The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 06, 1869, Image 5
13 _ M ORNT IFf 1118111 ENGTON PROP-, FOR SAL.—Vour good boasmia pieabsut situated. with la_rm• lots and good In!". provements.. SONS 4 • sue • 39 thizttt aveone: DWELLING HOUSE, TURD WARE kiTOH.E. &c.. FOR SALE.—A. two story brick dwelling house of sax rooms •and. s t o re roost. with int of ground AI- tet front on sth avenue extension by 50 dr i tp to en alley. Also a 'mutable stJek of well selected hardware, st re Axtures, dm. CUTHBERT & BONS. na 39 St, sh avenue. OVEBI4 I IG'S StiGtAite. 40 barrels Beene& Crusbed snd Pdivertuid Loaf and Preserving Susan. lust received and tor sale at reduced prises; by the bu reVor at re- _ JOHN A: RENSTIAW. Monet Liberty Ana Ninth streets BFI CITY CONTSOLLXIS'S orricr.._ CITY OP ALLIS6II.IINY, Angatt 8. 1869• ROPOSALEI FOR COAL. • BELLED PROPOSALS will be received &t this Office nntli 3 o'clock Tburday, August 10tb. Ibo 9, for eve thousand (5,00)) bushels' Biter IdEuCHANTABLE LUMP 00AL, tu be deliver ed at the follow lug olacLe, vie: 3UOO bushels In basement rf City Hall. 330 bushels In Hope Engine. HOLUM, Fourth War I. 30abushelsIn Columbia Engine House , Fourth War 150 bushels in Gen. Grant Engine Homes Third W ard. litiu bushels in Ellsworth Engine House, Sixth Ward. 330 bn huts in Good Will Engine House. 350 bushels in 'Friendship Engine House, Second Ward. 100 bushels in Second Weigh House, Second Ward. 00 bushels In Diamond Scales, First Ward. Tne cast to be weighty ed on City Scales. . az. poirres CITY cowritoLLTß. DISSOLUTION. The partnership'y beretnfore existing under the name of JOHN THOIIiPS.EN CO. was die • solved on the 14 of July last by the withdrawal of John Thompson'. The business will be ear. ries on u nen& at the old establishment, 135 T ee AV/LNIJE, JOHN THOUPEON. HuHT PEON, H. C M IL LER.. • In renting from the above firm I would condi dishy recommene my former partners to my old' customers and the public generally, believing that the business 1,11 l be carried on by them in an honest and upright , manure . , and I would desire to return my sincere thanks to my fries:oolpr the very liberal patronage I • ave received from them during the thirty ooe years I have canted on business in Pittsburgh. • JOHN THOIIPBON. t„ . . --- • The undersignedk successors to John Thomp a e formed a partnership dattug igire/Julliir±:vt.niader the name of THODIPSON & NaLLERI and will continue the business D ANE PAINT ING, and uesuing in PLAIN ORNAMEN TAL FuREIGN GLASS, at the old stand, 133 THIRD &YEN CIE. • Thankful for the favors of the put we would respectfully ask the continued patronage of our friends and the public, assuring them that we win spare no pains to rener sattafacUoni. every case lu which we may be emplos ed. ROBERT 111.0312130 N, It. C. HILLER. sios:ntlt !P;iP Ji _IST OF J../ INO B r gust 6,1889 Harris Themes,Powers Emig HoustonW J Pastorlas light Headley John Ps torlas Sarah Hanlon John C Parelly Lewis Hunter - D avid Mazy Q. J __ Johnson Mr ! Quinn i 11. dome Evan ;Kearney If Johnson Jaines; Head Jesse Jones WmJr • Iling , ron Z T Johnson Kate Relay Anna Junes Datum 1 Robison duo W X Reed Susan Kerns J .ftellly Peter L 1 Lee Sarah !Seidel A l d re df Leellary Scott David !Lewitt t • avid ,Schunt Flt X !Sharp Henry B ililercer hi V B IS , ewsrd T ;Michael R !Sweeny John Meyers Katie ;Simpson 0 W Murphy Wm isininsun ZlIaD Medan IP tswingte Jaeob Mann Miss 0 Steward T F Mertz Lewis 'l' Meyer Dohetta TYMOT. 0 Morris D Mrs W 1 Maloue Joni Winters John Mertz Charles Wright Daniel Murray Hugh .- Wharton U [Mathews John Wils o names Mc Cmyton ' 1 . 40 11 isms E i Watt Nancy White Daft I Wil , on Hatt M White Alrarado 11 Wa agner ohn Coonty W rd J lozaa, r. H. =!ia Black David Barnes J Mrs Barcroft Annie Bovard Taos Beebe Mrs 0 chafferW 71 Clark Wm W •' ConWILY Agee CasSiday M A Clare James Cliftnn• Jennie Cla John Cer rk aotn 111. D • Davis William Devore Mari Duell Mary J• Dorsey A. Donnally John Daa:heitJ W Daly Michael Dowler Mary Da. all Win Doween Alex Doyle Henry Davie F.w4 , J Fitzpatrick J Fel ger irdir . Foroes James A Gilson Joseph• !Jetty ft Harris James lionston II eel Mnq nary Mr MeGinvny I , Nub Marla Neils I) !Pringle James PHILLIP : SCHOOL DESKS, RANKIN'S IMPROVED SCHOOL •DESX ADVANTAGES: t. Strongest and Most Durable. U. Does not require to be fastened to the floor. 111. Presents no obsteales to the Broom In Sweeping. IV. It is perfect . In the cue of ingress and egress. _ V. It is the Cbeipest. Privets and public schools supplied through It. S. DAVIS &. CO., 192 LIBERTY STREET. p Where a Model may be seen and Prices and other particulars received. subrarin GLAND CLOSING OIJT SALE BLANK BOOKS, NEINOIM BOOK DlPOSrrOffft LlZO . Smitlitleld Street. JOSEPH HORNER, Agent jr2limwr iIEAD4WAILTEIN 6 FOR . ZEN AND BOYS cumuso. GRAY tt LOGAN, NO. 47 SIXTH STREET, • Are now offering a complete stock, of . Bummer • Clothing of medium and tine stood* at the verg loweatprlces. Children's Cassimere Linen and Balt s; Youths , Casslmere and Linen Sults; Boys' Casstmere .nd Linen Sults; Gents , BlueTlamisl Sacks; Gents , Alpaca Sacks; Gents* White and Brown Duet Snits; Gents , Scotch Chevolt Susi. nese and Wadting Sults. Clothing of au kindest GRAY & LOGAN'S. j yin No. 41 Bixth street. (late St Clair.) TtfirslitlMlDE.t.,hf!!l,'' . 3 l) ONE' MILLION Best A No. 1 Saginaw Shingles, Prom the celebrated Wield/can Lumber }legions direct, which a can sell to the trade at low Ileums either- by car load or in quantitiestosnitintr. ALEX. 'PATTERSON 9 1 Cor. Juntas* and Pubis struts. Sixth ward. and , No. .57 nebenes urea, o➢Dostto the Hu Workm, alledhen, 01t7. Jv29:m7B Ali persons seek: 11011fil8yor thrown- ph In keel Se mite, will este.tle.e. trouble and money by pro curing s copy- of the *.ri ersl3llttell REAL HuTsVil IlLGlBfXlt. if • Itlegtvenswey Ghosts or will be re Ist by mat razz borhrlirediuclaug Persons cannot lento get Butted out ot the largo list Isout.lne. Vitlifrt °a' Plitt.LlPa. • Puff. . Ilrhere end Neel SataterAgestr. Not ial?Solknik. IaTAIIMPED VOLD PAVERS for /kJ chextors,liitlia.lolltaatet streets' jostrii, MW. IIt,AW. D AY BOOKS, Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Order-Books, Dray Books, Check Books, Copying Books, COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY Letter, Cap and Note Pipers, 30 xi lir ea co Vo e BLANK BOOKS, Of an kinds =Oleo order, of ant desired pattern of ruling or binding. MPSCANTILE PRINTING. KAY & COMPANY, 65 WOOD STREET. BATES & BELL REDUCED PRICES Lace Mantles, Lace Sacques, Silk Mantles, Ladies' Underclothing glMil Table Damask, Figured Hernani, Emb'd Handkerchiefs White Geods, Tarlatans, Lace Curtains, Marseilles: =0 STATEMENT OF \ THE coxnrriox OF PEOPLES' SAYINGS BANK, On 30th July, 1869. Publmhedby order of the Board of Trustees IA aceor ante pith Section 9or the Charter. Cash on hands $ 33,997.93 Expenses and cmce furniture . 9,707.148 /Souls. Mortgages, and other vaild securities 426,459.38 Beal Estate —884.83 $489,002.79 . Capital Stock authorised, 6300.000. Capital Stock instalments called in and paid $ 151,900.00 Premiums and *merest ...... 98,339 Ss Dividends unclaimed 30.00 Deposit account 275,733.87 $483,093.19 8. F. VON BONNHONNT, TREASURER. Sworn to and subsertbed before me. Witness my hand and Notarial Seat this 30th tar of July. A.l). 1889. 9201101/ MURPHY jyaltut2 • Notary Public. ROBERT 11. PATTERSON Sc CO. column. OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty EL PTTTEMMEOU, FA. WIII on WilurdaY. July 31st, 1069. and on each succeeding Satay, hold SU AUCIIOIII Sais of • • • • HORSES CARRIAGES BUGGIES _ • WAGONS, And everything appertaining to the Horse. their Parties des i ng to sett will please leave notice of consignment: on or before Thursday of each weet In order for Adam NE ing. Prompt at tention' and good care will be given alt Stoc k left forsale. JOHN Ile STEWART, Auctioneer. n25.i.06 ROCK THE BABY Eel EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONTT 1 f. • LEMON & WEISE. Practled Furniture Ifflundsictalers, ken szs irovivriz AVENUE. Where may be founder/II assortment oirer. Obember and Kitchen Maltese. dets J. S. swore.... it*Lr2 11 11 1WEIT BRATT, ti ANDfJ ARCHITECTURAL • ORNAMENTAL CARVERS No. 63 landusky Allegheny,: PL 11130 assortment of ItZWica. pluton azd BALLSTERB eonstantiy on hand ? , TURFING or all •leserin - ne. done - new's. KEYSTONE POTTERY.: S Rues, a, co., 4111X11111111111C01116 SINUOTOL WAIIII fifth -o6os sad Wsrehouse. 383 LIOSETY BTasiT orders oromotts stunsded to. non Est XleisMif Itongs: i kojips-An Idwicof itillotkoi weTAYiw *Lea. r.; vn ikra p isoi na psausbarmoill 1 . 1131 11, 40 .40scos PrITSBIJRqTI : GAZETTE--. FRP AtIGUSI, 6,, 1869 (Lafayette Building OFFER AT NO SCARCITY OF GOODS ! PLENTY OF GOOD BLRGAIN". TWELVE YARDS Fast Colored Dark Calico FOR ti.rE DOI,LAR. GOOD FAST i COLORED CALICO At 10 Cents. Best Makes of Calicos At 12 1-2 Cents. HANDSOME NEW STYLES TWELVE TASADS BLEACHED MUSLIN .FOR ONE DOLLAR. TWELVE YABES Fine Unbleached Muslin 702 ONE DOLLAR. FINE YARD WIDE BLEACHED UNDRESSED MUSLIN At 12 1-2 Cents. Fine Black , and Colored DOUBLE WIDTH ALPACAS At 25-Cents. EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS IN (SAS SIMZEJEUES. SHIRTING FLANNELS At Very Law Prices. New Bargsilns Daily WIE 180 and 182 Federal Street., ALLEGHENY CITY. GRATft3 FERRI • PRINTING INK WORKS. 0. E. ROBINSON, ItA3MIACTOIII3 OP Black and Colored Printing & Lithographic( ngss, venrimmas. eas. Gray's Ferry - Road and SW Street, felettdO PTITLADELPIELI. RADE MARK. DENO'S 101:131E1 PROOF Lamp CHIMNEYS. ri EMU SHAD RECEIVED dally at HENJAIIIIg PULPEEM, 'mph! Btand, O. 46 Diamond Market, nits burgh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny Otty, , corner of Ohio d Federal streets. am be Asa kinds of and Lake Ash, Halibut, had. Beek, tioddsh. Haddock and, Eel. Also, large supplies of White, Lake rub, Salmon,. Bass. Biergeon, Herring and Maeinaw Trout, which enables us to aell at the lowest market prices. wholesale or retail. We Invite all, lovers of sw a b Fish to glue as a tall; and wee wewill Maur them • treat. / :DMA vprEIISTEB STREIIIIN—Notice vT s 1 , hereby gtven.that tlui 'Thum report as •Uldiuktus Wbbstes 'Met, Allegbeuy, has been MO to the: Instri#l Mufti a s ly firisolll9. the titifittliciattos: - IteoollllBl6, ; 4.11111,- 71i; SPECIAL NOTICE VOLESILE IND RETAIL Buyers of Dry Goods. - NOt rEHSTANDING . . The r ininally Makge DEXAND AND SAES roxty Gt-coOrps, THE PAST FEW WEEKS Pleased to Inform our Customers, That our Stook is Still Sep By . Large Arrivals Daily NEIY AND DESIRABLE GOOD 1!33 OF In This Establishment DURING-- WE ABE AND TILE PUBLIC, FULL AND COMPLETE, OF AND That We Have a C1r001,19 AND GOOD BARGAINS To Offer All. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CU WM. SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. SECIIII.ITY AND COMFORT fur the traveling oommtinity. " • J. B. :HARMS • • Safely Fite Jacket • Car Heater and IBODER4TOR. Tor Smoke and Hot Air Flues, dispensing with the use of stoves and fixes luta about the Passen ger or Baggage Oars, with the Attachment to graduate the beat to any 'temperature that may be desired without sae possibility of firing the ear or cars to which the Jacket ma', be attactsd. Having obtained orthe United - BMWs Lettere Patent fa a tlafety Jacket. which is warranted to resist the most Intense heat that may be ap p sad to it in tae position d ravage for which is intended. • It is a lllllr'prailotlon from accidents by lire, originating from defective tines or where bon plias are used as con,ductora for smoke or beat. It is applicable to ill .Vping that may become overheated, and is warranted to give perfect sat ' isfaction where wood or other combustible =lin net mar be placed in close proximity thereto, I as now ready to apply my invention to stores, dwellings, factories, shins, steamboats, railroad cam. So. IN isereva tapas as condtfators are made dangerous by hang overheated and sem rity desired, I wilt send All application right to manufacture or use the above appli cation Also Territor p r i vi leg e sgo such as Slateish to engage in seLin either ayor county. • • / I 3. H. RAZORS. eir °Moe at the .IfIt.PLUS ULTRA PAINT HORIVi_," corner of Morris street awl the Alla gamut/ valley. Ilailroad, Twelfth ward. Pitt-- burg* Pa. 371ima6 It, )1 1 00WArf B. WICOWIt. ito 31. IicCOWA.N & CO „ Boulevard Pavers, -- . Offloes No. 65 01110_0T, ALLEOHEINY, Orders left - st GAZITIZ orrice, Pittsburgh, promptly attendpikllo. • Peve eidowassz, Commit lasksolratirds, Driven, &Os - • Warrroted against deluges of hest and cold. _UriagscO.-lifiuti Rio-rheas f.,0 11 & Rod? Patterson,W in. Park. .sautes aes N. Long & OWL, Ranier 1 &Oise. Anderson's & Maxwell. amen a OadNiallstiCroisv, Paing. ASHO-40 sacks or sail . ; . .k. (-fjALF44.19.1 CATIONAL NEWELL INSTITUTE: 255 and 267 Penn Street, Will re-open on MONDAY. SEPT. OTH. Terms 540 per session of live months. No extra charges, e tcent for Trench and Mu sic. Applicants to be able to re Id easily. I THE BOYS' BCHCOL ROOMS, in No. 257, have been recently enlarged and very much Im proved. The course of study qualifies loss en trance Into sny college. Thorough teaching I. gtvi n In those studies relating_ to bus wipe, such as SPELLING. PENMANSHIP. A a ITH. daily.lC, OM PCr3iTION. ac. German Classes The character of the school Is a guano tee for honest, vigorous teaching The Tfleene. l 3 are Messrs. NEVELL. BURCH FIELD. SLOANE, slid MORGAN• The School Rooms for the YoUNG LADLES are In No. 955 Penn street. The BOOMS are spacious and elegant. Tne Principal, N EWELL, wilt be assisted by Miss SPENCER, Miss E. M. LIGGETT, late of Vauar and Miss WAI KINS, already known In the corn-* mann) , ea en able teacher. The two Depart merits, Junior an. Senior, embrace the usual course pursued in such Institutions. 'lOll MUSICAL DEPARTMENT will be under the care of Prof. DE HAM and Miss STEBBINe. Pro MissE HAM , charges are 625 pea quart Fr. and STEBBINS, US per quarter. oth re Muse. The stricti? SCHOOL now of Music. The LAD ES" siCliouL now offers every advantage which can be secured by faithful tesching and most desirable surroundings. The Principal may be Been daily at 55 Penn street. from 9to o'clock. an4Wrlt lywcu IA: # 1 4'4 Ender the Care of the Sisters of Mercy, WESTMORELAND CO.. "PA. This Institution is situated near the Penceyi vania Central Railroad, In a most beautiful and healthy part of Westmoreland county, about thr.e miles from Latrobe. 3 he scholastic year is divided into two sessions, commencing the Monday after the lath of An gut. Board and tuition per session. (payable In advance) t 93 Ort Bed and beddi. g per session n UO Stationeiv • 2 00 00 Doctor's fees " Toe Modern Languages, Music, Drawing, Ste,' form extra charges. All communications should be d'r eat' d to the Dlrectrees Westmoreland Acadsmy St. Vin cent's r. 0. county. Pa. N. B.—A 'carriage is in attendance at Beatv's Station every Weanesday, o meet the morning accommodation train from Pittsburgh. Studies will commends August 231. _ Prospectuses can be had on application to the Directress of the Academy, - au4:n4 CURRY NORMAL INSTITUTE, The Next Term will Open on the LAST MONDAY OP AUGUST. Persons w Mint toenler Regular Classes, and especially former Pupils and ...there qualified to enter the bailor Class, should apply this week. A sELEcr SCHOOL FOB, BOYS. Will be opened In connection with this Install- Hon, In which they can tske a thorough e011154:1 In Spaing Resolute. Arithmetic, 'S ec ret:thy. History, Eriglish fitammar, Writing aim Boos. keeping, or any of these branches. • A Select School for Little of similar grade, will also be connected with the Institution. Parents wishing tomake arrangements for send. Mg their eons and Daughters, are invited to ap ply this weer. aub:nB pENNST LVAIirIA. MILITARY ACADEMY, At CHESTER, DELAWARE Co.. Pa. (For Boarders . only.) The eightn annual session commences 4 .1 bursday, eeptember end. T. .e buildings are new and very complete in all their appointments. Very thorough instruction in English. ancient and modern languages. Two graduates of time(jutted states ididtary Academy devote their exc.usively to the departments of Mathematics anal engineering Careful at tention is given to the motel and 'religions cal tare of cadets. Circulars may be obtained of C. H. PAULSON, Esq., Mo. 40 Woos' Street, Pittsburgh, or of Con. THEODORE HOYATT. President of P. M. A..adeiny, Chester, Pa. . Au 3 miG. WOOD MOB% . • __SAWENG, AND BICITLDING Donepromptly to order at 161 taco* street,Al• leghedy Ctt7. b 7 P. LEBZELTER & The beet attentionwill be given to ell who want anything in our line. We always keep a large lot or turned work. inch as Balusters. Newl room. Hubs. de. Mao. • geed stook of dry Walnut, Cherry and other lumber on band. m 711 • P. LISBZEGTER & CL)• .TiEWSPAPER FREE—CoaI • Miners. and persons - desht m in s'Weste Gme. end others, can b awe a spicy Wee' 17 Parer THE! ton SIX 'MONTHS by sending_ name end POSCOMCO liddreal to GARDNER - JOURNAL, Oatdner, Minds. • lilltsmlB L. W■ BAR iiisc),c)c , c) TEN DAYS STILL GREATER RED Many. Goods offered Twe they can be bought for in Dresf3nt time. Winter Goods as E By Order, 111111MBE Eir NO TICES-- ,, Tici:Let," , eFor Sate," 16 .1,05 t," "lVatas," ""Found," ' , Boarding," dec., not exceeding FOUR LINES, wa4 be inserted in these columns MCC Pr TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each cacti &mat tine FIVE CENTS. WANTED...-. TEACHERS.—In Onion township. PW TVACHELtd. Applicants will meet at Mo nt Pissah bohool house on SA.IIIRDAY, August lilt, at 3 o'clock r. S. By order of the Board. WANTED---HELP.--AT RN. PLoYmmer °incr. wo. 1 Bt. Cbar Street, BOYB OMB and MEN, for dtlerent kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied cm short notice. WANTED.—A good second rAliD ENO NE AND BOILER: engine ahoot 4 inch cylindir: Boiler from 18 to AO teet, 38 to 46-inch, and tined. Parties halloc such machinery to sell will please address Box 384. Pl:Waugh Postoffice, stating -size, make and prier. NvANTED.--A, SMALL' HOUSE, of three rooms, - fn.Manch• titer or Law renceville. Also , a eITITATION in a clothing store as salesman. Good rsterenee givin. AC dregs W. P. BRANDON. Fittabanga Postollice. TO-LET.—ROOMS. on Second 0 ,ororith Boarding. Location the Most mixable In the city, . lth" the conveniences of blob rooms. the comforts a a . prieate family, as tew boarcers are kept. 181NOrth Avenue, Al. legheny City. OR S&LE.—A Baru C ha nce to s.enre a home In the "PlTltibtrE 4 H .AL ESTATE lI.FAIISTZE," office No. 139 /mai avenue. FOB SALE.—Bargains in Real Estate to the "PITInI3II/1941 RICM, Es- REGISTER. Publlsheo only by csurr & PHILLIP 4 at No. 139 tonrth Ayenne. FOR SALE.—About 120 acres I of land in the best inflation for counta seats; only 2 miles from the West Pittshar Ferry Landing. Will be sold altogether or nieces to snit purchasers. Enquire of Y. Nao LEY, Wilco at the south end of the Mown &stela briAge. jel4,ntr FOR - SALE--CITY RES ID ENCE On Colwell strett, one square from street cars. The House has ten rooms, hail, good cellars. pressed brick front gas and water i throughout, bath room, range n kitchen. and in a pleasant neighoorteod. Trice ONLY $7.000• on easy terms. Apple to CROFT L'Hi LLIFd, Real Estate Agi nts, 139 Fourth avenue. Villa SALL-Overl,ooo,ooo JV worth of pruerty,o)roprising Farms,_MUls, Hotels, Stores, Rouses, Lots, City and Subur ban residences In such a vast variety. that the most fasthilous cannot fall to get suited In a Lome. Pun particulars of all the above given In the "PITTSS - RUltkill REAL. ESTATE REOLS TER, 'CROP r a PHILLIPs, Publishers sud Real Estato Agents, NO, 139 /earth avenue, Do Vt fall to get It. EOR SALE.-YALIJABLE CITY ReSIDENCE.—HOUSE AND LOT, No. Tit llington street. Allegheny City. The lot Is 621 feet on Washington street, extending back 5160 feet, on which is t reeled a double two story brick dwelling. having all modern Improvements, Also brick stable and carriage room, with ser• vents room attached, all in first rate order. TS those wanting a comfortable home, this propetti is recommended. Enquire on the premises, or to BUBEET DA - LZILL. 1y12:m8 49 Stockton Avenue. Fon SALE. EALTiBITEG—.& 2 story Brick Hcnue,9 rooms. SO by ISO. GREENSBORO — A. Lot 69 by 'BS, opposite freight depot. 3143KEEePORT -- 4 Lots and 9 story Brick Home, with Tavern; M.V. B B. pass-in/through the property PERRY STREET, Allegheny-2 story frame limier. 40 by ELIZABE I HTOWN-4 Lolls. 25 by 60, with three frames and a two story Brick house. - 6EuteND AVENUE — A 3 story Brink Jam 9 rooms. CENTRE AVENIFE—A 9 story Brick Eon . - 'For particulars enquire st 87 Grant street. ivid TUSTIN & KLEE. FOR SALE-RESIDENCE. The elegant new two story, pressedbrick front. at present occupied by J. :3. Bell, Beach street, Second ward, Allegheny,. The hiAsse contains 11 rooms, with . attic, wash Image With station ary tabs, stable and coach house, side yard and garden. The house is finished in the vest best a' yin, with inside shutters, marble mantles and hearths, marble wash stands, Graft, Banns Jr. CO'S furnace, Cincinnati range in kitchen. speaking tubes, pantries, and every convenience necessary fOr a Mat-class residence. For terms apply to irBl:m9o Bates & Bell's, or os the premises,- FOR SALE. ineand Lot on findusky street; Rouse and ; Lot on Boyle' street; A Rouses . In th e Rlghth ,-- Ward; 3 Farms In Onto; 7srm In Bentickley .Township; 10 acres at Fleming . Station. P., Ft. W. A V. IL- R.: parm near Perrynine; Hann ana Ili acres sr Glendale Station, P.. Ft. W. O. IL B.; A Farms In lowat LOt On Locust street (Manchester); Farm In Westmsreland county; Houses and Lota In Sprtng Elsraen avenue; Rouse and Lease on Middle street; Rouse and 4 Lots 01 Spring HIIL Ith _ward.: Other Rouses - aid Lots In good . locatlon. Inspire of 114.111M1T/KORIIIi Beal /Estate and lanranee Agent. wrnei Oldo and Sandusky streets. Allegheny. - Fos 'SALL; . : • A iTAS RIGHT TRAM TO RUN of i lot of ground iron - log 1313 feet on Strawberry Lane,' Tanning heck 115 W !bet lmisPailately in rear of , Pittaburfli. Lila limy and Iganchester Pawn. g r Rai way and stable. and on the line of the of the Cleve and and Pittsburgh liatir. piny. aolaeent - to the Ohiofirer. on which Is erected TWO GOOD IMAILSTRIIARTROVIIEd of three rooms each. with good stabling and out nooses complete. This property Is well - adapted for lumber or coke business. there being already erected thereon eight -Olibt-incha w all the necessary appliances for earrylng on that ‘buslaesa. ALeio. for rent or leale. S CUMl ^ Traine ww.sllll HOUSE of three rooms. la a good location within .' gee minutes walk of Wood. Wan Station. P., W. &C. R. R.. ts win , * there la attached about bait an acre of mond: Tots property wit:be rented low for a term of years to a good tenant, ' Inquire of AT. zesrald PAT i rlittliQtr, Lumber Teed comer *able and Junlataetreeta. or Ito. 131 Rebecca street., opposite the Oss Works. Allegheny City. - yin:m7/ KER & 59 MAKE Must be V ~,,,4 1......,...;,?r,5,!.1, - , , ,:,.::.1.7. , ,, , 1.7 ,-.13 1171AQ it to : j4l krA TO. ZET: FOR SALE. J. 8. BELL, T STREET. cor"th lazkescatL • Lowatiti UCTION IN PRICES I nty-five per cent. less than the Eastern Markets at the well as Summer ItEMII7CDION: ltiskA-TOut.,t*: ,- ,i ) : J. Wi'cBAJUUM-4..ti Mira II II H E 111 I= 1:1212=IgIMIEI