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The following changes were • made to aasi in naval nomenclature by the Secre tary of the Navy: Centaur to Sanctus, •Charybdislo Cahoeti, Circe to Marietta, Cyclops to Kewaydln, Eolus to Shawnee, Erebus to Algoma, Fary to Catskill, Gordon to Minnetonka, Harpy to Kla math, Hecate to Ellah, Hydra to Otsego, Medusa to Nantucket, Minerva to San dtuiky, Nemesis to Nafa, Neptune to Manhattan, Orion to Pictanqua, Sam son to Chickasaw, Scalia to Canonictu3, Stromeli to Wassauc, Tartar to Yazoo, 'Tempest to Yuma, Vesuvius to' Wyan .dotte, Vixen•to Osceola, Tornado to Win =bag°. THE MISSISSIPPI CANVASS. General Grant has not, either in con versation or by letter, requested Judge Dent to withdraw from the Mississippf canvass, and in view of the complications it is reiterated Judge, Dent will canvass Mississippi in the interest of the Con eervative Republican candidates, wheth er himself or another leads the ticket. Meantime the Judge continues a candi date before the Convention. • • APPOINTMENTS. - The Presidelit to-day. appointed Joseph W. Patton, Collector of Internal Rev enue for the 15th district of Pennsylva- Ws vice Wm. R. Floyd, resigned; Wm. B.,liVhite, Collector of Internal Revenue. sixth district of New York, vice M. B. Field, suspended. THE MEXICAN MINISTER. Mr. Ign'acie Morisco', new Mexican Minister, was to-day introduced to the President by the Secretary of State, and delivered his, credentials. An appro priate exchange of sentinients took place on the occasion. GENERAL CANBY. General Canby arrived here this morn ing from Richmond, and had an inter view with the President. CICIF:2.ItS SEIZED. , The Revennekofficers made a seizure to-daytif forty-three thousand cigars for non-paYment ortax. NEW YORK CITY. ;140.000 the Amount Stolen from the • American Express—Receiver:tot Stolen X.oods • Caught—nab,-Jr., 'Reported melody Of Spanish Gunboats— •L'• ~ Arcatt,o4 Texan Meter and Murderer. goy Telegraph to the rittaitste.7l" ' NEw Yonx, August 11, 1.869. It's understood that the:American Ex. mress Company robbers obtained P 40,000. Adelph Steinbenzer, "Jacob &ember - ;ger, , Meyer _Steinbarster, and a • pawn , 'broker named Julius Metzler, were ar rested to-ohly and held in 410,000 bail each, 'on a charge of receiving a large quantity of silks burglarized from the store of Mettinger. Broadway, on the .20th of June hist. The first named per son sold Mr. Mettinger a - portion of the atOlen goods, he being unacquainted with him, which led to the discovery. A report was current here this after noon that James Fisk, Jr., had been killed in a fracas connected with the Sasque henna Railroad. The report, however, lacks confirmation and was generally • discredited. Marshal Barlow has received an order - from the Secretary of State to transfer the custody.of the Spanish gun boats to the commander of the Brooklyn Navy . 'Yard. It is understood this afternoon that the tab Wall street usurers, yesterday sen• lanced by Judge Cardoza to imprison meat in the city prison, have not •yet been delivered into the 'custody "of the , warden of the prison. Judge McCann has decided to dis charge Pratt, the alleged Texas riot er and murderer, iroui custody. Though as Pratt is in military cus tody at 'Fort Lafayette it does• not ap• pear how he is to do it. The points of the decision are, first, that murder is not a United States offense, except when committed in a place over which the government have exclusive jurisdiction; and, second, that the prisoner had not been committed bya United States court. NEVADA. Reception of Vice President Colfax. ..tlty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasstte.l CAPSON. NEVADA; August 11,—His Er. -cellency l Gov.•Bleisdell, Mayor Adams, -judges Baldwin and Whitman and a a large number o f the leading citizens of .. t`Virginia City, Nevada;,met Vice Presi. -dent Colas . 4esterday morning and es . •corted him and his party to- this city, . - where the Vice president Was greeted • with* moat cordial welcome. He and . Iths friends were made the guests of Hon. Wm.fibaron. - In the evening the whole • city seemed to have come together In :front of the splendidly illuminated , feel 4 dance of M. Sharon, mid_ ,sfer a =abort addressfr om Judger Wbilihan .he introduced Vice Presidede &Was, who made one of his most abislaiiii elo ..quent speeches. He = referred to his , former visit four years ago and , con trasted the weary weft it took to make it hen with the speed and comfort with trip orefthe r i c ltio Railroad in one of Pullmagri , splendid palace cars, and spoke whit , •great effect of the vast resources and thw, progress, the power and the future glory' 1 of the Republic. He was frequently in lterrupted with round after round of ap. please. - Governor Bross, Senator Nye, senator Frost, of Nebraska, and Judge Baldwin also addressed the assembly. At a• late hour the,y adjourned with rousing cheers :for the Vice President, for the Union and other sentiments offered la the proces-, • -sion. This a ft ernoon the Vice President and his party were entertained by his 'Mzeellency •Governor Blaisdell, at, the Warm Springs, near this city. To•mor. 'row, they visit Lake Tapoe, one alba, most' delightful spots on the Ckmtlnent. I ..All arein the 'best of health and spirits. ' CHICAGO Six lee Houses Burned—Two Women Fatally Poisoned Through a Druggist's Biunder—Suicide—The Great Turn. Fest—North American Turnerbund— Disappearance Under Distressing Ur. cumstances. lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Cmcaeo, August 1 1.—Early this moria big the six mammoth ice houses belong. ing to the Chicago Ice -Compaby, and located at Crystal Lake, on the North western Railroad, some forty miles north of this city, were entirely destroyed by fire. A large quantity of ice was stored in the buildings. The loss is heavy. The origin of the fire is a mystery. Mrs. Dr. Sdhrader and her mother, of Red Rock, Marion-lainnty, lowa, were both poisoned yesterday by taking a dose of belladonna, given, to them by a blundering druggist. Both died in a few hours. Col. Henry M'Kenley, formerly a very wealthy land owner in Minnesota, com mitted suicide in St. Paul, last evening, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol. He had been for some time laboring under a depression of spirits, caused by financial reversal; in California and elsewhere. The great Turn-fest closed last I night, so far as the regular programme is con cerned. This afternoon all joined in an excursion on the lake. The crowd was a jolly one. The closing ball at Turner Halt is now in full blaze. The total re ceipts during the festival were about 620,000, the expenses *24,800,. leaving a balance of about $5,000 on the wrong Fide. At nine o'clock this morning the'sev enteeth annual Congress of Nuxn-Teach • era and Turn-Warts of the Norih Ameri can Tarnerbund met at Gymnastic Hall, The main business of the Convention was to decide upon some uniform method for, the teachers in the manner of giving or dem. Gentlemen were each allowed fifteen minutes in which to illustrate their several methods. The Convention finally decided that all the teachers con nected with the North American Turner bond be requested to send a full des cription of their several methods of in struction to a committee appointed for the purpose, and after a careful compari son and study the committee shall make a report at the national meeting of turn teachers and turn -warts, witch shall be called within a year, for the purpose of fixing upon a uniform method of instrucs- Lion for classes. About ten days tiince a young lad son of Wm. P. Van Duzen, a broker of , this city, fell through a skylight at the Sher man House and was instantly killed. Mr. Van Duzen was supposed to be in New York at the time. A dispatch was sent toll= there, but no reply has been received. It noir turns out that Mr. Fat/ Dozen, when he left for New York, took ten thousand dollars in United States bonds belonging to the firm.' He was seen at the St: . Nictiolaroh -the night of-kkwAviii_in New York and a t Jer sey Citrthe nine day, — alndavilleti time nothing has been heard from him. The house of Van Dozen here is a branch of th 4 house of Swan et Payson, Wail street, New York. It is now_ supposed that Van Dozen has gone' to 'Europe. He left a wife in this city in feeble health, greatly intensified by the sad loss of her boy, and entirely destitute of means. GETT Y SBURG. The Coming Reunlou of Officers on the Battle Field.. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l GErryanuno, PA., August 11.—The re. union at Gettysburg of officers of both armies, on the week commencing with the 23d of August, bids fair to be a cow piece success. Telegrams from all parts of the country indicate that officers of every grade are arranging to be present. In some cases those of entire brigades are coming in a body. Col. Alm 8. - Bachelder, who is writing a histoty of this battle and having le fully illustrated with paintings, and Messrs. Walker and Rothemel, each of whom have executed historical paint. lugs of it, have 'accepted invitations from the Battle Field Memorial Association to lie present. Col. Bachelder will spend the entire week on the field receiving and imparting Information to all who are desirous of establishing a correct account of the battle. In every caso the positions indicated in his published Isciperime trical drawing of the field were found to per featly coincide with those established by the officers who met on the 4th ult. - To secure the fullest advantage 'from this meeting, and , avoid confusion. Col. Bachelder. proPort.o9 Allleivir:7 pro. gramtile; thug allowing those who can spare a few days o:Mainly an opportu nity _of, being present - Whep their por tiona of the field are da the faith the_ positions of the first day's battle will be eornpletedi on the 25th Culp's fin, Cemetery 11111 and vicinity; on the 28th positions on the left, including the apple orchard, peach orchard, , wheat field, Round Tops and intermediate points; on the 27th the general lines of the third day's battle; on the 28th the cavalry operations, , CINCINNATI. Death of Saloon Keeper From Vlalence weather—Eseiirawn to San' Pran. duo. (By Teegraph to the PP taburgh pazettell OlarUnman' Augneg 11. 1 Frank nat. flag, saloon keeper, died last night ifbm the effects of blows received in a fight with Andrew Witzenbisrher at noon yes. terkley. At the Coroi2ees invest totdaY the testimony of the doctiev who mad* the past rnortem was that /he temporal musole was bruised and a. portion of brain ,near that point was- cotbred with extravasated blood. Only one wiluess saw the beating and testified that WitriMbach6 !er jamed , ilartling's bead half a dblen /Blue onthe Boor so that the moist:Ye IV eauld be beard in all parts of the build Pik, The jury gave a verdict that TlVit lisitcame to his death by compression of thee brain from excitement brottght by an' altercation with Andrew Wetzen.. bachor. Wetzenbaoher was before the PoilcorCourt for murder and wag cos; dlitted 4 l4l.default dt 0,0001%11. Weather cloudy and growing warmer; thermonseter 81. 1„ This evening Chamber of Commerce' held a meeting and'appbintOd q Commit. tee to 'arrange.. ibrkett OrattralOd to Beni Francisco via' Bt. LOUISP ataktng abouti September lat.- 'WM EOM POUR O'CLOCK, 4. X. NEWS BY CABLE. English Parliament Prorogued—Mes sage from the queen—The Harvard and Oxford Boat Clubs Practicing— The Turkish Diflieulty Settled—Prussia and Austria—Caribst Trouble in Spain. CB, Telrgraph to the Pittsburgh Oarette.l • GRP.AT BRITAIN. LONDON, - Aug. 11.—Parliament was prorogued to-day by royal commission. The following message from the Queen was read by the commission: We are commanded by the Queen to dispense with yourfurther attendance in Parliament. Her Majesty announces to you with pleasure that she continues to receive from foreign powers the strong est assurances of friendly disposition; that her con f idence in the preservation of peace has been continued and con firmed during the present year. The negotiations in which Her Majesty was engaged with the United States have, by mutual consent, been sus thiser Majesty earnestly roles delay may tend to maintain the tions between the two countries on a durable basis of Iriendship. The Queen has a lively satisfaction in in acknowledging the unerring assiduity and zeal with which you have prosecu ted the arduous labors of the year. In the act for patting an end to,the estab lishment of the Irish church, you have carefully kept in view several consider ations which, at the opening of the -ses sion, were commended to your notice. It i s hope of the Queen that this meas ure may hereafter be remembered as con clusive proof of the paramount anilety , ofParliament to pay reasonable regard in legislating for each of the three king. doms. Of the, special circumstances by which it may be distinguished, - and to deal on principles of impartial justice with all interests and all portions of the nation, the Queen firmly trusts that the act may promote the work of peace in Ireland and help to unite all classes of its peopleln that fraternal concord with their English and tscocth fellow-sub jects which must ever' form the chief source of strength in the extended em. pine. • The Qiieen congratulates VOll on having brought your protracted labors on the subject of bankruptcy and imprisonment for debt to a legislative conclusion, which is regarded with just satisfaction by the trading classes and the general public. The law framed for the better govern ment of the endowed schools of Eng leittl will render the ,resources of these establishments more accessible to the ,Community and more efficient in their Important purpose. , In the removal of the duties on corn, 1 the Queen sees new evidence of your de hire Le extend industry and commerce, and enlarge those supplies of food which ourinsular position encourages and re quires. The Queen trusts the measures for the purchase and management of the telegraphs by the State may be -found' to facilitate the great commercial and social objects of rapid, easy and certain communication, and prove no unworthy sequel to the sjattem of cheap postage, which has passed with such advantage into so many countries of the world. We are commanded to state that the Queen thanks you for the liberal sup pitele which you have granted for the service of the year and for the measure by whinh you have enabled Her Majesty to liquidate the charge of the Abysinian expedition. The 'Times, in an article on Irish Church disestablishment, says: "What. ever Its practicability may- be, the meas are is the boldest and greatest act of modern legislation. In consequence of the measure the authorities of Trinity College baye withdrawn their opposition to the proposal for admitting Catholics and Non-Conformists to rellowship. The Irish Bishops have shown good sense in agreeing that the laity as well as clergy shall concur in the election of priests in the new church. The extreme Protes tants have subsided, and the Catholics accept their triumph with gratitude." The Oxford crew are at Putney, on a visit to the Harvards. The latter this morning, on their trip down the river, made forty-two strokes and on their re turn forty to forty-one strokes per min ute. Their pace was good. They cov ered blades well and were all 'well to gether. The Oxford crew went over the same course in their boat this afternoon. _ Lorer.QN : Mtge% Justice Sir Chas. Selwin diet: to , dey i aged atlyeara LIVERPOOL, Augrat 11; Mr. Moore head attended the , Council of the Chart ber of Commerce-yesterday end gave in formation in mord to the resources of Southern States, with a view to their further developement: in connection with trade between England and the United states. • DUBLIN, Aug. 11.—At Tubbernath, in county Sligo, a party of twenty-five men attacked a dwelling and Carried off some fire arms,. Six , of the marauders have been arrested and two or three have been identified as Persons who were formerly icopriooned for Fenianlem. PRANCE. A.ugtist 11.--General Prim has arrived here. He will not. proceed to Vichy. but will remain here until' the festivities of • the ldtti of August are over, when he will return to Madrid. I,PARI Au gust 11,cesia v English Cable.-- The Pa M, tric announthat through the good offices of Prance and England, Is. mail :Pasha has deolded to e concede to the demands of the . Sultan, • , Rams Am-perm—via. Frezion , 15e health of Marshal Niel is slightly :Unproved. • The Committesof the Senate continue theirs examinatios of the iYancaus Oonaul• 'MM. M. Delanje, who was to draw the ilieiforeof the"Coniatt Mr, is sick and his d i ntles will probably d ive upon M. Beetll'or'M. Devinne. Ausirath. August 11, via French Cable. Baron* Vag &toe. In a ispeeek ogsing the demand of the Hurjgarlan de ion for a.redketiou in the - Embassy Home, declare' no , Protestant States were taking up the same anted° which the ,~ r • *2 arfiLfRIII •••• - • J • T as i t urytr.s .o?,1 804: 191Hr_ arro• - 761 )1 )1-)ln 2 oar Cathobetfil tatEsJhadlititheizi(arardato the Papal Q i nerforgundo.,,Whik!4,uekkin Gov ernment haair i geolyeil il l uillow nothing derogate,' • y:1 .pa t e:_lignily, Its reply to the last ' • , • a i lloiutitin was decided in * tone, the. .' better 'cirri EA ' iig begi•73 to prevail at Rome" The Pretil sAYiia commission has been appointed•ii*lithe Government to draw up a bill Madding that surveillance be instituted Ohretoconvents, and that they be brought inVer the action of the law concerning lespociations, the provisions of which ardto be so amended as to em brace numaatio institutions in their operation, ' PRUSSIA. BERLIN,' August 11.—The Provincial Correapcniclence says the Pruasian Govern ment has requested the Aniiirian Govern ment to publish all thoie communications by which Baion Von Buest asserts he bas endeavored, without succ es s, to bring about improvement in the relations of the two Governments. SPAIN. MADRID, Auzust 11.—A party of five hundred Carnets had appeared on, the frontier of Catalonia. Glen. Prim has gone to Paris. Before his doparture he left orders, which have just been pro. mulgated, that all rebels captured with arms in taelr - hands be shot on the spot. TURKEY. CONSTANTINOPLE, A.Tigtlet 11.—The Porte prohibits the execution of orders for armament given by the Viceroy of Egypt while In Europe, includin one for sixteen thousand breach loade g rs in Berlin, and another for a ship of war at Trieste. MARINE NEWS. • g 11.—The new Inman steamship C ity i of Brustude was launched today. FINANCIAL Alia, COMMERCIAL. Losnorr, August IL—Eve/ling.—Con sols for money, 92g; on account, 93. Five-Twenties at 839 g; gn • iet and steady, at Frankfort at BS%. Erie, 19S. Illi nois, 9114. Ltranpoon, August 11.--Cotton mar ket firm, with stales middling uplands at 12d, and Orleans at 134@)13xd; sales 12,- 000 bales. California white wheat at lis 3d, and red western at`lOs 241. Flour 255. Corn 30e. Oats 3s 6d. Peas 425. Pork 102 s. Beef 30s. Lard 725. Cheese 625. Bacon 635. Spirits Petroleum 71411, and refined Is Bd. Tallow 475. Turpentine 27s fki. Linseed 011 £33. LONDON, August 11.—Tallow 95s 9d. Sugar easier, with sales on spot at 29s Linseed 011 Els 10d, sterling. Fine Rosin 10s. Petroleum at Antwerp, 53f ;bid, and holders ask 34f more. Pants, August 10.—Noon, via PrennA Cabfe.—Bourse buoyant; rental 73f. 43c. ST. LOUIS. The National Irish Immigration Con.. venittular......ef Antkligiesttl v e Committee. - CST Tele/rive to the Pittsburgh tassettot./ ST. Louts. August 11.—A meeting of the Executive Committee of theNationid Immigration Convention-met to.day, and after a free 'Consultation issued tide fol. - lowing circular: To the /riainien of he: United States: The Executive Committee having in charge the preparations for holding the National Irish immigration Convention, which is called to meet in tnis city, after due consideration, have determined to postpone the assembling of the Conven. lion until the 6th day of October next. Notice of the postponement is hereby given, and all delegates from the sev eral States are hereby notilied that the time for holding the Convention is changed from September Ist to October , 6th. The good results which may follow the successful inauguration of this important movement it Is booed will induce the attendance of the ablest and moat influential men everywhere in sympathy with the well being of the Irish people in.the United States. It-is be lieved that the main measures which have resulted so advantageously to other races, the German and the Scandinavian, will be applied to the Irish, produce equally good fruit and tend more to the elevation of the Irish in the United States thah anythiiig heretofore attempted. The emancipation of the Irish from the vices of the groat cities and the certain derpor alization. which results from their Oen centration in the large centres of tr de, is a work of Justice, which calls lo dly for instant action. It is not propose to encourage immigration, but, to eue as cb oo l4-Irt Seek a home in the - U tea .saes it to the ohlect of this moveare tto secure !n the fertil e growing west pe bent - places of abode for themselves 114 their chihll6ti. KAMAS. Alleged Verged . Speech—guest:on .1 Ver46lty—ltaliroad Progress. Te'egraph to tie Pittsburgh Gseette• LAWUEYCE, August rep!: to the statement telegraphed from 'W , h . ington to the effect that Hon._Ski •ey Ciark, of Kansas, announced the re ..rt ' of his :Meech to neutral land leaguer- as a forgery; the Lawrence Journal - ya: , 'lf Clark made such statement relative to' report of the st*ech published here, he utters an unqualified falsehood. The report was written by one of the first mitten of the State, now a resident on the neutral lands, and a man whose word is unimpeaohable. As to hie form. lag a now party to cut loose from the Ropubboan, the resolutions adopted by the meeting speak for themselves." Track laying on lannyeirtforth. Atok,ison and Northwestern 'Railroad cornatonced this merisinv In twenty day tbare will be all rail from Atebson Ito i t. Louis without crossing the river or changing cars. MEMPHIS: Suicide A t a Steamboat Passeager. [Hy Telfgraph to the Pittsburgh 6siette..l Mstioutts, .A.ugust 11.—Alonzo Gaines, of the firm of''Gaines & Blanton, New Orleans, mum Itted suiolde this morning about fifty miia s beloiv here by jumping from the steam pr Indiana. Capt. ,Dleal made every effui, t to save him, but when tbe yawl reached' Will life was His body' ,was ought ;,here and left, With Capt. Dick Lik ittbuin,lo await the' action of his friend& ' The deceased was a native of Frunkfort -1 1 Kontseth and as route to that phew ! [i :food .[247223 zE#9fi4ls ah4r , ' - - President Grant and the National Re. publicans of billasitalppl. WASHINGTON, Augustll.--General Torbell, Secretary of the Republican Ex ecutive Committee of Mississippi, had a lengthy interview with President Grant at the residence of Seeretary Fish, in New York, on the 6th instant, relative to the President's views in reference to affairs in • the Southern States. especially Mississippi. In reply to General Torbell's explanations in re gard to affairs there and the attempt to divide the Republican party, the President remarked at the beginning on the very small number of Republicans who were engaged in what is termed the "National Republican Party." With re gard to the special business presented to him by General Torbell, his assu rances were explicit and direct. The President said in his judgment the small number of those who had hither to acted with the Republican party who now constituted the so-called National Republican party' was in itself evidence that they could be not otherwise than used by the opposition. With regard to the recent profession made by those who were lately rebels. The President was frank. His only • desire was peace and amity, and be would do anything right to bring that about. But thead people cast suspicions upon their own motives, by the fact that all their efforts seemed to be aimed at dividing, not aiding, the Republican party in their midst. If they were really in earnest they would not be anxious about those with whom they acted. To sincere men it could not be difficult who in the south were and had been - admin istration friends. He 'talked at some length on the contest in Virginia. He thought from Gov. Walker's speeches - since the election that he was fully com mitted to the administration and was honestly intending to act .up to them. Referring to the proposal by Col. Jenkins to unite the two wings of the Republican party there, the President expressed a regret at the apparent failure to sworn- OM so desirable an 'object, remarking that the letter of Dr. Gilmore in reply showed that the followers of Walker were not all in good faith. He still hoped, however. good would come out of Vir ginia, but did not at present exactly see ...The conversation lasted about an :hour and a half, and during the whole time moat of it was carried on by the Prost ileiat Mmes!The utmost frankness .is Aras ,by him. - end 'On General , Torbe s explanbur Ida graditude for •and gratification at the aasnrances given by the Preelftent, he replied that in his convertation with the gentlemen repre senting the new Republican party, in Mississippi. he had expressed himself much more emphatically against their course and (positively po he was noWdoing. He declared his sympathies were altogether with the Republicans of Mississippi and against all efforts to divide them, coming from whatever source they might. When it' was aug gested great good might be accomplished and much wild speculation set at . rest if he would take occasion to put the views 1 he had expressed into some form and give 1 them to the public, the President replied that he much preferred that acts and re sults should speak for his administration rather than words. To aquestion whether his attention had been called to the dis- patches pretending to give hia views on Mississippl,,affairs, he replied that it had, but tilat if he should correct one, others not denied would be claimed as admitted, and to correct all would con same his whole time. The. President expressed ;thorough en dorsement of General Ames' administra tion in 'Mississippi; and in reply to a re• mark made by Torbell, said General Ames would have to do much more serious things than he had heard charged before ho would subject himself to're- Moral. lie endorsed his administration fully. The above riport of the conversation with the President has been carefolly read to the President; and it is publiahed . by his express authority and at his wish furnished to the Associated Press. Result of the Tennessee Election. . Sasnvitax, August 11.—Senter's ma jority is 63,000, with nineteen counties to hear from. The State Senate, composed of twenty-tlve members, stands twenty one Conservatives, four Conservative Re publicans. The Rouse of Representa tives, composed of eigb ty-four members, stands sixty-seven Conservatives, nine Radicals, six Conservative RepubliCana, with two - digtrieta to hair from. la ;a speeieh at Milan, Tennessee, on Sattu'day, on State affairs, Mr. Etheridge announced• his opposition to- paying any portion of itie twenty million debt con tracted•undef SW) Brown low ad min ist ra tion. A party dnumainingi• these views has been gradually forming for some months past. • The Nashville '':municipal election takes place next month. Five Conserve- I tive candidates for Mayor are announced. Political Disturbance at Mobile. PifONTOODMIY, Ala., Atigust .11—Ape tition from some of the Repubileans of Mobile was sent yesterday ul Governor smith, asking him to place that city Un der martial law. Delegations of °Mums of Mobile arrived to-day and bad an in terview with the Governor, which was satisfactory and resulted in his declining to put the city under martial law. CUBAN REVOLUTION. Bad Weather and Irregular Coma:dna nit Bolding Back Both Parties. CBI Telestaph to the Pitteenegb eszette.l Hew.NA, August 11.—Sad weather and an unsystematized Cmtnissariat prevent the Spanish from making any move. The Insurgent forces are held by' the 'smite causes and sdffer much More from - Sickness thin the Spanish, oz ao• -ixtunt of the want Of medicine and med. 'teal attendance. ' • Sugar advancing: Ms. 10 to 13 quoted at 6%69 reale, and Nae.lto and 24 at /1. real. per snobs. POLITICAL. Geo. H. Pendleton the Diiiiticratie Can didate for Governor of pigs). By Telegr.tob to the Pittsburgh Giszetief J . ,. Comininus, 0., August 11.--Tbe mem bers of the State Central , Commit- tee met here to-day to devise means to fill the vacancy coasted by the de clination of Gen. Reseorans ss candidate for Governor of Ohio, and have unani mously nominated Geo. H. Pendleton, who has accepted. THE RAILROAD WAR: The Contending Parties Fall to Agree Upon Terms—overner Hoffman Takes Charge of Affairs and Will Operate the Road—Arrests for Contempt--air. Fisse Dodges a Warrant. inv Talearaaa to the Pittsburgh Gazette. ALBANY, August 11.—Governor Hoff. man to•day gave the contending par ties in the Susquehanna Railroad war to understand that riotous demomitratione on either end of the route must cease, and the question of control be decided 4y the courts. The parties undertook to agree upon some method of adjastMent, but failed. His Excellency thereupon Raid he would be compelled to declare the dis trict in a state of insur rection,take posses- Won of the road as .a military necessity and run it as a military road., If they thought such a course advisable for the stockholders, and that the State should be put to the expense of a quarter of a 'million dollars to ~ .e nforce his proclamation, they might take the responsibility.. His course, however, was clear to him and he should pursue It. Thereupon the counsel Of the respective parties, consisting of David Dudley Field, John Ganson and Amos Parker, representing the Erie interest, and Wm.. F. Allen and Rufus W. Peckham, Jr., held a consultation in the Executive Chamber, the retina of which was the signing of the following communication to the Governor: To the Governor of Me State of - New York: By virtue of certain judicial. pro ceedings and conflict of jurisdiction and collisions, it has become and is impiacti cable to run the Albany et Susquehanna Railroad, either under the management of the directors or the control of the per sons claiming to be the receivers. The publie interest • and the obligations of the company demand that the z'qad should- be run and operated, and the undersigned, as contesting claimants to the possession of the road, hereby request you to appoint some - suitable person or persons to act as superin tendent or superintendents, and to run and operate the road under your direc tions, and during your pleasure,or till the necessity of such superintendence shall cease, said appointments:and the posses sion by yourself. and the.person or per sona to be appointed, not to affect the legal rights or the, present actual posses aion of the parties respectively to any part of said road, or the officers or prop erty thereof. It is understood that you are to employ such agencies, financial or otherwise, as you may require, and to fix the compensation of all persons employ ed by you. [Slgnedd ROBERT H. PRIIIN, • CLUB. Coust.sn, JAS. Prix, Jn. • Gov. Hoffman has telegraphed to Col. Robert Leno Rank, tendering him the position of executive agent for ` the management of the road.' While Means. Prnyn and, Ramsey were in the Executive Chatn,ber, this forenoon, they were arrested on a war rant served by the Sherlif.• for contem,pt of*CoUrtt. ilmto!Varrsuat wiut lamed by Judge Baritardof. New York. Judge Cline at once Issued * writ -"of -habeas 'corpus, and Meters. Prima and Ramaey were brought before him. "Superintendent Van Valkenburg was also arrested for contempt. It is -said that Ptak, understanding that a warrant would be issued foi his arrest for con tempt, chartered a steamboat 'this after noon and started foil NewTork. The balcony in front of the Railroad offices gave way this evening while sev eral persous were on it, some of Whom were injured, but not seriously. .',• In the case of oontempt on the 'part of Pruyn. Ramsey and Van Valki3nburg. Judge Clete has deelded to hold the matter open till ten o'clock to-morrow morning, and put the prisoners in charge of city officers until that time. taking them out of the custody of the sheriff, who was expected to appear, with, them before Judge Barnard, in New Mirk, to morrow morning.. ' ; August 11.—Thia afternoon Gov. Hoffman issued an order, in persu lance of the agreement of the parties con tending for the-control of the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad, appall:dime Gen. James McQuade superintendent of the road until liarther orders. and direct ing him to arrange at once for - running regular trains for public accommodation. NEw You*, .August IL—A long dis patch from Binghamton gives details of the collision between Ramsey and Flak on the Albany. Susquehanna Railroad last evening, which has been already re ported.' It is mated the Erie men billed a train and ran through the tunnel snout live o'clock, meeting with no resistance until the tunnel was passed, when a sins- liar train was run from the other side and the locomotives collided, injuring but not disabling them. The Erie nigh were driven through the tunnel - Subsa quently the Ramsey. force advanetgi and a fierce fight with 'pants, clubs and stones took place and continued until about B''r.ar , when the arrival- of the .44th regiment put an end to- 11 arid the attacking party retreated. During this fi l m - a number of men on both sides Were wounded, some quite seriously, but nobody killed: There has been no , furth i er disturbance since. ery thfhg is noWquiet. The trestle bridge at Point Dickinson was tired to-day, - but the flaumaswete eittinguisfted fold the `bridge saved. • , • BostoN. - Meeting of Ballroalt CLu non--Earnings of Union Pacific Rails. road Since COthpilliON. (13T Telegram* toot rittassrah Gazette.] BosrpN. Aug. 11.—;A meeting, of rail road men, including agents, representing various lines, was held to-day to'consult chiefly upon the subject, of Ulm/porta tion westward. The meeting wasprivate, but it ia understood the gantlet of rates. of freight was discussed in detail, though no 4 lennite plain were rettohea-, Boner?, August 11,--The earnings of the Union Pacific Railroad horn May 10th, the time of Its Axtuipletion to Jane Ist. foot up $14 2 .4 75 .67; during tbomonth of Sone, 11678,949,11: Oaring Jul),, 729,19; • total 1P 1 ,773,163.97. - Tbe above' statement la derived front the books of the company.. A large amount f freight, which la induced by the lower ' ntes jt offered.' is now starting over the road a n d m will largely ; inctease, for the, °arcing onth. • It , is is understood the GoTernment will take no action in the one of Rag gouty. as Comm' to Glangow,lhe Fenian questionhavlng asenune4 such a com plexion that UM Administration has no desire to fa:titer ooMplicate the subject,