NEW ADVERTISEIM'f:MTI3. rff"INDEPENDENT TEMPER• ANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. auS:nl2 WEsTERII PENNSYLVA*- NIA. GRAPE GROWERS iieSort , TrON.—♦ Welle will Pe held at LUTZ • WAT.TZ'S, 7th ward. Allegheny. on W_ED NI SHAY AFTERNOON. A net 11th, at 3 o'clock. Enclave, attention f all the members are requested. as business of portance will be bronebt before them. anio:4B OTTO ERE, Secretary. METHODIST I BOOK DEPOSITORY.' Methodist,. and others. j gtending to . .go to Camp Meeting, will need the Standard Binger, !i Bevivalltk, 1 Hallowed Bongs. Chapel Melodies,. Select Idelodies Singing Pilgrim. Musical Leaver, Fre 11 , Leaves. Bright Jewels. New Hymn and Tune Rocks, Hymn Boots. Di eb•ltt - C. We .ka of Dovcron. Ao.. S F.CIAL ARRANGEMENTS will be made with those who RUA To' SELL again clung Camp meettp g -esson. Apply immediately, at 129 Smithfield. Strept. JOSEPH HORNER, Agent. Run adWl. PANIC BAIL\VAY GOLD LOAN, 3lessrs. DABNEY, MORGAN is CO., Exchange Place, and IL E. JESUP & CO., 13 Pine street, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds bay seven. per cent, in Cold; ban thirty pears• to run . ; are Free from Government Taxation ; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. In addition to thit sperial grant the Coi- puny also owns' Three Millions of Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the - country and improve the road. Tin , are a first mortgage upon the eaten- sion of the roadliiim Sheridan, Kansas; to Leaver, Colorado. The road in opera. tion:NOW EARNS MORE MAN-ENOUGH NET INCOME TO PAY TILE INTEREST -ON HE NEW LOIN. There is no Getter security in the market—this being in some respects better than Government Se- enrities. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD.. Price 96, and acorn ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Maps and Circulars furnished on application. auio BATES & BELL OFFER AT REDUCED PRICES Lace-Mantles, Lace Sacques, Silk Mantles, Ladies' Underclothing, Table Damask, Figured Hernani, Embid Handiprchiefs, White Geocb, Tarlatans, 4 / Lace Curtains, Marseilles. 1199'Nwir ALPERT & KOHLER, Manufacturers and Beaten; In BOOTR, SHOES AND (MITERS, No. 38 Market street, Pitts b irgh. Pa. Particular al tenter' given to Custom Work. We beg leave to oires the attention orshe public to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture soots Shoes for persona trouoled wi' h Corns, Bunions, or d :conned feet. under the personal sup r.lsion of our Mr. Al.• PERT, firmer y of Allesteny City. wbo wi I be pleased VI see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. A.tiert , s mode of measuring the fete be which we can be safe In easy anecomiortahte B and times for the taider ast feet. Give us a .rlal and. be convinced. ALPERT & MOILER, an9.n2l 38 Varket street. Pittsburgh; ra. SHORT HAND WHITING taught in ten easy lessons. Seed oats dol ar for the entire course, or enclose twenty five cents for the first yes on. in one month y.O may . ke *good short nand writer. Adorers, • sivOIITHAND. P. O. Wax 672 , Yaw York. .Papers inverting this advrrtisement, and ran mga.markea copy, mill receive a Copy of the work in payment. anlo:nZ AOTIM.--The public are ie. QrASTED to call 11114 witness, SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE IN OPERATION. at Ike West Point Boller Nona. fan snt'orn awe% daily boat WI to a r. auaatac Juni BAXTMA.N. Is. k'EW' Nnittisx§"Ekiiirrs. DIET Or DM:URAL BXVXXI:ur. 92d DIST.. PA-, Pitte meet, July 11, 1869. IVOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN .AA that on the 3d day of Ma•ch. 1889. there was seized upon the oretnisea of R. L. ANDER gitra. of MAnstleld. Allegheny county, Pa.. for violstio , of "internal Revenue Law, of July 20th. 1868." the fallowing articles. to-wit; 3 000 Cigars: 73 pounds Leaf Toiniceo. :also, that on the 28th day of June,lBB9,there was - relied upon the premises of FRED. MIL. LER,' ki West Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pa the following articles, to-wit: 200 Cigars: . . 10 uounus Leaf Tobacco. Also, that on the 30th day of May. 1880. there was seized upon the pre rises of CHARLES GREND:II, c f the City of Pittsburgh. Allegheny county, Pa , the fol.owing articles, to-wit: 27 pounds Leas Tobacco; 2.860 Cigars. Alto, that on the 7:b day of Mey. 1869, there was beizert upon the premises of JACOB YOST, of Coutt revllle, Al egheny county, Pa.,the fol lowlug articles, to.wlt: 3 bats Cut and Dry Tob ceo. Also, that on the Ist day of March, 1889. there was aria d upon the premises of M s. MARTIN. of Lower St. Clair Township. Allegheny county, Pa.. the following articles, te-wit: 700 Cigars., • Also, that OTi the 11th day of May, 1869, there was se zed upon the premise, of WILLIAM COHEN, of the City of Pittsburgh, Pa.. the fol l Owing articles Cavell.: • 1 half caddy ' Loul :vine Navy Tobacco; 3 quarter boxes •• .• 1 half cady Golden Dar Tobacco: 1 quarter c idy •"• •• 20 pounds Plug Twist Tobacco: 2 bales Virginia Smoking Tobacco: 8 papers Cut and Dry:Smoking Tobaccot 5 quart,:r papers Gen. tirant Bmohing Tobacc.l . ; 12 bsgs Is alb 17 Snuff and 4 Tobacco Roxe a; loaners Solace Chewing Tobacco; 10 Orgy Tubes; 31...pes and 1 box Clay Pipes; 1 box Chewing Tobacco; 3 turrets Leaf Tobacco; 20 boxes Cigars: ' 2 hazes Nina Cut Teincio: 17 Ws Scrim Tobacco: 400 Toby Cigars; X box Century Chewing Tobacco. also. that on to:e 19th day of July,lBB9,there was seized upon the nremiaas of 14 Ii.LIA.II Co. BEN, of the eil y of Pittsburgh. Allegheny coun ty. Pr., tbe'following ameba.' to-wit: 1 Lo. of Leaf Tobacco, 575 nounds: 1 Show Case; 1 Lot Cigars, 2.1i00; 20 pounds Cut and Dry Tab:went. Villa pounds No. 1 Smoking Tobacco: 260 Paper Boxes; 1 Image; 1 Box Pipes; 6 pounas Chewing Tobabco: 1 Counter Scale and Weights; 2 Glass Jars; 1 pair Sheep Shears. Also, that on the 16th di p of July, 1869,there was Felted at the Depot of the .Pittsburgh, Cit e:matt and St. Louis Railroad. in the City of Pittsburgh. county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania. the iollowing property. to-wit: 23 barrels Vicegar, in whisky barrels, with distillery, warehouse and tax paid sumps not effaced. Also. that nn the NISId day of July. 1859, there was seized oa the premises of ALBERT GLOCK. NEIL of the ,:lty of Pitts ourgb, county of A.Ue gheny. and State of Pennsy/ranis, the follow property. 5 Karim Whistyßarrelsorilb distiller ysware lion se and tax paid stamps, not effaced. . - Also, that on the %Nth day of ..nly, 18119. theye was seized on the premises of JOHN NUBSI of the Borough or - Birmingham, county of Alle gheny and State of Pennsylvania, the following property, to-wit: 4,500 Cigars, with &tains of 1854. Any person or persons having any claim or in terest in the foregoilg :whined goods, are noti fied herewith to appear and mate good such claim w ithin-tb irtv dips from dste•of the etit publics. tlon. otherwise they will be sold according to law. THOMAS W. DAVID Collector Internal Revenue 119 T,ATEST OIL STRIKE. LIBERTY _ . ECONOMY I AND FREE TRADE! To secure even handed JparicA. just come and see wuat nplendld bargains aro offered In the cur geous stock of Spring and Summer Clothes Just prepared mad exalblted to the public by S. C. TRATTERMAN. The fullest Limitary' to be enjoyed wnen the man who enjoys it la neatly dressed in a suit of new kusom -r Clothes which fit himso comfortably as not toabridge the freedom of h is motionf. Such el' hes are to be had at S. C. TRAIJEUMAN'a. To pracCee ECONOMY, don't spend vast sums ofm -ney where extortionate people charge fancy pricrs for unsatlstactory clothing, but come and get the won h of every dol'ar you spend, at S. C. VRAIJEEMAN'S. FREE TRADE of the freest sort, practiced every day. aod alt day, at the llg No. 11 Clothin Hall. There the people bring their cash. an d there-th-yret their clothes. Every man ee to buy at all t mes. Trade tremendous just now at the Big Nu. 11 Clothing Hall. I.O(iN 'AT THE I'RK:it's. Cocoa nut sutta $7 worth $l5. Spanish sults tor $0 worth 120. Skating park suits for $l9 worth $95. 500 sults, linen at 42 50 each worth $5. Black suite for i;10 worth $2O. Boys' suits for $5 worth 810. NMI a great many more too numerous to men tion. Call early and secure your bargains; as we h see but a few days to sell. ltememner Big No. 11 Sixth street. TRA13130115. .1310:Ttr•R ROBERT, R, PATTEISON & CO., .COUNEn. OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty St, • - PITTSI3I7B4:IB. PA. Will on Saturday, Jnly 31st, ISOO, and on each succeeding asturday, hold an Auction Sala of HORSES CARRIAGES, BUGGIES , WAGONS, And everything appertaining ti the Horse. Parties debt ing to eels will please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each weft In order for adver Usti. g. Prompt at ten t io n . and geed care will be given alt Stoet leftale irzq„AMIN 11. STEILtItT, Auctioneer. ueu CHERRY SEEDER.' CHERRY SEEDER. Emery family using Cherries, • whether for pies, canning or diling s should have one Of these valu able machines. It not only saves time and labor. but will more thin pay tn. itse.f in seeding one bushel/ of cherries. The -soidne is cheap, simple, durable and handsome. Th'. hopper la adJustlble. thereby adapting it to aU sixes of ohmic's. RETAIL PRICE . • • • • e ZOO* YOB BALZ BY JAMES BOWN, N 0.186 WOOD STREET. ::-.10 , -Tit6 • PROCLAMATION.• he qualified voters or the City of Piltshargh will meet at their tumai time and place of noldlng eLetione, on TUESDAY, August 81, 1869, TO VOTE For or Against a Pubtio Park. The ballots Toted shall be marked on the oat side "Park," and twin the inside "For .Park," or * Agaln.t Park." The elections shall be held by the officers an tborlred to bold tLe general elections is said city. ~ J ARED Mayor.. AnOnS2 7. DM. aniom2s rro I,VINIBER DEALERS AND 1 OARPENTERIS.—I am now hi receipt of ONE MILLION Best A Ivo. 1 Saginaw Shingles, From the ePlebrated noblgen Lumber Regions direct, wlitchl can set the 'Noe allow figures either' by car load or in quauttiles to suit yar dmen. • ALEX. PATTERSON, Oor. Judaea and Preble streets, Math ward. and No. 157 Rebecca street, opposite the 44al Works. Allegheny Oity. 1r29:m78 B. LEON, , • ' healer of iftlghts. and Mamma, Oftice—lvor 5 rotram AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Capt. JOHN MESSNER, Deputy, Pittsburgh Market. Lieut. GEO. R. MoNULTY, DenutY, Alle glient, Market. ' IVIAPLE SVGAIL--'lO barrels on consignment at WATT, LA2411 A 00 , 3, 14 and 114 Wood omen, • pEARLABIL-20 sacks or sale CiAXPLCLO r P,ITTSBUIZPIT, GA EVITE W . p.NEWAT, AUGUR 141'1869. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOSEPH HORNE & CO. WOULD RESPECTFULLY C.IIL.L ' THE ATTEXTIO.Ar WHOLESALE BUYERS o .their 4tensive Assortment ',Lt; NEW GOODS Bought from First Hands AND FOR CASH. WHICH WE OFFER TC CASH AND•SHORT TIME BUYERS AT A SMALL AD VANCE ON BIANUFACTU. , RERS' PRICES. 25,000 POUNDS KNITTING HD ZEPHYR YARNS, In all Colors and Mixtures,- BLUE MIXED COUNTRY YARN. 1:1:13A840:iwieloo84 Of Best Make. Rob Roy and Shirting Flannel. "1-ICIOS33EMEL'In. Ribbed Merino, Ribbed Wool. Tartan and Balmoral Hose, LADIES' AND CHILDREN. GENTS' WOOL Heavy Cotton' Half Hose. Suspenders, in all qualities. Morrison's Star shirts, all sizes, in „every quality. Wool' and Merino Shirts and Drawers, Ribbed and Plain,in White and all the various mixtures. HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies' Hemstitched, Embroidered and Lace. . .„ Gents' Hemmed, ° - Hemstitched, Plain, Colored Silk and - Cotton Hankkerchiefs. Hamburg and Jaconet Embroideries, lint. Clam Laces, lint. Val. Laves and Insertions, Chroehet Edgings, Wide Co;ton and Linen Laces, Lace Collars and Chemizettes. - HOOP SKIRTS. EVERYTHING IN LADIES , AND HINER SHIRTS, INcEET LIIDING THEBHAYEa TsiHEE B. Invbible Walking, Pilncas Alter, and Indistinetable. CORSETS. American, German and French, IN ALL NUMBERS. PIPER COLLARS AND CUFFS, Ladles and Gents, Of Merserole Ilbby's Celebrated Make, `FOE WHICH WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS IN PITTSBURGH. NOTIONS, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, BUTTONS, BRAIDS, TAPES, COMBS, PINS, do. DEPARTMENTS COMPLETE. Prices Very Low! 77 AND4.9......i.Wift"..,,.:5TR11t w~ OF OF FOR AND FOR MI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS 13G WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal. Street, ALLEGHENY ortY. Now Black Gro Grain ALPACAS. VERY CHOICE COODSi Equal in - Color to Silk. NEW BLACK ROYAL STANDARD ALPACAS, Fine Finish and Lustres. NEW BLACK OMB ALPACAS, All Qualities and Pikes. NEW White Narseilles Quits. NEW WHITE DAMASK aunTs. NEW White Allendale Quilts. NEW HEAVY COLORED BED COVERLETS, New Goodie OPENING DAILY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL VD WILLIAM SEMPLE'g, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. DISSOLUTION. The partnershipberetolore existing under the name of JOHN THOMPBoN & CO. was die • solved on the I,t of July list by the withdrawal of John Thompson. The business will be car ried on as usua. at the old establishment. 135 TalltD A V.E.N CIL JOHN THOMPSON. itoSER.T THoMPSON, R. O. !attack. In retiring from the above Arm I would cord!. Many recommend my former partners to my, old customers and the public 'centrally, believing that the business will be carried on by.them in an honest, and hpright, manner, and I would desire to return my sincere thanks to my friends fur the very liberal patronage I i ave received from them during the thirtl. Oat years I have canted on business In Pittsburgh. JOHN THOIkiPSON. The undersigned, successors• to John Thomp son & Co.. have formed a partnership dating tram July first, under the name of THOMPSON & MILLER, and will continue the business ANDSI tAINT -INti, and OPallng In PLAIN OF/WAKEN. TA.L FOREIGIUGLASS, at the old stand, 135 THIRD AVKN Thankful for the fsvors of the . past we would respectfully ask the continued patronage of our friends and the public. assuring them that we will spare no pains to render satisfaction 1. every case in which we may be emploi ed. ROBERT THOM2SOW It. C. MILLER. a. 111. 31 . 00 WAN J. It. WicOwie. a05:n33 R. N. IffeCOWAN & COl Boulevard Pavers Office,`No. 86 OHIO M t ALLE6IIIOIr. Orders left at Ge =rye. ocried, gletsburgb, Prompar attended tu. 'Nave Steeman*, Orallard, Inside Yards, Drives, die. Warranted arrinst changes of beat and cold. harinarrogg—diaa, no-rnead, Leon & Mum*, Addy Jameson Wm. Park. James P. LOU( & :snide etAcetee, Azdersonis • Maxwell, comp pima via& . - JI/nrafil • NEW:..::::.. , ',000.1;)8 s AND GOOD BARGAINS En WM. SERIES, 180 and 182 Fvleral Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. At 6 1-4 Cents. LINEN TABLE NAPKINS. At 12 1-2- . Cents. EXTRA GOOD NAPKINS. At 12 . 1-2 Cents, LARGE LINEN TOWELS. At 12 1-2 Cents, Wide Linen Toweling. At 50 Cehts, Good Wide - Table Linen. At 20 Cents; - WIDE TABLE COTTON GOODS, At S 1-3 Cents, LADIES' HEMSTITCHED :1;VII):ElaH:1144 At 10 Cents. • LADIES' LINEN CAMBRIC HANDHERtHIEFS. At' 6c deilts; Ladies' Colored Corsets. TWELVE YARDS Fast Colored Dark Calico FOR OXE. DOLL4R. TWELVE YARDS BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR ONE. DOLLAR. TWELVE YARDS Fine Unbleached 'Muslin FOR ONE ~DOI . L.LAR.° • --- I NINE r TAIIDS YARD AIDE BLEACiED MUSLIN FOR ONE DOLLAR, AT WILLIAM SMPLEI3, Na 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. 3. W. BAR AttARKE Seaco,cyczoo• TEN DAYS STILL GREATER RED Many Goods offered We they can be bought for in Present time. Winter Goods as rirri]P o FA A. IttlE JE must bea C BY (Jrder, pe r- NOTICES- 4, 2tiLe" "P oo " , Lost," ' , Wants." "Found," "Boarding." &c., not exceeding POUR LINES, milt be inserted in these columns once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each °ilia.- tionat line FIVE CENTS. WANTED --HELP iiv r ANTED" - A.Tlbli COLORED woman to tate charge of a small bongo In a small fbmilt. Each a therson can Ind a good Dome by atstilying at 011;,Cralg street, .alle— gbeny. this morning. , VANTED.— TEACIIERW.—rn lllnlOn townehlo, FIVE TZACHERS, ADDIICante wall meet at bio , nt .rtegah echool douse on 84TUR,1).&_Y, Anson Ith, at 3 o'clock By order of the Rona. wAlrrAp_ W stleet, Pi taringiVi C larldt r a lh t ",.. al b kinds of employment. Persons Twins per, of all kinds ean be supplled-on shortnotlee. WANT.F I DA SITUATION. Aft • Clark. Elskite b. or 'Te yelling Agent. for a wholesale or mannfacturine ese‘bllsbni.nt. Can live good city re:erences. Address Box "51," New Cumberlgged:AV. Va. - .• • , xrpprAitittlitoo Confidential t.GENTS todlnpose of Agood loafing cle. An energetic -and , trufsweriby man cart make $50,01,10 In twoment ha. Partirnlirs free. Call on or address LAth Y : dt , CON. SOB Snood way. N. Y. ". and:n2idBTl NAND ENEDNB 'tom HOMER: Pngine , about 7 Inch cylind.-r: Boiler from 18 to 20 leet, 36 to 46-Incb, end.flued., Partin/thawing , each. machinery to sell will please address Box 384. Plitstmrgla PostonWe; stating able? puke-11A WANTIPD.—A S ViALI6:IIOIISEr, of the 44, rooms. In Manetriter or:Law renceville. Also. a eITIJa.TION In a clothing store as salesman. Good r , ferenee givcn. Ad dress W. , 1% BadNDU.N. Plttsbergn t restofllee. STRAYED TRAYED AWAY FROM THE I sabscrther. in Pleasant Valley, a MD COW th hnrns turned In. Any information that will d to the recovery of the 4dow will be thank— ' ly recelve4. _ MRS. PALOO.II. Pleasant Valley, Allegheny Co., Pa. 10- LET.- SCHOOL ROOMS. Prat. H.. T. Gourley having' discontinued t rooms lately occupied by him in `•Phelan's R tidings," 22 and 24 .Fillth avenue. will be to. rent. together with all the school furniture co ..plete. s'or furthe'r particulars inquire of JAMES PHELAN. N 0.24 Plltaayenue. TO.i.LET.-110021S. on Second 11 , )or with Boarding- location the , most rable'in •the city, .Ith theconveniences huh rooms. the comforts of siyrlvate family, a.s< few inrdera are kept,: 18/ /forth Avenutt an • SAtillir.-Lease-lizid - good F will of a TAVERN ST &ND In a desirable loc - illty. Terms- eagot doing-a...g00d , boo - Mesh. Apply of WM. JACEoftf7.-1734415tit Woof. LOU SALE. -One-halt of a saliable - PATENTIor Pennarlyanis. small article wed in all houses. - A amino for an active younr .mst, Wits a' ter btrndred dollars.. Address PATENT, Postoilleeßox 680. F O R. smt.E.—A litttie:Chly*e to secure a home . In the-kWITTSBII Rs:AL ESTATE REGISTER," office No. ;39. Fourth avenue. : . _. , F OR SALE . -B arg ai ns in Real Estate to the "I , l , l , ThlitlyHOH REAL Es- TATE REGISTER. Published only by-atom & PHILLIPS. at No. 139 Fourth Avenue. FOR BALD.- - About 120,itcre.t of land In the best situation for conitty sent.; only i miles from the West Plttsburgi Ferry Landing. WI sold altogether or nieces to snit purchasers. .Fnquire of V. C Ne.o LEY, °Mee at the south end of the Monon gahela bridge. - jel9-Trn7 OM W•Oit SALE-CITY RESIDENCE n JCalwell -ttre.t, oce' sttiare from street Tim House has ten rooms,' bell; :irood cellars. Dfeissed brick front, gas and water throughout, bath room, rano In kitchen. and In a pleasant nelghoorbood. Prl4.e oNLY ST.000; on easy terms. dupl. to CROFT & PHILLI.Pa„ Real Estate Agents, Ho. 139 ironMh avenue. SALE.-Over $1,000,000 , F - worth orpropertgoviopriaing Yarms,Mld4. hotels, Stores, House& Lott, City and Subur ban residences Ingutti.a.vact.tariely...that.itiet most &Milton, cannot fall to get suited In a . Lome. Pull particulars of tril she above given la the "Pir4B7stigtlll }MAI. Ii.STATD TER." CHI/Fr...4 PHILLIPS, „Publishers and. Reid Estate Agents, NO. /39 mirth avenue.. Do r't fall to'get it. 10E1480N4C—An persons deek.. INK ROM S, or invetoments in Ite-al. Ea tate, will save • tlue. trouble and money by pro euring a• cony of the "PITTSEIIttIiti REAL ESTATE EEG'S twat." It is given away Galen& or win be tent by mall FUZZ to say ristittestlurit. Persons cannot tail to get suited out of the mine list it cont.lne. CituFT & PHILLIPe. Eno- Ushers and Reel .Estate Agegts, N 0,138 /fourth avenue. FOR Llll.ll-17AL'ITABL. CITY Rs SIDENCE.—HOUSE AND LOT, No. 7* hington street. Al!Caen, Oity.7 The lot le. 69 feet on Washington street. extending back 260 fret,. on which Is. reeled a doable two story. brick dwelling. baying allmodernimorovementit Also brick stable and carriage room, with ser. vents room attached, all In Arst.rate order. Tit those wantluesootoketablb home, thiepropertl Is recommended. Enquire on the premises, ot to ,ROBERT DALZaLLi4.. 1712:1ng . • 49 btockeon Avenue. - "HOBOKEN') -STATION PROPERTY. rOit Tide beantlibl situation cannot be surpassed for private residentea M any direction, so male to both cities, being only eight miles Tin the Western Pentsaylvanlißallroad. , Any penroii de: siring information about thisnronertr can obtain it iq calling at the office of the/BON CITY MU.- . . ?UAL LIFE INNIINANCTIC - COMPANY. . Federal atreet,Allegheny,-laote from one.half acre to Jive acres: also, - gmall /eta to Wipe:t amers. There lea good location fora ituiwatiO Ming establishmuu, between the .1341.1r0ad and Allegheny river.. an10:301 13VMM ! HOMES! • 'HOWES ! OO HOHR.I—AII kinds of Property frit sale in the "PITTSBURGH REM, terrAVE REGIS TER," OnUsT & PElLLA4PB,l•Poullsnisra and Beal Estate Agents, Ico.ZeW Fourth avenue: KEE, & COO T STREET. Girth .tlxisc)3.4a. LONGER! UCTION IN. PRIC E S my -five per cent. less than the Eastern Markets at the well ai Summer TIM 33 IET Crri Ct• losed Out ! A...w'. , .041twt,.:.r.4 1311 WANTS. TO LET, FOR SALE. 13