The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 10, 1869, Image 1

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/By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easette.l
MADRID, August B.—Mr: Forbes, of
Boston, had an interview with General
Prim and Marshal Serrano, during which
the proposed purchase or Cuba by the
'United States was brought up. Mr.
Forbes was presented to the Regent and
Secretary of war by the American Min.
• later. The proposal was not accepted at
present. Mr. Forbes, however, contin
ues his negotiations.
Several pric4ts have joined the Carnets
bands. Three priests were arrested yes
terday in Madrid.
MADRID, August 9.—via French cable
—The recent decree issued by the Span
ish GoVernment in regard to • the part
taken by some of the English clergy in
• the Carnet conspiracy, calls on the
Bishops to report what steps they have
taken to restrain such action, and to
furnish to the government the names of
the conspirators. The Bishops are re
quired to issue their pastorals, requiring
obedience to law, within eight days:
• MADRID, August 9—via English Cable.
—The decree concerning the conduct of
the clergy gives universal satisfaction.
Up to : the present moment / the Bishops
have maintained oilence on the subject.
A large number of circulars, issued by
Don Carlos and addressed to bishops
and clergy, inviting 'their co-operation,
have been seized, by the authorities:
Balanizitqua, Carnet chieftain, has
been captured,/tried by court martial
and shot. /
A band of' Csts were last
week at Aifortaliegieroarli . Nineattacke of td
were taken prisoners and shot on the
spot by order of the officers commanding
the Government troops. The act causes
great sensation here.
„ Several parties of Carlists, led by
'Priests, have been defeated and dispersed.
' •
PAnrs, August 9.—via French Cable.—
The Journal Official publishes the
agreement of July 16th, made by the
French cable company with the United
States authorities, under which the land
ing 'of the cable at Duxbnry was per
Meredith Read, Jr., has ; received from
the French Government his =equator as
Consul General of the United states at
'•itilltirtepartroinit df Louis eixty.iwo
miners, who took part in the late "riots
In St. Etienne and vicinity, have been
tried, convicted and sentenced to various
= terms of imprisonment.'
• • Reduction in Cable Rates.
Loimotr, August 9.—The joint Com
mittee of the Atlantic & Anglo-Ameri
can company and the Directors of the
New York, New Found land & London
Telegraph company have made a farther
reduction of tariff between any port, of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland and New York, commencing
Tuesday; August 10, 1869. Thirty en shil
lings sterling, or seven dollars and a
half gold, for ten words, and three shil
lings sterling or seventy-five cents, gold,
for each extra word. Press messages
one-half of the above rates. •
LONDON, August 9. —The steamship
Tripoli, from . New York, has arrived out.
LortnoN, August 9 .-Evening.--Consols
formc;:ey, 92X; account, 93. Five-
Twent bonds at London at 83%; at
Frankf rt 88) @BBy. Rries, 19%. Illi
nois, 94. k.
. LivEnrooL, August 9.-Cotton market
quiet; middling uplands, 12y 3 d. Califor
nia white wheat Hs. 111.; red western at
19s. Id. Western:Flour 255. Corn 295. Oats
.3s. 6d. Peas 41s. Pprk 1018. Bsef 90s.
Lard 70.3. 6d. Cheese 625. Bacon 625.
Common Rosin ss. 3d; fine do. 16s.
Spirits Petroleum 734 d.; refined Is. 734 d.
Tallow 475. Turpentine 275. 6d. •
August 9.-Turpentine 235.
8d.@278.. Common Rosin ss. 3d. Tallow
455. 9d.(4465. Linseed Cakes lei. 7d, Pe
troleum at Antwerp 51y,,f.
• PARIS, August 9.-Bourse is quiet.
Rentes at 731 30c.
FRANKFORT, August 9.--Five-Twenty
bonds eloped dull at 88W -
- Reyna, August 9.-Cotton closed easier
but not quotably lower.
Project of Annexation to United 'States
—4lxpected Arrival of Prince Arthur.
[Br telegra h to the Pittsburgh easette.)
HALIFAX, August 9.—There has been
recently an interesting discussion among
the party in the Province favorable to
annexation to the United States, as to
ibe best policy to be adopted to obtain
the desired end. 1 The party consists of
two divisions,_ one of which advocates
immediate annexation, and the other
approves of a previous movement for in
dependence as Certain to lead to the de.
aired end. No ;decisive policy has vet
been adopted. The original annexation.
i sts complain bitterly f the policy of in
dependence, as certain to lead to no de.
edrable result. They are determined to
Mick to the banner of complete sever
ance from Great Britain. The tempera
zy policy of some of the repeal leaders_
does not meet with.the approval of many
,or their political friends.
Prince Arthur is expected to arrive
here in the steamer, City of Paris on or
About the =1 Inst. It is probable ' after
remaining in this citrra few days,e
willproceed to Charlottetown. Prin c e
Edw d'alsland,,and• a ft erwards to St.
John New Brunswick, thence to Fred:.
ricton and Quebec.via St. Ahn's river.
Preparations are being made for the
reception of = the Governor General, who
is expwited here shortlY.
EBCllpe 'bt Prisoner&
;By Telegraph to the Pittetrargheasette..l
Barrritonn.c Angtist 9.-,-Foar. -prison
ers ePe.aped from the city 'jail this after.
noon,, EL - offs:tan anci Dennis, Htirnden ea
presskobbers, being among the number.
'Measures have been taken by the author-
Idea for their recapture.
Excitement in the Breadstufis Market
—Great Demand for Export--Confilct
Between Federal and State Ceuta
Amicably Adjusted.
rgy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiatette
NEw Yonx, August 9,1869.
Private cable telegrams from Europe
to-day report bad weather and injury to
the growlng crops in Great Britain and
France, and higher quotations in the,
English grain markets than reported by
the press telegrams. This caused great
animation on the Produce Exchange and
stimulated a sharp upward movement in
prices. Exporters appeared inforce and
took 250,000 bushels of wheat and 26,000
barrels of flour, at an advance of eight to
ten cents per bushel on,-the former and
twenty-five cents per barrel on the latter.
The markets were sweptof all the stuff
offering within shippers' limits. This
large movement iti breadstuffs for export
was felt in the ,different departments of
speculation in• Wall street. In the Gold
Room the market fell to 135%, on the
theory that produce shipments would
make a-'large exchange, and stop the
specie shipments.
tor n
an inju nctionde d
against the
Highland Suspension Bridge and New
/England and Erie Railroad's appoint
ment of a receiver. After some discus
sion the matter was adjourned till to
The case of Jno. H. Pratt, the Texan
rioter, was before both Federal and State,
Courts to-day. Commissioner Osborne
at first refused to give him hp to the
State Court, In answer to the habeas
corpus Issued by Judge McCann, where
upon the latter said he should
direct the Sheriff to enforce the
writ and called upon the State
military for aid. Finally, after an inter
view between District Attorney Pierre
pont and the Judge, Pratt- was produced
in the State Court, whereupon Mr.
Plerrepont stated the circumstances of
the case, and asked that the prisoner be
remanded to the custody of the United
States Marshal. This was objected to by
his counsel, on the ground that the Fed
eraLauthorities had no jurisdiction, but
the Judge granted the request of the Dis
trict Attorney, and the case comes up be
fore Judge Osbornott On Thursday.
A writ of habeas corpus was lssuej by
Judge McCann, directing Superinten
dent Kennedy to produce the bodies of
Harwood and Hatcher, the English for
gers, and show cause for their detention.
As the forgers sailed on Saturday, they
cannot be produced in court.
The steamer City of Antwerp, from
Liverpool, has arrived.
The Susquehanna RiLlread War—The
Ramey interest In Possesalon.--Seiz.
ure of Railroad Property at Bingham
(By Telegraph to the Pltteburitt Gazette.]
ALBANY, Aug. 9.—Testiniony was
1 taken and arguments heard before Judge
Peckham, this morning, in the matter of
the contesting receivers for the Susque-
hanna Railroad, and the Judge has deci.
ded that . Hon. R. H. Praynia the legally
appointed receiver and James Flake, Jr.,
is not. This gives the Ramsay interest
full possession of the road and they are
now in charge.
ALBANY, Aug. 9.—The report sent this
morning that Judge Peckham had, deci
ded that Mr. Prayn was legally appoin
ted receiver of th. 3 Albany and Susque
hanna Railroad was incorrect. The (vies.
lion has been referred to Surrogate Law
ton, who will take testimony in the mat
ter and report on Thursday. -
Judge Peckham this morning issued,
the injunction requiring Fiske to show
cause, August 13th, why he should not'
be enjoined and restrained from taking'
any further steps in acting or attempting,
to act as receiver. In the meantime
Pawn holds his position as receiver and
the Ramsey interest has possession of the
Birrortswros, August 9.—This after
noon at two o'clock Sheriff Brown seized
the office and what rolling Stock of
the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad
he could get possession of, on authority
of a writ of Judge . Barnard of New York.
Mr. Van Pyle, of this city, has been
placed in possession of the business and
telegraph Mike. Three engines were
seized by the Sheriff and one escaped,
and is probably now making good time
for Albany. An engine from the Erie
Railroad was placed ou the 2:30 passen
ger train, but was not allowed to leave
the track at the depot. The train started,
however, at live o'clock, drawn by an
Erie engine and in charge of an Erie con
ductor. Superintendent Pratt, of the
Erie Railroad, has been appointed Super.
intendant of. the Albany and Susque.
hanna Railroad by James Fiak,Jr., as
Corn bull at Louniville Deatroyed_Al
leged Incendlarlsate
CET Te'esraph to the Plltsburgh
LOUISVILLE, August 9.—A 'fire last
night totally destroyed the corn mill of
F. Bauman, on First street between Main
and 'Market, and damaged the adjoining
buildings and contents to some extent.
Loss $85,000; fully insured in local and
eastern companies. While the fire was
progressing the cigar store of Adolphus
Harris, at the corner of Market and First
streets, was observed to be on fire. It
was, however, soon subdued. Harris,
the proprietor, was afterwards arrested
on a charge of arson and committed;-
Incendlatlem at Cairo.
CAIRO,, August 9.—A fire last night
nearly consumed the American House,
an Unoccupied hotel in this city. Loss
$8,000; insurance 115,800, in' Cincinnati
companies. The fire.was the work of an
The,Eelipee—A. striking Feature.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Es talc)
VINCENNES. IND., .Atutust O.—One of
the most striking features of the eclipse
here was the appearance on the lower
right hand rim of the moon's surface,
and extending downward, of .a red spot
as large as a man's fist, which did not
look like a flame, but more like a solid
red hot body, like melted iron. This
was distinctly seen with the nakedeye
during the entire observatione This did
not form any part of the corona, which
was very brilliant and seemed almost to
entirely encircle the moon In a halo of
FOUR / O'CLOCK, .4. .111.
ReUpon °buyoutlons—Arrival of MeiL
/ can Metals—Connterfelt Coupons—
The Teat Oath In. VirelnlEsecution
of Americans In Cuba—lncrease' In the
187 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
WASHINGTON, H. C., August 9;1889
Commodore Sande, who has charge of
the Nayal Observatory, has submitted
the following report to the Secretary of
the Navy:
U. S. Nava/ Observatory, Washington,
D. C., August 9, 1868.--Sir: I have the
honor to report that I have received a
telegraphic dispatch from our observers
of the eclipse at Des Moines. lowa. Prof.
Harkness reports as follows:
We have succeeded beyond our most
sanguine expectations. We have one
hundred and twenty-three photographs
of the eclipse, two being of totality;'also
a spectro of five prominences, no two of
them giving the same lines. Could see
no absorption lines in the spectrum of
the Corona; it gave a continuous spec
trum, with one bright line on it.
Prof. Eastman's obseriations were also
successful. Ho reports no ultra mercu
rial planets were visible.
T. W. Heyward left here on. Friday
morning anti arrived at Bristol, Tenn.,
in ample time for the eclipse. His special
objects of attention were duration of to
tality and ultra mercurial planets. The
circumstances attending hie observations
were extremely favorable. Mercury,
Venus and Regulus were visible to the
naked eye, but no ultra mercurial plan
ets were seen. He has numerous notes of
the eclipse, from which a full report will
be made.
At this Observatory the sun was par
tially obscured by clouds, and owing to
the use of a higher power than the ob.
server was accuttomed to, be failed to
get a first and last contact. His other
observations were entirely suocespful.
I will have the honor to submit a more
detailed report o'n the return of the offi
cers sent out from here.
Very respectfully, your obedient ser
vant. P. T. SANDS, Commodore.
To /lox. G. M. RonEsort, Secretary of the
Representative Clark, of Kansas, Chair
man ot the Committeeon Zadian Attalre,
has arrived in thiii city after an extensive
tour among the Indio:I-tribes in southern
Kansas. Mr.-Clark will - have an inter
view with Commissioner Parker to-tnor
row, when he will present the actual con.
dition of the Indians in that section of
the country, and also suggest that meas
ures be taken fpr the removal of the
Osages further south, that being in his
opinion a great matter of interest to the
Indians and the Government, as well as
to the white settlers, over two thousand
of whom are congregated on the Osage
reservation. Mr. Clark states that the
recent reports of disturbances on the
neutral la nds of Kansas have been greatly
exaggerated, and that the people there are
perfectly willing to submit to the legal
adjudication of the title of the lands oc
cupied by them.
An order issued by General Canby, at
Richmond, August 3d, revokes the pre
vious order of General Stoneman, ex
empting from taking the test oath &In
missionera In Chancery and removes all
such officers who cannot take the oath.
The order is regarded as an assurance
that unless prevented by, the interposi
tion of higher authority, ho will enforce
the requirement of the vet oath on the
recently elected memkera of legislature.
There seems to be no doubt that hit
portant dispatches have been received
here from Admiral Hoff, detailing the
circumstances of the execution of Alner•
scan citizens at Santiago lie Cuba, and
the results of his investigations on that
imbject, which have been withheld for
the present from publication. Theywill
be laid before the Cabinet to-morrow.
Senor Marcal, the new Mexican Minis
ter, arrived to day. He visited the State
Department and loft his credentials. It
is probable he will be received by the
President to.morrow. Sr. Palacio, Com.
missioner under the Claims Convention,
also arrived this marling. Arrange
ments have been made for an early meet
ing of the board.
The receipts from internal revenue
continue very satisfactory, and on an
average are much higher than the re
turns exhibited at this period last year.
For some time past they have averaged
at least $600,0W, and to-day were within
a fraction of'a million dollars.
Three dollar coupons of 1881. paid by
the Assistant Treasurer at New York
and received by Gen. Spinner, are pro
nounced counterfeit. They are lit
graphed and badly executed.
Postmaster General Cresswell has re
turned to Washington.
Three Boys Drowned—Pree Tilde
ply Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. I
CINCINNATI, August 9.—Three boYS,
Geo. Carr, John Clark and Wm. Loh
man, were drowned in Ohio riveryester
day evening, by th,e,capaizing of a skiff.
Three of their contripions escaped.
Henry B. Lloyd , , tof the Amen'.
can Free Trade V,7 , rrived syester-,
day from New Yo cc posters up
in all quartets of:
i fete n
Two Boys Res- I to Death.
~ ,
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh gasette.l •
Him YonK, August 8 .—0 n.• Friday
night two ' boys 'muted Mahoney and
Caffrey, both aged twelve years, were
roasted-to. degth' While sleeping is an
ash' pit on the Central railroad, - Uttar .
Elizabethpor4N c .T. They belonged to,
Elisabeth,-and - being away from h
est of
the It toeleep, Mt 'the'llrest of
the locomo tiv e which were hatlitidiato '
;he pit literally roasted thew's° death.'
Y, AUGUST 10, • 1869
Saw Mill Burneu--Cblnese Visitors—
Army FromoUous—The rurnera' Fes
Car Telegraph to the Pittahazah Gazette.)
Cmcaoo, August 9.—The steam saw
mill owned by Robert S. Calkinett Hull,
at Muskegan, Mich., was Completely des
troyed by fire , last evening. The loss
is from $50,000 to ;60,000; insured for
The Chinese visitors paid a visit to the
Elgin Watch Factory, located some linty
miles west of this city, to-day. They
leave for New York to-night.
A special order from Lieut. General
Sheridan headquarters announceit the
following promotions: Ist Lt. R. P. Wil
son, Company E, sth cavalry, to be Cap
tain, vice .Denny, Which carries him to
Company A; let Lt. A. B. Taylor, Regi
mental quartermaster, to be Captain,
vice Arnold, which carries him to Com
pany L; 2d Lt. C. T. Ball, Company 5,
2d cavalry, to be Ist Lt., vice Taylor,
which carries him to Company I; 2d Lt.
W. P. Clark, Company A, 2d cavalry, to
be lst Lt., vice Norton, which carries
him to Company G.
The Turners had another delightful
day for their festival. At eight o'clock
this forenoon the procession was formed
at headquarters, and soon alter it moved
to Wright's Grove. The procession was
an attractive one, comprising not less than
two thousand Turners, with near a aozou
bands of music. At twelve o'clock a
complimentary dinner was given to the
gentlemen of the Press at the Cafe Del
Europe. In the afternoon the cotopeti•
Lion for prizes took place. The atten
dance was Nary large, and everything
passed off pleasantly.
Releage of an American Prisouer.:-Los
Tunas Rellevcd—Tne Insurgents Sur
(By Telt graph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
IfsvessA. August 9.—Gen. L3spes ar
rived here last week in bad health and
has gone to San Domingo for baths.
. Valtz, a relative of one of the
United States Consuls in Cuba, who was
recently arrested and sentenced to four
months' imprisonment, has been re
leased at the instigation of Consul Gen
eral Plumb, and sailed for New York in
the steamer Columbia.
The official reports state that there are
now few rebels in the jurisdiction of Los
Eugenas and Dclquin. A convoV of pro
vision had reached the to*n °flog Tu
nas and relieved the garrison, who were
suffering from scarcity. The troops re
cently surprised a body of insurgents at
Deg Bagensa and killed -forty ' their •
High Handed Outrage on , a Citizen.
I illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
. NASHVILLE, July 9.—Last night a party
of young men went to City Hotel and
called for Joseph L. Barbour. of Hartford,
Conn., in the name of Mr.' Stone, late
candidate for Senator on the Stokes'
ticket. When Mr. Barbour appeared In
the office they took him out and carried
him toward the suspension bridge. Bar
bour seized hold of a lamp post, and
whilst some were trying to pull him
away others struck him over the shoul
ders with their canes. Here gentlemen
came tip and interfered in his behalf and
be returned to the hotel. Barbour trav
eled with Stokes &Irina the latter part of:
the canvass and corresponded with the
State Journal. He was consideratly
bruised, but not seriously hurt. The out
rage was without cause and is condemned
by all classes of citizens.
Death of a Publhher—The Mrs. Hobbs
urder—Enforcing Prohibition.
Mt Telegraph to the Pltieburgo Gazette.l
BOSTON, August 7.—Chas. C. Little,
founder, and senior partner of the firm
of Little,-Brown (Cc C0...we1l known law
publishers, died this morning in his 71st
The Coroner's jury in the case of the
death of Mrs. Hobbs returned a verdict
that she came to her death by being shot
throughher body by a pistol In the hands
of Thomas L.. White.
On Saturday one hundred and twenty
eight gallons of ale and six gallons of
whisky' were seized in the brewery of
Joseph Shaw, in Salem, by the State Co
nstables, under the liquor law.
From Central America.
CBI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh nasette..l
NEW Youg, Augat B.—The steamer
Henry Chauncey arrived from Aspinwall
July alat.
Senor Montelegre, Minister appointed
from Nicaragua to Costa Rica to arrange
the terms for the excavation of an inter
oceanic railroad across Nicaragua, had
returned entirely successful in his mis
sion. • -
The Panama Star says instructions
have been received from the Navy . De
partment at Washington by Commander
Trillion. to the sloop -of-war
Jamestown for a trip to Fegee Islands, to
investigate the cause of the late mission
ary murder there. The Jamestown
would sail early in August.
The schooner Petrel was to carry an
other treasure seeking party from
Panama to the Island of Cocoa, includ
ing, it was believed, some agents of the
Costa Rica Government, who go to take
formal possession of the Island in the
IMMO of the Republic, which has always
laid olairn to its ownership, but never
yet planted a flag on it.
Small bands of rebels in Nicaragua had
been defeated and it was expected the
rebellion would soon be quelled.
The Ecuadorian National Convention
on July 10th declared 'the Rep ublic in
state of war and invested the Executiv e with power to prevent the threatened
piratical invasion. The Genoral•lit-Ohlef,'
Ganda Moreno, had been called into ac
tive service and the itowers.conferred on
the Executive transferred to him.
July s a v h en r o i to h k k
)faU on the 21st of
earthquake was
felt in Guayaqllll, which extended to
Quito, at 8 g. . At;, _ and reached. Callao at
Midnight, creating a good deal of alarm.
but causing no damage. On the 23d . and `
24th at shower of ashes fell ovei Guaya
stipicsed to have proceeded (roman
Oldwolcano, on the aide of which moun
tain Quito is situated. Both Plohiniehi
had: otapaxi are In active operation.
The 'hook of an earthquake missals°
falt at Itompla MAT lath, and the voice
htt Of liattga bin constant action.
Professor Thurston Leaves Meadville
for New York In His Balloon, thas,l6l3rl
- Charlot.”
Mr Towson to the Plttsbnieh Gazette.]
MEADVILLE, PA., August 9.—S. S.
Thurston, accompanied by Messrs. Oli
phant and Baldwin, started in the bal
loon, "Bridal ()harlot," for New York
city, at 4:35 P. N. They expect to make
their destination in thirty-six hours.
The wind is nowlavorabie for the trip.
Gang of Murderers—Seareh fur Hilde
brand, tne Missouri Desperado.
CB) Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Glut tte.)
. Sr. Louie, August 9.—Recent events
have disclosed the fact t at a gang of
.murderers have for a lo time made
their rendezvous at Cantoin this State,
and that a number of the Citizens of that
place have been murdered. Several ar
rests have been made and writs issued
for other parties, but in the attempt to
serve them the sheriff and his posse were
met with organized resistaneepaiad after
a desperate fight they were forced to re
tire with two men'ltilled and several
The Police Commissioners to-day re
ceived a dispatch from Ir ndale, Mo.,
that Colonel Bowen, in c mmand of a
force sent to capture H ildebrand, the
desperado of Southeast Missouri, and
Sheriff Murphy, of St. Francis county,
were fired upon by Hildebrand and
some of his friends, and Bowen wounded
and his horse shot from under him. The
posse are now in pursuit. The attaok op
the officers of the law may_ result in thn
sending of a strong force of militia to
Washington and: St. Francis counties,
and the driving out of the whole gang of
Silver Exportation Diovement—TheExo.
dui from the Provinces—Fires.
Uly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette 3
MO3.:TREAL, August 9.—Mr. Wier is
reorganizing the silver' exportation
movement and is well supported by
former subscribers. The action so far
has bad a decided effect on silver, which
has fallen from four to three per cent.
He proposes to export 11,500,00 to oom•
plate his contract.
The workmen at St. Roche, Quebec, are
agitating a public meeting to coulter
the best Means for stopping. the resent
a te a - S xodus raffs. —
of_Frencb. t".armbtax.. •7'
• Gurmvir, Aug. 7.—McOlean's oat meal
mill, at Obenfbrile, was totally destroyed
by fire yesterday. The lOas was 820,000.
PORT tiOPR, August 0 —The brick
block on John Street, in which was situ
ated the Cairo Hotel and several other
buildings, was destroyed by fire last
night. !Joss 820,000.
Great Trot at Saratoga.
(By Telegraph t 4 the Pittsburgh Gazette.) • •
SARATOGA, August 9.—Lady Thorn ar
rived here this morning and will trot on
Friday against Monntain Boy.
Buffalo Driving Para Meeting.
13umr,o, August 9.—The trotting to.
morrow over the Buffalo Driving
Park was the all absorbing topic In the
city to-day. A large crowd was in at
tendance at the pool-selling and sales
were large and brisk. Nora Wood is the
favorite in the three mile race, going
against two to One with the field. An.
thony Wayne is backed strongest In the
2:30 race. Five horses are entered for
the three minute trot and nine in the
2:34 trot. The weather Is clear and the
track in splendid condition. Every
railway train brings in crowds of visi
Balloon Accldent—Fortunate - Escape.
Illgaspnis, August .9.—While) two
gentlemen and two ladies were making
an ascension in a balloon this morning,
a sudden gust of wind drove tile balloon
against a bell tower on the Adams Street
engine house. Ono man jumped out
upon tne roof of the building and the
balloon being relieved of his weight shot
up some one hundred and fifty feet above
the building, when , the man palled_ the
1 ming string, splitting the lisroon wide
open, but it was filled by the breeze and
sunk gradually until near the top of the
egine housefortua n nsuddenly llapsed
and fell, but ately caught co upon a
a chimney breaking the fall, and the
crowd rushing under the car prevented
its striking, and all escaped.
Horsewhipped !Or Hhi Treachery.
LEY NlegraPkto the Pittaburgh•Gazette.
N. Y., F August 9. J as. 11:Day, formerly
private seoretary to Genera( Ryan, ar
rived here last Friday with letters pur
porting to come from the Cuban Junta
in New York. asking the General to re
turn to. New York immediately with
Day. Ryan, suspecting the letters were ,
forgeries, accused flay of treachery,
which he was finally compelled toadmlt,
whereupon Ryan gave him a Revere and
unmerciful horsewhipping. Day on his
knees begged for mercy, but pone was
shown him, until the guests, rushed in
and took the whip from Ryan. The affair
created great excitement.
—A story current in Washington
that at the time Sickles was being dis
cussed in the Cabinet previous to his
appointment, Attorney - General Hoar
and Semetary Fish suggested that the
General's -complicity with the Ostend
Manifesto might seriously interfere with
his usefulness at the Spanish Court.
secretary Rawlings and Postmaster Gen
eral' Cresweil v in reply, to the objection.
remarked that at the time, they were in
favor of the Manifesto. _ After a brief
silence. the President solved the tines
tionofthe appointment, by saying that ,
he, too, ores' in favor of the Manifesto at
the time it was issued.
—The dead body of Mowry .trois, who
murdered his wife In June lapt at Bur.
rillayille, Rhode Island, was found on
Saturday In a swamp near / the Beene of
the murder. He bad evidently killed
himself soon after killing his wife.
Petrole 4- ,l.*` ins.
The Titusville H furnishes the
following fresh oil ite
The Willard well on the, Benedict Es
tate Company's tract, Enterprise.' was
torpedoed last week, and the product was
greatly increased.
A new well was struck last Thursday
at lemiler's, on the Allegheny river,
about two miles north of Parker's Land
ing. The.production is rated at ten to
twenty barrels daily.
Last week a qew well was struck on
the Chambers' tract of the Baney farm,
Cherrytree run. It is owned by Messrs.
Adams and Maelhtosh, and is yielding
forty to fifty barrels a day. This well is
located in the immediate vicinity of other
large producing wells.
At Parker's Landing, Allegheny river,
five new wells were recently struck,
which increased the product one hun
dred barrel&
On Friday last, Mr. E. M. Hukill and
others sold to J. P. Gage and others the
working interest in two wells--predue
ing ten barrels daily—on the Union 011
Company's tract; Cherrytree run, for
5,000. The working Interest in. these
wells has three-fourths of the oil.
A feW days ago a new six barrel well
was struck on the north side of the Alle
gheny river at'Scrubgrass.
Last week Mr. F..W. Andrews struck
a new fifteen barrel well on the Alle
gheny river a short distance north of
Rockwood station. •
After the Race.
Win. Franey proprietor of the Coal
Valley Hotel, near Haberman's coal tip
pie, on the Mononganela river. made Infor
mation • before Alderman MoMssters,
yesterday againsl - Charles Griese, John
Drystott, Peter Drystott, and Peter Eys
bert, for riot and felonious assault. The
accused are all coal miners, - and employ
ed in the pits in the vicinity. It is alleg
ed that shortly after the boat race on
Saturday evening they went to the hOtel
and asked for llquor. Some ono in the
bsr-room stated to Franey that one of
the parties was a minor, whereupon Mr.
Franey refused to accede tto their , de
mands. They, it is alleged, become
angry at his refusal, and after going
outside commenced :an attack off the
house, braking the window, bursting in -
the doors, smashing the furniture inside, 6
tiring oft' ; pistols anti creating a row'
generally. After all was over, it is said
the house was found to be damaged to
extent of seven hundred or one thou
sand dollars. Warrants were issued but
when the officers. went lu search -ef-the
stes ed hey.tout:lll.--Itr-tntr-pits, and"-
ly (maid not be secured. They
be arrested to-day when a hearing will
take place.
Additional Markets by Telegraph.
BUPPALO Augult eceipts: 102000
bbLe flour, 230,000 bush wheat, 70,000 bush
corn, 40,000 bush oats. Shipments: 112.-
000 bushels wheat, 56,060 bushels corn..
Freights Freights 13®13y0 on wheat, 11X0 on
corn, and 77@80 on oats to New York-
Flour firmer, with sales of 200 bbLs No. 2
spring, city ground, at $7,10; No. 1 do. at
$7. Wheat excited, and advanced 5@60
on Milwaukee and 3e on Chicago; sales
01'200,000 bush at 81,42©1.45 for No. 2
Chicago; $1,46©1,49 for No. 2 Milwaukee;
f1,55@1,57 for No. 1 do.; $1,45 lorßacine:
51,55 for red Toledo; closing firm and
held lo higher for spring. Corn quiet;
prime very scarce, and held at $1,05 for
No. 2; sales of 10,000 bush No. 2 western
tcp,arrive at $1.02; car lots do. on sot.
ati $1,03©1,05; kiln dried sold at fl,
1,03; new held at 11,05, end prime closing
firm. Oats sold at 650 for email lots of
old western. Rye nominal at $1,20 for
western. Pork, /34,00 for heavy mess.
Lard quiet at 19/®193 c. Highwine&
Quiet; 81,09 bid and $l,lO asked.
OSWEGO'August 9 .—Flour 25®50c c
higher, wi th sales 1,400 bbls at 58 for No.
1 spring, $8,25 for amber winter, 88,50 for
and $9,25 for double extra.
Wheat excited and nominally 6o higher
on spring, with sales 4,700 bush prime -
white Canada at $1,95. No. 1 mill club
nominally 81,62. Corn lo higher, with .
sales 11.000 bush No. 2 kiln driedat $1,07.
Corn Meal at $2.30 per cwt. Mill Feed
steady. Shorts at $21@22. Ship Stuffs
at $25. Middlings at $21®30 per ton.
Canal freights—wheat 834, and corn 7340
to New York. Railroad freights—flour
to Boston 68a, to New York 58e, and to
Albany 500.•• - Lake imports-36,600 bush
wheat, 2,500 bush corn, 3,209,000 feet of. •
lumbar. Canal exports--160 bbls flour,
21,600 bush wheat, 20,000 bush corn, 1,300
bush rye, 2,696,000 feet of lumber.
Nsw ORLEANS, August 9.—Cotton
firm and steady; low middlings at 81%c;
sales 261 bales; receipts 104 bales. Gold
at 131%. • Exchange at 1493‘. New York
Sight at par to y, per cent. discount.
Sugar firm, 'with sales common at 11(81. •
1134 e, and prime at 14e. Molasses—re.
bailed at 65@)71c. • Flour quiet, with
sales superfine at /5,65, double extra at
$6,50, and treble extra at 58,62. Corn
firm at $l. Oats at 65c. Bran at $l. Hay
—prime at $3O. Pork at $35. Bacon ac
tive; shoulders retailing at 16X@1133ict,
clear ribs at /91;c, and clear sides at
193;0. Lard--tierce at 1934©1930, and.,
keg at 22@)23c. Whisky at 11,15(4)1,173x,.
Coffee dull; fair at .15Xe, and prime at
16 1 A©16Xc.,
Araisisr, August 9 .—Cattle Market—
Beeves tame, supply 3,200 head short of
receipts last week. the best drove from
Kentucky of 45 head, averaging 1,514/
pounds, brought 90. live weight. Upon
low grades from 13; to 1X• advance / was
obtained; later, prices felt off from 3i -
Shmost kinds;. stockers brought 13n.
eep and lambs demand fair and for
cholbeldroves full ' prices were realized;
lanibt plenty in market and a free
tion lower; sheep b t0..7e; lamln 7@&&
Hogs, receipts moderate, fair to good Il
linois 10 X®10Xc;which, is Xo. , off last- '
week's prices. / ' •
CHICAGO, August 9.=-At open board, in
the afternoon the grain market wasmod
, •
erately active' end prices firm . , No. 2
spring' Wheat $ 1,4034Q1 , 414-'se ller An.
gust; closing at inside. No. 2 Corn was
steady at 92gcs setter August, - and. 9234 Q
930 seller last half. In the evening No.
2 :wh ea t was quiet at $1,41 cash, and
2 11,4010 seller the month. .
- SAN FRANCIPCO, August i).—Flottr at
$560,873i. Wheat heavy; • export salt&
firm; ordinary at $1,55, good at $1,72X/ -
and choice shipping at $1,85. Receipts
for the past 48 hotms-.75,000 sacks flour. ,
Legal lenders 7336. - • •
2.lAmsymac. August - 9 .—Wheat firm:
red $ 1 . 10 15415: amber. $ 1 .15@)1,20; whits
$1,25(01,30. _Floor 57,50 for best brands..