The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 07, 1869, Image 7

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CO"tiiis*gijekith. i
A Houle foe Little Boys.
The London Telegrsph gives an ac
count of the Horne for Little Boys at Hor
ton Kirby, > near Farmington, England-
This institution is five years old, and at
its recent anniversary celebration the ex
amination of the boys was an interesting
part of the programme, as it disclosed not
only a high and useful proficiency among
the,lads in several branches of knowl•
edge, but also an admirable system / of
"object lessons," after .the plan common
in Switzerland, Germany and other ,Ea
ropeim countries. The distribution of
the prizes followed, Lord Cairns halving
a word for every boy as he frame
up to receive the reward of some
merit or other. A great teeny
solid and handscme writing desks
were given,'\ and then came the hboks
usually selected for school prizes.
"Have you ever read 'Robinson pre.
soe " his lordship asked one little lad
.with a bright and hopeful tace. "No,
sir," said the boy. "I envy you very
miich," was the rejoinder. Accordeons,
too, were among ttie prizes; and one can
fancY that the dormitories of the seven
dwellings will-be as fall ofnoises, sounds
and sweet airs as Prospero's isle, till
Father and Mother both will have had
something more than enough of it. One
boy, captain of the cricket eleven, walked
off under the weight of two bats, a Illicit)
of stumps and a ball. Others had chess
And draught not relit, with pieces; others
bad-boxes of• tools. And it seemed a
happy peculiarity of the prize-giving that,
unlike the strivers in the world's school,
all these little boys got exactly the prizes
they wanted.
There are two hundred and ten boys in
the Home, a certain proportion of whom
may have passed the ten-year boundary
while they have been in residence, though
the average would be nearer the age of
eight or nine years. llere is an analysis
of that total of two hundred and ten little
boys : Thirty .four have lost both parents,
eighty-eight have lost their fathers, thirty
six have lost th'eir mothers, eighteen have
been deserted by the* fathers, four have
been deserted by their mothers, pine have
:been deserted by both parent%' thirteen
have both parents living, who are either
invalids or in lunatic asylums or in pris
on; eight have pannts who are de
praved, and who make beggars and
thieves of their offspring. In all cases
• the children have been rescued from ig
norance, Nice and critne. One of these
lads picked up a florin on Saturday on
- the ground where the military band had
been playing. He took it to the leader
instantly, and it was owned by a mu
sician, who - gave the boy a shilling,
though he was about to ran off without
having waited for so much as bare thanks.
The Oldest City odd
Damascus is the oldest city in the
world. Tyre and Sidon have crumbled
-on the shore; Baalbec is a ruin; Palmy
ra is buried in a desert; Nineveh and
Babylon have disappeared from the Tir
.gris and . Euphrates. Damascus remains
what it was before the days of Abraham
—a centre of trade and travel—au island
•of verdure in the desert—"a presidential
•capital," with martial and sacred associa
.tions ettending through thirty centuries.
It was near Damascus that isaul of Tar.
EMS B&W the light above the brightness of
the sun; the street which is called Strait,
In which it was said "he prayed," still
ama, through the city. The caravan
comes and goes as it did a thousand years
ago. ' there is still the sheik, the ass and the
water wheel; the merchants of the Eu
phrates and the Mediterranean still "loc.
•cupy" these "with the multitude of their
-wares." The city whigh Mabomet sur
veyed from a neighboring height, and was
afraid to enter "because it was given to
man tnhave - but one paradise; and for his
part he was resolved not to have it in this
world," is today what Julian called the
"eye of the 'East," as it was in the time
•of Isaiah l•the head of Syria."
From Damascus came the damson, our
blue plums, and the delicious apricot of
Portugal, alled damase.o, damask,. our
beautiful fabric of cotton and silk, with
vines and flowers raised upon a smooth,
bright ground; the damask rose, intro
.ducecl into Elitism), in the time of Henry
VIII., the Damascus blade, so famous the
world over for its keen edge and wonder
ful elasticity, the secret of whose manu
facture was lost when Tamerlane carried
off the artist into Persia; and that beau.
tiful art of inlaying wood and steel with
silver and gold, a kind of mosaic en
graving and sculptural united, called
damaskening, with which boxes, buLeaus,
swords and guns are ornamented. It is
still a city offlowers and bright waters;
the streams of Lebanon and the "silk of
gold" still mormur and, sparkle in the
wilderness of the S)rian gardens.
The New Ten. Dollar Counterfeit.
New developments are being made
.daily concerning tae new spurious ten
dollar greenback, specimens of which
come to the United States Treasurer's of
fice every. tay. When the first series
was received, General Spinner, on exam
"inationcemb to the' conclusion -that they
had been put oat as a blind for future
operations. Although very skilfully ex
-ecuted, they presented so many defects
that an experienced person could detect
them readily, Thus the public were no
tified of dots opposite the figures "ten"
on each end of the note, the lack of dig-
Ainct rows of feathers in the left
_wing of
the eagle; the•want of a period after the
letter in Spinner's name, and vari
ous other omissions. Two specimens re
ceived to•day bear witnesd that they are
a new,issue, for all the defects above re
ferred to have been - lee:toyed, and the
general appearance of the note is so ex
actly like the genuine that italmost defies
detection by professional experts-1
One Car from Sea to sea.
The Pennsyliania Central Railroad
Company matt two trains a day from
:New York, the one via the New Jersey .
Central to Harrisburg, and the other via
the Camden and Amboy to Philadelphia,
which carry passengers, without change
of cars, to Omaha, Nebraska, a distance
of about sixteen hundred miles. This
stoperidons enterprise is to be followed
shortly by improvedfamily cars,eguipped
with furniture, kitchens, fkc., for
the accommodation of passengers, and
will start. at Philadelphia and New York
direct for Sacramento, without change,
a distance of over thirty-three hundred
miles. the projector 'of these moving
houses is devoting all his efforts to render
them safe and annmodlowt. Tbey will
be built of various sizes and capacities.
Aparty or family of fifteen can hire one
for the round trip, and can control it. as
completely during the> time they use it
as they would a rented tenement.,
A. ilia casualt ocbnr ed r nea VailOrt;
two stiles below Beaver: Beaver county,
Pennsylvania, oh . Sitiircitty,aftertioon, re
sulting in the drowning of a woman and
child, and the narrow escape of two men.
It seems that Stephen Stone. his wife and
child, and a man named. Burns, had gone
down the river a piece in a skiff to visit
some friends. As they were returning,
between four and five o'clock, and when
they were about going round the bow of
the steamboat Hunter, lying at Vanport,
the skiff was accidentally upset • by Mr.
Burns, and the occupants thrown into the
water. The employes of the steamer
Hunter, attracted by the odes of those in
the water, ran to their assistance and suc
ceeded in saving Mr. Burns and Mr.
Stone. By this time the woman had
arose to the surface of the water and she
called to her husband 'to save her.
Mr. Stone immediately ran along the
guards of the boat to where his wife was,
but he struck his head against a staunch
ion, and was knocked - down almost in
sensible. His wife appealed to him again
to save her or the child, but the , husband
answered that hecould not swim, and
ere he had recovered from the shock pro-
duced by the collision with the staunch.
ion the loved ones had both sank for the
last time. When - she begged he would
save the child, she held the little :thing
above the surface of the water, but only
for an instant. however, and both sank
from eight. •The'babe was only,two years
of age. Its body_ wag vecovered on
Mondarmotning, - lnit the, body of Mrs.
Stone had not been:rec o vered at last ac
counts. Mr. Stone is a farther by occu
pation and his wife was a most estimable
woman. Be has the sympathies- of ; the
entire community in his sad bereave
ment. ,
COTTON.—WhiIe India, Egypt and
other countries are using every endeavor
to promote the growth of cotton, it may
not be uninteresting to compare the ad
vantages enjoyed by the United States
over its conipetitors. The Southern
States, it is asserted, have an unrivaled
soil and ellniate for the production of cot
ton, while the mode& of transportation to
market, both by river and rail, are cheap
and rapid. By an estimate made in 1852.
the cotton crop amounted. to -3,150,000
pounds, and the number of hands em
ployed was '787,500, and the number of
acres cultivated was 6,800,000. The
number of acres adapted to , cotton culti
vation but not employed in that branch
of agriculture, was 89,200,000; and the
additional hands required were 4,900,000.
Hence, merely by , comparing the acres,
it appears that the cotton crop of the
United States may be increased•to 20,-
000,000 pounds.
Ds. LrnatOSTONE.—Hr. H. A. Church
hill, C. B.,British Consul and political
agent to anzibar, speaks with confidence
as to the safetY of Dr. Livingstone,. from
whom he has had letters of a date more
recently than that of his reported murder.
It is Mr. Churchhill's opinion that Dr.
Livingstone, having heard of the dis
covery of the northern portion of Lake
Albert Nyanza by Sir S. Baker, has di
rected his route in search of the southern
boundary of that lake and that In, the
course of a few months it is probable that
further news will be heard from Dr.
Livingstone hiinself.—London ifedieal
Time, and Gazette.
MADAME PAREPA-ROM has organized
her English , opera troupe for the coming
season after the following fashion, it is
supposed : Soprani, Madatne • Parepa-
Rosa and Miss Rose Rersee; contralti,
Mrs. Segrun and Miss Stockton; bari
tone, Mr. A. Lawrence; basso, Mr. S.
Campbell, tenor!, Mr. Castle and Mr.
Nordblom, and buffo, Mr. Seguin.
Messrs. Carl Rosa and A. Rieff will act
as conductors. Mr. De Vivo will be
connected with the troupe. Miss Rich=
ings has also been vigorously at work
with her preparations, and it Is said will
Nget the start of Madame Parepa-Rosa in
ew. York about two weeks.
TEE Jefferson (Wig") Banner says
that a German woman, just from the old
country, with her husband and family,
had a child born 'at Baltimore while on
their way, and as neither she nor the child
was in good health, and the doctor thought
the latter could not live, after consulta
tion between him and the parents, at Jef
ferson, it.was decided that, as the child
could not live, the best plan would be to
administer poison and put the little suf
ferer out of the way at once. The phy
stolen administered the dose, and in a few
minutes the child was a corpse.
A FEw weeks since, Mr. Thomas Tyre,
residing near Stanfield, Clinton County,
Missouri, killed a rattlesnake nearly eight
feet long, having twenty rattles. Re
cently he was cradling wheat, tvben he
discovered a large rattlesnake coiled up
at his feet. Having nothing but his
cradle with which to dispatch the reptile,
he caught . It on the point of the blade
toward himself suddenly, expecting to
cut it in two, but instead he threw the
snake against his breast. He was terribly
frightened but killed his sztakesidp.
MIICILAGE.--Ifia stated Abat the thick,
itough sap found in large quantities in the
leaves of New Zealand flax may be con
verted into a gum for sealing envelopes
.which, when dry, unites the surfaces of
paper so thoroughly that no process of
steaming or soaking will permit them to
be separated again. For 'this reason It is
now being used in. large quantities in
England, in the preparation of what are
called "safety envelopes."
AR OLD fisherman 'aroma the Indian
apolis Mirror that bass "bite ferociously
and freely just befme, daring and for a
few hours after a total or partial eclipse
of the sun. Then they suspend for six
weeks. He does not pretend to account
for this, but vouches fora it as being
fact." Boys addicted to fishing must
keep ont of the way of, the bass next Sat
urday, if they don't want -to be "bitten'
SOME of the "Scotch•litsh”, convicts in
an Irish prison have petitioried the Chap
lain not to use hymns in worship, but the
Psalms of David, as the iormer are not
inspired. They have finally been per
suaded to yield their preferences. If the
conylets,bia shciWn the same reverence
for inspired writing 'before their incar
ceration that:they now show, they would
have saved themselves much trouble.
TitE,Board of Supervisors of Wood
county in June refused , to grant license
to sell any kind of spirituous or malt
liquors. Las t Wednesday they rescinded
the order and grunted license to seU spir•
ituous liquors, sued as. whisby 4 ,- brandy,
rum, ace., but refused to allow the, sale
of the more harmless beveragek ale and
beer. "
41 - '; - 1 F O : 17 0 1 V.: 4 7 ; ' ,IkTURCIYXV.I.:tr I Z r9O
MANRAK PILLS will cure Cloneamption, ,
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if taken accord.
big to directions. They are all three to betaken 1
at the same time.. They cleanse the stomach, re.
lax the livor and put it to work; then the appetite
becomes good; the feud digests and makes good
blood; the patient begins to grow in flesh; the
diseased matter ripens into the lungs, and the
patient ot4grows tee disease and gets well. This
is the only way to cure consumption.'
To these three medicines Dr..l. H. Schenck, of
Philadelphia. owes his unrivaled success In the
treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Pul
monk Syrup ripens the morbid matter In the
rungs, nature throws it off by ad cagy expectora.
ttnn. for when the phlegm or matter id ripe a
slight cough will throw it off. and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin to heal.
T.. do-till ,s •the seawe.d 'ionic and Mandrake
'Pills must be irrely thed to cleanse the stomach
and liver, so that the Pulmontc Syrup and tne
loud will make good blood.
Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver,
removing all obstructions. relax the ducts of the
gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver,
le soon relieved; the stools will show, , what the .
Pills can do; nothing has ever been in d ented ex
cept calomel (a deadly poison which Is 'eery den.
- gerbils to use unless with great urea that will
unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions
of the liver like Schenck's Menke Pills.
iver Complaint is one of turir" '...ast prominent
ca es of-Consumption. •
enck's Seaweed Tonic Is a gentle stimulant
d alterative. and the alkali in the Seaweed,
Which. this preparation is made at, assists the
stomach to tnrow tmt the gastric Mice to dissolve
the food with the Pannonia Syrup, and it is made
into Rood !rood without fermentation or souring
In the stomach. -
The great reason why physibLans do not cure
Consumption is, they try to do too much; they
give medicine tattoo the cough, to step ehllls,to
stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing
they d. range the whole digestive_powere, lock
ing up the secret.ons. and eventually the patient
sinks and dies.
Dr. Schertek, in his treatment, !
deism:Mt UT:to,
. _. ..
sap a cough, night awes% anis or fever.
move the cause, and tkey will all stop of their
own . aucord. 110 one can ,be cured °Monsanto,
Lion' Liver Complaint. Dpspepsis," Catarrh,
Canker, 'Ulcerated Throat,' unless the liver and
stentech are made healthy...,
If a person ass consnmpthin, of course the
rings In some way are diseased; either, tubercles,
abcesses, bronchial inflation, pleura adhesion,
or the lungs are a macs of inflanunatiort and fast
decaying. In each cases what must be, done? It
is not only the lungs ;net are wasting, but it .is
the whole body. The stomach and liver, have lost
their power to make blood out of fo d. I Now the
only chance is to take Dr. Schenck's three Lied'.
eines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach,
the patient will begin to want food, It will digest
easily and make good blood; then the patient be
gins to gain In flesh. and as soon as the body be.
gins to grow, the lungs commence to heal up..
and the patient gets Ss ihy and well. This Utile
only way to cure Consumption. I
When there is no lung disease and only Liver
Complaint and Dyspepsia, Schenck`a Seaweed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, without
the Pulmordo Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills
freely in al billions complaints, as they are Per
fectly harmieu.
Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health for many years past, and now weighs 11115
pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in
the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption
hi. pity. icians having pronounced his case hope:
less and abandoned him to his fate. He was eared
by the aforesaid me. !canes, and since his recove
ry many thousands similarly, afflicted have used
Dr. Schenck 'a preparation wi.h the same re
markable success. Full directions accompany
each, making it not absolutely necessary to per
sonars, see Dr. Schenck, nOless patients wish
prir lungs examined, and Joe this
_purpose he Is
efessio.• ally at his Principal tiMce, Philadel
phia, every Saturday. where.all letters for advice
-must be addressed. He is &lad protest/Venally at
,Na 314 Bond street. New York. every other
Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover street, Boston,
every other Wednesday. Ise gives advice free,
but for a thorough examination with his Heard
rometer the price is 55. Once hours at each city
from 9 A. 15..10 3 P. X.
Price of the Pulmonic Syruliand Seaweed Ton
ic each $1.50 per bottle. or 11.50 a ball dozen.
Mandrake Pills A 5 cents a box. For sale by all
druggists. myilittal.d&F
DISEASES. That numerous class of cases
resulting from self - abuse. producing- an•
manllneu, nervous debility. irritability, erup
tions. seminal emtssions, and dually- infi-.
potency. permanently cured. Persons afflict
ed - whh o elleaus. Intricate and long atand
lug constitutional complaints are politelyinvited
to call for consultation, which COSH nothtng.
Experience, the beet or teachers. hie enaltied
him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe,
permanent. and which in most cases can be used
without Macrame' to business. Medicines pre
pared in the establishment, which embraces M
ace, reception and waiting rooms; also, °carding
SIM sleeping apartments for patients requiting
daily personal attention, and vapor and chemi
cat- baths, thus concentrating the famemineral
springs._ No matter who have failed. s ate your
case. Read what he says In hiatiamphle of
rages, sent to say address for twOitamtoin sear
ed cave ope . Thousands of eases treaty annu
ally, at office and all over the country, f.orisnt- ,
teflon trie r e A rlidly or by mall. "Me No. 9
Wylie a - (near Court Rouse) Pittsburgh..
Pa. - Roam •M. X. to it r. ag.- .ftadays ILS N.
to 2 P. 2. Pamphlet sent to any addrefut for t
stamps. j - \ spa
This splendid Hair Dye is the bestir the Ids
the only true and perfect Dyel barirdert, re
hie. Instantaneous; no disappointment: o • ri
"diectlons tints; remedies the. effects Of bad
dyes; invigoratu and, leer es the Rah' soft and
beautiful. b tack or brows. Bold by all Druggists
and Perfumers:and properti applied at Batch.-
lor's Wig teeters. 2 7 .4. 15 street. act,
York. mid=
Essays on the Z8,R.011.3 OF YOUTH and
the 'FOLLIES OF AGE, to regard to BO AL
EVILS. with cartalo help for the erring and \un
fortunate. Sent in 'sealed letter envelopes, Oise
of charge. Address, HOWARD ASWICI &TRW ,
Box P. hlladelpbie,re. myZt:l63-dig
Under the Care of the Sisters of Mercy,
This Institution Is situated near the Penosyl-
Tanta Central .Uallroad. In a moat neautiful and
healthy part of Westmorelan t county, about
thr. e miles from Latrobe. -
The 'thalassic year it divided Into two sessions,
commencing the Monday afar the 16th of
Board and tuition per seuton, (payable In
advance) *O3 OD
Bed and scan. g per bet 'don.. .
lits•lone's •t • 2 00
Doctor's fees •• 11 q 0
Toe Modern Languages, Music, Drawing, dc,,
,form extra charges.
All communication , ' should bed rect.' d to the
Dlrectrus of et. Xavler , s Acuity'''. Ct. Vin
cent's U., Wes =remit'l county. ra.
N. 13.—A carriage is in attendance at Beatv's
Station every Wednesday, o meet the morning
accommodation train from Pitttborgh.
rtudles will tommencd A uvurt 23 i.
Prorpectutes can he bad on application to the
Directress of the Academy. auldor
The Next Term will Open on the
Persons whittles to en. er Classes, and
especially furcue pils and ther this , leed to
enter tho deutor Clue , should applyweek.
Will be opened In connection with this Instil:a..
lion, th which they can telt • a thorough t:01111118'
In pel'inr, Meaning Arithmetic, bropaphr.
History, English aremmar, Writing And Boot•
keeping, or any of these branches. ,
• A Select Ileboollor Little 611r1s.
Of timber grade, will also be eenueeted With the'
ltstitutlon. .
Parebtaarlebleg resitearning. ciente f: rimed:
fug their I , orts and Dstigbtera. are invited to up ,
ply tbla wees. • angina
At OHESTPH, DIM/MARV. Co. Pa. (rot
13°Iorder• only./ The eightu • antuhl• session
einmpences Auursday, . Vtitetaber Sad. e
b .11.3lnirs are new and very complete Wail their
appointments. 'Very thoroughinstrubtime_ 111
rntrilftb. ancient and modern inflation% Two
graduates of the 0E13.41 Mate, Int.itary Academy
devote their time eitc.tiliVely to the department*,
of liisthomaties aft ensineerlog. Careful at
wittier' is given to the tuo. al, rOd:Telhilotis cul• •
ture of quiets, • Circulars may be obtained of C.
H. PAULSOIf. it MO, ap Waco Street;
Pittsburgh, or of • • . • •
President or P. Ith A-ademy, Chester, a.
Au 3 mte.
•, . •
SEMINARY.—DeIight fusty situated on the.
atitgotOblo. Forty years In successful opera.
Con. Unusual advantages in solid and orni•
mental branches. lishool Year of Forty Weeks
begins tarptember Z. 1869. , Entire eat/mile
about (JO a wash. Twenty-Ilya ocr cent. de.
ductiou for daughters of ministers. head ton
Catalogue to-HEY.' C. B. ATTY.
13 D.. LL.D.. Suoarintenthntor AtiV. A. t.
ltifaLl. A. M.. Principal. aulirriierrit
an - . 1 1029 spnuffir,%TßEET ?Mirkalola's.
6.- MitaLlol , 4 , oo , PllESltat ~ Wor Young
Ladles and Dilury , Saville,and Day pupils,
whl"ren on. MONDAY, - Barren ter 20.
FRENCH Is the language o. the Yamtly. , andls
eonataztly spoken is the ittstitn
- i 1141?Milf. kiIfaVI,LLY,
jklOslnte rtinslPl2.
FOB - 1 frALEV
pnvALLE on _RENT.
Ariekrant new Brick Dwelling, I rooms, at•
tic and wash room. .
House of , trooms, 3 lots, 113th ward. $l.BOO
HOUIe of 4 *Komi, 1 lot, 15th ward, $1,500.
House of *rooms; A lots, 11th ward. 62,800.
House f..f . 4 rooms, 1 lot. 17th Ward, 0.400.
House of 4 rosins., 1 lot, 15th ward, $2,600.
liouse of SI rooms, 1 lot. 115th ward, $BOO.
10 lots,Blebert4 Wiptsms , 01an.5740 to $BOO.
lets, 44A street, $1,200 each.
4lots, 45th street, $l,OOO each.
Slots, Hatfield street, $BOO each
1 lot, Sherman street. $7.50.
lots, 40th street, 2011.240, $12,000.
4 lois, Butler etreat, $4,000.
L0t540:134 feet, $800; ten years to pay. A
house 'cost $500; interest on both, 166 a year.
Many Ray $lBO year rent. At Bloonifield yon
woad save $ll4 a year and your house and lot
in less than 10, years. tibniches and schools
30 acres of land, a mile from Sharpsbura,
$8,000; 915 *era of it. 63.500.
D. b. WILMS% 17th ward.
pu SALE.
of iron• log 138 feet on !Strawberry Lan.,
running back W 164 ifeet immediately in rear of
Pittsburgh, All. heny and Manchester Passer'.
X r Railway Co's stable. and on the line of the
of the Cleve and and Pittsburgh Heilr. ad Com•
pant, adlacient.. to the Ohio river, on which Is
erected T WO $001) WHAMS TEN ellT HOLISM
of three rooms each .with good stabling and
out nonses-coinpletel 'khis •property is well
adapted Mir huntwr or coke business, there betigt
already erected , thereon eig ht coke ovens .with
all the pecestary applinn es for carrying on that
• business!: - • . •
forrent or lease. 4 coniPsvlable PRAY;
HOIIBII.of three. rooms, in a good loca,lon within
five minutes welted' Wood. !Sun 'Station. P.. Fe.
ti n& Cat. IL: to'Whiob: ;liens it attached 'bent
halt an acre of ground. Ttill property wi.l be
rented low for a terra of years to arrow tenant.
Inquire of • • . •
Lumber Yawl co-ner Feeble and Juniata streets,
or N 0.1197 Rebecca street, opposite the Gm
Works, Allegheny. City. • 729:m77
House and Lot on Sandusky street; Home and
Lot on Boyle street; A Houses In the Eighth
Ward; 3 Farm's in Onto; Farm In Sewickley
Township; IS acres at Fleming Station, P., Ft.
W. & 0. IL H.; Farm nearPerrysvllle; House
and 'acres at Glendale Station, P., Ft. W. &
O. R. H.; A Farms In Iowa; Lot on Locust street.
(Manchester); Term In Wertd.reland county; 7
Houses and Lots In Spring Garden avenue; House
and Lease on Middle street; House and 1 Lots
on Spring Htll, 7th ward. Other Houses and
Lots in good location. Inquire of
Real Estate and Insurance Agent, comer Ohlo
and Sandusky streets, Allegheny. .17/7
e elegant new two story,pressed brick front.
at present occupied by J. S. Bell,"Beach street,
Second ward, Althheny. The house contains
11 rooms, with attic, wash house with station
ary tubs, stable and coach house, side yard and
garden. The 'nous is finished in the very best
s'yle, with inside , shutters. marble mantles and
hearths, marble wash stands, Graff, Ensue
Co's furnace, Cincinnati range in kitchen,
speaking tubes, pantries, and every convenience
necessary fbr a first-dug residence. For terms
apply to
' J. B. BELL,
‘ll=9o Bates it Bell's, or on the premises-
ood 6 roomed brick house on Centre avenue
and large lot-$4,500.
Good 0 roome d frame house with all improve
ments: bat 68 b_ 110-$4.000.
Frame house. looms; lot 24 by 10D-01.000.
Two well Unfitted press brick honsei and large
10 , -only 06.000. -
Two 6 roomed bouses on Fulton etreet-$51.500
t i ne lot 24 by 149 feet on Reed streat-0500.
Plot of ground on Mt. Washington.
' 80 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 miles from
the city.
• 40 sates On Western Pa. Railroad. 4 miles
from the nay.
8135 'errs irOod improved land in Missouri.
Will be divided to suit purchasers.
90 lots on. Lobito avenue-11300 to 04100
tacia. Inquire of _
Irma Estate and Insurance Agents. •
jylo Nom. 1116, 191 and 199 Centre avenue.
FOR SA M& • . •
3 STILLS...each 9 feet diameter and 103
feet long, With about 300 feet condensing pipe.
from 44ineli down to 2.K-Itich Ras filDe to each
still, for 6900 'apiece.
BOILERS, each 39-Indt dinmeter and 14
feet long, with elthiney bridging, steam drum,
stand pipe, ae.. for Ow).
2 KEYSTONE STEAM F IMPS, each 12 inch
steam crlinder„.l-inch water cslinder and lib
inch Or ohs, tots3oo apiece.
,1 IRON AGIT/LIVE: 10 feet diameter and 1e
feet deep, with cut Iron bottom for $BOO.
700 feel SlX•lbekti.s? PIPE at 40e per foot.
Apply WINN f., JdOEMAN & CO., at works,
nest Slisrosburg Bridge. .338:179
An "' Weisel:4ol(4n Station. on the Pittsburgh
It. Wayne and Chleago itallroa4,
:11 r
Containing About Two Acres 13acb,
198 Liberty Street.
fIALT BURG —A A story Brick liouse,9 rooms,
80 by 180. •
• OREEN4BURG—A Lot 6X by 81„ opposite
freight depot.
IdeKEE:44-013T-4 Lots and 2 store Brick
with Tavern; M. V. It it. passing through
the pimiertv,
ritititY STREET, Allegheny-7e story Mane
honer AO by 91.
ELIZABTIVrOWN-4 to's. t 1 by 60, With
three frames and a two story Brick house.
kißlStAlp:A.y.a.vUZ--A 3 story Brink Al owe, 9
CEb TRE AVENUE—A story Brisk Rouse.
For particulars enquire , t 87 tit ant Street.
. id a TUOTLN & KLEE.
AND, tbe Allegheny River. and non
used tor gardening posnosest•well Unproved and
Au% 414 h inst.) of - cultivation; containing 40 01
0011C111. 1301/ 'offered at a bargain. Call soon.
Also. oilier Farms in good loeations. Woolen
'notary. Iwo 'Homes. andAwenty acres of land
rethe Ceittral Railroad. • Rouses and Lots for
sleirld To-let in both cities. For further par
nlara inquire' of WILLIAM WARD.
110 Grant. street. OTTlOllCAOsthadrol.
y 1-situated In •.ellep i h o e u nz toz i n u t
Ea ,at i mg . iii i :Alleatteu s iVfille
Cent 104 acre . 60 or Welch ire
under ce: balance valuable Um.'
Mired Wlta cola. 4 foot, vein. dewed
and Bate: an orcbard of 140 trete.
plates. well watered and rood n*
VCR ptiee,and terms apply to 0. M.
f 10.1014 Fourth avenue. I
brisk dwelling house of evit
stone troOth. with lot of ground Rs
Bth avenue extanslon by 60.detpl
oimebablp duck of well 'flee
1"9".134!!rot "te
ou 48011NOTOP PROP.
PUS BALBI- 4 1roat good houses.
pleasant y situated:with lame lots and good Ina.
prolreßtillu• •Ryan 41,15‘ IN
„ .3v obatt avenue':
' STO/qIE.I.
Far comaitori
• Mookinii iftons Works,
4 7 r,
Sorthwestoo er ofTesiCkanmon. Allasben.
N':; %. `MUM ATVATZR i. 004.•
ir oil hand r Moire outbOrt natio!). fleutb
It *nap Eton • Via . tbr Sldewalluk, Brews' Milts, sc. II . • . Tomb Stones, 100.
alcialv n tvacn lv clammy", Prior, p•iiiinnalgo'
i s as? tm& 'Dealers in ame.
and • S hafting& Alma
Of Allegheny, , ,
FOB TRH YEAR ENDING Igiß,39th, 186 9 .
CAPITAL 810,0,000.00
Stock Notes
T'onds and Mortgages .
Bolls Receivable
I Mee Furniture
Cash on hand
t 18.130,51.78
Dividends 6 0.000. 0 0
Lows paid 1.709 Oil
Omer ex vense.taxes and &tamps. C 038.94
Commissions 381.71
Return premiums and rein.o
nu= •
411 589.92
Amount of outs:audio& rt5k5,51,349,6631.00
, , ,
.Of Pennsylirania: ,
Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City.
Rev. J. B. CLARK, D. D..
Capt. R. ROBINSON, •
Bev. A. 8EL1...,_D.D"
Rev. S. H. NEnBIT_ , D.D.,'
W. A. BRED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co.
JACOB RU___ ,SH Realltstate Agent,
SIMON DAUM, Mayorof Allegheny,
C. W. BE Y.. Hatter. . .
A. S. BELL,Atiorney-at-Li" .
D. L. WKY:MON, Lumbe
D. SWOGER, Insurance
Capt. ROST.' ROBINstON' President.
Bay.J B. CLARIL.D.D..Visee President.
JACOB RUSH, Secretary,
C.W. - BERRY. Treasurer.
M. W. WHITE. hUumass. ADvxsza.
This is a home company. conducted on the manila
Principle each policy holder receiving an equal
share oethe profits of the Company. Policies
will be issued on all the different plans of Life
Insurance, and being conducted on an economi
cal basis will afford a safe investment to each
policy holder. and thereby retain the money __at
home to encourage home industry. inlaiblini
CASH • ,
No. AA Firth Avenue. Feeond Floor,
Capital All
N. J.SIM H.W.ol.lrer, jr,loapt.M.Bailey,
Deng w *Rue, 8. Hartman, A, Chambers,
Jake H il l, S. M , Clark.n. Ju. DS. !Salley.
Thomas Smith, Jno.S. Willoek, I
ROBERT H. RING, President.
JNO..F. JEN NINO% Vice President.
JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Seereauy.
Capt. R. J. 611.A.0.E. Oen'l Agent.
Insures on Liberal Tenni on all Fire
and Marine Salm
aicasa •
- BU
No. 4.1 Ohio St., Allegheny.
A SOME COMPANY, managed by Directors
well knowo to the community, who trust by fair
dealins to merit a share of your pa tronise.
Efto. B. RUM
Simon Dram.
W. M. Stew Art.
Jos. TAutner.
Cor. Federal SI. and Diamond, Allegheny,
W. W. MARTEN President.
JOHN BROWN ,it Vico President,
John A. hirer, {Jas. Lockhart.' Jos. Xyers
Js.L.Graham. I Robert Les. !0. C. BOVIe.
Jno. Brown. Jr. George_ Gent, ;Jacob kopp,
O.H Pl 4 011ainslJno. Thompson IS. NeNangher.
0) 002111.,Cit HMDINO. •
This is a Heine Company. and intnred SOW&
Lott by Fire cull:Meets..
C. C. BOYLIC, Vice President:
bIiF.HT PATRICK. Treasurer.
41,1 hicitLEZNY. Secretary.
Leonard 'Arena, - 6eoriEllsol.
C. C. Berle, • Cleo. W. rßvans.
Robert Patrick. J. C. .
Jacob Painter. S. C.t.lelder.
Josiah Rini, John Voegticy ,
Ju. H. Hopkins. A. Ammon.
Henry Sproul. jirs:
• Home Cemmantakinglilre aml Marine MAN
Wm. Phillips, Capt. John L. Mead;
John We**. . Simnel F. Striver.
John E. _ - Charles Axbnctie, •
Capt. James muter. Jared N. Brash.
Wzn. Van Kirk, Win F. Lan /.
JouneeD. Venter, • b tamnel
WM. PRILLI I 2 **resident.
J9kIN WATT icePresidesi. -
- W. P. fid.RD deeretazy.
ns,p , r. JAIL f4ORTHIN. fieneral Arent.
0PP10Z.4116 i •at ONENINTIT BT..noor "TM-,
Citarleaf. Butcher, o r Mdecai H. Louis '
Tobias senr. David & Brown.
Bamnel sant. Isaac MI6 .
Jacob R. Wilt, • Bdward U. Dale,
Y n tomi t y i r George Tiles.
rtWl). DAL ice Presrai,
North Wott li ttritler "R Third and WOOd
hos. West.
Mom Me.
y Railroad.
leered =i ail
~.r; eager..
Lo` Home
retied• tie
Ai GO.,
PIT _Tii_AXV.OII. ••
LaWIE. President.
B T. Secretary.
°Air. tlitittUilt NM.% eeneral Agent.
011uw. iii*.Mte i r it t i u t retl i tpliny A Co. bi fit are•
119 a l it i vi ngrtl`" l atioinst anodic ot Fire ind Div
Nina Atoka. 'A boom Institation.'ininated by 131-
mime who are well known to the community.
and *howl determined by promptness and libu
slily to maintain the =muter which they blue
at otbottia , tho but protection to tbootr
who to be tamirea.
Fezandertnatilik4 . • tr i m B. •
taunt, Jr., , , u. J. ...
amen McAuley. ' tUlam
AlexanderApref, • , .: Joseph KfrirA uh ke t
drew Artled. -4- - mine Reymer.
t j a k ,V=Lonib. ,-: Wm.,lionixte,
a —A two
rooms and
et front on
to an alley.
lb lllMlttle.
00111PANY oir'prITBRURGII. ~
/OE,No. 37/inx sTaxsT.sanißuxal.
Inures &Mast all Linda or Firs and Mad=
Risks. . , • ,
4OHN ERWIN. JR.. Presifiept.
T. J. HOSKINSONi Vice rwildSat.
C. G. DoNNETlssretiu7.
CAPT. WM. DEB T . General Agent.
. DZIROTI 3 ast
ten Indk Jr.. B. L. Nahnisfoxit/
J llooll=o4l . ' ' •H. KTP- 1 10R. • .
: /E i . ., B i n: ,
a : Hi Du% -
Ramey Q 4; .-e, 1-isimassitress.
Chules'us s. 51wat , ..,1, .BSoetAitt.
Capt. Wm. T. xi mom. - .
- •
3klig - 23
$,A36 - 8*:
...... , . 403,
41109.93 1 , 3 *
15,719 37
51.783 *1
V. L. Patemon, Wm, Booper,
Jacob Frans. , Gottlet ..,. M4,
J. B. Smith,, Jaco b
Oh. P. Whiston , Josephi,
#l4 : vsprsEDlTS.,,,
No. Fifth avenue, opposite the Opers
House., 23:ftsbargh. Pa., Is the coolest and most
desirable place of resorte,7 Mil:kora can be had
at this plane Pure and Good. The Billiard Booms
are on the ground floor In the rear.
411.1•EGIIE COUNTY, Penney-N..lphi.
In; the Matter of ; theE'state of
JINN BAKER, Deceased.
No. 1, June Term, 1899. Wrlt of
To Jonathan. H. Baker.• resident of Shasta
notuitY. California; George Baker. resident of
Youngstown. Westmoreland county Pa ; Elis
abeth, intvionarried with Edward H. Fisher;
Amanda Baker. interma rried
George; Lavine Edmonds on, intermarried with
Thomas McGraw; Cattisrineßaker,intermarried
with Hiram ?Tilton; the last named being resi
dents of 411eghtny Jobs Baker,
residentof Youngstown . . liestmeivano, county
Pa.; Lewis Haney, in possession of part of Lot
NO. 181 Lewis Held. in poistssion or irtor lot
No. 17, residents of McKeesport, Pa.
Yon are hereby notified'
under the will of Joherßaker. deMsaseit, will be
held upon the premisii;lfir the
Borough of •Molleeßort y ,
On. lIIIBSDAN / Augnst 1911869,
'AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. X::
Said appralsement to be aide by three disinter
ested persons appointed by tbe court under and
by virtueof tbe Act of Assembly, approved April
17th, 1668.
SAMUEL B. atm, sivriir.
FlinclFF'S OFFICE, 22•
Pirrssuicau, July 118, 1889. f jyl7:mVl
PLEA., or A liegneny county. No. 558.
vetober Term. 1865.
Commonwealth ex rel. vs. Andrew Denniston.
COIXItnIiAOII do Inebrietate Inquirendo. ---
July 31. 1809. Account or George Finley.
Committee, nod. . -
tisme day psi itio It or George Flukey. Commit •
tee. tiled, praying for lease to make prirate sales
of certain lota of go ound •be. '• ' .
And now, . so•wlc, July. 31., 18084. . Petition
v i e
presented M, oven Cent t, whereupon t e Court
award a citation as prayed for. re aide to
BATURDAY. Ale Slat day of Augusts; 68. at
18 o'clock)... X
• —• l • i: ' BVIIIE COURT.
[From the Record.l .
JACOB H. WA.LT.EIt, 'loth notary.
To Ji ndrew Denniston and Jane. Ms wife;
Lydia A. Finley, Jane M. MeMin.. George II Men
ruston. James A. Dennist,m, bleary E. Weisel
..ndrew J. Dentaston, Samuel W. Dennison and
Luther C. imuni.t on: You ate hereby nottled to
appear _in Court on SATURDAY. August 151.
109 V, at 10 o'clock A. M., and show cause, It
any you have, why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted: ans;n•-THST
IL/ There will be exposed at Fablto Bata. by cir
der of the Orphans' Coup. on bATUBDAY,
.AUSiIIST 7. 1869. at 9 o'clock P. et.. on the
premises in Witkinsburg, Wilkins townslip Al
legheny county. tde one undivided half of alithat.
certain lot or piece of ground, dcscrib d as lot
lows, viz: Fronting one hindrut and sixty-five
feet four inches on Pt e )les street:4lBs 4-111 it.)
extending back a distance of one hundred and
forty-nine feet four inches, (119 4-19 MO to
Centre alley; fronts on Centre aller"nr btr Bred
and sixty-five feet four inches, (165 4 111 ft.,l
and one hundred and ant -one feet ten inches.
(151 10-19 ft..) on Kel ey street,being the whole
or tots Nos. 28 and *7 and parts of lots 94 and
95 in Bela and Curling's utast of Wukinabnrg..
recorded in Plan Book Vol. yy Pat elB,
TEktifS OF SALE.—One-hilf cash; the" balsam
in one and two years. with iiktertst,. secured by
bond and mortgage on tit,. premises..
, gram kiIINE ENNIS,
Guardian of the ininOi, children of Laurence En—
nis. deed. • • •• • jftlkin). a
YLICATION of "The ',Nopewell Old School
Presbyterian Charon.
,Of. Findley Township.
Allegheny minty, Pen ksylvania' , " for a Charter
of Incorporation al No 60* Sep: ember Tess..
1909. • ,
Notice le hereby given Wit the "EIIiPIVWDLL
OLD Soll9ol. P.RiiiiTiT.lll4s..X CHURCH, or
BlndleY Towiship;*Ole *MT, pa..”,
hale madi application to t Court id Common
Picas for a
And thit the same Will be ,grtnted at the next
term of Court • unless snMclent - reason should be
shown to the oontrary. ,
- an: J. H. TrALTER, Prothonotary.
IN THE comer - or eolimoN
PLEAS. of Allerhenz ‘ County , lin. 4EI of
bet.tember Term. 1809. in the matter of the
Incorporation of , •*THE ,- . , A..T1811:1.13 BUILD-
Via AND LOON •Aldoeian.TlV/i, VF ALL S.-
tit-lENYCITY, Pa."
Notice Is hereby elven that , on ttie 17th day of
Jury, 18011, application was made. - to said Court
to grant at:barter otirmorooratton to told Asso
ciation; and that if nosodielent reason be shown
to the cbutrars, the' flame wilt be granted et tha
next Kral of ask C9O.M. -
Ir. W. A. S. BELL.
Attorneys for remit:men:
. Jrl4 - 19, 1869, . jrn2cm.3s
w. De ichAiti!, •
, LA •
oat% No. 137 FOUICTEI AYSlitir., Pitts.
burgh, (formerly occupied by on. Walter H.
Lorrrieo wia practice le the Cinsuit and
Distrl.3 Courts, In the State Supreme ithd all tue
Courts of Allegheny county, and make colleo-
Lions in most of' the adjacentrou tales. jaW:d73
Aer7ronarm - r;AT=z44tliv,
No. gs wlrru'anzszr,
sounviaL mcniAmmits,
Ex-011cloJnstice of the Peace and Police
trate. °Mee GRANT STREET, opposlte a X
Cathedral, PITTSBURGH, PA.
• Deeds, Bonds, Moges, Acknowledgments,
Droolltions, and al lyegal Business executed
with promptness and &patch. ruble
11.1-01711110•RISTiCE PISACZ aza)
Fll/713 81'REET, oppalte the Ca
thedral, Pittsburgh,ra. Deeds, Donde, Mort
gazes. Acknowledgments, Depositions and all
•Lega Business executed aeith oronstasiess and
glispatab. •- • •,•• ' - •
A ADimoN,.
Justice of Else Peace,
Colieetion of. Rents oolloited andpromptlT at—
tended to.
ALDERMAN Jab ir. x-or rico J IlEinq 03'
, ~j'EACE. •
' OF F ICE, strviVorkt AVENIIR.
Special attention • ilyirt'to crorreiliticinf ra ants
collections Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages wri
'p. and all legal nasingss attended to promptly
and accurately. r
• OVFICZ Or ern Errangsze. & aukvirroa.
Firausubwr,ALuitatt n O 9.
NoTic..—The assessment for
the GleeDllile . of Willa street exteninco.
orsw r or d V.);lrhporlek, street. Is now
ready for exstalniU in
ri t _ird.esn tie-seen at Oda
omen moll 'yr:Mammy.' Forrest lath. when It
will be renamed to the . CltyT,rvksurees o.rice for
es lectlon.
ardsmse' il..BlOOltZ, igngtneer.
Colima OT CITYENGIIttU Al eriamint7r
~ Pittebbrab 4 int) , SIO, 1889.:
licOTlClll—Tbe *locomen* for
Grading and :Ravluir 'ALMOND ALLEY.
rocs Butler street talk+ Allegheny Valley B. K..
Is now ready fbr eytagt oa. sed can eis swum.
iat.thle -oflles matli , TillatosDaY
when 'twill be retzur4 to the (.Ity Treasurer's
offlee coUsction. NW=.cilyznilase .
mess& ; ... 11 • • ..‘