The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 06, 1869, Image 8
13 MI CITY AND 13IIIIITRBAlir. TECO Gezarrs is furniMed in the City the six days of the week for 16 eenee per week; by,matl, Piper annum: 8 mos., V. The Second story'of Wilkins Hell has been seoired as an - armory for the Du quesne Greys. • "ifestenlay morning Mayor Brush corn milted thirteen vagrants and drunks 1. jail. Business is looking up. Gas Lamps have been erected in the Allegheny Park, along the main walks, and are lighted every evening. Mayor Dram had two drunks and one vagrant before him, yesterday morn ing, which he disposed of in the usual way—sending to jail. Yesterday the Adjutant General of the State forwarded fifty commissions for officers of Pennsylvania militia in vari• one seetions of the Commonwealth. A libel was also flied against eighteen barrels of whisky' and' other property owned by Daniel Mingle, of Muney Dun, I.qconung county. for alleged violations of the revenue lawa. . Patent Increseope.—dames H. Logan Esq. of Allegheny city, has just stewed letters patent on:1t microscopewhit:di said to rival the very best now in use' and yet is so ample as to be within the reach of all, ootilne a. mere Wide. We congratulate our friend on the amens of . his 'freatiori. ;"The VallY•TtmitaP is-the title of a new venture in journallim, which tuts 'just made ita apPearance in Allegheny. The little sheet, according to the publishers' announcement, will be issuedjust as long as theY are contented with the amusementfand they promise no contin uance. Abtudve Language.—Ellen Lammers entered the residence of Catharine Knee- land, yesterday, and considerably dis turbed the eqyanitnity of that lady by vita rand abusive language for wh:ch Aldeiman McMaster arrested and corn mined her to jail for trial on an informs for surety of the peace. Gave Ball.—A hearing was had before Mayor Brush, yesterday morning, •in the ease 'of John Henry, charged with forgering Gen- Rowley's name to a cheek, which resulted in the aocused be ing required to give bail for trial. He gave the required security, and wee re leased. • . Pew atuelc.--Bresars. Barr, Knake & Buehler; the will• known music dealers publishers, No. 12 Bisth street. late St. Qat?, have sent ns hooey of anew soft by our? . ,talented • fellow-citizen, P. Bushman, entitled ' , Do you ever think of me." It is a beautiful gem, neatly printed and of suck order as' to secure cor_it_wide sale. - , Collegeßleetions.."The Board of Trus tees, of Washington and Jefferson Cdiege f held :Jr- meeting Wednesday even fug Oial'eieeted the Rev. Dr. Bittin g_er, of Bewlekley„ President of the college. Another meeting was held yes, terday morning, when Gen. Geo W. Cook, of Steubenville, Wm. Lyons. Esq.. of Pittsburgh, end D. B. Wilson, Esq., of Washington, were , elected Trustees. New C r—New twelve feet. wide - flagstone cross gs are being put down on Sandusky, Federal and Beaver streets, Allegheny, opposite the main avenues of the Park...-The large and in _ creasing travel over the avenues and across the streets at these points rendered some such an arrangement necessary. Promenaders will be pleased with the improvement. • , . gangway' AceldentYesterday after noon a horse_attached, to a light buggy ran away on Second avenue. It had been left Standing unhitched at the corner of the avenue, and becoming 'frightened, was away before the_ owner could secure It. At the corner 'of- Grant street, &he horse knocked down and dragged the ve hicle over a gentleman who was crmadng the street. lie was very seriously in. Jared and had to be carried home. • • • An t Overdeae of Morphlne.—Yesterday afternoon Mrh..Mari Bell, wife of Mr. T. M. Bell, residing at 290 Lasock street, _Fourth ward, Allegheny, died suddenly at her: residence, and oroner Clawson was notified to hold an inquest. It seems Mrs. Bell had, taken a quantity of mor pline on Wednesday evening as a medi cine and in mistake made the dose too lug% Which produced death subseqeu tly. The jury returned a verdict accordingly. Disorderly House.—Michael Smith was before Alderman , Ballie yesterday;charg. ed with selling liquor on Sunday and maintaining a disorderly house in the - Eighth ward; Allegheny. The infer. mation against . Michael was Made by an old resident in the vicinity who alleges that the establiahment presided over by Michael has , becmxte a public nuisance, and an annoyance to the entire neishbor hood.. He was held for . a hearing this morning. ' Annual Reunion.-4 meeting of the old numbers .of the Seventy-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers was held at the banking house of Robinson Bros., Fourth avenue, Wednesday even ing. at whbah a Committee was appointed to make arrangements for annual re union of the members of the, regiment. The atEur will be held on the:second Thursday of Septetriber. A grand ban quet is talked of, as the (outside of•tbe warden. Sleep.,,Vraliting.—Wednesday evening, lira: Jane Darragh, a resident of Bridge. waterenearliew Brighton, arose in her sleep and walked out . =Of a second story window Of her residence. She fell with great violence dpoethe ground, and suf fered very. severe injuries. One of ter legs,and Inn twero•broken v and her' collar tidne'dislooated. is also feared ' she hasbecwinjared internally:— She it receiving - medical attention, but is in as very=.. condition: ," • 71ryst(rlotts.Yesterd/ a ft ernoon offi. • oar Mulvaney, while m ng,hls rounds - picked 1113 a valise altruist new'on tho lot between Peen and Liberty streets..atAbe, railroad crossing. The, valise hadr:beed. ; broken (men sod eVerything of, value Lit it had contained anything of value) takeit OM. ':„C/046 by a:pair , cit pants and a vest were she 1114novered. The articles Great the Mayortskoftice end scan be had by the owner upon an exPlanition of,the cir cumstance. • - - Almost a Flre.-lAteddoida3 giiiiiiire lady residing on Pomp alley ! , Allegheny, acoldentally dropped a carbon oil lamp upon-theft:or. he lamp broke, and the ell tottering in all directions took fire, which wltightened ber tbst she ran Into the street - and, raised an' , iklarnk.of, fire, The box at she Friendship Engine nowt was ablOstrackiWbiala blvPitht9P4 Eri' . rgtaes :. but:Aholx. - filerviewswas. not *Os 4nired. The tiro was extlngnishgdAn a few minutes by the neighborie-6-- =II EMS The Bast Race.—lt seems after all that the, boat race will come off on the course as originally selected, according to the articles ,of agreement. The 'efforts - to have it-changed to the Loirates eddy course have been unsuccessful, andhe specu'ators are defeated in their nicely' laid plans. "The best laid plane o' mice and men aft gang agiee." It seems the principals neither favored the change at any time, and the movement was whblly an outside one. Wife- Whipping.—Peter Haehtnan ,re aides in the Third ward, Allegheny. He was at leisure yeaterday, and having no particular business to do, undertook to pass the hours pleasantly by correct ing his wife Mary. Mary could see no good reason for allowing Peter to amuse himself in this manner, and failing to convince him of the impropriety of his course, she appealed to 'Alderman Bol ster. The official settled Peter by ar resting add requiring him to,give baU to keep the peace hereafter toward Mary. What it Cost lllm. Wm . Moore was before Mayor Brush, yesterday morn ing, charged with resisting and abusing an officer. ThebMcer had attempted to arrest William who was drunk and ills orderly on Penn street. William didn't want to be arrested and endeavored to - the c.ofticeg. He was =lapelled „to. go. however, and when sobered'Wan brought before His Honor. The -Mttle episode cost William $2B. Rowdies and roughs will learn, after while, that Alon't pay to abuse an OM- 'Taken Home.---Yeaterday an officer ar rived from Altoona, haying In charge .Beales and Duke, the incendiaries, sen tenced to the Western Penitentiary, Beales for ten years and Duke for dye years and six months. The prisoners were accommodated with lodgings In the institution. Beale was convicted on a charge of setting fire to the lumber yard of D. & O. ISlCore, and also convict ed of setting ere, In connection with Duke, to the stable of- Mr, D. Lowther. They were• tried •In the Criminal Court of Blair oonnty last week, but the tire oo cured several months ago. Dangerous Amesements.—The boys of Hatfield and the upper part of Lawrence ville, for a number of days past, have aim:led themselves by "stone fights," much to the inconvenience and annoy ance of persons passing in the vicinity. Several persons have already been in jured by flying missiles, but the boys, notwithstanding every expostulation, continue the practice. Yesterday several of them were,bronght before the Mayor, who imposed upon each a fine, and rep. 'rimanded them for their reprehensible conduct. If again arrested the punish ment will be much more severe. Putted Mt a Car.--Conrad Robert's ippeared before Aldermin Thomas, yea. terday, and made information for aggra vaW assault and battery against Ed ward Osborn. Osborn is a conductor on the Citizens Passenger Railway. Rob erns alleges he was returning from a plc-nic at Iron City Park, on Monday, and was riding on the car when Osborn, without cause, quarreled with and pushed him off the car. He fell across the track and was so seriously injured as to be compelled to keep his bed tbr two days. The accused was arrested and committed for trial. Tareatened to Whip Elm—Harriet Johnston has been acting improperly, if the statement of Mrs. Georgian's Broughton can be 'relied upon. Mrs: Broughton alleges that Harriet, entered her house and conducted herself in a very rade and noisy• manner, and finally threatened to whip her. Mrs. Broughton • dirrnt feel particularly anxious to be chastised, and to prevent the carrying out of the threat, she pre suaded Alderman Mullen, yesterday, to issue' a warrant for Harriet's arrest, The parties reside in the Fourth ward, Allegheny. Fixes of tue Month. Prom the monthly report of Fire Mar shall Murphy we /earn that there were but six Ares and fifteen alarms (none false) in the county dating the month of July, 1839. Gross loss of property, $27.- 487; insurance paid, $9,59/: n9t Insured, ii 17,906. The largest fire • during the month was the saw and planing mill of S. P. &J. N. Large, at Elizabeth, on Sten day, July Mb, at which property to the amount of *22,400 was destroyed; partly Insured. A WaDderer. Yesterday afternoon one of the Mayor's police brought to the lock-up a woman about fortyrilve years of age, who gave her name as Mrs. Frank. Anderson. She said Cincinnati was her home, which she had left ten days ago. She bad no friends or acquaintances in this city, and cotild not explain the object of her . visit here. Upon further conversation It be came evident that the woman was de. mented, and abe was accordingly locked np for future disporsitlon. It is probable she wilt be sent bank to Cincinnati. Malicious Boy. • Thomas Ferry was before Mayor Brush yesterday, for malletous'eendaeL The boy was employed as a "pester and folder" in the Diva/a aloe, and every ,evening was furnished • with wrappers in which it was hie duty to enclose the papers to be sent away. Instead of do log this. however it seems he has been accustomed to shirk his labor by tearing up the wrapper'. and throwing them away. It was, several days before the w fact became known,hich only came to light through the complanta of subscri bers at not receiving their papers. The boy wati looked:hp for several hours, and then diemissed with a severe reprimand from the Mayor. Faygt-Pretetise Case. A hearing wag - weiied peibie Alder man .Neeper in .. the Egli& Priierze Cage, mentioned yeeteidayi in whichilb., Wm. Holmeg, of Holmes, Isefferty t po, ap. penred-nnimpseenMrandJohn Beardsley thdiondatit: .411 e firm of whiell':tbe mosecutor member; is engaged in he minimiser= and : brokerage business lu connection with live dtdoir. It is al leged tbet•Beardsley, purchased of theie one bandied and ten head of , cattle, sold :Py..themon coinntission, for which - he; gave =his . draft on. Mu- York• for nine ~ thituttuid five, hundred dollars. pagers. 4161ittealdc i.Xpeliithedviziere of - tbe cat tle-for their stock, and expected - to realise the tpooeyggelq from the draft, which, however, when due was protested. In .1513P1)011 'f the false pretence. it is alleg. edtbat Beardsley represented baked the moneYU meet the draft in the handset 'earkitir"pittrfir New York, which proved'ter... be untrue. It is said when the draft was presented he acknowl., edged be , r alp% realizes that he had paid what he had ftelizeu. from Cattletto hie uncle and sister: Beards 4/ waived.* bearing yesterdayy.. and of ball in theaum of 015400 - was ,Committed to jail for •trial at t4a halt term of ~Cotirt.i..• la said• ' , COINS - -Wilt be leaned to itianiti•e'prektaiill* of the money. prnsmon 1869° IM=l • , Its Extent and netentille Value—Me. nemena to be Witnessed—Wale the Astronomers Hope to De—TheEclipse at PitpMarsh. • An eclipse of the sun will occur to morrow, which will be vielbleld all earts of the United States, unless where the sky may be clouded, and will be total to a large extent of territory, the total phase extending over a belt of about one hundred and fifty.six miles in breadth, and stretching very nearly half way around the globe, or about. 12,100 miles. The area of the belt of total eelipse will, therefore, be in the neighborhood of 2,000,000 square miles. So important an eclipse is very - rare. There has been no total eclipse l visible in the Unltei States since the year 1834, and . none will be visible during the present century after this year. The event will, therefore, be witnessed With great in , terest by astronomers, and 'extensive .1 preparations are .made for observing it under the most favorWble.circuaistatteee. Most of. our - Professional astronomers will take pmltion, at different points along the path of the umbra' (the total elipae), and many thousands of amateurs will witness the interesting phenomena with more or lees :of intelhgence, but with an absorbing interat In every cage. rimaeontiftra. OP SOISTIFES• • The strangeness of the appearance of things cn the earth's surface daring the eclipse will vary widely with the place of observation. In places where the atmos phere is overcast therewill be nopereet tible difference, except an undefintib.e rawness,'or chilliness, In the air, and nothing to note the time when the sun is. shut out from the sight of more privl. leged mortals. Where clouds °bemire the vision they are generally rein clouds," and the rain is usually of a drizzly char ' acter ;it seldom falle n large drops,--In places where the sky is clear, the air may be expected to cool off somewhat previous to the observed time of contact, and the animals show their premoni tion of the unusual event by various strange motions. During the totality of the eclipse fowls have been observed to go to roost, and birds of the air to fall to the earth as if struck by a stone, doubt less from fright at the sudden change; while beasts have become perfectly pan ic-stricken, and manifested the most ab ject terror. in places - where the eclipse is total (and visible) the sky will ow gradual. ly dark, and surrounding objects become invested with a weird black or copper color, and the moon's edge will -be marked by a pale circlet, which was lbrmerly thought to be 'due to the pas sage of the solar rays through her at mosphere, but is now known to belong to the solar body. The latter is called' the "corona "or crown, from its re semblance to the halo often represented in pictures around the heads of saints. HOPES OP THE ASTBONOSIZES. Astronomers will look with much anx iety for other worlds, as yet unseen' by mortal vision. It was announced some ten years ago that certain observed chan ges in the position of the orbit of Mercu ry were probably due to the attraction of a number of smaller bodies revolving in an orbit between him and the sun. The causes which prevent Mercury from being seen operate still more disadvanta geously in regard to these interior planets (if sued theisebe) and there is no hope of gazing upon them other than with the eve of faith, except at the time of a total eclipse. The ligtit of the Jinn being then cut off by the interpositionof the moon's body, it is quite possible that the exis tence of these now-hypothetical worlds will be revealed through the telescope. It is thought probable that there are slant four of these bodies, but their number may be elegton." This really is the point of greatest ire terest; and if the number of these bodies be but mall, some of them will proba bly be visible to the naked eye during the time of total eclipse, while those who possess a telescope of moderate magnify. log power will do well to look out for 0 them and node as accurately as possible I the position With respect to the sun and fixed stars. The search for new planets will be a , now brands of investigation during a solar eclipse; but their is also a problem, partially solved, to which many astron omers will bend all their energies. The I light of the eon has been subjected to chemical scrutiny and compared with the light produce() by the harping of a num ber of substances wide which we are familiar- ee entering Into a composition of thee. rth'a crust. The experimenters have already seen enough to-warrant the conclusion that many of the soendled echemical elements" exist in the san's atmosphere, and hence consider it prob able that the earth; sun, moon, and , all the planetary bodies and comets coca prising what is known as the solar aye tern, have been formed out of the name eleraeuts- But it 15 a very difficult matter to deal with the full volume of solar Light in making these experiments, and astronomers, emcee:me & wait anxiously tbr the opportunity of, examining it in small portions. kis- not too mach to expect that the question of the solae con stitution will be definitely settled by means ofethe obsenatious made on the coming eclipse. INTIM& TOTAL IN- THIS convene. The eclipse will be total to a section oft country embraelog 110,900 square miles, between the western line of Minnesota, and lowa, and the northern beundaxv 08 the United States. About onethirff part of this obseured area lies in tbeTerritory of Montana: The remainder ilea prince Pally in Doketa, the limits taking in but: , a very small portion. of Kansas °tithe. ,northemtern corner of that State. The Pacific Railroad lies south of the band ea' totality, but the belt crosses the two Par duo lines which span the State of lowa. , free zoLiestasaturresassitem • Ins recent coinneenfoldlon to the Ga.. nary from • Prof. Langley, of the Alle. gbeny. Observatory, the fellowlng fact* were given: At. 4h. 46m. 565., ei tf.,ori the 7th of August, the eclipse wilt beitin,and it wail teenainate at 6h. 80m. atid Theecllpse will be total at Louisville and Prankfort,Kentmthy: which Oilers are among the most oonvenient of access from this city, of those where the smile wholly hidden. .• `Here rather inoeelhan eleven,twelfthe of die stin's diatneter, will be 'edeered; but lteeeording to past experlenee, no striking ditninattoo o>;light need bean. - Pleb:sitar/0 Inventors. The follOwipi patents have bee* !win. :ad to Plttebtarghers during the_last week. The papers Ml bear the date 01_4131tRat . • No. 93.169,—Steant engine; Andrei, ilarturiee, Pittsburgh. No 03 A 18— Notar7 spade; Broth; E. Sivertson, Pittsburgh. , • Beth , No. 93,820—Planginw maohuto; t , Tainberanoevilloi assignor to htinseNsod D. D. Lauda. —Rationad.L.No, 2,58414 pateott No, - date 7.118e4 raitwaY; trust' 'George 'WeWnhatute; Jr., Pittsburgh. THE }BEAT Its Effect,. .TlM.beitedidat and healthylnfluonees of the Work House moon old 'orimiusla is becoming apparent, and was mini -re4i.d before 'May* 13rniik yesterday. Peter Harrington furnished the illustra tion. The evening previous Peter had. some misunderstanding with his mater nal parent, which became so animated .iind exalting as to attract the attention of the entire population of Church alley, in which he resides. Among the outside visitors were two of the Mayor's police, who were drawn to the scene by the un usual concourse of people at,sucti an hour of the night, about twelve o'clock. They appreciated the situation quickly and attempted to settle the affdir by affording Peter lodgings in the lock-up for a few home until his: nerves became some. what calmer. Peter objected, the officers I insisted, Peter-fied the officers pursued. reter, having taken refuge in a new building in course of erection on Wood street, found hiaiself so closely besieged that surrender was his only al ] ernative. He surrendered, and after reposing In the tombs a few hours was brought before his Honor, who heard the case patiently and then imposed a tine Of,tweritokflye dollars nput him for acting in a disorderly manner. Peter was indignant, sarcastic, severe, would n't pay the amount, would rest in jail, whither accordin,gly he was taken.: . A few hours , reflection, together with the, announcement th at the Work Hones was to be his home, fOr the next thirty dayr,. ockitYln3ed Peter and hie friendifMW that the money had better.. be paid -into the City Treasury, and 11.304 dotal. Thus Peter escaped the Work House and thus the benefits 'of that worthy institution' became apparent. United States District Court. In the United States District Court, Judge WCancUess, Wednesday morning. Aaron Fulmer, Center township, Co lumbia county, was adjudged a bankrupt upon petition of Henry Shaffer, a cred itor. A rule to show - cause why the petition should not be granted was is sued on the fifth of July, bat the debtor failed to appear in answer. On motion of District Attorney Carna han, judgment wac entered fin the Uni ted States in the case of the United States va. Lt. Col. B. F. Haines, late .of the Eleventh Pa. Vols. • In the - same. Cotirt .yesterday a libel was filed against the brewery of William Hartman, located at'lld'Keesport, a lot of lager beer et al: seized by "Collector Da- vis for alleged violation of the revenue law. The libel was filed by District. At , torn ey Carnahan, and upon his motion a monition Was issued to the owner, and made returnable on the 21st inst. A libel was also filed by the District Attorney against twenty barrels of dis tilled spirits ownod by Mills, Johnson dr Co. -of Pittsburgh. The spirits were seized by Collector Davis on the 16th of July last for alleged violation of the rev enue law- A- monition was issued and made returnable on the 26th inst. A libel was also filed against the brew ery and other property of George F. StickenSter, located in Pittsburgh. It was seized by the Collector on the 27th of July, for alleged violations of the rev enue law. A monition was issued'upon motion of the District Attorney, and made "returnable on the 21st inst. Marthes Delinqienties. A few days ago Martin Riddle `arrived froth Chicago with his wife, whom heleft at the Union Depot while he started in search of work. Martin is a' tailor by trade. He failed to return, and Mrs. Riddle, being without means, was oom pelled to rely upon the charities of the benevolent fbr lodgings and provisions. After diligent inquiry she ascertained that her absent lord had segued a situa tion at a good salary in a clothing estab lishment In Allegheny, but bad appar ently - forgotten everything connected with Massifs. Under the circumstances Mrs. Riddle felt constrained to eall the attention of Alderman McMaster, to the case, who despatched a constable. to con sult with Martin, and refresh his memo ry in regard to his family affairs. Demi ered Quickly, Yesterday Alderman Moreland issued a warrant for the arrest of John Bench man, charged wltk_perfury. It was al leged of John that he testified ia•a cer tain case before Alderman Koenig of his inability to converse in 'English. An interpreter was procured and his testi mony waathus being taken when some thing weasel(' which, aroused his anger, and in a moment,• according to the alle. gallons, he recovered Ids conversational powers and expressed himself in very good English,. and In language very for cible, if not elegant.. trader the circum stances it was thought best to glye John an opportunity to•explaia this sudden I acquisition of language. Tbree nen irikred. Last Tuesday afternoon John Brennan, .1. B. Weaver,. and Henry Heiser, em. ployes at the American Iron Works, Brownstown, were seriously injured. They were engaged In' digging Si, excr vation for the foundatiuniof an addition to the works, when a large large slab of metal felt into the excavation upon them. They were pinned' to- the earth by the weight Upon them, and had to be res cued by the other workmen. 'The men, after being taken out, were lent home In' carriages and received medics/attention. Their inj nilielPare quite severe, although no serious consequence& are appro. bonded. • • - . trate 'Fr t^ Jacob tilwager relates a pleasing inci dent illustrative of the temper and gen. oral pogilistiotharictee oit a Neighbor, Itrertnaa.Fram* ~J acob we. be. some.'" , - how wasimlbrtnnate enough to mouse' tbeill (cell/ars& gran, who was. not at • all backward! in. expressing Ids resent: =cut against/It mon fait .wenar, safer avid' distifietly and without the loan show of hesitancy, hit intention to cor rect Mr. Swager in a ibrelble and Arni. 4lresSlVlne.b..vtkroayer a woven'. nt, oppoitY lotaientiter itself. lb. prevent this. Jacob, afterwatore•dellbca allow 03nanited Alderman, Mullil4,, who. interposed his. magisterial influence lit: the shape of a , • warrtuit, ,for ,the . 1 loran's arrest.. 4 • ' • . AdednisnranWit Sete of, Dry, 00111at', a. I, By orderotkviik Bark' , Jr•, AdinlX letrator*theerdirestock‘ottall andwix-. ter dry• goods, of. thd P •greatest variety. will beeloaed oat at auction, at 20812th late St.% Clair)''street. 3 The swim were .largelY attended yesterday, Mod' many, good.bargaini were secured. • Ilona of saithout lex., 2 1%, ii.,snd x . Sale reserwt. (bode sold at 69 Market 'street at pri- Tate gale as usual, and at auction prices, as the :Administrator la determined to close out the stock. F.ollpes itLivith the eeieredtlMB Mold by Plitook. City Halt Square, Allegheny. Misses. Herm= I want to know if the Allegheny 9otumils have an Interest in- the meats, itif the market taverns, bordering on City Hall Square? It looks so. And many of our citizens think it strange that the Cotincibt should per mit the grounds around their City Hall to remain in suds a disgraceful con dition. The'' improvement of these grounds has been postponed from year to year, commencing with the Commit tee who had charge of the construction of the City Hall, they intending to do it, but handing it over to their successors. Since that time two or three efforts have been de in the same direction, but, from trivial objections as to how it should be done—all agreeing that it should be done—it was laid over and lost sight of. I hope the proper Committee, or some public spirited, energetic member of the Councils, will push the matter and get the authority from Councils to go on with the wolk. The delight that our citizens take in the Improvement of our Commons shows how mach pleasure can be given by a little adornment, grass, trees, and running water. Had these im ,provetnents been made uponthe comple-, tion of the City Hall, as they should have been, - to-day the shade 'or (he- trees. • would be grateful - to Malty. - passer:by., The improvement of . .;this square, may seem a small matter, bid the comforts of Ilte are Made rin of small things, and it 'fivottld be wellif our municipal authori ties were more alive to the importance of small comfortathan they are.. This iuovement will coat but a small amount of money; let it be done at once. Breezei from Soho. Soho must be a delightfully Cool place these warm days. Wv don't know Irby it should be paiiioxilirly go, bill Ceriaind ly it must, or how could its denizens endure the exertions and excitements to which life in that locality is , subjected. Row for instance could Michael Murphy gather sufficient strength and nerve to choke Mrs. Rosanna Shaffer until she be came black and blue, as he is said to have done; and then follow up this ex hiliarating exercise by exhausting the vocabulary of the mingled Irlsh-Eriglish langnarge in the - search alter vile epi thets with which to describe her charac ter, and finally wind up the exciting entertainment by threatening to remove her quickly from participation in terrestrial scenes. Uertainly there mast have ,been something in Michael's surroundings to enable hbit to survive this exertion, end Mrs'. Shaffer must have been equally strengthened when she was enabled to survive this severe ordeal, and afterwards make her appearance at Alderman Strain's office, to acquaint that official with the transac tion. Under the circumstances, it is no surprise that the magisterial curiosity was excited, and that one of bis deputies was - instructed to invite Michael to call upon him at his earliest convenience. The. Game Lairo: maybelt an object otintereat to otm sporting readers, to publish briefly a synopsis of the game laws a this- com monwealth.- Deer canned be killed or tak e from the bit ofSePteether , elan en the 31et of December. Grouse or Pheasants can be shot from . the lit of August, to the 20th of December. Partridges can only be killed from the Ist of October, to the Ist of January. Squirrels and Rabbits may be shot, from the let, of August to the Ist of January. Wild Turkeys can be hunted, from the let of October to the Ist of January. - Woodcock, from thereat of July to the 16th of November. InSect iverous birds, wide!) includes the robin, are prohibited to be shot at any , timer, and it Is illegal to rob the nests of wild birds of all kinds. Trout can be fished for, with hook and line only, during the months of April, May, June and July. Sunday shooting and hunting Isprohi:i ed under a heavy piorslty. Traps , blind snares, ate., are entirely prohibited. session of fish or other game out of sea son, is sufficient •to convict the party, even if they were purchased. The pen alties vary frost .5 to pot One half the fine goes to the informer. and any. one convicted and refusing to. pay the fine goes to jail for ten days. zlwilidve . Buggy Ride. - - Buggy rides are rather expensive nn,. der certain circumstance& For instance if two persons of furtive dispositions seat themselves jti er vehicle of this Char acter4behind a fast horseand having lib erally partaken of extract of rye, in a . fluid state attempt the ibat of driving along a croWded - thoroughfare at, a Dexter like rate of speed, without In juring pedestrians. A couple•of festive youths tried this yesterday afternoon, but failed kametttably. They succeeded, however, in getting themselwra in the lockup, from which they were only re leased by the payment of a fine of ten dollars each: That entertainment was *decidedly enpensive. - "Fresh as a Dialdeal) Blad" 'le the pue peachy Complexion. whiciefbliews theme liagne's Mutualla Balm. It is the True Secret of Beauty. Fashionable Ladles in &moiety underetand this. The Magnolia Balm changes thS ruatie Country into a City Belle more rap. idlythan any other one ating. Redness, • , banburn, ITur, Freed/kis, Blotches antball effects of.the Saiteney Bun disappear whezi it te used, and a genial, cultivated. Nab expression is ebteined Wile& rivals the Bloom of ,- Youth.. Beauty is "pxadble to - all' who will invest . T 5 matt , at ' any respectable store and bsist ungetting the Magnolia ITIM NOTllitlfo-bat liyosPe-Hathalrott to !ditto the Stir., - . - ‘ swig% ~; *he loot Piace:—Decidedir the 'beet , igsen to calf foe", bargelns. In :summer goods, allft ladies, Wear, Is-at Moorbesth, '0..81 Market street.'„ All'the articles Invite been Marked dowrito the - an: Sanest. Oosidblepio%saind In setae , srecialittes, Snob ' tut`whilte *jpotbi,, hats and bonnets, stril~ittnap nate, elm, bambsts of an nntiremdenteds tharacte* are *filmed. Ladies,' don't s farget ther place, ,lia ! , Al Market.street. : ; ,:s •,- '. .s :. - • t s s Cple i ped ~Glass=Foir wowing , the Oelleevei , i he had et loltak's. -Plenty Mr F Iluntigmable kielvAireeding, plata or • lijr ouvling, ant a kind* for aluxuileue Zve, blab: end for -ekillfal' cuppitte or ltmentag• Cali at _Wllllamsonie ele gnt Wean all _No- 190, Federal 'greet s Attftlkeny., . „v I • • - 7 Vie* the - Eclipse.—Colored' glen tric.; Preludy fox' the jorposo, at Pittook's. . • For an eleasat shoo t an ear! du& a comfortable. shave,- .perfem hdrdk for fashionable bair.otatlng (of adults or children) or)itir skillful 'lroolung t qu p t pibg or tomb :dra wingv call at. Rude's, battler of Federal and Isabelle siFre - et t y Allegbeay.' ' - - Mite;Thousand pottery Worth Unsold. demon then eighty 'thousand dollars,' worth of stock _remains still unsold, J. W. Barker, Jr., Administrator, has been authorized to ,continue the great closing out sale at the warerooma of J. W. Barker A Co., 59. Market street, for ten days longer, before Tendering his account. In order to induce purchaser!, goods will be reduced still lower. Many , articles will be offered at twenty-five per cent, lees than they can be purchased in the eastern markets at the present time. The stock, which RUST be sold. embraces desirable Fall and Winter goods, such as Merinoes. Wools, Long Shawia, Blank ets, Dark and Medium Dress Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., etc. Wholesale and retail buyers ehould by all means embrace this opportunity of replenish ing their stock, as the prices are de cidedly low and the goods must be clos - ed out. New Goods of the First Quality, at the Lowest Market Prices. yrz: Eagle Brand Condensed Milk; Borden's Extract of Beef; Leslie's Liquid Bennet; . , French and Spanish Nves; - French Capers and French Mustard: ,;. Durham and Colman?a MustardV, American and English Catnips; Crosse and Blackwell's Renowned . Pickles; • Boston Spiced Salmon; Mx', Relined Sparkling Gelatine; AkXtrfalFeldts, Syrups and Extracts; Orange, Strawberry, Raspberry and • Pine Apple Marmalade; Pickled and Fresh Lobsters, Sjoiced and Fresh Cove Oysters; . White Clover Honey: Guava Telly, India Carrie Powder; Desaicated Cocoa Nut; Tapioca Farina and Heckert's Farina; Baker's and Whitman's Chocolates; , Braun, Cocoa and Cocoa Shells; • Nxtarinds, Bermuda Arrow. Root; o.swegi, Corp Starch ; Cranberry Sauce; Virgin Oil of Ala, Jellies, Jams; 1 Dundee Scotch Marmalades; Crown Layer Raisins; ' • Jordan Shelled Almonds; Extra Fine Cream Bon Bons. 112 Federal street, Allegheny City. GEO. BEAVER. Roc. Aar. Bates and Bell, Offer at low prices, Figured Grenadines, Summer Silks, Lace Mantles, Silk Mantles, Ladles under garments. Everybeoy.—Can view the eclipse. Pitt** has .a big lot of colored glass for the purpose. MARRIED: KAHR—ItLINE—On Thursday, Bth Inst., at the paator'S reeklence, br Bev. M. W. Jacoons. D.D., CHARLES %AIM, of Flom township, to CA.THERINZ ELINE.- of Burrell icorrumlo, Westmoreland county, Pa. . ' CRANZ—TATLOR—On Thursday evening July. 15th, at Osceola, the residence of th bride's lather. by Rev. O. B. Jews. of Palatka. Rev. A.DWARD P.'ORAP.E, of Pittsburgh. Pa., to" Blias LYDIA. daughter 'of Capt. John N. Taylor, Sr., of. Marion minty. norida. No LONOMOttE—Ort Thursday,A_uira 51 Sth, SCIP.• LOIIG3IO.It V, die 33t1t year of his The funeral will take place froin his late rest denim, Fr. 10 Ohio street, riessileridart Arran- Faris, at a o'clock. -The friends of the fsmlly are respectfully inylted to attend. • MELL—orr Thursday, August Bth' 1860 Mrs. Mssik 0 9 14E1.1, to the With year of her age. The funeral will take Once TeKDA'f, (?rlday,) Inst., from the residence of Her husband, T. M; Bell, 2io. 295 Lacock street, Al;egheny city, at 2 o'cteck, P. sr. The friends of the family are respectfully implied to attend: UNDERTAKERS. ALEX, Ai KEN' .. UNDER• • TAX.Z, No. 166 . Fails swarr, ttstn i t., Pa. COMITNif °rail klada,Cildna, EiLO. And e , dry description of Snaeralliar• - planing s ftrraLstred. Booms nom , 4.- .”' nle , t 'Carriages inraistm in r city *tax rah at 0Z 00 - eacin • ibrasszistzte-eevalksvid Kerr, D.D.. WlT u tobut2 4 : l 4 D., Tbcnnas Ewing, Ely Jacob rgEIABLES PEEBLEB_, UN DERTAHRHS AND LIVERY STABLER. .eornei • f LIND HYSTRZET AND CIIITISCH AVENDA. y Oily. where theirCOrlltd ROOMS sae coast:nay plied with real and ; !natation Bo elm& - Mahogany and Walnut Collins, at prices retying nom 404 to sino. no. dies prepared; for kat-meet. Hearses and Car. riages furnished: - • .011 alnds of Mourning Goods night. if required. Once open at all hours , di, and .' tPAIGraCLEI3 Penton, wha are eaffertast from weak eyes-or . dimneas envision can Owl ambits/ better co re- store them to their preoerstaadani than by using TIE SCUTCH PEBBLE SPECTACLES I An article we can - ganantee to be genaine.and at anon a price that - mey will come within, the teach of alt.. Ail we ask is for yen to call and examine th.rea and we wilt prove their snoeri crity over othora• , - W.. G. DITHSEA.TH, JEWELEICAND OPT kW, DB FIFTH AYH )724 - AMA. MERCHANTriAILCiRS. _amity 0. ILBROHAITT. TAILOR, Would resueotrollr Isfosui-tis. intends sue US Dabllogeows tis&lac v. STlck Uf GOODS Is New cOMPLETE. sOINITH4 Alt EARLY CAW i 3 Cornevef Pew:a* Sixth w HatiPEralatip it CO., - . No. BMW Otto glidn.llava lust Amens: from the Zast•the best, 4 •lot of New • Goods kw Ortnie paltaavor batman to tko nutri4t. Malt. Iva :warrant to and *t and sale Claikee .tbeatinTa2ntlettp_r than an 7 int-diet , koase .411 i (Ay. A new and Wen. did asso rtment ;T" OINTRIN*IB FURNISH IN6 HOODS 'ire at'igttnini Obe found at his so- ST RE fi; ~ . . _ . :rallitirfrt TOR SAVINGS. 5....•.'} .-,..: N 0.41.11 .104/ItTIL AVILDUIt. PITTSBURGH. F, 1---, - - CHARTERS/1 1.4 11363. OPIAN DAILY- from S ur 4 o'clock. and 011 SATURDAY EVEN/NG, trim May and to No. 7 - : 1 Tauber- list. front II to 104.1eloek. and from No. 7: veiaber Ist to Der Trt. 9 s to So'eloek. lotereat Datil at lee rate or six Rereent.. free of tax,and 1,"-__ if not withdrawn 'pounds setni.ennually, is 1.--'.7".: 4snuaryaartJale. Alt 137. Laws. &et., fur. i --- lashed at ttie oMee. • Board oil Miumeereweec4 . I L.BerrY, President; '..- . 13. IL .Itartmanaza: Parr. Jr..Vica Presidents: 7 . - - ' 1). IL erßlttley,_. Minstar! and Treassawr. '. A.Bradl c r .1.. Grabam„,A.l3. Bell, Wro. R. : - Noniek,./ a: Dilworth. S. Rabin. G Swum. besaJoillea bodesallo.t eeit.Bobt.i.7.l3ehnierts. l' W rtstooher Sof. •D. W. art. S.Ball. 13Illeiters. tollavit ' - DIED: EYES! ; UEM