Q STEEL WORKS. DUQUESNE - WORKS. COLEMAN, ROM & CO., manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AxLgs. AND SPRINCS, LOVIVUEBBIL, L X AND JIUNIATX4 PLAT BAR. ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. gAND., HOOP_HEET AND 'iANE. DIO. BOILER Pt aTES AND READS, GUARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER BLEB me.Neav; DirrrEG BARS, CYLLNDEA IKON___ • 1 T AND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Bouts. I „ 'ROW B A RS,WF.DOES & HARROW TEETH, ? `' RING, _PLOW ...ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, 'nEL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STETEED TIRES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. ELES • ._,' COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS. and SL, CEIT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. Sinteenth Street and Allegheny River, ' and 77 Water S . Pittsburgh. sea SLIE.FFLELD STEEL WORKS BINGER, MICK & CIO., IPITTSBURGIE. PA.. Xanufactrffers of every description of CAST AND.GFRMAN STEEL, ItAiLW. 13PAINVES, SELL sic AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, ASLRI3, STEEL TIRE, Ac., Re Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. ezzrznia. wornriesf NETOA I, r , I REUBEN MLLES. eZO. W. BARR, I CRAB. PAMIR. BMW. PAIANSB - B. M. RIZ% CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, BABE & ; PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Marti St, 'PITTSBURGH, PA. fal4:d4S BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Xanawtorers of all desc.riptlons of ta39r"l7 % Dines and Warehouse, THIRTIETH, THIRTY 1938 T sad RAILEDAD STRUMS, • IRON WORKS. luotsutsuN PROCESS. The Trustees are now prepared to grant licen ses tor the use of the LP LLERSRAIIBEN PRO =SS. The superior quality imparted to good iron, the great improvement in inferior iron. and the reduced cost.cominend it to sit manufacturers of iron. . Parties wishing to lute it can obtain licenses by &Drains to • • JAMES P. SPEER Attorney for the 'Trustees, BOOM 1 and 2; English's Building, 963{ 7onith avenue. Parties interested are Invited to visit the BHOB biBEB,GBit WORKS. where the !mess is how in sueeessini operation. leS:dt7 EVERSON, PRESTON & co., Pennsvlvania Iron Works. Warehouse, _Nos. 166 and 161 FIRST ppos Its Monongsaelx seq , an24:ds PITTSBURGH BRASS FOUNDERS. JOHN X. COOPiEt lIENEY JOHN N. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MADE. PEOXPTLY TO ORDER. Makable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, IHROTTLE,SLITTI AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. 1:11ON CC)CIEES, Brass Work at erery deserhtlon for Steam, Water and UM WITFACTITEERS OF J. M. COOPER'S Improved Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil era, the best in the Market. Office and Works, corner Thirteenth and Pike atreeta.. so% NOVELTI WORKS. pITTIMIRGEI NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 1883. ADAMS. .BVICEE lir. CO. xAsuracTozzas 07 KEYSTONE STANDARDJPAIRBANK ft PAT ENT) PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. /SIM Pabed Patent 'Deal' Locke and Latches. Paint and Coffee Mule, de. 00B1EB or FIRST AVENUE WerlWifT BIS Putsunsh,E4ollol4 GLASS. 0131 NA , CUTLERY. - 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS.: • FINE VA§ES, BOJEWILIN Min CHliii• • BMW STYLES, . DINNER SETS, • TEA SETS, GIFT CUPS, • SMOKING SETS, . A large stock of SILVER PLATED GOODS • of all descriptions. feel and satisfied no n i e l e ' d bLT.gitewde. R. n BREED Br. CO. . g • cg 100 WOOD,, STREET. LITHOORAPHEIR B • DINJAN/N IMEGIBLIN • ? slue cams, jiIINGERLY CLElSlMaccessors to era. Y. aosuctummg d Co., rimencturs mrsoaserinssa., ' The oelgtelue Llthoiwohlo Fetabllehment • Tietl'r.son'tri.tt i n4; ituess..,.°Blo' 11.17, seet •••• Iriptcrmas: l'Ortratts; VOWS, Cerueeetes of De p. Wtli._Stgifs in Noss 1111 ud 14 ••• • ENGINES, BOILERS, &o. BUR N. BOLE 86 CO., Cor. Point Alley and DuquesneF.A., taws ass rem%) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES end STA TIONARY ENEILITES, of all sizes. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILEB,_of 15-horseepower. CASTMGB,of every kind, made toorder atour Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. BIOS for Oil Wells, BIiAP.TING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOITSE and TOBACGD SOREWS &nu LBON TOB ACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point. air All orders promptly TS! tig FORT PITT BOMA STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUX° TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER MEM& BOIL- ERB. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANSB_, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS. SETTLING PANS, SALT FANS AND CON DENSERS• STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES• PRISON DOORS AND cosi. sEarraa Offiee and Warehouse. corner Seeond, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, .1111" Orders lent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:P23 BARNMLL & BOILER MAKERII AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery, we p pared to manufacture every description oBOIL ERS ln the best manner, and warranted equal to. any made in the country. Chimneys, Breechfcg, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar ng Pawl, and sole manufacturers of Barnblll's Pat cat Boilers. Repairi done on shortest notice. isS:citt JAMES !IL BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., IMMICITFACTIMIR 07 IRON OIL TANK 1117TIANG PANG. OOPPRR WIWI FLYS. ROLLING RILL STACKS, . And MEET IRON WORK. For Steamboats. PITTSBIIIRON. JADED K. a1tM01....-..........ZDKUND D. DIM JARED M. BRUSH & SON, 7EA21774tCT111121113 01 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, • • : SKEET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Perin Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. AL. ISBA.DILIEY & CO., grarinfacturen of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTERNS AND IMPROVEMENTS. and the reputation of our Stov shou l dsh that 111 , 7 one Want oi a good article purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call in/Realer attention to our new VOLCANO • !STOVE threemonths . I nten de d a stores. Over 500 sold in out casing. All who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and tar cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. e2O SBA BURS 86 con ILANIINADIRIUISS Or DTZIIT VASECIT ON SEV I X I CONTMEL, BOSTON COOKING RANGE, k THE FIERY FURNACE," sou WANKING BUILDINGS. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING BIOTA "ItICOULATOB. ,, COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. lAMB (Cincinnati Patter_ n) _POBTABLB RAMIE OAST IKON MANTLEB, BEIPLECTOR.IILATES free trop &Maud dust; OWL= Init NC. 206 and. 206 Liberty Street, 5e25:717 PTPIBBUIIBIL PA. COOK STOVES. CET THE. BEST. BISSELL at M.'S TRIUMPH. FOB BITUMINOUS GOAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as Iran as any other Store In the union. BISSELL & 00., No. 235 Liberty Street. on vato nd for sate, P&BLB1A SaiI 7 hrfIb A VNMERIS, GOOKINES FMB, Ake. PITTBBUBSH, PA. KANUTIOVIREBEI Or PITTSBURGH, Pa. NOS. SO, IS, 14 AND SS PENN BT. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. NO. SO WOOD STREET, TO BE POOND; LUMBER. TO BUILDERS ! . 500.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 150,000 feet 136 inch Clear Plank; 115,0110 feet 12 Inch Common Plank; 20,000 feet Dry 1 and S Inch Oak: 25000 ft. 34, 1, Lit, S and 3 Inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 10 000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 10i000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 80 000 feet No. 1 eivagiols 18 inch 4 glen, 100,000 No. t 10-inch Shingles, sawed; 50,000 No. 118-inch Shingles, shaved; 60,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles in the line ou band and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Yards— No. 151 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets, !Sixth ward, Allegheny, late bor ough of Manchester. ap:s STONE. WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works Northwest corner or West Common, Allegheny, FILICIPX ATVATIMIL aa CO. Nave on hand orri r tiare on short notice Hear* and theß Stones. s Mamas. B rev e? Vaults. we. Read an Tomb atones, ie. torten ptwmptly eseontade nags rsionalis PITTSBIJRGIU GAZETTEi ; ' ; e . :,:11 FOUNDIIEB, BIACECIIMM HEAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COIPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. tarEnginee, Rolling MLR Ma- Oulnery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. ATIONAL FOUNDRI AND PIPE WORKS. Oorner Carroll and Smallmanatimeta l INLNTH WARD, I PITTISERMG7I3, PA.. WILLIAM SMITH, fklanufooturea of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAB AND WATER WORRY/. Hy Floes are all cut inyarlablyin Pits, In dry sand, and LA feet lengths. Also, fa* assortment of general Castings for Bas and Water Works. eL7sigallis(4col4.l°,l=enok'fM litgen. d• DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM BDIMB, (Successor to JOS. P. HU(H & CO. 1 ) Has fac in the ilities Eoa c.e.:-.tensivs p e with promptly and satisfactorily lilt all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON ROD.i,_LAVERS, PITMAN JAMS,WHISTS, RAILROA.D AXLES. LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES. _together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forte, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apiCh4o IBINS "' SEA is CO., summit to BtatIMBON. KIIMI a litlitasS, WA.SECINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blest Engines, Mill Machinery, Res . = Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oa and SCRs, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Odice, No. IS, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding - Boilers. trEt THORLIS CABLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works SANDUSKY BT.. ALLEGIUSNY INTL PA.. Manufacturers of Stationary and Portable Steam istigines, 011 franca, raLleys, Sha ft ing, Grist and Saw !dill Work, Bo ill and Machine Castings. Grate Bars, WeigMiss -M hts, Wagon Boxes, ie. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all abes. norliieS CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn 18treet. BOUM AN, BOYD & BAUALEY. C6IIIRoJe,.KM Culture, Roll Lathes. /to. DIAMOND OIL WOJZKL H. M. LONC & CO., °Mee, DLLZELL BUILDING, Duquesne Way, Pit burgh. Pa. WARINGAND SING, Commluion Merchants end Brokers la Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY. PHILADELPICIA. ADDREEB, Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. 010 TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LND DELLZEB IN Petroleum and its Products, Pittabiregh Ofice—DALZELL I B BMLDLND. earner Prof Duqueme Way and Irarla streets. Fblth4eiPbls omoe-12T WALNUT ST. Intl:w2o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM, REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TappLE, MANUFACTURER OF N . Lubricating & HighTestßurningbilu. telly". Railroad Axle 011. Mande great hest 'without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. ripeclal Oil for tropical climates or hot, weather. Locomotive, Engine, Raeldne Shop, Will cut Beams. • Saw 31W and Planing AM OM, Adapted , for highspeed. Bp hale 011, Wool ead-L*l4OM 011, Tanners' Stuff. Beusp le, lug a vi wishing oil, lia4o l l o o, Harness Oil, Passel One. ARBOR VARNISH.. to preserve Bright Iron Work andildachlnery from - Rust. Those products are manufactured under Dr. Twaddle's patent by Superheated Steam Vac olio. '1 be lubricating 0111 are almost odorless, Perfectly pure, uniform. and mostly light col. e c r ! e re m d ihi st t ag i l g t u t/t i t r x p t lr e t: r c e ol u d n . Ohs are uneguallef, and are in constant use on many ot the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 114 WOOO STREET, Works at Rharpsburg Bridge.. Ii $ fIEI 01 :TV Wie tit:OLIO:ES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. PrITS33 I I7IEiG I A. Kautacturere of WEFT! MMDIOI. aid LINO AMNON AND zsetwas. wmmffaa Aztxra&Trum NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE', PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL 8200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. BANE OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. Thos. M. Marshall, Wm. T. Shannon, James W. Arrott, Chas. B. Leech, John Floyd, This Bank is now frilly to do a general Banking jelok43 FIFTiI AVENUE BANK Is now open for Discount, Deposit and General Banking Business, at 1.95 FIFTH AVENUE. Any sum received from One Dollar upwards, Interest at the rate of six per cent. paid on time deposits. OILS. FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BAH. DIRECTOEB IJohn M. Murtland, Archibald Wallace. Jas. D. Kelly, Wm. Floyd. organized and prepared buainess. Of Pittsburgh, DIRECTORS F.D. DITHRIDOE, W. P. WHYMAN, W. H. SIMS. FRANK r , IEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, Hr:NRY MEYER, DAN. KINZERARMOR, EMIL POERSTEL. ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. F. SCAENCH, Cashier. jy10:198 HART, CAUGHEI & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Street 4, rrr•rsittritala, PA., lISUOOEB3OIIB TO HAMM, SLIM * 00..) DIALZIIII IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular at and malt entione of pai d to the purchase • 'GOVERNMENT BONDS. elgrht, Drafts 0111..021d0n. lj HOLMES & SONS, .1\ • 57 Market Street, VIT'Z'JCIEII3UII43-EL. PA Colls made on Ca n a da / herincipal point/ of the U nited Mates and Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT iND SOLD ON COICHIMON. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale oi • United StateS Securities. Ja3o:al JAY COOKE & ca, istisixamers, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. • , STOCKS and BONDS of all description bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. Inh3o CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 5100,000. • STOCEHOLDENS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN'EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the united States and Canada. DOMINICK Immo/. President. • JAstze Means. Vice President. JOHN B. OoshiLsr. Cashier. DIRSCTONI3. D. Ihmsen. • James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John Savage, J. Dunlevy, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, , James Phelan, '• Chas. B. Barr, R.A.Prevvogle. Juo.Josalermann. Thomas Barnes, liugh Kecting. UPHOLSTERY. HOLTZHAN & WIEDEBHOLD. No. 100 Third Atenue, Upholsters and Denim in Curtain Goods, Direct the attention of their friends and the public to their finely assorted stock of Lace and Nottingham °attains Vestibule Laces,Damask Reps. Ferry's Mexican cloth Satin Detains, Gilt Cornices, (jilt and Walnut Mouldings, Spring Bede of superior make. Hair Matrasses (pure white hair.► Pillows. Bolsters, and everything pertaining to a first.class bed. The latest Paris and Berlin designs for Draperies atthe inspeation or their customers. Pure white Bastern Show Feathers always on hand. • °HOLTMAN & WIEDHHHOLD. NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. rayB:l93 MERCHANT TAILORS S i TIEGEL, (r,zie Cutter with W. He/Teal:mid%) 1111:011CUANT weimon. No. 33 Smithfield Street,Pittsburgh. went NEW SPRING GOODS. splendid DOW Moot of CLOTHS, (iSSIMERES, &0., Just received by HENRY MEYER. ,el 4: ideralmilit Wilde. 73 Smithfield 'treat. J. BILATT S WINT & BRATT Y - ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS‘ Ho. 61 Sandusky it,. -Allegheny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL YOBTI3 and BALIAITZRB constantly on hand. TUEDTIM* or all &scrip na. done neSPoIS KEYSTONE POTTERY. SWEE. & CO., • Mannfeetneers o - iinurfinswAnz. nRISTOL WAGE office and Warehouse. no LIBERTY STREET air Alt o rd ers attended to. ers toteno _ _ _ lEWasitAIJLIC CEME NT.-100 ilidralto °fluent. for eale 7 J. B CABRIBI.IO FINANCIAL. t0rG0i...115, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. HERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. my 6 JAMES Ti BRADY (successors of). JONES C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 3E3 Ak.rlaIES.M 3FILSB, BUY AND BELL ALL RINDS 01 , GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, sou), SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. yr Interest Allowed on Deposits. Nir Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. GOVERNMENT BONDS ! We will register all kinds of Government Bonds free of charge. This gives the holder ab solute security against theft,loss. or destruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in Government Bonds, COR. FOURTH & WOOD STS. mviao2.s llittAittgt GaiEttt. FINANCE AND TRADE, SS, OHFIOR or PITTSBUICCIEE Gramm!'" MONDAY, A - ugus 9,. 1869. The government bond market is very dull and lower, especially new bonds and 10.405. ' Old 1882 s are still quoted as before. Since the late advance in bonds, the demand for investment in them has entirely ceased, and the gov ernment remains the sole purchaser at present. Gold is very dull and has declined from the opening price; 136 1 1,1, to 1353 . The export demand is still light, and the speculative interest has died out for the present, yet large amounts are held on speculation for ,the higher prices. Stocks are dull and heavy for all but the western roads. Money not much in diimand, and ratesiunaltered. gubtations as received by Ph. R. Merit: Gold, 135%; Silver, 130; Eighty one's, 124%; Five iVenties, 1862, 125; do 1864, 123%; do 1885, 123%; do 1865, Consols, 12234; do 1867, I=2; do 1868, 122%; Ten Forties, 115%; New York Central, 211%; Erie, —; Reading, 9734;' Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 153%; Ohio &Mialssippl, 3234; Michigan Southern, 108%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 107%; Chicago & Rock Island, 116%; Chicago & North Western, 91%; Chicago it North Western Preferred, 100%;"Adams Express Com pany, 5934; Merchants Union Express; 413;; Pacific Mail, 85',; Western Union Telegraph Company,;3B3!,; Am. .W. Ex press, 5934. EXCHANGE, Large. Small. London, per £ ..... . . 86,78 Paris. per franc 26% 2735 Berlin. dialer 98% 9934 Frankfort, florins 57% 58% Lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEw YORK, August 9, 1869. Money easy and steady at 5@7 per cent. for call loans , . Sterling quiet at 93i@1034 per cent. for American. Gold Is lower, opening at 136% and closing at 135%. Carrying rates at 4@5 per cent. The clearances were $22,000,000. Governments are quiet and a shade easier; the supply available for specula. tive transactions on Stock Exchange is small. Coupons of 'Bl, 124%®125; do. '62, 125@125%; do. '64, 12.335©123%,; do. '65, 123%®123%; do. new, 122%@122y; do. '67, 122%@122%; do. 68, 122%4122%; 10.40'5, 115%®115%; Pacifies, 111©111%. State bonds steadier; Missouris 8755; old Tennessees 62; new do. 55; old North Carolinas 56: new do. 51%; old virginias 57; new do. 60%. Railroad bonds are neglected; Union Pacifies 89%; Central. Pacifica 93%. Stocks were buoyant most of the day and the market advanced in rates, espe cially ill western; market closed irregu lar, bat in the main firm. The upward speculation in western stocks is assisted by the prospect of large earnings during the Fall, and in regard to the extreme western roads by reports, which cannot be verified, that the Great Eastern Trunk Roads are seeking toobtain a controlling interest, with a view to future connec tion, either by lease or by consolidation. In regard to Vanderbilt stocks, we hear there is to be another meeting of the Committee of the two companies at Sara toga, this week, to consider the terms of consolidation of the Central & Hudson, when it is expected that the basis of con solidation will be settled. .Five -Thirty Prices: Canton, 38; Cum berland, 34%; Western Union Telegraph, 38%; Quicksilver, 15%; Mariposa, 7%; do. preferred, 16; Pacific Mail, 87: Water Power, —; Adams Express, 59%; Wells 20%; American, 41; Uniced States, 68; Merchants Union, 10: New York Central, 211%; Harlem, 165%; Hudson, 186%; Reading, 97%; Erie, 28%: do. pre ferred, 54%; Michigan Central, 131; Mich• igen Southern, 108%; Illinois Central,l4l; Pittsburgh, 107 y; Northwestern. 92; do. preferred,lol%; Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati, 74: Rock Island, 116%; St. Paul, 84%; do. preferred, 92%; Wabash, 7435; do. preferred, 83%; Fort Wayne, 153%; Terre Haute, 86; do. preferred, 58%;: Chicago and A1t0n,163;., do. pre ferred, 164; Ohio and lissistappi, 32%; St. Joe 130%; Burlington & Quincy, 196; Marietta, Ist preferred, 20. Mining shares dull; Quartz Hill, 126; Eldorado, 25. 6%; Franklin, Stocks at Boston: Copper Falls, 6%; Franklin, 12; Minnesota, Quin. ey, 25, • • • • Bainwr h Einb-Tresiusy r 103,516,931. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. 0717 M ONDAY OF PITTSBUR . A GH GAZETT ugust 9, 1869. s Flour and Wheat are both repo :,, ed strong in Chicago and New York to., which is attributed to the fereign n ?c a. In this market, however, there ' zno change, as Pittsburgh this season - ?es not seem to have been influence, 13v other places, so far at least as the .; Our trade 'concerned, and it _is relatt ly cheaper here than in any of the leading markets. Stocks in the hands of dealenir continue light, and while the mills have plenty of orders, and are selling about all the flour they can make, yet, it is said that they are making no money. And notwithstanding wheat is Cheap here, compared with other points, yet it is relatively higher than flour, and this la the reason why the mills have no profit. It may be asked why do not millers advance their prices, but as has • been the case all season, the competitiOn for trade is so strong, both among deal era and millers, that there can be no,. uniformity of action, and, as a conse%, : k quence, it seems almost itnpom3ible establish an advance. As lodg as deal ers can stand it, however, consumers have no right to complain. APPLES—In good supply and dull and drooping; sales at 53@4 per bbl. BUTTER—Is, also, in good supply and dull, and it looks as though prices would have to go lower. We continue to quote, at 20 to 23(4)24. BERRIES—Market alwost bare to day; Blackberries may be quoted at s4© V, per case. BEANS—SaIes at $1,75®2. BROOMS—Quoted as follows: No. 5 $6,50; No. 4 $6; No. 3 $5, No. - 2, plain, $4,50, and market firm. CHEESE—In good supply and dull, but unchanged. CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment is quoted at $2,25 per bol, CARBON OlL—Standard brands may be quoted at 28 for 50 or.loo bbl lots and 30 in a retail way. DRIED FRUIT—Out of season. EGGS—Very dull and drooping; sales reported at 15®17." FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at So@Bs cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR—The market although. firm - with a light supply, is quiet and duly but unchanged; we continue - to quok spring wheat brands at $6,65®7 for fair to good, and 57,50@7,75 for choice to fancy, Winter wheat, $7®7,25. GRAlN—Wheat is in light supply and firm, but unchanged-51,30©1,35 for new, and $1,40 for prime old red. Oats dull with a drooping tendency; sales of old to the trade, at 65@66, and new on spot may be quoted at 50@53. Rye is quoted at $1.15 for new, and 51,2 a: for old. Corn is firm and in limited supply; we continue to quote on wharf and track at $1®1,05, for mixed to prime yellow. No price established as yet for barley. HAY—Sales of new crop from corm try wagons at 515@20 per tun. _ HEMP—Very dull, $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 230@)3 eta per pound. LlME—White Lime is quoted atsl,so, and Cleveland at f 2,50, per bbl. LARD OIL—F. Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. 1, at 1,44, and No. 2, at $1.05. POULTRY—SaIes of spring _chick- ens, at 60(4)65 per pair. POTATOES—DuII, but unchanged, $1,50®1,75 per bbl. PROVISIONS—Firm with a good job bing demand. Shoulders 15%®15X; Ribbed Sides, 18 34 ®18 4 , Clear do 19® 1934; Breakfast bacon 2234: plain Hams 19 ®19%, and Sugar Cured Hams, 2334@24; Lard, 2034 in tierces, and 20%@21 in half bbls and kegs. Mess Pork at $33,50 ®34. PEACHES—Were rather better to-day, I owing to the diminished receipts, and prices are a shade higher; we now quote at $1,75®2,00 per bushel.' PEANUTS—SaIes, at 12%. SALT—Allegheny River brands are quoted. by the car load, 1, at $1,75©80. TALLOW—Rendered quoted at 1034. PETROLEUM MAR}CET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAzErrE, MONDAY, August 9, 1869. The clog in the oil business, noted from day to day for some time past. still con tinues with to prospect at present of any immediate improvernen. Thit trade, is ;. In that peculsar condition thiit there is no chance to do anything, and at no time for several months, has the market been so dull and stagnant as at piesent. Occasionally a sale is effected, °cods ioned by parties who are short buyiig to cover; as a general thing our refineis cannot and will not do anything at pres ent prices,and it is probable that those of them ho are not sold ahead, will I suspend operations until there is a cal improvement. It is hoped that the clog in the business will soon right itself, and the indications for such an event are now pointing in that direc tion. It is to be regretted that the 1411 1 which now prevails should have occur red at this particular time, but then it seems that it could not be obviated. CRUDE. But a single sale reported, 500 bbls spot at 15. Private telegrams quote at $5.85 at Oil City, , which is considered equivalent to 14% here. It is remarka ble how crude keeps up in the present ,1 condition of affairs, and in view of the fact that it is much higher relatevely than refined.. Time, it is-said regulates all things, and it is to be supposed that it will regulate the oil business, too.- REFINED Was a little weak today, and com pared with Saturday, prices are a shade 11 lower. Sale of 1,000 each September and - 7 October at Ny e Spot quoted at SIN; and last half August at 31%@32. LUBRICATING OILB. Eclipse Winter Lubricating 0i1... Eclipseßailroad Axle Eclipse Machinery Eclipse Spindle BEI:MITTS OF CRUDE OIL. Fisher dr. Bro Owston dt ,Sowers... Pool dr. Bro Waring, King et Co ' Total 1,533 bbla OIL SHIPPED EA ST 'RP A. V. R. R. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 317 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. Citizens Oil Co. 253 bbls refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. Faweett,l4. dr, S. 209 bble refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & C0.,00 bbla refined to Warden, Frew it. CO., Philadelphia. Fulton, Marvin & Co., 511bbla ref. oil W. P. Logan dr, Bro., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined 1,029 OIL artillmvra PER WEST PENNA. It R. A. Hertz & Co., 500 bbla refined oil to Waring, King & Coq-Philadelphia. , MEMPHIS, August 9.—Cotton drill 3o for low middling ; rocelpta 28 bales. Flower weaker and stock largor. Whvat $1,10©1,85. Corn 90c. Oats 55®67c. Ray $27. Bran $lB. Pork firm 05,21 Lard ,21350. Bacon flan, shoulders /B@/BXo, 'and Bides 20c. ii. 81 h. ..4-. . 652 bbls. - 480". , • 240 " ',. .1 .7 ..166 st i•-..:.