The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 06, 1869, Image 6
6. DuguEsNE COLEtia, RAM & Isianakaturers os . . _. . . IRON 'NAILS STEEL 9.9 . 9 AXLES AND SPRINGS ' • i r DM , . .4.. X. AND till:FM*2l4 .• TWAT 13 ROVED AND SQU CBE IRON. won. ri.SILEIrk AND VANIC. DION, BoILES LotTEd AND lIYA.DS, • SWARD IRON DRAti end morrEs sAilill TLANok.I; -cbTrat--BAE2S. o 11.1111 MA NAND _ ,„ _ _ . . IT AN FLAT BAIL, for Ode) Voids. 13130 W B A RS,Vir lIDOEN & HAW:DOW TEETH. "E.IIIOPLOW-,..ND GU LTIVATOB STEEL, MEL-WINGS AND MOULDS vs. tits pattern. STEEL ,TIEES, STEEL suATTLNe. A. B. STEEL; _.' WAGS; B1:109x stivilAAr* SPEINGS and XLE%,. CUT SALEM AND SPIKES., Ali Goads First Class sad Warranted. . !OFFICES AND WORN& • eenth Street end Allegheny River. and 11 Water Sit! Pittsburgh. -.— . ... .... .. -----.---- tagEFeFIELD rase& wol4. Wrt% MinalE & 00, - rmvslunteu. xsaursotaxemotevery desc,tion44,* ; CAST AND GERIAtti SUM,. , RA mos, • - PIATTORM WRINGS_ XLES; STE - EL ITEM ..., dig ifiranixotoe, ter aniiioo,Erst sta., 'AilLualtt OAIIII PARKIhr. PCO.lnistillit; 431417iAR:K111. BMW. PaBsass-S.-11. =ER. . CRESCENT STOOL WORTES, MILLER BABB s -8c PLUM Office, No. 339 Liberty St, - ITiTSTIVREE I , I ..,FA . CIL ,111.*111:019.3! STEEL Weral& •I • iglagaieturers of sifdesciivtl?ul Of :ABM Moe Wsrebouse. THI117111:TH% THISTI". JUS an T and lanalOAD • '-viriirsiavrasir. IB.ON WOBSS. e 1,•,t ILLESILOSE -110tiSS. The Trartees are now ieretered to taunt Secu larthe use of .the sass,stuom2; ,rso- The superior quality imparted to ;good iron. i.greet MO cerement Luferior Iron, and the reduced costoxelonend it to aLt rusnufacturera of Parties *layatoneettcaaoDtaialiaenaeaby to JAIIIEg P S PEEB Attorney for the Trustees, ROOMS 1 sad $. regliahla Itultdiug, 963 f Reuldi avenue. is Parties Interested MO where the are invited to visit the RHOS MORROW. RRO. rocera bow lu successful operation. - tee:db7 r. ~~~i' .. 111 kiVERSONOP'SESTON & CO" Pelinarlialila Iron; Works. Nos. 186 Sod INT , PLOT mgrpox Ne Nouonies/Wasti a cin 5a14:411 muss rourrDm. „ . JO= x. comma ... . ..... . ........ ... mom!' JOIINIIL''COOPER & CO•2 Bell and Brass Foundep. BRASS CASTMOS 11141.10.14 PELOMPTLY TO ORDICR: • oil Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING,- . '6IIECII VALU ALL GLOBE , PATTERN.. JCR 4110711!, VCl•Clits Brass - WO* of every deasiptlon !or Steam, Water and triL.l.-, I:0*(711311.8RS oil': it. 901 6 1.6 1 8 id' litileneertlmel:Staiii Pump. Afoot. tor..,,Trit liateroarketoo, b erg , • (Mei sill Worm., caml /b/r l r 4 spy, "NQlm l . l l:w9 ww • SOITELITVOILIM • ;SSW , A33,10/V3.231110& 'CO; ItIXO7LOWSZIS Os: , -11X1sToriWp ro lo w ' SCALES. -• JIM= Yficetaillt:ltcl:o74g Locke and Lataell. 001,11201 OP FIRST AVENtIAVEIWIT 878.. eittabaiwer. rei5)494",3 GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WAKW-SIV.IEEII`.- NEW GOODS VII4E VASES, BOXLEXILLItd asp ,Clll/1 24V1 41 i niitt r. T B 4 ; 11—Td, OUT CUPS, 131,4(1F4r.-Patgeitb6 ati IMiarGOODIF 1 1 • c of an descriptions. • BB Clan and esemlne oar goo to be feel seslefled no mowed fail d so be rated, • R. E. BREED dr. CO.: E t 1MUA.11321 ,14,11? opus, QIICOEIIIe lt abelMillti ri gtellie , 0.0 to OW. Boist CO.. ISAM III/0 1616.:141:°i ',:!fitritste :frt irrTMLIS T /' caxos, -1 4 4 _a 04. 'mere HUGH IL BOLE 86 CO„ Con Point Alley and pigpen() St.. (lizAs Tax Your.) Engine Builders, Founders and Afaeltinists. onntseMre' BITANBOAT menus and STA. TIONARY IIIgaINNA of all fat& ti tented to our new =AMON -oall.l WEL L '3 INEVOTN er. AND PORTABLE BOILlA r of afblrri"kildA tiordeiatour Pons . °a iry. sinkl:l3D TBNADT below Market. BIDS for 011 Wells, 1311ANti o 04 . 1 2 1, Xna TIANOBRABDUSIIit Dn*W ken_ IRON TONLAOOO Olt UNA ma4* , INDUSTRIAL, WORKS, Irmittas on the Alieghea near the Mat Frrrairthlaile r ill' MT samilsTual 011 ?OK 03LKS• I=l 100 11'0010' STREET. AMPAliaMivniMmOaiillaL : T zTus. CARROLL & SNYDER, " KAMM/ (mm=B OP TUBULAR. DOHBLE-FLUSD THHIMAX FULN-BOX AND CYLINDR STEAK BOL OH, 13TJIAS AND OIL TANS& _ ONDINEYS, SBEHOHING AND ASH l'Ards, SETTLING PANS. SALT PANS AND HON DENSERS. STEAM mils. GASOMMTEBS AND isort IitsMONS . BSPD/S0 DOO`Aim COAL wriTzs (Mee and Warehouse. corner Secod, Third, Short and Liberty streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. ar Orders seat to the above address will be ...DU,' attended to. tah7:lB9 = B BARNHILL & CO" OIL-ER WAXERS AND STIRRT IRON WORKERS, NOS. 110. 116. XII AND Br. FICH/T . . . - a n eared large Yard and Pindshed it visa Cie meet iIIprOTCQ micalluer 1, we arev_li.- pared to manalltrinre every description of BOTh 888 in the best manner. and warranted equal to arry made in the wintry.. Chimney's, Breeehrsal lire Beds. B Pipes, LOCOMOISTe / doConnsers halt Tants, Oil inn% Mar tors. Settling_ Pans, ner suer Pans _and SOLO 713131IIDICSAreril Al•=a“. Yee ' WA BOUM. Began= ELOMA o n shortest notice. isikell JAMES EL =MIDI, Nos. BS and 66 Water Street, virzetztrsen. icAri:l7,wrl:awl, or - IRON OIL TANE.S BITZLEIRG !AN%COQ =BM PEPS. LOLLING 13'1%616. And BESET IRON WOK& Tor Steamboats. JADZD D. =MB TAOII2D 31. !HOUSE( & 6011, summtscstrmats at Wain Boilers, Oil KW% Tanks. SWUM IRON WORE. &O. 61 Pam Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • STOVES• CASTINGS, &0„ A.. ISBA.DIAPAIir at CO., 50. 80 WOQD MEM', aisnufactufero of the'greatest 'variety of Cook, Parlor and Ileatint Stoves, TO B TOTrfip. . . In our assortment will be 'found all the LATEST PATTAIINS AND IldFliCrialfXr. Td. -and the reputation of our Stov shouts_ het any none but want ot a good article nnehass none but those manuftetured by ink as. Mel will be found the most durabie as well ris eabriolnical._ Would call tardoular attention to oar new VoLOAtiti STOVE, for churches. halls *no stores. Over 500 sold in three monists. Inte for with or with out casing. All who.have need them PrOZIOUJIC I3 Ur eta =Deno/ oth er . lieud_Mr tAtalogise anti Price List. .. e3O . ___ aIIAIT 111161118LC0.9 . u.stioruzznior silo': imoseT or ' 0 11 X I Cr iTEISI . - BOSTON COOKING . ItAirell, , "Mt MUM , TOBNACE , " , *ol4ronium stinmujoh Lrimlflei4notraoai t'ogiPatoariMi'Wuiocgi galil( lga min ,s . . SOO and „WS Eilwty StFeet • geaiii. trim* rllOOl6. STOVES. "1 Cali Tits BEST. . Biwa/AG - a TRIUMPH. ores 4uTurmous ifonvoltell to Coil, Bake or Roast as volt many other Store In the Unlon. 00. 1 ' No. 985 Lii.bertv Street. fgeoon Rand and firr um, rAßLoidimse. ,ml7-ai*Et EMniimilnANDlllos, COOSISO so. lEi - - - T° P.IPALDOIs: ~ . 2- '.. I . , SOO.OOO feet Dry Pine Beard/. /60.11 0 3 0 feet th inch clear rian l t . . 28, Ureet- an Inch uommOS Plank; .22.1100 feet Dry` land II isch Oak:, . 20,000 ft. 2, 1,1011 aivinar.7... ~.11Noup lest Dry oplar Ding; 10,002 feet Dry ellow epos:at , a 0 3.00010 feet h emlock Scantling. , ' 0.000 feet No. 1 10 inch 10112 14 :4 141 . L " _sva. 900,000 No. 1164n01a Shingles. sawed;': 50,000 No. 116-inch Shingles, *caved so,ooo Vire Brick; 1.000 lfirel'Ue.' , ~ .. ' tau Vous vire Clot - • ' Also, &VW Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, slid all articles in thence on band and for nle by ALEXANDER TATTERSON. Yards No. 151 Rebecca street and coraer of rreble and Juniata streets,lfixth ward,Allegbony. late bor% spa) ~. ?ugh of : 111 ............. .1..... i ..../ 06s ' -WEIIGEtre34.I4D. rdEASURES. 51111 gea►et of Weights awl Massaro/ wit *rowan snorrel 1; )3;3. j• liktireen Liberty •ad Misr/ BMW , Pan rainasour Atwood to. siga 188, PrrTSBUBIALGAZ:MP, nit At-1 AUGUST 6, KNAP FORT :PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE' AIM. WORKS, , TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURCIII , eirEng ines, Balling Mill Ma chinery, Machines, Re torts, and eAstionis-gatierally. _ moims NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. : Corner Carroll and Sinantnan Streets, .viirmsl3ll/EiGITI, PA. WILLIAM SMITH, OAST IRON BOWL PIPE My Pines are all Cut invalablytts Pits, 1 / 1 dry . (and, and IS feet lengths. Also, - fall snort:tient of general , Castings for Gas and Water Worts. I would also call the attention of Sul ,kerintend. ts of Gas Worlcs t4”:1T13. DUQUESNE -FORGE. WILLIAM zurat, oneemor to JOS. P. ItAIOH & C 0.,) Has facilities co•exve with the leading Borges In the East, and!s prepared to promptly and satisfactorily &Borders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, DBASE% PISTON RODA,LEVERS, PITMAN .IA3IS,_WIIMITS. RAILROAD AXLES. lA/CO-MOTIVE FRAMES' , together with every description of SHAPE WOR. Office and Forge, orner of Duquesne Way and First Wee ROBINSON, ILEA & CO., to Itonanidif. Munn al MEWISI. wAsiuNaroN WORKS; FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat Mill and Mini Machin mum Btu= En- Mites. Blast Engines. ery, UattinNasunga of all desert - piton - in &Ms ' and B Boller and Sheet Iron Wort. Once. o. MI, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for °MAIM% PLUMY IS flisu rn TICUTOB for geedlni THODIAS GUMS ' • Fourth Ward Foundry and lacking Works, • BLISDUBSY BT., ALLZOBXBY orrr. FA. manutzettrers of Station , ry and Portable Stearn grArk TAM:At l ' atiltstrlitil i g t 0. W an on Doze e Tern ars % toolideY .1.. s all elms. 102V14:06, CIENTILiL FOITNDITE • AND ROLL WORKS 880 Peas Street, =I LUMBER. mdmm. {NINTH liV.111h) Ei TkianufacrtW•er, of FOR 9A A5ll WATER WOll.lO. MO BOLLIAN, BOYD &11A1Dial Qpllii 180111. )1111 cutulgs, Bolt Lathes. se. OILS. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG 11c-00.7, Otate, DLLZELL Burrmrtre. DIIQUeIIIO W&1. Plitatinsah. Pa." d' __marau U-M44,X0 ILLlXfii to ommludon Itexthasda and Broken PetrobillV Rxothictei DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, 1131LADZLYULA, ADDIIIOI6 • Sown 17, Chamber of Common, • TACK 3311 - 4MALERS , COMMISSION MEPMII. I3 , .AVDijigautat tru • Petroleum and its Products, - 7 1 ittdthisre ..IWiliguntil.W o e =lo4,ll:MLlW Ot rairlatammitUasoiNa o4 . lMmWeet4..-, • 01;3e-41i WET somis ECLIPSE PETROLEUM -REFINERY. • • , Ma= C. rOSODUit - sttethrricrtatzi or Lubricating & ► Baniing Oils. Eclipse ' 116.0.100 d /Itrie 011: • ` - ,6 . Staudt g reat , heat without eririgei_re*lM limpid lowest • lipemat tiu lox tropical olimates or • • • LooorraeitlPS. EntiLie.lisselslaas Shop, Wilt out BMWS. ' . . SSW NM soul 1,100101111/11 0 1 / 1 1 . • Aaapted forldgb i rd Sp_locile. 011, aelllgeseiVL Isltt , 4M 011. Tanuerao-110104,,mieside.. • . ,temeariesishtneroll,illiesoilne. . ,lemmas Ai..; ~ irsireidnues , ARMOR VARNISH,. to Preserve Welt UM Work end biselrinery rrom gust. - . .-__ These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle,slNetent by Superbested (Steam in Vae ono., / be Lubricating OM are almost odorless. perfectly wire =Norm and moil 11414 col. ored, .- sUm d *JAM, temperature ups snack and remain lira bid Millar extreme; cola. liellirmd -this • ire unequa ll ed, and are in constant use on Many 'of Vie principal Railroads; Bamnies_eal tie examined and orders left at U. wane STRELV., Works at bbaximburglltlqgey, , , sit - WIN Gs ANDAATTING. &m, BELL &a co., - - ANCHOR COTTON'f MILLB PrzTePTA I PP• ealui*NnoniltiataL lG N l •ATlCinn . AIM SLUOIOI44I,= P 01,4410 e..134ia aniVidilidg 'bat sarnare. iN gmeAN.Ban i .. NO. 80 FOURTHAVENUE FITTEIBURGEI.' CASH CAPITAL •• • • • • 8200.000 Stockholdets Indi~idnatl~ Liable. ilikNiC OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOAN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, nt Preside. - - Cashier. • Dins.crOutl. Thos. M. 'Marshall, 1 Joins M. Miartland, Wm. T. Shannon, - Archibald Wallace. James W. Arrott, - Jas. D. Belli. Chas. B Leech, Wm. Floyd. T John Floyd, This Bank•is now fray ergsnized and prepared to do & genT4,l3lOA ins-business.: je105.43 g . • FIFTH AVM Of Pittsburgh, Ia new open for Discount, Deposit and General Banking thinness, at 195 FIFTH evasuz• don .it i ty sum received from One Dollar upwards, terest at the': rate 'of six - per cent. pai tim deposits. DIBICTOBS: ED. DITHRIDGE, W. P. WEYMAN W. H. SIAM. __ • • - FRANK t.IEBERt, W. c. Rolmßaziorr, HANEY MEYER, DAN. KINZER. D. 'M. AMOK, EMIL POEESTEL. ED. DITHRIDOE, President. F. F. SCHENCK, Cashier. jy10:199 HART,. CAUGHT , II 111! BANKERS . AND , BROKERS, Corner TMlid ataa *cod Streets, PrErrEI33I7IIGE II . useicosslions To Eanum lawr • CO Exchange l "dloin, - Coupont! , And particular attention paid to the purchase. . Atha Weer ; GOVERNMENT BONDS. stew, Droste onraondon. N. HOLINEktos SONS, 32111-INTEE-VMEILE3, 67 Market Street, PITTTEEO3I7IIOII. P.A... Collections made on all the pTinetnal points of the-United States &Ad Oaaidae: Stocksllonds and other Securities soueire AND SOlstkint owountozi. ?anima.: attention paid to the pgrahass and sale of "%pled States Seonrities, JAY COOKE & CO:, 31313X1.113-erS7 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptlans bougbt and sold. 13peelal attention given to the pnrthue and sale M==mm CITY BINS. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa CAITTALORtr ,OOO ,• ... ... _ T(ICKTIOLDERS INDIVIDUILLI LIIBLE, INTEREST PAID ON DExosris. 7011EIGN EXCHANGE Bought and geld. and when desired remitted to Hnrope. Collections made of - Ili the principal ppints of the United States and Omens. Doxirnme litsisze, President: JANTS MCCABII. Inge Preddest, . -JOIFI X 'OORXLIT. Cashier. - = ~---- - , • 4oreetriOkS..... . 4 ,- - t D.thmsen. James McCabe, Thomas Honrke, • John Savage, J. lhanlevi, Jr., Terence Campbell. Patrick Erne, 'James Phelan. Chas. B. Barr, 11:A.Pregle. ‘ . .r . Jno.Jos.liermann. Thomas Barnes,e MI lia--? El. leisks, -------- , „ , ; ~.f ie rATER HOLTZMAN & WAKDEBHOLD. Ziroadd LT/SitilAventie;; Ophedsters and Dealers in Curtain Goads. Direct the attention ;or taker atc r Wit !tad the public! to their Alai assorted it of ' " Lane ind—Rottlighara curtains. Vestibule, Dues, Damask Reps. Ferry's -Mash= cloth • Battu. Deane', (lilt Cornices. Gilt and Walnut Mouldings. BM= Reds - of saWler mate. .tiatr Detrains (pure white hair.) Moot. Bolsters. and everithAng pertaining to a first. class bed. The latest, r ans ind•Berliti designs far Draperies lathe inspeation or their mistonters. Pare Rill to baste= Show Feathers Motive on hand. . . • HOLT7MAN & WIEDERHOLD; .. , i. No.loo THIiiD AVENUE.. r swgroit REspaTs, , M.ivirdwee , r , 'CRESION SPRINGS. • ,Tkis FATOrite StlllllneißeSOrt) Situated on the Summit , of tba ALLEGHE MOW NTAIIO3, _ 51,200 • F KET ABoVE T LEVEL OF THE r ESA win re open 'for the • caption of guests on the 15th day of JUN The butldings connected withthe establishment . bays been entirely renovated and he wly furnish. • ed. Excursion Tt ktts bold by the Pennsylvania Railroad, .w Phil tdelphia, Harrisburg and Pitts burgh, good fur tit* fealmi -- All trains stop at oresson. TWO FUNNISHIED COTTAGES /OH I RENT. For further information, address . ' - . . Gr.o W. MULE-IN;: Proprietor; ; Ciesson Pprlngs, Oimbrla county, PI. E=l DIEROEUNT B'l' LECEL, !(r.sie Mintz with W. iiMalhel4ol) No. 53 Smithfield Street s PltteburSb. gensvh VOW SPRINGVOODEL , 1\ A 1 .0i4 4 4 1 40 01' 0P. 0412111, t4WMPIL Ic9 I:# °4 tinitreastwa tit anita . tou 4 'll4Waiit Tailor. TS Baltailli o 11144 1721=1 ~,,,,,, • ~,4 00 SEGM Bought at Nigh PIE. R. ITERTZ, --- Banker Cor• Wood and Fifth Streets. Jas T. BBApy Lt C O., Wuccossoro 08. qulria-&•Ce.h.l Corner Fourth awkWood Sts, 3E3 .A.,r4732C= 31EVIS, BUT AND BILL ALL . HINDB,9I, NMMENT SECURUIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST PA.VOIMOLE TNAMIL Interest Allowed on Deposits. Idcmey loaned on Elovernment Bonds a; meat market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOOKS, BONDS and GOLD. GOVERNMENT We will register all kinds of Government Bonds free of charge. This gives o ab solute security &Wang theft,loss, ordestruction. JAMES T BRADY tit CO., Ifealers in Govermnent" Bonds, 001 L FOIIELTZE & WOOD STS. wnivlB:l23 CIS gittAnt.tgt,.so,tit.'.o, FINANCE AND °Mono? FITTSBOBATE Gen Errs. Tirunea.&7. Ang us,s -1869, k 'The appearance of the gold market is stronger to-day, and the demand is less limited. All the gold offered .at:ck-certain limit is readily but cautiously taken np, and we may not be surprised to see _ . a sharp advance during this month, _ al though there is no evident _causer but the large short interest outstanding and the easy market, with •nu average•die brirsement of about twelve million dollars of currency during ,the present month, make it qaite easy for tlie large holders to have their gold carried to a convenient time. From natural causes and the movements of the TressurY de partment, gold should decline, and may take's* rapid course downward on or about September first, when nearly flint millions of Old w ill come on the mar ket from National Bank deposits in Washington. Government bonds reacted -with the . firmer feeling in gold and the discus sion in European papers on account of the rumors , in circulation: concerning the taxation of bonds in the hands of foreign holders. . , , , Stocks are dull but firm, western shares and lower and heavy for New. York roads. .- , . - • . , Iliorier e at Bto 10 per cent. and al,m little inquire for. _ Quotaucnie as, received b y P h. R. • Mort's; ,Go ' 186; Silver, 136; Eighty one's, 124%; Five'Twentlesi-1862, 124,0 do 1864,,, "; do MN 123,0 do 1865, Como* 122%t do 1867. 122%; do 1868. 122%; - __ Teal Fortieth 1.1.0 i; New Torn Ceneril," 208%; Erie, -- -.1 Reading, 97%; Pittsburgh.l Pest Wayne & Chicago 'Railroad, 3; Ohio & Miaissippi, 1 32%; Michigan '.lElotitheini,.: 10731; .. ,Cieve land & Pitteburgh, 107%; Chicago & Rock Island, 116%; Chicago & North Western, 87%;,chicatro &li=estern. Preterred,"2/34; . Adams Com party, 59%; .Merc.hante II on Egos)* 10%; Pacific* Mail, 84%; Western Union Telegraph Company; 89; - Am. W. Ex- ItoNgs. 410 : . r . `"*. • '' : ' 'kkoks 2 lot , ''' i : Laroe. 'Small. 'London, per £ 116,7816,13.5 Paris. per franc ' '2. ......... 275 e 28% Berlin, tlialer. 99% , 1,01 Frankfor‘fierini'.... . ...1...1.8% - -. 59% ~.. •;..---Closing quotations received by James VP Brady & Co.. Gail,:lllsg,“ - tTnite d States Sixes, 1881,124%; Five-Twenties,. 1862, 11.4%; do: 1864;123%1 • do:3sssolgii T e n:Forties;A.l6%; -- .Plve - Twen ties V anu ary and , 41i1y,,186 5 . 122%; Ao. dcr. 1867, L 12%; :_do.; ..410; 1866, ii 122%; Vie Ono pounds, 119; Union Pacific R - eilioad. - 90: Central do, do., .99; • Cy, ..Peeillii, 111%; Lake Superiors, 96., city Teleereee.atue rictineran dasetteo ' L Nim Yong, August 5,186 9 . The demand for money is very moder ate and the market easy, at ,5)%7 Per ecsit., l on call, with Governinents and colaterals; prime business notes scpci per cent.; pitt 1 1 the discount-merket was generally Very 1 1 dull. Foreign exchange very dull and 1 1 nominal; the quotations were 9q© lo for prime bankers' bills at sixty days, and 110,04)110% "for eight. The steamer Eagle, for he to•daY took $77,00 0 in specie. The dullness of the gold room was relieved by no:increased activity and. a firmer feeling. The change was due to 1 1 privete telegrams from Europe reporting lower prices for bonds at London and Frankfort than those of the press. This: decline in bonds vvas attributed to an I uneasy,, feeling in the money centres of ' about the Egyptian -question. Goldopened at 186, fell to 135%, advanced %, and closed at taw. - Carrying to 136 per cent . Clearances, 142.- rates. 5@ 7 000.000.. GOVellteentS firm, but business: uite moderate;: Coupons of 'Bl, 124%®125; do. '62,1260128%; do. 64, 12.3%©VA; do. 1 88; do. new, 122%(4)12 2 %; 3,23%@ d 0.67, 1%; 10%0122%; do. 68, 122%(4)122%; 10-40's. ne%®116%; Pacilice, 111%@111%. ...- , State bonds dull and lower; Missouri% gui old Tenuessees dip . new 81%; old Virginias 5710 new"6l; old North Caro - b 7; new 50%.. - - 4 L 4 .Among railroad , mortgages „ were a a - 'geed demand , for Union:Pacific bonds, and they sold up to 88% to-day.Cen tralFanill, elliLirtqueteqo Mg:447.1411-$,O - 'Th6; o.k . ' .titarkeer I'M ver '<Alf rtletougbad tbe on Yerilez tl Y litraliAlt zither ilidaaVkaakk4 FrirLADELPEiIA TAII4m. JAMBS T. BRADT & CO. -BONDS I based on rert Commodere Vanderbilt the was going a to visit California and no -consolidation would take pface until his return. There was increased activity and buoyancy in wcstern shares generally, with Northwesterni St. Paul. Rock island and Michigan Southern as specials. Market closed steady - , N Five -Thirty Prices: Canton. 59g; Cum berland, 34©34%; Western Union Tele graph, 39; Quicksilver, 15g; Mariposa, 9; dd. preferred, 15N; pacific Mail, 843:: Adams; Express, 59%; Wells 19%; American, 41; United States, 6834 t Mer chants Union, 10;4: New York Central, --- 208; Harlem.l.64; Hudson, 18334; Read- • , igg, 97; Erie, %: do. preferred, 35; Michigan Centre ,131; Michigan South ern, 107 4 ; Illinois antral, 141)4; Pitts burgh,- 1 07% ; Northstern, 87%; do. prefer , 97%, Cleveland, Columbus and Cincin ti, 72; Rook Island, 115%; St. Paul, g,; do. preferred; 90; Wabash, 75; do. preferreo, 81; Port Wayne, 153; Terre ,Haute, 84; do. preferred, 59; Chicago and Alton, 165; Ohio and Nils \ sissippl, 32g; Burlington and :Quincy, Mt . St. Joe 125. - ' - * Mining shares: Gregory, 210; smith Fermis% 29. Balan 565; ce in Sab-Trealinry: gold, vs,- 92,4, currency, $13,379,556. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. - . • OFFICE OF PFITSBOILOS GMOLTT/13 i THU USDAY. August 5, 1869. • Sufficient progress has been made in harvesting in this as well ati other states, to place the crop beyond doubt, and it is safe to assert that the yield of all • kinds of grain will be an average, and probably more than an average. The wheat crop, as a general thing, is secur ed all over tbe country; with the ex ception of these sections that grow Boring, and it, too, will soon be housed. The advices from the west in regard to corn are more encouraging, although there is no doubt but wha:, it has been badly injured in some localities, by, the excessive rains, and that the yield will not be as heavy' as it would otherwise have been. It is - generally conceded that the oats crop will be the largest in many years, and already seller options this month, have, been sold in Chicago at 40 cts. Bye and Barley, also, promise well, and the yield . will doubtless be larger than last year. The Chicago Journal says of the clops in the Northwest: The crop news from the Northwest continues to be favorable. The put fortnighted the prospects. The crops, in the aggregate will be a -fall av erage, the croakers to the contrary not withstanding. The Liilure of any one crop is almost entirely confined to low land localities.. Oa general markets are quiet and dull, r and devoid of anything really new or important. Flour is fir, an, strange as it may seem, choke m spri d ng wheat brands are now worth considerably more than winter wheat flours; , three months ago, the latter was, worth 25 - to 50 eta.of this than the p ri e ve former. spring wheat fiours out of this market, 'es no-, body, with the exception of a few bakers; will pay the difference and there will be more winter wheat flour sold here than has been for several years. It is not likely, however, that the present prrices of spring wheat will be sustained for any considerable length of time. Sugars are more active and firmer, and refineds are a fraction higher. PtOVIBIOILS firm and in fair demand. ' APPLES—In steady demand, and we can report regular sales at $3@4,50 per bbl. _ BERRIES---Sfues of western Blackber ries at $2,50@3 per btuiel, and state at E3,30@4. Huckeiberries at $5 per bush. BUTTER—Is in steady deMand, with sales at 20@25 for fair to choice. BEANS—SaIes at 151,75022. BROOMS—Qnoted as followl: No. '5 $6,514 No. 4 $6; No. 3 55, No. 2, plain, • $4,50, and market firm. CHEESE—In good supply and dull, but unchanged. - CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment is quoted at $ 2,25 per bol. CARBON OlL—Drill, as - is usual at this season of the year, and prices are nomi nally unchanged. DRIED FRUIT—Is very dull - , and likely to continue so until towards win ter, as there are many other kincl.4 fruits offering. EGGS—DeII; sales at 1.7@)18. FEATHERS--Dull; quoted at BO®Bs cents to the trade, and the usual advance :for small lots in store. • FLOUR—Firth with, only a moderate local demand, and • while winter wheat brands are unchanged, spring wheat flours are higher. We new quote choice Minnesota springs at fff,50©7,75, and • Winter Wheat at s7,oo@7so—some very , good brands of the latter Offering tft the trade at - $7. The mills are reported as doing a good brisiness, but their margins, are very small, as wheat 4srelatively higher than flour. GRAM—Wheat is scares but the de mandis only fair, and prices ate, if any thing, a little weak. Oats dull and unsettled; within the past two or three days holders generally have been anxious - to realize, but it is thought by e som dealers, that old stock .will he inhetter demand within the nextweek'sr- old o and prices will mact. At presen crop may be quoted at 67(g)68 on track, arid 69@70 n sore: Corn is very quiet din limited: t aupply; we. continue to :quote at $1,00(8,1,05 for mixed to prime yellow. Rye is nominal at e 1,25. 13EMP—Very dull, $20 5 . B.llSKS4Ridakat2y4',o)3lctstper pound. LlME—White Lime is quoted 10111,50; and Cleveland at $2,50, per bbl. LARD -Se ll e rs ,dc Co. • iinote Extra No. 1, at 1,44, and No. 2, at f 1.05. POULTRY -Sags of spring, chickz. one, at 65®70 per pair; -• PROVISIONS ---Firm with it good job bing demand. - Shoulders,; 1835@ 16%; - Ribbed Sides, 18%, Clear do" 9 1 ,4;' Sugar Cured Hams, .23%@ 24- end -Breakfast .Bacon, .WX,, Lard, 20 in tierces, end 21 in buckets . Dried Beef 2234. mess Fork - , TATOES--Less active and we now quote at $1,50®1,75 per bbl. PEAOEVES—DnII and lower with a supply in exceas of the demand; we now uota at 81.50 to 51,75©2 per bushel. q PEANIITS--Highyer, at 12x. - SLT—hen River brands a .bytequotb carload, 1, at '11,75@80. re TALLOW--Beridered TOMATOES4I,7S®2 per 'bushel.lo34. • pry: VONdli Martel. • NEW YoRK, August 5.-=Cotton goods remain inactive, and firm, put a good in quiry- IS noticeable for low priced ho.; - siery. Germantown woolen shawls and and beast woolena adapted to mans' 'wear, pLainand colored alpacas, poplins, armures and dress gobds of this class are also in good request at the opening rates of last year. TOLEDO . August 5.- Flour quiet. Wheat a shade better; extra amberi6l,4s; old do, $1,48; - 14:0..-1 red $1,47; ispot 81,45, seller - August; No. 2 red sl,42•white Wabash;.white Michigan 81,50; No. $ spring $l.lO. = Corn 2 better; No: I, 98; No. 'a, 03, seller Atiguld; reiected 65. Oats ISsoh i e p t: old N0.,11, b7bo;l w • new r d bW 8it8), °gust.: Rye' dn11;4o new bßusoh. • ipts, -17,000 bbls- four, 88.800 bushels et&lBlo 3. .h o ne : tMlK44.9 o 4llM • nA%*Ma 009 h T .t • f oats