PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i FRIDAY, August , 6, 1869. There is but little ehange t notice in the oil market. TO stagnat on which has prevalledlor some Um past still continues, and what is worse still there . are no Wications lat preaent of any im mediate improvement. The great trouble Iles in the inequality of prices, and Until prices are .eqrufilied, the dull ness which now *nista Inuit of necessity continue. It is true, the ' eat majority of our refining establishme are still in operation, but it is also tr it that they are engaged in Workingin lap old con tracts; no fresh sales ' , are ing mde, nor is it likely that theta will be whe a n a loss would be the ittevitable result to - the manufacturer, by so doing. Unless there is a radical change in prices, in this respect, mannfacturers will be obliged to suspend'Operatins, and were it not for the fact that man of them are, sold ahead, there is no don t but what _there stan ds g large day. Perhaps relin ' cries standing idle to-day. Perhaps it would be a good thing for the trade if our refiners would iishut-down," and there are many who entertain this view of the matter, as in that event onaef two things would occur, Refined . would _advance or crude decline, and this is just what is desired by the' trade generally—it makes bat little dif ference which. 1868 Crude sold On the 6thof August', , at 14g en spot; 14g for August and Sep tember; 13 seller ail year; Refined at 34% forAngust; 36' for September, and 83g Ootober to March. At the present time ()rude is quoted at 14%@15, on spot or this month; refined at stg@s2 on spot; 32g for last half of this month, while none of the late months will com mand above 32,1@53. Manufacturers did considerable grumbling about small margins last year, and if they had rea son to . complain then, they certainly have 13 much better case to growl about this year. LUBRICATING OILS. ZOlipee Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle , 35c Eclipse Machinery ......... 75c Eclipse Snindle ..... ... 80c RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. Fisher it Bro • 3,040 bbls. Pool Bro ' 609 6, R. T. Leech...... 240 A. W. Raymond 50 " Total - 3.939 bbls OIL SHIPPED miss BY A. V. S. a. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 389 bbis refined to Warden, Frew &.Co. Philadelphia. Standard Oil Co., C0.,150 bble refined to Warden, Frew St Philadelphia. Wormser, Myers & Co. 212 btila ref. oil to Warden, Frew &Co.. Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro. 300 cases to War ..den Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Lyons & Co., 163 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Total Refined......-. 4 859 b ole a 300 cases. OIL SHIPPED EAST '&T DUQUSSI DEPOT. Brooks, Ballentine & Co., 55 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Hutchison - Oil 4t'Aefining Co., 105 bbls to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined_...... 160 PrTTSBURGEI IRON MARKET OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, I F.areev, August 6, 1869. Metal is quiet, and as is usually the case at this season of the year, rather dull, still the feeling, generally, is re ported better, under the influence of an expected good fall trade, and while the volume of business is light, there is. nevertheless considerably inquiry, and manufacturers are sounding the mar ket, to 'ascertain what round lots can be purchased at for early deliveries. It is true, the manufacturing business has not been at all satisfactory daring the past year, a sharp competition having caused very small margins, yot, with every ap pearance of an improvement in business this fall, the mill men are disposed to lay in supplies of metal, and this impres sion has created a better feeling, 4.OITERACTTE. 50 tons No. 3 Gray Forge .... .188.50 4 mos 10 " White Iron 86.50 4 mos 10 " No. 30. S. Gray 89.00 4 mos 50 11 White 88.00 6 mos 50 " Red Sheet .. _. . 86.006 mos 11 100 Neutral Close N o 2 Foundry ...... .....-- 41.50 mos 200 11 Medium Grade Forge 38,00 6 MOS 195 11 Common do. to ar ' rive 88.505 mos BITITIEESOIIS 00AI. SMELTED Imola Lars SUPERIOR ORB. 200 11 Medium Gray 84.00 cash 100 " 11 11 86.00 4 mos 100 " Med. Grey Forge, to arrive 35.50 4 mos 800 1 * Close Gray Mottled, 11 to arrive . . .............. 86.00 5 mos 196- Auellurn Gray, toar ... . .. .. .47.00 6 mos 260 11 OpenGray;to.arrive 37,50 6 mos 900 " Med. Grade White and Mottled-. . .. ... 84.50 80 da l 250 11 Common Close Grey and M0tt1ed........... 85.50 6 mos 150 , 11 Medium toundry.... 38.00 6 mos " Open Foundry 8&50 4 mos -61 • extra 6 1 ... . ... 40.00 4 mos 800 Common Low, to ar rive .... .... ...... 84.50 4 'nos 500 " Med. Close Forge, .... 36.006 mos ' 500 to Gray Forge mixed • with neutral, to ar rive 37.50 5 mos 100 " Gray Forge mixed , • with neutral, to sr. . . rive .... ......... 88.00 4 mos . 500 " Medium Gray Close, to arrive .... . . 85,50 80 ds oarn4E.L. • 147 tons Extra Forge . . - . ......18.00 4 mos ' 130." Ranging Rich Forge 44.006 mos 20 " No. 1 Foundry 47.005 mos . CORR. 200 tons Red Bank ......... .... 1138.00 6 mos BLOOMS. 100 tons Koran:Lao . ............. ‘lOO.OO 4 mos 50 r " Juniata ..... . ......... 95.00 4 mos 1113 MARKET* BY TELEGRAPH. New Mac, August 6;—Oottori firm, with mica 1,800 bales at 833%c for mid dling, uplands. Flour; . receipts 9,146 bbls; 10515 c lower and more doing for export at the decline; sales 12,400 bbls at 56555,8056,2 for auperline State and western; 57.75 tor extra State, 56, 55 • 57,20 for extra western. $7,2557,50 for white wheat extra, $6,7557,50 for round hoop Ohio, $758 for extra St. Louts, and $8510,50 for good to choice do; included in the sales were 6,500 bbls extra State _ o r, export at $6,75057,00. Rye Flour Quiet, with sales 200 bbls at $4,6556,75. Corn Meal very firm, with.sales 150 bbls • Brandywine at $8,25. Whisky firmer, with sales 200 bbls western at ;1,11502 free; latter price au, extreme. Wheat; receipts 46,081 bush; heavy and spring 2 580 lower; sales 86.0 00 bush at 1,6351,56 • for No. 2 spring, $1,47,451,52 for soft do, 51,62% for NO. 1 do, 11,66(41,6 6 % for amber Ohm, and $1,76 for white. weiterny, included in .the sales ;.were 200.000 bUsh new'tiMboi Tennessee • deliverable armor .before2.sth of An: - . gust 0,14 R 75. .Harky „ma barley malt notoinid. A)6l3loUiltirit'i".24:4Boo, briatk; MSc. betteriaalellmfASSitiMeiLat 85atta 51,08 for unsound new- mixed western . $1,10®1,14 for sordid do 0 $1,07 for kiln dried. Receipts—oats, 128,00 bush; 10. better; sales of 84.000 bush. at 8034 c. for western afloat; file. for State afloat; 72® 750. for new southern; 73c. for Jersey new. Rice active, sales of 85 tierces Caro lina at B®9%c. Coffee quiet, sales of 1,400 sacks Rio on private terms. Sugar steady, sales 750 hhds. at 11% ®l2%c. for Cuba; 2%®12%C. for Porto ' Rico; sales of 300 boxes Havana at 12% ®l3c. Mo lasses dull, sales of 60 hhds. Muscovado at 53c. Hops steady at 10® 1 5.0 for American. Petroleum firmer, 17®17 c. for Crude and 32%0 for re fined. Linseed oil steady at 990.® 'Lou. Spirits Turpentine firm at 4.4,34© '430. Pork quiet and a shade firmer; sales of 500 bolo, at $33,12®33,37 for new mess, buyer August. Beef steady; sales of 225 bbis, at 58®16 for new plain mess and 512®18 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef heavy and irregular, at 518®24 for prinqie mess and $24®30 for India mess. Beef Hams quiet and steady: sales of 100 bbls at f26®31. • Cut Meats firm: sales of 125 paokages, at 13%®15c for shoulders and 17®190 for hams. Middles firm; sales of 115 bbls. ice cured at 1634 ®16%0. Lard quiet and a shade firmer; sales of 52 tierces, at 17 ©19%0 for steam and 20 ®2o%c for kettle rendered; also, sales of 250 tierces steam, buyer August, at 200. Butter steady, at 16(i53 to for Ohio and 16 ®BBO for State. n Cheese steady at 11® 160. Freights to Liverpool easier; ship ments of 25,000 bush wheat per steamer at 8% ®B%d. Latest—Flour closed slightly in buyers' favor, with a moderate export demand for low grades and extra. Wheat doll and lower at 51,47®1,54 for No. 2, and 51,61®1,63 for No. 1 spring. Rye nom inal at 51,25®1,26 for western. Oats steady at 80®810 for western afloat. Corn firm at 87c®81,11 for unsound, and 51,12®1,14 for sound mixed western. Pork nominal at 533,50 for mess. Beef fairly active at steady prices. Cut Meats and Bacon quiet and steady. Lard dull at 193:f®19%c for fair to prime steam. Eggs quiet and unchanged. CHICAGO, Auguift 6.—Eastern Exchange firm at 1.10 off buying and at par ®I-10 premium selling. Flour quiet at 55,50® 5,75 forspridg elates. Wheat quiet; No. 1 firmer. with sales at 51,43, and closing unchanged; No 2 declined 1 ®l % c, with sales at $1,35®1,86%, and closing with buyers at 51,3535 and sellers at 51,36; this afternoon the market was . Steady at $1,34 seller August. Corn firm and buoy ant and 3®3%0 higher, with sales of No. 2 at 90 ®9250, rejected at 83% ®85%3, no grade at 79®820, and closing strong at 8214 c for No. 2; this afternoon the mar ket was firm at 91% ®920 for No. 2 seller August: • Oats easier and I®2o lower; sales of No. 2 at 5513580, and closing at 55®560. Rye in fair demand and No. 2 advanced les2c; rejected 21®3c higher, with sales of No. 2 at 94®961, and rejected at 83®85c; closing at 950 for • No. 2. and sellers at 960. Bar ley: No. 2 quiet and nominal '51,30 1a 1,31 in store: rejected excited and 5® 70 higher at 75®77. Highwlnes quiet at 51,0401,0434. Sugar 1334®14%c for Com mon to prime Cuba. Provisions in ac tive demand and firm at $33,75®34 for Mess Pork; 183,f®190 for winter, and 18%®113%0 for steam Lard; 13%®14c for dry salted `shoulders, and 17%017%1 for sweet pickled hams. Freights quiet at 4%e for wheat, 4o for corn, and 840 for oats to Buffalo. Receipts for past 24 hours—flour 4,442 bbls, wheat 35,077, corn 82.295, oats 42.468, rye 1,475, barley 750 bush, hogs 5,229._ Shipments—flour 2,956 bbls, wheat 51,470, corn 27,118, oats 20,172, rye 370 bush, hogs 4,504. ST. Lours, August 6.—Tobacco stiff, with demand in excess of the supply. Cotton nominal at 320 Hemp, nothing doing. Flour: super and extra, scarce and wanted; super sold at $5, .5,25®8; double extra, 85,6,5®6,25; tieble extra and fancy, $6,75®9, 1 2.5. Wheat: fancy fall, active and better; other grades midlingt common sold at 51,10®1,12%; mime to strictly prime Ted all, 51,25501,35: choice to prime do, 51.40 131,55; choice to fancy white, 51,501360. Corn unchanged; mixed yellow 78®800; prime to choice white,9o®9so. Oats heavy; new in bulk,62c. and 450 for new in sacks; 470 52 for old, and 62®650 for choice. Rye unchanged at 80®850. Groceries quiet and unchanged. Pork quiet at 31®343; dry salt Meats stiff at 14% for shoulders; 17% clear rib 18' clear • sides; bacon active, higher at 1534®15%f0r shoulders; rib sides, 18; clear rib, 183.®19; clear sides 19%. Lard quiet; 19 for tierce and 2A% for keg. Cattle quiet, nuchang_ed at sg@e3i. Hogs firm at 8®9%. Re 4feipts; flour, 38, bbls; wheat. 60,500 bush; corn 5,000 bush; oats, 16,200 bush; barley, 5,000 bush; Rye, 1,300; hogs. 150 head. erstortrrisTi, August 6.—Flour changed. Wheat firmer for good; sales 14,000 bush. new red at 51,23®1,27; white 11.40®1,50. Corn doll et 85®86c; the de mand wits light: Oats firmer and lugood demand; sales lights: bush: at 45®501. Rye firmer and prime sold at 98e. No change in Barley. Whisky firm: sales 300 bids. at $l,OB. Provisions quiet but fit*, but there was not much demand, however, but holders asked full rates for all articles. BleasPorks33.6o. Bulk Meats 14131eg0. Bacon 16%c. for shedders and 18%®19e for sides,the latter rate for clear. Hams 240. for sugar cured. Lard' 19%0. Butter firm for prime, at - .25®800- Eggs 140, No change In 011 s or"GtOc 2 rs. To.n baoco in good demandl sale s lhds. at 56®22., Gold 185% buyin,g. Money mar ket easy. TOLEDO, August 6.—Flour quiet. Wheat steady and very active; amber: $1,86 for new and $1.48 for old closing with. obuyers of new at $1,45; ' N0. 1 red $1.47; No. 2 red $1,42; No. 3 red $1,30; No. 1 old white Michigan 51 61%; No. 2 white Wabash $1,5001,52.3 reje cted io spring 97c.' born lo better; No. 1 ; No. 296 c; re- • jected 86 1 , Oats quiet and nominal; No. 188 a. - Rye; No. 2 red , 960; new do. 900. Receipts-1,800 bbls dour, 58,000 bush wheat, 14,400 bush corn, 1.800 bush oats, and 1,000 bush rye. Shipments-80 0 .bbls flour, 18,000 bush wheat, 11,500 bush corn. CLEvsLartn, August 6.—nour; city made, $9,00 for treble extra white; 87,76 @B.OO for double extra amber; e6,75®7,00' for double extra red winter; 56.00 for ex tra red winter; 56,75 for double extra erring. Coun try made; 57,50 ®8,25 for double extra white; 56,2501507,25 for double extra red and amber; ,5047,00 for double extra spring. Corn; sales of 1 oar No. 2 at 91c; 1 oar do. at 920, and No. 1 held at 950. Oats 1360. Rye held at $1,10®1,15. Petroleum; refined held at 28%®290 for August-and September. Crude firmer at $6,55. LOUISVILLE, August 6.—Flonr very firm; superfine 54,50: Heavy ßagging 23%c. Grain quiet and 'steady. Wheat; red 11,10; white 81,20. Corn in bulk 850. Oats In bulk 55c. Rye 850. Leaf To bacon unchanged; sales of 81 hhds at $6,10®32, 5 0. Provisions quiet and firm. Mess Pork 534. Bacon; shoulders 153;0i clear rib 19c; clear sides 19340. Hams; plain 210; sugar cured 22%c; fancy do. 23%0. Lard 19%c. Hlghwinessl,oB. PelLauzLenut, August 6—Flour dull. Wheat: red SIM for damp; 51,56 for prime new red. Rye quiet at $1,20. Corn less active; yellow unchanged; mixed western $1.11(41,17. Oats dull; sales western at 74075 c. Provisions unchang ed. Petroleum firmer; crude 220.; re fined 81%0- • Whisky, scarce; old' rye is, held SI 424 near opra &dist $42001,25. Bauritcoar! Admit • 6,lPlaur sad eeriele and the demand - light. Wheat ieseadlit4eriths =lea an*` !rod id ~„a„~ .....~__ ~}'~~~ ~.wu . ..s-a,.e .n...n., ~t ...w w. .~a.x.w,. ~_...i.4 u..~:r.+,.,.~0 ~}ws,~_.nt .... .~.v .. -prrrignmag GAzETTE- tSATFiltfra, AUGUST 7,• 1889 11,60@1,65, and good at 1440®1,50. Corn' firomB, , a wdt h yellow s prime .w Oatets attlady@ 60@610. Rve at $1,18@1,20. Mess Pork firm at $34®34,50. Bacon active, With sales rib sides at itN@l6gcs, and shouders at 15q®15%0. Hams at 24c. Lard firm at 19%®20c. Whisky unchanged at $1,16. MEsipsus, August 6.—Cottonl2bales;and! nominal; no buyers; receipts, exports, 83 bales; recepts for the week., 83 bales; exports. 209 bales; stock, 2.017 bales. Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat $1,25@1,35. Corn 923443. Oats very irregular: new 58o; old 70c. Hay 128. Bran 18@190. Corn Meal; fresh 14,15; kiln dried $4.65. Pork $35. Lard 20@220. Bacon firm; shoulders 1534© 153:0; sides 193ie. DETROIT, August 6.—Wheat steady; old extra white $480; No. 1 do. 11,70; No. 2 do. 11,45; new arrives - slowly and sells a trifle lower. Corn dull, at 980 for No. 1. Oats dull, at 640 for old. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. Otalmam: , AVID PIT'DIBDROJi KAU. ROAD. August 6.-2 cars stone, J L L Kno.; 4 cars limestone ore, Mclinght, P & Co; 6 cars gray warm ore, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 4 cars champ ore, Bryan & Caugbey 1 car turnings, Moorhead & Co; 819 blooms iron, I Moorhead; 1 do blooms, Nimiok & Co; 60 bbls, 80 ht do paint, B L Fahnestock; 156 bge oats, Kell dr, Ritchart; S bbls pears, 27 do ap ples, 20 has cheese, Voigt, Mahood & CO; 3 bbls wine, H Greaser; 50 bag starch, Rinehart & Stevens; 9 ske raga, Godfrey dr Clark; 11 do oats, W J Hammond; 2 bbls eggs, 6 do pears, F 3 Craighead; 100 i v .bbla lime. Bryce, Walker & Co; 10 cases tobacco, .1 Fullerton; 42 has ink, S A Clark dr, Co; 36 do do, Sloan dr, King; 0 eases cheese, R Riddle; 10 has boots, 1 E Schmertz; 20 bbis lime, 8 Davidsoo:llo do apples. P Duff & Son; 18 do do, ytin Gorder & S; 4 do do,Head &M; 29 do do, 19 do potatoes, H R ea Jr; 3do eggs. W J Steel &, Bro; 20 but cheese, 15 bble ap ples, W H Graff & Co; 15 do do, Watt, Lang & Co. • YITTt3BDROH, FORT WAIF]. a Cm DAGO RAILROAD, August 6.-4 cars metal, Nimick dr Co; 2do do. Bryan & Canghey; 1 do do,`Loomis & Collard; S do do, Heilman- & Hammett: 3 do do, Brown & Co: 5 do do, Zug k Co; 2 do do, Union Iron Mills; 20 tos hams. F Sellers dCo; 350 - bbla flour, T C Jenkins; 408 sks o, 100 bbla do, Schomaker .t L; 1 car wheat J S Liggett & Co; 25 bze cheese, E Heardeton; 40 do do, Arbackles dr, Co; 72 do do. 69 do do, N J Braden; do do W H Graff & CM 17 reams Rper lo , God , h ey & Clark; 12 his cheese, WJ a Caskey: 23 do do, Riddle; 3 cases mdse, I D Thompson; 29 eke oats, McHenry & Hood; 6 bbls potatoes, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 75 bbls flour, 100 elks do, Cul Shep ard; 1 ear grain drills, S Hare dr Son: 10 bbls oil, B L Fahnastock; 200 bb flour, T C Jenkins. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI D ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, August 6.-70 bhle flour, Shomaker de - L; 100 do do, T C Jenkins; 15'do do, Beckart: 27 bgs meal, Beckart; 1 onl eggs, M W Banits k; 6 do do, J A Graff; 16 aks rage, W H Graff; 1 car corn, Robb and Herron; 3 do staves, W Hastings; Ido wheat, Scott & Gisal; 3 Ica sausage, E H Myers; 20 cases lard, W Besiege; 11 tcs hams, 3 Mitchell; 3 bas bacon, 3 H Parker; 2 tea d beef, 1 do shoulder, J Lippincott: 32 sks oats, McHenry dr, Hood; 20 do meal, 40 do feed, 3 bbl eggs, F G Craighead; 1 car b wheat, J 8 Llggitt. A:L=9mm vamray RAILROAD, Au gust 6.-609 bbls crude oil, Pool & Bro: 1,760 do do, Fisher &. Bro; 1 car Jr ; D L Reynolds; 1 bbl eggs, H R,ea Jr; 3 do do, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 7 bbls pota toes, Vangorder & Shepard; 14 eke corn. 12 do oats, J P Lane; 54 do oats, 10 do rye, 10 do wheat, Scott & Gisal; 240 bbls oil, R T Leech; 1,280 do do, E. hi Long 50 do do, A W-Raymond; 248 bgs hair, J Y- Laughlin; 2 bbls tallow, M Delenge. ALLzouzzty STATION, August 6.-4 cars ore, 3 do metal,. Lewis,Bailey & Dalzell; 1 hhd tobacco, R &Fir Jenkin son; 2 cars wheat, W McKee & Co; 1 do lime, 3 Abdell; 1 car cooperage, J M Hemphill; 5 cars iron ote, Superior Iron Mills; 10 cars metal, Pgh Iron & Forge Co; 5 bbls flour, 20 eke do, 8 C Mallati, tees; 4 bbls eggs, J Dundinger; 10 bxst cheese, J 0 Weddle; 11 bgs rags, J B Jones; 1 car wheat, Kennedy & Bro. ...LATEST OIL STRIKE. farms LIBERTY! • • ECONOMY ! AND • ,TREE TRADE! To secure even handed derma, just come and see what splendid bargains are oirered In the gor geous stock of Spring arid Summer Clothes just prepared and extdbited to , thepublic by S. C. TRAtriIIYAN. The fullest LingiiTY to be enjoyed when the man who enjoys it is neatly dressed Ina suit of new bummer Clothes which it him so comfortably u not to abridge the freedom of big motions.' Such cl”thes age to be had at -B. C.•Tacautigart , e. To practice ZeogowY, don't spend vast sums of m iney where extortionate people charge fancy priors for tinsatisractory clotting, but eerie 12,1 let the worth of every do Bar y spend, at - • . Tou actratittan,B. Erg= Tsang. of the freest sort, practiced every day, and all. day., at the big No • IL Clothing Hall. There the people bring their cash, and there they get their clothes. NYery man free to buy at all times. Trade tremendoes just now at the Big No. ll Clothing Hall. WOE AT THE PRICKS. Cooolllnt suits for ST worth SI& Spanish snits foe $9 worth 1010. Skating park salts for Slil worth SAL 500 sulfa, linen, at SA 50 each worth Si. 1 Black suits for gIICI worth ssO. • Boys' nits for $5 worth 1110. to And a great many more too numerous men- Hon. 001 early and secure your bargains, as we I have but s few days to sell. Remember Big No: 11 Sixth street. • &e TREUERILLN, ROBERT 11. PATTERSON' ti CO., CORN: OF Seventh Avenue and. Liberty Et, prrrsuttacis , Fe. win 011 BlitUrdlin JAW 315t,1860. and on each eneeceilleg Someday, hold an Alll3l/0D Sole of HORSES, CARRIAGES , BUGGIES, - - WAGONS, And everything appertaining t • the Home. Parties deal log to sell will please leave their . notice of consignment on or before ThursdoMpay of each wt in order fbr advertisi Pr tendon es and ,good care will be given ng. sit Strict left Ampule. JOHN H. STEWLET, Auctioneer. Iy2s•msts T OVERINGIS "s'a SIIGAREI 40 barrels Refined. Crusbed end Pulverised 'Lott arid Preserving,. busses, just received and 'or sale at reduced TorPte, h 7 the ward ee at rre. tail by. • JOIN A.ItEtIRRAW. MIR : :CO rlWrLaid lth ith "TM tie CERIENZ -100 bblirlionlysille HySraflo Osage/AI for I) silik - via4l/11CL 11011144111 e 20sitalts, °reale -D"l7--; SAlANtalialh,L. . . The river is falling with three feet teroe inches in the channel. Weether\ yesterday remarkably cool, as at no time did the mercury -rise above 70 ins the shade, and M the morning it was down to 60. —The Glendale, from St. Louis, is among the firat bo ats due. —The R. C. Gray was to have left Cin cinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday. —Capt. A. McConnell, -clerk of the Arkansas. returned hoinierthe other day, —Captain David White, says that his snits against the Nashville folks will he called in September. —The new steamer Jefferson. Capt. G. W. Rea, is announced to leave for St. Louis op Tuesday next. after and absence of nearly a year. His numercins friends will be glad to learn that he is in good health. —Mrs Joseph S. Pagand, river reporter of the New Orleans Picayune, has gone to Fade with his family. —The alive Bow has entered the I I Miami trade. Capt. Tom Rea in coin- I mend, 'and Charles A. Faris in the office.' —The Kate Putnam and Lorena ar- rived at St. Louis on Wednesday, and the Bellevernon left there the same day for Pittsburgh. —The Mayflower is laid up at New Or leans. She will have her upper guards taken off, and be put in order for the Ouachita trade. . —:David S. Green, of Denver, Colorado Territory, sold the steamer Mason to Michael MoCawley, of Brooklyn, 111., on Monday, at Evansville. ' —Wilson Bernard, son of Captain John Bernard, an old Tennessee River pilot, died at St. Joseph's Infirmary, in Louis ville, Tuesday, et consumption, after an illness of five months. _ —Tee Northern Line Packet Company, of St. Louis, have contracted for a now boat here, something similar to the Minneapolis, and it is said that the same company is about to contractfor another. —The towboat Jim Watson, while on her way to Evansville from Tennesee river, ran against a snag, which knoliked* down one chimney, went through the pilot house, and came very near knock ing the safe into the river. —There has been no arrivals since the date of oar last report, and the Kenton for Portsmouth, was the' only depar ture This will be the last trip of the Kenton for a lime, f or swill r epair so on . the dock at Middlepo r t —The Government boat, C. J: Caffrey, last week, scraped on rig's Eye, Red Rock and Gray Cloud bars, in the upper Mississippi, so as to give a channel depth of four feet—enough for the largest boats that run to St. Paul. She also pulled a half dozen dangerous snags. —We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Commercial: Capt. Henry A. Jones , was severely injured at his resi dence by a terrific fall, on Monday night, he was doning well yesterday, andpro nounced out of danger by his physician. It appears the accident was not caused by an stack of vertigo,-but that he ac cidently missed hie foothold while pass ing from the bath•room to his chamber. He is resting easy, yet at tmes suffers considerable pain in the neck. should ers, and one aide of -his head: He hopes soon to be about again. —A correspondent writing to the Cin cinnati Enquirer, dated at Ford's Mills, Ohio, furnishes the following: At nine o'clock this morning,.a smoke was discovered in the after part of the main deck on the new steamer Mollie E. Gil pin. The discovery was made too late to do anygood, as the flames had gcitten too much the start, and in spite of all efforts used to save hr, in lees than a half hour the boat e was utterly consumed. The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks from the blacksmith's forge. She was built and owned by • Captain . Charles L. Gilpin, of New Orleans, and intended for the New Orleans, Shreve port and Jefferson , trade. The boat was insured for twenty thousand dol lars. RADE MARK. DrITRIDGIR Lamp CE YS. EIVEit NEWS RIVER PACKETS. NOVNIANNWAN YWY E_VANSVILLE. CAIRO • 4:l6T•lrLei IS. OR EVANSVILLE, T V CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.— fine passenger steamer. Jitrif RBSON, Copt. Ciao. W. BSA. WO' leave for the above and intermediate ports on TUESDAY, 10th Mgt., at 4P. M. • Far &slant or passage apply on board, or to anti - YLACR & OPOLLMMWOOD. Agents. IaVi3B3MU3HIP 3 Tre LIVERPOOL ANDAMD QUEENSTOW. N •• Tux mum gem STEADISEMPS, uibartn& mums ant-91us vessels. =on tn•lnthe catebrtted OM OP PARusA_ OITY Olr BOno i r i e 07 010 0 'i O IYB AL 02 E. tPirn , BA.TOBDIAN ON.; 'Pier 41. Marta saver, New York. For 6saage or rasher Information apola I A • BLIGHAIN, ar. VribIitTPIIVULD STRZET, :BFOB ' • BEN AND BOW CLOTHING. GRAYO GAN, NO. 47 5 TN STREET, Are now offering a eomplete stock of Simmer Clothing of medium, and Roods at the Ter! lowest prices . Children's Cassimere Linen and Buts; Youths' Cass ere and unen Salts; Boys' Casslmere .Ind Line , Sults; *lns' Blue Flinn , ' Sacks; Gents" Al • Sacks; dent s' White and Brown Duet Snits; Bents ` Scotch Chevott Busi ness and Walking el Is. Clothing of all kinds at GRAY LOGAN'S,. jyllo No. 47 S h street, (late St Clair.) rro DEALERS AND caersx3: : =.-I am now in receipt of :ONE MILLION Best :No. 1 Sagi, naw Shingles, 'Dom the celebrated Michigan Lumber Regions direct, which 1 can sell to the tm de at low figures either -by ear load or in quantities to suit pur eliaterii. ALEX. PATTEESONI Ck)r. Jas* and Preble stret U. dixth ward, and No. $5 l Rebecca etrect, opposite the time Works, Allegheny Olty. 7T29;m76 3INT ..... ••• J. No MULTI FIthNT tio I , 3IFIATT, 7 " . ABOEUTECTIIRAL AND ORNAMENTAL .CARVERS No, 6$ Sandusky St,. Allegheny, Pa. A , large assortment , of NEWEL PObTS and BALIAITERS constantly =hand. TURFING of all Assail) mi. Anne nearellS KEYSTONE POTTERY. 31.46.1E11 El. CO., •• Manufacturer• o Q,VETABWABE. BRISTOL WART , *O. once sod Warehouse. 363 LIBERTY STREET sir All orders nromotly attended to. ifsiumuiLivs ELIXIR. . . . . ASSISALL'II Emits WILL Mrs INAD.kanv. ' ASSEALL I B EL I XIII WILL OVIIII DYSIFIXBIA.' 31AXIIIILMJe.p 'Mins WILL CORE COSTIVir NetW of a. Vtialiall'a ll'azir. $l4lO ber bottle. . • Derilerket street. KABORAGgi Ili. ..- a. VroPrilitars, , V ; mg* MA ntall, lar_Leigo. A. zikatias2ripillulll4 , , ,_ .. vassamenta A. PROPOSALS CITY CONTUOLLER'S OFFICE. CITY OF ALLEGUENY, August 5,1869, PROPOSALS FOR COAL. • SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office uni 11 3 o'clock Thur , day, August 18th. 1b69, for five thousand' (5,0001 bushels BErT MEoCHANTABLE LUMP th.rA.D, deliver ed at the followlug places, _ 3090 ocshels In basement n or City Hall.e, First 35U bushels In Hope Engine Hous Ward, 300 bushels in Columblalnglne Souse, Fourth Ward. 150 bushels in Gen. Grant Engine House, Third Ward. 200 bushels In Ellsworth Engine House, Sixth Ward. 3so bu. helm In Good Will Engine Rouse. 350 bushels In Friendship Engine House; Second Ws rd. 100 bushels in Second Weigh House, Second Ward. 60 bushels In Diamond Scales, First Ward. Tne coal to be weighed on City Scales. W. N. POSTER CITY CONTROLLER. paorosALs FOB _ COAL:. HARRLSRURG GAS WORKS, JULY 27, 1869. BRAVED PROPOSALS will be reoeirkt at the Rarrisburg Gas Worki until the 15th DAV OF AUGUST. for the delivery of Gas omit to be used during the next year up to September 1,1870. The coal most be of the very brat quality for the manufacture of gas and delivered at the works. All communications should re addressed to the , undersigned , who will give all further informa -1 tlort on the subject. GEORGE BEBOP/Ea, Secretary 9:m78 • MISCELLANEOUS. SECURITY AND COMFORT for the traveling community, J. B. Hii.RMS Safety Fire Jacket, Car Heater an MODER4TOR. For Smoke and Hot Air Pines, dispensing with the use of stoves and fires in or about the Pa.sen ger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the beat to any temperature that may Le desired without tee possibility of firing the Having or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United States Letters Patent Dr a Safety Jacket,vehich is warranted to resist the most intense heat that maybe ap plied to it in tae position and purpose for which it is Intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by fire. originating from defective flues or where bon pipes are used as conductors for smoke or heat. .11 is applicable to all piping that may become overheated, and is warrantedio give perfect sat isfaction v here wood or other combustible Mate rial may be placed in close proximity thereto, I sin now now to apply my invention to stores, dwellings. factories, ships, steamboats , railroad cars, etc. Wherever pipes as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and seen rlty desired, I will send on application right to manufacture or use the above invention. Also Territorial rights to such as may wish to engage 'in eel-ing privileges either by State or county. ITAIIRIS. sir °Mee at the ••NI. PLUS ULTRA. PAINT WORKS." corner of Morris street and the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, Twelfth ward. l'itts burghs, Pa. For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arisir.r, from a -disordered state of the Stomacn, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by SEWARD. BENTLEY & CHENEY, Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. Wholeasie.agents—BCHWLETZ & RAZTAITT _ ,•_ St 7. ROOFING BUB IV 111110116 Qualities and Colors, Particular attentiontoa i n* Plate and repairing Slate soon". Par particulars and prieec address J. S. NEWSTERI • 80. 48 Seireatt Aveimies', mnit:gs4 ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. LEMON & fWEISE. Prakleal iarattare 3Sumffietzlitill/2 Mot . 11.8 WOVWX9FI . . , AIrEINEM. / . • "Mere may be Amanda fuU,Useortinent aim% lor. Cumber and Shah= Furniture. -/ de WOOD EMMNG, SMOLL SAWING, • 41111 MOULDING ordei at 161 Lam)! Wed., 61 P, LICBZIELTER &: CO. . The best attention will be given to sal who want anything In our line. We always too a large lot of turned work., such as Balusters, Newl Posta. Nubs, ac. Also, a good. stock of dry Walnut,. (;berry and other lumber OD hand. clI711:37 P. LXBZEt.TER & CO• R. Y. M'COWAX .................... J. It. 3VILOWN. R. N. AcCOWAN & CO„ Boulevard Pavers, Office, No. 65 OHIO STn ALL (WENT, ... . . Orders left at Gaming orrnat, Pittsburgb. promptlyl attended to. Cel ' . Pave Sidewalks, lars, Inside Yards, Drives, &o. . Warranted against civi s of heat and cold. lise Barrar.Ncsa —Mar. ito.rhead; Lyon & bborb. Roo , ratterson.. Wm. Park. James N. Long & laC Son, Hartley & McKee, Anderson's & Maxwell, laken a; o•2l2Prdi-I.'"Ul6"xal DREKA Isztporter and retail dealer in VI.NE IefrATIONERite WEDDING. VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CARR EINGRAVISG, _ • . . . MONOGILLTSS, ABM% ILLUMINATING. 3e, Orden by nun reed*, e,prompt attention. Send for samples.' . ~ _ lOU Chestnut St..Phlllas My11:171.11113kr TNESSOLVTION QF _lll* PolitP.—Therei sul p heretotore reen' L. IC 13 TT. .2•1 ond THE awing LI MOON, undo toe stylo4 00.. was d py , &gni% fl wu• lleation retiring From ty.!aarponit 5.' to* oontlnnoa at the old OtoaTilL rso.illtulagatalgrdet.l4 L. IL qurron. WILLIAM MILLER CD., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Streets Corner of Irwin, no re w s, _s offer to the trade at law !Watrictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and -Molasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Bums. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re !Med do. Golden Drips, Loverin - • s•• Brun*, Stuart's, Adams , and Long Island il pram Porto Rico, Cuts and English Island Molasses. Young Hyson, Japan, Imperial. Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangoist Co Java. Laguayrs and -lo ffees. Tobaeoo, iLard OIL Fish, Bata. Glass. Soaps, Cotton Yarns, ac., constantly on hand. Fine Brandies,Wines and Segars. Baenisb, Moselle: and .EsPartilag Bock.,Wlnes of /lintl I Co.. In bottles. Wgparklirml e ithsellev , Sakarsberg_ and JObatials burg, }loatheMar. Burgundy, Olive Oil, c Brandenburg Freres , Seine do Claretsruborted in betties. do do . do White Wines. in bottles. 3f. Wort k Sous , Sparkling Catawba. line old Snerry, Madeira and Port Wines. Pres. Ve ry Mela Blii7:lll.skies. pure. • do Superior Old :Rota, do do. • • .43C.•13 12 N Sole ri trents for Most Chandon , s Grand IxaVeersenly and Sellery . unaucPatue . Brandies of our own selection and warrsated. 10.d43 • . BeleVLBlllll 18ED. SI :Ai' T w. M. pORIEGY, vniotzsarx GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Stnet, CDrascrLT Orr. ISAGL3 Honcr.4 PRODUCE CODUBM4ON WMUn, imax. • _a. ............ SON,: IVE vizELE xeraigysft, contrassicfrri Aunt Dzassas IN VI-431713, EFELAIN. IMOD ; dte. No. 916' OHIO 1372331. near East Common. • ALLZGENNTANTY. PIITSBITROH. PA BOLD ONLY ET I= AXABO. DEPORTEES OF le :11 P W. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to Yetxer & Aillmstrong, No. 25 Assail...o4lmm myis Prll:i. SIM JAL 7. Imams. KEIL & EITCILIBT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Axe ez•Lias nous, •es. Am. SEEDS, law; ramp, &C., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, 1a74:b37 L e Jo MARCUM:WI Wholesale and Betel Green% - :me =ra seltzer. -/II &, PATTON, Wholesale erocers,,Corendisslon Merchants an. Dealers 1n Produce, Flour. Bacon, Cheese s Fish, Carbon and Lard 011 tires nerallron, Nan t gssa. Cotton Yarns - and all Inter Man at gely. 113 and U A ND ET. Fittsbnian. 708 F I. u;sousz. TOIIN . 11011143 E &MUM, Sim u evictors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO. WilLole sap Grocers and Commission Merchants. Vor• TIP , of Smithfield and Water Street& Pittsburgh. :me stormy = " A. in.u.scs. LUP TON &WALLACEA Whole- BALE GROCERS AND PROD uCJIE DEAL- Wirria-Luauoßs , SCHMIDT , 8c 'FRIDAY, IMPOBTf.JIII OF Wag, MIMES, 61N, &C,, witoLEMAtik nr„ ! usag rat 400.**0 ,L.,.,',- 11(..41re.:1'.8ei1i0,0:.::,, 808. 884 AND EIS6 PENN, ,Cox!.,ll3.esirenth St:, (formerly Caner).) J. a.,ig:mltesia•••.••"--••••—••amq1:11 N=t• DILLDiGn & KMNSO, DISTILLERS:AM!? DEALERS' IN Pure Rye .Ides. netroBrmr3 or INIANDIES, *INES, GINS, &Cd No. 87. Second Avenue, WO sosEPEI & riNtit &co - NOs. 185, 187, 140, 191, t and *4l FIRST STMEET, 1T17118133011. KA2Foracrours or t• ) Capper Dl2 141i34 runt ive. *abr. Also, &Alin in P9llffieriand LI QUORS. 140143. . v "'Mama: FLOUR. - p OUR MILL -FLOUR FROM NEW WHEAT.—We lire now receiving ipment of 'chola.' TEN2iESIIEF. NEW AND&R and WRITS WHEAT, which we 'are muting with out Old Wheat in such proportions, as to make an article of Family Flour equal if not su perior to any In the market— • • • The merits we claim for this Flour are that of being manufactured from strict iv number one couthern Amber and WhiteWnest , with tho most approved inschinerp, by experienced mil le es. Our Brands are: TITRF.E STAR PEARL' GEEEE BRAND. made from Cho pasttrryp ice W tete, VOmet, unsurpassed as • • • Two tiTAII DOUBLE EXTRA, BLUE BRAND, from selected Waite and Amber Wheat, unsurpassed as 14. Fazaja Plage. PEARL BED BRAND from selectee amber A Winter. To prevent fraud in railing our sacks we now seal theta with date of manutactnre. 1 • • KIE{PINILDir as 111M100 Pearl Stesil3ll.ll. ,721;zian VLOIIR irrouß -_ FLO UR 711111:4580T5 8AE255 YLODDS., 480 obis. Legal Tender:2l 7 We Saba : 361. obis Nriolner, 170 Obis Bnunatt, lUDs 7170 Dbla Winona Co.. 580 bbl Red 'Deer. 133 bbl. May risy. csoien wisctiNsts vt;0110.8; " 550 DOW Brieroado: SOW DblaWbite thos. 500 prih elogi s itto s at e rra,s4 l l o er. .cusr )110. ninsawut no_ ehe ofe.ef, Depot MU'. =IILUIs ictiffieefteealtd Orgen,747laNt . e. se. I,* eat , sue lower Dian eta oe ghteroetthe IBSE INCIEME ` !p ~ T U II II MEM PITTSBURGH. PA. MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers