CI STEEL WORKS. DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, ! EIVQIJESISE, L X 4karn ruNrATAL. wa EAR, ROUND AND SGUaRE IRON. ND HOOP SHEET AND TANK IRON. ILER PLATAS AND HEADS, GUARD IRON,_DRAG and DROPPER BARS, PLANGET; GUTTER BARS. 0 INDEF. DION,_ • T AND SLAT HAIL,. for Coal Roads. .eM)W B RDOES & HARRont TEETH, PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, SgTTEEL 4 STEEL 01%."1APEZI?"ale2Fgrti" t A teri lt. STE. • COACH, BUGGY and H LOON SPRINGS and CIrEL KSr lams AND amiss. - All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFSIPES AND WORKS. k, ISlZteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water S Pittsburgh. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MICK & 00., PITTSBVIZGEI. PAL. Mannfectosers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, BAILW 81'21N08, BLLL...IC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXIMS, STEEL TIRE, IC:, au Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sts. MILLEBOIABII & PAIISIN. WM mET S ALr, PARTNERS. •W. BARS.: I tfiAS. EPECLAI. PAILTNER-e. M. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, • OfSee, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH. PA. d4B BLAC K DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PMIK, BROTHER & CO., Nannfse tarers of all descriptions of Elalrm - avr ogles and Warehouse. THISTITETH, THIETY• FENT sad pAILHAAL ii,TRZETS. • IRON 'WORKS. BILERSEESEN PROCESS, The Truatees are now nrepared to grant licen ses for the use of the ELL7R-SHAIagN 1"110- CFAS. The superior quality imparted to good iron, %he great Improvement in inferior Iron, and the reduced oost.commend it to all manufacturers of iron. artieswishing to use it can obtain licenses by applying to JAMES P. SPEER Attorney for the Trustees, BOOMS 1 and 2, 'English's. Building, 222 Fonith avenue. Buttes interested are invited to visit the, ISBO2 inßßititGEß ul WORKS, where the roce ssleau is now successf operation. lt7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO, Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167 BISST AT3EE 7 . nyoz Itet )1.011911111.10 1 1 Anu e,_ • sn24:d6 PITTSBURGH BRASS FOUNDERS. JOHN Y. COOP= Hamm raza. JOHN H. COOPER & CO., 801 l and BrasaYounderti. BEANS CA.STINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. 'Makable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, iIIILOTTLB,SUFIII' AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. 314 4.3'W : _ ` CDC SS, Brass Work ot every deserAption for Steams Water and WI. • - XL.ISIIIFACITURXESOPJ. I& MIMEOS Improved Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. A tgetzto for Dreyfus' Patent Oil ers,'the best in the Market. 'A Vi' and ork& corner Tidneenth and Pike 'Aea , • 603 MatfitlPS':ali:g-j TITTSBIIRGIII, NOVELTY iORKS. Foundeil D. D. 1883. Iff'KEE & CO. wznlrracrurauto or .101 - 78 TONS STANDARD, )PAIRBANIK PAT ZST),PLATBOD.SI ADD COUbiTEU SCALES. Jana/ Paced Patent Door Locke and Latches, - Paint and Donee Mllls. &c. 0031188 OP PIBST AVUUE ei/GBANT 8113. Pitteburgh.'Pennles. GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. 7 FINE . VASES, 1301131 . 1 . 1 AH -:AND enure. NEW STYLES, , ~ DINNER BETS' .Tllll BETS, ' GUT CMS ' SYLOSING SETS, ' A large stock of , ~. SILVER .PLATF , D GOODS a of all descriptions. . Call and examine oar goods, _ and we feel sea; ed no ono need fail to ne suited. , mi ll R. . BREED 86 CO: Y 0: 1147000 WRIIEET. LI=OGRAPHE I U 3 . 8121/11LES 81.110311LY....n1= =a% QINGEBLIF 04CLEISISuccesson to ezo. V. Souttcuxtur, , VBAVTICAL 1401 - ,,As4plas s. The ithogii only Steno o Establishment Weskattba 19mairbt Business Cards, Letter fiesail'lßMaseLs Circulars, dhow Cards, piplomai. Portraits, iowsCertierates of De. smite, lavitaam oar.% a O ., Ha. llUid 711 fird stress. glttaburgh. ENGINES, BOILERS, &037. HUGH 1 111, BOLE & CO,, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. • Manufacture STEAMBOAT RESIN= and STA TIONARY ENOINES of all sires. Speclal attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENODIE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of IS-horsepower . CASTINGS or everyik_ ,ind 'Made to ordor atOur Ponndt7, on TRIM STREET below PULLEYS, HANGERS for Oil Wells. 13 ENO, PULLEYS, BANGERS,HOUSE and TOBACGOSCREWI3 and IRON TOBACCO PRISSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL - WORKS, Fronting mills Allegheny Weer, near the Point, LII orders Droaiptly filled. TeX De F ORT PITT BOILER, STILL AB TANK • WORKS. t* - CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-YLITED TUBULAR, IFLRE-BOIC AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL OIL EMUS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSEHS• - STEAM .PLP2f3, GABOKETERB AND LEON PRISON DOORS AND 00AL SHUTZE °Mee and Warehouse, earner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, 4fr Orders sent to the sbove address will be ,p.romntly attended to. mb7:182 WM. BARNHILL & C 0.,. BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. 110, 1010, 114 AND BO PENN BT. Hering secured a large yard and furnished it ',MIL the meet approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL EBB in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. chimneys Breeching, Fire Bede, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Balt Pans, Tanks, Oil Biala, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, eager Pane, and sole manufacturers of Barilbill'a Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. isSmSl JAMEISS M. arrien, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, ' rrrramman, PA., iLiartrzurrunzs OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING. PARS, COPPER TEL FLEA ROLLING KELL STACIE% And SHEET IRON WORE, For Steamboats. 'PrTTSBIII&OIFg. JARED X. 8RD8H...:-..........ZD75VND D. DRUM JARED M. BRUSH A. SON, KANITTACTIMI3B OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET nzoN WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ii.I2BA.DIAEY Co., NO. BO WOOD STREET, Manufacturers of the greatest varlety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE POUND. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTbRNS AND IMPUOVAMENTS, and the reputation of our Stoves Is such that any one in Want manufactured a ood article should purchase none but those by us, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call oarticular attention to our new VoLCAN 4 STOVE...for churches, halls ana stores. Over 500 sold in three montes. Intended for with or with out casing. All who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. ]e2o DRAFF RUBS ez CO. xemorAcrtnizas or , irvaarymurrr or IEITCONTIME3, BOSTON COOKING BANGE, " THE' FIERY FIEBNAGE," FOB WARMING BI7I:LAINGS. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOW, "BEERTLATOII. ,, COLIIHI3IA. COOK STOVE, VAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern l PORTABLE HANGS OMIT IKON MANTLES, REPLECTOBRATHILtree from and drat; GOATS FRO NTS . Fi.8112.. •0. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, se 25:717 PITTSBURGH. PA. 0050 STOVES. CET THE BEST. prissma. CO:iits, FOR Brruinwoura COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast tus irell as any other Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO., , No. 285 Liberty Street: Coo on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES , “ OR - Alt - IFETENDSRS, COOKING GEC, de„ (NZAB TH3 POINT.) PITTBSI3IIOH. PL. NLAJAIITACMIIIMBI3 07' PITTSBURGH, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. LUMBER. To BUILDERS: • 800.000 feet Dry Pine Boards.. 160,000 feet 12 inch Clear Plank* 25,000 feet 12 Inch Common 85,000 feet' ry 1 and 8 inch Oak: 35,0 00 ft. 3f 1,131,11 and 3 inch Poplars 10,0(10 feet i)ry Poplar Scantling; . - 10;000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet hemlock Scantling. • 303.000 feet No. 1 18 inch tiagitui4fil4 ll ' No. 11100, 000 No. 1 15. inch Shingles. sawed; 50,000 No. 1 16-bach Shingles, seamed; 80,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. ' LOU Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles in the line on hand and for sale by ALEXANDBB PATTESSON. Yards— No. 151 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Alahlta. streets, Sixth ward,Allegheny, late bor ough of Manchester. 110:8_ STONE. ----- - - - WEST CORES [ ON 77 • Machine Stone Works I Northwest corner ocWejlOonballpiltleclieny, lIIIJICIVIS kr VAIIIGH. leCriP. Have on band orrAare on short notice Heard Lad Step Stones, a for Sidewalks, Brower? Vomits, So. Head an Tomb Stones. &a. Endue presently executed Prices reasonable PI'ITSBIJRtH EA:. t:RJW:.DAY, AUGUST 12, 1869 FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. P'Engines, Balling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines,Re torts, and Castings genetin- ATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. clorner Carroll and SntaUsaan Streets, M:MI ifiED.l PITTBEIIIIIGII, PAL. WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PITS FOR GAB AND WATEBWOHIEB. My Pines are all east invarlablyln rite, in dry sand, and Dl' feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general Castings for . Gas and Water Works. eliod also nail ttto attention o_Flope_ teof ul Gas Wo:ka to my make of fsawrin tend. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM EIMER, (Successor to JOS. P. milog & C 0.,) Has facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and Is prepared to promptly and satishictonly gill all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANES. PISTON ROD.;, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES , LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES. _together with every description of SHAPE WORE. Deice and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. api4:h4o ROBINSON; SEA & CO., Bucce nor. to Itowarsoy, lane t listszna, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PIIFSBO REM, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tan and Stills„Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Offlce, No. MS, corner First and Smithfield , Streets. Agents for GIFFABB'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. jall:rfa TISIODIAS CAItLiN N. Fourth Ward Foundry and Aladin Works, BANDussy ST., ALL/MR/ENT 0117, Manufacturers of Station: ry and Portable Steam 6a arses , ou rremco, Putleys, Shafting, tirist and Saw MU Work, Bolling 31111 and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, Etc. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. ZIIVI4:qS CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL. WORKS 8130 Penn street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALEL Chll IRolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes. de. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. EL LOPIC - & CO., Once, D&LiELL BUILDING, Ma Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. Pa. WAIUNG AND SING, ContunlssionAlerepuinnt and Brokers ls - - Petroleum mid its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, I'HILADELPECUL M:!DBILSI3, Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, • 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. aplo TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MEROILNTS, • • " AND DEALZRB IN Petroleum and, its Products, coillro u lfstlgn e ir NVALNI LL .I.I I = Mi I PALM elPlils Office—lAT WALNUT BT. spl:w2o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. A , • C. TWEDDLE, ' ;(I,OTTIPXR OP , . Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils Eclipse Railroad Axle On. Stands great best without change; remains limpid al loweet temperatures. !Special 011 tor tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine shop, • will cut Screws. Raw Mill and Planing Kill 011 a, Adapted for high spftd. Wool Hesil•lLighsol.l, Oil, Tanners' Staff- Bensple. ins &Finishing 011, Gasoline, Harness 011, I"arralline. ARMOR VAIMIBII, to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Bust. Those products are manufactured tinder Dr. Tweddieleatent by Superheated Steam in Vac ant). '/ he Lubricating OM are almost odorless, perfectly pure, uniform , and m o stly light col ored, sten d &high temperature unchanged. and remain 10n pid during extreme cold. TheMailroad Oils are unequalled, and are In constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 174. WOOD BTMEEW. Winks at Bharpaburg Eridge. 3ir4 tatii - frVs 6:YA , orvie, 1010141M9, BI & cap., „ALL.. A.NCI4OII CO:TTON MILLS. ~ P 1710. 1 5313 V AG , . . Maur tactuicri of HItA.Vi.2DII3IIf. and LIG* ANITIMM MIVA Atelgetaa, I. ' • SEMICIIPIr GS A/lID BATTING. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL S400.1:100 Stockholders Individually Liable. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. Thos. M. Marshall, Will. T. Shannon, Jamei W Lee Arrott, Chas. B. ch, John Floyd, Thls Bank Is now fully to do a general Banking je10k4.3 FIFTH AVENUE BANK OILS. FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BAH, =SEM John M. Martland, Archibald Wallace, Jas. D. Kelly, Wm. Floyd. organized and prepared Witness. Of Pittsburgh, Is now open for Discount, Deposit and General Banking Business, at 195 FIFTH AVENUE. Any slim received from One Dollar upwards. Interest at the 'Tate of six per cent. paid on time deposits. bIRECTOR.B: ED. DITHRIDGE, W. P. WETMAN, W. H. SIMS. PRANK z•IEBERT, W. C. R OBE RTSON, tZ RT MEYER, DAN. EINEM!. POER D BTEL. . M. ARMOR, ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. F, SCHENCK, Cashier. jylO:198 HART' CAUGHEY & co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner 27 Ord and Wood Streets, P1T*1131311717,1311, PAL., ISUCCEMOHB TO HANNA, HART I 00.21 Dwaine EV Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attertlon paid t to the purchase SW sale o COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. tlywa, N. HOLIES & SONS, 31ElLietakelEiLIMELEI, 57 Market Street, PITTZSI3VIVA3EL. Pd. Collections made on the pzinelp al points of the United States and Canada", StocksAmds and other Securities BOUGHT ♦ND SOLD ON COMMISSION, Partinlar attention paid to the purchase and sale of • United States Securities. Sts3o:al JAY COOKE & CO., • 313,Evrarb.ers 114 Sb UTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. TWO CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 6100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. • INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. • FOREIGN EXCHANGE . Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada. DOBSINICIE IHMSEN. President. JAwks McCann. Vice President. W. N. MORGAN. Cashier. • DIRAGTORB. H. Ihmsen. • - James itcCabe, Thomas Rourke, - John Savage, J. Unnlevy. Jr., Terence,Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr, H.A.Freyvogle, Jno.Joe.Hermann. Thomas Barnes Hugh Beating. JitS UPHOLSTERY. HOLTZMAN- 4t' WIEDEBHOLD. No. 100 Third Avenue, Upholstertund Dealers in Curtain Goods, Dirert the attention of their friends and the public to their finely ar sorted stock of Lace and Nottingham curtains Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps. Ferry's Mexican cloth Satin, Delanes. ells Contacts, Hilt and Walnut Mouldings. Spring Beds of - superior make. Hair 2datrasses (pure white hair.) .Pillows. Bolsters. and everything pertaining to a firsuclass bed. The latest Paris and Berlin designs for Draperies Baste=dpeatio Fe at hers r customers. Pure wtate dhow always on hand. HOLTRUN & WIEDIKEI,HOLD . NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. my8:193 MERCHANT TAILORS. B TIEGEL, ° (Cate Otter with W. Hespenheldes) DEER,CJELA.NT TAEL‘OII, No. 83 Smithfield Street,Pittaburgh. 5e2:,21 NEW. SPRING GOODS. Aordendld new stock of CLOTHS, G.ISSIMERES, Just received by . MCNItY NEVE% Merchant Tailor: 11 Smithfield street. SUMMER RESORTS. ''''''''''' - This Favorite Summer Resort,. Situated on the Summit of the ALLEGHHNT Id OPN T NS,: 2,200 F RET ABOVE , -THE LEVEL OF THE oEA," will be open for ception.of guests .ott the 15th nay of J UNE. The buildings connected with the establishment have been entirely renovated and newly tarnish ed. EXCUIIIIOI2 Tukets told by tho reIIIIII7IVIIIIII Railrold. at Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pitts• burgh. goad :f 11/316011i. AU trains stop at Cresson. TW 0 FURNISHED COTTARES NOR RENT: For further InfOrnsatiOn. oddiella grg.O.W IitULL/Ny• Vroprietor, ,1 , t y • - Cteetion up, Contra - codrt. y5:10 FINANCIAL. 40r•our_or), SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. KERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. JANES .T. BUM 8c 00, 1 (BnecesSors oS. JONES A C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Ste., 3311-roTME.M3a.iii, BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OT GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND . COUPONS ) ON MOST PAVORABLE TEBMB. Mr Interest Allowed on Deposits. NS-Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BEADY & Co. GOVERNMENT BONDS ! We will register all kinds of Government Douds free of charge. This gives the holder ab solute security against tlieft,loss. or destruction. JAMES T. - BRADY & CO., Dealers in Government Bonds, Con. FOURTH & WOOD STS. myiaals tilt gitt,siiiig;Gaitttt. FINANCE - AND' TRADE. (winos or Prrrsinfito* Gszsrrs, WEDNESDAY, August 11, 1869. The unfavorable rePoits about the crops of England and thei Continent be ing confirmed, the prospects of a large expori of grain and flour ere thereby im proved. The necessity of shipping specie to Europe ,no longer cutlets, and gold consequently declined to 11), and closed weak and dull. Government bonds, in sympathy with gold, declined, and when the large gov ernment purchases' cannot, arrest the downward course, the demand for in vestment certainly will, not, since there are more seller's than buyers in the mar ket. Stocks are dull and. weak and de. dining. Money quite easy. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135; Silver, 128; Eighty. one's, 124; Five Twenties, 1862, 1.241 do 1864, 122%; do 1865, 122%; do 1865, Consols, 121%; do 1867, 121%; do 1868, 121%; Ten loonies, 114%; New York Central, 211%,;1Ene, 28%; Reading, 97%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 153%; Ohio &Blisissippl; 32%; Michigan -'Southern, 106%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 106%; Chicago & Rock Island, 117%; Chicago & North Western, 90; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 98%; Adams Express Com pany, Merchants Union Express, 41; Pacific Mail, , SSX; Western Union Telegraph Company, 38%; Am. W. Ex press, 60%. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady it Co. Gold, 135%; ;United States Sixes, 1881, 124; Five-Twenties, 1862, 124; do. 1864,122%; do. 1865, 122%; Ten-Forties, 115; FiVe-Twenties. Janu ary and July, 1865, 121%; do. do. 1867, 121%; do. do, 1868,Due Com pounds, UP; Union Pacific lifdlroadt 88%; Central do, do., 99; Cy. Pacific, 110%; Lake Supricirse, 96. t 13 3, Tetegraph to the Plttsbnah Gazette.) I Nxw YORE. August 11,1869. L Money rather active but easy at 6557 per cent., chiefly ithe inside. Sterling unchanged but firm. Gold lower and opened at 135%, and closed at 135.. Carry ing rates at 3®6 per cent. Exports to. day $265,000. The steamer to-morrow has $300,000 engaged. The clearances were $47,000,000. Governments are losier and heavy. Coupons of '81,'124®124 1 ; do. '62, 124% @124;),<; do. '64, 1223'@123; do. '65, 122% @123; do. new, 121%©121%; do. '67, 121% @122; do. 68, 121%®121%; 10-40'5,145%; Pacifica, 110©110%. State bonds dull; Missouris 87%; old Tennessees 62; new do. 54%; old Vir ginias 56; new do. 61; old North Carolinas 56; new do. 49%. Stocks generally lower, closing unset tled. Rock Island was the strongest on the list, while Pacilip Mail • and North western shares were the weakest. ' The decline in Pacific Mail was ac counted for by the! incritined freight shipments over the Pacific Railroad, in consequence of the recent reduction .in rates.• Then) was also a' rumor that pm sengei travel by sea was falling off. Pa nama Railroad shares sold at 250 to-day, and at the close 210 wasthe best bid, Against 345 lust previousto* the open ing of Pacific Railroad. The erratic coarse and downward movement in Northwestern stock was ' attributed to the manipulations of Mr. Drew. The rise in • Rock Island was - due to rumors of purchases for account of parties connected with the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company. The New‘York Central and Hudson Mier Directors were in session at Saratoga to-day on the consolidation , question. It is said the principal speculators in Northwestern shares to-day were selling privileges to deliver to them the common Wen. at 90 at any time within thirty days for one per cent. . Five-Thirty Alas: 60% . ' Cum berland, 35% ; Western Union Tele graph, 3814; Quicksilver, 15%; Mariposa, 7; do. preferred, 13; Pacific Mail, 84%; Adams Express, 59%; Wells 21%; A.tneri can, 40; United States, , 603;; Merchants Union ' 10%; N.-Y.Central, 210%; Harlem, 164%; do. preferred, 163; Hudson, 185%; Reading 97%; Erie, 28%; do. preferred, 54; Michigan Centnil, 131%; Michigan South ern. - 107%; Illinois Central, 140;. bargh, 106%; ; Northwestern, 89%; •go. preletred, 98%; Columbus_ Cleveland and itlinqinnati, )19.0k wanatiti; Ei t i.z,Pau.4l.;B2}iu, do. iirefiiiied;lalt -Wa bash, 74; do. preferred. 81; Ft. Waylie, 158 X; Alton and Terre Haute, 35,; do. preferred, 58: Chicago and Alton, 160; do. preferred, 16034: Ohio and .Missis sippi, 3234; St. Joe, 128; Dubuque, 109. Mining shares; Gregory, 42; Smith Parmlee, 270. Copper stocks at Boston: Copper Falls, 6; Franklin, 11; Minnesota, 15y 8 ; Quincy, 25. • Balance in Sub-Treasury, 594,203,745. Exports of Produce for the week. 83,729,- 514. TheSub-Treasury bought 82,000,000 Five-Twenty bonds of various issues at 120 85-100©12120.100. PITTSBURGH MARKETS OPTICS OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / WEDNESDAY, Auzust 11, 1869. The markets, in a general way, present but little that is new or really important. For most of the leading articles there is a fair local demand and a moderate volume of business in the aggregate, but there is no change to note in values with the exception of flour and grain, which are both considerably stronger under the influence of the advices from both east and west; there is not much excitement here, however, and the demand is confined mainly to . sup plying immediate wants, and the im pression prevails that the present flur ry in New York and Chicago will be of short duration. That there is an im proved export demand for both wheat and flour at. New York is conceded, but. as nearly always is the case, speculators run prices up to such a pitch that ex porters could not buy, and the conse quence, is a slight reaction. Flour and wheat are both relatively cheaper here than almost any other place in the .country and as we have repeatedly stated, 1 is owing mainly to s strong and, in ome instances, bitter lcical com petition APPLES—In good supply, and dull and drooping; sales at $2,50©3,60®4, for • lair to choice. BUTTER—AIso is dull, with a supply i f considerabl in excess of the demand, and prices e barely sustained, 20@25, for lair to c °ice. BERRIE —Blackberries , - are not so plenty, the arrivals, apparently having fallen oil' considerably, but, prices re main unchanged, at t , 1®1,25 per pail, BEANS—Bales at $1,75®2. BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. 5 • $6.50; No. 4 $0; No. 3 $5, No. 2, plain, $4,50, and market firm.. CHEESE—Although firmer, is quiet and unchanged. - CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment is quoted at *2,25 per bol. CARBON OlL—Standard brands may be quoted at 28 for 50 or 100 bbl lots and 30 in a retail way. DRIED FRUIT—Out of season. EGGS—Very dull at,15®16. FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at 80®S5 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. ' FLOUR—Is arriving more freely, and notwithstandimr• none can be brought here from Chicego,_the supply seems to be fully up the demand, ancrthe market although firm, is quiet. We continue to quote Spring Wheat brands at 57,00® 7,25 for fair to good, and 57,5007,75, for choice to fancy. GRAlN—Wheat is scarce and in steady milling demand at $1,30®1,35 for new, and $1,40 for old-41,45 offered to-day for tbe latter. It is true, the mills can scarcely afford to buy at these prices, as it seems impossible to advance flour in this market, but still they aro obliged to "grind away" in order to keep up their trade, even if they do not make any money. Oats very irregular, and cannot be quoted correctly; sales of new crop, for 'Altura delivery, at 45®50c, and small sales of old in store at 65®67. Corn is scarce and firm, we nog quote mixed at $1,00®1,05 and prime yell at sl,l9—ow at sl,oB® 1,10. Sale 1 car old Rye new may be quoted at $1,12®1,15. ; HAY—Sales at - Allegheny Diamond Scales at $l4 ®2O per ton. HEMP—Very dull,' $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 2%®3 cts per pound. LlME4White Lime is quoted atsl,so, and Cleveland at $2,50, per bbl. LARD OIL—F. Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. 1, at 1,44, and No. 2, at 51,05. POULTRY—SaIes of. spring chick ens, at 60®65 per pair. POTATOES—DuII and in good supply but unchanged—sl,so®l,7s per bbl. • PROVISIONS—Firm but unchanged. Shoulders, 1531018;,Ribbed and Clear Sides, 1144®1934; Cincinnati Sugar Cured Hams 23% and fancy, 24. Lard, 203 in tierces, and 20504)21 in half bbla and kegs. Dried Beef 21%. Mess Pork at $33,75®34. _. PEACHES—SoId to-day at from $1,75 ®2,00 per box or bushel, and it is that they cost that delivered here. said ' . PEANUTS-Sales, at 1236. SALT—Allegheny River brim& are quoted. by the car load, 1, at $1,75®80 4 TALLOW—Rendered quoted at 1014. Live Stock Markets. NEW Yong., Ang. 11.—Only 1,250 fresh cattle arrived for the-mid-week , market at the National yards, of average good quality, and were early sold at prices a little stronger than Monday, tops bring ing 16y0; still with a perfect glut, of fresh the demand for meat is restricted. The Florida shippers" are still holding, and being. inclined, to see if they can be brought to 'a 'safe condition to go on the farms; there . ia considerable mortality among them on account of their emaciated condition on the - landing. Expecting these, all stock has been sold; a fine urove of 94 grades from Kentiicky, 834 owt, brought 153.4©16V,0; 50 head from Fayette coun ty. Kentucky, 83.‘ owt, sold at 1534@16c; 60 head, also Kentucky, 8% cwt, aver aged 16c;" there were many Kentucky beeves in the market; a drove, 635 cwt, Illinois cattle, averaged 16V,0, with 60' head Misamuis, 5% owt, at 866 each. Only 2,000 sheep and lambs were received to•day— nearly all lambs; they are lower, selling at 634@80; fat sheep are "wanted;-sales 100 Pennsylvania lambs, 52 pounds, at 734 c; 250 Canada, 58pomids, at '730. with some Jerseys of 50 pounds, at Sc,, and a few State, 60 pounds, and 'extra, at 8%0. Hogs steady at 10©10340. with a live car, 212 pounds, State selling at 1030; dressed are worth 12%c; arrivals taday of 4,600. , Citio.too, August 11.—Cattle quiet 'at 8465 for cows, §5,5068 for fair to medi um light steers, and V 3,2566,87% for me dium to good heavy steers. Hogs quiet at a decline of. 15625 0 on lower, and firm and unchanged on upper grades, with sales at.88,65©8,90 for common. V (4)9,35 for fair to medium, and $9;5069,80 tor good to choice. Dry Goods Market. NEW Yonx, August 11.—Dry goods; improved inquiries for staple-styles of woolen and cotton fabrics and prices inlet steady. The -only changes, of, conse quence are in Conestoga tickings, which are lower. Conestoga CO, A reduced from 22 to 21o; DA C from 24 to 22} do gold: medal from 26 to 25% extra from 31 -t4 30. - Wool flannel in request, firm. MEmpsis, August- 10.-Xotton un changed. ~r ecteWts •7?lbale§_ s .r (3 .4P 0 1;t 3 10 bales. Flour P1,60@8,50: w t heat )90e.© -..Corn bold •ft tiOc., Oats; 4734,. Tidy 112.6@28. Bien 17@190. 'Corn meal 1.4;35(D5,75.':.T0rka35936.4%•'*4.inrd. 2012 e 21Ne. Bacieti-steady arid 'ffrnii " qieul cfordigai erileSl9)io. •