PETROLEUDI MARILET. OPTICS or Pirrsnunent GAZETTE,' Ta.unsThey, August 5; 1869. I The oil market, although - - firmer and !pparently - tending upward, is quiet Ith a 'very light volume of. businsiss be aggregate. The improvement- is at. iibuted to the improved character of the I ,3reign.advices, though, as has been the ase nearly all season; oil is higher h&c:, ,e he relatively, than tr. Is firmer and sellers . generally were 'sking 15 cts,-but buyers ate very scarce t that figura. Sale of 1000 spot at 1 174; nd2ooo (40 to 45 gravity) at 15. Seller ill year, is nominal at 14, 1 4614%, and )uyer all year, at 16(4)16;4.: . , ' itsmirsco • Sale of 800 spot, at 31K, an advance tompared With yesterday of fully half cent, and the same figure was bid for :,500 more. September and October to 3ecember, quoted at 24. LITBRIOATING OILS. 3clipae Winter Lubricating oil 40c 4cllpee Railroad Azle...; 85e ilclipact Machinery....--. • 75c &lips° Spindle ' 800 RECEIPTS OP OP.ITDE OIL. ?taller & Bro ')vrston Soly,rs. 1,700 •' T` Wilkins 360 J kson Bro 2.800 R. T. Leech 80 1, JOhu Spear:: D Ely Total 5,210 bbls oft. satpPsio men BY A. V. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 516 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. Standard Oil Co., 500 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth & Bro., 339 bbla refined to Warden, Frew ;& Co., Philadelphia. 1, Livingston & Bro., 600' cases to War den Frew & Co., Philadelphia."- - ! Montzhelmer.Xoehler & 301 bblerei to Waring, King &W., Philadelphia, • L Citizens Oil Co. 275 - bbla refined :to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia • Total 8efined.z......:1,901 bbls. 600 oases: 'tat, SHIPPED EAST AT DIMMER DRAOri Brooks ,•Ballentine & Co,; 84: bbls ref.. to Warden; Frew & McKenna* Rodgemso .bbia relined to A. P. Phipps; Philadelphia: MARKETS' HT TELEGRAPH. . , )INEw Yonu, August s.—Cotton with but decided. change, :sales, 1,000 bales middling uplands at' 83}ib. Flour—re . • - :celpts, ,14,227 !ibis; 'dull , and heavy, • ' 'and s®loc. lower- o sales of 590 bbls. at ii15,85(§6,35 forauperfine State an d western • '16,7007,25 extra State; -$6,60G7,30 extra esters; 57,85®7,60; white wheat extra; 116,85®7,60 R. H. O.; s7®B extra St. Louis; sB©lo gocld to choice do. Rye flour 'quiet, sales of 150, bbls. at $4,75® 6,75. Corn Meal dull Whisky 'firmer, sales 0f . 280 bbls. western at,11.10G1,103 I) for free, andsurudl lots 11,11; Receipts 7-, wheat, 106,292 bush: I@2b, better with' a •' fair export demand; sales'f 86,000 tin. at 111,56®1,58 for No. 2 Spring, 111,50G1,511br soft do., $1,62®1,65 for No." 1 +spring, 81,59 for Nos. 1 and 2 do. mixed, 111,66 for choice new Ohio, g 1,70 for new amber • Tennessee. Rye • quiet. Barley and Barley"-Malt nominal. Corn; 'receipts, . " 41,717 bush.; Corn opened at I@2c better, ' and Closed' quiet= the advance being inearlylost; sales of 64,000 bush. at 83o@ 51.06 for unsound new mixed western, ° 1 111,07i211.12X for sound l - closing at 111 ; 10(04,11 for pr s ime lot, ;ceipts, 1,13®1,14 for iwestecp • ‘- Oats, re 18,295 bush.MOstemoraaetive; sales 01°59,000 ' :bush. at 79@)800' for- -western afloat, 74N ®7743 , for unsound f ditto, 750 for new Pennsylvania, 68G770 for new 'Virginia. Rice in falfrequeit,With sales of 40 tea Carolina at 'BW2Ole. Coffee less .' active; -sales•of 1,200 bags Rio on private :,ternis. Sugar easier!' sales of 800 hhds jet lly,@llXo for Cuba, and 113.1®1234c, for Porto Rico.. Molasses quiet. Petro. ileum firm at 17y,G1714c for crude, and 313a3243 for refined. Hops quiet. Lin - 'trued 011 quiet. Pork dull and heavy; I sales of 450 bbls at ;33,12G33,25 for new mess; closing at ps,l2 cash, 532,75 for lold do., 1127,50G28,50 for prime, $30,00@ I 30,50 for-prime mesa; also, 500 bbla new J mess, buyer -August, at .533,37G33,40. ? Beef steady, with ages .of ,140 bbls at ;8016 for_new plain mess, and sl2@ ;18 for new extra mesa. Tierce Reef nominal; salmi 209 bbla at takfor, prime Imese; 535@30 for India mess, Beef hams I quiet; saies.-100 . bbls. at ;25®30.. Cut mesitseteady; •sales 165 'pkgs. at • 143(gf 1 15 c. fbr ithoulders; 17G190. for aides; middles quiet and firm; sales 250 bxs. ice cured at 16%@16 Lard quiet:and I 475 tierces steam, seller Septembtar. sold Ist 19304 2,000 tierces do. linyer all the year, sold at 2010. Butter quiet at ifig, 31c. for 01410; , 16G370b far State. Cheese firm at 11(4116c.. 'freights to Liverpool are firmer; ahipMents have been made • of 6,000 Nish. wheat at. 7G7yic per. Ball, And 83; 2)90 per steam. Latest—Flonr closed dull and alightly in buyers favor.- Wheat very firm, with a fair export. demand at 11,52(4)1,58 for N 0.2; 111,61G1,65 for •No; I sPerf . g: ;1,62 G 1,63 for f new red • OhlO 'and diens. Rye nominal at-111,26G1,27 for iwesteni.. Oats dull,ta7BGBoc for new and old wes ' tern.' Corn did!. at 111,07@1.11 - Kor good to prime mixed western. - Pork dull and heavy at 11133©33,06. , Beef steady, with 'a moderate inquiry. Cut meats in fair de. • mand. Bacon—steady inquiry; Lard R forprime steam. En'quiet and unchanged. ST.. Louis, August 5.-;.Tobaceo firth and unchanged: - Cotton nominal at 82c. Hemp; sales undressed at ;1,25. •Flotit: low grimier/ire in good demand; super' sold at 114,75G5,10; 'extra al $5,26@5,75, , double extra at 55,50@ treble ex , tra at 16,75G7. Wheat active forclioicei other , grades are dull, with small sales No. 2spring at 11,10; No. 2 red fell;at 51, to iarictly prime: red at SIX @1,85, choice to fancy do. at 0140191150. and prime to choice wr i te et , 81,40U1455. Corn higher, with sales mixed in bulk at • 70(075c, white at 78G86c,eozzinion yellow in sacks at $3O„ choice.BBo;;lutd.White.: i l at 910950. Qaos firmer bet-- 4er; new mixed in .bulk at 42@45c, do3n 'Sacks at 49j®510, do - .. White at 53(4550. •, old mixed_lat 6046 . 2 A, and do. fancy , white at 65c., Rye at t er, and firm; now , i at gso; Whisky Steady. at • 11,05G1,07.• Groceries quiet and . unchanged. Pro visions firm but .qinet, with .. ; but little dis Position to. bay or _ selL' Pork sold at 834%84,50. -Batson; stiouldertspy,,olst4o, clear, rib' • tildes. 18% o®lB,, and .clear" sides 19(419y,0. - Sugar Oared Hams 240. Lard quiet; sales of clibicein tierces in a small way at 19c, and •in kegs at 2030. Recelpts=Flour, 2,200 bush; wheat, 81,- 700 bpah; 3,oo .buithL oats, 2,2u0 bush; rye, 1,300 bush; hogs, 160 head. • Cnicano, August s—Hastern Eichange firm at par =Flour - firm at 55;50G7 for spring extras. • Whea t more active; No. 1 sold at 81;40 . 4G1,42; closing unchanged; No. 2at 111,86m01,38; this afternoon the market. IS qsllos at 11,34)4 far No. 2,0011er August. .. Horn has "ad vanced-IC.; sales No. .Tat ,stiossgii; and rejected at; 8134® . 83c.; .no fes sold atlß; clos ing 489forNo. 2; this afternoon WasB9c. bid "JbelNO..2.lsoliet `,half • August; f.9oe.; , ifras ,, askeilk , ..Dats quiet 1131 Ortthabaktelr ilgtVine..._.,.. B . A o l *Amin- 0613 1 farNiAltiffsGirfer ‘ri r www6 gg. at 560084stbrEo.flasf Rye mof 91 2, and 8208313 for - Barley firmer and quiet; No. 2 in: store nominal let 461,4 . 0®1,35. Highwinea ac tive and, excited at the opening, and closed easier; sales at $1,04®1,05. Sugars firm and active at 133ti©18 1 /0 fora com mon to prime Cuba. Provisions firm. Mess pork 25e higher; sales at 833,75@24. Lard lAc higher; salesat 196. Dry salted shoulders 133{®14c. Sweet pickled hams 17®17 3 c. _Rough sides . 16®16/c. Freights steady and'more active at 86 on Whpat to Oswego; 3340 on oats, and 4%e on wheat to Baffalo._, Receipts for the Pest 24 hours-2,216 bbls flour; 20.132 bu wheat, 85,007 bncorn.lB,Bl3 bn oats, 1,781 bu rye, 1, barley ;0,523 hogs. Ship ments—T,3l9.bbla flour, 84,079 bu wheat, 81,469 bu corn, 46,130 - blloats, 10.158 hogs., . . CINCINNATI, • August 6.--Flour- un-, changed.: Wheat in good demand at fail rates. i red $1;20@1 t 25; white $1,40431,45. Cornduil and.. drooping, with sales ,of ear at 85©87c. Oats in good demand" ' at ` 45®500. the latter rates for prime .White. Rye 90@92e. Tobitoco in good dienand, and the sales during the last two" days comprise 714 hhds at $l2 to 134; premium tobacco brought , $4O to; $lOO per ;100 pounds. The number In attendance from all cities was -tit:usually large. Whisky unsettled; 200 bbls sold at. 51,05 and 391. bbls "at $1,08; there • was some conflict between dealers. ' Provisions un changed and nothing done. Mess Pork held 533,50. Bulk meats 14c tor shoul ders and 16go for sides. Bacon 1531, 1831 and' 190, but no sales. Lard 19 ;co and quiet with no demand.' Butter 254 30q. Eggs 140. Gold 186 buying. Ex-. change dull and lower at X,©1.10 dis count buying. Money market unchanged. BALTIMORE, August s.—Flour quiet and steady; stock scarce; milling capao ity limited- by . a scarcity or_ water. Wheat; prime red_ active at 11,55@1,56; low grades dull. Corn ,steady; white $1,04@1,05. Oats firm at 620650 fbr new. Rye '61,20. Mess Pork firm, 534@34,50. Bacon . active and advancing; rib eiders 19V,,c; clear rib 1934®193;0; ehouldent 1631@16340. Hams 24®2435c. Lard firm at 19%@200. Whisky; there is more do ing at PHILADELPHIA, August 5.. Flour ' dull; Northwest extra family 56,25@' 7,50. Ohio - do., $7@7,50. Wheat quiet; new red $1 2 50®1,69 4 damp $1,48. Rye quiet and unchanged. Corn excited and higher: yellow $1,14, western $1,10@1,13. Oats dull; western old 75c., new south ern 60@655 Provisions unchanged. Pe troleum not active; crude 22c., refined 313i0- The destruction of about 5,060 barrels of old rye whisky by fire last night unsettled the market. • • Oawsuo,•August B.—Flour steady and unchanged.: Wheat in moderate de wand and steady; sales of 2,000 bus No. 1 Milwaukee Club at $1,56, and 16,000 bus No. 2 do. to arrive at $1,52. Corn un changed; sales of 5,800 bus ;No.L kiln dried at $1,05, and 1;20 9 bus Illinois at $1,06. Canal freights; wheat 8 3 1 0 and, corn 7340 to New York. Lake imi>orts: 27,300 bus wheat, and 20,000 bus corn. Canal exports: 18,800 bus wheat. CLEVELAND, Aug. s.—Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat in fair. demand and 11@2o batter. Corn quiet nut firmer; No. I mixed 91(§920; No. 2 do 90c. Oats dull and inactive; No.: 1 State held at 65c; new nominaL Rye quiet but firm at 51,10(4) Ll 5. Barley , _ without movement and nominal; Petroleum dull and inactive and nominally unchanged; refined held at 2,83M290 for August and September; crude dull at $6,50. MILWAUKEE, ' August s.—Flour. quiet and steady, with sales ofchoice lowa and Michigan at $6,50@6,75. Wheat uiet at sl,4ofor No. I and 51,37 for No. 2. q Oats declining at 610 for No. , 2 , Corn quiet and steady at 900 for -No. 2. Rye and Barley nominal. Grain freights quiet and -unchanged. Receiptai: 1,000 bbls flour, 24,000 bushels wheat, MOO bushels corn. f3hipments: 3,000 bbls of flour. LourSVILLE, August s.—Flour firm at 84,60@5 for. superfine. - Wheat quiet at $l,lO for red, and $1,20 .for white, Corn 85c. Oats 55c for new. Rya 85c Barley $1,15. Leaf Tobacco in good demand; sales 117 hhds at $8.19@14,75. Provisions firm. Mess Pork 533,50. - Bacon shoal tiers 15,./ i o; clear rib 190; clear sides 19kc. Sugar crured hams 223ic, and extra 23c. Lard 1950. Righwines 51,08.. MEMPHIS, MEMPHIS, ,August s.—Cotton is dull; new middling uo receipts, exports 66 bales. Flour firm for superfine: Wheat $1,20(g11,80. Corn 95c..' - Oats 58@ 600 for new, and 75(g788 for old. Bran slB@3. .Corn meal $4,35 for_ fresb:r kiln dried nominal. Pork $35. Lar,d 20@220. Bacon firm: shoulders 153‘c, • and sides -' ,Caunsuo, August 5 '--Cattle steady and more active, at ;3,50035 for cows, $5,50@ , 6,25 for fair to medium, $5,80@7,1234 for good steers , Hogs opensdfirm and active and cktited easier at $8,50(48,90 for fair to -mediuM, $9,12Vg9,70 for good to choicer, 119,75@1(1 for extra. • • •• - • Drrnerr, August. IL—Wheat steady; extra - white winter" at 51,80; No. 'I do. at $1,70; "N 0.2 6W at $1,45; . - NO.l 5121154 at $1,45. Gana; 980: Oats, new, - 65 c. • • 240 bbls. 100 " 60 " ST. 'Louts, Augast 15. Cattle lrip coder ate deman4l#_4slsol,4o; mostly to batch ere at 405 c. - 4oicia"„ active and 11.1:41 at 8 . , ' . IMAM'S mursolv; PITTBBI7BOI4 • FORS WAYI4III-(ha use° .Itatriato.u)._ = August-;4.-8` cars metal, Nimick, & Co; 6 do do, Superior Mills; Bdo do, Hallman- & Hammett: ;10 tcs lard, W B Heys .& 'Son; 20 bales broomcorn, H 8 McClelland; 6 do do, Z B,Taylor; 1 car oats, J W Simpson; 1 car ice, Tohn White Jr; 25 bxs cheese;W D Coopsr; 14 doilo,.lht I Braden; 8 bbls Sax seed, ft do eggs, H •Rsa Jr; 100.bbls flour. Dan Wallace: 236 ski• oats, J .Marshall; 2 cars,etaves, M P Adams .3: Bre; 50, bbls whisky, Wm Carr & Co; 23 pkg tobac. . co, W .L Jones; 14 for barns, F &liars • & Co; 10 bxa cheese, Head &htetzgar; 1 bbl. eggs,. Woodworth It: Davison;, -6: bag soap, W Seibert; ,16 eke rags 'McCul- , lough, Smith Co; 4 bbls eggs, KaPPer• ham & G;; ; 25 bxe soap, S /Await tt CO: 1 keg tallow, Volgt, Mahood ft Co; 15 bbls vinegar, Arbucklaset Co: 1 do • do, J, Evans, - ; _ lailiGllll2lY Vataarr B. B. Aug. 4.-3 T hides, MrDalauge: 46 do dO, J Hatomett It Sonfl car scrap iron; J Jones; 1 pkg butter, Volgti Mahciod & Co; 7 sks rags, 'Christy` !A' Bonham; '2' cars refined oil, Thomas Hackett; 84 aka rye Scott ."I •Gittair 84' sks bits, Bricker & Co; 12 do do, Heil & Ritehatt; 60 bbls lubricating oil, •Myr& Flack: 860"bbis crude oli o Jag Wilkins; 80 do do, GS ' Thomas; " 240 do do, Fisher Bro; 80 do do, John Man- A pIALAMMIFEEETY ° Srrerrezt, August 4.—' 100 bbls Sour, Hippley & Becker 642 gas stoneware, 0 Kohler; _ 1 oar. ore, Lewis, ,. Belle y Daliell; 2 cars wheat, W Mc- Kee & 00;1 'car sttives, O 'Stratt; 16 eke Donee, Gillen; 250 eke millfeed, 8.0 McMasters; 10 has cheese ' fil• Dyer; 39 aka , . rags, 3 RJones, bbl sengs, H Lenz; 3 cars staves. J hi Hemphill; 100 green hides, A. Holstein; 12 sheep, skins, F Stimple.' • • , CLIMILUI . D ftrriennten RATIT ROADAAnkrnsf 4,-1 car L ` El ore, Has. 1, --- eyTw "- e ir - ij r , Co; itsydo,..l3radys Bend 11. ri iron ore. idhoenberger. _ 4 1) & 1 7 .; Ci w o " 'ln - MN* W Davie;, 524 "lllets iron Nitnick*Co; 69 efu s 9 4 -bootii Broi el bblo t 40114 i 4, car;sliNC.Biallins ra otnquir, senhaliwit'.4.4ll 1064 r.tilt,rrezi toT6.• %;' Mahood & go. f•-• PITTSBURGH! -,.GAZVI:Mt RIV).111, NEWS. The river was rising slowly last even ing with three feet six inches in the channel. Weather cool, cloar and pleas. ant.' Mercury at:s PM.76 in shades' • -The 'Kenton, from Portsmouth, and •Petrolia l from Parkershurg arrived. The latter dephrted again and the Kenton departs -to-day. `-.Theßelle has withdrawn from the "Parkersburg trade in order, to make repairs... ; —The" Argosy did net' leave : on Well. 'nesdayzight as sionottnced; having been detained-until yesterday. morning. ~ &t, • laat accounts she wasaground on 0111138 House ber;,but has doubtless ere this got —The Glendale left Cincinnati for this; r R on Tuesday. p , ••• The .C. Gray was loading at Cin cinnati for Pithiburgh'im Wednesday. . --The tow boat Wilson was to have left-Cairo fet this port on Tuesday, with atow of empty barges., • —The house ef-WM. Kirker, 6 Miles below . Manehester, on `the Kentucky side of the river, Was totally destrOyed by fire Monday. night. Loss 1 2 , 000 •• Mr. Kirker Is an old and well-known, mate, but hall been farming recently. AU that he owned in the world Was swept Away in one,, night, as there was no insurance. • —The steamer St. Louis has been, sold by Mr. P. Gels(' to the St. Louie and Iron Mountain,Railroad for the some of 624,000. It will be used • for transport.: mg cars from Belmont, Mo., to Colum bus, Ky. The boat was built at Free dom, Pa., this year, Is 100 feet lit length, and 31 feet beam; tonage, 210,83 tons. —The Secretary of the Treasury has decided that - steamboats that only touch at port on our Inland lakes and. on our coasts shall not be subject to entrance and clearance fees.. " —The northern 'and. White Collar Llnes'are preparing: a low water pro gramme for the on _the Upper Mississippi. The river will be divided into sections, and some of the tants of the line are belngaassigned to their prop er places above the rapids. —Cali.- Jaw -Lloyd contemplates go ing ' -- into.::the commission business at St. Louis. , —lt hi stated that one•half of the Mountaineer has been sold to the Miami packet Company for $12,000, and that she will go into:the Kansas trade. —The wife of Capt. J. Frazier died at Cincinnati on Tuesday. ' • . Jo hn 'VP Russell, a veteran of the war 0(1812, and a pioneer steamboat man in the Louisville and. New Orleans trade, died at his residence in Franklin county, near Frankfort on Sunday, at i a ripe old age. He was n the river ser vice for thirty years, during which time he owned and commanded a number of stoamers, among which were the North 'America, Empress and Caledonia. In ]845 he was appointed superintendent ot the snag Seat for the improvement of Western liters, and ,a number, of snag boats:were built .under his supervision. --We clip the following items from the Sioux. City Journal; of July 29th: The Silver - Lake No. 4 left this port last Friday night, to take on and 'proceed with freight for Fort Randall which was given to the Big Horn, but which became disabled, by the breaking of her shaft. The latter proceeded to Omaha to await repairs. The Ida ,Rees,. No. 2, arrived here from Grand river last Saturday. She remained here-only long enough to take on a load of freight for a return trip. The Hiram Wood left for Fort Randall Saturday afternoon with a load of lumber. • The steam packet Peninah arrived here on Sunday afternoon from Grand river, and reports tho 1, 131 g muddy" as being quite low and navigation difficult:. - The Andrew Ackley, which arrived here last Thursday, leaves to•day with a fine cargo of 'lndian supplies for Grand river. The Evening Star left for Omaha yes terday afternoon. RIVER PACKETS. VOR EVANSIFILLE i I id dRe . CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. . The fine passenger steamer. . Ow. W. ItzA. Will leave for.the ahove and Intermedlatis ports on 'TUESDAY, 10th Inst.. at 4 P. 31. For Deigns or passage apply on board; -or to 'Ana • FLACK COLIANOWOOD. Agents. STEAMEEITP3 T O LIVERPOOL, AND 'QUEENSTOWN... trimniffizeig MAIL wrzinumws. , littabestax itztrei arst-04112 O n A ti erltrar OFFF 0 ANTINIC (wry OF Bowrot CITY OFC.TIMO/1., Q1111401.NIX) . fisUlitir MOLY TIIIIDAYr 'Pler 41. north Java*. New York.Zaryismage or Miler information milt* '• • ' Wll/14L .111NMUL Jr. - 143 EtAtITHVIELD Flusbuiab. • • ..ASSESSBEEINTB. , : : • Ora ich Or CrrT Shothhha lihstraTOlis - Pirratititiotil August ad; 11109. I NTOTICE.—The: assessment for the enit.DlNG'orWylbe itreet extealuon, ready tirawford to sirliystrielt atreeh is now ready for examioltl44_atid csn he seed at this °thee until I'HULIODAY:, August 111th; when It wig be returnee to the City Treasurer's Oda:Otos coleetion.. • . • 10:min 110011E4 City Mutineer: • 0371172 Or OM BNaiA>elS AWD Pittabunth. July 26. /559. 't from Butler street to theAlleghenylfalley U. it.. Is now seedy for examination. acd can be seen at this' Mlles untU THUkWUAY 'August when It will be returned to the OltyTrra ant er , s edict iy2Mmrc-o llecti • o n. • . .C J ty M B O g Q h U e E . LIVERY STABLES. - - JOll3 EITIWAIrr 11,0i3T• ROST* Ho PATTERSON & CO., SiLT47. 'AVM • . , ,CONEaSSION STABLES COIL lIIITENTH AYOUB & LIBERTY ATI PITTI3III7IiOEI, PA. sit b 4 • • ARCHITECTS. DARR & MOSER, • • • . jug • ARC" lITECMS. : rammiter , AsidotiTios Burmures, 2401.44444suclatiiittreet,.Pittetniro; ap e atai attention liven to the : deigning and , beildue2l_olll7RT 11411781123 end BOlPltrig.Nrt.' A,YDRAITLIC CEMENT.-100 0 DNS Loutiville,Hydrulto Cement. for isle 1 AIT 100 bble Louisville ‘,../ Mantas Cement. for silo b y , , .7. B. CATIRIMLD ,boxes,.. ractorT G 4o " l6loll " 4 " l nriedtrWeg lasad 1114 k 004vormr. styrri die ttz b l r fit Of i t: outliner. •111gett MISCELLANEOUS. 2 000 000 AcitEs OHOIOE LANDS FOR aALE. ".. . , Union Pacific Railroad Conipany, zmirEas rayruort, ion s alon g %be line of theieroad. $/;00 E 5,00 PER seen, cowry or inva Trams. voi tartierputiedars, ins;ps, etc., Mania JOHN P. DENILREIngs • Lan4 Conuntuioner, Topeka, Kruse. Been sons , Rt. Louis. Missonn. Sr. i . A. CLARKE it CO.'S ,Weekly Register of New Books. 'The Ladies' Rook of Needicrwor ,k looted leg Mom cidery, Braining. Kbits tug, • crotchet. ko., with sixty-four new de . signs In t. lors.. VT 50 eyelet:medic •eatettee Simplified, byJ. H. ll.epper, profusely Illustrated, 600 er • gruvinite 4 ISO Ca rlyle's Lite of dallier. 1 vol. Bvo .. ... 375 Stier. Words of the apostles. 1 vol. ..... 3 50 Gleanings from French Garuens, com 'Prising an account of such featwes French Horticulture as are most worthy of adoption •• • 3 00 Harvey!. Meted Windows 2 f.O Bright's Sparc-Res, paper 75 hlshenste7s History .1' ecotlaud 3 50 Lt. , don't Gator,' - University Sermons, new edition - 1 50 Krllef, the Russian reboil sc R-50 Good society 1 75 First Love and List Love- 80 Dublin Repository Tracts—packet of 3000 FamousFamousLondon Idetchants, a b0...k for 100 1 00 Da l odgels Commentary on tee Coutes. sion,of WI 175 3' urnalsafilocial Science 1 00 The T , urtst s Pocket Companion. 1889... 1 00 Anpictonts Short-Erio Or idle s Europe... 9 00 Phelps. ItLtiluture Atlas, 10 colored maps. 25' Cipher.- a romance by Jane G. tiostifs 100 Little Women. tacti • ' 150 101d:rot/in Folks, - by Mrs. Stowe ' 9 00 Tbe Subjection of Women, by John Stuart 1 00 110 Wood Street, ' - TniS: ad door below I ifth Avenue. T k ATEST 011 L STRIKE. LIBFAvr . • ECONOMY EREE TRADE! To secure even banded Jorrics. just come and see what kplendld bargains are offered In the se r geous stock of Spring and Summer Clothesjast prepared and excibited to the public by The fullest LlRltiviry to be enjoyed wnen the rain wbo enjoys it is neatly dressed in a snit of new tiutum , r Clothes which St him so comfortably as not to abridge the freedom of bin motion 5. Such cl,tbes are to be had at S. C. Tit ananitAlt'S. To pract'ce TICOXOMT, don't spend vast slims of m .ner witere extortionate peopro charge fancy prices for unsatisfactory clothing, but come an 4 get the wor.h of ever y dollar you spend, at S. C. TitatTERMAN'S. FELS TaAhlot the freestsort, practiced every day, and all day. at the big No 11 clething Hall. nitre. the people bring their cub, and there they get their clothes. every than ee to buy at all times. Trade.tremendous Just now at the Big NO. 11 Clothing Hall. .14/0)1 xr THE rß Cocos nut snits for I 3 worth *l5. Spanish snits for $9 worth ISO. Skating park snits for $l9 Worth $96.. ' • 300 suits, linen, at 1151.50 each worthati. Black suits for *lO worth $2O. Boys` sults tor $5 worth 1110. , And a great many more too numerous to men tion. Call early and secure your bargains, as We bare but a few days to sell. liemember Big be. street. • • • • TRAIJERILL . . . STATEMENT OF THE BEN- FRINKLIA INSURANCE C 0 .,. O f ...441egliony, i Pas, FOR TEE SEAR ENDING JUNE 10th, 1869. .• • .::. .* ,;- . - .• - - ..... ....: .. ... .-rn.oloo,oos.op Stock Notes. $ 75.000.00 ' 4 ° ,ll2ll nd . Mortgages. 113,849 80 • Bills Receivable,....-- ....... . 8,230 84 oface Furniture ' - . - 40.1.00 Cash on haad../ . . 1,680.02 - ' - • $109.1131.35. asestrrs. Premium $ 15,119 31 Interest --- • ' • 9,183 41 . r 118.502.78 piesimszauracr. 'Dividends $ 5,000,00 ).oases paid . " •• 1.709 00 0 m cf. ex yen se, te..xes and Stamps 4.035. 44 Tet i :1 1 1 0 I r l e l i s niiiM; * ..... ite.iiiii.r.. 381.71 • rime.: ............. .. . . .... -, . ... ' 44.0,01 —.- - ' • . *IL 589,02 Amount of o utstandi ngs risks, $1,344,8881.00 jr24:tuso•iTas - - - .1 • . CHERRY SEEDER. - ', - • • . . . CHERRY SEEDER. - = .... . . , .., .. •• • gym wet, ;sing Cherries. whether for Plea, canning or drying., should have one of these valu able machines. It victual, saves time led Moor. but will more than pay far itamtlit sesuLlugont .bushel of cherries. The ;Machine Is cheap, : dibble, : durable and handsome. The hopper is .adDiatible. - therehl adapting It to all sizes of cherries. RETAIL PRICE • •. - • - • 82.00. .. FOR WWI Bli ' . • JAMES - BOWN,. N 0.186 WO OD STREET. jOl.-Ins .- - r. ;.t....- , -, . S ' . ROOFING 11111 i OF VARIOUS' Qualities and ' Colors: _ . . Particular attention liven to laying pato And :p airing Mate roofs. Nor particulars soo.onoes. . , . .. . No. 48 Seventh Avenue, mb31:056 ,- . , . : - PITTSBTIRGIL PA RIE/KA Importer and retail dealer In PINE lEPTArriorivair, WEDDING,.VISITING. PARTY AND. BUSINESS _CARP E/16113.V1NG, MOM: I .OWe, ARMS, ILLUMINATING, Le, Orders birmail receive prompt attention. Bend tor Samples. • • 1.033 Chestnut 131., Phila. . Iave:M.IIISAT 110S.900.A.:LAIS muffin THE 131, 00% ; 11113 SALE 1Y DBUGGUITS lEVERIriVItEtt. denblOWN* I)IgSOLUTION , OF PARTNER ente.rime nattnenitilpheretofgre cantina' .wees BUTTiizi and 31105. WIL• LI ANSON. Author tee style uf IC. 1:1111•TvN Co.,:was this day dissolved a Shoo. J. Wd- Wafts Mang from tha mod nn. , 'kie j ker l irL i tl/111thON. linlideallth • t; ' thotniseiLat the old {tab . aura, 17,1 i. X. atirteThf. (k)J bTii‘iciN3smiozirs DMILER & co., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now Offer tO the trade at low •ligures, strictly . • Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Nahum& . • . Porto Rico, Cnba and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. • Golden Drips, leoverings, Brunlii, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island bYraPO. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Inlaid Molasses. Toting Hymn, Japan, IMnerial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java, Lagosyra and lo Coffees. Tobacco, ,Lard Oil. Fhb, Nails, Glass; Soaps, Cotton Yarns, it., coastal:MY on hand. ELIaIEK;O. • IMPORTERS OF - Fine, prandies,Whies andSegui. Rhenish, Moselle. ,and Sparkling Hock living, of /lintel & Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Moselle.Ateliarsberg and Johann's. burg, Rockbeluier, Burgundy, ire. „Brandenburg a Frwea , Vine Olive OIL',• do do Clarets,_ imported in b o ttles. do do 'White bottles. M. Work & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. gine old Snerry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Monongnuela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very SuperlorOld Scotch do do. .1.413 1 00. Sole Agents fbr M 0.16 tt & Citandon't Grand Vin. Versenay and Sellery champagne. Brandies of our own . selection and warranted. 110'443 E sp . tiup.. F .D BY A. 4 T 514 I ‘. W. 31. GORNIY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, CDUIAMT 01?. NAOMI HOTir4) PITTIE1131:11143 PA. se iris - W. C. ..ARBISTRONG, . • Successor to Fetzer : a Amid:mg, PRODUCE COMMISSION . NEECRART I No. 25 MARKET STREET. mvl3 . Y. BT*ZLk .1. A. =MIL STEELE & SON, _ • IT.S.• • • Cminission igerchants, AND MIASMA IN E r /401311, GRAIN. Ro. IN OHIO ISTREICI, near East Ocnamph • • - ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. . MILE SEMI. JAB. r. KEIL & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ♦ND DZALIES LH FLOM, GRAIN, SEEDS. KILL PEED, &Au 349 Liberty NC, Pittsburgh, L. J. BLANCHARD.. . • Wholesale and Mall &seem - No. no PENS STILIZT. splB:xl39_ • lIITTILE,. BAIRD. & PATTON, . Wholesale Grocers. Commission Merchants sett an Dealers in Produce, Irloar , B 'Cheese. - Irish; Carbon and Lard Oil trim N Wass. Cotton Yarns and all Yonts'toza Man ctures generally, 13$ and 114 n BD. B NT, l'ittsburgh. :OEM I. HOVEL ;NDW.' TORN I. HOUSE .Bs,BROS., Suc _ i. eessoni to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., .Whole• sale Grocers and Commission Dierehsrats. Cor. ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. • JOHN BEEPTON..... • W.A.134.614 §BIUPTONSCWALLACE_ I WhoIe. SAIjE A Rooms AND PROD uGE MA L . No. 13 t3IZTEI !STREET. PlN.obursh. • . . - LIQUORS, &C. SCHMIDT Ok. FRIDAY; /lIPORTIIIIB OP WEES,..BRANDIES, GIN, &C,, WIIOLEISALEDEALIMS PURE RYE WHISICIES, 409 . 11 1 1 5 r 8i I I R EET • • Rave Removed to Nos. sit AND ase immr, theventli it., (formerly Canal.) a« L.; .. . . 2. sTspsros. DILLINGM it STEVENSON, DISTILLERS. AND DEALERS RI Pure Rye Whiskies. IMPORTERS OP • BRANDIES, WINES ' GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, ap2o PITTSBURGH. PA. JOS,,EPH Si Men al; Ifith IS; 1814191, 193. and 196. MST wriumr. rrrrsaintea. • • itunnurrosiara or' Copper Dhalled Pere 'Eye WidtilLey. Lbw. destiui Ist imalueN WEIRS mid Lir 42170E8. AlO/13. vat&usl FLOUR. EARL MILL FLOIYR FROM shIPPNEW WHEAT.—We are • now receiving a patent of choice TENNESSEE NEW AIdBAR and WHITE WHEAT, which we are mixing with •on. Old Wheat In such proportions as to make an article of Family Flour equal it no; su perior to any In the market. The merits we Claim for this Floor are that of being manufactured fromAtrtotly choice number cue tenths rn Amber and White Wheat, with tile -roost .approved mschlnery, by exii!4l4 nai ler& Our Brands are: • IRRN STAR PRANG °BEBOP BRAND, 'made from Choice White Wheat, unsurpassed as 'Pastry Flour. TWO rsTAlt DOUBLE EXTRC, MDR BRAND, from selected White and_Amber What, - .unsurpassed as a Family ("lour. PEARL BED BRAND from selected amber and best grades of Red Winter. To prevent freed In tetattng.onriaeks we now seal them with date of manafactutv. B. T. KENNEDY & BRO.. jr2l3rci2 Pearl Steam' irk Alleghen y . FLOOR: FLOOR: FLOUR: _ MINNESOTA BAKERS 21,110HR4 480 bbia: Legal Tender. 3&7 bbla Ha Ha. 36T bbis Itradne. 170 bbla bninmit Mil . IO bbbi Winona' Co.. Ss° bbl. Red'River. 133 tibia May Day. o mot Wlsoolllinf 'FLOUR& ' - _8430 bids 005 Md. wait. emir, 500 obis Talons brands Ontinit W beat Plant . • • WI rER Wn.SAT "AIWA' 9 / 4 01 : 12 T., City or i uregadd, Wag'. Pnae ° Wes% Kawdion,:g....pgraitt at AMR Itlagteader and (Nowa, etudes ss. Lou _ • o•or We loose them ealrlean the Wen. wA rT. CO.* Arn .l" ;•%•: , Zl slid I knot, RAnißors: rENNSIELVA...WWWII NIA CENTRAL RAIL AD. On and after JULY iibtD. 1669, Trabe will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot. corner of Washington and Liberty streets, Arri DePOrr Mail Train.— ve. 1:95 am *Day Express . .. max us Fast Dine— . 1..45 am Bentz:ern Ex.. 4:10w Wall's No. i.. 6 SO as Wall's N 0.1.: 6:30 aka BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am Mail Train 8:16 111 Wall's No. 2..3:50 am BreksAallol 10;20 WM Cincinnati. Ex.9:10 am •Cincluni Ex 19:50 tot ' .rohnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. 1.. /1:45 111 Itteks Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstows'Ae.3:l2s9m Pittabnrh Ex. 1:30 pin Biala, Ac Not 3:40 pm rhus. Expresal:so pm Phila. Express 4:40 pm , Wall's No. 8...9:60 pm Wall's - No. S.. 4:50 pm Bralts Ac N025:50 pm Wall's - No. 4.. 6:05 w HomewooHomewood .o.9:sslpmrast. - 1.1ne,.... 7:30 pa.. Wall's No. 4. if;AO incr Homewood at. 6:50 pia i W Passn'r 10:20 pm Wall's E0.:5.. 11= b n i ese or Bai train tim s make . ore closoeonnee_tion at. e Church Train leaves Walls litationetely - i d B ay at - 9;05 .a. m.. reaching Pittsbmb at, 14: 1 41,11 a. m. Be turning,' leaves - Pittsbn at :50 p. m. and arrives at Walls-Station •at . "'Cincinnati Express - it ' leiiiiss 'dallti. Boufberu Express leaves daily except Monday. All osier - troy a daily except nanday. . - For fartnerlnllnvnauonapplyto ' • - W. H. BECKWITH, AS'elit• The PeansylvanisEallroad Company will not Le. snme any Mit forßaggaga, except for wearing. p- Sir._and Limn their responsibility to One Ha.- e?" I Dollars in value.. An. Baggage exceedirg. that amount In value ED' will be'at the UrisA kM of l6 tie' owner. ttilesata ken-bv An ti t i a lcl. ap26 General Iniperinteadent. , Altoona. l'ay WESTERN-Manlia PENNSYLVANI and after April 25th: /060.thal Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rai road will arrive at and- depart from the Feder, 1 Street Depot, Allegheny Mows: dirties. Dwarf Springcre No 15:40A ,Mall. ... • . 7:00 aaa Freeport No:18:10 a m Freeport No. I 9:90an1 Express...... 10:40 a tn ISharpb , g No111:50 me Sharpb , gNo. 11:20 p m Express ... a:5O pia. Freeport No. 2 4:00 p m Springdle No I 3:30 put Mall 5:50 p m,Yreeport-No. 25:20 rega- Springcre Nb 25:10 n mhioringd.e No 20:30 pa Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Sundials every dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching All egheny City at 9:50 a. re. Returning, leaver Allegheny City at 1:50 p. m, and arrive at, Allegheny June- Won at 3:40 p.m. CO3ORTTATION Tien:ere-For sale in techageas of Twenty, between Allegheny City, hestnet street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbnrg and good o on the trains stepping - at nations specilled on ets.. The' trains leaving Allegben_y City at 7:00 et. in. make direct connection at Freeport withWal. ker , s line of Stages for Sutler and Hanna/Stows. Through tickets ma be purchased at the Otte!. No. ISt Clair stree near the Buspensionßrbige, Pittsbura h, and at t e Depot, Allegheny, .For further Informaticrniitraplitel JAMES sL.wErre, amt. Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad win net at m= any risk for Baggage. fbrweartne H__pparel, Dollars limit their re bllity to Oa* undred in value., All baggage ex.. eeeding this amount in value willbe at thefrisk elf the owneromless tatem Iffspaelal. contract. EDW ARD H. aii2o General Bunerinteinientomisa. 31 1§§24;_j__ POST ' B. W. and CL avra.anw FlTTSBtartele Pram May oth, 1800,tralns will leave friar and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitte• burgh eiti ge tbte, as folkows: z Chicago Ex....9:08 m ErieYgn ET.7:311 a m Cl. d Whi , g3l , l6:l.lla* Chicago Xa11..6:158 a mi Chicago Ex ..1):43 a m Cl. & e , g3x 2:011pm Chicago Kr, 3:23 pm W'e Erie Ex4:3B pm Departfrom Alkghany. Bea , r Falls camAe.l3:s Leetsdale " 10:03 a m . • - 66 11:58 a m Rochester" .1:38 pia Enon " .3:513pM Leetsdale Aeo.o:l3pm Bea , rlralls " .6:l3nm Leetsdale " 10.1 , 13 pm Pair Oaks San- - day (Munch. 1:13 pln JS.i r M I:3m . Chicai KIMBALL Ie :a • tlen , l Ticket Agent ro Chicago Ex,.1:1511-w= Chicago Ex..1111:03 Wheeling Ex 10:48 It 81. Louis Ex I:o9pxs. 01:1"go&x&N14:013 p Cleveland Ex 3:53 p Erie & Yg'n Farb:Sa Cl. WIPg Exs:s3pat pid -- Arrive to ditarle Leetsdale de..5: aas Bea's Falls 5:3$ ail. New Castle '40:93 an Enon • " 9:12 Leetsdale 1:011 pax , Beavr Palls "*9:53 pal Leetsdale " =1 ma l• - St 7 : 53 Dig Tar bake Stin- day uhuselt. 9:38 an Express leaves dally. J. Miarrives WIN tILLOUGS. Beall Bapten't. 0I:/INGE OF TIXE. im-socsmise—c-gmmit. GHENT VALLEY RAILROAD, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE :OM REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OP DAN Z. • - On and after MONDAY June 14t141609. TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sund a) will leave Plttebargt - Depot, earner of Elev.. enth and Pike streets, for "Franklin, 011 City;Bu.S. felo, ant all points in g e 011 Regions. LEAVE PITTSBURGH. Aunty 121 PITTSBURGH Day Ex.-- 11:00 aMi Day Ex.i..., 5:15 pMI Night Ex.... 7:30 pm Night Ex 6.30 a lia Brady'elt BAe '3.05 p m Bradys An 10:115 am Freeport Ao 9:40 ato : lst sadaW , ka - TAIIO am Ad SodaW its 111:30 pin fr/ eeport Ac:. OJAI pit Ist Helton... 6:45 a m ilst Halton.. 8:50 - 4 at Ad Hulkni...lsl:oo M fArt Hutton... GAM pat 34 Hutton... 1 t:00 p m 13d Halton... 10:5 pia Arnold's Ae. 500 pm I Arnold's AM Y. 40 11 II Chorea train to and from. Sods Wleave. Pittsburgh at1:10 P. M. Arrive at Pitts - (Sundays,) at 9:50A. H. Express trains stop only at pr incipal palate. Accommodation rains stop at al stations .' : J. J. LAWRENCr.," Gen'l Scion. ' THOMAS M. SING, Aart. Rup't. ADM' - CINC HTS I NNATIBURGBIDaIIanaII • AR N I :LOUIS RAILWAY. __• • PAN HANDLE BOUTS, TIME.—On and after MONDAY. April Seth, 1889, trains will leave and matte at the Union Depot.. u follows: N s. all 9: El a. m i 12:13 Pan Line - 9148 a.M.. if:l3 p.m . !Extensa , 9:83 p. m. 8133 Mixed AcoM • 8:33 6:1511 McDonald's AceM.No.lll:4B..a. m. 8:18 a. a4 Stenbenville Aceammo4. - 3:58 p.m. - 9:33 a. la 1111007151A , 11 414013. NO, 3 5:111 p. 4:18n. Muelay °Mirth Train.. 19:511 p. m. • 9•.88 1. w. liar' 13:33 tra'n will Teas tMr.y. ' 111:13 trata - will arrive dally. : • All other trains will ran daily. Btu:nays mat. ed. TIM 9:48 a. mo Train Makes alma mate nentiona at Newark Mr Zanesville. W. 8.1. SCULL , General Ticket At, W. W. GARD. lattpit.. Menke:mine. Oldo. Ersusonsi CONN MELLO V II: AD: . . . . On and ate TIDEWAY, Norman'', ' 11t0,' trains will arrive at and oeniert from the D o rfoc corner ot grant and Water' otreete. , Dome. Arrives. Mill to said frozDnion• • -2 ' T:00 A. at.. 0:00 as. MoKeesrZiTlCComdttn 11:00 a.' sr. 511001.. ite to and from 3:00 P. L. 1049 a. • West Newton Aeeran , d 4:30P: x. B=4. ah, Braddock's Acix,mdtln. as P. Sr. 7130 Night toMeff.#ort:lo:3o P. x. 6:46 A.:x Banda OburCli to, - and tram West ewton-.1:00 P. it.10:00 Par tiekeUarcsiy to, • - • - - 3: N. RAYMOND, Agent W. B. SPORT. Smemusoidem... ; , saZI S BaIL 7, lIILLSKIMMI UNION j ' PACIFIC- . ItAILIVA T Eastern• Dirbion. The sEWRIIIIT Imo MOST ILILILIM SUUT/letrom ua Mutt 1 pal, R Colorado- Nevada,-' ArizOna . Waghluiltong Necrldezlio; Idaho, °mous TwoTlaLits leave State Line andLeseturinall , O birpAnn i lls i k excep roi tt.4 2 ar the lar s iZoi bat and At. Joe Raitrood tem Quincy, connate. fn. at Lawrence Topeka - and -it lunego utak etaaes for ail polls • In Kansas.,At end track-west of _Ellsworth with the - II STATES :I=BCOMPANE.S: -DA LINE OF OVERLAND MAIL AND DENVERI ELAIII• • X.Alc33lt • AU Pettit" — in the Teriitailest And with 9hilDZit9ONlt iliz-inazur LIU of (MACHU for-Fort Union, Senn; Fort. Pao. Albutinetqlilor ?Nita Fe , and oak As l P, tons and mew maxim. with . taus room additions al rollins ilakit - and eicittntiont."and - the arrargemento Immo with .1 e spanalble Overland Transportation Lew from its western termino lab. read tow 1 : 41111 ' unequalled _•tacilltliw for taw usartattitra frelant to t he 'far west; . - Tickets for sale at an the intimitol:. moan In the United Mates and Canada. Be - rare and ask or woos , ' Ids Tuic prows widauTst. NIOW PACLTIO 2A/LW DIWAILIN. • - • AsiDESselt' • empal aapenastedek Steam int* mid 'Whet Ads. - - ~Luv~ivwv~+.:t~w..+.~a...v~++~=~-v"~ it-~s-c~ v ^' '~ El C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers