The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 06, 1869, Image 1

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/By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gentle.]
WASHINGTON, August 5, 1869.
The report of the Board of Visitors to
West Point hlghlyeemmends the disolp.
olplinelliere. The" arrangement of stu
dents is excellent, but a defic iency ,
','?`"_:"1" tektites* ottitterallee mist Otttleed, and
more attention to composition is recom
mended, They also. -recommend more
atwitter ' to studies-in - Mir own language
• t , , and less attention to French and other
foreign languages. Lectures of physical
geographi. brgetne I and history- are
recommended: Competitive examina
tions for admission are recommended.
The grounds need drainage. The fiscal
affairs are favorable.
Advices from Cuba to their ( friends hi
this city to the 26th ult., state that Gen.
Quesada still has control of commtinica=
tion between the coast and Puerto Prin
cipe, and that the inhabitants of that city
are completely at the mercy of the vol
unteer soldiery, Who \ are committing ev.
ery description of outrage in the city and
country a , Its is-now almost
- possible to obtain supplies, and the sof
' ering of the people is represented to be
• - very eat.
- Fighting is reported at several pointe
in General Jordan's department, where
„ the Spanish troops have been reinforced
' by two regiments -of volunteers and a
battalion of regulars from Havana. Near
Santiago De Cuba the Cabana were at
, tacked - by a superior force of Spaniards
and at first weredriVerf from their po
sition.. with some loss, but they were
rallied and reinforced by troops from
General Figure's command. regained,- , ,
their position and compelled the Spanish
troops to retire.
1.,: It is reported a small , foreign party, of
Cubans were captured= near Remedios,
and another near Segue La Grande. The
nnmbof of Cubane captured was eighty,
and it is feared they were immediately
Cuban troops, it is reported, continue
, Lobe free from disease and in excellent
\ spirits. The commanders are moving to
Make advantage of the present dsmor
--4. albed;condition of Ohs Spanish forces.
The letters containing The above infer
, motion state that in. twenty days deci
', siveantioil will be taken in; the Eastern
,„Dsperttturnt,„which will give .the Cubans
4011$111fitist , 54it 41115.4orrtionef—
r the-Wind.
, h. dispatch i . front, Long Branch says:
'Secrets'' , Robeson ildmiut that Senator
has - gone to San. Domingo on a
epeciarMisslou., The Secre tary declares
that inside of one year Sa n Domingo will
be tub* ited _to the: Union. The Seem.
taw. received a dispatch from Ernest .
:Doodle, 'the Eisytien Choke D'Affairs,
, asking, an_ interview., to-night
morrow.' Lareebe has had a longinter
• - view witkSecretary,Flelt, • and Fish' has
4. given him a letteito present to Robeson.
. The bnaineesle Important and may have
some' , decisslMi4learing upon the An
nexation project. Robeson will Meet
*Laroc.ii:in thee , morning,
--- A heautifttle _
enOf marble much
-superior to ItaiWt, Nisbet:al received at
- t the Land Olike from a new:quarry dis
covered-.recently oa the sort Leaven
v - worthreservation. . -"-- •
Death from Excitement=The. Steam
Whitetionie-Chenfy Case—Excursion
. • uts Sound the World. .
• .
• By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6agette.l
Caiceoo, August 5.—A. man named
Knott, one of the men who took an ao
tivepart in thelynehlng of Berry,
kin, Illinois, on Saturday night last,
'died yesterday from excessive excite.'
- moat occasioned by that fifthly.
Ten of the. steamer Dubuque rioters
•••• • have been held on acharge of murder.
- Three others were held for a farther
• - hearing. The examination closed to-day
at noon. : • , _• = , • -
„ A Chicago burglar. named D.i:John:
-son, yea. shot
_by Dr.' Kanley at Lock-'
port, on the night of the 3d inst..
• - while he was attempting to break into
the Doctor's store. Johnson ran Some
distanee after.betegiliot, but finally fell
and expired in a few - minutes. The ball
passed through his lungs. , •
The Ecolesiastlcal.„Court met to-day.
• A. long protest againt the action of Judge,
Jameson .was presented And read, and
`the -Court the adjourned ; until Septem
ber. j . Rev. Mr. Cheney ifiNthe city yas
, Arday for th e Routh , to be absentaeveral
;(- .morithswith hitwile, whose hiialth..ow.
t • ing to ;110 „ -yeoent; excitement' attending
the trial of .her husbanA has become
-quit6in arm-
Rev. Dr. E. D. Q., Prime, editor.of the
New. , York. Oreerver, with a party'of
• eight, Incltidtakthree 'ladles, on a trip
,'Found thS - worl - reached Ade city last
everting and left this morningila Rnpltle.
Staliptstd or San ,griuletruio. .They- will
exhaust about a:lo , year in:the voyage .
". • 'Atnertain Detttal Assoctation
Elivretegrips.‘ oerittsbures osptte.),
SABATOos., August it —The l'A.Oerican
Dental Association „consumed most of
the ieereleg- session la the discussion of
, operative - dentistry., ~Many m em b ers
took part. C. roomer Warren, of
Ohio,. illustrated ',his- remarks -by dia.
grllolB of various shaped cavities. giving
ideas of cutting, away and;shaping them.
Three ballots were Jed On the selection
of.a rdaer4br..the#:'next- meeting, and
- bisahvilie; - Tanis., w as finally d ecided
.mpotoa, Tye yote wee Nashville be s New
port ' I7, ettallt,,LOtile 9; , - •
In the evening session the report of the
Committee to - revise the Lbustftntion
was laid on .the.table. The following of
-ricers were elected for the etletata year:
Romer_4tldd;of N 23110111,3. Pled nt;
J..Cobh, of Nastiville, ist Vice President.
Francis, o r New 'York, 2d Vice
President; J. A. Salmon, of Boston, Cor
reePeedlog Serretery; S. Dean.' of
ChicagO, Recording Secretary;
• - .S Goddard, of Louisville, Treasurer.
Will of. Jacob Cram.-The Gunboat
Seizures - :More Arrests tor - Renew.
_Revenue Stamps—The Tellers , '
Strike—Duties on Coal—Trial of Pay
master Bogart—Defrauding the Rev.
enue. •
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
New YORX, August 5, 1869.
The will of the late Jacob Cram has
been admitted, to probate in the Surro.
gate. Court. Mr. Cram le ft an estate
worth nearly a million, rnostlY in real
estate .IW , this :city and • ()Moog°. The
widow being dead, the entire @Moto is
loft to the fottiehildrettef the deceased;
two &sou" and two daughtem in
equal parts. The original will placed
the share or, sac of .the chil
dren, with the exception of Henry A.
Cram in-trust for their use, but in
the co dicils they .are all taken oat , of
Arced itedbeqUeattued Without condition.
except the shim of the 'daughter, Laura
Virgil:lla, wife of Gen. James Watson
her executors are di.
rented bold s har e s in trust for her use
during the life of her biusband. In case
she survives her husband She is to come
in absolute possession of her share, oth
erwise it is to go to her next of kin, orlf
she leaves children, to them in trust.
The executors are Frederick 13. Thurs.
ton. Henry K. Bull and Henry A. Cram.
No further action is to be' taken by the
United States Marshal relative to the
seizure of the Spanish gunboats. •
Three more arrests were made to•day
of _persons concerned in frauds on the
revenue by the revamping of cancelled
stamps. One of the parties arrested yes
terday contrived to get information tot a
confederate, who burned several thou
sand dollars' • worth of , 'the cleaned
stamps, which were ready for disposal.
It, is stated that more than tifty thousand
dollars in cancelled stamps, which had
been resold, have - been traced, and a
large part of them are now in the posses
sion of the police. Several more arrests
are expected tonight; including several
porters and clerks in banking houses
and brokers' offices in Broad and Walt
--The tailors arejubilankover the antici
pated success of their strike. Some
Prominent: employing firms , acceded to
their terms to-day, including Devlin dc
A memorial to Congrem for the aboli
tion of the duties on coat is being exten
sively signed. -
A naval court martial, for the trial of
Paymaster Bogart, charged with abscon
ding with 1'30,000 to 840,000 of govern
went funds, convened to-day.
Nathaniel Kingsley is. under arrest,
charged with the removal of a quantity
of distilled spirits, upon which tax had
not been paid, from his distillery to some
place other than a bonded warehouse,
and siding and abetting its conceal went.
Nilw-Torix,.Auguat s.—The .• •
Post .says or the Central Pacific Railroad
bondscin reply to a question asked: A
responsible banking firm assert the total
amount of bonds they were authorized
tti issue is nearly #211,000,000 and to the
certain knowledge of the. gentlenten
not less than 1118,0u0,000 have been sold.
The Great Fire—Loss Five Million Dot
• tars —lto Livei Lost.
peg Telegraph to the Plttaburgh.Gazette.l
• HILADELPHIA, August B.—The fire
is still burning, but bag not - spread be
yond the ruing... Daring tlte night vati
c& adjoining stores took fire from sparks
and are more or less damaged. The loss is
ganef:3lly estiinated stover five millions.
It is believed ruiAves were lost. All ao•
counts agreo that the fire wail caused by
the falling of the floor* froAr the weight
of whisky. ' -
H. & S. Catherwood 105e,2,000 barrels
fine-whisky: insured .for $217,800,' which
about covers their loss. Among other
heavy losers by the fire are a number of
bankers, including Jay Cooke &\Co.,
- who had advanced money to whisky
dealers to pay tax on Jane ,30cb, under
.the act of Lk:mares& Insurance com
panies will lose heavily. -John Haunts
as an insurance of one,million
Total loss of insurance on stock $2,291',.
000, inelnding sBB,ooo' in. the Republic
And $15.000 in the Merchants at Chicago,
And $lB,OOO in . Cleveland. New York
and eastern companies are the heaviest
losers. The London and Globe lose
180,000; the Imrial of London 8139-
- o s oo:the North Am pe erican of Philadelphia
$128,0011. The Philadelphia companies
probably lose 1100,000.
John Gibson. t Sons clrreet the
meat irtla# night that they had whisky
in the Patterson waretonte. They lose
nothing by the fire.
Edward Alburger, No. 818 Emmett
street, died this afternoon from injuries
'received; at the fire :bat night. This Is
the only death the,
to have 'occurred
from injuries received these.
The Re.uulon of ' Ireton and COnfedarate
, OfficeriThe Positions of' the •morers
on tee Battle . Field. .(
(Br TedesTaPhio the R l lUblirth 6 azetse.l
RG, August b. Notwith-.
standing the time for the re.nnlon- cf
the Union and _Confederate armies in
Order 'to designate' the position of the
forces at Gettysburg has been post.
poned till the week commencing the 23d
of August, numbers not aware, of the
;change are alreadybarthe ground, and
others are arriving by every train. The
first stakes were driven today. The po
sitions of the ' , lran brigade, ' which, was
in the first day's battle, s been indi.
•mtted and Axed, under tbe direction of
.General sm. Meredith,i ;Other rta of
'tile `field Will bd ntrithined t0..t ., .w.
Letters and telegram have b s . re •
calved from all parts of the count ' giv
ing assurance that a full attendan . ma It
be gape exp ect ed on the 23d inst. The Ozer.
class of that day will be closed Ihtio
; oomph entary banquet at the Springs
Hotel. \ •
Mineri iltrike at Vert ikenr i
ase (BiTe.le hto the G t ALn r, fi;:i
• ph l.l„lbur
Anaust 4.—lt is reported from
Port Henry. Essex county, that the mi.
,nera who turned out on a atrike,..lnivo
been to all'ytheiernallifottiore beds" and
forced the men to stop work. They have
unloaded trains on the road, and ordered
them honte.l All bdiittess Is stopped: in
the town of Idorias except one of the
cornmny furnaces. Theekiherifl is there'
with deputies prepared to call out afore°
large enough to keen the-striker* away
train the furnace*: Theio are about atm.
en hundred miners In town. _
My Telegraph to the Inttahargh guested •
LONDON, August o. Tie Harvard
crew has been rearranged as follows:
Loring, stroke, Simmons, Rice and Bess,
bow. Their speed has trisproved,
"and 'ln their practice yesterdui 020
made L from thirty-se‘!en to forty strokes,
per minute.
•• Dmirer. August 8. , -The:lrislo 'Bishops
in conference have resolved a that Gen
aralsynod,./it _which the. -311117 - well
=‘3..alergrarpla be ;represented, shalt as.
senible stelae/0Y der. They - tot% alto
decided . to :,convene • the Provincial
Synods to consider the local changes ne- -
ceseary to be the Church , under
the present circumstances. - •
• The corporation of the city of Water:
ford have passed a vote of thankslo•Mr.
Gladstone for the successful passage of
the Irish Chureh bill. • -
-- "LOWEibef Angthit
. ft..--Itt the,
Mouse of Lem amps to:en had,
in reply, to a question froth Mr. Brown-, •
ing, sai d In consequence of a recommen
dation of .• the official Committee the.
Government had flit the vs-
canny, in the British Consulship at Chi--
eago• • • '
&ansfeldt moved the second read
ing of the Canadian bin, which) proposes
to guarantee a loan of .£309,000 foe
the purchase of the territory and rights
of the Hudson Bay Co. Mr. Stansfeld4
stated that In order - to facilitate the 86.
justment of this question, which was of
considerable iniportancein respect to the
relations with England and America. 16
promote the settlement of tha territory,
Her Majesty's government undertook.
In accordance with. the pledges it had
given, to propose this guarantee to the
House. -
Mr. Monek Opposed the. motion and
made an :amendment that the second
'reading be postponed tine. monthis.
Mr. Dales seconded it. ; He hoped the
Government wonldlay down some dear,
d~distinct pollerwith- reaps,. to colonial
After some further discnsaloa the
amendment to pospone the - second read
ing was rejected-65 to IP—and the bill
was then read for the ascorui time. •
In their practice today. the Harvard,
vrew made better timsand show a bettei
form Mtn heretofore. They made thirty..
four strokes per minute at.the start, and
gradually increased the number.
LormoNy August 4..... The Senatue: Con.
eultmn, which is rapidly winning favor
in France concedes three cardinal
points. • Fi rst, the Legislature will have
to elect its own officers and governitself.
Seepnd. it will have a right to initiate
laws. Third, it will have power to con.
tral,France. It will- be-thus seen that
the sovereign poler is divided between
the executive, the legislative and-the
.people, whosre,beginning to reacquire.
in fact, forsthe first time in the history of
France, that constitutional reforms have
boen accomplished without •force or via.
PARIS, Aug. s.—lt is reported the Em
peror will soon issue a manifesto annonn
eing, as the last act of .hie personal eoi
eminent, the reduction of, certain taxes
and the extension of the edtextional
tem of France,
. •
Peen t, August the s.—The Emperor
Francis Joseph has declined to grant
the petition of the wife of Prince Kara
, grawish for the pardon other husband.
accused ofassassinating the lateyrinee
of Beryls ( and has ordered that his Cane
be dealt with by the ordinary tribunal.
VIENNA, August b.-During the dig
cizasion of the war ' estimate. in the
Reicbsrath, Btron Von Bitest csid it was
hazardous to promise to maintain peace
for any considerable length of time, but
he expressed the opinion that if no war .
°cotters* during the next four years the
preservation of the peace of Europe for a
hug period 'beyond was certain.
' 'ITALY: '•
FLORENCE, August 6.—Dnring j tho
celebration of a areat,festival in the
Cathedral of Tranisicily ,the drapery
caught fire. The church waxcrowded at
the time., „The.conaretration Vas seized
with panic and rushed for the doors. In
the confusion sixteen persons ;Were
trampled to death and , a large nuniber
badly bruised. The fire was easily
tinanishad before any considerable dam
age had been done to the Cathedral.''. •
MADRID, August 4 .— Prince ; Henr i' de
Bourbon,: to Xsabellayli
preparing to return to Spain by permit:
Won of the government. The Prince
been seven times banished by tiki"ex•
•Queeti on accountof histßadleal opirdoits.
Toptete is striving hard lb ob.
Witt the Spanish crown for the< Dake - of
gontpensier. Alm 143ted positively that
SPacta haSrefitsed to ssia:Uttim on any
terms to ;he United states.
rolgboti, Aipriist - 6—EveninpaCknuols
fork money, 923; account, RI. Five.
Twenty, bonds at London quiet at 83%;
9a4M FiAnkfort 88%. Elio, 19,1. Illinois,
?dims, 'August s.—Bounse is quiet;
Routes 72f. • '
1. , , e ..
LIVERPOOL, August s.—Cotton markt
steady; middling .. uplautle. itud.; • do.
Orleans 13@18y01.1 saies)of 12,000 bidet.
California white wheat 10s. .Bd.t red
western es. 6d. Western Flour 213. ,
Cure 28a. Oils3i. 65 Peas .41.,.., :Pork.
101 s, Beef 90a. Lard .70a 6d4. ,
029..".8ac0n,F.A. Tallow 47a Turpen.,
tine rlti 611. ) ' ,
LOrtnok, August. s.—tallo‘ :454 tid.ei
409. ' Refined Petroleum la 'fd:' Sugar
-841 1 1 lion ' in , 9 41, ,: Petroleum strAntwerp 54541.,
BO " the 'Brink of England in
-creased •8186,000 i Bullion in the Bank
of "Frames , inereased ' 7,000.000 -' frapona'
Cottolkakfla3l4 /MU& oil - .. • ' ,
PRARVOIITY.AIIgLIO - 545110117104-70
bbilida dosed lit 88%. • ',- x . ..
„Ipirm..A.tlgust 5-Aveiting.-:Cotton
co:repos c at 1
closed -
A •
—A dispatch to the - Neur York
Worldcfrom lidera; Montana,- August
sth, asps Hon. J. M. Cavanaugh has been
rekileotect - delegate to Coatings by a ma
jority ot . .
Y, AUGUST 6, 1869.
National Tobacco Association Organized
—The 'Textee leabric Enpesmon—
Charges Agaiust Internal Revenue su
pervisor—Northwestern Wuoi Growers
and Manufacturers Association,.co-
Operittion with :southern Manufac
City Telegraphto the Pittsb 1
urgh gazette.:
Cescusarart, August s.—The National
Tobacco Association organised today
and adopted a constitution, and, bylaws.
Lxiividuals and firms may be admitted
upon payment of twenty-eve dollars.
.The following' oßicers were elected:
'Wm. E. Lawrence, NOW York. Prods
,dent,.. LFL Frazier, Richmond, Va., ,
Vice Plitsidantl Joseph Hail, New York,
Treasurer; Janes Gallagher, New The '
yen, Moines Carroll, New Bork, David
Campbell, New Jersey, Secretaries. The
00111dittlthOtt his signed by a large num--
bet.' The President will imprint a illiall•
cial agent oath State upon his return
**New York. -, - -. •
A Treasury agent has been several days :
in the eity investigating the charges
against Gen.lfontig, Supervisor of Inter
nal Revenue liar 'Southern Chid. Four
teen charges are made against this oat
' W. A. Gam), of Lexington, Ky.. has
been appointed Chief Engineer of the
Southern Railroad. Surveys will corn
mance at onre.
The attendance at the exhtbilion of
texile fabrics ',idea/led greatly to•daY
- It would have ran all week with profit.
.Great multitudes 'mired in * steady
stream through- the building all day.
r The premium); :will be awarded. to.roor. •
row, after whisk the sale of ,goecie will
commence. Two days whites required
to close out. •
A special meeting of the Noithwastern
lic ool.growerit and Manufictaters As.
'sedation wa s held this morning in the
exposition room*. In the absence 'of
Preeldent, John G. Gress, of Ottlo, one of
the. Vice Presidents: took the chair. Jesse
McAllister of Chicago, Seieeetery of
the Association, acted; Harry G. Grit
.11114 of Chicago, Assistant Seesetseryr- S.
O. Stevens, of Ohio, offered, and Jesse
McAllister. of Chicago, seconded, the fol.
hawing "resolutions, which were unani
mously adopted: ,
Was:nese, Frequent legislation in re
gard to tariff and taxes create fluctua
tions and uncertainties highly Injurious
to business men:
And salsreas, The tariff on wool. and
woolens was agreed on by representative
wool growers and manufacturers, and
adjusted for mutual justice; therefore,
. Resobad, Weapprove the present wool
and woolen tariff and consider any agita-
tion or radical change injtrions and ill
- lieaelved, lee are opposed .to the re.
newel of what la known as the Canadian.
Reciprocity " Treaty. •
.Ileaohlest„ As the interests or the wool
• ;WWII. , and nienufacturers are idea._
ticaliit la right and highly prcpar they
should:cultivate more 'madly relations, ,
and to that end should attend our expa-
Algona mote frequently.
- On motion of U. B. &ebbing, of Detroit,-
the following resolution was adopted:"
:Resofeed, As members of this Assesofa:
Ron from abroad, and as visitors and lik.
hibitors from the !Mel and South at this
exposidoe, we express our cordial
thanks to the committees in Cincinnati
for their constant , and successful labors
in making the exposition a success; to
bushiest men' of all classes for their
hearty da.operiationt`and to the people we
have had the pleasure-of meeting (dr
their kind and cordial attentions; and
generepshospitalities which have Made
our stay so pleasant and given us some
idea of the great resources of the city,
the wondrous beauty of iteiliabnr4 and
generous kindness of its homes.: ,.,
Mi. 'Stebbins, et 'Detroit, also offered
the Ibllowing which was adopted
Medved. We rejoice at the• unimped
ed and Varied excellence of the work
sent from the South and West, and wet
mine the presence of visitors from those
regions, which we trust may be thb omen
of growth in commercial and social in
tercourse, not only. for the mutual bene
fit of our material' iptereata, but of °or ,
Malty and good feAling between the
people of theee portions of our common
country:'.' - 7 -.. "" r• 5 . ,
The following , were offered by Jesse
MeAllister; of Olakago, and adopted with
enthusiasm: ,zi......
Wmentrats, The gratifying success of
this expodt- lothatisi the marked variety
and excellence of the fabrics on ezbibt•
Lion, heve been- materiallyincreased . by
the efforts incipresence of : a large- num.
bar of mantithoturen flom the honthern
Stales;. therefore,- '
Remitted, It is the"sense of this eet
ii•P that the:oho:Witt useftilnesa o the
Western Wool Ailsoolation would ;be t
N asnefloislly - sukli m od flak
&tonal:of its constitution and by t ia a , as
WOUld -, ltthott,nur. iontherh, lir*Ar ' nTio
all the :lights and i priVilegetof ,Che 0.,
elation liewleatoyo4 by is :glitter an d
northwesterninembere. , - -
46,04 / 01, tlfia 7 fokt, 00 40 6 :ftliii 41).
preonate the "efforts nOw,tgiltip;:enel ',lig.
glatitheiti ithadtilliettitert to' 01 'te
with'us. and All he in Clap-
calve thsminto'
.., r ap e .
- - flesoked. f
' the:kid:lithe 'tide : 'dic
ing that ins ' mita° 'Of : ' tht : : tioo
ahoultrbfaeAthaliAet_iiithe ail a nt;il
linerennir bid" held At vitiated in F Wei
sty nett, as ter - Include the totttherir with: .
`the northireetern States Itiall the mod .
ittid'rights of the organization.' - ' .
4131..9a:diner, orldiehigan moved the
appoint - meth of a Geturnittile t otsthree to,
awl+. the.ilostilietti manitftotitrers, (who
at.thel lime were holditig it :heeling at
the- Burnet House,' and tender -them
art ipyltetioli to be pre:lista With the As
boelatiOn" befare its adjoirrninent. The!
Motion prevailed'and the Chairman att.,
pointed as such Committee EL R. Garth.'
n o r , or miehigan, • Ifr. McOratikett. of
Iseerree, : Ohio, and! J. E. Steventy he 0..
. ', Daring the, abasnos of the oonimlttoe.
.yeasa,,MciAllister, of Chicago. spoke brief.,
, AT 41 thO *Ma and .‘Fori4,of the Assoc's
-1 on and erged thenecesaityopi larglat.,
t i
tofigno.kartio; 46;t Antunil • meetipg.
The 'bornteittee, on their return, ilitta: -
o=oo a dAlestatiottOorie the" Southern'
mannfatirent- ' ' 7 ' '
, ‘l
De. l l4ntetty Snob read the folithring re-'
' mood tif the aetion - or the Southern menu..
.4..: j.. :- . , 1
_ Al kaneetlillt- bile :afternoon of the ,
Sontinirn manufacturers, at the Burnet
House, M. J. „Busaley, of Columbus, Ga.,
in the.ehalr. and Jilt. Kennedy. of Irtts
-640066; Ala.,'Keoretary, the ;following
resolutions were unanimously adopted: :
Ri'hiettaid. In ileoepting the invitation to
attend the eigiosition of- teitile fabrics
for the West - and South, we have ' been
=Grethen gratified; ag we te stier to the
gentlemen of Cincinnati composing the
committees, and all officers and citizens,
our warmest thanks for the attentions
and kindness shown to us since our arri
val In theft city. We hope this may be
the beginning of a new era in'the histo
ry of our common country; that it may
leadto greater prosperity in manakin,
tures and all other pursuits, and
henceforth and forever our Interests may
be one and indissoluble:
Dr. Hussey also noted the appointment
ore Committee to muter with the Board
of Trade of this city to bring about a
closer reunion of the tnannfactnring
interests:Of the sections than has existed.
B. R. Gardner , moved a Committee
front the Western Asioclation to cooper.
'ate with the Cbmmlttee spoken of by Dr.
Busse". Thetratsien. prevailed and the
Chair appointed W. V. McCracken, of
v ß i uy n M " ic h an a d n ' H f . ;
R lt . G- G a o r o d dnielre: o
e f t
Minoltas, James Shielde, •of • Davenport,
lowa. • '
followlngwas adopted; •
tßesofiterti That members and exhibi
tors_ at this Exposition be Invited and
urged to attend and exttibit at.. the Na-
tional EapOsitlort to be held in. New
York, in September, tinder thejoint aus
pices of 'the National Association .of
wool nsantittictureze and wool growers.
stater Carries the State by 300)00=
Prubabre Cemervative Majority in
Bout Branches at the Legia.tauiro•-•
Rebel Democrats Rejoicing.
cos Telegraph. to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
MEMPHIS, August /s.—Th election
passed off unusually ' quiet, the saloons
being closed- and I:nosiness generallY ens
peaded. Sorne Millet reports place
ter's majority in this county at three
thousand, and the Democratic candidates
for the legislature larger.
Germantown gives Seater two hundred
an forty•tbree votes, and Stokes four.
Jackson gives Seater three bundled
and fifty majority in a vote 'of one Mou
e/add-two hundred and seventy.
Returns are coming in slowly'.
Passengese from' Mosoaw 'state that a
row took place there thili afternoon
between- a drunken colored *man and a
while boy, during which this former , was
- shot and killen. • A general sew ensued,
daring which, eight or ten shots were
tired, but fortunately-no ono hurt. •
• Part of a company of the 14th Infantry ,
arrived hers this a:tern/mu from Hum
boldt to assist
,In keeping peace, bat
their services were not - respired.
Nseterisaaa, - Atiguel 9—The election
In this thy today passed .off
No dtsturoanee of any kind occurxed.
Bu•iness houses were generally closed,
so as to give those employed an oppor
tunity to work at the whet. The vote
was full, and the largest ever Ripen:
Returns are Pot. 'The coterie
close, probably on e 'hdisdred,nsiority In
the city for Seater.' The county dlitricts
goaimosf unanimously tor Seater:and :
will swell his Majority. to 1,500.
• Partial returns from other /mantles are
as follows: Washington, fientes's Major.'
ity is 200; Bradley,. Seater 500, Stokes
Bitty elbson,llutaboldt precinct, 400 for
Semen Maury, Spring Hill precinct, 159
majority for 13enter; Obis, Union, City
precinct. Seater 505, Stokes 50; Hamil-,
ton, Chattanooga, 2 to 1 for Renter; Ceffee:
Tullahoma, 192 for Seater. 43 for t3lokes;
'Bedford. Stokes' majority at Shelby
ville was 151; Weakley, Senter's major.
Icy in three districts 18611; the majority
in the county will be about 2,000; Giles.
Santee's majority Is 1,500,
D.• Slaughter, Emerson Etheridge.
Edmund Cooper and Bailie Crilton are
elected to the t3tate Renate from their re
spective districts. ' r -
51Erarani, August s.—The Avalintches
specials give the • following returns:
Hardman county, Renter's majority;
1,000; three districts in Carroll county.
give Seater'74; Stokes 5; Milan, Sinter
310, Stokes 806;. Tremant, three precincts
give Stokes 33; Jackson, this county Will
Rive Senter • 2,000 majority; Trenton.
Stokes 83, Seater 674; Union City, of.,
ilelal, Seater 505, Stokes 28. Ethridgeso3,
Underwbod 25; Herd/flan county gives
Renter 1,000 'majority* Grand Junction,
Stokes 107, Seater' Ili; Bartlett, Stokes'
Majority; 82; Mason, Tipton county.
Stoles '246, Renter 85;;,Covington; town
gives Sento# 310, Stoket _l9; Brownsville,
Seater 490, Stokes 503.
The returns show theft Seater has car
;led Middle and Western Tennessee by
a sweeping majority, and,m eking allow
ance, for.,Stokes' probable majority in
East Tennessee, the State by 25,000 or
30,000. The Conservative tickets for the
Legislature have been elected in all the
districts carried by Seater, and it is
-probable' that the Conservatives will
have 's "majority in both branches of the
MEtttelus, 4 August :s.—The Democrats ,
Are rejoicing over. the victory -in West
'Tennessee. The entire Democratic Leg-
Wetly° ticket is elected. The following
is the official vote of the city: Seater.
Woke* 2 1 9 79--Senlet'amajority
Al 7 / 9 •
~ . Politics tit Mostalpp.l, • . '
I "4eiir. stitteitte Piniciersi4aasecta.i,
_ dacKsois, • Miss. , August, 6:-.-That'iiti•
tan. today > pubkishes•en address' to the
• people , of. Missbusippl, L signed by one
hundred and thirty-six gentlemen of the.
old ,Whig .and Demooratio jschool, and
repmeenting every -county in the State.-
:rimy 'advise - the people to support the
National 'Union `Republican party ;Aid 1
for 'the ticket Ibey present, assured
it wilt she 'cob:monad of gentlemen min:
be-conservative and ; .patriotic prin e ,.
. -
e i 'plea, taking:Virginia as their example
in, the coming contest. and assuring the
,i .ole that this„party sustains the views
o r I, ,resident Great and the Congressional
i ii im or Reconstrnetlim ;` The Istatineal'
t h dot .1 .lieSitbliettu virtk have ealled ti .
xtondry sting ;conventiott\to ' asserttble*On
the 8,..b , of • Keptembur in, this city.
ileum Isom Biaxial. 4.
..- ' •
, . t,-? ph to thaktetibariti Utast%) ,
(By TOW& • 4, gum fi. The stannert
Ils,vAivA,"ms dates , front the
from, Vora k,
4 •:cotto A n Ist.. The .ex t .-
, Clq c 't,. / . , i * : thirav,idal, FoPtuthotoßint
` 1 = 111 16; 0 h ' el' eon oharke Of dliddyw
Chet andVint ~, g rei t ic -, , ,
alt o o k Y"ivi r,,,t /I „,PA, `• liens sad EnTOPeing bad'
`pi ----• W - ' suspicion or being oon-•
been singleton vto coaasainate _nut
itrtntes_with*PA: . is ministers , , and Ail;
",,,""L e x an° 41 / 4 • biter Nelson had been
11 -5- - , - ,0 airy. , MIN used to intercede in
ILPenhid to, but set . conspirators.
' w ilt or the lilleiteld, in Tamaulipas had
The Revolutionist* ationsi troops °en !,
beliti defeated by the it • --- - ' .
attainstibein., ' natio onnthin"
The Indian war in 14, • '
andbirettendbig. - . -',, • •
Railroad Stock Troubles in New =l;ork,
(By 9 elegrapi to the Pritsbargh Gasette.j
ALBANY, August s.—Mr. Sherman, of
the.firm of Fields ric Sherman, of New_
York, arrived here today with injunc
tions issued by Judge Bernard, to serve
on President liamasy ard Treasurer
Phelps, of the Susquebanna Railroad.
The complaint in the Me' of the. Treas
urer recites that he refused co transfer
the stock of the towns of °mita and
Worcester, being incite* thereto by
President Rrmatv. The corkplaint
against President Noway ialiaseri on the
issue of certain stools about a year ago,
and he ie enjoined from• further isane of
stock, and also from acting as President
of the "road. In the absence of President
Ramsay, Col. North locked the doors
of the once• of the' Ccipipany, but they
wine immediately reopened by Superin
tendent lrastvalkenberg. A large crowd .
gathered abont the' office, as there were
indications of arrant break, but the •po
lice being notified quiet was restored.
Jacob Leonard, one of. Colonel ?Forth's
"arty, seized the scrip book, but brought
it back after keeping it 'several hours.
The stock of the town - of Sydney, Dela
ware county, was transferred to Jay
Gould, and the crowd . dispersed,- thongtr
the end is not yet. . f'
Election in North t
CMT Telegraph to the Mumma easette.l
WILMINGTON, Aug. 6.--The election ta•
fill a vacancyin the Legislature passed ,
oidlwithout disturbance to-day. No re
liable returns have Watt .received, but it
is generally conceded th t Eagles Is elec
ted by.several hundred Majority -n a poll
- of about 5,000 votes. Two Republican
gandidates were lathe field. The Eagles
faction was led by the Northern whiten
8114 represetith what is known here as the ,
more extreme Republicans. Larkins,
moderate Repbblicau, was supported by
conservative whites. The election was.
regarded so - important That the county"
wassaavassed by. Gen. Abbott, United
States Senator, in• behalf of the Eagles
faction. The election was exciting and an
unusual interest. manifested. The con- /
servatives had no c a ndidates and polled/
about halt their strength for Larkins,
- Movement of Naval Vessels. /
By Teteareeu to the Puteuttran Gazette.l /
RECIL&DELP4IA, August, .5. -- The
'United States steamer Juniata event to
sea last night and the Dictator to-day.
The Constitution was taken to the navy
yard yesterday,. and *rill loomed to Nor
folk..where she will be retained as re
ceiving ship. The Miantonamah. double
turreted raonito ,r and the steamer Cam
bridge are also hitting out 'for, service at
this navy yard:
ray Teleenia:to A ti ll e rt ea t7s l3llit. rgh en e.)
The atilt of J. B. Brown st Col. O.
J. Young,invehring tle - to the Gov
.enurtent'tOroperty at Rupees FerrY,
valued at aeyeral ukillions of dollars, is
on trial here, Chief ,Tuatice,Chase on
the bench. ~ Hon. B. Stanton appears for
the plaintiff, and Hon. B. Smith and H.
H. Blackburn fOr the United States.
lPes a road en
schwal. charged.with. causing -the Mast
Hort disaster,: has been discharged on
—The naiad' Itatiroad has reduced the
fare to New York to one .hrihdred and
fifty dollaraturren(7, and'to Boston one
hundred-ithd fifty-three dollars.
—The `Century plant, at a green house
In Rochester,-N'. Y., pat out twenty bibs
80r113 on Wedseaday.. It •is. visited by
buntl,toila daily, irons a 1 parts of the conn
—peo. E. iiihaokley, extensively en
gaged in building'fistilling houses in
Boston and vielnits , banged • himself in,
a liverystable , in atinth Boston, on Wed
nesday. . . -
-Two sons of C. D. Riggs, - of Roches
ter, N. Y., one aged eighteen and the
other eight years, were drowned . near
the neighboring town of. Chili, on Wed
—Whitney, the Chief Engineer of the
Ban Francisco Fire Department; returned
there from the east last , night. The en
tire department machines Were under
steam, and •all- the temperance; odeties.
of the dip turned out in torchl ht pro-
cession to welcome him. _
—The citizens of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
have resolved to organize a citizen's as- .
sociation, for the purposeof endeavoring
to stamp out municipal corruption and.
to abolish' city airbus" generally. A
Committee was appointed to prepare a
plan of organization..
'-Notices have been Served on most of
the "Wall , street (New 'York) bankers
who, reside in Brooklyn, of suits to be
commenced against them in the reited
States Wads, fOr the recovery of a fine
.for failing to make the required monthly
returns of capital and business.
- .. -Pierldinit Grant" and wife reached-
West Point last night by . the steamer
Mary Powell. TheriCatne party were con
gaged acront9the--mver to Garrisons,.
where they, were peep/red by Bon. Ham =
.ilten Fish, Ortd , coovayed in carriages to.
the residence rifltish, The President.
,visit Newburg , on Saturday.
-..liki.Venlacintrkinitil of Ceu.sors
voted.torecommend tO the P o natltutmnal
NonsentiOn, :convene in February
,ziezt, the lneorponttion in the State con
stitutionof an 'article permitting women
tongs, also an amendment providing foe
T MM. olvdcw.of ; certain otUcera every two
years and for biennial sessions of the
Dr..lar'ewateii• of Japesvitle„
consin;gone,to St. Lords to ascertain.
if poktsible, tho'oiretunstanoea of the
death of the third We' of Dr. Duvall.
Yillo tidw jail, charged --
With obisoning his Muth with. Mrs. Do
r 'vial number three died at St. Louis Bud
.denly,, July 11tb;1F.CW and it is probable
her rentains.Will beerbtamed and sub.
jected to a chemical"
~stexo,At Evatievillet Wanes YeaterdaYl a
molting'eletstion was held on.a pro
poaltiodlOappropriatii two hundred and
`lbity4wo thousand dollars to aid in con
structing a railroad Into Southern 1111-
tiawatandli of.musloparaded the streets
,md-maea imertat was manifested. The
whole Note cast in the city was 2,643; for
p i e appropriation, 2,Zil; against, 402;
majority, 1.834% It , is expected that the
county townships will materially reduce
this majority, ant cannot defeat the ap
t. . ~ ~~
Halt Fetalectsco, „August s.—Flour
steady and am:hanged._ Wheat firm at,
14700476. Legal Tenders 74.