IlittibutOetaitth MTEIVARTIS BOSL 1011 WORKING PORPLE. to. order to provide suitable homes for industrious young men and, omen, Mr. Alexander "T Stewart, of this city, has devoted six millions toilers to the: erection of buildings for...liar Workpeo ple. His,pbut includes thili;censtruction of two granirstracthres, which may be called hotels. On Fourth ayentie, be. tween Thirty-secoridi. and , Thirty-third .. ' streets, the excavation is. already made, , and the foundation* begun,. for. the first building, which is intended as a home for young working-women. llt is to be con structed of iron; thoroughly tire-proof, and win have three fronts upon the three streets named. On Fourth avenue the frontage will be one hpndred and ninety two feet six inches; ,on Thirty-second and Thirty-third streets, respectively, two hundred and five feet. The area covered by the whole structure will be forty-one thousand square feet. It would be useless to encuniber . our _space with , 'architectural = details that would convex, no , idea to the general reader, The: mai :building will by six stories in ‘hei 'ht, with an addi tional storyln the roof. Over the central portion °reach ftont, and ex tending a space or width ofenn-hundreS feet on each, will be an additional story, with a superimPosed.Mansard tOof, irMk ing the centre of esclr'frorit eight stories • high. At the , extrenirtleinfeach of these• central elevations, Si ..Well as _upon the street-angl e s, _ -the building - will have tur reted towers, each --twenty-four feet in width and height. These towers are ten` in 'number, and varied in design. With pinnacles rising from their angles, they will doubtless form graceful crowne the whole structure, and give lightness and airy elegance to the 'otherwise heavy mass of colmins and windows: The color—pure white—Will also assist in this respect. The entire central height will be one hundrefl and nine feet. 1 The main portion of the building to the entablature will be ninety feet ; and the roof adds to this twelve feet at the sides and eighteen feet at the centres. The general effect of the architect's idea will undoubtedly be very imposing. -1 'The principal entrance on the Fourth , avenue front will have sewidth of forty eight feet. The portic_owill be two stores in height, and uniqu e , and beautiful ma de sign. It will mild; of ;massive cluster columns, with foliated capitals and bases, on • octagonihaped Tedestals.. The first story 'will contain twenty-four stories, ' each fifty-two feet' - deer by seventeen wide, and handsomely finished with plate_ , , glass windows. The rents* from these will materially assist In meeting the pe• cuniary needs of the institution. "Tee interior will be reaehed by a wide staircase through a vestibule, whiCh; with its tall and massive pillars, will more nearly deserve the descriptive term grand i than many places to which the word is applied.,. Beyond the vestibule will be a hall paved with marble, thirty feet wide, with dottble flights - of - stairs leading -op t ward, andlhesehavingspeciouslandings. ) Those-whose knees quake at the thought ) of eight stories to climb will feel relieved , 1 at the sight ..of the'comfortable elevators on each , side of the staircases, and ran ning fro m '-the.'-first to the upper story. Enough space for fresh air in the rooms ,will be secured by the height ; of - the stories—the first (for stores), nineteen feet.six inches; second, loirteen feat two inched; third, thirteen feet seven inches; fourth, twelve feet six inches; fifth twelve feet; sixth, eleven /feet five inches; and the roof-story, seven .1 - feet eleven inches. The interior court 'f - yard will be ninety-four feet by one hun dred and sixteen, affording thus - a breathing-space for the occupants of the interior rooms. The. hollow square thus fojmed by the surrounding walls of the building will be 'something: kaposing, even- beautiful, with-the goldfish and the i feuntain: The basement will be four; -) teen, feet below the level of the .street, • and its vaults will reveal the massive masonry Which,, will shOnlder, the peopled iron world aboiel There will be a greg engine for geuerating 1 steam for heating the buliding, for rats ! ing and lowering the great .elevatora, for driving the great fans that are to cool the summer Mr, and for lendfrig iron sinews to the kitchen and . the laundry. There are to be ventilating shafts from top to bot ) tom; 'eight — by ten feet square. The kitchen _and. the laundry arrangements are to be upon the most improved bo'el 4 plans. The hotel offices are to hold the persons who are to aid in the comfort of the inmates. Let us hope that the con ) ventional hotel-clerk with his unap- proachable dignity, will not be there. - "In the back part of the building, where there can be no stores, and where i - the contact- with other buildings would impede the free -- access of air and light wiuch all the rooms are to have abun dantly, the laundry and kitchen will be : situated, and, above them, the large halls for various purposes.!: One: One of these will be the diaing•room,' condUcted on the restaurant plan, thirty feet byninety.two in diMensions. ,The great halls for lec tures,' concerts, and other recreations, and far the reading-room and library, will be of the same , size. The sleeping. rooms Will be of two kinds—the larger ones sixteen by-eighteen feet in space, and in tended for' two sisters or two friends rooming together; the smaller ones, eight feet by nine,for one person only. Ex ' perience in institutions of the kind shops, that_ applicints usually have *marked _ ;perm= for single roomißand the, moral •- t =sildvantagi - of this is no doubt very gtvat. ..”Tbe eutha - arrangement,pnianimul t , to each ivorkinrgiri who becomes an cc. I ,‘ cupant, the. comfortand convenience of a ; hoteli.atiutemseediugly email un - -I;aq 1 one will pay at the fixed rate for lodgitio I the benevolence qr the . ,Idea consisttng in the fact that eat; odeupant`..will ' , be. en ; abled to secure more of comfort and ele gance t l 4 l2 tad& of the honest poor, at a cost even lees than would otherwise 'attend the quostqc and squalid rocims of thevidii2ary tenement ;' houses. The rook luraisbed cost. and each person wail be 'enabled to regulate her expenses in.proportionoo her ability or inclitiatfon."=Apiteton's;Tour. .*/ ." Tun Richmond -Sfate: °firm -says, upon sufficient—authority, , that , there Is no truth In the :WiShingtou gossip; im puting to General Sherman and the Pres ident wdesire to, place General Canby in command in, Mississippi. But, it adds, there is around for • the statement that . certain Vitgipla politicians are -- tui,afohk fol. personal arid`pitttgliurpotes,iii stitute in the military command of. this State some. Coppe,rhead officer:2l4 i Pie stead of Geheral Canby. ainaeloss . vpumeitat-i W If theToci,roista- does not le, Uie • ' rcu th e :great Pnjandrum , speak; we do not know 7' 4 _ i t of the , faithful. They are Kvv , "3' I=9 to believe—too ready, indeed; it is no little, but that the "at they ,befieve too lieve too much; in the rou g h inn it tn ;g* Deity: Croke; "things is mined, en • an Whechould undertake to swallow al ' e Demoetette platforms which have been • f ort h wh tt . in a few months for:the gui ce ..of ult nnterrified, would make a lonh f aze be fore he got.through. If we can imagine a Democrat'. `, 1. tician in these days making up his • d about the question what his party's po is. we shill see him first consulting th: World' and the generous; band of Bt. Tammany, who instruct him that the debt must be paid in gold; then turning:to Pendleton and the Western leaders, who assure him that' if paid at all it ia to be paid in sreenbacks, tbdugh the Cincin nati Enquirer will tell' him "repudiation is getting to be a very respectable sort of word, and every day makes it more and more a a,ynonym for relief." :Puzzled here. he turns to the question, of taxation, and th ' e Northwestern' Dem otrats'cry out to him, with tolerable Alta., Mmity, that free trade is the true Demo . ,cratic policy; but; as he looks dorm into, Pennsylvania, he.' heap; a ,counter-cry that a high:protective. tariff, the , highest possible, is the true and only Democratic But about the Chinaman?. theneophyte asks. "He must be kept - gut," shout the, California Democrats, lorintrilered it he comes in." "He must be brought here at ence,, save the countr y .' .cry the Southwestern Democrats, eagerly bar gainint with Koopmamichapforeluploada At least on the " " rine inquiring Democratim es theremill not be two voices among his leaders. But, alas! here, too he hears. wrangling and confa elon. In Peansylienia, where there are few negroes, he is assured 'that total ex exclusion or the blacks from the ballot is the only safe Democratic idoctrine. In New 'York, he is told, that a property qualification for voters is the only safe. true and.defensible doctrine of the Democracy. In the Southern States, equal and impartial suffrage and the rati fication of the fifteenth amendment. on the contrary, he will hear, is the only true, trustworthy, correct principle for the Democratic faithful. Now; to -extricate himself from the muddle, suppose our tnquirhig Democrat determines' as a last resort to subscribe for the organ of the,.party, and'accept Whatever that tells - him sonnd Demo cratic doctrine.' Where Is the organ? . "Here," cries the World, .and shows Governor Hoffman's endorsement. "Don't take that sheet; " criestheAlbany "eirgus;."ltere is yourtrne organ." "By 'no means;" shouts Brick Pomeroy; "the La Crosse Democrat is the only true and sound disseminator of Democratic prin. ciples." More and-inore puzzled. the Deinocratic inquirer at last falls hack upon elev. gen end Principles which his father. used to tell him were Democratic. -He. declares economy in administration. sound Dem ocratic doctrine; but, Instantly the New York ring frowns him down. If economy shbuld become fashionable, what would becomeof•them? But surely to oppose special legislation is Democratic?. Behold the great light of his party—Governor Hoffman--signing the Erie Directors' bill and other acts of themost inexctumble special leg,islation. But local self-govern ruent--rthat surely:is, Democratic?,:. Alas! . he cannot And a single act or attempt of his party to show that it holds even •to this prinblple,,except where it was to be invoked to . gtund • slavery, or to make whisliVfree. With a Democratic GOVER. not.; and a Derrioeratic majority In one branchot the Legislature he sees not an effort made . loCe self-govern ment to New . York.: . • And so at.last, in despair v he falls in with the advice of the World, which tells him: Believe what you please, dear brother, or rather, believe 'what is fash ionable in your neighborhood : "The opposition tonegro Toting is ju dicious and rational, So' long as there is any, chance of shutting, out the negroes from the suffrage; but, when all such chances have finally vanished, no good purpose is served by keeping up the agi tation." And that is Democracy ! That is what the great Democratic party has fallen to .! PASSIONS SmciDAL.—Excessive labor, exposure to wet, and cold, deprivation of sufficient quantities of necessary , and wholesome food, habitual bad lodging, sloth, and intemperance, are all * deadly enemies to human life; but they are none of them so bad as violent and ungoverned passions. Men and women have sur vived all these, and at last reached an ex treme old age; but it may be safely doubted whether e single instance can be found of a man of a violent and irascible temper, habitually - subject to storms of ungovernable passion, who . has arrived at a very advanced period of life. • It is therefore a matter of the highest import ance to every one desirdus to preserve a sound mind ln a sound body, so that , the brittle vessel, of life may glide smoothly and securely instead of beink . centinually tossed ebony amidst, rocks antl shoals' which .endanger' its eitstencie, ,to liev,e a special. care, amidst all the vicissitudes and trials of life, to inaintain a :quiet Pos session of his ,own spirit -Bailey. Tun Rev. Kin OlymPti BrOwn hat accepted, a call from the ~I. : fulversalist Church at'Bridgepqrt; Conn. The Rev. Miss Maiy Graves has been called by the Universalist Church at North !it:Wings , tioirto ino. farTIIEJNEWatignO Oir'irriE• unistruil_giot - kxgeunvir cOriatlTTice V 0 d _ oro_ bereny notified that ti meeting of use cornrow: bind ittibe , • , . • 'courty fIOOMN' COVirlioo3l{, on , sATIMMAT,' AVGIIST •-•- • 4'CL.9 43 .E A..M.; MI A fialttandiksee irrequesitd. ~ • W•fI•AMBYIAIYCI;VIkaIrman. 'w' A:TER. m4et(?u/gOA ,esereteries 'CoIGEu N 1 . ,au/:ns • . 1.7.21110'1'11(.:E. • , iroeetin f...Plt tbrre4rrOncituoir'itiVlAslll.o.ealratni be htid et the Aguen2. 131 rmithdoie tint. onfroalittlDAV. trt Stu. st. 4 ogclo.k P. ft. ter Coe 00epeeb, 01 cou.lderloglnonnie otcapital: yy ercer b.4s.oparil. • ' •. • . '31 . 4:11n8i `t• 0. C. MiltilCAir. yiiENDERSORS.& BROTHERS:. scastlaem =street, 'Matte In &n. and riktialt 2dedldnei. f. Aar prenowitGytiGAZE'Taci. , TWIIISTAL:HAVOIJMAJdMig -SPECIAL NOTICE& or sari:Nu/As.l. VMSOmit: • BYE DP IsE.Il _.TONIC AND MANDRAKE PILLS will cure Cenramptlon, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if iskenaceard. lag to directions. They ere ell•three to betaken at the sometime. They cleanse the stomach, re• lax the liver and put itt d d o work; t and makes good blood: the Patient begins to grow SI flesh: the diseased matter ripens into the lungs, and the L'lllnlYyt‘Tywtttelie.droer and i gets. "u• To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck, of Philadelphia. owes his unrivaled success in the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Pill.' monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nature throweit off by an easy eXpectore. 'Mon, for when the phlegm or matter fs ripe a lab* er s ifh7lll t h row it oi!. a lstd the patient has ..,r„:.` thf l i t t l irtiegenl ionic and Mandrake “'" 11 *?, bit ireely uted to cleanse the stomach end 11 ... so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the food will n. - f, Sehmickie 6(2 bid P ills actupon the liver. removing ell tructions.rel the outs of the I bladd e r . ,„,. H . :idle starts freely , and tbe liver ' ''' - '`-` NAM stools will show what the P • can 01 . " tau .? has ever been in what ex cel outel Ordeadt i 0 son w ich to very don g ° t° ` unle "legrest care.) that will u • ock e all Wielder o, lr start the secretions ;•f• the 11 er , Me Sthecek , adrirake Pills. Met laintio one 0 . .,,e • most prominent? a ? ses.of Censumption. ..,, • ?• , - „. • chenekie Seaweed Tonic ta A - 'bi lvlk tUs stizigurt: • d alterative. and the alkali e Seaweed, which lids reperatlon is mode *mods the ttomselk tothro w. outthe gastric iill dissolve e food WI the Pulmonic Syrup, made to good hood without fermentation o S The great reason wiiY PhYsitillio II do met tre onltunptlon Is, they , try to , do ton much:" et glee medicine to stop the cough, to stop thin WA atop. night Sweets,luctio fever and by so doing , i,grienge th:lorrilLigieucntrlThpilltcei middles. _ • -•• • eventually. • Dr. Schenck, In nis'itreetig ult eWell_,tiOt 9"LtO stop a cough. night sWeets, or fuer. xe., move the eldise and? trey all sto ‘ofttlieir • ow& accord. :1o l one can be cued of tion Liver. &int, DrePePoill. Warr Canker Ulcerated Throat , unless the li ver en ' FLOW= are made healthy. • _ if a person : nu consumption, of • course the nue In some way are diseased . ei th er tubercles, abatises, bronchial irritation, plans adhesion, or the lungs are a mats of intlammathin and But decaying. In such cases what mast be done? It Is not only the hints tut are wasting. bat it Li the whole bOdy. The stomach and liver have lost then power to make blood out of fo.d. Now the only thence Is to tate Dr, Schenck's threo. ones, which will bring op a tone to the stomach *impatient wilt begin to want fbod, it will digest easily and make good blood; then the patient be gins to gain in flesh, end es soon as the body he- gins to grow. the inns commence to heal up, and the patient gets fleshy and well. This Is tee only way to cure Consumption. When there is no Bing disease and only Liver Complaint• and Dyspepsia, Eichenckis Seaweed . Tonle and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, without the Pulmonio Syrup. ' Take the Mandrake Palo freely in iul billions complaints, as they are per. fectlybarmleu -• Dr. 13chenek.. Who has enjoyed Uninterrupted health for msny years past, and now weighs MSS Intends, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last nage or Pulmonary , Consumption. hie pbydelans having pronounced his cosehbee. less and abandoned Ilan to his fate. He.was tared by the aforesaid met tones, and glace his recover ry many thousands similarly afflicted have tised Dr. bchenclis preparation with the same at• markable success. doll directions accompany each, mai:Mtn not absolutely necessary to per sonally see Dr. 'Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs examined, and for this pIIIpOIII6 he is prefesslooelly at his Principal (Mee, ebiladel. phla, every Saturday, whereon letters for Wince must be addressed. He Is also professionally 'at No. 22 Bona street. New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 0 Honorer street, Boston, every other Wednesday. He gives advice free, .but fors thorough examination with his Bespl rometer the price ist 5. them hours at each city from 90. W. to 3 P. x. Price of.the Pah:tuft SYrilyi and ffe&WoOd Toli le eischel.soper bottle. en .7.50 a bet dozen. Mandrake PIIL 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggist!. . mvill:1814 A F grpocirrnt •warrilrit CON. TINUES TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE - DISEABEB.• That numerous . class. of cases resulting from pelf. abuse, : pileing• un manliness, nervous aching"; irtitabilliy, erup tions, seminal. emissions, ..and dually im potency; .peodianently cured. Persons- afflict. ed whit °Okapi. intricate and long nand. • Mg constitutional complaints are y•olltelyinvited to call -tor consultation which costs nothing. Erperience; the - best' of ' teachers. has enalsted him to perfect remedies at onemelletent, safe, permanent, and which . in most cases cm be used without Itinerant* to business.. Medians pre, pared in the establishment, which embraces of dee, receptiOn and wilting rooms: alma, warding au sleeping apartments_ for patients requirimg dilly personal attention, and vapor and char& cal baths. thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. -No matter who have-Ailed state your -case. Reid what be rays in his pamphlet of fifty MOM, lent LO soy address for two stamps In seal. ed enve.ope-. 7ftlituaands of cases treated annu ally, at °dice and all over the 00114t17, Consul tation free; personally or by mall. • OMce No. 9 Wylie meet, (near Court House) Pittsburgh, Pa.. Doan 9A. X. to 6P. sr. 8 days 16- M. to 6 P.M. Pamphlet sent to any arit, Ms forties. 1:\ taraiTCHELOWS HAIR 641. --- _ . This splend i d Hair Die is the bestir the world: theonly true and perfect Dye; harmless, re bit, instantaneous, no disappelutment; .to M. Mations tints,• remedies the Ul elle s oft : bad. dyesrinfigoratea aaa . leaven the -Hai and besintitial. Stack or browns. Bold by all Druggists; anti properly appUed at. Batihe. lore Ivor 711e.011. - Fn. ' l5. ZOACI AtTeet- . IL el y York. : • =Mira& ! arEPIELEPSIF C.(7115E CUBE —Those having_ friends adlicted are ear. neatly solicited to send for s Circular Letter of References and, Testtmonials.•which con vince the most skenOcal of the eurabitiftr_qt tha Miscue. Address 'VA,. BUREN I , IOCILEOW. M. D.. 30 Great Jones attest, New York. , mh19tit23487/ - ' MAIIRLIGE RING' Essays on the ERHOild OF YOUTH, and the FOLLIES OP LOB, ts.regard to 130014114 EVILS. with certain help tor. the erring and me+ fortunate. sent In sealed letter envelopes, free 'of cnarge. 'Address. HO WARD AVdt..Wl rerluN, Box Pl Yhll a d e l p hl e,ga., . xn721:1(3-dai WINES, LIQUORS. &c. SCIIMIDT & FRIDAY, I.IIPOIITSISS OP WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &C., 111110LERAIX DEALERS 13 PURE RYE- WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET. Have R emoved to -r NOS. 884 AND 886 PENS CO?. Eleventh St., (formerly tame.) ~ . .... Wrii7CMION. DILLISAER At 'SI;EvENSON; DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IR Pure Rye RANDIES T WINES GINS , &C , , No. 87 Second- Averix(4o; sp2o josEPH 8. F 1 OA: to, image 11116 i lin•Ul4 VII I mafiosos *US z• „,naBT-6T41.117T 0 ViTTIINTTAIM4 KIMBracTB34Im(BP., -, E + CeDles :, vnose B siido - mai -.S inhg& , Effll LIVERY! STABLES: a yxet.6szlo. ar • . .• • 110112 r H.B4Tirmamtpr,.: oirr...;2kritTTEUSCON,A, „Caw ME xirvizsiori-OAximi , ikiqx• CONSIMiON STABLES COL Of;Vi.ATlV,oo4lll.4,llß6littliTi .PITTADVEGIik PA. spasm InMiskles. lIIPOWITICB OD RIM Purrs TB6s, MIME FOR SALE. rßuxEon'lMSt.' An elegant new Brick Dwelling, 1 rooms, at• !lc and With TOM. ' Rouse of *rooms, Slots, 15th ward, $l,BOO . Rouse of 4 rooms, 11SA, 18th,ward, 41,500. House of 4 rooms, SI lota, 17th ward, $51,800. Rouse of 4 rooms, 1 lot.'l7th ward, 42.400. House of 4.rosons, 1 lot. 15th ward, 49,600. House of li rooms:. 1 lot, 15th ward. 4800. 10 lots,Slebert 4111111ims , plan,eloo to4Boo. Si lets, 44th street, 41,000 each. *lots, 45th street, 41,000 tub. ' 3 lots, Hatfield street, $BOO each. 110 t, Sherman street, $1,50. lota, 110th street,' 00:240, 413,000. *lots, Butler street.' 44,000. BARGAINBIN BLOOMFIELD. i LIO Lots :4 x137 o , et. 0; ten fears to pay. A house t $500; hit restOn DOM. 166 a year. Many pa $lBO yea 'rent. At Bloomfield you wculd am $ll4 a y ar and your house and lot in leas than 10 ye . Oburches and schools near. 1 30 *e l ms of land a mile' from Bliarpabarg, .$6,000; 25 scree o ft, 12.500.. D. 14. WILLLIMS, 17th rt. OR SALE. A:LitddirglONT YEAB9- To BUN of a lot cf ground iron , g-1118 feet On Scrawl:len - , Lane. -tuuning back Satt feet munedlattly in rear of ,Vittabtirgh. Allot hen; and Manchester Passen :ky hallway Coe stable. and on the line of the ot.he , Cleve and antt-PitUbwrgh Itsilvad Com. Pst% pilacent to the Ohio river on which is Mt_ W 0 GOOTO FLUME TEN ANT HOUSES of three rooms each. with 'good stabling and' ,OUT , 7 noules complete.. This property is wen - adapted OR lumber or coke business, there being already ereeteo thereon eight coke ovens 'with all the wearier, applianees for carrying on that At.e 4) . for rest Or lease.'s, Comitltable FRAME HOUSE of thretrooms; in a good loca.lon within Ave minutes walkof Wood. nun nation. P. Ft. W. d O. R. It., Sr which - there is attached about halt an acre of droned: Tnis property wl.l be rented low for a term of Teat tea good tenant. • • ALEZANDER•PATTERSON, ,Llllnber Yard oo•ner'rreble and Jut:data streets. or No. 151 Rehear* stmt; opposite the Oat Anezbeni CitY• Mien OR . SALE. flood 6 roomed brtek bons, on Centre avenue FOB` and large lot-64,600. -.• . Good t, roomed - frame house with' all improve. menta: lot 66 by 110—54.000. •• _ - Frame bowie. 9 looms; lottd& by 100-1.1, 000. Two well dubbed press brick houses and large lot—only 66,000. • ' eich. Tw Futon o 6 - roomed houses on Fton street-. 41.000 _ _ One lot 14 11 la 9 feet on teed street— SOO, Plot of ground onlift..Wasbington. 10 acres on Panhandle „Rallroad, 4 miles from the city._ • • - . , 30 acres on Western Pi. Railroad, 4 miles 2 m s ec t y Ro od -.. . Improved land in Missouri. Will be dirided to suit purchasers. 510 lots on t. entre avenue—s Boo to 11,360 cacti. /setae of • _ . . • IieCLIINGI RAINBOW. • - • Real Estate and Insurance Agents, jylo N05:196, 197 and 199 Centre avenue. FOR MALL' • _ each 9-feet.diameter and 16* feet long, with abont3oo .feet condensing pipe. from 4-inch down to 2*.incla gee pipe to each fur $9OO apiece. , - 2 BOILERS, each 32-Inch diameter and 16 feet long, with chimney' bridging, steara drew, stand pipe, &c., for 2300: KEYSTONE STEAM f TlMS,,each 12 ineh steam cylinder, T-Itich water cylinder and 1$ inchatroke, for $3OO apiece. 1 IKON AGITATOR. 10 feet diameter andle feet deei., with cast iron bottom for 'TOO. TOO feet il* T inetr RAa PIPE at 40e Per foot. Apply T.O ERR (. Jai:OMAN t. CO.; 'avarice, near Sharosbura Bridge. 3315379 FOR' Near Osborn Station. OD the Pittatrarch Pt. Wayne =ld Chicago Railroad. TWO .LOTS, Mott/1114 About Two Acne Earl, 1 WULF. OZ W. MACKEOWN & BRO.. 195 Liberty Street. AItDENEII,II.TAILE NOTICE. —lOB. BALE.—The FOURTEEN- MILE I A.ND, On- the Allegheny River. and now wad for gardening pitrposest well hoorayed and In a high state of cultivation: contalnitig.4o or . 60 acres, now attend at a bargain.. Call loon. Alto, otber Pumas - In good locations. Woolen Factory. two. Houses. and acres or land an the Central Railroad. Re uten and Lots For Idle an! To-let In both titles, _Tor runner par .ticillars Inquire of L ,- WILLIAM WARD. 'reEl LID *arca atria+ comarlee flathedisl. OR BALE.-VAILVABLE CITY UntIIDENCE..-SOUSS'AND LOT. No. IV ashington sweet s , Allegheny OUP. The lot is 69 feet on Wsshington street, extending halt SelO feet. on which Is erected a doable two i tory brickdwtlllng. haying all modern Imorovementa Also brick stable and carriage room. with star. Tanta room tinselled. sill In first rata order. TS those we - suing a comfortable home. this propem Is recommended. Enquire on the premises, Os • to e IttfltEßT DALZII.L.L. I1I2:u - 49 Stockton Avenue. ifALUA OLE FARM( FOR BALE. —Situated In Allegheny townedlp, Wen, moreland counts , . 10 minutes Walk from Me- Keane etat.on. on the A Ilegheny Valley daProad. Contains 104 acres. 60 of wnlch are cleared; all under fence; balance valuable umber: under. 'e)ed wtta eo(d. 4 foot vein. Hewed Log Home and Barn; an orchard of 1110treea. grafted: Lie place le well watered and In a root neighborhood. Forprice and terms apply to B. ZdeLALN - .1 No. 104 Fourth avenue. ARARE CHANCE IS NOW arerei to those who wish ton:ma:ln profit ante Heal Battle We neva for sae -'our Brick and on. Frame Tenant noshes, with lot of pound 30 test front by 9t) deep: alto a lot 30 bYa test, fronting on strawberry alley, oppo site Academy of Music and near the corner of Liberty str. et; ' • For farther information. a only to el. CLITHB aftT & BONS, ant ' 39 Sixth avenue. LEGAL. IN THE MATTER OF THE AP. PLICATION of .The Hopewell Old School Presbyterian • Church. of Findley Township.' Allegheny County; Finn tylvania , ibr I Chirtei of Incorporation, al No. '604 Sep ember Tertnsl Notice Is hereby Wee t4aathe . "IIOPEWELL . OLD 6CHOOL I FRED:WI.II2IAS ClitlitCri, of Findley • Town ahlp. ADetheuy , donity, Pa.." have made aripliciatton'eo the Couit of Conunon- Pieas fort CH iRTER OP INCORPORATION. ♦nd. that the slime-will be granted at tbe term o 1 Court, unless sufficient , russet/ shoutd De shown to the Otani?, -• " su2 . • -WALTSl4,'Protbonotatp: OF Pennstlvania ie.. •• • ; At • ittihnrB 44 . 'Atte .1111 d day •of July, - A. • The underiiintid bertbl iiittleS of le tip. ointment as ASsitoes t9IIN - A. FAY and Baseuti • EMABY •of Plttsburgb. 'ln the. county or ,414'neny. And unite ot ratussylvanta. within 'And inserlct,'"WbO have been adjudged bankrupts %Ilion teen- own'.lretttlort. by. tue DA. trlct‘ottrto said District. - OHN IT. BAILAT. &etude._ 1222:1246271 Attc rues-at• Law, Sy rant street. fiOPN.INS tice 8/retry give ttnt no the 10th day 'Ol - Jory,' e, at June TIM.. Aluarter eesslons Coon' a retltlen f.r vacation of a portion. of 'Hopkins's seer...MFGf , sets present• e 0 1,4. °Noted so be tiled, and Psdiadt9' .bowease. why arrtlou of !444 Stret snottil? nut be Molted up in vacated. - . •- .• 4408 N blecomfti•! ) 7 4:toklaji Attorney ., IV tor Betitlow TN RE COVIITOCOaImoNe 1 .THE 4; BLZAS, of AIitr,,fORITSI, 80, SST , of: Dgortuber Tenn. 89,4 _an 4 1 / 8 matter . of the Incoratlott 4'• A.. ab4I3•_,BUILL4-' INE, *ND. LOA N•LAAAICIATIVX 01" X.NY ,BITT PA-4 4 Ifollee bere)sy eyed Out on thS iYtb layof ; J ul y, 1889, application was wade. to said lucre ,to Arleta tt i llaster.,„of Ineorooratlon to ostd Asur Walton; An test tt, no sudlctent reason be shown, to the eontrsr.';.the -stele wlllt:te granted'at the' nest term of eal. _D , B,,nELL. Attorneys for'Benttoners. • • Jinx 16,:lged). 'L. . - J 72 0 :11133 kiIDIINISTRATIO NOTICE.-- Le tees of-Adreintstration on the Estate of 4 .) .9.1J1/IN. Bag., date of tut city, of Piste burin, deceased, having: b en ensued to the un derstsued.•all vent/us Indebted:o4d. Estilitu Meuse make promptipstment, and Mots raving Oil me against She same will present. them !Minh. diatelY to. , • . 4,LUINN, •Cr" tO Cut Ae. B. HENsey 17213421 . Attorney as Law, 89 Brant Bt.. s?', - 1111faikaki . • OFAr...l': . ;ifi -::1 STATERIZJir,.i)/STHE - . . - BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO, Of Altefyhet% FOE THR, YEAR ENDING JUNE SOO, 1869. cArrreL ...sioco,ooo.oo _ 6 75.000.. w 03,399 30 ' 3,236.89 409.00 3.660.031 Stock Notes ASSETS. konds and Mortgages...... Bills Receivable Office Furniture Cash on hand RECEIPTS. 1110"31." 1 11. 15,119 3 4 1 ,2,753 1 Pnmlum Interest.. t 111,302.78 DISBMISEMENT. Dividends a 5,000.00 Losses paid 1.709 09 Omen e pense. t axes and stamps .4.035.24 Commissions 381.71 Return premiums and ee reinsu- ran 442 .01 1111.569.95 Anion nt of outstanding risk', $1,34-9,1313A.00 , , . 1324:m6thrrne MUTIIAL . INSURANCE: CO, . . .of Pexuaoriviraniei: _Office '75 - Federal St., Allegheny City . DIRECTORS s • ' Hon. JAMBS L. ORAHA3i. • Iles. J. R. CLARK.D, p .• - . ' Capt. R. ROBINSON - , Rev. A . H. BICLI,D. , D„ • - • . Bev. IL' D.D.. - : - • W. A. BRED,_Basnier Allegheny 'Trust Co. JACOB 1117811 - 11eal Estate Aleut; . t 3.010.11 Diat Mayor of Allegheny, • L. W. KENN YHatter, A. A 6. BELL, D. L. PATW...RSON, Lumber merchant, • D. SWOORR.lnsurance Agent. ROBINSON • Cant. ROBT. R. President. Rev. J. B. CLARI 3.. D. IX. Vice President. JACOB RUSH. Secretary. C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. _- M. W. WHITZ. 2112DICAL ADiritni DAIIEL 5W06121, gent' Agent. This is a tiptoe company, conducted on the mutual Drincipte, each policy tkolder receiving an equal share Of the profits Orthe Company. Policies will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford.: salt Investment to each holder. and thereby retain the money at home to eacourage home industr y . m101:03 CABH INSURANCE COPAPANY, PHELAN'S BUILDING. No. AS Filth Avelino. Seems& Floor,' F/TTSBUROH, Capital All Paid . DITECTORS. N. J. iT. 'H.W.Oliver. Ir. iCapt.M.Balley. Don , ' Wallace,E 8. H. Hartman. •A. Chambers, Jake 'B. 11 , Clurkan. IJas. N. bailey. Thomas Smith, j.ino.B. ROBERT H. NINO. President. ' J.NO. F. JENNINGS, Vice President. ' JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary: . • • Capt...ll. J. G114.C.E., 6..101 Agent. liumres on Liberal Terme on all Fire . • and Marine Mills. • ' • alr2ie7 . • . . . : BEN IFILS.N/LLIN Jo+ • . INSURANCE. COMPANY, OF ALLESBINT, PA. ' ornat u TRANIC.LLV BAVIIi6B BASH BUILDINGS, BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohio A SOU COICPANT. managed trait ectors web !mown to the' community, wbdby fay to merit a stage of Your Patronage. risratair raw's. aIW. Ds ta27. • DEBJGOTOBB: EL= . iD. L. Pstterscnt. Geo. E. Biddle, Jacob P 2, Sisson Grata. ' B. it sit W. M. Stewart, I Cit. P. 'too. Joe., it. J.Et. E o, Zinksn • . apto:ois lAkpalim. NSURANCE COMPANY. Cot. Federal DI. and Diamond, Allegheny, Once, In the. BECON'.I) RATIONAL BARR BITILDENG, . W. W. MARTIN, Priddent, JOHN BROWN. R. Vice President, JAM/T.BZ: nTSVENISON. Secretary. ' . • Disscsons: John A. Disler. 3u. Loethast.'Sos. Myers, ' : Jas.L.Graham.RHobert‘Lea, , C. C. Boyle, „Trio. Brown„Jr. George Gent, Jacob koPP: O.H YliSlillarnslJno. Thompsonl J. McNanghez. PEN! tivLvANLi. • INSURANCE COMPANY 'OF PIMSBURON; OFFICE,IO.I67SVADOD STREET; RANH Or COM tc.DISEI. • This is s Rome' Company ; and insures IgainSt lon by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTEll.'President. • C. C. BOXLE A _Vice President. , ROST= PATRICK, Treasurer. /MASH RUELdLENT. Secret-try. . DlRAoroust Leonard Watts, (longs "Wilson, O. C. Berle • - : teeo.:W. Evans, Robert rstr?c.t. J. C. Lapps, Jacob Painter, a. 0. Flelner. - Josiah Ring • John Voegtley, Jas. Blnv Roptns. •A. Amnion.. Hem ,' 171: pE i p A REEIP INSIIRANCE “IM• OFFICE, N. coasts WOOD a, YIFT ` H 5115. a Horde CompaaNtakln erre and Marine Elias DIXICTOBS: Wm. Phillips. .Joha L. Rhaidih . John watt, • -a.araael P. tittriver , John _ , Charles 4:buckle:, - Capt. Jarmo+ miner; Jared M. Brie/Li, Wm.-Van Kirk. - War James adD. V . ir t ß i .13amisel lidOne.kut W_LP 2sealdent, • ' JOtada A eloreildent.- • W. F. 42SERD1121%Secress ty.. , • - - CIA pt...TAR., arm sieneral Anent. INDEMNITY' ' ' " ' ' ~ AGAINST LOSS BY ITIRSI, .. FRANKLIN INSURANCE C0,.0F PHILADELPHIA. orincriAsi a 4319szerrer BT..nearOM. .• ' • gimlet W:Nintiln r r i oideciniff. Loaf. . • 'robin Waster, • • David s. Brom. , ' ' 1 4 Baninel Oran " 1 !lam 'D,Ji„ peon -T . Ad . : les I e, ir elit , ..''.- IX.. A • Vice President. . ..• ,(.; , rr.r..., ER . Awing: ' ‘ , • Borth Nato:wan , &Ad V1: 004 Btristi. ‘' innirSiASCE IVAN • .4? • • • A, a ' • Iftestaant.. , , is 'I" - • : ' ' 3_.t1127. EttlaqW,oste,,es stg. Stip! nt liMlli ] 1 12 'deer tation, managed way kiwirc smannitunty, datortamott vx7 Promplawand Übe" alltr to - maintain the eitamtet,ftwtuen th e y Iwo assumed. as *truing the best winection to aose wleo dedra to lllnati rn ~•6 * • . .„ t ax:l l44l ra t % Alexander# s. A • & Plitri g, • an. _ , • 411:14 1114.. 4 n 16 I.; E G 'ME N V , , ILNBI3ItANCE , COMPAITY!OP PI.TriIBUIMI.H.:- --, % , !• 1:- I) IC&Zio. slums ISTRZICZBAffi /moor. • Ittreirgift,itt . a; kinds - of liter sad kfarin• jQ11 . 1411- PtoB e s f re ice i t i 4 t. iti - '-. •- C T. 4 DOlrgrf. ' heretan.- • ent. • ' ' . .- Carl% WM: D . General Anna: ' . 7 MACIVIS: _, , , tpluslfwla,•Jf.. - . 8. 1.. rahtiesupsi i • . J. -Hoakinsaa, . . W. H. Ev;erson. - • • th,Haesey. . - -. .lius. A r4- • . , T r a u lerett4a curl syr. Art. l J . T . wt.. ant. Wha.'Dessi.. T. H. Nrrin.‘ . • - 4- =. # l4-178 144414 ar'FIFTH AVENUE HALL.- • No. 63 Fifth ave n ue; °Nicene the Opera Houae, Pittsburgh, Pa., is the coo:est and molt desirable place of resorte, Liquors can be bad at :lila place Pare and Eloodp Tbe Billiard Booms are on trie ground floor in Ibanez— TO SEWER CONFILICTORS. The SEWER COMISISSION al the City of Al legheny are prepared to. receive proposals for the following newel's, with their appurtenances, inlets, maw:go:es, etc.: CONTRACT NO. 1, Compri/lug about 1.000 feet of 4-feet elreulsr BRICK et.s*elt, from Pasture Lane to junction of Montgomery avenue newer, through West Common. CONTRACT NO, 2. Comrishm about 650 feet of 18-inch circular PIPESEWER, on Ridge avenue, from a point 200 feet north from the intersection of Iteoecea street to Belmont street sewer. CONTR&OT Comprising about tido Zona llgi•lnett CEBCII - PIPE SEIVISR on rut alley, from StraW berry alley to Montgomery avenue and sewer.- - CONTRACT MO. 4, . Compiitln g about 1,380' het •ot 18-Itach CIR CULAR PIPE RAMER. ot (North` avenue, from Boyle street, to Palo Alto street. • , : CO2qTaliCiT ' NO; 5," Comprisinz about 400 feet of 1.9-inch CIRCU LAR PIPE SEWER'on Montgomery alley from the line of Mrs . Wallace's' property. ,t4iiiont .goinery avenue sewer. , „ Drawings and ISproltications 0411 be seen at the City. Engineer's °Moe, City Man..' Bids must state the kind of sewer prori to be ftraished (cement or vitrined clay ti e) and mast oe en dorTed "Sewer Proposals,' Contract No lior 2 &c., as the case may be,) and delivered on or before 3P. x.. AUGUST Oth, 11369. Forms of proposals, to which forms alone bids will be re ceived, vrigi be furnished at the City Engineer's office. 1 he Commission do hot bind themselves to accept the lowest or any bid. By'ortier of the Commission. jy3o:mcl OTICE „ - • TO CONTRA (TORS. - SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to the wider._ signed will be received until AUGUST MA. 11369, for the Graduation, illasoniy. and Ballailing, ,``OF THE BUTLER BRANCH Of the lresteratPOiii, R. R., Extending from Freeport, Armstrong, &nasty. to Butler. Butter county: Pi, sidbstanne of TWEN TY-ONE lamas. Profiles andoretdestionstan' be seen at tne Engineer's Office. Freeport, •trOng conicity, Pa., on end after Mgr ROO/. . 3312:intt OrricA CITY Elvtarram AND•StritVr 7 on,l Pittsbargii, s lnly ao, 1809. . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. —Sealed preposals fnethe contraction or a Pablie SeWer on For ty -Seeon4 . street,: .from Butleistreet to the Alleglteni , Alter, 'for one on Eleventh street., : train the foot of Wash ington street to the Allegheny river. Also', for Grading, Paving and embalm of Forty. second street, from Butler street to the Alligheny Val- ley Railroad, and for Grading' and Paving Pleas= ant Alley, from Forty-third to Fortv-fourth street, will Re reeelved,at - this office milli THURSDAY, AUGUST . 511 f. Specifications arid blinks for bidding can be had. it this once : No bids considered':unleas' made out on the proper blanks.' ; The.' Committee re; serve the right to rtject any cr sll bids. Yl , 33:maEB H. 'J. 11100.11L.OltvEnsliseer. Wm Cper, floWslb oo Foss, Jacob Rash, Joseph cross, Jere. Whims. AGENT. NOTICE TO - ENGINE E13.-Sealed Proposals will be received at the office of CITY WAT/11 WOBBV, up to Au gur. Bth, 1889, for'ol93lETEAlif cyrniDE6 26 fiches dlaineter and B , feeti6triske;tine pump 18 inches diameter sad 8 feet stroke. Engine and pump 'to be erected thceessful operation lathe engine houses - V*4 , 144,er Basta, Bedford avenue. - ' ' ' ALSO-Plans *lll be *Mired tiV the Water • Committee for Improved. elates Orriarapinic en glues, to equal.the capacity . ola Steam CiLtinker, 518 inches in diameter, pump 16 'Mikes In diem- • eter, with a presture of 70 pounds on steam cylinder... , • • • • JOSEPH,FRENCH,•BuDeriritendent. 13HOPOSALS FOR - SCHOOL BUTEDlNG.—liteaied Fri:Tossls for the exec,- then of a unrok sonoor. riQusg, in end for . the Borough of 31Mvale. WiU be received untll TUESDAY. 'AUGUST 1078;-1889 ` , at 4 P. Ir. Bids for the whole job, or separate bide for the excavation and stonework, brieli ind Carpenter work, plastering and painting will be consid ered. Nine and specifications may be eissainoct at office of Bililvale Iron Worts, Bennett Station. Weet Penna. R. R. , Toe Board of Directors reserve the right to re ' ect any or-all the bide. By order ox the Board jy3l:mB9 C. A. BUltgoWa. Seo'.Y. 11110ROPOSALLS FOB. , ;. • COAJL.--..- BKRRISBURS GAS WORKS, t Jinx 97, 1569. SEALED PROPOSALS will be ,reocived at the Harrisbrg eas Worki until the, 15th DAY OP AUGUST. fbr the delivery of Gastmal to be used during the next year up to September 1, /87-0. The coal must be of the very -best quality for the Manufacture of gas and delivered as tee works. Ali.communications should tl3 addressed to the': undersigned, .?ho wlllgirefurther inform,- Oen en the subject. - , G" roues, HEMMER,. pleeretart- E , jy.,9:m78 ,; pEARL MILL FLOUR' 'PROM ICW WHEAT.- - Weare now receiving & tamest:of choice TIGNISLEMEgar NEW .91,13101 and w i ring WEIS &Tv which we mreintaing, -, with on 01(1'Sn:teat In such, plopottions as make' an Mtieleof Family- Plo d equalifmot market.t7 tt .• • ;1 • Peri°. tgartr cial for t‘ e flo - Mat t • The. merits we al an 0 , being lardufacturetrerie 'ehoice'number one toutltent Amber' and Wane at, with the most approved' autchintrgatlr ViittalettoeMinii• • /ere. our Ftrands sre: • - TEIRRE. !STA F. -PRATO.' .011-0111: . =derma Choice White Wheat:. atuattpasst:4 U PaetrY-Flour. , t - - - emits • liotrtrar EXTE BLV -BRAND, from selected Waite and Amber Wheat: unsurpassed as e.raltalt NOUN , CY. • •••••1 PKAAL RED BRAND ttpnt and beet grades of Bed Winter.- - r '- To trevent fraud In velum, cm make we now MAI theta with date ofiltabliengtareli. x}2l mBlf • • t`,. `B. T lrea watinmvirwranui..: • VLOUR! I FILOVII I: , I :rum= :., .*iikrAiiteSints: -- - : low bb:s..- t 'rands?. 3 . 3" id Ha Hs. 36T 'bbl, Itrastae„ , 70' Wilt enionittilut. afebblit r na a! l iCc 4 . 3 l l 9iobiallilarßANart , pabalsitsi. __• ' ceormr,wtsonmsritittAgias.• ~. • •DootmcittirerstdiriAllietbbismbitetbar s 600 ~, b Jima broosiebotlw Arlour_. . ' 4 Wiltrirat' WHEAT FAIIE I T'lPLOant. City Idlu or_aprtarlaiAd, V icr..,:rzids .atthig•; West, Depot Mills. MoMoll 46 ,-5 . ft1l WU/ ' 4111AVIV.laoireletiricgrat gratravorroili the w... . „... . , ~,,„.,-T ......N.4 c 0..., ~ in'a • • , 473 sad V* . 3 goosistrsa;4.. ' ch.,04047510%! • ; Noittnest corneZ etWeatOmbuioXiialesheillt britElrlC ATITATIAR*-00. ingsaveszeoaphanstodnesor,LFlasparea far-oisistitiitdewaniAortwuplieltrUL Virtu. /cc. Head and !Tomb Worm - the.- , :- , orders orommay exulted. - rrieW ressdiside PROPOSALS. CHAS. DAVIS, City Eriaineer. 0. - .13: ROBERTA!, CHIEF EN (HEXER. rLolm STONE, , *. Z,...?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers