The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 06, 1869, Image 7
EIS Clje littsburylj Gaitth NEW PUBLICATIONS. FA3IOUS LONDON MEROILINTS. A Book ~ for Boys. Ppy H. H. Fox Bourne, Au thor of "English Merchants," etc. With twenty-five Illustrations. Pub lished by liarper a Brothers, New York. - Books of this character impart to young people something tangible and worthy of imitation.. However moral and high toned a romance tatty be, after ail it Is a story of the 'imagination. But the hist°. ry of these famous merchants teach the great cardinal principle that any one who uses proper diligence may achieve great,. ness and rise to a high level in society. This little volume' contains an account of • thirteen noted men, commencing with. Whittington and ending with Peabody. The history of Rothschild . and _Gurney are fraught with interest. It is a valua ble, suggestive work for 'yOuths, • and contains lessens as substantial as instruc tive. On sale by Miner. CREDo. - Pnbilshed "by . Lee & Shepard, , Boston. For sale. by J. L. Read, don. Fourth avenue, l'lttstrargli, - • • There is - something - after all in a name. The title of this book liquaint and sip& , , cant. ' Vat readers will not expect' . pronounce the work perfect, and 'yet its defects are few and more likely-to ; be viewed just as'persons - are theologically trained. There is a dash and indepen dent ring in the author's -style, also so thoroughly evangelical in its tone; that it Niill command thoughtful consideration. "Predo" is a collection of - semi essays , .. and seml.sermons, arranged in chapters. .ltis divided into four divisions: - "The , Siipernatural Book," "Supernatural Be. des, ' "Supernatural Life," "Saperna. t I T at Destiny." Each division treats, of v, ions topics. The book closes with a• apy r c ter entitled, "The Sceptic Among ticelDisciples." It deals with questions of Lila.' importance, and suck as are agitat ing the Christian world•at this time, and itwill serve a good purpose to enlighten ~ , •9tose of the doubting type that are found . , ' , ,lici:.the ehurehes,and those that are seeking lightillreceive • w aid andinatnntionhow , , s klAi find Christ. We most heartily cora - inind it. f ,- 'COUNTESS GISELA. From the German 0:-,-of E. Marlitt. Author of "The Old ..•,')'" blam'selle's Secret," etc. •By Mrs. •,-1) A. L. Wiscer. Published, by J. B. Lip 7, pincott & Co., Philadelphia...,.. I , 'T The favorable reception of the previous , works of the author - 'is a guarantee that ) 1 ,4 . , ,, ,, T0unte5s Gisela" is worth reading. •It , • ia a story that arouses the interest of the reader from the outset. The author pre eents characters of a German type that are life-like and but seldom delineated. This new and fresh field of literary merit _4 becoming quite popular with the read • era - of fiction. • MORNING BY MORNING; or Daily. Read ' ,ings for the Family or the Closet. By Rev. C. IL Spurgeon. Pcmfished by Shetdon t Co. New York. Not long since we commended "Even lig by Evening," a twin volume, for its 1 excellencies and usefulness in the family - •-circle and for closet meditations. Both - these works -are arranged' on ,the same plan, and both are admirably adapted for the object in view by, the, author. The simple reading of the appropriate bison for the morning of each day would prove ran.excellent preparatory mums forfamili, i worship, and also suggestive 'for closet duties. The large-hearted and' Catholic spirit of the distinguished author will go far towards commending both columes - to believers of evangelical churches gen , erally: Each page contains suitable re flections, with a suggestive passage at the. top, for every day in the year. Quite a fine selection' of hymns are to be found at the close of the Readings. The flow ing style, and gorgeous imagery of the author, mark each lesson. -CORD AND CEEESE. By the author of the - "Dodge Club." Published by. Harper & Brother% New York. To say this le 'a thrilling . story, would hardly e reins its real It is Y xP _ character• a surprising creation" of the author, bortleriug on the wonderful, and yet so , . Namable, that..the ,reader ikon the qui etre until theend - is reuched--br,thless for something else. AN ABEBICAN WOMAN IN. Elmorm. • The journal of Two Years and a half . sojourn In Germany, Switzerland, France - and Italy. By Mrs. /3 R. Urbino. <Published by Lee and Shep ard, Boston. For sate by J. L. Read dr. on, Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh. been - Mims_ of. Buropeartmattera In book formappeariO frequently, that some • people denounce them without even talc \ ing the trouble to read them. Every !work of this:character : ought ;to contain something new and entertaining. The :Achiefexeellenaes althls volunie is its de scriptkin of . people and things, from ; e ' itaiutotihit thattuany tottristiroverleok Careful- observers or people - en masse; ; instead of the better class,. end higher. 'walla of society; will find much to enter. "Lain and instruct. Wean quite willing to Overlook the lack of highly-colored word paintipg, for the matter' r otfact style '.of the book. Women, too, see things quite differently from-men, and .this fact. is to •-••be phdnlyseen inthis record Oftwo years -, . . and 'a hillE' I isf,;,autun A.e.stesr Itnesea. ',13.. ;kin, AdeLtield 'Sheldon rdackenile. ~ Pub , : ‘, • fished by Loring: Boston- , 7, :, Thhi PiettY 4ttle` earn by the wife. of ,: , .'ir. - ',' - 81tellOti - 11.acitettele, ' is ' German throughout in web and wont Ito simple, graceful Style will attract and interest the ~ - imtaii:..Tiiiii lady commences well,. and Alves promise ef:ixime eminence h, the. ', ' field of Auden'. -,' ' 2 j - ' : ' -. , i .:.z , - TitE Eitttussrmi. 'Bk,.Virgin!a Town= gelid.. Pub li shed by Lbribirt ridiStob;. The felt author ys fide repute. tion-for •her pure• pnd healthy style of Writing. Few : .writers have a better name. When, the "Hollands" was_ap peering in a serial-form in the Home Ma g zzine, it received Much praise and elle!: led marked attention by thousands. Its popularity called forth many letters of ,praise. The central character, "Jessa mine," lea vivid piece of delineation, and is so life-like, that it charm tho ie.ader, PuttlP — lta - A - mnivr's LIFE Worm, and How He Found It. By M. E. M. Pub lished by M. W. Dodd; No. 506 Broad way, New York. For sale by R. S. Davis dr Co., Pittsburgh. In this excellent work we have por.' trayed in the form of a journal the strttg gles of a young man, to secure a prepa ration for the tninistry, which he finally attained, notwithstanding the difficulties he passed through. To accomplish such a grand work, resulting in a glorious life usefulness, is well worth all the cost. In this history, too, lesson* are inculcated worthy of imitation by all young men on 'entering upon the duties 'of life, It is a capital book for the family circle, and for Stinday schoellibnaries, • TH Nintru Aisntexa:•, Rivrzw, July, 1869. Published by Meads, Osgood' & 13oston.. , The principal papers. of . . this sterling quszterly are equal to the standard of ex. tidlence usually found in each number, This publication, venerable with age, is an ItOnor, to the literature of the day, and will compare favonibly with similar pub lications in Europe. Papers like the fol lowing indicate the character of the num ber: "Hereditary Insanity," ~Open Air Grape Culture;" "The Laws of History,'" "Volcanoes." It is worthy . of a wide circulation. THE AMERICAN LAW REVIEW. July, 1869. Publishod by Little, Brown & Co., Boston. For sale by Kay dt Co., Pittsburgh. • We have commended this quarterly not only for its able papers for professional men, but for• general reading. It is a valuable publication and always Contains articles of decided merit. The following articles will give an idea of the number: "The Liirilta of Exclusive Jurisdiction of Admiralty in the United States," "Bank Casters," "James OW," etc. A EIAND BOOK OF MAY DRAWING. Pub lished by E.M. Butler dr. Co., delphla. • The object of this capital little work is designed to fix more, indelibly in the mem ory of the pupil, through the sense of sight, the facts embodied in Geography. It Is especially adapted to the maps In Mitchell's new series of School. Geog raphies, Outline rules, full and complete, illustrates its use. D. W. Proctor, agent for the house, may be found at J. R. Weldin & Co., Wood street. • MARRIED. Published by Turner Brothers it Co. Philadelphia. This is represented as a fascinating story, and one of the latest works of Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of several popular romances. For sale by Oildetifenny. Ninny on Pacier. Nasby has been speaking in behalf of Packer, He seems to have taken "Brick" Pomeroy's Dynocrat as a guide. Here is What he says of his eiperience : - I felt good ei I struck.that sakild soil. Here, thot I toMyself, 1s s State tie la borers. Here is State into wick I shel only meet the brawny-armed and horny. handed sons uv toil. Here, for wand, my path is clear. I opened oat at my first meetin furl ously sett bonds, agin monopolies, agin 'bloated bondholders, agin the aristocrat ic men tiv.wealth, with, by ackUmilatin bonds, hev managed to get Into their kends enuff to subsist onto, thus .wrlngin gorjus luxuries out tiv the sweat .uv the labrin men, and then rememberin my last' Ohio eggePerlecce, hod just ' com menced to branch out eulogistic the noble men who opposed• copperheadism .doorin the war, when the tuosttineartbly yell that ever wuz heerd assailed me- "Who bro: you. here, to abooze our candidate for . Governor f" shouted the infooriated mob, and stones and sticks began to fly like hail about me. I stood this till two - enthusiastic admirers of Packer rushed to a grocery handy by, and returned in a minit with a baskit of eggs. Them I nevar cood 'stand; and, demoralized and bewildered left. Penn. sylvany.,' L.kliD • Dnemeag has been attended with remarkable IBUCC2B3 in _California. An island, known. as Sherman'e lying at the head of Suisin Bay,. between the San-Joaquin and Sacramento rivers, twelve voiles long and-three 'miles wide, anL containing , an area of 14,000 acres, Wlirch was subject to overflow by all high tides, and to great devastation by occa 'sional sloods, has been reclaimed and put in cultivation =with the most .graiifYing results. It required an embankment- forty five miles in circuit- and five feet high to encloge the island; and -thitty self-act lag water gates were needed to discharge the drainage of the land: The-cost of the works, Winding' tams and. , levees,- was $BO,OOO. Last year 4876 acres were sold at. au-Imago, Prico' of $ 12 •80 'the' acre, the greater part of which...watt thrownwpon the market in order pay Of taiga arising from 'the cost of. reels. mitten, The soil uPon this 'lsland is , le marktibly little; and upon'. one planta tion three successlv,e, crops 'of wheat, of slaty-nine, ,1144.0 and fifty busheli to the acre have beettprodnced.: ' `. , . , a, high hill li: Yok. called Again mittens, lies:burled. the !Indian apostle,' St. Aspinquid.- ninety four _years bld"whert he died,. May 1802, _At the age of forty•two or forty-three he was converted' to Christlinity,,and spent. fifty years of Me preaching • to The aixty-sis difilerent: nations or tr ibes of •Indlans in She country,: failOal was conducted iwith g. rest ' , pomp' and sere: ,- Indiana Ascribed• the fol.; "lostiins -( wild'' - anitrials theory departed spirit• ; 26 bucks, 'O7 does; ermines, `=B2 ;baffardes, 110Ierrets, 832 whiteria,, ,240 aolvea,B wild chta,4B2 bea*cip. - 500 noies," 09 bears, 80 moose, 20weinieli, .400 otters, 620 raccoons, _ll2:rattlesnakes, 'a'ittamehrits, 000 musquasilea, 69 wood chtiaki,; ;1,500 t. minks, 43. pozquipines, • on,hia. tombstone was plated the follow inginscription: -11, tirsieot;`atieritisthentow sn t iot “: raved de siredt diet‘ iMented • , • r P1TTP17,11,9);1 64. P .E • - , - UrN:DUOMiI: • - THE MOST', SUCCESSFUL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY THE NATIONAL LIFE ORM COMPEL UNITED STATES OF AKERICA. Chartered by Special Act of Congress cash Capital - - $1,000,000. Branch Office, PAILADELPHLL . . CLABILIZCZELCI,ARIC,PhIIideIphIAPrddeit. JAYCOOSE, .PhllsdelphisoCharmau YlsAnei and -Executive Oommlttee. HENRY D. Cf.)ol{2, Watihistiton, 'ylo Presl- MERSON. W. PILEy. , PhUndelnhia, Secret/xi, RAN Acm. RANCIS tu Bfdrill, M. D., Phllsdelphlaaied. Leal Director. 31 T 0 hA RI So o n t lani xis — ItT i t, In the lint TEN L 5,395 POLICLIM INSURING 810,14.12, c.. Thla Company cffers to Its Polley-llolders , PERF.V 4 OT SECURITY It, Its Celli patd up Capital of One Million Dol lars, and ututranteee to the Issued. by Its - - LOW RATES OF PREMIUM, LARGE DIVVENDS, IN ADVANCE. Or a Reversicitrlden d of 100 per cent. by Its RETURNPRENIUM 'LL74i• CENERAL ACENTS. N. W..CLARX & CO., Mang era- No. 35 Bntith Third ?Wei :Yhilacielptua,tierieral Agents for Tennscitairla and Boutnens New Jersey.- B. 8. Beriiii&LL, Manager. . ISA $. MAMA? de CO.. Agents for Allegheny, nester. Butler, Mercer and Washington counties. 83pLOLIAL AOENTI3ARN WANTED IA every City and Tustin; and applications from compe tent parties for; inch agencies with , suitable en dorsement. should be addressed T.) .TN& COM. PANY , B OE ORAL AGNNTB ONLY. In their respective distrieta. jrlintwag FOR SALE. FOB SALE OE RENT. Ai elegant new Brick Dwelling, 7 rooms, tle and wash room. Howe of 4 rooms, 2 lots, 16th ward, 41,400 Muse of 4 :tains, 1 lot, 16th ward, 11,500. House of 4 rooms, 51 lota, 17th ward, $2,800. House cf 4 rooms, It tot, 17th ward, $9.400. House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, $9,000. House of NI rooms, 1 lot. 15th 'ward. 000. 10 lots,Blebert & plan,lloo to 6800. lota, 44th street. 41,800 each. 4 lots. 16th street. 1 1 , 0 00 each. S lota, Hatfield street, $BOO each lot. Sherman street. 47.60, • blots, 4015 street, 5102240, $131,000. 4, tots, Butler attest, 44,000. BARGAINS IN BLOOMFIELD.. - Lots 5. 0 .1/37 P 44.110001 tea years to pay. A house coat $500: Interest on both. 1136 a year. Many pay $lllO year rent. At Bloomftld• you ircald save MIAs year and your house and lot In leas' than. 10 years. Churches and schools near. 30 acres if land, a mite from sbarpsbaris, 50.000; U 5 acres of it, $3.500. ' D. S. IVILLIANS, 17th war* FOE, SALE. •tiood 6 roomed brick house oa Centre avenue and large lot-61,600. Good ro , med frame honed with all Improve• meats: lot 68 cr, 110 — $4. OWL. Frame house. t i me: lot all sty 160 —IMMO. Two well ihthhed preen brick Doubts and large lo —only $6,000. Two° roomed Douses on Wu' ton street-12,500 one lot 24 by 140 feet on Reed Street-4300; • Piot or ground on Mt. W nirum. • 20 acres on Panhandle Rallroad,.* mtles from the city. • 30 acres on Western Pa. Ra.Uroad, 4 mites from the city. • 91t3 scree good. Improved land. In •Missouri. Wilt be divided to suit purchuers. 90 lota on. ket.tre avenue-1300 to $1,500 each. Inquire of • Real Estate & RAINBOW, Real Estate and Insurance Agents,. J7lO - Nos. 103, - 197 anti 194 Centre avenue. FOB ' • • 3 STILLS, each .9 feet diameter and 163 het long, with about 200 feet condensing pipe. 'from 44 Inch - down to 9N-inch Ras , pipe to each still, for 4900 apiece. • souarate, each 3A•lnch diameter and 14 feet long, with chimney bridging, steam drum, stand pipe, *ca, for 9 2 00. A KEYSTONE STBAM !IMPS, each 17 inch steam cylinder:9.inch water cylinder and 10, inch stroke. for $ 3OO-9 1 4 e 0 e. 1 IRON AGITATOR. 1.11 feet diameter and 16 fent deep,•with cut iron bottom for 0500.' 700. feet Ali.inch flatql PIPE at 904tei foot. Away tullltti JAGRIIAN 4 CO.,at works; near Bharnsbuig Bridge. '1,3279' FOR SALE. ' Near Osborn Statism. on .the Pittsburgh' FL Warta and Chicsso TWO 'LOTS, Containing About "Two'. Acres • one W. MACKEOWN & BRO. /95 I.therty Street. turd' • g r AILDENEIIIII TAKE iftmlac.l —FOR SALIL— The' -POURTEEN ELME I AND. on the Allegheny Myer.' and - noW used for gardening portion , ,s• well ; improved aid , In a high -statistoiroultlvationCeontalang 40 or GO acres, now offered at a bargain: Call soon. Aiso. other T a rs In good locations. Woolen gearrF• two bisselli a tisdAlrenty scree-of land_ Abe Cents Rail . nouseE and Lots Por lab and To-let Int* - ettlic , for_rairther-pap tle t :4l rs Ingnlrs of ~, S I I7I4TJAIS WARD. 11111 Hato- stteia. moult* Catlutstrai: ~ --- VAL „ LUABLEIVAIinfORMAILE. '. -- 31tuated.III, Ilenheriy. ..toarnablo, West. laorelabil county, 10 minutea - walk from Me -mann atat on. on the Allegheny:Valley rtalliroad. Contatnt 104 acre*. 00 °Vivaldi are cleared; all 'under fence:, mance valuable. timber; .under. taped wits coal. foot veto- Hewed' Lon Hou-e and Barn; an orchard of 140 terns. grimed; tie place it well wateredand In a goon nftlighbOrhood., For price and terms apply to B. htcLAIN G CO,.' No. 10* fourth avantin. FLENDEestorr J,& anon/tut, r 31561 - Li bitty stiset;ll44eni , 111 AP: VA raw hicecises. OF TAE WORLD, OP THE OVNICEBB. T.gZt4ll litt- 1aug4„.,1869, tt , l tgrTHE RIEI I IBEBEI OF THE coinalar YOPTEiltitirrNEraT'Ll herein , notified that a meeting or the Committee ..111 be beta in.the DISTRICT COURT ROOM,. • AT THS COURT ROUSR, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1868, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. A full Attendancols requestrd. PIIRTIANCE,Chainitan. WALTER S. IteCUSP:. ' C01,..'0,E0. F. Mt/ROAN, ecretarles. " an.:45 aINDEPENDENT TEMPER ANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. sub•nl3 SPECIAL NOTICES. lar SCHENCK'S PULHONIC SYRUP. SEAWEED TONIC AND MANDRAKE PILLS will cure Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if taken accord ing to directions. They are all three to be taken at the same time; They cleanse the stomach, re• lax the !Ivor =Wont it to work; the., the appetite good the foul digests and makes good blood; the pa t ient ' begins to grow In flesh; the diseased matter ripens Into the lungs, and the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. Tnla sThe h n s y w h ay eme ur ci i o e ns D mp J ti . o H. - - • Schenck; of Philsdelphia, owes his unrivaled success In the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Put. .manic Syrup ripens the morbid - matter in the lunge. nature throws it off by an easy expectora tion, for. when the phlegm or matter Is ripe a . alight cough will throw It off. and the patlent has rest and the lungs begin to heat; T, do this, ttie .tlearretil lonic and Mandrake rills must be ireely used to cleanse the ,stomach and liver. so that the Puhnonte Syrup, and the *food will makegood blood.. Schenck's 'Mandrake Pills act upon the liver. removing all obstrlnstions. relax the auras of the tgadaers the bile starts freely. and the liver II soon relieved; the stools will show what the Pais cando,• nothing has ever been invented ex. cept ealamel (a deadly poison width Is very den. serous to etc namess with great care,) that will unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions of the !treelike Scheuck 9 a Mandrake Pills. Liver Complaint la one of the most prominent causes, of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Torii° bts gentle stimulant sad alterative. and the alkali in the Seaweed, stomach reparation is made j u ice to the tornrow out the gastric Mice to dissolve the food with the l'usmonlc Berne, audit is made Into good b Ood without fermentation or touring in the stomach. the great reason why physicians do not cure . Consumption 1A they try to du too much; they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever and by so doing they di, range the whole digestive powers. lock sinksing up tisesecre e r.olis, and eventually the patient and dis. Dr. Schenck, in his treatment. does not try to stop &cough, night sweats, chills or fever. Be- move the cause_ , and t...ey will all stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of Consump tion, Liver Complaint, pre - Pend+. Catarrh, Canker. Ulcerated I' hroak unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. " If a urs person nu consumptioof coe the numbs some way are Miscued either tubercles, abcesse., bronchial Irritation, pleura adhesion. or the lungs are a mss of inflammation and fast demising. In such eases what must be done? .It Is net only the hairs mat are Wasting, but it is the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost their power tomake blood out of fo d. Now the only chance is to rage Dr. Schenck's three medi cines. which will bring up a tOll9 to the st the patient will beginto want food. it wiarm ' sl easily and make good blood; theft the patient be gins to gain In flesh. and. as soon AS, the body be gins to grow, the lungs 'commence to heal no, and the patient gets Br rhy stud well. Ttclit Ltne only way to cure Oolusumption. When there is no lung disease and only Liver COmplalnr and DysMsitt, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sudident, without the Pulanonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in si.l billions complaints, as they are per fectly bannless. • ' Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed 'uninterrupted 'health fur many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton, In e cry last stage of Pulmonary Consumption hi. pls having pronounced h cue hope: less and abandoned Min to his fate: l i e was cued by the aforesaid met icines s and since his recove r/ many thousands similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schenck 't preparatioa with the same re markable success. lull directions accompany each, making it not absoltitely necessary to per sonalty see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs examined, and Jot this _purpose he is prefesslor aily at his Principal oMce, Philadel phia, every Saturday,_where all letters for advice must be addressed. He is also profers'onally at No. 3* Bond street. New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 33 H anover street, - Boston, every other Wednesday.' Be styes advice free, bat for a thorough examination with his Bespi rometer the price 1533. - ()Luce hours at each eitT from B A. 31. to 3 Y. Price of the Pulmonle Syrup. and Seaweed Ton ic eachSLIM per bottle, er 111,80 a half dozen. Idandrake Pills 23 cents a box. For rale by all druggists. • melt:l3l.dgF ]DOCTOR. 4VIIITTIER CON _ 711417E8 TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISEAREO. That' numerous class :/of cues resulting from self - abuse, prodecing un manliness, nervous debility, initabliity, erup tions. seminal emissions, and' linauy tm 'potency. permanently cured. Persons afflict ed will uellaste. intricate. arid long atand. lug constitutional complaints are politelyinvited to call for consultation, which coati nothing. Experience the best of teachers , has enaPied him to perfect remedies at once efficient, armb. permanent, and Flitch Inmost eases ens be used without hindeabos to business. Medicsnes pro pared In the establishment, which embraces of -It]]ce, reception and stnithur rooms; also, boarding ana sleeping apartments for patients requiring personal attention. and vapor and chemi cal baths, thus concentrating the famed mineral springs.. No matter who have failed, state your case. Read•whitt he Pays In his pamphlet - of fifty' pages, sent toady address for two stamps to seal. ed eats ope. , Thousands of cues treated annu ally. at efface and all over the country, Consul tation ire% ersona ll y or by mall. . (Mee No. 9' Wylie ' stree t,(lieu Court Ruse) Pittsburgh, Pa. Moen X. to X P. X. liandays to II r. w. Pamphlet sent to any address for two at: tar BATCHELOR HAIR DYE. • This apiendid Bair Dye Is the beatin the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, Instantaneous; no disappointment; no rt. dieulcrus tints; remedies the 11l effects of bad dims; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or Orogni. Itiold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and proper))- at Batche lor's Wig FiC4027 4. 1gn..1 Bond street, New York. • - rat 211ta airTHE MAIIIILiGE KING, Essays on the EltßOlid YOUTH,And the VOLLISS OP AGE, in regard to SOCIAL EVILS. with certain help tor tho errlog and utv. fortunate. Vent In sealed letter-envelopes, free or charge. Address,'HOWAßD AB4OOl a TION, Box l',Thiladelphis, ra. my2106341411' frl *6 IDOI*;A te):4l4 THEEHAY MORNIV. AUGUST ft 10 n.rlock, wit be sold ateratamezcial tares u'oms, 106 Smlt Wield atm• 4 to pay freight and maws, toe foliowing 'Unclaimed ?retain, stored with -EL B Floyd &-Co.. by C.. 4 P. and Plitsborgh„ ' Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroads: Walters, 1). A. keott, 18 Bed Springs; G. Aber. bars, 3 tegau Adam f. - o. 1 bd, Drd Bottoms; J. Gray" (Jr 1 box Axes: tablas' A Danner, 3 bag bogp; J. Dickey, 1 box hardwar, F.unonds & K., 1 box hardware:. kao.nestocici Albree & Co., 1 bid Chimneys: A. 'Stevenson, Agent, I box pa. J. Wert. 1 nsclutge Horse Barnes.; W.B. Depp,-.1 box canine.; H. C: Hall & Bro., 4 big Pat nt Medicines; lietinsa, B. fe; Co., 1 box Livingston. 11 box and tables; Doodler 6 Cider.Milis; tette! A Co., I box reed; Briggs' & Begi r t bog seed; J. B. Hargett, 1 box lok and 1 box Books _J. ToPpings.l Dar rel dliles.ware; Ileseeton, 1. barrel Cot and Dry; - Mrs. E. ;Wetland: dr boxes, - B. W. 'Hine. V box': Glasswore; •J. • S. MeHen -neg. (yeah -Machines; Lothar P. eknif, pes Tobin. • Par in Mile Ladder Co;. - 5 Double I ad ders; C. P. Trot:et& Co., 2 box and IMI Cast . Mist O. W. Byers, 2 box; P. dicks, bp, trunk, 15. Bedding: T. Pugh, 3 limo 'mini •Bossell A Wetnir half bid. Ate: G. W. Fronde: , .ion. bbl alabiasea; J. /Ape - exlek ()bur ware; W. Whitzel,' I bbl ig/ods;D Bohm. '1 stet Hair; J. W. Hoiles, Tbox M re; J. T. G. bog ,gton,-A BOX; J. Murray, I paek^ge Hard* war ;11. Traversnan 'lt Arnold; keg Wide:Me: Nee &Coi.'ll2 bbh) Saida y Salth Bodges,l bale wool Sacks; T. J. Ca t 1 Box; j. Lixid. , dc l ratoPbore ' s! a l Ti r e d ; ref: 4 It e i s li btfl I sl i t ' : . .1. Lane 1 box Plants,; H. llendersan HON.; lisle: F . .. Alexander. a Plow; W. w. learneri I • bb1011: W. V. Modes. *casks Bottles; Ja ob Afftlo her. I bale Roost 0. 140 feint. 401 Vidor: J. P. omlth, 1 baz 011111113013;, A. HAMInd. 1 hag Hardware; Blohards box Glassware; Sayer. Werwica A Co., la Blooms Iron; Hnoole & Sch rock. 2 boxes s And Pickles; 0. . ratt. 2110 is Boudoir; J.W. Droner , & Co: 1 box H. ware; J. H. Eioyts & to.. 1 box GlisswareL C.. Mum), 1 barrel of 'Charcoal: W. H. BY: ran & Co., IS barrela • B ungs ; ' Belt a Bobinay nox,Mdz.: Mary Snyder. 1 lot N. ()flogs; . Landenberger, 1 Wien: Evans . ft. Ilan , Alk eveott: 43.1.1 s Fire Clay; gittabitrah Bolt Co., 1 box and keg Boits: W. Bota.l box .Merebstidiset Gangerligh, 11 ;half birrels; Lindisr. A..A lb.. 1 bit.idle Ace . gaudiest John ' stair &Bing. I - barrel - Cutlet,: ton H. W. Co.. ../10,014Y. pacing;: B. J. Walker. l keg COL; no marks; 4 bores- mds; 10 boozes Wats ware: 3)4 duz'n Weather Boa 45;1 Patent Gate; 1 Hay bake; 11 Uriodstoues; 3 Obis. and 3 b.u. 0 asawslrb, 1 box Window (Elms; 1 Chest; g. ke hods; 1 box .11 Goode; aboXes ;11}01.1bbaceo; .2 coital/op : 1 bdl.lron; 1 bat Ca.tings; 1' box H. ode; 1 - box "Allspice; '1 lot Marble; 1 obi Flaassed::ll.boXes Broken Dias.; 11.7.1)1x. Shoes; 6 Wavon.Leaversi./ lot Barrels; 1 liox,• I Grate: bdt Soothes; places Cas 1 gs:.lotitiil Box; 411F-.bbls Sundries; WI , h , Machina al' 5 Mono ()allergy 2 'Oils l'op•TVlt °bulbs; 1101 rubp.. Birltets and lIldla; 2 Tr ask i 1 keg Hallo; 1 box Hundrles; byre stelae's:era Iraa Km, *m ow . ing-Msebide -• 4 1 414FAllira Auctiooqt .• TH E IRON . ' : CITY MUTUAL - LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennpylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTOR/II Hon. JAMES L. aIRAHAM, Rev. J. B. CLAIM. D. D., Capt. R. ROBINSON. Rev. A. R. BELL,D.D._, , _ • Rev. S. NEoBIT. D,D., • W. A. BRED,Caehler Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH. Real Estate Agent. SIMON Dlllll.l. Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNY. Hatter. A. 8. BELL., D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. SWOOEB, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROBT. ROBINSON. President. Rev. J. B. CLARE, D. D., Yiee Presidents JAW. BOBECOB RNNY. USH, Treasurer. W. WHITE, DIEDICAL -Aliensert. . DANIEL SWO(IED, Gael Agent. This is a borne company. conducted on the mutual principle, each policy holder receiving an equal I share, of the profits - of the Company. Toliciea will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford a bate investment to each policy holder. and thereby retain the money at home to encourage home industry. mhza:sa INSURANCE COMPANY. • Pzummit.Ps•• l3l4LDll7G. aro. AA BMA Avestae.' Second none, . ': PITTSBURGH, PA. CaPltial 4111.1PsildVp. " DIRECTORS. • s /21glaY. I jr,iCaet.M.Bailey. Deng Wallace, •8. H. Hartman. A. Chambers, Jake HID. 11 ,S. , Clarkan. [Jas. M. Bailey. Tlacenas Smith.. Jno.B. Wllloeko ROBERT H. KING PreedentJ JNO. V. JEN NINEIH, The President." C o ap B t . .R . J OHNAOEN. , GSeenr ' e Agent. t. Insane on Liberal Terme on all Fire • and Marine Blake. 10/11aN FRANKLIN. Jur INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE pr FEANBLIN BAYINBB Item No. 41, oilio St .• Auleghenv• • HOME COMPANY, =mod by Poiret:ten wen known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your pitman. TINNILY IRWIN. ORO. D. R1DDL E.....,. Solurstary. • , DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, ID. L. Pat:enact, Wits COor, ' R. 'U Geo. 'Udall, Jacob Yuan& •G 0 eln W. Simon Drum, JJ. R. Smith, Jacob Beek _, W. N. Stewart, Mb. P. Whiston, Joseph Orals, 1 Joe. Lantos:, IN. J. Zintana, Jere. 'gotten. / i re. FL UERON, GENZJILL AGENT. itrdO:o3s NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cor. Metal St. and Dintond, Alleghtni, Office. In the SECOND NATIONAL BANE BUILDING. . ..K;a l.. B N ß A O T{ W72}l. i. ,:_ e Vit7 t Oresident. JAMES E. bTitvENsuN. Secretary. - DIELCCTORS: John eM e a r k!: isobe Lockhart ~tretiLTA, . 0.11 ) 1147174 1 47.12,.% ( 171.0.1"°31. 1:1")PP. . pENNSYLVANLI. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIiTTSBURGH; OPSICE. No, 164 WOOD STREET. BANK OP COMKERCZ 11.D/NO. and trunties agalnal fi Ptre ll9ule utdrs ic dr l7l . LEONARD WALTER, President. C. 0. ROTLE,Arice President. ROBERT PA T RICK, Treasurer. HHOH Ne.B.L.IIENT. Secretary. DlTtnOTOnst Leonard Walter. Georit Wilson, O. C. Scvle, . • !sea . Evans, , Robert Patrick, J. 0. Lap Jacob Jacob Painter, - 1. 0. Plelner, Josiah King, ' joins Toegtley, • Jas. 11. Hopkine, Annnon. Henry Etpronl.. • 4: INSCIRANCE COJL . 07/nOZ. N. Z. mom WOODA MTH BTI3. • Boma Osispanntaklng Fin and ilium ask& Di:axe:Kr . W. Pbttups, -, -- . Capt a: .' Jolla L. Rhoads, Jolla Watt,' • , ,13anntel F. tihrlver, • John Y. Puke{,. , "Castles Aragekll4 . Capt. Jatnea MI 11' . . %Jared it. Brash. ,Wzn. Vaa K irk , ,r. - Was 8.1. 1 1 . James D. Verner tpL Baumet . WM. PHTIAL heatdent. • "JOHN MATZ Prinndent. : •W. F.a - GARDNIaIt, Sereta. iy. - '. - • na,S.r. JAH. RORTIION. Betreral Attelik. _ INDEMNITY - _.AGAINST LOSS DT PIRA. fRANXLIN INSURANCE Cir.gF PHILADELPHIA; Ei'L t near STB. _- ; - • DinhMOILS. • ; 1 merles Xr. gander, Mordenni H. Lodi Tobias Wagner, : . David B. Brown , Samuel Grant. . - ' Isaac Lea, Jacob R.. Smith: ; ' . iedward C. Dale, s' eorge W. Richards. George rides. CHARLES U. BARCH. R, , President.. EDW. O. DALE, Vice President. W. O. ETEZLE,_peeretAry, pmt.'s. J. GARDNER COFFIN AGZST, North West corner Third and WOod Streets. inh.B:wls , . : , N RN Livsvnaß . ribE com- . - PANT OF PITTSBURGH • , . =ANDER NIMICK, President. IL ESTE P. HERBERT. Secretary. APT. eicauez NEELD, (lateral Agent. • Mace. 1051 :Water street, liming a Co.'a Ware. lite, up stairs, Pittsburgh. ,Ilistztme' against nil kinds of ?Ire and Ma- Tine Risks.. A home Institution, mAn t aged by Di rectors who are well known to the Amminunity, and who art determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which; they have assumed Its Marine the but pram:Bios to time who oedre to b• waren: . , - . . . . InaileV: : • - Alexander N atick. . . Vi ntil al D. XeCmies R. Miller. Jr.. - - .J. Clarke, James McAuley. . . William H. Evart4: l4 Alessi:alert., : Jesepb.Mlrkpatrie ' c Andrew A en. - ' Mille cir i i = p -. DaridM. . WM. D. ihmsezi. . . •" ' IMO?' ALLEGAIENY INSURANCE OOIdPANT OF PITTSBURGH. • ICE, Ho. SVITITHSTREHT.BArar RUMS. Bialu. Insures Wit' all kinds at PIN and Marine .. . ••. ' . JOHN =MN. In.. - Preeldept., I , • T. kt:HOSHINSON Vice rreadent. • 43. 9. .11V_Xliat&tearata17. • - •' ' - r oAyor. wx: D • General Airent. • •,• .. , Join irwm Jr.. , B. L. ValineiteCk T CI, J T. , . lloalinsm.- Wobert. IL ISTkrson. ••.: ,1 .E. v Childs, • ' muieSeildeze, ...c Har uries ey Vint. c a N ev in.. . . 'P Stri dale. • Dint. Wm. Dean. T. H. Nevin. • • . WALLPAPERS. - • • _ VIE OLD PODII AMID, ID A DEW PLACE; NEW : : :AVitt: ,ST ORE, , 11?; _Loam, M*4 mr. l 4u ticilumr.) SPRING ii00118:111711illie DAILY. Mb! STONE. WEST ne commoN - _ _ , • • . /Waohi Stone • Xestthreetearner dilreettlenunen. - iineltbam' ATVAilitt*:oo. ieve on hand or we on Abort . ; ft u • tud IWO Mint% &raids T, M. ?Doi Taintolsioti ca*Teumakable :44 g 'AMUSEMENTS. FIFTH loritauk 65 Fifth afeise, opposite the Open House, Pittsburgh. Pa:, is the coolest and most desirable Place of resorts. Liutiors cad be had at this place Pure and GOod. The Billiard Booms are on the ground floor in the rear. N THE MATTESOF THE - AP•• I erdeenulc of "The Hopewell Old School Presbyterian- Church. of Findlcy • Township, Allegheny et ant); ruin yl vanti" • for a Charte r of Incorporation, at No. 6O Sep ember Term, Notice is hereby given that the "HOPEWELL OLD SCHOOL YItEsDYT.r..HIAN CHURCH, of Findley Township, Allegheny county, Pa.,• - haTe made application to the Court of Common Fmaa fora aRTER OF I NCOffPORATION. And that the lame will be granted at the n.xt term or Court. unless sufficient reason should be shown to, the contrary eta . J. H. VrA.LTEfi, Prothonotary. • TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ALLEGHESY COILS TT, No. 415 of No vember Term, 1807... Anthony "Young, now for use of John bangwisolt is.dehn MAIL& non-resi dent of Pennsylvantic• Foreign intaahment In case. J. Ludwig Eoethen, Esq., lIIMMOred as scarnishee and '&McLain- Of. Mahn for $840.70.: Judgment by default of an appear aneeliss been entered and- 4 rdie pinned for the Prothonotary to assess the; damages. Notice is hereby given tO the defendant and all parties in terested, that -the Protbanotary of Allegheny county will assess theip!aintirs damages at the pOthonotary , s °Mixon the lath DAYOF JUNE, 1800, "at 10 o'clock - A.m.:, it. A. a W. S. ivaiziscr, myttlM.r. attorneys for Plaintiff. ;2c -N THE DISTRICT , ' COURT OF THE UNITED bTATAB, far .the Western. Strict of Pennsylvania. JUSEPHIII. kI.A.IOtT„ a Bankrupt under the Act of Congrent of March 9d '1867 ,. h ap plied for a discharge loin all his debts and other claims ph ovablerinder said Am by order of the Court, notke is herebygiven, toad persons who have proved thtlr debta,'*ndo,be perso,s inter ested. to appear on'the 17th day ofJune.ll3o9, at 10 o'clock before !SAMUEL HARPE, krq., Register in ' Bankruptcy, at his once, No R . 93. Diamond street. Pittsl , urgh, Pa., to shovr canoe, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. . • 8. C. iticag. SULFAS. Clerk of U.S. Court for said District. mytiM r .N THE.COUNIT OF COIIIION PLEAS, ;of Allegheny .County. No. 427 of bet tember Tefui. 1889 In the matter of. the Incorporation of 44 THE A. 0,718 ANS BIJILD LNG, AND 4.0 A N AndOCIATION OF ALL (iftZNY CITY. PA." • Notice is hereby given that on th itti; Court J l ll7. 11888. - implication wail made t o mold Lig grant al:duster ofDruirooratlon to geld Mao-- elation; and th at If flosufficlentreasen be shown. to the contron; the same wilt be granted at the next Serino!' slid Court. ' . i..D. W. A. 8. BELL. Attorneys for Petttlonera. Jinx' 19, lBB9, WHEREAS LETTERS OF AD - I NIS RATION on the es gr antedANK LIN G. WILLIAMS, have,' beento the understgned.!, U. perstula ladeoted to said es tate are own/tell to unite immediate pay nient, and those lash* elattnts against said estate will please pre tenth • same for 'Settlement, properly authenticated; td the. undersigned. • _ , . • •.- BAIL'L A.:NE&LIC. 210 '196 BandnA , lry rpreht,Tnnd ward. Allegheny _PROPOS.itS. No'neE TO CONTRA OTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to the under signed will be received until AUGUST 6th. 1889, for the • Graduation, :Masonry 'and - Ballasting, - CF THE BUTLER BRANCH 01 the Weitern, :Penn R. R., Extending:6 , oin Freeport; Armstrong county, to Butler, Butler enmity. Pa. - , "distance of TWEN TY-OFIE2IILIO3. Prodles and specifications can be seen at tise Engineer's office. Freeport, Arnt- Strung county,Pa., on and atter July 26th. NoTgcy.TO ; EA: E BUILD „11 .It B . — Sealedrroposals.will be received at j! tbe office of, CITYWitTat WOBEE, up to gut 6th, 1889,. for ONE bTEAII CYLINDZ 28. inches diameter =dß feetstroke, one man 18 inehea diameter-a:ad. 8 feet stroke. Engine , , and pump. to be-erected and put In successful eperation lathe enginehouse at the Lower Blain, Bedford avenue.. , Al..Bo—Plsms will-be received by the Water Committee for improved class of pumping en- y eines, to eqnsl'tlie eiricity of a steam ci Under. ti AG inches in diameter, pump 18 Inches In diam eter; with a' - piesittre of'7o pounds on steam cylinder. s • -- • • JOSEPH PRENOII; Huperistendent. jy23:mea - • • pROPOSALS FOR i, . 404:3•1 .4 rikl1111:1111.114 GAS WORKS.I 4 ' • • • • JULY 27, 1860. c' 4 r SEALED PROPOSALS will be received et the Harrisburg Gas Works until ihe 15,h DAY GP AUGUST, for the delivery of Gas Leal to be used a during the next. year - up to deptember 1,1870. The coal must be of the -tri ror brat quality for the manufacture °Vim and dedvered as the works. -All communications shined e addressed to ,he undersigned. who will give all further inform:. lion the vabject.- • ' • - • • - • GEORGE BERGNER, Secretary. 1 iy.:9Bml's . • . PROFESSIONAL. (4IRF.JOWCARIP, - ATTORNEY - AND COUNSELLOR AT LW. . AVENUE. Pitts. fz burgh. aormerly occupied Ay Hon. Walter H. g Loarleo will practice la th — e<l. S. Circuit and -Diatrin (fowls. la the State Supreme and all the h Celina .0f- AlleihanT elainW., and make collee- Hone lamest or the &di acent counties. jam:dre ARCH:RIBALD BLAILELEY, it*. 98 Mill STllltrrs animilx6tiv7` sAatviaL- I'ICM4STERS, 4° . A.T4WitlitAlw ax-ogadorintoe or the Pesti. and Police Mud- ti craaehoe.a d,u+ra huit c s fi e i . .r o dß NT al P oppoite D Dee l , o l l e %MotPes, Acknowledgment*. rk .Lesid ecuted with ttretnntuess end &matchßum:nese ex. ?phis • t rittg A•14111A1141 • ... . '-' '' ' f ' ALTAIMMILBILAZTO ' EX-077/CGO fIrVICTE, or max Pr.aos AND-; POLICE MAGISTRATE. ..' immee,no PISTE STREET. opiLostse th e cs.'i, thtdrak, Dittsburgh. Pll., Deeds, Bonds, Mort—i-,i; gages AeksaSsledpments, Depositions sad ea' --,;. rep'ltnaliumz executed. with isromntsiese e5id" , ., 3 , . . A.- AMII!ORS UM • •: = Justice _of the Peaed • CONVEYANCER. L Ekti AND INS11:4 •••luutGL AUKS 'accoft m lITIMET. EAST BfEttifILSGTIANL. of Bents oollated Sad D romptly Leaned to. •-• • - • - mvlovio IVIC PREWER, AiiiiiDULAN AND zur•oliczo a usTios Paraex. : 0FF108.139 FIFTEI AVENUE. .Spaeth attentlow.given to Conveyancing sag; collections Deeds. ,gonts and Mortgages drivinu.y,,J.: t a t i p it iand fur legal tiasitteuattended to Dromptly, Cleveland 'White lame; 5100 bbla;:, 40.. tor sals B LEGAL 0.8. ROBERTO, 'miner ENGINEER. IMI -b'ltiLAW~ PITTSBI7REIN. PA g