DII . 4ITESNE WORKS. COMM RAHM & CO. /RCN, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, DIII4VENNE, L X AND JUNIATA, ..,FLA_•fiDA&ROUNDD SQUARE IRON. P SAND TANK lII9N, Sonata PLO CD T HEADS, GUARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER B AR ri,Axes% • obrrso Bans, ovLagozg. DION - I' ___ • . 'IAD PLAT RAIL for Cbal Boada. RA /4)3,fiDelkti & HARROW TRETH, " o PLo .liD CULTIVATOR STEEL. IpagL tlNflt AND MOULDS ent to pattern. nT&&4I DOA DIEHL SHASTINO. A. B. A L L I : LL AC . BUGGY' and WAGON SPRINGS and CUT AILB ANDSPixEs. Milton& First aili and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. Distiadatti Street and Ailetilielay River, wad 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. / =GM KECK A,00., swrt:amort. Manninottirers of every description of CAST. AND* GERMAN STEEL, /UMW = 13PAING8, ILLIa AND PLATFORM SPRING& AIWA RTEEL T/RR, Re., •0 Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 Pint Ste. WIaLER, BAUR & GaNZISAL PA/1211112.8: • n 0 t.. 15 , 78 ALr„.._ i w z gAt icritards,. raFrlnut-B. ffi. Kora. - CRfSCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARK & PARKIN, Ofllce, 'No. 339 L.iberty St, M4:dt9' 11213linn°)Ei. Pk. WACIE D4INOND MOM WORKS, PARK, BROTHER & MIT1113111:1Ca. • DSc. and Warnkonse. THIRTI ETH, THIRTY. 711ZEIT and ILATEJIALII 13T111131T/3, . .. . . . PITTISBITRIAHL. IRON WORKS. swm.T - flo - cosi 'The Trustees ain nos weipared toirant flees _ aes tor thence of the Rra.Ritsm ttlAW—ti Pao - The supeder quality Imparted to good iron. the great improvement in inferior iron. end the reduced east.cononend it to eU manufactunra of Unn. Parties adabbat to use It eats obtain Usentea by SODrYint to JAMES P.". SPEER • . Attorney for the Truiteet. BAX)MES 1 and. 2, Enallah•a Bnlldhig. 953 h Yonlett avenue. runts Inter - Wad are Invited te 'tett the BHO2.NBERGEIt WORKS. where the rocess DOW In sueoesefulooeratlon. ree:cter VERSON, PRESTON & Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, - Nos: 186 . and 187 71&8T STREET, ppm ite ltono66lael* Rorie soSi:dB PITTSBUkieII • . BILMIB FOUNDERS. Jorterig. coom Emit ma. JOHN M. ;COOPER '& CO =Bel and Brass Founders. BEAMS CASTINGS miDis 2iC3MIPAY TO " bkDEB: Maleable and:Grey. Tioa Fittings, \ _GAS PIPE AND TUBING. 1111611LE I iiirmiLND CHECI VALVE Asa GLOBE PATTERN. IKON 41 DOCIEr.fig &fife -)York of every deserAtlon for Neat% Water and OIL YLNITFACTIIPX,63 07174. cuurzwa Improved .13alance-liteel Steam Pump, dfiente for tire , Patent era.. the beet in the Market. Mee and Works, 'corner Thirteenth and Pike Strents.l : eta, q , NOVELTY WORKS. . 4ovarr ' WORKS. ~. : '' 4 .*1044-p• 1.8.,5a. ': - - 44,0Amsi.lnuttz , - as -, co. L.T.lrsf-f: -' , . l Liatly thzt r ax i doi : 100 rATOliikkANDABDIMAIRBiallt8PAT ENT) PLA.TIPOUN AND COUNTER' . ~ f ; 7: - 43 - 0 : -- L - El 3 -,,,- -...: Jaztlnfar t meti ilt3: Loos a ti NOREEN VP ETAT AVENUE ASHUNT ST& • ...:, . - . spittabiourira; resift. • [e li rr:StO 1 # 3 LIMY. MI WOOD STREET. ,;) 1. °obit' FnsTEsfy4f4E§:r-,. , ,, t ictouirA. a407-51/anft EICTS C Fir ;' 113#4 @A" Ntin , curs; I:NOSING SETS, I A.pirire stock of Stra 'tteiviii GOODS ~, fr ..el 4VI .! 5 t ' %;4t labdaSeriptfalla.64,,L. goi -Cal and examine One gi*da, and we feel satiened no one need Kau to be suited. R.` E. CO. Frio WOOD STREET. A :oe funmutar ~ ~ it...e..:. - ..-.14...:..r5tra outs, 112INGERLY & CLEIB . , Summon 4„,, to Gm, p. acnocumurAN 4 . ... . 0 , . PILICTICIAL LEII/0 4 44 cad neat L i rate Estabthiliment P. of a mountaLns. alftess pardif ifejr P. m ak ite g i fc. co De: ' Ile Ile • co, 111 sad TO .111141141?1,3ft ifszoOtictstrers of of all description' Os EIOSTON-VOOKSITGO RANGE, THE l IFIERY FURNACE," :FAIL W,Pm FPF9Fark THZ :MA NE TWO& NAISCUSTS:9O.NING ETOVZ, 1. WA • - coos Slott VAN'S (Cincinnati Patte ) PORTABLE RANGE 0 AST IRON MANTL I E7B, IVRIZSIAN REFLECTOR, ORALIZek tree trom dirt and ant; GRATE FROM% YENDIIIB, sc. 206-and 08••Ltinnly 640304 serhyll coos sirovEs. CET THE BEST. iiISKULta d a CO•W TRIMMEPH. rag Brxiirrators-1204.:L.- ,71Valvintell to Cook, Barer ROWS: iis will Li* other Stoie.ibthe.llntio..l BISRELL & 00., : No. 285 Liberty Street. "rMinuao t ztak 72' BIILTI.Ne 011A.Tz NDIBa. CONCIVR te. TO BUILDERS!, _ •:'`. 1100.000 feet Dry PIuS Boards_ — 200.000 (earn Inth Clear Plank.* 95,000 feet Ut Inn Common Plank; 11 00 0 f eet Dl7 1 and A inch Oaku. • %ORO a. 4,/t.51 lind,3lnell ropier: 10.000leet :Dry poplar scantling& _ _IO A 000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards: . ;10%000 feet Heml ock SoaritUng.. • ...J.:20E400 f_Meteeet Noi.l-1111tieh.etagIna1Shin-' • 1100,000170. 1115- Inelißblifolesi k :earesdi' .- 80,000 No. 116-Inolielklngles..adaeedi .o,oo Eire Brick. 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 I'pm L i mb e r. ^ l l9, Maw:mai' DoMist and and Poste, and all articled to the line on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTEIL6ON. Yards— No. UT Rebecca street and corner of Treble and Juniata street., Bluth ward, Alle g h eny, late bor. eget of 11anebester.ap:6 IfizatlikOraii*Ts a/W.14;1i T:11 F or ELTON, suer and Measure% FOURTH EIZIUCET, (Between Lifig*tla rifriatiikstk OrdWIDNIDDiIY amidst to. sou: ENGINES, BOILERS. 111101111, BOLE &TO. tor. Point Alley and Dliqueue K m , (Nun rss Pourr,) • Engine Builders, Founders and - Machinists. Manntaetnre STEAMBOAT EEOLEEE and ETA TIO.NAII.II' JIM/INEZ, of a/1 elute s OILER, Invited toptir new STATION. OM WELL =OLIO :gagil pi:042.113LE OILER, or l&holgelx/wer.‘ • CABTIN6B,_of every_ ,klnd made toorderatour Foundry, on TRIED STEER_ below Market. BIOS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PIILLEYE, HANGERS, HIWBE and TOBACOO HOBEWS and 1130bI TOBAOCUPEIMIEg, on band &Jul to order, at the' 'INDUSTRIAL WORK Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point, - • p/TTEBURGE, PA.- • ill orders Droinpfly irlled.. TEY FORT PITT 110:1LERALLANII TAM{ • WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, aIrAIfI,77AC2I7BZIIB 07 TUBULAR, DOUBLE.PLUED TUBULAR, PIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL. HRS. STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEYS, Emszomse AND ASH PANS, SHI7LINO PANS. SALT PANS AND CON. BENSERS• SZEAII eAmaTzzas AND IRON BRIDEVICIR PRISON DOORS AND COAL sifirra ODIN, and Warehouse, corner Simond, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBIIRGH, Pa. 1111 r Orders sent to the above address will De , promptly attended to. \ 1111 17:189 . ww. & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON IiVORHERS,, SOS. AO, SIC 14 AND Sei PENN 8T Having secured a large yard and furnished it wtta the most approved machinery, we are lma wed-to nomnfaccmteimßrydescrigdon of 80. /E.S4 to the best manner; and warranted equal to saymade la Steam try Chtninern Bleaching, Fire Beds, Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pam Tankt, Oil Stills, Agita tors. Settling Pans, Boller Iron,_Brldges, Ba ar Perm and sole wtannactureFs of BaxaMi.Ps Pet-. ant Boilers. - noenning done on ibortest notice. 1 sd:Cll JAMES M. BITER, ir • 55 and 56 Water Street s PITTBBIIIIBII, PA«, 1LL707A01782111 07 IRON OIL TANKS, iterrraxe PANG, COPPZE STESY PIE% sora.uma ext.t.trrecita - end Skit= IKON WOWS,. for Steamboats. .TADDD -..IDDIVIID D. aayss JARED DIG IMMO &'BOB, auantracruamus OP Steam Bollers,oll Stills, Tanks; DRESTnuntwonitow 61 Penn Streets Pittsburgh, Pa, STOVES, QASTINGS, etc. . A. BBADLEY ek CO., NO. 50 WOOD STREET , _ ltanunicturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, • TO BE POUND. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTbENS AND L IMP and the reputation of our Stoves Is such that one one in want 01 a good article should parcbase Panetta those manufactured by nit, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would STOVE. t l or h churtcheslha lto Onurtnews .V o O L ve A S N O sold in three months. Intended for with or with out coigns. , Alt whobave Died them pronounce them ett_pertortculayatherawilatcateaper. Send for Catalo : • e and Price Llst. eati MlTtifilil7B CO. KAlrusAcivairas 07 ZVIII7 TAILUI77 OF LUMBER; PITTSBURGH GAZETTE:* THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, - .1869 KNAP 'FORT 'PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTiI STREET, PITTSI3I7IIGR, PA.. " urEnliines, !Rolling 1 , , j I 1)1a. clulnerY, Nail Mac , es, Re. torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL TOITNICIRIF ANO PIPE - WORKS. Colllfir Carroll aitd ansaiplinan OrENTIII WARD,' PriTSWIMGEiri • - - WILLIAM SMITH, Blarturaeturor of OAST IRON BOWL MOPE POB GAB AND WALTER WOHIIII. My Pines are an out lnrartablyln Pas, In dry Rand, and 1111 feet lengths. Also, fall aeaoronent of general • Castings for 6418 and Water Works. ants of .110:117'11.1filiglugAr."' - " 'IDUQUESNE FORGE. \- ' I WILL I / 1 11: ELLER; (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) • Has facilities \ eo•extenstve with the leading Forges in the East, and Is prepared to promptly and satisfacto_ rity it ail orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANES, PISTON ROD• I ,_ LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS,3rams, EAILB.OAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAWS. :together with every description of SHAPE WORM Mice and Forge, Corner of - Davitsite Way and First Street, apicho RPBEIsoN, ILEA. ainco4 \ Successors to Roinsiiox, Wens Allr.Astas. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, . . litsanfactirersi oi Boit and Stationary Steam En gkeitnßltasfinglig:PalniestiaciittgOßMll2l end Stit 011lte, ig Holser and Sheet Iron Wor t.. Q. la, cornet -First 'en tthat.itaskt Agents for OiIrFARIPS PATENT INJECTOR tbr teeding Boilers. 1111312 Tooltl CARLILIik& CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Worka, aii,,NDtisirr BT., ALM/HMS - 2' CiTY. PA., Manatactareis of &tattoo sty and Portable the= nienea,. ciu Presses, mien, liliatung. Grist and Saw Mal Work, Rolling Mill and 'Machine Castings, Grate Ban, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &c. Bal d order and hare on hand &sorban of all nixes. . CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND DOUR - WORKS 880 Pena Street. BOLL3f4N, BOYD st' ILH ALEY Chß !Bolls, Mill Castings, 801 l Lathes, de. OILS. -13 LAMOND OIL WORKS, N. M. LONC & CO., Wage., DAIZZLX., Btrll4pliO, 'left Duquesie Way. Pittibunth. WARDIG AND LOG, Coisuillssionliati sad Biakeni is Petroleum and--,—lts Products,. DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESME WAY, 7/EI4DELPHIA-ADDREf3d, Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - 'AND DZALZR3 rcr . • - Petroleum and its Products, co i r'l4lTritiMl74l,lL,,T a llM i sun stree a),lNG , rtamacipoi.ox.-3 4 6 , 7 wogarwr worm ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY ; HERBERT C. TUDDLE.. - i . ..x.unpr4crinour. Lubricating & High Test. Burning Oils • • scup.. RankWWl UlO .011. fnunpid lo g e st pin • heat. -without.. change:. remains at s. tipeciat Oil for tropicatellmates or hot temperature weather. Linlandlotllre,4spitne, ilEactlthae !Mop, Win ontßarawo., • • , • WinilBllland Planing 11/11l OM," 114 4 iatti.tIt igh tfatii ' lles‘LIgIti lw Tanners' 'Stuff. , Boustollw. Intl Inlisdnhling 011,10asoIlney, Harness 011, Pairrianhae. • ILIUM to Dieieira larlnhe Iron Work and machinery from Bust. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tw ednie -I kpaten3Bupetheated Steam in Vac. cuo. Ihe Aubrica rtg OLD are almost od.orless, perfectly pure, WM, Snit 'mostly light. hot' *red, stand a fibril temperature uncut:lied. and remit:LW:a thd du rYng extreme co constan t a Oils arer unequalled,' and are lid us e on Many ot the principal Railroads. Sampler can be exilmtned an orders left at nib .W9Or? wrarsnw, Worn at Sharpsburg Bridge. :1315 NOS AND BATTING. • • HOUIES I .BELL ANCHOR, COTVIN MILLS. - F 1 TTT1373113114343. - c, - MatifrotaissnOtliZAVl IirEDIIIM atuiLlelrt Of Pittsburgh, Is now open for Discount, Deposit and General Banking Business, at 195 FIFTH AVEI,TDB. Any sum received from tine Dotlat urrearee. Interest at.. the rate of alx per eeaLipath, oh time deposits.' DrascrOns: ED.- DITHRIDGE,. P.. ViElirdlAN W. B. MIMS.., FRANI( eq-EsEirk, Ir. , C. lto B A RTSON. I; IY HyMETER . DAN. ILINEEE. D. Allatoß, EBILL .POIRSTEL. • ED. DITHRIDGE, Pfesldent. staizsaix, ca*ep..' 910:19S • INEPICANIANK, NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, is PITTS6IIBt~B. •cimul N(PITAX. -• • Iwo: - 000 Stockholders Individually Liable. BASE OF DISCOUNT BAD DEIPOIET. JOHN FLOYD • FLOYD; President. Osahler. DIRECTOREI. Tbos. M. Marshall, John M. Maitland. Wria.`T. Shannon, ArchlbaldiVallace, James W. Arrott, Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, Wm. Floyd. • John Floyd, Tbia Bank is now rally organised and Prepared o do a general Banking hulloes& Jelok43 UAW, CAIIGHET £ CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PTITSI3I3I3,Gri, 111II00RSOILS TQ HANNA. aART ' a 00.,1 DlAAnne to Exchange, Coin, Coupqns, And partici/sr attention pied to the pexchaie and aide of COVERNMENT BONDS. g!ra ill /i rp,Tpo 011 London. N HOLMES SONs, = - 57 Market Sire Set, pr3 - r7"*prqualic, . . Collections Rude ou - sdi the principal points of the United Maw and Cicadas. • 1 Stocks,Bonds aid other aemuities BOUGHT LNBSOLD 021 . EXIMInsai Off. PartICWAI macula; paid to the purchase sad gate Of United States SecuTities. JAY COOKE & CO., , 313a,xLIT.ei‘si, 114 SOUTH THERD STREET, rEpmeinsix.au. BTOMO3 and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. - • ,pedal attention i ' given to the purchase and sale • ' of Government &cantles.. alba° CITY BANK. • , 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ch4Traionoo.ooo. StOCKIIOLDIM lIDIVIDUALLY' .PAID inf PW9slP,* FOREIGN EXCH ANGR &onset indlolt; and misiddeaited rstaittedf tb Europe. Collections made on all the principal POl,Ptaotthe United Slates Ilnit Gonads, DOBIBICE Iltugsiv, President. JANIS MCCABE. Vice President. Joust B. GORMLEY, Cashier. iSi DIniCTOUS. Srmsan. ' ' Vaiiisa — McCabe; Thomas Rourke, John Savage, f. Dinleyr. is.: • : ' Terence Campbell; Patrick Kane, James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr, • . 1 • -,- .11,A.Fre_yvogIe. Jno.Jos.lieemann. Tnomat same"; Hugh Beating. Jel:kl ME )*-: BOLTER/I \ N & IVIEDERHOLD No. 100 Third Avenue , Upholsters and; Dealen In Curtain. Goods, Direct the attention of their friends and the public to their finely assorted etock of Lace and Nottingham ' - eartains Vestibule Laces Damask Reps. Ferry's Mexican cloth Satin, , Delmies, 011; Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, Spring Bed. of superior make, DM; metpassesl(pure white hair.) Bolster!, and Imerithing perteininx to - a nrst•class beg. The latest Parts and Berlin designs for Draperies attheinstmetion or that:customers. Pure white /Astern Show Feathers always on hand. HOLIZMIN &WIEDgEHOLD NO. 100 .THIRD AVENUE. myB:lS3 SUMMER RESORTS. CRESSON SPRINGS. This Favorite Sommer Resort ) Situeted Se_esmit- of they ALLEGHENY idOPNTA.I , '24100 'FILET AtioVE THE LEVEL OF T bEA, will be open for the re• caption of guests on the 13th day of JUNE. The buildlntinnected with the establishment BAYS b e en been au ly renovated and liawlyturntsh• ed. Excursion, ii Arts sold by the PentisYlvattla Railroad, at Philedtiic risburg and Pitts burgh, good for tit* se aso n s All trams sto_p at ()raison. T 0 FURNISHED COTTAGES FOR RENT. Yoe further Information, address GEO s W. MULLIN ;Proprietor, 13•5:167 Motion Springs, Cambria county, Pa. . IIQ7RQS4NT TAII~pRB. B TIEGEL, ° Mite Cutter with W. lievenblilde.) • titlEy4;4l4.x. TA.l.e.4*; ft 0.43 tinitiftlefiltree 41 1 fitibilL412.' isensitt NEW SPRING GOOD& weialla n44'Atoiliof CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, ay., ,"?..IMLlM.fr Ygla s S or fa =Wald stmt. FINANCIAL. 4 04:::01.4121, SILVER AND COUPONS _Fought at Highest Prim. PM B. ii:ERTZ Banker n u e Cor. Wood , a nd - Fi ft h Streets. Imcmo ~B RADY, & Co., tiluccesaoro 08. JCIITIC.B At CO .:1 Corner Fourth 21111 Wood Sts:, 33- 4Liener6.E3R.a, BUY A.ND B,ELL ALL SIND3 07 GOVERNMENT SEMMES; SOLD, KLUB AND :COUPONS, ON YOST FAVORABLE TIMMS -. Interest Allowed on Deposits. air low est mamma mcniey loaned rates. uon Government Bonds Orders executed for the Pnrehase and Sale of STOCKS, CONDO Cud GOLD. JAMBS T. BRADT & CO. GOVERNMENT , BONDS! We will regteter all kinds of eorernnient Bonds free of charge. This gdves the holder ab solute sectuity against thert,loss, or destruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in Government Bonds, OOR. FOURTH' & WOOD ST& • mr.l3:tz . Eittolnagij :OE. FINIMCE AND nw)Et Sr, Tele/mph to the Pittsbarila Gazette.] NEW YORK, August 4, 1869. Money easy at 51g)7 per cent. on call loang, chiefly at 6 per cent. Sterling quiet at.9%@10. Gold dull and,without change, opening at - 136, declining to 135 X; closing at 135%©13634. Carrying. rates 44:457 per cent. Clearances $44,000;000. Governments high er closing firm; Cou dpons of 'Bl, 124%@125; do. '62, 125®125X; o. '64, 123X®124; do. '65 123 new, 122%©122%; do. '67,, 7,4@124; d0. 122y, ®1223i; do. do. 68, 122;;®1223;; /0-40's, 116©1163,1; Pacifica, ,111;4®111X. About $450,000 of the bonds sold to the Government to-day had been delivered at the close of bank hours. The remainder will be delivered to-morrow. State bonds heavy: Missouris, 87M; old Tenpessees 62 ; new f 5734 • old Virginias 58; new 61; old North Caridinas 56; new 51. The liabilities of the Greek firm of Rhodaconachl & Fraughlani are reported to be about .f. 000,600 In this market. This amount is owing to bankers whose sol vency wilt not be effected by the loss. It 1 moreover ;expected a handsome dividend will be declared. The Directors of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad met today and passed suitable resolutions to the memory of Mr. Keep. The Board resolved ass farther remark of respect to the late President: to let the matter of filling the'vacancy in the Board and electing a President, lie over anti' the next - monthly meeting. • Stocks are generally dull_ but steady; there was much activity an d , firmness in new St. Paul andlteading. Five - ThirtyPrices:Cauttin, 58; Cumber. land, 34; Western - Union Telegraph, 3834; Quicksilver. 153 ; Mariposa, 8; do. pre ferred, 15;- Pacific Mail, 84X: Adams Ex press, 59; Wells 19%; , American, - 4134; Untied States, 67; Merchants Union, 1034: d, ew :York ral 2093‘;. o. preferred Cent, 1,66; Hudson, 185; Read ing; 97,‘; Erie, 283 ;• do. prefarred.s4,:f Michigan Central, 131; Michigan South. or; 106%; Illinois Central, 14134; Pitts burgh; -10634; Northwestern, 873; •do. preferred, 97.1 i, Cleveland,Columbus and Cincinnati; 83; Rock • Island, 114 X; do: preferred; 89%c; Wabash, 73h; Fort Wayne,ls3; Terre Plante, 34; t do. pre ferred, 58; Chicago and Alton, 156; .410. preferred, 1,66; Ohio and Mississippi, Sr Dubuque and Sioux City, 105. alining shares: Gregory, 210; Smith Lk Parmlee, 275. Copper Stocks at Boston--Copper Falls 1334: Franklin 10; Minne.sota /SX; Quin cy, 221i `dub-Treasury: Balance, $94,640,0= PITTOBURGH MARKW,T.4. Ornaz OF Prthircruort Gainrrn, WEDnulwr,,Auguat,_4, 1869. Business is by no means brisk, still it is j4st atteutlts active u is usual at this particular 80880,1 of the year; trade, gen erally, is usually very &ill during July andl•Auguet.. The,tdemand`fort ahnost everything is restricted mainly= to sup- P l 3lng immediate.waubs, there being au almost total absence of anything like- a P speculationglour still rules low in • consequence of a strong local. competiti on , prices here. being 'ewer, Natively, than in the wes . and opera tors have been working on' extremely , . small margins, 44krlat..1411:;AMalers are now handling whiter wheat flours, which are beinesold at ..Lubous AIM : m ime prices here that springwheat,,commandit in Chicago: , it Woks , tiow ias If . there would be but little. spring ,wheat flour required in this market within the next year, unless it can be sold below winter wheat, as the latter . will be given the preference at the UM° price, and until recently has brought front 25 to 50 cents per bbl more. APPLES—In fair supply, and un changed: sales at es@pi per bbl. - • BERRIES—SaIes Blackberries at 8.400 per bucket, and Raspberries at 6 1 ,7 5 .• BUTTER—Is 'quiet and unchtuiged; tales of lair to choice at 20(026i :BRANS—SaIes at 61,75@2: - , • 'BROOMS=Quotect as follows: No. 6 16.50; No. 4 16: No. 3' IP; No. 2. Plain: $4,50, and market firm. CHEESE—In good supply and dull, but unchanged. • ' 2 PBBLENT---JohnsUovn Hydraulic Ce-, Mont is quoted at $2,25 per bol.— ;PARSON' O.ILls 0 1 1 11 . as Plug at titii • a lia 4o2 (Ye Ulie:Yesiiktzlil,pred ate nozig; naliy,uncluin_ged* '' ' ' = DRIED - ..nvorr—W:76lsllr; derfc:4o4l: likely i tatqattastst so. *Oil I ter, as there tuk twiny other kinds / fruits offering. \ I • EGGS ''•Sates at/g@t9@2o. • FEATHERS—Dit ; quoted at " -. .504S cents to the trade, 8 the usual advane - for small lots in- stcirt, FLOUR—The -m et is quiet an , -11. firm but unchanged; t arrivals- are it creasing slightly — mainfrom Ohio all' other points thisside •of:C*lone, as th price there will not admit t shipment to-this market. We continue to quot Spring Wheat brands 4.16 % 7 4 7 . 0 % an ' Winter Wheat at 27.00%740. -Both re tailors and bakers, as well ai consumers are buYing very spailtiglY• GRAIN:—Spot .Wheat is'in good 'tie rrand,'ltnd firm in consequence of a tem porary scarcity, but, future deliveries will not command: spot prices. • Prime old and dew is selling at 81,40, and choice old would probably command 3€2 5 cis more. Oats a little panicky, undo! the influence of a strong desire on tbe part of some dealers to realize,• ant prices bomnared With last week, are 3( 5 cb3. lower. We are cognizant of a sal , of 2 care at 65, and small sales in store a 68@70., Some dealers have faith the old oats - will bring better prices atrab before the new crop is brought in to an; extent. Corn is quiet and. unchanged= arrivals light; demand only moderate Rye nominal at $1,115.--not much offering HAY—New Hay is in good stippl; and lower, ranging from 515@20, as ti quality, from country wagons. EEDIPz-Very dull. $ 2 05• • HUSKS—SaIes Lime @ quotpe pound LINEE--White laed a;51,50 and Cleveland at 12,50,per bbl. LARD 01L—F. Sellers et Co. quott Extra No. I, at 1,44, and No. 2, at 51.05. - POTATOES Unchanged sales qi 81,75152,00 per bbl. POULTRY—SaIes of spring chick ena, at 651570 per pair. PROVLSIONS—Firm with a good job. bing demand. Shoulders, 153,©153„ Ribbed Sides, 1835, Clear do 1934; Sugar Cured Hams, '2334@24 and Breakfast Bacon, 2235. :Lard, 20 in tierces, and 21 in buckets. Dried Beef Mc,. DleSs Porko3l4. , ' PEACHES--In good supply with sales at52@2,50 per bushel. PEANUTS-4ligher,- at 1235. SAllP—Allegheny River brands are quoted. by the car /oad, 1, at 81.,73@80. TALLOW—Rendered. quoted at 1035. PETROLEUM MARKET. • OFFicat OF Prrresurtos GrazErrn, Wsnzynsna.y, August 4, 1869. i The oil market, for both crude and re .fined, was stronger to-day, with prices - again looking upward; though as has - been the cue for some time - past, there _ was but little done, and the trade is corn. paratively dead, and 'devoid of that Aouyancy and s activity, that should and usually does prevail at this particular season of the year. Notwithstanding the fact that crude is now, and has been for some time past, much higher, rela- tively, than relin, there wan eff : inade to dad to put ed it up still as further. ort ' It is true, oil is as high, - :relatively, at Oil City as it Is here, also, that . there is no margin to the dealer whe buys there and ships here, but how the pike is kept up, there; - Is:a problem which is very hard to solve: It is' possible that speculators are buying to - fill their tanks, but this is hardly probablein the pres ent aspect of affairs, as refiners neither here or anywhere else, at least we are so informed, can stand the prices now prevailing. • RIMMED -As already noted, was a shade atronger to-day, with rather more inquiry hut the volume of fatalness was again light, and prices are -unchanged. Sale 3,000-bbls on spot at 21g; and 600 Ist half. Septern bar, at 2234. Last half August, 32; first half 3134; lines for late months, .1.23i-083.- - cavil& - • Bat a single sale rebated, and it was made- 41s,at evening, 2,000 bbls seller Augnst at 'II3L - and the same party had an order for 2,000 more for saute delivery and price, but he was unable to ling a seller, as sellers generally were asking Id for spot or seller August. Seller all year nominal at.l4y„ and buyer 16; LIZICA.TriG o. Eclipse Win te r Lubricating rra oil 40c • Eclipse Railroad 'Axle .850 Eclipse Machinery 750 Eclipse Spindle " 800 RECEIPTS•OR CB.I7DZSOIL; Fisher & Bro 810 bbLs J. Munhall - • 160 • Livingston, dt,Dro,.•••-• ... • .•• 49 &"1` Pool Bro - - 83 D dr go— 50 " , , Total 1.601 bbla 1 • - ornearppitn - seirr BT A. 3f. a. B. Lock/001, Frewrat Co 672 bbla refined I to Warden, Frew dz,Co. Philadelphia. Standard Oil Co.; 495' bele- relined to Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia s . B. W. Mor dr Co., /50 bl refin to Warden Frew it. Co., Phila b delphia. ed Forsyth 'it Bro.. 193 bbls refined to :Warden, Frew& Co., , Pbiladelpliiii. ' Livingston &Bro., 100 bids refined to Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. Livingston it Bro., 600 cases to War den Frew it Co., Phiiadeiphia. Citizens Oil Co. 774 bbls refined to Tack it Bro., Philadelphia. Thos. Hackett, 288 bbla refined to Tack ez Bro.. Philadelphia. Braun it Wagner 237 bbls refined to Waring, Ring dt Co., Philadelphia. Fulton, Marein it Co., 200 bbls ref. oil W. P. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia. - • Fawcett, L. it R. 155 tibia refined to W. P Login it Bro.. Philadelphia. Lyons it Bro., 144 bbls refined to W. P. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia. Total. Refined. 3,308 bbls. 600 cases. OIL SHIPPED E AST. AT :DUQUESNE DEPOT. Brooks Ballentine it Co., 53 ,bbls ref. to 'Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. H. W. C. Tweddle._lo bbls reined; to M. R. Ger,ys it Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined ' ' 63 OIL, SHIPMENTS PER WEST PENNA..I3 g. Mentzsr,-H'eplei it Co., 533 bbls ref. to g, Warinßing . it Co., Philadelphia.' Live Stock Markets. , • Niw Yosx, August 4 .—Cattle contin ue to arrive freely, 1,650 head coming in to join 600 State - bullocks for to.day's market. - .Trade fa extremely dull, own ers losing heavily and the yards nearly cleared by the giving way of, half a cent in prices. A few of Tiskuna„ a week old, are still balding and depreciating all the time. The fresh cattle are about the av erage quality, no 'Texans- being among them. The top price of 8 cwt., gtade dr/Th=le r was Istier good cattle at 14 and thin at 10Qi2e. A drove of 100 111. steera. 634 cwt. brought 12M@13c; 100 head fEtt Kentucky grades, strong 8 cwt, broUght 1 4_ 1 4@i1510; a lot 7 cwt, cattle brought . 14c. Tie arrivals' of •`: sheep were 2,700 head; prime sheep are ;- selling at 634@6".•, - ,o and common at 50, ;• Lambe are lower, the top price being 0o; poOrlamhs can scarcely be mild even at • ,`• 7c, "a I.ot :of Canada lambs, 56s bOunda„ brought 730; sale of 61 pounds at Sc: a car of Ohio sheep, 70 pounds, sold at 530; a car of State, 80 pounds, at 6c, and some Pennsylvania, 80 pounds, at 63.i•c. Hoge less dm: ill cars arrived ba:day; 2 gars le Ohio; 1 2 0 pounds, brought 10g0; .ormbdare wsrtia 12 303/11c. • Louts, Aweat 4.--Catue; the wand by focalend prkeei=rarktou 00MA:for 0 1101061: /logs z• good demand and arta at 8410)(0. NI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers