NEW :ADVERTISEMENTS, WILECTURE ON THE; DIS- EtIABLISMENT °Pk THE DINH CHUftC,ll,lsy Rim. JOHN HEMPHILL. county Deirkiitrund, at EXCELSIOR HALL, corner Federal end Lacock street, Allegheny city, THIs EVENlRH . : ( 4oteileitak 25 cents. atu2 . , 'TAILOR'S TAKE NOTICE. ~.• 7 . 1 4 itiinaiit tb iVtial• r diectkdrtiesinen ivios cltisr; 14,1 'lel:M(1'400/i IW2 lant.NPeEED;srtras,ti on THErEpAY ZVE 4414 Vbfkkiit ,-o'clock.-7- -.11T112:nal igrA 4 1t: tilW! 13 ^of-LL III MY IL A. 4- - CIiA.ETER are rrrateiteektar9litlii.r Masonic Halt. - -Alio - gberty City, THlbllllidzadlyyraerEgs.cooN. oVtleg, ftt• Ake p..rpose, of_atttrAlpg the tuoeftl: of oar late com p anion ,; Hatfield. BY-Order Y.' 44, -NI • - or Me lONIA% Loiltvg; Tiro:" 318: 1 1t: It,. ,regifeattut• to ineiran- Mason fiall,Al-r -loth. ter Clitir Crhutsrlit,) AFTV.R.NOLIM; atkiLotclock:for. she .tiorposo *of attonelar tbac owal Of. our late .brother, Ci t Hadfleld. MUrata)* of Millet Lddires life rempootftar*LlOvW tee to attend.. oplfr,ol:,tl?,e W.M. =MBE SALMQY. 160' Cans Exti•of Splce r i PaIMOd yet 'reedit from: Bbioton eboide article :Mr this Leasable. , For sale Ov the 41 9rerkole Fix!gle rsakat l P, Family yiati4 0. Qt . - • • - - Jorttr "Ititgaff - sal7;" VOlrterlabirtymta.b.tittlb streets. .--,-,-,,,, .:;;CT4.0"471K1W0:, =IBM Per entire, tiammet:l3rotk: of, Boys% Youtba'i and •Childreirla "Clothitig, - elealng oat argteatly tedtreeel prreei. 7- .ORAY4tIaOfitATS, N0.'47 SIXTH STREET LATE ST. CLAIR CIO ROBERT 11, PATTERSON & 00,1 CORNER OF Seventh Avenue an i if Liberty Ft., MTSBURGII, Will on Saturday, July 31st, 1860. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold mut Auction Sole of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, And everything anpertaininct the liorse. Parties deal lug to sell will please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each week in Order for advertiting, Prompt al - tendon and good care will be given all Stoc& left foreate. JOHN H. STEWART, Auctloneen, Ir2-m.66 CHERRY SEEDER. CHERRY SEEDER. Every family using Cherries, whether for pies, canning or drying,should have one of theta valu able machines. It not on'y saves time aml labor, but will more than pay for itse_f in seeding one bushel of cherries. _The "achine is cheap, simple, durable and handsome. Th. hopper Is adjustlble, thereby adaptint It to all sizes of c.herries. . 'RETAIL PRICE • • • • • • 82.00. FOE SALE BY JAMES BOWN, • WOOD STREET. ALPERT & KOHLER, Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES AND GAUZES, No. 38 Market street, Pitts b truth Pa. Particular attention given to Custom Work. of the public to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture Boots aud Shoes for persons 'under with Corns, Bunions, or deiormed feet, under the personal supznision of oar Mr. AL PERT, Lamely of Allegheny City, who will be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. Alpert', mode et measuring the fool, by which we can be safe in warranting easy and comfortable Boot • and shoes for the tinder ess feet. Give ns a trial and be convinced. ALPERT t ROEMER,' an9;n2.l 38 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. This !assist/hi situation cannot be surpassed for private residences in any direction, so elose to both cities, being only eight miles up the . Wester Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de siringin formation about this uronertv can obtain it by calling at the office of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 75 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-half acre to live acres: also, smell lots to suit Pus chasers. There is a good - location for a manias taring establishment, between the Railroad and Allegheny river. - aulO:u2S pROCLARIATION. e qualified Toter', of the City of Pittsburgh will meet at their usual time and place of holding elections, on TUESDAY, August 81, 1869, - TO VOTE For or Against a Public Park. The ballots voted shall be marked on the out side ••Yark. 9, all open the inside ••For Park,' , or Th " Mt i gtons snail be held by the officers an thoriced to hold tLe general elections in said city. JARED N. RRll9El,llayor. • AIICitrEIT 7.'1869. alma= ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. Pradlcal Arndt= illiUifinktilleri l / 2 tte., us rotators AvErirtaa. Where may be fbuntla frit auortment ars!. lon erheanber and Kitchen Tnsnltare. dab tilt,' LIMBED. DEALERR AND CABPIINTIRS.-.4 am now la receipt of ONE MILLION Best A No. 1 Saginaw Shingles . :wroth 'the celebrated l llcbltrats Lumber Regions direct, which can sell .4 the trsde at low figures either by car load or In quantities to suit pus . chasers. ALEX. PATE Coe. Jai:deem and Feeble etret te. Sixth ward. and No. IRV Rebecca street, opposite toe tics Worts. alleabeete Olty, - 1V29:in76 QHOST HAND WRITING taught In ten easy less Ons. Seed one dol'ac for the entire course. or enclose twenty fiv e cents fur the tired les on. In one-month 7. 0 ouy be a good abort nand writer. -CAddress. 814 RTILAND. . P. 0. fioi. 872. New 'fork. Inserting tbls advertisement, and tenddlinng a marked copy, will receive a copy of 'the work in Aymara. an10:029 VOTIell.---The public are re. QUESIIED to csU sad Witness , SMOKE`CONSUMING FURNACEsIN OPERATION. si tem' Wen Polo _pollee _Waits. AO tariqua Street, dal* from as IL to a r. _ IMMIX I JOHN SArralbir. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A ii L Ltl V rortl l s i . lLlWK IN A JUS I T PUBLISHED. I Abbott's Digest of the Law of CORPORATIONS. Compiled by 13 iiNJA3ITY VAUGHAN AB r and AtroTIN A.BBoTT. ; Pa mne large ea tra Ise vo.ume. Royal Octavo. °Wt. One Tnousand Pages. Price Ten Dollars. Price, *lO,OO. tIIEAT is COMPANY, •1A41.! 65 WOOD STREET. A NEW LAW 49 00 42 5 —$ - THE JumszetiigaiMormOigiNE, In its relations to the Law of Contracts, Torts and Evideneel,arithA kmtpliarie, LOn tote , AAtl{il ties of lirendoiticif AU.L One volume. icfa 65 WOOD STREET. aul2-261! • • " ...iff.ifFlTY2f?, - . .:i'(..-1.4',47,'5704 . PACIFIC RAILWAY • GOLD ' LOAN. m. - :i? ,.. 1 - 34.f:_i firf,A ;Ki - 1 7 ..V.& ,11,3fIc:! Illessrsk.SAßilgYk , _Xol4GAS:L/6 CP., 53 Pine 4treet,--N. -Ir, f „offer, for sale -Ike Bonds These Bonds pay seven per cent, in IleldT have billy „yeali rain are*Free-from 41 i:4) Ve:a ` , : 3 1 0 Government Taxation ; are - secured by a Land tr,int Threi Million A* of thr. Finest lan lauds. nil la additionlo thiL spatial grant th,Cant( paarlifsdlAftif Phrtellifffitis #lcitres Wale' develop the katitit t ri They are a first mortgage upon. the exten. sion of the road Vilf4as, to Deaver, Colorado. The road'in offera- tioa NOW EARNS MORE THIN ENOROH NET INCOME TO PAY THE INTEREST, ON THE NEW LOIN. There is no better security in the market—this being in some respects better than Government Se unities. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD; Price 96, and accru ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Map and Circulars furnished on application aulO S. A. CLARKE & CO.'S Register of New Books. OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL SERIES. History of Athens comity. Ohio, by Chas. Walker SS 00 Howe's Historical Collectionbf hlo. II- ' Instrated 8 00 Bonnet's Expedition against the Indians in 1781 3 00 Clark's Campaign in the Illinois in 1778.0 A 00 Hall's Legends of the West ' SI 00 HaiA's Romances of Western History 5100 Claude Omni - . the last days of a Condemn ed Man, by Victor Hugo.l 50 LedLiddon"; Oxford University Sermons. new 1 80 Famone London Merchants, a book for bop / 00 The Pacific Railroad open. Hew to go and what to se.. 75 Cyciopoedic Science Simplified, by Prof. Pepger, with 000 Illustrations 4 80 Oceen?..o Ocean. Pacific Railroad and ad joining Territories, distances and fares.. 40 The Tourist s Pocket Onide for 1869 1 00 tad-Town Folks, by Mrs. Stowe 'Si 00 Little Women, 2 vole., each 1 50 John and the Demijohn. A Temperance Tale 1 50 Five li undred and Seven Mechanical Move- • m Goo en d Society; a c.omph to manual of men- 1 00 den 1 75 Bright's Speeches. Cheap edition 76 Credo; s, a valuable book for thinking read er - 1 50 Ho F dfe's Commentary on Conf.rwilun of a th 1 75 Haven's Rhetoric: a new text book 1 60 Toe Subjection of Women, by John Stuart Maildt 00 ' rfe l ers Adirondack': ew 'MG , n...... 1 1 75 Philips' Scr.pture Atias, Is colored maps. 3115 2. At. (menial '8 Co., 119 Wood Street, SITU i 'Ad door below fifth Menne. SCHOOL -DESKS. RiNICIS 9 I3 IMPROVED SOILOOL DESK.. ADVANTAGES: - f. Strongest and Most Durable. - 11. Does sot require to be fastened to the door. ' 111. Prase* no obstacles to the Broom in Sweeping. IV. It is perfect in the• ease of ingress and RV. It is the Cbeapest. Private and public schools supplied thiongh R. S. DAVIS & o,oi, 102 LIBERTY STREIT, Where a Model may be seen and Prices and other particulars received. atis:lltrg J. Z. 8111121 T • • woo., J. IC BRAT'S SWINT & =ATV, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS; No. 6$ Sandusky St.. Allegheny. Pi.. A tee assortment of NEWEL rosrs and BALL constantly on band. TURYINO of all descrl ns. done .01p.m KEYSTONE POTTERY. 911 M. HIES & CO., kJ* Mimi:banners 0 RIIINSISSWARR, BRISTOL WARE As. °Mee and Wareham. 383 LIBERTY STREET /iir .1i orders promptly attended tn. • EB. LYON, Sealer of Weights and Measure,' Ornee-210. 8 FOURTH AVICNITE, Pittsburgh. / Ca pt. JOHN MESS ER. Deputy, Pittsburgh auras'. Lieut. OtO. B. IfeNULTE. Deputy, le. sheaf Mutat. 11 1D IMAILLABIE16-20 sacksor sale Jo B. CAXPLZIAD. :1 ' ; GAZETTE _ ;,7 1 ,11,11,1tSDAY, AITGIJ • 811: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW — dboDg WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, bllff‘jvVi xwAtitfrivcra 10 , O A( Oit opain Gi t: l.ql ex 11113 EMENEE ALPACAS.' =ME =4 V E It ,idtillfiTlf! Equal Cobr) to ISM:4 . ,t. • i!,--...P: il CX , ~.•;..,..„8: NEW tLA ROIAI • . .A I.A.A.:"1": STANDARD: ALIPAeAS3 ME Fine Finigh.Vntili . .Lustres. .:.:11,-• , :'. - .; . f. o.'. , LikO r . . ...,. 111e.11'.1.7,t:Ltft NEL UK AIM AIMS nc, +.l'!r:..frt /.11A! All QuilMsilid-IP#I4M. . 1 ;4 Lir ir - : L \-; White.„llfarsoille,s „Quits =ffEJM i t i - iii'l , 9; 4 . - F , i fi=.::' ;.,,11.atift:T,..:•;;A-7) WHITE White Allendale Quilts. NEW HEAV Y COLORED BED (10VERLETS. 1:I ifqi New ar•F•2 •e I • OPENING DAIIrr !i. , 1 0 , C. f . (j WHOLESALE AND , RET4IL 104 WILLIAM SENIMIIfin No. 180 and 182 Federaloi, 13 1. ••:t{l ALLEGHENY °try. " DISSOLUTION: Ti. 3,*!,,rit.tte . The partnershlp_hesetofore exlatinliblet Awe of JOHN THOMPSoN, & •, edlved on the Ist of July last by the sti ra I of John Thompson. The business*ll dir tied on as num at the old establlettßl 135; THIRD AVENUE. JOHN THOUPSON. RuHERT THOMPEW. C. IdILLEE. In retiring from the above firm ' , would cordll dually recommend my former Partners to my old. customers and the public generally, believing that the business will be carried on by them In an honest and upright manner, and I would desire to return my sincere thanks to my friends for the verrliberal patronage Is ave received from them during the thirty. ore years I have carried on business In Pittsburgh. JOHN THOMPSON. , The undersigned, successors to John Thomp.i" COh .t Co.. have formed a partnership dating flyuly first, under the name of / THOMPSON & MILLER, and will continue the business of HO utile PALNT ING, and dealing in PLAIN AND ORNAMEN TAL, FOREIGN °LARS, at the old stand, 135 THIRDAVENUE. • ,/ Thankful for the favors of the past we would respectfully ask the continued patrnnage of our friends and the public, assuring them that we will spare no pains to reader satisfaction 1.. every case in which we may be,enshlot, ed. ROBE R.T THOMPSON, /It. C. MILLER. ao5:1218 Et. H. WCOWAr J. B. xtqcowzr. 114 N.AIicCOWAN & CO„ /Boulevard -Pavers, Onke l No. 66 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY, r Orders left at GA zyrnr, corms, Pittsburgh, promptly attended to. Save Sidewalks, Cellars, Inside Mardi, Drivels, se. Warranted againstehenges of beat and eold. Biesaniestess —Max. Mo-rhead, Lyon d abort". R o o7_l'atterson,Misi. Park, same, Long a. Son, Hartley St McKee, Anderson's a Maxwell, Ilan Cassimil, 1 6844 Crsig• hiSnsild LE inL ..“1 lI=EMSMI -': .... A :::: ') . T ,•.:J :.-1,.:,-.1-i".r_i'J IBM EBEIII )r) -- ) - 11 NEW 1:M;11=1 U , “P MEI JG fiftiq (.11 Z . ;.X., ..114% AT rl .a ~..JD 10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS AND GOOD BARGAINS lON WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CHI. At 6 1-4 Cents. 1 1 0: 1 4i:1:MS41J:41M At 12 1.-R, Cents. EXTRA GOOD NAPKINS. } At 12 1-2 Cents, LARGE LINEN TOWELS. EllEl .A 4,1 1-2 Cents, Wide,Linen Toweling. ~~~'~~~a~~~Sb~Cen~-_, G So.B otra'Vivle-' Table Linen. 40' Cents, IVDIJA,I.4,;,COTTON GOODS. _l.l Y.SZA flAibf I I,}i , eit Lar I § l ,l-3 Cents., L A DIROI' HEMSTITCHED ,c;;:,HILIVDKERCHIL'FS. 10 Cents. • t,Amw LINEN CAMBRIC H2ENDKERIMIEFS. tATr,i'; .fitn .4% ~,At 00 Cents, ttitfte r W, - Volored Corsets. ME ;1: 1 7ILVEI YARDS Fast-Oolored Dark Calico fOR ,O.VE DOLLJR. - • ,4ipmz.vnAgDS BLgACHED MUSLIN FOR ONE DOLLAR. =MEM TWELVE vanns Fitie"Vnbleached Muslin ONE DOLLAR. ,YAW 31 ' NINE YARDS i s'yvv:«Ott YARDAVIDE BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR ONE DOLLAR, AT #WALLii SEMPLE'S, 01010 and .182 Federal Street, .w;rn2i ALLEGHENY CITY A3l4lEdibilFFY AND COMFORT 3 fur the traveling community. / y. B. HiL11,4113 „.... Safifittre Jacket,pr Heater and , JIODERaTOR. ~ ~- I illth;elizaoke and Hotit ' lr Pines, dlspensing with the use of stoves and Pre. in or about there , sen ge r or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the beat to any temperature that may' be , desired without tee poisibtlity of firing the Mt:wears to'whieh the Jacket may be attached. II idg obtained - of the Utited States Letters Patent fJr a Safety Jacket which is warranted PVPleTfmist the mos, intense eat that may be ap. /to Win sac position and purpose for which ainteaded. It la a sure protection from accidents by Are. originating from defective flues or where iron 'Write ate used as conductors for smoke or heat. It is applicable to all piping. that may become overheated, and is warranted to rive perfect sat isfaction where wood or other combustible mate rial may be placed in close proximity thereto„ I_lt dujioW ready to apply ray invention to stores, dWellings, factories, ships, steamboats, railroad re ,Ac. IV herev-r pipes las conductors are e dangerous by being overheated and seen. t desired, I will send on application right to re ix , unictn or use the above invention. Also :gr Botha rights to such as May wish to engage ' v,i , J.l a seams. SP 0M c e at the **NE PLl;irl ULTRA PAINT WORKS." corner of Morris street and the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, 'twelfth ward, Pitts burgh, Pa. s . 1 jyitt:m3S DREKA Importer and retail dealer In • Firm WrieriolD.R3e, WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CARD ENGRAVING., MONOGRAMS, ARMS. ILLUMINATING. de, Orden bi matt steely e Prompt sine n tl" 6 egad ter samples. ' 1033 . Chestasi Phila. 2111117-nui&T ["NOTICES—"To-Let," "For Sale," "Lost,""Wants,""Found,""Boarding," &e., not exceeding FOUR LINES, will be inserted in these columns once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional line FIVE CENTS. WANTED--SITUATIONS. WANTED.—SITUATION, by a Married man a! a drh4r. Can glre good reference. Ad.: reef EICOILGE. (bizsyra Or- ICZ. WANTEiI—A SITUATION AS Clrk. Salesman, or Tr.velltng Agent fora wholesale oelnanufacturlna estsbllabno-nt. Can rive good city re.erences. Address Box 81, „ New Cumberland, W. Va. • WANTED---HELP WANTED.—A first-class MA. CHINE RI.APICBIUTH. Enq'&lre at the DIISTRIAL WORK", corner Polat alley and Duquesne Way. viTANTED-A TIDY COLORED woman to tat e charge of a small. house In a small family. buch &person can ntd a good Imme by , apnlylng at OS Craig street, Alle gheny, ibis morning. WANTED.- TEA C Union township, FIVE TYACHERS. Applicants will meet at 3fo nt. Pisgah ectioot house on SATURDAY, August 7th, at 3 o'clock P. M. By order of the Roard. WANTED -HELP.-AT PLOYMENT OFFICE. No:). Bt. Clair Street, BOYS OMB and MEN, for dllierent kinds of employment. Persons Wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on abort notice. WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED. -11,000 Men Want- ED to sell L the WHEELER & WILSON SEWTNG MACHINE on salary. Addreds Lock 11. x 355, or WI between the hours of 3 and 5 P. at.. at our °Mee, 140 WOOD STREET, Pitts. burgh. Applicants must come wellre•ommended. WM. StNUMMI. a LO. WANTED -100 Confidential AGENTS o dispose of a good paying arti cle. An enecitetth and trustworthy man eau make $BO.OOO In two months. Particulars free. Call on or address DAILEY ek CO., 208 Rrnad• way, N. Y. au2al23d/kTI WANTS. NVANTED.-A good second- AND ENII'NE AND BOILER: engine ahont 7-Inch cylinder; Boller from Ditto 20 meet, 38 to 46-lneh, And fined. Partieshaylug such machinery to sell. will please address Box 384. Pi.tiburgh Postollice, stating size, make and price. WANTED. -A SMALL HOUSE, of three rooms, In Manchester or Law renceville. Also, a eiTUATION In a clothing store salesman. Good reference given. Ad. dress W. P. BRANDON, Pittsbnrgn Pcstatice. STRAYED. STRAYED AWAY FROM THE wtihrubscrloer. In Pleasant Valley. a MgD COW horns turned tn. Any Information that wlll load to tte recovery of the Cow will be thank wily receiver. MRS. PALOON, Pleasant Valley. Allegheny Co.. Pa. TO LET. tTO-LET.-- SCHOOL ROOMS. Prat. H. T. Gourley having discontinued ie rooms lately occupied by him in "Phelao's Buildings," 22 and 24 Fifth avenue. will be for rent. together with All the school furniture complete. vor further partlentars inquire of JAMES PHELAN. No. 24 Mtn avenue. TO-LET.—ROOMS. on Second 11 mr, witb Boarding. Location the most desirable in' the city, -lib the conveniences of bsth rooms: the comforts of a private family. as few boarders are kept. 181 North Avenue, Al. leghenv Cite. FOR SALE • VCR SALE.—Lease and good a: will of a TAVERN STAND In a desirable lw:illty. Terms easy:, do in g a good business. Apply or WM. JACKoON. 73 Grant street. LAOS SALE.—One-hall of - a valuable PATENT for Pennselvanla. A smell article need In all homes. A chance for an active yew), man with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Postoffice Box 6911. FOR BALL—A Rare Chance to secure a home tbe "RITTSBUR , II FOR ESTATE REGISTER," office No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR LE,Raigains in Real Xstate In tee "PITTSBURH REAL E... TATE RifGISTER. Published only by CROFT & PHILLIPS, at No. 130 Fourth Avenue. FOR SALL—About 120 acres of land In the best situation for country sesta: only R miles front the West Pittstairgi Ferry Landing. Will be sold altogether or nieces to snit purchasers. Enquiry of Y. C INT kG LEY, office at the south end of the Blonon gabela bridge. jell. TA I' FFociBALE—CITYRESIDENCE On Colwell streel, one square from street cars. The House has ten rooms, ball, good cellars. pressed brick front gas and water throughout, bath room, rams In kitchen. and In a pleasant neighborbood. Price casn'T $1.000; on ear' terms. Any!, to CROFT a Pilet.l.l2o, Real Estate Age nts. No. 139 rourth avenue. 011 SALE.-Oyer $1,000,000 worth of prcperty,compribing Farms, Mills, otels, Stores, Houses. Lou, City and Subur ban residences In such a vast variety, that the most fastidious cannot fail to get salted In a home. Full particulars of all the abovegiven In the "FITTS - RUBOR BMA I. ESTATE „REGIS TER," CROFT & PHILDIFR, Publishers and Real Estate Agents, No, 139 ourth avenue, Do et fall to get It. FOR BALE.—VALUABLE - CITY RaSIDENOE.—NOUSE AND LOT, NO. lot i s FOIL street, Allegheny City/ The lot is GA feet on Washington street, extending back XBO feet, on which is erected ationble two 'tory brick dwelling. having all modern improvements Also brick stable and carriage room, with sex , vents room attached, all In lirst rate order. Ts those wanting a comfortable home, this propel t) is recommended. Et quire on the premises, of to /SUREST DA L h LL. • lyl2:ma / 49 Stockton Avenue. PERSON ALIG.--Allt persons seek -1,11.t3 HOMES, or investments in Real $11.• tate, will save time. trouble and money by pro curing a cony of the "PITTSBUtitin REAL EbTATIC,IIEGIECTICR." ills givenawayousms or will b c a nno t y mail FREE to any requesting it. Persona tail to get suited out of the targe list Jt commies. CROFT & PRII.I.IPo. pun. Ushers anti Real Estate Agents, No. 139 fourth , l'rentte. XcuEWSPA PER FREE.--Coal Miners, and persons desiring a Western m, and others, can bays a rptcy Weet ly Paper TREE YOB S/X IIONTIIB byy . sending name and Postale° address to GARDNER JOURNAL, Gai doer, Illinois. • id PiaiS 3. W. BAR 59 MARKE flisco,ctic,c) W TEN DAYS STILL GREATER RED Many Goods offered Twe they can be bought for in present time. Winter Goods as THE SAME Must be C By Order, FOR 84LLM. F OR SALE OR RENT. An elegant new Brick Dwelling, 7 rooms, at tic and wash room. , House of 4 rooms, A lota, 18th ward, $l,BOO House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 16th ward, $ 1 .300. House of 4 rooms, 2 lots, 17th ward, $2,800. House of 4 rooms, 1 tot, 17th ward, $2,400. House of 4 roams, 1 lot, 15th ward, $2,600. House of 2 rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, $ BO O. l O • lots,Ellebert &Williams' plan, $7OO to $BOO. i. 2 lets, 44th street, $1,200 each. 4 lots, 45th street, $l,OOO each. 3 lots, Hatfield street, $BOO each. 1 lot,l3hermatt street, $7;50. 5 lots, 40th street, 20x240, $12,000. 4 lots, Butler atreat, $4,000. BARGAINS IN BLOOMFIELD. Lots 20x137 Pet. $600; ten years to pay. ft house cost 000; Interest on both, 446 a year. Many pay $lBO year rent. At BlooMfield you, wcald save $ll4 a year and your house and lot In lest than 10 years. Churches and schools. near. _ 30 acres of land, a mile from Sharisburfc 116,000; 25 acres of lt, 43.500. D. N. WILLIAMS, 17th ward. F OR SALE. A LEASE EIGHT YEARS TO . BUN of a lot of ground fronting 188 feet on Strawberry Lane, running back 25a feet immediately in fear of Pittsburgh, belly and Manchester Passen g t h eway Co's Me. P i t t sbu r gh the line of tke of Cleve and and Railr, ad Com renv, saiacons to the Ohio river, on which is erected TWO GOOD PRAM& TEN ANT HOUSES of three rooms each, with good stabling and put • nooses comidete. This property is well adapted for lamb r ur coke brimless, there being already erected hereon eight coke ovens with all the necessary appliances for carrying on that business. A for rent or lease, a comf - rtable FRAME HOUSE of three rooms, in a good location within live minutes walk of Wood. Ulan Station. P. Pt. k C. B. t 3 which there . is attached ;bout halt an acre of ground. Tate property will be rented low for a term of years to a goon tenant. Inquire of ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Lumber Yard comer Preble and Juniata streets, or No. 157 Rebecca street, opposite the Gas Works, Allegheny City. 729:m77 FOR SALE. tlGood 6 roomed brick house on Centre avenue and large lot—s 4, 500. Good d roomed frame house with all improve. meats: lot 69 by 110—54.000. Frame house. 2 looms; lot 24 by 100 — $1, 000. Two well finished press_brielt houses sue large Iw—only $6,000. Two 6 roomed Louses on Fla ton street—s2,soo each. tine lot 94 by 199 feet on Reed street —ssoo, Plot of ground on Mt. Washington. 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 miles from the city. 30 acres oa Western Pa. Railroad, 4 miles from the city. 225 scree good Improved latid in Missouri. Will be divided to snit purchasers. 20 lots on Centre avenue—s3oo to 0,509 , each. Inquire of • 1 , McCLUNG It RAINBOW. Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 3710 Nos 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue.- F OR SALE. House and .i ,ot on. Sandusky street; ECuute and' Lot on Bovl street; 2 Houses in the Elghtts Ward; 3 Fahns in Onto; Farm in Sewickley Township; 10 acres at Fleming Station, P.. Ft. W. & C. R. R.; Farm near Perrysville; House and 13.4 acres at Glendale Station, P.. Ft. W..& C. R. R.; 2 Farms In Iowa; Lot on Locust street tilanchester); Farm in Westmoreland county; Houses and Lots In Spring Garden avenue; House and Lease on Kiddla street; House and 4 Leta on Spring Hill. 7th ward. Other Houses and Dias in good location. Inquire or virmvszoun. Real Estate and Insurance Agent, corner Ohio and Sandusky streets. Allegheny. fyl7 F OR SALE. 3 STILLS, each 9 feet diameter and 153 i feet long, with about 300 feet condensing pipe, from 4- inch down to 93¢-inch gas pipe to each still, for $9OO apiece. 2 BOILERS, each 32-Inch diameter and 14 feet long, with chimney bridging, steam drum, stand pipe, In., for $5OO. 9 KEYSTONE STEAM t MPS. each 12 high steam cylinder, 7-Inch water cylinder and 14. Inch stroke, for $3OO apiece. 1 IRON AITITATort. 10 feet diameter andls feet deep, with cast iron bottom for $506. 700 feet 9j¢-inch AA' , PIPE at 40c per foot.✓• Apply to ERN Jr. JAGEILAN & CO., at works, near Shartisburg Bridge, jy8;179 FOB SALE. SALTABIIBG—A 2 story Brick Ronse,9 rooms. SO by 180. I3BEENSBRB6 —A Lot 62 by 82, Opposite freight depot. IicKEEePORT-4 Lots and 1 story Brick Rouse, with Tavern; M.V. B H. passing throng's the property, PERAY STREET, Allegheny-2 story frame beam 20 by 91. ELIZABE HTOWN-4 Lobs. 5113 by 60, with three frames and a two story Brick house. SEUUND AVENUE—A. 3 story Brick douse, 9 • •• CENTRE A'VENUE—A. Alstory Brick House. For particulars enquire at 81 Grant street. jvia / TUSTIN & KLEE. FOE SALE.. wi tz t raxe t r a n Station. on the Pittaben cago Pt. th TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each. WM= WS W. MACKEOWN & BR0.• 195 Liberty Street. rams JONES! HOMES! HOMES t HOME 4 I—AII kinds or Property Or sale In the PITTSBtJEBH BEAL &OATH BJ.EGIS TERJ, CROFT A PHILLIPS. Publishes . suld Beal Estate Agents. Ito. 139 Fourth avenue. CANDIDATE. INDEPENDENT TEMPER% LANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEW. aus:nr2 KEIT. & T STREET. ortik T.Tiascaldt. LONGER! ECTION IN PRICES ! nty-five per cent. less than' the Eastern Markets at the well as Summer R,~a~~c~~ozv Used Out I J. W. BARKER, Jr., 11 thethlbariw)r. la