The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 07, 1869, Image 1

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A Beare In the English
Vialons of Gay Fasstes—LondOn Press
< oa American ilieuiralitt In the <Cuban
Inatirrection—Carllst Demonstrations
In Spain at an Ent—Difficulty Between
Turkel ithd kifypt Activated.'
[Br Tam-Fl9m to the Pittemaah nasette.l_
• -
Lortuon, August 6.—At an early hour
this mornixig k doOng t ther ; sessions of the
Parlianient, grOtit exaltinfletitWas caused
by a loud explosion in the building.
Sear& wwt. Matlttted* 'and e tin case,
which had contained powder, picked up
on the terrace near by, Not much dam
age was. done. No , arrests were made.
The affair is involved in mystery.. -
Lonna, August 6.—The seizure by
the American goveinment of the gun
boats building for Spain at different
pointii in the ' United States has elicited
the following from the London papers:
The Morning ,Year, Radical organ, says
the American government, having ex
hibited :vigor in favor of Spain by en
forcing the neutrality lawv, has now pro
ceeded equally vigorously against Spain,
and for the same cause. s The 'writer re
gards the recognition of Cuba by Peru
as iltadvised though spirited. in spite
of AIL prediction* the Cuban •insurgents
seem able to hold* their own. The whis
pers of the cession of Cuba to the United
States are now louder than ever. The
Americans have desired' to come into
possession of that island for the last
tLirty years. Now the obstacle of sla
very having been removed, iVa fair pur
chase can be effected, all parties may be
satisfied with the arrangement* , which
will give another State to the Union and
remove the. great perplexity from' the
arena from Spai&h politics.
The Newa concludes its article as fol
lows: Considering allithe circumstances
which make it difficult for Europeans to
keephold of , their unwilling colonies in
America, and reflecting that Cuba is now
in Insurrection, Spain will be fortunate,
if 'twenty million dollars ever reach
Madrid as the price of Cuba.
tB7 French Cab e. Tranalatiqn.3
Penis, August 6.—The Emperor and
Empress go to Chalons to-morro w.-where
they remain until the 21st inst. The Em
press will consume about three months
In her trip through Turkey snd Egfylit.
Marshall Neil is quite ill.
Testemisy r a duel Was fought bet Teen
rani Quitisgruile and Zieintan Flourems.
The ratterreeeived 'bar wounds, one of
them a severe one.
T'Ame, Auguetp.—The 'difficulties, be
tween the aultterand Klandereor Egypt
are inn DIM Way of ,settlement: .Neaely
all the represantatittes or gewere at Con
stantinople trilled the Subihne Porte to a
. courae,of conediatilin end_moderation.
. - r
hunium. August ' B:—Mearly all the
Oirdat bands have dissolved and disap
peared.- To esslista are dlscentaged,
and the movement cowddered - as die d
LONDON, August 6—Eventeg.—Consola
foqrrr money, 4236; account, 93.. Five.
Tiventy bonds at London - gimlet , At z 8314;
at Frankfort 88;f, © Eries, / 9 %. Mt
,llolB. 9134. ' •: " 1.."
• LinruPoor.,' Atigust 6.—CottOn: Galati
for the week,B7,ooo bales, of which 6,000
were for :elport and d 5,009 on apeculti
tion; Flock 277,000 bales, otwhioh.l6o4oo
• are Ameidcati; amount nfioat- bound to
Liverpool 667.000 bales, of which 16,000
are. American; the market to-day WO
Active; middling up1aud5,..1210.;,,,01M.
Orloana@lBk l cl.; sales br..12.1i11Y.ft..
Manchester goods, market quiet but
firm. Breadstutfa quiet. California white
wheat 10s. $4.; red'western. No. 2 easier
and nob loiker at ha. 6d. , -Western. Fleur
24a. European Corn 283.04. Oats Ss. fid.
Peas 915.. Pork 101 s. 'Beer 90s. Lard
70s. 6d. Cheese. buoyant at 625. Bacon
•625. Spirits Petroleum 7iid.; refined ls.
7d. and firm. Tallow 475; Tuipentine
275. 6d.' '. •
LoaWniAturint 43.—Tallow 9.55. 9d. ®
4fki. Sugar 39a. 9d. Petroleum at Ant
werp. Mgt. Cotton at Sayre 1543.0. on
GE'l i TYlsl3DliCif "
Officers' HetigliOn on thclitattlelleld.
ißi Telegraph' to tbe Pittsburgh seesette.l
GIPPITSBUIto, Pa, An,wtist The
Pennsylvania Railroad, the Philadelphia
•and Reading Railroad, and other leading
rallrqada, have getierallY e ttiended the
• privilege' of free:tickets to.efacers -of the
Union and. Confederate armies , who have
,invitations to attend the , re.
„ union' - the battlefield of;Gettysburg
-during the week commencing August
. 23d; inst., and it is expected somepther .
roads Will, do the same thing. The in.
vitSti officers who intend to be present,
are ,requested to report at the °Moo of the.
..13eerelarY, D. .NiaCaughv. at Gettysburg.,
stating 141:Ilya& over which'which they'
will Irass.
The artist, Rothermel;whn is pakiting
a picture of the Utile:end Col. Batchel;
der, the historian, will hie present. it is
' , expected a large representation of the
~presswill attend.
Bad Pftopect for-libsenratlono qt Deo
blolaea, lowa.
DST Totiitnott to she Pittaburth eagette.3
Orrin.too, August 6.—The following
special 'has been received froth Des
Moines by the Associated Press ha this
. .
Dee Mouses,
,July B.—Weather cloudy
lbr twoAsys past with no simrof a break
up. Tit/tire. astobomers are here, with
eleVen t*eseopet, In position,' also mete
orotogicAappaiiitus, bat they doubt the
possibility of making observations. The
'barometer rose a little this morning, but
stoppoil. It will belt great acientilio die
aOpointsrent if the eclipse is not
Serious Riot at a Political Meeting.-.:
Three Negroes Killed and Five
Wounded—Policemen Injured Re.
suit of the Election. •
illy. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Elasette.3
MOBILE, August 6.—Last night a seri
°tug riot occurred In this city, beginning
et an out door Republican meeting to
celebrate the triumph of the Republi
can candidate fer this Congressional.
District. The meeting was a large one
end composed exclusively of negroes'
whoexcept a y e s te rda y leaders. During the
of rumors were in t he
that the negroes were very ex-
cited, .deffant and threatening, and
meant to Warn the Damobratio Candidate
for Congress, Col. Mann, in effigy. &V
-era citizens called on the Mayor, and
some of the leaders advised them
it would be better to postpone
.Meetitig. for -If the* .effigy threat
was carried out the whltepeople cduld
not be restrained from an attempt to re
sent the indignity by. force,. It was
thought these representations had the'
desired effect, and that there would be no
meeting. At eight o'clock, however, the
tarbiarrels were lighted Mid the negroes
began to flock in until they.swelled into
a crowd of one thousand or fifteen hun
, deed. - Many came with gnus, most all
with concealed arms, pistols, knives and
razors. Nothing occurred, 'except the
the inflammatory talk of some of the
speakers, until about ten e'elock;
when a dispute between two clti•
zens, on a subject entirely foreign
to politics or the - meeting, attracted
some attention, and in pressing up to see
what it was about; tr white man acciden
tally trod on the foot of a negeb. Just
as the altercation about this wee Settled,
a pistol shot was heard. Title was the
signal for a general , firing and the whole
crowd dispersed immediately. The fire
was continued a few momenta as" the
crowd scattered, and in ten minutes a
dead quiet reigned, broken only .by the
tread of the' white patrols. A 'detach
ment of United States troops was eta-
Atoned at the guard house at the request
of the Mayor,M anticipation of trouble.
They took nnpart in the affrjiy,' except
to march down and look after and put a
stop to - the.firing. It is not known who
fired the first shot. There were not over
one thousand loekerson at the meeting.
The casualties are small, considering
the number of shots fired and the close
quarters. Many shots, may bave been
fired in the air. Three negroes were
gilled outright, and five wounded. Four
police officers were slightly wounded. '
The Register of this afternoon Mini
ments on the riots -as follows:. ..Last
night's work, done after our editorial of
this afternoon was in print, is a sharp and
quick commentary on the dangers we
forecast. From the present aspect of at
it is a'burning shame that this:batti
mnnity should be exposed to - out rages
like this, fiteltheconuatutitrewes it CO'
ittealftektiroteet-ibiell fretth's repetitldp.
As to where the blame lies,. there is no
room.for..question. _These deeds are the ,
direct outflow Of the mildewed, Illations
of negroes, inflamed and lashed Into fury;
by public harangue and private Instiga
tion of the foreign Radicals in oar midst.
It is a question for, the nubile' to betide
how long these incendiaries shall be al--
lowed to expose the peace of society end
safety of women emit:had:ea. Wiahope
a public meeting will be held to antiwar
till question.", •
The First Congressional District IS un
certain, and it will take the official count
to deoklethe
MONIT9OMERY, Airgust O.—Returns are
still meagre, but enough fa known to
render it certain that Buckley and Elves,
Republicans, ale elected in the - second
atinfourth districts. Dog and Sherman,
Democrats, are elected la the fifth and
sixth districts. The returns from the
first district are two indefinite to*pro
°ounce •certain as fo the' rani% but the
impression is that Buckley iseleoted. The
third district is very close, and one bun
ered votes will- probably decide the
Arrest of Counterfettersi—Geean flank
Robbery—Eight Hour Law—Prison
Management Presented by tne Grand
titlTeletrapb to the Pittsburgh basest.)
NRW YORK, August 6,1869.
No' dispatches were received to-day at
the District Attorney's oftioa relative to
the Spanish gunboats. . • _„ •
Colonel Whiteley, of the secret service,
last night made another important arrest
of counterfeiters. Suspicions for a long
time having-been directed against .two.
Frerielimen," - AntoineAttreteleand Chas.
Buchie, of manufacturing and issuing
counterfeit' five =dollar gold pieces and
counterfeit twenty-five cent currency
notes; last night officers took the men
intdmiskid% A-bokatentathing.:several
thousand dollars of counterfeit money
'Whit tptulta . Mabel , hsiskihssionlaid thken
charge of by the officers.
Tae :steamer City of Cork from Liver
• „ •
Thiel arrived' to-day. •
The new Minister from Mexico, Mr.
Maresehel, and the - htexlean Commis.
sioner, Mr. Palacio. ,artittid, P 3 A.Ay Pe
41011 0 1 0 1131 e 0 Patrair 11)1 1 1- 0. 1 1Y$ 111 t. ,
It is understood work will be ohm.
mence4 on the new pasti,oillee iu the
Park in a few days.
Latters from England go to - show that
the wain killed on . the islirond there, and
who it is supposed had something to do
with the Ocean Bank robbery in this
city. bs i d no connection with that afteir. l
The. Thiptiblidan .Gtinerat Cbiludittee
last night adopted resolutions in favor of,.
the eight hour law; , -
The Grand Jury of West. Chesterhas
presented the management of the State.
prison and laid blame con: the Prison As;",
sotiation.Mul ibis I beeansb,the itifittenee
of that Association contributes to a false
sympathy on the part of the community
which evidently results - in the convicts•
being regarded as - Objects' ot sympathy
and pity rather than"of offenders against
the•pdaeshad weltare of the eommunityr
and•this on tinning to the knowledge of
the prisoners, as it certainly lions, more
or less causes a general discontent. The
Grand Jury advocate a return to severe
punishment., Tfe,y l find no reason to
censure the Officimlitirthe Prison. '
TA@ Turf , ti t
(is - nutrele
tge it'
h tsbisrgh tiagatus.i -
Burt7a.o August .o.—The hones for•
thiliTCAt tOceilift Ca .nOxklyeek ere
arylving from the west and. Canada. .
is estimated gist ~ o ver a million dollars'
worth of fast horses are now in the city.
Among the arrivals yesterday were W.
Johnson.' *pm sentochyj a$ the
noted' pacer Dan Voorhies.
~+vT~}+i-'►~•tr:..Y.~:'~w. r.`1~.u...... v~u r....+.T~faa:.Yi~a , ..n.. a ~.1—. :.ts'as++w _...a..r..:i5..r~.a-F...~i~'.v'i.. h+u'r..`.._..✓s+>a+=4ri:O_~
FOlllll CLOCK,
Revenue Supervisor Transferral—Ar
rival of Filibusters la Cubs—Admiral
ration of Destroyed Bonds. ' '
LBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossetia]
WASECIVIGTON, Angus/ S r Dgekii
Tuarisiriiii Olt 1117PERVISOBs
Under the present arrangement of
transferringSupe rebore oi Interns! Rev
enue trent-one district -to another, the
Conunkiskum haa deniiiecl.tOnaaign
Pervia o T. F ftg#' Ifirrisong New
York, to temporary duties in Wesi Vir
ginia, for the purpoie of sinking a thor
ough examination into the Internal Rev
enue affairs of that State.
A letter was received at the Treasury
department in which the writer says he
had 192,000 worth of 5:20-bonds t - whieb
he had In an ash hole. ins .his bacon
house for safe keepihg. Bra wife. not
being aware of . the fact, kindled a
fire to smoke some bacon and the bonds
were reduced to ' cinders. They came
to the Redemption Bureau to day to be
exchanged in so dilapidated a condition
as to almost defy Identification, but ex
perts of;the Treat ivy have managed to
paste the charred bills together so „ . "as to
make out the amount without • Was to
the owner, who will in a fe w days re
ceive their - valunln bonds of more pleas
ing appearsnce..
Information bat been received bare
that a Cuban expedition, composed of
about two. hundred and flft menviihich
left a point on the coast, of Florida tow the
4th instant, had - ,arrived. in Cuba:. It is
stated a courier, who accompanied the
expedition returned to Florida and com
municated by telegraph this morning
with a pally in this city.
Admiral Dabliren will sever his of
gotal connection' with the Ordfilence
bureau as its chief, on Tuesday next, on
which day he will. BPSUIIIe command of
the navy yard here, in place of Admiral
Poor, who taxes command of, our
squadron in Cuban waters, relloying
Vice Admiral Hoff,
The subject of taxing manufacturers
of &tangles on sale% which hals(been be .
fore the Revenue-bureaut- lately, baa
been :decided inleatritt aremptftor
eanlP - jit tittOrdAt VlUSAhe,suling
Ex•vommtsaioner '
The custom receipt- for the week end
ing July 81st' were
- -
The Whltehoute Cheney Case.
EBY Teleintob taihikPittsbarati . Ussitted
Caultoo, August 6.—Among the docu
ments presented to the Superior. Court
yesterday was an amended by
Rev. Mr.Cheney'scounsel. This bill is in
tended to meet the exigency presented
by the answer to the original bill, which
carried the proceedings of thd -Ecclesias
tical body to the morning of the 2241 of
July, the original bill having closed
with adjournment of the Ores day's pro
csedings. By the supplementary bill a
combining and confederating clause is
carrieffin and new parties are made to
the suit; these parties are the Blphop and
the presenters.
Accompanying this bill is a noires•
pondence between . Bishop Whitehouse
and Mr. Cheney. Bishop Whitehottia
in las letter to Mr, Cheney assumes that
the offence and for which he
was to be tried had been unreservedly
admitted by Mr. Cheney. This Mr.
Cheney emphatically'denles, and Ws de
nial is sustained by his wife, and Mrs. A.
Louise Sheldon, who Were in an adjoin.
log room when the interview between
the Bishop and Mr. Cheney occurred, and
heard Mr. Cheney say in a loud voice,
'Bishop, I admit nothing."
The Textile rubric Exposition.
LBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guette.)
Crsotsrr.m, Angttst 6.-At the Tex
tile Fabric Exposition there have been
one hundred <awl sixty•five exhibitors.
The persona "resent were distributed as
follows: Ohio 54, South Uarolina 3, Ala
barna o:Georgia 14, Missouri 1, Tennes
see 7, Indiana 17, Kentucky 16, lowa 2.
Mississippi 2,-Bllchigatt 1, Wisconsin 2,
New Jersey-I F ' Rhode Island 1, Minus*.
ehtuletts 2., Pennsylvania 11, New York.
- Awardir, df premiums were Made
this morning.
Anti-biat monopoly fu Buffalo.
CDT Telegraph OVA Pittsburgh Gazette.)
llurvaLo., Angora 6.--The Anti-Coal'
Monopoly Organisation held another
meeting this morning. a :toullnittee
was appointed to arrange for an immedi
ate stiPply of enal and to procure a char
ter for 'the Citizens' Coal Organization.
,Resolutions were patern) Faw n '.
'Mending the 'abolition of ,the tariff
on Atom. instructing - the Rapresett
tadveof the district -to-use his utmost
endeavors to procure ,atuth abolishment
in Congress, and denouncing the coal
monopolies. A Committee was appointed
to draft a memorial to Congress for the
abolition of the duty on foreign coal. A
moat earnest and determined spirit hi
manifested to break up diets:lel monopo%
Susquehanna Railroad Stock Trimble.
(By Te!egret' tci tbe Plttibeiel Gatette;)
ALBANY, Anigint 6:—The excitement
here in regard to the Susquehanna Rail
road is intense. A complaint was made
today against Masan. Leonard, Herrick,
North and Wilbur, Directors, and Mr.
Phelps; Treasurer, charging them with
conepiraoy to place the mad' in the con
trol of Jay kiould and .hie blends, now
managing - the Erie railroad, and thus
defraud She company out of Its property.
It danieanit.: *nee 14011,clekt • ties dent :
lf,eyiem s -01414(0 ,Chute !gaged word6r
-010111 partlea from acting
as Direototni„YintioPreel,delik - an d T reas .
uter. Tpu the board - to low
t h in i t - noniEti; and tildughthey ma
they weril'obligad to adjountsom d,e.
Senter's Majority 60.000" Senator,
Browalow , a-non Beaten for testate
(Brielegroh to the Pittsburgh ourette.l
Mammas, August 6.—The official vote
of Shelby county, with one precinct to
hear from. gives Banter 8,682 majority.
With the ezoeption of a dlaturbanee at
?dosage,' no account of violence at the
polhicsoctirred in Nesit Tennessee.
The Democratic press here, in an.
the Iflistoryttoblerved yesterday.
call e supporters of Sinter to re
member ly in the hone of •triumph
s4a - km . o(4e wrong that hitt been inT,
iffilattd upon hens...
TherAvalftche says • It II understood.
some of thet.baggers are preparing
to leave, end , Wie tip= them to remain,
assuring them pee:act isafety.;` , 4
Thatotad vote of Ifashirillel and David
son cotintlew AA, &Mar 6,531. Stokes'
096. Stokeeofilcial MeJorilY in -, Mush"
vale 14 hi, a poll of WO, •
• Meagre Marne from either parts ofthe
State nusketno change the,itscseat of
affairs. Information h . otti:Easit Tonnes.
Bee show that Seiner will carry that sec
tion bye email , majority, in that case
his majority in the State Will riot 'be lee*
than Ett,ooo. .• •
J. P:l3rownlost, son of Senator Brown.
low, wee badly beaten for the Legisla
ture in Wiiiismson.and Maury. John .
Brownlow islirobably beaten in Knox
and Roane., ,Both were for Seater, Who
carried both districts.
The &ate :foureal, the Stokes' organ.
will be'snspended alter tomorrow.
American iiintal *Association.
(.13T weirsoh to the_ Pitislin#l2, Gaiette.
SARATOGA, August 6.-The American
Dental Associatmn held its final session
to-day. Drs. Bokue, of New' York,
Buakingham, of Philadelphia, Cushing,
of Chicago, Wetherbee, of Boston, and
Thomas, of Detroit, were appointed a
Committee to procure reduced fare next
year to meeting. • •
Dr. Allen, of New York, Dr. M OOl6l -
fitnd, of Louisville, and S.. B. Palmer, of
Syracuse, read papers on Medical Dentis:
A paper commending 'rose 'peirls as
the base mounting fbr irtificdal teed} was
read. r
Mr. Palmer;of Syracuse, read a paper
upon the nemssity -of 'liberal education
previous to the commencement of dental
Dra. Morgan, C. Butler and L. S.
Shepard were appointed a Comadttee
Dental Ethiqs for the enacting year.
Dr. Fallthan. Philacielphis,`ciffered
a preamble and reaelittienin fav*tif ad.
a mitting vitinzen !to -inemberithip-4-
liberdinatio andltharittrecd‘
maindfmni the amid on . of 'next be
avcddedirand And moral
charattetsbe the standard ofjudgment.
Laid on • the table, as a matter, beyond thp
jurisdiction of this association.
A. resolution was, passed expunging
charges of back' twee againat thirty
three members who have tot appeared
since 1833.
The Conimittee on Dental Ethics tb.
ported the case of two , members for ad
vertising nnprofessionalry. The report ,
was accepted and.a resolution eipelling
one of the members:Laid on the table to
come up next year.. . „
- Standing Committeea . were apPointed
for nazi year.
Dr. Judd, the new Pitifdent. was, ien
inducted to office. Dr; Taft, the retiring
President, read an address; and the ()on
vention then adjourned:
North Carolina 'Election.
City Telegraph to the . Pittsburgh Ciasette.3
Wri.utittrrON, N. C. August 6.
Eagles, colored, was elected to the leg's.
lature yesterday by 4 1 000 majority.
. 'Additional Markets by Telegraph.
New OnexAds, - August 6.—Cotton;
sales tO•day were 33 bales, for week,
' 1,036 bales; receipts for - week were 1,383
bales: export for week to Liverpool,
1,902 bales, to Malaga, 676 bales, coast
wise, 1,442 bales. stock on hands 312 bales;
no middlings offering; low middlings at
01431340. Gold 135:•aterling 693-f; New
York sight par to 34 per cont. premium.
14'1 , 0ut.; low grades scarce; sales of super
fine 5115,62®5.76,'c1itub1e extra at 116140
186,60. treble extra at 16,62®6,75. Corn
at $l,OO •for, white. . Oats - at 670. Bran
$l,OO. nay at $20®31 for prime. Pork
at 335,50. Bacon is retailing at 160 for
shoulders. and' 19y4®19Nc lbr 'sides.
Lard at 19%®20n'0 for tierce, and 22®
23e for keg. Sugar and molasses • nomi
nal. Whisky, at $1,15. - Coffee dull.
Nuglitit 6.-41otir (inlet: plea
400 bbia. Nos. I add 2 City ground Spring
at $6,75. Wheat , dell p Chicago spring
lower:6oles 7,600 bush.: o. 2 Milwaukee,
Club at $1,42; also 15,000 hush. at $1,43;-
and 16,009 bush. No. 2 Chicago sold at,
$1.40. Corn ilitdat , add. firm; sales 25,000
bush. kild dried akl Vatican cured. ,at
95®9530.3 sales 80,000 busb. western, per'
sample fiCio.; $1,05 mita 'offered tor.7fp. 1 -, for prime kill dried western: both
offers:titre refased.- Oats dull and re
tailing at'6s®66e.• Rye: sales 500 bush.
Wastierti atsl,lB.lllarleynombial. Pork ,
firmer at $34 for hen,. .Lard steady'
19(419y‘0. _ f
CRICIAOIO. August 6.—At. open Board
this forenoen, there was but a light,
buelnetts,tntnsaotect in grain; markets
aqfl prim : were without. inaterial at
tratitiou..lio. 2 spring wheat closing at
81 34g@t t 14:04, seller the month; 111,26 x
seller to tha 16th. Corn dull at 92e. feel =
ler the :'ilibbtti; 92M@Mo. seller last
halt..thwarcernoon nothing was done,
prices were nominal as abort,.
• Os*Boo; August' 6..—Flotir steady and
unchanged, with oaks of. 1.700 ibbla:'
Wheat quiet but unchanged; No. 1 hut..
waukee held at 111,50; car lots selling at
oflsB. Coair deman with sales
.T. 1,000 busrn In
No f . 2 Minces d;
atsl.o2, and
8,200 bus No: 2. kilwdried. $1,05. -
,ports: o,loo bge wheat. ; Canal exports:_ :
2,000 bus WEVIt.
MlLwau August -6.—Plour nn
changed. Whkat quiet and 11;rit at si,B7
E 01.87,4 for NO. 2 and regular: $1,843 4,
seller the mentb. Corn firmer. Oats
dull at Cc. 'ltebelpts were 4,800 'bbits.
'flour ' '2,000 'bush.: wheat.. Shipments:
2,9oobbhe Slur, 00,000 bushheat.
_ Ar
' rural FaaWnaL August - , B.—Flour
steady atV: Wheat;
glades dullet Isll 1155; 'choice -8 472® •
•I,7s;ashniOf Stdrishipping atsl,7o._Logal
.Tettore • • '`
ltattainat.a, August etegdyr.
tato today WBl'olos ferbiodltdrienesu
$l,lO Or red; $1.15 Oar Amber., 14. 6110:. tot;
194kkgs .FOurPo7l 4 9 140*JPININKL
- . •
The Rare To-Day— alt Things i lin Read!.
neasThe Distance Meese ed on the
/Monongahela Courso—How the Wagers
go—A Word of Official Warning, etc.
The boating lever is at its full height,
engin the excitement over the coming
contest WA* for aquatic supremacy, the
exhibition arranged in itie heavens above
sinks into insignificance before that on
the waters beneath. It is a little singular
that boating and horse-racing have very
decided tendencies to convert even the
the most staid and practicarcitizens into
, .
gambling novinee. just as the tapping oT
the fire alarm bell converts evinybody
and: his friend.into firemen. We have
heard the rowing abilities of the "little
engine') and the ' , Manchester gammen"
thoroughly diseauised on the street
cOrnere, in counting rooms and'eflioes,,
a ."even "even at church doors, and'
those participating in the conversation
the general community would totally
Imagine could charge their minds with
soy knowledge of the capacity or en
'durance °reicher one of the water-birds.
Mucn_pleanue is, expressed on both sides
that idamill is again to row on Pitts
burgh waters, ae some time ago, dissatis•
Bed with the treatment hereceived.frtim
,press and people, he "reeolved never
again to skip over the Moncingahela
river in his paper canoe. Hhwerer, that
determination has been changed, end the
most cordial feeling of friendship and
forgiveness prevails on all sides. And we
are glad of it, inasmuch as there is -a
possibility Um aquatic spooe on on?
waters mayagain be _elevated into that
proud position they hid ittainedPreilons
to the ' , fouling" period.
TUX )18N.
Both the men are in excellent condition.
They have carefully trained and per
formed the
.numerous.; places of hard,
manual labor in the" way of, gymnastic
exercise* necessary to harden the runs
olcant the .bcdy, and makeaolid theilex
ors and 'extensors. Both here lost ,ma
terially in weight, but are more than
compensated in 'powers of. atrangth. and
endurance begotten out of, the .lu:dada&
toughness of bodY:llegited, caw
theta last evening they looked. lases*
iron men, capable almott of per& ni
even similar deediiof4tiangth td., •
which made one BanAlp*ftlfb.'""'i
mini at t in :Asay.' %or-. .
Could those balloted. irith lethargYand
bodies are fridi Ind woodland ready tor
sickness. otiserreuthastrand few
4104^ - tuAtontiMliSikkoicatiziw
flUt urtklikar e garthatr. ria4s4.-
turiow mese& ; coulter.
andliamill, Gyinuallitun wouid4o.
go: begeneh enchneh aritoicrlbers to
Ireeßitin exiaterice. - Thei - Ittetakiist&h.
in very tine oonditionrand: their' respec
tive trainers will turn them out on the
water- tomorrow as good )obs.
. , ,
Everythl33g,is now ready ibr. the race.
The distance was carefully measured last
night,' and the turning buoy, fixed a few
hundred yards ) ahove -the -dans.. The •
start will be made at the curve in the
river, a few hundred . rode above Glen
wood, it Is understood that Hamill, who
won the xight of <Atoka of position, will
select the inside track, hugging the
northern shore as near as possible. The
occupants of the attendant
boat? , have been chosen—Hamill select
ing four and Coulter a like 'number.
This boat will closely- follow the men
after the start, and keep them company
from the beginning to the. end of the
course, in order to act as witnesses should
any foul proceedings occur--an event we
hope will,net be chronicled. : -• •
r Th e fellosrink warning; issued by the
United States Local Inspectors, Mears.
'Walker and Atkinson, should be heeded,
a:sit is wise and timely:
Complaints having been made to the
Local'lnspectors that' boats conveying .
passengers On short excursion fripilierve
so crowded the vessels as to make ittelan to travel op them, 'we therefore)
would caution the officers otateartiera en
&Rid in ,thid business, as weals the ,
public, from 'Crowding the boats to ex.
miss, and thereby' aterf danger; and'per.
haps calamity, t h at might occur from ex.
missive crowds. Tile ctrusbLng of anupper
deck, or guards, or tbe sudden rixshLof
people from one aide of the boat to tat
other under excitement, reMer
their situation perilous indeed., The
officers of steamers should 'not allow so
liege a number of people 'on their ves
sels as to endanger.the safety Of the boat
and those'dn board. • • ';r
' WALKER & Avitthsete, • •
• , U.'S: lothl Inspector&
• exLmrto OP POOLS.' '
last night nearly three; 'hundred per
sona- assembled at ' J'ehrt'S:ltemiedy's
billiard' rooms, Smithfield street, to , par-,
ticlpate in the pool selling; ;There , were ,
odds offered In favor oftidamill,marying
' from one hundred to4dxtyd a One' bet of
• two hundred on Hamill' to,Pue seventy.*
Dye was passed wlthoutli tatter. :1"41)01. -
bly three thqusaucl i dollara ware put. up
last night it ICentiedy's, *idle at Air.
Tem Bellere' la Belle Saloon many
large private wager's'tvete . made. 'Fully,
ten thousand dolleirs' will chinge'hands
on the result to;day,lthe odds 'sir ' being
in favor - 01'111e ulittle engine"; who, it is
confidently): expected,' 'will make: the
crowning effort otitis life. i If. be is sue.,
wailful, Waiter. 'Rowe :will. at, ones be;
cballenxed m and; every other man,,who,
lays claim to the cnainpiorp of *per;
Ica* waters.'„ ~ d , I , , , 4 .;
wialis cari'D.ltelk . q 1„ ii TEir; ?LW& • ,
The race will he withirri'alty ,Iltnits,,, but
,that fact, I,conaideribg• 'our ) , lanuctusa
boundatiee l ,relylletknotte th e lesevress-,
ing some mode „off . „ epothYange to tha',
course._ - Tarlonc
,boa s',, ion
ans which:
the staunch *timer akin with her'
Clever officers aid" :1 .. ; t'llidges' end '
referee, Wilr iteceithlpasetei Ms 'at the
foot orethist street, up tilt two !o'clock
this pfternrXoui and wilLoscoompany the:
contestnts • thinugliathe , racer; i , The
Plealleril% obtainer ; Echo .will leave, at the :
auras, lour .4414 , foOt et 5 11 4 4 41 fliFeetp , •
'Red . 4 0 .9.10 r 11 4. tx?Veilie/tti Pk t 9q ES mo
ttle Nth from,
l egiripiag So - eq. - ,The
floniselbitlfelt . Iroact - 'Wit rtih Ati ex= '
mil l aftWitraltt tie ' filowcicAliticl turn at ,
a ,, `Tsiktifonable i biaur;i , Vile ' thrhaftitham'•
To , Wtehgar%s-jr.atlartir will - ',rad 0 card
' nx: 'the.•.'imier,' • • of ' '''lrifth ! aye: .
..att, . , and i BwilthtlektA: atreet every
'''. Ye minutes to , Brownetown, from which:
Poillt 464 YIOWSII.Agi , 004140 May be:
NUMBER, 179,
. -
obtained. The best possible , place tame.
the race will be at some po int oneither
side between Glenvrood and the locks..
The mrat exciting feature of the .race
will be the start and home stretch, observ
able from the banks at Glenwood, but the
solid work, the artistic rowing and the
metal of the men, can best be seen and
appreciated near the .buoy, a short din
tance above Soho. • ' '
Last night both men slept atGlensvoiL,
They had vigorous, exercise during fhl
entire day, tiothod water 'and land, an
each wrapped in - -bleitikete retired
dream of , victory and.defeak: They._ will'
be aroused at daybreak, sponged doPrxt.
and attain go to werk, in Order to get
every muscle and nerveln good *Mang'
order for the grand centeettANtiolksiloalt
than likely ' involves the champion - 514'
of American waters, la welt Ikarhitilii atie,
the waters of. the :: We hos:
made, special arransternents for
and accurate report, and WilVhave 'every'
foot of the course' - wstehed obeeT4.
vita and impartial reporters,whtiwUttoa
gather lay beftue our - readers on. bilinditjr
morning an accurateteport the 'Abig._
gest7 thing en)theldononsptheis that *IP
happened ter: many years. May Wets*,
man win:
A' Rejected Cruiser.
Augustus Cruiser, a 'icident of Alle
• -
gheny, vain e yesterday
'a t
he was competent to cruiseon; the Boa
of life without the assiOshee hi s con
nubial partner, Mary., Accordingly be
'gently broke the nerkelio 2 her and seg
. .
gested that he had prepared a- ehstkfor
his future voyagidg which bad ,beett so:
arranged as to 'dispense with any
-.Ay for her services, and t hen faifectingly_
bade her and the ,young, end sl
body, a pensive fare Well, MarySsWhim
depart with Marini 'eyes, Winnade nit
eflbrt to twelve; him from 'the
posei until • some '!intd" alined
when she suddenly :brightened • with
an idea, and not long afterward wended
net way to the office-of Mayor Dr=ool
whom she communicated thottght4
and sppealed for ado o l l - lio_Steetleflildtt
of time had else - fled. ere ; a4niundien
the limbed stSrted out , p,„ a, eznian.-14
search of the eotientinir,",whetebP
saeeeeded in ,civerftaMllM in - 6'1011413r
baer,y fadetieusinite nnehirittiiil aptit.
ment,-4. 5.. beet Weft,' set beWeredi
amid theAsianditsausldi , nOttrebY ,
ii*i Oximee - whine
nos. .tfockM.Riocrtidgeltfiusip.
dtsli, -. CPligTh wkogi'keellAti*
theta tell itnintedilbc, ely.tb.cruare witE ,
;n4t n attir:',3l:ltz l itwi- tk or
caked tip
Siteind Mirttalted 401 1 4Viblegfelart.
thrdugh years of reoldentieralat , Mr;
C;ldeer‘bildelnettattaoo. .
4 1 4 - Alypie Lograt.,.
marsh aldedes...o . thets -malt -
Crnispr. ese were noE. her • solid
fade. • Her only :,tht. -- wias is
'ibfertatee ici .st ettrtalntitiket via&
called fora-geld wateh, intinatedicilhe
ears'of the Male lertliktri , but Which - had
by sostemestur, ibtmdl Its into the
'ban& /gibe VlMlltdiAlter.M Only Wean&
mothimmem With feelings ofneculiar
teadCru , •?dr•t'P`riftr I: B eatotted , hie
poeketi, ierrmlied hie memory, - and was
tinallymuabled to ,detAgoste„ Opp, :act
*pot In witieti the:needed 4 . 0•46 had been
ybiond: The Anoniiielt. witelhen
land the'Crititierk skit in &Obligati:o3*e.
wailed•tranf the miigietintiert diner, sip
rently thappr'addonotitantinr with
, voyage *blob appeared•belbreo42o3Ws a •
Micheal liwit:avignabber."-tiathbrusgy—
itabbeft yeaterdayi titelieeil le oniplived
in tin' Isreatitieh::olothing 'istbri) en ger -
ket etkee and has for a next door neigh
bpr ger l 7 IXaalrMituo - I•Teeterdai,'Whila
both. were :meditatively racing , thealde
wailn •in 'trout of , t keir reaps:4 . We esteb
lishmentsi a pedestrian watt, attraetedlto
the alegant;displayi in .Naufforares, and
evlueetka'desiireto.Purobeae, whereupon
Micheal,, quick ea thoughts - Autbbect
and :conveyed , him , into share,
, d liplayed with; remarkable ;dexter
ity, his as orb:l:tent, and, :had ittp6
plied the n abbed Ono'smoB before the
incensed '11614' could from bis
astonishMent' • lAs rthei - enstoiner 7 ` left,
and the•trelleetiort of a lost eels 4litted
through his , mind, Henry 'naturally; be
came excited and spoke Anabarp terms
;of The latter replied in such
manner. as to„ludnee, Henry ; . to. visit
,Alderman.Htimbert's °Moe, and & lodge
InformAtip.against, kiln; for dlsorderly
conduer. T he, twain !net nelbre ;be mag
istrate, when' the cage' wai;withdiawn,
person mlihtfie beheaded,' nerhaps
,7 1 v,r
thqfPAPtitne funiabea the Intuit. Olen
title and satisfactory mathod of having
,the ',operation, perforated... lint to nave
one's head tom off 11 tee'. rancho "wide
from the .I;onitt'of'• :thatoperatioil, the die.
`figurtitioi of the : tat iitid - lieed;Caused
"hy such a bail:lan:kit maned, khotild , be
sufficient to . "Peopley how.
°tier, unelvilized-qprac
uthat::.:geound• ;alone,
can the threat made. bir Biddy McCauley
yesterday be 89044 13 04 f .9ro.- 0001 go it
stated, threatenedto decapitate Catha
rltaif McDowell,' not - by - guillotine, nor
by chopping evety but. - by absolutely
tearing tier ;head' • though she
were a wild • . EldiYaooo42Panled
this expression qer iqtantiona byAan
geame of s , pq a riaFapter 7 foul, and
vrfaid:Ptne iVarigterlms'iL. Ia
itgnytouiei:thitt: wief otittm
'eurdoMAidainiwi 716=0 issued a
v ith atit ipe itaidy ., ? ,
- -
Great rtile n tiaiirt;' " 14.
Pittsburgh Gage.h4,i.:
Sr. Loss Agast CL the groat sale
of 'figellfock df ongeref the
Illthetuitreedeteofillhietf,ftiiieitig a t
blefeith neltDdlantstoettrolt Wedfteaday,
and was attended by a large number of
breeders from home .Ainds Airbag. A.
atfge number !of blogded : Oatttec- korsee.
*upep i and hop qfferat sold. ciAnacelg the
Pittle ristrvifhp Agtorup bull "4-weep-
Xtikes:".*ho PLR ffeFee/Tylieen tigeitp at
bibilpltlozfabio,a Fiti*lttik 01;11111%. and
taken twentSt-iilz predlletEtoWrs.
boiaglit or
, Niabkille.s Viking ecitirdy;"onto,- 'for
airventy-one dollarailftTloltrell reeelv
ingtie nee until &dohs& IWellinferal ad
persona:at tbe selercakfr.the
rained. were •-ilfty.-per Oatit••hightl , Muuk
tb. gep - Rfk.y,Al44Nig4llll 7gatt