The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 10, 1869, Image 8

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Tits (smarm is furnished in the city
the six days of the week for 15 cents per
week; by mail, $8 per annum: 8 moa n V.
Velocipede's are things of the past.
The new J all will soon be completed.
Blackberrlea are plenty at ten cents a
-Hamill and Coulter will not again meet
this season.
The Mail
tratione ye
The worl
taught the
Allegheny, yesterday co .;
Reed to jail for abandown
his wife Mary.
Lieutenant Henry McCo ; formerly of
the Mayor's police has b en appointed
inside watchman at the jai , a very wor
thy appointment.
Assaniten.—Sharpley Anderson was
committed, yesterday, by Alderman
Lindsay for assault and battery on a
charge prefbrred against him by his wife
Catharine. '
Truck Found.—A. freight truck used
for loading freight on steamboats, was
found in the river at the lower end of the
Monongahela wharf yesterday, and la at
the Mayor's office.
Disorderly Conduct—John Boner made
information before Justice Helsel, yes
terday, charging Thigh Campbell with
disorderly conduct. The accused was
arrested and held for a hearing.
Obituary.—Dr. Fraaklil► Irish. a gen
tleman who stood high in his profession
and enjoyed the respect and esteem of
all his fellow-citizens. died on Saturday
last at New Castle. He will be buried to
The work of grading, cutting, etc., for
the extension of the Jamestown and
Franklin Railroad, from Franklin to Oil
City, and of the tunneling of the hill at
Oil City, is being pushed forward vigor
New Management.—The 011 Creek and
Allegheny River Railway has received
as its managing °Meier Mr. John Pit
cairn. Jr., formerly Superintendent of
the Middle Division of the Pittsburgh
and Erie Railroad.
Glutnged Hands. The Erie Dispatch
has passed into the hands of Messrs.
George Redway..Asa. B. Cook, Jr., and
James- R. Willard, who announce that
they have rammed tke . proprietorship
and control of the paper.
Temperance Meeting.—A. temperance
meeting will be held this (Tuesday)
evening at seven and a half o'clock, in
the Allegheny Diamond. Rev. S. Y.
Kennedy And A. N. P.lcOonnigle, Esq ,
will address the meeting.
The Finn Frost.—We are informed
through a- private correspondence, that
there was considerable frost in the vicin
ity of Tidioute, Warren county; last
week, not sufficient, however, to do any
injury to the fruit or crops.
Assault and Battery.--Joseph Michael,
one of the parties injured during the
row at the circus in Birmingham, made
information before Justice .km mon, yes
terday, charging Charles Carson with
assault and battery. A warrant was
issued. •
selling Liquor ou Sundays—The war
upon violators of the Sunday liquor law
is still being prosecuted wittt vigor.
Chief Hague yesterday made information
against Mrs. McCoy, for selling liquor on
Sunday and for selling without license.
3 ,4 warrant was issued.
The DbiestabUstiment or the Irish
Church Ml.—The Rev. John Hemphill,
•of County Derry, Ireland, will lecture on
the above subject which has recently so
agitated the British Lords and Commons.
The lecture will be at Lafayette Hall this
evening at 8 o'clock.
Dull.—Business at thi3 Mayor's morn
ing. court was extremely dull yesterday
morning, in fast there was not a single
victim in the lock-up Sunday night, and
consequently no case to , try Monday
morning. So much for the enforcing of
- the Sunday liquor law.
Mad Accident.—An estimable lady of
Sharon, Pa., while yet asleep, arose from
her bed on Sunday night and walked
out of the window, receiving in the fall
such injuries as caused her death yes
terday. She wag a somnambulist, and
frequently, before .had walked in her
Assault and Battery Cue Settled.—The
ease before Alderman Butler, in which
Dr. Louis Byerman, was defendant and
'C. Bauer, prosecuter,was heard yester
day when the matter was amicably set,
tlecfby the prosecutor paying the costs.
There was a misunderstanding in regard
to the charge.
Completed.—Aparatus for striking the
alarm of fire on - the church bell in the
"Twenty-Third ward (Efaselwood), has
• been completid and was tested yester
day. . The first practical test being that
of striking the hour at 9 o'clock A. H.
The machinery is said to be first class,
and works admirably.
Diamond Street. l -The work of widen
ing Diamond street, from the Diamond
to Barker's alley, was commenced yes
terday. When completed, the street
•will be a uniform width of forty feet,
from the Diamond to liberty street, and
will be quite .an improvement to that
,portion of the city, and .a detided advan
tage ifnot monopolized by market stands.
Threatened to Fix Lofink
testified before Alderman Strain yester
day that Thomas Whittaker had threat
ened, in an ominous way, to "fix" him.
Thomas has beeit trying to liz him
twic,e, on an information for selling
liquor on Sunday, but failed both times.
'Sin second failure, it is alleged, caused
to make the threat. Thomas was
.arreSted and held for a hearing.
The • New Fountatu.--Messrs.Porester
-and Alston have bpen awarded the con•
rtract for the stone work in the Park, be.
tween Cedar and Union avenues and
Ohio street. The work is to be comple•
ted during the next month. The design
of the fountain is similAr to that In front
• of the Treasury building, Washington
:city:'. It will be a handsome affair.
Hippy Termination.—AnnaO. Shurrer
made information before Justice Beige'
_ yesterday, charging Joseph Bendell
with seduction: She alleged that Joseph,
under a promise of marriage, seduced
I her daughter.. The accused was
and committed to Jail, hut was after
wards: released, and the case amica
bly settled by a wedding, in which the
' 3 . defendant, and the prosoxintrlz's dattglt
ter were the prinoipals.
Temple of-Honor.—At a regular meet
ing of Evening Star Temple of Honor,
held on. Friday evening, Ang. 6th, the
following was unanimously resolved:
That the Evening Star Temple of. Honor
No. 59, of Pittsburgh, unites their sym
pathies with those of kindred organiza
tions, and with every movement that has
for its object the advancement of Tem
perance Reform, and suppressing the
sale of intoxicating liquors in our midst.
Personal.—Alderman °lvan M. Irwin
of the Second Ward, Allegheny, has
opened a neat and pleasant aloe at No.
35 Ohio street, below the Diamond. The
citizens of the Ward made a judicious
selection in securing a gentleman of
such genial feeling and capabilities for
the position, and we feel certain the cosy
sanctum of our friend will always be a
popular resort for seekers after justice.
roux illus.
, elsewhere
Gray, who
this city in
Serenade.--We acknowledge the com
pliment of a very pleasing and welcome
serenade, instrumental and vocal, at an
early hour this morning, from the pop
ular and highly accomplished quartette
club under the leadership of Messrs.
Byrely and Lutton. The music was very
excellent, and the performers will find
a hearty welcome whensoever they choose
to repeat the delicious offering to relieve
the dull routine of newspaper life.
Neelle, of
mitted David
• nt, on oath of
On a Strike.—John Hartung yesterday
made information, before Justice Am
mon, of East Birmingham, against James
Turley and Henry Roth, for surety of
the peace. It appears that the parties,
who are all •boys, were working together
in Walker dr, Co.'s glass house, and the
defendants struck for higher wages, and
because the prosecutor would not join in
the strike they threatened to do him
bodily harm. Warrants were issued for
the arrost of the strikers.'
Seeking Retirement. —The select +com
pany at Claremont or the Work House,
up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad
will be increased today by several jo
vial spirits, who have concluded to seek
rest and retirement from -the activities
of the city, for a brief season. Old friends
will bail the arrival of Barney O'Donnel,
Thomas McCombs, John Talmadge,
Wm. Pryer, Brown Dawson and Samuel
Mercer, at the Work House. They start
on the early train this morning for their
W ooden Building.—Stieet Commis
sionisr McFadden made information some
days since before Alderman Neeper
charging Samuel Colvin with violating
the city ordinance prohibiting the erec
tion of wooden buildings. It appears
that the accused constructed a frame
shed or stable on Webster avenue, with
out permission from Council, and after a
hearing in the case, yesterday, he was
fined fifty dollars and costs, and be will
be subject to a fine of ten dollars for
each day the building is allowed to re
main after date of judgment.
Market Basket in Law.—Tbe exact val
ue of a market basket capable of holding
two bushels of potatoes or apples is about
to be tested. The test assumes the shape
of an information for larceny as bailee,
in which Adam Hofnagle is prosecutor
and Mrs. Kelly defendant. Hofnagle
is a peddler, Mrs. Kelley is a purchaser.
She purchased some apples of him and
borrowed the basket bontaing them.
Hofnagle alleges that when he called
again, she refused to return the basket,
hence the suit. A warrant was issued
by Alderman McMasterii for Mrs. Kelly's
Meeting of the Street Committee.—A,
meeting of the Committee of Councils
on Streets and Sewers was held last even
ing in the Committee rooms, city build
ing, for the purpose of awarding -con
tracts for the construction of sewers and
for grading and paving. The following
contracts were awarded:
For the construction of a sewer on
Forty-second street, to Forbie & Dris
coll; Sewer on Eleventh street, to Thom
as McQuade.
Grading, paving and curbing Forty
second street, to John Flinn; Grading
and paving Pleasant• Alley, to Forbie
Mere than once we have called attention
to the pig-pen-nuisance in front of the
Penitentiary. The grotind immediately
in front of that institution is as much
common property as it ever was, but the
citizens have tacitly assented to its in
closure because it had been neatly sodded
and planted with trees and generally
presented an attractive appearance. But
a large triangular portion of it has for
some time past been used a pigpen, from
which often arises the concentrated odor
of a miniature cattle-yard. Recently,
Citizens, who have been in the habit of
keeping pigs upon their premises within
the city limits, have been obliged, by the
officers of the law, to discontinue the
practice, and it is scarcely to be wondered
at that much dissatisfaction is felt at the
existence of this nuisance at all, and es
pecially upon common property and
within sight and smell of everybody.
Although the Penitentiary may not re
main very long where it is now located,
it is hoped that the pigs may go first.
Martin Brawdy was committed to jail
yesterday by Alden:flan Mer Masters.
About six weeks a go he was charged be
fore the Alderman with having knocked
a man down on Fifth avenue, and after
wards chasing his victim several squires,
flourishing a knife and threatening to
kill hid,. Martin managed to keep
shady since that time and elided the
utmost vigilance of the police. Officer
Blondin hearing that he was at his moth
er's residence in . Brownstown, in baste
proceeded thither and .arres ted him in
bed. He had retired after an entertain
ment of chair breaking, window smash
ing and sundry other demonstrations of
a rather exciting and exhaustive charac
ter. Sit will have a hearing in a few
Firemen's Aasociationr:Regular guar-
A regular quarterly meeting of the
Pittsburgh Firemen's Association, was
held Monday evening, August 9, 1869,
in the rooms of the association, city
On motion of Mr. Sims, the meeting
was organized by calling Mr. Cupples to
the chair.
The secretary then called the roll when
ten members answered to their names.
The minutes of the proceeding meet
ing were read and approved.
Mr. Ruch presented the report of the
Committee appointed to revise the Con
stitution and Bye.laws of the Association,
which was, on motion, laid over until
the next meeting.
The credentials of Mr. W. W. Fuller
ton as a delegate from the Eagle ' Fire
Company; were read and accepted, and
the gentleman admitted to a seat in the
The bill of James McGtaitin, Janitor,'
for one quarter's services, was presented
and ordered to be , paid.
Mr. Smith moved, 4at when the Asso
ciation adjourn it be to meet on the first
Monday in September to hear the report
of the Committee appointed to revise the
Constitution. Adopted.
On motion, adjourned.
vaught at Last.
terly Meeting.
Sudden Death In Allegheny The -
• 'feral Arrangements Interrupted by a
Coroner's Inquest—Mystery, Grief and
Excitement—The Result of It AU.
Yesterday afternoon a peculiar and
somewhat startling episode occurred at
a funeral ceremony in Allegheny. A
hearse followed by a long line of car
riages had drawn up in front of a dwell
ing, which from the outward tokens con
tained the remains of one whose earthly
pilgrimage was over. The streets near
by were lined with eager spectators,
drawn together by that morbid cariosity
which incites people on all such oc
casions. The house was filled with
the friends, who had gathered to
pap the last tribute of respect to
the memory of the departed. Every
thing was in readiness for the com
mencement of the sacred and impressive
services, when suddenly an unexpected
and somewhat my merlons interrup ion
interfered for the time with the progress .
of the exercises. The interruption was
caused by the entrance of an officer;
clothed with the necessary legal authori
ty, who announced that the funeral could
not proceed until an inquest had bean
held on the remains. Such a strange occur
rence naturally caused intense excite
ment and required an explanation, which
was given in the following manner:
About a year ago policies in three in
surance companies to the amount of $27,-
000 were taken out on the life of Conrad
Gorbach, residing at 126 Ohio street,
Allegheny. whose remains yesterday
were about to be interred. Conrad,
so far as known, was in sound health
and stout, and about forty-five years of
ago. He was a cotton spinner by trade,
but at the time was not and has not been
since, we are informed, working regular
ly at this employment. He was a mar
ried man, then living with his second
wife, and the father of several children,
some of whom were married. The poli
cies were all taken out in Eastern com
panies and were for $2,000, $5,000 and
$20,00d respectively.
About a month and a half ago he was
taken suddenly sick, when a physician
was called In who prescribed for him.
He recovered, but subsequently bad one
or two attacks, the last of which put an
end to his life Saturday evening or Sun
day morning.
In the meantime a rumor, faint at
first, but growing as only a rumor or
falsehood can grow, got afloat that some
thing was wrong. The rumor seemed to
be based on the allegation that as the
premiums on the policies amounted to
nearly tiro thousand dollars per year, it
was impbssible for the deceased to pay
the sal from his limited earnings,from
which i was argued that some person
interested had advanced the amount and
eventually aided in getting him out of
the stay. In fact it was asserted that
Conrad never had paid the money him
self, au acquaintance and one of the sup
poaed interested party having given his
check for the greater part of the amount.
Another point alleged was that the de.
ceased had been visited by the Insurance
agent a few days subsequent to his death,
when he stated he knew nothing about
"any insurance outside the $2,000 policy;
that the others if obtained at all, were
secured by some surreptitious means, or
by a substitution of some other person
for him.
Such were the many rumors which ad
ded to a hundred others of less founda
tion even, gained such headway that at
the instance of the Insurance agent it is
said an examining physician was brought
on from the east, to investinate the con
dition of the man. This physician ar
rivedin the city on Saturday evening
and intended proceeding with his work
yesterday, which, however, was ren
dered unnecessary by the sudden demise
of the man. •
The affair by this time bad gained
such a notoriety in the neighborhood
that the agents of the several companies,
in.which the deceased had been insured,
thought the interests of the family as well
se their own demanded that a full inves
tigation be made. This decision was
arrived at, yesterday, and immediately
they made preparations for an inquest,
The funeral had been arranged to come
off at two a'cloclg, and it was expected
that the whole matter could be settled in
a few minutes. but unfortunately they
were so long in deciding that the cere
monies had to be interrupted as stated.
Alderman Donaldson, upon being noti
fied, repaired to the house and in a short
time sail:kennelled a jury, when the in •
quest was proceeded with—the friends
and acquaintances in the meantime
smothering their grief, rendered thus
doubly crushing by the unusual pro
The jury, after being sworn, examined
the body which was enclosed in a rose
wood coffin in the room, and already ex
hibited evidences that the work of de
composition bad far advanced. The fol
lowing testimony was then elicited:
Dr. John Hamilton, sworn—l was
called to attend deceased about the 22d
of June, 1869, when he appeared in a
dying condition. He had great difficulty
in respiration, and upon examination
found he had a lung trouble, such as we
call asthma or capillary bronchitis.
Hardly thought he would live then, but
gave him something anti he got better.±
In the course of eight or ten days he
was able to come down to my office on
Ohio street. About the 22d day of July
I was again called to see him, and found
him suffering from another attack of the
same disease. He got better that time.
The next time I was called to see him
was on the let of August, when /Aland
him with the same old trouble, but not so
bad as at first. I saw him again the
next day, when he was better., I saw
him again last-Saturday morning. He
was eating his breakfast, breathed very
freely, and said he felt better. He call
ed my attention to what be was spitting
up. It was streaked a little with blood,
but I told him not to be alarmed, that
such a thing often °cowed in mesa this
kind. I bad examined him for symptoms
of consumption, but symptoms
of tubercular trouble. He bad asthma,
but from his symptoms I thought he had
some other obscure disease, which I could
not detect. I could not tell whether It
was organics or not. He had swelling in
the -knees, indicating the presence of
some other disetiae. As near as I could
tell he died of spasmodic asthma. I was
not present at the time of his death. I saw
him about ten o'clock Saturday morning,
when he appeared to be breathing well
And had no alarming symptoms.
•Olitia. Pfaff, sworn.—The deceased was
my - father-in-law. I was present fifteen
minutes before and a few minutes after
his death. When I left him a member
of his lodge was with him, and Mrsrr
bitch was sleeping.
Dittner, sworn.—Was present,
at the time of the death of the deceased.
No one else was with him. He died very
quietly while sitting on the sofa with his
head resting'between his hands. I called
Mrs. Gorbaoh and told her he was either
dead or dying.' She made no answer,
but commenced crying and went down
stairs to hall her son-in-law. He -died
about one. o'clock. I have, ktiowtOilm
about one year, and he was healthy 'When
I first knew WM— don't know- what he
worked ht.
The testimony closed here and the
jury were allowed to deliberate for a few
minutes, when they returned a verdict
that "The deceased, Conrad Gorbach,
came to his . death August 8, 1869, from
spasmodic asthma or capillary bron
While the inquest was being held, Al
legheny Tribe, Independent Order of
Red Men, of which deceased:was a mem
ber, came marching up in full regalia,
beaded by a brass band. The crowd of
spectaora by this time had increased to
such an extent that the street was almost
blockaded, and as rumorsof the proceed
ings inside were whispered around
the excitement became intense. The
inquest was .proceeded with as rap
idly as possible, and in about half
An hour it tytts conclud9d l w he n th e
jury retired, glad to hav6 flashed their
disagreeable duty. As they vacated the
room the family of the deceased enter
ing, gathered around the bier, and as if
unable to longer control their feeling,
manifested their intense grief in passion
ate sobs and tears—a scene, which in
connection with the peculiar events
just transpired, seemed affecting and'
touching in the extreme, and made an
ineffaceable impress upon the memory
of every witness.
Journeymen Tailors In Convention.
An nternational convention of repro
senta Ives from the various Journeymen
Tail° a' Unions in the United States and
Cana a, assembled in Stenger Hail, cor
ner of Seventh avenue and Grant street,
this city, Monday morning. The per
manent President being absent,the meet
ing was organized by electing Mr. Geo.
HumPhreys President pro tem., and ap.
pointing Mr. Hongendabler Secretary,
and Mr. McCarthy Treasurer.
The roll of delegates was then called,
and a Committee on Credentials an.
The Committee subsequently reported
the credentials all correct.
Mr. Bitisittt, of New York, reported a
strike in progress among the shop tailors
of that city and vicinity, in which 5,000
men are engaged. He hoped that the
delegates assembled would give an ex
pression of their sympathy with the
strikers and asked that he be authorized
to send the following dispatch to the
great demonsi,ration to be made in front
of City Hall, a; twoo'clock this afternoon:
"Brothers, continue the struggle. The
sympathy of the delegates of the Inter
national Union is with you. Be firm,
then, and a glorious victory will be
yours." The suggestion was adopted.
After the transaction of some other
business, the Convention adjourned until
two o'clock P. M.
The delegates reassembled pursuant
to adjournment at two o'clock, the Pres
ident protein in the chair. •
The minutes of the morning session
were read and approved. _
The credentials of delegates fromthe
Clotning Cutters, Union, of New
York, were presented and read.
Mr. Mouslard moved that the delegates
be admitted as members of the conven
Mr. McCall moved to amend by refer
ring the matter of their admission to the
several local unions, and that in the
meantime the delegates be admitted to
seats in the convention.
The motion was discussed at consider
able length and in a very warm manner,
and was finally adopted as amended.
The delegates who were in waiting
were then, on motion, notified of the ac
tion of the Convention and invited to
After the transaction of some unim
portant business the Convention ad
journed to meet at nine o'clock this
Another Big Oil Strike.
By a private dispatch from J. B. Mech.
ling, Esq., one of the leading and most
responsible attorneys. of Tionesta, Po.,
we learn that on Saturday evening a new
well was struck on the Jamieson flats,
and on Sunday pumped at the rate of
one hundred barrels per day. This is
the second Important well obtained on
that farm and creates considerable ex
citement oil circles. The Jamieson
farm is about one mile above Tionesta on
the opposite bank of the river. It is ad
joined by the large farm owned by Pitts
burgh GAZETTE •proprietors, and on
which several wells are about to be
bored. This new territory attracts
much attention, and is thought
to be equal to any of the pro-
ducing districts of the State. Oil is
obtained in large and constant sup
ply at a depth. varying from one hun
dred and fifty to two hundred and fifty
fest, while in other localities the opera
tor mast go down a much greater dia.
lance, involving a far heavier expense.
It is natural that we should be glad to
note all the new developments in this
region which so long remained neg
lected. A few years ago better wells in
the vicinity of Tionesta, and on the
Gaz.nrrE farm, were abandoned, on ac
count of the low price of oil, than are
now being operated in a very profitable
manner on other portions of the belt, and
this fact lends greater attraction to the
district. Several new wells are going
down on the Jamieson flats, while opera
tions on others have been commenced on
the Tionesta side of the river.
A Wool Transaction.
Yesterday morning a lot of wool ar
rived at the Allegheny station, con--
signed to Mr. Robert Hunter, of this
city. A short time afterwards a man
giving his name as Logan called at the
depot, stated he bad bought the wool
from Hunter and wishecbto take it away
to his establishment in the Allegheny
Diamond. The wool accordingly was
delivered to him, when he signed the
receipt and disappeared. Subsequently
Hunter called for the wool, and was sur
prised to learn of the transaction, which
he at once pronounced a fraud. He im
mediately come before Alderman Mo-
Masters and made information against
Logan for larceny. Officer Blondin was
entrusted with the case and subsequent
ly discovered- the wool, eight packages
in all, had been sold to a firm on Liberty
street, who had paid WO cash to Logan
for it. Immediately upon receipt of the
money the seller had moved oft and
could not be traced. The officers are on
the lookout for the sharper, with, how
ever, small prospect of securing him.
Sabbath Dleturbaneens.
John N. McGee made information be
fore Alderman, MeMasters yesterday
against Geo. Lang for selling liquor on
Sunday. Lang is proprietor of a saloon
in Pleasant Valley. Second Ward, Alle
gheny, and it is alleged that the estab
lishment is kept open every Sunday, and
that parties are drinking there all day
long, and that frequent raids are' made
On the property in the vicinity, fruit
trees torn down, fences broken, and other
depredations committed by the fre
quenters of the saloon. McGee is a police
officer, and Investigated the case on
•Stinday with the result-as stated. •The
*mused was 'arrested and. gave, bail for
aheariiig. Clt•ls but 'prolier Sate that
this was the only complaint which has
been- made against the saloon and . the
proprietor denies the charge.
[Froaliahe Pittaburah Medical News.]
Laver Complaint.
In this disease there is a peculiar ca.
chetic condition of the blood which gives
rise to a long train of diversified symp
The countenance becomes sallow, the
eyes have a yellowish tinge, the whole
skin becomes changed in color and ap
pearance, and not unfrequently ter
minate in a jaundiced cosdition of all the
excretions, but especially the urine.
Dyspepsia soon sets in, sometimes
cough, similating Consumption. • brOpsy
with its usual symptoms of swelling of
f"'t and legs—Asthmatic _difficulties,
Costiveness, Piles, cito. These many
times so far change the symptoms in
every other respect as to make it diffi
cult for the physician to arrive at the
true nature of the case by the pulse and
tongue alone.
A mere ocoular inspection of the urine
in this dlseme, however, is nearly always
sufficient to determine the nature of the
case, and many times to give a very cor
rect opinion of the eztent of the mischief
The melancholy which is so apt to take
place in Liver complaint has often led
to erroneous treatment, and the worst
of consequences have thus befallen the
We have cured many cases of melitn
choly amounting even to "derangement
of the mind," when the came was plainly
attributable, to Liver Coniplaint alone.
In this disease, as in many others, the
urine is so well marked as to denote the
character of the disorder long before it is
manifested by any other symptom or
outward sign.
We have had the examination and
treatment of so many cases of this dis
ease and its complications that we have
learned the kind of medicines to be used
in each particular case not only—but feel
satisfied that they can be treated more
successfully without, than with, any mer
curial preparation whatever.
In fact, our success in this affection
numbers thousands of cases, and reliable
cures have been made in hundreds of in
stances, after nearly the last vestige of
hope had been exhausted.
We would not hold out any induce
ments to hopeless cases, however, but
would just say that what has been so
many times done, we would hope to do
And if any person in whose hands this
periodical may fall, are similating a
hopeless case, let them still have courage
and try.
Should we by this article be the means
of thus relieving one more sunject of
sickly lingering Liver Complaint, Jaun
dice,Dyspepsia or Dropsy, - we will feel
ampy rewarded for the publication of
this book.
132 Grant aired, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Comfortable Boots, Shoes and Gaiters,
and Whei e to Purchase.
Neat fitting and comfortable boots,
shoes and gaiters are luxuries which
cannot be overestimated, more especial
ly since they are so difficult to be obtain
ed in these days- of machine sewing and
pasting. Those of our readers who can
appreciate pedal comforts need hardly be
informed that Messrs. Alpert de Kohler,
the well known and popular boot and
shoe dealers and manufacturers, No. 38
Market street, have attained enviable
reputation in their line of business, and
one that' is certainly warranted by the
care and skillful workmanship of every
article which leaves their establishment,
whether ready made or manufactured to
order. They make a specialty of boots,
shoes and gaiters for those persons trou
bled with corns. bunions, enlarged
points, or any other distressing deformi
ties of the feet, warranting on every oc
nasion to furnish an article that will
prove comfortable and satisfactory in
wearing. The firm cut entirely on the
alentifio mode invented by Mr. Alpert,
of the firm. who formerly did business in
Allegheny: -We know whereof we speak
in commending this house in our heart
hat terms to readers as eminently worthy
public patronage and confidence. All
they desire is a fair trial and a person
who - appreciates neat fitting and comfor
table boots and shoes, will, after having
the first order filled, forever after prove
a customer to the firm. Remember the
the place No. 313:Market street.
Reyenue Receipts.
Collector T. W. Davis, if he continues
to "pull up" in receipts as he has done
since his appointment to office, will show
at the expiation of his term a record
which will s" (teak volumes in his favor as
a faithful and efficient gatherer of Gov
ernmental duties and taxes. Here are
the collections for July, Compiled from
his account books, which show a healthy
increase when compared with the corres
ponding month of last year:
T"xte from Spirits
77 . 7 Tobacco 78,156.:10
" " Permeated Liquors 9.73 93
" " Banks and Bankers 10.7 3.96
*. Gross Receipts. 11.215 99
.• " Vales 2,051.30
Incomes 115.175.47
" Legacies 501.84
ruccessions 1.55i.93
" " Gas
Penolties, etc 124.76
" " tip.cial not otherwise enu-
naeratcd 19,0=.73
" " ArtlctPs in Schedule "A
" Not, otherwise provided for 47.65
Total frog - rill sources =4.433.61
Total Jul, 1/01 87.330.83
Increase July, ISM - 4Er,10C.78
Conflict of Jurisdiction.
A few days ago information was made
by Chief Hague before the Mayor, charg
ing Mary Joice with selling liquor on
Sunday, and the action being a civil one
for the purpose of recovering the penal
ty of fifty dollars, a summons was Issued
and served and yesterday morning fixed
as the time for the hearing. During the
time intervening between the date of the
information and the hearing, proceedings
of a similar nature for the same offence
were instituted before Alderman Lynch,
who, after a hearing, gays Judgment in
tho usual form for the penalty, and when
the case was called for a hearing before
the Mayor a transcript from the Alder
man's docket was presented and the plea
of former conviction entered. The case
was held over for further consideration,
and in the meantime an information
charging Mrs. Soles with Baling liquor
withoat license was made, upon wnich
she was held for a hearing.
The Superiority of the Boulevard pave
ment over all other styles in use is daily
becoming •more apparent to the public,
and:we are not surprised that the enter
prising proprietors of the patent for this
section, Messrs. R. M. McCowan it Co.
No. 65 Ohio street, Allegheny, have as
much as they cab attend to in supplying
orders. The Boulevard is solid, clean
and pretty and for walks or pavements
much more durable than bricks or even
Sag stones, for when once properly laid
it never,weare out. It is comparatively
cheap and -when it is !Piny appreciated
by the public we can confidently , look
for a complete revolution in paving. Or
ders either for city or country left with
Messrs. MoCoWan Co. will receive
PruMpt attention.
Silks at Anettsia TO;Day.
At the'Adudnistrator's sale, 20 St. Cla
street, a large and varied assortment
silks will be offered this day at 9M A. r*
and 2 P. I,t. The house is crowded
overflowing each day and evening. The
crowd to-day with the new attraction will
no doubt be immense. We saw. some
splendid shawls sold • yesterday very
cheap, and many other articles are much
lower, we thinY, than they .vot orig
The sale of dry grinds 'generally will
be continued in the evening at halt
past 7.
All klnds'of dress "goods sold daily at
the old establishment, 59 Market street,
at auction prices. Now is the time to se
care bargains, for all know who attend
the sales. that the goods are' disappear
ing rapidly.
The language of nature and experi
ence demonstrates that whoever would
enjoy the pleasures of food, the beauties
of landscape, the joys of companionship,
the riches of literature, or the honors of
station and renown, must preserve their
health. The effect of foul r bsjurious food,
entering the Stomach, is to derange the
digestive organs and produce headache,
loss or appetite, an/wrestling sleep, low
spirits, feverish burnings, eta which are
the symptoms of that horrid disease,
Dyspepsia, which assumes a thousand
shapes, and points toward a miserable
life and premature decay. PLANTATION
&waits will prevent, overcome and
counteract all of these effects. They act
with unerring power, and are taken with
the pleasure of a beverage.
MAGNOLIA WATNEL-a2periOr to the
best imported Garman Cologne, and sold
at halt the price. 7:ILEUT F.
Bates and Bell,
Offer at low prices,
Figured Grenadines,
Lace Mantles,
Silk Mantles,
Ladles under garments
Hecker's Farina forms a very agree
able light nutritive food, a anperior arti
cle for puddings and jellies, and is highly
recommended by physicians for invalids
and children: Sold by all grocers. T
Williamson's Shop, 190,7 - Federal street.
Allegheny, is first class for a luxurious
bath, for shaving, hair dyeing, hair cut
ting and dressing, plain or by curling and
frizzle; also, for cupping and leeching.
Ladies can beautify their complexion
without injury by using Milk of Violeta.
Bold by dYuggists and fancy Roods deal
ers. V. W. Brinckerhoff, New York,
general agent.
Constitution Water is a certain cure for
Diabetes and all diseases of the Kid
neys. For sale by all Druggists.
rut' s:T.
The Boston Brown Bread, manufac
tured by Wray Brothers, Irwin street, is
delicious. We have tried it. The proof
of the pudding is in the eating.
THOMPSON-On August 9tb. , 1869 at 7%
n'elock e. M. S.:LIZABet 0, widow of the late
John Thompson, in the 82d year of her age.
Funeral on WEDNESDAY, the 11th inst., at 2
o'clock P. M.. from the residence of Ler ton-In- -
law, W. W. Wallace, 191 ;South avenue, Alle
gheny. city. She friends of the family are re
spectfully invited to attend.
IRTSH—At the residence of his mother. at New
Caqtle, Pa. on Saturday, the 7th lust., Dn.
FRANKLIN MISR; of Pittsburgh.
The Mende of the family are Invited to attend
fats burial at Greenwood Con-tery, /sew Castle.
on TusraDAY, the 10th Inst.. at 11 o'clock A. 31.
pi;l I) Diai :* ;4.11
Carriages for Funerals, 82.00 Hach.
COFFINS and all Funeral Furnislunent at re
duced rates. au7
A LEX. AIKEN tar Enr.w.-
Ya. COFFINS of all khas,CRAPEA
GLOVEb, and ery description of Funeral Fur.
Walling 004 S furnished. Rooms mwn .1.- •- •
11 1 0** ria.rtsges furalsiten for city funerals at
IS 00 each.
Ar.rauslicies—Bev.David D.D., hev.aa.
W. Jall er cobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing. &so ..-4 oh
Mi, Esc.
AVENUE Allegheny City, where their COrTIN
ROOMS 1. e constantly supplied witk real and
Imitation 80, ewood, Mahogany and Wilma"
Coigns, at prices varying from f4E to $lOO. Bo •
dies prepared for in, k mount. Hearses and War.
riages furnished: also, all lctlids of Mourning
Goods. If ?squired. Office open at all hours, day
end night.
Persons who are sneering from weak eyes or
dimness of vision can Mrs nothing better to re
store them to their proper standard than by using
An article we can garantee to be genuine, and
at such a price that • hey will come within the
leach of all. ell we ask is for you to call and
ex lty ove amine r
ihm. an
others. d we will prove their guyed
cr all
Would reirnectfully inform his Maid' and tha
public generally, that his
Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets,4
iry HESPENHEID & CO, • -
.1 4 to. GO SIXTH 13TEEXT. Cate St.
Chiral have Just received frcrm the Nast the best
lot of New Goods for Spring Suits ever brought
to the market. The firm warrant to cut and St
and make Clothes cheaper and better than any
drat-elm house In this city. A new and opiat.
did assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FDTINDHI
DM GOODS are at all times to be found at his
hemp. our Number Is 40 FinCTH HT RAM,
OPEN DAILY from 9 to *o'clock. and mt
SATURDAY EVENING, from May Ist to No
vember let , from 7 to El o'clock. and from No
vember let to May tat, Bto .8 o'clock. Interest
paid at the rate or els per cent., free of tar,and
if not withdrawn compounds semi-anunolly
January and July. Books of By!Laos,
Walled at the °lace.
Airsaners—G A:Berry. Prealdent;
B. H. man. Jas. Park, Jr.„Vice Presidents:
D. E. hPlUnley,Secretsry and Treastuvr.
A. Bradley, J. Graham. A. S. Bell,
Wm. 71
Nitniek, John 8. Dllworth, P. Rahm,o
bee,jornna Rhodesl,llno.Scott.Robt.D.Sclunerta,
Christopher Zu .g.
D. W • a A. B.BeR, Saliclton. fr7ll-711'
$ 3$
)E - vms