The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 12, 1869, Image 4

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Cylllqo . .aiittts,
T. 4 . . HOUSTON. N. P. BEET),
Bditcrs and PrePrietors•
Of Pittabsurib,Allegneny and Ana.
ghcny County.
Spas-/Dabs. Illsesf.Watiy. Wanly.
ose year-45,00 One year. 151.50 Single copy -0.60
One month 'l5l Six. mos.. 1.60 6 eates.eeli 1.25
• Battomke week 151 Three mos nlO • 1.16
carrier.) I and one to Anent.
TSU@SDAY, AUGUST 12, 1869.
Aser4rß"— A l irLl•Til i t i alreL ß lE ,YBs
D.-N. WHITE, •
JOHN EL lama. ` •
TRaLsowste— Ws. F. DENNISToN.
„Escosime—rtioldAS H. 'HUNTER.
Essorrss—JOSErll H. GRAY.
Do:moron OF Pods—LBDIEL AtcCLUISE.
WI?. Pin= on the inside , pages of,
this morning's Gernrrn—Second page:
Poetry, ."C'harity," , Epherthis, .New York
City Fashions, Breeches. Third and Sixth
pages: 'St inane.° and Trade Markets,
Intports and /liver News. . Seventh page:
Clippings, Bilk Manufacture and Culture,
illsehionable Bathing Costumes for Ladies,
Popular Feeling in the New Dominion.
PETROLEUM at Antwerp, 53f.
U. S. Bonne at Frankfort, 881
GOLD closed in New York yesterday
at 135.
WE publish to-day a very interesting
letter from Professor LANGLEY, of the
Western University. The Professor was
one of the party of astronomers who ob
served the recent eclipse from various
points in Kentucky. And every one
must feel gratified at the success of their
important labors.
TICE FEcnuaits - are giving signs of prep
aration for another raid on Canada. It
is a pity tlaat a few hundred of these er
ratic enthusiasts; who seem to care more
for a scrimmage than for the freedom of
their countrYp cannot be caged and sub
jected to the tender mercies of the Eng
lish authorities. Hanging would prove a
wholesome antidote for their over zealous
and misdirected patriotisin.
NrrrwrEam DATES only intervene be
tween this and the elecUon on the ques
tion of a public park. Let the matter be
thoroughly discussed, and let no vote be
deposited for or against the project unin
telligently. The Park will come whether
or not the people. now decide in its favor.
It is a necessity, and sooner or later the
people will make up their minds to have
it, and perhaps delay will entail, large
cost. _
Tun Ohio and Pennsylvania Democrti.-
ay piopose fighting on the• line of green
backs, but in quite a different manner.
PENDLEtosi's greenback theory is to be
tried on with the masses of Ohio, while
Pecsita's possession of greenbacks with
out limit is thought to be sufficient Nilson
for his elevatiOn to the highest place in
this State. We shall see how far theoret
ical and practical greenbacks go in ,a'
pcilitical canvass.
Year Emmy Pennsylvania had another
exhibition on the scaffold, in vindication
of outraged law. The victim to Justice
in this case was CHARLES Oman, an az
essory to t he murder ct THOMAS 'SARAH
_iItEAD, in Monroe county. if all reporti
ibe_ Unlit of the treatment received by the
lunfortunste MAR WWl*, in prison, his Anal
taking off mast-have been accepted with
gratitude as a long•wished for measure of
(relief from die tortures and cruelties of
'heartless jail-keepers.
COMPETITION tells upon the cost of
ocean•telegraphy. The new . French line
begins - with a tariff of $lO for tea words,
and the old line at once comes dOwn to
$7,50 for a =imago of the same length.
We have reason to anticipate an , uniform
rate.of $5,00 for both lines before , the end
of the present season. The press-reports
by the new line show an improvement in
quality over rthose Which, by its elder
rival, have been very regularly one-half
trash. With the aixpidonment of the old
prohibitory rates of charge, the business
of ocean telegraphing will exhibit a won
derful increase:inl popnlaxity and profit.
It is predicted that several additional
cables will be laid across the Atlantic
within tbelensuing five years.
wrsaT will occur
,112 1872 which
will be'of very nearly as much scientific
bnportanes, as well as of interest to as
troaccaulli as Ulf great eclipse of Saw-
day last. We shall then see the transit
of the planet Venus across the Ban's disc.
This event occurs periodically, but at
alternating intervals of remarkable
irregularity, the periods being 8 and
1221 years. After 1872, L the transit will
be again visible in 1880, 2002, 2011 and
2133, arid so on, beyond* the ken of even
the youngest inhabitant now of earth. This
transit will be observed with peculiar in
terest, since its conditions will aid in the
elucidation of several questions, among
others that of the exact distance of oar
earth from the sun. The last transit was
I seen in 17:50.
THE FREE TRADE lateoun are mak
ing a desperate effort to secure converts
to their pernicious and damaging doc
trines; Never was circus or menagerie
better billed in this city than are the
tenets of faith held by that monied and
powerful organization. Nor are their
efforts confined simply to Pittsburgh, but
to the contrary, their agents are every
where throughout the country, in cities,
towns and villages, scattering their docu
ments and talking their treason to the
people at large, and planting seeds which
may grow and ripen to the dismay of
Protectionists. A counter effort should
be made by those friendly to a tariff, and
the longer such a movement is delayed
the worse it will 11, as the enemy are
well organized, cunning and crafty. Up
and at them is the Only, safe rule now,
and our manufacturers should, in self
protection, adopt it at once.
Wiuv nes become of the immaculate
CAREY ? The soft handed friend of
lsbarers, the sweet-scented teetotaler, the
ardent Democrat, the frothing mouth
piece of free trade, the everything to
everybody, Sent CARET. What becomes
of him since PENDLETON has been nom
inated for: Governor of Ohio ? Poor
CA.RET I We pity him. He expected
mach and realized little. The cats.paw
of Democracy, the tool of wiser men, the
fellow of all sorts, who drifted beyond
his mooring midis wrecked within sight
of dry land. Let him rally. He may be
.happy yet, and he may be President of
these United States, if he adopts
a. few more hobbies to make him
self popular with the masses. We
never had , ' a sincere = and earnest re
gard for the man all We heard him talk
most beautiful nonsense to a crowd of
hard-fisted laborers, who looked on him
with evident awe, inasmuch as a gold
headed cane, kid gloved hands and dia
mond shirt studs were new things to
them in the possession of a reformer who
bent his whole energies towards elevating
the laborer to his proper sphere, and to
securing for him the proper pay. Good
bye, Canxv! We shall never see your
like any more, but we are not sorry that
the world has only a few of your stamp
left to'correct mortality and pecuniarily
improve by self-delivered lessons.
Whether the Emperor Napoleon has
been actuated by purely selfish dynas
tic' considerations, in his recent exchange
of a personal for a constitutional govern
ment of France, is at present a vexed ques
tion with European politicians. What
ever may have been the secret motives for
this remarkable change of policy, there
are no two opinions expressed, even by
the most unfriendly of his critics, concern
ing the iminediate consequences; France
is more heartily Napoleonized at this mo
ment than in anything her people have felt
since those days of glory which preced
ed the march to Moscow.
More than this; the Imperial forecast
now presents to other European powers,
and especially to Spain, which waits for
a sign and for a king beyond the Pyre.
nees, the example of - an absolute govern
ment quietly converted into an constitu
tional monarchy, as not only the latest
but the most inviting of Napoleonic ideas.
If the Prince NAilorsois be really the
coming candidate, favored by all parties
in Spain fdr the vacant throne, the wis
dom of his Imperial cousin, in France,
cannot fail to reinforce most powerfully
their kindly regards. In dissociating be
(ore Christendom the two ideas which
have heretofore been inseparable—of Na
poleonisin and of the absolute irrespon
sibility of sovereignty—the Emperor has
perhaps contributed; both by intent and
decisively, to a solution of the Spanish
question • which shall give the govern •
"meat of all Southwestern Europe to the
heirs of the dead prisoner of St. Helena.
PRNDLE.TON was but is no more. The
action of the Ohio Democracy in forcing
upon him the gubernaiorial nomination
indignantly spurned and refused by the
gallant ROBECIUNB, seals his political fate
and never more will he rise to the surface.
He is powerless. 14 other course than
to accept the very doubtful honor of
leadership is left to "Young Greenbacks,"
and in BO doing he necessarily offers him-
Self a sacrifice to his party, and blots out
the vaulting ambitions of his life. The
ungracious declination of Gen. ROSE
main plunged the Democracy of our
sister State into a fearful dilemma, and
one which even the unlearned in political
matters interpret to portend ;great dis
aster to Mr. 'PENDLETON. Popular with
the,massee, the acknowledged lather of a
pernicious though fascinating financial
doctrine, a shrewd and cunning politician,
if not a clever statesman, Mr. Per nuvrort,
over and above all others of his party,
seemed the coming Presidential candi
date who could muster most strength as
a Demmtlige , stsge;lezd•bemisr; but his
PffmuRGHTl l 7./VP'I7NmIsD
hopes and those tfAsittp. 3Rng.4.495c -
dissipate, for never-agitajiiiiil-hiii
after local defeat iswEAt4t T :ft
prominence and position in which form.,
by the Central Committee That hie forced
upon him the position Rosecratis scorned
and rejected. The friends and admirers
of Mr. PENDLETON outsideof
hail his nomination with regret and sor
row. They bad hoped he Ikrackt
ing for higher honors, and willsasldeb, at
the thought that a man of iqtk . .gitiPti .
strength and of such mighty 'proMlife
should be crushed to save his party , 'pins
disorganizing into fragments.
Mr. PENDLETON was the only available'
man left the opposition in Ohio. He is
popular and strong, but it will be no very
difficult matter to bring about his defeat.
He can have no hope of election, for his
party has none. He fully realizes the
position in which he is placed, and clearly
sees political ruin to himself no matter in
which waylie turns. To refuse to sacri
fice himself for the good of his party
would be unpartisan and reprehensible;
to accept the nomination is to accept de
feat, and consign himself to a shelf where
he will grow dust covered and mouldy
before again called to serve any portion
of the people as a candidate. Alas! Poor
Eighteen States have ratified the XVth
Article of the Federal Constitution, with
so complete a precision of formalities that
no partizanship can be found so stubborn
as to raise any objection thereto.
Three other. States have taken action
thereon, which has been clah4ed as suffi
ciently affirmative, but as, to which
objections are earnestly made, .by an
opposition which is wholly sincere in
its resolution to combat the amen
datory proposition to the last prac
ticable moment. As to two of these
States, Missouri and Nebraska, it is
beyond dispute that their legislative acts
of ratification were imperfect, by reason
of their recitation, in ; each in
stance, of a mutilated version of
the text of the Articlk It is
manifest that the ratifying intent of
each of these States must be regarded as
having failed through this imperfect
description, and the legislative act
in each case must legally Count for
nought. The next Legislatures in those
States will take up the proposition as a
new one, ratifying or rejecting it as their
majorities may incline. There is no
doubt as to lifissouri, since the
same Legislature meets again in
January next, and will then correct its
record. The probabilities,_ fortunately,
are also in favor of a Republican prepon
derance in Nebraska, but our politicians
can better rely on the certainties after the
election shall -be held. As to the third
State, Indiana, the circumstances attend
ing her alleged approval of the Article
are familiar to our readers. We need not
remind them of our often expressed in
ability to concur with those who defend
the legality of that ratification, as pronoun
ced by a body of men whose, legislative
functions for any purpose whatever could
not be recognized under the local Consti
We hay only to add, now, that
if the Amendmen shall-finally secure only
just twenty-eight States, for one of which
Indiana shall be by this action claimed.
the people of e United States may
prepare themsely s for the inauguration of
such a political trite, upon their precise
constitutional $ his in this connection,
as will be endless unless it be ended most
mischievously. at one course , in this
situation, can be egarded as statesman
like, whether in a partisan or patriotic
llght f The impe ect act which thus as
serts the full action of the State
authority, must count for nothing, and
the question be regarded as still open,
awaiting the formal decision of a legally
constituted Legislature.
Three other States, Minnesota, lowa
and Vermont, will ratify, theist in Oc
tober and the other two in January next.
Rhode Island hesitates. One branch
has assented, and the other is expected to
-do so in January. i
Of the States which have rejected the
Article, a question has been raised as to
the right of Ohio to reconsider her ac
tion, when her next Legislature con
venes, but it does not meet with a favora
ble consideration among Mir Republican
friends in that State. Eight other States,
New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Ken
tucky, Tennessee, Oregon, California and
Georgia, are also to be counted against the
Amendment, and it is idle to hope for aid
in that direction.
But three States remain —Virginia,
Mississippi and Texas. The Article will
be ratified, we think, by each of these.
Thus we see that nine States are hope
lessly in opposition to this important
proposition, and that, of the remaining
twenty-eight, its adoption will require
the support of all, including not only the
eighteen which have acted, and the five
more which are reasonably certain to ap
prove it, but still the other five, Indiana,
Nebraska, Virginia, Texas and :Minis;
sippi, as to four of which there is no posi
tive result to be reckoned on, until their
elections shall be held. If all these States
shall be finally secured, the Article will
then have just twenty-eight votes—the
bare three-fourths required by the Con
We have lost Tennessee by gross mis
management and a shameful local quer
id./ The interests , of the Republic forbid
'the possibility of such a result in the two
States yet to be reconstructed. In the
pending Article,' is presented the most
vital issue for %lugs ogming &W on.
' 77 tibilar i Obrt l llP,o ll2 Ntr i-41 .3 12 / 4 .
oft,Of . 6fdoNlanittßiNigtOlitiliigtigiAaS
di — r4e4 t'Of3tdinieltbily cotintitutionalFend, •
noriiattee:Olikt jt*.local
canvasses shnild asstmie.‘ desaides
of the South; apd 4110- repose - of the-lie
liang„,:uppn pivticidkr_pade.
And we believe that this every
wltir,e*ll,desrs, - -
IL is idle to srediciti,4iiy,speculations
upon the adoption ' of the , Article , at -cer
t4n to b'e ;SU 40411,15t0 fact . - AV
not certain butit-is:..posechle, And with
efforts ; : tlght citittitet: and
kon4. t144 - -riSht: , ql/4kY , ry
_it is .f 6 ktußitP 7-
ly more than probable: , But. it requires
vfA'PrY':.,lslo, 7144 t4:*--itij
even ,Pe5e4 1 31 1 4 . 7.- IsOliiiiirrOci
that a: , ' i n < which; we
may as well lky, aftlds all; ialt-boksting
and put our hands faithfully to the work
fore nip: When we things by their
right 4e,tres, and look facts as they are
in the, face, we shall comprehend the
idtuatiOn and the work which we have to
do. This survey of the field shows us
the points of which we must possess our
selves, and without which we may well
regret not a little of labor lost. -
A New York journal announces an
other "revolution in iron," basing its
enthusiastic assumption upon .a recent dis
covery made by a Dr. Field, of Wilming
ton, Del., of which we are favored with
the annexed account:
We have been shown various specimens
of Iron and Steel made by the new pro.
cese. That they are all of extraordinary
excellence, no one at all familiar with
Iron can doubt after seeing them, and
from the Steel have been manufactured
Files, Razors, &c., of the finest quality.
This Iron is made
on from very common
g by the additi of certain chemicals
in the processof puddling, whereby all
Sulphur aid Phosphorus is eliminated
and banished- at a cost of 70 to 80 cents.
per tun of Iron. Dr. Field says that he
can thus make a superior Iron of any
Pi, and at a trifl eense. That
sh g own us was exibited side xp by side with
the famous Lowmocr (British) Iron, sold
here at 21 cents per ponua, and is fully
its equal; and it challenes comparison
with the best Norwegian or Swedish
Iron. Dr. Field also claims a like super
iority for his Pig Iron, and that his cast
ings are five times as strong as those
made by the old process. He asserts
that Iron made by his process does not
stick to the bottom of the furnace, is
more uniform in quality, exceedingly
tough and tenacious, and can be run out
of any existing furnace with a saving of
some 25 pounds per day now wasted in
running out.
Much attention has been given of late,
to the investigation of existing imper
fections in the reduction of this very use
ful metal from its ores, and in the refin
ing of the first products, as taken crude
from the smelting furnaces. Within a
few years past, various important discov
eries have .been heralded to the world,
but, looking at the actual state of the
trade, so far as it has succeeded In making
these discoveries of practical profit, we
are not able to find such cause for
congratulation as to justify the sanguine
predictions of inventors. It is neverthe
less true that, while many of the expected
results have not been attained, there have
still been secured many valuable addi
tions to tile Stock of practical knowledge,
and it is reasonable to believe that the
• way grows,, with every forward step;
clearer to the ultimate realization of the
best possible methods for the preparation
of the most serviceable of all the metals
for the use of our race.
[Correspondence of the Plttsbuab Gazette.)
OAKLAND, Sy., August 9, 1869.
The very extensive preparations, which
had been made for the observation of the
total eclipse in this section, appear to haire
been rewarded by a full success.
Four parties, working in conjunction,
occupied as many points from Falmouth
on the Northern limit of totality, to Oak.
land on the- Southern. The principal
station was at Shelbyville, to which, in
addition to the eqUatorial belonging to
the college there, and a very complete set
of instruments of precision, under the
charge of the United States Coast Survey,
several large telescopes for photography
and other purposes, and numerous-spec
troscopes, had been brought from Cam
Tne telegraph brings the information
that eleven bright lines were seen in the
rose-colored flames during the eclipse,
only nine having been hitherto detected,
and the existence of more than five of
these having been deemed doubtful. This
observation can hardly tail to give us
more definite knowledge of the constitu
ents of the solar atmosphere than we have
hitherto enjoyed.
The writer was one of those to whose
share it fell in the division cf labor to
observe, as closely as possible, to the edge
of the shadow, and where the duration of
the eclipse was of the briefest. The Chro
nograph and some of the other instru:
meats belonging to the observatory of
our University ln Allegheny, were dia•
mounted for the purpose, and brought to
Oakland, a station on the line of the Louis
villa & Nashville railroad. At the same
point an apparatus was so arranged that the
current of electricity on the main telegraph
line was broken every second during the
progress of the eclipse, by the motion of
a pendulum, each beat of which was re
corded on the Morse registers of every
telegraph station on the main line. The
operators were requested- by telegraph to
strike their keys at the commencement
and close of the contacts, and an accu
rate register was thus, it is hoped, ob
tained at many points where there could
be no trained observers.
The phenoniena of the totality were of
a most impressive' character, though
necessarily comprised in a brief period,
from the position which the *don occu
The fast-waning light; . the sudden pro
jection of that wonderful corona; the
extraordinary flames of rosy light Item
the sun's disc; the succesalve extinction
of Writs of the sole circumference like
expiring ember', a ta finally-in the one
moment o4=lll. the aspect of the
okhldift themoonprojeeted,
wilt - were, fotrtoard t imme. to ap
priailVt!S• ind o'd ris'n kat& sithert
on!the i .ittOre' Otitn,V. , the
sliy;—!.811 this, arid, usual, ixtore,Went to
crovithat e br ief intei,*al or, a ,fe* sec•
onds WithfOOdlor long re t oolleoti.. orf.
. It may. be. stated .that the ; observations
this point were siceessfilf, and.thikthey,
with - those, at other points. ofgi'e: eap - edi.
tion, Will be.:collated widen th(i care of
PlofeisorWittleekrthe Direetor.oLthe
ObserititorY of Hartrard College r through
whose:meats" the parties ' were Organized..
The instruments !vim our own nekhbor
hood axe .on tber re.tomto - Alleglriiit
wiaire it matlie.lipped they 'mg. be -- ac 2
tively employed is theless - stilklogi :but'
not leek usellll,,eiery,itay. Jabors,of the
Observatory. , $. P;
rCorresixiiidence o't Vii. rittitairgb . Ciazette.j
'Or,"l;tipis . Auginit . .10th.. 181111. •
Since my last - letter, Iliave leen : Ow:la
from the city,- • send- liaviiirNisited one.
town at least;wherel prestitne the '44
zErrs. has no regular correspondent, - -take.
this opportunity,zwhilethe• greet eclipse
has overshadowed alllOcal newti;,to..4iire:,
. .. .
your -readers some - information 'about
This much abused town 'wnsl6eated-at
the junction of the Ohio and 'Mississippi - .
. ~ • _
rivers by a far seeing coinpanwhol)e.:
lieved the site possessed the natural ad
vantages for a great city. At that dine,
in the infant West, railroads were not; -
water communications were all we had,
and likely to remain so, and to all appear
antes it was reasonable to look tor a grand
convergence of traffic thither, as of carts
and omnibusses to-day at the south-end of
City Hall Park, New York. Cairo is
precisely such a focus, the two great
rivers being represented by the broad and
busy avenues which there pour their mul
titudinous throng into one turbulent
The transient visitor wonders yet why
a great metropolis has not grown up
there, in spite of the low site, the annual
overflow, the presumed unhealthiness, all
of whichobstacles could have been over
come as easily as at Chicago. The san
guine citizens still anticipate a glorious
future, and attribute their moderate pros
perity hitherto to Chicago jealousy and
Perhaps so; perhaps Martin Chtaziewit
should shoulder a part of the blame; per
haps no system of water communication
can give permanent prosperity to an in
land city without extensive facilities for
speedy land transportation. Whatever
the cause may be, Cairo to-day, instead
ot 200,000 - inhabitants, contains barely
12,000, of whom about one-quarter are
indigent freedmen, who found their way
there as refugees during and since the
It may be imagined that Cairo does not
wear an aspect of great prosperity. The
numberless eating and drinking places
that line her costly leven, stand with
doors invitingly open; but few, alas! are
the hungry and thirsty way-farers to
cross their thresholds. The traveler
whose fate compels him .o pass a night
there is startled by the •ghostly echo of
his own foot-tall through the long corn
dors of the St. Charles. He dispatches
or neglects the business that brings him
there and some esa lonely spot.
Cairo approximates a nearly as any
place I know of to a " nished' town.
The Government is bui ding a Custom
House, an elegant struct're of free stone
to cost, if ever completed, about $300,000.
The Freedmen's Bureau s putting up,a
school house which will be worth $3,000.
This is all Uncle Sam'S work, besides
which, in rambling for a couple of days
through the town, I found one frame
dwelling erecting. I could not hear that
there were any accession to the popula
tion, except in the old I way, that even
even dull times will not hinder.
The future of Cairo is "in the lap of the
gods." Whatever may have been said,
there are much worse plaCes. Her people
assert the location to be a healthy one.
They say that the great mass of water
contributed to the Ohio b rivers flowing
from the south raises its temperature con
siderably above that of the Mississippi,
and that the result is a constant current
of air over the peninsula and town. This
is scientific, and I. rather think true, and,
if eo, it must be conducive to a healthful
climate. It is said very few people die
there, which may be accounted for some
other way. People don't like to be
buried under water, and the nearest
ground suitable for: a cemetery is twelve
miles off at Villa Ridge. Thither 01 rail
all funerals go, at the trifling expeele of
sixty-five dollaTs a car. It is easy see
that dying is about the most expel sive
luxury one can indulge in at that city.
Whether you go to heaven or to—Chicago
from Cairo, you must take the Illinois
Central. don't know the fare to Chi
cago, but it is not sixty-five dollars. •
Southern Illinois taken kindly to its
nickname,"Egypt." The county of
which Celo is the capital.' is Alexander.
Thebes Is not far off on the Mississippi.
Dengola is on the railroad; some thirty
miles north. Thin beer is brewed at the
Egyptian Brewery, and the shores of the
Nile are not more regularly overflowed'
than the streets ot Cairo. There is no
Pasha that I know of, except the mild
ejaculations of travelers. ;And so we
leave Cairo.
Let me give the Illinois. Central credit
for promptness, speed and good coaches,
not to forget a capital supper at Centralia.
"Like a good deed in a naughty world,"
this shines among western eating stations,
and deserves more than this notice.
Washington Items.
A leading member of the Republican
party or Mississippi, who left here some
days Bind to see the President, has just
returned from Secretary Fish's residence
on the Rudson. He had a long inter
view, during which the politics of Missis
sippi were fully discussed, the President
himself leading off in a free statement of
his own views on the coadition of affairs
in the South. If the gentleman who had
the interview felt at liberty, without the
President's permission, to give in detail
the views so fully expressed to him, there
would no longer be the slightest doubt
that the former _heartily sustained the
party that supported Wells in Virginia,
Stokes in Tennessee, and now opposes
Dent in Mississippi. There is not .the
slightest reason to doubt that he is strong.
ly opposed to the Dent movement, be.
lieving that it is intended mainly to defeat
the only Loyal party in the State. So
definite and clear were the views ex
pressed by the President that a publics.
don deemed most im rtantby
leading Republicans. A statement
is Wig PrirParedi =ditto 'President's
On - Or - .i ca 011, will
asked onTili4rifylil tiXiiihreti! r:::'-` 1
The President irretiorted to have _ex
pressed"fiefibi 4 iiks.V . :iVe 7 oihOtiffiit'bhe
new-fouid 'allefflen& tf i th'is" `Scrtnern
Dbritocratii there' Teikublicitrirparfy,qind
to have' "declared: thatthe . j.rd fugarof UWE;
Conservative-Republicans in Virginia to-'
accept= he offer; o.E.concillation medal by,''.)
the-Radelk l 4 is--iufficie44s ) .e Pati , r
i the,,, r:i
ulthite. object • isit.hesteetruPtiPlqi Jae =
RePtitil&m,Aparty... In Short, •he.lotilek,
upon the - rffaial - is an =act which" reek''
tablisliES thV .- old party lines ill the Sow; "3 4
and hereafterhe will treat Conseftztivee:l
altDemocsats. , In other , words.::havingF_)
triedskparilona , vexperipent in. .-Virgigia,......
a4lproved.ine;xlishonesty. of the. South_ ., -
1 ern 1eii•440, - lie will in'the flifurePrOfitliy:',
his 41401 . i noe; end' blade trust Only An -
meiiivlio Seniifillotniiii"leti4ufed by
a cts - - y performed, rather:thin bye
promidea r-thefuture;, :7: - 7
•.The matter of. disposing .of the.-"iron-.:
clad ,oath". Is not :s.-eubject for the Presi - .L.
dentet General earthy.: to. , decide. ~.It. a ie:,
, A . the ;stet ute books, - had . A there it Will ra.
main , etutirporitieis. Weeds:to tale it OfEtf:
Ati . iipriiithin runiol96 . that' the iirieStrimi
has heett.'S'irluiasti cohildered here as 0: - .
*hour, or;.riot' t h e. PtefirOht. :With - hlii
settled epPOsitispite teit..balhe;,hi-W: :
he is strongly suppor i nidN General-Sher
man and two or , thtee::nieptlers of, the
Cabinet,'Will abide.hyllie de . cisio li,drtife, ,
Attorney.Gerieral *pectinOlaf requlre; ! - -
mentel that xiiith:fibrii- members eleetlei ;
the in-the yet unrecolistrue• •
. Legislatures . . .
ted States. ..Radicals:;assert:that the de-.:
cision of :the ; Attorney - ,Genexal. will bef_
final, no matter whattbe result-may lie., ,
Tennessee has not , yet:ratified the - Fif.';
teenth. Atifinduieht; hu' the friends of
ftenter insist that -the r•ConservitiVe ma='
jority in the new Legislature are fully
,committed to it. Nous wrens: •' -_ -,:., .• -
The ex-rebel enthusiasm for .ohinesel
labor in . therSoutli hai.'siittk to zeicVaitee..
the announcement that the'
cannot be used in ( this free. country 84, .
coolies or slaves. • , . •. : ' .:. -, r -.-....i
A new Unitarian congregation has,
been organized in this city, to be knOwl .
as "The Free National Church of
Christ." It is designed that shall be in • •
every sense a free church. The first pub.
lic service will be held next Sunday. . •
M. in LEssErs, the engineer of the
Suez Canal, has a still grander enter.
prise in view, now that his first draws
near its accomplishment. He has found
that the great desert of Sahara lies_,below
the level of the Red Sea, and thara canal
of seventy-five miles would let in water
sufficient to cover the now arid waste.
It is believed by some geologists that the
desert was once covered by (water.
Should M. de Lesseps' great project be
carried into effect, intercourse with the
interior of Africa would be far easier
than it is now.
—Paul S. Forbes (the New York World
says) has been sent to Madrid, by the
Administration, as confidential govern
ment agent, in association with General
Sickles—a place which his former inti
macy with General Prim especially qual
ifies him. ' -
CHICAGO. August 11.—Markets quiet
in p. ta., and prices without particular
change. No. 2 spring wheat closing at
$1.41, seller August. Corn closes at 9354,
seller last half August. In r• 31, a few
lots of wheat sold at 51,43, seller August,
closing firm. Corn nominal.
Cures Bloody Flux..
Cures Chronic Diarrhea.
Cures Bilious Conc.
Cures Cholera Insautino.
" Cures the worst case of Bowel Disea se.
Cure. Cholera Morton.
Will cure in one or two doses.
Ought to be In every fandlY.
Is a sure cure for Griping.
Will not fail :roue case.
Cures Ulceration.
Cures Summer Comp:atnt.
Win care Watery lialebarges.
Is a valuable medicine.
Is a protection against Cholera.
Will save hundreds of valuable lives
' If early resort is had to it.
most valuable remedies ever discovered for all
diseases Incident to this season of the year.
Hundreds of sufferers could be relieved in less
than a day by a speedy resort to this most value.
ble medicine, particularly ialuable, when the
_system is apt 'to become disoraered by the two
flea use of unripe and crude vegetables. j
Price 50 Cents. Sold at DB. , ERYBEII'S
• .
and by all druggists. : •
It is idle to expect health If the' precautions
necessary to secure it are neglected. The lm
man organisation is a delicate piece - of mechan
ism, and requires as much Intelligent 'care and
watchfulness to keep it in order, as are r equithe
In the management of the most complicated oont
lA:nion of levers. wheels and pinions.
At this seamm of the year the body Is peculiar
ty'setteltive. because It is steer,' weakened and
relaxed by t.O continuous heat. The skin. In
summer with Its millions of mores wide open . Is
a very different sort of tegument from toe com
pact fibrous covering which It be. omen ander the
action of the w Inter% cold. The muscles, too.
are comparatively flaccid .be nerves tremulous.
the Wood poor. and the whole frame less canable
of fatigue sag resisting disease. These
inuicat.ona of a depre.sed condition of the vital
10re.... are 50 nasay unmistakable hints that na•
tare needs reinforcing. •
' Urdinary stimulant. will not effect this object.
They inflame and excite , but do not suvngthen.
The only preparation which an be depended
upon to impart staminal vigor the system. and
enable it to endure the ..natal l the heated term
without giving WILTAIIO4OI . th pressure. lb HOS.*
TETTZIt'a teroluen glrThate. a tonic and
freorreettve so pure, whichless so utterly
om the drawbacks rendre man, of the
powerful astringents employed in medical Prac
tice more ogrigeros than t. 0 ailments they are
lan elored to cure. that it - ma y i.e adnents.eree
without fear to the feeblest, roman invalid, or
the most delicate child.' The cathartic anklets,-
*Use vegetable ingredients. which are nsuined
with those of a tenth nature In its cam p Mien.
keep the bowels moderately free and perfectly`
regular, while the work of Inelgoratitin Is goer
on. The finest blood desnrents which the Mabel
kingdom afford* are also among it. components..
so that it reare Ul, and ftinik,ille A k e'
slates itimaltange . -
Cures Dlirrhes..
Cures Dysentery
Never tills.