCTOSSier . _. ONCE tE.,uar_riiriL___vktcortg,- . PAM' OP riTalisult., • '-4I: • ' iiiiit. • ~ • :-.... e Er. BE ER RBEr n4 seer izeal ts.i. .. . , ...f - ... , CAPT. ALlSSlttilit NEEI.II, Elenerel Agent ....' •• V tzn) Oface.l6ll Water street; t3pur A 00. $a- VI ezu lousef uPtttrksPittsbst. wnin:r- against a=Ws of T ireAt , Nu , • nut Mete. -A home restitution, managed by Pi rectozi who are Wet-known to the community, * sad who are determ ined by prituDreese and /Ibex` Ality to maintain the character which they have -- assumed, U foaming the beat Iretectlett to: tams.- Who deillse to be inuarect. .A.lettriar Ntitict - oanuArecunst at.= a; Jr.. z : Chas. J. Clerhe, .. Juices liteAuley, ... , -, ,Wilitim E t k lZN, ~ • -- Aleitander B,peen, , • .'i r N itza . ~ I Andre,r 4 e.k,...,., , . , ,„. „ ....., - David au. Long, --• ' - rck ••• D. Ituusen. ,• - ,•• • -- • tan . , . Iti , LLEGAIENIE INSURANCE, COMPANY' oP Prpreartraou.' -. - lON.NogairPfI7IIBTgEry.BANA:BIoN3..• asurea aaalaA all MO" of Tin: Imil MMUS= - JOIEN - hir 41. iiresille t. - - 3- ' l 'V"'"' o I r. &Hos 'awn - Plea ketLleatitkiteat . C. G. W 3(. E LL S ,w 4 CLA.PT • IL -- D : . -qtaairaAgesti: -,,;z:;t sad, , . - aftrit..,,, ~ .a.= .7 4 1use stoe tt' tAtiii .. z. , ~.,, . 134 ,t0,b,‘23i ;')I 111= tii . : .4 jr:11.12 ,14.) k r., apt. Wm" . - T. IL 04.. -,-;•-• _ . , - -~~~;:~- INSURANCE, STATEMENT OF THE - - BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. Of Allegheny; Pa., - - FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30th:1869. CAPITAL $100,000.00 , ASSETS. . Stock Notes.,. , poads and. Mortgagee; Bills Receivable Office Furniture - Cash on band 4109.5113L3* 15.71937 _ 2,783 41. _ =I Premium istereet. • - Dividazds -Dzsaviszmiarr. • • - • . Losses paid • ' -• • $ . 8 000.14u11.109 Otheßesaense,taxes and stamps .401:138.91* Commission 381.71 Return presolusna-.Auld _retain._ _ _ .• 411.889.021 rgailitriffelitifilll-lifilitiSto/;31F9.8155MXPt Ir24:mat-2TIV3 , . I=IIIVII=MIII . . . ......._. .... • DIRECTOR: .. .., . .... . , l'Ef - L. Patftrton. 'Wm, Cooper.'' 'Jacob Franz, ..... Gottlelb VaaA;:, , J. B. Smith, - Jakob EiLsh, (Ch. 1": Wltistani Josepb crag' 111. J. Zlntand, Xere. Enne.ll. R. E. EIIRON.: ' .. i GEN - FR A Tq AGENT. El El M .4 75,000.00 23,559190. 8,236'153 - 405.00 1,060.021 442.91 - 1111231