II lit i• H f rINDEPENDENT TEMPER rt ' ANCE CANDIDATE. ds ev FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. is ' ISAIAH DICKEY. dc rWEsTERN PENNISYLVA „„_,' NIA. GRAPE GROWERS Assn r! •A - wAP N.-4, meeting will t'e held at LUTZ & 4th ward. Allegheny, on WEL 4DAY AFTERNOON. August Ilth. at 3 o'elock. Punctual attention of all the members are requested, as business of importance will be fp, brought before them. an10:103 OTTO KREBS, Secretary. VOTIfIE.—The puhlie are re- QuEpTED to call and witness SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE IN OPERATION. at the West Point Boiler Works, foot of Pent Street, dauy from 12 M. to 3 r. anlOtell JOUN HAUTBIAN, Jn. H. B. LYON, • Sealer of Weights and Measures?, office-140.5 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. • Mark Dent. MESSNER, Deputy, Pittsburgh 4 m bent. GEO. B. MeNULTP, Deputy, Alle gheny Market. SHORT HAND WRITING tonight In ten easy lessons. Send one dorar fur the entire course, or enclose twenty.five cents fdr the drat lemon. In one month y, u may be tigood short band wilier. Address. st4n2P FIAND. P. O. Pox 672, New York. fa•Pspers Inserting this adveitlscment, aed rending a marked copy; vi 111 receive a ropy of the work In payment. Rule: u 5!) ROCLAIRA.TION. he quallfle4 voters timee Olt, of Pittsburgh will meet at their usual and place of nold.ng eLetions, on TUESDAY, August 31 1869, TO 'VOTE 2 • Porar Against a Public Park. • • The ballots Toted. shall be inside-akd on the out side "Tarts," and upun the For Park,' , or ' Against Park.' The 1 elections, snail be held by the officers an thortzed to hold the general electimus in said city. JARED M. 11.1iIISH, Mayer. AUGUST 7, 1869. aulotn2.s HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. ' This beAnttfal situation cannot be surpa.ssed far private residences in any direction, so elose to both cities, being only eight miles up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de. siring information about this nronertv can obtain It by calling at the .oface of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 75 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-half acre to Ave sscrett alio, 'small loss to suit pur chasers. There Is a gopd location for a manure' . - taring establishmEnt, between the Railroad and Allegheny river. • artlO:nn youNG LADIES' SCHOOL, No. 29 NINTH STREET, late Hand, Will open WFDNESDAY. Sept lit. The Schcol has elegant and commodious rooms, a full corps of abie and competent teachers, and every facility f.r a thorough education. Besides the min .1 advantages of Maps, Charts ana Philp. sonhical Apparatus, pupits trill have the benefit of a tugs and valuable Cablmtt of Natural His tory. Applications for admlision may be made p rsonally or by letter to tae principal. at No. 37 leant AVENUE. RSV. S. M. GLEND7,.A. DI., sqlo;i:M. TIIIS 13 EARL MILL FLOUR.—We are row receiving very choice Southern heat and making our Flour entirely from it. PEARL THR• E reTA R r;REP.'Is BRAND, CHOICE PAST itT A.ND FANCY FLOUR; made from selected Waite Winter Wheat. 'PEARL TWO iiTAlt BLUE BRAND, the best family Hour in the market, made Vow choice Wh t: and Amber Wheat. . PEARL ONE Ili ['AR RED BRAND, made from Choice iced Wheat, high ground and gives very good satisfaction. As a CHEAP FLOUR. it takes the lead of any in the market. Our cleaning . machlnery Is not surpassed by any in the roun.ry. bee that, all sacksitre sealed and labeled with slate of manufacture. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO.. Pearl_hteam MM. Allegheny. August 9, 1869. nub S. A. CLARKE & CO.'S Register of New Books. • OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL SERIES. History of Athens county, Ohio, by Chas. M. -Walker 56 00 Howe's Historical Collection of I hlo. Il lustrated 6 00 Boquet's Expedition against the Indians in 1764 3 00. Clark's Campaign in the Illinois in 1778.9 2 00 Hall's Legends of the West 2 00 Hall's Romances of Western History 200 4 Claude Hung, the last days of a Condemn ed Man, by Victor Hugo. 1 50 Liodun's Oxford University Sermons, new edition 1 50 Famous London Muchante, a book for boys 1 00 The Pacific Railroad oven, Hew to go and' . what to see 76 Cyclopoedic Science :Simplified, by Prot Pepper, with 600 illustrations 4 80 Ocean to Ocean. Pacific Railroad and ad joining Territories, distance, and fare,— 40 The Tourist*, Pocket Otude for 11369 1 U 0 old-Town Folks, by Mrs. Stowe NI 00 Little Women, 2 vole., each • 1 50 John and the Demijohn. A Temperance Tale 1 50 live Hundred and Seven Mechanical Move ments 1 00 good Society; a complets nsunal of man dere 1 76 Bright'stpeeches. Cheap edition - 75 credo; a valuable book for thinking read ers; • 1 50 Hodge's Commentary on Confession of Faith • 1 75 Haven's Rhetoric: a new text book 1 80 Toe Subjection of Women, by John nino • Mill n 1 00 Treadlers Adirondacks; ew eau , n 175 Philips Scripture Attu, 12 colored maps. 98 i. Q. CLARICE 4 CO.; 119 Wood Street, Rd door below nigh .atvenne. GRAND CLOSING OUT SAE BLANK BOOKS, NS THOME BOOR DEPOSITORY, 129 SmitbAleld Street. JOSEPH HORNER, Agent: inentwr! ALPERT & KOHLER. kfinufacturers and Dealers Boors, SHOES AND tiAITEES, No. 38 Market street, Pltts btrß6: Pa. Particnisr:ittention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to oireet the atten pr e p a red e Public to the fact that we are now o manufac:nre Soots: d Shoes for persons troubled wiLli Corns, Bunions. or deformed feet, tinder the personal sup -raslon of our Mr. AI, PEET, tarmerly. of Allesheny City, who will be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted. Mr. Alpert's mode et measuring the fool, br which we can be safe in warranting easy and comtortabie ILot and oboes for the tader est fret. Give us a .rfal and be convinced. ALPERT & .140:at 38 Market street. Pittsburgh. Pa. X. LIVIIIPApER . FREE.—CoaI Miners; impli persons desiring a Western oust, and otbersi can bavo &spicy Weekly Paper WY grz la ONTLIS br sending name and dice address to GASIDISIEIt JOURNAL, er Illinois' ( rill:inn ersgetEli,_ Tl-00 bills Louisville wursauo Cement. Au eats & Immo 1.8. NEW ADVERTISEATE& PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN. Messrs. DABNEY, MORGAN & CO., A 1 Exchange Place, and M. L JESUP dc CO., 12 Pine Street, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per cent. in Gold; have thirty years to run; are Free from Government Taxation ; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. n addition to this special grant the Com- Zany also owns Three Million; of Acres n Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve 4he road. They are a first mortgage upon the Wen- sion of the road from Sheridan, Kansas to Denver, Colorado. The road in opera On NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NEY INCOME TO PAY TUE INTEREST ON TEE NEW LOIN. There is no better security in the market—this being in some respects better than Government Se- eurities. PRINCIPIL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Price 96, and stern ed Intereit, in Currency. Pamphlets, ➢caps and Circulars furnished on application anig 2,000 I"O U INTT) S GOOD COUNTRY YARN, Which we have been selling for several tears • JUST RECEIVED. FLANNELS, AT LOW • PRICES, Full Line of Colors. SUMMER GOODS, AT . REDUCED PRICES. Hoop felmixts, A FULL VARIETY. CORSETS, all the best makes. PAPER COLLARS OE' ALL momscrupPioNs. PRINCIPAL Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. WHITE GOODS, HANDILARCHIEPS, LACES, TBIEMIN 68. BUTTONS. MACRUM. GLYDE Si CO. one 78 & 80 Market Street. LATEST OIL STRIKE. TICTIE LIBERTY 1 ECONOMY I AND FREE TRADE To secure even handed JusTICA, just come and See what olendid bargains are offered In the abr. geous stock of Spring and Summer ,Cl othes just prepared and egnibited to the public tit • 8. C. TRAIIERWAN. The fullest LIBERTY to be enjoyed when the man who enjoys it is neatly dressed in a suit of new hummer Clothes which flt him so comfortably as not to abridge the freedom of his Motion i. Such clashes are to be had at S. C. TRAUERMAN'S. To practice ICCONONY, don't spend vast Same, of m ,ney where extortionate people charge fancy grlc-s for unsatisfactory clothing, but come and get the worth of every dol.ar you spend, at 8. C. T'fisugitmAis'S. FUZZ TRADE of the thud, sort, practiced every Hall S Ther e. ay. p e opl e Hit No. 11 Clothing Hall. the bring their etch, and there they get their clothes. Every man fee to buy at all times. Trade tremendous just now at the Big No. 11 Clothing Hall. AT THE PRICES. Cocoa nut Emits for 47 worth 1115. Spanish spits for $9 worth $29. Skating park salts for 119 worth;ss. 500 stilts, linen, at MA 50 each worth $5. Black suits for SW worth 190. Boys' greatr $5 worth 810. And a many more too numerous to men tion. Call early and secure your bargains, as we hive but a few days to sell. Lemember Blg No.. Ll Sixth street. jnorn7.B clunwrr AND COMFORT fur the traveling community. 3. B. HARRIS Safety Fite Jacket; Car Heater an' .WODERaTOR. Poe Smoke and Hot Mr Flues, dispensing with the use of stoves end fir& in or about the Pa•sen ger or Baggage Cars, with the attacument to graduate the heat to any temperature that may he ired without toe possibility of firing the car or s cars to whieh the Jacket may be attached. Having obtsined of the United States Letters Patent br a Safety Jacket, which Is warranted to resist the mos. intense heat that may be ap plied to it in toe position and purpose for which it is Intended. It is a sure protection front accidents by tire, originating from defecttve flues or where iron pipes are used as conductors That moke become /t is applicable to all piping may overheated, and is warranted to give perfect sat isfaction where wood or other combustible mate rial may be placed in close proxim,ty thereto, I ass now ready to apply my Invention to stores, dwelliogs,• factories, ships , steamboats , railroad cars, ao. here's- r pipes as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and secu rity desired, I will send on application right to manufacture or use• she above Invention. Also Territorial rights to such as may wish to engage in seriug privileges either by State or county. 3. 8. BARRIS. aill" Office at the "NE rtlile ULTRA PAINT WORKS." corner of Morrie street and the Alle. gbeny Valley liallroad, :twelfth ward. Pitts bnrga. Pa. . 1y113:M36 rib LUMBER DEALERS AND VARPENI/118.—I am now lu met 'pi of ONE MILLION. Best A No. 1 Saginaw Shingles, rrem the erlebrated riehliren Lumber Regions direct, wblch eeziseli ..Itbe tz•de at low exeres either by CAS' 10114 or in qnsatttlei to suit Dor duuers. • Cos. Juniata&n4 Preble struts. laza' Ward. and o. tin itebews meet,. impolite Sae Qat Worklis Aneigisen Olin. . llamas OF lIIAT . 1..... AND A PULL STOCK OF 8. V. TRAIIERMAN. ALE PATHAN% PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: TUESDAY; AUGUST• 10, 1'869. NO SCINITY OF GOODS ! PLENTY OF GOOD BABGAINN. TWELVE YARDS Fast Colored Dark Calico FOR O.WE DOLLAR OOD FAST COLORED CALICO At 10 Cents. Best fakes of Calicos At 12 1-2 Cents. HANDSOME • NEW STYLES TWELVE YARDS BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR ONE DOLLAR. TWELVE PARES Fine Unbleached Muslin FOR ONE DOLLAR. PINE YARD WIDE BLEACHED UNDRESSED MUSLIN At 12 1-2 Cents. Fine Black and Colored DOUBLE WIDTH ALPACAS At 25 Cents. EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS IN CAS SINMR]E.S. SHIRTING FLANNELS At Very Low Prices. New Bargains Daily Ca w SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. DISSOLUTION, The partnership heretofore exieting under the name of JOHN THOMPSirIq tic CO. was die• solved on the lit of July last by the withdrawal of John Thompson. The business will be ear. rlen On as tuna. at the 014 estabilshment,'l3s MIND) AL VJAN CZ. JOHN THOMPSON. ROBERT THIIMPSON, B. O. MILLER. In retiring from the above Ann I would cord'. dimly on l y my former partners to my old custome bu s ine s she public generally, thorn that the will be carried on by thorn in an honest and 'upright manner, and I would desire to return my sincere thanks to my friends fur the very liberal patronage I cave received from them during the thirty ose years I have carded on business in Pittsburgh. JOHN THOMPSON. The undersigned, successors to John Thomp son & Co.. have formed a partnership dating from July first, under the name of TECOMPSON & MILLER, and will continue the business of HOUtilt PAINT ING, and dcatips In PLAIN AND ORNASIEN TAL FOREIGN GLASS, at the old stand,„l3B TIDED AVENUE. Thank rut for the favors of the past we would respectfully ask the continued patrmage of our friends and the public, assuring them that we will spare no pains to render satisfaction la every case lu which we may be employed. ROBERT THOMPSON', 14. C. MILLER. so5:nLI a. u. M'CO*AN it. M'EOWN. B. M. McCOWAII A C 0.19 Boulevard Paver% Office, No. X 66 0110 ST., ALLEGHENY. Orden, left, at GAZITTZ 07.11C111, Pittsburgh. promptly_ atset , dcd Save Sidewalks, Cellars, Inside Yards, Drives, se. Warranted against ehlngea of beat and cold. Mumma:lt as—Maa. Mo.rbead, Lyon & nborb Rods Patteracm,_Win. Park. 4setes N. Lo ng Bon, 'Hartley & McKee. Anderson's & Maxwell. Aiken .% Campbell. Isaac Orai isqam22 APLE SIUGAILO-10 blanch as ronsicameat at WATT, Lases outs, &WI iff wood Moat. SPECIAL; NOTICE WIEOLESILE 9ND MIL Buyers of Dry Goods. NOTWITHSTANDING The Unusually Large R301:1011110 I SALES 13.11, GOODS, ,This Establishment DIIRD/G 'nit; PAST PEW WEEKS, WE ARE Pleased to Inform our Customers, AND THE PUBLIC, That our Stock is Still Kept FULL AND COMPLETE, By Large Arri Tab; Daily OF NEW AND , DESIRABLE GOODS, AND That We Have Plenly of 4 0r00 , 31:115/ AND GOOD BARGAINS To Offer All. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL En W.M. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY orry. ROBERT IL PATTERSON CO,, CORNER OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, PA. Will on Saturday. Jnly 31st. 1869. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Salo of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, And everything appertaining tl the Horse. Parties deal Jug to sch will please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each work in order for advertirirg. Prompt at. tendon and good care will be given all Stoct left brash). JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. iy2El•mall I \ .Toliarter and retail &kettle FINE STAMIONEIRIr, WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CAIIO ENGRAVING, MONOGRAMS, ARMS, ILLUMINATING. &e, Orders by mall reeelierompt attention. Send for samples. 1.033 Chestnut St.. Plans. IIITO:CT T . Tils & • \ FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, GEREN OIL CLOTH • FOB WINDOW SHADES. s, TMANnPARZNT • • WINDOW nHADIL TABU!. AND YU OIL CLOTHS Di /EMERY VARIETY_ J. Jr H. PHILLP% • • 00 and *8 Sixth Street rUIEESE.-40 bores Factory cgteemjillitazos fkosbes doat i ca a nz a. TO OF Mg El ID - LET.-SCHOOL ROOM& Prat. H. I. Gourley havinz disconlinned tEi; rooms lately °counted by him in "Phelan's Haildinge," 92 and 24 Plfth avenue. will be for rent, together with all the school furniture eomnlete. vor further particulars Inquire of JAMES PFIELAN. No. 94 Fifth avenue. dTO - LET.—ROOI9IB. on Second ilaor, with Boarding. Location the most esirable In the city, with the conveniences of bsib rooms, the comforts et a private family, as few boaroers are kept. lbl Borth Avenue, Al• legbeny City. FOR SALE. • Fan SALE.—Lease and good will of a TAVERN STAND In a denlrable lon Mtg. Terms PX/IIV• doing a good bushman. Apply of Wit . JACK OON. 73 grant street. FtR SALE.—One-half of a uable PATENT housesennlv. A small article used In all A chance for an active young man with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT, Postoffice Box 69U. NAOR SILE•—A! Bare Chance to secure a home the "PITTSBUR , L ESTATE REGISTER," office No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR EilLE.—Bargains in Real Estate In the "PITTeBI7SOIi REAL Re- TATE REGISTER. Pobllsben only by CROFT &_PHILLIPS, at No. 139 Fourth A enue. FOR SALE.—Abaut 120 acres of land in the' best situation for colonial seat*: only 91_milas from tbe West Pittsburg( Ferry Landing. Will- be sold altogether or la nieces to snit- purchasers. Enquire of Y. C Ne.GLEY, oir.ee at the south end of the Monou gabela bridge. FOR SALE—CITY RESIDENCE On Colwell street, one square from street cars. The House has ten rooms, ball, good cellars. •pressed brick front, kit ch en , water throughout, bath room, range In and in a pleasant nelghoornood. Price °Nix 97.000; on easy terms. Apply to CROFT 9 ?Hi LL111"0, Real-Estate Assists. No. 139 Fourth avenue.. FOll SALE,Over $1,000,000 worth of prcperty,comprielrig Farms,bluls, otele, stores, Hansen. Lute, City and Subur ban recidencot In such a vast variety. that the mart fdons cannot fall to get stilted In a Lome. Pu l l particulars of all the above given In the "P 117811990- RKA I. ESTATE ACI4IB. TEE." CROFT & PHILLIPS, Pa blishers and Real Estate Agents, bio. 139 /earth avenue, Do vt fall to get It. DER SONAL.—AII persons seek s. IND HOMES, or Investments In Real Es tate, will save time. trouble and money by pro coring a cony of the "PITTSBURGH RIcAC ESTATE REGISTER.' ' given away GRATIS or will be eat by mall razz any requesting It. Persons cannot tall to get suited out of the Large list It conttlns. CRuFT & PHILLIThs. Pun. Ushers and Real Estate Agents, No, 139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE.-VALITABLE CITY RithIDENCE.—HOUSE AND LOT, No. 7/1 a i shington street, Allegheny City. The lot is 69 feet on Washington Street, extending back IMO feet, OD which is erected a double two story brick dwelling. having all modern improvements Also brick - stable and carrie room, with ger. vents wanting tached, all in homete order. 'Te those a comfortable this proDe/i3 is recommended.; Enquire on the premises Os SO ROBERT DALE/ILL,' 1712:m8 _L 49 litockton A.venne. ' F OR SALE. 3 STILLS, each 9 feet diameter and MX feet king, with about 300 feet condensing pipe. from 4-inch down to 93i.inch gas pipe to each still, for $9OO apiece. BOILERS, each 351-Incb diameter and 14 feet long, with chimney bridging, steam drum, stand pipe, &c., for 4500. 51 KEYSTONE STEAM SUMPS, each 12 inch steam cylinder, 7-inch water cylinder and 151- inch stroke, for 4300 apiece. 1 IRON AGITATOR. 18 feet diameter and 18 feet deep, with cast iron bottom for 8506. 700 feet SIX-Inch fiAq PIPE at 40c per foot. Apply to ERN i, JAGEMAN & CO., at works. near Bliareeburg Bridge. 3y8:178 VI . ; • y 'I • ' ' . ERTY FOR SALE.—Poor good houses. p easant y situated, with large lots and good Im provements. d. CUTHBERT BuNtS. taus 39 Sixth avenue: 3. w. BAR sB®,O®O lor STILL GREATER RED Many Goods offered Twe they can be bought for in present time. THE ig A. NC JE tirNOTICES="To•Let," "For Sale," “Lose,., „ Want.,,” ,4 11ound," "Boarding," &c., not exceeding FOUR LINES Will be inserted in these columns once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional line FIVE CENTS. WANTED--.HELP. WANTED—A TIDY COLORED woman to tale charge of a small house In a malt family. encli aperson Can tlnd good home by applying at Da Craig Street, Alle ehrny. tale moraine. WANTED.— TEAC TIERS.— In Union towaship, FMK TBACHEBS. Applicants will meet at Mo nt Pisgah Scboot house on BA. I IIRDAY, August 7‘b, at 3 o'clock P.M. By order of the Board. • W ANT ED -- lIELP.-At EM• PLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 1 dt. Clan Street, BOYb OIRLS and MEN, for difterent of kindsloyment. Persons wanting help of all can be supplied on short notice. WANTS. WANTED—A SITUATION AS ciPrk. Salesman. or Tr.vellirg A gent for a wholesale or manufactorine establishment. Can sive good city re erences. Address Box "81." New Cumberland. W. Va. • WANTED—too confidential AGENTS to dispose of a good Paying at. de. An energetic and trust. orlby man cau ake 00,000 In twomnntha CO free. Call on or address DAILEY & 0., 208 Brnad way, N. Y. =12:n2348:T1 WANTED.—A good second- HAND ENG'NE AND BOHLBR: engine abont 7 inch cylinder: Boiler from 198th 20 feet, 36 to 46-Inch, sell will Parties having quell marlilnery to sell. will please address Box 384. Pi t4burgh Benefice. stating size, make and price. WANTED. -A SMALL HOUSE, of three rooms. in Manch , ster or Law renceville. Alto. a ciTUATION in a clothing store a. salesman. Good Fittrent° Ad dress W..P. BRANDON. burgn Postatilcs. STRAYED. STRAYED AWAY FROM THE Bubscrther. In Pleasant Valley, a RED COW with towns turned In. Anylnfonnatton that will load to tte recovery of the Cow will be thank tully received. ADM PALOoII, Pleasant Valley, Allegheny Co., Pa. TO LET. 59 MARKE TEN DAYS Winter Goods as Must be C By Order, FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT. • An elegant new Brick Dwelling, 7 rooms, at tie and wash room. House of 4 rooms, 9 lots,l6th ward, $1,803 House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 16th ward, $1,500. HOttEe of 4 rooms, 2 lota. 17th ward, 82,800. House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 17th ward, $2,400. House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, $2,600. House of 2 rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, $BOO. 10 lots,Blebert & Williams' phi:4B7oo to 4800. 2 lets, 44th street, $1,200 each, ' 4 lots, 45th street, $l,OOO each, Slots, Hatfield street, $BOO each. 1 lot, Sherman street, $7,50. 5 lots, 40th street, 20:240, $12,000. 4 lots, Butler street. $ 4 ,000. BARGAINS IN BLOOMPULD. Lots 210x137 fee 8 00; ten years to pay. ja, house cost $500; Intetest on both, 868 a year. Many pay $lBO year a ient. At Bloomfield you weld save $ll4 aye and your house and lot In less than 10 years. Churches and schools near. 30 acres of land. a cane from 3harpabarg, $6.000; 35 scree of It, $3.500. • D. 8. WILLIAM% 17th ward. FOR SALE. -A LEASE EIGHT YEARS TO BUN of a lot of ground fronting 138 feet on Strawberry Lane. running back 2514 feet immediately in rear of Pittsburgh, heny and Manchester Passen. r italiway Co sta P i t t sbu r gh the line of the of the Cleve and and Rallrtad Com pany, adlac.nt to the Ohlo river, on which is erected TWO GOOD FRAME TENANT HOUSES of three rooms each. with good stabling and out nooses complete. This property is well adapted'for lumber or coke tininess, there being already erecteo thereon eight coke ovens with all the necessary appliances for carrying on that ,business. A1..b0,r rent or lease, a com f - rtable FRAME HOUSE orthree rooms, in a good location within five minutes walk of Wood. , Min Station. P. Pt. W. & C. R. R., ti which there is attached about halt an acre of ground. Till property will be rented low fora term of year to a good tenant. Inquire of ALEXANDER PATTERSON 9 Lumber Yard coener Preble anyuniata streets, or No. 157 Rebecca street,opposite the Gas Works, Allegheny City, y29:m77 FOR SALE. Good 6 roomed brick house on Centre avenue and large lot-44,500. Good 0 roomed frame house with all Iffiprove• ments; lot 89 by 110—54.000. Frame house. 2 looms; lot94byloo-41,000. Two well finished press brick honoes and large lot—only $B,OOO. Two 8 roomed houses on Put ton street—ss.soo .each. One lot 24 by 199 feet on Reed street - 4600. Plot of ground on Mt. Washington. 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 m il es from the city. 30 acres on Western Pa. Railroad, 4 miles from the city. 2125 acres good Improved land In Missouri. Will be divided to suit purchasers. 20 lots on Centre avenue -4300 to $1,560 each. Inquire of McCIAING & RAINBOW. Real Estate And Insurance Agents, jylo Nos. 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue. • F° SALE. House and Lot on.Sandniky street; House and Lot on Boyle street; 2 Houses in the Eighth Ward; 3 Farms in Ohio; Farm in Sewickley Township; 10 acres at Fleming Station. P., Ft. W. & C. B. H.; Farm near Perrysville; House and 13i acres at Glendale Station, P., Ft. W. & C. IL E.; 2 Farms in Iowa; Lot on Locust street (Manchester); Farm in Westataeland county; 7 Houses and Lots In Spring Oardenayenue; House and Lease on Middle street; House and 2 Lota on Spring MIL 7th ward. Other Houses and Lots in good location. Inquire of 11. IiVHITIIOIIII, Beal Estate and lasi:trance. Agent, corner Ohio and Sandusky streets. Allegheny. )Yl7 poi% SALE. -11." SALTSBURG—A 2 story Brick liouse,9 SO by 180. frr G Rh EENSBURG—A Lot 62 by 89, OPPodte Ig depot. IicifER,PGRT-4i Lots and 2 storr Brick Rome. with Tavern; ALT, R B. passing through the property • PERIIY STREET, Allegheny-9 story frame hoop.. 90 by 91. ELIZABEi IiTOWN-4 Lots. 21 by 00, with three frames and a two story Brick house. ' SEGuND AlrbiNUE—A 3 story Brink moose, 9 rooms. CENTRE AVENUE—A 2 story Brick HOWE". For particulars enquire at ST Grant street. . TOISTIN dr. KLEE. FOIt SALE. Near Osborn Stettin, int the Pittsburgh Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO LOTS, Containing Alma Two Acres Each 474Q111R8 OZ W. MACKEOWiI & BRO.. 195 Liberty Street. mbld IgARDENEIIS TAKE NOTICE. —FOE BALE.—The FOUBTREN MILE AND, on the Allegheny River. and now used for gardening purposes; well Improved and in a high state orcialtivatlon; containing 40 or 60 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call soon. Also, other Farina in good locations. Woolen Factory, two Houses, and_lwenty acres of land on the Central Railroad . Gouts and Lots For Bale and T0...1et In both !Giles. Far farther par. Oculars inquire of WILLTAIf, WARD, bad 110 Grant street ounosite Cathedral. VALIIABLE FART I FOR SALE. 4 -Situated in Allegheny tewslshl,l l ! West moreland county , 10 minutes wa lk WQra Me- Beans station. on the Allegheny Valley tai C n n e nesnhc coba alanGOoafw bl H h tm e b c r; u dndUer adßwn; anarc4frot v fl4o tre w es, d g L e H : O tie place Is well watered and in a good nel hborhood. For price and terms apply to B. /ICLAIN d CO.. No. 104 Fourth avenue. DWELLING HOUSE, HARD WARE bTORE. &e.. JOE BALE.—A two story brick dwelling house of six rooms and store room. with lot of !ground Silk f‘et front on Bth avenue extension by 80 &to to an alley. Also a variable stock of well Illtlected bardvrare, store fixtures, &c. B. CTITHBIRT A 13083, 39 Stath avenue HOMES! HOMES! HONES! !—All lands of Property for gale In the "PITTEIBOBGB HEAL tbrATE REGPS. OBOVT '& P9IPB. PooUshers and Beal Estate Agents. 80. 139 Fourth avenue. IhER &.00., T STREET. c•rua 173aisc)14:1. LONGER ! UCTION IN PRICES my -five per cent, less than the Eastern Ida,rkets at the well as Summer 11,3 EDUCT_ION. losid Out ! J. W. BARKER, Jr., Q