The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 12, 1869, Image 8

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Tim Gmnsms is furnished in the city
the six days of the week for 15 cents per
week; by mai!, $8 psr annum: 3 mos., $2.
• -
Pollee Items yesterday were like celes
tial visitations.
1 The Allegheny Library oinestiott will
come before Councils tonight•
The second of the free bath houses has
been completed and will be launched
to day. •
To-night a regular meeting of the
Allegheny Councils will be held, at seyen
ant a half o'clock.
The wont of Improving Wylie street,
between Tannehill and Arthurs, , was
commenced yesterday morning.
Tile Millet Committee of City Councils
will meet to-night to take into consider
ation the plan for the proposed Fifth
avenue market.
The painting of the St. Clair street sus
pension bridge is almost completed.
Travelers in that direction will be pleased
- when the artists retire.
So tar as heard from the party of tour
ists, who are at present engaged in a sur
vey of the Work House, are enjoying
their "rusticate" very, much.
The Fire Alarm in Allegheny has be
come a success. There are no more
vexations, false, confused alarms which
rendered it so warellable about a year ago.
Selling Lloor.—Chief of Police Hague
made Information before the Mayor, yes
terday, charging Owen McCabe with
selling liquor on Sunday. EL summons
was issued. •
This evening a mass meeting of jour
neymen tailors will be held in Smithfield
street .at eight o'clock, under the aus•
pices of the International Assembly now
in session in this city.
Beecher In Jall.—Not he of Plymouth
fame j but Lewis Beecher of Allegheny.
Alderman Lindsay committed him. His
wife Mary complained that he bad acted
in a manner to cause her to fear bodily
harm. Lewis will be heard at the next
term of court.
Prosperlo.—One of the best evidences
of the growth and prosperity of our sis
ter city is found in the namber of hand
some new dwellings and business houses
which are in. coarse of erection. The ,
present season has been [mussily active
In this respect.
. .
Local Politics in Allegheny are be.
coming lively. especially in- the Third
ward. Some of the old members of
Council, we understand, decline to run
again, and the number of aspirants for
the vacant positlouv - would, of them
selves, form a municipal body.
Killed. on the Railroad: . Thomas
kins. a boy about fifteen years of age,
was killedabout 8% o'clock last evening
011 the Pittaburgh and Cleveland railroad
aearr Superior blast furnace, 'Manchester.
Coroner Clawsen will hold an inquest on
- 4he body this morning. •
, .
The row of tine brick buildings now in
course of erection on the northeast side
of the Allegheny Diamond' will be a
wonderful improvement on tbi, old shall
tieswbich formerly adocued the ground.
There are still afew more of these which
might with advantage be removed.
Grand -Pienic--Tbelmproved order of
Bed Men will give 'a gland kale, Sat
urday, August 14th /869, at Ormsby's
Grove, for the benefit of Youghiougheny
Vibe, No. 103. The affair is in the
hands of gentlemen whose libprality
Will insure its success, and a pleasant
time may be anticipated: •
Voinmitted.—Mrs. Kelly was arrested
and taken before His Honor, the Mayor,
yesterday, on a charge of disoraerly
conduct. It was alleged that the accused
had been conducting herself in a very
disorderly manner, to the great annoy.
ranee of her neighb ors. After a hearing
;she was provided with quarters on the
" for thirty days
, in- default of the
/ payment 0 a line of $2O and costs. •
Knocked Ulm Down.—A diftiottlty oc
• curred on Fourth avenue yesterday, be
.tween John O'Keefe and James Lowrie,
during which the latter struck' O'Keefe
with his flat and knocked him down.
'The little affair was witnessed by one of
••the Mayor's officers, who arrested LoW
.rie and took him before the Mayor,
• when after a hearing he was required to
tray a fine of ten dollars and costa. '
Those squares.—lt is proposed to place
the vacant squares in the Allegheny
Diamond in charge of the Park Commis
sion for ornamentation. At present they
are ornamented principally with old
-cart wheels, logs, boulders, and other
matter of a similar nature. What to do
with these squareS has been a chronic
subject of agitation in Allegheny. The
Park Commission could settle the matter
very satisfactorily, and we hope the sug
,gestion will be , heeded.
W. W. Morehead,No.BlMarket street.
• invites the especial attention of ladies to
, his new, bad elegaM assortment of fine
lace and summer goods, which were par
-chased, expressly for the season. The
, stock will be found. fall and complete.
embracing all the latest styles and quali
ties, facts which a visit td the establish
ment will simply substantiated Ladies,
don's forget to give him a call, whether
rinrchasing.or not. It is .10 trouble to
'show the goods, and all are invited.
Warm Ve eattier Exercise. -- People
should be careful in exercising .during
the warm weather. Violent exercise
might occasion trouble. It did so yes.
terday with Charles Timmons who had
a dispute with Michael O'Brien, which
lie unceremoniously ended. it is said, by
illeoring Michael. The defeated man
failed to appreciate this style of lulue.
merit and complained to Alderman
Strain. Charles was arrested and held
for a hearing for assault and battery.
Civil Action.—Yeaterdity May Camp
bellapPeared_• before Alderman Koenig
-.end instituted civil proceedings against
.i.atlderman Lynch for . the recovery of
rtwenty dollars which she alleges that of
tfidalcollected for her. May states she
-was employed as a domestic in a family
up town who neglected to pay her little
t whim she placed the account in the
magistrate's hands.' She says the money
•has been collected but not paid over to
her. The ca will,. be investigated on
Fatal Result.—We gave the particulars
' , bran accident at the Vort Pitt t works,
by -which a moulder, R. O. Hadfield,
was frightfully burned. Tbe insured
'man lingered in great agony;until death
. came to his relief. Coroge _Clawacn
-,lmipannelled a jury yesterday morning,
to hold aninquest upoii titer remains, but
adjourned the ininsugatlon until
The deceased 'resided - on Corry street,
"-First ward, It
He was a mar
ried man, and tied been residing in this
countpy for eleven years.
Slight Eire. Yesterday afternoon.
about four o'clock, a slight fire occurred
at Howard's paper mill, Fifth ward, Al
legheny. The fire was extinguished be
fore any material damage was done.
Wedid not learn the origin. The steam
ers were out but were not - n service.
I Case Argued.—ln the United States
,District Court yesterday morning, Judge
lidcC endless presiding, an argument on a
ndtion to dissolve All injunctic‘n in the
catie of John Snowden et al. vs.. Adam
Jacobs et al., in so far as the same res
)Itralris proceedings upon the a ss entjudmnt
otLyon, Shorb dr. Co., (now for
(Adam :Jacobs.) This proceedim;grew
lout of a bill in equity flied in iand of
a proceeding in bankruPtcy. 1.4 Acid.
son, Esq., argued in favoief the motion,
and Veech tSon and D. Reed contra.
vs. /
A Humane Idea.—Yesteruz we saw,
on Liberty street, a hers() having its
head protected on the top th a light
covering made of a small frame, shaped
similar to a lady's flat, and covered with
a piece of canvass. T,he apparatus was
simple, easily made, did not interfere)in
the least with the gearing and fully pro
tected the head of the animal from the
scorching heat of the Sun. Dobbin ap
peared very comfortableunder this small
appliance and seemed in his quiet way
to speak of the humanity and kindness
of his owner. - \ i
On The Force Again.-- We are pleased
mto learn that John Glenit, one of the
ost efficient officers on the force during
the terms of the two preceeding Mayors,
has resigned his sittAtion as watchman
at the City Bank. and accepted a position
on the present police force. During
Mayor Blackmore's term, officer Glenn
was stationed at the corner of Fifth av
enue and Smithfield street, one of the
most important beats in the city, and he
did his duty in a manner highly satisfac
tory to his superiors as well as to the
public generally. We congratulate the,
Mayor on securing so valuable an addi
tion to his force. - •
Daring Robbery. -
Between twelve and one o'clocleryes
terday a bold and daring robbery *was
perpetrated at the agricultural store of
Long & Co., 'Liberty street. It, appears
that at the time stated, while the clerks
were all , engaged in the front part of the
store, the safe,i which was at the back
part'of the room, was broken , open and
172 taken out. The outer door of the
safe had been left open, and the inner
door, which was locked, was forced ken
with an iron bar. The proprietor, who
usually occupied the back office or count
ing room, in which the safe stood, was at
dinner at the time the robbery WhB per
'=crated. - ,
Brought Rome.
Sunday last the body of a young man
was found floating in the Ohio river near
Shousetowa, fifteen miles below Pitts
burgh. Afiige Davis held an inquest,
bat the body was noeidentified. Subse
quently, it was be that of
Robert Bailey, a young man about
twenty-two years of age, who; left his
home last Thursday to engage a convey
ance for attending a funeral. Nothing
more was heard of him until the effects
found on tile drowned Mari were exam
ined, ..whit.h led to the identification.
He was employed by Singer, Nimick dt
Co., and resided in West Pittsburgh.
The bony was brought home for inter
ment yesterday. •
The llamas' 011 Strike.
The Titusville ' erald confirms the an
nouncement that a hundred barrel well
was struck on Sunday last on the Jamie
son farm opposite Tionesta. It yielded
tkat.number only the fast day, when it
went down to sixty barrels, at which
rate it is now steadily pumping. It is
owned by Mr. W. A. Purse, and other
gentlemen of the 011 City and Allegheny
River Railway. The. Hunter well, a
short distance below on the Allegheny
river, is about to be tested. Good oil in
dications have been found in •it, and so
soon as tubed it xs confidently anticipated
that a large yield will be obtained. The
new big well is only ore hundred and
thirty feet deep.
• A General Challenge. , .
We are authorized, on' the ; part of
Jimmy Hamill, to publish a challenge to
any oarsman of tbo United States for a
purse of two thousand dollars, for a five
mile race over the Morfongahela course,
on time or together. This sounds like
business. 'No person regretted more the
disgraceful fiasco on Saturday last than
Mr. Hamill, as he was very sanguine and
confident of victory in a fair race. He
has not yet lifted his stakes and is ready
for a race with Coulter whensoever he
.may desire the contest. If any rower
from abroad accepts the general chal
lenge thrown out, Hamill, provided he
wins the race, will pay all the reasonable
expenses of his competitor in Coming to
the city. Who, will take up the glove?
Fire on Third Avenue.
A fire occurred yesterday morning,
about two o'clock, in the hoop skirt
manufactory of Skirball tic Livingston,
in the third tury of the building on the
corner of Third avenue and Market
street. A section of hose from the Vig-
ilant Engine House was run into the
building and the flames were subdued,
not, however, before the place hen been
drenced with water. The
firm lost about 5100, which is covered by
insurance. . Cohen et
'clothing estab B lishment on the Co first h floor.
Their Mock was damaged to the extent
- of 5500, but it was fully insured. Mr. 8.
Aronson had a dyeing and scouring estab
lishment in the same vicinity His kw
amounted to about 8251 He was not
insured. No probable cause for the
origin of the fire Is known. -
The Gripe Growecs in Connell—Arrange
ments for an Exhibition.
Yesterday afternoon a meeting of the
Western Pennsylvania Grape Growers'
Association was held at Lutz sad Walts's
Hall, Chestnut street, Seventh ward,
Mr. W. A. Reed presided, with Mr.
Otto Krebs, Secretary.
The President stated that the .meeting
bad been called for the purpose of con
sidering the feasibility of holding an
exhibition during the coming fall.
Considerable disowision ensued, from
which it appeared that the graPo crop
was in a bad condition from the rot,
which commenced about two weeks ago,
and was still doing great damage. The
matter was finally settled by the ap.
pointment of a Committee to examine
the crops, and if found practicable. make
ail the necessary arrangements for the
holding of the exhibition. The Commit
tee consists of Messrs. Otto Krebs, C. L.
Goehring, Wm. Hamilton, J. Beckert
and H. S. Fleming. It was also decided,
If the.,exhibition could be held, to invite
the fruit-growers and florists to partici
• The meeting adjourned to convene at
the call of the Committee.
A 4. t 44 4
The Spirits of Progress—Grading and
• Paylni Gas and: Water streets
Opened. and not Opened—Sidewalks—
That Pittsburgh is now a large city, no
one familiar with the extent of her geo
graphical boundaries can deny, and that
her greatness !lees not consist in the ex
tent of her boundaries alone, ur exten
sive iron and other manufactories bear
ample testimon*. These are facts, how
ever, with which all our citizens are fa
miliar, and in which they doubtless feel
a local pride. There are many other
facts connected with the growth and im
provement of our great city and the fu
ture welfare of her many thousands of
citizens, with which only a very small
minority have any knowledge, and it is
of these we write. ''\
There is a spirit of progress and im
provemeid nt manifested, not only, by pri
e individuals, but by the city author
ities, which, to say the' least of it, is
highly commendable, and will, if contin
ued for a few years, be of incalculable
benefit to the city and add immeasurably
to the comfort, convenience and wealth
of our citizens. We regret to say, how
ever, that this desire for improvement or
spirit of progress has not spread itself so ;
generally or arrived at that point we
should like to.aee it attain, but it is only
a question of time. . • '
We were afforded an op portunity
terday of viewing a a portion of the
improvements new in ress in some
of the outer or middle districts of the
city, both private and public , and must
confess that we were in a measure sor
prised at their extent, but none the less
gratified at the beneficial results which
-must - evidently follow them. New
k streets are being • opened, graded and
paved, and old ones straightened and
widened in various portions of the city;
new buildings, business houses and pri
vate dwellings in course of erection on
every hand, la many instances taking
the place of old, ungainly structures
which have been standing for years.
That portion of Fifth avenue lately
known as .Pennsylvania avenue, is at
present in an unsightly condition, being
at some ,points blockaded with bricks
and mortar beds and at others torn up
by the excavation for the sewer now in
course of construction. This, however,
is but temporary, as the work on the
sewer is now progressing favorably, and
when it is completed it will not only add
materially to the comfort and conve
nience or persons residing on the thor
oughfare but will greatly enhance the
value of property abutting thereon and
adjacent thereto. There are also several
fine buildings being erected on the ave
nue and several have already been com
pleted during the year and are now occu
Wylie street, in conieq a ence of the
extension made during - I the present sea
son, will be, when completed, one of the
principal thorouafares of the city. The
grading necessary to-'connect it with
what waif formerly known as Duncan
street has been completed, and the
paving, for which Mr. Howard has the
contract, is being pushed forward with
all possible speed and in a very satisfac
tory manner. When finished, this street
will form the principal avenue to the
outer districts in that direction. The
advantages to be 'de - rived -and benefits
accruing from this improvement are al
ready apparent in the advanced price of
property and the large number of new
buildings in course of erection along the'
street. _
Of the improvements on Webster and
Bedford avenues, bath of which run par
allel with Wylie street, we have written
on a former occasion . i we desire, however,
in this connection to call the attention of
the Street Commissioner of that dis
trict to the fact that there is
scarcely a paved sidewalk on Bed
ford avenue between Washington
and Fulton streets. Why Mr. McPaden
has neglected his business in this respect
we are unable to say, as he has shown
himself to be a very efficient and atten
tive officer. The street is well paved and
a large number of new buildings are be
ing erected upon both sides of it, and It
will be essentially necessary to the coin
' fort of those occupying' them, and in fact
all"persons residing on the street, to have
the side walks payed.
Beech alley. In the Sixth ward, which
for years past has been a:nuisance in con
sequence of not being graded and paved,
now presents a very neat and cleanly ap
pearance. It is being graded from Pride
street eastward and one square between
Pride and Marion street has been paved,
Mr. Joseph Flutings being the contrac
tor. The work was inspected by the
proper officers yesterday, and we are in
formed was highly satisfactory.
Notwithstanding the many commenda
ble things we noticed during our stroll
yesterday, there are several matters of
which we feel disposed to find fault, the
first of which Is the condition of Basin
alley, running east from Washington
street. We don't know partichlarly that
there is such an alley, as the particular
'locality pointed out to us as being Basin
alley had more the appearance of a cart
yard around a repair shop than an alley,
and about midway between the street
and bagain'an old frame shanty stands
across the alley.
The condition of Basin alley reminds
Us of 'other- nuisances prevalent In
many portions of the city, which, how
ever, if we are correctly informed, will
soon be abated. We refer to the num•
ber of carts and wagons left standing for
days and weeks upon different streets
and alleys. There is an ordinance pro
hibiting this nuisance,
and the Chief of
Police has instructed his officers to en
force it to the letter. Owners of wagons
will therefore take notice and act as
The next point visited at which lin
provments were noticeable, was Liberty
street, which —will eventally ate the
grand thoroughfare of the city. A 11111Xl
ber of new brick buildings are in course
of erection, among which is an otlice
building by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. The . most important im
provement alter the paving of the street,
is the paving of the sidewalks. One side
of this street from the Union Depot to
Twenty-ninth street, is owned and own
pled by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany and upon that side of the street there
has never been any sidewalk. Through
the energy and perseverance of Street
Commissioner Hunter the CoMpsny have
been Indus* to construct a sidewalk,
and a number of men are now engaged
in laying the pavement and removing the
telegraph poles, which previously stood
about three feet from the
_stone wall, to
he ::curb-stone . The ifolna are trans.
erred tnltni new position li without die.
turbing the wires or taking down the
pole. ,The only thing requisite to cam•
plate the good work commenced by the
ralitoan company on this thoroughfare
la e he pnn in the
o s f i d a e fweawl khundred
i lls hMade
be cuie•Of the most pleasant promenades
in the eity.
It la the intention, we believe, to open
Liberty. street through to the Greens
burg Pike. Consequently it will pass
tiarogh a portion of the Iron( I tly Park,
and the sooner this ImprovemiS tis made
the less it will cost, as property in that
locality is dailyincreasing in value.
Throughout the entire, city there is
perhaps not a single street npon which
the beneficial results of grading and pav
ing are so plainly apparent as on Small- .
man street. This street has been opened
for a number of years, and until lately
property abutting upori—it has been com
paratively cheap, owing to the fact that
the street was not paved. Since te con
tract for grading end paying it was awar
ded and work commenced, property has
advanced nearly forty per cent., and new
brick,dwellings of a very superior char
acter tire springing up, as if by ; magic,
along its entire length. The sliest at,
present only extends southward as far mil
Twenty-third street, but we are informed
that it is soon to be opened to Twenty
first street, two squares further south.
The stre'ta throughout the entire city,
or at least that portion of it visited yes.
terdav, are clean and in good condition
,generally, which spoaks well for the
entity and efficiency of the Street Com
missioners. . 1.
Ina Trap.
Yesterday morning al little girl about
three years of age, *Lila: playing on
Chestnut street, stepped into a pipe con
necting with estop well which had care•
lessly been left open, and her foot be
came fastened so that she could not re
move it. She became alarmed and cried
for help, and her cries soon collected a
crowd. Efforts were made to release her
from the trap, but without avail.
It was finally decided by some of the
wise heads of the crowd that the pipe
would have to be broken. An axe
Was procured and the top of the +pipe
broken off, but still the foot remained
fastened. At this juncture a gentleman
came along, and seeing the crbwd,
joined to ascertain the cause of the ex
citement, and on learning what was
wrong, worked his way into the crowd
and examined the state of affairs.
He discovered that the foot had
been forced into the pipe heel
foremost, and as a oonsequence, when
attempting tq wikkidi it the toes would
press against' the ai de of the pipe and
prevent the toot from being withdrawn.
Having a small softie!, upon one end of
which was a crook,
I llie passed it down
the pipe until he g t the crook under
the toes and drawl the cane and leg
at the same ti rel ased the child
the uncomfortable me t
ap, to the great joy
'of her mother, who was terribly fright
EDI'II'ORS GAZETrt: The huckster
nuisance shows no signs of abatement,
and nothing seems to be done to put an
end to it. In fact, officially, nothing can
be done, I believe, as country people
seem to prefer to sell out their produce
in bulk at home to transporting it to the
Market House with a prospect of a little
more profit and a risk of a little less in
ease all is not sold oat. At present; I
have known berries to. be bought for
twenty-live cents a gallon in Union
township and sold again in Pittsburgh
for thirty - cents a quart. Such enor
mous percentage is not just, as any
one can see, and the only way by hick
the thing can be controlled is by hi ving
one or two fair men start in the busi
ness, Willing p,t really make larg sales
and equitable profits. _lf this wer done
the prices would be ell - actually oontrolled
and the public would get its fruits and
vegetables without firs; paying six hun
dred per cent. on their original value
into the pockets of self-appointed
Is not this Question suffiCiently weighty
to command the general attention as well
as that of your correspondent?
Grant House Billiard Parlor.
We wish to call attention to the new
and beautiful billiard parlor of Messrs.
Fox & Warren, Allegheny. Everything
that constitutes a first • class establish
ment- may be found here. There are
five most elegantly finished Schnlenburg
tables (for which - Mr. Fox balm agent),
—two carom and three four• pocket, which
were exrssl for sample tables
and havemade
no e o u a l i n
the State, if indeed
in the United States. We are glad to
State that Messrs. Fox & Warren are
I meeting the success which their efforts
merit, and the merry click of the ivory
spheres may be heard at all o urs of the
night and day. For a quiet
game of
billiards, where everything is conducted
in first class style and where courteous
and gentlemanly treatment is always to
be met
nd with, we can contidetnly recom
me the Grsnt House Billiard Parlor.
Black woolen Shawl.
Mrs. Ann Kelly attached "her mark"
to a document yesterday,, at Alderman
Taylor's, setting forth that Mr. Goggins,
Mrs. Goggins and Mr. Janet had mitered
into an illegal partnershiP to deprive
her of a black woolen fringed shawl,
valued at eight dollars. The partner
ship, she alleges, was successful and the
shawl was taken. Subsequently the
partners were, too. Mrs. Jones was
placed in jail, Mrs. Goggins shared a
similar fate, and Mr. Opggins made a
touching appeal fbr freedom. His pathos
eventually overcome the tender-hearted
official, who, brushing the sympathetic
tears from his ey, allowed him to de-
part upon the solemn assurance that he
would return Saturday, at which time a
hearing in the case will take place.
Irish Church Ulaestablished.
Rev. Jno. Hemphill, of county Derry,
Ireland,• will repeat his lecture on this
subject this evening in Excelsior hall,
Allegheny. This popular and eloquent
speaker delivered this lecture on Tues
day evening, in Lafayette Hall, to a very
respectable audience. Mr. Hemphill
understands all the "outs and ins" about
it, and those who go 'to hear him will
be gratified by a plain and pleasing stale
went of Juts. The speaker if of the
6 , Glidetone" sohool, and cons quentiy
at hornaln this land of Liberty Let all
be on hand this evening at eight o'clock.
aL Excelaor Hall, Corner• Federal and
Lacock streets; Allegheny, and we be
speak for theme rich treat.
Tickets can be had at the book stores.
Soldiers' Home.—We give below the
monthly report of the Pittsburgh Sant
'ten Soldiers' Home, for July, 1869;
No. of inmates, July 1, 1869 72
" admitted during month . ... . . ..47
disoharged during montis .11
" deceased during month .. . . ...... 2
" remaining Aug. 1, 1869 ... ...... .76
" 1869 ...... . ..... 74
No.i in Rome July 1, 18. • . . .... . ... 2
'admitted during month ..... ....... 0
66 discharged during month , 0
deoreased during month 0
66 remaining Aug. 1, 1888. . .......... 2
The Humboldt Festival.
Last night the Executive Committee
held its regular weekly - meeting, Dr.
Ehrhardt presiding. The reports of the
various Committees were read and
adopted, and other matters were dis
A letter was read from the Committee
having in charge the Humboldt celebra
tion in Chicago, proposing that a great
German University of the highest etas
be founded in America as an enduring
Imonnment to the great Humboldt, and
reanesting the Germans of Pittsburgh to
letid their aid. As it has had been decid
ed here to erect ' a different sort of mon
ument to Humboldt,' it is not probable
that a favorable answer will be given,
although the letter was received and
laid•over for consideration.
The Chairman of the Monumental
Committee reported that that body and
the Allegheny Park Commission had
decided upon a site for the monument,
in the northwestern portion of the Com
mons, nearly opposite the month of Be
secca street, substantially the same place
which We mentioned recently as likely
to be agreed upon. From several plane
submitted to this Committee, one has
been detinitely decided upon. It is by
Mr. Edward Morgenroth, of this city,
and consists of a beautifully proportioned
and ornate pedestaland shaft to be sur
mounted by a • colokud bust of Hum
boldt, probably a duplicate of Blaeser's
celebrated bust in Berlin. . -
The monntdent is to stand in the centre
of a basin twenty- six feet in diameter,
Mbe surrounded by four elegant vases,
from which jets of water 'will spring;
water will also spout out from four dol
phins' heads at the base of the monu
ment. The total: cost of this elegant
structure will probably be' $7,000 to
$B,OOO. Towards defraying this expense,
gentlemen residing on, that part of North
avenue, facing the monument, have
pledged about $l,OOO, the Park Commis
sion will probably construct the founda
tion and basin, and the Finance Commit
tee anticipate no difficulty in securing
the remainder.
We seen the plan that has been
adopted. and feel sure that every citizen
will be delighted that we are to have
constantly in our midst an object of so
much elegance and beauty, and we hope
that money enough will be raised to al
low it to be constructed of solid granite
instead of less enduring and less beauti
ful sandstone.
Auction Sale of Dry Goods,
By order of the Administrator, J. W.
Barker, Jr., the entire stock of dry goods
is to be closed out at auction, at No. 20
St. Clair street. The sale has been in
progress .about a week and the goods
are sold at very low pr ices, , as the auc
tioneers say, actually "slaughtered."
Now Is the time for bargains in ,fall and
winter goods, as everything must be sold.
Sales each day, till all is closed out, at
9%, A. as., 2 P. as. and 7% P. 3t.
Goods sold at Barker's old establish
ment, 59 Market street; by private sale at
auction prices.
Fre', light and very palatable—Mar
yin's Crackers, from the eatabliehinent
on - Llberty street.
Pennsylvania State E. R League Del
egates from the western counties and the
residents elf Pittsburgh and Allegheny
are hereby informed that excursion
tickets to Meadville, by Way of Franklin,
will be issued by the Allegheny Valley
Railroad, at its offic eon Pike street, Pitts
burgh. Trains start 'Monday. August
16th, at o'clock 8 A.. M. and 7:30 P. at.
Every Family in Pittsburgh should be
supplied with Marvin's Crackers.
Bates and Bell,
Offer at low prices.
Figured Grenadines,
Summer Silks,
Lace Mantles,
Silk • Mantles,
Ladies under garments.
isSuperior” Crackers, to be .had only
at Marvin's, Liberty street.
A Fine Complexion, free from all blem-
Vhs is secued bg
Violas. which r produc y
es a usin
healthy Milk
tion of the skin. Sold by druggists and
fancy goods dealers. V. W. Brinker
hoff, N. Y., general agent.
Try some, of Marvin's Soda, Wine,
Cream, Superior, Water. Boston, Butter,
or Sugar Crackers. Manufactory 146
Liberty street.
Constitution Water 1s a certain cure for
Diabetes and all diseases of the Kid
neys. For sale by all Druggists.
Don't forget the place. Marvin's
Cracker Manufactory, 06 Liberty street.
Additional Markets by Telegraph
BUFFALO, August 11.—Flour firm;
sales of 5,000 bbls city ground spring' at
$1,25 ®1,50. Rye Flour held 25c higher,
Wheat entirely neglected; 7,500 bush No.
1 Milwaukee club sold at $1,58, a decline
of 2o; No. 2 offered at $1,47, with no buy
ers. Corn firm; sales of 20,000 bush No.
2 western per sample at $l,OO and 30,000
bush western kiln dried at $1,04®1,04%.
Oats dull and nominally 650 for old, 63c
for new and 800 for mixed old and new.
Rye nominal. Pork firmer at $34,60®
35,00. Lard firm at 19%0. Digovines;
sales of 50 bbls at' $1,09; held at sl,lo®
1,10%. Receipts—Flour, 500 bbls, wheat,
8,000 bush; corn, 19,000 'bush; ats, 15,-
000 bush;. Shipments—Wheat, 165,000
bush; earn, 48,000 - bush. Freights un
NEW OBLEaws, August Il.—Cotton de
mand fair; sales 319 bales, low middlings .
300; no middlings here. Receipts 320
bales. Exports to :Havre 1921 bales.
Gold 134%. Sterns* exchange. 148%.
New York sight at par. Sugar; ommon
11%; prime 14%. Molasses, rebolled 66
®7O. Flour firm; superfine 55,65; double
extra $6.50; treble extra $6,62%. Corn,
mixed $1,00; white 31,07%, - 00,8 6sc.
Bran 51.00. Hay V6®3o. Pork firm at
$35,50®35,75. Bacon firmer. Shoulders
16%0; alear rib sides 19%019%; clear
sides 19%®20. Hams 23(025c. Lard,
tierce 19%®20%; keg 22®23. Whisk,
g1,10®1,15,- Coffee inactive and nominal;
fair 15%; prime 16%.
OswEoo, August 11.—Flour unchang
ed; sales of 1,600 bbls at 57,75(0,7 8 for -
No. 1 Spring; $8®8,25 for amber. win.
ter 58,50, for white $9®9,25. Double
extra wheat firm and quiet; No. 2 Mil-
waukee clu held at sl,6obush. 1 scarce.
Corn'firm; b
Bales 6,600 No. kiln
dried, at 51,10; 1,000 bush s
at 2 et 51,11.
Millfeed . steady; short $21®22.
Shipstuffs at SM; Middlings at $28®39
per ton.
the supply of old is exhausted and the
market active; rates advanced to $5,12%
@6,00. Wheat; sales of good shipping
at $1,75 and choice milling at $1,80; hold
ers demand $1.85 for (*ace shipping.
Legal Tenders 133%,.
NasaviLLE, August IL—Wheat; red,
el;10141,15; amber,sl,ls®l,2o ; white,
811,25®1,80. °Corn 920. Oats 45c. Rye
900. Ilarley . $l,lO. Bacon sides 190.
Shoulders 16%0. Lard 150.
Daring Express Robbery on the New
Vora Central Railroad.
Dir Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Galiette.l
At.nariy, August 11.—The particulars
of the express robbery on the Central
Railroad last night, obtained at the
American Express office here, show that
he robbers got on the train at Fonda.
They entered, the second baggage car and •
at once attacked the baggageman and ,
messenger, telling them that there were
eight of them in the party and resistance
was useless. They made a stout resist
ance, however, as evinced by their ,
condition on the arrival of the train
here. Their faces were bruised,
heads cut and eyes tilled with
Cayenne pepper. They were almost
suffocated by the gaga that had been
forced into their mouths, and were also
stupefied with chloroform. Alai ge club
that had been used by the robbers was
found in the car. When the train
reached 'Schenectady the baggage for de
livery there was thrown out ,in such a
manner as to cause remonstrance, but
no attention was, paid to it and the door
was slammed shut and the train passed
on. It was undoubtedly one of the
robbers who threw the baggage _
out. It was at first thought, the
robbers got off' the train at Weak Al
bany, but on going out , there this
morning an agent of the Company found
the way bills -scattered 'alt along ' the
road between there and this city. When
the train reached there the baggage car
was entered and the messenger and bag
gageman found on the floor, in the con
dition described above, almoit dead.
There were two baggage cars attached to
the train, one of watch was switched off
here and the other sent through to
New York.. On the floor of the one
sent through were fourid gold coins
and other money which the robbers
left behind. The safe was found open,
but it is impossible at present to give an
approximate of the loss. All that can be
esid is, that it is very heavy. Owing to
ithe loss of some way bills, and the
others being sent through to New York,
Ino estimate of the amount stolen can be
made. Just before the train zeached
Scheiectady tivo of the robbers entered
the first baggage ear mid attacked the
baggagemun and messenger.
Connecticut Temperance Convention. ,
H.turvolin, August 11.—At the State
Temperance Convention, held here to
day to appoint delegates to the National
Temperance Convention, and consult
upon the organization of an independent
political temperance,party in the State,
resolutions were adopted in opposition
to license for the sale of intoxicating -
liquors as a beverage under any circum
stances; in favor of the prohibition of the
manufacture and-importation of liquota.
for such purposes; in favor of a state .
police force for the enforcement of pro
hibitory laws; and for the election of
none but honest, reliable temperance
men to legislate or execute laws.
After discussion a resolution was
adopted, 19 to 15, that in the opinion •of
the Convention the interest in the tern
peranee cause would be advanced by the
formation of an independent political
temperance party.
Resolutions were also adopted pledging
the Convention not to vote for legislative
or executive officers' unless they will
favor and sustain prohibitory legislation 1.
GEfIUARD —At the residence of his Parents.
No. Mill Weyer avenue. Allt shejoy City, We.i- •
12eadaT, .Angust 1869, SA3IW. bRACK
',tikD, infant son of Dr. J. IL and ,Mrs. Amelia L
M. 0/Guard, aged 9 month. and 24 days.
The funeral will take place THIS (Thursday) •
Arran:moos at 4 o'clock. The Mends of the
family are rerp:ctfully invited to attend. "
RADYLT.Lu — On Tuesday. August 12. 1869, t r ,
at fifteen minutes in 10 &cams P. Y ,
RAD FIRL V, n the 29th year of Ws age.
The funeral will take place from his late rest
deuce. No 78 Corry street, AllegilPoreity. TO- 1
DAT. at Welder. Friends of the family are le.
spectrally invited to attend.
CRAWFORD-At Wednesday morning. An. .I.
gust 101. h, EMMA JANE. daughter of Benjamin.
and Mary Armorer Orawford.
The funeral will take place from the residence
ocher parents, No 39 Boyle Street. Allegheny
City, TIUS (TbUraday)ArTralrOON. at 4 o'clock.
ALIIIDLE—At the Astor llti&e. New York, last t
evening. Mrs. MaRY N., wife of Robert C. Al
T me of funeral will oe announced on arrival„
er remains. '
Carriages for F'auerals. 02.00 each:; '‘.
COFFINS and all Funeral Punishment at re•l
dated rates. au7 4
i ,
ti,,burga, Pa. COFFINS of all kiuds,CRAP i •
GLOVIEn. and e‘ cry description of Funeral Pc , •
Meting C 4004511. r lashed. itrtOMIP .111.. ... 4 "' • ' 1
.1 4 4.• ellrriligeß &nisi:Lea for city taw rale a :
$2 00 each. „
11.11faltakatinta--Tiev. David Neff. D.D., .1.1.1411.: 4- 14
W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ening, Esc.. J1..1 ,
Miller, Eau, . .
AVENDA Allegheny City. where their (.1().1r!
ROOMS a! e constantly supplied with real s
Imitation IP, ewood, Mahogany and Wel 1
Cordes, at prices terying from 44 to $l.OO. B .s• •.,
files prepared for in•srment' Hearses and g' I
rlages farniehe.l: slqo, ,Il grinds of 'Mound I
Goods. If reerdred. ()Mee open at all hours. fat i
and night. • • I - .
SPEC L'ACIsES ,_ 1 ,
.........,-...0..................,..........-............"..........."....wqw• .-
~...... . ~ 1
Persons who are suffering from weak eyes or' 1
dimness of vision can find nothing better to re- l a
store them to their proper standard than by manic .)
c ~
An article we can guarantee to be genuine, 4
at truce a iprice thst . hey will come withinie
•re scli of all. A 11. IF euk is for you to esti d LI
examine them. and we will prove their 211 D - C
crlty over all others. i
ArzLis I.MII OPT.etaN, de rirrm Avg
' Jll4 NVE.
Would resoectlhll7 the= Ms Muds and Um
Paths deueridly, that bts
Corner oc Penn and Sixth Siteete,
- • 50 IitITH STREET. time Eit„,
Clair,) beta lust from the East the Deli
lot of New Goods On Sprint Snits nor bionaht
to the market. The frit warrant to ent and It
and make Clothes cheaper , and better thin any
ant-class house la this city. Anew and oleo.
did assortment of GENTLEMEN'S PIIENISS.
INO 000DS are at all timesto be found at. his
house. Oar Number la SO EINTEI STUNT/