The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 11, 1869, Image 1

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The Case ot U. S. Consul Haggerty—
_ ?
Harvard Crew Practice—Mr. Glad
stone Again 111—Cotton Palltugii—Car
list Excitement in France—Austrian
Bed Book.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh usisette.l
Lownow, August 10.—The _Keening
'Telegraph, Liberal, of yesterday, con
tained an - editorial on the case of Mr.
- Haggerty, United States Consul at Glass
.. The writeroafter paying a tribute
-to the uniform good faith of the Ameri
-can Execntive;'so far as Ferilanism is
-concerned, ',lrurtilles the refusal of the
British Government to grant an ezequa•
fur; that Grant had no notion of the re
-cord of Mr. Haggerty, and • under the
circumstances the Government had no
• opinion but to refuse to- acknowledge
him, add the justice of the refusal would
doubtless be recognized at - Washington.
' The Harvard crew were out for prac
tice this evening. They made faster
, time than at the previous trial, though
they rowed against wind andtide. They
used the London Club boat, and the
-crew was composed as follows: Lyman.
Albrow, Loring, (strbke) Fay and Sim
mons. Lyman and Fay are the reliefs
who recently arrived in England. The
Coxswain 'has already acquired a good
- knowledge of the course.
LONDON, August 19.—Mr. Gladstone is
-again quite - 111. His condition causes,
anxiety among friends. „-
Therahave been some further failnres
-of firms in the - cotton trade at Preston.
' Royal assent has been given to-the bill
for the purchase of telegrau)tAines by
the Goveriiment. ~‘
The Times in an article on the relations
between Spain and Cuba says: "Between
the military punctiliaof the former and
thapatriotio fanaticism of the latter, the
'interests of both - are likely to suffer, es
- pecially when ' the questions at issue
• should be--brought under control of ,
sound reason and their discussion kept
- free froth the influence of impulse and
passion. If-it can be proved• that-the
separation of the colony from the mother .
;country is unavoidable and not a remote
contingency, it seems the heighth of
' madness to carry on hostlhties - fraught
with ruin to either side "
After reviewing the revolution in Spain,
the writer continues: "Improvident and
-helpless as Marshal Prim's government
may be, it can safely be proclaimed the
' , test Spain mild have under the present
: elrcutnatanees. Its chances of improve
, • anent lie in the power of directing' its
energies to domeszic organization and
reform, undisturbed by foreign'or colo
nial complication. Strip the government
of its beet troops for distant expeditions,
draw the resources of the country for an
-intestine struggle with a kindred race,
then tell us whether any amount of
genius, character or good will can raise
the members of the government to a
_ with' the difilinitles of the situa
• #OD."
- After inquiring into the causes of the
rising in Cuba, the Times says: .
• "Tne'most fanatical of the oppoaltion
are well aware that Spain can only tem
porarily crush the rebellions spirit in the
;colony.. Were Spain quit of the' colony,
without compensation, thanksgivings for
he happy riddance might well be, sung
. thronghout the Peninsula: but ifs large
sum of money is received into the bar
; gsdn, the Spaniards cannot be. tee thank
. fill: The last French campaign in Mex
-leo ought to have made it manifest there
'ianeither honor or profit to gain for the
powers of the Continent by meddling
with the affairs of the new world."
James Milliken, of , Philadelphia, - has
obtained Lord Clarendon's sanction for
instructions to be issued by the admiral
- _IV to the British fleet in -the waters of
• China to co-operate "wiTIT =the Asiatic
i.squadren of the United States in laying
and protecting a telegraphic cable along
the coast of China. This is an American
enterprise, in which some English capi
talists have also invested.
. Mr. Motley, American Minister, has
appointed Mr. Eastman, of Queenstown,
Consul of United States at Glasgdw, pro
The Harvard men were out in their
new boat taday. .They timed regularly
and made forty strokes per.minute. The
. general opinion among boating men is
that the Harvards are lea_st steady in their
'rowing than the Oxfords,but their stroke
• apparently short good .
deep, makes gi
distance and ehort time. Wednesday,
.25th talgtlet, hal been finally agreed as
the day for the race.
bas The Liverpool. Chamber of °maniere*
s resolved to send a circular letter to
the Chambers of Commerce in the United
States, complaining of the praCtice of
putting an unnecessary amount of coy.
`ering and iron•bands of excessive weight
- on bales of:colton suggesting the !idol:.
tion at American ports of the tame aye
tem for allow's:m of, tare which prevails
hi England; -
Kalman, August 9.—A fresh conspiracy
bas been-discovered In this city an nu
rons Arrests, were made, including
..seventeen gene d'armes. Thirty arrests
have taken place at Burgo. The - leader
of the - Carnal baud in Leon has' been
taken prisoner and shot.
Papas, 'Auguit 10.—The Patric says
. large bandss composed of officers and sal
diets and memoers of the elertcalparty,
haVe assembled in the northern district
, of Spin, well armed and organized.
Reports say a great Carlist demonstm
:tion had been A
fixed for the sth inst.
" Maputo, " August;: 10.—The Spanish
."Consul at Bayonne. telegraphs that the
Cellists are gathering again on the iron
- tier, and intend to.lnake an eruption in
- to Spain to-morrow. The Government
ie fully prepared to meet them all along
.the line. All the Carnet bands now in
the country are seeking refuge it, the
Ynr.Ntis, August 9.—There:was 'a fall
of the Reichsrath delegation to.
• dap. A lontg.disclusikon on the Budget of
the Foreigniiinlater took place. Baron
'Beast in his remarks admitted that nrost
of the disagreements with Prussia which
arose from the war were contained in the
Austrian Red Book, but he .defended it
on the ground that its publication was
calculated to remove misapprehension.
He reiterated that Austria had formed
no new alliances, but added that in
France she had many good friends. It is
ouestionable ;whether Germany could
help Austria, even if the assistance of the
German States were wanted. France, on
the contrary, has proven herself a friend
PARIS, August French Cable.
—lt is generally understood here that
Baron Von Buest. in alluding so point
edly to the sincere friendship of France,
desired to convey the impression that he
did not consider Prussia a sincere Mend.
Cusnuointo, August 113.—The United
States frigate Sabine has" arrived here.
LONDON, August 10.—The steamships
Leipaig, from. Baltimore, and . Ottawa,
-from "Quebec, have arrived out. -
QUEENSTOWN, August 10.—The Ame
rican yacht Sapho, arrived last evening,
making the voyage from New York in 12
days, 9 hours, 3l minutes. AlI well. •
LISBON, Augusi 10.—A French Com
pany has offered to construct telegraph
lines from Lisbon and Gibraltar to Eng
land and America, on a twenty; years'
concession, without subsidy.
Steainers Germania and Cleopatra Lost—
' (,revvie and Pasiengers saved--The
Cuban Junta=:Broirers Sentenced fur
Cum—Central Pacific Raliroad;Earn
• ingsTalters Striae—The Tssan'Mur
derer in !Winery Custody -Mandamus
t ByTelegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
NEw YORK, August 10, 1869.
A - dispatch to the agents from Cape
. .
Race reports the total loss Of the steam
ship Germania. The crew and• passen
gers, were all saved. It is supposed the
mails wore also saved. The Germania
left New York August 3d for Hamburg.
the had 1176,000 in gold aboard.
The steamer Cleopatra. from Hotitreal,
was totally wrecked oil Trepassey, New
foundland. The passengers and crew
were saved.
The Cuban Junta have received author.
ity from President Cespedes to issue let
ters of marque as soon as they are pure
the Cubans have a seitport. It Is reported
that two vessels will soon be commis
sioned; also, that fifteen hundred men
will'soon start for Cuba.
The Wall street brokers were sen
tenced to-day by Judge Cardona to pay
fines ranging from MO to poo, and In
two cases to imprisonmliat for five and
ten days respectively. •
The steamers Java end Colorado have
arrived. -
The sandnga ot-tabo Central Pacific :
Railroad for" July were $579,000, 'in in
crease of $25,000 over the month of June.
Netwithstanding the successful redac
tion of rates on freight and passenger
transportation, the results of the opera
tions of the first three months , 11112(te the
connection of the Eastern lines show's
revenue at the rate of $7,000,000
_per an
num, of which three millions are net
earnings. This Company did not find it
necessary, to issue the full extent of
the first mortgage bonds authorized.'
The annual interest liability on the whole
bonded debt falls a little short of a
lion dollars.
The German tailors' strike continues.
There are rumors that two of the largest
clothing firms bad acceeded - to the de
mands of the strikers, but no authentic
accounts have been received at the head
quarters of the associations.
Last evening, after the adjournment of
the examination of Jo hn H. Pratt, alleged
Texan rioter and murderer, a. squad of
United States soldiers.toolethe prisoner
from the custody of Marshal Barlow,
hurried him into a boat and conveyed
him to Fort Schuyler, where he was de
livered into the charge of Major Taylor.
This summary proceeding was undoubt
edly prompted by the apprehension that
Judge McCann would render a decision
liberating the prisoner, on the ground,
pat forward by his counsel, Pryor and
Cochrane, that he has not been guilty of
any offense against the United States.
'The case of Repp vs. the Suspension
Bridge and New England and Erie Rail
road came up again to•day. The princi
pal charge against the -Directors is that
they have been trying to sell out to an
other company. After a desultory dis
cussion between counsel, on motion of
Edwin Tames, a referee was appointed
to take the testimony-of the President
and other officers of the . Company, and
the case adjourned till• Monday next.
In the Supreme cogrt, spealal term,
this afternoon; hero* Judge Cardozb,
application was made on behalf ofseveral
charitable institutions for a Mandamus
to compel the Metropolitan - Excise
Board kinky :over to them, out offunds in
their control, amounts ranging from one
to ten thousand dollars appropriated to
their use and included in the last tax
levy. The application was oppoiled, on
the ground that the rexonme arising
from the excise license Jar pledy for
the redemption cf tbp pits , debt, d the
Legislature:.. has • do. right todivert it
from its -legitimate 'channels.. Decision
The plate printers -strike':continues.
The Men are so much endeltraged Jayne
counts front the Washington Plate prin
ters that they says they Will bold out till
the National Bank COtOpinY will be
forced to yield.. The Company' are now
engaged in printing the new 'fractional
currency and cannot get lands
the work within the stated time, there
fore the Strikers are very confident of
The United States monitor Dictatorar
rived hero from Philadelphia to-day..
-The agents of the Hambnrg4meriltan
line have ordered the steamer Cambria
to the assistance of the passengers of the
wrecked steamer Germania. -The Cam
bria was about to leave for Europe with
a full cargo, but she discharged and sailed
this evening for Nowkonniland:
Trial for Maltems/wee Defemid.....tjudaen
. Death. , ,
m ardrj ue, Attga 10 . — Ttis trial of
memberd of the. Board of dermen in
dicted some weeks.since for malfeasance
in office, wascalled in_ .; the - : crim inal
court, Wit postpon ed olt *MAW*.
Sion. • • - . :
Henry P. Woodward ! Prairdoeut
Igen, - died suddenly of apoplexy tads
Personal—Names of Vessels Changed—
Army and Navy Changes—Cabinet
Meeting Appointments President
Grant Will Visit Pennsylvania—Mail..
can Minister._ -On a Cruise—The Osam
go Indians.
(By Telsirsow to the Pittsburgh Gassette.l
WASHINGTON, August 10, 1869.
The President and Secretary, rah ar
rived this morning. The Postmaster
General arrived last night. Several vis
itors, including -four members of COn
grass. had an interview with the . Presi
dent this morning. At the Cabinet
meeting, the Treasury Department was
represented by Assistant Secretary
Richtirdaon, and the Attorney General
by'Asaistant Field. The pr,esent inten
tion of the President is toeave Wish
ington again, for New York, to-morrow.
The Secretary of the Navy has made
the following changes of names of vessels
to conform more fully with the law:
Arizonato Nevada, Recta to Nebraska,
Hone:des to Oregon, Thunderer to Mas
sachusetts, Astoria to Omaha, Cambridge
to Congress, Detroit to Canandaigua,,
Achilles to Madoo, Aetna to Nansett, Ar
gue to - Roko, Alias to Nahanr, Castor to .
Mahapeo, Spitfire to, Suncook. Stromboli
to Wassnc, Tartar to Yazoo. Tempest to
Yuma, Nemesis to Wvandott, Vmen to
Osceola,-Tornado to Winnebago.
The following army officers have been
relieved from duty in thb Induffi. Bureau
and ordered home to await orders: Maj.'
H. - Douglies t Superintendent, and . 011.14.
S. F. Teneyeck, C. H. Carlton , C. J. Wil
son, and.dents. Geo; Zeigler, J. K.
Bryon, W. W. Fleming, C. T. Speer and
Win. R. Maize, Agents.
Commander H. B. Lowrie, United
States navy, is ordered to take oommand
of the Severn on the &Mil:list. Various
other officers, have been assigned to. the
Severn, which is to be the flagship of
Admiral Poor, and will sail in a few days
for Cuba. 'Capt., C, H. Caldwell is or
dered to the Severn. as Chief of Staff of
the North Atlantic fleet.
Rear Admiral Dahlgren, recently
appointed to the command of the Wash
ington Navy Yard, entered upon his
duties to-day, relieving Admiral Poor,
who will take command of North Atlan
tic Squadron..
a long interview today with the Corn
mbisioner of Indian .A.ffdra in relation to
Indian matters in the West, and particu
larly in Kansas and the Indian Territo
ry._ He submitted to the Comtnlisioner
a I.ull statement of his recent confer
ence with the Osage chiefs, and in view
of ,s the rapid settlement of their
reserve by whites, urges that the
Department proceed at once to ascertain
the wishes of the Indiana, in regard to
their removal South and the sale of their
present reserve to the- Government,' to
be opened to white settlers only.' He
urged that this action be taken in time
to report at the next session of Congxess
so that the necessarylegialation.tan' be
had. Commissioner Parker statedthat
Steps would be at once taken to funk in
vestigate the case, to ascertain the wishes
of She Indians in reference to their re
moval, and that he Would _ - submit the
whole matter to Congrese at its next
xarunro ror °wit.
Great interest is manifested to-day to
ascertain the result of tho Cabinet =st
ing, but nothing is known except the
fact that there was an unusual amount of
routine matters pertaining to different
departments, nearly all of which had
accumulated during the recent abscence
of heads of departments, which received
adjustment. Several ' suspensions from
and appointments to office were deter
mined upon.
Secretary Robeson, -accompanied by
vice Alit:Ulna Porter, Commodore Alden
and'other prominent officials, left here
this afternoon to take passage on the
steamer Tal'appose for a tour of inepec
tion along the coast, which has been con
templated some time. The party will be
absent two weekaluid possibly'a month.
CABINET mzkrtma.
,The Cabinet meeting adjourned at
three o'clock this afternoon. Nothing
has transpired concerning the subject
discussed for which there is the slightest
official authority.
President Grant will leave Washing-
ton to-morrow night New York. Ile
will afterwards make a short visit to
Pennsylvania, in response to an Invita
tion from friends. - - •
otvzL ArponrrmEEms
The following appointments were an
nounced today C. M. Felix Petrod, Con
ant at Strasburg; Robert lrawley, Post
master at Virilliamsport, Ps.
At noon tnmorrow, Senor Marracedo,
Minister from Mexico, 'will present lila
credentials, and be received by the Pres
'..,.i..'-.':'..,. 7 .;.8t.... - I:oHiqs,.'.it; F .
Wreck of the Steasierk - termanla.and
Cloves ti-Aaaeitengers All saved.
(ar Tatters') to th e Pittsburgh Gazette.) :
tar. Jo ry
N. F., August 10.-=Tbe
steamship ermania went ashore Satur
day mornt s Idly() otelook on the rooks
in Scot's Cove,' TrePtusey Bay. 'A dense
fog prevailed at; the time, which broke
away almost 'immediately after she
sunk. The passengers had bsrely. time
'to cave their lives, a heavy: sea runninit
at the time. ; The Government ham die.
patched a tug to render assistance.
A „ French gunboat has Just arrived
with two hundred Germans. The passen
gers are ail well.
' The steamer Cleopatra is a total wreck.
She struck on a rock in Trespasseyßay,
'Saturday evening last, abont four miles
from the steamer Germania. The pas;
angers and crew are all saved and sr
rived here in oven boats to•day. , • ; - '
A dense fog has PreVidled on the coast
Pat the past three welzaaa s ; Newit,bire.
calved of vessels ivrtxdod on all parts of
the island.
The Albany and susquebanna Company
Difficulties Unsettled—The Contending
Forces in Battle Array—Trains Stop
ped. Track and Trestles Torn 10Q.—.
Full Aceounter the Situation ot Affairs.
By Telegraph to the Eqttsburgh Gazette.)
BINGHAMTON, N. Y., August 10.—
The Managers of the Erie Rail
road were busy this forenoon pre
paring to prosecute the Albany and
Susquehanna Railway. Little tittstwor
thy information concerning the position
of the case can be ascertained, but as
usual in such a ff airs the streets are full
of rtimors. It is known three sneedal
trains, filled with workmen or "guerril
las," ao called, left this city this forenoon
before n i n e ,' - on :the' Albany and Snit
quehanna Railroad, in Erie care. The
first train took about two hundred and
the second one hundred and fifty men.
They were under charge of li. D. Rucker,
Gen Supt. of the Erie Railroad, and H.
D. V. Pratt, Division Agent. They took
a good Supply of flour and beef and sp•?
peered more like a military expedition
than on a civil mission. Most of the
men engaged on this end of the Sneque
henna Railroad are lying idle. Up to
.noon no trains had arrived from Albany
since yesterday forenoon. It is reported
the train which 'left here last evening
was seised at Afton. by a large force of
men in the Rattufay interest, and, their
intention is to retake Binghaixdon, if
they And they ate strong enough.'
B/NGHAMTON, IC Y.., August lb.—The
Susquehannaßailroad war is the ab
sPrbing subject of interest here. Judge
Peckham's order to Fisk, to show cause
why he should not be enjoined and re
strained from acting as receiver, also
directs that Sherlifa and other edema
alms the line shall, under no circum
stances, enforce Judge Bernard's order
to give Fisk poesession of the, road.
Thisprder failed to reach here, as the
'conductor of the three P. M. train yes
terday received information at napes
Ville that the Erie Company had seized
the officers, engines, etc., at Bingham
tom, and returned with the train. 'Al
though a telegraphic announcement of,
the order was received here, that had
no legal effect and could not be success
'fully offered, to the writ which Judge
.datnard bad leaned.
It is reported, upon authority which
gives it plausibility, that the Pennsylva
nia Railroad'Company has telegraphed
Ramsey pledging its support, if it should
regaire a million dollars, and that the
Delaware and Laokawana and its aux
iliaries have made a similar offer. The
New York Central Company is also as
sisting Ramsey.
el l ir
Sheriff Brown ,
captured train last who went out with the
night, has not ret no
ed. In his action here yesterday h was
governed by instruotiona , telw i exi
Inlar - AMlOlkainnitreilitlatiei ,
persons Tnterrfering with James ' k,
Jr.. as Receiver 01 the road. -- i t
At &OP. sr. another trahrof about two
hundred Erie hands leR -on'the Albany
and Snsghettanna road.; ,Two parties
have gone since noon, making 'four- in
all- to day. The number of Fisk men
now at the tunnel is sevenor eight klyt.
Colonel Noble has called out - the 44th
regiment• National Guards. The train
with the men on board will start' to
One hundred and fiftymen, compris
ing the Erie fighting corps, were armed.
The cityls full of rumors. The only
trustworthy intelligence from the scene
of operations is that at eight; o'clock the
Erie men drove the other party into the
tunnel. Some shots" were' tired • and one
of tire Erie party had his hand shattered
by a ball. The militia from this city had
just arrived.
Surrogate Lawton commenced hearing
testimony in .the case of the Receiver
ship this afternoon. The only fact es
tablished was that the papers making
Pruyn, Receiver were Mod Saturday
morning about 13:80 o'clock.
Fisk was arrested this afternoon on a
charge.of conspiracy against the .inter
eats of chi road , He gave bail to appear •
at tho nes term of the Court of Sessions.
A meet ing of ~citizens, called by the
Ramsey interest, was held this afternoon
in front of the Exchange and was attend
ed by about'five hundred people. Thos.
W. Alcoa • presided, assisted bye nem
,ber of Vice Presidents. Mr. Ramsey was
the first speaker, and spoke at some
,length, detailing the proceedings already
,publisned and denouncing_ M the machina
tions of the Erie party. e was, follow
ed,/ by others in a similar strain.
~ • •
Az.fiattrr. , ' August, U.—Mellowing is a
summary of the operations along the
of thiSesquetistioa Railroad a d in
Able city,for the
Master Mechanic Blackball, in com
mand of one hundred and fifty men, no.
der the direction of atiperintendeneVan
Valkenbnrg, of the Ramsey aection, at
dawn this morning resumed his forward
movement from Bainbridge. The enemy
becoming alarmed bad left the line clear
to , the tunnel, and consequently the de
posed Ramsey officials were placed in
occupation again. At ten o'clock this
morning each party stood watching the
other at the tunnel, each fearing to begin
hostile demonstrations, but at the same
time evidently prepared 'for the ;worst.
At eleven o'clock today ; the Erie force
. .
at the tunnel.' had been greatly . , aug
metited. o cc upying the entire groun d.
Gov.' Ho an is at West Point. Comp
troller All telegraphed him to - day rep
resenting t e necessity lbr the intirffr -
once of the strong arm of the State to re- .
press di o rder and prevent a riotous
demenstration. _ _
The Er a locomotive , RoseweliMiffell,
*hit% was captured at Bainbridge ar
fed - t,ie depot at 11:20 this mor big,
endives received with great applause The
aberill of Otsego county came do to
Colliers this rooming in, pursuance of a
Writ of assistance::' He, with all the
other sheriffs along the line of the road,
have doubtless been enjoined to-day. ,
, The situation' at the tunnel, at two
o'oeldr, to-day was • very interesting.
The hostile forces areou the south side
of. the tunnel. This Susquehuma train
lays before the station. The men are all
there waiting for the- nest move. . Ibis-,
Patches have bean sent to all the staking
between Oneta and the:tunnel to victual
the army of ructipatlon, The Erie raid
-1 era are encamped in a atria of woods on
a curvekhelowthe station. The men are
mainly mechanics. They say they have
no dlspOsltlon'Ao fight , and prefer the
uietude 10f the cool 'retreat they bait%
found:' Admiral Fists directing their
movements from this city. The raideis
brought a telegraph instrument with
them, bat the wee having beat ot, on
each aide of them communtmtion
The Erie locomotive was throwmfrom•
the track by means of a new patent frog.
At the same time the Susquehanna train,
which was laying of on a side track, ran
down 'behind the raiders, thus 'cutting'
off their return. By this move not onIT
the locomotive, buf the men with' B E
were captured. The prisoners are at
Bainbridge under Parole. The Sherlffof
Broome county - Was with the party,-and
WAR immediately rented. with an Minna
lion order. •
When the raiders\ readied Afton. on
their first trip up, Superintendent Van .
Valkenburg • telegraphed ,them that if
thefadvanced it would be at their peril.'
TheY afterwards advanCed, hoiveVer, be..
ing reinforced.
A oonstruction °asps has been sent out
'with orders to take up the track and
tear down trestles wherever necessary.
The trestles this side of the tunnel have
been removed. They can be replaced in
IS few hours. •
b. public meeting will be held tonight
in front, of the Extnuinge building, to•
give expression to the views and sympa
thies'of our citizens -
Airioni.Srrox, August 10.—About the'
time the militia from here arrived at the,
tunnel, near Harperville, the Erie men;
attacked the other party and drove tbem
through the tunnel., A locomotive was
taken through and came into' dollision
within another at the other - end.i The
Ramsey men then attacks t he Erie men
and drove them back. Esi* party.,nim
beide possession ofone end of the tunnel.
In the• skirmish Several persons were
badly hurt, among then& Mr.-filimpsixi, ,
conductor on the Erie road, who was
severely pounded with clubs and stones.'
Everything is; now quiet and both
parties are waiting for daylight.. A pro
vision train leaves here at six o'clock in
the morning to supply the militia and
Erie men.
ALBANY. August /o.—Gov. Hoffman
arrived in town at ten o'clock to-night,
and at once telegraphed the following
order to the•Sheiffs along the line of the
Albany and Susquehanna Railroad:
"The military should not interfere, ex
cept it it absolutely necessary for the
preservation of public order. In
view of the complication of the affair, I
advise and order that wheneyer either
party to the dispute is in actual posaes
'slop or any office or pi i irrOr of the Ajt4
him,* Susquehanna road CompanY,.
claiming to hold e same -under,
any judicial order, that oath. parQ
ty ahall be protected in "'such'
possession until the question in dispute.
shall be ftwdly adjudicated by the courts.'
Any other course will lead to strife' and
confusion. It cannot be posaible for any,
sheriff to decide under the clicumstancen
which of the judicial orders dre regular
and which are not. and the manifest
duty • of the public - authorities -is
to protect party as
=lf the •
in publifftravei manual, and,ltuttult,'
riatiand4resistance tonnthoritylaimmi
nent,,l-will ;declare the whole district
affected to be 'a' state of insurrection,;
and' wilt take p 0821885 1 .011 and control or
the road, ' and to that end, If neeesiary.
will call out the whole military .ffiroe of
the tittite.'.'
0116 State Central t ommittee In Codnell.
MT Telegraph to she Pittsburgh Gazette.l
COLUMBUS, Aug. 10.—The Democratic ;
State Central Committee, the mehabers
of which are arriving for the meeting to
morrow; are ditcussing the . feasibility of
theCbmmittee taking upon themselves
the responsibility of nominating, can
didate for Governor in Vase of Rose.
crane: It is not improbable that the
Oommittee tomorrow wilt make a nomi
The Alabama Election—Four ReptibU
can and Two Democratic pongee"-
t• Morrow3tEßY, Aug. ,10.—Full rettl-ras
from the • Third Congressional District
giveHeflin Republican, 200 majority
over Parkinson. The delegation will
stand as follows: Suck, from the let Dis
trict, Buckley from 2d, Pleilin from Bd,
And Hays from 41b, all Republicans;-Dia
and Sherwood, Democrats, from Oth and
,6th:Districts. This is a Democratic gain
of two, the delegation in the Fortieth
'Congress being all Republicans.
The vote in the-State was little if more
than one-half that - cast at the Presiden
tial election. •
_Politics—Reception of -Gov.
Seater. at Nash;ille.
NABEIVILLI3I, August 10.-A.%special
train went from` this plaoe this afternoon
to Murfreesixiro to receive Gov. Senior,
who was on his return to Nashville from
East Tennessee. A congratulatory speech
was made at Murfreesboro by W. G.
Brien, and briefly responded to by Gmt.
Beater. The return train arrived in
Nashville about 6 P. x., and Gov. Senter
was escorted to his hotel by a large and
enthusiastic procession. Thiaxeception
was unusually brilliant. • ' •
Ex Mayor W. Matt Brown announces
himself as a candidate for the Mayoralty
of this city to-morrow irktrning" .
The Turn•Fest—lithisanutter Night's Fes.
tival—Twit attleides—Pleture Frame
Establishment Burned. •
Macaw.' August .10.—The 'Tamers
assembled at . Wright's Oros% at an early
benzin the mornhag, and - oommetuted
their enlivening sports.• At Will there
.have been from seventeen- to
'twenty thciusand Persons present.. This
evening,at Pest Hall the gseorruM,6Bll
held theft midsummer night's festival.
The performances were unique and
1 An Englishman named Daniel Stows,
who was adjudged yesterday by the
County Court to be insane, and wasto be
taken r to r the Jacksonville . insane
Asylum this morning, committed suicide
in a coffin thejall last night by banging
hlooself. ' ils.body was drat discovered
about six o'clock this morning.
A man, named Theodore A. Merchant,
committed suicide list night at bit reel-
deuce,'=.No.` 7 Bide 'lsland avenue. He
had'itotinto financial difficulties and his
stock of goads was vesterday seised;
The • pleb:we frame mannhctory of
Mae - Seku"Sub do Cresco. Venal street.
took fire skit:4'one , o'clock this morning
and with the contents was ttotally , deo.
; 70 _, Jade Loss about 11Agoo, with an i n =
sursteO- fbr -half . the amount; There
were other sufferers to the siningate ez•
eat of 110,000.
sue • . -----
C a p .. • Removal of the National
iv Teirsreon to the •' Hz Meeting., .
ST. Louis, August 10,— .• &Otte.] - ,
heti° meeting of the citizens g‘enthe
ar .
was held at , the City Council Chamber
.'night to consider and eskeaction upon
'the question of removing tbe . National
apital to the Mlasisaippi.vallev.• Some
the most prominent citizens• of tilt.
• nis were present. Speeches were made
y Hon. Erastus Wells and Mr. Finkle*-
. urg, Representattves froznible city. In.
.ngress,-Eton G.: Sanith,; Mayor, Capt.;
as. Brownlee, acting President of the
- . •rd of Trade, Capt. Bart; ;Able, 8. H.
. rmstrong and others. Alter some dis
cussion upon minorpoints, thefollowing:
esolutiona'were unanimenaly passed:
Weenies, The agitation of the subject:
.f the removal of the National Capita
.m Washington
,City to the Missis sippi valley has become so general as to be.
.ational in character; and I
Weinzes. The people of the valley
:tater, and the great West bold that the
.. • .ns for the agitation are truthful and
wit, and of the highest concern toils&
, ational welfare, and as such the Amport
ce of the subject demends more peal
lyeand definite action on the part ofthe
...pie of the country, I
'Resolved, That tubs meeting favors the
r i t
. Mug of a National Convention,- at St.
Louis for t e purpose of 'Menai -con
4deration o the subject of the remexid.
. f the Natio al Capital to the Misintelp
.l valley b chosen delegates from - all
he States, dby thus doing • hasten, a
• nal settle ent of the question. -
Resolved, at to obtain a wise flisens
ion of the eta bearing upon this great
• übject, and to secure the end for which
• e labor, by a just conviction , of our
• untrymen to this cause, we make this
-11 for a National Convention, to -con
• ened at St. LOllll3 011 the 13th, day °Ap
ober next, said convention - to - ben
..mprised of delegates. -from the
:Sates and Territories, as follows:
.. ch State , to be represented - by
wo delegates from each cangnetional :
Istria and four delegates from _each
state et large, the delegates to be ep
.inted respec ti vely by the 'Governer of
he state; the territories will be• entitled
o twadelegates appointed by their Gov
.rnor; also the District of Columbia will.
. entitled to two delegates, to be dp
. inted by the Mayor of Washington oily.
A Committee of-Five wee appointed,
to which the whole"subject should be re
erred, and with authority to make all
roper arrangements ,for the holding: of
he Convention and power to change the
• ay, should they deem it expedient to
o so. The Committee consurteof Capt.
os. Brown, Captain Barton Able, - -Hon.
1.• :Finklenbleg, and Silas Burt. Cray
•be gentleman present opposed -the
.nvention, William W. McPherson.
d be only because he thotight the
, .. hooNair;. Be wished to see more '
nity ofasztion on the , part of Weaken
ngresamell and desired.thal the people
St. Louis and the Mia - f lppl vidley
. evote their united energy ledeVelopieg
he vast resources and building up the
: eat material interests or the valley,
• . fore they turn their attention to bran: -
The Races at Saratoga.
(By Telegraph to the Plttelrergh Ehutette.l
SARATOGA, August 10.—This was the
last day of the races. The purse of 8600;
one three-quarter mile, was wonby Cc%
Mean In two minutes and ten seconds.
Villey second; Sleety and Sanford ran a
dead heat for the third place; Nemesbs
fifth and Julius sixth. • ,
Thesecond race was for .81,200, four
miles. for all ages. - The • betttng before
the start was g5OO to §lOO against Gen.
Yank and Abdel Rader-4500 tolsoatotinet
Abdel Rader. Gen. Yank' led for two
mites, when Vauxhall passed first - Into
the third mile with Geo. Yank seocaid.
and Abdel Kader . last. In this way they'
ran to , the home-stretch, when Abdel
Bader brushed for the lead passing Gen.
Yank half s way to the judges'. stand,
challenging Vaukhall and - heading
half a- length as they passed 'into
the fourth mile,' ; and a
clear lead of a length „an entering the
turh, when Vauxhall,'iXeliblately beat,
come almost to a stand, bolted to the out
ward edge of the track and only Went on.
under whip and spur. Abdel Kdder
ranged up to the end and won the- race,
beating Gen. Yank • several lengthespitli
tumultuous, mile
1:5om ; two miles, 3:38; three miles,-b30; 4 ,;
miles. 7:31%. ~` ,
The consolidation purse of 1400, _one
and one-eighth Mile, was 'won by Fanny
Ludlow in 1:50y,. e , •
'taffeta Driving Pars !fleeting..
BUFFALO, August 10.—The' opening of
the fourth annual meeting or the,Buffet°
Park Association is a flattering-Bump.
About eight thousand persons were in
attendance on the track* end* the - most
perfect order was , maintained: , The
weather was clear =and>deli&httfel: .The
private stands" were crowded with the
elite of the'city. The ftrlst , faCe'ibrdiorsest
that had never beaten three tointdmirt
harness or .vagon,. was woh,hy.79lray
Hawk; time t - 323i 2: 42X, Z4351 1 ; 1- The
second race, for bOrtes that had never
beaten 234 in harness or. wagon. Wlslef4
by Henry; time 2:27, 2:27X, 2:26g.
Railroad Bridge Destroyed, by Rehab.
Lily Telegraph to the Pittabargb Gesetti..3
' Hay.kirk; August
received front Puerto Prinidpe, is to the
effect that the rebels destroyed the:rail
road bridde, near that city. It _ Wan Korth. •
ed, however. by the avanit 'tro o psnext day. -•• •
Murder of a Law lituilenL
[Br Telegraph to the Plttibarsb naae its'
Mgainas, August 10.—The - APAttieher
learns that this morning, ht. (Masud,
Mies., Dr. Lett fired four balls into:the
body of a young law . studentlnimed
Barnes. The murder woe wanton, and
the circumstancess myhtery, Lett rode
away on his horse.- Berms' father has
offered a large reward for hln and die
, country is being searched. -,. -
~_ . _ •
• Meteoric'Elltolver.
(By Telegraph to the httabargb Gazette.)
OINGINNATrs' 10, 11:15
Quite* display
soakng. occurred to
night: Some lvry Million: They
start from Lyre:and shoot toward Oss.